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Effect of insemination-to-induced ovulation interval on fertilization rate, embryo viability and number of accessory sperms in sows



The ideal interval between AI and ovulation (OV) is not well determined yet, varying from 12 to 28 h before up to 4 h after ovulation. Utilization of gonadotrophins to synchronize ovulation would allow the pre-determination of the groups' size, according to the AI-OV intervals, and would contribute to determine a secure interval between AI-OV. 120 sows received 7.5 mg IM of Luprostiol, between days 12 and 17 of the estrous cycle, 600 IU of eCG IM 24 h after prostaglandin and 5.0 mg of LH IM 72 h after eCG injection. The moment of ovulation was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography at intervals of 6 h. There were 5 treatments according to IA-OV interval: T1-48 to 36 h before OV; T2-36 to 24 h before OV; T3-24 to 12 h before OV; T4-12 to 0 h before OV and T5-0 to 12 h after OV. Sows were slaughtered 96.7±11.37 h after OV. Recovery rate (RR), number of corpora lutea (NC), total number of structures (ST), fertilization rate (FR), embryo viability (EV) and number of accessory sperm (AS) were analyzed. The synchronization protocol showed an homogenous distribution of the animals among treatments (LH-OV interval 39.22±7.6h), and it didn't influenced the results. FR and EV results suggest that 36 h is the time of sperm viability in sow genital tract. There was a strong decline of AS between T3 and T4.
Braz. J. vet. Res. anim. Sci., São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 132-138, 2006
Effect of insemination-to-induced ovulation interval
on fertilization rate, embryo viability and number of
accessory sperms in sows
1 - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Fundação de Ensino Otávio
Bastos, São João da Boa Vista – SP
2- Departamento de Reprodução Animal da Faculdade de Medicina
Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo - SP
The ideal interval between AI and ovulation (OV) is not well
determined yet, varying from 12 to 28 h before up to 4 h after
ovulation. Utilization of gonadotrophins to synchronize ovulation
would allow the pre-determination of the groups’ size, according to
the AI-OV intervals, and would contribute to determine a secure
interval between AI-OV. 120 sows received 7.5 mg IM of Luprostiol,
between days 12 and 17 of the estrous cycle, 600 IU of eCG IM 24 h
after prostaglandin and 5.0 mg of LH IM 72 h after eCG injection.
The moment of ovulation was diagnosed by transrectal
ultrasonography at intervals of 6 h. There were 5 treatments according
to IA-OV interval: T1- 48 to 36 h before OV; T2- 36 to 24 h before
OV; T3- 24 to 12 h before OV; T4- 12 to 0 h before OV and T5- 0 to
12 h after OV. Sows were slaughtered 96.7±11.37 h after OV. Recovery
rate (RR), number of corpora lutea (NC), total number of structures
(ST), fertilization rate (FR), embryo viability (EV) and number of
accessory sperm (AS) were analyzed. The synchronization protocol
showed an homogenous distribution of the animals among
treatments (LH-OV interval 39.22±7.6h), and it didn’t influenced
the results. FR and EV results suggest that 36 h is the time of sperm
viability in sow genital tract. There was a strong decline of AS between
T3 and T4.
Carlos Henrique Cabral
Pedro Henrique CANDINI2
Rogério Dantas GAMA2
Adriana CARBONE2
Renato Campanarut
Correspondência para:
Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da
Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos
Av. Dr. Octávio Bastos, s/n - Jardim Nova
São João
13874-149 - São João João da Boa Vista
The ideal moment to perform
artificial insemination (AI) in swine has
attracted the researchers’ attention since the
60’s. Until the end of the 80’s, the
determination of this moment based on data
obtained by the estrus observation1, by
induction of ovulation and fixed time
insemination2, and by determination of
hormone levels (LH and progesterone)
related to ovulation3. With the coming of
the ultrasound, as an accurate and not invasive
technique, for the diagnosis of ovulation4,
more consistent results surged in relation to
insemination-to-ovulation interval. Waberski
et al.5 didn’t observe significant differences
in fertilization rate of gilts inseminated in
intervals of 0 to 12, 12 to 24 and over 24
hours before ovulation, when the semen was
stored for a period of up to 48 hours.
