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SINTEZA 2014 E-Business in tourism and hospitality industry
The tourism system mainly relies on information and communication technologies for
promotional activities, sales and when developing management relationships with custom-
ers. When a tourist is making the final decision on destination choice, the most important
information comes from online interpersonal influence - online word of mouth (eWOM).
Authors dealing with tourism market segmentation recognize the growing number of tour-
ists who use modern digital media. In accordance with their identified needs, advanced
technologies provide a new customized tourist offer. Contemporary tourists have been more
than active since the emergence of the sophisticated Web 2.0 technology which strongly
influenced and transformed the travel decision making process. Many surveys results con-
firm that - approximately 50% of people are likely to download travel applications while
searching for destinations before they actually leave for vacation.
Key words:
social media,
Web 2.0,
Radmila Živković, Jelena Gajić, Ivana Brdar
e revolutionized meaning of information commu-
nication technologies and Internet technologies refers
to mobile communications which enable individuals to
move and generate, transmit and receive di erent kinds
of information. As a result of this process, various models
of communication emerged. With the help of information
communication technology in the global environment, in-
dividuals may interact, move through space and time and
their necessary information accompany and help them to
nd the desirable product or services [1].
e aim of this article is to present how and to what
extent information and communication technologies have
a ected tourism. We shall consider the tourism system
and its participants (stakeholders and tourists) the essen-
tial area of study in attempt to explain this phenomenon.
Analyzing the network consisted of di erent digital com-
ponents can o er a di erent view for understanding dy-
namic behavior of our digital users who can be converted
into tourists with assistance of social media.
Companies in tourism try to combine varied market-
ing techniques they used in the past and they analyze sev-
eral speci c factors in the process of developing commu-
nication mix strategy (type of tourism market, traveler’s
readiness to make purchase, destination development
stage, and the brand’s market share and positioning). So-
phisticated target groups and modern ICT environment
are a serious challenge for tourism industry and it is of
great importance to send the right messages through the
proper media channels [2].
From “the static web” and unidirectional ow of com-
munication until “the second phase” of Web 2.0 and bi-
directional communication, new levels of relations have
started up. e user may create, share, collaborate and
communicate. erefore, Web 2.0 has an enormous im-
pact upon tourists’ behavior. According to the new in-
formation technology trends, consumers started being
more adaptive and exible, and a new consumer pro le
emerged - the digital users [3]. e new type of consumers
leads to new experiences. With new technologies being
developed, the main interest of tourism subsequently lies
in exploring the potential of ICTs, and particularly social
networking, as strategic instruments for positive enhance-
ment of tourism experiences [4].
As a result of the Web 2.0 concept extension in the
tourism sector, there is another innovation called Travel
2.0 which represents the new generation of travel web-
sites. Its new technologies facilitate social collaboration
among travellers enabling tourists to share their experi-
ences with fellow travellers [5]. e credibility and trust-
worthiness of Travel 2.0 applications are increasing and
today`s tourists trust these travel applications more than
professional travel advice.
e e ective marketing communications do not lie in
what you say, but how you say it, considering the mar-
keting channels and creativity of the message. e tra-
ditional approaches to communication put emphasis on
mass media techniques which are less e ective in the en-
vironment where tourists have access to large amounts
of information on destinations, arrangements, hotels, etc.
Also, social networks have the most e ective in uence on
SINTEZA 2014 E-Business in tourism and hospitality industry
tourism when they rely on the e ects of the Web 2.0 while
trying to deal with new tourists’ expectations. In support
of such arguments: (a) e European Travel Monitor sug-
gests that six out of ten Europeans who went on a holiday
trip during 2012 used the internet; (b) TripAdvisor, which
receives more than 60 million unique visitors each month
(TripAdvisor, 2012)and more than 125 million reviews
and opinions on more than 3.1 million accommodation
facilities, restaurants and attractions (TripAdvisor, 2013)
and (c) eMarketer (2013) found that around 163.5 mil-
lion people in the US—more than two-thirds of internet
users—are social network users [6].
ere are many communication options where con-
sumers can search, interact and share information with
other users. ere, in the table below, we can see some of
the interactive marketing communication options that are
now available.
Table 1. Digital Marketing Communication Options
Ads and
Source: Hudson, S., Roth, M., Madden, J.T., (2012), Customer
Communications Management in the New Digital Era, Center for
Marketing Studies, Darla Moore School of Business, University
of South Carolina, p.6.
As more aspects of everyday life converge toward dig-
ital, opportunities for tourist’s organizations to interact
with tourists expand dramatically [7]. According to pro-
fessional opinion, social media are more reliable and their
content is wide and varied.
Social media is an important tool for the analysis of
tourists’ attitudes and this is con rmed by the increased
purchases and recommendations to other users. Building
successful service-based brand in tourism means that each
o er should be a unique value proposition based on the
customer experience.
Tourists need to know by means of reliable sources
how their experience is going to be like in order to reduce
uncertainty and create some expectations of what they are
going to nd at a destination [8].
Due to the uncertainty of tourist services, a traveller
should obtain the necessary information in order to make
the right decision concerning the travel. Modern tourists
have more trust in other travellers’ opinions using social
media rather than o cial marketing advices.
