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Abstract and Figures

Periodization is known to improve training adaptations but the most effective periodization approach for muscular strength development for a wide variety of populations is yet to be determined. This systematic review and meta-analysis examined all studies directly comparing linear and undulating periodized resistance training programs to determine and compare their effects on muscular strength. A systematic search of the MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and SPORTDiscus databases revealed 17 studies satisfying the inclusion criteria. There were a total of 510 participants in the included studies. Sixteen studies reported significant increases in strength for both periodization approaches. Five studies reported significant differences in improvements between groups. The meta-analyses determined there were no differences in the effectiveness of linear versus undulating periodization on upper or lower body strength. The short-term nature of studies and the previous training history of participants were identified as potential confounding factors in the interpretation of findings. The results suggest that novelty or training variety are important for stimulating further strength development. Few studies have examined the effect of periodization approaches in adolescent, or athletic populations.
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School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales,
Priority Research Centre in Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia;
School of Education, Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Harries, SK, Lubans, DR, and Callister, R. Systematic
review and meta-analysis of linear and undulating perio-
dized resistance training programs on muscular strength.
J Strength Cond Res 29(4): 1113–1125, 2015—Periodiza-
tion is known to improve training adaptations but the most
effective periodization approach for muscular strength
development for a wide variety of populations is yet to be
determined. This systematic review and meta-analysis
examined all studies directly comparing linear and undulat-
ing periodized resistance training programs to determine
and compare their effects on muscular strength. A system-
atic search of the MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and SPORTDiscus
databases revealed 17 studies satisfying the inclusion cri-
teria. There were a total of 510 participants in the included
studies. Sixteen studies reported significant increases in
strength for both periodization approaches. Five studies
reported significant differences in improvements between
groups. The meta-analyses determined that there were no
differences in the effectiveness of linear vs. undulating peri-
odization on upper-body or lower-body strength. The short-
term nature of studies and the previous training history of
participants were identified as potential confounding fac-
tors in the interpretation of findings. The results suggest
that novelty or training variety are important for stimulating
further strength development. Few studies have examined
the effect of periodization approaches in adolescent or
athletic populations.
KEY WORDS periodization, fitness, daily undulating, weekly
undulating, performance
Resistance training (RT) is a specialized form of
conditioning using a range of resistive loads and
a variety of training modalities designed to
enhance health, fitness, and sports performance
(9). Participation in RT results in numerous performance-
and health-related benefits in adolescent and adult popula-
tions (9,22,33). These benefits include improvements in
athletic performance, musculoskeletal health, muscular
strength, power and endurance, motor performance includ-
ing jumping ability, balance and coordination, and cardio-
vascular and metabolic health (9,11,14,22,33,38,40). The
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends
the use of periodized RT programs based on evidence that
such programs are more effective than nonperiodized pro-
grams (33). Periodization is the systematic planning and
structuring of training variables (intensity, volume, fre-
quency, and rest) throughout designated training timeframes
aimed at maximizing performance gains and minimizing the
potential for overtraining or decrements in performance
There is debate regarding the terminology used to
describe periodized programs (13,19,31) and the most effec-
tive manipulation of key training variables to improve neu-
romuscular performance for a wide variety of populations is
yet to be determined (5,28,32,35,36). Two of the most com-
monly referred to periodization models in the literature are
linear periodization (LP) and undulating periodization (UP).
Linear periodization has been described as involving the
breakdown of the training year into weekly (microcycle),
monthly (block or mesocycle), and multi-monthly (cycle
or macrocycle) periods. A key characteristic of LP is an
initial high volume and low intensity of training with gradual
increases in intensity and decreases in volume within and
across training periods (3,5,15–17,20,25–27,33,35–37). Undu-
lating periodization has been described as more frequent,
daily, weekly, or biweekly variation of intensity and volume
and generally uses repetition maximum zones to prescribe
exercise intensity (5,16,17,20,26,28,29,32,33,35–37). Undulat-
ing periodization is commonly identified as daily undulating
Address correspondence to Simon K. Harries, Simon.Harries@uon.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1113
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
periodization (DUP) or weekly undulating periodization
(WUP) depending on whether volume and intensity of RT
is manipulated on a daily or weekly basis. It has been pro-
posed that these nonlinear manipulations of volume and
intensity, providing more frequent changes in stimuli and
periods of recovery, are more conducive to strength gains
A number of studies have compared the effects of LP RT
programs with UP or nonlinear periodized programs. The aims
of this review were to (a) systematically identify and examine all
studies directly comparing linear and undulating periodized RT
programs and to synthesize the results, (b) quantitatively
compare linear and undulating periodized RT programs’ effects
on muscular strength using meta-analysis, (c) evaluate the risk
of bias in previous studies and provide recommendations to
improve the quality of future studies, and (d) review the study
populations in which the comparisons of these resistance train-
ing programs have been investigated.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
The conduct and reporting of this review was guided by the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-
Analyses (PRISMA) statement (23). A comprehensive
search of the MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and SPORTDiscus da-
tabases was conducted on April 27, 2012. A librarian assisted
in the development of unique search strategies for the differ-
ent databases. No year restriction was placed on the search.
Titles and abstracts of identified articles were checked for
relevance in the first stage of screening. In the second stage,
full-text articles were retrieved and considered for inclusion.
Finally, the reference lists of included articles were screened
for additional articles. The search was updated to the July 28,
2014, during the revision process.
Studies were assessed for eligibility based on the following
inclusion criteria: (a) participants were from a nonclinical
population, (b) study compared the use of a linear RT
program (LP) with an undulating periodized RT program
(UP) (free weights, bodyweight resistance [including plyo-
metrics], elastic tubing, machine weights, isokinetic devices),
(c) study involved a randomized controlled trial (RCT) or
quasi-experimental design, (d) study included a quantitative
assessment of muscular strength, and (e) study was pub-
lished in English. Conference abstracts, dissertations, theses,
and articles published in non–peer-reviewed journals were
not included. No restriction was placed on participant age or
training experience.
Studies had to meet the following additional criteria to be
included in the meta-analysis: (a) assessed muscular strength
by a bench press, squat, or leg press repetition maximum
test; and (b) data were reported as means and SDs for the
linear and undulating periodized groups at post-test. Sepa-
rate meta-analyses were conducted for studies that assessed
bench press, squat, or leg press. Authors were contacted in
attempts to obtain further details when required.
Statistical Analyses
Meta-analyses have been strongly emphasized for their
utility to provide a quantitative summary of treatment effects
and their use as a tool to bridge the gap between the science
and practice of exercise prescription (30). All meta-analyses
were performed in RevMan (6). The meta-analyses sought to
determine the effect of the periodization approaches on
upper- and lower-body muscular strength. Muscular strength
was considered a continuous data variable; therefore, the
mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals were
used to determine effect measures. The inverse-variance ran-
dom effects model was used for the meta-analysis procedure
because of studies being performed with varied populations
and methods. The x
and the I
-Index tests were used to
examine statistical heterogeneity. A previous meta-analysis
provided the following guide for the interpretation of hetero-
geneity based on the I
-Index: 0–40% might not be important,
30–60% may represent moderate heterogeneity, 50–90%
may represent substantial heterogeneity, and 75–100% con-
siderable heterogeneity (8,14).
