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Early to bed, early to rise! Sleep habits and academic performance in college students


Abstract and Figures

Prior studies have placed emphasis on the need for adequate total sleep time for student performance. We sought to investigate the relative importance of total sleep time compared to the timing of sleep and wakefulness for academic performance. We performed a questionnaire-based survey of college students in October 2007. The questionnaire gathered detailed information on sleep habits including naps, reasons for missing sleep, academic performance, study habits, time spent working outside of school, and stimulant use. Compared to those with the lowest academic performance, students with the highest performance had significantly earlier bedtimes (p = 0.05) and wake times (p = 0.008). Napping tended to be more common among high performers (p = 0.07). Of importance, there were no significant differences in total sleep time with or without naps, weekend sleep habits, study time, gender, race, reasons for staying up at night, nor in use of caffeinated beverages, over-the-counter stimulant pills, or use of prescription stimulants. Timing of sleep and wakefulness correlated more closely with academic performance than total sleep time and other relevant factors. These findings have important implications for programs intended to improve academic performance by targeting sleep habits of students.
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Early to bed, early to rise! Sleep habits and academic
performance in college students
Arne H. Eliasson &Christopher J. Lettieri &
Arn H. Eliasson
Received: 3 May 2009 / Revised: 13 June 2009 / Accepted: 24 June 2009 /Published online: 15 July 2009
#US Government 2009
Purpose Prior studies have placed emphasis on the need for
adequate total sleep time for student performance. We
sought to investigate the relative importance of total sleep
time compared to the timing of sleep and wakefulness for
academic performance.
Methods We performed a questionnaire-based survey of
college students in October 2007. The questionnaire
gathered detailed information on sleep habits including
naps, reasons for missing sleep, academic performance,
study habits, time spent working outside of school, and
stimulant use.
Results Compared to those with the lowest academic
performance, students with the highest performance had
significantly earlier bedtimes (p=0.05) and wake times (p=
0.008). Napping tended to be more common among high
performers (p=0.07). Of importance, there were no signif-
icant differences in total sleep time with or without naps,
weekend sleep habits, study time, gender, race, reasons for
staying up at night, nor in use of caffeinated beverages,
over-the-counter stimulant pills, or use of prescription
Conclusions Timing of sleep and wakefulness correlated
more closely with academic performance than total sleep
time and other relevant factors. These findings have
important implications for programs intended to improve
academic performance by targeting sleep habits of students.
Keywords Academic performance .Total sleep time .
Bed time .Wake time .Circadian rhythm
Habitual sleep patterns undergo substantial changes from
childhood to adolescence [1,2] and young adulthood [3].
These changes are characterized by progressive delay in the
sleep phase without a decrease in need for sleep (internal
factors) [4,5]. At the same time, schedules (external
factors) frequently require earlier wake times and lead to
shorter total sleep time (TST) [6,7]. Sleep debt accumu-
lated during the week often leads to prolonged sleep
periods or catch-up sleep on weekends causing severe
day-to-day irregularities of sleep patterns in adolescents and
young adults [8]. Insufficient sleep time, with associated
sleepiness, fatigue, and inattentiveness, has been identified
as a major cause of poor academic performance among high
school and college-aged students [911]. In fact, various
school districts have delayed their high school start times to
mitigate the effects of circadian sleep phase delay [12].
Even the US Congress has taken active interest in the issue
and has considered legislation known as ZstoAsto
encourage later school start times for adolescents [13].
The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and should not
to be construed as official or as reflecting the policies of either the
Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.
A. H. Eliasson
Scholars Program, Montgomery College,
Rockville, MD 20850, USA
C. J. Lettieri :A. H. Eliasson
Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine,
Department of Medicine, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
Washington, DC 20307-5001, USA
A. H. Eliasson (*)
Pulmonary Service, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,
12515 Davan Drive,
Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA
Sleep Breath (2010) 14:7175
DOI 10.1007/s11325-009-0282-2
While it is clear that insufficient sleep is a major factor
governing mood, alertness, concentration, learning, and
ultimately performance in the academic environment [14],
the precise role of sleep quantity versus the impact of
circadian rhythms on performance remains ill-defined. We
sought to clarify the roles of TST and circadian rhythm on
academic performance among young adults by surveying a
population of college students.
