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H U M a N I M A L I A 6:1
Kirrilly Thompson and Bradley Smith
Should We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… With Us? Synthesizing the
Literature and Setting the Agenda for Research on Human-animal
Co-sleeping Practices
Introduction. Human sleep practices are highly divergent across culture and time
(Blunden, Thompson & Dawson; Worthman and Melby; Munroe, Munroe, and
Whiting). In the same way that sleeping spaces in industrialized societies have
increasingly become divided according to age (adult and child), so have spaces been
segregated according to species (human and non-human animal), although many
cultures have practiced or still practice co-sleeping. This is often related to crowding or
a response to domestic spaces having no physical internal divisions, but also because
co-sleeping is the norm for some cultures — devoid of the taboos of incest and
bestiality, or the socio-cultural construction of sleep disorders that can be found at the
core of (or indeed contribute to) solo-sleeping practices in other cultures.
Although co-sleeping in indigenous societies primarily involved humans (particularly
children), it is likely to have also involved companion animals or pets. The practice of
pet keeping dates back to Paleolithic hunters and early agriculturalists, who kept
animals for leisure activities (with inherent social and emotional rewards) and as
functional assets (e.g., to assist in hunting or as educational and play “objects” for
children [Serpell]). Whilst the sleeping arrangements of pets were not the focus of early
anthropological accounts, human-animal co-sleeping has been widely recorded in
ethnographies of indigenous Australians. During cold nights, indigenous Australians
were often reported to sleep alongside their dogs for warmth (Hamilton; Meggitt; Smith
and Litchfield). This practice is implicated in the common Australian expression “three
dog night”: the colder the night, the more dogs are needed to keep warm (Breckwoldt).
Today, humans continue to show strong attachment to their pets, and often consider
them important members of the family (Archer). In return, companion animals are
sources of unconditional support, love, comfort, security, and stability that also provide
health benefits (Smith). These benefits are felt strongly in Australia, which has one of
the highest levels of pet ownership in the developed world, with around sixty per cent
of households owning at least one pet (Australian Bureau of Statistics). Pet ownership
in Australia has remained relatively stable during the past few years, current figures
Kirrilly Thompson and Bradley Smith — “Should We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… With Us?”
indicating that thirty-six per cent of households own dogs, and twenty-three per cent
own cats (Australian Companion Animal Council).
Companion animals not only often live inside the home, but many also share their
guardians’ beds or sleep in their bedrooms (Beck and Katcher). Such practices are
particularly meaningful in contemporary Western cultures, where the parental bed has
been increasingly sexually constructed. Sleeping space has evolved over time,
particularly around the end of the nineteenth century when the individual bed was
regarded as an essential ingredient of civilized society, informed by ideas of privacy.
“The bed remained a highly problematic, indeterminate space, facilitating deviant as
much as civilized behavior, and giving rise to all manner of pathologies, perversities
and phobias” (Crook 15). In many Westernized and industrialized nations such as
Australia, the majority of families encourage infants to sleep alone from any early age
(Blunden, Thompson, and Dawson). Allowing animals in the private space of the bed
and/or bedroom therefore indicates the status and value that is placed on many
companion animals. Some authors have alluded to the untested assumption that letting
a dog sleep on the bed is indicative of a positive pet attachment (e.g., Katcher, as cited
by Archer). Franklin, for example, interprets pets in bedrooms as indicative of their
status as intimate family members. Beck and Katcher go so far as to suggest that the
“pet’s privilege of sharing the master’s bed elevates him [sic] above human children,
who are usually banned from the parental bedroom at night” (20).