However, the number of accessory sperms
was quite larger, but not significant, when
the inseminations were performed between
0 and 12 hours in relation to the other
The evaluation of the percentage of
normal embryos, in sows inseminated from
48 hours before to 16 hours after ovulation,
showed significantly higher results when the
insemination happened between 24 and 0
hours before ovulation, in comparison to
intervals from 48 to 24 hours before and 0
to 16 hours after ovulation6.
Recebido para publicação: 13/04/2004
Aprovado para publicação: 01/06/2005
039_04.pmd 26/9/2006, 14:17132
Braz. J. vet. Res. anim. Sci., São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 132-138, 2006
According to the results of Nissen et
al.7, a safe insemination-to-ovulation interval
would be from 28 hours before up to 4
hours after ovulation, according to the results
of farrowing rate and litter size, and from
24 hours before up to the moment of
ovulation, according to embryo recovery
rate. Evaluation of the interval between
inseminations showed that there were no
significant differences between intervals of
12 and 24 hours, in relation to the results of
conception rate, farrowing rate and litter size.
However, there was a decrease of 1.3
inseminations per sow for the group of 24
hours compared to the group of 12 hours
The classic protocol of synchro-
nization of ovulation extols the eCG
administration 24 hours after weaning, and
the hCG4 or porcine LH8 administration 72
hours after eCG, with the occurrence of
ovulation between 32 and 44 hours after the
last injection. The use of gonadotropins to
synchronize ovulation, making it possible to
pre-determine the groups’ size, according to
the insemination-to-ovulation interval,
associated to the ultrasonography for the
diagnosis of ovulation, would complement
the information about the determination of
a safe insemination-to-ovulation interval.
The objectives of this experiment are:
To determine a sufficiently long interval
between inseminations to facilitate management
and sufficiently safe to guarantee appropriate
farrowing rate and litter size, by the evaluation
of fertilization rate and of the number of
accessory sperms;
To evaluate the use of a protocol, which
uses Luprostiol, eCG and LH, as a technique
of synchronization of the ovulation, to
elaborate fixed time AI protocols and make
the equalization of the groups size possible, in
experiments that evaluate the effect of
insemination-to-ovulation interval on
reproductive parameters.
Material and Method
The work was performed in an
Agroceres-PIC farm, Minas Gerais State. 120
cyclic sows were used after the 3rd
parturition. During lactation, sows received
a lactation diet and water ad libitum, staying
there for an average period of 5.35±1.13
days. Because of the early weaning
management in this farm, the second post-
weaning estrus was used to avoid possible
influences in ovulation rate, fertilization rate
and recovery of embryos. The 120 sows
were divided into 12 weekly groups, of
approximately 10 animals each, to make the
execution of the work possible. For the
diagnosis of ovulation, the technique of
trans-rectal ultrasound was used with the
Scanner 200 machine (Pie Medical©),
equipped with a sector transducer of 7.5
MHz. The examinations started 24 hours
after LH application with intervals of 6
hours, approximately at 08:00, 14:00, 20:00
and 02:00, continuing until the ovulation
occurred. The diagnosis of ovulation was
considered when no follicle was found or
when the number of follicles was smaller
than in the previous examination. The
moment of ovulation (MO) was defined as
the mean time between the last examination
where preovulatory follicles were detected
and the first examination where no follicles
could be detected on the ovary.
Of the 120 examined sows, 16 were
excluded from the experiment for having
ovulated within 24 hours after LH
application. In the first estrus (first cycle after
weaning), the day of ovulation was
determined and served as a reference for
the beginning of the hormonal applications.
