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Diversity, distribution and biological activity of Soft Corals (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) in Singapore


Abstract and Figures

The Southern Islands of Singapore are known to contain coral reefs which are high in biodiversity. However, the diversity of soft corals had received little attention to date. This study was conducted to determine the soft coral diversity in Singapore reefs as well as to conduct preliminary bioactivity tests on the organic extracts from these soft corals. A 100-meter line transect was used to survey soft corals at a 3m depth at ten different sample sites. Sclerites from samples were used to identify the soft corals to the generic level. This study uncovered the following genera of soft corals: Carijoa spp., Cladiella spp., Sinularia spp., Lobophytum spp., Sarcophyton spp., Stereonephthya spp., and Nephthea spp. In addition, an unidentified genus of soft coral was observed at Kusu Island. Cladiella spp. yielded the highest number of colonies, and Sarcophyton spp. had the highest coverage in terms of total colony diameter. The brine shrimp (Artemia salina) toxicity assay was carried out to screen for toxicity of the soft coral extracts at concentrations of 10, 100, and 1000 ppm. Results showed high levels of toxicity in extracts of Sarcophyton spp. and Cladiella spp., indicating that these soft corals are potentially good sources of bioactive compounds for drug discovery.
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Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
Beverly Pi Lee Goh*, Grace Enhui Tan, and Lik Tong Tan*
Natural Sciences and Science Education, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
University, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Received : October, 10, 2008 ; Accepted : December, 20, 2008
The Southern Islands of Singapore are known to contain coral reefs which are high in biodiversity.
However, the diversity of soft corals had received little attention to date. This study was conducted to
determine the soft coral diversity in Singapore reefs as well as to conduct preliminary bioactivity tests
on the organic extracts from these soft corals. A 100-meter line transect was used to survey soft corals
at a 3m depth at ten different sample sites. Sclerites from samples were used to identify the soft corals
to the generic level. This study uncovered the following genera of soft corals: Carijoa spp., Cladiella
spp., Sinularia spp., Lobophytum spp., Sarcophyton spp., Stereonephthya spp., and Nephthea spp. In
addition, an unidentified genus of soft coral was observed at Kusu Island. Cladiella spp. yielded the
highest number of colonies, and Sarcophyton spp. had the highest coverage in terms of total colony
diameter. The brine shrimp (Artemia salina) toxicity assay was carried out to screen for toxicity of the
soft coral extracts at concentrations of 10, 100, and 1000 ppm. Results showed high levels of toxicity in
extracts of Sarcophyton spp. and Cladiella spp., indicating that these soft corals are potentially good
sources of bioactive compounds for drug discovery.
Key words: Octocorallia diversity, Singapore, toxicity of octocorals, brine shrimp lethality assay
Correspondance : Phone: +65 6790 3820; Fax: +65 6896 9432; E-mails:,
Soft coral communities (Octocorallia,
Alyconacea), excluding the gorgonians
(Suborder Holaxonia, Calcaxonia and
Scleraxonia) have been documented in coral
reef studies from Southern Taiwan
(Benayahu et al., 2004), Indonesia
(Manuputty, 1992), Thailand (Satapoomin
and Sudara, 1991) and the Red Sea, Israel
(Benayahu et al., 2002). In all, a total of 21
genera have been reported from Indo-Pacific
reefs (Satapoomin and Sudara, 1991;
Manuputty, 1992). There have been no
comprehensive studies of soft corals
undertaken in the reefs around the Southern
Islands of Singapore and very little is known
about their diversity and distribution.
Although much information has been
gathered on coral reefs in Singapore, these
studies have not given much attention to soft
corals, but rather have focused on other reef
Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
organisms, particularly hard corals (Chou
and Teo, 1983; Chong, 1985; Chong, 1986;
Chou, 1988; Goh et al., 1990; Chua, 1990;
Goh and Chou, 1991; Low and Chou, 1991;
Low and Chou, 1992; Leng and Lim, 1992;
Goh and Chou, 1993; Chou et al., 1994a).
A total of 197 hard corals species from 55
genera have been recorded here, accounting
for almost 25% of the global total (Chou et
al., 1994a; Chou and Goh, 1998; Tan et al.,
2007). In addition, studies on gorgonians in
Singapore have also been documented (Goh
and Chou, 1998; Goh et al., 1999; Koh et
al., 2000). Information on soft coral
communities reported in previous studies
however, did not give any account of their
diversity (Goh and Chou, 1991; Goh and
Chou, 1994).
The coral reefs located around the
Southern Islands of Singapore are known to
be rich in biodiversity (Loo et al., 1991;
Chou and Tun, 2004). However, these coral
reefs have seen a steady decline over the
past few years (Chua and Chou, 1992; Chou
et al., 1994b; Chou, 2002). It has been
estimated that 60% of the reefs have been
lost through foreshore reclamation since the
late 1960’s (Chou and Goh, 1998).
