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Participatory Technology Design for Urban Agriculture in South Africa



As the population of South African cities rapidly increases, evidence of food insecurity of urban populations is also on the increase. Urban agriculture provides an opportunity to improve urban food security whilst reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment. This position paper identifies three problem areas in the current urban agricultural system in Johannesburg. It proposes methods, whilst exploring examples, that can better encourage participation, increasing skills and knowledge, and improve networking through considered design intervention between stakeholders in Johannesburg’s food system through the use of appropriate technology.
Participatory Technology Design for Urban Agriculture
in South Africa
Angus Donald Campbell
University of Johannesburg, Senior Lecturer Industrial Design, Johannesburg, South Africa
Abstract. As the population of South African cities rapidly increases, evidence
of food insecurity of urban populations is also on the increase. Urban
agriculture provides an opportunity to improve urban food security whilst
reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment. This position paper identifies
three problem areas in the current urban agricultural system in Johannesburg. It
proposes methods, whilst exploring examples, that can better encourage
participation, increasing skills and knowledge, and improve networking through
considered design intervention between stakeholders in Johannesburg’s food
system through the use of appropriate technology.
Keywords: Urban Agriculture, Community Participation, Appropriate
Technology, Participatory Technology Development, Industrial Design, South
1 1 Introduction
The mass monoculture production and distribution of food, spurred on by the green
revolution, has created a food system far removed from citizen ‘average’. Highly
processed foods blur the source of much of their content and the notion of seasonal or
local food has almost become redundant [1]. This obfuscation of the food system has
brought with it environmental degradation, introduced toxins into the food system and
due to the commodification of food, affects international food prices and hence
consumers pockets at the hint of a large drought. This highly technological, complex
and hidden food system ultimately affects the poor and the marginalised most.
The latest South African census data indicates both an increase in South African
urban population and levels of unemployment [2]. Both these indicators can have a
detrimental impact on food security; namely the availability of and the ability to
purchase healthy, culturally appropriate food [3]. There have been three national
surveys of food security in South Africa undertaken between 1999 and 2008 [4], a
comparison of these studies reveals a decrease in the level of food insecurity, however
the statistics are still harrowing: almost 25% of South Africans are food insecure and
the majority of children do not receive sufficient nutrient requirements [4].
There is a perception that food security is a rural problem based on the availability
of food, hence by producing a sufficient quantity of food the problem should be
eliminated [5]. This ‘grow more’ approach, as explained by The African Food
Security Urban Network (AFSUN), does not aid the plight of the urban poor and
highlights the complexity of finding solutions beyond “rural development” and “green
revolutions” [5]. Leonie Joubert’s recent publication The Hungry Season [6] together
with a multitude of articles in the press [7] [8] [9] [10] are popularising the problems
that South African cities and their citizens face with access to readily available,
nutritious, culturally appropriate food. Statistics indicated that in the deprived wards
of Johannesburg, up to 60% of households are mildly to severely food insecure [11],
add to this the prediction that by 2050 60% of Africa’s population will be urbanised
[12] and the importance of a suitable and sustainable food supply in urban areas
becomes clear.
The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations promotes
urban agriculture as being highly relevant to alleviating food insecurity in cities [13].
At the level of both the South African government [14] and city municipalities [15]
[16] [17], policy and projects are in place to attempt to improve food security through
urban agricultural initiatives even in the face of the reduction of available land for
housing. Urban agriculture has been the focus of a few South African studies [18] [19]
and research institutions11: evidence shows a direct link between access to healthier
food and opportunities for additional income through urban agriculture. With almost
20% of South Africans using agriculture to supplement household food supplies [5],
urban agriculture provides an opportunity in cities to impact on the three core
problems in South African society: poverty, inequality and unemployment. There are
however cultural, political and organisational issues that need attention in order for
urban agriculture to improve food resilience in South African cities. This position
paper will unpack some of these problems evidenced through my involvement in
research projects in the Johannesburg region. I propose that better opportunities for
participatory engagement between all the stakeholders in city food systems needs
considered design intervention specifically with a focus on appropriate technology.