Sows were injected with 7.5mg of Luprostiol
(Prosolvin®, an PGF2α analog), between 12
and 17 days after the first ovulation (D1);
600UI of eCG (Novormon®) 24 hours after
the Luprostiol injection (D2); and 5.0mg of
porcine LH (Lutropin®) 72 hours after the
eCG injection (D5). The prostaglandin
application was performed at 10:00, on
Fridays and on Saturdays (D1) (two weekly
groups of hormonal treatment), trying to
achieve a larger number of sows, which were
among 12 to 17 days after the first ovulation.
039_04.pmd 26/9/2006, 14:17133
Braz. J. vet. Res. anim. Sci., São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 132-138, 2006
The eCG injection was applied appro-
ximately at 10:00, on Saturdays and Sundays
(D2) and porcine LH at 10:00 on following
Tuesdays and Wednesdays (D5) (Figure 1).
The sows were submitted to 5
treatments. Only one insemination was
performed by sow. In treatment 1, sows
were inseminated between 48 and 36 hours
before the ovulation; in treatment 2, between
36 and 24 hours before; in treatment 3,
between 24 and 12 hours before; in
treatment 4, between 12 and 0 hours before
and in treatment 5, between 0 and 12 hours
after the ovulation. Heterospermic semen
from 3 boars was used in the concentration
of 3.5 billion sperm cells per dose. The sows
were slaughtered 96.7±11.37 hours after the
occurrence of ovulation and the number of
corpora lutea (NCL) was counted in both
ovaries. Each oviduct was flushed with 10
ml of solution of phosphate buffered saline
(PBS). Later, the oviducts were separate from
the uterus and each uterine horn was flushed
twice, and in the first flushing, it was used
20ml and in the second 30ml of PBS, in two
different plates to collect the embryos and
oocytes. The recovery rate (TR) was
determined by the total number of embryos
and collected oocytes (ET) in relation to the
number of corpora luteaa9. The evaluation
of the embryos was performed using stereo-
microscopy, in a magnitude of 40x and
based, firstly, in the presence and uniformity
of the perivitelline space with the cells evenly
distributed, in the development stages
according to the time between ovulation and
collection10, and in the presence of accessory
sperms in the zone pellucida (EA), which
were counted using optical microscopy in a
magnitude of 400X. The embryos were
deposited in a glass slide, where the zone
pellucida was disrupted with 0.5% pronase
solution. Later, it was covered with a slide
to make possible the count of the sperms.
Embryos, which didn’t fit to the first two
evaluation criteria, were classified as
degenerate. The fertilization rate (TF) it was
calculated dividing the number of embryos
(degenerate and viable) by the total number
of embryos more oocytes and the embryo
viability rate (TEV), dividing the number of
embryos with normal development by the
total number of embryos more oocytes.
The data were analyzed using SAS
(1999) and were presented as the average ±
standard deviation and variation (minimum–
maximum). All variables were submitted to
the test of normality of the residues, to verify
if they followed the normal distribution. The
variables: NCL, TR and ET obeyed the
normal distribution and were analyzed by
ONEWAY procedure, according to the
factor insemination-to-ovulation interval,
divided in 5 classes (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5).
The variables TF, TEV and EA didn’t
follow the normal distribution and they were
analyzed by the non parametric procedure
NPAR1WAY, according to the factor
insemination-to-ovulation interval, divided in
5 classes (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5).
