
CAD/CAM: Computer-aided design and manufacturing

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... Аналіз останніх досягнень і публікацій. Впродовж останніх десятиріч відзначається постійне зростання складності технологічного обладнання і виконуваних ним функцій [4,5,11,13]. Відомо, що одним з недоліків процесу створення нового обладнання є традиційно прийнята послідовність, коли спочатку конструюється механічна частина, потім для розробленої механіки підбирається система керування, яка забезпечує необхідні закони переміщення і технологічні режими обробки [5,6]. ...
... Впродовж останніх десятиріч відзначається постійне зростання складності технологічного обладнання і виконуваних ним функцій [4,5,11,13]. Відомо, що одним з недоліків процесу створення нового обладнання є традиційно прийнята послідовність, коли спочатку конструюється механічна частина, потім для розробленої механіки підбирається система керування, яка забезпечує необхідні закони переміщення і технологічні режими обробки [5,6]. При цьому отримуємо технологічну систему, у якій все ніби оптимально, але роздільно проектовані частини не завжди виявляються оптимальними в цілому для всієї системи. ...
В роботі описано деякі проблемні питання, що стосуються аналізу взаємодії робочого і інформаційного процесів в технологічній машині, яка розглядається як кібер-фізична система. Показані можливі шляхи взаємодії цих процесів для підвищення досконалості технологічної машини на базі використання останніх досягнень в розвитку мехатроніки і цифрового моделювання. Метою роботи є удосконалення методів досягнення заданого рівня якості технологічного обладнання та формування принципу прогнозування якості машин по параметру керованості.
... Definitions CAD Definition. The following definition for CAD is adopted for this paper (Groover & Zimmers, 1983): ...
... CAD, on the other hand, appears to be more straightforward to implement. For the most part, CAD can be adopted and applied within existing design and production processes without altering those processes (Groover & Zimmers, 1983). The nature of the work the designer is doing is relatively unchanged from hand drafting. ...
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Those looking to advocate for Model‐Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in the Systems Engineering field often turn to more established fields that have made a similar transition to models to assure others it will be beneficial. One practice that is often compared to MBSE is Computer‐Aided Design (CAD) from the field of mechanical engineering. However, the adequacy of this comparison is challenged upon a side‐by‐side examination of what MBSE and CAD are. Based on the established definitions, it is evident that while CAD can be considered a method of mechanical drawing, MBSE cannot be described as only a method. MBSE is more than installing and utilizing software, it is a process in and of itself. Comparing MBSE to CAD runs the risk of oversimplifying MBSE and setting up expectations that may not be met. Therefore, while CAD may represent a similar paradigm shift as MBSE in terms of digitalization, it may not serve as an adequate paradigm in terms of adoption and benefits. In this paper, we characterize and compare CAD and MBSE and identify the similarities and differences between them. We use the resulting insights to level the expectations of adopting and using MBSE.
... Definitions CAD Definition. The following definition for CAD is adopted for this paper (Groover & Zimmers, 1983): ...
... CAD, on the other hand, appears to be more straightforward to implement. For the most part, CAD can be adopted and applied within existing design and production processes without altering those processes (Groover & Zimmers, 1983). The nature of the work the designer is doing is relatively unchanged from hand drafting. ...
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Those looking to advocate for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in the Systems Engineering field often turn to more established fields that have made a similar transition to models to assure others it will be beneficial. One practice that is often compared to MBSE is Computer Aided Design (CAD) from the field of mechanical engineering. However, the adequacy of this comparison is challenged upon a side-by-side examination of what MBSE and CAD are. Based on the established definitions, it is evident that while CAD can be considered a method of mechanical drawing, MBSE cannot be described as only a method. MBSE is more than installing and utilizing software, it is a process in and of itself. Comparing MBSE to CAD runs the risk of oversimplifying MBSE and setting up expectations that may not be met. Therefore, while CAD may represent a similar paradigm shift as MBSE in terms of digitalization, it may not serve as an adequate paradigm in terms of adoption and benefits. In this paper, we characterize and compare CAD and MBSE and identify the similarities and differences between them. We use the resulting insights to level the expectations of adopting and using MBSE.
... CAD describes the process of drafting with a computer. Groover et al. [1] defined CAD as any design activity that involves the use of computer to create, modify and document engineering design using interactive computer graphics. CAD has been on a continuous development since its evolution. ...
... It is volume ( swept by moving the piston down (Piston depression) a certain distance. 1 ...
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Piston is a component that plays vital roles in internal combustion engines such as in reciprocating engines, rotating pumps and so on. It is found in the cylinder of an engine block. The computations involved in piston movement in the cylinder of an engine are complicated and rigorous because of all the parameters involved. In order to obtain the required details, a computer aided design (CAD) software package is importantly needed not only to expose and do the intricate engineering analysis but also to show high accuracy of the developed software during simulation. The software was designed using Microsoft Visual Studio package because it supports and has built in languages such as C/C++ (visual C++), VB.Net (visual basic.Net) and C# (visual C#). However, the programming language used in the development of this software was Microsoft C#. The CAD developed for the piston movement was tested to be highly accurate, faster and convenient. This makes the CAD software developed viable to be used in monitoring piston movement.
... The question of automation of classification and coding of production objects based on their design and technological features is paramount to creation of FMS [3,4]; and yet, to date, it has not been sufficiently elaborated. ...
