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Influence of Nano Grease Composite on Rheological Behaviour


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this work is to study the rheological behaviors of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as an additive on lithium grease at different concentrations. The results indicated that the optimum concentrations of the CNTs was 2 %. These experimental investigations were evaluated with a HAAKE Rheovisco RV20, Penetrometer and Measurement of the dropping point. The results indicated that the shear stress and apparent viscosity increase with the increase of CNTs concentration, penetration and consistency not effect of base grease, and the dropping point increasing about 25%. The microstructure of CNTs and lithium grease was examined by high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).
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Alaa Mohamed et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1126-1131 1126 | P a g e
Influence Of Nano Grease Composite On Rheological Behaviour
Alaa Mohamed A,B , A. Khattab B, T.A. Osmanb, M. Zaki A
a Production Engineering and Printing Technology Department, Akhbar El Yom Academy, Giza, Egypt.
b Mechanical Design and Production Engineering Department, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
The aim of this work is to study the rheological behaviors of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as an additive on lithium
grease at different concentrations. The results indicated that the optimum concentrations of the CNTs was 2 %.
These experimental investigations were evaluated with a HAAKE Rheovisco RV20, Penetrometer and
Measurement of the dropping point. The results indicated that the shear stress and apparent viscosity increase
with the increase of CNTs concentration, penetration and consistency not effect of base grease, and the dropping
point increasing about 25%. The microstructure of CNTs and lithium grease was examined by high resolution
transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).
Keywords: Carbon nanotubes, Rheological behavior, Lithium grease, Microstructure.
Grease is a solid or semi fluid which would
normally have been employed together with a
thickener, additive and anti-oxidant agent. The fluid
lubricant that performs the actual lubrication can be
petroleum (mineral oil), synthetic oil, or vegetable
oil. The thickener gives grease it characteristic
consistency and is sometimes believed as a “sponge”
that holds the oil in place [1]. The majority of greases
on the market are composed of mineral oil blended
with a soap thickener. Additives enhance the
performance and protect the grease and lubricate
surfaces. The influence of the rheological properties
of CNTs additives is very important for all the grease
lubricating bearings. To characterize a lubricant
comprehensively, the rheological properties at all
working conditions, pressures and temperatures have
to be known [2, 3]. Grease is widely used as a
lubricant in the wheel assembly, journal bearings and
rolling element bearings. Grease is also used in other
areas that need occasional service like the brake or
stopper assembly to help keep these fittings rust free
and make removal of dirt and grime easier. Grease is
applied to machines that can be lubricated
infrequently and where lubricating oil would not stay
in position. It also act as a barrier to prevent entering
of water and the incompressible materials. CNTs
used as a performance enhancing additive in gear
lubricants for extended lifetimes, lower operating
costs, and improved power efficiency. Numerous
laboratory investigations and industrial experience
indicate that using of CNTs has significant
advantages compared to conventional solid lubricants
in both mild and extreme pressure conditions [4-6].
Lubricating grease consistency has been
evaluated for years with cone penetration test ASTM-
D217. The test measures the distance in tenths of a
millimeter to which a standard metal cone will
penetrate into the grease surface under standard
conditions. This single numerical value has been
proven to be inadequate to estimate the real
consistency of lubricating grease under dynamic
conditions. It ignores the non-Newtonian flow
behavior characteristic to grease. In the past few
years, rheology has been introduced as a new method
to better understand and evaluate the real behavior of
lubricating grease. Rheology takes into account the
influence of shear rate, shear stress, temperature and
time. By measuring the viscosity with both rotational
and capillary rheometer, it is possible to see the effect
of shear rate on grease consistency which strongly
influences the lubricating capability of greases under
load [7, 8].
The aim of this work is to evaluate the
rheological behaviors of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as
an additive on lithium grease at different
concentrations and study the microstructure of
lithium grease.
2.1. Syntheses of Carbon Nanotubes and Lithium
Grease CNTs were synthesized by the electric arc
discharge. The arc is generated between two
electrodes (size φ 6 x 100 mm) using distilled water.
The cathode and the anode are from graphite (99.9%
pure), and was performed under AC current, 75 A
and 238 V.
Grease that was used in this work was
commercially available; the main physical-chemical
properties of the grease are presented in Table 1. The
grease is lithium based and has good heat-resistance,
water resistance and mechanical stability. In order to
study the rheological behavior of carbon nanotubes as
an additives on lithium grease, carbon nanotubes
were added into lithium grease at the different
concentrations (0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt. %). The carbon
Alaa Mohamed et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1126-1131 1127 | P a g e
nanotube particles were dispersed well in the grease
in an ultrasonic bath.
