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Abstract and Figures

Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) are increasingly being incorporated in a variety of products, textiles, and in healthcare, mainly due to their antibacterial properties. The present study investigated the antimicrobial efficiency and colour changes of floor covering loaded with colloidal silver nanoparticles via a simple and cost-effective method. The influences of colloidal concentration on antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus as well as laundering durability were studied. The results of the silver-treated floor covering (nylon 6 piles) with 50 - 100 ppm dilution exhibited outstanding antimicrobial efficiency and indicated a 99.42% reduction in Staphylococcus aureus and a 79.25% reduction in Escherichia coli. Furthermore, the bioactivity of Ag-NPs was maintained even after ten washings. The removal of silver nanoparticles in wastewater was investigated by UV-visible spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDX were employed to confirm the presence of nano silver on the surface. The results indicated that Gram positive bacteria are more tolerant to silver than Gram negative bacteria. An appropriate antimicrobial agent deposited on floor covering can prevent unpleasant odours and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
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Montazer M, Hajimirzababa H, Rahimi MK, Alibakhshi S. Durable Anti-bacterial Nylon Carpet Using Colloidal Nano Silver.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe
2012; 20, 4(93): 96-101.
Durable Anti-bacterial Nylon Carpet Using
Colloidal Nano Silver
M. Montazer,
*H. Hajimirzababa,
**M. K. Rahimi,
***S. Alibakhshi
Textile Department,
Amirkabir University of Technology,
Center of Excellence in Textile,
Hafez Avenue, Tehran, Iran
*Young Researchers Club,
Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
** Medical Science Department,
Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
***Textile Department,
Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran
Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) are increasingly being incorporated in a variety of products,
textiles, and in healthcare, mainly due to their antibacterial properties. The present study
investigated the antimicrobial efciency and colour changes of oor covering loaded with
colloidal silver nanoparticles via a simple and cost-effective method. The inuences of col-
loidal concentration on antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
aureus as well as laundering durability were studied. The results of the silver-treated oor
covering (nylon 6 piles) with 50 - 100 ppm dilution exhibited outstanding antimicrobial
efciency and indicated a 99.42% reduction in Staphylococcus aureus and a 79.25% re-
duction in Escherichia coli. Furthermore, the bioactivity of Ag-NPs was maintained even
after ten washings. The removal of silver nanoparticles in wastewater was investigated by
UV–visible spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDX were employed
to conrm the presence of nano silver on the surface. The results indicated that Gram
positive bacteria are more tolerant to silver than Gram negative bacteria. An appropriate
antimicrobial agent deposited on oor covering can prevent unpleasant odours and growth
of pathogenic microorganisms.
Key words: antimicrobial, nano silver, oor covering, nylon, durability.
groups, thereby preventing protein syn-
thesis [16, 17].
Multifunctional domestic implements,
especially oor covering with antimi-
crobial properties, have been actively
developed to prevent human contamina-
tion and the exposure of any bacterium
in the human life environment [18]. The
large surface area and ability to retain the
moisture of the oor covering also assist
the growth of microorganisms on the fab-
ric [19, 20]. Using silver nanoparticles
leads to an increase in the number of par-
ticles per unit area, thereby maximising
antimicrobial effects [21].
The purpose of this study was to deter-
mine the antibacterial activity of silver
nanoparticles deposited on nylon car-
pet against Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli bacteria. As one of the
challenges in the development of textile
applications is to keep the process sim-
ple and inexpensive, special attention
was paid to using an easy and applicable
method. Therefore this paper presents a
simple and effective method for the an-
tibacterial treatment of nylon carpet that
contains silver nanoparticles via spraying.
n Experimental
The solution used was colloidal nano sil-
ver in alcohol media with an average par-
ticle size of 5 nm (0.8%) 8000 ppm, sup-
plied by Narminchemie Co. Iran. A car-
pet of pile loop nylon was produced by
Palaz Moquette Co. Iran. Carpet samples
n Introduction
In the past few decades many efforts have
been made in nanotechnology and na-
noparticles due to their unique properties
and potential application in healthcare,
medicine, domestic textiles, and hygienic
as well as protective textiles [1 - 4]. Now-
adays there has been constantly increas-
ing concern about the health hazard aris-
ing during medical and other treatment
from microbial infections [5]. The means
of shielding the human body against such
threats need to be developed, with one of
the most popular being the production
of antimicrobial textiles for usage inside
protective clothing, medical gauzes and
sheets [6]. Due to the signicant increase
in using bactericide, antiviral and fungi-
cide products, there is great demand for
the antimicrobial nishes of textiles, as
an excellent culture to control the growth
of microorganisms and prevent textiles
from the deterioration of odours, which is
a health concern caused by microorgan-
isms [7-9]. Silver based antimicrobials
have captured much attention not only
because of the non-toxicity of active Ag+
to human cells but also due to their nov-
elty in being a long lasting biocide with
high temperature stability and low vola-
tility [10, 11].