... In most cases the process of classification and coding of information about details for automated technological designing is carried out by an engineer-technologist manually, by visual analysis of geometrical form of details, design-engineering requirements and physico-mechanical properties of materials [4]. This leads to an increase of technological preparation to production and becomes ineffective for a wide range of manufactured products. ...
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The central problem of the paper is grouping details in the conditions of FMS (flexible manufacturing system). The criteria for forming rational detail groups were identified and. The statistical analysis of details characteristics was based on the database of products for the electronic industry. The paper proposes a mathematical method of grouping using accumulated data on the processing objects, which employs the grouping criteria. By employing such an approach we are presented with details grouped according to normative indicators of FMS equipment loading or minimum loss on their readjustment within the group of technological adjusting for every robotic technological complex (RTC).
... Thus, the entire structure and functional components were created using CAD (ComputerAided Design) software, which, according to Groover and Zimmers (1983), can be defined as using computer systems to assist in creating, modifying, analyzing, and optimizing a design. Specifically, the approach used was parametric modeling, which allows for the development of easily adaptable designs. ...
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This work presents the first phase of developing a prototype of an autonomous mini-vehicle on a scale of 1:24. The main contribution is the feasibility and executability of the project using only simple, readily available, and low-cost components. The primary focus was to construct a functional 3D chassis capable of housing all the necessary parts, creating full-scale 3D mechanical components. In addition, we show the first server-client programming using the ROS (Robot Operating System) platform, which allows communication between a central computer and the ESP32 microcontroller. All data that supports this paper are freely available.
... In addition, engineering changes can be analyzed on a lexical, syntactic, and structural level 11 . For mechanical modeling (i.e., CAD), most extant literature focused on applications related to graphics, analysis of components, computer numerical control, and manufacturing processes 12 , but few research studied how to group CAD components with requirements to jointly represent design knowledge. ...
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Introduction As artificial intelligence advances manufacturing corporations, this evolution redefines both industrial business model innovation and reforms the manufacturing sector by using big data to drive the manufacturing process and associated decisions. One of the most promising approaches, Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), has shown its potential to drive smart manufacturing (or Industry 4.0) by linking all sources of digital data through the product lifecycle 1. The global net value of the MBE market has grown from 7.89billionin20172to7.89 billion in 2017 2 to 9.94 billion in 2019 3 , and the forecast for the future market performance is set at about $44 billion by 2027. Beyond upgrading manufacturing equipment, companies have sought to develop a digital model-based network for higher production efficiency and a profitable return on investment. Unlike traditional manufacturing, the next generation of manufacturing networks will provide seamless product record-tracking and tracing capabilities for all parties, from customers to government regulatory compliance agents using machine learning (ML) techniques 4,5. The advances and implementation of MBE in engineering enterprises critically influence the practice of design. As MBE presents a unique opportunity to link all sources of digital data throughout the product lifecycle, we explore how the requirement domain can be linked to the CAD domain. In addition to engineers interested in machine learning implementations in product design, this research can benefit educators in developing ML models for ME students. This would allow engineering changes to be tracked both upstream and downstream for requirements and CAD analysis. For instance, design changes originated from requirements can be implemented in CAD, and vice versa. Further, it is important to consider how requirements and CAD can be visualized and realized during the early stages of the design process to help engineers reduce the risk of project failure. This is particularly pertinent as requirements often serve as the contractual agreement between parties, and thus all changes and decisions must be aligned with the corresponding requirements. However, this is difficult to perform as relationships between requirements and CAD are not formalized nor fully realized. Often, correlations are manually determined by experts based on their heuristic knowledge. By automating this process, engineers and designers would make AI-assisted decisions to provide better designs 6. In this paper, the purpose is to develop a framework for performing a study to address the requirement analysis challenges associated with engineering education in building digital threads for Industry 4.0. Digital threads in manufacturing can be divided into four domains: design requirements, CAD, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and quality inspection 7 .Tracing digital information across domains presents unique challenges in complex systems, primarily due to the high volume, complexity of requirements management, and the difficulties in interpreting them resulting from change propagation. Current CAD education primarily focuses on teaching low-level skill sets, whereas Industry 4.0 engineering would require the ability to combine domains such as requirements-CAD and CAD-CAM. Engineering design changes are often derived from requirements documents and propagated to CAD and CAM systems. However, it is also important to emphasize the importance of back propagation of information in design education. As an example, engineers must assess the compatibility of new design parts with existing design requirements efficiently in order to streamline the future design process and use design reuse strategies. The complexity of the data sources makes cross-domain analysis difficult as changes are often observed within each domain. In the initial conceptual design phase (i.e.,
... Based on the above mentioned relation, a cylindrical geometry draft tube was first generated using ANSYS design modeller on which later simulations were performed and compared with that of its counterpart. The design modeller allows making a 2D projection design of the geometry and then the revolution of the geometry about an axis ultimately generates a 3D geometry (Groover and Zimmers, 1983). Figure 5(a) indicates the 3D sections of the wavy draft tube after applying boundary conditions. ...
