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Flesh flies from two Nature Reserves of the Northern Apennines (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)

MiPAAF, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conserva-
zione della Biodiversità Forestale “Bosco Fontana”. Via Carlo Ederle, 16/a I-37100 Verona.
Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia, 64 (1-4) (2009): 337-345.
Daniel Whitmore (*)
(Diptera, Sarcophagidae)
The Sarcophagidae (flesh flies) are a family of Diptera Oestroidea of
worldwide distribution, with over 2,500 extant species (Pape, 1996). So far,
about 190 species are known to occur in Italy (Pape, 2004; Whitmore et al.,
2008a, 2008b).
Flesh flies are common in most environments. Males of the widespread
genus Sarcophaga Meigen, 1826 are usually seen resting on sunlit rocks or
vegetation, occupying precise spots to which they regularly return after short
flights; females are more often active also in shady places, and perform circular
flights among the vegetation in search of suitable places for larviposition. All
Sarcophagidae are larviparous, and several breeding strategies have evolved
within the family, from parasitism and kleptoparasitism to saprophagy, necro-
phagy and coprophagy (Pape, 1998).
The short list presented below is the result of a few brief sampling trips to
the Nature Reserves “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto” (Genoa province, Italy)
and “Guadine Pradaccio” (Parma province, Italy) (cf. Cerretti et al., 2003;
Spada et al., 2009). Most specimens were collected at Agoraie with a Malaise
trap placed in a closed beech forest on a peat bog (hence the low number of
sarcophagid specimens) from July 30
to August 20
2008. For each of the
species, previously unpublished records from other parts of Italy are also giv-
en, listed in alphabetical order by region. Species are listed alphabetically fol-
lowing the nomenclature of Pape (2004). All material is preserved in the in-
sect collection of the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della
Biodiversità Forestale “Bosco Fontana” (Verona, Italy) unless specified.
abbreviations. Localities: RAG = Liguria, Genoa province, Rezzoaglio,
Nature Reserve “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto”, Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat
bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607; RGU = Emilia-Romagna, Parma
province, Corniglio, Nature Reserve “Guadine Pradaccio”, 690 m, UTM 32 T
0586563 4925308. Collectors: AM = A.M. Tenga; AT = A. Tagliapietra; DA
= D. Avesani; DB = D. Birtele; DP = D. Povolný; DW = D. Whitmore; EB =
E. Braga; FD = F. Donini; FM = F. Mason; FV = F. Vegliante; GG = G. Ga-
briele; GM = G. Mantero; GN = G. Nardi; GS = G. Saccà; LS = L. Spada;
MB = M. Bardiani; ML = M. Lopresti; MM = M. Mei; MT = M. Tisato; PC
= P. Cerretti; PD = P. Dallatana; PO = P. Cornacchia; SH = S. Hardersen;
SL = S. Langemark; SV = S. Vanin; TP = T. Pape. Depositories: MZUR =
Museo di Zoologia, Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy; NHRS =
Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden; ZMUC = Natural History
Museum of Denmark, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Den-
mark. Other: prov. = province.
1. Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) laticornis (Meigen, 1826)
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ?.
aDDitional recorDs. Abruzzi: Chieti prov., Palena, 1300 m; 19.VIII.2000, MM, 1 ?
(MZUR). Tuscany: Lucca prov., Parco dell’Orecchiella, Lamarossa, 1480 m, 29.VI-19.VII.2001,
Malaise trap, PC, 1 !.
remarks. Species widespread in the Palaearctic Region (Pape, 1996). Pre-
viously recorded, in Italy, from Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Tusca-
ny, Latium and Abruzzi (Venturi, 1960; Cerretti & Merz, 2003; Whitmore et
al., 2008b); new record for Liguria.
2. Brachicoma devia (Fallén, 1820)
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ? 1 !.
aDDitional recorDs. Abruzzi: L’Aquila prov., Anversa degli Abruzzi, Sorgente Cavuto, 520
m, 30.VII.1997, PC, 1 ?; Chieti prov., Rosello, 930 m, 18.VI.2003, PC, 1 ?. Lombardy: Brescia
prov., Serle, Villa, 550 m, 15.VIII.2005, DA, 1 !. Tuscany: Lucca prov., Parco dell’Orecchiella,
Pania di Corfino, 1550 m, 18.VII-18.VIII.2001, Malaise trap, DB PC, 2 ?? (cf. Cerretti &
Merz, 2003); Pistoia prov., Foresta Demaniale Abetone, Riserva Naturale Campolino, 1500 m,
7.VII.2000, Malaise trap, DB FD AT MT, 1 ? 1 !. Sicily: Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza,
Valle Cerasa, 990 m, UTM 33 S 362011 4190550, 23.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?. Umbria:
Perugia prov., Gubbio, Colonnata, 500 m, 12.VII.2003, DW, 2 ??.
remarks. A species widespread in the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Oriental
Regions (Pape, 1996). Previously recorded, in Italy, from Piedmont, Lombardy,
Trentino-Alto Adige, Venetia, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marches (Ven-
turi, 1960; Cerretti & Merz, 2003; Whitmore et al., 2008a, 2008b); the above
specimens from Liguria, Umbria, Abruzzi and Sicily represent new regional
3. Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) haemorrhoa Meigen, 1826
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ?.
aDDitional recorDs. Abruzzi: L’Aquila prov., Barrea, Colle della Croce, 1200 m,
22.V.2005, DW MB DB, 1 ?. Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Trieste prov., Monfalcone, 19-26.VII.1987,
SA, 4 ?? (ZMUC). Latium: Rome prov., Anticoli Corrado, river Aniene, 300 m, 2.VI.1998, PC
AM, 1 ?; Rome prov., Mandela, 22.V.1998, PC, 1 ?; Rome prov., Monti Sabatini, Foresta di
Manziana, 350 m, 5-11.X.1996, PC, 1 ?; Rome prov., Monti della Tolfa, Rio Fiume, 4.IV.1998,
PC, 1 ?; Rome prov., Settecamini, 20.VI.1941, no collector, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov., Su-
biaco, Santa Maria della Pace, 30.IX.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR). Piedmont: Cuneo prov., Alpi
Marittime, Valle Gesso, 1 km N-NE Terme di Valdieri, 1285 m, UTM 32 T 362639 4897334,
4.VII.2008, DB PC DW, 2 ??. Sicily: Catania prov., Giarre, S.ta Maria la Strada, 10.V.1968,
SL, 1 ? (ZMUC); Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Valle Fanuso, 813 m, UTM 33 S 361659
4192543, 1.VII.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Madonie, Piano Zucchi, 1240 m,
21.V.2004, PC DB GN DW, 1 ?. Tuscany: Florence city, 10-18.V.1986, TP, 3 ?? (ZMUC).