Silver nanoparticles show an efcient
and strong antimicrobial property com-
pared to other agents due to their large
surface area to volume ratio, which pro-
vides better contact with microorgan-
isms [12 - 15]. Ag-NPs penetrate inside
the cell membrane and react with thiol
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 4 (93)
were in a nylon (polyamide-6) pile-loop
form. The carpet is formed from three
layers, with the rst layer made of nylon
yarn, the second layer - polypropylene,
and the third layer was non-woven poly-
ester attached to the second layer with a
synthetic resin.
First, silver nano particle solutions of dif-
ferent concentration (50, 75, 100 ppm)
were prepared. The volumes of the solu-
tions were chosen based on the appropri-
ate concentration of nano silver in the
ppm scale; the primary concentration
was 80 ppm, selected within the range
50 - 100 ppm. Then nylon carpet samples
were cut to the size of 5 × 10 cm2.
Here a spraying method was used as be-
ing convenient for the application of an
antibacterial compound to the carpet due
to the latter’s construction. Thus 10 mL
of different percentages of silver nano
particle solution were sprayed on the sur-
face of the carpet, and then the samples
were put in an oven at 100 °C for 30 min
to 90 min. Then the samples treated were
cut to the small size of 0.5 × 1 cm2 and
prepared for antibacterial testing
The AATCC 100-2004 test method was
applied to evaluate bacterial reduction
via immersing the treated samples in
bacteria solution. The two main types of
bacteria, a Gram positive (Staphylococ-
cus aureus, AATCC 6538) and a Gram
negative (Escherichia coli, AATCC
11303), were prepared for testing. All
samples were tested in two cultured
bacteria based on the McFarland stand-
ard, 1.5 × 108 CFU/mL and 1 × 10-3
(0.5 McFarland). The sterile samples
prepared were immersed in 1 mL of an
appropriate dilution in a bacterium test
tube (according to the McFarland stand-
ard). The test tubes contained carpet and
bacteria solution and were transferred to
an incubator with a temperature of 37 °C
for 24 h. The tubes were then removed
from the incubator and the solution was
dripped onto a plate to assess antibac-
terial properties. From each test tube,
0.1 mL of bacterial suspension mixed
with melted trypticase soy agar (45 °C)
was cultured and placed in the incubator
at 37 °C for 24 h, and then the bacterial
colony was counted. The bacterial reduc-
tion was calculated with the use of Equa-
tion 1.
washed 1 to 10 times with 1% (w/v) de-
tergent solution at 60 °C for 20 min, and
nally the antibacterial characteristics
were obtained and compared.
Moreover the spectra absorbed were
measured with a Cary 300 UV-vis spec-
trophotometer to show the existence of
nano silver in the washing efuent.To
have a precise study of the treated carpet
surface and silver nano particles, scan-
ning electron microscopy (SEM: model
LEO 440i, England) at 300 - 30000 mag-
nication was used. Energy-dispersive
X-ray analysis (EDX) was also used to
conrm the presence of silver particles as
well [22].
n Results and discussion
By counting the number of bacteria in
the control and treated sample, the reduc-
tion in the bacterial percentage was de-
termined. The results of the reduction in
all concentrations with two bacteria are
reported in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 indi-
cates that the minimum dilution of silver
nano particle solution (50 ppm = 0.05%)
has a bacteriostatic property of 99.99%
in 1.9 × 104 CFU/mL of S. aureus bac-
terium, and by increasing the dilution up
to 100 ppm a 99.99% bacterial reduction
was obtained.
where C is the bacterial reduction ratio
in percentage CFU/ml, A the number of
bacterial colonies from untreated fabrics,
and B is the numbers of bacterial colo-
nies form treated fabrics.
Moreover the colour change was con-
siderably more prominent on the carpet
loaded with Ag-NPs in high dilution col-
loid. The colour changed from yellow to
brown, which occurs during an oxidation
reaction, being a common disadvantage
of Ag particles. This experiment attempt-
ed to nd an appropriate dilution not only
with an excellent antimicrobial property
but also one producing carpet without
yellowing. To assess colour changes in
the carpet, color indexes L*a*b* were
measured and reported. Also the colour
changes were reported based on the cal-
culation of ∆E (Equation 2).
)()()(Contrast bbaaLLEEE ++===
With regards to the importance of dura-
ble nishing treatment and exploring the
durability of silver on a product against
repeated washing, samples were standard
Table 1. Assessment of antibacterial nishes on nylon 6 carpet treated with nano silver after
one to ten washings with a dilution factor of 1×10-3 (0.5 McFarland).
Silver concentration, ppm
50 75 100
aureus, CFU/mL
Start 1.9×1041.9×104 1.9×104
After 24 h 0 6×1010 1×1010 0
Reduction % 99.99 99.69 99.99 99.95 99.99 99.99
Escherichia coli,
Start 1.9×1041.9×1041.9×104
After 24 h 1.9×1033.1×1031.1×1022.6×1022×1014.1×102
Reduction % 92.11 83.68 99.42 86.32 99.89 97.84
Figure 1. Colour changes of raw and treated carpets with different Ag-NPs concentrations.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 4 (93)
Lee and Jeong observed a bacteriostat-
ic of 99.99% against S. aureus and K.
pneumonia,while the concentrations of
the colloidal silver bath were 10, 20, and
30 ppm on nonwoven polyester fabrics
treated with 2 - 3 nm silver particles [23].
