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Antibacterial Activity of Total Extracts and Essential oil of Nigella Sativa L. Seeds in Mice


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of total crude extracts and essential oil (EO) of Nigella sativa L. seeds in mate mice infected intraperitoneally with Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli (0.1mL from 106 colony forming units/ml suspension). After 24 hours, the infected mice were subjected to different doses of TE or EO or received 33 mg/kg of gentamicin (a positive control) or 0.4 mL of normal saline (a negative control). After 24 hours, aspirated specimens from intraperitoneal fluids were cultured on a soybean casein digest agar plate surface. The inhibitory effect of the methanol extract at a dose of 2.14 g/kg in mice infected with S. aureus was 87.5%. The doses of 1.2 and 2.14 g/kg in mice infected with E. coli were 100% compared with mice who received saline (the negative control). While the aqueous extract did not show any inhibitory effect on either micro-organism, the effect of the chloroform extract at dose of 2.6 g/kg and 33 mg/kg gentamicin (the positive control) was 100 %. The EO at dose of 0.3 g/kg in mice infected with S. aureus and E. coli showed 100% inhibitory effect compared with mice who received saline. N. sativa methanol and chloroform seed extracts as well as its essential oil have dose dependent antibacterial activities on the Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.
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Pharmacolgyonline 2: 429-435 (2007) Hosseinzadeh et al
Antibacterial Activity of Total Extracts and Essential oil
of Nigella Sativa L. Seeds in Mice
Hossein Hosseinzadeh1, B. S. Fazly Bazzaz2, and Maryam Motevaly Haghi3
1-Correspondence author: Pharmaceutical Research Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, 1365-
91775, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS), Mashhad, I.R. Iran. Fax: 98511
E-mail: or
2- Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Bu Ali Biotechnology Research Center and
School of Pharmacy, MUMS, Mashhad, I.R.Iran.
3- School of Pharmacy and, MUMS, Mashhad, I.R.Iran.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of total crude extracts and
essential oil (EO) of Nigella sativa L. seeds in male mice infected intraperitoneally with
Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli (0.1mL from 106 colony forming units/ml
suspension). After 24 hours, the infected mice were subjected to different doses of TE or EO
or received 33 mg/kg of gentamicin (a positive control) or 0.4 mL of normal saline (a
negative control). After 24 hours, aspirated specimens from intraperitoneal fluids were
cultured on a soybean casein digest agar plate surface. The inhibitory effect of the methanol
extract at a dose of 2.14 g/kg in mice infected with S. aureus was 87.5%. The doses of 1.2 and
2.14 g/kg in mice infected with E. coli were 100% compared with mice who received saline
(the negative control). While the aqueous extract did not show any inhibitory effect on either
micro-organism, the effect of the chloroform extract at dose of 2.6 g/kg and 33 mg/kg
gentamicin (the positive control) was 100 %. The EO at dose of 0.3 g/kg in mice infected with
S. aureus and E. coli showed 100% inhibitory effect compared with mice who received saline.
N. sativa methanol and chloroform seed extracts as well as its essential oil have dose
dependent antibacterial activities on the Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.
KEYWORDS: Nigella sativa, Black cumin, antibacterial activity, Staphylococcus aureus,
Escherichia coli.
Nigella sativa Linn. is indigenous to the
Mediterranean region but has been cultivated
into other parts of the world including Saudi
Arabia, northern Africa and parts of Asia. The
plant is known by names, such as black cumin
(English), blck-caraway seeds (USA) and
shonaiz (Persian) (Khan, 1999). Different
pharmacological effects such as isulinotropic
(Fararh et al., 2002), hypoglycemic (El-
Dakhakhny et al., 2002), anticancer (Mabrouk
et al., 2002; Salomi et al., 1992),
antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory (Abdel-
Fattah et al., 2000; El-Dakhakhny et al., 2002;
Ghannadi et al., 2005), hepatoprotective
(Mahmoud et al., 2002), neuroprotective
(Kanter et al., 2006a), antihistamine, antiulcer
(Kanter et al 2006 b) and bronchodilator
(Gilani et al., 2001) activities have been
reported for this plant. Black cumin has been
Pharmacolgyonline 2: 429-435 (2007) Hosseinzadeh et al
traditionally used in the Indian continent,
Arabian countries and Europe for culinary
and medicinal purposes as a natural remedy
for a number of illnesses and conditions that
include asthma, hypertension, diabetes,
inflammation, cough, bronchitis, headache,
eczema, fever, dizziness and influenza. The
seeds or its oil are used as a carminative,
diuretic, lactagogue and vermifuge (Ali and
Blunden, 2003).
