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Journal of Technology Research
Use of social media, page 1
Use of social media by college students:
Relationship to communication and self-concept
Megan Sponcil
Youngstown State University
Priscilla Gitimu
Youngstown State University
The purpose of this study was to examine social media use among college students and
how it affects communication with others, and college students' self-concept. In this study,
students completed a questionnaire which assessed personal use of social media, communication
skills with friends and family, and effects on self-concept. Results indicated that all of the
sampled college students were using at least one form of social networking website. There was a
.586 Pearson correlation between usage of social media and communication with family and
friends. There was a .658 Pearson correlation between usage social media and self-concept.
These findings provide implications for future research on why these social networking sites
have gained popularity.
Keywords: college students, social media, social networking, communication, and self-concept,
Copyright statement: Authors retain the copyright to the manuscripts published in AABRI
journals. Please see the AABRI Copyright Policy at
Journal of Technology Research
Use of social media, page 2
New developments in the technological world have made the internet an innovative way
for individuals and families to communicate. Social media networks have created a phenomenon
on the internet that has gained popularity over the last decade. People use social media sites such
as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace to create and sustain relationships with others (Boyd &
Ellison, 2007). These social media sites let those who use them create personal profiles, while
connecting with other users of the sites. Users can upload photographs, post what they are doing
at any given time, and send personal or public messages to whomever they choose. In this
“information age,” social media sites seem to be growing in popularity rapidly, especially among
young adults (Pempek, Yermolayeva, & Calvert, 2008).
In particular, college students form a large proportion of users on social media networks.
Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, and Zickuhr (2010) found that 72% of all college students have a social
media profile with 45% of college students using a social media site at least once a day. Many of
these young adults use social media networks to communicate with family, friends, and even
strangers. Social media sites have created new and non-personal ways for people to interact with
others and young adults have taken advantage of this technological trend. The purpose of this
study was to examine how social media affects college student’s communication with others and
how their own self-concept.
Significance of Study
This field of study is important because sociability is an underlying theme in using forms
of social media. Since this social media phenomenon is continuing to grow at a fast pace, it is
important to understand the effects it has on personal communication. Social media networks
offer a straightforward way to converse with peers and get peer feedback, as well, which may
influence a young adult’s self-esteem (Pempek et al., 2008). For example, Facebook is used
primarily by students to maintain relationships with individuals they are acquainted with who
live near and far (Quan-Haase & Young, 2010). Facebook makes it simpler to communicate
with multiple people at one time. Social media may also make it easier for users to monitor
activities of people they have not seen in a while as well as reconnecting with new and old
friends (Quan-Haase & Young, 2010).
Theoretical Framework
Erikson’s theory of human development combined with Arnett’s theory of emerging
adulthood provides the theoretical framework of this study. Erikson described late adolescence
as a time where there are many prospects of love, work, and worldwide views (Arnett, 2000).
There have been various changes in the past century, such as delayed marriage and parenting that
have changed the adolescence and early adulthood stages into a more transitional time period.
Emerging adulthood has developed into a more contemporary stage of development for
individual in their late teens and early twenties. Emerging adulthood, which is described as ages
18-25, is a combination of the late adolescence and early adulthood stages previously identified.
It is a time where individuals are trying to find a sense of self worth while exploring possibilities
of love, work, and world views (Arnett, 2000). Identity formation occurs during emerging
adulthood as young adults are figuring out who they are as a person. Since this is a time of
Journal of Technology Research
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exploration and change, individuals may seek peer feedback to help foster their self- identity.
Emerging adults use social media communication methods as they make lifelong decisions for
themselves (Arnett, 2000). Social media allows an outlet for identity exploration to occur
through peer feedback and strengthening of relationships (Pempek et al., 2008).
The purpose of the study was to examine social media use among college students and how it
affects communication with others, and college students' self-concept.
Research Questions
1. What is the extent of usage of social media among college students?
2. Is there a relationship between extent of usage of social media and communication with
family and friends?
3. Is there a relationship between self-concept of college students and their use of social
All the studies reviewed for this review of literature used samples whose participants
were college undergraduate students. College students’ use of social media is happening in
rapidly growing amounts as new technology becomes available. Computer-mediated
communication allows young adults to interact over social media with family and friends. Few
studies have been conducted to examine how using social media and other computer-mediated
communication affects communication skills (Baker & Oswald, 2010).
