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Basic landing characteristics and their application in artistic gymnastics


Abstract and Figures

Landings are extremely important in gymnastics to improve athlete performances as well as to reduce injuries. Studies on landings therefore provide an interesting field of research in which numerous studies have been conducted. This article gives an overview of the results from these studies that can be used by coaches to improve teaching on landing techniques. The biomechanical characteristics and motor control of landings is reviewed.
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Miha Marinšek
University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Slovenia
Review article
Landings are extremely important in gymnastics to improve athlete performances as well as to
reduce injuries. Studies on landings therefore provide an interesting field of research in which
numerous studies have been conducted. This article gives an overview of the results from these
studies that can be used by coaches to improve teaching on landing techniques. The
biomechanical characteristics and motor control of landings is reviewed.
Keywords: gymnastics, landings, kinematics, dynamics, motor control.
Landing is the final phase in aerial
routines (take off phase, flight phase, and
landing). Landing is important for success
in gymnastics and is therefore of interest to
researchers and coaches who want to
improve landing performances.
Landing success depends on the
physical fitness (preparation) and motor
control of the gymnast. Physical preparation
refers to the gymnast's ability to cope with
the load to which they are exposed during
the landing. Motor control refers to the
control the gymnast has over the skill they
perform. Both of these factors enable
successful and safe landings.
Results from various studies show a
low success rate of landings in competition
(McNitt Gray, Requejo, Costa, and
Mathiyakom, 2001; Prassas and Gianikellis,
2002). During the Olympic games 1996 in
Atlanta McNitt Gray et. al. (1998)
investigated landings from the high bar and
parallel bars. Competitors performed twenty
landings. Only one was performed without a
mistake. At the European Championships in
2004, of all the saltos performed on the
floor, 30 % were performed without error
and 70 % were performed with errors
(Marinšek, 2009).
Landings in gymnastics are
performed with first contact of the lateral
part of the foot followed by the medial part
(25 ms to 32 ms). The heel touches the
ground between 27 ms and 52 ms later than
the toes (Janshen, 1998). The ankle joint
angle change (250 to 300) during the landing
is less than that of the knee joint (790 to
890). Depending on the angle of the knee
joint, landings are categorised as either stiff
or soft. Landings where the knee angle is
smaller than 630 are classed as stiff
landings, and those where the knee angle is
greater than 630 are classed as soft landings
(Devita and Skelly, 1992). For soft landings
there must be a contraction of at least 1170
at the knee joint.
Depending on the height and type of
landing, different force magnitudes are
developed. A higher flight phase results in a
higher vertical ground reaction force.
Vertical ground reaction force represents
external force which the gymnasts have to
overcome with their muscle force and has
an impact on the gymnast’s linear and
angular momentum. A variable that also
affects linear and angular momentum is the
time that the landing takes to perform.
Impulse of force is the product of force and
time; this is represented by the area below
the curve in Figure 1. The impulse of the
force is a consequence of the gymnast’s
weight and velocity, so its quantity cannot
be changed at landing. The goal of landing
is to change the shape of the area below the
curve. Gymnasts can alter the shape of the
area by increasing the time taken to perform
the landing. Gymnasts can achieve this by
increasing hip, knee, and ankle amplitude.
Figure 1. Landing shown as the force – time relationship.