Table 1 (see page 97) shows the silver
not only preserved its durability after re-
peated washings but also its antibacterial
property. The durability of the antibacte-
rial property against S. aureus was more
than for E. coli. However, after 10 wash-
ings, the percentage of bacterial reduc-
tion decreased due to unabsorbed silver
nanoparticles on the surface of the bre,
which had been removed after primary
rinsing. The reduction percentages were
low in comparison with the increase in
concentration of nano silver but were
within the acceptable range of antibacte-
rial activity.
The highest antibacterial properties
against two different kinds of bacte-
ria were obtained at 1.9 × 104 CFU/mL
(lower bacteria) with 100 ppm of nano
silver. Table 1 (see page 97) indicates that
by decreasing the dilution of bacteria to
1.9 × 104 CFU/mL, an appropriate anti-
bacterial is obtained.
Using a colloidal solution of nano silver
with a 50 - 100 ppm concentration pro-
duced the best antibacterial properties
without any signicant changes in colour.
Figure 1 (see page 97) presents the col-
our produced on the samples treated with
different concentrations, and Figure 2
shows the colour changes based on ∆E.
Furthermore, to conrm the presence of
silver nanoparticles in the efuent and
its durability during repeated washings,
UV-vis spectroscopy was employed. The
curves indicate that there is a peak at
around 300 nm for nano silver solution,
whereas there is no peak to conrm the
presence of nano silver in the efuent.
The results are shown in Figure 3.
SEM images and EDX analyses obtained
from the samples conrmed the presence
of silver on the surface of the carpet.
SEM images of the nanoparticles are il-
lustrated in Figure 4. In all SEM images,
Ag-NPs showed in white colours after 10
repeated washings, conrming reasona-
ble durability for antibacterial properties.
The EDX patterns indicated a small peak
related to Ag, due to the very low silver
concentration (100 ppm) (Figure 5).
According to the results presented in
Table 2, Ag-NPs showed very good an-
tibacterial properties even at a very low
concentration in relation to the maximum
bacteria dilution 1.5 × 108 (0.5 McFar-
The bacterial reduction of carpets with
75, 100 ppm of Ag-NPs against S. aureus
was about 98% after the rst washing due
to the high durability of the silver nano-
particle solutions. The resistance of nano
silver gradually decreased particularly
against S. aureus, showing very low re-
sistance after ten washings. There is also
a slight difference by increasing the dilu-
tion from 50 to 100.
E. coli was more resistant than S. aureus
against the antibacterial compound after
10 washings; however, by increasing the
silver concentration from 50 ppm to 100
ppm, the antibacterial property was about
79.25% after 10 washings.
The aim of this study was to provide
strict conditions on a product to deter-
mine the maximum viability of silver na-
noparticles against two kinds of bacteria.
Figures 6 and 7 (see page 100) show the
number of bacterial colonies in the con-
Figure 2. ∆E alteration for different carpets treated with various Ag-NPs concentrations.
Nano silver solution
Remaining washing bath
after 1 to 10 washings
200 300 400 500 600
Wavelength, nm
Figure 3. UV–vis spectrum of the silver nanoparticle solution and remaining washing bath
after 1 to 10 washings.
Table 2. Antibacterial properties of carpets treated with nano silver after one and ten wash-
ings against different bacterium with 0.5 McFarland.
Silver concentration, ppm
50 75 100
aureus, CFU/mL
Start 6.5×1056.5×1056.5×105
After 24 h 2.2×1047.9×1041.5×1041.8×1043.8×1023.8×103
Reduction % 96.62 87.85 97.69 97.23 99.94 99.42
Escherichia coli,
Start 5.3×1055.3×1055.3×105
After 24 h 2.2×1052.7×1053.4×1041.9×105<10 1.1×105
Reduction % 58.49 49.06 93.58 64.15 99.99 79.25
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 4 (93)
trol and treated samples after 10 wash-
ings against both bacteria.
Zheng et al. reported that silver treated
cotton fabrics showed an excellent and
durable antibacterial effect against both
S. aureus and E. coli with over 98.77%
bacterial reduction even after 20 consec-
utive home launderings [24]. Vesna
indicated that cotton fabrics loaded with
silver nanoparticles from 10 ppm and
50 ppm colloid exhibit excellent antibac-
terial activity against E. coli, S. aureus
and C. albicans. On the other hand, in an-
other research it was reported that cotton
fabrics loaded with silver nanoparticles
with 10 ppm colloid showed poor laun-
dering durability. However, the desirable
antibacterial efciency of cotton fabrics
loaded with silver nanoparticles from
50 ppm colloid was preserved after ve
washings [25]. Jantas indicated that anti-
bacterial textile showed an excellent an-
tibacterial effect against E. coli and could
withstand 50 washings [26].
Suk-Woo Park et al. revealed that nylon
6/silver possessed excellent antibacte-
rial properties and an inhibitory effect
on the growth of S. aureus and K. pneu-
moniae [27].
In the present study, the most suscepti-
ble bacteria were S. aureus and E. coli .
