... All these biocultural facets can be visualized through the diversity of food products and practices related to it, and provide basic notions about what is edible, where and when edible elements are available, the way these should be harvested, and how they can be improved by cooking, roasting, fermenting, or making it harmless (Lévi- Strauss, 2012;Ratcliffe et al., 2019;Tamang et al., 2020Tamang et al., , 2021Tsafrakidou et al., 2020;Fernández-Llamazares et al., 2021;Gadaga et al., 2021;Kennedy et al., 2021). Fermentation practices are part of the local knowledge and food systems, directed to procure and improve human health and wellbeing, but fermented products have changed the human food supply worldwide (Harris et al., 1989;Kuhnlein and Receveur, 1996;Steinkraus, 1996;Harris, 1998;Quave and Pieroni, 2014;Svanberg, 2015;Sõukand et al., 2015;Flachs and Orkin, 2019;He et al., 2019). Fermentation can contribute to construct sustainable food systems, diversify food production, and procure safety, security and sovereignty in human communities around the world (Johns and Sthapit, 2004;Marshall and Mejia, 2011;Ojeda-Linares et al., 2021). ...