Technology designed with and for local farmers provides a viable avenue to increase
food production; and by encouraging local food production, using local skills, a much
more resilient local food system can be designed [20].
2 Issues Facing Urban Agriculture in South Africa
One of the organisational issues facing urban agriculture in South Africa is the fact
that it does not sit comfortably in any one government department: part Social
Development; part Health; part Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF); it also has
11 Most notably: Siyakhana, ; African Food Security Urban Network
(AFSUN) ; Food & Trees for Africa, ; Abalimi
Bezekhaya, ; South African Food Lab, ; Oranjezicht City Farm, ;
Organic Farms Group,
impact on Water Affairs; Human Settlements; Labour; Rural Development and Land
Reform; Higher Education and Training; and Economic Development. In
Johannesburg the Department of Health and Social Development manage projects
with a focus on nutrition [21] [22] [16]; the Department of Economic Development
has a project focused on organic farming [23]; and the Mayoral Committee on Food
Resilience, as part of the City of Johannesburg, sitting under the project banner A City
Where None Go Hungry [15], is now attempting to manage a range of co-operatives
that to varying degrees are located in City Parks, the Department of Health and Social
Development and AFF. This all leads to a fragmentation of focus and serious
confusion for urban farmers on the ground trying to negotiate the quagmire of
departmental authority.
In my work with grassroots urban farming organisations Rainbow Nation Farmers
[24]; Noodgesig Farmers; Balimi Food Security Company [25]; Siyazenzela Phiri
Organic and Natural Food Market [26]; and the Soweto Farmers Forum, one of the
biggest difficulties for these organisations is finding community members willing to
work on their farms. If money is not directly offered for services, and their reward is
based on the successful outcomes of a seasonal crop, compensation seems too far
removed and unpredictable for the majority of workers. Issues of ownership in terms
of land tenure and inputs are also a problem for commitment; this becomes
particularly difficult when farming takes place on government land without a lease
(Noodgesig Farmers) or on land owned by schools and hence not zoned for
agriculture (Siyanzenzela). Additionally there seems to be a social stigma attached to
farming, this stigma may stem from childhood “gardening punishment” handed out by
school teachers to try maintain discipline in classrooms; and/or the consideration of
gardening as a “desperate” means to access food as a last resort; and/or the
governments previous disregard for subsistence agriculture as relevant to economic
participation12. Add to this the theft of electricity circuit breakers by the Izinyoka-
Nyoka or illegal electricity connectors, leaving the farmers without pumps for
borehole water, and the theft of fences by opportunistic recyclers, leaving their
produce unprotected from hungry passers-by; the unpredictability of rewards for
effort becomes all the more clear.
In addition to the issues listed above, urban farming is especially difficult with
limited farming skills. Umezuruke Opara, the chair of research into post-harvest
technologies at Stellenbosch University says that, “often these [small-scale] farmers
lack access to the latest scientific knowledge about how to increase crop yield with
existing resources, when to harvest to achieve good post-harvest quality, how to
package and store their produce to extend storage life, and meeting market standards
and consumer demand.” [27]. Access to market for producers who are succeeding to
produce is also a problem. The seasonality and unpredictability of crop production
makes meeting sales agreements difficult, not to mention issues with maintaining
quality control.
12 The 2013 South African National Development Plan does however now very clearly support
smallholder agriculture, as does the Johannesburg Mayoral Project A City Where None Go
From the issues listed above, three problem areas can be clearly identified, namely
encouraging participation, increasing skills and knowledge, and improving
networking. I propose all three of these can be targeted through the use of appropriate
participatory technology.
