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8 th International Strategic Management Conference The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty a b , a a b Yalova University, Abstract Building and maintaining brand loyalty are one of the central themes of research for marketers for a very long time. Marketers have utilized various means to maintain the brand loyalty of their customers. One of the recent means is the social media marketing. The aim of this study is to identify the effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty of the consumers, given that the concept is receiving increasing attention from marketing academia and practitioners. The scope of the study consists of customers who follow at least one brand on the social media in Turkey and the data were collected through the administration of a structured questionnaire with a sample of 338 people and tested via stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that brand loyalty of the customers is positively affected when the brand (1) offers advantageous campaigns, (2) offers relevant content, (3) offers popular contents, (4) appears on various platforms and offers applications on social media; were used by using SPSS 17.0 version. Customers prefer to share music, technological-related, and funny contents on social media platforms. Based on our results, this study can be considered as a pioneer in this new area of marketing, and propose several tactics for the practitioners.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic Management Conference
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.1119
8th International Strategic Management Conference
The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty
a b, a
bYalova University, Safran Campus, Yalova 77100, Turkey
Building and maintaining brand loyalty are one of the central themes of research for marketers for a very long time.
Marketers have utilized various means to maintain the brand loyalty of their customers. One of the recent means is
the social media marketing. The aim of this study is to identify the effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty
of the consumers, given that the concept is receiving increasing attention from marketing academia and practitioners.
The scope of the study consists of customers who follow at least one brand on the social media in Turkey and the data
were collected through the administration of a structured questionnaire with a sample of 338 people and tested via
stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that brand loyalty of the customers is
positively affected when the brand (1) offers advantageous campaigns, (2) offers relevant content, (3) offers popular
contents, (4) appears on various platforms and offers applications on social media; were used by using SPSS 17.0
version. Customers prefer to share music, technological-related, and funny contents on social media platforms. Based
on our results, this study can be considered as a pioneer in this new area of marketing, and propose several tactics for
the practitioners.
Keywords: social media marketing; brand loyalty; content; promotion
2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of The 8th
International Strategic Management Conference
Corresponding author. Tel. + 90-216-336-5273 fax. +90-216-345-8629
Email address:
Available online at
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic
Management Conference
1354 rem Eren Erdo mu and Mesut Çiçek / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
1. Introduction:
Building and maintaining brand loyalty are one of the central themes of research for marketers for a
very long time (i.e, Oliver, 1997; Chaudhuri and Halbrook, 2001; Bennett and Rundle-Thiele, 2002).
Brand loyalty can be conceptualized as the final dimension of consumer brand resonance symbolizing the
with a brand (Keller, 2008). As brands gain
exclusive, positive, and prominent meaning in the minds of a large number of consumers, they become
irresistible and irreplaceable, and win the loyalty of the consumers. Brand loyalty, in return, brings sales
revenues, market share, profitability to the firms, and help them grow or at least maintain themselves in
the marketplace (Keller, 2008; Aaker, 1991, Kapferer, 1997).
Marketers have utilized various means to maintain the brand loyalty of their customers, including brand
elements, classical marketing mix variables, and new methods of marketing such as events, sponsorships,
one-to-one marketing activities, Internet marketing and social media marketing (Keller, 2008; Kotler and
Keller, 2007). The aim of this paper is to focus on the latter mean of building brand loyalty, social media
marketing, defined as the process that empowers individuals to promote their websites, products, or
services through online social channels and tap into a much larger community that may not have been
available via traditional channels (Weinberg, 2009, p:3). More specifically, the paper tries to identify the
effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty of the consumers, given that the concept is receiving
increasing attention from marketing academia and practitioners (Zarella, 2010; Kaplan and Haenlein,
2009; McKee, 2010; Coon, 2010) .
The context of the research is chosen as Turkey, since the country has reached a 41.6% Internet
penetration rate with approximately 30 million people using it (TUIK, 2010). The country is ranked 12th
among the rest of countries in the world in terms of the Internet usage. Additionally, according to the
average hours of the Internet usage per visitor per month statistics among the countries throughout the
world, Turkey has the 5th place with an average of 33.9 hours (Read, 2010). Surprisingly, the Turkish
people spend more hours on the Internet than do the inhabitants of most of the developed countries such
(2010) it is seen
that the Internet was used most of the time for sending and receiving e-mails with a percentage of 72.4 %,
reading online news and newspapers (70%), and real time communication with others (57,8%). In terms
of social media usage, it is seen that Facebook is the most commonly used social media site in Turkey,
followed by Twitter, Stumbleupon, Youtube and FriendFeed (STATCOUNTER, 2011; Google Trends,
2011). Facebook exerts a 90% penetration among the Internet users in Turkey, who is ranked the 5th
among all the countries in the world based on the number of Facebook users. Although there are some
slight changes, social media usage statistics and habits in Turkey are very similar to the rest of the
countries where social media is actively used (Belleghem, 2011; Online Marketing Trends, 2012;
SocialBakers, 2012). Given these statistics and information, Turkey provides a valid platform to study
social media and come up with generalizable results.