Study sample and setting
In October 2007, we conducted a questionnaire-based
survey of students at the main campus of Montgomery
College, a community college in a northern suburb of
Washington, DC with enrollment of 60,000 full- and part-
time students. The college is ethnically and culturally
diverse with student body composition of Caucasian
(40%), African-American (28%), Asian (16%), and His-
panic (16%). Age distribution data show 41% of students
are 20 years old or younger, 35% age 21 to 29, and 24%
age 30 or older. The student body is 55% female and 45%
Members of the teaching faculty distributed a two-page
questionnaire by hand to all students present in their classes
over a 2-day period. These faculty members informed their
students that participation was anonymous and voluntary.
Students were given the questionnaire to complete during
class time for expeditious collection. The classes incorpo-
rated a cross-section of curriculum offerings, such as:
biology, history, English, astronomy, and art. The number
of questionnaires distributed and collected was tallied by
the principle investigator. Approval of this research was
granted by the colleges Institutional Review Board.
Survey instrument
The principle investigator, three college professors, and two
physicians board-certified in sleep medicine constituted a
panel to develop the research questionnaire. Their mandate
was to limit the survey to two pages printed with 12-font
size. The survey instrument asked students about their sleep
habits (bed time, wake time, nap frequency and length,
week day versus weekend sleep) and how satisfied they
were with their sleep. The survey tool further queried about
daytime alertness versus grogginess and early-morning
versus late-night tendency. School performance was mea-
sured by self-reported grade point average (GPA), and
students were asked to report their usual amount of study
time (hours per day). Students also answered demographic
questions, recorded their employment time outside of
school (hours per week), and use of stimulants (caffeinated
drinks, energy drinks, caffeine pills, and prescription
The survey instrument was then administered to a pilot
group of students for feedback on question readability,
clarity, and question-and-answer format issues. Adjust-
ments in the survey instrument were implemented based
upon feedback from the pilot group leading to a two-page
tool with 29 questions that required approximately 5 min
for completion.
Data analysis
Continuous variables were analyzed using the Studentst
test. All tests were two-tailed, and pvalues of <0.05 were
assumedtorepresentstatistical significance. Data are
presented as mean ± standard deviation or as mean/median
with range as appropriate. All analyses were performed
using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 12.0
(SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).
Of 170 questionnaires, 157 (92%) were returnedby 76 women
(48%) and 81 men (52%). The mean age of the surveyed
students was 22.4±6.8 years (median 20 years, range 17 to
69 years). Racial composition was 42% Caucasian, 18%
Hispanic, 15% African-American, 13% Asian, and 12% self-
designated as other. Mean bedtime on nights before class was
12:16A.M.(range9:00P. M . to 4:00A.M.);meanwaketime
7:37A.M.(range3:30A.M.to12:30P. M.), with nightly sleep
time of 7 h 23 min. Mean total sleep time (including naps)
hour later (1:12A.M.) and wake time 2.5 h later (9:58A.M.)
with nightly sleep time 8 h 43 min.
Among the whole group of students, a minority
(42%) expressed satisfaction with their sleep, and those
who were satisfied slept for an average of 47 min
longer each 24-h period. For all students, there was a
sizable majority admitting to feeling sleepy during the
day and more specifically feeling groggy during class.
Data for the highest quintile of performers by GPA were
compared with the data gathered on the lowest quintile of
performers (see Table 1). The racial composition of the
highest performing quintile of students and the lowest
quintile of performers were similar to the composition of
the whole group and were not different from each other.
While TST did not differ between groups, there was a
significant difference in the timing of sleep between high
and low academic performers. Specifically, those with
the highest GPA had earlier bed times (12:00A.M.versus
12:38A.M., p=0.05) and earlier wake times (7:13A.M.
72 Sleep Breath (2010) 14:7175
versus 8:02A.M., p=0.008) than those with the lowest
GPA. There were no statistically significant differences in
TST with and without naps, weekend sleep habits, or
study time between the high performers and the low
performers. High performers were more likely to take naps
regularly than low performers (52% versus 29%, p=0.07).
The percentages of students who acknowledged a morning
tendency and those who were satisfied with their sleep
were not statistically different between high and low
performers (see Table 2). However, low-performing
students were more likely to factor sleep into their class
schedules (p=0.04). No other variables were associated
with academic performance. Specifically, there were no
differences in reasons provided for staying up at night, use
of caffeinated beverages, use of over-the-counter stimulant
pills, or use of prescription stimulants.
