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Conservar Aprovechando. Cómo integrar el cambio global en la gestión de los montes españoles


Abstract and Figures

SOSTENIBILIDAD EN ESPAÑA 2011 327 l Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad de España (OSE) ha preparado el presente capítulo espe-cial sobre bosques, en el marco de su Informe Sostenibilidad en España 2011, con ocasión de la celebración del Año Internacional de los Bosques. La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas acordó en 2006 celebrar en 2011 este importante evento. A lo largo del año se ha mul-tiplicado las iniciativas públicas y privadas y a todos los niveles para elevar la conciencia social sobre la realidad de los bosques y sus vitales aportaciones a la calidad de vida y al funciona-miento del Planeta con el objetivo de situar a los bosques en el centro del debate social y, por ende, político. En este marco quisiera agradecer a OSE su oportuna iniciativa. A lo largo de este informe un panel de prestigiosos autores describen la situación de los bosques tanto a escala global como española, sus amenazas, especialmente relacionadas con el cambio climático, así como estrategias de gestión forestal sostenible y de restaura-ción forestal. El momento actual no puede ser más oportuno, más allá de la celebración del Año Internacional de los Bosques. Por un lado y por primera vez se observa una clara tendencia de ralentización de la deforestación a escala mundial e incluso en dos importante regiones como son Asia y el Cercano Oriente, la defo-restación se ha superado y los bosques están ampliando su extensión como ya lo venían haciendo desde hace un siglo en Europa y más recientemente en Norteamérica. Pese a haber quedado relegados en una primera instancia en el Convenio de Kyoto, la evidencia del rol clave de la vegetación y especialmente de los bosques en el balance de carbono de la atmósfera junto a una acción coordina-da de diferentes organismos forestales a escala internacional -entre los que destaca la celebración del Forest Day organizado por el Partenariado Colaborativo de Bosques durante las COP de la Convención Marco de Cambio Climático (UNFCCC) -ha permitido corregir esta situación. De hecho uno de los primeros grandes acuerdos para el futuro acuerdo global sobre cambio climático que substituya a Kyoto ha sido el mecanismo REDD+ (reducción de emisiones procedentes de deforestación y degradación forestal) aprobado en la pasada Cumbre de Cancún. REDD+ permitirá cuando esté plenamente implementado reducir significativamente las emisiones de carbono a un coste altamente competitivo a la vez de asegurar importantes co-beneficios ambientales y sociales. Los países en vías de desarrollo recibirán una compensación proporcional a las reducciones adicionales de emisiones que vayan más allá de la línea de base o referencia (escenario business as usual). El reto ahora es conseguir el
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... No ha estat fins més recentment que s'ha posat el focus en la relació existent entre la superfície i estructura del bosc i els recursos hídrics proveïts per l'ecosistema. A Catalunya estudis successius (Gallart i Llorens, 2004;Gallart et al., 2011;Gallart et al., 2013) han permès constatar com els efectes combinats del canvi climàtic i l'increment d'extraccions sobre la disponibilitat d'aigua, s'han vist amplificats pels canvis d'usos del sòl vinculats a l'abandonament rural. En concret, l'expansió espontània dels boscos en antigues pastures i terres agrícoles s'assenyala com una causa important de la reducció de fins al 20-30% en l'escolament d'aigua als rius i la infiltració d'aigües subterrànies (aigua blava) observada a Catalunya els darrers 25 anys. ...
Technical Report
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En aquest document s'estableix una metodologia per calcular l'impacte de la gestió forestal multifuncional en tres factors clau de la mitigació i l'adaptació al canvi climàtic a la Mediterrània: el carboni, l'aigua i la biodiversitat. En aquesta primera versió, l'impacte de la gestió en el balanç de carboni s'ha obtingut per a les principals coníferes de Catalunya, el pi blanc, el pi roig i la pinassa, i per a l'alzina. L'impacte de la gestió sobre els recursos hídrics (aigua blava) incorpora el càlcul per al conjunt de formacions igual que la integració de la biodiversitat, que es comptabilitza per a tot tipus de gestió i formació forestal.
... The geographical distribution of human settlements is another factor that renders forest non-management highly inadvisable (Castellnou and Nebot 2007). Furthermore, natural Mediterranean ecosystems show resistance and recovery mechanisms in the face of environmental and socio-economic change, but the current situation of global change exceeds the effects of these natural strategies (Doblas-Miranda 2013). This raises the need to adopt an adaptive management strategy until an effective, low intensity fire regime is re-established that mitigates the impacts on human communities and the ecosystem. ...
