Following the UN's declaration of the Cessation Clause in December 2011 with six months grace period, the Liberian refugees in Ghana on June 30th 2012, ceased to be refugees. Prior to the Cessation Clause, about 5,000 have been resettled in USA, Canada Australia, Norway and Holland after UNHCR assessed and recommended these individuals and receiving countries had the final say. The Declaration called for the refugees to either go home (voluntary repatriation, VOLREP) or locally integrate into Ghanaian society. Those who opted for VOLREP, received UNHCR's repatriation grant of
200/child. Upon arrival in Liberia, their government provides $75 across board (adult and child) for transportation to their destination. By 31st January 2013, about 6,000 had repatriated, 100 did not due to academic, health, or indecision by some former refugees, and 4,200 requested local integration. It reviews Ghana's refugee policy, refugees' medical records including HIV/AIDS and ARV therapy, and successive governments' actions in refugees' crisis management since the 1st batch of refugees arrived in Ghana in 1989. Finally, challenges and lessons learned in handling a refugee population from a high of 64,000 on a 141.09 acre land are discussed with recommendations using the study to address and contain future refugee issues and also inform policy in other refugee settings.