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Effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance. A meta-analysis



Different outcomes of the effect of green tea on weight loss (WL) and weight maintenance (WM) have been reported in studies with subjects differing in ethnicity and habitual caffeine intake. To elucidate by meta-analysis whether green tea indeed has a function in body weight regulation. English-language studies about WL and WM after green tea supplementation were identified through PubMed and based on the references from retrieved articles. Out of the 49 studies initially identified, a total of 11 articles fitted the inclusion criteria and provided useful information for the meta-analysis. Effect sizes (mean weight change in treatment versus control group) were computed and aggregated based on a random-effects model. The influence of several moderators on the effect sizes was examined. Catechins significantly decreased body weight and significantly maintained body weight after a period of WL (microcirc=-1.31 kg; P<0.001). Inhibition of this effect by high habitual caffeine intake (>300 mg per day) failed to reach significance (microcirc=-0.27 kg for high and microcirc=-1.60 kg for low habitual caffeine intake; P=0.09). Also, the seemingly smaller effect of catechins in Caucasian (microcirc=-0.82 kg) subjects compared with Asians (microcirc=-1.51 kg; P=0.37) did not reach significance. Interaction of ethnicity and caffeine intake was a significant moderator (P=0.04). Catechins or an epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)-caffeine mixture have a small positive effect on WL and WM. The results suggest that habitual caffeine intake and ethnicity may be moderators, as they may influence the effect of catechins.
The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight
maintenance: a meta-analysis
R Hursel
, W Viechtbauer
and MS Westerterp-Plantenga
Department of Human Biology, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM) Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands and
Department of Methodology and Statistics, Maastricht University, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
Introduction. Different outcomes of the effect of green tea on weight loss (WL) and weight maintenance (WM) have been
reported in studies with subjects differing in ethnicity and habitual caffeine intake.
Purpose. To elucidate by meta-analysis whether green tea indeed has a function in body weight regulation.
Methods. English-language studies about WL and WM after green tea supplementation were identified through PubMed and
based on the references from retrieved articles. Out of the 49 studies initially identified, a total of 11 articles fitted the inclusion
criteria and provided useful information for the meta-analysis. Effect sizes (mean weight change in treatment versus control
group) were computed and aggregated based on a random-effects model. The influence of several moderators on the effect
sizes was examined.
Results.Catechins significantly decreased body weight and significantly maintained body weight after a period of WL
m¼1.31 kg; Po0.001). Inhibition of this effect by high habitual caffeine intake (4300 mg per day) failed to reach significance
m¼0.27 kg for high and ^
m¼1.60 kg for low habitual caffeine intake; P¼0.09). Also, the seemingly smaller effect of
catechins in Caucasian (^
m¼0.82 kg) subjects compared with Asians ( ^
m¼–1.51 kg; P¼0.37) did not reach significance.
Interaction of ethnicity and caffeine intake was a significant moderator (P¼0.04).
Conclusions.Catechins or an epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)–caffeine mixture have a small positive effect on WL and WM. The
results suggest that habitual caffeine intake and ethnicity may be moderators, as they may influence the effect of catechins.
International Journal of Obesity (2009) 33, 956–961; doi:10.1038/ijo.2009.135; published online 14 July 2009
Keywords: green tea; caffeine; weight loss; weight maintenance; ethnicity
Green tea is the most widely consumed beverage next to
water in Asian countries. Moreover, people in Asia have been
aware of the beneficial effects of green tea on health for
already hundreds of years.
On the other hand, only recently
is green tea gaining interest in the Westernized world, where
mainly black tea is drunken. Green tea is made from the
fresh leaves of Camellia sinensis, which are processed rapidly
by means of steam to prevent fermentation. Black tea is
made from the same plant as green tea but the leaves endure
an extra enzymatic oxidation step during the processing.
The polyphenols in green tea such as epigallocatechin gallate
(EGCG), epigallocatechin, and epicatechin gallate, which are
responsible for its beneficial effects (such as the anti-oxidant
potential and anti-mutagenic capacity) are converted into
thearubigins and theaflavins in black tea.
Although black
tea still can improve one’s health, the conversion attenuates
the effects reported after intake of green tea.
Since the 1990s, green tea is also seen as a natural herb
that can enhance energy expenditure and fat oxidation
and thereby induce weight loss (WL).
The fact that
an EGCG–caffeine mixture stimulates energy expenditure
cannot be completely attributed to its caffeine content
because the thermogenic effect of an EGCG–caffeine mixture
is greater than that of an equivalent amount of caffeine.
Twenty-four hour studies showed a significant increase in
energy expenditure and fat oxidation.
From these short-
term studies, studies over the longer term originated in
which the effect from an EGCG–caffeine mixture on WL was
studied and soon studies concerning the effect on weight
maintenance (WM) followed.
Almost all of the studies conducted with Asian subjects
have shown positive results about the anti-obesity effects of
Received 30 January 2009; revised 18 May 2009; accepted 2 June 2009;
published online 14 July 2009
Correspondence: R Hursel, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht
University, Universiteitssingel 50, P.O. Box 616, Maastricht, 6200 MD,
The Netherlands.
International Journal of Obesity (2009) 33, 956 –961
2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0307-0565/09
On the other hand, studies with Caucasian
subjects reported mixed results.