Umbria: Perugia prov., Gubbio, Colonnata, 500 m, 12.VII.2003, DW; same locality, 18.VI.2005,
DW, 1 ? 1 !; same locality, 2.VII.2006, DW, 1 ?; Perugia prov., Gubbio, Valdichiascio, 450
m, 13.VIII.2002, DW GG, 1 ?.
remarks. Species widespread in Europe, and reaching Turkey and W Sibe-
ria eastwards (Pape, 1996). Previously recorded, in Italy, from Piedmont, Lom-
bardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Venetia, Liguria, Tuscany, Latium, Calabria and
Sicily (Saccà & Rivosecchi, 1953; Cerretti & Merz, 2002; Whitmore et al.,
2008a); the above specimens from Umbria and Abruzzi represent new regional
4. Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) vicina Macquart, 1835
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ? 1 !.
aDDitional recorDs. Aosta Valley: Aosta prov., Gran Paradiso National Park, near Pont
Valsavarenche, 28-30.VI-2000, TP, 1 ? (NHRS). Lombardy: Sondrio prov., Le Prese, 950 m,
17.VII.1997, AB, 4 ?? (NHRS). Piedmont: Cuneo prov., Sambuco, Monte Vaccia, 1300 m,
15.VI.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Cuneo prov., Alpi Marittime, Valle Gesso, Entracque, Ponte del
Suffiet, 1185 m, UTM 32 T 375752 4894669, 1.VII.2008, DB PC DW, 7 ??. Tuscany: Florence
city, 10-18.V.1986, TP, 4 ?? (ZMUC). Venetia: Verona prov., Monte Baldo, nr. Caprino, path
662 between Gaon and Piore, 370-920 m, 23.IV.2006, DW, 1 ?; Verona prov., Malcesine, Prea,
300 m, 18.V.2002, DB, 1 !.
remarks. A widespread European species (Pape, 1996). Previously record-
ed, in Italy, from Piedmont, Venetia, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna and Latium
(Saccà & Rivosecchi, 1953; Whitmore et al., 2008a); the above specimens
from Aosta Valley, Lombardy and Tuscany represent new regional records.
5. Sarcophaga (Liopygia) argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)
recorDs. RGU: 23.V.2008, hand collected, MB GN, 1 ?.
aDDitional recorDs. Calabria: Cosenza prov., Civita, Gole del Raganello, 300 m, 17.V.1998,
PC MM, 1 ?. Emilia-Romagna: Forlì-Cesena prov., Cesena, 31.VII.2000, 1 !. Latium: Rome
prov., Monti Sabatini, Foresta di Manziana, 400 m, 5.X.1997, PC, 2 ??; Rome prov., Percile,
27.IX.1993, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov., Tenuta della Cervelletta, 26.IX.1999, MM, 1 ? 1
!; Rome prov., Tivoli, Colle Vescovo, 448 m, 18.IX.1999, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same locality,
6.V.2000, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 16.VIII.2000, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR). Lombardy:
Mantua prov., Marmirolo, Bosco della Fontana, 25 m, 16.V.2005, DW, 1 !. Sardinia: Carbonia-
Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, Grotta San Giovanni, 350 m, 12.VI. 2004, PC DB GN MT DW, 1
?; Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, Lago Siuru, 307 m, 22.IX.2004, PC DB FM DW, 1
?; Sassari prov., Palau, Porto Rafael, 1-15.IX.1997, PC AM, 1 ? 2 !!. Sicily: Palermo prov.,
Bosco della Ficuzza, Cima Cucco, 995 m, UTM 33 S 360328 4192550, 25.VI.2005, DW DB PC
ML, 4 ??. Tuscany: Grosseto prov., Tuscan Archipelago, Isola del Giglio, 8-15.VII.2000, MM,
2 ?? (MZUR). Umbria: Perugia prov., Gubbio, Colonnata, 550 m, 15.VIII.2009, DW, 1 ?.
remarks. A near-cosmopolitan, highly synanthropic species (Pape, 1996).
Previously recorded, in Italy, from Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Ro-
magna, Tuscany, Marches, Latium, Abruzzi and Sicily (Saccà & Rivosecchi,
1953; Di Girolamo & Mancini, 1988; Whitmore et al., 2008b); the above spec-
imens from Umbria, Calabria and Sardinia represent new regional records.
6. Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) teretirostris Pandellé, 1896
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ?.
aDDitional recorDs. Abruzzi: L’Aquila prov., Anversa degli Abruzzi, Sorgente Cavuto, 520
m, 30.VII.1997, PC, 1 ?; L’Aquila prov., Cansano, Monte Rotella, 1700 m, 18.VIII.2000, MM,
1 ? (MZUR); Chieti prov., Abetina di Rosello, 1000 m, UTM 33 T 445947 4637768, DW MB
DB, 2 !!. Latium: Rome prov., Castelporziano, Grotta Romagnola, 6.VI.1997, PC, 1 ?; Rome
prov., Castel Romano, 6.V.1996, PC, 1 ?; Rome prov., Percile, 4.IV.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR);
same locality, 27.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 29.IV.2000, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR);
Rome prov., Tenuta della Cervelletta, 6.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 9.IV.2000,
MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 16.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 26.IV.2000,
MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 27.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 6.VIII.2000,
MM, 1 ? (MZUR). Marches: Pesaro-Urbino prov., Cagli, Secchiano, 2.VII.2006, DW, 1 ?; same
locality, 16.VIII.2009, DW, 1 ?. Sardinia: Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, Perda Niedda,
319 m, 8.VI.2004, PC DB GN MT DW, 1 ?; Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, Grotta San
Giovanni, 350 m, 12.VI.2004, PC DB GN MT DW, 1 ?; Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas,
Sa Duchessa, 308 m, 24.IX.2004, PC DB FM DW, 1 ?; same locality, 25.IX.2004, PC DB FM
DW, 4 ??; Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, Valle d’Oridda, 643 m, 23.IX.2004, PC DB
FM DW, 2 ??; Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Iglesias, Monti Marganai, Case Marganai, 650 m,
11.VI.2004, PC DB GN MT DW, 1 ?; Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Iglesias, Marganai, Tintillonis,
480 m, 13.VI.2004, PC DB GN MT DW, 1 ?; Sassari prov., Golfo dell’Asinara, Osilo, San Lo-
renzo in Valle, 18.VII.2004, DB, 1 ?. Sicily: Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Alpe Ramosa,
950 m, UTM 33 S 358029 4191912, 27.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Bosco
della Ficuzza, Pulpito del Re, 865 m, 16.V.2004, PC DB GN DW, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Bosco
della Ficuzza, Valle Cerasa, 898 m, UTM 33 S 362296 4190870, 24.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1
?; same locality, 23.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 3 ?? 1 !; same locality, 24.VI.2005, DW DB
PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Parco delle Madonie, Piano Zucchi, 1075 m, UTM 33 S 411992
4195243, DW DB PC ML, 4 ??; Trapani prov., Isola di Favignana, Faro, 2.VII.2005, DW DB
PC ML, 1 !. Tuscany: Grosseto prov., Tuscan Archipelago, Isola del Giglio, 8-15.VII.2000,
MM, 1 ? (MZUR).