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Building
Safko and Brake (2009, s.6)
communities of people who gather online to share information, knowledge, and opinions using
conversationa social media are the tools used for communication
rem Eren Erdo mu and Mesut Çiçek / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
that have Web 2.0 attributes that is, they are participatory, collaborative, have knowledge sharing and
user-empowering tools available on the Web. As an effective use of time and resources, social media
marketing give companies better communication grounds with the consumers to build brand loyalty
beyond traditional methods (Jackson, 2011; Akhtar, 2011). A study by Info-graphics puts forward that at
least half of Twitter and Facebook users say they have become more likely to talk about, recommend or
purchase a company's products after they began engaged with the company on social media (Jackson,
2011). Businesses can promote products and services, provide instant support, and/or create an online
community of brand enthusiasts through all forms of social media such as social networking sites, content
communities, virtual worlds, blogs, microblogging sites, online gaming sites, social bookmarking, news
sites, forums and more (Zarella, 2010; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2009; Weinberg, 2009). Additionally, social
media enables consumers to share information with their peers about the product and service brands
(Stileman, 2009; Mangold and Foulds, 2009). These conversations between the peers provide companies
another cost effective way to increase brand awareness, boost brand recognition and recall, and increase
brand loyalty (Gunelius, 2011). Thus, it can be said that social media helps firms to build brand loyalty
through networking, conversation, and community building (McKee, 2010).
Social media marketing is different than traditional methods of marketing; therefore, it requires special
attention and strategy building to achieve brand image and loyalty. Social media marketing is related to
the consumers (Gordhamer, 2009). Companies al
objectives in a very short period of time (Coon, 2010). Social media marketing is also more sincere in its
communication with the consumers, trying to show what the brand is rather than trying to control its
and available in every social media communication channel such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums at
any time (Gordhamer, 2009).
Staying competitive in today's fast moving business landscape requires a solid social media strategy.
Companies hire social media experts and consultants to decide on content and characteristics of their
offers and activities in social media environments so that the hearts and minds of the consumers are
captured and brand loyalty follows (Coon, 2010). Within this perspective, the aim of this paper is to shed
light on consumer perspective on the social media effects on brand loyalty so that implications can be
drawn for firms to compose effective social media marketing activities for their brands. Research by
eMarketer has shown that consumers go to social media sites to keep up with a brand's products and
promotional campaigns (Mangold and Foulds, 2009; Leggat, 2010). For example, Pepsi and Coca-Cola
both applied online customer loyalty programs to engage customers by offering special promotions, free
(Mangold and Foulds, 2009). Additionally, customers view social media
sites as a service channel, where they can engage on real-time bases with the businesses (Leggat, 2010).
However, consumers prefer to see updated content on social media. Thus, Google has changed the
algorithm of their search system to enable customers to see the updated content first (Freidman, 2011).
Customers who are exposed to plenty of brand messages on social media platforms filter out the content
that is not relevant to them (Brito, 2011). Therefore, providing relevant and updated content is one of the
most crucial strategies to manage a brand on social media successfully. Popularity of the social media
platform and the content among friends is another important reason for the customers to be engaged with
brands on social media. Since there are plenty of social media platforms and it is impossible to involve in
1356 rem Eren Erdo mu and Mesut Çiçek / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
all of them, marketers should analyze their target audience and decide to participate in the most effective
platforms to communicate with them. In addition, providing mobile applications allow customers to
engage with the brand everyday and create brand loyalty (Kim and Adler, 2011). Thus;
H1: Brand loyalty of the customers is positively affected when the brand offers advantageous
campaigns on social media.
H2: Brand loyalty of the customers is positively affected when the brand offers relevant contents on
social media.
H3: Brand loyalty of the customers is positively affected when the brand frequently updates its
contents on social media.
H4: Brand loyalty of the customers is positively affected when the brand offers contents that are
popular among the friends on social media.
H5: Brand loyalty of the customers is positively affected when the brand appears on various platforms
and offers applications on social media.
3. Data Collection and Methodology
Data was collected through the administration of a structured questionnaire with a sample of 338
people who were social media users, and followed at least a brand on social media platforms. Two filter
questions were employed to make sure that the respondents qualified to be included in the research. One
question asked whether the respondent was using social media more than once in a week. Another
question asked whether the respondent followed at least one brand on social media. If the answers to both
of the questions were positive, then the respondent was given the questionnaire. The sample consisted of
62% male and 38% female. The average age of the sample was 26. About 60% of them had
undergraduate or graduate level of education. 42 % were still students.