Boyd and Ellison (2007) defined social network sites as public web-based services that
allow users to develop a personal profile, identify other users (“friends”) with whom they have a
connection, read and react to postings made by other users on the site, and send and receive
messages either privately or publicly. Individuals may choose to send private messages, write on
other user’s walls, organize social activities, and keep informed about other user’s daily
activities. However, users can limit themselves on what information they would like to share
publicly with others. Some items they may choose to include are: pictures, favorite books and
movies, birthday, relationship status, and location (Tufekci, 2008).
Baym, Zhang, and Lin (2004) studied social interactions of college students across all
media. Their results indicated that 64% still prefer face-to-face interaction, 18.4% prefer the
telephone, and only 16.1% prefer the internet for making social contacts. The internet
interactions reported showed that e-mail was by far the most dominant form of contact, followed
by chat and instant-messaging (Baym et al., 2004). Of the 51 participants in the study, 49
reported conducting their social life contacts through at least two, and often three, methods on
any given day (Baym et al., 2004). Similarly, one study reported that over 27% of young adults
used a social networking site every day in 2009 (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr, 2010).
Social network sites help fulfill communication needs and wants. It is a convenient
method of communication and provides the ability to stay connected with friends and family, but
on the users own rate and time (Urista, Dong, & Day, 2009). Users can manage their interactions
within their own schedule by choosing when they want to read and respond. The internet
communication is a solitary activity usually done alone. However, it is efficient because it is a
one-to-many method of communication that allows users to quickly spread information.
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Extent of Usage of Social Media
According to Lenhart et al., (2010), about 57% of social network users are 18-29 years
old and have a personal profile on multiple social media websites. In a study by Pempek,
Yermolayeva, and Calvert (2009), the amount of time spent daily on social network sites varied
greatly. However, an analysis of the data indicated most participants spent approximately 30
minutes a day socializing, mostly during the evening hours between 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Students
spent an average of 47 minutes a day on Facebook. More than 50% of college students go on a
social networking site several times a day (Sheldon, 2008). Quan-Haase and Young (2010)
found that 82% of college students reported logging into Facebook several times a day. Younger
students tended to use Facebook more frequently than older students to keep in touch with
friends from high school or from their hometown (Pempek et al., 2009).
When internet technology has surged in popularity, it is reasonable to be curious about its
impact on human face-to-face communication. Baym et al. (2004) found that the quality and
quantity of interactions in other media were not threatened by social internet sites. Online social
interaction is only part of the total multimedia social relationship, not an entity in itself. Local
social relationships are most likely to use face-to-face contacts and least likely to use the internet.
Long distance relationships are maintained with the internet about as often as with the telephone.
Internet interactions were perceived as high in quality and only slightly lower than face-to-face
conversations and telephone calls.
Gender is the only significant demographic variable affecting social media use, as there
are some differences between use by men and women. Women are more likely than men to have
a personal profile on Facebook, but men are more likely than women to sustain a profile on
LinkedIn (Lenhart et al., 2010). Furthermore, women were four to five times more likely than
men to use social networking sites (Tufekci, 2008). Moreover, Sheldon (2008) found that overall
women were more likely to use social media for maintaining relationships with family and
friends, passing time, and entertainment, but men were more likely to use social media to meet
new people. College women were also more likely than men to use the internet for relational
communication, such as contacts with friends, family, and romantic partners (Baym, Zhang,
Kunkel, Ledbetter, & Mei-Chen, 2007). Educational experience of men and women seemed to
play a factor in social media use as well. Men and women were more likely to use social
network sites frequently if they had college experience (Lenhart et al., 2010).
Perceived Communication Skills via Social Networks
There are many reasons for young adults to join social networking websites as they try to
communicate within their social system. The principal reason reported was to maintain
relationships with existing acquaintances that were already part of their social network (Sheldon,
2008). Although there are exceptions, most social network site users primarily interact on these
sites to support pre-existing social relations, as opposed to meeting new people (Boyd & Ellison,
2007). Another study found that Facebook and instant message were not used to meet new
people, just to maintain existing social ties (Quan-Haase et al., 2010). Passing time and
entertainment were other major factors in using social media sites (Sheldon, 2008).