Extensive reclamation has had negative
impacts on the reefs and it is almost
impossible to reverse the declining status
(Chou et al., 1994b). It has been estimated
that the coral reef cover today has been
reduced to only about 30 km2 (Chou and
Tun, 2004). This has led to growing
concerns about coral reef conservation in
Singapore. With increasing focus on
conservation of reefs in Singapore, an
assessment of the biodiversity of soft corals
obtained from this survey will provide a
good reference for further comparative
Much has been documented about the
significant role of reefs, particularly their
potential use in biomedical science. The
dense concentration of marine species
makes them potential source for drug
discovery (Newman and Cragg, 2004). Soft
corals in particular have been a prolific
source of bioactive compounds belonging
mainly to the terpenoid structural class. One
example is a cembranoid compound,
sarcophytol A, isolated from the soft coral
Sarcophyton glaucum having potent
antitumor as well as cancer
chemopreventive activity (Yokomatsu et al.,
1994). Extracts with bioactive properties
have also been screened from gorgonians in
Singapore (Goh et al., 1995). However, no
research has so far focused on other
Alyconacea in Singapore, in particular the
soft corals. This study aims to document the
diversity and distribution of soft corals in
Singapore reefs as well as to carry out
preliminary screening for bioactive
compounds based on the brine shrimp
toxicity assay from these soft corals.
Sample sites.
The study was conducted at selected sites at
the Southern Islands of Singapore (Fig. 1).
A total of 10 sites were surveyed from
January 2008 to April 2008. These were
fringing reefs surrounding the islands of
Raffles Lighthouse, (1o10’N, 103o45’E),
Pulau (P.) Semakau (1o 12’N, 103o45.5’E),
Sister’s island (1o 13’N, 103o50’E), Kusu
Island (1o13’N, 103o51’E), two patch reefs
west of P. Hantu (1o 13’N, 103o45’E) and a
jetty located in the south of P. Hantu.
Sampling method.
The depth-specific 100m line transect as
described in English et al. (1994) was used
to sample reef communities at a depth of
3meters from the reef crest for all sites
except the jetty at P. Hantu. At P. Hantu
jetty, pillars supporting the jetty were
surveyed by observation at a depth of 3
meters. Since this was not a coral reef on
Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
which a transect could be laid, only total
colony counts of soft corals were recorded
from the four pillars. All surveys were
carried out using SCUBA. Soft corals
encountered along the transects were
measured (colony diameter, m) and sections
of the colonies were collected in separate
Fig 1. Map of the Southern Islands of Singapore showing the location of sample sites. Inset:
Enlarged maps of individual sample sites indicating transects. (H1: P. Hantu 1, H2: P.
Hantu 2, K1: Kusu Island 1, R1: Raffles Light House 1, R2: Raffles Light House 2,
S1: P. Semakau 1, S2: P. Semakau 2, SS1: The Sister’s Island 1, SS2: The Sister’s
island 2. HJ: P. Hantu Jetty)
Samples of soft corals were frozen
immediately. In the laboratory, about
0.5cm2 of soft coral tissues were removed
and dissolved in 10% sodium hypochlorite
to obtain sclerites for identification.
Identification was carried out to the genus
level with the use of keys from the
Australian Institute of Marine Science
(Fabricius and Alderslade, 2001). There are
no published resources for identifying soft
corals to the species level. Soft corals
obtained in this study were therefore
identified only to the genus level.
Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) toxicity
The brine shrimp toxicity assay based on
Meyer et al. (1982) was used to test for
biological activity from samples of the soft
corals. Extracts were obtained by soaking
samples in MeOH for 24h and followed by
filtration using the buchner funnel.
Removal of organic solvent was achieved
using the roto-evaporator. Three different
concentrations of extracts were used to test
for toxicity by re-suspending dried extracts
in artificial sea water in 20 ml glass vials to
give resulting concentrations of 100 ppm,
100 ppm, and 10 ppm. A total of five
replicates were tested for each
concentration, together with controls
containing no extracts. Brine shrimps
(Artemia salina) larvae were hatched from
cysts 48h prior to the commencement of the
assay. For each test concentration and
controls, 20 brine shrimp larvae were
introduced into each vial using long
Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
stemmed pipettes. The percentage mortality
of the brine shrimp was observed after 24h.
A total of seven genera of soft corals were
identified at the ten sites surveyed,
representing the families Clavulariidea,
Alcyoniidae and Neptheidae (Table 1). In
addition, four colonies of an unidentified
soft coral genus were found at Kusu Island.
The largest coverage of soft corals, in terms
of colony diameter, was found at Kusu
Island (total of 4.76m) while the lowest
coverage was found at Sister’s Island 1
(total of 0.31m). In terms of abundance
(number of colonies), P. Semakau yielded
the highest number of soft corals with
Cladiella spp. having the highest occurrence
at all sample sites (Table 1). Furthermore,
Sarcophyton spp. was observed to have the
highest cover at all sites.