Table 1: Composition of the tested grease
Base oil
Mineral oil
Soap thickener
Penetration (1/10 mm at
Dropping point
180 °C
Viscosity of base oil at
150 cSt
2.2. Structural Characterization
The size and morphology of carbon
nanotube were characterized with high resolution
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) (JEOL
JEM 2100) with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV.
The grease structure was investigated
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (JEOL JEM
2100) with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
observations were conducted after a classical sample
preparation. A small amount of grease was placed on
a carbon coated sample grid and immersed for
several minutes in hexane to remove its base oil. It
was then dried for 15 minutes in an oven at 30° -
2.3. Viscometer (HAAKE Rheovisco RV20)
This experimental investigation employed a
commercial rotational viscometer, HAAKE
Rheovisco RV20. The instrument consists of the base
unit of Rotovisco RV20, the Rheocontroller RC20
which acts as an interface between the computer and
Rotovisco RV20, and the measuring system M5
utilizing a cone and plate configuration. A HAAKE
circulator provides precise temperature control for
the samples. The operation principle of the
instrument is illustrated in Fig 1.
After placing the grease sample in the gap
between the cone and the stationary plate, the cone is
driven to rotate at programmable speeds by a DC
motor with a feed back loop for accurate speed
control. The rotation of the cone leads to a uniform
shear rate in the sample. The resistance of the sample
to flow gives rise to a very small distortion in a
torsion bar, mounted between the motor and the
driven shaft. This distortion is detected by a
transducer. Signals proportional to the speed and the
torque are respectively transmitted to the control unit
for processing. A flow curve plotted as shear stress
vs. shear rate, which indicates the flow characteristics
and is regarded as the rheological ‘fingerprint’ of the
sample, is obtained. With a carefully designed test
scheme, much more information about the sample’s
rheological properties can be collected.
Out of consideration for thixotropy, the test
procedure should include a set holding time with the
aim of degrading the thixotropic structure after
measuring the flow curve from zero to a
predetermined maximum shear rate, and then
measuring a flow curve back to zero shear rate. If a
hysteresis exists between the ascending and
descending curves, the substance can be referred to as
thixotropic and the area between the curves
corresponds to the extent of thixotropy.
In the rheological measurements of grease
with a cone and plate configuration there may be
some anomalous phenomena such as slip at the wall,
fracture and flow disturbance, which make the
experimental results unreliable and should be avoided
as much as possible.
Observations showed that slip at the wall
begins to appear at shear rates lower than about 10 s-1
and becomes greater when the applied shear rate
decreases. For a shear rate greater than 10 s-1, the
contribution of slip at the wall to the total strain
becomes low compared with viscous deformation [9].
A characteristic of a measurement exhibiting slip at
the wall is that the flow curve will shift if measured
with a different sensor system geometry. It has been
demonstrated to be a quick and efficient method for
judging the presence of slip flow to measure the same
sample under constant conditions with different
sensor systems [10].
Fracture occurs systematically when the
shear rate increases [9]. When a free surface forms in
the grease film at the edge of the gap, the effective
radius of sheared grease is reduced; as a result, the
calculated shear stresses are erroneously low. The
magnitude of the reduction in grease radius can be
estimated from the size of the undisturbed annulus
around the periphery of the grease film after
withdrawing the cone from the plate [11]. It seems
that when the angle and radius of the cone is small
(i.e. the gap is narrow), the influence of fracture on
the measurements is tolerable.
The flow disturbance is caused by the
normal stress and inertia of the sample. It is
negligible when the cone angle is small enough; the
shear rate is not very high and the elasticity of the
sample is not very significant [12].
In this investigation, the cone radius was 10
mm; the cone angle was 1°; another cone angle of 5°
was employed for examining the validity of the test
results. In addition, the tested grease was
experimentally verified without significant elastic
effect. The flow disturbance can therefore be
neglected. Furthermore, the test was schemed and
carried out with discretion. All the results were
examined carefully to detect the influence of slip and
fracture. Only those which were apparently not
disturbed are presented here.
Alaa Mohamed et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1126-1131 1128 | P a g e
Fig. 1: The principle of HAAKE Rheovisco RV 20
2.4 Penetration and Consistency
The most important feature of grease is its
stiffness or consistency. For oils the viscosity is
measured to assess oil fluidity. For greases the
penetration or the consistency indicates whether the
grease is softer or more solid or stiff. Grease
consistency depends on the type and amount of
thickener used and the viscosity of its base oil.