Moreover, the
amount of regular caffeine intake may also influence the
effectiveness of catechins. In a study from Westerterp-
Plantenga et al.,
it was shown that a regular caffeine intake
of 4300 mg per day in Caucasian subjects diminished the
effects of an EGCG–caffeine mixture on WM, in comparison
with subjects that had a regular caffeine intake of o300 mg
per day.
Hence, the aim of this study was to do a systematic review
and meta-analysis of all the available long-term studies that
have examined the effects of EGCG on WL and WM, to
establish whether catechins contribute to the regulation of
body weight. Possible moderators, such as regular caffeine
intake and ethnicity, are included in the meta-analysis, to
investigate whether they have any impact on the effects
of an EGCG–caffeine mixture on body weight.
Identification of relevant studies
PubMed was searched for English-language studies that
reported the long-term effects from catechins on WL and
WM. The databases were searched up to July 2008 with
the following keywords: green tea, body weight, WL, WM,
catechins, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. References from
the retrieved articles were examined to identify possible
additional articles.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
A study was valid for inclusion in the review if (a) the study’s
participants were randomly assigned to conditions, (b) the
results allowed a direct comparison of the effects of catechins
(either in the form of catechins versus no catechins or high
dosage versus low dosage catechins) on either WL or WM,
(c) subjects were kept blind to the condition assigned, and
(d) the study lasted for at least 12 weeks. An EGCG–caffeine
mixture tea could either be administered as regular tea or
as capsules. An important exclusion criterion was the use
of any tea other than an EGCG–caffeine mixture (such as
oolong tea).
Data abstraction
Various characteristics were extracted from the original
reports using a standardized data extraction form. We recor-
ded the study’s author(s), year of publication, the duration of
the treatment phase (in weeks), whether the study used a WL
or WM design, and the age range, ethnicity, average body
mass index, gender, and average regular caffeine intake
(in mg per day) of the participants in the study. Moreover, for
each condition, we recorded the number of participants and
the dosage of green tea administered (in mg per day).
For each condition, we calculated or extracted the mean
weight change (in kilograms) between the post-treatment
and the baseline assessment. For WL studies, the baseline
corresponds to the point just before the commencement of
the WL phase, whereas for WM studies, the baseline
corresponds to the point before the commencement of the
WM phase. The post-treatment mean was always based on
the time point immediately following the intervention.
Regardless of the study design, negative values for the mean
change, therefore, indicate WL, a value of zero indicates no
change, and positive values indicate an increase in the body
mass on average. The effect size measure for the meta-
analysis was then the difference between the mean change
value for the treatment minus the mean change value for the
control group. Negative values for the observed effect size,
therefore, indicate more WL (or less weight gain) on average
in the treatment compared with the control group and,
therefore, a positive treatment effect of the EGCG–caffeine
mixture on WL/WM.
The following three variables were a priori chosen for
examination as potential moderators: the ethnicity of the
participants (either Asian or Caucasian), the average regular
caffeine intake of the participants in the study (either low
or high, with 300 mg per day being the cutoff), and the
difference in dosage of the EGCG–caffeine mixture adminis-
tered in the treatment and the control group.
Statistical analysis
The effect size estimates were aggregated based on a random-
effects model, using restricted maximum-likelihood (REML)
estimation to estimate the amount of heterogeneity in the
effect sizes.
We report the estimated average effect (^
m), the
estimated amount of heterogeneity in the true effects (^
and the estimated percentage of the total amount of
variability that can be attributed to heterogeneity (I
Corresponding 95% confidence intervals are given for all of
these statistics. We also provide the results from the test for
heterogeneity. The moderators were examined individually
and in combination using mixed-effects models, again using
REML estimation for the amount of (residual) heterogeneity.
For these models, we report the estimated effect sizes within
each level of a moderator with corresponding 95%
confidence intervals.
Forty-four potentially relevant studies were found initially.
From these, 15 review articles were excluded immediately, as
these contributed no additional data besides the original
studies, which were already included. Another 13 studies
were excluded on the basis of title and abstract, as these
were studies conducted with animals. Five articles from
Asian authors were obtained through personal communi-
Four of them only had an English abstract
Effects of green tea on body composition
R Hursel et al
International Journal of Obesity
and were further written in Japanese. These articles were sent
to us with an English translation, as we contacted the
institution (Kao Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) where Nagao
et al.
are employed, after finding their study in PubMed.
Information from the fifth Asian study by Wang et al.
also obtained through personal communication, as the
results were not published during the data abstraction. Of
the remaining 21 studies, 9 did not use green tea (e.g.,
oolong tea) or did not provide sufficient information to
compute effect sizes. Only one study was excluded because
of the time period, as it lasted for 8 weeks. No studies
were excluded because of lack of randomization or blinding.
Finally, 11 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Figure 1
shows the process of study selection.
The selected articles all had comparable designs: in the WL
participants immediately started to consume an
EGCG–caffeine mixture for 12 weeks following randomiza-
tion; in the WM studies,
subjects first lost weight for
4 weeks using a very low energy diet, followed by randomi-
zation and then an EGCG–caffeine mixture supplementation
for either 12 or 13 weeks (Table 1). In all but one study,
subjects were randomly assigned to two conditions, with
seven studies
using a true placebo group and the
remaining four studies
comparing a high with a low
dose of an EGCG–caffeine mixture.
Almost every article reported the relevant information
about the moderators, for instance as an important inclusion
criterion. If regular caffeine intake was not reported by the
Asian studies, it was assumed to be low.