Table 1. Total soft coral cover (colony diameter in m) for each genus along a 100m transect at
sample sites in the Southern Islands of Singapore. The abundance (number of
colonies) of each genus is stated in parentheses. (H1: P. Hantu 1, H2: P. Hantu 2, K:
Kusu Island 1, R1: Raffles Light House 1, R2: Raffles Light House 2, S1: P.
Semakau 1, S2: P. Semakau 2, SS1: The Sister’s Island 1, SS2: The Sister’s island 2.
*HJ: P. Hantu Jetty (only number of colonies indicated), Car: Carijoa spp.; Cla:
Cladiella spp.; Sin: Sinularia spp.; Lob: Lobophytum spp.; Nep: Nephthea spp.; Sar:
Sarcophyton spp.; Ste: Stereonephthya spp.; UG: Unknown).
0.32 (7)
0.10 (1)
0.42 (8)
0.11 (2)
0.23 (1)
0.12 (3)
0.46 (6)
1.63 (3)
0.72 (3)
0.92 (5)
0.12 (1)
1.37 (4)
4.76 (16)
0.80 (6)
0.53 (3)
0.17 (1)
0.20 (2)
1.70 (12)
0.11 (1)
1.48 (7)
0.64 (2)
0.11 (1)
2.34 (11)
0.11 (1)
0.21 (3)
0.72 (8)
0.56 (1)
0.17 (2)
0.57 (3)
0.28 (4)
3.80 (25)
0.10 (1)
0.21 (3)
1.06 (6)
0.28 (1)
0.23 (5)
0.46 (2)
0.7 (10)
1.37 (4)
Extracts of six soft coral species
(Sarcophyton spp., Sinularia spp., Cladellia
spp., Nephthea spp., Carijoa spp, and the
unidentified soft coral from P. Hantu)
showed significant biological activity with
mortality greater than 80% at 1000 ppm
(Fig. 2). Both extracts of Sacrophyton spp.
and Cladellia spp. indicated high toxicity (>
80% mortality) when tested at a lower
concentration of 100 ppm. No significant
toxicity responses were observed at the
lowest concentration of 10 ppm for all
Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
Lobophytum spp.
Sarcophyton spp.
Stereonephthya spp.
Sinularia spp.
Cladiella spp.
Nephthea spp.
Carijoa spp.
Soft Coral Species
Mean Percentage Mortality
10 ppm
100 ppm
1000 ppm
extracts. All controls indicated no mortality
of brine shrimp larvae.
Fig 2. Graph showing mean percentage mortality of brine shrimp larvae (pooling of five
replicates) at three test concentrations of soft coral extracts.
This study documents for the first time
seven named genera of soft corals in the
reefs of Singapore, and Alcyoniidae as the
most abundant family observed. Past
records of soft corals from Singapore
obtained from preserved specimens at the
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research
(NUS) and reports (Wee and Ng, 1994) have
listed the genera: Sinularia spp., Cladiella
spp., Lobophytum spp., Sarcophyton spp.
and Dendronephthya spp. Only
Dendropnephthya spp. was not sampled in
this study.
The soft coral diversity observed in
this study was low compared to records of
hard corals from the Southern Islands of
Singapore over the past few years. Past
records have reported over 150 species of
hard corals from 55 genera (Chou et al.,
1994a; Chou and Goh, 1998). The results
here also indicate fewer soft corals in terms
of abundance and diversity compared to
other countries in the region. A survey
conducted in Indonesia, Seribu Island,
reported 17 genera from six different
families (Manuputty, 1992). Records from
the gulf of Thailand showed ten different
genera from five families (Satapoomin and
Sudara, 1992), and reefs in Taiwan were
observed to have 22 genera from seven
families (Benayahu et al., 2004). Our study
surveyed a relatively small area compared to
the other studies, and a more comprehensive
survey covering a wider area of reefs in
Singapore may reveal more species of soft
In this study, Cladiellia spp. was the
most abundant with 25 collected throughout
the survey, and hence it may be the
dominant soft coral genus in Singapore. The
survey concentrated on areas of the coral
reef close to the reef flat, which is a region
which experiences high wave action.
Cladiella spp. is a thick encrusting
octocoral, and has been reported to be able
to tolerate some wave action (Fabricius and
Alderslade, 2001). This may explain its high
abundance in this study. Cladiella spp. was
Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
also found to be one of the dominant genera
in the gulf of Thailand (Satapoomin and
Sudara, 1991).
Members of the Alcyoniidae, such as
Sarcophyton spp., Sinularia spp. and
Lobophytum spp. have been reported to be
fast growing and able to grow well in
moderately turbid, well lit coastal areas
(Fabricius and Alderslade, 2001). These
soft corals were frequently sampled at all the
survey locations in this study, and it may be
an indication of the higher tolerance of these
particular genera for sedimented waters, like
those occurring in Singapore .
The low soft coral abundance
observed in the study could be attributed to
the high sedimentation rate in Singapore
waters. Average sedimentation rates of 5-
20mg cm-2 day -1 have been reported with
maximum rates of up to 44.64 cm-2 day -1
recorded (Low and Chou, 1994). Rogers
(1990) postulated that normal”
sedimentation rates in coral reefs are in the
order of approximately 10mg cm-2 day -1.