Tests performed on carpets indicated that
the antibacterial properties were greater
a) b) c)
d) e) f)
Figure 4. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of nylon 6 bres at different magnications in 100 ppm nano silver: a) without washing
(500×), b) without washing (30000×), c) after one washing (500×), d) after one washing (30000×), e) after ten washings (500×), f) after
ten washings (30000×).
a) b)
Figure 5. a) EDX patterns of a) raw sample b) sample treated with 100 ppm nano silver
after 10 washings.
against the Gram negative (E. coli) than
with the Gram positive (S. aureus). In
general, Gram positive bacteria appeared
to be more tolerant to silver than Gram
negative cells. It has previously been
reported that Gram positive bacteria are
less susceptible to the antibacterial activ-
ity of silver. This resistance may be at-
tributed to Gram negative bacteria with
complicated cell walls. The cell wall of
Gram negative consists of lipids, proteins
and lipopolysaccharides (LPS), provid-
ing effective protection against biocides,
whereas Gram positive is without LPS.
On the other hand, Gram positive has a
simple cell wall structure in which the
cytoplasm membrane has a rigid pepti-
doglycan layer composed of networks
with plenty of pores, which allow foreign
molecules to enter the cell without any
difculty [28-30].
Our intention in this work was to assem-
ble silver nanoparticles on carpets using
a simple method applicable in industry in
terms of safety and with the least impact
on the environment. Nylon was chosen as
a biodegradable and biocompatible poly-
mer, widely used in many industrial elds
due to its low cost, superior bre form-
ing ability (resiliency), good mechanical
strength, and strong chemical and thermal
n Conclusions
The purpose of this paper was to nd an
easy way to apply nano size silver colloi-
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 4 (93)
dal solution on carpet to obtain an anti-
bacterial effect without colour changes.
Utilising nano silver solution to remove
bacteria, due to its economical consump-
tion and competent performance of its
applications, is widely employed in com-
parison with other nishing agents. By
controlling the activity of the pathogenic
factor, this technology is important for
everyday applications. Therefore it has
become preferred to other improvement
and manufacturing methods because of
its high efciency, applicability, envi-
ronmental compatibility and durability
. With regard to the operations carried
out on nylon carpet with very low rate
of nano silver (50-100 ppm), the high-
est degree of removing bacterial against
the most common bacteria was achieved
without signicant colour change. In
addition, the spraying method could be
applied to the last stage of nishing on
the carpets or even used domestically by
spraying during usage. UV-vis spectra
conrmed that there is no silver in wash-
ing efuent. This high aspect ratio of the
antibacterial property on carpet without
any side effects of silver on the environ-
ment suggests potential application in
other textile areas.
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a) b)
a) b)
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Technical University of Lodz
Faculty of Material Technologies
and Textile Design
of Material and Commodity Sciences
and Textile Metrology
Activity prole: The Department conducts scientic research and educa-
tional activities in a wide range of elds:
n Material science and textile metrology
n Structure and technology of nonwovens
n Structure and technology of yarns
n The physics of bres
n Surface engineering of polymer materials
n Product innovations
n Commodity science and textile marketing
Fields of cooperation: innovative technologies for producing nonwo-
vens, yarns and lms, including nanotechnologies, composites, bioma-
terials and personal protection products, including sensory textronic sys-
tems, humanoecology, biodegradable textiles, analysis of product innova-
tion markets, including aspects concerning corporate social responsibil-
ity (CSR), intellectual capital, and electronic commerce.
Research offer: A wide range of research services is provided for the
needs of analyses, expert reports, seeking innovative solutions and prod-
ucts, as well as consultation on the following areas: textile metrology,
the physics of bres, nonwovens, brous composites, the structure and
technology of yarns, marketing strategies and market research. A high
quality of the services provided is guaranteed by gathering a team of
specialists in the elds mentioned, as well as by the wide range of re-
search laboratories equipped with modern, high-tech, and often unique
research equipment. Special attention should be paid to the unique, on
a European scale, laboratory, which is able to research the biophysical
properties of textile products, ranging from medtextiles and to clothing,
especially items of special use and personal protection equipment. The
laboratory is equipped with normalised measurement stations for estimat-
ing the physiological comfort generated by textiles: a model of skin and
a moving thermal manikin with the options of ‘sweating’ and ‘breathing’.
Moreover, the laboratory also has two systems for estimating sensory
comfort – the Kawabata Evaluation System (KES) and FAST.
Educational prole: Educational activity is directed by educating engi-
neers, technologists, production managers, specialists in creating inno-
vative textile products and introducing them to the market, specialists in
quality control and estimation, as well as specialists in procurement and
marketing. The graduates of our specialisations nd employment in many
textile and clothing companies in Poland and abroad. The interdisciplinary
character of the Department allows to gain an extraordinarily comprehen-
sive education, necessary for the following:
n Independent management of a business;
n Working in the public sector, for example in departments of control
and government administration, departments of self-government
administration, non-government institutions and customs services;
n Professional development in R&D units, scientic centres and labo-
For more information please contact:
Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology
Technical Universiy of Lodz
ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
tel.: (48) 42-631-33-17 e-mail: web site:
... Nanopartikel perak memiliki sifat atibakteri sehingga banyak sekali digunakan pada peralatan seperti cat, perban, kosmetik, plastik dan masih banyak lagi. Sifat anti bakteri yang dimiliki oleh nanopartikel perak dapat di pengaruhi oleh ukuran partikelnya, dimana semakin kecil ukuran nanopartikel perak, maka semakin besar pula efek antibakterinya [6] hal ini dapat meningkatkan kontak pada bakteri atau jamur, dan juga dapat meningkatkan efektivitas bakterisida dan fungisida [14]. Keterbaruan pada penelitian ini yaitu terdapat adanya penambahan pva yang di campurkan ketika proses sintesis nanopartikel perak dengan berbagai konsentrasi yang mana polivinil alkohol (pva) berfungsi sebagai stabilizer. ...