Grease’s consistency is its resistance to deformation
by an applied force. For use greases the consistency
is measured by a Penetrometer as shown in fig. 2
with a quarter cone. The penetration is used as an
identifier and provides information whether it can be
pumped by a central lubrication system or used for a
certain application [13].
2.4.1 Test Principle
2 g of the grease sample is filled at room
temperature into a standard beaker. The tip of a
standardized double cone touching the surface. Over
a 5 second period how deep the cone penetrates into
the grease is measured. Soft greases will have higher
penetrations than hard greases.
Fig. 2: Penetrometer
2.5 Dropping Point
The dropping point is the temperature at
which the grease passes from a semisolid to a liquid
state under the conditions of the test. The test shows
the end point of a softening process under static
conditions [14].
Dropping point indicates the upper
temperature limit at which grease retains its structure,
not the maximum temperature at which grease may
be used. They are not thinned in a uniform way, they
get softer dependent on the thickener type. For the
determination of the operating temperature of the
grease, the oxidation of the base oil and the
destruction of the thickener but not the dropping
point are more relevant (Fig. 3).
2.5.1 Test Principle
A small sample volume of approximately
0.5 g is filled into a nipple has an associated
thermometer. The test unit is heated until a drop is
formed on the bottom opening of the nipple. The
drop, consisting of a thickener and oil will fall into
the test tube. The temperature, at which the drop
formation starts, is recorded as "dropping point". The
test unit operates up to 300 °C.
Fig. 3: Measurement of the dropping point
3.1. Structural Characterization of Carbon
High resolution transmission electron
microscope (HRTEM) image of CNTs shown in Fig.
4 show the presence of different structures in the
sample and the average size of the nanoparticles is
about 10 nm in diameter and 1-25 µm in length.
Figure 5 shows the SEM image of CNTs
dispersed in lithium hydroxystearate (soap) fiber. It
can be seen that there is no apparent aggregation of
CNTs, indicating that the CNTs could be well
dispersed in lithium grease, and it can be observed
that the microscopic structure of lithium grease
Alaa Mohamed et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1126-1131 1129 | P a g e
presents a more regular and homogeneous
network structure, with long fibers, which confirm
the rheological stability.
Fig. 4: HRTEM images of CNTs
Fig. 5: TEM image of grease with (a) base grease
(b) 0.5 % (c) 1 % (d) 2 %
3.2. Rheological Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes as
an Additives on Lithium Grease
Many models are available to describe
rheological properties of lithium grease such as;
Bingham model, Herschel - Bulkley model, Casson
model, Bauer model, Balan model, Papanastasiou
model, Dorier and Tichy model.
The rheological results from the
measurements with the cone and plate rheometer, that
are shown in figures 6 and 7 represent the effect of
carbon nanotube additives on lithium grease with
shear stress and viscosity.
Figures 6 and 7 give the shear stress and
apparent viscosity as a function of shear rate for
lithium grease alone and that containing different
concentrations (0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt. %) of CNTs. It
can be seen that the shear stress and apparent
viscosity of the lithium grease containing 2 wt. %
CNTs are much higher and more stable than that of
pure lithium grease at all shear rates. At this point,
the shear stress and apparent viscosity could be
increased by 67.3 % and 81.8 %, respectively. The
shear stress of base grease and the grease containing
CNTs become larger with the increase of shear rate
and with the increase of the percentage of carbon
nanotube additives on lithium grease.
The apparent viscosity of base grease and
the grease containing CNTs becomes larger with the
Alaa Mohamed et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1126-1131 1130 | P a g e
decrease of shear rate and increases with increasing
the percentage of carbon nanotube additives on
lithium grease. These experiments were carried out
under stationary conditions, to avoid thixotropic
behavior. Therefore, the result indicates that all the
samples show a large shear thinning behaviour. At
low strain rates, the values of apparent viscosity
follow quite well the classification found for the yield
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Shear rate (1/s)
Shear stress (Pa)
0.5% CNTs
1% CNTs
2% CNTs
3% CNTs
Fig. 6: Shear stress of the grease samples
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Shear rate (1/s)
Apparent viscosity (Pa.s)
0.5% CNTs
1% CNTs
2% CNTs
3% CNTs
Fig. 7: Apparent viscosity of the grease samples
3.3 Penetration and Consistency
The consistency of the grease characterizes
its ability to be deformed in an application. The
consistency is grouped in NLGl classes from 000 to
6. If the used grease penetration is compared to the
fresh grease, following information can be gathered:
1. The penetration will be higher if there is by
water or other liquid contamination
2. The grease will be softer if it is sheered by
mechanical stress in a bearing. This destroys the
soap structure and shears its long fibered
3. The penetration is lower and the grease gets
harder if it contains less base oil and more
thickener. This may happen if base oil is lost by
bleeding out because of vibrations or if it is
vaporized by high temperature or oxidation.