Heavy sediment loading from land
reclamation, dredging and dumping have
contributed to a high sedimentation rate in
Singapore waters, causing anthropogenic
stress to reefs (Chou et al., 1994a). In
addition, sedimentation also results in a
reduction in light penetration and thus also
affects coral reef organisms that
photosynthesize (Goh and Chou, 1991).
Chua and Chou (1992) have further reported
that the deeper zones of the coral reef have
become denuded as a result of a reduction in
light penetration. Thus may also explain
why the soft corals sampled in this study
were located in the shallow reef crest.
Chou (2002) documented a steady
decrease in live coral cover at most reef sites
since 1986. Even Raffles Lighthouse, the
island furthest from Singapore mainland was
also reported to suffer a decrease in live
coral cover, from 76.35% in 1987 to 48% in
1997. Sinularia spp., the only soft coral
monitored in a 1998 study showed complete
mortality during a mass bleaching event in
1998. The overall reduction in total live
coral cover through bleaching was most
evident at the reef crest and this was
attributed to an increase in sea surface
temperature causing thermal stress to reefs
organisms (Chou, 2002). Hence the two
factors: sedimentation and temperature
increase could have lead to the decline of the
reef community in terms of abundance and
species richness (Chou et al., 1994a), and
may also explain the low abundance of soft
corals observed in this study.
Other factors also play a role in reef
diversity. In particular, substrate type
determines how reef organisms may be
established. Satapoomin and Sudara (1991)
stated that a stable substrate was important
for attachment by soft corals. Loo et al.
(1991) documented the sea floor of the
southern islands of Singapore to be covered
with unconsolidated sand and mud. Hence
the low diversity and abundance of soft
corals at the patch reefs of P. Hantu in this
study may be due to the fact that the bottom
substrate is mainly composed of dead coral
covered with sediment (personal
A study of coral establishment on
submerged concrete pillars at P. Hantu
conducted by Chong (1985) focussed on
hard corals, and no soft corals were
documented. In the present study, Carijoa
spp. was the only genus found at the pillars
of the P. Hantu jetty, and it was not sampled
at the other nine study sites. Carijoa spp. is
a common fouling organism on jetties and
wrecks (Fabricius and Alderslade, 2001),
and this may explain its occurrence at the P.
Hantu jetty.
Although the soft coral fauna of
Singapore’s reefs represent a small
proportion of the total reef community, it is
believed to play a significant role in the reef
ecosystem through many interspecific
interactions (Goh and Chou, 1991).
Results of the brine shrimp toxicity
assay indicated the presence of bioactive
compounds in the soft corals collected in
Journal of Coastal Development ISSN : 1410-5217
Volume 12, Number 2 : February 2009: 90 - 99
this study. Extracts from Stereonephythya
spp. yielded the lowest mortality rates at
every test concentration, and hence had the
lowest toxicity effect. Sarcophyton spp. and
Cladiella spp. were shown to be active even
at 100 ppm, and thus their extracts may be
considered to be more toxic than those from
the other genera. Therefore, this preliminary
test of bioactivity in soft corals from
Singapore showed promising results,
particularly for the genera Sarcophyton spp.
and Cladiella spp., and may be investigated
further as source of bioactive compounds for
drug discovery.
The use of the brine shrimp toxicity
assay in this study has proven to be a quick
and cost effective method to establish
preliminary toxicity activity in these soft
corals. A search of the literature has shown
that a number of pharmaceutically important
marine-derived compounds, such as curacin
A (Gerwick et al., 1994), have been
identified through the use of this assay.
Furthermore, studies have shown good
correlations between brine shrimp toxicity
data and cell-based cytotoxicity data
(Carballo et al., 2002). In spite of the small
sample size of just eight soft coral species
used in this study, high incidence of toxicity
data was indicated in six of them. This
further demonstrates that in general marine
organisms from local waters are significant
source of bioactive compounds for drug
discovery and highlights the importance of
conserving local marine flora and fauna.
In conclusion, this preliminary study
revealed seven known genera and one
unknown soft coral genus from the Southern
Islands of Singapore. The brine shrimp
toxicity assays indicated the presence of
bioactive compounds from the soft coral
extracts, particularly from Sarcophyton spp.
and Cladiella spp. This suggests a good
potential for drug discovery in these two
genera and further analysis of the active
compounds from the soft coral extracts
should be conducted to uncover the specific
compound(s) responsible for the toxicity. It
is evident that further research should be
conducted to identify the soft corals in
Singapore to the species level, as well as
identify and classify the unknown soft coral
genus into an appropriate taxonomic group
for future reference. In addition, more sites
in the Southern Islands of Singapore could
be surveyed for a more comprehensive study
of soft coral diversity and ecology.