The questionnaire was developed to measure brand loyalty, reasons to follow brands on social media,
and content categories shared on social media Brand loyalty was adopted from (1999)
study with five elements, which grouped under one factor with an explained variance of 71% (KMO
nder brand loyalty
measure included intention to interact more with the brand, intention to increase sales from the brand,
trust towards the brand, intention to get interactive with other brands through social media, and intention
to recommend the brand to friends. The questions to measure reasons to engage brands on social media
were drawn from the literature review (Mangold and Foulds, 2009; Leggat, 2010; Freidman, 2011; Brito,
2011; Kim and Adler, 2011). The items included advantageous campaigns, relevancy of the content,
frequent update of the contents, popularity of the content among other users and friends, and variety of
platforms and applications provided on social media. In addition, the content categories scale was formed
based on the l Media Report (Smith, 2009) and the category types of the video, picture, and
document sharing web sites.
4. Findings
rem Eren Erdo mu and Mesut Çiçek / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
The hypothesized relationships were tested using stepwise multiple regression analysis. First of all,
zero-order correlations among the study variables were examined to understand the relationships between
them. Taking into consideration brand loyalty, advantageous campaigns, and relevancy of the content had
the highest the correlations with it in respective order. The stepwise multiple regression results were
displayed in Table 1. Advantageous campaigns, relevancy of the content, popularity of the content among
other users and friends, and variety of platforms and applications provided on social media were capable
of significantly explaining 38% of the variance in brand loyalty. In other words, advantageous campaigns
nd variety of platforms and
the contents was diminished in this study.
Table 1: Results of the Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis
The content categories shared on social media were mean ranked in Table 2 and Friedman test results
were given. According to Freidman test results, there was a significant difference between the content
preferences shared on social media. In addition, the results showed that music, funny contents,
instructional videos, and technological contents were mostly shared by the consumers on social media
followed by extraordinary contents, movies, sports, and product reviews. On the other hand, the
consumers did not prefer to share contents related to advertisements, self content material, gaming, and
B Std. Error Beta
(Con s ta nt ) 1,958 0,112 17,45 0
There are advantageous campaigns
in social media
0,427 0,036 0,544 11,77 0
(Con s ta nt ) 1,614 0,126 12,84 0
There are advantageous campaigns
in social media
0,289 0,043 0,368 6,65 0
Th e con ten t is relev ant t o me 0,257 0,048 0,295 5,33 0
(Con s ta nt ) 1,355 0,148 9,14 0
There are advantageous campaigns
in social media
0,289 0,043 0,368 6,75 0
Th e con ten t is relev ant t o me 0,216 0,049 0,248 4,40 0
The content is popular among other
users or friends
0,118 0,037 0,147 3,18 0,002
(Con s ta nt ) 1,272 0,153 8,29 0
There are advantageous campaigns
in social media
0,275 0,043 0,35 6,35 0
Th e con ten t is relev ant t o me 0,145 0,061 0,166 2,38 0,018
The content is popular among other
users or friends
0,11 0,037 0,137 2,96 0,003
There are applications and different
platforms provided by the company
0,114 0,058 0,13 1,98 0,049
Mode l
Sig. F
1358 rem Eren Erdo mu and Mesut Çiçek / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
Table-2: Means of the Content Preferences
5. Conclusion
The aim of this study was to understand the effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty
formation from the perspective of the consumers. The results of the study are believed to put significant
contribution to practice and literature since social media marketing can be defined as a new, but rapidly
growing platform for building relationships with customers and forming positive image of the brands in
their eyes. As true for every nontraditional tool of marketing communications, social media is eagerly
explored, digged up, and utilized by the companies. Therefore, research is timely and needed to ensure
some direction in this quest.
The results of this study shows that advantageous campaigns on social media are the most significant
drivers of brand loyalty followed by relevancy of the content, popularity of the content among friends,
and appearing on different social media platforms and providing applications. First of all, companies that
want to run effective social media campaigns should take into consideration the benefits, values,
advantages they offer to the consumers in their campaigns, what makes the consumers more likely to
become loyal to their brands. C
platforms and applications that are offered by the brand on social media, what might imply that
consumers are asking for creative reasons, variety, and differences for engaging with the brands on social
media. Thus, companies may work on creating more engaging, participative, interesting applications,
is paper also analyzed what type of
contents are shared and preferred by social media users. The results imply that people share music, funny
Rank Mean
Ran k
Mu s ic 3,68 1,179 15,92 Romantic 2,7 1,24 10,81
Technological 3,5 1,239 14,94 Document aries 2,68 1,17 10,48
Funny 3,45 1,111 14,83 Animals 2,65 1,23 10,16
Ins tructional
3,44 1,172 14,75
2,48 1,24 9,41
Extra ordina ry 3,31 1,177 13,93 Cele brities 2,48 1,25 9,44
Mo v ie/ TV 3,24 1,211 13,64 Trag ic ev en ts 2,46 1,17 9,49
Sport 3,24 1,418 13,52 Cars 2,43 1,31 9,15
Rev ie w o f
3,13 1,292 12,86
Horror 2,42 1,36 9,13
Art 3 1,207 12,25 Gaming 2,41 1,37 9,2
Travel 2,77 1,223 10,97 Self c ont ent s 2,35 1,13 8,84
Politics 2,73 1,342 10,86 Ad vert is ements 2,29 1,23 8,45
Test Statistics
N: 283 Chi-Squ are 973,531 df 21
Asymp. Sig.