Studies were assessed for “risk of bias” using criteria adap-
ted from the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
(CONSORT) statement by 2 authors independently, and
in the case of disagreement, further discussion was under-
taken to achieve consensus. A “risk of bias” score for each
study was completed on an 8-point scale by assigning a value
of 0 (absent or inadequately described) or 1 (explicitly
described and present) to each methodological item listed
in Table 1. Studies that scored 0–2 were regarded as having
a high risk of bias, studies that scored 3–5 were classified as
having a medium risk of bias, and those that scored 6–8 were
classified as having a low risk of bias.
The flow of studies through the review process is reported in
Figure 1. Twenty-five full-text articles were assessed; 17 met
the inclusion criteria (Table 2), and 17 were included in the
meta-analyses. Twelve studies compared the effectiveness of
LP and DUP RT programs (7,12,15–17,20,26,27,29,32,35,36).
Three studies compared LP and WUP RT programs (1,3,39).
One study compared LP, WUP, and DUP programs (5), and
1 study compared an LP program with a program incorpo-
rating both WUP and DUP (37).
There were a total of 510 participants in the included
studies. Twelve of these studies assessed males only, 3
studies females only and 2 studies assessed both males and
females. The average age of participants was 24 years (SD:
5), with a range of 19–39 years. One study did not report
participant age. Resistance training experience was reported
in all studies. Seven studies were conducted in untrained
participants (,1 year RT experience), whereas participants
in 10 studies were identified as trained ($1 year RT experi-
ence). No studies were conducted in advanced resistance
trained participants (.5 years RT experience). Participants
in 10 studies were identified as recreational trainers, in 1
Linear and Undulating Periodization on Strength
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Risk of bias assessment.*
(i) Were the
comparable at
baseline on key
(ii) Did the study
participants? And was
the randomization
procedure adequately
described and carried
(iii) Did the study
report a power
calculation and was
the study adequately
powered to detect
intervention effects?
(iv) Were the
blinded to
allocation at
baseline and
(v) Did at least
80% of
(vi) Did the
account for
differences at
(vii) Did the
report 95%
(viii) Did the
volume and
groups? Total
Baker et al. (3) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3
Rhea et al. (35) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Hoffman et al. (17) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Rhea et al. (36) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Buford et al. (5) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Peterson et al. (29) 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2
Hartmann et al. (15) 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2
Hoffman et al. (16) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Kok et al. (20) 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4
Monteiro et al. (27) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Prestes et al. (32) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Vanni et al. (39) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Miranda et al. (26) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Simao et al. (37) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3
Apel et al. (1) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 4
de Lima et al. (7) 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 4
Franchini et al. (12) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3
*Yes = 1; no = 0.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1115
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
study participants were sedentary, 2 studies were conducted
in American football athletes, 1 study was conducted with
Judo athletes, and participants in 2 studies were tactical ser-
vice operators (firefighters or military personnel).
The mean duration of RT programs was 12.6 64.1 weeks.
Nine of the studies were of 12-week and 3 studies were of
9-week duration. Mean training frequency was 3.2 60.7
sessions per week. Session duration was not reported in 10
of the 17 studies. Most RT programs (11 studies) used a com-
bination of both multi-joint and single-joint free weight and
machine-based exercises. Five studies consisted of mostly
multi-joint free weight exercises (3,16,17,27,29). One study
used single-joint machine-based exercises only (15).
Maximal strength was assessed in all studies. Sixteen
studies assessed upper-body strength by a repetition maxi-
mum bench press test. Lower-body strength was assessed
using a repetition maximum squat test in 7 studies and a leg
press repetition maximum test in 7 studies. Of the
included studies, 16 reported statistically significant
increases in maximal strength for both LP and UP RT
programs (1,3,5,7,12,15,16,20,26,27,29,32,35–37,39). Twelve
of these studies found no significant difference in maximal
strength gains between LP and UP RT programs
(3,5,7,12,15,16,20,26,29,32,36,39). Three studies found a sig-
nificant difference favoring UP RT programs (27,35,37),
whereas 2 studies found a significant difference favoring
the LP group (1,17).
After the initial risk of bias assessment, there was 96%
agreement between authors and full consensus was achieved
after discussion (Table 1). There was a high risk of bias in 4
studies (23.5%) and a medium risk in 13 (76.5%) studies. No
studies had a low risk of bias. Thirteen studies reported
randomizing participants to groups; however, no study ade-
quately described the randomization process. No studies
Figure 1. Flow of studies.
Linear and Undulating Periodization on Strength
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Characteristics of included studies.*
Participants Training programs
Participant numbers,
gender, and mean age
per week
Training attendance/
compliance rate
Description of resistance
training program
Baker et al. (3) 33 (M) recreational
participants; NP control
group (n= 9): 19.0 61.1 y;
LP group (n= 8): 20.2 6
1.2 y; WUP group (n= 5):
21.4 65.0 y
Trained 12 wks 3/wk Not
Not reported Nonperiodized vs. LP or WUP;
resistance training on maximal
strength and vertical jump;
majority free weight multi-joint
Rhea et al. (35) 20 (M) recreational
participants; LP group (n=
10): 21.2 63.1 y; DUP
group (n= 10): 20.2 6
2.4 y
Trained 12 wks 3/wk 40 min Not reported LP vs. DUP resistance training on
1RM strength; periodization of
loading was prescribed for the
leg press and bench press for
each group; additional
exercises identical for each
Hoffman et al. (17) 28 (M) freshman American
football participants; LP
group (n= 14): age not
reported; DUP group (n=
14): age not reported
Trained 12 wks 2/wk Not
LP group performed
squat in 83.8 6
15.6% and bench
press in 85.7 6
13.4% of workouts;
DUP group
performed squat in
90.8 69.2% and
bench press in 93.9 6
5.4% of workouts
LP vs. DUP in-season resistance
training on 1RM strength;
majority free weight multi-joint