remarks. Species widespread in central, western and southern Europe, oc-
curring also in Morocco (Pape, 1996). Recorded in Italy from Trentino-Alto
Adige, Venetia, Liguria, Tuscany, Marches, Umbria, Latium, Abruzzi, Sardi-
nia and Sicily (Saccà & Rivosecchi, 1953; Whitmore et al., 2008b).
7. Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) variegata (Scopoli, 1763)
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 2 ??; 21.VIII.2008,
hand net, SH, 1 ?.
aDDitional recorDs. Abruzzi: L’Aquila prov., Castel di Sangro, Monte Pagano, 500 m,
20.V.2005, DW MB DB, 1 ?; L’Aquila prov., Opi, Valle Fredda, 1300 m, 22.V.2005, DW MB
DB, 1 ?; Chieti prov., Abetina di Rosello, 1000 m, UTM 33 T 445947 4637768, 21.V.2005, DW
MB DB, 2 ??; Chieti prov., Abetina di Rosello, path nr. Level II ICP Forests permanent moni-
toring site, 940 m, 21.V.2005, DW MB DB, 4 ??; Chieti prov., Palena, 1300 m, 19.VIII.2000,
MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); Chieti prov., Rosello, Torrente Verde, 820 m, UTM 33 T 444462 4639228,
21.V.2005, DW MB DB, 3 ??; Pescara prov., Forca di Penne, 918 m, 4.VIII.1995, FV, 1 ?.
Calabria: Reggio Calabria prov., Giffone, 800 m, 24.VII.2004, PC MT, 1 ?. Latium: Latina
prov., Terracina, VI.1950, GS, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov., Anticoli Corrado, river Aniene, 300
m, 2.VI.1998, PC AM, 1 ?; Rome prov., Ardea, VII.1939, GS, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov., Ca-
stelporziano, Tenuta Trafusa, near Trafusina, 30.V.1997, PC, 1 ?; Rome prov., Marano Equo,
11.IX.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov., Monti Lepini, Carpineto Romano, Pian della
Faggeta, 850 m, 1.VIII.1997, PC AM, 1 ?; Rome prov., Monti della Tolfa, Casale delle Pietri-
sche, 350 m, 3.V.1997, PC, 1 ?; same locality, 14.VI.1997, PC, 2 ??; Rome prov., Percile,
27.IX.1993, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 29-31.III.1997, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same lo-
cality, 5.IX.1999, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 27.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same
locality, 30.IV.2000, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); Rome prov., Tenuta della Cervelletta, 17.IX.1999,
MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov., Valle dell’Insugherata, 6.IV.1997, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same
locality, 1.IX.1997, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome city, Villa Pamphili, 11.V.1989, MM, 1 ?
(MZUR). Liguria: Genoa prov., VIII.1937, no collector, 1 ? (MZUR); Savona prov., Varazze,
IV.1942, GM, 1 ? (MZUR). Lombardy: Brescia prov., Serle, Villa, 550 m, 15.VIII.2005, DA, 1
?; Mantua prov., Barbasso, Chiavica del Moro, 14.IV.2007, DW MB, 1 ?; Mantua prov., For-
migosa, Fornace Morselli, 14.IV.2007, DW MB, 1 ?; Mantua prov., Marmirolo, Bosco della
Fontana, 25 m, 7.X.2001, SV, 1 ? (cf. Cerretti & Merz, 2002). Piedmont: Cuneo prov., Alpi Co-
zie Meridionali, Sambuco, 1300 m, 1-8.IX.1996, PC, 1 ?; same locality, 1400 m, Moriglione
di Fondo, 15.VI.2000, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); Cuneo prov., Alpi Marittime, Argentera, Ferriere,
1900 m, 14.VI.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Cuneo prov., Alpi Marittime, Sambuco, N slope Monte
Vaccia, 13.VI.2000, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 15.VI.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR). Sardi-
nia: Cagliari prov., Costa Rei, 17.V.1995, DP, 1? (NHRS, det. DP). Sicily: Palermo prov., Bo-
sco della Ficuzza, 30.VII.2003, PC MT, 2 ??; Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Pulpito del
Re, 865 m, 16.V.2004, PC DB GN DW, 2 ??; same locality, 20.V.2004, PC DB GN DW, 2
??; same locality, 26.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Tor-
retta Torre, 940 m, V.2004, PC DB GN DW, 2 ??; same locality, 24.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML,
1 ?; same locality, 26.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Val-
le Cerasa, 990 m, UTM 33 T 362011 4190550, 23.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 3 ??; same lo-
cality, 24.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 3 ??; Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Valle Fanuso,
813 m, UTM 33 S 361659 4192543, 1.VII.2005, DW DB PC ML, 2 ??; Palermo prov., Parco
delle Madonie, 29.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Parco delle Madonie, Petralia,
Gorgo Nero, 1157 m, UTM 33 S 420628 4188879, 29.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo
prov., Parco delle Madonie, Piano Zucchi, 1075 m, UTM 33 S 411992 4195243, 29.VI.2005,
DW DB PC ML, 3 ??. Trentino-Alto Adige: Bolzano prov., Merano, 1300-1500 m, 24.IV.2006,
DB EB, 1 ?; Bolzano prov., Val Pusteria, Terento, 1200 m, 28.VII.2007, DB, 4 ??; Trento
prov., Monti Bondone, Viote, 1500 m, 20.VI.1996, PC, 1 ?. Tuscany: Pistoia prov., Foresta De-
maniale Abetone, Riserva Naturale Campolino, 1500 m, 7.VII.2000, Malaise trap, DB FD AT
MT, 27 ??; same locality, 22.VII.2000, Malaise trap, DB FD AT MT, 1 ?. Venetia: Verona
prov., Monte Baldo, Caprino, Braga-La Fabbrica, 902 m, 30.IV.2005, MB DB, 1 ?; Verona
prov., Monte Baldo, Caprino, path 662 between Gaon and Piore, 370-920 m, 23.IV.2006, DW, 2
??; Verona prov., Monte Baldo, San Zeno di Montagna, via Cà del Bosco, 27.VI.2004, DB, 1
?; Verona prov., Monti Lessini, Sant’Anna di Alfaedo, Fosse, 912 m, 22.VII.2007, DB, 2 ??;
Verona prov., Monte Pastello, 2.IX.2006, DW PC, 1 ?; Verona prov., between Novaglie and S.