Of the 120 used sows, 16 were
discarded of the experiment, in reason of
precocious ovulation (before the expected
interval, 9 sows) or metritis (7 sows). The
protocol of synchronization of ovulation
was satisfactory (LH application-to-ovulation
interval of 39.22±7.6 hours) in the
homogeneous distribution of the number
of animals for each treatment of
insemination-to-ovulation interval and it
didn’t influence the results, since there were
no significant differences among the averages
of the characteristics NCL, TR and ET,
according to the treatments (Table 1). A
significant difference was verified in the
characteristics TF and TEV, and, in both, the
insemination-to-ovulation interval from 48
to 36 hours before ovulation showed a
smaller average than all of the other intervals,
whose averages were not different between
each other. The number of accessory sperms
was significantly different, according to
insemination-to-ovulation interval, so that the
averages of the intervals 48 to 36, 36 to 24
and 24 to 12 hours before ovulation didn’t
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Braz. J. vet. Res. anim. Sci., São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 132-138, 2006
Table 1 - Average values, standard deviation and range NC, ET, EA, TR, TF and TEV, according to the insemination-to-ovulation interval, São Paulo, 2004
Means followed by similar superscripts, within the same line don’t differ statistically among each other (P<0,05)
Figure 1 - Schedule of synchronization of ovulation and treatments
The LH application-to-ovulation
interval of 39.22±7.6 hours is in agreement
with the protocols of synchronization
ovulation developed before, which used
LH8,11 or hCG and GnRH2,12,13,14, and it made
possible the formation of groups of homo-
geneous size according to insemination-to-
ovulation interval.
039_04.pmd 26/9/2006, 14:17135
Braz. J. vet. Res. anim. Sci., São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 132-138, 2006
Weaning works very well as starting
point for protocols of induction of
ovulation in swine. However, in some
situations, as certain experiments13 or in of
embryo15 transfer programs, it is necessary
to use cyclic sows. In the present experiment
cyclic sows were used to avoid possible
effects of the short lactation period on
reproductive results16,17, showing satisfactory
The average TR, TF, TVE and the
number of embryos of all treatments together
were satisfactory according to data obtained
previously, so much in experiments that used
the induction of the ovulation18 as in
experiments with spontaneous ovulation6,9.
NCL and TR were similar among the classes
of interval insemination-ovulation (Table 1),
and therefore, they didn’t influence the results
of the fertilization rates and of embryonic
viability, confirming once again, the usefulness
of the synchronization of the ovulation for
the equalization of the size of the groups.
According to the results of fertilization
rate and embryonic viability, an interval of
up to 36 hours can be considered as the sperm
viability in the sow reproductive tract.
According to the literature, the longest
minimal sperm viability considered was of
24 hours6,7, and other authors considered this
time 1619 or 12 hours5. A possible cause for
the longer sperm viability observed in the
present experiment related to the results of
Soede et al.6 and Nissen et al.7 is that these
authors used a semen dose of 3 and 2 x 109
sperms against 3.5 x 109 in this experiment.
However, Steverink et al.9 didn’t see any
effect of the number of sperms cells per
dose on fertilization rate and nor on the
number of accessory sperms.
The accessory sperm count technique
has been used as parameter to evaluate
experiments related to artificial insemination,
by expressing the amount of sperms
capable of fertilization, at the place and
moment of occurrence of ovulation and for
being correlated positively to embryo
viability5,6,9,20,21. As in all the consulted
experiments, which used accessory sperm
count as a parameter, in the present
experiment this parameter was highly
variable, what is observed by the standard
deviations in table I. The abrupt decrease in
the average accessory sperms among the
classes of insemination-to-ovulation interval
from 0 to 12 and 12 to 24 hours also
happened in the experiment of Waberski et
al.5. However, this decrease didn’t reflect a
decrease in the fertilization rate and in the
embryonic viability (Table 1), in disagreement
to the positive correlation between the
number of accessory sperms and these
variables, described in other experiments21.
Steverink et al.9 reported that several sows
showing 100% of normal embryos had a
relatively low number of accessory sperms
and found negative correlation (R2=0,24; P
< 0,0001) between the number of accessory
sperms and the insemination-to-ovulation
interval. These authors suggest that the
relationship between accessory sperms and
fertilization rate and embryonic viability can
be indirect, once there is a clear effect of the
insemination-to-ovulation interval on these
It was not possible to show significant
differences in the results of fertilization rate
and of embryonic viability when the sows
were inseminated between 36 hours before
and 12 hours after ovulation. There was a
decrease in the number of accessory sperms
when the insemination-to-ovulation interval
was longer than 12 hours.