Social media websites allow users to keep in touch with family and friends in a fairly
easy and convenient way (Quan-Haase et al., 2010). Although students did communicate with
friends and family by posting information, they spent much of the time viewing information
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without interacting in any way. These lurking activities of reading other individuals profiles or
news feeds or looking at photographs were performed frequently by a majority of respondents in
a 2009 study (Pempek et al.). This activity, while providing entertainment and social updates,
constitutes only one-sided communication.
Social media fulfills different communication needs for different users. Interactions via
the computer facilitate communication by allowing users to keep in touch with family and
friends in a convenient way, to learn about social events, and to find out about activities of other
users. The gratification received from this social information helped users feel that they were a
part of a peer network of knowing what was going on about events and activities (Quan-Haase et
al., 2010).
Immediate communication benefits of Facebook users were seen for individuals reporting
various levels of shyness. Shyness might cause individuals to avoid social, face-to-face
interaction altogether, so these persons would have less communication and less social support.
In a study looking at the association between online social media and friendship quality of shy
individuals, results indicated that online social networks provided a comfortable environment in
which shy individuals could interact with others (Baker & Oswald, 2010).
Data has shown that individuals who used Facebook for communication had better
quality friendships. Using social media sites helped improve the quality of relationships between
users. Some reasons for improving quality of relationships through using Facebook included: it
was easier to get to know others better without having face-to-face conversation, users felt more
comfortable, and users spent more time communicating over the computer so they gained more
social support (Baker & Oswald, 2010).
Further, “social grooming” was an aspect of social networking that has received attention
in a comparison of users and non-users of social media sites. Social grooming included
expressive activities of social interaction, communication, gossip, and entertainment. Users have
expressed enjoyment from keeping track of their friends’ lives and activities, but non-users were
less interested in these activities (Tufekci, 2008). This social interaction of users may make it
easier to communicate with others by keeping in touch with friends and family on a regular basis
more often than non-users. Perceived communication was reported as being more satisfying in
same-sex relationships rather than in cross-sex relationships (Baym et al., 2007). This was true
for both woman-to-woman and man-to-man interactions. It is also not surprising that
communication relationships were more satisfying with friends and family rather than with mere
acquaintances (Baym et al., 2007).
Self-Concept and Social Media
Since social media provides an easy way to receive feedback and communicate with
peers, young adults attitudes of themselves can be affected by using social media networks
(Pempek et al., 2009). Social media sites empower users to take an active role in their own
socialization process and in constructing their own self-identity (Urista et al., 2009). A personal
profile is the way users present themselves; they can include as much information as desired
about themselves, including posting pictures. Due to digital technology, users can show
considerable information about themselves and their friends. This self-disclosure is a way to
open up their own identities of how they want others to perceive them (Pempek et al., 2009).
Intimate self-disclosures help produce greater intimacy in computer-mediated communication
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than in face-to-face contacts (Jiang, Bazarova, & Hancock, 2011). Producing an attractive
personal profile for others to admire is a way to improve self-concept.
It has been suggested that individuals partake in selective self-presentation on social
media sites so they may appear to want to impress others (Jiang et al., 2011). This is especially
true for college students as they self-disclose frequently during this exploratory period. In
accordance with Arnett’s theory, emerging adulthood (18-25 years old) is a time when there is a
period of freedom and independence in a young person’s life (Arnett, 2000). Self-disclosure is an
identity challenge in emerging adulthood (Pempek et al., 2009). Self-disclosure helps by getting
feedback from peers that helps develop a sense of self and strengthens existing relationships as
well (Pempek et al., 2009).
Many individuals use social network sites to feel popular, trying to add as many “friends”
as possible so they appear to be more admired. Young adults reported an average of 358
Facebook friends (Pempek et al., 2009). Another study reported a mean of 200 Facebook friends,
almost all of which they had met in person prior to the internet connection (West, Lewis, &
Currie, 2009). Additionally, another study found that young people created a virtual identity in
which they fashioned an ideal self so that they would impress others. This method of improving
social capital and appearance boasted one’s self-concept and self-esteem in both the online and
the real world (Urista et al., 2009).
Generally, 80% of Facebook friends were peers of similar age. Attitudes varied when
participants were asked about having older adults (especially parents) as Facebook friends.