As the height from which a landing
is performed increases, muscles are required
to respond more quickly, however, bodily
movements maintain the same course
(Devita and Skelly, 1992; Arampatzis,
Brügemann and Klapsing, 2002;
Arampatzis, Morey Klapsing and
Brügemann, 2003). With the increase of
height the amplitude in ankles, knees and
hips rises. During stiff landings the ankles
and knees are the most loaded joints and
during soft landings hips are the most
loaded joints (Zhang, Bates and Dufek,
Top level gymnasts use different
landing techniques compared to recreational
gymnasts (McNitt Gray, 1993). Recreational
gymnasts use a higher range of motion in
the knees and hips compared to top level
gymnasts. Top level gymnasts use less
motion in the knees and hips. One of the
reasons for higher forces at landings of top
level gymnasts is higher pre-activation of
muscles (Metral and Cassar, 1981; Devita
and Skelly, 1992; McNitt Gray, 1993;
Janshen, 1998, 2000). Higher pre-activation
is the activation of the muscles prior to
touchdown and enables gymnasts to actively
absorb energy and lower the loading on the
heel (Nigg and Herzog, 1998). This results
in improved stability of the ankle during the
support phase (Janshen and Brüggemann,
Drop landings differentiate between
gymnasts and non-gymnasts. It has been
shown that drop landings performed by
female collegiate gymnasts result in higher
vertical ground reaction forces than drop
landings performed by non-gymnasts
(Sabick, Goetz, Pfeiffer, Debeliso and Shea,
2006). Collegiate gymnasts display greater
symmetry in peak vertical force distribution
in landings compared to non-gymnasts. The
improved symmetry in gymnasts is,
according to researchers, an adaptation to
the large ground reaction forces experienced
during landings in their sport.
Forces experienced during take-offs
and landings in artistic gymnastics can be
very high. Forces measured at landings can
range from 3.9 to 14.4 times the gymnast's
body weight (Panzer, 1987; McNitt Gray,
1993). The highest forces measured when
performing double back somersaults ranged
from 8.8 to 14.4 times the gymnast's body
weight. This was 6.7 times more body
weight compared to back somersault.
Karacsony and Cuk (2005) found that forces
at take off at different somersaults can be up
to 13.9 times the participant's body weight.
At landing, two peaks of vertical
ground reaction force are formed. The first
peak indicates toe contact and the second
peak the contact of the sole of the foot with
the surface. The first peak is usually small
and is seen as a declination in curve (Figure
1). The second peak is normally greater than
the first one and represents the maximal
Foot position is an important aspect
of gymnastics landings. Different
techniques show significant differences in
several kinematic and dynamic parameters
(Cortes et al., 2006; Kovacs et al., 1999).
The 'heels first' technique results in higher
vertical ground reaction force, smaller
contraction in knees and knee valgus
compared to the toes first” technique.
When landing with higher forces, knee
valgus forces tend to transmit to the knees
and spine which may cause serious injuries.
Increased forces on the knee valgus during
landings has been identified as a risk factor
for anterior cruicate ligament injury
(Chappell, Creighton, Giuliani, Yu and
Garrett, 2007; Sell et al., 2007; Withrow,
Huston, Wojtys, and Ashton Miller, 2006;
Blackburn and Padua, 2008). The most
loaded joints during landing with the heels
first are the knees and hips. When a heel
first landing is performed, the shape of the
force-time curve changes significantly
(Figure 2). The maximal force is achieved
more quickly and is also greater in
magnitude. When a toes first landing is
performed, the highest forces are developed
in the achilles tendon (Self and Paine,
2001). Higher activation of ankle muscles
enables gymnasts to lower the loading on
the heel (Nigg and Herzog, 1998). Cadaver
study (Self and Paine, 2001) showed that
sportsmen don't use all of their potential to
actively absorb forces at landings. In light of
these findings gymnasts should try to land
using the toes first technique. This is highly
connected to the take-off phase in the sense
of gaining adequate momentum to allow
sufficient time to prepare for contact with
the landing surface.
Different researchers (Tant,
Wilkerson and Browder, 1989; McNair and
Prapavessis, 1999; Prapavessis and McNair,
1999; Onate, Guskiewicz and Sullivan,
2001; Zivcic Markovic and Omrcen, 2009)
found that systematical teaching of landings
decreases the loadings at landings. Proper
landing techniques can help prevent injuries.