3 Participatory Technology
Surmounting the stigma of farming in urban areas is something that can only be
addressed through a process of collaborative effort and slow change with tangible
evidence of success. The power of participation in farming in Africa is not new; Paul
Harrison’s dated but seminal book The Greening of Africa discusses how the
traditional African village facilitated participation prior to colonization [28]. In the
complex environment of contemporary city centres such as a melting pot like
Johannesburg, communities are a complex mix of migrants, ethnicities, tribes, and
political leanings, and the concept of a “traditional” African village far removed from
reality. Individuals are far more self-serving and distrusting than in familial clans, but
even in such an emulsion, the power of grassroots communal action to increase
political voice and participation in civil society should not be underestimated. Many
case studies of successful communal farming action are documented under various
participatory ground roots initiatives such as Farmer First [29], Participatory
Technology Development [30], Participatory Research and Peoples Science [31]. The
most powerful testimony to this is Roland Bunch’s exploration of People-centred
Agricultural Improvement [32]. Bunch is highly critical of paternalism created by
give-aways highlighting the basic human nature that no-one really cares for anything
they don’t have an invested interest in. He proposes that enthusiasm is the driving
force behind any developmental project and that the source of enthusiasm is through
early recognisable success. The chances of success in an agricultural endeavour can
be greatly increased through the use of suitable technologies and by increasing
productivity; the viability of such a pursuit can visibly encourage participation and
long-term sustainability.
Technology development for agricultural growth has often been seen as the transfer
of technology and knowledge from either developed countries, institutions and
practitioners to developing countries, institutions and practitioners. However, by
simply transferring technology, little empowerment takes place for the recipients, and
this creates a system of innovation that serves the current food system and the powers
that control it. It also invokes a spectre of dependency, and this could cement
developing country farmers as dependant on others who supposedly know ‘better’
what their development challenges are. For farmers and consumers in poor areas and
newly emerging farmers, such as in the urban context, such technology is often
inappropriate and does not help achieving outcomes that benefit both people and the
environment. Participatory Technology Development [33] is aimed to build the
capacity of farmers to conduct their own experiments, develop their own technology
and make informed decisions on, demands of, and interventions into, the food system
in order to realise their own interests. This does not take place in a vacuum and it is
important to acknowledge the social infrastructure necessary for innovation to take
place. A designed social infrastructure can contribute to technology and other
innovation by placing multiple stakeholders alongside each other in dialogue that
would be able to make effective changes to the system. A multi-stakeholder
intervention could innovate by the strategic incorporation of diverse stakeholders in
the food system, from state agencies right down to communities themselves, and
through such an intervention implement changes.
The Mayoral Committee on Food Resilience is valiantly attempting to organise
urban agriculture in Johannesburg in a designed, top-down manner. Nabeel Hamdi
describes the complexity of such an undertaking in terms of the unequal powers,
unsymmetrical balance, weak links and fragmentation of the relationships between the
state, the market and the community [34]. He goes on to expand this complexity into
the relationship on a local, national and global level. This complexity withstanding,
multi-stakeholder coalitions have also been shown to be very effective in helping to
bring about change in agricultural and food systems [35] [36]. The TransForum
project, undertaken in the Netherlands from 2004-2010, successfully used a Connected
Value Development approach aimed at transforming perceived trade-offs into
complements, by connecting the values held by the different stakeholders [35]. This
approach is currently being implemented as part of a globally linked project that will
share knowledge, innovations and expertise called the MetroAg Innoversity [37]. I am
one of the Johannesburg representatives in this project, and although at the beginning
stages of such an undertaking, we are already making significant steps to link farmers,
knowledge based institutions, civil society groups and the government in
Designers are well suited through their training in problem solving to be able to
explore the global perspective of the various networks and stakeholders involved in
food systems and providing designed opportunities for collaboration and path crossing.