Unfortunately, little is known about the prevalence of human-animal co-sleeping
relationships or their impact on sleep. The research reporting human-animal co-
sleeping practices is piecemeal at best, using data from non-dedicated or non-validated
surveys (such as those undertaken by the pet care and pet food industry). An indicative
picture of human-animal co-sleeping practices can be sketched by drawing from
various studies that are based on a variety of tools and which span several decades and
research populations. Estimations of prevalence rates are often limited to online surveys
or those conducted by commercial pet organizations. Various studies from around the
world report that approximately half of pet guardians let their pets sleep in their beds
with them during the night (eg. Katcher et al.; Albert and Bulcroft; Westgarth et al.;
Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies
Volume 6, Number 1 (Fall 2014)
The manifestation of this practice differs according to several factors, such as the type of
pet — cats and dogs are the most frequent bed visitors, with cats more likely to sleep
with the family than any other type (Albert and Bulcroft); the size of the pet: most dogs
allowed in the bed are smaller breeds (Eckstein); the number of children in the
household, higher for those with no children (Albert and Bulcroft); and guardian
characteristics, such as gender (more common in females) and ethnicity (higher in
Anglo-Saxon than African American [Brown, “Ethnic”; Brown, “Companion
Animals”]). Despite any benefits experienced by the pet owner or guardian, there are
various consequences of having pets in bedrooms. These include health hazards, effect
on sleep quality, and behavioral problems displayed by the pet, as well as its impact on
the interpersonal relations of humans in the bedroom.
Health hazards: There are various health hazards associated with pet ownership that are
accentuated by allowing pets into the bedroom and bed. These include immunologic
responses resulting in allergic disease, asthma, and/or hypersensitivity pneumonitis;
bites and scratches from pets causing tissue damage and inducing infections and
infectious diseases associated with pets (see Plaut, Zimmerman, and Goldstein for a
comprehensive review). A dog sleeping in a family member’s bedroom may also be a
risk factor for biting (Messam et al.). The most susceptible include small children,
pregnant women, and immuno-deficient patients (Smith). However, overall health risks
are relatively low — particularly if the animals are kept clean and routine veterinarian
care is maintained.
Effect on sleep quality: While common causes of sleep disturbance involve partners (e.g.,
kicking, snoring, visits to the toilet) and children, having pets can also represent a
significant cause of disturbance for those who allow pets in the bed or bedroom. For
instance, the Mayo Sleep Clinic in the US surveyed 300 patients with an existing sleep
disorder, and found that fifty-three per cent of pet guardians who allowed their pet(s)
to sleep in their beds were disturbed every night by the animal in some way. It is
difficult to determine the significance of these disruptions, with only one per cent of
patients feeling that their sleep was disrupted for more than twenty minutes on average
per night (Fayerman). Smith et al. compared the self-reported sleep of pet versus non-
pet co-sleepers, and found that sleeping with pets in the bed had a small impact on
sleep quality e.g., time taken to fall asleep, and feelings of tiredness upon waking — a
sign of disrupted sleep). The authors inferred that the continued practice of co-sleeping
Kirrilly Thompson and Bradley Smith — “Should We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… With Us?”
with pets indicates attendant benefits such as social support and social interaction, and
increased feelings of personal security, despite any disadvantages.
Disruptions may be related to mismatches between human, dog, and cat core
temperatures, as well as differences in sleep-wake cycles, as pets do not spend eight
hours in a sleep state (see Campbell and Tobler). For example, Adams and Johnson
examined the sleep-wake cycles of dogs in various urban backyards, and found that
dogs had an average of 23 sleep/wake episodes (or 3 sleep/wake cycles per hour), with
active sleep followed immediately by spontaneous arousal. They found that dogs are
also responsive to auditory stimuli regardless of whether the sleep state was quiet or
active (Adams and Johnson). Their responses to such stimuli often led to dogs being a
nuisance to people in the neighborhood (e.g. due to barking) and potentially disrupting
the sleep of guardians and non-guardians alike.
Pet behavioral problems: Jagoe and Serpell found that dogs who are allowed to sleep in
their guardians’ beds or bedrooms at night may experience such behavioral problems as
an increase in competitive aggression (i.e., aggression when attention is paid to others;
aggression to other dogs in the household) and separation-related problems (i.e.,
separation-related urination and defecation). Beck and Katcher describe a woman who
complained that she was unable to make the bed in the morning because when her
husband went to work, the dog would jump on the bed and growl, snap, or bite if she
tried to remove him. Although Jagoe and Serpell could not determine the direction of
causation, they note it is likely that dogs sleeping with or close to the guardian will
develop an “unbalanced” attachment for that person and thus react adversely to
separation. Another explanation may relate to the aforementioned impact of dog bed-
sharing practices on the ranking of household individuals — human and animal. The
guardian may be forced to accept on overly attached canine sleeping partner to avoid
nocturnal separation problems in the dog (Jagoe and Serpell).