To perform safe landings gymnasts
must be physically prepared to overcome
the loadings at landings. During training it is
important to develop upper leg and lower
leg strength. Treatment with only isometric
contraction of the upper leg results in
increased activation of the upper leg
muscles and decreased activation of the
lower leg muscles. This results in a more
rapid heel-ground contact with increased
force (Janshen, 1998). Treatment with
isometric contraction of the calf muscles
results in increased foot stabilization via
dorsal extension and pronation leading to
reduced ground reaction force under the
When planning conditioning,
coaches must consider the development of
upper body strength. Aerial skills that
involve twisting around gymnast's
longitudinal axis tend to load not only the
legs but also the spine at landings. Leg
joints and spine are especially loaded when
gymnasts use contact twist technique. When
using the contact twist technique the
gymnast will be twisting during the landing,
which can result in spine and leg injuries
(Yeadon, 1999). Therefore it is important
for gymnasts to improve their core stability.
Figure 2. Two differente type of landings.
Magnitude of impact forces during
landings tend to increase not only with the
increase of falling height, and therefore
increase in impact velocity, but also with the
skill complexity (Panzer, 1987; McNitt
Gray, Munkasy, Welch and Heino, 1994;
Karacsony and Čuk, 2005; Marinšek and
Čuk, 2007; Marinšek, 2009).
Gymnasts begin to prepare for
landing during the flight phase. In order to
increase stability during contact with the
landing surface they have to distribute
momentum among body segments and
prepare muscles for loading.
Gymnasts can distribute momentum
among body segments through
flexion/extension in different joints. The
aim of these movements is to achieve
conditions at contact consistant with those
of a successful landing. The movements
depend on aerial skill characteristics and
momentum acquired at the take off phase
(Marinšek and Čuk, 2007). Modifications of
one subsystem may be sufficient to achieve
the task objectives of landing (Requejo,
McNitt Grey and Flashner, 2002; Requejo,
McNitt Grey and Flashner, 2004).
Modifications in the trunk-arm subsystem
may be an effective mechanism for
controlling total body movement of inertia,
and enables gymnasts to maintain lower
extremity kinematics after contact.
Gymnasts should try to put their arms in an
upward position before the landing, as the
fewest number of errors was found during
landings when gymnasts had their arms in
an upward position (Marinšek and Čuk,
2008). Gymnasts can also use their arms to
control the landing after the contact. They
can circle their arms in the same or the
opposite direction to the direction of
movement. Modifications with hands help
them to preserve and transfer total body
movement of inertia (Prassas and
Gianikellis, 2002).
The landing and take off phase of
aerial skills are programmed independently
(McKinley in Pedotti, 1992). The goal of
take-off movements is to produce as much
energy as possible at the end of the take-off.
On the other hand the goal of landing is to
absorb energy. Take off movements are
normaly eccentric concentric contractions
and landings eccentric contractions
(concentric contraction exists but can not be
connected to eccentric in the sense of
muscle control). For this reason it is
important to distinguish these two
movements in teaching methods. During
landing a special mechanism must make it
possible to contract the muscles and at the
same time keep the muscle stiffness low
(Dyhre-Poulsen, Simonsen and Voigt,
Motor programme for landing is
always pre-programmed (Dyhre Poulsen,
Simonsen and Voigt, 1991). Preparation of
muscles on loading starts from 150 to 170
ms before first contact and is seen as
electrical activity in muscles. Motor control
system predicts fall time and initiates
muscle activity at a time appropriate to
expected impact (Duncan and McDonagh,
2000). The pattern of motor programme for
landings is always the same and does not
change with the falling height. What
changes is muscle activity that adapts to the
height of the flight phase (Dyhre-Poulsen,
Simonsen and Voigt, 1991). As falling
height increases, muscle activity (and
therefore muscle stiffness) of the lower
limbs increases during the pre-activation
phase, and during the landing itself
(Arampatzis, Morey Klapsing and
Brügemann, 2003). In order to regulate
reaction forces during landings, feedforward
and feedback control is being used by the
nervous system (Munaretti, J., McNitt Gray
and Flashner, 2006). The feedforward
system defines muscle excitability, and the
feedback system controls the movement.