Such a systems design approach to collaboration can be enhanced through
participatory approaches; many of these methods can be classified under the umbrella
of social impact design [38]. Appropriate users, in this case urban farmers, undertake
problem identification and problem solving while the role of the
scientist/researcher/designer is more of a consultant to collaborate with, rather than to
direct [31]. The design of the Seboko hail tunnel for the Rainbow Nation farmers by
Kyle Brand as part of his Industrial Design Honours mini-dissertation at the University
of Johannesburg is an example of the result of such a process [24]. Through a process
of user group interviews, hail was identified as a major issue for the farmers due to the
impact it had on their crop success. Brand was able to co-design a low-cost covering
system with the farmers that allowed for local production, assembly and resulted in a
product sufficiently flexible for their needs. The cover used invasive plant shoots
(Black Wattle) as its major structural component whilst incorporating laser-cut joining
mechanisms as the connectors. Standard hail protection covering was then attached to
the armature through a mechanism integrated in the laser cut connector plates. The
solution answered the farmers needs with a low-cost product whilst maintaining a
balance between high and low-tech componentry for manufacture and job creation.
From the other end of the technological scale, and notably with 650 million mobile
phone subscribers in Africa, Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are also
facilitating change in African agriculture through the use of mobile apps [39].
SokoniSMS64 uses sms’s to provide farmers with market prices before the farmers
travel long distances to market; Kilimo Salama (“safe agriculture” in Swahili) in
Kenya provides “pay as you plant” micro-insurance to farmers; iCow from M-Farm
helps farmers keep track of each of their cows through an online calendar; Tigo Kilimo
in Tanzania gives farmers instant weather information and provide farmers with
appropriate farming tips; and CocoaLink in Ghana provides farmers with information
on farm safety, child labour, health, crop disease prevention, crop marketing and
improvements in farming practices [39]. From another developing context, in India, a
mobile app called Nano Ganesh seeks to transform the way farmers manage their
water systems by giving them the freedom to turn pumps on and off, from any location,
with their mobile phone[40]. These technologies developed on the back of the
ubiquity of mobile phones in Africa and India, in some cases provide farm
management tools for farmers, but in many cases enable knowledge transfer between
‘experts’ and farmers. These knowledge transferal applications would become all the
more powerful through the integration of bottom-up knowledge transfer through wiki
type applications. Paul Richards in his book Indigenous Agricultural Revolution was
quick to note that many of the most successful innovations in crop production in Africa
had local roots, highlighting that “there should be less of an emphasis on ‘teaching’
farmers how to farm and supplying ‘improved’ inputs, and more emphasis on how to
foster and support local adaptation and inventiveness.” [31].
4 Conclusion
The University of Johannesburgs involvement in the MetroAg Innoversity has
prompted us to undertake semester-based design lab projects in collaboration with the
Departments of Industrial Design, Anthropology and Development Studies and the
Soweto Farmers Forum in 2014. These projects will be site specific, moving annually
from one farmer to the next. They aim to document current issues faced by the
farmers on each site and then, together with the farmers, explore design solutions.
These will then be prototyped, field tested and evaluated in relation to their initial
aims. The objective is that when the team move to the next site, the farmers are left
with enough skills for them to continue experimenting and hence empowering their
own emancipation whilst still remaining connected to the broader food system though
the Soweto Farmers Forum. The impact that urban agriculture could have on reducing
poverty, inequality and unemployment is clear. The problems identified in this paper
of the complexity of encouraging participation, increasing skills and knowledge and
improving networking for urban farmers are what this future design intervention aims
to impact on through participatory technology development. Ultimately the resilience
of the Johannesburg food system will be improved through incremental changes in
current urban agricultural practice.
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... 2015); and with particular relevance to agriculture: Participatory Research and Peoples' Science (Richards 1985), Farmer First (Scoones & Thompson 1994Chambers et al. 1989), Participatory Technology Development (Prain 2006;Haverkort et al. 1991) and Multi-Stakeholder Engagement (Hassan 2014;Dubbeling et al. 2010). All of these approaches and methods, which I have explored and used in my own practice-based research (Campbell 2013a(Campbell , 2017(Campbell , 2019Brown & Campbell 2017c;Campbell & Brand 2012), help to navigate the complex power relationships between farmers/grassroots innovators, academia, civic organisations, and the State in order to arrive at outcomes that are both endogenous and locally appropriate. At the same time despite the complexity of navigating collaboration, outcomes that arise from such methods are far more resilient and sustainable (Manzini 2015), whilst still allowing to scale for wider economic benefit. ...