Effect on interpersonal relationships: Pets sleeping in their guardians’ beds can be a source
of conflict for couples, sometimes leading to problems with intimacy, particularly if the
pet is unwelcome to one partner. Jagoe and Serpell, for instance, describe a couple
whose dog was interfering in their sex life. “The husband felt sexually inhibited and
turned off when the animal was in the bed, yet his wife would not otherwise have
intercourse” (50).
Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies
Volume 6, Number 1 (Fall 2014)
Broad as it may be, the literature on human-animal co-sleeping is risk-centric. That is, it
is equated with risks to health or sleep hygiene, or considered a threat to the intimacy of
couples. Moreover, the practice is associated with deviant sexuality in the form of
bestiality, or, at the least, unhealthy romantic attachments (Beetz and Podberscek;
Dekkers). This risk-centric bias, which emphasizes the disadvantages of human-animal
co-sleeping, has contributed to the psychological, social, and cultural benefits of human-
animal co-sleeping practices being overlooked and under-researched.
Why do people human-animal co-sleep? Despite a lack of rigorous data on the
prevalence of human-animal co-sleeping, there is no doubt that people continue to
share their beds with pets. In some instances, the practice occurs despite negative
impacts, such as an increase in the time taken to fall asleep (extended sleep latency), or
sensitivity to sleep disturbance from animal noises (Smith et al.). This raises the
question of why people (continue to) co-sleep with pets. First, there are some very
practical considerations that provide ready explanations. For example, some pets may
be more distracting if they are not in their guardians’ beds. That is, they might scratch at
doors or vocalize their attempts to sleep in beds with humans. Voith describes a woman
who allowed her dog to sleep in her bed (even though it would bite her during the
night) because it refused to sleep on the floor and would bark incessantly if shut out of
the room. Moreover, some human sleepers who would prefer to sleep without pets
might not have any choice, such as when the final decision is made by another human
with whom they share their bed.
Second, there are also several theoretical and practical explanations that provide
insight. Attachment theory, originally developed by John Bowlby, explains
interpersonal relations between children and adults, whereby children feel secure in the
presence of adults to whom they are attached (Bowlby, Attachment), and feel separation
anxiety at the perceived short- or long-term loss of those “attachment figures” (Bowlby,
Separation). The theory has been extended to discuss human relations with animals
(Beck and Madresh; Julius, Beetz and Kotrschal). Whilst many people who feel attached
to their pets have no need or desire to share their beds with them, attachment theory
suggests that some humans are motivated to sleep with their pets in the bed to feel
secure and avoid separation anxiety.
Further theoretical explanation for human-animal co-sleeping can be found in Russell
Belk’s consideration of animals and pets as “extended selves” (“Possessions”). Belk
considers the ways in which relationships with pets can be so important to the identity
Kirrilly Thompson and Bradley Smith — “Should We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… With Us?”
of some humans that pets might best be understood as special cases of extended human
selves. He describes how animals (like objects, money, other people, prostheses, and so
on) can become extensions or parts of human selves that “define who we are”
(“Possessions” 139). This idea is established empirically, not only in relation to typical
pets such as dogs, but also to non-traditional companion animals such as horses (Belk
“Metaphoric”). Sue-Ellen Brown (“Ethnic” and “Companion”) similarly considers
animals as “self-objects“ that are integral to human identity, sometimes surpassing the
ability of other humans to provide a sense of self.