This study delineates the design of a novel airlift bioreactor (ALBR) with wavy draft tube, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for chondrocyte culture. The advantage of using wavy walled ALBR is that it enhances mass transfer when the optimum superficial gas velocity of 0.5 m sec–1 is applied. To simulate the gas-liquid flow and investigate the effects of wavy shape in the cylindrical draft tube in the internal loop of ALBR, Eulerian model in CFD was used. The correlation was established between the geometry of the ALBR and the hydrodynamics of the broth. The result of the experiment supports the fact that enhanced mixing with controlled shear in the bioreactor leads to better growth of the cell and also, significantly improves the oxygen transfer and mass transfer of nutrients by diffusion.
... Consequently, the efficient inter-disciplinary engineering of Digital Twins demands suitable modeling techniques and tools for the different domains and means to their integration. While appropriate domain-specific modeling techniques and tools have been brought forth, such as Simulink [11] or Modelica [16] for physical modeling, various CAD variants [21,22,43] for geometric modeling, and different software modeling techniques [14,43,54], means for their integration are rare and either do not consider how the different domainspecific solutions shall be integrated, nor consider the models' semantics (meaning) [15], but consider their syntactic structure [9] only. ...
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Industry 4.0 opens up new potentials for the automation and improvement of production processes, but the associated digitization also increases the complexity of this development. Monitoring and maintenance activities in production processes still require high manual effort and are only partially automated due to immature data aggregation and analysis, resulting in expensive downtimes, inefficient use of machines, and too much production of waste. To maintain control over the growing complexity and to provide insight into the production, concepts such as Digital Twins, Digital Shadows, and model-based systems engineering for Industry 4.0 emerge. Digital Shadows consist of data traces of an observed Cyber-Physical Production System. Digital Twins operate on Digital Shadows to enable novel analysis, monitoring, and optimization. We present a general overview of the concepts of Digital Twins, Digital Shadows, their usage and realization in Data Lakes, their development based on engineering models, and corresponding engineering challenges. This provides a foundation for implementing Digital Twins, which constitute a main driver for future innovations in Industry 4.0 digitization.
... Previously, it was challenging to manufacture the complex organic shapes derived by topology optimization due to technical limitations or the need for considerable resources to materialize the designs. However, these manufacturing challenges have been overcome by technological developments such as advanced computer numerical control (CNC) (Newman and Nassehi 2007), computer-aided design (CAD) (Groover and Zimmers 1983;Ji and Marefat 1997), 3-D printing, and additive manufacturing (Wong and Hernandez 2012;Frazier 2014;Yan et al. 2018;Shahrubudin et al. 2019). ...
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This research proposes a new framework to develop an accurate machine-learning-based surrogate model to predict the optimum topological structures using an advanced encoder–decoder network, Unet, and Unet++. The trained surrogate model predicts the optimum structural layout as output by inputting the results from the initial static analysis without any iterative optimization calculations. Input and output data are generated using the commercial finite element analysis package, Abaqus/Standard, and an optimization package, Abaqus/Tosca. We applied the data augmentation technique to increase the amount of data without actual calculations. Primarily, this research focused on overcoming the weaknesses of previous studies that the trained network is only applicable to limited geometry variations and requires an organized grid rectangular mesh. Therefore, this study suggests a mapping process to convert the analysis data on any type of mesh element to a tensor form, which enables training and employing the network. Also, to increase the prediction accuracy, we trained the network with the labeled optimum material data using a binary segmented output, representing the structure and void regions in the domain. Finally, the trained networks are evaluated using the intersection over union (IoU) scores representing the classification accuracy. The best-performing network provides highly accurate results, and this model provided the IoU scores for average, maximum, and standard deviation as 90.0%, 99.8%, and 7.1%, respectively. Also, we apply it to solve local-global structural optimization problems, and the overall calculation time is reduced by 98%.
... Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) uses computers to integrate design and manufacturing processes for fabricating products that meet customer demand by optimizing all elements involved in the product's life-cycle [1,2]. CAD has revolutionized many fields of engineering [3]. ...
The world is a growing place with great technological advancement in all areas of life. For some decades now, various disciplines and industries have been engaged in using Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) across different nations. CAD/CAM utilizes computers to integrate design and manufacturing processes for quality product attainment. This review article examined the present impacts of CAD/CAM on some sectors such as architecture, manufacturing, engineering and design, electronics, automobile, shipbuilding, aerospace, and medicine. Highlights on some applications and future impacts of CAD/CAM have also been discussed. The numerous impacts of CAD/CAM are discussed in the study. It was concluded that CAD/CAM had become integral parts of our world to ease production against traditional methods. The study recommended more research focus on biomaterials for 3-D bioprinting for tissue engineering applications.
... A common form of simulation used in engineering involves computer-aided design (CAD) software. CAD supports students in the process of creating, modifying, analyzing, and optimizing a design (Groover & Zimmers, 1983). CAD software is also flexible in allowing students to test their designs under different types of configurations in a time-and cost-efficient manner (Brown, 2009). ...