N. sativa seeds contain 36%–38% fixed oils,
proteins, alkaloids, saponin and 0.4%–2.5%
essential oil. The fixed oil is composed
mainly of unsaturated fatty acids. The
essential oil was analyzed using GC-MS.
Many components were characterized, but the
major ones were thymoquinone (27.8%–
57.0%), ρ-cymene (7.1%–15.5%), carvacrol
(5.8%–11.6%), t-anethole (0.25%–2.3%), 4-
terpineol (2.0%–6.6%) and longifoline
(1.0%–8.0%). Thymoquinone readily
dimerizes to form dithymoquinone. Four
alkaloids have been reported as constituents
of N. sativa seeds. Two, nigellicine and
nigellidine have an indazole nucleus, whereas
nigellimine and its N-oxide are isoquinolines
(Ali and Blunden, 2003).
As the public becomes more interested in
herbal medicine and bacterial pathogens
become more resistant to commercial
antibiotics, scientists are increasingly
investigating the antibacterial properties of
plant extracts and fractions (Fazly Bazzaz et
al., 1997; Hassanzadeh et al., 2001; Taskova
et al., 2002; Kariba, 2002). Antimicrobial
activities have been reported for the extracts
of N. sativa seed in vitro (Hanafy and Hatem,
1991; Morsi, 2000). To extend this activity
and show this effect in a body, the
antibacterial activity of crude extracts and
essential oil of N. sativa seed were studied on
infected mice with Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli.
Male BALB/c mice (25 ± 3 g) were obtained
from a random bred colony of maintained
with laboratory pellet chow (Khorassan
Javane Co, Mashhad, I.R. Iran) in animal
house of Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences. Animals were housed in a colony
room with a 12/12 hour light/dark cycle at 24
± 1 °C. All animal experiments were carried
out in accordance with Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences, Ethical Committee acts.
Plant materials
N. sativa seeds were purchased from Gonabad
(Khorasan Province). The methanol extract
(ME) of seeds was prepared using Soxhlet
apparatus. The aqueous extract (AE) was
decocted with hot water for 15 min. The
chloroform extract (CE) was macerated with
chloroform for 72 hour. The extracts were
then concentrated under reduced pressure to
volume desired. The residual water was
evaporated to dryness at 30 °C on a water
bath. In this study ME, CE and AE were
called total extract (TE). Essential oil (EO)
Pharmacolgyonline 2: 429-435 (2007) Hosseinzadeh et al
was prepared by hydrodistilation (Samsam-
Shariat and Moatar, 1996).
Test microorganisms
The strains of bacteria used in this study were
Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29737) and
Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739).
All bacteria were cultured from soybean
casein digest agar (Merck) stock cultures
already at 4°C into the fresh prepared agar
and cultured overnight at 35° C. The bacterial
suspensions were prepared (106 cfu/ml) using
normal saline from these cultures.
Assay procedure
240 mice were used in this study. 30 groups
of animals were used, each of which
contained 8 mice. Each group of eight mice
was infected with 0.1 ml (106 cfu/ml) of S.
aureus or E. coli suspension intraperitoneally.
Twenty four hour later, each group received
different treatments. Groups were designed as
Negative control: Group 1 received 0.4 ml
normal saline against S. aureus and group 2
received 0.4 ml normal saline against E. coli.
Positive control: Group 3 received 33 mg/kg
gentamicin against S. aureus and group 4
received 33 mg/kg gentamicin against E. coli.
ME: Groups 5-7 received 0.3, 1.2 and 2.14
g/kg the methanol extract against S. aureus,
respectively and groups 8-10 received 0.3, 1.2
and 2.14 g/kg the methanol extract,
respectively against E. coli CE: Groups 11-13
received 0.38, 1.5 and 2.6 g/kg the chloroform
extract, respectively against S. aureus and
groups 14-16 received 0.38, 1.5 and 2.6 g/kg
the chloroform extract, respectively against E.
AC: Groups 17-19 received 0.24, 0.96 and
1.68 mg/kg the aqueous extract, respectively
against S. aureus and groups 20-22 received
0.24, 0.96 and 1.68 mg/kg the aqueous
extract, respectively against E. coli
EO: Groups 23-26 received 0.03, 0.12, 0.21
and 0.3 g/kg the essential oil, respectively
against S. aureus and groups 27-30 received
0.03, 0.12, 0.21 and 0.3 g/kg the essential oil,
respectively against E. coli
After 24 hours, 0.1 ml aspirated specimens
from intraperitoneal fluid were cultured on
soybean casein digest agar (Merck) plate
surface. Plates were incubated overnight at
35° C and the number of colonies formed on
each plate was counted.