The use of the synchronization of
ovulation technique in cyclic sows
(Luprostiol, eCG and LH) and fixed time
insemination, resulted in the expected pattern
of synchronization, making possible the
equalization of the group’s size, without
influence on the reproductive parameters.
Agroceres PIC Melhoramento
Genético de Suínos.
039_04.pmd 26/9/2006, 14:17136
Braz. J. vet. Res. anim. Sci., São Paulo, v. 43, n. 1, p. 132-138, 2006
O intervalo ideal entre a AI e ovulação (OV) não está bem determinado
ainda, variando entre 12 a 28 h antes até 4 h depois da ovulação. A
utilização de gonadotrofinas para sincronizar ovulação permitiria a
pré-determinação do tamanho dos grupos, de acordo com os
intervalos IA-OV, e possibilitaria determinar um intervalo seguro
entre IA-OV. 120 porcas receberam 7.5 mg IM de Luprostiol, entre os
dias 12 e 17 do ciclo estral, 600 IU de eCG IM 24 h após o Luprostiol
e 5.0 mg de LH IM 72 h após a injeção de eCG. O momento de
ovulação foi diagnosticado pela ultra-sonografia trans-retal a intervalos
de 6 h. Definiu-se 5 tratamentos de acordo com o intervalo IA-OV:
T1 - 48 a 36 h antes da OV; T2 - 36 a 24 h antes da OV; T3 - 24 a 12 h
antes da OV; T4 - 12 a 0 h antes da OV e T5 - 0 a 12 h após a OV. O
abate ocorreu 96.7±11.37 h após a OV. A taxa de recuperação (RR),
número de lutea de corpos (NC), número total de estruturas (ST),
taxa de fecundação (FR), viabilidade embrionária (EV) e número de
espermatozóides acessórios (AS) foram analisados. O protocolo de
sincronização mostrou uma distribuição homogênea dos animais
entre os tratamentos (intervalo LH-OV de 39.22±7.6h), e não
influenciou os resultados. A FR e os resultados de EV sugerem que
36 h seja o tempo de viabilidade do espermatozóide trato genital da
porca. Houve um forte declínio do AS entre T3 e T4.
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em porcas
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11 CANDINI, P. H. et al. Utilization of synchronized
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12 HUNTER, R. H. F. Porcine ovulation after injection
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16 TUBBS, R. C. Factors that influence the weaning-to-
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039_04.pmd 26/9/2006, 14:17138
... followed 80 hours later by 5.0 mg pLH were compared to sows given only eCG at weaning. 13 Although we and others 10,12,[14][15][16] found that the pLH-to-ovulation interval was shorter when 1.25, 2.5, or 5.0 mg pLH was administered after eCG given at weaning, the average pLH-to-ovulation interval was still within the physiological time frame observed in weaned sows ovulating after an endogenous LH surge, following a 14-day or 24-day lactation period. 17 This suggests that the ovulation-induction protocol used in this study allows follicles to ovulate within a period that is not dissimilar to that for ovulation after an endogenous LH surge. ...
Full-text available
Objective: To determine the lowest dose of porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) that induces ovulation in a predictable manner in mixed-parity sows 80 hours after treatment with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) at weaning.Materials and methods: All sows were injected intramuscularly (IM) with 600 IU eCG at weaning. At 80 hours post weaning, sows were treated IM with pLH at doses of 0.625 mg (n = 5), 1.25 mg (n = 14), 2.5 mg (n = 21), and 5.0 mg (n = 5). The 15 controls were untreated. Approximate time of ovulation was determined using transrectal realtime ultrasound 8 hours before and 16 hours post pLH injection, and thereafter at 8-hour intervals until ovulation was confirmed. Results: Administration of pLH was effective in inducing ovulation in weaned sows. The pLH-to-ovulation interval was shorter in sows given pLH at 1.25 mg (P < .05), 2.5 mg (P < .01), and 5.0 mg (P < .05) than in controls. Variance associated with the pLHto-ovulation interval tended to be less in treated than in control sows (P < ,10). More sows administered either 2.5 or 5.0 mg pLH ovulated by 40 hours post pLH administration than all other treatments (P < .01). Implications: Doses of 2.5 and 5.0 mg of pLH did not differ in their effect of indueing ovulation in an estrus-synchronization program initiated with 600 IU of eCG at weaning. Controlling the time of ovulation allows insemination to occur at the time of optimal fertilization. swine, equine chorionic gonadotrophs, porcine luteinizing hormone, ovulation, ultrasound.