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In this exploratory study, we investigated students’ design thinking strategies during a challenge involving the design of an energy-efficient house. We used the Informed Design Teaching and Learning Matrix as a framework for characterizing the students’ design thinking, focusing on four specific strategies—generating ideas, conducting experiments, revising and iterating, and troubleshooting. To elicit the use of design thinking strategies, we employed two pedagogical approaches—tell-and-practice (T&P) and contrasting cases (CC)—as conditions in a within-subjects design, where participants were exposed to one approach first and then the other. Findings suggest that students exposed to T&P then CC had more balanced use of all four design strategies as compared to the students exposed to CC first then T&P. Regarding changes in strategies used, there was a significant increase in conducting experiments, but a significant decrease in troubleshooting, after students were exposed to both approaches. This finding suggests that students spent more time experimenting and understanding how the system works rather than focusing on problematic areas and finding solutions to the problems they faced during the design process. Implications of the study include recommendations for using T&P and CC to elicit design strategies during design thinking.
... In the second stage, named recognition, one of the three recognition algorithms, embed on the proposed system, is used to classify and localize the object in a test image. -CAD models: CAD stands for computer-aided design; therefore, CAD models are digital representations employed on creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design [86]. For 3D object recognition, 3D CAD models are frequently used as object model input, which are further processed into other type of simplified representation. ...
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In this paper, we present a systematic literature review concerning 3D object recognition and classification. We cover articles published between 2006 and 2016 available in three scientific databases (ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore and ACM), using the methodology for systematic review proposed by Kitchenham. Based on this methodology, we used tags and exclusion criteria to select papers about the topic under study. After the works selection, we applied a categorization process aiming to group similar object representation types, analyzing the steps applied for object recognition, the tests and evaluation performed and the databases used. Lastly, we compressed all the obtained information in a general overview and presented future prospects for the area. Link for the publication:
... Through the application of mechanical, electronic, and computerbased systems, technology can be applied to either operate or to control physical equipment and processes, i.e. supervisory control (Groover, 1984;Williams, 1994). First, the actual automation of the manufacturing systems in the factory (the physical process), replaces human muscle power and this is referred to as mechanization. ...
Rapid advancements in an array of digital technologies and applications promote the transformation of industrial production into cyber-physical systems (CPS). This process is projected to lead to a completely new level of process automation, thereby redefining the role of humans and altering current work designs in yet unknown ways. However, existing literature is rather ambiguous and not explicit on how the transformation towards CPS affects work design. In this study, we therefore consider this transformation at a much more detailed level. Our main contribution is the development of a framework to assess work design changes in the transformation towards CPS, and the consideration of the role of management choice therein. The framework relates (future) capabilities of CPS on the machine, production line, factory and supply chain scope to functions of human information processing. We then evaluate how the potential automation or augmentation of those functions by CPS affects job characteristics. Automation in this context is defined as the transfer of control and decision-making from humans to CPS, while augmentation means that technology is used to enhance human productivity or capability. We expect that the transformation towards CPS and the resulting automation and augmentation of tasks will shift the majority of human work to jobs characterized by high levels of job complexity, job autonomy and skill variety. This effect will become more severe when tasks are increasingly automated in the transformation towards CPS. During this development, human skills and knowledge will presumably remain critical in near future industrial production. Nevertheless, the ultimate implications for work design are strongly dependent on management choice. Strategic decisions are required on (1) which functions to automate across different scopes of operations and (2) how to group the resulting pool of tasks into jobs. This may result in various work designs. However, this choice is to a certain degree limited, and the role of technology is to restrict, rather than determine management choice.
... Computer-aided design (CAD) is the process of creating, modifying, analyzing, or optimizing a design using computer system. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the process of planning, managing, or controlling manufacturing using computer system [5]. ...
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With the development of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, it has been possible to reconstruct the cranio-maxillofacial defect with more accurate preoperative planning, precise patient-specific implants (PSIs), and shorter operation times. The manufacturing processes include subtractive manufacturing and additive manufacturing and should be selected in consideration of the material type, available technology, post-processing, accuracy, lead time, properties, and surface quality. Materials such as titanium, polyethylene, polyetheretherketone (PEEK), hydroxyapatite (HA), poly-DL-lactic acid (PDLLA), polylactide-co-glycolide acid (PLGA), and calcium phosphate are used. Design methods for the reconstruction of cranio-maxillofacial defects include the use of a pre-operative model printed with pre-operative data, printing a cutting guide or template after virtual surgery, a model after virtual surgery printed with reconstructed data using a mirror image, and manufacturing PSIs by directly obtaining PSI data after reconstruction using a mirror image. By selecting the appropriate design method, manufacturing process, and implant material according to the case, it is possible to obtain a more accurate surgical procedure, reduced operation time, the prevention of various complications that can occur using the traditional method, and predictive results compared to the traditional method.
... CAD/CAM technologies first emerged at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1969 USA; including Sketchpad created by Ivan Sutherland. This prompted the definition of Computer Aided Design (CAD) as "the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis or optimization of a design" in order to increase the productivity of designer, improve the quality of design, shorten the designing process, improve the communication of the design idea and to create information for manufacturing (Groover and Zimmers 1984) us attempts to commercialise 3D modelling programs followed, such as SDRC, Computer Vision and M&S Company (Bordegoni and Rizzi 2011). However, their software was considered highly specialised and not broadly disseminated or adopted. ...
