Conference PaperPDF Available

Developing an effective inventory management system for a NGO medical mission

  • Health Analytics Network LLC
  • University of Illinois at Chicago Retired


Introduction: Medical Mission Trips operating health facilities in remote, underserved areas are dependent on healthcare professional teams to deliver care and medical supplies. Lack of resources, supplies, qualified personnel etc. create formidable logistical challenges in coordinating the supply and maintenance of necessary drugs, laboratory supplies, and durable medical goods required by visiting teams. Inadequate management of critical medical inventory may result in unavailability of indicated therapy, lower sensitivity of diagnoses, and general disruption of care. There is little discussion in literature about effectively managing inventory in under-developed countries. Therefore, we explored the challenges inherent to inventory management in a resource poor country with strategies to establish an inventory system to reduce waste, spoilage and duplication. Study Methods: This study involved literature review of existing pharmacy inventory management systems, Assessment of various systems for usability in Haiti and Adoption of a sustainable system. Results and Discussion: Little By Little, a nonprofit organization has provided basic healthcare and humanitarian services in Gramothe, Haiti since 2006. Since then, the organization has grown and many teams visit the village several times a year. In resource poor Haiti, our challenge was to implement a system that would help teams effectively manage their inventory. After looking at several, fairly expensive pharmacy inventory management systems in the US, we selected a relatively low-cost solution workable in Haiti. This study describes the system that was assessed to be the best fit for our needs and offers strategies useful for developing cost-appropriate, sustainable inventory solutions in resource poor Haiti.
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