The authors wish to thank Marco Perrig and
Natalie Low for assistance during field
collections. Invaluable assistance in the
field trips and laboratory work were also
provided by Natalie Low, Annabelle Tay,
NSSE laboratory technicians and various
volunteers. Thanks are also due to the
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research
that provided free access to their records and
specimen collections. Financial support for
this study was generously provided from
research grants (RP 5/02 GPL and RI 8/05
TLT) from the National Institute of
Education, Nanyang Technological
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... Overall, the average soft coral cover of BARC is 3.2% ± 1.2 SE, which is similar to the national average soft coral cover of 3.2% ± 0.6 SE reported by Licuanan et al. (2019). These results resemble those found for the Southern Islands in Singapore (Goh et al., 2009). In contrast, soft coral cover reports were highly variable for Eilat (northern Red Sea), central Great Barrier Reef (Australia), and Papua New Guinea, ranging from 0 to 50% (Benayahu andLoya, 1977, 1981;Dinesen, 1983;Tursch and Tursch, 1982). ...
... The findings from this study contribute to the data currently available from taxonomy-oriented studies on Philippine octocorals published decades ago (i.e., Light, 1913Light, , 1914Light, , 1915aLight, , 1915bLight, , 1915cRoxas, 1932Roxas, , 1933aRoxas, , 1933b. Despite BARC being considered a generally disturbed area, its taxa richness in terms of the families and genera observed is comparable to those reported from other studies in other regions (e.g., Benayahu and Loya, 1977;Tursch and Tursch, 1982;Benayahu, 2002;Benayahu et al., 2004;Goh et al., 2009;Mohammad et al., 2016;Ismail et al., 2017). However, the limited taxonomic resolution of the present study highlights the need for assessments to the species level in order to provide more in-depth information on the general biodiversity of the Coral Triangle region (Karlson et al., 2004;Sanciangco et al., 2013). ...
Soft corals in the Philippines have received little attention. In this study, community structure and size-frequency distribution of soft corals were assessed via quantitative surveys in a heavily disturbed reef system in northwestern Philippines. Relationships between selected environmental parameters and benthic components were also investigated. Results reveal that soft coral cover, density, and taxa richness were lowest at stations nearest a fish farming area, characterized by the poorest water quality. Differences in dominance of taxonomic groups may indicate differences in environmental preference or tolerance. Exposure to waves and water clarity were determined to have high correlations with the distribution of different taxa. Symmetrical size distributions of selected alcyoniids were indicative of healthy populations. However, the negative skewness of Lobophytum may indicate an eventual population decline caused by unfavorable environmental conditions. The study's findings suggest the need to conduct a detailed analysis of the different soft coral variables during coral reef surveys to improve data interpretations necessary for coral reef management in the Philippines.
... Cladiella sp. merupakan salah satu karang lunak yang memiliki senyawa bioaktif potensial untuk obat (Iswani et al., 2014;Goh et al., 2009;Dewanto et al., 2019). ...
Karang lunak mempunyai tekstur kerangka yang lunak berupa duri-duri kecil dari kalsium karbonat yang ada dalam jaringan tubuhnya. Pada umumnya karang lunak melekat pada substrat yang keras di dasar perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan relatif dan mutlak, dan perbandingan laju pertumbuhan karang lunak pada salinitas yang berbeda. Salinitas merupakan kadar garam terlarut pada air laut. Salinitas berperan penting untuk mendukung kehidupan biota laut termasuk karang lunak. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Kelautan dari tgl 27 Januari 2019 sampai 09 Mei 2019 dengan cara mengukur panjang dan lebar fragmen karang hasil transplantasi yang di tempelkan di setiap akuarium dengan salinitas yang berbeda. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang didapatkan pada akuarium dengan salinitas 28, 31, dan 34 yaitu 100 % sedangkan untuk akuarium dengn salinitas 36 yaitu 40% karang lunak dapat hidup sampai akhir penelitian. Laju pertumbuhan karang lunak relatif bervariasi karena pengaruh lingkungan dan kualitas air. Sedangkan laju pertumbuhan mutlak panjang selama 3 bulan mendapatkan nilai yaitu Akuarium Salinitas 28 sebesar 3,221 cm/minggu dan 1,382 cm/minggu; Akuarium salinitas 31 sebesar 3,285 cm/minggu dan 1,433 cm/minggu; Akuarium salinitas 34 sebesar 1,753 cm/minggu dan 0,713 cm/minggu; dan Akuarium salinitas 36 sebesar 0,359 cm/minggu dan 0,224 cm/minggu. Ada perbedaan yang nyata pada laju pertumbuhan karang lunak Cladiella sp. pada salinitas yang berbeda.. Kata Kunci: Karang Lunak, Cladiella sp., Salinitas, Laju Pertumbuhan, Pertumbuhan
... In the present study, the crude extract from four (out of five) Sarcophyton species showed the feeding deterrence effect in both the field assays with reef fishes and the aquarium assays with moon wrasse, T. lunare. Several studies have found that the crude extract from Octocorallia plays an important role in the defense factors against fish predators in tropical Pacific waters [14,15,35], in the Red Sea [16,19], the Caribbean [13], and other regions [1,24]. The result of the experiments with pellets containing a mixture of crude extract and sclerites at a natural concentration has clearly indicated that in the Sarcophyton species this combination of factors protected the corals from reef fishes more effectively than the crude extract or sclerites alone. ...
