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This systematic review aims to investigate neurobiological changes related to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in anxiety disorders detected through neuroimaging techniques and to identify predictors of response to treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy modified the neural circuits involved in the regulation of negative emotions and fear extinction in judged treatment responders. The only study on predictors of response to treatment was regarding obsessive-compulsive disorder and showed higher pretreatment regional metabolic activity in the left orbitofrontal cortex associated with a better response to behavioral therapy. Despite methodological limitations, neuroimaging studies revealed that CBT was able to change dysfunctions of the nervous system.
Does Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy
Change the Brain? A
Systematic Review of
Neuroimaging in Anxiety
Patricia Ribeiro Porto, M.S.
Leticia Oliveira, Ph.D.
Jair Mari, Ph.D.
Eliane Volchan, Ph.D.
Ivan Figueira, Ph.D.
Paula Ventura, Ph.D.
This systematic review aims to investigate neuro-
biological changes related to cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT) in anxiety disorders detected
through neuroimaging techniques and to identify
predictors of response to treatment. Cognitive-
behavioral therapy modified the neural circuits
involved in the regulation of negative emotions
and fear extinction in judged treatment respond-
ers. The only study on predictors of response to
treatment was regarding obsessive-compulsive
disorder and showed higher pretreatment regional
metabolic activity in the left orbitofrontal cortex
associated with a better response to behavioral
therapy. Despite methodological limitations, neu-
roimaging studies revealed that CBT was able to
change dysfunctions of the nervous system.
(The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences 2009; 21:114–125)
Neuroscience has developed several methods to an-
alyze the cognitive function and potentiate the
understanding of the mental functioning of healthy and
mentally disordered individuals. The recent advances
in neuroimaging techniques have helped to increase the
understanding of the neuronal correlates of mental dis-
Psychological interventions can promote changes in
the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of patients. Can
we then say that the psychological treatment promotes
brain changes? Unfortunately, the biological mecha-
nisms related to psychotherapy are little known. On the
other hand, the arrival of neuroimaging techniques
make it possible to investigate the neurobiological con-
sequences of psychological treatment. Such investiga-
Received August 11, 2008; revised October 11, 2008; accepted October
17, 2008. Ms. Porto is affiliated with the Universidade Federal do Rio
de Janeiro in Brazil; Dr. Oliveira is affiliated with the Universidade
Federal Fluminense; Dr. Mari is affiliated with the Department of
Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Sa˜o Paulo Medical School,
Universidade Federal de Sa˜o Paulo (EPM-UNIFESP), in Brazil; Dr.
Volchan is affiliated with the Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas
Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IBCCF-UFRJ), in Bra-
zil; Dr. Figueira is affiliated with the Institute of Psychiatry, Univer-
sidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IPUB-FRJ), in Brazil; Dr. Ventura is
affiliated with the Institute of Psychology, Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro. Address correspondence to Patrı´cia Ribeiro Porto,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (e-mail).
Copyright © 2009 American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
114114 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009
tion is highly important, as a better understanding of
the brain mechanisms underlying therapy can promote
improvements in the therapeutic interventions as well
as increase our knowledge on the formation and main-
tenance of symptoms.
Elucidating the neural corre-
lates associated with symptom reductions has been the
subject of research aimed at the identification of the
biological mechanisms of psychotherapy.
points out in his work that behavioral therapy
offers an interesting perspective for integration with the
neuroscience field, since any intervention is connected
to a support of experimental and empirical research.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) proposes to treat
various mental disorders. The literature has reported
that CBT has treatment models with high efficacy
One of the basic assumptions of CBT is that feelings
and behaviors are largely influenced by the way the
situations are interpreted. It is believed that individuals
respond to the cognitive representations of the events,
instead of responding to the events themselves. Conse-
quently, they can process information in a way that
does not match their reality, characterizing the cogni-
tive distortions. Thus, the ways in which the facts are
construed play an important role in the formation and
maintenance of psychiatric disorders.
This systematic review aimed to investigate CBT-re-
lated neurobiological changes in anxiety disorders, de-
tected through neuroimaging techniques, and to iden-
tify predictors of response to treatment. By gathering
results of studies on the new findings in the area, we
can eventually contribute with knowledge for the in-
crease of therapy efficacy, either through the improve-
ment of new therapeutic strategies or through the po-
tentialization with drugs that facilitate the basic
mechanisms of action. The understanding of the under-
lying neurobiological mechanism can eventually aid in
the choice of the most indicated treatment for a partic-
ular patient.
An electronic search was carried out on January 26,
2007, in the following databases: PubMed, PsychInfo,
and Web of Science. The search strategies used are
available upon request. Searches were also performed
from the references of the systematic review articles on
neurobiological changes and psychotherapy.
We included studies that evaluated neurobiological
changes due to CBT through neuroimaging techniques
and studies that involved adult patients with anxiety
disorders. We excluded studies that used concomitant
treatment besides CBT in the same sample of patients.
Moreover, articles that dealt with subclinical anxiety
were excluded. The outcome measures studied were
the neurobiological changes resulting from CBT, as-
sessed through neuroimaging techniques. Thirteen
studies were found: five on patients with obsessive-
compulsive disorder (OCD), three on posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), two on specific phobia, two on
panic disorder, and one on social phobia. No studies
were found for generalized anxiety disorder. Three
studies were excluded because the patients were
treated concomitantly with psychotherapy and medica-
tion (one from the OCD group and two from the post-
traumatic stress disorder group). Thus, 10 articles met
the selection criteria of this systematic review.
Changes Related To CBT in Anxiety Disorders
Nine of the 10 studies identified provided data as to the
first objective of this work—studies assessing the neu-
robiological changes of CBT detected through neuroim-
aging techniques (Table 1).
Studies with Spider Phobia Cognitive behavioral ther-
apy has been shown to be effective to reduce symptoms
of specific phobia.
The neuroimaging studies in CBT
were conducted by Paquette et al.
and Straube et al.
Both studies used the paradigm of symptom provoca-
tion and functional magnetic resonance (fMRI).
In their 2003 study, Paquette et al.
evaluated the
subjects with fMRI before and after CBT treatment. The
participants of the study comprised of 12 women with
spider phobia and a comparison group of 13 women
without history of neurological or psychiatric disease
and absence of anxiety response to spider exposure.
The treatment with CBT consisted of the gradual expo-
sure to spiders and cognitive restructuring. All subjects
responded successfully to the therapy.
The neuroimaging findings showed that before the
treatment, phobic patients presented significantly acti-
vated dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and parahippocam-
pal gyrus. The findings after CBT treatment showed
that there was no significant activation of these struc-
PORTO et al.
115J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009 115
tures in the phobic subjects. The absence of activation of
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and parahippocampal
gyrus after CBT demonstrated for the authors strong
support to the hypothesis that CBT reduces phobic
avoidance through the extinction of the contextual fear
learned in the hippocampal/parahippocampal region
and reduces the dysfunctional and catastrophic
thoughts in the prefrontal cortex. Therefore, the process
of extinction would be able to prevent reactivation of
traumatic memories, allowing the phobic subject to
modify his or her perception of stimuli which evoked
fear before the treatment. With the modification of stim-
ulus perception, it ceases to be a threat, and this cogni-
tive restructuring could inhibit the activation of brain
regions previously associated with a phobic reaction.