Penetration and Consistency of CNTs added
into lithium grease is the same of base grease,
because thickener gives grease its characteristic
consistency not additives. Therefore, the results
indicating that the CNTs as an additive not an effect
of base grease.
3.4 Dropping Point
The dropping point only indicates whether
grease is running at a specific operating temperature.
The maximum operating temperature for a grease
should be always far below the dropping point
temperature. The base oil type and the thickener will
determine how far below the dropping point the
operating temperature can be. Usually the dropping
point should be at least 50 °C higher than the
operating temperature.
Dropping point of CNTs added into lithium
grease could be increased 25% at 2 wt. %. Therefore,
the results indicating that the CNTs as an additive are
effective in improving the dropping point of base
Alaa Mohamed et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1126-1131 1131 | P a g e
According to the above results and
discussion, the conclusions can be summarized as:
1. CNTs were successfully synthesized by electric
arc discharge method. The synthesized CNTs
have an average diameter of 10 nm and could be
well dispersed in lithium grease.
2. A rheological characterization, including
apparent viscosity, shear stress and shear rate
was carried out at different concentrations of
CNTs. The grease response was studied at
constant temperature and time, which led to a
real mechanical spectroscopic investigation.
3. The microstructure of lithium grease at the
different concentrations was confirmed by
scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results
indicated that the microscopic structure of the
lithium grease presents a more regular and closer
network structure with long fibers, which
confirms the rheological stability.
4. CNTs as an additive are effective in improving
the dropping point of base grease about 25%.
5. The optimum percentage of the CNTs in the
grease composites was 2 %.
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... Nanoparticles are nonvolatile, can form tribofilms, possess high thermal stability, less surface interaction, and hence are used as lubricant additives. The rheological properties of base oil greatly enhance with the addition of nanoparticles (Kamble and Kolekar 2014;Mohamed et al. 2013). The rheological properties of lithium greasecontaining carbon nanotubes are evaluated by Mohamed et al. (2013). ...
... The rheological properties of base oil greatly enhance with the addition of nanoparticles (Kamble and Kolekar 2014;Mohamed et al. 2013). The rheological properties of lithium greasecontaining carbon nanotubes are evaluated by Mohamed et al. (2013). They reported that the shear stressand viscosity increase by 81.8% and 67.3% respectively at a concentration of 2%. ...
The degradation of the environment and depletion of natural resources owing to the continuous use of petroleum-based oils has made researchers to find an alternative solution to the non-sustainable lubricants. In the present study, a novel bio-grease has been prepared by mixing biodegradable oil (sesame oil) with varying concentrations of lithium stearate as a thickener. The thickener is added in different concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 wt.%. Further, the effect of h-BN on the rheological properties of novel bio-grease is investigated. The nanoparticles are added in different concentrations of 1–3 wt.%. The rheological experimentation is carried on Anton Paar Rheometer with parallel plate geometry of diameter 25 mm (PP-25). The experiments are carried out at varying shear rates (0.65 s⁻¹ to 6.77 s⁻¹) and temperature (30°C and 60°C). The addition of nanoparticles resulted in an increment in both viscosity and shear stress of nano grease. Viscosity and shear stress of grease is enhanced by 65% and 72% respectively at 2 wt.% nanoparticle concentration. The increase in thickener concentration also results in an increase in viscosity and shear stress of biogrease.Fromthe Amplitude Sweep test(AST), it is observed that storage modulus(Gˈ), loss modulus (G”), and yield stress of novel bio-grease increases with an increase in the h-BN concentration. An increase in nanoparticle concentration increases the resistance of grease to deformation. Similar results are obtained with an increase in thickener concentration due to dense matrix formation. This is attributed to the increase in interaction among grease fibers.
... Temperatures that corresponded to the melting point were recorded. [9] ...