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This study was conducted following the fires that took place in Rocallaura (Spain) between 23/06/2016 and 19/07/2017. The aim is to analyse the importance of soil on forest planning and management mechanisms to mitigate the impacts of forest fire re-ignitions on risk and management framework. The main factors found to influence the occurrence of re-ignitions in a forest ecosystem dominated by Pinus halepensis were weather conditions, possible future climatic changes, soil and subsoil biomass amount and the physico-chemical properties of the organic layer. The re-ignition dynamics were included in the study as a new parameter-fire persistence-to be considered in fire regimes. It is proposed that fire persistence should be included in strategic framework for integrating wildfire risk in forest planning. This will entail identifying and including the potential for re-ignition in fire risk maps and fire suppression policies and implementing forest management actions in areas vulnerable to re-ignition.
... • Les àrees forestals són en general poc susceptibles a les invasions, no obstant, els boscos de ribera que posseeixen un règim intrínsec de pertorbació alt representen zones amb un major risc d'invasió (Vilà et al. 2013). Dels impactes de les espècies vegetals al·lòctones al bosc de ribera destaquen els canvis en la composició i estructura del bosc, els possibles impactes sobre lleres de rieres i la disminució de la capacitat de desguàs dels rius i canals (Andreu et al. 2006). ...
Technical Report
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Les àrees d’implementació al Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i serra de l’Obac. El Centre de Monitoratge de la Biodiversitat en Muntanyes Mediterrànies
La especie exótica invasora Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) ha sido reportada en palma dátil en algunas regiones de México. Al considerar los daños informados por esta especie en palmáceas, su capacidad invasiva, así como su registro en climas cada vez más diversos, se propuso como objetivo del presente trabajo corroborar la presencia de R. indica, en palma dátil en Baja California. Para ello, se realizaron muestreos en palma dátil, en los jardines del Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, Baja California, México. Se detectó a R. indica y al ácaro depredador Amblyseius largoensis Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae), como las dos únicas especies de la subclase Acari presentes. Se señalan varios aspectos relevantes en este hallazgo: la capacidad de dispersión de R. indica y su presencia en una especie de palma que constituye en estos momentos un rubro económico de grandes perspectivas para Baja California, más la adaptabilidad de A. largoensis, especie depredadora, al tener en cuenta las condiciones de clima extremo (desértico) que existen en el área de estudio. Se recomienda el monitoreo de este fitoácaro y toma de decisiones ajustadas, ya es una plaga potencial.
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The present study was conducted following a fire that took place in Rocallaura (NE Iberian Peninsula) in 23 June 2016 with the aim of analyzing the chemical properties of soil in burnt and unburnt areas in order to determine the short-term effects of fire on an ecosystem dominated by Pinus halepensis Mill. Transects were laid out in a control area and an adjacent burnt area. Laboratory analyses were performed to determine the chemical properties of the organic and mineral soil layers at 5 cm and 10 cm (total carbon, total nitrogen, organic and inorganic carbon, carbonates, pH, electrical conductivity, and major cations). The results show partial combustion of the organic substrate, with a significant increase in TC, OC, TN, EC and K+, and a slight decrease in pH in the post-fire area compared to the control area, demonstrating that the fire was of low intensity and did not generate significant short-term negative impacts on the soil. Soils of this type, with high organic matter content, tend to maintain their structure after a low-intensity fire and retain the nutrients necessary for ecosystem recovery and resilience.
The large amount of chemicals synthesized for several different uses (fertilizers, drugs, personal hygiene, antibiotics, pesticides, etc.), are usually metabolized by living beings which excrete new substances and interact with soil, water and atmosphere when they reach the environment, giving rise to still other new ones. The growing volumes of urban waste water (treated or not), irrigation water and its surplus, return to river systems, where this type of substances enter the food chain with unknown implications for the natural environment.