Straube et al.
performed another study of symptom
provocation using fMRI. They also investigated the
neurobiological effect of a successful therapeutic inter-
vention with CBT. The study included healthy as well
as phobic individuals on a waiting list. The phobic sub-
jects were scanned before and after CBT treatment.
Twenty-eight women with spider phobia and 14
healthy women took part in the study. The subjects
with spider phobia were randomly assigned to the ther-
apy group and comparison group on a waiting list. The
groups did not differ in phobia severity, age, or educa-
tional level. The CBT treatment consisted of gradual
exposure to spiders and cognitive restructuring. All of
the subjects in the therapy group responded success-
fully to the treatment.
The neuroimaging findings before the treatment
showed that only the phobic subjects displayed activa-
tion of the insula and anterior cingulate cortex, while
the activation of the amygdala was restricted to the
healthy control subjects. No activation of other areas
was found among the phobic groups.
The neuroimaging findings after the treatment
showed significant differences between the waiting list
TABLE 1. Neurobiological Changes Associated with CBT
Technique Neuroimaging Findings
Paquette et al.
Spider phobia fMRI After CBT there was significant activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
and parahippocampal gyrus regions.
Straube et al.
Spider phobia fMRI After treatment the CBT group displayed absence of activation of the anterior
ventral insula and failed to show any difference from the healthy control
Furmark et al.
Social phobia PET After treatment with CBT and citalopram, there was reduction of activities at
the temporal lobe regions, mainly at the right hemisphere. Decreased
activity at the right amygdala, hippocampus, rhinal activity, and
Farrow et al.
PTSD fMRI In the social cognition of empathy there was significant activation of the left
posterior and anterior medial temporal gyrus and posterior cingulate gyrus.
As for the forgiveness-related cognition, there was activation of the posterior
cingulate, medial frontal gyrus, posterior cingulate activation, medial frontal
gyrus, and left posterior medial temporal gyrus.
Baxter et al.
OCD PET After treatment the CBT and medication groups showed decreased activation
of the head of the right caudate nucleus.
Schwartz et al.
OCD PET After treatment the patients presented significant decrease of activation of the
right caudate nucleus. When the subjects of this study were combined with
those of the previous study (Baxter et al., 1992), they showed as well
reduced activation of the left caudate nucleus.
Brody et al.
OCD PET The higher metabolism of the left frontal orbital cortex before treatment was
associated with a better response to BT
Nakao et al.
OCD fMRI After treatment there was a decrease in the activation of the frontal orbital
Prasko et al.
Panic PET The increase of activity in the left hemisphere was mainly in the prefrontal,
temporoparietal and occipital regions. In the right hemisphere, in the
posterior cingulate. The decrease was predominant at the left hemisphere in
the frontal region, and at the right hemisphere in the frontal, temporal, and
parietal region.
Sakai et al.
Panic PET After treatment there was decrease in the metabolism at the right
hippocampus, left ventral anterior cingulate cortex, uvula, and pyramid of
the left cerebellum and pons. The increased metabolism was found in the
bilateral medial prefrontal region.
fMRIfunctional magnetic resonance imaging; PETpositron emission tomography; CBTcognitive behavior therapy; PTSDposttraumatic
stress disorder; OCDobsessive-compulsive disorder
116116 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009
group and the therapy group. The therapy group
showed absence of activation during symptom elicita-
tion in the anterior cingulate cortex and only a small
area of activation of the anterior ventral insula, while
the waiting group displayed marked responses bilater-
ally in the insula and anterior cingulate cortex. The
therapy group did not show any significant difference
from the healthy comparison subjects, while the waiting
list patients showed more activation of the right insula
and anterior cingulate cortex.
Straube et al.
showed that the processing of phobic
threat is associated with increased activation of the in-
sula and anterior cingulate cortex in subjects with spe-
cific phobia. It is important to highlight that successful
CBT led to reduction of hyperactivity in these regions.
Consequently, the subjects in the therapy group, as
compared to those of the waiting list, showed attenua-
tion of phobic symptoms and reduction of the activity
of the insula and anterior cingulate cortex during the
second neuroimaging scan.
The neuroanatomic functioning associated with the
symptoms of spider phobia is not clear. While Paquette
et al.
pointed to the participation of the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus in the
processing of phobic fear, Straube et al.
do not sup-
port this hypothesis. This discrepancy between the find-
ings merits further investigation. Both studies did not
find evidence of the involvement of the amygdala in the
processing of fear stimulus of the subjects with phobia,
but in the research by Straube et al.
the healthy com-
parison subjects presented activation of the amygdala.
Although Paquette and Straube obtained distinct re-
sults for the brain areas involved before the treatment,
the CBT in both studies proved to be capable of reduc-
ing the symptoms and modifying the possible dysfunc-
tional neuronal circuits after the treatment.
Studies with Social Phobia The neurofunctional changes
associated with the reduction of social anxiety in pa-
tients submitted to CBT treatment were investigated by
Furmark et al.
through PET. The only existing study
on social phobia used the paradigm of emotional acti-
vation. The research also had the aim of exploring
whether the brain change was associated with the long-
term results of the treatment.
Eighteen individuals who fulfilled the criteria for di-
agnosis of social phobia according to DSM-IV partici-
pated in the study. The participants were sorted accord-
ing to symptom severity, age, and gender, and then
randomized for treatment with citalopram, CBT, and
waiting list; each group comprised six participants. The
CBT group used techniques of exposure, cognitive re-
structuring, and homework.
The gravity of the symptoms of social phobia was
significantly reduced after 9 weeks, both in the CBT and
citalopram groups, while the waiting-list group did not
show any improvement. There was no statistical differ-
ence between the CBT and citalopram groups concern-
ing treatment outcome.
The therapeutic effect on regional blood flow was
assessed by contrasting the task of speaking in public
before and after the treatment in each group. Thus, the
improvement of social anxiety was associated with sig-
nificant reduction of the response of regional blood
flow bilaterally in the amygdala, hippocampus, and
median and anterior temporal cortex, including the en-
torhinal, perirhinal, parahippocampal, and periamyg-
daloid areas both for the CBT and citalopram groups.
There was no significant alteration in the regional blood
flow in the waiting-list group. The CBT and citalopram
groups differed only in the perfusion of the right thal-
amus, which presented a greater increase in the citalo-
pram group.
The study showed that the degree of reduction of the
limbic response with the treatment is associated with
the long-term clinical outcome. The decrease in the re-
sponse of the brain blood flow in the amygdala, peri-
aqueductal gray matter, and left thalamus can indicate
which patients show greater improvement in an inter-
val of 1 year. Thus, favorable results at 1-year follow-up
were associated with greater attenuation of the subcor-
tical blood flow response while speaking in public.
In their discussion, Furmark et al.
reported that the
amygdala and the hippocampus are structures related
to the conditioning of aversive stimuli in individuals
with social phobia. These structures, together with the
rhinal, parahippocampal, and periamygdaloid would
form an alarm system that can be activated by threat-
ening stimuli. The reduction of the activity in the amyg-
dala-hippocampal region and adjacent cortex can be
important mechanisms through which both pharmaco-
logical and psychotherapeutic treatments could exert an
anxiolytic effect.