For landings it is important that excitability
of α motor neurons is low, and the gymnast
receives as much internal and external
information during the landing phase as
One of the most important pieces of
information that contributes to landing
success is visual information. Visual
guidance during falls in which
environmental cues are known is not
necessary in order to adopt a softer landing
strategy (Liebermann and Goodman, 1991)
but does improve precision of control (Lee,
Young and Rewt, 1992). Visual control
helps gymnasts to distribute momentum
among body segments (e.g. moving their
arms) at the right moment and create the
best position for landing.
When performing back tuck
somersaults visual feedback enhances
landing stability and yields better landing
scores (Luis and Tremblay, 2008). Optimal
feedback occurs when the retina is stable.
Different visual conditions affect some of
the execution parameters. Narrowing
peripheral vision does not affect the
kinematic characteristics of landing and
landing balance. However, the absence of
vision causes less stable landings compared
to the full and narrowed vision field
(Davlin, Sands and Shultz, 2001a).
Gymnasts are more stable at landing under
conditions that allow vision during either
the entire somersault or the last half of the
somersault. However, different vision
conditions do not affect trunk and lower
body kinematics (Davlin, Sands and Shultz,
When gymnasts perform a more
difficult skill (double back somersault), and
when visual feedback during the
performance is possible, they slow their
heads prior to touchdown in time to process
optical flow information and prepare for
landing (Hondzinski and Darling, 2001).
There is not always enough time to process
vision associated with object identification
and prepare for touchdown. Therefore it can
be concluded that gymnasts do not need to
identify objects for their best double back
somersault performance.
In view of the research findings,
gymnasts should try to gain visual
information during the entire aerial skill,
and in the last half of the aerial skill
stabilize their head in order to get the best
quality visual information.
When talking about landings, it is
also important to consider the stiffness of
the surface gymnasts are landing on.
Surfaces vibrate and deform when exposed
to loads. Vibration of the surface depends
on the magnitude and direction of the force
applied, and the stiffness of the surface.
Stiffer surfaces tend to vibrate with higher
frequency and smaller amplitude compared
to compliant surfaces (Figure 3).
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
time (s)
amplitude (m)
stiff surface
Figure 3. Amplitudes and frequencies of surfaces of different stiffnesses.
The aim of landing is to dampen the
vibrations of the surface. The surface
deforms because of the impulse of the force
that is produced by the gymnast's falling
body. To dampen the vibrations it is
important to harmonize muscle activity with
the surface vibrations i.e. modulate body
stiffness in response to changes in surface
Different surface conditions affect
landing strategies. If landing on a mat, peak
vertical forces are lower, landing phase
times are longer, and knee and hip flexions
are greater compared to landing without a
mat (McNitt Gray, Takashi and Millward,
1994). When comparing landings on stiff or
soft mat, knee flexion and peak knee flexion
velocities tend to be greater for landings on
the stiff mat than on the soft mat. Gymnasts
modulate total body stiffness in response to
different landing conditions. Mat landings
tend to be softer than landings without a
mat. However, the presence of a mat may
reduce the need for joint flexion and may
alter the vertical impulse characteristics
experienced during landing. Therefore
coaches should pay attention to landing
executions during training regardless of the
surface conditions gymnasts are landing on.
One of the factors that influences
landings is the construction of the mat.
Coaches should ensure that they obtain good
quality mats. Mat construction influences
the motion of the foot. The mechanical
advantages of a soft mat (higher energy
absorption) include a decrease in foot
stability (Arampatzis, Brüggemann and
Klapsing, 2002). The eversion at the
calcaneocuboid joint increases with the
height (Arampatzis, Morey Klapsing and
Brügemann, 2003). On the other hand the
falling height does not show any influence
on the tibiotalar and talonavicular joints
during landing. With the special stabilising
interface inserted in the mat it is possible to
reduce the influence of the mat deformation
on the maximal eversion between forefoot
and rearfoot (Arampatzis, Morey Klapsing
and Brügemann, 2005).