Some said they felt it would invade their privacy; others said that they needed to separate family
life from their own social life. This study suggested that friendships with parents on Facebook
could create problems and threaten their self-concept because their private life could become
public (West et al., 2009).
Self-disclosures in social media are not a single communication act, but rely also on
other’s interpretations on these disclosures and the communication behaviors that follow (Jiang
et al., 2011). Social support from others on social media websites influences how an individual
self-discloses (Lui & LaRose, 2008). Individuals receive social support from other users which
helps to maintain existing relationships; this has been found to improve quality of life in college
students (Lui & LaRose, 2008). Obtaining comments from other users on pictures and wall
postings improves images that individuals have on themselves. It is a way of receiving attention
from a broad spectrum of people in an indirect way. A timely response elicits gratification and
good feelings of self and satisfaction of personal and interpersonal desires (Urista et al., 2009).
This self-disclosure provided the framework for a theoretical model that high disclosure
generates relationship intimacy (Jiang et al., 2011). In one’s search for intimacy, a good self-
concept is essential.
First the researchers successfully completed an online Human Subjects Training from the
National Institute of Health (NIH) site. Approval from the university human subject review
committee was obtained prior to beginning the study.
Participants consisted of 96 undergraduate college students attending a mid western
university in the US. A convenient and stratified sampling method was used to acquire the
sample. Volunteer students from various classes completed the study. Various college classes
were selected to provide a stratified sample of gender and age.
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The 'Use of Social Media Questionnaire' was used to collect data. The written
questionnaire was created by the principal researchers with some questions adapted from Pew
Internet and American Life Project’s “Social Networking Websites and Teens Survey” by
Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, and Zickuhr (2010). Questions in the survey included the following
areas: demographics, extent of usage of social media, effect on communication, and attitudes of
self. The questions on the instrument were designed to satisfy the research questions as set forth
in the introduction of this study. Therefore, the questionnaire was considered to have content
The results indicated that a total of 96 undergraduate students responded to the
questionnaire. There were 67 (69.8%) females and 29 (30.2%) males included in the sample.
Among the participants, 90% were between the ages of 18-33. Of the undergraduate college
students sampled, 71.9% were juniors and senior level while 28.1% were freshman and
sophomore level. Of the participants sampled, 79% were Caucasian, 16% were African-
American, 4% were Hispanic, and 1% other.
RQ1: What is the extent of usage of social media among college students?
Descriptive statistics and frequencies were used to conduct the analysis. To measure the
extent of usage of social media, five questions were used. The questions were as follows: 1) Do
you use any forms of social networking sites on the internet, 2) Check all forms of social
networking sites that you currently use, 3) Which social networking profile do you update most
often, 4) How often do you visit social networking sites, and 5) Why do you use social
networking sites.
The highest score one could acquire for the variable of social media was a 14. The mean
score was 9.6. Results showed that 65.6% of participants scored between 10 and 13. The score
with the highest frequency was 10, which comprised of 40.6% of the sample. All of the college
students sampled indicated that they did use some form of social media, as indicated in Table 1
Participants reported updating their Facebook page the most (88.5%), and Twitter
(11.5%). Frequency of use indicated that 57 (59.4%) students visited a social networking site
several times a day. Reasons for using the social networking sites varied. Communication with
family and friends was the most popular reason students used social media, with 91.7% of
participants indicating this was the reason. Also, 59.4% said they used the sites for entertainment
and 57.3% said they used the sites when they felt bored. Additional reasons reported included
planning activities (33.3%), companionship (11.5%), and other reasons such as communicating
with people far away (10.4%).
RQ2: Is there a relationship between extent of usage of social media and communication with
family and friends?
To measure perceived communication skills, nine questions were used. The questions
were as follows: 1) Do you use social networking websites to communicate with friends, 2) Do
you use social networking websites to communicate with family, 3) Do you prefer using social
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networking websites over face-to-face communication, 4) In what ways do you communicate
with friends and family on social networking websites, 5) How often do you communicate with
friends and family using social networking sites, 6) Has using social networking websites made
keeping in contact with friends and family easier, 7) Do you ever use social networking websites
to stay in touch with friends and family you rarely see in person, 8) Do you ever use social
networking websites to stay in touch with friends and family you see often, and 9) Does using
social networking websites help you communicate with people face-to-face better.