... Members of Alcyoniidae, such as Lobophytum sp, Sarcophyton sp and Sinularia sp were frequently sampled at most of the survey locations in this study (Figs. 2 and 3). Interestingly, these soft corals have been found to be common and abundant as well in other countries such as Northern Red Sea (Mohamed et al., 2008), Southern Red Sea (Benayahu et al., 2002), Southern Islands of Singapore (Goh et al., 2009), Thai waters (Chanmethakul et al., 2010), Great Barrier Reef (Fabricius and Alderslade, 2001), Vietnam (Hoang, 2010) and Northern Madagascar (Evans et al., 2011). This dominance can be due to their ability to tolerate heat and different environment such as extreme turbidity and sedimentation (Strychar et al., 2005). ...
This study aims to assess the soft corals community around Mauritius and Rodrigues Island due to the limited research on the abundance and diversity of soft corals in the area Seven soft corals species are newly reported from Mauritian waters. Triplicates of 5-meter line transect were used to survey soft corals at twelve different monitoring sites. Of the sites monitored for soft coral occurrence, the highest Margalef richness index and Shannon index (H’) values were obtained at Port Mathurin for Rodrigues Island and at Les Salines for Mauritius. Identification was carried out using both morphological characters and a DNA-based marker. The morphological identification process was based on the external form and colouration, type of colony growth; the type of polyps and colonies and sclerites analysis. 41 different species showed dissimilar characteristics, and results grouped the colonies to three different families; 32 colonies of Alcyoniidae, 3 of Nephtheidae and 6 of Xeniidae were obtained. To ascertain morphological classification, the longest non-coding region of the mitochondrial COI-COII intergenic spacer (IGS) (consisting of 122 nucleotides) was used to construct a molecular phylogeny that included 21 species of octocorals. The COI-COII IGS phylogeny recovered 5 well supported clades, which did not tally with the cladogram based on morphological characters. Three dendrograms based on morphological characters were constructed where the first one involved mapping of all the morphological characters onto the tree, the second one was based mainly on the type of sclerites present and the third one based on the collection depth of the samples. The dendrogram based on morphological markers clustered all the soft corals from the Alcyoniidae family aside from the other families. The second dendrogram clustered all the soft corals from the genus Sinularia, Lobophytum, Sarcophyton as well as Cladiella kashmani together, away from the soft corals with distinct sclerite form. Furthermore, the third dendrogram clustered the soft corals into 2 major clades, one clade clustering the soft corals which are ubiquitous and a larger clade including all soft corals collected from a depth of 0 m to above 20 m. As documented by other studies on octocorals, construction of the phylogenetic tree has led to an appreciation of the importance of genetic work which has been overlooked while using traditional morphological characters.
... Coral colonies with the massive-columnar morphological forms were mentioned by Rogers (1990) and Edinger & Risk (2000) to be stress tolerant, especially to high sedimentation and eutrophication. Sinuaria, Sarcophyton, and Lobophytum as the SC genera group of the family Alcyoniidae, are found in various waters around the world (Fabricius et al 2007;Goh et al 2009;Chanmethakul et al 2010;Aratake et al 2012). This group has a rapid growth rate, able to tolerate and grow well in waters with moderate sedimentation and turbidity levels (Fabricius & Alderslade 2001;Chanmethakul et al 2010;Aratake et al 2012). ...
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The Mahakam Delta represents one of the largest tropical deltas in Indonesia located at Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Island and it is heavily affected by sedimentation processes that impact the coral reef habitats. The reef-building corals and reef-inhabiting fish have a mutually symbiotic relationship, with corals providing food and habitat while depending on the grazing by certain fish for reproductive success. This research aims to investigate the coral reef condition and also the community structure of the reef fish in the Mahakam Delta. This study was conducted in July 2018, in Muara Ilu, Mahakam Delta. We observed the coral reef area and reef fish at 6 sites throughout the Mahakam River mouth. The condition of coral reefs and reef fish is assessed through scuba diving activities, using the video belt transect method, while reef fish surveys were done by the operated video transect diver method. The results showed that the coral reefs in the Muara Ilu waters of Tani Baru Village, Anggana District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, have an area of 36.36 Ha, consisting of two stretches, "Batu Laut Muara Ilu", covering an area of 35.11 Ha and "Batu Darat Muara Ilu", covering 1.25 Ha. The percentage of live coral cover ranges from 2% to 46.4%, with an overall average of 28.5%, which is classified in moderate/moderate coral reef conditions. The reef fish community data from twelve transects showed high diversity and stable fish communities in the coral reef ecosystem from the study sites. The index values obtained are: H'=2.60; E=0.65; C=0.13. In conclusion, the diversity of reef fish was in the medium category, even distribution of species was present and no dominance by certain types was observed.