Landings in gymnastics, because of
their importance in competitive gymnastics
and number of injuries that result from
them, are a very interesting area of research.
Injuries sustained during landings result in
time lost in training and competitions.
Therefore coaches should ensure correct
landing techniques are being taught.
Coaches must be aware that when gymnasts
land they use special mechanisms to control
their movement. In this sense landings are
different from other gymnastics movements,
and need to be practiced thoroghly.
Mechanisms used to absorb the external
loading at landings are modified according
to the stiffness of the landing surface. When
soft mats are used the absorption of energy
is increased, but also leads to a decrease in
foot stability. In some cases the presence of
the mat may even reduce the need for joint
flexion and result in higher forces. It is
therefore important to practice landing on
different surfaces during training sessions.
Coaches also have to be aware of the high
loadings their gymnasts are exposed to
during landings. Repeated landings, and the
forces experienced during these landings
contribute to the serious injuries
experienced by many gymnasts. For these
reasons emphasis must be placed on
learning and practicing correct landing
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Biomedical and Sport Sciences, Edith
Cowan University.
Zivcic Markovic, K. and Omrcen, D.
(2009). The analysis of the influence of
teaching methods on the acquisition of the
landing phase in forward handspring.
Science of Gymnastics Journal, 1(1), 21 -
... During free fall, large organisms (from humans and cats to geckos and salamanders) exploit inertial forces generated by their limbs, bodies, and elongated tails (when present) to right themselves and to maneuver in midair (McDonald 1960, Jusufi et al 2008, Brown et al 2022 (figure 1(A)). By contrast, small animals use postural changes with their bodies and legs to generate time-dependent aerodynamic torques, which can induce an upright posture (Yanoviak et al 2009, 2010, Zeng et al 2017, Kane et al 2021, a more favorable position for absorbing contact and/or gripping with limbs ( figure 1(B)). Jumping springtails are a particular case because they regain stability by lowering their center of gravity via body curvature and collecting a water droplet with an adhesive tubelike structure (i.e. the collophore) in their abdomen. ...
... Various reptiles can control their pitch orientation during aerial maneuvers via inertial forces by simply adjusting the angle of the tail with respect to the body (Jusufi et al 2008, 2010, Libby et al 2012, Siddall et al 2021a. The first aerial righting behavior (in the sense that dorso-ventral righting is conducted from a supine to a prone posture during free fall) in reptiles was observed in the flat-tailed house gecko Hemidactylus platyurus (Jusufi et al 2008, figures 2(A)-(C)). ...
... A few lines of evidence, direct and indirect, suggest that flying snakes can actively control aerial righting. First, no flying snake has been observed to lose control in the air during takeoff, gliding, or landing across hundreds of experimental trials under different conditions (Socha 2002, 2010, Yeaton et al 2020. Mathematical models of the snake's dynamics suggest that the snake requires active control to remain stable in the air (Jafari et al 2014, Yeaton et al 2020; such mechanisms for control are unknown, but could be employed to effect righting. ...
Recent observations of wingless animals, including jumping nematodes, springtails, insects, and wingless vertebrates like geckos, snakes, and salamanders, have shown that their adaptations and body morphing are essential for rapid self-righting and controlled landing. These skills can reduce the risk of physical damage during collision, minimize recoil during landing, and allow for a quick escape response to minimize predation risk. The size, mass distribution, and speed of an animal determine its self-righting method, with larger animals depending on the conservation of angular momentum and smaller animals primarily using aerodynamic forces. Many animals falling through the air, from nematodes to salamanders, adopt a skydiving posture while descending. Similarly, plant seeds such as dandelions and samaras are able to turn upright in mid-air using aerodynamic forces and produce high decelerations. These aerial capabilities allow for a wide dispersal range, low-impact collisions, and effective landing and settling. Recently, small robots that can right themselves for controlled landings have been designed based on principles of aerial maneuvering in animals. Further research into the effects of unsteady flows on self-righting and landing in small arthropods, particularly those exhibiting explosive catapulting, could reveal how morphological features, flow dynamics, and physical mechanisms contribute to effective mid-air control. More broadly, studying apterygote (wingless insects) landing could also provide insight into the origin of insect flight. These research efforts have the potential to lead to the bio-inspired design of aerial micro-vehicles, sports projectiles, parachutes, and impulsive robots that can land upright in unsteady flow conditions.