Statistical analysis
The resulting colonies were counted and
expressed in terms of percent colonies formed
from each aspiration sample. This number
was compared with the negative control group
and tested with Fisher’s exact test. The p-
values less than 0.05 were considered to be
statistically significant.
Gentamicin, as positive control, completely
inhibited the appearance of colonies of both
Pharmacolgyonline 2: 429-435 (2007) Hosseinzadeh et al
micro-organisms (Table 1-4). The methanol
extract showed significant antibacterial
activity against both micro-organisms. The
effect of this extract was more significant on
E. coli (Table 1). The chloroform extract also
showed significant antibacterial activity
Table1. Effects of intraperitoneal injection of methanol extract (ME) of N. sativa seed on infected
mice with micro-organisms.
Treatment Dose %Activity
E.coli S. aureus
Normal saline 0.1 ml 0 0
Gentamicin 33 mg/kg 100*** 100***
ME 0.3 g/kg 87.5** 50
ME 1.2 g/kg 100*** 75**
ME 2.14 g/kg 100*** 87.5**
** P< 0.01, *** P< 0.001, compared with normal saline, Fisher’s exact test, N=8
against both micro-organisms. The effect of
this extract on S. aureus and E. coli was
almost equivalent. Even with high doses, the
aqueous extract (e.g. 1.68 g/kg: P=0.2281
against S. aureus and P=0.1126 against E.
coli) did not show significant antibacterial
activity against both micro-organisms (Table
3). The essential oil with lower doses
inhibited the growth of both micro-organisms
(Table 4). This effect of oil was more
considerable against S. aureus.
Table 2. Effects of intraperitoneal injection of chloroform extract (CE) of N. sativa seed on infected
mice with micro-organisms.
Treatment Dose %Activity
E.coli S. aureus
Normal saline 0.4 ml 0 0
Gentamicin 33 mg/kg 100*** 100***
CE 0.38 mg/kg 75** 75**.
CE 1.5 mg/kg 75** 87.5**
CE 2.6 mg/kg 100*** 100***
** P< 0.01, *** P< 0.001, compared to normal saline, Fisher’s exact test, N=8
In this study, the N. sativa seed as an essential
oil (Table 4) , as well as methanol (Table 1)
and chloroform (Table 2) extracts showed
significant antimicrobial activities in vivo.
However, the effect of the aqueous extract
(Table 3) was not significant (e.g. 1.68 g/kg:
P=0.2281 against S. aureus and P=0.1126
against E. coli).
Pharmacolgyonline 2: 429-435 (2007) Hosseinzadeh et al
Table 3. Effects of intraperitoneal injection of aqueous extract (AC) of N. sativa seed on infected
mice with micro-organisms.
Treatment Dose %Activity
E.coli S. aureus
Normal saline 0.1 ml 0 0
Gentamicin 33 mg/kg 100*** 100 ***
AC 0.24 g/kg 2.5 14.2
AC 0.96 g/kg 25 14.2
AC 1.68 g/kg 33.3 37.5
*** P< 0.001, compared with normal saline, Fisher’s exact test, N=8
There are in vitro studies documenting that N.
sativa seed have in vitro antibacterial activity
against pathogens such as S. aureus, E. coli,
Shigella spp.and Vibrio chloerae (Hanafy and
Hatem, 1991; Morsi, 2000; Ferdous et al.,
1992; Rathee et al., 1982). The essential oil of
N. sativa seeds was effective against multiple
drug-resistant (e.g. ampicillin, co-trimoxazole
and tetracycline) isolates of Shigella spp.,
Vibrio chloerae and E. coli in vitro (Ferdous
et al., 1992). Our study replicated these
antibacterial effects against the standard
species of E. coli in vivo. Further, our study
demonstrated for the chloroform and
methanol extracts, as well as the EO of N.
sativa had showed antibacterial effect against
S. aureus. In another study, the antibacterial
activity of N. sativa seed oil was reported
against twenty-one pathogenic bacteria such
as S. aureus and E. coli in vitro.22 This study
beside that confirmed the antibacterial activity
of N. sativa with different extracts it also
showed its effect on micro-organisms in the
body. So now evaluation of black cumin can
be more reliable for doing clinical trails and
pharmacokinetic parameters such as
metabolism or distribution does not prevent
the antibacterial activity of N. sativa.
Filter paper discs impregnated with diethyl
ether extract of N. sativa seeds caused
concentration dependent inhibition of S.
aureus and E. coli (Hanafy and Hatem.,
1991). This effect is similar to the
bacterostatic effect of chloroform and
methanol extracts in this in vivo study.
Thymohydroquinone, a phenolic compound
isolated from the essential oil of N. sativa,
exerted high antimicrobial effect against gram
positive microorganisms (El-Fatatry, 1975).