... The coverage of SC was higher than HC, which is mostly due to the contribution of monospecific colonies of Sarcophyton that were observed densely developed at a certain part of this spot (Figure 4a & 4b). These results were consistent with the previous studies that showed the most abundant genera from soft coral Alcyoniidae was Sarcophyton (Fabricius et al 2007;Goh et al 2009;Chanmethakul et al 2010;Aratake et al 2012;Baum et al 2016). Sarcophyton species are very hardy and dominant in many coral reef areas; they are characterized by a distinct sterile stalk, a broad, flared, smooth, mushroom shaped top called capitulum (Aratake et al 2012). ...
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The coral reef existence at eastern front of Mahakam Delta has never been investigated, since the water condition and bottom substrate have been considered unsuitable for the coral reef development. Interestingly, thirty genera of hard coral in eleven families and eleven genera of soft coral in six families were found from this research. Video belt transect methods discovered poor/bad to fair/moderate of coral cover condition. These results confirmed that coral reef does exist at eastern front of Mahakam Delta, Tani Baru Village, Anggana Sub-district, Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan Province.
... The coverage of SC was higher than HC, which is mostly due to the contribution of monospecific colonies of Sarcophyton that were observed densely developed at a certain part of this spot (Figure 4a & 4b). These results were consistent with the previous studies that showed the most abundant genera from soft coral Alcyoniidae was Sarcophyton (Fabricius et al 2007;Goh et al 2009;Chanmethakul et al 2010;Aratake et al 2012;Baum et al 2016). Sarcophyton species are very hardy and dominant in many coral reef areas; they are characterized by a distinct sterile stalk, a broad, flared, smooth, mushroom shaped top called capitulum (Aratake et al 2012). ...
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The water of Mahakam Delta characterized by high turbidity and soft bottom sediment was generally supposed to be as unsuitable environment for coral reef development. However, this study showed that the spread of coral reefs was found in the northern and southern delta front of the Mahakam Delta only about 8.7 km and 11.9 km from the delta, respectively. Observation at the northern area in 2013 resulted in finding six reefs formation (three fringing and three patch) with total area of 41.84 ha, and identifying 21 genera from 13 families of hard corals with averagely poor live coral coverage of LC 21.02% and coral mortality index of CMI 0.25. Meanwhile, in the southern area observed in 2011 and 2013 was found three reef spots, and all were in fringing formation with total area of 32.21 ha. Generic identification in 2011 and 2013 revealed that hard corals consisted in 21 and 22 genera, respectively, or 25 genera in both years, all from the same 12 families. The data analysis of lifeform line intercept transect indicated that the live coral coverage in both years were categorized as fair or moderate with in 2011 and 2013 the LC was 28.12% and 27.76% and CMI was 0.41 and 0.55, respectively.
... These comprised three species of sponges (Rhabdastrella globostellata, Spongia ceylonensis, Lendenfeldia chondrodes), three species of soft coral (Cladiella sp., Lobophytum sp., Sinularia sp.) and five species of hard corals (Porites lobata, Pocillopora damicornis, Hydnophora rigida, Diploastrea heliopora, Goniastrea minuta). These species were selected for their abundance in Singapore's marine environment, ease of culture in mariculture tanks, as well as their ability to withstand short periods of emersion (Goh et al., 2009;Huang et al., 2009;Lim et al., 2012). This was to ensure that the organisms were native biota which could establish themselves securely on the lower intertidal region of the seawalls-a zone which was exposed for some two hours of spring low tides for up to three consecutive days each month. ...
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Octocorals are relatively understudied than other coral reef organisms despite their ecological and economic values. The Philippines is known to have high marine biodiversity, but information on octocorals is lacking. This study investigated spatial and temporal variations in the assemblage of octocorals in selected reef sites in the West Philippine Sea (WPS)- the Kalayaan Island Group (i.e., Pag-asa, Sabina, Lawak, and Northeast Investigator) and Ulugan in 2017 and 2019. Results showed high octocoral taxonomic richness (at least 10 families) in the study sites. Mean percent octocoral cover in WPS was 5.35% SE ± 0.55, with Sabina having the highest octocoral cover in both years. Significant differences in octocoral cover were observed among sites in both years, but among-station differences were only observed in 2017. Octocoral assemblage also differed among sites in both years (ANOSIM: R > 0.5, p < 0.05), wherein different octocoral taxa dominated in different sites. In particular, variations were driven by high cover of holaxonians, nephtheids, and coelogorgiids in Sabina, and clavulariids, tubiporiids, and xeniids in Northeast Investigator in 2017. In 2019, significant variations were driven by high cover of helioporiids in Pag-asa, while Sabina had higher abundance of holaxonians, nephtheids, alcyoniids, and xeniids. Short-term temporal variation on octocoral cover in monitoring stations in Pag-asa was not observed (Kruskal-Wallis, p > 0.05), although the overall mean octocoral cover increased from 1.23% ± SE 0.47 in 2017 to 2.09% SE ± 0.37 in 2019. Further, there was no significant change in the octocoral assemblage in Pag-asa between years (ANOSIM, R = 0.11, p = 0.07). This study highlights high octocoral taxonomic richness in the WPS relative to other sites in the Indo-Pacific Region and provides baseline information on the octocoral assemblages, which can be useful for future ecological studies and marine biodiversity conservation efforts.