Fri edman
Tes t
Fri edman
Tes t
rem Eren Erdo mu and Mesut Çiçek / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 1353 – 1360
and extraordinary things online along with technological and instructive information. They refrain from
sharing sad events, horror or advertisements among each other. This may lead to thinking that social
media is a platform where people want to entertain themselves, escape from the harsh realities of life,
search for sincerity and fun, as well as share information and instructions among each other. Brands and
campaigns around brands should be entertaining, fun, doing what other brands did not think of when they
engage with customers on social media platforms. Information and instructional manuals about the brands
may also be provided on social media since information sharing is also an important driver of
Relevancy is the second most important factor affecting brand loyalty; therefore, companies have to
keep themselves updated about what customers are interested in, their activities, and current perspectives
in life. Companies may conduct qualitative research or observations to understand the lifestyle of their
customers and transfer this knowledge on social media platforms. Finally, the popularity of the content
among friends also increases brand loyalty of the consumers. Impact of word-of-mouth in marketing is
non-negligible, especially in online environments (Gruen at al., 2006). Therefore, companies can provide
incentives to the social media users to spread the word about their presence, campaigns, and content on
social media among the peers. They can also spot opinion leaders in their target markets and hire them on
purpose to talk about their campaigns and pull people to engage with their brands on social media.
This is a preliminary work on the effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty. Researchers can
conduct further research to dig more into the effects of different types of social media marketing
campaigns on brand awareness, image, and loyalty as well as the impact of word-of-mouth on social
media marketing effectiveness. In addition, Social media is a very dynamic and progressive platform.
Therefore, the effectiveness of every new development on social media must be researched and measured
to find out and apply ultimate marketing strategies. Finally, since Web 3.0 era, which has a potential to
change the way of business and characteristics of the social media platforms, is about to arrive; both
practitioners and academicians may apply studies to reveal the possible effects of artificial intelligence,
cloud computing, online identities and the true convergence of web, mobile devices and other equipments
on brand loyalty.
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... Brand gestalt emphasizes the interconnectedness of various brand dimensions-story, sensescape, servicescape, and stakeholders-that work together to create a unified brand experience (Mandagi & Centeno, 2021). While previous studies have examined the relationship between social media and customer engagement in the culinary sector (Begum et al., 2020;Erdoğmuş & Cicek, 2012;Mandagi & Aseng, 2021), there is a notable gap in research investigating how social media marketing influences the multiple dimensions of brand gestalt, particularly in the café industry. This study seeks to fill this gap by exploring the interplay between social media marketing, brand gestalt, and customer loyalty. ...
... The concept of brand gestalt refers to how customers perceive a brand in their minds. According to Erdoğmuş and Cicek (2012), brand loyalty is established through the aggregation of past customer experiences and the cognitive appraisal of brand information. A consumer's perception of a brand, known as brand gestalt, is shaped by a collection of significant information, which ultimately leads to the development of brand loyalty. ...
... Brand gestalt was measured using a 19-item scale proposed by , which encompasses four dimensions: story, sensescape, servicescape, and stakeholder. The brand loyalty construct consisted of five items developed based on the prior study by Erdoğmuş and Cicek (2012). ...
Full-text available
This study aims to construct and validate a theoretical framework that explains the impact of social media on café branding and customer loyalty, with brand gestalt serving as a mediating variable. The study employed a quantitative descriptive and correlational research design, collecting data through questionnaires from a sample of 200 Gen Z café customers in Manado City. Participants were recruited using a combination of snowball and convenience sampling techniques. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore relationships within the dataset. The results show that SMM has a significant positive impact on story, servicescape, sensescape, stakeholder, and brand loyalty. Additionally, story, sensescape, and servicescape all significantly influence brand loyalty. Furthermore, Results indicate that story dimension of brand gestalt mediates the relationship between SMM and brand loyalty. The emphasis on social media marketing may not fully capture the influence of other marketing channels, and the sample size or geographic scope might limit the generalizability of the results. Future research could explore emotional engagement, brand equity, or other digital marketing strategies like influencer and content marketing while expanding to different industries or regions for broader insights. The study contributes to the theoretical understanding of brand gestalt by highlighting how specific dimensions-story, sensescape, and servicescape-positively impact customer loyalty. It extends existing theories by demonstrating that these dimensions, along with social media marketing, play crucial roles in shaping brand perceptions and loyalty. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun dan memvalidasi kerangka teori yang menjelaskan dampak media sosial terhadap branding kafe dan loyalitas pelanggan, dengan brand gestalt sebagai variabel mediasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan korelasional, dengan mengumpulkan data melalui kuesioner dari sampel 200 pelanggan kafe Gen Z di Kota Manado. Partisipan direkrut dengan menggunakan kombinasi teknik snowball dan convenience sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan dalam kumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SMM memiliki dampak positif yang signifikan terhadap story, servicescape, sensescape, stakeholder, dan brand loyalty. Selain itu, story, sensescape, dan servicescape secara signifikan mempengaruhi loyalitas merek. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi story dari brand gestalt memediasi hubungan antara SMM dan loyalitas merek. Penekanan pada pemasaran media sosial mungkin tidak sepenuhnya menangkap pengaruh saluran pemasaran lainnya, dan ukuran sampel atau cakupan geografis dapat membatasi generalisasi hasil. Penelitian di masa depan dapat mengeksplorasi keterlibatan emosional, ekuitas merek, atau strategi pemasaran digital lainnya seperti influencer dan pemasaran konten, sambil memperluas ke industri atau wilayah yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih luas. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman teoritis tentang brand gestalt dengan menyoroti bagaimana dimensi spesifik-story, sensescape, dan servicescape-secara positif berdampak pada loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini memperluas teori yang sudah ada dengan menunjukkan bahwa dimensi-dimensi ini, bersama dengan pemasaran media sosial, memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk persepsi dan loyalitas merek.