... This could be explained by the fact that in South Africa there is evidence of significant problems in getting youth to engage in agriculture (Strydom 2018;Campbell 2013a). However, as Swarts & Aliber (2013: 23-25) note, the "youth in agriculture" problem in South Africa is not clear cut due to ambiguous and out of date data. ...
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Both the field of Development and discipline of Design were conceived from agendas of capitalist driven economic growth. Despite having to stand against this current, a minority of practitioners and academics in both these arenas have critically realigned their intentions towards more human-centred ideals. This Doctoral thesis adds new knowledge to this pursuit through the use of an original theoretical framework that combines both Activity Theory and the Capabilities Approach to systemically explore how people innovate technology. Within the complex Johannesburg food system, this study made use of an embedded multiple-case study of seven innovative small-scale urban farmers to explore why and how they innovate technology. The use of activity system modelling enabled the complex contradictions within and between the various aspects of the participant farmers’ technology innovation activity systems to become more evident. Despite significant capability limitations in terms of their own education, skills, land tenure and access to labour, it was found that the farmers’ innovated technology as a means to extend and function capabilities, particularly with regards to gaining more control over their material environments. However, there were trade-offs, and it was found that a few of the capability extensions were at the expense of other capabilities. The participant farmers’ actions were contextualised within the precarious positions that most of them found themselves as marginalised Black urban farmers in post-apartheid South Africa. Due to this, a key finding was that the participant farmers tended to seed their innovation activities from their social systems as opposed to their technical systems. Despite some of the innovations seeming to be relatively informal and piece-meal, this study was not about celebrating marginalisation or informality, it rather aimed to show that this is a starting point, with many of the farmers’ technological innovations highly appropriate and sustainable for their local contexts. Such a study was, therefore, beneficial in shedding light on South African grassroots innovation that has for too long remained on the margins of traditionally focused Research and Development in the South African National System of Innovation. For the field of Development, the combination of Activity Theory and the Capabilities Approach provides a practical way to operationalise the Capabilities Approach in a more human-centred way, with higher fidelity for the complexities of human lived experience. For both the field of Development and the discipline of Design, this study provides a pragmatic approach to explore the innovative/developmental/designerly actions of everyday individuals, which with appropriate intervention can then be amplified towards more endogenous, appropriate and positive change-making. Keywords: Design, Development, Activity Theory, Capabilities Approach, Technology, Innovation, Urban Farming, Johannesburg, South Africa
... There seems to be a social stigma attached to urban agriculture, which may consider gardening as a desperate means to access food (Campbell, 2013). People look down on urban agriculture as it is perceived to be only for the low social class. ...
Conference Paper
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Agriculture has been identified as a strategy for sustainable development in an attempt to improve food security and alleviate poverty around the world. Urban agriculture is the practise of farming and gardening in urban and peri-urban areas. Stokvels are informal saving groups popularly used in South Africa. This is one of the strategies families in South Africa use to generate income, as a result of the high rate of unemployment in the country. The income from stokvels is used by members to source food, fund burials and sustain their families. This study aims to investigate the possibility of using stokvels in urban agriculture for entrepreneurial purposes to improve the level of food security and alleviate unemployment and increase the household income of families in South Africa. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a representative sample of 152 stokvel members in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa. The findings of the study revealed that stokvel members know about agriculture activities although they do not use their stokvel funds to participate in urban agriculture. The study found that stokvel members participate in stokvels as means to generate income for their households. It was also found that there is interest among stokvel members to use their stokvel funds in urban agriculture.