Rhea et al. (36) 30 (M) and 30 (F) recreational
participants; LP group (n=
20): 21 62.4 y; reverse LP
group (n= 20): 22 61.6 y;
DUP group (n= 20): 21 6
1.9 y
Trained 15 wks 2/wk Not
Participants required to
attend 28 of the 30
training sessions
LP vs. reverse LP or DUP
resistance training on muscular
endurance; single-joint isolation
Buford et al. (5) 28 (M) and 10 (F) recreational
participants; LP group (n=
9): 22.67 63.61 y; DUP
group (n= 10): 23.90 6
5.11 y; WUP group (n= 9):
20.11 61.54 y
Untrained 9 wks 3/wk Not
90% attendance
LP vs. DUP or WUP resistance
training on 1RM strength;
a mixture of both free weight
and machine-based multi-joint
(continued on next page)
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1117
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Peterson et al. (29) 14 (M) firefighter academy
participants; LP group (n=
7): 21.6 y; DUP group (n=
7): 22.1 y
Trained 9 wks 3/wk 60–90 min Participants required to
attend 25 of the 27
training sessions
LP vs. DUP resistance training on
strength and power; majority
free weight multi-joint exercises
but also included plyometric
movements and machine-
based exercises
Hartmann et al. (15) 40 (M) recreational participants;
LP group (n= 13): 24.31 6
3.17 y; DUP group (n= 14):
25.14 63.98 y; non-training
control group (n= 13): 24.77
63.09 y
Trained 14 wks 3/wk Not
Participants required to
attend 39 of the 42
training sessions
LP vs. DUP resistance training on
strength and power in the
bench press; intervention
consisted of training bench
press exercise only
Hoffman et al. (16) 51 (M) American football
players; NP control group
(n= 17): 19.9 61.3 y; LP
group (n= 17): 19.5 61.1
y; DUP group (n= 17): 19.6
60.9 y
Trained 15 wks 4/wk Not
Not reported NP vs. LP or DUP resistance
training on strength and power;
a majority of free weight multi-
joint exercises; also included
a number of single-joint
isolation exercises
Kok et al. (20) 20 (F) recreational participants;
LP group (n=10):19.66
1.6 y; DUP group (n=10):
19.9 62.3 y
Untrained 9 wks 3/wk 60 min 100% compliance for
18 participants; 97%
compliance for 2
LP vs. DUP resistance training on
strength and power; a mixture
of both free weight and
machine-based multi-joint and
single-joint isolation exercises
Monteiro et al. (27) 27 (M) recreational
participants; 19.9 62.3 y;
NP group (n= 9): 26.6 6
2.2 y; LP group (n=9):27.6
62.7 y; DUP group (n=9):
28.1 62.9 y
Trained 12 wks 4/wk Not
Not reported NP vs. LP or DUP resistance
training on maximal strength;
majority free weight multi-joint
Prestes et al. (32) 40 (M) recreational participants;
LP group (n= 20): 22.3 6
7.5 y; DUP group (n=20):
21.2 69.2 y
Trained 12 wks 4/wk 50 min Ø 98% compliance for
all participants
LP vs. DUP resistance training on
maximal strength; a mixture of
both free weight and machine-
based multi-joint and single-
joint isolation exercises
Vanni et al. (39) 27 (F) recreational participants;
LP group (n=14):39.56
0.60 y; WUP group (n=13):
39.7 60.59 y
Untrained 28 wks 3/wk 70–90 min 2 participants dropped
out of the study; there
was 100%
compliance with
remaining participants
LP vs. WUP resistance training
on muscular and bone
responses in premenopausal
women; a mixture of both free
weight and machine-based
multi-joint and single-joint
isolation exercises
Linear and Undulating Periodization on Strength
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Miranda et al. (26) 20 (M) recreational
participants; LP group (n=
10): 26 66y;DUPgroup(n
Trained 12 wks 4/wk Not
Not reported LP vs. DUP resistance training on
strength; a mixture of both free
weight and machine-based
multi-joint and single-joint
isolation exercises
Simao et al. (37) 30 (M) Brazilian Navy
participants; LP group
(n= 10): 29.8 61.9 y;
WUP/DUP group (n= 11):
30.2 61.1 y; non-training
control group (n= 9): 25.9
63.6 y
Untrained 12 wks 2/wk Not
100% compliance for
all participants
LP vs. WUP/DUP resistance
training on 1RM strength;
a mixture of both free weight
and machine-based multi-joint
and single-joint isolation
Apel et al. (1) 42 (M) recreationally active
participants; LP (traditional)
group (n= 14): 23 62.8 y;
WUP group (n= 14): 22 6
1.9 y; non-training control
group (n= 14): 22 62.3 y.
Untrained 12 wks 3/wk
45 min 5 participants dropped
out of the study; there
was 100%
compliance with
remaining participants
LP (traditional) vs. WUP
resistance training on 10RM
strength; a mixture of both free
weight and machine-based
multi-joint and single-joint
isolation exercises
de Lima et al. (7) 28 (F) sedentary participants;
LP group (n= 10): 25.20 6
4.35 y; DUP group (n= 10):
27.40 62.80 y; non-training
control group (n= 8): 23.40
61.29 y
Untrained 12 wks 4/wk Not
Not reported LP vs. DUP resistance training on
1RM strength and maximum
repetitions at 50% 1RM;
a mixture of both free weight
and machine-based multi-joint
and single-joint isolation
Franchini et al. (12) 13 (M) judo athlete
participants; LP group (n=
6); DUP group (n= 7); age
range of participants: 18–
35 y
Untrained in
regards to
8 wks 3/wk Not
7 participants dropped
out of the study; there
was 100%
compliance with
remaining participants
LP vs. DUP resistance training on
1RM strength and strength
endurance and specific judo
tests; a mixture of both free
weight and machine-based
multi-joint and single-joint
isolation exercises
Methods Results
design Outcomes Analysis Results
Effect sizes
reported for
Baker et al. (3) QEXP 1RM squat; 1RM bench press; vertical jump ANCOVA Significant improvements in 1RM squat for all
groups (26.1% NP; 27.7% LP; 28.4% WUP);
significant improvements in 1RM bench press for
all groups (12.5% NP; 11.6% LP; 16.4% WUP)
(continued on next page)
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1119
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rhea et al. (35) QEXP 1RM leg press; 1RM bench press ANOVA with
Both groups increased strength significantly; 1RM
bench press increased 14.4% for LP group and
28.8% for DUP group; 1RM leg press increased
25.61% for LP group and 55.8% for DUP group;
significantly greater percent gains for DUP
compared with LP group
Hoffman et al. (17) QEXP 1RM squat; 1RM bench press ANOVA with
Significant improvement in 1RM squat for LP but
not for DUP; no significant improvement for either
group in 1RM bench press
Rhea et al. (36) QEXP Local muscular endurance test (maximum reps
on leg extension at load of 50% body mass);
1RM leg extension
ANOVA with
All groups significantly increased muscular
endurance and 1RM strength; muscular
endurance increased 55.9, 54.5, and 72.8% for
LP, DUP, and reverse LP, respectively; no
difference between groups; 1RM strength
increased 9.1, 9.8, and 5.6% for LP, DUP, and
reverse LP groups, respectively; no difference
between groups
Buford et al. (5) QEXP 1RM leg press; 1RM bench press ANCOVA Significant increases in leg press and bench press
strength for all groups; no significant difference
between groups although DUP resulted in a lower
percentage change in 1RM leg press and bench
Peterson et al. (29) QEXP 1RM squat; 1RM bench press; vertical jump ANOVA with
Significant increases in both groups for 1RM squat