Chief among the findings of this study is that timing of
sleep and wakefulness appears to be a more important
contributor to academic performance than total amount of
sleep. TST did not correlate with self-reported grade point
average, while earlier bed times and wake times did
correlate with higher grades.
Table 1 Demographic data, grades, sleep times, and study times
All students Lowest quintile (GPA <2.7) Highest quintile (GPA>3.5) pvalue
Age (years) 22.4 ±6.8 22.8± 7.6 23.2± 10.8 0.96
Gender (%male) 52 55 40 0.35
GPA out of 4.0 3.2± 0.5 2.6± 0.3 3.8± 0.2 <0.001
Bedtime before class
12:16A.M. (9:00 P.M.4:00A.M.) 12:38 A.M. (10:30P.M.3:00A.M.) 12:00A.M. (9:00 P.M.4:00A.M.) 0.05
Wake time before class
7:37A.M. (3:30 A.M.12:30 P.M.) 8:02A.M. (6:00A.M.12:00P.M.) 7:13A.M. (5:00 A.M.9:30A.M.) 0.008
Total sleep time before class 7 h 23 min 7 h 35 min 7 h 29 min 0.62
Bedtime with no class
1:12A.M. (9:00 P.M.10A.M.) 1:29 A.M. (10:00P.M.5:30A.M.) 12:51A.M. (9:00 P.M.5:30A.M.) 0.28
Wake time with no class
9:58A.M.(6A.M.4:30P.M.) 10:25A.M. (7:00A.M.2:00 P.M.) 9:27A.M. (7:00 A.M.2:00P.M.) 0.11
Total sleep time with no class 8 h 43 min 8 h 53 min 8 h 35 min 0.50
Naps (% yes) 42 29 52 0.07
Study time 2 h 48 min 2 h 23 min 2 h 47 min 0.40
pvalue derived from ttest comparison between values of lowest and highest quintiles of GPA
Table 2 Morning tendency, daytime symptoms, reasons for staying up at night, and stimulant use
All students Lowest quintile (GPA<2.7) Highest quintile (GPA>3.5) pvalue
Morning tendency (% yes) 25 29 40 0.35
Sleep affect class schedule? (% yes) 61 68 42 0.04
Satisfied with sleep (% yes) 42 35 45 0.50
Sleepy during the day (% yes) 62 65 53 0.90
Groggy during class (% yes) 75 81 78 0.97
Stay up for school (% yes) 53 52 55 0.80
Stay up for job (% yes) 30 32 35 0.79
Stay up to socialize (% yes) 54 52 45 0.62
Stay up for other reasons (% yes) 46 42 39 0.80
Job hours per week 19± 15 20± 15 16± 12 0.25
Caffeinated drinks per day 1.6 ± 1.6 1.5±1.6 1.3± 1.2 0.44
Stimulant pill use (% yes) 5 6 6 0.57
Use prescribed stimulant (% yes) 7 3 6 0.57
pvalue derived from ttest comparison between values of lowest and highest quintiles of GPA
Sleep Breath (2010) 14:7175 73
The lack of correlation of TST with grades mirrors
findings of a prior report using similar methods [15].
However, the published literature contains many studies
that have demonstrated the importance of total sleep time
for full enhancement of intellectual functioning as well as
student safety behind the wheel [16]. The concept that sleep
deprivation erodes performance, academic and otherwise, is
not in debate. The importance of the current findings is that
circadian factors or the synchrony effect [17] also plays a
major role in academic performance.
This synchrony effect should be factored into any
interventional program designed for sleep improvement as
a means to enhancing school performance. It has been
previously demonstrated that moving school start times
does have the salutary effect of increasing total sleep time
[18] and improving attendance, but improvements as
measured with grades may not follow as was shown in
the Minneapolis Public Schools Start Time Study [12].
( In fact, later
wake-up times may be associated with lower average
grades [19].
Compared to lower-performing students, higher-
performing students in our study had sleep onset almost
40 min earlier on average and awakened almost 50 min earlier
with no significant difference in TST. The importance of sleep
timing is particularly interesting since there does not appear to
be a congruent association of morning tendency with
academic performance in this cohort. These results suggest
that higher-performing students are able to find a way to shift
their sleep phase somewhat earlier than lower-performing
students despite the same degree of morning/evening prefer-
ence. It may be that the findings of the current study would be
more pronounced in sleep phase-delayed students attending
high school where class schedules are less flexible than they
are in college.