Another study showed that the most effective
extracts of N. sativa seeds were crude alkaloid
and water extracts but in our study the
aqueous extract showed low antibacterial
activity. This may be related to lower
accessibility of the aqueous extract to the
micro-organism in the in vivo study or low
extraction of antibacterial components into
this extract (Morsi, 2000).
Several compounds such as sterols and
phenolic constituents were found in N. sativa
seed. Thymoquinone or thymohydroquinone
are active components of the seed that have
different pharmacological activities such as
Pharmacolgyonline 2: 429-435 (2007) Hosseinzadeh et al
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and
antihypertensive effects (Khan, 1999). Higher
solubility of these active constituents in
organic solvents may contribute to the
Table 4. Effects of intraperitoneal injection of Essential oil (EO) of N. sativa seed on infected mice
with micro-organisms.
Treatment Dose %Activity
E.coli S. aureus
Normal saline 0.1 ml 0 0
Gentamicin 33 mg/kg 100*** 100 ***
EO 0.03 g/kg 37.5 50
EO 0.12 g/kg 50 62.5 **
EO 0.21 g/kg 75 ** 87.5 **
EO 0.3 g/kg 100*** 100***
** P< 0.01, *** P< 0.001, compared with normal saline, Fisher’s exact test, N=8
observed efficacy of the chloroform and
methanol extracts and the reason for low
antibacterial activity of the aqueous extract in
our study.
In conclusion, this study and previous reports
show that N. sativa seed has effective
antibacterial activities in both in vitro and in
vivo studies. The result showed that the
essential oil as well as methanol and
chloroform extracts are effective against
Gram-positive (S. aureus) and Gram-negative
(E. coli) bacteria. The isolation and
purification of the active antibacterial
components of plant along with different rout
of administration of plant especially oral way
are recommended. The results of this research
are valuable steps toward doing clinical trials
to use this plant in treating human infection.
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... It is having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and immunomodulatory activities. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][66][67][68][69][70][71][72] A mucus layer composed of mucin glycoproteins, which are secreted by goblet cells and mainly, covers the intestinal tract epithelium. [63][64][65][66][67][68][73][74][75] It protects the gut against enzymes, and pathogen microflora and acts as lubricant for nutrition transport between the luminal contents and the epithelial cells. ...
... [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][66][67][68][69][70][71][72] A mucus layer composed of mucin glycoproteins, which are secreted by goblet cells and mainly, covers the intestinal tract epithelium. [63][64][65][66][67][68][73][74][75] It protects the gut against enzymes, and pathogen microflora and acts as lubricant for nutrition transport between the luminal contents and the epithelial cells. 10 Mucin as a first barrier of an immune system acts as a physical, chemical and immunological blockade between the body and the environment. ...
... 10 Mucin as a first barrier of an immune system acts as a physical, chemical and immunological blockade between the body and the environment. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][34][35][36][37][38][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75] Mucins are divided into two groups as the secreted gel forming and the cell-surface mucins 1-10,35-37,68-72 that seconds were arranged by closely linked genes and forming genetic clusters, which are expressed in a cell-specific manner. 31 MUC 2 is related to gel-forming groups and roles a constitutive expression throughout the digestive tract and the main component in the small and large intestine. ...
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The current study was performed to determine the effect of dietary vitamin E, sesamin and thymoquinone bioactive lignans derived from sesame and black seed on immunological response, intestinal traits and Mucin2 gene expression in broiler quails. Three hundred and fifty (one days-old) quails were allotted to seven dietary treatments with five replicates as an experimental randomized design study. Treatments were basal diet as a control, control +100 and +200 mg of vitamin E, sesamin and thymoquinone per each kg of diet respectively. At 35 d of age, two quails from each pen were chosen, weighted, slaughtered, eviscerated and lymphoid organ relative weights were measured. Anti-body titers against Newcastle disease (ND), Sheep red blood cell (SRBC), and infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and Avian influenza (AI) vaccination were determined. The serum activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and serum antioxidant activates such as superoxide dismutase (SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GPX), catalase (CAT) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were examined. The cell mediated immunity by dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) challenges were assessed. The microflora populations of ileum, morphological traits of jejunum and mucin2 gene expression were analyzed. Data showed that the lymphoid organ (thymus, spleen and Bursa) relative weights and antibody titer against HI, AI, SRBC and IB vaccination were increased compared to the control (p ≤ 0.05). Serum activities of ALP, ALT and AST were decreased under influences of dietary treatments (p ≤ 0.05). The serum antioxidant activates of GPX,SOD,CAT and TAC were increased and Increasing in mean skin thickness after DNCB challenge and decrease wing web swelling response to PHA mitojen injection were observed (p ≤ 0.05). Salmonella enterica, E-coli and Coliforms colonies were decrease and Lactobacillus colonies increased instead (p ≤ 0.05). The villus height and surface, crypt depth and goblet cells density were increased compared to the control (p ≤ 0.05). The expression of MUC2 gene increased under influnces of vitamin E, sesamin and thymoquinone supplemented diets (p ≤ 0.05).