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Lithium-based grease was prepared by using stearic acid as thickener from auto oil 650. Concentrations12, 15, 20 and 25% stearic acid was applied and grease was evaluated for cone penetration and drop point. Results revealed that cone penetration of grease was decreased 241, 239, 191 and 181 1/10 mm respectively for 12%, 15%, 20% and 25% stearic acid. While drop point increase 82 °C, 97 °C, 119 °C, and 125 °C respectively by increasing concentration of thickener from 12%, 15%, 20% and 25%. Furthermore, FTIR analysis was performed to observe the lithium bond, and carboxyl peaks, these peaks were clearly shown in all the FTIR spectra, which confirm the reaction of lithium hydroxide andcarboxylic
... In fact, a number of projects have been launched to replace commercially available synthetic oils with vegetable oils [6][7][8][9]. Because of their outstanding tribological properties, nano additives have lately caught the interest of researchers [10,11]. In order to withstand friction and wear at the contact surface nearly 20-60% of power is consumed by a machine [12], which must be decreased as it is undesirable. ...
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In this paper, the effect of the addition of 2 wt. % of both copper oxide (CuO) and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) nanoparticles in rice bran and sesame grease on the tribological properties has been investigated. The nano additive-based grease synthesized by sonochemical homogenization technique was further analyzed to observe the physicochemical and rheological characteristics by carrying out FT-IR, dropping test, zeta potential, UV spectroscopy, and viscosity test. The nano additive-based grease samples showed a zeta-potential value of −43mV compared to virgin grease samples (<−30mV) which suggested a stable suspension of nano additive-based grease, which exhibited superior values even after 6 months. The nano additive-based grease also represented a consistent network microstructure that made the grease more resistant hence enhancing its viscosity; of which rice bran + CuO grease reported the highest viscosity. The tribological analysis was done by conducting experiments on the ball-on-disc configurations using a reciprocating test rig, under varying loading conditions from 10-50 N, 2 mm stroke length, and a frequency of 50 Hz. The addition of nanoparticles resulted in a substantial decrease in coefficient of friction (COF) and wear when compared to virgin grease. A reduction in COF by 27% and 43% upon the addition of h-BN and CuO respectively in virgin rice bran and by 23% and 36% upon the addition of h-BN and CuO respectively in virgin sesame grease was observed. The addition of CuO showed a better reduction in wear as compared to h-BN in both rice bran and sesame grease. Scanning electron microscopy analysis suggested that the film formation capability of the nanoparticles especially CuO nanoparticles is the main reason for the improved tribological behavior. It was further verified by the 3D profilometer analysis that reported the lower Ra values for the worn-out samples for grease containing h-BN and CuO nanoparticles.
... Nanotechnology has recently played a pivotal role in a variety of engineering sectors, particularly nano-additives, which have a significant potential for improving material physical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties [1][2][3]. In a mechanical system, an estimated 20-60% of the power consumed is used to combat wear and friction at the contact surface, which is undesirable and must be reduced [4]. Machines, equipment, and industrial components in today's world are subjected to a range of stresses, including high speed, high temperature, and high pressure. ...
Due to their special features, nanoparticle additives have been suggested to enhance lubricant performance in various situations. Working in harsh environments also requires lubricating greases with excellent tribological properties and high corrosion resistance. The impact of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and silica (SiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) on the physical, tribological, and rheological properties of lithium-based grease are investigated in this research. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were used to examine the morphology of NPs and crystalline structures as well as their particle size distributions. For the preparation of nano-grease, different weight percentages of CaCO3 and SiO2 nano-additives (0.5, 1, and 2 wt%) were dispersed separately in the lithium-based grease with the aid of a two-stage approach. The results revealed that the physical, tribological, and rheological properties of all of the nano-greases prepared with CaCO3 and SiO2 nano-additives were improved in comparison with lithium-based grease. Furthermore, 1 wt% of CaCO3 (as the optimal concentration) in comparison with lithium-based grease, significantly reduced friction and wear, reduced water washing by 40%, increased thermal stability (69%), and reduced cone penetration rate (33%). It is attributed to a protective layer of nanoparticles that protects friction couples from direct asperity contact and improves tribological behavior. Generally, a lubricating nano-grease containing 1 wt% CaCO3 can be utilized in industrial valves as the best lubricating nano-grease.