A retrospective study of the effects of weaning-to-conception interval (WCI), lactation length and their interaction with selected factors on subsequent litter size has been performed on sows born in 1990 in the French herd. Results from 1881 herds and 46,523 sows were analysed. Sows raised outdoors weaned significantly fewer piglets than those raised indoors. The effects of lactation length, breed, parity, age at first service and WCI on litter size were studied on animals raised indoors. Repeatabilities of litter size and WCI were low, and comprised between 0.20–0.24 and 0.11–0.15, respectively. Sows conceiving within 5 days after weaning farrowed larger litters, whereas litter size decreased when animals were bred on days 6 to 10. Late first-mated gilts has a larger second litter. However, the decrease in subsequent second litter size due to increase in WCI interval was similar for sows in different ‘age at first service’ classes. The effect of WCI on subsequent litter size was more pronounced in pure Landrace than in Large-White or crossbred sows, and in parity 2 than in further parities. Two optimal values for both litter size and WCI were observed for weaning, at either 21 or 28 days. Results indicated that management policies, and particularly lactation length, played a major role on sow performance.
The timing between the onset of oestrus and the preovulatory Luteinizing hormone (LH) peak in gilts was investigated. The LH peak was most frequently observed approximately 1Oh after the onset of oestrus, although large variations from 20h before to more than 24h after the onset of oestrus were noticed. The time interval between the LH peak and ovulation, however, was rather constant and so a large variation with regard to the time interval between the onset of oestrus and ovulation was observed. Insemination of pigs at a fixed time interval after the onset of oestrus resulted in conceptions with sperm of variable age. The results suggest a higher incidence of embryonic mortality with an increasing interval between the time of insemination and ovulation. The rate of development of pig embryos between day 3 and 7 of pregnancy was studied with respect to the time of ovulation. The results indicate that pig embryos double their number of cells every 11 hours.
Accessory sperm number and its relationship to fertilization and embryo quality was evaluated in cattle after nonsurgical recovery of ova or embryos 6 d after insemination. Efforts to alter accessory sperm number per ovum included 1) blockage of retrograde sperm loss at insemination using a modified insemination device, 2) elevated sperm number per inseminate (40 x 10(6) vs 20 x 10(6], and 3) alteration in semen quality (percentage of viable and morphologically normal sperm in the inseminate). None of these efforts affected accessory sperm number per ovum or embryo. However, blockage of retrograde semen flow for 3 h or use of semen of below-average quality (decreased percentage of viable and morphologically normal sperm) resulted in significant decreases in number of viable embryos and increases in number of degenerate embryos and unfertilized ova compared with conventional insemination (P less than .03) and use of semen with an average percentage of viable and morphologically normal sperm (P less than .06). Number of accessory sperm per embryo or ovum was positively related to fertilization and embryo quality (P less than .05). Mean accessory sperm +/- SD and the median value (in parentheses) for unfertilized ova, degenerate embryos, and embryos classified fair to poor and excellent to good were, respectively, .3 +/- .8 (0), 5.4 +/- 8.9 (1.0), 15.8 +/- 28.6 (3.5), and 16.9 +/- 29.5 (5.0). We conclude that efforts to improve accessory sperm numbers per embryo or ovum failed and that high variation and skewness of accessory sperm toward 0 may make median values more meaningful than means.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The sequence of cytological events from sperm penetration of the oocyte until emergence of the blastocyst from the zona pellucida was studied in 1441 eggs from 134 animals in which the time of ovulation had been controlled precisely by gonadotrophin injection. Observations were also made on the rate of egg passage through the Fallopian tubes, on the process of denudation, and on the increase in numbers of spermatozoa associated with the zona pellucida. Eggs may be penetrated and activated within three hours of mating or insemination close to the time of induced ovulation. A decondensation and swelling of the chromatin is seen very soon after incorporation of the sperm head into the vitellus, and central apposition of the pronuclei occurs three to five hours later. The male pronucleus is slightly larger than the female, and a portion of the flagellum is frequently closely associated with it until late syngamy. Cleaved embryos can be recovered within 14 to 16 hours of sperm penetration, but the two-celled stage lasts only six to eight hours compared with 20 to 24 hours for the four-celled stage. Embryos enter the uterus at the latter stage approximately 46 hours after ovulation. Morulae of 16 to 32 cells can occasionally be observed late on the third day of development, and blastocysts are present on the fifth day. However, the zona pellucida is not shed until the sixth day, after which the trophoblast commences the massive elongation characteristic of this ungulate blastocyst.