It is also interesting that higher-performing students
show a trend of napping more commonly than low
performers, though TST with naps is not statistically
different between groups. None of the other measured
variables serve to suggest a different interpretation. Specif-
ically, use of caffeinated beverages, over-the-counter
stimulants, and prescription stimulants were the same for
both groups. Equally interesting, gender, race, and total
study time did not predict GPA for this group of students.
The implications of the findings of the current study with
regard to the development of an educational program may
include the need for greater flexibility in the timing of
course offerings. Flexibility of class schedules, as opposed
to rigid schedule requirements, may allow students to find a
more natural sleepwake cycle and improve academic
performance. An institution interested in creating a sleep
improvement program may benefit from the use of the
questionnaire created for this study (available as online
supplement). Additionally, it may be useful to include
questions on majors, year of study, and individually
important information such as body mass index and sleep
quality. Such information may greatly enhance the under-
standing of specific sleep issues facing the college students.
Many of the other findings of the current study parallel
those reported in populations of similar ages and circum-
stances. The sleep habits of our student population lead to a
sleep debt during the school week followed by attempts to
catch up on weekends. Furthermore, our students sleep less
than recommended amounts and on average do not go to
sleep before midnight despite schedules that require waking
before a full nights sleep is accomplished. The prevalence
of stimulant pills and drug use is also similar to that
previously reported [20].
Limitations of this study include the use of self-reported
data for sleep times and school grades rather than objective
data measured by actigraphy and grades reported by the
college registrar. However, sleep survey results have been
shown to be as reliable as objective measures, at least in
studies involving adolescent-aged subjects [21]. Another
limitation is the use of a single question rather than a
validated questionnaire to determine subject tendency for
morningness and eveningness [22]. However, in order to
distribute a survey tool that would not require an inordinate
amount of class time, it was necessary to limit its length.
The importance of adequate amounts of sleep for peak
performance is not being questioned by the findings of this
study. Our data underscore the important contribution of
timing of sleep and wakefulness relative to the academic
schedule. To summarize, while it has been previously
shown that rest is an important contributor to performance,
circadian rhythm or an earlier habitual sleep period may be
more influential than TST with regard to academic
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Professor Sharon
Ward and Dr. Aram Hessami for their expertise in helping develop the
questionnaire. We also thank Dr. Shweta Sen for her administrative
guidance. We thank all three professors for their invaluable contribu-
tion with the distribution and collection of the questionnaire survey.
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... Alanyazında bu sonucu destekler çalışmaların yanı sıra, cinsiyet faktörünün uykuyu etkilediği veya erkeklerdeki uyku kalitesinin kadınlara oranla daha kötü olduğunu destekleyen çalışmalar da mevcuttur(Liu, Zhao, Jia ve Buysse, 2008). Bazı çalışmalarda ise bu çalışmada olduğu gibi cinsiyet faktörünün uyku kalitesini etkilemediği bulunmuştur(Eliasson ve Lettieri, 2010;Orzech, Salafsky ve Hamilton, 2011). Günümüzde kadın ve erkek üniversite öğrencilerinin benzer yaşam şartlarına sahip olması cinsiyetin uyku kalitesini belirleyici bir faktör olmadığını düşündürmektedir.Bireylerin gürültü hassasiyeti ile ilişkili olabileceğini düşündüren birçok etken olduğu tartışılmaktadır. ...