... The additives in greases may be particulate (nano or micron sizes), and thickener restricts their sedimentation, making nano/micro-greases commercially possible, which is still not realized in the case of nano/ micro-oils. Generally, NPs and MPs (micro-particles) as additives are of solid-lubricants [7][8][9][10][11][12] such as MoS 2 (Molybdenum disulphide) [13], PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) [14,15], graphite [16], etc. are extensively used in oils and greases due to its suspension capability and performance improvement. The endowed benefits are mainly attributed to their inherent lamellar [17] or hexagonal layer-lattice structure [18] and linear polymeric chain structure of PTFE [19]. ...
The maiden effort to explore the potential of nanoparticles (NPs) of Talc to improve the tribo-performance of Li-based grease is reported. A series of greases, including NPs of Talc in various amounts (1, 2, 3, and 4 wt. %), was developed. It was evaluated for the rheological, thermal and tribological viz. antiwear (AW), anti-friction (AF) and extreme-pressure (EP) characteristics. The highest tribological performance improvement was obtained at an optimum dosage of 2 wt.% with an enhancement in AW and EP performance by 47% and 79%, respectively. The wear mechanisms are discussed based on various surface characterization techniques. Talc nano-grease proved more efficient than its micro-counterpart at 2 wt.% on comparison of AW and EP by 43% and 17% respectively.
... Moreover, the samples Li grease filled by AOBCS particles enhanced the tribological properties of more than the COBCS ones at same contents amount under applied load in contact area. The rheology of the lithium grease with addition of carbon nanotubes are affected by use of nano-additives [77]. As a result, its shear stress and apparent viscosity were increased up to 67% and 82%, respectively. ...
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Analyzing the tribological characteristics of lubricants and trying to control their properties plays a vital role to reduce the dissipated heat generated from the wear and the friction between the rubbing surfaces of sliding parts and thus prevent engine power loss. This work aims to review the recent trend of studies that focus on nano-lubricants to improve the friction characteristics and wear resistance of rubbing parts. Several nanoparticles NPs, such as ZnO, SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, graphene, and CuO have been used as lubricants additives which resulted in an enhancement in the tribological properties (i.e. wear and friction) and thus work as a promising lubrications. Adding NPs to lubricants play an excellent role and improve the tribological performance in terms of increasing load carrying capacity under high operating temperatures. The nanoparticles have not only the ability of carrying loads but also separate the asperities surfaces to confirm the anti-wear and antifriction due to the nanoparticles rolling effect. Nanoparticles NPs additives in the engine oil reduce friction and wear in mixed and boundary lubrication regimes. Friction can be reduced by about 40%, and the wear could be reduced by over 50% via the addition of nanoparticles.
The present work aimed to fabricate a set of hybrid bioactive membrane in the form of bio-nanocomposite films for dental applications using the casting dissolution procedures. The formulation of the targeted materials was consisting of cellulose acetate/bioactive glass/hydroxyapatite/carbon nanotubes with a general abbreviation CA-HAP-BG-SWCNTs. The nanocomposites were characterized using XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDX and Raman spectroscopy. XRD, FTIR and SEM characters confirm the nanocomposites formation with good compatibility. The fabricated materials had a semi crystalline structure. The mechanical and thermal properties, as well as contact angle and bioactivity of the fabricated nanocomposites were investigated. The SEM images for showed beehive-like architectures with a thicker frame for the second material. All fabricated materials showed good thermal behaviors. Furthermore, the agar diffusion antimicrobial study showed that the prepared nanocomposites do not exhibit an antibacterial activity against five pathogenic bacterial strains. Additionally, cytotoxicity of a dental nanocomposite filling agent was evaluated. Vero normal cells were incubated with test materials for 72h at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Cell viability was detected using a SRB assay. All nanocomposites were mildly to non-cytotoxic to Vero cells at high concentration in contrast to the inhibitory effect of doxorubicin which was added at 10-fold lower concertation than the nanocomposites. Hence, the proposed nanocomposite is promising candidates for dental applications.
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Recently used nanoparticle additives are proposed to improve lubricant performance under different conditions because of their unique properties. The key objective of this exploration is to study the possibility to employ multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and graphene nanosheets (GNS) as additives for lubricants. Calcium grease (CG), without chemical modification, was selected for the study as the base. Hybrid calcium nano grease (HCNG) with different percentages of MWCNT/GNS (0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt. %) in a ratio of 1:1 were prepared and their rheological and tribological properties were investigated. The microstructures of the prepared nano grease and nano additives were characterized using state-of-the-art equipment. The results showed that by adding MWCNT/GNS the CG exhibited a considerable reduction in friction and wear. As the nano additives were increased, the tribological performance and the rheological properties improved. A consistent NG was obtained with 2 wt.% additives. The shear stress, viscosity, and dropping point temperature increased with the amount of nano additives, while there was no effect on the work penetration. The COF and WSD exhibited a remarkable reduction, while the thermal conductivity exhibited almost linear improvement with the addition of nano additives.