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Areca nut or Areca catechu L is a plant that has many benefits, one of which is that it can be used as medicine. There are secondary metabolite compounds in betel nut. The presence of this secondary metabolite content makes the betel nut skin a high potential as a bioreductant to synthesize silver nanoparticles as an antibacterial. The process of synthesizing silver nanoparticles is carried out with the addition of a stabilizer in the form of Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The analysis results obtained using the UV-Vis instrument have wavelengths with variations in the addition of 1%, 3% and 5% PVA, respectively, are 448 nm, 456 nm and 460 nm. In the results of the analysis using XRD, the value of 2θ is silver nanoparticles (PVA 1%): 38,020; 43,930 ; 64,320 ; 77,270. silver nanoparticles (PVA 3%): 38,230; 44,270 ; 64,610 ; 77,500. And silver nanoparticles (PVA 5%) are 38,100 ; 44,240 ; 64,460 ; 77,370. For analysis using SEM, the particle size obtained with the help of the Imegej and OriginLab 8.5 applications, namely at AgNPS + PVA 1% is 28 nm - 31 nm. Agnps + PVA 3% ranged from 26 nm – 29 nm. And Agnps + PVA 5% has a size of 19 nm – 22 nm. For the results of FTIR data, the specific absorption peaks of Ag nanoparticles are located at frequencies of 412.23 cm-1, 453.57 cm-1, and 476.84 cm-1. Then in the antibacterial test, silver nanoparticles were used with the addition of 5% PVA. The size of the clear zone obtained in the test for E. coli bacteria is 11.2 mm and for S. Aureus it is 13 mm.
... The AgNP-coated silk fibers and nylon fibers showed an 80% and 50% reduction of S. aureus, respectively (Dubas et al., 2006). Similarly, AgNP-treated nylon carpets showed excellent antimicrobial potential with a 99.42% reduction in S. aureus and a 79.25% reduction in E. coli (Montazer et al., 2012). Moreover, Alonso et al. (2009) reported a significant reduction in the growth of E. coli and Penicillium chrysogenum by using chitosan cross-linked cellulose fibers as compared to using raw cellulose fibers. ...
Natural biopolymers (like starch, cellulose, chitosan, carrageenan, gelatin, alginates, and their derivatives) are attractive alternatives to nonbiodegradable petroleum-based plastics. Biopolymers are ideal materials for making films due to their abundance, renewability, cost-effectiveness, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. Non-conventional sources (like bacterial or fungal cellular components, soy protein, and fish skin gelatin) are continuously being explored for the isolation of biopolymers in order to synthesize nanofilms by incorporating exotic nanostructures. With the advancement of the field of nanotechnology, various smart bioactive nanomaterials are being fabricated with high microbicidal potential that can be effectively impregnated in a biopolymeric matrix to develop nanocomposite coatings with antibiofilm properties. In order to understand the rational fabrication of nanoparticle-embedded biopolymeric films, we present a detailed description of various biopolymers that exhibit antibiofilm activity, various approaches for chemical modification, and strategies for the incorporation of nanostructures to ensure the prevention of microbial biofilms. These smart polymeric films may act as surfaces that not only kill bacteria but that also limit their adhesion and interaction with surfaces. Further, we speculate various passive and active mechanisms behind the inhibition and disruption of biofilms using nanoparticle-polymer composite films. Finally, we propose applications and future directions of biofilm-resistant innovative films. This chapter provides an elaborate account of the recent advances and updated accomplishments of nanoparticle-impregnated biopolymeric films to combat microbial biofilms, thus inspiring innovations for cutting-edge research and development in this area.
... These results were broadly in line with other previous research reports. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] The L à , a à , b à values and the color changes (DE) of all the investigated fabrics treated with AgNPs in comparison to the blank samples are presented in Table 4. It was noticed that, the values for (L à ) (a à ), and (b à ) for wool/PET and PET finished fabrics samples with AgNPs were greater than those of the blank samples. ...
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ABSTRACT Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have unique properties and a large range of applications. Biosynthesis of stable AgNPs using the extracellular filtrate of Bacillus subtilis was proved by the characteristic surface plasmon resonance at about 420–430 nm. They were polycrystalline with spherical, hexagonal, and irregular shapes and they were negatively charged (–40 mV) with an average diameter of 20 nm. FTIR spectrum confirmed the presence of protein molecules coating AgNPs. The optimum conditions for the synthesis of tested AgNPs were 1:6 filtrate dilution, 1 mM AgNO3, pH 7, 30 �C , 48 h contact time under static and illuminating conditions. The synthesized AgNPs showed antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, and Salmonella typhi, antifungal activity against Candida albicans and antiviral activity against rotavirus. Also, they showed potent cytotoxic effects on lung and hepatic carcinoma human cell lines. Meanwhile, the acute toxicity study against mice showed no significant changes in hematological, biochemical, and histological parameters of AgNPs treated mice. They also showed mild hepatoprotective effect in thioacetamide (TAA) - induced hepatic fibrosis in rats. AgNPs treated textiles fabrics showed high antimicrobial activities against different pathogenic microorganisms as well as UV protection adequacy.