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Climate change is an ever-daunting reality for farmers, resulting in unreliable water supply and extended dry periods. There is an ever-growing need to address the sustainable use of water for these farmers, especially in the water-constrained urban areas. In agriculture, water is a scarce but valuable resource that needs proper management, and the lack of irrigation systems suitable for small-scale farming limits its sustainable use. The lack of accessible, affordable, and contextually-appropriate irrigation technology has been a barrier encountered by most small-scale farmers. Limitation of resources and the need for affordable tooling and manufacturing, therefore, drives the need for low-cost product development. The high cost of initial setup, maintenance, and training for correct use of the equipment often deters farmers from venturing out to seek solutions for their problems. This calls for contextually-appropriate innovations that allow for adoption by farmers. This project involved inputs and participation from seven urban farmers. The use of open-source manufacturing programmes enabled low-cost product development, making manufacturing more accessible to farmers. Open-source forums and platforms such as Arduino, YouTube and OpenCAD are but a few of the available open-source programmes that were utilised in the development of electrical and physical system prototypes that were able to monitor and log water use patterns for the farmers. My developed design was implemented with two of the participating farmers and this enabled further refinements as the farmers were able to advise on the efficacy of the solution. The incorporation of new technological advancements enables the development of appropriate technology that meets the requirements of the intended users, in this case, the farmers.
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Based on the aforementioned platform, this study seeks to account on how the changing effects of the climate is being explained and experienced by small-scale farmers in the urban agricultural sector in Soweto. The analysis of local account on climate change was viewed on four key social anthropological themes mainly: perceptions, knowledge, valuations and responses.
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This dissertation describes the participatory design process to develop a human-powered shredder for improving compost production with, and for, small-scale urban farmers in Soweto, South Africa. Historically marginalised farmers are challenging food insecurity from within the Soweto food system, however, urban farms remain relatively unproductive as farmers lack appropriate equipment and struggle to sufficiently reduce organic waste. Therefore shorter and regular composting cycles are not being realised. This results in soils remaining infertile and hence crop yields suffer. This study applied criteria from Appropriate Technology (AT) as a means of governing design decision-making, and employed Human-Centred Design (HCD) as a formal methodology for working with emerging farmers. Participatory HCD was utilised to develop appropriate agricultural processing equipment in collaboration with experienced farmers, composters and engineers. The design researcher purposefully selected experienced experts from each of these three fields as the shredder study’s key informants. Consecutive semi-structured focus groups, observation and fieldwork facilitated data collection. Iterative prototyping, testing and design reflection formed the basis for monitoring product design development. Being human-powered, the design favors multiple operators. Human-power allows farming families to power shredders at will without incurring added running costs. Thus, encouraging greater ‘resilience’ by considering, local employment. The shredder use and maintenance has been found accessible by newcomers, and serviceable using three basic hand tools. Components were purposefully sourced from local suppliers where possible, thus favoring local manufacture. The shredder study aimed to ‘nudge’ an increase in the ease and frequency of compost production by farmers.
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OBJECTIVE: To assess the status of food security - i.e. access to food, food availability and food utilization - in South Africa. METHODS: A systematic search of national surveys that used the Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project (CCHIP) index to measure food security in South Africa over a period of 10 years (1999-2008) was conducted. Anthropometric data for children aged 1-9 years were used to assess food utilization, and household food inventory data were used to assess food availability. FINDINGS: Only three national surveys had used the CCHIP index, namely, the 1999 and 2005 National Food Consumption Surveys (NFCS) and the 2008 South African Social Attitudes Survey. These surveys showed a relatively large decrease in food insecurity between 1999 and 2008. However, the consistent emerging trend indicated that in poorer households women were either feeding their children a poor diet or skipping meals so their children could eat. In terms of food access and availability, the 1999 NFCS showed that households that enjoyed food security consumed an average of 16 different food items over 24 hours, whereas poorer households spent less money on food and consumed fewer than 8 different food items. Moreover, children had low mean scores for dietary diversity (3.58; standard deviation, SD: ± 1.37) and dietary variety (5.52; SD: ± 2.54) scores. In terms of food utilization, the NFCS showed that stunting in children decreased from 21.6% in 1999 to 18% in 2005. CONCLUSION: The South African government must implement measures to improve the undesirably high level of food insecurity in poorer households.