The highest score one could acquire for the variable of perceived communication skills
was a 21. The mean score was 14 with a mode of 13. Results of the survey indicated the
importance of social media use as a communication tool with friends and family as indicated in
Table 2 (Appendix). Of the students included in the sample, 50% reported communicating with
family and friends on social networking sites every day. Other students reported using sites to
communicate with family and friends a few days a week (40%), every few weeks (8%), and less
often (2%). According to the 96 students surveyed, 74 (77%) prefer face-to-face communication
over communication via the internet (23%). Pearson correlation was conducted to see if there
was a relationship between social media and communication with family and friends. There was
a .586 Pearson correlation between use of social media and perceived communication with
family and friends as indicated in Table 3 (Appendix).
RQ3- Is there a relationship between self-concept of college students and their use of social
To measure self-concept, seven questions were used. The questions were as follows: 1)
Do you ever use social networking websites to make new friends, 2) How often do you spend
time “lurking” on social networking sites, 3) How often do you post status updates, 4) How often
do other users comment on your personal profile, 5) Have you used social networking sites to
impress other users, 6) Does your communication with other users on social networking sites
positively or negatively affect your self-esteem, and 7) How many internet “friends” do you have
on social networking websites.
The highest score one could acquire for the variable of self-concept was a 29. The mean
score was 16 with a mode of 19. Of the students sampled, 45 (47%) expressed lurking on a site
every day. An equal number of students indicated that social media sites had affected them
positively (49%) or that it did not affect them positively or negatively (49%). Pearson correlation
was conducted to see whether there was a relationship between usage of social media and self-
concept. There was a .658 Pearson correlation between self-concept and social media use as
indicated by Table 4 (Appendix).
The number of “friends” the students reported having on social networking sites was
found to be mostly between the range of 301-600, with 39% of participants reporting they had
that many friends. Additionally, 33% of students reported having 0-300 friends, 10% reported
having 601-900 friends, 6% reported having 901-1200 friends, and 4 % reported having 1201-
1500 friends, 3% had 1801-2100 friends, 2% reported having 1501-1800 friends, and only 2%
had friends in the 2101 and above range.
A correlation was found between the number of friends one has on social media networks
and the extent of usage, communication, and self-concept. The was a significant correlation
between all three variables and the number of friends on social networking sites as indicated by
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Table 5 (Appendix). The variable of self-concept had a higher correlation with the number of
friends one had than communication and the extent of usage of social media usage.
The findings of this study suggested that almost all college students were using some
form of social networking website. This is significant since Lenhart et al. (2010) found that 71%
of young adults have a Facebook account. The current study indicated that Facebook and e-mail
were the social network websites of choice, with 99% of college students using Facebook and
90% using e-mail. This findings concurred with research by Lenhart et al. (2010) which found
that Facebook is the most popular form of social media.
Participants in this study indicated that the websites they update the most was Facebook
and Twitter. As found in research done by Sheldon (2008) and Quan-Haase and Young (2010),
majority of college students visited their social networking sites several times a day, and this
shows that the extent of usage of social media sites is frequent. Several reasons were given as to
why college students were using social networking websites. The most important reason given
was to communicate with family and friends. Entertainment and boredom were also prominent
reasons for use social networking sites. These findings are supported by Sheldon (2008) who
found that students use Facebook and other websites to pass time, be entertained, and maintain
existing relationships with others. It seemed that college students were using social media sites to
communicate with others as well as to occupy free time when they were bored.
Communicating with friends and family on social media sites was very common among
college students in the current study. Only a small number of college students communicate with
friends more than family on these social websites, but communication generally was very high.
As Baym et al. (2004) indicated, most college students preferred to communicate face-to-face
rather than over a computer. However, with friends and family living all over the world and
having busy lives, communicating via a computer was a more convenient option. Other studies
such as Baym et al. (2007) and Urista et al. (2009) agree that college students communicate over
the internet with friends and family that live far away.
Students used a variety of ways to communicate with friends and family on social
networking sites. Wall posts and status updates were the most common ways to communicate,
but students sent private messages and posted photographs as well. Probably, posting wall posts
and status updates was easier and faster to communicate than sending private messages or
posting photographs. Participants in this study reported communicating with friends and family
on social media websites several times in a week.