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The paper analyses pedagogical methods for incorporating computer aided design and manufacture into higher education jewellery design based on surveying five European universities: Birmingham City University (UK) Loughborough University (UK), Polytechnic of Milan (I), Kolding Design School (DK), Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). It seeks to identify strengths and weaknesses in contemporary teaching practices; highlighting innovative methods that nurture design problem solving, technical competence, exploration of new materials and dynamic form generation. Investigations concern possible teaching strategies for instructing students in the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD), through software such as Rhino3D, JewelCAD, Illustrator and Maya. Alongside modes of teaching Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) including subtractive and additive technologies such as 3D Printing and CNC milling, alongside planar production through laser cutting and digital photo-etching.
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The author analyze the importance of the evolution of the notion of perspective and communicability between engineers and artists. In addition, some digital and interactive practical cases are investigated in the 3D reconstruction of innovative and old inventions and/or mechanisms, based on stored designs, on paper. There is a review of digitized personal designs, with a high degree of creativity and originality , between Western and Eastern culture. Simultaneously and independently of the STEAM knowledge (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) of the potential users of interactive systems, the main advantages of including computer animations for educational purposes are presented. Finally, it is verified how the contents related to human ingenuity and that belong to the universal cultural heritage serve to promote the latest advances in new technologies among the various generations of users that range from hypertext to the metaverse.
The chapter investigates the pivotal role of technology in revolutionizing modern operations management. It explores the intricate relationship between technological adoption and operational efficiency, emphasizing how businesses can effectively implement and optimize advancements such as AI, IoT, and blockchain to gain a competitive edge. By examining the impact on supply chain management, production processes, and service delivery, the chapter highlights best practices and addresses the challenges associated with integrating emerging technologies. Ultimately, it provides a comprehensive framework for leveraging technology to enhance productivity, strategic decision-making, and overall operational excellence.
Mineral extraction works in mines can be accompanied by problems derived from water infiltration. The networks of galleries are receptors of infiltration water that are transformed into small subway watercourses that circulate towards the lower points of exploitation. The need to evacuate the water to the exterior makes it necessary to channel the water from the different galleries to a drainage gallery at the lowest level, and from there, it is conveyed to a surface hydraulic network. Already in Roman times, different systems for lifting and pumping water were developed, which were mentioned by Vitruvius: the Tympanum, bucket wheel, bucket chain, Archimedes’ screw, and Ctesibius’ machine. This paper analyzes a system devised about 2000 years ago and attributed to the Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius. The mechanism called Paternoster or Patenotre is a vertical pumping system that resembles a rosary; it has a rope-type traction system with knots or discs that push the water through a tube by the force of a wheel at the top of the well or work site. To complete the study, geometric modeling was carried out using a computer-aided design program, obtaining a three-dimensional model of the Roman mechanism and providing detailed documentation with sketches and plans. Subsequently, the 3D printing of the mechanism and a mechanical and similarity analysis were carried out.
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Introduction The main challenge in using building information modelling (BIM) is the centralised collaborative framework in the various design software ( e.g ., AutoCAD, Revit, RHINO, and ArchiCAD) used by professionals across various disciplines, which causes difficulties during data exchange. Methods The existing framework may increase the project lead time, require more effort, and result in design conflicts and misunderstandings. Thus, this paper has proposed a dynamic information storage with blockchain system (DISBS) using a physical curtain wall project for practical implementation. In addition, this paper has further discussed the linkages and verified and analysed the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Results Through the DISBS proposed in this research, the characteristics and achievable functions of blockchain technology are presented. Various applications for the field of construction engineering are highly developable within this research. Conclusion The DISBS can improve not only the management quality of construction projects, but also promote mutual trust in the construction industry and optimize architecture, engineering, and construction (AECO) productivity.
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Cheng holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Georgia and has published numerous papers on topics such as computational design, geometric modeling, and engineering education. He is always seeking innovative approaches to fill knowledge gaps and to assist in solving complex design issues. He is currently working on several projects to develop various natural language models for requirement management. Cheng is passionate about applying his domain expertise to improve STEM education, with an emphasis on how AI can be incorporated into design practices. Mr. Siqing Wei, Purdue University Siqing Wei received B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Engineering Education program as a triple boiler. His research interests span on three major research topics, which are teamwork, cultural diversity, and international student experiences. As a research assistant, he investigates how the cultural diversity of team members impacts the team dynamics and outcomes, particularly for international students. He aims to help students improve intercultural competency and teamwork competency by interventions, counseling, pedagogy, and tool selection to promote DEI. In addition, he also works on many research-to-practice projects to enhance educational technology usage in engineering classrooms and educational research. Siqing also works as the technical development and support manager at the CATME research group.
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The present research investigated the perception of four stakeholders’ viz. industry managers/supervisors, CAD practitioners working in Garment Manufacturing industry and faculty and students from Fashion Technology discipline towards CAD adoption in the Indian scenario. Initial interactions with the CAD vendors revealed that the adoption of CAD by Indian Garment Manufacturers is significantly low compared to their counter parts of neighbouring countries despite the acceptance of the fact by majority that the advancement of technology has a clear impact on manufacturing efficiency. This mismatch led to the present research. The study employed a survey method using a structured questionnaire to obtain responses from the above-mentioned four stakeholders. Findings proved that all the four respondents viz Industry Managers, Industry CAD practitioners; Academic Faculty and Academic Students are of the opinion that CAD systems are useful and beneficial to the garment industry.