Forty litters of pigs were produced following the doublemating of gilts at a 6-hr interval by boars whose offspring could be distinguished from each other. The time of insemination relative to ovulation was designated precisely (±½ hr) for each gilt. For analysis, gilts were put into four groups with reference to the time the first boar was used; 30 to 24, 20 to 16, 14 to 12 and 10 to 6 hr before ovulation. The first boar sired 33% and 30% of the offspring when he was used at the longest intervals and 78% and 71% of the offspring at the two shortest intervals. Matings of 147 ewes took place first at 23, 19, 15, 11 or 7 hr before ovulation and again 4 hr later. The conception rates were 39%, 32%, 81%, 43% and 32%, respectively. The proportion of offspring from the first ram was 51% from the matings at the two longest intervals and 67% from the three shortest. The optimum time for insemination appeared to be about 12 hr before ovulation in both species.
The effects of the timing of insemination relative to ovulation on fertilization rate, accessory sperm count and early embryo development were studied in sows. Oestrus detection was performed at intervals of 8 h. Sows were artificially inseminated once with 3 x 10(9) spermatozoa. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed at intervals of 4 h to determine when ovulation occurred and sows were killed at 120 +/- 6 h after ovulation. For each insemination-ovulation interval of 8 h, fertilization rates were as follows: > 48 h, 35% (n = 1); 48-40 h, 51 +/- 36% (n = 6); 40-32 h, 54 +/- 36% (n = 14); 32-24 h, 79 +/- 32% (n = 19); 24-16 h, 94 +/- 11% (n = 24); 16-8 h, 92 +/- 21% (n = 24); 8-0 h, 95 +/- 22% (n = 21) and for the sows that were inseminated after ovulation: 0 to -8 h, 75 +/- 38% (n = 26); -8 to -16 h, 74 +/- 43% (n = 15) and < -16 h, 0% (n = 1). The median accessory sperm count differed among the groups from 1 (insemination 40-48 h before ovulation) to 126 (insemination 0-8 h after ovulation) (P = 0.0001). Within each 8 h time interval, the normal embryos from sows with less than 90% normal embryos were less developed and had a lower sperm count than did the normal embryos from sows with more than 90% normal embryos (P < 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of sperm dose at insemination on fertilization rates and accessory sperm cells attached to day 5 embryos. Multiparous sows (n = 115) were artificially inseminated once with 1 x 10(9), 3 x 10(9) or 6 x 10(9) sperm cells between 3 h and 48 h before ovulation. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed at intervals of 4 h to determine the time of ovulation and sows were killed at 120 +/- 5 h after ovulation to assess the results of fertilization. The insemination-ovulation interval had a major influence on the fertilization rate and accessory sperm count. A nonsignificant but consistent increase in fertilization rate and in number of accessory sperm cells due to the sperm dose was observed. During the insemination-ovulation interval of 12-24 h, the median fertilization rates were 95%, 100% and 100%, and the median accessory sperm counts were 11, 17 and 31 for the 1 x 10(9), 3 x 10(9) and 6 x 10(9) doses, respectively. During the insemination-ovulation interval of 24-36 h, the median fertilization rates were 88%, 95% and 97%, and the median accessory sperm counts were 6, 8 and 11 for the 1 x 10(9), 3 x 10(9) and 6 x 10(9) doses, respectively. No direct relationship was detected between embryo quality and the accessory sperm count but there was a relationship between insemination-ovulation interval and accessory sperm count. The fertilization rate was positively correlated with the breeding value for litter size of the sows. In conclusion, the effects of sperm dose on fertilization rate and on accessory sperm count in sows were small and nonsignificant, indicating only small effects of sperm dose on the functioning of the sperm reservoir in the sow.
