The book reports a list of 53 species of fish belonging to fourteen families, a number that increased in relation to previous records. Important records are given for Hemibrycon brevispini, Hemibrycon palomae, Hemibrycon quindos, Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis, taxa described by the authors (CRV, RIRC & DCT), all endemic to the La Vieja River system, Alto Cauca, Colombia. New records of introduced species are included, as well as original observations on natural history (diagnosis, color, habitat, feeding, reproduction and distribution). We also include keys for identification, data on the importance, conservation status, available museum specimens of type and non-type material, live photos of some species; models, that consist of differential equations, is used to analysis of aggressive resistance in predator-prey systems and the extinction of neotropical fishes by an introduced Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Resumen: Se reporta la lista actualizada de 53 especies de peces pertenecientes a catorce familias, número que se incrementó con relación a registros previos. Reconocimientos importantes están asociados con Hemibrycon brevispini, Hemibrycon palomae, Hemibrycon quindos e Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis, descritos por los autores (CRV, RIRC & DCT), todas éstas especies son endémicas del sistema del río La Vieja, Alto Cauca en Colombia; se anotan especies introducidas y observaciones originales sobre historia natural (descripción, coloraciones, hábitat, alimentación, reproducción y distribución) e incluye claves para su identificación, importancia, estado de conservación, registros en colección de tipos, no tipos y fotos de especies en vivo; se elaboran modelos, que consta de ecuaciones diferenciales, para estimar la resistencia agresiva en sistemas presa-depredador y la extinción de peces neotropicales por parte de un pez introducido, La Trucha Arco Iris Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Palabras clave. Historia natural, taxonomía, estado conservación, teleósteos.
ABSTRACT. The book reports a list of 53 species of fish belonging to fourteen families, a number that increased in relation to previous records. Important records are given for Hemibrycon brevispini, Hemibrycon palomae, Hemibrycon quindos, Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis, taxa described by the authors (CRV, RIRC & DCT), all endemic to the La Vieja River system, Alto Cauca, Colombia. New records of introduced species are included, as well as original observations on natural history (diagnosis, color, habitat, feeding, reproduction and distribution). We also include keys for identification, data on the importance, conservation status, available museum specimens of type and non-type material, live photos of some species; models, that consist of differential equations, is used to analysis of aggressive resistance in predator-prey systems and the extinction of neotropical fishes by an introduced Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Keys words. Natural history, taxonomy, conservation status, Teleostei.