Maria in Stelle, 300 m, 23.IV.2006, DA, 1 ?; Verona prov., Ponte di Veja-Erbezzo, 1118 m,
2.VI.2005, DB, 3 ??.
remarks. A Palaearctic species reaching Niemenggu (China), Mongolia
and Far East Russia eastwards (Pape, 1996). Until recently (Richet, 1987),
the name S. carnaria (Linnaeus, 1758) was associated with the species now
recognized by most authors as S. (S.) variegata. Saccà & Rivosecchi (1953)
mentioned S. variegata (as S. carnaria”) as occurring in all Italian regions.
Di Girolamo & Mancini (1988) gave a more detailed regional distribution
for Sarcophaga carnaria based on the examination of Saccà’s collection
(MZUR), but I found that in MZUR at least three species are confused under
this name. Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) variegata is surely the most common
species of the subgenus in Italy, but without the examination of voucher speci-
mens it is difficult to assign old literature records to a species. The Italian dis-
tribution of S. (S.) variegata is based exclusively on the above-examined ma-
terial and on recent publications: Piedmont, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige,
Venetia, Liguria, Tuscany, Latium, Abruzzi, Calabria, Sardinia and Sicily
(Cerretti & Merz, 2002, 2003; Pape, 2004; Whitmore et al., 2008a, 2008b).
Pape (2004) recorded S. (S.) variegata from Sardinia based on the above-listed
male from Costa Rei. A few females of Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) from RAG
were not identified to species.
8. Sarcophaga (Thyrsocnema) incisilobata Pandellé, 1896
recorDs. RAG: 30.VII-20.VIII.2008, Malaise trap, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ?; Liguria, Genoa
prov., Rezzoaglio, Riserva Naturale Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto, torbiera del Moggetto, 1326
m, UTM 32 T 0532158 4926700, 21.VIII.2008, sweep net, MB PO PD SH GN, 1 ?.
aDDitional recorDs. Abruzzi: L’Aquila prov., Opi, Valle Fredda, 1300 m, 22.V.2005, DW
MB DB, 1 ?; Chieti prov., Abetina di Rosello, Fonte Volpona, 930 m, 18.V.2005, DW MB DB,
1 ?; Chieti prov., Palena, 1300 m, 19.VIII.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR). Calabria: Reggio Calabria
prov., Gioiosa Ionica, 112 m, 12.V.2004, PC DB GN DW, 1 ! (det. R. Richet). Latium: Rome
prov., Monti della Tolfa, Casale delle Pietrische, 350 m, 29.VIII.1997, PC, 1 ?; Rome prov.,
Monti della Tolfa, Rio Fiume, 25.IV.1997, PC AM, 1 ! (det. R. Richet); Rome prov., Monti della
Tolfa, Rota, 400 m, 25.VII.1997, PC, 1 ?; Rome prov., Orvinio, La Spineta, 800 m, 13.X.1999,
MM, 1 ! (MZUR, det. R. Richet); Rome prov., Percile, 13.IX.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same
locality, 30.IV.2000, MM, 1 ! (MZUR, det. R. Richet); same locality, 4.VII.2000, MM, 1 ?
(MZUR); Rome prov., Tenuta della Cervelletta, 19.IX.1999, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same local-
ity, 26.IX.1999, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 2.X.1999, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same lo-
cality, 3.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 7.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same local-
ity, 10.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 25.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); Rome prov.,
Valle dell’Insugherata, 23.IX.1997, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR). Liguria: Genoa prov., Nostra Signora
della Vittoria, VIII.1941, GM, 2 ?? (MZUR). Lombardy: Brescia prov., Serle, Villa, 550 m,
15.VIII.2005, DA, 1 ?; Brescia prov., Camiolo, 24.VII.2007, SH, 1 ?; Mantua prov., Marmi-
rolo, Bosco della Fontana, 25 m, 1.IX.2004, DW, 1 ?; Mantua prov., Pilastro di Marcaria, 25
m, 16.IX.2003, MB, 1 ! (det. R. Richet). Piedmont: Cuneo prov., Alpi Marittime, Sambuco,
Abetine Monte Vaccia, 1300 m, 17.VI.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 3.VII.2008,
DB PC DW, 1 ?. Tuscany: Grosseto prov., Scarlino, Cala di Terra Rossa, 2.VI.2004, PC DB
GN MT DW, 2 ??; Grosseto prov., Follonica, Cala Violina, 3.VI.2004, PC DB GN MT DW,
1 ?; Grosseto prov., Massa Marittima, Marsiliana, 230 m, 2.VI.2004, PC DB GN MT DW, 1
?; Lucca prov., Parco dell’Orecchiella, Lamarossa, 1380 m, 22.VIII.2000, Malaise trap, DB
FD AT MT, 1 ?; Pistoia prov., Foresta Demaniale Abetone, Riserva Naturale Campolino, 1500
m, 7.VII.2000, Malaise trap, DB FD AT MT, 5 ??. Venetia: Verona prov., Monte Pastello,
2.IX.2006, DW PC, 1 ?.
remarks. Species distributed in Europe, North Africa and Central Asia
(Pape, 1996). Previously recorded, in Italy, from Piedmont, Lombardy, Tren-
tino-Alto Adige, Venetia, Liguria, Tuscany, Marches and Latium (Saccà &
Rivosecchi, 1953; Cerretti & Merz, 2002; Whitmore et al., 2008a, 2008b).