... The plant is already used in many part of the world for the care of skin, the chemical composition and phytochemicals present in the plant would suggest the ethno botanical pattern of this plant, their antimicrobial and antifungal properties are important in cosmetic application. [9] Z. spina-christi seed (extract) was found to contain beutic acid, ceanothic acid, cyclopeptide, as well as saponin glycoside, flavonoids, lipid, protein, free sugar and mucilage. [10] Z. spina-christi has been used in folk medicine as a demulcent, depurative, anodyne, emollient, stomachic, for toothaches, astringents and as a mouth wash. ...
... Nigella sativa L. (N. sativa), a member of the Ranunculaceae plant family, has a wide range of pharmacological effects, including antioxidant [9], anti-diabetic [10], anticancer [11], immunomodulatory, analgesic and anti-inflammatory [12], antimicrobial [13], spasmolytic, and bronchodilator [14]. Thymoquinone (TQ), the primary bioactive component of the essential oil, is responsible for the majority of N. sativa's medicinal actions [15]. ...
... After 24 h, different doses of TE or EO were administered to infected mice. On a soybean casein digest agar plate surface, the specimens aspirated from intraperitoneal fluid were cultivated, and it was discovered that the EO and TE are efficient against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria [15]. ...
Conference Paper
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In several cultures, black cumin, also known as Nigella sativa, has long been used medicinally. Recent research has revealed that this plant has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, making it a possible treatment for several medical conditions. Additionally, because of its capacity to detoxify the liver and protect it from harm, Nigella sativa has demonstrated positive results as an antidote for poisoning. Consumption of hazardous substances by accident or planned poisoning are two prevalent causes of poisoning. The liver is the primary organ in detoxification. According to studies, Nigella sativa can help the liver operate better and defend it from toxins' harmful effects. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that Nigella sativa protects against heavy metal toxicity. Thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone, the plant's active components, have been demonstrated to bond with heavy metals and stop the body from absorbing them. Further studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Nigella sativa as an antidote for poisoning cases. Nigella sativa presents an interesting natural alternative for treating poisoning cases, potentially complementing traditional medical approaches. The main goal of this review is to explore the potential application of Nigella sativa as an antidote for poisoning cases. The article discusses the plant's strong ability to detoxify and protect the liver. The review highlights preclinical studies that have shown promising results but also emphasizes the need for further clinical trials to determine the efficacy and safety of Nigella sativa as a natural alternative for treating poisoning cases.
... The antibacterial effect of BSO of Nigella sativa against different Gram-negative and positive bacteria including E. faecalis is documented in the literature. [19,[25][26][27][28] Our results showed that 100% BSO has produced the largest diameter of inhibition among all tested compounds against E. faecalis [ Table 2]. However, Rath 2014 [29] and Salman 2008 [30] were not able to detect a bactericidal effect of BSO against E. faecalis. ...
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Background: Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) is known to play a key role in the etiology of constant endodontic infections. Recently, suggestions of natural alternatives to overcome the downsides of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) have been discussed in the literature. Aims: The present study investigates the antibacterial effect and compares the bacteria-killing time of six possible natural alternatives in comparison to 2.5% NaOCl, namely net Manuka Honey (MaH), crude black seed oil (BSO), 100% apple vinegar (AV), castor oil, crude sesame oil, and a novel plant extract (Bactil®). Materials and Methods: Agar well-diffusion assay was used to determine the antibacterial effect of the products against E. faecalis. Muller‒Hinton broth (MH broth) was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC). Time-kill assay was performed to investigate the killing time required by the tested product to inhibit E. faecalis at 30, 60, 90, and 120 s. Results: Four out of the six tested products (crude BSO, 0.2% Bactil®, 100% AV, and net MH) exhibited an antibacterial activity against E. faecalis. While after MBC and MIC determination, only two of the products (0.4% BSO and 0.2% Bactil®) were able to inhibit the growth of E. faecalis within 30 s of exposure similar to the positive control 2.5% NaOCl. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, both 0.4% BSO and 0.2% Bactil® were as effective as 2.5% NaOCl against E. faecalis and could be suggested for further testing as promising natural alternatives to disinfect the root canal system
... Black Seed and its oil have been used for centuries in the treatment of various diseases worldwide. It is an important plant in traditional fields of medicine improves memory, [13] stimulates milk production, [14] has antibacterial activity, [15] etc. ...