From three studies it was possible to calculate more than
one effect size estimate. Kozuma et al.
reported their results
separately for men and women, which, therefore, yields two
effect size estimates for the meta-analysis. Also, the data
from Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
allowed the calculation of
two estimates, one for subjects with high and the other for
subjects with low regular caffeine intake. Finally, three effect
size estimates were obtained from the study by Wang et al.,
as it contained three treatment groups that received either a
different dosage or an equivalent dosage distributed in a
different number of servings. A total of 15 effect size
estimates could, therefore, be extracted from the 11 studies.
Figure 2 shows a plot of the individual effect size estimates
with corresponding 95% confidence intervals.
The random-effects model indicated a modest, but sig-
nificant positive effect of catechins on WL/WM (^
95% CI: 2.05 to 0.57; Po0.001). Therefore, it is estimated
that subjects in the treatment groups lost on average
1.31 kg more weight (or gained on average 1.31 kg less
weight) than people in the control groups. Removal of any
individual study from the meta-analysis did not alter this
conclusion (with ^
mvalues ranging from 1.07 to 1.47; all
Po0.004). However, the results were clearly hetero-
geneous (^
m¼1.13 with 95% CI: 0.25 to 3.80; I
¼94% with
95% CI: 77% to 98.0%; test for heterogeneity: Po0.001).
The difference in dosage of the EGCG–caffeine mixture
between the treatment and the placebo group was not a
significant moderator, whether examined in combination
with the other two moderators or individually (P¼0.34 and
0.76, respectively). Although the average effect was larger for
studies with Asian (^
m¼1.51, 95% CI: 2.37 to 0.65) than
Caucasian (^
m¼0.82, 95% CI: 2.13 to 0.50) samples, the
difference did not reach statistical significance (P¼0.19
when examined in combination with the other two
moderators and P¼0.37 when examined individually).
The estimated effect was larger for samples with a low
m¼1.60, 95% CI: 2.38 to 0.83) in comparison to a
moderate-to-high regular caffeine intake (^
m¼0.27, 95% CI:
1.63 to 1.10). The difference was significant when
examined in combination with the other moderator, but
not when examined individually (P¼0.04 and P¼0.09,
respectively). The estimated amount of (residual) hetero-
geneity was equal to ^
t2¼0.92 after inclusion of this
moderator in the model, suggesting that B19% of the total
amount of heterogeneity could be accounted for based on
information about the regular caffeine intake of the samples
in the set of studies.
The results of this meta-analysis show that an EGCG–
caffeine mixture has an effect on WL and on WM after a
period of negative energy balance. It is also shown that
interaction of ethnicity and habitual caffeine intake is a
44 articles were found in
PubMed (N=44)
49 studies were included
11 articles were included
5 Articles obtained via
personal communication
23 articles excluded
Review studies (N=15)
Not sufficient
information (N=5)
Not green tea (N=4)
Duration of study too
short (N=1)
36 studies were included
13 articles excluded on
basis of title or abstract
Figure 1 Process of study selection.
Effects of green tea on body composition
R Hursel et al
International Journal of Obesity
moderator. Dosage of catechins in the treatment or in the
placebo did not have any significant effect on the outcome
of the studies that were included.
However, the overall result implies some heterogeneity.
This may be caused by studies differing in the possible
moderators ethnicity and habitual caffeine intake. In
particular, all Asian studies had a low caffeine intake and
nearly all Caucasian studies had a high caffeine intake. Only
one treatment group of the Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
study had a low caffeine intake. Although caffeine intake was
a significant moderator when examined together in a model
including ethnicity, inclusion of more studies with both
ethnicities with different amounts of caffeine intake would
provide a clearer picture of how these moderators influence
the effectiveness of catechins.
Interaction between the possible moderators maybe due to
differences in allele frequencies of polymorphisms between
ethnicities. For instance, people who drink caffeine regularly
not only get habituated to the effects of caffeine, but also
tolerate caffeine intake. Cornelis et al.
showed that
Hispanic Americans with an ADORA2A 1083TT genotype
are more likely to limit their caffeine intake than the CC and
CT genotype. These persons appeared to be more sensitive
for the differences between caffeine and the adenosinergic
system. This genotype codes for the A
receptor, at which
caffeine antagonizes the actions of adenosine, a key process
in the stimulating properties of caffeine. CYP1A2, which
codes for the enzymes of cytochrome P450 (the metabolizers
of caffeine), does not seem to have a function.
Therefore, it
may well be that the habitually low caffeine consumers do
not tolerate high amounts of caffeine intake and, therefore,
react more sensitively to the small amount of caffeine added
to the green tea mixture. When the allele frequencies of the
genes coding for the activity of the enzyme differ between
ethnic groups, this may explain the observed differences in
response to the treatment. For this reason, ethnicity was
included as a moderator. Although ethnicity was not a
significant moderator, the results suggest that it may affect
the effect an EGCG–caffeine mixture has on thermogenesis
as the Asian subjects lost more weight than the Caucasian
subjects. However, before the moderating role of ethnicity
can be examined in more detail, additional studies with
Caucasian samples should be conducted to offset the larger
number of studies with Asian samples.
The inhibition of several enzymes may be the mechanism
by which the components of green tea induce WL/WM.