The study concluded that the neural sites of activa-
tion for the treatment with citalopram and CBT in social
anxiety converge to the amygdala, hippocampus, and
adjacent cortical areas, possible representing a common
way in the successful treatment of anxiety. The attenu-
PORTO et al.
117J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009 117
ation of the activity in the amygdalar and limbic region
with the treatment was associated with a favorable
long-term result and can be a prerequisite for clinical
Studies with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder No neuroim-
aging studies were found with a focus on CBT in iso-
lation evaluating the correlation between improvement
of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and
the brain areas involved in this disorder. Nevertheless,
Farrow et al.
investigated the effects of PTSD, unre-
lated to combat, on the physiology of social cognition.
According to them, PTSD symptoms could affect the
processing of social and emotional cognition. These
changes could attenuate brain activation in the areas
related to social cognition, specifically the ability to for-
give and empathize, and for the authors CBT could
regularize this brain activation. In a previous study,
Farrow et al.
showed that the ability to forgive and
empathize in healthy subjects was related to activation
of the following areas: left medial prefrontal cortex, left
anterior medial temporal gyrus, left inferior frontal gy-
rus, orbital frontal gyrus, and posterior cingulate gy-
In the 2005 study,
Farrow et al. evaluated whether
CBT could regularize the activation of these areas in-
volved with the physiology of social cognition (the abil-
ity to forgive and empathy) in individuals with PTSD,
as described in the 2001
report. The participants un-
derwent fMRI before and after treatment with the par-
adigm of evaluation for social cognition of empathy and
forgiveness. Thirteen subjects who fulfilled the criteria
of the DSM-IV for PTSD participated in the trial. The
patients presented significant reduction of PTSD symp-
The main finding was that after the treatment, the
PTSD patients experienced symptom improvement ac-
companied by increased brain activity in areas which
were previously related to social cognition.
cally, there was an increase in the activation of the left
medial temporal gyrus in response to the paradigm of
empathy. The same process occurred with the posterior
cingulate gyrus, which had its activation increased in
response to the condition of forgiveness after the treat-
ment. From this study Farrow et al.
concluded that
CBT can promote changes in the brain area.
Studies with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Three stud-
ies were identified evaluating the neurobiological ef-
fects of CBT in patients with OCD. Baxter et al.
Schwartz et al.
used PET, and Nakao et al.
the patients through fMRI.
Baxter et al.
investigated the changes in brain me-
tabolism resulting from the treatment with behavioral
therapy and fluoxetine in OCD through FDG-PET.
Eighteen OCD patients took part in the study, with each
treatment group containing nine participants, and the
method of allocation was based on the preference of
subjects. The group of healthy control subjects was
composed of four participants. All patients were
scanned at rest.
In the fluoxetine group there were comorbidities with
cyclothymic disorder, panic disorder, Tourette’s disor-
der, and social phobia. In the behavioral therapy group
there were comorbidities with cyclothymic disorder,
panic disorder, and agoraphobia.
The behavioral therapy utilized techniques of expo-
sure with prediction of response which was individu-
alized for each patient. The exposures and predictions
of response were facilitated by cognitive techniques.
None of the patients in the therapy group took medi-
cation during the study, but six patients participated in
group therapy for OCD.
The participants presented improvement of symp-
toms both in the fluoxetine and in the behavioral ther-
apy group. The neuroimaging findings after treatment
showed decrease of the right anterior cingulate and left
thalamus in the fluoxetine group who responded to the
treatment. The head of the right caudate nucleus pre-
sented a significant decrease in both treatments.
Baxter et al.
concluded that the glucose metabolism
of the head of the right caudate nucleus was changed in
the patients treated successfully with both behavioral
therapy and fluoxetine. There was a significant correla-
tion of activity of the orbital cortex with the caudate
nucleus and the thalamus before the treatment in pa-
tients who responded. This correlation disappeared af-
ter the success of the treatment.
In a subsequent study, the same research group
investigated through PET neurobiological changes in
patients with OCD before and after behavioral therapy.
The aim of that study was to replicate the previous
findings with an independent sample and increase the
sample of subjects whose results could be combined
with those treated with behavioral therapy in the first
The results of the first study
corroborate the idea
that the pathological activity of the cortical-striate-tha-
118118 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009
lamic circuit could be responsible for the brain media-
tion of both fixed, repetitive thoughts and the behaviors
observed in OCD. Also, the effective treatment could
reestablish the functioning of the head of the caudate
nucleus of selecting if a particular stimulus will activate
the psychopathology-related circuit.
The nine participants of the subsequent study were
analyzed separately and with the nine subjects of the
first study by Baxter et al.
The patients did not have
comorbidities with other axis I pathologies, which dif-
fered from the sample from the first study;
the treatment with behavioral therapy was similar to
the first study. Six patients responded to the treatment.
Schwartz et al.
replicated the previous findings of
significant decrease of the activity of the right caudate
nucleus in those who responded to therapy. When the
patients of the subsequent study were combined with the
patients of the first study, including those with good or
little response to therapy, the right caudate nucleus pre-
sented a statistically significant decrease after the treat-
ment. The information of the new patients combined with
those of the old patients shows that the left caudate nu-
cleus also displayed a significant change after treatment in
those who responded to the therapy. It is important to
highlight that in the first study, with a smaller sample, the
left caudate nucleus did not show any significant differ-
ence between responders and nonresponders.
Schwartz et al.
concluded that the results of this
study replicated those of the first study,
presenting a
significant change in the metabolic activity of the right
caudate, which was normalized after effective behav-
ioral therapy. This change was not observed in the pa-
tients who did not respond to treatment. When the
participant data from the first study were combined
with the participant data from the subsequent study, it
was possible to demonstrate a statistically significant
pretreatment correlation between the right orbital gy-
rus, caudate nucleus, and the thalamus, which de-
creases after effective treatment. In the previous study,
similar results were found with a sample treated with
behavioral therapy or fluoxetine. The finding that these
effects can be demonstrated following effective treat-
ment only with behavioral therapy (without using med-
ication) and that the correlation between regions is not
observed in healthy control subjects, suggests that the
association of activity between elements of the cortical-
striate-thalamic circuit may be related to expression of
OCD symptoms.
Nakao et al.,
in order to understand the pathophys-
iology of OCD, also evaluated the regional brain
changes through fMRI before and after treatment with
behavioral therapy and medication, using the paradigm
of symptom elicitation and cognitive tasks.
Ten patients with OCD participated in the study.
Patients with comorbid axis I disorders, neurological
disease, head injury, serious medical condition, history
of drug or alcohol use, or IQ below 80 evaluated by the
WAIS, were excluded from the study.
Ten patients were randomly assigned to receive flu-
voxamine (n4) or behavioral therapy (n6). After
treatment the clinical symptoms in both groups were
significantly reduced; two patients in the medication
group did not show any improvement.
Concerning the neuroimaging findings, the patients
presented activation of the left orbital frontal cortex,
temporal cortex, and parietal cortex during the task of
symptom provocation before the treatment. After the
treatment, the patients showed decrease of the activa-
tion in the orbital frontal cortex.