Social networking sites have made it much easier for students to communicate with
friends and family. Like Baym et al. (2007), the current study found that with so many people
having busy lives or having friends and family that live far away, these sites have helped to
maintain contact with those individuals that students rarely saw. Results also showed that social
media has helped maintain contact with people who the students saw more regularly. These
websites have helped students better communicate with others face-to-face as well. A particular
interesting finding was that most college students rated the quality of communication as good,
but not excellent, fair, or poor. This indicates that quality of communication over the computer is
not ideal, but it has positive qualities to it.
Students in this study reported were using status updates to communicate with others,
however, they did not use them that frequently. Another interesting finding from the current
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study was that 78% of college students did not use social networking websites to impress others.
Unlike previous research such as Jiang et al. (2011), this current study found that most college
students were not interested in impressing other users. They posted pictures and tell others
about what is happening in their lives, but they may not be trying to impress others with this
West et al. (2009) and Quan-Haase and Young (2010) found that making new friends
over social media websites was not that important to college students. It appears that maintaining
existing relationships with friends and family was a more important result of social media.
“Lurking,” or spending time looking at other users’ profiles without having communication with
them, was a significant reason for students to be on social networking sites. Like Pempek et al.
(2009), the current study also found that the amount of time on social networking sites varies.
For the most part, students admitted to lurking several times a day. Unlike past research, the
current study found that lurking behaviors seem to be increasing. It is important for students to
see what is happening in other individual’s lives, even though they may not talk to them often.
Lurking may also be occurring because of entertainment and boredom reasons.
The relationship between social media usage on self-concept was also an interesting
finding. Liu and LaRose (2008) had found negative effects on self-esteem by using social
networking websites. The current study found that college students either believe that social
media websites affect their self-esteem positively or neither positively or negatively. Only two
participants in this study reported negative feelings due to use of social media. This gives
implications that other users’ comments to students on these sites does influence students’ self-
concepts or students do not think about whether social networking sites affect them.
Finally, the number of “friends” college students had on social networking websites may
affect their self-concept. The current study found that most college students have about 300 to
600 friends. These findings were consistent with Pempek et al. (2009), who also found similar
numbers of friends on social networking sites. However, the current study found that the number
of friends individuals have on social networking sites is increasing.
First, there could have been a more equal gender distribution. Compared to females who
made up 70% of the sample, there were only 30% of males included in this sample. Also more
freshmen and sophomores in the sample would have added to the breadth of the research. The
researchers are of the opinion that a diary research approach may enhance the use of the
questionnaire method. A diary approach could have given more elaborate answers as to how and
why college students use social networking websites. In addition, since a convenient sample was
used for this study, future studies could use random sampling.
Implications for Future Study
Future studies could focus on why Facebook and Twitter have created such a popular
phenomenon compared to other social networking sites. Since there are high numbers of usage
for both social networking sites, it would be interesting to understand why people use these sites
so frequently. Another area of research worth pursuing is the usage of social media sites in the
younger teenage age bracket and the older baby-boomer generation. As these websites become
more popular, it would be a worthy topic to research. Lastly, there should be more research done
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on gender and usage of social networking websites to better understand the effects on males and
females using these sites.
The present research suggests that social networking websites have created a
phenomenon over the past decade. Facebook and Twitter have emerged as the most popular
websites and have continued to grow in popularity. These websites create new ways of
communication with friends and family and also influence individual’s self-concept. Social
networking websites also offer new and innovative ways to communicate with other individuals
in a quick manner. Computer-mediated communication provides individuals with easier and
faster ways of communication. In addition, individuals are using social media websites at
increasing rates and visiting them quite frequently. This study makes an important contribution
in understanding college students’ use of social media its effect to communication and self-
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Table 1
Current Social Media Use
Social Networking
Percentage of College
Students Using SNS
Table 2
Communication with Friends and Family
Has using social networking websites made keeping in
contact with friends and family easier?
Do you ever use social networking websites to stay in
touch with friends and family you rarely see in person
Do you ever use social networking websites to stay in
touch with friends and family you see often?
Does using social networking websites help you
communicate with people face-to-face better?
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Use of social media, page 13
Table 4
Correlation of Social Media Use and Self-Concept
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 5
Correlation of Number of Friends and Usage of social, Communication, and Self-Concept
Table 3
Correlation of Usage of Social Media and Communication
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
No. of Friends
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).