ABSTRACT Among the various medicinal plants, the black seed is emerging as a miracle herb with a rich historical background, as much research has revealed its wide spectrum of pharmacological potential. In this collection of literature, we have encountered and presented the preclinical treatment, as alternative medicine of Nigella sativa in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, as well as those that continue to be discovered by contemporary actual scientific data. Research to date has confirmed the pharmacological potential of the seed of Nigella sativa, its oil and extracts of some of its bioactive constituents, which possess remarkable pharmacological activity, in vitro and in vivo against a large spectrum of diseases, and it has been found that the use of black seed is relatively safe. Black Seed has been extensively studied for its biological activity and therapeutic potential and has been found to possess a broad spectrum of activities. Clinical trial investigations into the therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa affect the hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and bronchodilator effects and have passed clinical trials and received the green light to allow the next stage of clinical trials toward therapeutic drug design. However, there is still room and multidimensional research needed for prospective clinical trials in certain groups of animals before they can be applied to humans as pharmaceutical therapies.
... Nigella sativa is traditionally used in the Indian subcontinent, Arab countries and Europe (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2007) from time immemorial as a means of remedy for various ailments. One of the prominent characteristic of this herb is its wound healing property (Ghonime et al., 2011). ...
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The present study involves the preparation and characterization of antibacterial nanofibers made from nigella/PVA mixer along with silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles were efficiently synthesized by reduction of AgNO 3 while alcoholic extraction process was used to extract the medicinal constituents form nigella. Then the resulting solution was electrospun into nanofibers by electrospinning technique under optimum processing conditions. The developed nanofibrous mat was characterized by bacterial assay, moisture management tester (MMT), thermal analyzer, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and FTIR to evaluate its antibacterial, moisture, thermal, morphological, and bonding behavior. The agar diffusion method had been used to evaluate the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria revealing the formation of inhibition zone with a value around 18.66 ± 2 mm. Besides, the developed nanomat showed enhanced moisture and thermal properties having average diameter of 223 ± 20.5 nm. In addition, the presence of characteristic peaks in FTIR spectra revealed all the desired components are present in the developed nanofibrous mat. ARTICLE HISTORY
... Furthermore, antibacterial effect of fixed oils from (Olea europaea L., Ricinus communis L. and Linum usitatissimum) on S. aureus revealed that the inhibition zone by Ricinus communis L. was (9 ±0.1 mm); and for Olea europaea L. and Linum usitatissimum were (7.7 ±0.04 mm and 3.7 ±0.09 mm) respectively [8] . A study by Hossein Hosseinzadeh, in 2007 showed a supportive outcome to our results; volatile oil of Nigella sativa and fixed oil of Ricinus communis L. were effective against Gram-positive bacteria, while a lower inhibitory activity was observed with the fixed oil of Linum usitatissimum against both S. aureus and E. coli [50]. Similar findings were observed with other researchers, in which that extracted oils show antimicrobial property and this property may be due to its chemical compounds, structure, composition and functional group of essential oils that may has a crucial properties for posing its antibacterial action [51]. ...
Antibiotic resistance phenomena among pathogenic bacteria considered as a major health problem ?and associated with increased mortality or long-term hospitalization, which lead to open a new era by using ?plant and herbal extracts as an alternative source of various chemotherapeutic drugs, also to increase antibiotic efficiency by combining with plant extract for obtaining a powerful and broad ?spectrum action. The current investigation aims to investigate antibacterial actions of fixed oils of (Olea europaea L., ?Ricinus communis L. and Linum usitatissimum) and volatile oil of (Nigella sativa, Curcuma longa L and ?Zingiber officinale) against both Staphylococcus aureus strain (6734151) and Escherichia coli ?strain (5344572). This study conducted on antibacterial effect of six ?different extracted oils from medical herbs. The findings revealed that the oil extracts have different ?antibacterial activities with efficacy. Bacterial inhibition zone was ?detected by using ?disk diffusion method. Furthermore, volatile oil of N. sativa ?showed a great inhibitory action ?against ?resistant S. aureus, which was (27.7± 1.2 mm). ?The antimicrobial effects of other fixed and volatile oils ?against S. aureu, the inhibition zone was (10 ± 1.0 mm) for (Zingiber officinale), ? (9 ± 1.0 mm) for Ricinus communis L., (7.7 ???± 0.6 mm) for Olea europea L., (7.3 ± 0.6 mm) for Linum usitatissimum and for Curcuma ?longa L. was (6.7 ± 0.6mm). Moreover, antimicrobial effect of N. sativa against ? E. coli was more ??active in comparison with other oils, while other oils showed a slight antibacterial effect?. In conclusion, volatile oil of N. sativa reveals great antibacterial activities in comparison with other extracted oils.