В роботі описано особливості оперативного моніторингу технологічних, експлуатаційних і виробничих параметрів технологічного обладнання і використання його результатів для підвищення ефективності технологічного обладнання. До них відноситься збір на локальному рівні обладнання виробничої інформації для реалізації таких функцій як керування робочим процесом, діагностування стану компонент обладнання і визначення стану готовності розхідних матеріалів для створення відповідних рішень з коректування технологічних параметрів, визначення термінів технічного обслуговування обладнання і формування замовлень на розхідні матеріали.
Numerous industries in India produce portable blenders with new designs to attract customers all over the world. The efforts are always being made to satisfy their growing demands. The goal of this project is to design and analyze a portable blender equipment upgrade. Material selection and design enhancement are critical for producing a portable blender that is user-friendly. In order to serve the customer a dual purpose of blending and heating installed in a single unit, the design is made and a prototype is developed in a scientific approach. The CAD modeling of the prototype is made using the PTC CREO 6.0 software. Thermal analysis is carried out using ANSYS 16.2 software based on the heat and power required to operate the unit. From the numerical analysis, it is found that the heat developed during the operation of the unit is approximately equal to that of the calculated value and also it indicates the safety of the product during the service.KeywordsPortable blenderHeatingBlendingThermal analysisStatic structural analysis
In recent years, computer-based graphic knowledge has evolved and become the most common trend. The computer-aided design would be used by the designers to generate design concepts and draft documents (CAD). Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computer-based software tools to assist engineers in the production of goods. The designers would use computer-aided design (CAD) to create a product. The concept would then be converted into hardware using computer-aided manufacturing on the same computer (CAM). These two technologies are merged into unified CAD/CAM systems, in which a specification is created in a CAD system and the production process is managed in a single system from start to finish in CAM. CAD/CAM systems are often used in computer-aided design, which is the use of a computer to create, modify, and analyze a design. This article aims to provide an overview of the computer-aided design and manufacturing processes in various sectors.
Computer-aided design (CAD) programs are essential to engineering as they allow for better designs through low-cost iterations. While CAD programs are typically taught to undergraduate students as a job skill, such software can also help students learn engineering concepts. A current limitation of CAD programs (even those that are specifically designed for educational purposes) is that they are not capable of providing automated real-time help to students. To encourage CAD programs to build in assistance to students, we used data generated from students using a free, open-source CAD software called Aladdin to demonstrate how student data combined with machine learning techniques can predict how well a particular student will perform in a design task. We challenged students to design a house that consumed zero net energy as part of an introductory engineering technology undergraduate course. Using data from 128 students, along with the scikit-learn Python machine learning library, we tested our models using both total counts of design actions and sequences of design actions as inputs. We found that our models using early design sequence actions are particularly valuable for prediction. Our logistic regression model achieved a >60% chance of predicting if a student would succeed in designing a zero net energy house. Our results suggest that it would be feasible for Aladdin to provide useful feedback to students when they are approximately halfway through their design. Further improvements to these models could lead to earlier predictions and thus provide students feedback sooner to enhance their learning.
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In the distance education system, which has been widely used since the 1960s, significant developments have occurred with the evolvement of technology in the 21st century. The distance education system, which provides flexibility for students and instructors in many subjects, is used effectively in many disciplines in our country, especially with open education systems. The aim of this study is to address distance education systems and to examine e-certificate programs. In the study, distance education is evaluated in the context of computer-aided design programs, which has to be applied in the digital
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The simulation of subtractive manufacturing processes has a long history in engineering. Corresponding predictions are utilized for planning, validation and optimization, e.g., of CNC-machining processes. With the up-rise of flexible robotic machining and the advancements of computational and algorithmic capability, the simulation of the coupled machine-process behaviour for complex machining processes and large workpieces is within reach. These simulations require fast material removal predictions and analysis with high spatial resolution for multi-axis operations. Within this contribution, we propose to leverage voxel-based concepts introduced in the computer graphics industry to accelerate material removal simulations. Corresponding schemes are well suited for massive parallelization. By leveraging the computational power offered by modern graphics hardware, the computational performance of high spatial accuracy volumetric voxel-based algorithms is further improved. They now allow for very fast and accurate volume removal simulation and analysis of machining processes. Within this paper, a detailed description of the data structures and algorithms is provided along a detailed benchmark for common machining operations.
An important issue to produce the technological equipment including the equipment for packaging is the up-grading of production automation systems, which involves improving the control and monitoring over the industrial equipment, providing its self-test. Technological equipment is used in many branches of industry. Its malfunction leads to a significant decline in the economic efficiency of production. To eliminate material losses directly during the equipment operation, there shall be carried out its predictive (proactive) maintenance and repair. To solve this issue, the methods of Big data analysis, artificial intelligence principles, digital technologies are being applied more widely in the industry, which make it possible to create Digital Twins of technological equipment and use them for self-test of manufacturing systems. These Digital Twins model the internal processes, technical specifications and behavior of the technological equipment under the conditions of interference and environmental effect, which makes it possible to perform data analysis in order to identify the sources of efficiency loss. At the stage of operation, the Digital Twin model of the technological equipment can be used to provide feedback in order to adjust the diagnostics and forecast malfunctions and to increase the operating efficiency of the technological equipment. There has been proposed a method of using digital models of the technological equipment condition, based on the measurement and comparison of the parameters that characterize the equipment operability, which promotes to the early detection of malfunctions and their elimination.
