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In this manuscript we provide an overview of several studies on the processes cognitive involved in rea-ding and writing in immigrant students whose native language does not matches the language of instruc-tion. The first major study aimed to analyze the cognitive processes and reading of Spanish-speaking children learning English as a second language. In the second study, the aim was to analyze the cognitive processes of writing. Measures were taken of linguistic competence (vocabulary and syntactic awareness), working memory, phonological awareness and reading and writing of words and pseudowords in English for the monolingual group and the same measures in English and Spanish for the Hispanic group speakers. Both studies were carried out in Canadian schools of the district of Vancouver in the Canadian province of British Columbia (British Columbia). The main findings of these studies support the hypothesis of lin-guistic interdependence, as has been demonstrated that the skills of both reading and writing are closely related between both languages.
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Resumen Antecedentes y objetivo Con la mitad de la población mundial expuesta a más de una lengua, la escasez de estudios sobre la eficacia de intervenciones específicamente dirigidas a niños bilingües con trastorno del aprendizaje de la lectura (TAL) puede llevar al profesional a emitir recomendaciones precipitadas para su abordaje. El presente trabajo pretende aportar orientaciones para el diseño de intervenciones adaptadas a este tipo de usuarios. Pacientes Las orientaciones de intervención propuestas se dirigen a niños o adolescentes que evolucionan en contextos multilingües (con dos o más lenguas en su entorno familiar, escolar o social, que se juzguen relevantes para el desarrollo del individuo). Resultados Partiendo de la evidencia sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones fundamentadas en el desarrollo fonológico y de las correspondencias grafema-fonema con población multilingüe con trastorno del aprendizaje de la lectura, se proponen orientaciones para adaptar estos componentes del tratamiento a dicha población. Se incorporan asimismo recomendaciones de trabajo sobre componentes complementarios, tomando en cuenta su pertinencia en distintos tipos de lengua. Conclusiones La evidencia sugiere que es pertinente intervenir en más de una lengua con pacientes con trastorno del aprendizaje de la lectura, siempre y cuando se tengan en cuenta determinados aspectos específicos en el diseño del programa de intervención. No obstante, es necesario seguir generando estudios longitudinales de intervención o de caso con niños de distintos contextos multilingües, en función de la transparencia de cada una de sus lenguas, su momento de adquisición y el papel que desempeñan en la vida del niño.
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El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido analizar los procesos cognitivos y de escritura de niños hispano-parlantes que aprenden el inglés como segunda lengua. Para ello se seleccionó a una muestra de niños canadienses de habla inglesa y otra de hispano-parlantes que reciben instrucción en inglés como segunda lengua en escuelas canadienses del distrito de Vancouver en la provincia canadiense de Columbia Británica (British Columbia). Se tomaron medidas de competencia lingu?ística (vocabulario y conciencia sintáctica), memoria de trabajo, conciencia fonológica y escritura de palabras y pseudopalabras en inglés para el grupo de monolingu?es, y las mismas medidas en los idiomas inglés y español para el grupo de hispano-parlantes. Nuestra predicción es que si existe un efecto de transferencia de L1 sobre L2 entonces existiría relación entre los procesos cognitivos y de escritura que se miden en ambas lenguas, y no existirían diferencias significativas en este tipo de medidas que se toman en L2 entre niños canadienses de habla inglesa e hispano-parlante. El principal hallazgo ha sido encontrar que no existen diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos en procesos fonológicos y de escritura de palabras y pseudopalabras, sin embargo, los niños canadienses de habla inglesa presentan mayor competencia lingu?ística en comparación al grupo de hispano-parlantes ya que obtienen puntuaciones superiores en medidas de vocabulario y de conciencia sintáctica.