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Objective: The aim was to investigate the association between young adults’ noise sensitivity (NS) and sleep quality (SQ), and to compare NS and SQ due to gender and lifestyle. Material and Method: This study was completed in two stages: pilot and main study. The pilot study was conducted with 187 students at Başkent University (Female:95 Male:92) in 2019 and the main study was completed with 178 students (F:83 M:95) in 2020. The materials used for data collection were demographic information form, the “Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index” (PSQI), and the Turkish version of “Weinstein’s Noise Sensitivity Scale” (Tr-WNSS). Results: In the pilot and main studies, %84.5 (N=158) and %64 (N=114) of the participants respectively got PSQI scores higher than five which indicates severe sleep quality problems. When the relationship between young adults’ NS and SQ was investigated, a low significant relationship was found in the main study. No significant difference has been found between female and male students when PSQI scores were compared. Meanwhile, there was a significant mean difference in terms of Tr-WNSS scores between female and male students. Young adults’ tea-coffee-consumption status did not create any significant difference in terms of NS and SQ scores. Conclusion: In general, both female and male young adults have low sleep quality. The living standards of contemporary university students can be evaluated as both parties having almost equal opportunities. Meanwhile, female university students are more sensitive to noise than male students. The low significant relationship between SQ and NS may imply that a new pattern was formed between these two variables for young adults. Key words: Sleep quality, noise sensitivity, university students
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The retention of fundamental mathematical skills is imperative to provide a foundation on which new skills are developed. Educators often lament about student retention. Cognitive scientists and educators have explored teaching methods that produce learning which endures over time. We wanted to know if using spaced recall quizzes would prevent our students from forgetting fundamental mathematical concepts at a post high school preparatory school where students attend for 1 year preparing to enter the United States Military Academy (USMA). This approach was implemented in a Precalculus course to determine if it would improve students’ long-term retention. Our goal was to identify an effective classroom strategy that led to student recall of fundamental mathematical concepts through the end of the academic year. The concepts that were considered for long-term retention were 12 concepts identified by USMA’s mathematics department as being fundamental for entering students. These concepts are taught during quarter one of the Precalculus with Introduction to Calculus course at the United States Military Academy Preparatory School. It is expected that students will remember the concepts when they take the post-test 6 months later. Our research shows that spaced recall in the form of quizzing had a statistically significant impact on reducing the forgetting of the fundamental concepts while not adversely effecting performance on current instructional concepts. Additionally, these results persisted across multiple sections of the course taught at different times of the day by six instructors with varying teaching styles and years of teaching experience.
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Introduction and Objective Hypertension is an evolving public health challenge at present, and it is preceded by a prehypertensive stage. Irregular sleep duration and pattern have been found to be linked with cardiovascular diseases. Medical students are highly vulnerable to low quality sleep due to pressure regarding the academic curriculum and poor lifestyle. The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of prehypertension, describe the risk factors and sleep patterns of undergraduate medical students, and determine the association, if any, involving sleep time and duration and prehypertension. Materials and Methods Data was collected from 254 undergraduate medical students via the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and a self-structured questionnaire. The frequency of events was established and the Chi-squared and t -tests were applied to determine the association. Finally, regression analysis was performed to determine the correlation. Results Male sex, high body mass index (BMI), poor sleep quality, and night sleep duration shorter than 5 hours were found to be significant risk factors for the development of prehypertensive condition (prevalence of 42.5%). However, there were no statistically significant associations regarding prehypertension and family history, junk food and salt intake, physical activity and daytime napping, bedtime, and wake-up time. Night sleep duration shorter than 5 hours presented an odds ratio of 4.713 ( p = 0.010) for the development of prehypertension after adjusting for other risk factors, such as male sex, sleep quality, and high BMI. Discussion and Conclusion A high prevalence of prehypertension (42.5%) was noted among undergraduate medical students. Night sleep duration shorter than 5 hours was a significant risk factor for the development of prehypertension, whereas sleep time was not significantly associated with prehypertension.