The duration of ovulation (i.e., the time interval between the ovulation of the first and the last follicle in a sow during an estrus) is said to be related to embryonic diversity, which in turn is related to embryonic mortality. The relationship between the duration of ovulation and within-litter early embryonic diversity and the influence of insemination on the duration of ovulation were studied. To determine whether ovulation assessment (transrectal ultrasonography) influenced early embryonic development, control sows were not scanned. Multiparous cyclic sows with an exogenously induced estrus were used. Ovulation detection by means of transrectal ultrasonography did not influence fertilization rate, accessory sperm count, early embryonic development or early embryonic diversity, and, therefore, ultrasonography appears to be a worthwhile method for studying the time and duration of ovulation. Insemination did not influence (P>0.05) the duration of ovulation, in sows which ovulated between 39 and 49 hours after hCG injection. The duration of ovulation (mean+/-SD(range)) was 2.4+/-0.7 (1.1 to 4.0) hours in 15 sows which were artificially inseminated at 22 and 30 hours after hCG injection. In 8 noninseminated sows, the duration of ovulation was 2.3+/-0.5 (1.5 to 3.3) hours. The duration of ovulation was not related to embryonic diversity (SD of the number of nuclei or the number of cell cycles of embryos in a litter) at 114 to 121 hours after ovulation. Thus, a difference of up to 3 hours in the duration of ovulation does not seem to be an important determinant of variation in embryonic diversity between sows.
The duration of ovulation in pigs was studied by transrectal ultrasonography. The number of preovulatory follicles was counted on both ovaries at 30-minute intervals from 36 hours after the onset of estrus (Group A: naturally ovulating sows that were group-housed and were inseminated and caged during scanning) or 40 hours after treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (Group B: tethered sows that had been induced to ovulate but were not inseminated). The duration of ovulation was (mean+/-SD) 1.8+/-0.6 hours (range 0.75 to 3.25) in Group A (n=13) and 4.6+/-1.7 hours (range 2.0 to 7.0) in Group B (n=8). The difference was significant (P<0.01). In Group A and B sows, respectively, the course of ovulation, expressed as the relation between the relative follicle count (percentage of the maximum follicle count; Y) and the time (percentage of the duration of ovulation; X) was: Y=104.3*e(-0.023*X) (R2=0.95) and Y=98.9*e(-0.018*X) (R2=0.92). The onset of ovulation occurred at approximately two-thirds of the duration of the estrus (Group A: 67+/-6%; Group B: 60+/-10%). Group A sows were artificially inseminated and were slaughtered at 98+/-8 hours (range 77 to 110) after ovulation. The difference between the maximum follicle count and the corpora lutea count was zero or only 1 in 81% (21/26) of the ovaries. Embryonic diversity (within-litter SD of the number of nuclei or of the number of cell cycles) was not related to the duration of ovulation, neither at the level of ovary nor of sow (P>0.05). In conclusion, transrectal ultrasonography was found to be an appropriate nonsurgical method of studying the duration of ovulation in pigs. The duration of ovulation varied both between sows and between groups of sows, and was not related to early embryonic diversity.