The idea of animals as human extensions challenges the very question of why humans
would want to sleep with pets in their beds at all. That is, if a pet is considered an
extension of a particular human, it would be expected to accompany that human self in
sleep. The concept of pet as extended self enables an immediate recognition that asking
some people to sleep without their pets is akin to asking them to sleep without a part of
their selves, and as absurd as asking them to leave their pets behind during evacuation
from disasters (Thompson). Nonetheless, humans who consider or act as if their pets
and animals are extended selves are unlikely to be accompanied by that pet throughout
all their daily activities (such as work, travel, showering). Therefore, the decisions
humans make about where lines of pet accompaniment are drawn are complex and
dependent upon other philosophical, psychological, cultural, emotional, and practical
Future research on human-animal co-sleeping: setting the research agenda. The
literature reviewed in this paper suggests that pet owners frequently share their beds
with their pets, yet human-animal co-sleeping has been taken for granted, failing to
attract dedicated interest from (or funding for) animal studies scholarship or sleep
research. Rather, the implications have been considered narrowly through a focus on
threats to human health and social relations. As such, existing research can be
considered both risk-centric and anthropocentric, providing only a partial
understanding of human-animal co-sleeping and its multiple implications. To ensure a
comprehensive and symmetrical consideration of the practice of human-animal co-
sleeping, there is a need to identify benefits or trade-offs and understand the
implications from a bi-directional and relational perspective. As humans and animals
exist in relation with (Haraway Companion and When Species Meet) and in “being
alongside” (Latimer) one another, the impact of pet-bed sharing from a relational
Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies
Volume 6, Number 1 (Fall 2014)
perspective seems warranted. To establish a more comprehensive body of knowledge
on human-animal co-sleeping which is free of biases towards human beings and risk,
we propose the following three broad areas of focus: on humans, on animals and on the
human-animal relation.
Humans: In the preceding discussion, we proposed some practical and theoretical
explanations for (continued) human-animal co-sleeping. To fully evaluate our
propositions, there is a need to collect empirical data on motivations and rewards for
human-animal co-sleeping, using inductive research techniques, such as open-ended
surveys and interviews that can capture the unanticipated dimensions of human-animal
co-sleeping. From a more positivistic perspective, there is a need for a dedicated and
comprehensive survey of human-animal co-sleeping practices that combines and uses
knowledge from the disciplines of sleep research and animal studies. As a minimum
data set, and based on our own survey research (Smith et al.), we recommend that the
following four demographic questions be included in basic sleep research participant
demographic collection, as well as in research on human-animal co-sleeping: 1) do you
own a pet, 2) do you sleep with your pet, 3) where in the room is your pet (on floor, on
bed, in bed), and 4) can the pet toilet independently (i.e., can it let itself in and out of the
room for toileting without waking the respondent).
The third question of the minimum data set on human-animal co-sleeping is designed
to capture the location of the pet in relation to the human. This would enable an
evaluation of any differences in sleep hygiene, quality, and quantity between pets being
in the bedroom and pets being in the bed. The resulting knowledge could be used to
assist those with sleep problems to review their sleeping practices and justify and
support any behavior change interventions. For example, having pets in the same room
rather than the same bed might provide an incremental pathway for necessary behavior
change (as noted above), without causing undue emotional stress to the pet or
guardian, or reducing the benefits that guardians enjoy when human-animal co-
A particularly novel application for an understanding of the impact of the pet’s location
in the bedroom supports the need to undertake more research on the impacts of human-
animal co-sleeping on the sleep of children. Triebenbacher found that “children
perceive their pets as special friends, important family members, and providers of social
interactions, affection, and emotional support” (191). The role of pets in children’s lives
can change according to developmental stages, but Robin and Bensal identify their
Kirrilly Thompson and Bradley Smith — “Should We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… With Us?”
general roles as “parents” as well as transitional objects. Psychotherapist D.W.
Winnicott discusses transitional objects in relation to children’s development,
considering objects such as a baby’s favorite toy as mediating and crossing the
boundary between inner mind and outer reality. The object is both independent of the
baby and, consistent with Belk’s “extended selves,” a part of the baby who “created”
and modified it. If we replace the object with a pet (real or toy), the pet can be seen to be
part of the child. As a result, a child required to sleep without a pet may experience
difficulty falling asleep due to anxiety over the absence of something that can be
understood as a part of the child.
As transitional objects, there may be a role for pets in developing solo sleeping practices
amongst children (where “solo” is understood to exclude other humans). Parent-child
co-sleeping is frequently constructed as problematic in Western society (Blunden,
Thompson, and Dawson). However, pets could play a role as transitional objects
(subjects) in encouraging solo sleeping practices amongst children who would
otherwise seek comfort and security by sleeping in their parents’ or siblings’ beds
(Triebenbacher). Research evaluating this proposition should compare real versus toy
pets as transitional objects, and consider the moral and ethical implication of using pets
for this purpose. Beetz and Podberscek, for example, found that amongst “male
children with insecure/disorganized attachment, the interaction with a real dog rather
than with a toy dog ... lowered salivary cortisol levels during a social challenge
situation” (361). The greater ability for a real dog to serve as an attachment figure and
reduce stress does not necessarily preclude the ability for a toy dog to provide some
benefit. A toy dog may be a preferable alternative in many situations, especially where
families may lack the space or resources to care for a real pet or where a householder
may be allergic to other animals.