... Nylons are a group of aliphatic polyamides that consist of polyethylene segments (CH 2 ) n separated by peptide units (NH-CO). Nylon polymers are some of the most commercially important thermoplastic materials, mostly used as yarns and films of different levels of thickness and crystallinity as well as different degrees of orientation in textiles and numerous other technical applications [1][2][3][4][5]. These fibres have excellent properties, such as stiffness, toughness, lubricity, fatigue, resistance to abrasion, and a degree of crystallinity, which can be controlled over a wide range. ...
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The aim of the research was the solvent-based impregnation of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) withThe present work developed a new and simple method for producing engineered nylon yarns by two-step coating. The nylon yarns were first immersed in a solution containing a silane coupling agent (3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane) to improve the adhesion properties. Then the modified samples were heat-treated in a solution containing cupric nitrate, hydroxy-lamine sulfate, and sodium pyrosulfite. Microstructural imaging of the coated surfaces shows a homogeneously formed coating layer without any microscopic cracks or discontinuity in the sample surface. Results showed that this two-step coating can produce nylon yarns with good electrical conductivity and anti-microbial properties. The coated samples displayed very good light fastness and washing fastness to multiple washes in terms of electrical conductivity changes and anti-microbial activity.
... The antimicrobial ability of silver can kill all pathogenic microorganism and there has not been any report of microbes which is resistant to silver (Ariyanta et al., 2014). Silver nanoparticles have wider surface allowing it improving its contact to bacterial or fungus and able to improve the effectiveness as bactericides and fungicides (Montazer et al., 2012). The silver nanoparticle is slowly able to release silver ion which can break the RNA and DNA of bacterial making them unable to replicate (Blaker et al., 2004). ...
The synthesis of silver nanoparticles with micro size is highly required in antibacterial fields. The biorefinery material is highly potential as a bioreductor which is applied in the synthesis of nanoparticles. The bioreductor is made from green tea leaves extraction using aquadest to extract its active substance, the catechin which is derived from polyphenol. The polyphenol can reduce the synthesis of silver nanoparticles naturally. The result of FTIR analysis from green tea leaves extract containing polyphenol shown in the uptake functional groups is -OH group located in 3425 cm-1, C=O group located in 1635 cm-1, C=C group located in 1527, and 1442 cm-1 , and C-O group located in 1234 cm-1. The precursors of AgNO3 was used as the main synthetic material. The synthetic condition was resulted from the reaction between the extraction of green tea extract and AgNO3 as the precursors in the variation of synthetizing time. The heating process during synthesizing is done in 50 ?C along with stirring to foster the creation of silver nanoparticles. The analysis result of XRD shows that silver nanoparticles has the diffraction peaks in the angle of 2 theta that are 44.08, 64.40, and 77.51. The types of silver nanoparticles is Ag0 nanoparticles with face-centered cubic crystal structure. Based on TEM analysis, the size and particle size distribution can be determined using image J. The distribution shows that the longer synthesizing time, the bigger nanoparticles produced. With synthesizing times at 24 hours, 6 hours, 3 hours, and 2 hours produce average particle size of 26.4 nm; 9.2 nm; 8.4 nm; and 7.4 nm respectively.
... Semakin kecil ukuran nano partikel perak semakin besar efek antibakterinya (Guzman et al. 2009). Jika ukuran partikel semakin kecil, luas permukaan nanopartikel perak semakin besar, sehingga meningkatkan kontak dengan bakteri (Montazer et al. 2012). Aplikasi in ovo silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) dapat meningkatkan sel timus dan sel bursa sebagai respon imun, bobot telur, dan anak ayam pasca menetas (Goel et al. 2017). ...
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The purpose this study was evaluate the utilization of nanoparticles silver (AgNPs) on performance and ammonia concentration in broiler excreta. This study used a factorial completely randomized design with 3x2 treatments and 4 replicates. First factor (AgNPs at drinking water) was P1 = 0 ppm, P2 = 2 ppm, and P3 = 3 ppm and the second factor Q (AgNPs by misty) was Q1 = 0 ppm and Q2 = 4 ppm. The variables measured were excreta ammonia content, feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality, temperature and relative humidity. The results showed that there was no interaction between AgNPs in drinking water and AgNPs in its mist form on ammonia content. AgNPs 4 ppm by misty also affected reduce FCR and body weight gain at week 3, also increased FCR at fourth week. AgNPs in drinking water affected (P < 0.05) amonia content. AgNPs 2 ppm in drinking water reduce until 11% amonia content. AgNPs by misty also reduced (P< 0.05) amonia content. AgNPs 0 ppm and 4 ppm by misty not created comfort temperature and relative humidity for broiler chicks. It is concluded that the addition of silver nanoparticles reduce excreta ammonia levels of broiler chickens.