... Consumers are more likely to trust and be influenced by the opinions of their peers than traditional advertisements [42]. Additionally, social media analytics provide brands with valuable insights into consumer preferences and behaviors, allowing for more personalized and effective marketing strategies [43]. This data-driven approach helps brands stay relevant and responsive to market trends and consumer needs, ultimately leading to better customer satisfaction and higher conversion Theocharis rates [44]. ...
... Additionally, a robust social media presence can improve brand image by showcasing the brand's values, personality, and responsiveness [37]. As consumers interact with and experience the brand through engaging content, prompt customer service, and community building efforts, their loyalty and trust in the brand can grow [43]. Ultimately, substantial social media marketing expenditure can shape positive consumer perceptions, driving both brand equity and consumer behavior in favor of the brand. ...
It is widely acknowledged that brands hold significant value as intangible assets for companies due to their considerable economic worth. Managing, measuring, and nurturing brand value are recognized as pivotal strategic challenges, impacting decisions across marketing strategies and providing a competitive edge. The emergence of digital marketing has profoundly shaped consumer behaviour, offering companies opportunities to gain advantage over competitors. Similarly, social media has transformed consumer-business communication, facilitating interactive dialogue. Furthermore, brand equity is esteemed by both practitioners and scholars as pivotal for brand success, offering various advantages to companies. This paper aims to delve into consumer perspectives on the factors influencing brand equity, particularly examining the impact of digital and social media marketing. To achieve this, primary research was conducted via a questionnaire among 402 consumers, revealing a positive correlation between perceived digital marketing expenditure and brand awareness, as well as perceived social media marketing expenditure and product quality perception.
... Por otra parte, [14] en su estudio que relaciona la publicidad en RS y la lealtad de los usuarios con las marcas, encontraron que los clientes tienden a tener una opinión positiva de la marca cuando en RS se ofrecen campañas ventajosas, contenido relevante y popular, y también cuando las marcas tienen presencia en varias plataformas. ...
... El mercadeo en RS es un nuevo tipo de mercadeo en el que los consumidores tienen la oportunidad de tener un contacto directo con las empresas y obtienen información de manera sencilla e inmediata por medio de las distintas publicaciones en RS como Facebook, Instagram o Twitter [15]. También se entiende que el mercadeo en RS es un proceso en el cual las personas o empresas promueven productos o servicios en línea, teniendo alcances mayores a los disponibles por medio del marketing por los canales tradicionales [14]. ...
... ;Doshi et al., 2022; Ansari & Riasi, 2020; Li et al., 2020; Abasin & Huseynov, 2020; Alalwan et al., 2017; Adhikari & Panda, 2017;Nisar & Whitehead, 2016;Hamilton et al., 2016;Munnukka et al., 2015;Gamboa & Gonçalves, 2014;Erdoğmuş & Çiçek, 2012). ...