Background Human biological rhythms are commonly assessed through physical activity (PA) measurement, but mental activity may offer a more substantial reflection of human biological rhythms. Objective This study proposes a novel approach based on human-smartphone interaction to compute mental activity, encompassing general mental activity (GMA) and working mental activity (WMA). Methods A total of 24 health care professionals participated, wearing wrist actigraphy devices and using the “Staff Hours” app for more than 457 person-days, including 332 workdays and 125 nonworkdays. PA was measured using actigraphy, while GMA and WMA were assessed based on patterns of smartphone interactions. To model WMA, machine learning techniques such as extreme gradient boosting and convolutional neural networks were applied, using human-smartphone interaction patterns and GPS-defined work hours. The data were organized by date and divided into person-days, with an 80:20 split for training and testing data sets to minimize overfitting and maximize model robustness. The study also adopted the M10 metric to quantify daily activity levels by calculating the average acceleration during the 10-hour period of highest activity each day, which facilitated the assessment of the interrelations between PA, GMA, and WMA and sleep indicators. Phase differences, such as those between PA and GMA, were defined using a second-order Butterworth filter and Hilbert transform to extract and calculate circadian rhythms and instantaneous phases. This calculation involved subtracting the phase of the reference signal from that of the target signal and averaging these differences to provide a stable and clear measure of the phase relationship between the signals. Additionally, multilevel modeling explored associations between sleep indicators (total sleep time, midpoint of sleep) and next-day activity levels, accounting for the data’s nested structure. Results Significant differences in activity levels were noted between workdays and nonworkdays, with WMA occurring approximately 1.08 hours earlier than PA during workdays (P<.001). Conversely, GMA was observed to commence about 1.22 hours later than PA (P<.001). Furthermore, a significant negative correlation was identified between the activity level of WMA and the previous night’s midpoint of sleep (β=–0.263, P<.001), indicating that later bedtimes and wake times were linked to reduced activity levels in WMA the following day. However, there was no significant correlation between WMA’s activity levels and total sleep time. Similarly, no significant correlations were found between the activity levels of PA and GMA and sleep indicators from the previous night. Conclusions This study significantly advances the understanding of human biological rhythms by developing and highlighting GMA and WMA as key indicators, derived from human-smartphone interactions. These findings offer novel insights into how mental activities, alongside PA, are intricately linked to sleep patterns, emphasizing the potential of GMA and WMA in behavioral and health studies.
Full-time students experiencing high levels of stress due to a high bulk of teaching materials and academic performance demands are the most susceptible population class for different types of sleep disorders. The current study examined the prevalence of sleep disorders and their impacts on academic performance of a random sample of medical college students. In this regard, a random sample of 316 medical students of a large public university in Iraq participated in a cross-sectional study. The participants completed the SLEEP-50 self-reported questionnaire and questions about socio-demographic factors. The variables set included sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, circadian rhythm sleep disorder, sleepwalking, nightmares, grade point average, and some socio-demographic characteristics. The study showed that to some extent, the students suffer from different types of sleep disorders with no substantial difference between males and females. Students with worse level of sleep disorders had a lower grade point average compared with those with normal sleep patterns (p = 0.001). The study confirmed that students with sleep disorders had poorer academic performance at college.
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Purpose To examine the relationship between sleep duration and health, income, and education. Methods Sleep, demographic, income, education and wellness data from 49,365 participants aged 18 years and older were sourced from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The BRFSS is a cross-sectional telephone survey conducted by state health departments with technical and methodological assistance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Self-reported sleep duration was assessed as well as self-perceptions of health and wellness. Results Individuals with average daily sleep durations between 7 and 9 h reported significantly better physical and mental wellness as compared to those who reported fewer than 7 h or more than 9 h of sleep per day ( p < 0.001). Similarly, individuals reporting adequate sleep duration of 7–9 h per day also reported the highest self-ratings of overall health and life satisfaction ( p < 0.001), the highest levels of income, and the greatest percentage of 4-year college degrees of the three sleep duration groups. Conclusion This study suggests that adequate sleep is associated with better health, higher income, and higher education. Whether adequate sleep resulted in, or was a result of, better health, higher income and higher education, a relationship between them is clear.
The objective of the current study was to examine the relationship between sleep characteristics and college degree attainment. Participants were 968 college students (72% female; mean age 19.7 [1.7]). Participants completed a psychosocial and sleep questionnaire battery followed by one week of daily sleep diaries. Academic degree completion data was obtained from the university registrar 10 years later. Logistic regression examined whether mean and variability in sleep duration and sleep efficiency and insomnia symptoms predicted degree attainment, adjusting for age, gender, semester, grade point average (GPA), and perceived stress. The strongest predictors of degree attainment were female gender (OR = 0.67), greater age (OR = 1.32), GPA (OR = 1.97), and lower intraindividual variability in sleep duration (OR = 0.99). Results highlight the importance of examining variability in sleep duration in addition to mean sleep duration in predicting college retention. Future research should use a combination of objective and subjective measures to explore the impact of sleep factors, including variability, on degree completion and other academic metrics.