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Studies concerning subtidal octocoral species from Singapore reefs are few. This study documents the diversity and abundance of octocoral communities from fringing reefs at Singapore's Southern Islands, namely, Pulau Semakau, P. Hantu and Kusu Island. Belt transects of 20 m ( 5) were employed to survey the octocoral communities at these reef sites. Morphology and sclerites of a number of collected octocoral samples were compared with paratypes obtained from the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore, for species identification. A total of 16 morphotypes, belonging to five octocoral genera, including Cladiella, Lobophytum, Nephthea, Sarcophyton and Sinularia, were identified in this study. Statistical analysis revealed octocoral abundance and diversity at Kusu Island reefs were higher than those around P. Hantu and P. Semakau. Conversely, octocoral community structures encountered along P. Semakau and Kusu Island were more similar than those of P. Hantu. The preliminary data presented in this study could serve as the baseline data for long term biomonitoring programs in assessing the state of coral reefs in Singapore.
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Singapore' s rapid development has resulted not only in a successful economy, but also a drastic transformation of its coastal areas. Extensive reclamation has caused the disappearance of coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs in Singapore. Although the protection of highly visible terrestrial ecosystems like forests and mangroves in Singapore has traditionally received more attention, the preservation of marine ecosystems, including coral reefs is gaining increasing prominence. Non-governmental organisations have taken many initiatives to promote the conservation of marine natural resources. These activities include the training and mobilisation of recreational scuba divers to participate in conservation-related programmes, education and highly publicised general public awareness campaigns. While the public is generally receptive to conservation issues, the scientific community must ensure that the information provided by conservation groups is sound, and the activities that they promote properly managed. The activities of local conservation groups have prompted the government to pay more attention to marine ecosystems in the planning and management of developmental projects. However, the unique geography and economy of Singapore presents constraints that must be considered in resource conservation. The Singapore experience has shown that it is indeed possible to successfully promote realistic conservation of coral reefs within the confines of sustainable development. (See:
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Anomuran and brachyuran crab symbionts from 51 colonies of corals belonging to the families Acroporidae, Agariciidae and Pocilloporidae were investigated. A total of seven species of anomurans and 27 species of brachyurans were collected, of which the majority were corallophilous symbionts. Comparisons with studies made at four oceanic reefs revealed a paucity of brachyuran corallicolous symbionts, with only four species of Anomura and four species of Brachyura observed in Singapore. However, there was a high abundance of corallophilous and casual symbionts in Singapore.
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organisms. Soft corals from Nanwan Bay and Green I. (Lutao in Chinese), southern Taiwan, were studied dur- ing 1994 and 1998. Scuba collections were carried out to a depth of 33 m. Approximately 230 samples were collected, encompassing a variety of species found on these reefs. Visual estimates were made of the under- water abundance of species. The collection yielded 69 species of the families Helioporidae, Clavulariidae, Tubiporidae, Alcyoniidae, Nephtheidae, Xeniidae, and Briareidae. These included 1 new species and 43 new zoogeographical records for Taiwan. Among the 22 listed genera, the survey recorded 7 for the 1st time in Taiwanese reefs. The findings confirm the high soft-coral diversity of these reefs. The shallow reefs of Nanwan Bay are densely inhabited by species of the family Alcyoniidae. In contrast, the deep reefs are characterized only by sporadic colonies of Alcyoniidae, but abundant assemblages of azooxanthellate members of the fami- lies Nephtheidae and Nidaliidae. Soft corals of the family Xeniidae are abundant on the reefs of Green I. at a depth range of 3~10 m. Interestingly, species of the family Xeniidae were rarely observed at Nanwan Bay. The coral reefs of Taiwan and Japan are closely linked by the northward-flowing Kuroshio Current, which brings water and larvae from the reefs of the South China Sea. Therefore, we compared the generic affiliation and abundance estimates of the Alcyoniidae between southern Taiwan and the Ryukyu Archipelago (Japan), and found a close resemblance between these 2 reef areas.
Gorgonian-associated fauna from Singapore are listed, representated by seven phyla, 17 families, 23 genera and 23 identified and seven unidentified species. Museum reference numbers, method of collection, locality, depth (where available), host, collector, and date collected (where available) are presented for each specimen collected. The associated animal is also classified in terms of the frequency of occurrence on host species (common, occasional, rare), persistence of the relationship (persistent or intermittent occurrence on host), category of association (scavenger, predator, parasite, commensal, mutualist), location in the host (endo- or ecto-symbiont), dependence on host (obligate or facultative), and specificity to particular host species or genera. At least 16 of the 31 known gorgonian species in Singapore host associated fauna.