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Pemasaran media sosial telah menjadi bagian integral dari strategi bisnis modern, menawarkan platform yang kuat bagi merek untuk terhubung dengan audiens target mereka, meningkatkan visibilitas, dan mendorong keterlibatan dalam membentuk perilaku dan preferensi konsumen (Wardhana, 2024; Dinghra, 2023; Nuji et al., 2023; Pant et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020; Wong et al., 2020; Taillon et al., 2020; Appel et al., 2019; Ziyadin et al., 2019; Taneja & Bala, 2019; Chivandi et al., 2019; Alalwan et al., 2017; Hamilton et al., 2016; Rohm et al., 2013). Salah satu variabel utama yang dipengaruhi oleh pemasaran media sosial adalah perilaku konsumen. Media sosial telah menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan sehari-hari, dan dampaknya terhadap cara konsumen berbelanja serta mengambil keputusan pembelian telah berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Pemasar perlu memahami cakupan dan pengaruh media sosial dalam membentuk perilaku dan preferensi konsumen, serta mengembangkan strategi pemasaran media sosial yang efektif untuk berhasil di era digital. Media sosial memberikan akses kepada konsumen untuk memperoleh berbagai informasi tentang produk dan layanan, memungkinkan mereka membuat keputusan yang lebih terinformasi serta berpotensi mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian mereka. (Wardhana, 2024; Prajapati, 2023; Dinghra, 2023; Taillon et al., 2020; Ziyadin et al., 2019; Appel et al., 2019; Chivandi et al., 2019; Heggde & Shainesh, 2018; Alalwan et al., 2017; Hamilton et al., 2016; Yazdanparast et al., 2016; Alalwan et al., 2016; Suresh & Mohan, 2016; Lugmayr, 2012; Powers et al., 2012; Auker, 2011). Variabel penting lainnya adalah promosi merek dan persepsi konsumen. Alat-alat media sosial semakin menjadi elemen inti dalam strategi komunikasi bagi konsumen. Influencer marketing khususnya telah menjadi semakin populer karena berbagai faktor mulai dari kualitas konten hingga indikator yang dapat diukur secara langsung seperti jumlah penayangan video dan peringkat mesin pencari. (Nuji et al., 2023; Prajapati, 2023; Liu, 2021; Žák & Hasprová, 2020; Saima & Khan, 2020; Haenlein et al., 2020; Vukmirović et al., 2020; Gundová & Cvoligová, 2019; Audrezet et al., 2018). Lebih jauh lagi, pemasaran media sosial juga dapat mempengaruhi kepercayaan dan pengaruh konsumen. Komunikasi dua arah yang dibangun melalui media sosial, seperti Instagram, dapat memberikan dampak signifikan pada persepsi merek dan kepercayaan konsumen. (Ghalib & Ardiansyah, 2023; Dinghra, 2023; Nuji et al., 2023; Prajapati, 2023; Rajković et al., 2021; Ho et al., 2021; Saima & Khan, 2020; Parmariza, 2020; Yang et al., 2020; Mariska et al., 2019; Ebrahim, 2019; Sharma et al., 2019; Abed, 2018; Joshi, 2017). Variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi pemasaran media sosial (social media marketing) yaitu: Brand Awareness (Kesadaran Merek), Brand Image (Citra Merek), Brand Trust (Kepercayaan Merek), Purchase Decision (Keputusan Pembelian), ustomer Engagement (Keterlibatan Pelanggan), Customer Loyalty (Loyalitas Pelanggan), Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Sales Volume (Volume Penjualan), Consumer Preference (Preferensi Konsumen), Market Reach (Perluasan Pasar), Community Loyalty (Kesetiaan pada Komunitas), Customer Satisfaction (Kepuasan Pelanggan), Purchase Intention (Minat Pembelian), Customer Trust (Kepercayaan Pelanggan), Value Perception (Persepsi Nilai), Consumer Buying Prosess (Proses Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen).
... At the end, it was determined that trust in the source of information is a critical factor in determining its relevance (Erdogmus & Cicek, 2012), so analyzing how the credibility of information shared on social media platforms by hotels affects guests' perceptions can be helpful in understanding key factors that influence the intention to visit hotels. ...
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Social media plays a crucial role in the hospitality industry, significantly influencing potential guests' intentions to visit hotels. The dynamic nature of social media allows hotels to engage directly with potential customers, shaping perceptions and building brand image. The importance of social media in decision-making processes has grown, with users relying on platforms to gather information, read reviews, and assess hotel quality. This study aims to explore the extent to which social media characteristics (perceived relevance, informativeness and interactivity), usage habits, and hotel image impact visit intention, providing insights into how these factors contribute to a guest's final decision to book a stay. Linear regression was used to test the mutual influences of variables, and the results showed that the characteristics of hotel social networks, habits of using social networks and the hotel's image on social networks positively influence the intention to visit a hotel. This research advances understanding of how social media impacts consumers' hotel visit intentions by identifying key influencing factors. The findings offer actionable insights for hotel marketers to optimize social media strategies and enhance customer engagement. By leveraging these insights, hotels can improve overall marketing effectiveness and better align their strategies with consumer preferences.
... Sosyal medyanın hedonistik nedenlerle kullanıldığı belirtilen kullanıcılar için işletmelerin bu ortamları eğlenceli ve keyifli bir alana dönüştürmeleri gerektiği belirtilebilir. Literatürde sosyal medya ortamındaki arkadaş grubu üyeleri arasında gündemde yer alan ve popüler hale gelen içeriklerin marka sadakatini artırdığını ortaya koyan çalışmalar yer almaktadır(Erdoğmuş & Çiçek, 2012(Erdoğmuş & Çiçek, , s. 1355. Özetle, pazarlama eğlenceli olduğu sürece, tüketicilerin buna cevap vereceği düşünülebilir(Singh & ...