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Introduces a new analytic strategy for comparing the cognitive profiles of children developing reading skills at different rates: a regression-based logic analogous to the reading-level match design, but without some of the methodological problems of that design. It provides a unique method for examining whether the reading subskill profiles of poor readers with aptitude/achievement discrepancy differ from those without discrepancy. 907 children (aged 7–16 yrs) were compared on a varied set of phonological, orthographic, memory, and language processing tasks. The results indicated that cognitive differences between these 2 groups of poor readers all reside outside of the word recognition module. The results generally support the phonological-core variable-difference model of reading disability and demonstrate that degree of aptitude/achievement discrepancy is unrelated to the unique cognitive tradeoffs that are characteristic of the word recognition performance of children with reading disabilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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This study was designed to investigate whether the threshold level hypothesis (Cummins, 1976, 1979) could be applied to a three-language-in-contact school situation. The learning of three languages at school is becoming more and more commonplace throughout the world, some cases in Europe being reviewed. One of these three-language-in-contactschoolsituations is that of the Basque Country, a bilingual Community wherein both Basque and Spanish are official languages, and therefore taught at school. English is taught as a foreign language. The sample was made up of 252 students; 126 of them enrolled in Grade 5 (10-11-year-olds) and who were in their second year of learning English at school, and 126 enrolled in Grade 8 (13-14-year-olds) and who were in their third year of learning English at school. The participants completed Basque, English, and Spanish tests, as well as a background questionnaire and Raven's Progressive Matrices Test. The dependant variable was measured via a test of metalinguistic abilities. The threshold hypothesis could be applied either by establishing a third threshold or by maintaining the two original ones. The results showed that the maintenance of the original parameters on which the threshold hypothesis is based was more adequate than the proposal of establishing three thresholds.
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Studies on the acquisition of a third language (L3) in a bilingual context have shown that literacy in two languages facilitates the acquisition of a third (Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Swain, Lapkin, Rowen, & Hart, 1990). The present study seeks to contribute to this line of research by comparing the acquisition of English as an L3 by Catalan/Spanish bilingual high school students in an immersion program with the acquisition of English by Spanish monolinguals. Data from 201 participants were submitted to a hierarchical multiple regression analysis, rendering results that show that bilingualism indeed has a positive effect on the acquisition of an L3. The evidence is discussed from a cognitive perspective.
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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es dar a conocer la contribución de la teoría, la investigación y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías a la práctica de la enseñanza de la lectura. Para ello comenzamos describiendo las principales aportaciones que se derivan del enfoque sociocultural, de la psicolingüística y de las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lectura. A continuación, presentamos una síntesis de la investigación realizada en torno a la enseñanza de la lectura tanto en lengua inglesa como en lengua española. Se describen los principales hallazgos empíricos, y las principales implicaciones que se derivan de la teoría, la investigación y de las nuevas tecnologías para la práctica educativa.
A weakness of research on minority placement in special education is the tendency to overestimate the homogeneity of populations by failing to disaggregate factors such as language proficiency or to consider other relevant variables, for example, social class or program type. Similarly, certain groups have been understudied, such as English language learners (ELLs). We addressed these gaps by examining ELL placement patterns in California urban districts. Disproportionate representation patterns were related to grade level, language proficiency status, disability category, type of special education program, and type of language support program. Students proficient in neither their native language nor in English (particularly in secondary grades) were most affected. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.
outlines the theoretical foundations of the 1977 and 1989 [Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-COG) and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability Revised (WJ-R COG)] batteries and their major physical and interpretation features / draws attention to ways in which the WJ COG and WJ-R COG differ from the traditional intelligence batteries available in 1977 / [provides] information about important features of content, administration, interpretation, and technical quality [of these tests] to meet the goal of developing a technologically advanced battery of intelligence tests, the first step was to review the existing batteries as well as concerns about their content and features / the purpose of the review was to identify aspects to be addressed and improved on with the new battery / after completing the review, 7 broad design criteria for the WJ were prepared / [they are comprehensive content, wide age range, physical convenience, ease of administration, focused testing, full array of interpretation options and conormed intelligence and achievement tests] / this chapter details the ways in which these criteria are operationalized in the WJ and WJ-R cognitive batteries (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
El campo denominado español como lengua de origen es un área de estudio y práctica bien reconocida y desarrollada, sobre todo en los Estados Unidos. Su implementación en ese país ha respondido a las necesidades sociales, culturales y demográficas de la población de origen hispano en constante crecimiento y sus posibilidades de desarrollo han estado afectadas por las políticas de apoyo o, por el contrario, de restricción a la inmigración. De hecho, a partir de mediados de los años '80, muchos estados con gran proporción de latinos han legislado en contra de continuar apoyando los programas en esta área.