The study concluded that the hyperactivation of the
circuits involved in the symptomatic expression of
OCD, namely, orbital frontal cortex, anterior cingulate
gyrus and basal ganglia, can decrease with symptom
improvement. However, it is important to underscore a
limitation of the study concerning the analysis of brain
change. Due to the small number of participants, it was
not possible to analyze separately the patterns of brain
activation resulting from the intervention with behav-
ioral therapy and with fluvoxamine.
Studies with Panic Disorder Two studies were per-
formed investigating the neurobiological substrates of
CBT in patients with panic disorder through PET.
Prasko et al.
submitted resting subjects to PET scans
before and after treatments with CBT and medication.
All of the patients were without medication for at least
2 weeks before the first [
F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-
PET procedure.
Twelve patients fulfilling the criterion for panic dis-
order with or without agoraphobia according to the
DSM-IV participated in the study. Ten of the 12 patients
suffered from agoraphobia. No other comorbidity was
diagnosed. The patients were randomly distributed into
the two treatment groups. The patients of both groups
did not show any significant difference in symptom
severity at the beginning of the study. The CBT and
medication groups were composed of six individuals.
The exclusion criterion included score above 15 on the
PORTO et al.
119J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009 119
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), preg-
nancy, having used psychotropic medication for the last
2 weeks, and suffering from serious physical disease or
other psychiatric disorder other than panic and agora-
The CBT treatment consisted of psychoeducation,
cognitive restructuring, training of diaphragmatic
breathing and relaxation, and interoceptive and in vivo
exposure. The medication group was treated with 3
months of antidepressants. All of the patients con-
cluded the study. The participants in both groups pre-
sented significant symptom reduction following the
Prasko et al.
concluded that both treatments were
effective regarding panic symptoms. The changes of
brain metabolism in the cortical regions were similar for
both treatments. The increased activity of the brain me-
tabolism in the left hemisphere was mainly at the pre-
frontal, temporoparietal, and occipital regions and pos-
terior cingulate. The decrease was predominantly at the
left hemisphere of the frontal region, and at the right
hemisphere of the frontal, temporal, and parietal re-
gion. No changes were observed in the metabolic activ-
ity of subcortical areas. The results of the study indicate
that both CBT and antidepressant treatments can acti-
vate the temporal cortical processing.
Sakai et al.
also used FDG-PET to investigate the
changes in the use of regional brain glucose associated
with anxiety reduction after CBT treatment. The au-
thors worked on the hypothesis that regions above the
amygdala such as the medial prefrontal cortex, anterior
cingulate cortex, and hippocampus could be modulated
in the patients who responded to CBT. Also, the amyg-
dala bilaterally, hippocampus, thalamus, midbrain,
caudal pons, medulla, and cerebellum would present
an increase in glucose uptake at the baseline condition
before the treatment and would have a reduction of this
activation after treatment. According to the authors,
these regions would be part of the “neurocircuit of
Twelve patients who fulfilled the criteria for panic
disorder of the DSM-IV and who had not used fluox-
etine and CBT prior to the study participated in the
study. The participants had comorbidity with agora-
phobia. Individuals with the following comorbidities
were excluded from the study: major depression, bipo-
lar disorder, schizophrenia, social phobia, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder,
generalized anxiety, suicide risk, substance abuse, per-
sonality disorder, and physical disease (unspecified in
the study). The first PET scan was performed before the
treatment with CBT and the second was performed
after the treatment. The individuals remained at rest
during the performance of the procedure.
CBT treatment consisted of psychoeducation, muscle
relaxation training, breathing control, in vivo exposure,
attention control technique, self-instruction, self-rein-
forcement, thought stopping, and cognitive restructur-
ing. Eleven of the 12 patients responded to the treat-
ment. The patient who continued to suffer panic attacks
after CBT treatment was excluded from the second neu-
roimaging procedure.
The neuroimaging findings after CBT showed de-
creased metabolism in the right hippocampus, left ven-
tral anterior cingulate cortex, left cerebellum, and pons.
The increased regional brain glucose metabolism was
found at the prefrontal medial region bilaterally.
The PET results following successful CBT treatment
evidenced that the level of glucose uptake in the right
hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, and left ventral
cingulate cortex was modulated by the treatment. The
findings are consistent with the hypothesis that regions
above the amygdala can be adaptively modulated in
patients who respond to CBT. Thus, Sakai et al.
cluded that improvement in panic symptoms through
CBT can promote brain effects.
Prediction Factors of Treatment Response
Only one of the identified studies presented data con-
cerning the second objective of this review—to identify
response predictors (Table 1).
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Brody et al.
used FDG-
PET to investigate if the metabolic activity of regions
previously associated with OCD symptoms could pre-
dict the response to behavioral therapy. Twenty-seven
patients participated in the study. All of them fulfilled
criteria for OCD. All subjects were scanned at rest be-
fore the behavioral therapy or fluoxetine treatment. At
the time of the procedure no subjects were taking med-
ication. The method of allocation was based on the
preference of the subjects.
The behavioral therapy group was composed of 18
participants and the medication group had nine partic-
ipants. In the medication group the participants had
comorbidities such as cyclothymic disorder, panic dis-
order, Tourette’s syndrome, and social phobia. In the
behavioral therapy group there was comorbidity with
120120 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009
cyclothymic disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.
In both groups the pretreatment metabolism of the left
frontal orbital cortex was correlated with the percentage
of decrease in the Yale-Brown Obsessions-Compulsions
Scale (Y-BOCS). In the therapy group it was found that
the higher metabolism at the pretreatment left frontal
orbit was associated with a significant improvement in
the Y-BOCS score. In the medication group, on the con-
trary, a lower pretreatment metabolism at the left fron-
tal orbital cortex was associated with a significant im-
provement in the Y-BOCS.
The study
concluded that a higher pretreatment
metabolism at the left frontal orbital cortex was associ-
ated with a better response to treatment with behavioral
therapy. On the contrary, a lower metabolic activity at
the left frontal orbital cortex was associated with a bet-
ter response to fluoxetine treatment. The results of both
groups of behavioral therapy and medication suggest
that OCD patients with particular models of brain me-
tabolism can respond preferentially to a particular type
of treatment.
In their discussion, Brody et al.
point out that the
functions ascribed to the frontal orbital cortex could
explain why a higher metabolism at this region predicts
a better response to behavioral therapy. Among the
functions of the frontal orbital cortex they highlight
which could be related to the findings of the study.
First, the frontal orbital cortex is important to mediate
behavioral responses in situations in which the affective
value of the stimulus can change; and second, this area
seems to have an important role in the mediation of
extinction. In a successful treatment with behavioral
therapy, the patients experience a change in the affec-
tive value that they used to ascribe to the stimulus and
thus extinguish compulsions. Consequently, for Brody
et al.,
the subjects with a higher pretreatment metab-
olism at the frontal orbital cortex would be more capa-
ble of changing the attribution of affective value to the
stimulus and thus would be more capable of extin-
guishing the compulsive responses. Therefore, these
abilities would allow a better response to behavioral
This systematic review aimed to investigate CBT-re-
lated neurobiological changes in anxiety disorders, de-
tected through neuroimaging techniques, and to iden-
tify predictors of response to treatment. Although the
number of studies considered in this review is small,
they demonstrate that CBT is able to modify the dys-
functional neural activity related to anxiety disorders in
the patients who responded to treatment. Such result
confirms previous reviews of psychotherapy and neu-
but the present review differs from the
previous ones as it focus solely on CBT and anxiety
The studies by Straube et al.
and Furmark et al.
included in their methodology the randomization of
patients for CBT and waiting-list group, thus evidenc-
ing that the neurobiological changes in the therapy
group were a result of the CBT interventions rather
than an effect of the passing of the time. The neuroim-
aging findings in studies by Paquette et al.,
Baxter et
and Schwartz et al.
revealed that after treatment
the patients presented activation similar to healthy
comparison subjects.