Catechins inhibit the catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT)
and caffeine inhibits phosphodiesterase. Levels of norepine-
phrine and cAMP rise because degradation by these enzymes
is ceased. Consequently, parasymphatic activity is in-
This phenomenon does not appear equally clear
in all ethnic groups because of the differences in relevant
enzyme activity, causing differences in sensitivity for these
ingredients. In that respect, Hodgson et al.
stated that there
is a wide variability in flavonoid O-methylation, a major
pathway of flavonoid metabolism, by the enzyme COMT.
Table 1 Characteristics of all included articles
Author Year Duration
Size (n)
Gender Age
(mg per day)
Regular caffeine
intake (mg per day)
Ethnicity Outcome
Kovacs et al.
2004 13 GT ¼51 PL ¼53 25–35 M/F 18–60 GT ¼573 PL ¼04300 Caucasian No weight maintenance
Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
2005 13 GT ¼19 PL ¼19 25–35 M/F 18–60 GT ¼270 PL ¼0o300 Caucasian Weight maintenance
Westerterp-Plantenga et al.
2005 13 GT ¼19 PL ¼19 25–35 M/F 18–60 GT ¼270 PL ¼04300 Caucasian No weight maintenance
Diepvens et al.
2005 13 GT ¼23 PL ¼23 25–31 F 19–57 GT ¼1207 PL ¼04300 Caucasian No weight loss
Hase et al.
2001 12 GT ¼12 PL ¼11 18.5–30 M 27–47 GT ¼483 PL ¼119 o300 Japanese Weight loss
Nagao et al.
2001 12 GT ¼13 PL ¼12 24.3–34.6 M 24–49 GT ¼541 PL ¼130 o300 Japanese Weight loss
Tsuchida et al.
2002 12 GT ¼39 PL ¼41 24–30 M/F 30–65 GT ¼588 PL ¼126 o300 Japanese Weight loss
Kozuma et al.
2005 12 GT ¼53 PL ¼64 25–35 F 20–65 GT ¼540 PL ¼0o300 Japanese Weight loss
Kozuma et al.
2005 12 GT ¼54 PL ¼55 25–35 M 20–65 GT ¼540 PL ¼0o300 Japanese Weight loss
Nagao et al.
2007 12 GT ¼123 PL ¼117 24–30 M/F 25–55 GT ¼583 PL ¼96 o300 Japanese Weight loss
Auvichayapat et al.
2008 12 GT ¼30 PL ¼30 425 M/F 40–60 GT ¼750 PL ¼0o300 Thai Weight loss
Hsu et al.
2008 12 GT ¼41 PL ¼37 427 F 16–60 GT ¼491 PL ¼0o300 Taiwanese No weight loss
Wang et al.
2008 12 GT ¼49 PL ¼43 X24 o35 M/F 18–50 GT ¼440 PL ¼0o300 Chinese No weight loss
Wang et al.
2008 12 GT ¼47 PL ¼43 X24 o35 M/F 18–50 GT ¼468 PL ¼0o300 Chinese No weight loss
Wang et al.
2008 12 GT ¼43 PL ¼43 X24 o35 M/F 18–50 GT ¼880 PL ¼0o300 Chinese Weight loss
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; F, female; GT, EGCG–caffeine mixture group; M, male; PL, placebo group.
Effects of green tea on body composition
R Hursel et al
International Journal of Obesity
The inter-individual variability of the activity of COMT
could vary as much as three-fold.
Moreover, COMT enzyme
activity differs between ethnic groups,
in that Asian
populations have a higher frequency of the thermostable,
high activity enzyme, COMT
allele (Val/Val polymorphism)
than the Caucasian populations. The Caucasian populations
have a higher frequency of the thermolabile, low activity
enzyme, COMT
allele (Met/Met polymorphism).
In all, 50%
of Caucasians are homozygous for the COMT
allele (25%)
and COMT
allele (25%). The other 50% is heterozygous
(Val/Met polymorphism).
This may explain the difference
in sensitivity to interventions with EGCG–caffeine mixtures,
and why, in some studies with Caucasian subjects, no effect
was seen after ingestion of an EGCG–caffeine mixture. The
observations described above suggest interaction between
the two possible moderators. Not until the two moderators
were taken together, the difference in estimated effect
between samples with low and moderate-to-high regular
caffeine intake became significant, probably because of
coincidence of polymorphisms ADORA2A, COMT, and
The results of the meta-analysis also show that the
difference in dosage of the catechins in the EGCG–caffeine
mixture between treatment and control groups had no effect
on the size of the effect. This finding is consistent with the
results from the study of Berube-Parent et al.
in which four
different mixtures of EGCG and caffeine with a different
dosage of catechins were examined. The results from that
study showed that all mixtures increased 24-h energy
expenditure and that the increase was similar for all doses
of EGCG in the mixtures, which was also found in the study
from Wang et al.
Taken together, this meta-analysis has shown that EGCG–
caffeine mixtures have a positive effect on WL and on WM.
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4
Effect Size (in kg)
Kovacs, 2004
Diepvens, 2005
Westerterp-Plantenga, 2005
Westerterp-Plantenga, 2005
Nagao, 2007
Hase, 2001
Nagao, 2001
Auvichayapat, 2008
Tsuchida, 2002
Kozuma, 2005
Kozuma, 2005
Hsu, 2008
Wang, 2008
Wang, 2008
Wang, 2008
Caucasian, caffeine = 1
Caucasian, caffeine = 1
Caucasian, caffeine = 1
Caucasian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Asian, caffeine = 0
Overall Effect from
Random-Effects Model
Figure 2 Forest plot of the individual effect size estimates (mean weight change within the treatment group minus mean weight change within the control group)
with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (caffeine ¼0/1 for low (0) or moderate-to-high (1) regular caffeine intake).