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In a current climate of environmental, social and economic inequality it is imperative that designers contribute towards sustainable development. South Africa has a dual economy as a result of ingrained economic division which poses a challenge for designers when designing for the developing sector because they predominantly form part of the developed sector of society. The most pervasive method adopted for design interventions of a developmental nature, especially when designers are from a different context to the intended users, is User-Centred Design. This paper proposes the addition of an intentional designer influence or ‘nudge’ throughout the design process as well as in the final products use in order to address global and national agendas, and ensure more resilience in the product intervention. A case study of the design and development of single-household farming kit is used to explore the application of this approach. In the case study a vital aspect for the resilience of the kit is the system upon which it relies: the South African food chain/s. A decentralized model is encouraged through the use of the designers influence on the end users and this ultimately results in a more resilient product.
Charts new territory for innovation and sustainable development Offers practical guidelines from a wealth of action experiments Combines insights from a range of scientific disciplines to support innovation The TransForum Model: Transforming Agro-innovation Toward Sustainable Development presents new insights on how to use innovation for the complex challenge of sustainable development. Innovation has been at the heart of the positive agricultural developments in both production and productivity growth during the last decades. Due to the negative impact of these developments on the physical and social environment, a transformational change of the agricultural sector is needed to shift toward a more sustainable development. Changing the agro innovation system is necessary to bring this about. In this book, six years of experimenting with sustainable development in agriculture is translated into a set of principles and guidelines. Together these constitute The TransForum Model to deal with innovation and sustainable development. This book shows how different scientific disciplines contribute to this new mode of agro innovation. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
What exactly is 'small change'? Build a bus stop in an urban slum and a vibrant community sprouts and grows around it - that is the power of small changes that have huge positive effects. This book is an argument for the wisdom of the street, the ingenuity of the improvisers and the long-term, large-scale effectiveness of immediate, small-scale actions. Written by Nabeel Hamdi, the guru of urban participatory development and the master of the art, Small Change brings over three decades of experience and knowledge to bear on the question 'what is practice'?. Through an easy-to-read narrative style, and using examples from the North and South, the author sheds light on this question and the issues that stem from it - issues relating to political context, the lessons of the 'informal city', and the pursuit of learning that challenges convention. The result is a comprehensive, yet imaginative, guide to the forms of knowledge, competencies and ways of thinking that are fundamental to skilful practice in urban development. This is powerful, informed, critical and inspiring reading for practitioners in the field, students and teachers of urban development, those who manage international aid and everyone looking to build their community.
To assess the status of food security--i.e., access to food, food availability and food utilization--in South Africa. A systematic search of national surveys that used the Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project (CCHIP) index to measure food security in South Africa over a period of 10 years (1999-2008) was conducted. Anthropometric data for children aged 1-9 years were used to assess food utilization, and household food inventory data were used to assess food availability. Only three national surveys had used the CCHIP index, namely, the 1999 and 2005 National Food Consumption Surveys (NFCS) and the 2008 South African Social Attitudes Survey. These surveys showed a relatively large decrease in food insecurity between 1999 and 2008. However, the consistent emerging trend indicated that in poorer households women were either feeding their children a poor diet or skipping meals so their children could eat. In terms of food access and availability, the 1999 NFCS showed that households that enjoyed food security consumed an average of 16 different food items over 24 hours, whereas poorer households spent less money on food and consumed fewer than 8 different food items. Moreover, children had low mean scores for dietary diversity (3.58; standard deviation, SD: ± 1.37) and dietary variety (5.52; SD: ± 2.54) scores. In terms of food utilization, the NFCS showed that stunting in children decreased from 21.6% in 1999 to 18% in 2005. The South African government must implement measures to improve the undesirably high level of food insecurity in poorer households.