... Studies in the literature report that the brand and brand value make a significant contribution to the presentation of products and services (Malarvizhi, Mamun, Jayashree, Naznen and Abir, 2022:9-11). For this reason, brand value is of great importance in the marketing of products and services (Marin and Nila, 2021:7-8;Erdoğmuş andÇiçek, 2012:1358). For this reason, in the research, the number of brands parameter, which is the only indicator given by the World Bank in direct relation to marketing, was used as an indicator of marketing activities. ...
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In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the expenses of products and services in all production in terms of trademark marketing in Türkiye and EU countries. Trademark applications (TAR), Services value added (SVA), Goods and services expense (GSE), Industry value added (IVA), and Consumer price index (CPI) parameters from the World Bank Country Report from 2007 to 2020 were analyzed in the research. SVA (4.47±3.05) and GSE (10.30±1.09) means of Türkiye were higher than SVA (0.95±2.30) and GSE (8.47±0.76) means of the EU with statistically significant difference (p<0.05). IVA mean differences between Türkiye (4.64±7.20) and the EU (0.19±4.26) was statistically insignificant (p>0.05). TAR was positively and highly correlated with CPI (r=0.951; p<0.01). CPI model showed that effect of CPI on TAR was statistically significant (B: 684.74; p<0.05). However, interaction model showed that GSE increases effect of CPI on both single variable level (B=1024.01; p<0.01) and interaction level (B=355.97; p<0.01). Although the added value of services and the cost of services and goods are higher in Türkiye compared to EU countries, brand production value is related to the consumer price index. Öz Bu araştırmada, Türkiye ve AB ülkelerinde marka pazarlaması açısından tüm üretimdeki mal ve hizmetlerin giderlerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede, 2007-2020 yılları arasında Dünya Bankası Ülke Raporundan alınan Marka Başvuruları (MB), Hizmet Katma Değeri (HKD), Mal ve Hizmet Giderleri (MHG), Sanayi Katma Değeri (SKD) ve Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi (TÜFE) parametreleri araştırmada analiz edilmiştir. Türkiye'nin HKD (4.47±3.05) ve MHG (10.30±1.09) ortalamaları, AB'nin HKD (0.95±2.30) ve MHG (8.47±0.76) ortalamalarından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farkla daha yüksektir. Türkiye (4.64±7.20) ile AB (0.19±4.26) arasındaki SKD ortalamaları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemsizdir. MB, TÜFE ile pozitif ve yüksek derecede korelasyon göstermiştir (r=0.951). TÜFE modeli, TÜFE'nin MB üzerindeki etkisinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğunu göstermiştir (B: 684.74). Ancak, etkileşim modelinde, MHG'nin, hem tek değişken düzeyinde (B=1024.01) hem de etkileşim düzeyinde (B=355.97), TÜFE'nin etkisini artırdığını göstermiştir.
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At present, the hospitality industry has started to follow a social media marketing strategy as part of its marketing promotion to improve its brand value. This paper aims to find the various social media sites available in the hospitality industry. This paper seeks to identify the appropriate social media as well as suggest its benefit in the context of Bangladesh. It also aims to identify the importance of tourism marketing to reach actual and potential consumers. A mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method was used in the collection of primary data, whereas the random sampling method was used to obtain such data. This study also included elicited qualitative questions so as to accommodate understanding of the customer psychographics factors. The study will also determine the role social media marketing plays and how it operates in the tourism and hospitality arena, using a wide range of literature from academic articles, journals, and books. The research sample size is 270. The results of the study show that Facebook is one of the most favorable media for promoting the hospitality business. The study also tried to find out various aspects of respondent's basic information as well as their personal choices and views.
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Aim of the Study: E–commerce is one of the growing modes of shopping. In this method there are various ambiguities but as per new generation it is very popular and cheap way of shopping. The social media like Facebook & Instagram give it a new hype. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have significantly contributed to its proliferation. This quantitative study aimed to analyze the influence, preferences, and perspectives of university and college students regarding social media advertisements. Methodology: The quantitate study conducted to find out the influence of social media particularly Facebook and Instagram among youth’s purchasing habits, the main objective of this research was to analysis the impact, preference and views of University and College students about social media advertisement. The researchers make 2 hypotheses and apply some test to explore the role of social media among different genders regarding purchasing. The data has been analyzed through SPSS and results are manipulated in tabular and graphical form. Findings: The findings reveal that frequent engagement with social media significantly influences both male and female preferences towards e-shopping. However, the analysis suggests that males tend to exhibit a higher inclination towards e-commerce compared to females, despite both genders showing a preference for online shopping due to their active presence on social media. Conclusion: It is concluded that frequent visiting of female and male on social media give preference to E-shopping but female has less influence as compare to male.