and 1RM bench press strength and vertical jump;
greater % change in 1RM squat, 1RM bench
press, and vertical jump for DUP group than LP
Hartmann et al. (15) QEXP 1RM bench press ANOVA Significant improvements in 1RM bench press for
LP (14.6 611.0%) and DUP (10.0. 64.5%)
groups; no difference between groups; significant
difference for both experimental groups
compared with control group who achieved no
significant change (1.38 65.84%)
Hoffman et al. (16) QEXP 1RM squat; 1RM bench press; vertical jump;
seated medicine ball throw
ANOVA with
All groups significantly improved 1RM squat and
bench press strength; no difference between
groups; all groups significantly improved vertical
jump performance
Kok et al. (20) QEXP 1RM squat; 1RM bench press; loaded squat
ANOVA with
Significant improvements in 1RM squat for both
groups (34.8%, ES: 1.88 LP; 41.2%, ES: 2.10
DUP); significant improvements in 1RM bench
press for both groups (21.8%, ES: 0.88 LP;
28.3%, ES: 1.05 DUP); increases in jump height
for both LP (28.0%, ES: 1.15) and DUP (21.5%,
ES: 0.96) groups were observed
Linear and Undulating Periodization on Strength
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Monteiro et al. (27) QEXP 1RM leg press; 1RM bench press ANOVA Only DUP significantly improved 1RM bench press
strength; significant improvements in 1RM leg
press strength DUP and LP; no improvement in
1RM leg press for NP
Prestes et al. (32) QEXP 1RM leg press; 1RM bench press; 1RM
standing arm curl
ANOVA with
Significant improvements in 1RM leg press
(24.71%, LP; 40.61%, DUP), 1RM bench press
(18.2%, LP; 25.08%, DUP), and 1RM standing
arm curl for both groups (14.15%, LP; 23.53%,
DUP); no significant differences between groups
Vanni et al. (39) QEXP 1RM leg press; 1RM bench press Linear mixed
Significant improvements in 1RM leg press (48.2 6
6.1% LP; 51.8 68.0% WUP) and 1RM bench
press (27.0 64.7% LP; 45.9 68.4% WUP); no
statistically significant differences between
Miranda et al. (26) QEXP 1RM and 8RM leg press; 1RM and 8RM bench
ANOVA Significant increase in 1RM leg press (10%, ES:
1.23, LP; 18%, ES: 1.55, DUP); and 1RM bench
press for both groups (15%, ES: 0.75, LP; 16%,
ES: 1.02, DUP); no significant differences
between groups
Simao et al. (37) RCT 1RM bench press; 1RM lat pull down; 1RM
machine triceps extension; 1RM bicep curl
ANOVA Both training groups increased 1RM lat pull down
(LP ES: 0.77; WUP/DUP ES: 0.56), 1RM bicep
curl (LP ES: 0.83; WUP/DUP ES: 0.98), and
1RM tricep extension (LP ES: 0.81; WUP/
DUPES: 1.53); only WUP/DUP significantly
increased 1RM bench press (ES: 1.74)
Apel et al. (1) RCT 10RM squat; 10RM bench press; 10RM leg
extension; 10RM lat pull down; 10RM
shoulder press
ANOVA Both training groups significantly increased 10RM
squat (LP 54%; WUP 34%) and bench press (LP
24%; WUP 19%) at 12 wk; but only the LP
(traditional) group showed significant increases in
10RM strength from week 8 to week 12
de Lima et al. (7) RCT Leg press 1RM; bench press 1RM; standing
arm curl 1RM; maximum repetitions using
50% of 1RM on leg press, bench press and
standing arm curl
ANOVA Significant increases in 1RM leg press (ES: 2.99,
LP; ES: 1.73, DUP), 1RM bench press (ES: 1.77,
LP; ES: 0.95, DUP), and 1RM arm curl (ES: 1.30,
LP; ES: 1.19, DUP) for both groups; no
significant differences between groups
Franchini et al. (12) QEXP 1RM squat; 1RM bench press; 1RM row;
maximal isometric handgrip test; standing long
jump; special judo fitness test
ANOVA Significant improvements in 1RM squat, bench
press and row for both groups; significant
improvements in maximal isometric handgrip
strength for both groups; no significant
differences between groups
*M = male; F = female; ES = effect size; NP = nonperiodized; LP = linear periodization; WUP = weekly undulating periodization; DUP = daily undulating periodization; 1RM = 1
repetition maximum; ANOVA = analysis of variance.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1121
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
reported using blinded assessors. No studies reported
a power calculation to determine whether their study was
adequately powered to detect their hypothesized effects. In
addition, effect sizes were reported in only 5 of the included
studies (7,20,26,36,37). Eighty percent of participants com-
pleted follow-up assessments in 13 studies. Analyses in all
studies accounted for potential baseline differences. All but 3
studies equated the volume and intensity between training
Sixteen studies were evaluated in a meta-analysis comparing
1 repetition maximum (1RM) bench press at postinterven-
tion (Figure 2). Overall, the studies were found to be mod-
erately heterogeneous (x
= 33.41, df =15[p= 0.004], I
55%). The meta-analysis showed no clear effect for either LP
or UP (MD = 1.71 [22.05 to 5.47] kg, Z= 0.89 [p,0.37]).
Seven studies were evaluated in a meta-analysis comparing
1RM leg press at postintervention (Figure 2). These studies
had significant heterogeneity (x
= 16.55, df =6[p= 0.01],
= 64%). No clear effect was shown for either LP or UP
(MD = 25.93 [22.48 to 54.35] kg, Z=1.79[p=0.07]).
Seven studies were evaluated in a meta-analysis comparing
1RM squat at postintervention (Figure 2). These studies
were homogenous (x
=7.83,df =5[p=0.17],I
= 36%).
No effect favoring LP or UP was found (MD = 21.67
[210.88 to 7.54] kg, Z=0.36[p= 0.72]).
This review identified 17 studies that directly compared LP
and UP programs. Studies were mostly conducted in young
adult males with limited RT experience. Most studies found
no differences between the 2 periodization models, and this
was supported by the findings of the meta-analyses where no
Figure 2. Meta-analyses of linear and undulating periodization on muscular strength.
Linear and Undulating Periodization on Strength
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
difference was identified for both upper- and lower-body
strength. There is substantial room to improve the quality of
future studies comparing training manipulations to reduce
the risk of bias. There is also a lack of studies investigating
more athletic or highly resistance trained populations as well
as adolescents and over long time frames.
The RT programs evaluated in this review were pre-
dominantly short-term interventions and only 4 studies had
a duration greater than 12 weeks. Two studies found DUP
RT resulted in increased strength in the initial weeks of the
intervention with no increase in strength with LP RT until
later stages of the intervention (27,35). The short-term
nature of these interventions makes it difficult to draw con-
clusions regarding the long-term effectiveness of LP or UP.
Longer-term interventions are needed in order to assess the
purported advantage of greater variation in UP being more
effective at breaking strength plateaus than LP
The majority of study participants were adult males and
none of the studies investigated the effects of LP and UP in
adolescents. Additionally, supporting evidence for both
forms of periodization is lacking in novice and athletic
populations. Generalized training theories underpin the
rationale for periodized training programs (32,35,36,40).