As for the second aim of this review, the identifica-
tion of treatment response predictors, Brody et al.
reported important results. They showed that OCD pa-
tients with particular patterns of brain metabolism can
respond preferentially to a particular type of treatment.
This is because the patients who responded to behav-
ioral therapy presented a higher metabolism at the left
frontal orbital cortex before the treatment. On the other
hand, the lower metabolic activity at the left frontal
orbital cortex was associated with better response to
fluoxetine treatment. It should be highlighted that only
one study was found concerning response prediction.
The lack of studies about response prediction highlights
the importance of future research in this area. The iden-
tification of treatment response predictors has great
clinical importance, as knowledge of the pretreatment
brain metabolism can eventually aid in the choice of the
most indicated intervention for a given patient.
A particularly interesting aspect of the present re-
view concerns the neuroimaging findings resulting
from CBT treatment versus medication, revealing a
common way of brain modification. Therefore, it sug-
gests that psychotherapy with CBT and drug therapy
may act in similar brain circuits.
Furmark et al.
pointed that the neural regions related to treatment
with citalopram and CBT in social phobia converge to
the amygdala, hippocampus, and adjacent cortical ar-
eas, and possibly mean a common way in the successful
treatment of social anxiety. Baxter et al.
detected in-
creased glucose metabolism in the right caudate nu-
PORTO et al.
121J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009 121
cleus in patients with OCD. After treatment with fluox-
etine and behavioral therapy, the neuroimaging studies
revealed decreased activity at this region in both treat-
ments. Finally, Prasko et al.,
studying patients with
panic symptoms, concluded that treatment with CBT
and with antidepressants can activate the cortical tem-
poral processing.
The study by Farrow et al.
stands out because of its
distinct methodology. It proposed to identify the brain
areas involved with social cognition in PTSD patients—
specifically, the ability to forgive and experience empa-
thy—and found attenuated activation of the related ar-
eas with the referred cognitive processes. It may be
speculated that numbing symptoms related to the
group could impair such abilities as empathy and for-
giveness, as the individuals have difficulty feeling such
emotions as intimacy and tenderness and feel discon-
nected from themselves. The study by Farrow et al.
showed that CBT can help in the remission of PTSD
symptoms as well as promote the activation of brain
areas related to social cognition of empathy and for-
giveness. In their meta-analysis study, Etkin and Wa-
underscore that PTSD is a more complex disorder
than the other anxiety disorders, specifically social and
specific phobia. This is because the patients with PTSD
displayed a pattern of activation and hypoactivation
that differed from those of other pathologies. The re-
sults revealed more frequent hyperactivity in the insula
and amygdala in patients with social and specific pho-
bia than in PTSD patients. Also, only patients with
PTSD displayed hypoactivation of the dorsal and ros-
tral anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cor-
tex. For the authors, PTSD may be related to a dysfunc-
tion in the system of emotional regulation in which fear
by itself is only an element of this system, while social
and specific phobia would be related to a stage of in-
tense fear and therefore would present greater activity
of the insula and amygdala.
It should be mentioned that the heterogeneity of the
studies presented here limits the possibility of direct
comparison (Table 2). In many of them, such as Baxter
et al.,
Schwartz et al.,
and Brody et al.,
the therapeutic modality was referred to as behavioral
therapy, in the description of strategies there was ref-
erence to cognitive techniques, suggesting that it was
CBT. The different number of sessions also made it
difficult to compare them. The neuroimaging methods
in the studies were also different, as four studies used
fMRI and six used PET. Other considerations must be
made as for the methods of the studies. Some studies
used control groups while others did not. For evalua-
tion of neurobiological alterations, three types of exper-
imental paradigms were used—symptom provocation,
cognitive tasks performance, and testing at rest. Most
importantly, all the reviewed studies are small in sam-
ple size. This limitation restricts statistical power, en-
hances false negative results, and therefore has limited
generalizability. To elucidate differences in brain
changes resulting from cognitive behavior therapy, a
larger number of patients must be examined before and
after treatment. Further studies in this area need to be
undertaken. Nakao et al.,
for instance, carried out a
study with OCD patients, where the patterns of brain
activation resulting from the comparison between be-
havioral therapy and fluvoxamine could not be statis-
tically analyzed separately, due to the small number of
participants. However, Schwartz et al.
combined re-
sults from a previous study
and were able to replicate
the original findings. Despite these acknowledged lim-
itations, it can be concluded that CBT may indeed pro-
mote neurobiological changes.
The investigation of changes in brain activity resulting
from therapy is a new area of research which has major
implications for better understanding the mechanisms of
formation and maintenance of symptoms. Moreover, they
can help reveal the biological mechanisms associated with
the improvement of symptoms due to successful CBT
treatment. After an analysis of studies we could propose
plans for the performance of new clinical trials which can
answer questions on neurobiological changes and psycho-
therapy. The methodology of studies should include ran-
domized comparison groups for waiting list and a placebo
group. We would thus have more evidence that the brain
changes that occurred would be due to interventions with
While Etkin and Wager
in their meta-analysis of struc-
tures related to disorders of specific and social phobia and
PTSD found a common route for anxiety that would be
the hyperactivation of the amygdala and insula, in the
present systematic review we did not find such a model of
activation. Possibly, this different result is related to the
small number of studies that met the criteria for our re-
view. Consequently, the inconsistency of results indicates
the need for future research. However, the studies in-
cluded in our systematic review pointed out in their neu-
roimaging findings structures that participated both in the
brain circuits involved with extinction and in those in-
volved with cognitive regulation of emotion. The results
122122 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009
TABLE 2. Methodology of Studies
Spider Phobia Social Phobia PTSD OCD Panic
Paquette et al.
Straube et al.
Furmark et al.
Farrow et al.
Baxter et al.
Schwartz et al.
Brody et al.
Nakao et al.
Prasko et al.
Sakai et al.
Healthy comparison
group 13 subjects 14 subjects 4 subjects 4 subjects
Comparison waiting-
list group 12 subjects 6 subjects
group 6 subjects 9 subjects 9 subjects 4 subjects 6 subjects
Therapy group 12 subjects 13 subjects 6 subjects 13 subjects 9 subjects 9 subjects 18 subjects 6 subjects 6 subjects 12 patients
method Random Random Subject
preference Subject
preference Random Random
Experiment Symptom
provocation Symptom
provocation Symptom
provocation Social
Rest Rest Rest Symptom
Rest Rest
Number of
sessions 4 sessions 2 sessions 8 sessions 4-10 sessions 8-24 sessions 8-24 sessions 8-24 sessions 12 sessions 20 sessions 10 sessions
fMRIfunctional magnetic resonance imaging; PETpositron emission tomography; BTbehavioral therapy; CBTcognitive behavior therapy; PTSDposttraumatic stress
disorder; OCDobsessive-compulsive disorder
PORTO et al.