Sicilian records by Saccà & Rivosecchi (1953), and in all probability also
those by Povolný (1999, 2004), refer to a closely related, undescribed species
(Richet/Whitmore/Pape, unpublished). The above specimens from Abruzzi
and Calabria represent new regional records.
acknoWleDgements. Thanks to curators B. Gustafsson (NHRS), T. Pape (ZMUC) and A. Vi-
gna Taglianti (MZUR) for the loan of material; M. Mei (MZUR) for help with specimens in the
Saccà collection; G. Nardi (Centro Nazionale Biodiversità Forestale “Bosco Fontana”, Verona)
and T. Pape (ZMUC) for critically reviewing the manuscript.
Eight species of flesh flies (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) are listed from two nature reserves of
the northern Apennines (Italy): one from the “Guadine Pradaccio” Reserve (Parma province), and
seven from the “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto” Reserve (Genoa province). Additional, previously
unpublished locality records from other parts of Italy are given for each species, including new
regional records; among these, Brachicoma devia (Fallén, 1820) is new for Sicily and Sarcopha-
ga (Liopygia) argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) is new for Sardinia.
Sarcofagidi di due Riserve Naturali dell’Appennino settentrionale (Diptera, Sarcophagi-
Sono elencate otto specie di sarcofagidi (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) raccolte in due riserve na-
turali dell’Appennino settentrionale: una nella Riserva “Guadine Pradaccio” (Parma), sette nella
Riserva “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto” (Genova). Sono inoltre forniti, per tutte le specie, reperti
inediti provenienti da altre zone d’Italia, comprese alcune nuove segnalazioni regionali; tra que-
ste, Brachicoma devia (Fallén, 1820) è nuova per la Sicilia e Sarcophaga (Liopygia) argyrostoma
(Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) è nuova per la Sardegna.
cerretti, P. & b. merz. 2002. Sarcophagidae, 131-132. In: F. Mason, P. Cerretti, A. Tagliapietra,
M.C.D. Speight & M. Zapparoli (eds), Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura Padana,
Bosco della Fontana, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati, 1. Gianluigi
Arcari Editore, Mantova.
cerretti, P. & b. merz. 2003. Sarcophagidae, 186-187. In: P. Cerretti, A. Tagliapietra, M. Ti-
sato, S. Vanin, F. Mason & M. Zapparoli (eds), Artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nel-
l’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati, 2.
Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova.
cerretti, P., a. tagliaPietra, m. tisato, s. vanin, F. mason & m. zaPParoli. 2003 (eds). Ar-
tropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’Appennino Settentrionale, Primo contributo. Con-
servazione Habitat Invertebrati, 2. Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 253 pp.
Di girolamo i. & l. mancini. 1988. Le mosche sinantropiche della collezione ditterologica
dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ex collezione Saccà) (Diptera, Brachycera). Bollettino
dell’Associazione romana di Entomologia, 42 (1-4): 21-35.
PaPe, t. 1996. Catalogue of the Sarcophagidae of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Memoirs on Ento-
mology, International, 8: 1-558.
PaPe, t. 1998. Family Sarcophagidae, 649-678. In: L. Papp & B. Darvas (eds), Manual of Palae-
arctic Diptera (with special reference to flies of economic importance). 3. Science Herald,
PaPe, t. 2004. Fauna Europaea: Sarcophagidae. In: T. Pape (ed.), Fauna Europaea: Diptera Bra-
chycera. Fauna Europaea version 1.3 [2007], available from
[accessed April 2009].
Povolný, D. 1999. Three new Mediterranean taxa of flesh-flies and additional notes on their syn-
ecology (Diptera, Sarcophagini). Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mende-
lianae Brunensis, 47 (1): 7-21.
Povolný, D. 2004. Salemea sororia sp.n. and Heteronychia obvia sp.n., two new species of flesh-
flies from Sicily (Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silvicultu-
rae Mendelianae Brunensis, 52 (1): 7-14.
richet, r. 1987. L’identité de la “Mouche à damier”, Sarcophaga carnaria (Linné, 1758) (Dipt.
Sarcophagidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 91 (3-4): 131-135.
saccà, g. & l. rivosecchi. 1953. Contributo alla conoscenza faunistica del genere Sarcophaga
in Italia (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Rivista di Parassitologia, 14: 37-47.
sPaDa, l., m. barDiani & g. narDi. 2009. Artropodi delle Riserve Naturali “Agoraie di Sopra e
Moggetto” (Liguria, Genova) e “Guadine Pradaccio” (Emilia-Romagna, Parma). Introdu-
zione. Bollettino dell’Associazione romana di Entomologia, 64 (1-4): 3-32.
venturi, F. 1960. Sistematica e geonemia dei Sarcofagidi (escl. Sarcophaga s.l.) italiani (Dipte-
ra). Frustula entomologica, 2: 1-124.
Whitmore, D., D. birtele & F. mason. 2008a. Stratiomyidae, Syrphidae and Sarcophagidae
(Diptera: Brachycera) from the understorey and canopy of a riparian forest ecosystem in
Italy, 239-251. In: S. Hardersen, F. Mason, F. Viola, D. Campedel, C. Lasen & M. Cas-
sol (eds), Research on the natural heritage of the reserves Vincheto di Celarda and Val
Tovanella (Belluno province, Italy). Quaderni Conservazione Habitat, 5. Arti Grafiche
Fiorini, Verona.
Whitmore, D., r. richet & t. PaPe. 2008b. Sarcophagidae, 229-237. In: J. Ziegler (ed.), Diptera
Stelviana. A dipterological perspective on a changing alpine landscape. Volume 1. Studia
dipterologica, Supplement 16.