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome states that if a stress
or bout of exercise is experienced by a system, the system
will respond with a temporary decrease in performance
followed by restitution returning to or above the initial level
of physical fitness (2,40). This enhancement of physical
fitness is termed supercompensation (2,40) and is the primary
purpose of all training interventions where an improvement
in physical fitness is sought. If the applied stress remains
at the same magnitude (intensity, volume and frequency)
the system will accommodate to this stress and no further
improvements in physical fitness will occur (2,40). To avoid
this accommodation, training programs must be varied
over time (40).
Previous training history and training status will influence
adaptations to further training interventions, particularly in
respect to muscular strength. Over a 4-week to 2 year period
muscular strength increases of 40, 16, 10, and 2% are
representative of the expected improvements in untrained,
trained, advanced and elite resistance trained individuals,
respectively (21,33). Most participants in this review had
some prior RT experience and were identified by study au-
thors as trained. When planning training interventions it is
important to consider generalized theories of training adap-
tation and in particular the initial level of physical fitness or
physical preparedness of participants. The description of
study participants’ previous training history was poorly re-
ported in most of the included studies. For example, Rhea
et al. (35) indicated that all participants in their 12-week
study reported undertaking RT equivalent to a LP approach
during the 2 years prior to the study but did not describe the
volume or frequency of training. They found a significant
difference favoring DUP for strength improvement only in
the first 6 weeks of the intervention. However, no significant
difference in strength gains between groups was found in the
last 6 weeks of the intervention. Prior experience with LP RT
creates the potential for UP to provide a more novel stimu-
lus. It is reasonable to suggest that the novelty or variation in
stimulus compared to participants’ previous training experi-
ence is of greater importance for eliciting strength improve-
ments and overcoming accommodation than the specific
type of periodization approach employed. There is a need
for authors to clearly describe the training experience of their
participants with different periodization approaches.
The majority of studies included in this review found
significant increases in muscular strength for both periodi-
zation approaches, whereas significant differences between
approaches were rarely found. One possibility is that studies
were underpowered to detect statistically significant differ-
ences. Considering the small sample sizes often involved in
sports science studies, the reporting of effect sizes may be
more practically meaningful in RT interventions (4,18,34).
Only 5 of the studies included in this review reported effect
sizes (7,20,26,36,37). In a previous review, Rhea (34) re-
ported that the effect sizes in RT studies were much larger
than those typically observed in the social/behavioral fields.
He recommended scales for assessing the practical signifi-
cance of effect sizes in RT research based on participant’s
training status (34). This scale highlights the importance for
RT research studies to adequately describe the training his-
tory and background of participants. Comprehensive report-
ing of effect sizes in the scientific literature will enable
strength and conditioning professionals to use theoretical
knowledge and implement practical evidence-based training
programs. Further within group variations in baseline
strength and responsiveness may also influence the capacity
to detect differences between training approaches.
To the authors knowledge this is the first systematic
review and meta-analysis comparing linear and undulating
periodized RT programs. A strength of a systematic review is
that the criteria for inclusion is determined prior to the
search and is designed to minimize reviewer bias in regards
to what is included. This objectivity is strengthened by
adherence to the PRISMA reporting guidelines and
CONSORT statement. A strength of combining a system-
atic search with a meta-analysis is that it allows data from
multiple studies to be combined to determine an outcome.
This is particularly advantageous when studies have small
sample sizes and risk an inability to identify differences
due to lack of statistical power. A number of limitations
should be noted. Firstly, there may be bias in the selection
of studies as abstracts, theses, or studies published in non
peer-reviewed journals were not included. Additionally,
there was considerable heterogeneity between studies
and no study adequately described the randomization of
participants. Therefore, caution should be taken in the
interpretation of the meta-analysis results.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1123
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The results of this systematic review and meta-analysis
reveal that both LP and UP RT programs can increase
maximum strength substantially, but no clear evidence
favoring either periodization approach was found for the
development of upper or lower body strength. The results
suggest that novelty or training variety are important for
stimulating further strength development. When the work
performed is equal, neither periodized approach is necessar-
ily superior and either approach can be used to provide
variety and therefore enhance adaptation. Potentially the
implementation of short training blocks, of 2–6 weeks dura-
tion, using either LP or UP RT within current training re-
gimes may provide an adequate and novel stimulus to
promote further strength increases and overcome plateaus.
Therefore, strength and conditioning professionals are
advised to design periodized training programs taking into
account the RT principle of “variety” to prevent stagnation
and accommodation to a particular training approach. Care-
ful consideration should be given to the previous training
history and current training status of participants.
Further research is needed in adolescent, athletic, and
possibly for rehabilitation (24) populations to investigate the
effects of different periodized approaches to RT. Further-
more, longer-term studies are also needed to determine
and compare the long-term effectiveness of LP and UP RT
on strength development. Researchers are advised to ade-
quately report the previous training history of participants,
stratify assignment to groups on the basis of prior training
experience, or implement standardized pre-intervention
training to reduce the influence of training history on inter-
vention effects.
The authors of this article would like to thank the inves-
tigators who responded to requests to provide additional
information for the meta-analysis. No external funding was
used for this project. The authors have no competing
interests relating to the content of this manuscript. There
were no other contributors to this manuscript.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2015 | 1125
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... • For all-year or multi-year training plans there is limited evidence whether the effects of block periodised training increase, maintain, or diminish over the long-term period of time (Kataoka et al., 2021). • For strength training meta-analysis has determined that there is no benefit of block periodisation over linear periodisation (Harries et al., 2015). • Marathon runners typically apply double periodisation centred around spring and autumn marathons . ...
... Similarly Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald, 2023) suggested to lift very heavy loads with low reps and workouts of 20-40 minutes are recommended two or three times per week. • Focus on compound free-weight exercises and based on a meta-analysis of 17 studies with 510 participants it is suggested (Harries et al., 2015) to include variety into the training for stimulating strength development. ...