123J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009 123
showed that CBT especially regulated the dysfunctional
neural circuits involved with the regulation of negative
emotions and fear extinction.
The literature shows that many mental disorders are
involved with the inability to control fear
and diffi-
culty in regulating negative emotions.
These data sug-
gest that the conditioning of fear and the difficulty in
regulating emotions play a major role in the formation
and maintenance of anxiety disorders. Mocaiber et al.
highlight the research on neural circuits of extinction
which has an important clinical implication. This is be-
cause anxiety disorders are in part characterized by resis-
tance to the extinction of emotional reactions to anxiogenic
stimuli and by avoidance behaviors.
It is important to highlight that CBT treatment contains
specific techniques (exposure, distraction, and cognitive
restructuring) which allow both the extinction of condi-
tioned fear and the cognitive regulation of emotions.
Cognitive behavior therapy has proved to be effective
in the treatment of various mental disorders, although
the neurobiological effects of its action are little known.
CBT favors the restructuring of thought, modification of
feelings and behaviors, and promotes new learning.
Consequently it involves synaptic changes.
This re-
view had the aim of identifying the studies that have
proposed to understand the brain alterations resulting
from CBT. The investigation of changes in brain activity
resulting from successful CBT treatment allows us to
clarify the neural substrates underlying psychotherapy.
Neuroimaging studies provide a means to observe
and characterize changes in brain functioning related to
psychological and pharmacological interventions. Con-
sequently, to understand how individuals process a
stimulus can be an important piece of information for
therapeutic response.
The neuroscientific findings associated with the
neuroimaging studies can enhance our knowledge of
the neurobiological foundations of psychotherapies,
as well as improve interventions in order to increase
treatment efficacy.
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CME Calendar
To announce educational events in the CME Calendar,
please provide dates, location, sponsorship, number of CME
credits, and contact information. Mail announcements for
the Fall 2009 issue by August 15 to Katie Duffy, Staff
Editor, CME Calendar, The Journal of Neuropsychiatry
and Clinical Neurosciences, American Psychiatric
Publishing, Inc., 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825,
Arlington, VA 22209-3901.
November 7, 2009, 23rd Annual Epilepsy Update.
Sponsored by the Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona.
The program is intended for neurologists; physicians
in internal medicine, family practice and general
practice; physician assistants; and nurses who are
seeking a review or update in current clinical practice
of seizures and epilepsy management. An interactive
and didactic format allows utilization of an audience
response system for all case studies and
presentations. Each session will conclude with an
opportunity for participants to ask questions on the
cases discussed or present their own cases to the
faculty panel. For information, contact Staci King,
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, 13400 E. Shea Boulevard,
Scottsdale, AZ 85259; 480-301-4580.
PORTO et al.
125J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 21:2, Spring 2009 125
... therapy (CBT) exercises, and positive journaling, all of which have been documented to support mental well-being (Boiler et al., 2013;Porto et al., 2009;Smyth et al., 2018). ...
... Internet-based treatment protocols effectively delivered internationally attest to their cross-cultural applicability (Gentile et al., 2018). Similar to other mental training activities, regular engagement in CBT can measurably alter brain patterns by modifying dysfunctional neural activity related to various anxiety disorders (Porto et al., 2009). The usefulness of CBT can be expanded when it is considered as a mental hygiene practice. ...
Full-text available
To support population mental health, mental hygiene propounds a universal public recommendation. March 2022 was the inaugural mental hygiene challenge where community members were invited to spend 10 minutes a day throughout the month engaged in mental hygiene activities. The outcomes suggest daily mental hygiene supports mental well-being.
... Some scholars have found that trauma can affect empathy. Symptoms of post-traumatic numbness impair empathy, making it difficult for patients to experience intimacy and tenderness, and leading to negative emotional and cognitive changes [30]. The strong relationship between trauma, empathy, and emotion is clear, but causal evidence is lacking [31]. ...
Full-text available
Background This study explored the relationship between attention, negative emotions, empathy, mindfulness, and psychological trauma in catastrophic events to reduce psychological trauma in the public. Methods A total of 526 adults in Guangxi Province, China, were investigated using self-rating scales for post-traumatic stress disorder, emotion, and empathy, as well as a five-factor self-rating mindfulness scale and a catastrophic incident concern questionnaire. Results The results revealed the following: (1) Emotion significantly mediated attention and psychological trauma. (2) Empathy had a significant mediating effect on attention and psychological trauma. (3) Mindfulness moderated the relationship between negative emotions and psychological trauma, amplifying the impact of emotions on trauma rather than buffering it. Conclusions When people pay attention to catastrophic events, they should remain sensible and restrained, and avoid excessive emotional involvement to reduce the excessive psychological trauma caused by the event.
... Relating individual differences in brain function and structure as recorded by neuroimaging, e.g., anatomical, diffusion, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to phenotypic data such as cognitive performance, behaviors, and psychiatric symptoms is a fundamental pursuit of human neuroscience (1)(2)(3)(4). Identifying accurate brain-behavior relationships and generalizable neuroimaging biomarkers can elucidate the pathophysiology underlying psychiatric symptoms (5,6) and, in turn, point to neurobiological targets that inform treatment design, early interventions such as behavioral therapy or neurostimulation (7,8), and risk assessment for future symptom onset and recovery (9)(10)(11). An emerging approach to probing brain-behavior mapping is data-driven machine learning (ML) (4,12,13). ...
Full-text available
Despite the advantage of neuroimaging-based machine learning (ML) models as pivotal tools for investigating brain-behavior relationships in neuropsychiatric studies, these data-driven predictive approaches have yet to yield substantial, clinically actionable insights for mental health care. A notable impediment lies in the inadequate accommodation of most ML research to the natural heterogeneity within large samples. Although commonly thought of as individual-level analyses, many ML algorithms are unimodal and homogeneous and thus incapable of capturing the potentially heterogeneous relationships between biology and psychopathology. We review the current landscape of computational research targeting population heterogeneity and argue that there is a need to expand from brain subtyping and behavioral phenotyping to analyses that focus on heterogeneity at the relational level. To this end, we review and suggest several existing ML models with the capacity to discern how external environmental and sociodemographic factors moderate the brain-behavior mapping function in a data-driven fashion. These heterogeneous ML models hold promise for enhancing the discovery of individualized brain-behavior associations and advancing precision psychiatry.
... Finalmente, los fundamentos psicológicos detrás del TOC, particularmente los aspectos cognitivos y conductuales, proporcionan tanto un poder explicativo próximo como una teoría excelente para desarrollar intervenciones. Si bien es posible que tales intervenciones no aborden directamente la historia evolutiva ni cambien el genotipo, sí parecen tener un impacto masivo en la función del cerebro mismo (Porto et al., 2009;Saxena et al., 1998). Los cambios se han observado principalmente en la corteza pregenual cingulada anterior y en la corteza cingulada media anterior (O'Neill et al., 2012(O'Neill et al., , 2013. ...