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This study aims to explore the impact of social media on brand loyalty. By analyzing brand interaction, consumer engagement, and the breadth and depth of information dissemination on social media, this study reveals its impact mechanism on brand cognition, brand relationship, and brand attitude. The study uses web crawler technology to collect interactive data from brand official accounts, and uses descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model (SEM) for data analysis. The results show that brand interaction significantly improves consumers’ brand cognition, consumer engagement plays an important role in brand relationships, and the breadth and depth of information dissemination help to enhance brand attitudes. These factors work together to significantly improve brand loyalty. This research is fundamental because it proves the fact that brand cognition, brand relationship, and brand attitude have a direct effect on brand loyalty, and brand relationship is, of all factors, the most positive factor which influences brand loyalty. This research not only enriched theoretical studies on brand loyalty but also verified the brand marketing strategy on social media with empirical evidence. Moreover, companies increase their brand loyalty by using a better interactivity platform with the consumers, the width and depth of information passing increase, which results in a rise in the level of user engagement by consumers, and the company can increase its competitive advantage in the market.
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The aim of this paper is to present the empirical tests of two measures of attitudinal brand loyalty to identify if they are items of a single construct or two distinct constructs. These two measures are an individual's propensity to be brand loyal, and attitude towards the act of purchasing a specific brand. This paper also seeks to determine which of these measures would be more useful for explaining purchasing behaviour. The results confirm the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the two measures in the business services market. This indicates that they are in fact not measures of the same concept but two separate concepts. Aggregating the scores from both measures to form a single score for attitudinal loyalty would reduce richness of explanation for marketing practitioners. In addition, the results suggest that the attitude towards the act of purchasing a brand can be used to explain or predict purchasing behaviour.Journal of Brand Management (2002) 9, 193-209; doi:10.1057/
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This paper investigates the effects of a specific form of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication, customer-to-customer know-how exchange, on customer perceptions of value and customer loyalty intentions. In addition, the paper explores the antecedents of customer-to-customer know-how exchange overlooked in prior research: motivation, opportunity, and ability. The survey results from 616 participants of an online forum suggest that customer know-how exchange impacts customer perceptions of product value and likelihood to recommend the product, but does not influence customer repurchase intentions. Interestingly, opportunity did not impact know-how exchange, whereas motivation and ability did have a significant effect. Implications for managers and future research directions are discussed.
The authors examine two aspects of brand loyalty, purchase loyalty and attitudinal loyalty, as linking variables in the chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance (market share and relative price). The model includes product-level, category-related controls (hedonic value and utilitarian value) and brand-level controls (brand differentiation and share of voice). The authors compile an aggregate data set for 107 brands from three separate surveys of consumers and brand managers. The results indicate that when the product- and brand-level variables are controlled for, brand trust and brand affect combine to determine purchase loyalty and attitudinal loyalty. Purchase loyalty, in turn, leads to greater market share, and attitudinal loyalty leads to a higher relative price for the brand. The authors discuss the managerial implications of these results.
Brands are important in the consumer market. They are the interface between consumers and the company, and consumers may develop loyalty to brands. This study proposes that trust in a brand is important and is a key factor in the development of brand loyalty. Factors hypothesized to influence trust in a brand include a number of brand characteristics, company characteristics and consumer-brand characteristics. Respondents representing a broad spectrum of Singapore consumers were surveyed. The findings reveal that brand characteristics are relatively more important in their effects on a consumer's trust in a brand. The results also show that trust in a brand is positively related to brand loyalty. Marketers should, therefore, take careful consideration of brand factors in the development of trust in a brand.
The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and the companies that provide them. Thus, the impact of consumer-to-consumer communications has been greatly magnified in the marketplace. This article argues that social media is a hybrid element of the promotion mix because in a traditional sense it enables companies to talk to their customers, while in a nontraditional sense it enables customers to talk directly to one another. The content, timing, and frequency of the social media-based conversations occurring between consumers are outside managers’ direct control. This stands in contrast to the traditional integrated marketing communications paradigm whereby a high degree of control is present. Therefore, managers must learn to shape consumer discussions in a manner that is consistent with the organization's mission and performance goals. Methods by which this can be accomplished are delineated herein. They include providing consumers with networking platforms, and using blogs, social media tools, and promotional tools to engage customers.
Managers know that the customer's impression of an organization is important. And sometimes companies attempt to determine just what that impression is. They conduct ad hoc surveys and focus groups. But too often the data is insubstantial, or difficult to analyze, or even inaccurate. Barich and Kotler introduce the concept of "marketing image" and describe a system of image management: designing a study, collecting data, analyzing image problems, modifying the image, and tracking responses to that image. They argue that only a systematic approach will yield useful and accurate information that a company can translate into action.
3 Reasons Why Relevant Content Matters, retrieved from
  • M Brito
Brito, M (2011), 3 Reasons Why Relevant Content Matters, retrieved from (accessed on 20 March 2012).