... Silver nanoparticles have antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties that can be used for faster wound healing. Silver nanoparticles can affect cell metabolism and inhibit cell growth when the silver nanoparticles are in contact with bacteria, thus preventing the occurrence of protein synthesis which causes a decrease in membrane permeability which ultimately leads to cell death (Hajimirzababa et al., 2012). ...
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The Green Synthesis method is widely developed due to its environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and easy application for nanoparticle-scale synthesis. Among all metal nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles are the most utilized products in the field of nanotechnology. Biomolecules contained in plant extracts can reduce the size of silver particles to nano size. This study aims to determine the antibacterial properties and activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized with the ethanol extract of mahkota dewa leaves. The formation of silver nanoparticles is monitored with UV-Vis absorption and its change in color. Parameters evaluated are shape, size, particle size distribution, composition, metal residue, and a functional group of nanoparticles, using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) instrument. The research on UV-Vis color and absorption show black silver color with the wavelength of 450-465nm. The characterization result shows spherical-shaped silver nanoparticle. Furthermore, PDI best value on concentration of 0.125% is 0,221±0,0482 with average particle size of 130,300±12,6858 nm. The diffraction pattern of silver nanoparticle with XRD test indicates that the nanoparticles contain the silver component. Antibacterial activity test shows that silver nanoparticles have a greater inhibition zone than AgNO3, and 0.125% ethanol extract of mahkota dewa leaves against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the ethanol extract from mahkota dewa leaves can be used as a bioreductor agent to produce silver nanoparticles which have greater antimicrobial activity compared to Ag and ethanol extract from mahkota dewa leaves.
... Silver nanoparticles-treated structure of textile materials [145] were used for antimicrobal activities protected clothing. The authors reported that the silver nanoparticles coated nylon fibers used in making of floor coverings/carpets that helps to secure them against bad odors and the growth of pathogenic microorganisms [146]. ...
Since nanosilver particles exhibit a high application potential, the development of new, environmentally friendly methods of obtaining them has become extremely beneficial (“green chemistry”). Stable suspensions of nanoparticles have been obtained using synthetic chemicals whose physicochemical properties allow them to be used for the simultaneous reduction of metal ions and stabilization of silver nanoparticles (shikimic acid, tannic, sodium salicylate, sodium potassium tartrate). In order to determine the biomedical application potential the characterization of physicochemical properties of produced silver nanoparticles has been done. UV-Vis spectrophotometry, the method of dynamic light scattering, SEM, and AFM microscopy have been used. Thanks to determining the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum biocidal concentration against selected, representative strains of bacteria and fungi, the bacteriostatic and biocide properties of nanoparticles have been specified. Among the tested silver nanoparticle suspensions there are solutions exhibiting bactericidal, bacteriostatic, and fungistatic effect. They can be used in these areas where the above-listed properties are desired and expected. The obtained products can be an alternative to previously used antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, and preservatives.
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In order to give antimicrobial properties to textiles, silver is more and more often used because of its wide spectrum of activity. Silver can be incorporated into textiles with the use of different methods: in the production process of chemical fibres or in the final product through its chemical modification. In this paper, a new method based on the precipitation of metallic silver on a textile surface as a result of the photochemical reaction of deposited compounds is shown. The results obtained for modified textiles using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-Vis spectroscopy and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) confirmed the presence of metallic silver on the textile surface. The size of metallic silver particles precipitated on the product surface modified was determined using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The results of microbiological tests (diffusion agar test) confirmed the effectiveness of the method elaborated with respect to microbiological resistance against a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi. The simplicity of the method elaborated and the possibility of its application in textile plants equipped with a standard finishing device are emphasised.
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The main purpose of this work is to enhance the flame resistance and antibacterial properties of cotton fabric via treatment with carbamoylguanidine phosphate using the pad-dry technique followed by after treatment with some transition metal chlorides. The effects of pH, curing conditions, and carbamoylguanidine phosphate on the extent of modification are evaluated. Analyses of the data reveal that: I. the limiting oxygen index of the treated fabric samples follows a decreasing order: carbamoylguanidine phosphate-Al complex4carbamoylguanidine phosphate4carbamoylguanidine phosphate-Ni complex4carbamoylguanidine phosphate-Cu complex, II. antibacterial properties of the treated cotton fabric samples follow a decreasing order: carbamoylguanidine phosphate-Cu complex4carbamoylguanidine phosphate-Ni complex4carbamoylguanidine phosphate-Al complex4carbamoylguanidine phosphate, and III. such finished fabrics show high durability to washing.
This research deals with the bacteriostasis and the skin-innoxiousness of a nanosize silver colloidal solution used as an agent for the antibacterial treatment of textile fabrics. We placed nanosize silver colloidal solutions and the textile fabrics treated with the same solutions on germ-containing agar plates, respectively, and calculated the bacterial reduction after certain contact times to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of nanosilver in colloidal solutions and textile fabrics. The antibacterial treatment of textile fabrics was easily achieved by using nanosize silver colloidal solution. The result of skin-irritation testing of a nanosilver colloidal solution showed the skin-innoxiousness of nanosilver to animals. The TEM observation of silver nanoparticles showed their shape and size distribution. The SEM image of the treated fabric indicated silver nanoparticles were well dispersed on the fabric surface.