Full-text available
Este capítulo detalla un modelo etiológico integral para comprender el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC). En él, cubrimos la biología (influencias evolutivas, genéticas, neuroquímicas y del funcionamiento del cerebro), el comportamiento, la cognición y las emociones. Estos se ilustran con un estudio de caso para unirlos a todos en un modelo biopsicosocial evolutivamente informado.
... Finally, the psychological underpinnings behind OCD, particularly the cognitive and behavioral aspects, provide both proximal explanatory power and excellent theory for developing interventions. While such interventions may not directly address evolutionary history or change one's genotype, they do appear to have a massive impact on the function of the brain itself (Porto et al., 2009;Saxena et al., 1998). These changes have been primarily observed in the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and anterior middle cingulate cortex (O'Neill et al., 2012(O'Neill et al., , 2013. ...
Full-text available
This chapter presents a comprehensive etiological model of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), integrating findings from cognitive, behavioral, biological, and evolutionary research to help understand why some people are prone to developing OCD.
... Mental processes like appraisal or evaluation, both automatized and deliberate, play an important role in depression (Hammen, 2018), anxiety (LeDoux & Pine, 2016;Newman et al., 2013), aggression (Allen et al., 2018;Benjamin et al., 2018), and drug use and addiction (Neighbors et al., 2019;Verdejo-Garcia et al., 2019). Likewise, mental construal is associated with successful treatment or recovery from depression or anxiety, as well as associated remodeling of brain function or even structure (Lissemore et al., 2018;Matsuda et al., 2019;Porto et al., 2009;Yoshino et al., 2018). The power of placebo or social bonds to enhance health is well-known (Ysseldyk et al., 2018). ...
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Psychopathology emerges from the dynamic interplay of physiological and mental processes and ecological context. It can be seen as a failure of recursive, homeostatic processes to achieve adaptive re-equilibrium. This general statement can be actualized with consideration of polygenic liability, early exposures, and multiunit (multi-"level") analysis of the psychological action and the associated physiological and neural operations, all in the context of the developmental exposome. This article begins by identifying key principles and clarifying key terms necessary to mental disorder theory. It then ventures a sketch of a model that highlights epigenetic dynamics and proposes a common pathways hypothesis toward psychopathology. An epigenetic perspective elevates the importance of developmental context and adaptive systems, particularly in early life, while opening the door to new mechanistic discovery. The key proposal is that a finite number of homeostatic biological and psychological mechanisms are shared across most risky environments (and possibly many genetic liabilities) for psychopathology. Perturbation of these mediating mechanisms leads to development of psychopathology. A focus on dynamic changes in these homeostatic mechanisms across multiple units of analysis and time points can render the problem of explaining psychopathology tractable. Key questions include the mapping of recursive processes over time, at adequate density, as mental disorders unfold across development. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).
... Patient-provider discussions of etiology may include neural vulnerabilities, such as amygdala reactivity (Stevens et al., 2017), among other contributing factors. Discussions regarding therapy mechanisms may draw on neuroscience evidence of neural plasticity, changes in the brain as a result of psychosocial treatment, and may include functional changes of neural processes associated with cognitive control and regulation of negative emotions (Porto et al., 2009;Ross et al., 2017). ...
... Despite having a Western origin, CBT has received global acceptance across cultures and been modified and customized by practitioners to overcome the challenges and suit local populations [3]. The efficacy of CBT is also documented through neurobiological changes in the brain [4]. But CBT may not be equally effective for all patients, and a sizeable percentage of patients do relapse in their symptoms. ...
Full-text available
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy for depression and anxiety [1] and has good indication in several mental ill health conditions, applied either solo or in combination with other forms of psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy [2]. Despite having a Western origin, CBT has received global acceptance across cultures and been modified and customized by practitioners to overcome the challenges and suit local populations [3]. The efficacy of CBT is also documented through neurobiological changes in the brain [4]. But CBT may not be equally effective for all patients, and a sizeable percentage of patients do relapse in their symptoms. The efficacy of CBT might get limited due to certain factors, including lack of understanding of the underlying mechanism of CBT both on part of therapist and patient along with cultural blocks
Full-text available
The present study aimed to assess the impact of the cognitive restructuring technique on reducing depression levels among infertile women. Research on this topic can encourage mental health professionals to consider integrating cognitive restructuring techniques to address negative thinking patterns and promote psychological well-being. A sample of 20 women was selected using a convenience sampling technique from the Muzaffargarh district. The research design was quantitative in nature. Assessment was conducted using the standardized Beck Depression Inventory. The experimental group received cognitive restructuring sessions facilitated by trained therapists over a specified duration. A quasi-experimental within-group design was used. Descriptive analysis was conducted to examine the characteristics of the respondents, and a paired sample t-test was used to compare pre- and post-test means. The results indicate a significant reduction in depression levels among infertile women following the cognitive restructuring intervention. These findings highlight the potential benefits of this technique in alleviating depression symptoms in this population. Further research is needed to strengthen the evidence base and enhance support for individuals experiencing infertility and depression.
Objective Adults with binge‐eating disorder (BED), compared with those without BED, demonstrate higher blood‐oxygen–level‐dependent (BOLD) response to food cues in reward‐related regions of the brain. It is not known whether cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can reverse this reward system hyperactivation. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) assessed changes in BOLD response to binge‐eating cues following CBT versus wait‐list control (WLC). Method Females with BED ( N = 40) were randomized to CBT or WLC. Participants completed assessments at baseline and 16 weeks including measures of eating and appetite and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure BOLD response while listening to personalized scripts of binge‐eating and neutral‐relaxing cues. Data were analyzed using general linear models with mixed effects. Results Overall retention rate was 87.5%. CBT achieved significantly greater reductions in binge‐eating episodes than WLC (mean ± standard error decline of 14.6 ± 2.7 vs. 5.7 ± 2.8 episodes in the past 28 days, respectively; p = 0.03). CBT and WLC did not differ significantly in changes in neural responses to binge‐eating stimuli during the fMRI sessions. Compared with WLC, CBT had significantly greater improvements in reward‐based eating drive, disinhibition, and hunger as assessed by questionnaires ( p s < 0.05). Discussion CBT was effective in reducing binge eating, but, contrary to our hypothesis, CBT did not improve BOLD response to auditory binge‐eating stimuli in reward regions of the brain. Further studies are needed to assess mechanisms underlying improvements with CBT for BED. Trial Registration identifier: NCT03604172
Full-text available
Emotion regulation represents a crucial ability for social interaction, guiding behavior and modulating emotional expression. Current essay reviews the available literature on emotion regulation, points out the different coping strategies and investigates the underlying neural network. Studies on cognitive reappraisal of emotion have noted a pattern of brain response characterized by the activation of the prefrontal cortex associated with the reduction of amygdala activity. A modulatory mechanism between these structures has been suggested. Recent work showed that psychotherapeutic approaches may modify the dysfunctional neural circuitry associated with psychiatric disorders. Results show that investigating the neurobiology of emotion regulation offers a potential repercussion on the understanding of the basis of psychiatric disorders, orienting the development of applied studies and improving their clinical relevance.