... Assessing the loads involved during landings is very important to improve the athlete's performance, help coaches develop landing techniques, and, consequently, reduce injuries [7]. During the landing phase, due to the impact on the surface, differences were observed in the knee and quartile that are directly linked to the reaction force [8]. ...
... Repeated landings and the loads absorbed during these landings contribute to the serious injuries suffered by many gymnasts; it is therefore important to assess these loads so that coaches are aware of the high loads their gymnasts are exposed to during landings, in order to promote training strategies in terms of landing technique to reduce these loads [7]. Thus, it is important to develop a platform, perfectly adapted to acrobatic gymnastics, which can give coaches and athletes the maximum load values reached during landings. ...
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Background: The main objective of this study was the development of a specific load platform that would meet the needs of gymnasts and acrobatic coaches. This new platform has larger dimensions and is an identical structure to the plywood floor surface normally used; it was designed to make competitions with gymnasts safer and more like a real training situation. During a landing, there is high body stiffness, especially in the knees and ankles, which can cause injuries due to the number of repetitions performed in this gymnastics specialty. Methods: A group of 10 volunteers, with a mean age of 14.7 ± 2.4 years, performed at least 10 valid vertical jumps on each platform. Results: Despite being a preliminary study, this specific platform was shown to be more suitable for gymnastic use, compared to the industrial one, which represents a significant advantage for the modality. In fact, this platform is similar to the surface used for training and competition, allowing athletes to perform the jump in a similar way, and for the results to be replicable during the practice of the sport. The standard deviation values were lower, which shows that the new platform was more suitable for acrobatic gymnastics. Conclusions: As the maximum vertical load induced during landing after a jump has a significant effect on the likelihood of gymnasts suffering injuries, the development of a new load platform specifically for acrobatic gymnastics is clearly an improvement in this discipline. Knowledge of the load transmitted to the body can help coaches and athletes in defining training, and avoiding the possible occurrence of injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to use a platform that can accurately evaluate the load transmitted to the acrobatic gymnasts during real training and competition conditions, which is achieved with this new platform.
... Most impacts that exposed gymnasts to higher levels of loading occurred at the end of the skill or sequences during landing. The primary aim of a landing is to dissipate and distribute momentum and force (Marinšek, 2010), which could explain why the landing phases of the skills experienced higher levels of loading. This finding also relates to injury research in gymnastics, which states that the landing phase of tumbling skills is commonly associated with injury (Campbell, Rhiannon, et al., 2019;Wadley et al., 1993). ...
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The floor apparatus is associated with the highest rate of injury for male and female gymnasts in training and competition. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the upper and lower body impact loading when performing foundation floor tumbling skills and sequences. Fourteen sub‐elite artistic gymnasts (male, n = 9; female, n = 5) performed eight tumbling skills and sequences while wearing four inertial measurement units (IMU; upper back, lower back, forearm, and tibia). The peak resultant acceleration (PRA) during all ground contacts was calculated. The forearm and upper back PRA were analyzed for hand contacts, while the lower back and tibia PRA were analyzed for foot contacts. Descriptive statistics (median and inter‐quartile range), Wilcoxon signed‐rank tests and Friedman's ANOVA were calculated between IMU positions and gymnastics skills. Distal IMUs (forearm and tibia) recorded significantly higher loading than proximal IMUs (upper and lower back) for all ground contacts. Proximal IMUs experienced dampening due to shock attenuation properties of the human body, as these positions are located further away from the impact site. Additionally, some foundation skills exposed gymnasts to higher loading when the skill was performed separately, while other skills exposed gymnasts to higher loading when the skill was performed in a tumbling sequence. Training foundation skills separately and as a part of a tumbling sequence exposes the upper and lower body structures to high levels of impact loading. These results can be used by coaches to help in the design of safe training programs.