... Species marked with an asterisk (*) are recorded for Croatia based on unverified literature records only. European distributions are derived from Séguy (1941), Pape et al. (1995), , Povolný ( , 1999, Panu et al. (2000), , Whitmore (2009aWhitmore ( , 2009b, Gaglio et al. (2011), Richet et al. (2011, Whitmore (2011), Richet et al. (2013), Verves and Khrokalo (2014), Whitmore (2016) and Whitmore and Perry (2018), and listed according to the Fauna Europaea format for countries and regions (Pape et al. 2015). Geographic coordinates of recent Croatian sampling localities are given in Table 1. ...
Full-text available
An updated checklist of Croatian flesh flies is presented based on the literature, on material collected from 2004 to 2017, and on specimens in museum collections. The checklist comprises 22 genera and 148 species (two left unnamed), 105 of which are represented by new Croatian records. Twenty-five species are recorded from Croatia with certainty for the first time: Amobia pelopei (Rondani, 1859), Apodacra seriemaculata Macquart, 1854, Craticulina tabaniformis (Fabricius, 1805), Macronychia striginervis (Zetterstedt, 1838), Metopia campestris (Fallén, 1810), Miltogramma brevipila Villeneuve, 1911, Miltogramma iberica Villeneuve, 1912, Miltogramma oestracea (Fallén, 1820), Miltogramma punctata Meigen, 1824, Oebalia cylindrica (Fallén, 1810), Phylloteles pictipennis Loew, 1844, Senotainia conica (Fallén, 1810), Taxigramma hilarella (Zetterstedt, 1844), Taxigramma stictica (Meigen, 1830), Agria monachae (Kramer, 1908), Nyctia lugubris (Macquart, 1843), Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) aurulenta Rohdendorf, 1937, Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) batilligera Séguy, 1941, Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) plumicornis (Zetterstedt, 1859), Sarcophaga (Helicophagella) okaliana (Lehrer, 1975), Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) amita Rondani, 1860, Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) ancilla Rondani, 1865, Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) pseudobenaci (Baranov, 1942), Sarcophaga (Myorhina) lunigera Böttcher, 1914 and Sarcophaga (Stackelbergeola) mehadiensis Böttcher, 1912. Taxigramma hilarella, Nyctia lugubris, Agria monachae, Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) aurulenta and Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) amita are recorded from Southeast Europe with certainty for the first time. The species Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) hennigi Lehrer, 1978 is omitted from the list, as previous records from Croatia are shown to be based on an erroneous synonymy with Sarcophaga novaki Baranov, 1941 (= Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) croatica Baranov, 1941). Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) rufipes (Macquart, 1839) could not be confirmed from Croatia and is not included in the checklist. Three new synonymies are proposed: Golania Lehrer, 2000 = Thyrsocnema Enderlein, 1928, syn. nov., Parasarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) kovatschevitchi Strukan, 1970 = Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) marshalli Parker, 1923, syn. nov., and Sarcophaga subvicina ssp. novaki Baranov, 1941 = Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) croatica Baranov, 1941, syn. nov. As part of an effort to update the European distributions of all Croatian species, the following new national and regional records are also provided: Miltogramma brevipila, Miltogramma taeniata Meigen, 1824 and Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) pandellei (Rohdendorf, 1937) new to Greece; Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) harpax Pandellé, 1896 and Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) croatica new to Italy (respectively mainland and mainland and Sicily); Miltogramma iberica new to Bulgaria and Sardinia; Pterella convergens (Pandellé, 1895) new to mainland Italy and Sicily; Nyctia lugubris new to mainland Italy and Sardinia; Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) litoralis (Villeneuve, 1911) new to Sardinia and thus confirmed for Italy; Apodacra seriemaculata, Macronychia striginervis, Protomiltogramma fasciata (Meigen, 1824) and Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) ungulata (Pandellé, 1896) new to Sardinia and Sicily; Macronychia dolini Verves & Khrokalo, 2006, Macronychia polyodon (Meigen, 1824), Metopia argyrocephala (Meigen, 1824), Senotainia albifrons (Rondani, 1859), Taxigramma multipunctata (Rondani, 1859), Taxigramma stictica, Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) unicolor (Villeneuve, 1912) and Sarcophaga (Helicophagella) agnata Rondani, 1860 new to Sardinia; Metopodia pilicornis (Pandellé, 1895), Miltogramma oestracea, Miltogramma rutilans Meigen, 1824, Nyctia halterata (Panzer, 1798), Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) lapidosa Pape, 1994 and Blaesoxipha (Blaesoxipha) plumicornis new to Sicily
... "Bosco della Fontana" Nature Reserve since 1995 was object of accurate entomological researches (cf. Bacchi & Rizzotti Vlach, 1998;Mason et al., 2001Buschinger et al., 2003;Cerretti et al., 2004a;Gori, 2005;Tagliapietra & Zanetti, 2005;Zanetti & Tagliapietra, 2005;Turrisi, 2007;Barbagallo et al., 2008;Bologna et al., 2008;Mei, 2008;Reinhard, 2009;Whitmore, 2009;Hardersen, 2010;Campanaro et al., 2011;Roháček, 2011;Whitmore, 2011;Birtele & Hardersen, 2012;Campanaro & Bardiani, 2012;Corezzola et al., 2012;Cornacchia & Nardi, 2012;Mitali, 2012;Stireman et al., 2012;Vanin, 2012;Chiari et al., 2013;D'Amen et al., 2013;Lo Giudice & Woźnica, 2013;Nardi & Spada, 2013;Solano et al., 2013;Fanti, 2014;Hardersen et al., 2014;Di Giovanni et al., 2015a, 2015bFaccoli & Montecchio, 2015;Liberti, 2015;Di Giovanni & Reshchikov, 2016), but the above specimen of Leptoglossus occidentalis seems to be the sole, so far here observed. This specimen was collected on an external wall of a building. ...
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Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heidemann, 1910) (Coreidae) and Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Pentatomidae) are recorded for the frst time from the State Nature Reserve “Bosco della Fontana” (Lombardy region, Mantova province, Marmirolo commune). The presence in the Reserve of these two alien species is briefly discussed; 29 species of alien insects are now recorded from this Reserve.