Full-text available
Previous functional brain imaging studies suggest that the ability to infer the intentions and mental states of others (social cognition) is mediated by medial prefrontal cortex. Little is known about the anatomy of empathy and forgiveness. We used functional MRI to detect brain regions engaged by judging others' emotional states and the forgivability of their crimes. Ten volunteers read and made judgements based on social scenarios and a high level baseline task (social reasoning). Both empathic and forgivability judgements activated left superior frontal gyrus, orbitofrontal gyrus and precuneus. Empathic judgements also activated left anterior middle temporal and left inferior frontal gyri, while forgivability judgements activated posterior cingulate gyrus. Empathic and forgivability judgements activate specific regions of the human brain, which we propose contribute to social cohesion.
Psychotherapy is used commonly to treat a variety of mental illnesses, yet surprisingly little is known about its biological mechanisms especially in comparison with pharmacotherapy. In this review we survey the current knowledge about changes in brain function following psychotherapeutic intervention that are detectable with current neuroimaging techniques. We also consider the possible role for neuroimaging in refining clinical diagnoses and predicting treatment outcome, which would benefit both clinical decision-making and the cognitive neuroscience of psychotherapy.
Conference Paper
Immediately after experiencing a traumatic event, many people have symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If trauma victims restrict their routine and systematically avoid reminders of the incident, symptoms of PTSD are more likely to become chronic. Several clinical studies have shown that programs of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective in the management of patients with PTSD. Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy-a specific form of exposure therapy-can provide benefits, as can stress inoculation training (SIT) and cognitive therapy (CT). PE is not enhanced by the addition of SIT or CT. PE therapy is a safe treatment that is accepted by patients, and benefits remain apparent after treatment programs have finished. Nonspecialists can be taught to practice effective CBT. For the treatment of large numbers of patients, or for use in centers where CBT has not been routinely employed previously, appropriate training of mental health professionals should be performed. Methods used for the dissemination of CBT to nonspecialists need to be modified to meet the requirements of countries affected by the Asian tsunami. This will entail the use of culturally sensitive materials and the adaptation of training methods to enable large numbers of mental health professionals to be trained together.
• We used positron emission tomography to investigate local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose (LCMRG1c) in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder before and after treatment with either fluoxetine hydrochloride or behavior therapy. After treatment, LCMRG1c in the head of the right caudate nucleus, divided by that in the ipsilateral hemisphere (Cd/hem), was decreased significantly compared with pretreatment values in responders to both drug and behavior therapy. These decreases in responders were also significantly greater than right Cd/hem changes in nonresponders and normal controls, in both of whom values did not change from baseline. Percentage change in obsessivecompulsive disorder symptom ratings correlated significantly with the percent of right Cd/hem change with drug therapy and there was a trend to significance for this same correlation with behavior therapy. By lumping all responders to either treatment, right orbital cortex/hem was significantly correlated with ipsilateral Cd/hem and thalamus/ hem before treatment but not after, and the differences before and after treatment were significant. A similar pattern was noted in the left hemisphere. A brain circuit involving these brain regions may mediate obsessivecompulsive disorder symptoms.
Background: An area of recent interest in psychiatric research is the application of neuroimaging techniques to investigate neural events associated with the development and the treatment of symptoms in a number of psychiatric disorders. Objective: To examine whether psychological therapies modulate brain activity and, if so, to examine whether these changes similar to those found with relevant pharmacotherapy in various mental disorders. Methods: Relevant data were identified from Pubmed and PsycInfo searches up to July 2005 using combinations of keywords including ‘psychological therapy’, ‘behaviour therapy’, ‘depression’, ‘panic disorder’, ‘phobia’, ‘obsessive compulsive disorder’, ‘schizophrenia’, ‘psychosis’, ‘brain activity’, ‘brain metabolism’, ‘PET’, ‘SPECT’ and ‘fMRI’. Results: There was ample evidence to demonstrate that psychological therapies produce changes at the neural level. The data, for example in depression, panic disorder, phobia and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), clearly suggested that a change in patients' symptoms and maladaptive behaviour at the mind level with psychological techniques is accompanied with functional brain changes in relevant brain circuits. In many studies, cognitive therapies and drug therapies achieved therapeutic gains through the same neural pathways although the two forms of treatment may still have different mechanisms of action. Conclusions: Empirical research indicates a close association between the ‘mind’ and the ‘brain’ in showing that changes made at the mind level in a psychotherapeutic context produce changes at the brain level. The investigation of changes in neural activity with psychological therapies is a novel area which is likely to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms for therapeutic changes across a range of disorders.
We sought to determine in a new patient sample whether symptomatic improvement in obsessive-compulsive disorder treated with behavior modification is accompanied by significant changes in glucose metabolic rates in the caudate nucleus, measured with positron emission tomography, as seen in a previous study. Second, by combining samples from this and the previous study, we also examined whether there were pathologic correlational relationships among brain activity in the orbital cortex, caudate nucleus, and thalamus that obtained before behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but that decreased significantly with symptom improvement. Nine patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder were studied with positron emission tomography before and after 10 weeks of structured exposure and response prevention behavioral and cognitive treatment. Results were analyzed both alone and combined with those from nine similar subjects from the previous study. Behavior therapy responders had significant (P < .05) bilateral decreases in caudate glucose metabolic rates that were greater than those seen in poor responders to treatment. Before treatment, there were significant correlations of brain activity between the orbital gyri and the head of the caudate nucleus and the orbital gyri and the thalamus on the right. These correlations decreased significantly after effective treatment. These results replicate and extend previous findings of changes in caudate nucleus function with behavior therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. A prefrontal cortico-striato-thalamic brain system is implicated in mediation of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Forty-two patients with spider phobia, fulfilling the DSM-III-R criteria for simple phobia, were assessed with behavioral, physiological and self-report measures. They were randomly assigned to two group treatment conditions: (1) small groups of three to four patients, and (2) large groups of seven to eight patients. They received one 3-hr session consisting of exposure and modeling. The results showed that both conditions yielded significant improvements on almost all measures, and these were maintained or furthered at the 1-yr follow-up. With one exception, there was no difference between the conditions, but on most measures there was a trend for the small group condition to yield better effects. The proportions of clinically significantly improved patients at post-treatment were 82% in the small group and 70% in the large group. At follow-up the corresponding figures were 95% and 75%, respectively. The conclusion that can be drawn is that one-session group treatment is a feasible alternative to individual treatment, yielding almost as good effects.
In subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), lower pre-treatment metabolism in the right orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and anterior cingulate gyrus (AC) has been associated with a better response to clomipramine. We sought to determine pre-treatment metabolic predictors of response to behavioral therapy (BT) vs. pharmacotherapy in subjects with OCD. To do this, [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scans of the brain were obtained in subjects with OCD before treatment with either BT or fluoxetine. A Step-Wise Variable Selection was applied to normalized pre-treatment glucose metabolic rates in the OFC, AC, and caudate by treatment response (change in Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale) in the larger BT group. Left OFC metabolism (normalized to the ipsilateral hemisphere) alone was selected as predicting treatment response in the BT-treated group (F = 6.07, d.f. = 1,17, P = 0.025). Correlations between normalized left OFC metabolism and treatment response revealed that higher normalized metabolism in this region was associated with greater improvement in the BT-treated group (tau = 0.35, P = 0.04), but worse outcome (tau = -0.57, P = 0.03) in the fluoxetine-treated group. These results suggest that subjects with differing patterns of metabolism preferentially respond to BT vs. medication.