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This investigation presents an analysis of various rheological models (shear stress – shear rate relationships) for lithium and calcium greases, correlated with the microscopically structure of the greases. Two different Romanian greases have been investigated: lithium grease - UM 185 Li2 and calcium grease - U 95 Ca2. The test performed was a controlled stress experiment, which is characteristic for the materials with yield stress like greases. Analyzing the values of the correlation coefficient for each of the rheological models, it can observe that the most appropriate models for both greases are Herschel-Bulkley and Casson models. The rheological results for the two greases are not so obviously different. It can observe that for the lithium grease, the viscosity and the shear yield stress are constant greater than the same parameters for the calcium grease. Another important remark is the fact that the rheological properties of the lithium grease are more stable comparatively to the calcium grease. These two important observations can be correlated with the microscopically structures of the greases. Lithium grease presents a more regulate network structure, with long fibers, which confers the rheological stability. The structure of the calcium grease presents short fibers, with all the inconvenient involved. The experimental procedures proposed show the importance of the correlation between rheological methods and the microscopically investigations.
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In recent years there has been considerable interest in employing dispersed, solid colloidal panicles in the 1–500 nm diameter range to enhance the friction and wear characteristics of liquid lubricants. One important question concerning the use of these additives is the extent to which the tiny solid particles pass through rolling and sliding contacts.This paper describes a study of the lubricating behavior of two simple colloidal sol systems, one based on silver particles dispersed in an alkane and the other dispersed carbon black in mineral oil. Elastohydrodynamic film thickness measurements, in-contact visualization, friction and wear measurements are combined to investigate the extent to which colloidal solid particles enter a lubricated contact.It is shown that both of the colloidal sols studied contribute to film formation at very slow speeds, when the lubricant film thickness is less than the particle diameter. However they make no contribution to film thickness at higher speeds. The silver colloid reduces friction and wear in the thin film regime but the carbon black colloid shows a negligible beneficial effect. Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan May 17–21, 1998
When the shear stress magnitude of a Bingham fluid exceeds the yield shear stress, quasi-Newtonian flow results, otherwise the material behaves as a rigid body. Yield surfaces may occur in the flow, and discontinuities due to changes from fluid to solid behavior must be respected. The behavior of Bingham fluids is mimicked by a purely viscous fluid with high viscosity at low rate of shear. The results of predictions of one such model are presented in this paper. The goals of this investigation are (1) to present a continuous formulation (i.e. applicable throughout the flow field) to characterize the behavior of such a material, (2) to calculate the behavior in several lubrication flows, and (3) to compare these results to predictions of the Bingham theory where applicable. The rheological equation is a function which can be reduced to a Newtonian fluid and the Bingham-like purely viscous fluid by changing the value of a parameter. A generalized Reynolds equation is presented in order to use the continuous constitutive law. Several applications are studied: a plane slider bearing in two-dimensional flow as well as two parallel plates with an imposed pressure in three-dimensional flow. Several curious results occur which are not anticipated from the behavior of either Newtonian or Bingham fluids.
Steady, two-dimensional flows of Bingham fluids are analyzed by means of a modified constitutive relation that applies everywhere in the flow field, in both yielded and practically unyielded regions. The conservation equations and the constitutive relation are solved simultaneously by Galerkin finite element and Newton iteration. This combination eliminates the necessity for tracking yield surfaces in the flow field. The analysis is applied to a one-dimensional channel flow, a two-dimensional boundary layer flow, and a two-dimensional extrusion flow. The finite element predictions compare well with available analytic solutions for limiting cases.
The rheological properties of a lithium lubricating grease were examined under various settings of shear rate, time and temperature with an emphasis on the thixotropy of grease. A HAAKE RV 20 rheometer was employed in the experiments, utilizing a cone and plate configuration. Precautions were taken when scheming and carrying out the test in order to eliminate the effects of slip at the wall, fracture and other forms of disturbance. Flow curves and thixotropic hysteresis loops were obtained. Based on the measurement results, a new rheological model involving a structural parameter has been proposed. The characteristics of the proposed model and its implication for lubrication analysis were discussed.