Circadian rhythms are powerful timekeepers that drive physiological and intellectual functioning throughout the day. These rhythms vary across individuals, with morning chronotypes rising and peaking early in the day and evening chronotypes showing a later rise in arousal, with peaks in the afternoon or evening. Chronotype also varies with age from childhood to adolescence to old age. As a result of these differences, the time of day at which people are best at attending, learning, solving analytical problems, making complex decisions, and even behaving ethically varies. Across studies of attention and memory and a range of allied areas, including academic achievement, judgment and decision-making, and neuropsychological assessment, optimal outcomes are found when performance times align with peaks in circadian arousal, a finding known as the synchrony effect. The benefits of performing in synchrony with one's chronotype (and the costs of not doing so) are most robust for individuals with strong morning or evening chronotypes and for tasks that require effortful, analytical processing or the suppression of distracting information. Failure to take the synchrony effect into consideration may be a factor in issues ranging from replication difficulties to school timing to assessing intellectual disabilities and apparent cognitive decline in aging.
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To assess the effects of delayed high-school start times on sleep and motor vehicle crashes. The sleep habits and motor vehicle crash rates of adolescents from a single, large, county-wide, school district were assessed by questionnaire before and after a 1-hour delay in school start times. Average hours of nightly sleep increased and catch-up sleep on weekends decreased. Average crash rates for teen drivers in the study county in the 2 years after the change in school start time dropped 16.5%, compared with the 2 years prior to the change, whereas teen crash rates for the rest of the state increased 7.8% over the same time period. Later school start times may both increase the sleep of adolescents and decrease their risk of motor vehicle crashes.
To determine whether a cumulative sleep debt (in a range commonly experienced) would result in cumulative changes in measures of waking neurobehavioral alertness, 16 healthy young adults had their sleep restricted to an average 4.98 hrs per night for 7 consecutive nights. Ss slept in the laboratory, and sleep and waking were monitored. Three times each day, Ss were assessed for subjective sleepiness and mood and were evaluated on a brief performance battery that included psychomotor vigilance (PVT), probed memory (PRM), and serial-addition testing. Once each day they completed a series of visual analog scales (VASs) and reported sleepiness and somatic and cognitive/emotional problems. Sleep restriction resulted in statistically robust cumulative effects on waking functions. Subjective sleepiness ratings, subscale scores for fatigue, confusion, tension, and total mood disturbance from the mood and VAS ratings of mental exhaustion and stress were elevated across days of restricted sleep. PVT performance parameters were also significantly increased by restriction. Significant time-of-day effects were evident in subjective sleepiness and PVT data. Findings suggest that cumulative nocturnal sleep debt had a dynamic and escalating analog in cumulative daytime sleepiness and that asymptotic or steady-state sleepiness was not achieved in response to sleep restriction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The article investigates central aspects of Morningness–Eveningness personality, focusing on recent literature in this field from 1995. A review was written by Kerkhof (1985) about interindividual differences in the human circadian system, where the author reviewed previous studies which had dealt with some aspects of Morningness–Eveningness personality (questionnaires, circadian rhythms, sleep-wake cycle, introversion–extraversion, age, sex, and the impact of disturbance) and a review was written by Tankova, Adan, and Buela-Casals (1994) about circadian typology and individual differences, where aspects of personality, age, sex, shift work, and life habits were examined. This paper, with reference also to previous studies, attempts to give an updating survey of some issues of the literature in the field of Morningness–Eveningness personality from 1995 up to 2006; various aspects of Morningness–Eveningness personality are taken into consideration: personality traits, biological, and genetic issues, Morningness–Eveningness preferences in Youngs and Adults, gender, cognitive abilities, work schedules, life habits, and cross-cultural research.
There were little or no indications of differences in sleep outcomes between the sexes. Results indicate a disturbance of sleep on initial laboratory nights relative to later nights. The results reported here clearly document the persistence of these effects from year to year. For the most part, sleep characteristics during the 4 years immediately after onset of puberty appear to represent a typical phase in the gradual patterns of changes across all ages. Total sleep time decreased markedly from 560 min in age range 10-12 to 424 min in age range 20-29, with our puberty subjects as intermediate levels. Puberty subjects has an average of 2.5 awakenings/night in the first 2 years as compared with 1.2/night in the last 2 years. The number of sleep stage shifts during the night varied around a constant mean value of approximately 37/night throughout all ages. The number of rapid eye movement (REM) period during the night decreased sharply for individuals from childhood (6.9/night) through adolescence (4.0/night), remaining constant thereafter. Percentages of the various sleep stages were fairly constant for individuals from age range 10-12 through age 30-39. Our puberty subjects had percentage profiles in near perfect agreement with the normal ontogenetic process. Normative data suggest that slow wave sleep reaches a peak at some point during the teen years.