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This paper presents new data on Sarcophaga (Heteronychia). Six species are described as new: Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) anatolica sp. nov. from Asiatic Turkey, S. (H.) lejlekensis sp. nov. from Kyrgyzstan, S. (H.) mediterranea sp. nov. from mainland Italy, Sicily and Croatia, S. (H.) rosellensis sp. nov. from central Italy, S. (H.) tetrix sp. nov. from Sicily, and S. (H.) tunisiae sp. nov. from Tunisia. Two new replacement names are proposed: Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) hellenica, nom. nov. for S. (H.) vervesi (Povolny, 1996) (junior secondary homonym of Kozlovea vervesi Nandi, 1993), and S. (H.) tangerensis, nom. nov. for S. (H.) amica (Peris et al., 1998) (junior secondary homonym of Phallosphaera amica Ma, 1964). Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) belanovskyi (Verves, 1973), S. (H.) helenae (Trofimov, 1948) and S. (H.) nanula (Povolny, 1999) are resurrected as valid, and the last (originally proposed as a subspecies) is given species rank. Sarcophaga amita Rondani, 1860 and S. bezziana Bottcher, 1913 are transferred from subgenus Discachaeta Enderlein to subgenus Heteronychia Brauer & Bergenstamm, subg. comb. nov. Thirty-nine new synonymies are established: Shoachaeta Lehrer, 1997 with Heteronychia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889, syn. nov.; Ashlaiana Lehrer, 1998 with Heteronychia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889, syn. nov.; Heteronychia iubita Lehrer, 1999 with Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) ancilla Rondani, 1865, syn. nov.; Spatulapica lucentina Lehrer & Martinez-Sanchez, 2001 with S. (H.) ancilla Rondani, 1865, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Heteronychia) povolnyi Mihalyi, 1975 with S. (H.) belanovskyi (Verves, 1973), syn. nov.; Sarcophaga benaci var. tenuiforceps Bottcher, 1913 with S. (H.) benaci Bottcher, 1913, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Heteronychia) vachai Povolny, 1987 with S. (H.) benaci Bottcher, 1913, syn. nov.; Shoachaeta cornogranda Lehrer, 2009 with S. (H.) bezziana Bottcher, 1913, syn. nov.; Pierretia (Pandelleola) taurica Rohdendorf, 1937 with S. (H.) boettcheri Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Pandelleola) gaspari Lehrer, 1977 with S. (H.) boettcheri Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia bodediana Lehrer, 1998 with S. (H.) boettcheri Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Ashlaiana shakrana Lehrer, 1998 with S. (H.) boettcheri Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Pandelleola caraormana Lehrer, 2008 with S. (H.) boettcheri Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Heteronychia) morenita Peris, Gonzalez-Mora & Mingo, 1998 with S. (H.) chiquita (Peris, Gonzalez-Mora & Mingo, 1998), syn. nov.; Heteronychia cullottorum Povolny, 2005 with S. (H.) consanguinea Rondani, 1860, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Eupierretia) spatulifera Chen & Lu, 1981 with S. (H.) curvifemoralis (Li, 1980), syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Spatulapica) kovalae Verves, 1979 with S. (H.) depressifrons Zetterstedt, 1845, syn. nov.; Heteronychia dimioniphalla Lehrer, 1996 with S. (H.) dissimilis Meigen, 1826, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Eupierretia) macedonica Povolny, 1996 with S. (H.) enderleini Jacent-kovsky, 1937, syn. nov.; Devriesia weberi Lehrer, 1995 with S. (H.) ferox Villeneuve, 1908, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Asceloctis) perplexa Peris, Gonzalez-Mora & Mingo, 1996 with S. (H.) ferox Villeneuve, 1908, syn. nov.; Pandelleola resnikae Lehrer, 1996 with S. (H.) filia Rondani, 1860, syn. nov.; Heteronychia fugitiva Povolny, 2001 with S. (H.) haemorrhoa Meigen, 1826, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Spatulapica) fraterna Lehrer, 1977 with S. (H.) helenae (Trofimov, 1948), syn. nov.; Spatulapica delicata Lehrer, 2000 with S. (H.) helenae (Trofimov, 1948), syn. nov.; Heteronychia dayani Lehrer, 1996 with S. (H.) kerteszi Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Salemea sororia Povolny, 2004 with S. (H.) kerteszi Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Eupierretia) helanshanensis Han, Chao & Ye, 1985 with S. (H.) kozlovi (Rohdendorf, 1937), syn. nov.; Sarcophaga thalhammeri Bottcher, 1913 with S. (H.) lacrymans Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Sarcophaga zhelochovtzevi Rohdendorf, 1925 with S. (H.) lacrymans Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Heteronychia) cepelaki Povolny & Slameckova, 1970 with S. (H.) lacrymans Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia histriops Lehrer, 2008 with S. (H.) lacrymans Villeneuve, 1912, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Eupierretia) brachystylata Chao & Zhang, 1988 with S. (H.) plotnikovi Rohdendorf, 1925, syn. nov.; Heteronychia lednicensis Povolny in Povolny & Verves, 1986 with S. (H.) proxima Rondani, 1860, syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Heteronychia) drenskiana Lehrer, 1977 with S. (H.) pseudobenaci (Baranov, 1942), syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Eupierretia) peckae Verves, 1977 with S. (H.) shnitnikovi (Rohdendorf, 1937), syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Eupierretia) tenupenialis Chao & Zhang, 1988 with S. (H.) shnitnikovi (Rohdendorf, 1937), syn. nov.; Heteronychia (Pandelleola) volcanoaetnica Povolny, 2002 with S. (H.) sicilia Pape, 1996, syn. nov.; Hartigia anastrenua Baranov, 1942 with S. (H.) vagans Meigen, 1826, syn. nov. Lectotypes are designated for the following nominal taxa: Mehria pseudobenaci Baranov, 1942, Pierretia (Pierretia) boettcheriana Rohdendorf, 1937, Pierretia (Pierretia) obscurata Rohdendorf, 1937, Sarcophaga benaci Bottcher, 1913, Sarcophaga benaci var. tenuiforceps Bottcher, 1913, Sarcophaga boettcheri Villeneuve, 1912, Sarcophaga ferox Villeneuve, 1908, Sarcophaga fertoni Villeneuve, 1911, Sarcophaga kerteszi Villeneuve, 1912, Sarcophaga lacrymans Villeneuve, 1912, Sarcophaga metopina Villeneuve, 1908, Sarcophaga monspellensia Bottcher, 1913, Sarcophaga porrecta Bottcher, 1913, Sarcophaga setinervis var. mutila Villeneuve, 1912, Sarcophaga thalhammeri Bottcher, 1913 and Sarcophaga tricolor Villeneuve, 1908. Sarcophaga smithiana Pape, 1996 is removed from subgenus Heteronychia and considered as incertae sedis within Sarcophaga. New country or regional records are provided for Sarcophaga (H.) benaci (Spain), S. (H.) boettcheri (Serbia), S. (H.) croca (Croatia), S. (H.) depressifrons (Greece, Spain), S. (H.) ferox (Algeria), S. (H.) filia (Crete, Macedonia, Morocco, Tunisia), S. (H.) kataphygionis (Poland), S. (H.) kerteszi (Crete), S. (H.) minima (Crete), S. (H.) monspellensia (Sicily, Tunisia), S. (H.) mutila (Italy), S. (H.) nanula (France, Macedonia) and S. (H.) proxima (Sicily).