Effects of green tea on body composition
R Hursel et al
International Journal of Obesity
Moreover, it also shows that habitual caffeine intake and
ethnicity may be moderators, especially because of inter-
actions of the different ADORA2A and COMT polymor-
phisms and ethnicity, whereas different doses of catechins
do not have a significantly different effect. Experimental
research is needed to find out whether and to what
extent people are genetically predisposed for the effect of
EGCG–caffeine mixtures.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
RH and MSW-P designed the study. RH collected and
prepared the data. WV analyzed the data. RH and WV wrote
the manuscript and MSW-P contributed to the interpretation
of the data and reviewed the manuscript. The study was
executed under the supervision of MSW-P.
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Effects of green tea on body composition
R Hursel et al
International Journal of Obesity
... Purple tea shows promise but offers less impressive results than other treatments for obesity. A meta-analysis showed that green tea, which was also a popular tool for weight reduction, had similar small beneficial effects on both weight loss and maintenance [72]. This means that calorie restriction often causes between 5-10% weight loss in 6 months compared to that achieved from tea alone [73]. ...
... Catechins have been considered to have a positive effect on weight loss. Hursel et al. (42) found that catechins significantly decreased body weight and helped maintain weight after a period of weight loss. A meta-analysis by Xu et al. (43) showed that green tea consumption significantly lowered low-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels. ...
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Background The effect of tea consumption on conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity has attracted significant global interest. However, the results of various studies on this topic have been mixed and somewhat contentious. Therefore, we conducted a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to investigate the causal relationships between tea consumption and the aforementioned health conditions. Methods A bidirectional two-sample MR analysis was used to systematically explores the associations between tea consumption and hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. MR-Egger regression, weighted median, inverse variance weighted, and weighted mode methods were used to evaluate the potential causal associations. Leave-one-out sensitivity test was used to check the robustness of the IVW estimates. Results MR analysis indicated that genetically predicted tea consumption is associated with a protective effect against hypertension, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.78 and a 95% confidence interval (CI) ranging from 0.64 to 0.95. Additionally, tea consumption appeared to have a potential protective effect on type 2 diabetes and obesity related to excessive calorie intake, influenced by specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely “rs57462170” and “rs17685.” No causal link was observed between the consumption of green or herbal tea and hypertension, diabetes, or obesity. However, there was a marginal negative association between type 2 diabetes and tea consumption and (OR = 0.99; 95% CI: 0.97–1.00) and a significant negative correlation between obesity due to excessive calorie intake and green tea consumption (OR = 0.35; 95% CI: 0.16–0.78). Conclusion This study demonstrates a protective causal relationship between the consumption of tea (including black and green teas) and reduced risk of hypertension. Furthermore, our results suggest that tea intake may also have a protective effect on type 2 diabetes and obesity. The results recommend further research to verify or refine these findings.
... In the same way, green tea has a reputation for helping people lose weight, perhaps due to its increased energy usage. Green tea's health benefits are attributed to its polyphenolic components, particularly epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate (Hursel et al., 2009;Lu et al., 2012). For instance, if obesity is an inflammatory disease, antioxidant and antiinflammatory nutraceuticals can be used to treat the condition. ...
According to tradition, natural materials have been utilized to treat various diseases and illnesses since ancient times. For millennia, humans have used natural materials obtained from plants as medicine. These natural goods have yet to reach their full potential. Natural goods have a wide structural variety and specific pharmacological or biological activities resulting from thousands of years of natural selection and evolution. Under lab conditions, the capabilities of synthetic organic chemists are subdued by the structural variety of natural products, which results in the use of natural products in both modern and traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments. Natural products are frequently utilized as beginning stages for therapeutic growth, with synthetic alterations inserted to reduce adverse effects and boost bioavailability. In the United States of America, more than half of the FDA-approved medications are procured through inspiration taken from natural products. Herbs and Spices, anti-bacterial agents, and anti-oxidants are all examples of natural product derivatives that can also be used as food additives to keep food fresh and durable. We can find organic natural elements in daily aspects of our ecosystem, ranging from plastic bags to our cloth bags from our wearables to our beauty and health products; we can even use them in power generation. Interest in the biological activity of natural products from various organisms, particularly for discovering effective medications, has been a critical driving force for developing organic chemistry concepts and laboratory procedures.
... Setelah dipanen, daun teh dikeringkan dan digiling halus menjadi bubuk. Tidak seperti teh hijau lainnya yang diseduh dan daunnya dibuang, matcha dikonsumsi seluruhnya dalam bentuk bubuk, sehingga menawarkan konsentrasi nutrisi yang lebih tinggi (Hursel et al., 2009). ...