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Antimicrobial resistance is an increasingly widespread phenomenon that is of particular concern because of the possible consequences in the years to come. The dynamics leading to the resistance of microbial strains are diverse, but certainly include the incorrect use of veterinary drugs both in terms of dosage and timing of administration. Moreover, the drug is often administered in the absence of a diagnosis. Many active ingredients in pharmaceutical formulations are, therefore, losing their efficacy. In this situation, it is imperative to seek alternative treatment solutions. Essential oils are mixtures of compounds with different pharmacological properties. They have been shown to possess the antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, and regulatory properties of numerous metabolic processes. The abundance of molecules they contain makes it difficult for treated microbial species to develop pharmacological resistance. Given their natural origin, they are environmentally friendly and show little or no toxicity to higher animals. There are several published studies on the use of essential oils as antimicrobials, but the present literature has not been adequately summarized in a manuscript. This review aims to shed light on the results achieved by the scientific community regarding the use of essential oils to treat the main agents of bacterial infection of veterinary interest in livestock. The Google Scholar, PubMed, SciELO, and SCOPUS databases were used for the search and selection of studies. The manuscript aims to lay the foundations for a new strategy of veterinary drug use that is more environmentally friendly and less prone to the emergence of drug resistance phenomena.
Herbal plants have been valued for their medicinal, flavoring, and aromatic properties for centuries. The global market for medicinal and aromatic plants is estimated to be 62billion,withdemandexpectedtoreach62 billion, with demand expected to reach 5 trillion by 2050. Aromatic plants and herbs have been widely cultivated and used for medical purposes not only for humans but for animals as well. According to the World Health Organization, herbal medicines are characterized as substances or products derived from plants that possess therapeutic or other beneficial effects for human health. These herbal remedies can be sourced from one or more plants and may include both raw and processed ingredients (WHO, 2001). This chapter describes the curative values, botanical characteristics, and climatic and cultural requirements of medicinal plants. These include psyllium husk, black cumin or black seed, stevia, fennel, bishop’s weed/carom seeds, sweet basil, holy basil, linseed, and turmeric, all medical plants that are grown worldwide. Despite having a higher market value than major field crops, medicinal plants are not cultivated on the same scale as significant as other crops. One of the major reasons for the globally low production of medicinal plants is the lack of information regarding their suitable cultivable climate and their poor adaptability to growing environments. It is imperative to give careful consideration to the selection of soil and cropping strategies to achieve satisfactory yields of highquality products while ensuring the preservation of their safety and nutritional value. Physiological ecology is also discussed in this chapter in relation to medicinal plant therapeutic potential and medicinal qualities. It is still necessary to explore and understand the cultural practices necessary to cultivate medicinal plants successfully. This chapter aims to address these gaps by discussing the input requirements, therapeutic value, and suitable cultivation areas for medicinal plants. This chapter aims to fill these knowledge gaps by disseminating insights into cultivation practices and addressing these knowledge gaps. By addressing these gaps and disseminating insights into cultivation techniques, it hopes to develop sustainable and optimized cultivation techniques for medicinal plants. As a result of such advancements, medicinal plants will be available for future generations and will meet the growing demand for them.
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The essential oils of fresh fruits and terminal branchlets with adherent leaves (leaves) of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, growing wild in Iran, were analyzed by GC-MS, and screened for bacteriostatic and fungistatic activities (MIC determination). Eighteen components were identified in the essential oils. The major constituents of both cases were a-pinene, sabinene, 3-carene, limonene and cedrol. The essential oil of leaves has no antimicrobial activity, while the essential oil from fruit showed a modest and slightly antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans and Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. The defatted ethanol extract of leaves and fruits were rich in flavonoids and tannins.
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The black cumin or Nigella sativa L. seeds have many acclaimed medicinal properties such as bronchodilatory, hypotensive, antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immunopotentiating and are universally accepted as a panacea. This review article has surveyed the relevant literature on Nigella sativa from 1960-1998 and examines the scientific evidence for these medicinal claims and highlights areas in need of research.