The indicated range of problems at the level of countries with developed scientific and innovative potential and unstable economic situation to which Ukraine belongs has a particular interest. The authors verify the hypothesis of the expected upward dynamics of Ukraine’s GDP under the influence of trends in the development of indicators of innovative and scientific and technical activity. The research is based on the official materials of Ukraine’s state institutions, for whose elaboration content analysis, methods of logic, comparison, and analogies are used. The fractal theory is applied to test the hypothesis, in particular, parametric methods of R/S-analysis (the nature of dynamic changes in the indicators of innovative and scientific and technical activity and the GDP of Ukraine are investigated and trends are identified) and the method of correlation-regression analysis (the nature, density, and direction of Ukraine’s GDP dependence on specific indicators of innovative and scientific and technical activity are evaluated). The research proves public demand, evaluates current trends, and makes forecasts of the indicators of innovative and scientific and technical activity and the GDP of Ukraine. It is revealed that the GDP of Ukraine correlates with the results of innovative and scientific and technical activity and will gradually increase under their influence. All the forecasting results point to the upward dynamics of Ukraine’s GDP. Despite the asymmetry of the trends of individual indicators of innovative and scientific and technical activity, the prospect of a generalized assessment of the effectiveness of this activity is evaluated positively.
In the early stages of maker practice, there are many practical problems or design errors that need to be taken care of on their own. In order to lower the manufacturing threshold and obtain as much information on the relevant services as possible, makers sometimes try to simulate and test their works in digital ways before manufacturing them. However, after the process of digital simulation, the maker must hand over the design drawings to the manufacturing unit to develop the prototype. This materialization step requires a long period of time for the consultation, waiting, manufacturing, and adjustment phases. Thus, how to shorten and facilitate the timeline of the prototyping process has become a very important issue in the analysis of a maker’s design practice manufacturing workflow. This article advances a “seeing-moving-seeing” design thinking model that can help designers refine their ideas through observations, as they can directly see the result of their intuitive gestures and present their works with design media. This model, therefore, makes it easier for the makers to explain what they are thinking. In addition, through the model, they can further extend the possibilities of multiple production processes by designing, manufacturing, and integrating tools through the use of a robotic arm. The “seeing-moving-seeing” model proposes that there are three different aspects that respond to the temporary design prototyping process: human features, physical features, and robotic arm manufacturing. We simplify the communication of computing systems through an immersive visual interface and the rendering of real-time feedback, so that makers can focus upon their practice of implementing design ideas.
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This project is a case study conducted in a manufacturing company aiming at improving its productivity using line balancing techniques. Waste reduction, especially the time waste, is an important factor to shrink the manufacturing cost. The main purpose of this project is to suggest a better line balancing approach with an aim of reducing the idle time, work station number, and manpower requirement while improving the efficiency to meet the target production in the apparel manufacturing organization. For accomplishing the purpose, different line balancing methods named Largest Candidate Rule, Kilbridge & Wester method, and Ranked Positional Weight method carried out for analyzing the line efficiency, production rate, work station number, manpower requirement, and time utilization. Finally, an efficient and balanced line were proposed with respect to the auspicious outcome of the production area. Also, by using the line balancing techniques, a new sequence of work has been developed to arrange the work elements into the workstation. Some optimum layout has been proposed that has minimized the idle time and manpower requirement.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) menghasilkan prototype tampilan lingkungan fisik sebuah mesin bubut CNC (Virtual Reality CNC) pada layar komputer yang dapat menerima masukan dan dioperasikan sebagaimana suatu mesin CNC dan (2) menguji keefektifan prototype mesin CNC Virtual tersebut sebagai media interaktif pembelajaran pemrograman CNC. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Obyek penelitian adalah rekayasa pemrograman dengan bahasa Visual Basic 6 guna menghasilkan mesin CNC Virtual. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen dan mahasiswa peserta kuliah CNC di FT UNY, guru dan siswa pebelajar CNC di SMK, ahli teknologi pembelajaran, dan ahli media pendidikan. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, kusioner, dan tes hasil belajar. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) prototype media interaktif mesin CNC virtual berhasil diwujudkan sesuai perencanaan, yaitu dapat menghadirkan lingkungan fisik mesin CNC yang terdiri, kontrol panel, layar komputer, dan sistem penjepitan benda kerja, (2) prototype media dapat menyimulasikan fungsi komponen virtual seperti saklar utama, saklar pemutar spindel utama, dan tombol-tombol pada mode pengoperasian CNC dengan baik dan mampu menampilkan simulasi gerakan pahat meskipun sebatas pada kode program tertentu, dan (3) prototype mesin CNC virtual efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media interaktif pembelajaran pemrograman CNC. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, simulasi, CNC virtual
The article describes some problematic issues related to the analysis and classification of technological machines and shows possible ways to improve their perfection in designing based on the use of the latest achievements of intellectual production, development of mechatronics and digital modeling. The purpose of the work is to improve the methods of achieving a given level of quality of technological equipment at the stage of their design, as well as the formation of a new principle for predicting the quality of machines by the controllability parameter.