Full-text available
Salemea sororia sp. n. and Heteronychia obvia sp. n. are next two new discoveries of flesh-flies from Erico arboreae-Quercetum Ilicis formation above Trabia (Palermo). These two obviously very rare taxa were collected near the hilltop of Pizzo Onofrio-Casina (Trabia) near Palermo at 773 m a.s.l., where the flesh-flies were systematically captured in a hilltopping situation at the turn of May/June of the years 1997 –2003. In connection with the description of Salemea sororia sp. n. the complicated taxonomy, synonymy and distribution of Salemea ferox (Villeneuve, 1908) are discussed. As for Heteronychia obvia sp. n., its description is completed by the comparison with three related species of the genus Heteronychia Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889. Male genitalia and last abdominal segments are figured (partly in colour).
DA, 1 ?; Verona prov
  • Stelle Maria In
Maria in Stelle, 300 m, 23.IV.2006, DA, 1 ?; Verona prov., Ponte di Veja­Erbezzo, 1118 m,
) variegata from Sardinia based on the abovelisted male from Costa Rei. A few females of Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) from RAG were not identified to species
  • Pape
Pape (2004) recorded S. (S.) variegata from Sardinia based on the abovelisted male from Costa Rei. A few females of Sarcophaga (Sarcophaga) from RAG were not identified to species.
MZUR); same local­ ity, 26.IX.1999, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 2.X.1999, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same lo­ cality, 3.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 7.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same local­ ity, 10
  • Rome Prov
  • Tenuta Della Cervelletta
Rome prov., Tenuta della Cervelletta, 19.IX.1999, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same local­ ity, 26.IX.1999, MM, 3 ?? (MZUR); same locality, 2.X.1999, MM, 2 ?? (MZUR); same lo­ cality, 3.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 7.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same local­ ity, 10.X.1999, MM, 1 ? (MZUR); same locality, 25.IV.2000, MM, 1 ? (MZUR);
Three new Mediterranean taxa of flesh­flies and additional notes on their syn­ ecology (Diptera, Sarcophagini)
  • D Povolný
Povolný, D. 1999. Three new Mediterranean taxa of flesh­flies and additional notes on their syn­ ecology (Diptera, Sarcophagini). Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mende­ lianae Brunensis, 47 (1): 7­21.
Sistematica e geonemia dei Sarcofagidi (escl. Sarcophaga s.l.) italiani (Dipte ra)
  • F Venturi
venturi, F. 1960. Sistematica e geonemia dei Sarcofagidi (escl. Sarcophaga s.l.) italiani (Dipte ra). Frustula entomologica, 2: 1124.
Sarcophagidae, 229237
  • D Whitmore
  • Pape
Whitmore, D., r. richet & t. PaPe. 2008b. Sarcophagidae, 229237. In: J. Ziegler (ed.), Diptera Stelviana. A dipterological perspective on a changing alpine landscape. Volume 1. Studia dipterologica, Supplement 16.
UTM 33 S 361659 4192543, 1.VII 1 ?; Palermo prov ??; Trento prov., Monti Bondone, Viote, 1500 m, 20.VI.1996, PC, 1 ?. Tuscany: Pistoia prov
  • Dw Db Pc Ml Palermo Prov
  • Valle Bosco Della Ficuzza
  • Dw Fanuso
  • Db
  • Ml
  • Db Pc Ml Palermo Prov
  • Parco Delle Madonie
  • Gorgo Petralia
  • Dw Nero
  • Db Pc Ml
  • Db Db Eb Trap
  • Fd
  • Mt
, 24.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 3 ??; Palermo prov., Bosco della Ficuzza, Valle Fanuso, 813 m, UTM 33 S 361659 4192543, 1.VII.2005, DW DB PC ML, 2 ??; Palermo prov., Parco delle Madonie, 29.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Parco delle Madonie, Petralia, Gorgo Nero, 1157 m, UTM 33 S 420628 4188879, 29.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 1 ?; Palermo prov., Parco delle Madonie, Piano Zucchi, 1075 m, UTM 33 S 411992 4195243, 29.VI.2005, DW DB PC ML, 3 ??. Trentino­Alto Adige: Bolzano prov., Merano, 1300­1500 m, 24.IV.2006, DB EB, 1 ?; Bolzano prov., Val Pusteria, Terento, 1200 m, 28.VII.2007, DB, 4 ??; Trento prov., Monti Bondone, Viote, 1500 m, 20.VI.1996, PC, 1 ?. Tuscany: Pistoia prov., Foresta De­ maniale Abetone, Riserva Naturale Campolino, 1500 m, 7.VII.2000, Malaise trap, DB FD AT MT, 27 ??; same locality, 22.VII.2000, Malaise trap, DB FD AT MT, 1 ?. Venetia: Verona prov., Monte Baldo, Caprino, Braga­La Fabbrica, 902 m, 30.IV.2005, MB DB, 1 ?; Verona prov., Monte Baldo, Caprino, path 662 between Gaon and Piore, 370­920 m, 23.IV.2006, DW, 2
DW PC, 1 ?; Verona prov
  • Monte Verona Prov
  • Pastello
Verona prov., Monte Pastello, 2.IX.2006, DW PC, 1 ?; Verona prov., between Novaglie and S.