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Amateur marathon runners desire to excel at their chosen sport and to use the correct and latest research on how to optimise training and competition outcomes. Yet they do not have access to professional team of sport scientists, nutritionists, psychologists, and a well-equipped sports lab. This paper intends to review from the perspective of a self-coached 50year old sub-3 marathon runner for the marathon world championships in Sydney what is the latest research, what tools and technologies are available and how can they be integrated into the training of such amateur athletes. We will construct an Annual Training Plan; our starting point is the current level within a multi-year plan, the race ambitions for current year, and overall longer-term athletic goals. With an amateur runner, five years of experience, and a desire to diversify into middle-distance triathlon for current athletic year we will use a traditional training plan with a single peak for Sydney. We now need to assess the athletes fitness, based on VO2max , LT, and RE. Based on this, the desired race outcomes, and the training phase we construct the weekly running workouts. Generally speaking VO 2max is best supported by HIIT, LT by long-runs, and RE by running volume and strength workouts. The initial stages focus on volume which is gradually replaced by intensity. To help recovery within the week we need to vary training intensity and include lower-intensity weeks. To reduce injury risk from high running mileage we will focus only on four high quality run workouts and enhance the overall aerobic system with cross-training (cycling and swimming) and strength training. Training intensity needs to be distributed in a polarised way with 80% of volume in moderate aerobic zones and upto 20% in severe zones. Strength training is 3 session in the general stages, becoming 2 in competitive stage and completely removed in final pre-race weeks. To “Dose & Response” running intensity we will use critical power as measured by Stryd and benchmark against gold-standard laboratory tests. Other measures we will track with TrainingPeaks and WKO5 are key internal and external load for stress management (CTL, RHR, HRV), recovery management (sleep duration, time awake, and sleep quality), injury prevention (weekly running mileage and perceived injury for injury prevention), body composition (caloric expenditure, BMR, BM, and skinfold measurement), and polarised weekly running volume (hours of run training by intensity domain). Nutrition needs to be aligned to daily workloads mostly by varying levels of CHO, while guaranteeing a steady and well-distributed level of protein, mostly in the form of EAA. Nutritional needs are aligned with phases in the training plan, most notably in later precompetition stages where glycogen stores need to be topped-up while keeping body mass as low as possible. This is also supported by 1-2 LSD in fasted state to help use fat as substrate. In addition to physiologic adaptations, training also needs to hone psychological skills. Mental fatigue can be detrimental to competition as central and peripheral muscle fatigue. We will train the psychology by focusing on setting goals, dissociation from fatigue, association with the flow of the exercise, attentional focus which we will also train through yoga, visualisation of the event, positive self-talk, and flow & prayer. With 12 time zone difference and 24-hour long flight we must minimise travel fatigue and jet lag with melatonin, nutrition, recovery, easy workouts, and pre-taper psychology. Moreover we need gut training to assume 90 g/CHO/hour with 40mg caffeine. If all this is executed well we anticipate a sub-3, fastest Hungarian running outcome for Sydney 2024 world championships.
... In resistance training, variables such as load, bar velocity, the number of repetitions and sets, as well as movement tempo, and rest intervals between sets have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the training process [6]. Additionally, exercise selection plays a significant role in training effectiveness [7][8][9]. However, one training variable (movement tempo), is often neglected in the periodization of training [10]. ...
... Afterward, eight reps at 85% 1 RM (4-6 weeks) and six reps at 90% 1 RM (7-8 weeks) were performed. The PLY protocol involved a preparatory phase (weeks 1-2), followed by two 3-week periods of progressive loads (weeks 3-5 and weeks [6][7][8]. The results of the isokinetic test showed a significant improvement in the maximum torque of the extensors and flexors of the knee joint (large ES). ...
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The purpose of the investigation was to determine the influence of a four-week unilateral (UNI) and bilateral (BIL) resistance training program on peak torque and peak power of the lower limbs in soccer players. Background: We evaluated the effects of a 3:1 step load training program using UNI and BIL forms of exercises on the level of peak torque and peak power of the knee joint extensors and flexors. Methods: The study included 16 division I soccer players having the highest number of matches played in the first round of the season. The motor tests included isokinetic evaluation of peak torque and peak power of the extensors and flexors of the knee joint. Results: The results showed that both types of training sessions were equally effective. Only in terms of power during knee flexion, unilateral training contributed to improvement, whereas bilateral training did not. Conclusions: The use of periodization using a step load progression based on an extended eccentric phase of the movement during the preseason period in combination with UNI training may increase peak torque and peak power of knee flexors and extensors in soccer players.
... Furthermore, it can enhance overall muscle strength and improve adolescent athletic performance [8,9]. Additionally, it can effectively prevent and reduce the risk of athletic injuries among athletes [10][11][12]. Pichardo et al. [13] conducted a 28-week training program with resistance training and resistance training combined with weightlifting for 59 male athletes aged 12-14 years. Both groups experienced minor-to-moderate improvements in resistance training skills battery quotient (RTSQ), absolute isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTP ABS ), and ratio-scaled isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTP REL ) after the initial 14 weeks of training (effect size: d = 0.45-0.86). ...
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Background/Objectives: While previous evidence has shown that using free weights for resistance training is a more practical approach to enhancing strength, there is a relatively low prevalence of free-weight resistance training among adolescent kayak/canoe athletes. Therefore, this study aims to assess the impact of free-weight resistance training on body composition and various performance factors among adolescent canoe/kayak athletes. Methods: Twenty-seven young sprint kayakers and canoeists (14 ± 1 years; 164 ± 7 cm; 56 ± 8 kg) completed this study. Following baseline assessments, athletes were randomly divided into two training groups: the free-weight resistance training group (FW) or the control group (C). The FW group underwent free-weight resistance training sessions twice weekly for 24 weeks. The C group maintained their regular bodyweight training sessions during the same timeframe. All participants performed both the pre- and post-training assessments for the following dependent variables: body composition, upper-body power, upper-body isometric muscle strength, isometric mid-thigh pull, core strength, countermovement jump, balance, anaerobic ability, and aerobic performance. Results: After 24 weeks of training, the free-weight resistance training group exhibited a significant increase in body weight (from 56 ± 5 kg to 58 ± 4 kg, p < 0.05) and improvements in the number of straight leg raise repetitions (from 23 ± 6 to 26 ± 4, p < 0.05) compared to the control group. However, the two groups observed no significant differences between upper-body isometric muscle strength, power, balance, and anaerobic/aerobic performance. Conclusions: A 24-week training duration might be insufficient for novice participants in resistance training. Future research should consider incorporating an adaptation period or a learning phase for movements before training, thereby enhancing the efficacy of free-weight resistance training in increasing strength.
... 9,10 Indeed, wider research focused on physiological adaptation has made substantial progress in describing the "what" and "how much" features of sport-specific training planning. [11][12][13] Periodization was developed to optimize athlete performance on a specified date, 14 for example, the Olympics. While periodization remains the dominant approach to determining training program, over the past few decades there have been challenges to the methodology. ...
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Purpose : The traditional understanding of how coaches plan for sporting performance is rooted in the assumption that coaches create periodized plans underpinned by physiological principles, thereby providing scientific credibility to their work. In contrast, there remains a paucity of literature exploring how coaches understand or think about their planning practices. The purpose of this study was to generate new knowledge regarding what information coaches actually consider within their planning processes and how they actually approach the task of planning. Method : Using rigorous, in-depth interviews, this study examined athletics coaches’ understandings of their everyday planning practices, in an attempt to contribute to narrowing the gap between academic research and real-world application. Twenty-eight highly experienced, high-performance track-and-field coaches based in England (female, n = 1; male, n = 27) were recruited. The coaches were from the throwing disciplines (n = 10) and endurance running (n = 18). Coaches were interviewed about their planning process, using a maximum of 3 semistructured interviews per coach, spaced across a full athletics season. In total, this generated 68 hours of data. Results : The analysis demonstrated that, while the participant coaches utilized the principles of periodization, their planning activities were not limited to this issue. The findings highlighted how the coaches conceptualized successful athletic performance in a holistic way; that is, planning is multifaceted in nature. Conclusion : This study presents a holistic picture of the complexity of coaches’ planning, detailing the considerable time and attention given to planning for athletes’ psychological, personal, and social development, to enhance athlete performance and development.