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European agriculture is increasingly involved in nature conservation. Careful assessment of the ecosystems created by agriculture is essential for the evaluation of the sustainability of the interaction between agriculture and these systems. We consider two main requirements for agricultural sustainability: (a) ecological integrity: the maintenance of ecosystem functionality and (b) ecological coherence: the appropriate connection between the production system and the underlying ecosystem. This viewpoint emphasizes the sustaining capacity of the ecosystem as the basis of agricultural production, independent of its conventional economic value (profitability). The application of these ideas implies the investigation of relationships between both the different functions of agriculture and the dimensions relevant for the evaluation of the sustainability of agriculture. We apply a multidimensional evaluation model to some characteristic Spanish agricultural landscapes and compare the results with contrasting reference scenarios. The value of each dimension of sustainability is assessed using a semi-quantitative procedure. Results show that strongly contrasting agricultural systems can be categorized into well-defined groups on the basis of the sustainability dimensions. These groups play an increasingly divergent role in nature conservation. This analysis contributes to the discussion of consequences of European policies on the conservation of agricultural landscapes.
Recent studies have greatly contributed to a better understanding of the ecosystem Earth. This abundantly illustrated book provides a fundamental introduction to the ecological zones of the geosphere. Nine terrestrial ecozones have been distinguished and described in individual chapters with respect to: distribution, climate, relief/hydrology, soil vegetation/animal life, and land use. The first chapter provides the reader with a general introduction to each subject area.
Dehesas are agrosilvopastoral systems characterized by a savanna-like physiognomy. Today the central problem for the continuity of the dehesas is the gradual decay of tree canopy. We have investigated the history of the vegetation and management of dehesas from the middle ages to the present day in order to know in which conditions they have persisted in the long run. The results show that the word dehesa has been used historically for private grazing lands, with no reference to any vegetation type. According with the resources used during the middle and modern times the vegetation was a mixture of grasslands, shrubs and trees. The first descriptions of the vegetation of SW Spain in the 18th century showed that open oak parklands were scarce, while oak shrublands were very common. After the privatization of the land in the 19th century large private farms called dehesas developed in SW Spain, that were devoted to livestock raising in combination with agriculture and forestry. The change in management practices favored open oak parklands over oak shrublands in the dehesas, becoming the dominant vegetation of these farms in the 20th century. Is in this moment when dehesa passed to mean open oak parklands devoted to grazing, cultivation and forestry. The effect of the change in vegetation structure and management practices on oak regeneration is discussed.
We formalized the canonical correspondence between the socioeconomic structure and the cultural landscape in a large county in the NE of Spain. The reference units consisted of a set of municipalities, at which scale the socioeconomic information is registered. We described the landscape using multivariate ordination analyses of data characterizing the physiognomy of the municipalities. We interpreted the dispersion of these municipalities on the plane obtained with the main ordination axes. The relationship between ‘landscape typology’ and ‘socioeconomic structure’ was expressed by multiple stepwise regression, where the independent variables were socioeconomic descriptors of the municipalities, and the dependent variable the coordinates of these on the ordination axes. We obtained a regression equation for each axis. Each of these allowed us to establish the optimum number of socioeconomic variables, and the importance and sign of these, in order to characterize the landscape variability. The relationship encountered is presented on maps as trend surface analysis, showing ‘classes’ or discrete types of landscape. We considered hypotheses of change in the main socioeconomic indicators and, using the trend surfaces as a base, we calculated the resulting changes in the landscape typology (the municipalities change position on the trend surfaces maps). We also tested, among others, scenarios based on the development of activities linked to the abandonment of agricultural activities.
Europe's cultural landscape has undergone notable changes in the last few decades. In particular, conserving the cultural rural landscape of the Mediterranean basin constitutes a difficult task due to the fact that, on one hand, rural abandonment, and on the other, agricultural intensification, are generating a new type of landscape which is apparently less appealing than the traditional one. Indeed, this landscape depends upon the maintenance of traditional agricultural uses and their associated activities, both of which depend on local environmental conditions and on socio-economic conditioning factors. The latter are increasingly being seen as the causes of the changes. Modifications in the social structure and processes affect and alter the rural environment, so that ecological and socio-economic information must be integrated for use as a basis for land use planning and management.In the present paper we have applied numerical analyses which associate territorial structure with economic and socio-cultural structure, predicting new types of landscape by means of experimental scenarios of socio-economic changes. The configuration of the traditional rural landscape studied and its spatial heterogeneity depend upon the proportion of the agriculture, pasture and woodland components of the traditional systems. Formalization of this landscape–socio-economy dependence enables us to consider scenarios of socio-economic change and to deduce variations in the landscape. We simulated changes related to the promotion or abandonment of agriculture. The model developed can be considered as an effective agri-environmental indicator, as it provides most of the characteristics required for analysis and environmental appraisal at landscape level.