As social media becomes increasingly expressive, con-
sumers are able to increasingly in uence other consum-
ers with their own opinions and experiences. Since social
media is low-cost and bias-free, it represents an advantage
for marketing communications [9]. According to the Fo-
tis and in the academic literature there is a disagreement
on the classi cation of the social media types according
to their level of social presence/media richness and the
SINTEZA 2014 E-Business in tourism and hospitality industry
level of self-presentation/self-disclosure. Six types of social
media have been identi ed: social networking websites
(i.e. Facebook, Linkedin), blogs, content communities
(i.e.YouTube, Flickr, Scrib, Slideshare, Delicious), col-
laborative projects (i.e. Wikipedia, Wikitravel), virtual
social worlds (i.e.Second Life), and virtual game worlds
(i.e. World of Warcra ). However, there are other types of
social media such as microblogs (i.e. Twitter), consumer
review & rating websites (i.e. TripAdvisor, Epinions) and
internet fora (i.e. ornTree, Fodor’s Travel Talk) [10].
Evidently, the number of social media is changeable,
but their most important role is to encourage users and
travellers to post and share their travel experiences, com-
ments and opinions, by having them serve as a source of
information for other users.
Social media continues to impact communication ei-
ther positively or negatively depending on the subjects
under study and the type of communication (Steven M.
Edwards) [11]. Social media requires all marketing activi-
ties integration and uses persuasive advertising to provide
a competitive product/service experience.
e electronic word of mouth is important for market-
ers to understand this new platform for communication
and support customer relationship in the best way. e
electronic Word of Mouth can enhance visitor satisfac-
tion due to product or service improvement. At the same
time, eWOM can solve problems and doubts during the
travel and it can help discover what tourists think and say
about their experience. However, the main bene t can be
monitoring of the company’s reputation/image or even
the analyses of the current competitive strategies [12].
According to the eMarketer, (Fig.1) by the end of 2015,
174,9 million people in the USA will be social network users.
Fig.1. US Social Network Users and Penetration, 2012-2017
Facebook in particular has a great in uence over con-
sumer choices globally, especially in the travel sector. e
research conducted in 2012 has shown that 76% of trav-
ellers post vacation photos on a social network and 40%
post activity/attraction reviews. Over 90% of consumers
from all over the world say they trust recommendations
from friends, such as word-of-mouth, and only 48% of all
the travelers who used social media to create travel plans,
stuck with their original travel plans [13].
Digital technologies have contributed to fundamental
changes in the tourism industry and determined a bet-
ter understanding of the decision making process of the
travel, tourists’ behavior during vacation and post vaca-
tion activities.
An online research with 4,600 respondents was con-
ducted in October, 2012 across the US, Europe (EMEA)
and Asia Paci c (APAC), speci cally with Internet and
social media users among travellers (who had traveled for
leisure purpose in the last 12 months or intended to do so
in the next 12 months) [14].
is interesting study collected the most important in-
formation related to the impact of social media on tour-
ism. e study revealed that social media has a big in u-
ence on travel decisions as 44% of respondents strongly
agreed that Internet reviews posted by travel bloggers
helped them about the initial decision of vacation desti-
nations. is is followed by 37% online travel forums, 27%
Facebook, 24% Youtube/Vimeo, 22% Pinterest.
Nearly half of the respondents would have used social
media to plan their vacation if free Wi-Fi had been avail-
From those who are “social active”, over 50% are likely
to download travel apps while planning their vacation be-
fore they go. During vacation, the most popular applica-
tion is (by 15%) Google Maps (Figure 2). A er that come
city guides, local weather, restaurant nder apps and pub-
lic transportation apps.
Fig.2. The most popular applications during vacation
Source: Text100 Digital Index: Travel & Tourism study 2012,
retrieved from
e survey’s results (Figure 3) regarding top 5 things
travellers are most likely to comment online have indi-
cated that travellers enjoy commenting on shopping, local
SINTEZA 2014 E-Business in tourism and hospitality industry
cuisine, ne food, historical sites, museums and galleries,
as well as amusement/theme parks.
Fig.3. Top five things travalers are most likely to comment on
Source: Text100 Digital Index: Travel & Tourism study 2012,
retrieved from
Digital users in tourism can interact and share infor-
mation with other tourists/friends using di erent plat-
forms (blogs, forums, wikis, video and photo sharing to
social networks, virtual communities, chat rooms and
pod-cast). e most popular activity during and post va-
cation among tourists is sharing self made videos or pho-
tos. A er vacation almost 25% are proactive travellers as
they writing reviews versus 20% of them who do it during
Travellers from Asia Paci c are more likely to share
blogs posts or news stories related to their travel destina-
tion, while on vacation (Figure 4).
Fig.4. Social media activity during vacation
Source: Text100 Digital Index: Travel & Tourism study
2012, retrieved from
e growth in travel related applications is likely to
continue and tourism industry has to understand the mo-
tivating factors and travellers’ needs in order to make con-
necting communities based on mutual interests.
Digital mobility and social media activities enable
tourism industry to have appropriate insight in the world
of tourists. Marketing communications will be mostly
concentrated on the improvement of relationships in so-
cial media and adapting to tourists’ needs. Social media
has been recognized as one of important competitive tools
in terms of tourism marketing. Tourism need to engage
their tourists with multichannel integrated communica-
tions and encourage them to talk about and recommend
good experiences. Engaging with travellers on real-time
social media has huge implications for the travel industry.
Today tourists encounter with the new digital technol-
ogy that can help them improve services and make their
online experiences more personalized and more relevant
- the Web 3.0. Beside many advantages of the next genera-
tion technology, probably, the big challenge for advanced
ICT in the future will be facing with privacy and informa-
tion reliability.
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