... Analyzing the effects of periodized RT only on strength, a metaanalysis that compared the effects of linear and undulating models (weekly and daily undulating) on muscle strength, no differences were found between the models (Harries et al., 2015). However, analyzing only the studies carried out in the daily undulating model; similar to our findings, the magnitude of the effects and variations in strength gains were better in DUP than in TLP. ...
Introduction: Tactical athletes need to develop strength and lower limb lean mass (LL LM) to perform effectively. Resistance training (RT) is the most effective way to achieve these goals. Two periodization models stand out: traditional linear periodization (TLP) and daily undulating periodization (DUP). Objective: To verify the effect of lower limb RT with TLP and DUP on isotonic and isokinetic muscle strength and lean mass in tactical athletes. Method: Thirty-five Brazilian Army military (21.57 ± 2.02 years; 81.81 ± 11.19 Kg; 177.79 ± 6.88 cm) were divided into two treatment groups and one active control group. Interventions: The treatment groups performed 9 weeks of supervised RT (18 sessions), consisting of free weight exercises in this order: back squat, squat lunge, deadlift, and stiff legged deadlift. Dynamic isotonic muscle strength, lean mass, and isokinetic knee extension and flexion were assessed at baseline and post treatment period. Results: There was a significant pre-post difference in dynamic isotonic muscle strength (TLP, P < 0.001; DUP, P < 0.001) and lean mass (TLP, P = 0.034; DUP, P = 0.003) of LL LM in both treatment groups. However, effect sizes (ES) and variations (%Δ) of gains were greater in the DUP group both in muscle strength (TLP, ES = 1.55, %Δ = 30.97; DUP, ES = 2.55, %Δ = 36.02), and in lean mass (TLP, ES = 0.13, %Δ = 2.07; DUP, ES = 0.44, %Δ = 2.95). For isokinetic knee flexion strength, a significant difference was found between the TLP versus CON. Conclusion: Both lower limb RT periodization models provided gains in muscle strength and lean mass, with a small advantage for the DUP approach. In the isokinetic knee flexion strength, the TLP was more effective.
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Introduction and Purpose This literature review endeavors to provide a current synthesis of the available literature regarding the relationship between road bike cycling and lower back pain (LBP). This review focuses on the aspects of bike fitting, riding position, preexisting LBP, cycling injuries and predisposing risk factors among others. Brief Description of the State of KnowledgeRoad bike cycling is a popular sport considered to be low-impact physically and easy to start with. So goes the proverb - „it’s as easy as riding a bike”. However the truth may be more complicated. There are many positive effects associated with this sport, such as overall health improvement and the ecological impact, and they are generally well-researched. However it is more difficult to find data regarding the dangers. Improper training program, incorrect bike fit or suboptimal riding position are all factors that can lead to lower back pain (LBP) connected with road bike cycling. Previous injuries and spine health should also be taken into account. Summary In consideration of the gathered evidence it is important to consider the above-mentioned interventions to prevent or stop lower back pain (LBP) from emerging. This literature review struggles to provide a starting point for both cyclists and physicians alike who encounter such a problem. The bike fit, adjusting the bike in accordance with the body of the cyclist, analyzing the cycling position and the training program should be principal points to provide for a pain-free road bike cycling. Further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of such actions and their ability to prevent or stop LBP while/after road bike cycling.
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O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o índice de massa corpórea (IMC), força submáxima, amplitude de movimento de flexão e extensão da articulação do joelho dos grupos submetidos ao treinamento resistido com periodização linear e ondulatória em mulheres entre 60 e 70 anos. Para isso participaram do estudo 22 mulheres idosas divididas em dois grupos, PL com 12 participantes com 67±2,69 anos, e 1,47±0,04 m2 e grupo PLO com 10 participantes com participantes com idade 63,50±3,41 e estatura de 1,50±0,05. Foram avaliados peso, IMC, força muscular submáxima em LegPress horizontal e flexibilidade passiva dos flexores e extensores de joelho. Após isso, foi aplicado o treinamento três vezes por semana durante 12 semanas em ambos os grupos e refeito as avaliações. Os resultados, não mostraram significância para peso e IMC, porém, foram estatisticamente significativos nos ganhos de força muscular e de flexibilidade para extensão de joelho no grupo PLO no lado esquerdo e na flexão de joelho, em ambas as periodizações, no lado direito, reforçando a possibilidade do uso de uma forma de treinamento na otimização de mais uma capacidade física.
Purpose : To examine the effects of 4 programming models (linear [LP], undulating [UP], reverse [RP], and constant [CP]) on physical performance. Methods : Forty-eight moderately strength-trained men were randomly assigned to LP, UP, RP, and CP groups according to their 1-repetition maximum (1RM) in the full-squat exercise (SQ) and followed an 8-week training intervention using the SQ and monitoring movement velocity for every repetition. All groups trained with similar mean relative intensity (65% 1RM), number of repetitions (240), sets (3), and interset recovery (4 min) throughout the training program. Pretraining and posttraining measurements included, in the SQ, 1RM load, the average velocity attained for all absolute loads common to pretests and posttests (AV), and the average velocity for loads that were moved faster (AV > 1) and slower (AV < 1) than 1 m·s ⁻¹ at pretraining tests. Moreover, countermovement jump height and 20-m running sprint time were measured. Results : A significant time effect was found for all variables analyzed ( P < .05), except for 20-m running sprint time. Significant group × time interactions were observed for 1RM, AV > 1, and AV ( P < .05). After training, all groups attained significant strength gains on 1RM, AV, AV > 1, and AV < 1 ( P < .001–.01). LP and RP groups improved their countermovement jump height ( P < .01), but no significant changes were observed for UP and CP. No significant improvements were achieved in 20-m running sprint time for any groups. Conclusions : These different programming models are all suitable for improving physical performance. LP and RP induce similar or greater gains in physical performance than UP and CP.
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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential to summarize evidence relating to efficacy and safety of health care interventions accurately and reliably. The clarity and transparency of these reports, however, is not optimal. Poor reporting of systematic reviews diminishes their value to clinicians, policy makers, and other users. Since the development of the QUOROM (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analysis) Statement—a reporting guideline published in 1999—there have been several conceptual, methodological, and practical advances regarding the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Also, reviews of published systematic reviews have found that key information about these studies is often poorly reported. Realizing these issues, an international group that included experienced authors and methodologists developed PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) as an evolution of the original QUOROM guideline for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of evaluations of health care interventions. The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. The checklist includes items deemed essential for transparent reporting of a systematic review. In this Explanation and Elaboration document, we explain the meaning and rationale for each checklist item. For each item, we include an example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies and methodological literature. The PRISMA Statement, this document, and the associated Web site ( should be helpful resources to improve reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
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The concept of periodization is important for strength and conditioning professionals. This roundtable covers several aspects of periodization strategies.