Research attention also needs to be paid to the potential disadvantages of human-
animal co-sleeping in general, or of using pets specifically for the purpose of developing
solo sleeping practices amongst children. For example, there may be instances where
humans become dependent on the presence of pets to fall asleep. This may cause
problems in relation to short-term changes to sleeping routines (traveling or going to
hospital), as well as longer-term changes such as the unavoidable death of a pet.
Researching such cases would provide interesting perspectives on the social dimensions
Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies
Volume 6, Number 1 (Fall 2014)
of sleep, where “social” is defined in a way that includes “humans and other animals,”
as is accepted practice in the field of animal studies.
Animals: The limited and disparate research on human-animal co-sleeping has been
concerned with the impact of human-animal co-sleeping on human sleep quality and
quantity. However, there is an equivalent need to consider the impact of human-animal
co-sleeping on animals, especially in relation to their health and welfare. In the same
way that there are moral and ethical considerations for working animals, such as those
used in animal-assisted therapy (Serpell), so too should the health and well-being of
animals involved in human-animal co-sleeping be of central importance. Concerns
include the unlikely risk of anthroponotic diseases as well as negative impacts on
animal social relations and behavior.
For example, if attachment theory can be applied to an animal’s attachment to humans,
could human-animal co-sleeping practices exacerbate its separation anxiety during
waking hours when attachment figures are not physically present? Where human-
animal co-sleeping practices differ in a household with more than one pet (that is, one
dog sleeps inside and another outside), there is a need to understand the impact on
inter-pet relations. This is especially the case where negative inter-pet relations can lead
to anti-social behaviors which can impact inter-personal relations (between husband
and wife; for example, Jagoe and Serpell), jeopardize human health (through increased
biting behavior; for example, Smith) or cause community conflict (through barking
complaints; for example, Kobelt et al.). Furthermore, as noted above animals have
different circadian rhythms, temperatures, and sleep-wake cycles (Campbell and
Tobler; Adams and Johnson). Accelerometers may provide a non-invasive and cost
effective method for determining circadian rhythms in pets, particularly dogs and cats
(Hansen et al.).
Human-animal relations: Further research should be conducted that determines any
significant relationship between objective scores on animal attachment scales such as
the owner-pet relationship scale (Winefield et al.), and the practice of human-animal co-
sleeping. This research could assist with an understanding of the role that attachment
plays in decisions for humans and animals to co-sleep or in the impact of human-animal
co-sleeping on attachment. It could also be used to critically review a fundamental
assumption inherent in previous research that human-animal co-sleeping is indicative
of positive attachment (e.g., Katcher, as cited by Archer). In addition to the use of
surveys, researchers should employ open-ended techniques to consider the impact of
Kirrilly Thompson and Bradley Smith — “Should We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… With Us?”
human-animal co-sleeping on the human-animal relationship. Where sharing a bed
with a pet is shown to influence a particular kind of human-animal relation, research
should consider the implications for human-animal relations where bed-sharing is
improbable (with larger animals such as horses, for example). Whilst human-animal co-
sleeping may be found to be indicative of positive human-animal attachment, the
inability to share a bed (for health reasons or because the animal is large) or its non-
practice does not necessarily preclude particular experiences of positive or profound
attachment between humans and animals.
Conclusion. The benefits of pet ownership and companionship have been extolled by
researchers for several decades and by owners and guardians for centuries more. There
is little doubt that pets contribute to the everyday experiences of humans, and some
pets contribute to their “everynight” experiences too. In fact, more than half of the sixty
per cent of pet owners and guardians in developed countries will spend approximately
one third of their lives sleeping alongside their pets. In this paper, we have synthesized
the scant research on the topic to establish the high incidence and significant
implications of this taken-for-granted behavior for humans and animals and their
relations with one another. It seems that humans and animals are not strange
bedfellows after all. What kind of bedfellows they are remains to be determined.
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