A novel perfluoroalkyl-containing quaternary ammonium salt 5 was designed and synthesized. Consequently, the antimicrobial activities of compound 5 were measured with Escherichia coli 8099 as a Gram-negative strain and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 as a Gram-positive strain. Both the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC, the lowest concentration of compound 5 that inhibits microbial growth) values of quaternary ammonium salt 5 against Escherichia coli 8099 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 were 7.8 μg/ml.
Antibacterial properties have been given to the surface of a cotton fabric by a two-stage process of chemical modification. First, the fabric was treated with chloroacetyl chloride in THF using pyridine as a catalyst to incorporate chloroacetate groups. During the second stage, the chloroacetylated cotton was reacted with a potassium salt of a bioactive 1- naphthylacetic acid to prepare a cellulose-1-naphthylacetic acid adduct. The results of the FTIR ATR spectra confirmed the existence of a chemical linkage between 1-naphtylacetic acid and the cellulose chains. As a result of this modification, the cotton fabric surface becomes hydrophobic, and the fabric thermal stability is decreased. The hydrolysis in the heterogenous phase of adducts showed that the release of the bioactive compound is dependent on the pH values of the medium. An analysis of the antibacterial activity of one of the obtained adducts towards Escherichia coli was also performed.
Antimicrobial crosslinked polystyrene nanospheres with controlled release characteristics were produced via a mini-emulsion polymerization technique and characterized by SEM and dynamic light scattering. Depending on the composition and the amount of the surfactant added, this method produced distinct nanosized (35–200 nm) beads. Uniform films of selected nanobeads that incorporated polypropylene were subsequently uniaxially drawn. The release profile of the antimicrobial agent was correlated with the induced molecular orientation of the polymer matrix revealed by polarized Raman spectroscopy.
To prepare bactericide textiles, TiO2 has been added in the form of colloid, powder or a combination of both and the TiO2 modified textiles subsequently cured at temperatures adapted to their specific heat resistance. The bactericide textile is activated and Ag is deposited on the activated cotton or polyester to induce oxygen functionalities containing diverse polar groups. These polar groups increase the bondability of TiO2 and Ag with the textile surface. These functionalities generated in the presence of O2 by RF-plasma (Radio-frequency plasma) and Vacuum-UV led to an increased adhesion of the TiO2 and Ag on the textiles. Recent findings comprising surface chemistry, photochemistry and microbiology of the bactericide textiles are presented in detail.
The aim of this study was to examine the antimicrobial efficiency and color changes of cotton fabrics loaded with colloidal silver nanoparticles which were synthesized without using any stabilizer. The influence of colloidal concentration and consequently, the amount of silver deposited onto the fabric surface, on antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli, Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and fungus Candida albicans as well as laundering durability of obtained effects were studied. Although cotton fabrics loaded with silver nanoparticles from 10 ppm colloid exhibited good antimicrobial efficiency, their poor laundering durability indicated that higher concentrated colloids (50 ppm) must be applied for obtaining long-term durability. Additionally, the influence of dyeing with C.I. Direct Red 81 on antimicrobial activity of cotton fabrics loaded with silver nanoparticles as well as the influence of their presence on the color change of dyed fabrics were evaluated. Unlike color change, the antimicrobial efficiency was not affected by the order of dyeing and loading of silver nanoparticles.
Silver nanoparticles were prepared from a polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/N,N-dimethylformamide solution of silver nitrate (0.05–0.5 wt %) with light treatment (xenon arc) to reduce Ag+ ions into Ag0. The formation of silver nanoparticles in the PAN solution and the effect of treatment time on the numbers of silver nanoparticles, their average diameter and size distribution were investigated by UV–visible spectroscopy. In addition, the average size of silver nanoparticles and their shapes in colloidal solution were determined by transmission electron microscopy images and found to be on the order of 10 nm. The resulting solution was electrospun into PAN nanofibers. An increase in the salt concentration led to decreases in the nanofiber diameter and bead numbers (determined by scanning electron microscopy images) and an increase in the crystallinity (confirmed by X-ray diffraction patterns). A continuous rate of silver release from the nanofiber web was monitored by the atomic absorption technique. These nanofibers showed strong antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2010
The ammonium persulfate induced polymerization of acrylamide in the presence of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide as a crosslinking agent were used to prepare crosslinked hydrogels containing silver ions. Subjecting this hydrogel to reduction with sodium hydroxide brought to focus the nanosilver hydrogel composites. Characterization of the latter, including proof of existence of silver nanoparticles in the hydrogel, was made. The number of silver nanoparticles embedded in the hydrogel matrix was higher at higher concentration of AgNO3 used in the preparation of the nanosilver hydrogel composite. The characterization was performed by the use of ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The swellability of the hydrogel containing nanosilver particles was also studied, and the dependence of the swellability on the abundance of silver nanoparticles in the hydrogel composite was verified. It was further disclosed that the kinetic model matched the experimental data; meanwhile, the diffusion of water into the hydrogel was non-Fickian type. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2010