Most studies of adolescent sleep habits show a pattern of decreasing total sleep time, a tendency to delay the timing of sleep, and an increased level of daytime sleepiness. Laboratory tests have shown that adolescents do not have a decreased need for sleep but probably need more sleep than prepubertally. A number of factors affect the development of adolescent sleep patterns. Puberty itself imposes a burden of increased daytime sleepiness with no change in nocturnal sleep. Parental involvement in setting bedtimes wanes, though they become increasingly involved in waking teenagers in the mornings. Curfews and school schedules also affect adolescent sleep patterns, seen most commonly as imposing earlier rise times as the school day begins earlier during the adolescent years. Part-time employment has a significant impact on the sleep patterns of teenagers: those who work more than 20 h each week sleep less, go to bed later, are more sleepy, and drink more caffeine and alcohol. Development of circadian rhythms may also play a role in the phase delay teenagers commonly experience. The primary conclusion is that many adolescents do not get enough sleep. The consequences of the chronic pattern of insufficient sleep are daytime sleepiness, vulnerability to catastrophic accidents, mood and behavior problems, increased vulnerability to drugs and alcohol, and development of major disorders of the sleep/wake cycle. Educational programs hold the promise of improving teenagers' sleep patterns through informing youngsters, parents, and pediatricians about proper sleep hygiene and the risks of poor sleep habits.
Many teenagers go to bed and wake up significantly later than younger children, a developmental progression thought to reflect adolescent psychosocial processes. To determine whether biological processes may underlie a delay of phase preference in adolescents, 183 sixth-grade boys and 275 sixth-grade girls completed questionnaires for morningness/eveningness (M/E) and pubertal status. School environment and birth order were also evaluated. A significant relationship of pubertal status to M/E was found in girls, with a similar though nonsignificant trend in boys. No relationship between M/E and psychosocial factors was found. These data support involvement of a biological factor in the adolescent phase preference delay and indicate that our current understanding of adolescent sleep patterns may need revision.
Sleep and waking behaviors change significantly during the adolescent years. The objective of this study was to describe the relation between adolescents' sleep/wake habits, characteristics of students (age, sex, school), and daytime functioning (mood, school performance, and behavior). A Sleep Habits Survey was administered in homeroom classes to 3,120 high school students at 4 public high schools from 3 Rhode Island school districts. Self-reported total sleep times (school and weekend nights) decreased by 40-50 min across ages 13-19, ps < .001. The sleep loss was due to increasingly later bedtimes, whereas rise times were more consistent across ages. Students who described themselves as struggling or failing school (C's, D's/F's) reported that on school nights they obtain about 25 min less sleep and go to bed an average of 40 min later than A and B students, ps < .001. In addition, students with worse grades reported greater weekend delays of sleep schedule than did those with better grades. Furthermore, this study examined a priori defined adequate sleep habit groups versus less than adequate sleep habit groups on their daytime functioning. Students in the short school-night total sleep group (< 6 hr 45 min) and/or large weekend bedtime delay group (> 120 min) reported increased daytime sleepiness, depressive mood, and sleep/wake behavior problems, ps < .05, versus those sleeping longer than 8 hr 15 min with less than 60 min weekend delay. Altogether, most of the adolescents surveyed do not get enough sleep, and their sleep loss interferes with daytime functioning.
Increased lifestyle demands and reduced sleep are reported to result in daytime sleepiness and impaired functioning for teenagers. A sample of 612 freshman urban high school students completed a questionnaire describing their sleep patterns and problems, along with sociodemographic information, daily activities, pubertal development, depressive mood, and morning-evening preference. About 63% of the respondents felt they needed more sleep on weeknights (MS group), experienced sleepiness that interfered with their schoolwork, and had problems with sleeping. The other group reported they got sufficient sleep on weeknights (SS group) and did not experience sleepiness problems to the same degree. However, both had similar weeknight sleep and daily activity patterns. The MS group reported an ideal sleep time of 9.2 h, about 2 h more than they were getting and 1 h more than the SS group ideal, and had a higher preference for later bed and waking times. In our sample, individual differences in biologic sleep need and quality of sleep may be emerging as early as 14 years of age.