Many of the insolubles that are essential to the structure of lubricating greases are too small to be usefully imaged in the optical microscope. The higher resolution of the electron microscope is necessary to examine the thickener and additive morphology that contribute so much to the performance of modern greases. However, the high vacuum requirements of these instruments mean that the oil component of grease should not be introduced into the microscope at ambient temperatures. Techniques have been developed to remove the oil prior to examination, or to reduce its vapour pressure to a negligible level. A number of such techniques which have proved to be of value for both the scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) microscopes are described and illustrated. The distribution of the thickener fibres can now be measured and analysed by an image analysis procedure from the images of freeze-fracture TEM replicas.
We explore the high-shear and gap-dependent rheological properties of multiphase complex fluids using narrow-gap parallel-plate rheometry. This technique has been developed to explore the apparent rheological properties of such fluids when they are confined to length scales comparable to that of their underlying microstructure. This is particularly relevant to processes such as lubrication and microfluidics, whereby complex fluids are typically confined to length scales of below 100 μm and subjected to shear rates well in excess of 1000 s−1. We demonstrate that the parallel-plate geometry is capable of accessing extremely high shear rates (e.g. 105 s−1) using narrow gap heights (5–100 μm) for Newtonian, shear-thinning, and elastic fluids. In order to obtain meaningful measurements, numerous errors that arise must be accounted for. The most apparent error is that the measured viscosity decreases with gap height at gaps below a few hundred microns. This results from an error in the gap that is typically 5–30 μm and usually occurs due to misalignment of the parallel plates, although there is also a contribution from the squeeze flow of air during the gap-zeroing procedure for very accurately aligned plates. The effect of microscale-confinement on the apparent viscosity and viscoelastic properties of microstructured fluids and suspensions is also considered, whereby confinement to gaps that are approaching that of the characteristic microstructure length scale causes a solid-like response with a substantially enhanced storage modulus and apparent yield stress. Despite confinement and jamming effects at low stresses, at high stress the multiphase fluids flow with a viscosity similar to that of bulk fluid and continuous phase even when the gap height is similar to the particle size. Slip and depletion effects are particularly apparent at narrow gaps and must be considered in order to obtain reliable rheological measurements. It is anticipated that the utilisation of these techniques to explore the dynamics of confined microstructures will lead to new insights into the behaviour of such systems under the extreme conditions of narrow gaps and/or high shear rates that are experienced during many processes and/or applications.
This work particularly focuses on the rheometric study of a physical gel exhibiting a yield stress. The measurements were carried out in a cone—plate configuration using two different types of rheometer working under controlled torque or under controlled velocity. Shear creep, constant shear rate, and stress relaxation tests have been performed.Measurements of apparent viscometric properties were conducted at the same time as observation of the strain field in the sample. Observing the strain field enables us to confirm the reliability of the interpretation of the results and also to estimate the true shear rate in the fluid. It is shown how the determination of shear rheological properties can be affected by anomalous phenomena such as fracture and slip at the wall. The influence of roughness of the tool surfaces and of evaporation shows up. The results presented in this study show how some rheometrical measurements of the yeild stress and the microstructural interpretations given, may be erroneous.Some recommendations are made in order to improve current rheometrical tests and their interpretation. A log—log graph with typical shear stress-shear rate measurements and their corresponding strain fields is given: it should be used as a guideline in yield stress fluids rheometry. In addition it is made clear that visual observation of the sheared sample is a key technique. A protection which completely eliminates evaporation is suggested. It is shown that the measurement of residual stress in stress relaxation tests may be a convenient means of determining the value of the yield stress.
Prediction of pressure drop gradient and evaluation of wall slip and air bubbles entrainment effects observed during the piping flow of lubricating greases were investigated. With this aim, viscous flow tests in rotational rheometers and pressure drop measurements in pipelines were carried out using different geometries with both smooth and rough surfaces. The Sisko model was applied in the experimental range of flow rates for predicting pressure drop gradient. Air entrainment occurring when the pumping system was primed with a highly viscous material as lubricating greases significantly decreases pressure drop gradient. This air entrainment effect can be corrected using a modified expression to evaluate the drag ratio defined for non-Newtonian liquid/air intermittent flows. On the other hand, a new expression based on the internal relative roughness of pipelines was proposed to correct wall slip effect. Eliminating these two effects, the classical definition of the friction factor for a non-Newtonian fluid, f = 16/Re′, can be applied to predict pressure drop of grease flow in pipelines.