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The antinociceptive effects of Nigella sativa oil and its major component, thymoquinone, were examined in mice. The p.o. administration of N. sativa oil (50-400 mg/kg) dose-dependently suppressed the nociceptive response in the hot-plate test, tail-pinch test, acetic acid-induced writhing test and in the early phase of the formalin test. The systemic administration (2.5-10 mg/kg, p.o. and 1-6 mg/kg, i.p.) and the i.c.v. injection (1-4 microgram/mouse) of thymoquinone attenuated the nociceptive response in not only the early phase but also the late phase of the formalin test. Naloxone injected s.c. (1 mg/kg) significantly blocked N. sativa oil- and thymoquinone-induced antinociception in the early phase of the formalin test. Moreover, the i.c.v. injection of naloxone (10 microgram/mouse), the mu(1)-opioid receptor antagonist, naloxonazine (1-5 microgram/mouse), or the kappa-opioid receptor antagonist, nor-binaltorphimine (1-5 microgram/mouse), significantly reversed thymoquinone-induced antinociception in the early phase but not the late phase of the formalin test, whereas the delta-opioid receptor antagonist, naltrindole (1-5 ng/mouse, i.c.v.), had no effect on either phase. The antinociceptive effect of morphine was significantly reduced in thymoquinone- and N. sativa oil-tolerant mice, but not vice versa. These results suggest that N. sativa oil and thymoquinone produce antinociceptive effects through indirect activation of the supraspinal mu(1)- and kappa-opioid receptor subtypes.
To evaluate the antinociceptive and antimicrobial activities of galbanum plant (Ferula gumosa), various parts of the plant were collected at specific seasons. Aerial parts and root of the plant were dried in shady place and grinded to desirable. Unnatural and natural gum resins did not have the drying and grinding stages. The alcohol-aqueous (33%)extract was obtained by masuration and the solvent was removed by rotary evaporator at low temperature and vaccum condition. The essential oil was extracted by water and steam distillation. Its antinociceptive effect was investigated in mice using hot plate method. Antibacterial effect was determined using paper disk method. The results suggest that the maximum antinociceptive effect (efficacy) of root and aerial parts extract was higher than morphine and maximum effect of unnatural and natural gum resins extract was equal to morphine. The maximum effect of essential oil and unnatural gum resin was less than morphine but potency of these preparations were less than morphine. The amount of microbial growth inhibition of all extracts was less than chloramphenicol (30 ;ug) on gram positive bacteria, but these extracts have not any growth inhibitory effect on gram negative baceria. These extracts inhibited fungus growth equal to nystatin (100units). "nThese results in conjunction with economic considerations suggest the usefulness of aerial parts of plant for medical treatment.
Refrigeration of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa L. seeds produces a crystalline substance. Its chemical behaviour, and ultra violet, infra red, proton magnetic resonance and mass spectral data show this substance to be thymohydroguinone. (This finding was confirmed by preparing the corresponding diacetate ester). The compound was found to have a strong antimicrobial effect against gram positive microorganisms.
The antibacterial activity of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds was studied against 37 isolates of Shigella dysenteriae 1, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei and Shigella boydii and 10 strains of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli. Most of the strains were clinically resistant to ampicillin, co-trimoxazole and tetracycline. All the strains tested showed promising sensitivity to the volatile oil. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the volatile oil for Shigella, Vibrio and Escherichia strains tested was between 50–400 μg/mL.
Refrigeration of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa L. seeds eventuates in a crystalline substance. The chemical structure of the compound was drawn from its chemical behaviour, as well as from its UV, IR, PMR and mass spectral data. The compound was found to be thymohydroquinone: confirmation of the structure was established via the preparation of its corresponding diacetate ester. The compound was found to have high antimicrobial effect against gram positive microorganisms
The active principle of Nigella sativa seeds containing certain fatty acids was studied for antitumour activities against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC), Dalton's lymphonia ascites (DLA) and Sarcoma-180 (S-180) cells. In vitro cytotoxic studies showed 50% cytotoxicity to Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, Dalton's lymphoma ascites and Sarcoma-180 cells at a concentration of 1.5 micrograms, 3 micrograms and 1.5 micrograms respectively with little activity against lymphocytes. The cell growth of KB cells in culture was inhibited by the active principle while K-562 cells resumed near control values on day 2 and day 3. Tritiated thymidine incorporation studies indicated the possible action of an active principle at DNA level. In vivo EAC tumour development was completely inhibited by the active principle at the dose of 2 mg/mouse per day x 10.
Filter paper discs impregnated with the diethyl ether extract of Nigella sativa seeds (25-400 micrograms extract/disc) caused concentration-dependent inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria represented by Staphylococcus aureus. Gram-negative bacteria represented by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli (but not Salmonella typhimurium) and a pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. The extract showed antibacterial synergism with streptomycin and gentamicin and showed additive antibacterial action with spectinomycin, erythromycin, tobramycin, doxycycline, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid, ampicillin, lincomycin and sulphamethoxyzole-trimethoprim combination. The extract successfully eradicated a non-fatal subcutaneous staphylococcal infection in mice when injected at the site of infection.