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Matcha merupakan salah satu jenis teh hijau yang diproduksi dari daun teh berkualitas tinggi yang telah diolah menjadi bubuk halus. Berasal dari Jepang dan memiliki sejarah lebih dari 800 tahun, matcha kini populer di seluruh dunia karena manfaat kesehatannya yang luar biasa dan fleksibilitasnya dalam berbagai varian makanan dan minuman. Proses produksinya yang unik, termasuk metode shading dan penggilingan tradisional, memastikan matcha mempertahankan kandungan antioksidan yang sangat tinggi, terutama katekin seperti epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), yang berperan dalam melawan radikal bebas. Selain itu, kandungan L-theanine dalam matcha dapat meningkatkan fokus dan konsentrasi, serta memberikan efek relaksasi. Matcha juga kaya akan manfaat bagi kesehatan kulit, berkat antioksidan dan nutrisi penting lainnya. Sebagai bagian dari tradisi budaya Jepang, matcha memiliki peran penting dalam upacara minum teh, yang menggambarkan ketenangan dan keseimbangan hidup. Dengan segala manfaatnya, matcha kini telah menjadi bagian penting dalam gaya hidup sehat dan modern di seluruh dunia.
... Many studies on common HP are used worldwide for their effects and clinical applications. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] By evaluating local information about medicinal plants used traditionally every day, products in the form of drugs (capsules, tablets) that are simple to dose and use are developed with today's pharmaceutical technology opportunities. It has been reported that some synthetic molecules, such as sibutramine, are added to their formulations to provide rapid weight loss, and these may, at times, lead to heart attacks and even fatality. ...
It is well-established that both communicable and non-communicable diseases present significant challenges to global healthcare. A substantial proportion, approximately 85%, of these diseases can be attributed to environmental factors. Consequently, adopting a healthy lifestyle can serve as a preventative measure for the majority of these ailments. Research conducted over the past few decades has provided valuable insights into the biological properties of various natural sources, including fruits, vegetables, spices, and millets, as well as their bioactive constituents, with the aim of improving human health. Numerous bioactive compounds, commonly referred to as nutraceuticals, have been isolated from these natural sources. Compounds such as curcumin, piperine, resveratrol, isothiocyanates, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), quercetin, sulphoraphane, among others, have demonstrated significant disease-preventive and therapeutic properties against a wide spectrum of human ailments. These assertions are supported by extensive preclinical and clinical studies. Consequently, these nutraceutical agents hold immense potential for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Therefore, the present chapter aims to explain the significance of select nutraceuticals and their applications in promoting human well-being.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of green tea catechins on the prevention of Parkinson's disease neurobehavioral symptoms and α-synuclein blood plasma concentration in a hemizygous transgenic A53T mouse model.Methods: Thirty 6-month-old male mice were randomly assigned to three groups (n = 10/group): control, low-dose, and high-dose, receiving green tea polyphenol (GTP) treatment in their drinking water at 0%, 0.5%, and 1.5%, respectively, over a 90-day period. The efficacy of ad libitum dosing was assessed by analyzing the bioaccumulation of tea catechins in urine samples collected from metabolic cages on days 0, 30, 60, and 90, using LC/Q-TOF analysis. PD-related behavioral impairments were measured with open field and rotarod performance tests on days 0, 45, and 90. On day 90, plasma α-synuclein levels were analyzed via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to assess treatment effects.Results: Circulating tea catechin metabolites were detected in treated groups by day 30, with levels progressively increasing through day 90. By day 90, control mice exhibited significant deficits in rotarod performance, while both low- and high-dose groups maintained or improved their maximum time on the rotarod. Open field testing indicated reduced anxiety-related behavior in control mice compared to treated groups. ELISA analysis revealed significantly lower circulating α-synuclein levels in high-dose mice compared to controls.Conclusion: Our findings indicate that sustained administration of tea catechins significantly reduces circulating α-synuclein levels in blood plasma, improves motor coordination in a dose-dependent manner, and modulates anxiety-related behaviors in a PD mouse model.
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Background & Aim: Exercise along with taking herbal supplement is recommended as an important way to control and prevent obesity and blood pressure. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the combination of exercise and drinking green tea on body composition and blood pressure in overweight and obese adults. Methods: In this meta-analysis study, articles in English and persian languages were searched without time limit until June 2024, in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google scholar, Sid and Magiran databases -using keywords exercise training, physical activity, green tea extract, body composition, blood pressure, adults and obesity. Mean difference and 95% confidence interval were calculated using random effect model. Heterogeneity was evaluated using the I2 test, and diffusion bias was evaluated by visual analysis of funnel plot and Egger's test. Results: A total of 13 randomized clinical trial studies and 283 adult subjects were analyzed. The results showed that the combination of exercise and drinking green tea caused a significant decrease in body mass index (P=0.001), systolic blood pressure (P=0.024), and diastolic blood pressure (P=0.039). However, there was no significant change in waist-to-hip ratio (P=0.298) and body fat percentage (P=0.806) in overweight and obese adults compared to the control group. Conclusion: The results showed that the combination of exercise and drinking green tea improves body composition and lowers blood pressure in overweight and obese adults. Therefore, these two interventions can be suggested as a practical and non-pharmacological solution to reduce cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Background: Green tea (GT) is a common component of supplements known as fat burners. It has gained popularity as an ergogenic aid for weight reduction to assist with obesity management. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to explore the effect of green tea ingestion coupled with exercise training (EX) on body composition and lipid profile in overweight and obese individuals. Methods: Two independent researchers systematically searched the electronic databases of PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus. Studies with a randomized-controlled design to compare the effect of green tea in conjunction with exercise training (EX+GT) versus exercise training alone (EX+P) in overweight or obese participants were included. Results: Of the 1,015 retrieved studies, 24 were identified to undergo full-text review, out of which 10 randomized trials met the inclusion criteria. EX+GT versus EX+P had a small and consistent effect on weight [Standardized mean difference (SMD) = -0.30, CI: -0.53 to -0.07], BMI [SMD = -0.33 CI: -0.64 to -0.02] and fat reduction [SMD = -0.29, CI: -0.57 to -0.01] and there was no evidence of heterogeneity across the trials. When compared to EX+P, EX+GT had no greater effect on lipid profile improvement [triglyceride: SMD = -0.92, CI: -1.30 to 0.49; LDL: SMD = -1.44, CI: -0.73 to 0.82; HDL: SMD = 0.56, CI -0.71 to 0.46; and total cholesterol SMD = -0.54, CI -0.85 to 0.13]. Conclusions: Current evidence suggests that green tea could have quite minimal additive benefit over exercise-induced weight loss. However, incorporation of green tea into exercise training does not seem to exert additional benefits on lipid profile and it warrants further investigations in the future.