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Synthetic biological systems are used for a myriad of applications, including tissue engineered constructs for in vivo use and microengineered devices for in vitro testing. Recent advances in engineering complex biological systems have been fueled by opportunities arising from the combination of bioinspired materials with biological and computational tools. Driven by the availability of large datasets in the “omics” era of biology, the design of the next generation of tissue equivalents will have to integrate information from single‐cell behavior to whole organ architecture. Herein, recent trends in combining multiscale processes to enable the design of the next generation of biomaterials are discussed. Any successful microprocessing pipeline must be able to integrate hierarchical sets of information to capture key aspects of functional tissue equivalents. Micro‐ and biofabrication techniques that facilitate hierarchical control as well as emerging polymer candidates used in these technologies are also reviewed. The engineering of complex biological systems relies on pioneering new tissue designed constructs and microengineered devices to advance regenerative medicine and disease modeling. Modern advances in micro‐ and biofabrication are fueled by the combination of bioinspired materials with biological and computational tools. The integration of multiscale approaches is discussed to enable next‐generation biomaterial design.
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Experimentation is one of the important strategies used in engineering design to understand the relationship between relevant variables so that they can be manipulated to generate optimized solution for a particular problem or design. The understanding of students’ experimentation strategies allows educators to help students improve their design experiments by providing scaffolds or guidance. The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ experimentation strategies while they work on a design challenge. We performed a concurrent think-aloud to capture students’ verbal description of their actions while they designed using a CAD tool. Using mainly the think-aloud transcripts, we identified and characterized patterns of students’ experimentation strategies. In this study, we were able to identify four main activities whose combinations resulted in five different experimentation strategies performed by students, along with their explanation of their actions. Implications of this study relate to scientific argumentation, learning support, design of practical learning activities, and teacher encouragement.
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is an important interface between Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) in Computer Integrating Manufacturing (CIM) System. Operation Sequencing in Process Planning is concern with the selection of machining operations in steps that can produce each form feature of part by satisfying relevant technological constraints specified in drawing. This paper demonstrates the application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a global for a quick identification of optimal or near optimal operation sequence for rotational parts.
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Computer Aided Design (CAD) has become one of the essential parts of design education (especially product design) in higher education (HE). Although CAD can be defined broadly as the use of computer systems (i.e. hardware and software to perform specialized design functions) to assist in the creation, modification, analysis or optimization of a design, it is often used to refer to the process in which mathematically precise geometrical descriptions of physical objects can be created. CAD education in HE, therefore, typically entails teaching parametric modelling software programmes such as SolidWorks, SolidEdge, TFlex or BricsCAD. Such software programmes enable (product) design students and practitioners to translate sketches into precise CAD models that can be refined, developed and tested in a virtual environment and generate fully-defined technical drawings for global manufacture. As the use of CAD reduces the amount of physical model making (e.g. in order to produce a working representation of a semi-final product) for decision making in industrial design process, CAD increases production efficiency (by reducing resources and therefore cost) from the industrial and market-driven standpoint. Proficiency in CAD, therefore, is required especially for product design graduates to be employable (by meeting industry-level design expectations that emphasise production). British Industrial Design Association’s (BIDA) student employability survey in 2017 also emphasised that CAD abilities is one of the key aspects that recruiters are looking for (along with good design process, sketching, strong sensitivity for user experience, CMF – colour, material and finishing – and latest trends and technologies). Despite such importance, research on CAD education in HE in the context of product development is still in its infant stage. The existing research has focused predominantly on theoretical discussions and high-level suggestions for CAD education in HE (e.g. from CAD education towards CAx education, frameworks for general support, role of CAD in training engineers, strategies for the transition to CAD-based education). Relatively little attention has been paid to practical implementation of CAD education. Even when practical implementation experiences in actual courses were described, the studies were based mostly on mechanical engineering. Reports on the implemented CAD education curricula from product design perspectives are largely missing. This paper, therefore, aims to provide one such case in order to provide the status quo of CAD education curricula in product design in the UK.
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تعد صناعة الأثاث في مصر من أهم ركائز الاقتصاد المصري و احد أهم عوامل الاستثمار التي يعول عليها كثي ا ر في التنمية الاقتصادية للمجتمع المصري إذ أنها من الصناعات التي تحوي بين جنباتها العديد من الأيدي العاملة ،هذا بالإضافة إلى كونها من الصناعات التي تنمو نموا سريعا ومن ثم تساعد على نمو الناتج المحلي كما أنها من المحاور الهامة في عملية التصدير
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Steering system is used for controlling the directional characteristics and the stability of the vehicle. Since the steering system is directly operated by the driver it is essential to take human comfort into consideration while designing the steering In present research work rack and pinion type steering gear box is designed .The objective of implementation of this gearbox is to reduce turning radius & provide directional stability while maneuvering. The two basic problems in handling the vehicle are control of vehicle along the desired path and stabilization of the direction of motion of vehicle against external disturbances. The parameters optimized in the research are turning radius and steering ratio.
Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) has been envisaged to fulfil the dynamic requirements of present manufacturing environment by adjusting its capacity and functionality. The proposed methodology is consisting of three stages. In the first stage, the clustering of Part Operation Incidence Matrix (POIM) is done by using a standard clustering technique. In the second stage, one operation sequence is selected for each part type. Finally, the reduced POIM corresponding to operation sequences selected in the last stage is used for simultaneous formulation of part families and operation groups. The proposed methodology has vast potential for experimentation with other CMS clustering methods.
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