Introduction Suppose that G is a complex semisimple Lie group, that k is a field, and that R = R q [G] denotes the corresponding quantum function algebra (cf. [9, 2.2, 2.3; 10, 9.1.1]) with base field k(q). A classification of the prime and primitive ideals of R was obtained by Joseph [8, 9, 10], extending work of Hodges and Levasseur [4, 5]. Beginning with Joseph's description of the prime
... [Show full abstract] spectrum of R, a further analysis -- considering issues involving nonsplit R-module extensions -- was undertaken by Brown and Goodearl [2]. In particular, they proved that the prime spectrum of R is normally separated (i.e., if P 0 ( P 1 is a proper inclusion of prime ideals of R then there exists an element n 2 P 1