Modern drugs are popular due to their role in emergency medicine however their roles are limited in chronic diseases due to their long-term usage and associated side effects. Various research have been conducted on nutraceuticals for prophylactic and therapeutic use. Significant role of micronutrients in diseases management has also been identified. Nutraceuticals are supplements with nutritional and medicinal value having proper dosage forms. Nutraceuticals work in synergy and support the pharmacokinetics, for example, vitamin D with K2, vitamin D with calcium, curcumin in combination with boswellic acid, and many such other combinations. Ayurveda nutraceuticals are also now emerging and making contribution in Asian market. Nutraceuticals are not tightly regulated in most part of the world; however, some countries like Japan have regulation in place to regulate nutraceuticals under Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU), whereas the USA regulates it under Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. Currently nutraceutical is being utilized as adjuvant to existing therapies to reduce the reactive oxygen species in cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and other diseases having significant inflammation and oxidative stress.
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The meta-analytic random effects model assumes that the variability in effect size estimates drawn from a set of studies can be decomposed into two parts: heterogeneity due to random population effects and sampling variance. In this context, the usual goal is to estimate the central tendency and the amount of heterogeneity in the population effect sizes. The amount of heterogeneity in a set of effect sizes has implications regarding the interpretation of the meta-analytic findings and often serves as an indicator for the presence of potential moderator variables. Five population heterogeneity estimators were compared in this article analytically and via Monte Carlo simulations with respect to their bias and efficiency.
The body fat reducing effect of tea catechins was previously confirmed in humans. The effects of tea catechins for reducing body fat were thus studied as basis for actual application. Three experiments on healthy male adults (n=82) were conducted to determine the effects of long-term tea catechins administration on body fat and biochemical blood parameters. First experiment: tea catechins were given as oolong tea-like beverage for 12 weeks. In 600 and 900 mg groups, visceral fat was significantly loss than in the control (600 mg group p=0.0317, 900 mg group p=0.0098). The effects were more pronounced at greater of tea catechins administration. No significant changes in biochemical blood parameters including fat-soluble vitamins were detected. Second experiment : oolong tea-like beverage containing tea catechins at nearly same amounts on in the 600 mg group was given for 20 weeks. Abdominal fat, including visceral fat, was significantly loss than in the control (total fat area p<0.0001, visceral fat area p=0.0004, subcutaneous fat area p=0.0001). Plasma PAI-1 was also significantly decreased (p=0.0080). Third experiment : green tea-like (GT group) and oolong tea-like (OT group) beverages containing approximately 540 mg tea catechins were given for 12 weeks. In the two groups, visceral fat was significantly loss than in the control (GT group p=0.0284, OT group p=0.0095) and the effects of two beverages were similar. Long-term tea catechins administration at 500 to 600 mg/day in humans would thus appear to reduce body fat without influencing fat-soluble vitamins, of which the absorption may be inhibited, and various serum and plasma indices regardless of the kind of beverages.
We assessed the effect of ingestion of green tea (GT) extract along with a low-energy diet (LED) on resting energy expenditure (REE), substrate oxidation and body weight as GT has been shown to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation in the short term in both animals and people. Forty-six overweight women (BMI 27 center dot 6 (sd 1 center dot 8) kg/m(2)) were fed in energy balance from day 1 to day 3, followed by a LED with GT (1125 mg tea catechins +225 mg caffeine/d) or placebo (PLAC) from day 4 to day 87. Caffeine intake was standardised to 300 mg/d. Energy expenditure was measured on days 4 and 32. Reductions in weight (4 center dot 19 (sd 2 center dot 0) kg PLAC, 4 center dot 21 (sd 2 center dot 7) kg GT), BMI, waist:hip ratio, fat mass and fat-free mass were not statistically different between treatments. REE as a function of fat-free mass and fat mass was significantly reduced over 32 d in the PLAC group (P < 0 center dot 05) but not in the GT group. Dietary restraint increased over time (P < 0 center dot 001) in both groups, whereas disinhibition and general hunger decreased (P < 0 center dot 05). The GT group became more hungry over time and less thirsty, and showed increased prospective food consumption compared with PLAC (P < 0 center dot 05). Taken together, the ingestion of GT along with a LED had no additional benefit for any measures of body weight or body composition. Although the decrease in REE as a function of fat-free mass and fat mass was not significant with GT treatment, whereas it was with PLAC treatment, no significant effect of treatment over time was seen, suggesting that a robust limitation of REE reduction during a LED was not achieved by GT.