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To determine the most effective strength periodization model is important to improve judo athletes' performance. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of linear and daily undulating periodized resistance training on anthropometrical, strength and judo-specific performance. For this, 13 adult male judo athletes (LP = 6 and DUP = 7) completed a 8-week training program concomitantly to a typical judo training program. Athletes were submitted to a physical fitness test battery, before and after 8 weeks of training, consisting of: (a) maximal strength evaluation - bench press, squat and row exercises one-repetition maximum (1RM) tests, and handgrip maximal isometric strength; (b) power evaluation - standing long jump test; (c) strength endurance evaluation - dynamic and isometric chin up tests gripping the judogi; (d) anthropometry measurements - body mass, height, skinfold thickness and circumferences; (e) judo-specific fitness - performance during the Special Judo Fitness Test; (f) match simulation - three 5-min judo match simulations separated by 15-min passive recovery. Eight weeks of linear and undulating strength-training protocols induced similar significant (P < 0.05) decreases in skinfold thicknesses (-6.5%) and increases in flexed arm (2.0%) and forearm (1.8%) circumferences, maximal isometric handgrip strength (4.6% and 6.1% for right and left hands, respectively), isometric strength-endurance chin-up performance gripping the judogi (18.9%), maximal dynamic strength for row (11.5%), bench-press (11.6%) and squat exercises (7.1%), total weight lifted at 70% 1RM for bench-press (15.1%) and squat (9.6%) exercises, number of throws during sets B (3.1%) and C (9.5%) of the SJFT (resulting in increased total number of throws - 5.5%) and decreased index in this test, -4.2%). However, no changes were observed in the physiological, rating of perceived exertion or technical actions during three match simulations. Thus, it seems that the short-term adaptations were not transferable to the match condition.
This chapter describes the principles and methods used to carry out a meta-analysis for a comparison of two interventions for the main types of data encountered. A very common and simple version of the meta-analysis procedure is commonly referred to as the inverse-variance method. This approach is implemented in its most basic form in RevMan, and is used behind the scenes in many meta-analyses of both dichotomous and continuous data. Results may be expressed as count data when each participant may experience an event, and may experience it more than once. Count data may be analysed using methods for dichotomous data if the counts are dichotomized for each individual, continuous data and time-to-event data, as well as being analysed as rate data. Prediction intervals from random-effects meta-analyses are a useful device for presenting the extent of between-study variation. Sensitivity analyses should be used to examine whether overall findings are robust to potentially influential decisions.
summary: The concept of periodization is important for strength and conditioning professionals. This roundtable covers several aspects of periodization strategies.
High-resistance strength training (HRST) is one of the most widely practiced forms of physical activity, which is used to enhance athletic performance, augment musculo-skeletal health and alter body aesthetics. Chronic exposure to this type of activity produces marked increases in muscular strength, which are attributed to a range of neurological and morphological adaptations. This review assesses the evidence for these adaptations, their interplay and contribution to enhanced strength and the methodologies employed. The primary morphological adaptations involve an increase in the cross-sectional area of the whole muscle and individual muscle fibres, which is due to an increase in myofibrillar size and number. Satellite cells are activated in the very early stages of training; their proliferation and later fusion with existing fibres appears to be intimately involved in the hypertrophy response. Other possible morphological adaptations include hyperplasia, changes in fibre type, muscle architecture, myofilament density and the structure of connective tissue and tendons. Indirect evidence for neurological adaptations, which encompasses learning and coordination, comes from the specificity of the training adaptation, transfer of unilateral training to the contralateral limb and imagined contractions. The apparent rise in whole-muscle specific tension has been primarily used as evidence for neurological adaptations; however, morphological factors (e.g. preferential hypertrophy of type 2 fibres, increased angle of fibre pennation, increase in radiological density) are also likely to contribute to this phenomenon. Changes in inter-muscular coordination appear critical. Adaptations in agonist muscle activation, as assessed by electromyography, tetanic stimulation and the twitch interpolation technique, suggest small, but significant increases. Enhanced firing frequency and spinal reflexes most likely explain this improvement, although there is contrary evidence suggesting no change in cortical or corticospinal excitability. The gains in strength with HRST are undoubtedly due to a wide combination of neurological and morphological factors. Whilst the neurological factors may make their greatest contribution during the early stages of a training programme, hypertrophic processes also commence at the onset of training.
As is the case with plays comprising a game plan or assets comprising a portfolio, a periodized training program is more than the sum of its parts. Indeed, short-yardage plays can set up long-yardage plays; high-risk investments can improve overall risk/return; and nonspecific training methods can enhance the effects of specific ones. The key is to establish a playbook of fundamentally sound tactics and then skillfully combine them into appropriate strategies. Although relatively simple plans may be effective for novices, more sophisticated training and recovery methods are applicable in intermediate or advanced situations. The practical challenge is to direct adaptation toward specific targets by prescribing a band-width of stimuli appropriate for the athlete's sport and developmental status.
SUMMARY In order to stimulate further adaptation toward specific training goals, progressive resistance training (RT) protocols are necessary. The optimal characteristics of strength-specific programs include the use of concentric (CON), eccentric (ECC), and isometric muscle actions and the performance of bilateral and unilateral single- and multiple-joint exercises. In addition, it is recommended that strength programs sequence exercises to optimize the preservation of exercise intensity (large before small muscle group exercises, multiple-joint exercises before single-joint exercises, and higher-intensity before lower-intensity exercises). For novice (untrained individuals with no RT experience or who have not trained for several years) training, it is recommended that loads correspond to a repetition range of an 8-12 repetition maximum (RM). For intermediate (individuals with approximately 6 months of consistent RT experience) to advanced (individuals with years of RT experience) training, it is recommended that individuals use a wider loading range from 1 to 12 RM in a periodized fashion with eventual emphasis on heavy loading (1-6 RM) using 3- to 5-min rest periods between sets performed at a moderate contraction velocity (1-2 s CON; 1-2 s ECC). When training at a specific RM load, it is recommended that 2-10% increase in load be applied when the individual can perform the current workload for one to two repetitions over the desired number. The recommendation for training frequency is 2-3 dIwkj1 for novice training, 3-4 dIwkj1 for intermediate training, and 4-5 dIwkj1 for advanced training. Similar program designs are recom- mended for hypertrophy training with respect to exercise selection and frequency. For loading, it is recommended that loads corresponding to 1-12 RM be used in periodized fashion with emphasis on the 6-12 RM zone using 1- to 2-min rest periods between sets at a moderate velocity. Higher volume, multiple-set programs are recommended for maximizing hypertrophy. Progression in power training entails two general loading strategies: 1) strength training and 2) use of light loads (0-60% of 1 RM for lower body exercises; 30-60% of 1 RM for upper body exercises) performed at a fast contraction velocity with 3-5 min of rest between sets for multiple sets per exercise (three to five sets). It is also recommended that emphasis be placed on multiple-joint exercises especially those involving the total body. For local muscular endurance training, it is recommended that light to moderate loads (40-60% of 1 RM) be performed for high repetitions (915) using short rest periods (G90 s). In the interpretation of this position stand as with prior ones, recommendations should be applied in context and should be contingent upon an individual's target goals, physical capacity, and training