To examine the anti-obesity effects of tea catechins in humans, a trial study using healthy male subjects (27-47 years). Comprising in equal number a low dose catechin (LDC) group (n=11) and high dose catechin (HDC) group (n=12). The groups were administered catechins at 118.5 mg and 483.0 mg a day for 12 weeks, respectively. At 4 and 12 weeks, effect evaluation was made based on change in weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, body fat ratio and abdominal fat as determined by computed tomography (CT) and triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, free fatty acid, glucose, insulin and total plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in serum. In the HDC group, at 12 weeks, weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat ratio, abdominal fat and total cholesterol, glucose, insulin, PAI-1 in serum were noted to have significantly decreased from values at 0 week. In the LDC group, only weight, BMI and insulin had changed. In the HDC group, BMI had decreased significantly in 25≤BMI subjects compared to 25>BMI subjects. In the 25≤BMI subjects, BMI decreased significantly more in the HDC group. Tea catechins are thus shown here for the first time to have the anti-obesity effects in humans.
Coffee and tea are both drunk in most countries, but typically one predominates. Coffee is the preferred drink in Europe and the Americas, tea elsewhere. Until the early eighteenth century coffee production and consumption was confined to the Islamic world, tea production to East Asia. European traders altered this pattern dramatically. The present pattern of coffee consumption is influenced by income per capita, that of tea is not. Religious influences played some part in the early development of both tea and coffee but have little relevance at the present. National factors have influenced wider patterns. British preference for tea was taken to all their colonies. In recent years fears about health have had some influence on coffee consumption.
An in vitro gastrointestinal model, which simulates the conditions in the human digestive tract, was used to determine potential antimutagenic activity of extracts of black tea and green tea. In this paper, results are presented on the availability for absorption of potential antimutagenic compounds present in tea and on the influence of the food matrix on this activity. Between 60 and 180 min after the tea was introduced into the model, antimutagenic activity was recovered from the jejunal compartment by means of dialysis: the dialysate appeared to inhibit the mutagenicity of the food mutagen MeIQx in the direct plate assay with Salmonella typhimurium (Ames test). The maximum inhibition was measured at 2 h after the start of the experiment and was comparable for black tea and green tea extract. To determine the influence of food matrices on the antimutagenic activity of tea, the model was loaded with black tea together with milk or a homogenized standard breakfast. The maximum inhibition observed with black tea was reduced by 22, 42 and 78% in the presence of whole milk, semi-skimmed milk, and skimmed milk, respectively. Whole milk and skimmed milk abolished the antimutagenic activity of green tea by more than 90%; for semi-skimmed milk the inhibition was more than 60%. When a homogenized breakfast was added into the model together with the black tea extract, the antimutagenic activity was completely eliminated. When tea and MeIQx were added together into the digestion model, MeIQx mutagenicity was efficiently inhibited, with green tea showing a slightly stronger antimutagenic activity than black tea. In this case, the addition of milk had only a small inhibiting effect on the antimutagenicity.
During the last decade, the traditional notion that green tea consumption benefits health has received significant scientific attention and, particularly, the areas of cardiovascular disease and cancer were subject to numerous studies. Due to the ever-growing obesity pandemic, the anti-obesity effects of green tea are being increasingly investigated in cell, animal, and human studies. Green tea, green tea catechins, and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) have been demonstrated in cell culture and animal models of obesity to reduce adipocyte differentiation and proliferation, lipogenesis, fat mass, body weight, fat absorption, plasma levels of triglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesterol, glucose, insulin and leptin, as well as to increase beta-oxidation and thermogenesis. Adipose tissue, liver, intestine, and skeletal muscle are target organs of green tea, mediating its anti-obesity effects. Studies conducted with human subjects report reduced body weight and body fat, as well as increased fat oxidation and thermogenesis and thereby confirm findings in cell culture systems and animal models of obesity. There is still a need for well-designed and controlled clinical studies to validate the existing and encouraging human studies. Since EGCG is regarded as the most active component of green tea, its specific effects on obesity should also be investigated in human trials.
Evaluation of the vitro antioxidant activity of green and black tea, their in vivo effect on plasma antioxidant potential in man and the effect of milk addition. The antioxidant activity of the tea, with and without milk, was tested in vitro by measuring the length of the peroxyl radical induced lag-phase. The in vivo activity was tested on two groups of five healthy adults. Each group ingested 300 ml of either black or green tea, after overnight fast. The experiment was repeated on a separate day, adding 100 ml whole milk to the tea (ratio 1:4 ). Five subjects acted as controls. The human plasma antioxidant capacity (TRAP) was measured before and 30, 50 and 80 min from the ingestion of tea. Both teas inhibited the in vitro peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner. Green tea was sixfold more potent than black tea. The addition of milk to either tea did not appreciably modify their in vitro antioxidant potential. In vivo, the ingestion of tea produced a significant increase of TRAP (P <0.05), similar in both teas, which peaked at 30-50 min. When tea was consumed with milk, their in vivo activity was totally inhibited. The paper shows that tea possesses a strong antioxidant activity in vitro which is believed to be exerted by its polyphenols moiety. It also provides compelling evidence that tea has also a potent in vivo activity in man. The promptness of the in vivo response suggests that the absorption of the bioactive components of tea takes place in the upper part of the gastrointestinal system. The inhibition of this effect by milk is thought to be due to the complexation of tea polyphenols by milk proteins. These findings might help to clarify the putative role of dietary poly- phenols in modulating oxidative stress in vivo.