... They could use the obtained results for training methods development, mainly if they are analysed elements with a high level of difficulty performed by top-level gymnasts. For instance, the magnitude forces at landing can range from 3.9 to 14.4 times a gymnast's body weight, and the force magnitude is related to the skill difficulty [53]. That is a relatively considerable load, which the gymnast's body has to resist, mainly when the loading acts repetitively from one attempt to another. ...
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Still rings are a unique gymnastics apparatus allowing for a combination of dynamic and static elements in a specific technique. This review aimed to compile the dynamic, kinematic, and EMG characteristics of swing, dismount, handstand, strength, and hold elements on still rings. This systematic review was conducted in concordance with PRISMA in PubMed, EBSCOhost, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. In total, 37 studies were included, describing the strength and hold elements, the kip and swing elements, swing through or to handstand, and dismounts. The current evidence suggests that the execution of gymnastics elements on still rings and training drills requires a high training load. Specific preconditioning exercises could be used to train for the Swallow, iron cross, and support scale. Negative impacts of load during hold elements can be reduced by special support devices such as the Herdos or support belts. Another aspect is improving strength prerequisites by exercises such as bench presses, barbell exercises, and support belts, where the main focus should be on muscular coordination similar to the other considerable elements. Electromyography is an appropriate tool for the investigation of muscular coordination and force platforms for assessing a sufficient strength level to successfully perform elements on still rings.
... As such, the final judgment score is determined to a great extent by the quality of the landing [1]. Earlier studies showed a low success rate at landing in AG, with a high error rate reaching 71.9 % on floor exercise [2]. There is also evidence indicating that the rate of lower limb injuries is high during the landing phase on the floor exercise (40%) [3][4][5][6]. ...
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The crucial criteria when assessing technical performance in artistic gymnastics is the higher elevation of the gymnast’s body and a stable landing (i.e., stick-landing). The purpose of this study was to compare kinetic and kinematic parameters during the landing phase of standing back somersaults (SBS) following three technical arm-swing performed during the preparatory phase in high-level male gymnasts. The three different arm-swing pertain to three “gymnastics schools”, i.e., Russian, Chinese, and Romanian. Six high-level male gymnasts participated in this study. Three arm-swing with different angles (i.e., SBS270°, SBS180°, and SBS90°) were randomly performed. A 3D kinetic and kinematic analysis was conducted. Results showed significant variation in the landing angle (p = 0.009) across the three arm-swing techniques. The SBS90° arm-swing resulted in the closest angle to the vertical. Additionally, the SBS90° arm-swing technique induced the lowest horizontal and vertical force values upon landing compared to the other arm-swing techniques (SBS270°: p = 0.023 and 0.009, respectively; SBS180°: p = 0.004 and 0.080, respectively). The same was noted for the horizontal velocity (p = 0.021) with the lowest values noted for the SBS90° arm-swing technique. However, the best opening angle was observed during the SBS270° tech-nique, since it presented the best vertical displacement. In conclusion, the SBS with a SBS90° arm-swing seems to favor a better absorption of the ground reaction force upon landing by re-ducing the intensity of the impact with the ground and by affording a landing angle closer to the vertical in high-level male gymnasts.
... Since the musculoskeletal stiffness regulates the storage and reuse of this elastic energy and gymnasts modulate total body stiffness in response to different landing conditions [37], training prepares gymnasts to perform the individual/group elements, including the landing phase. The exposure to high loadings, especially when they jump from high heights and the mechanisms used to absorb the external loading at landings are modified according to the landing surface's stiffness [38]. While Acrobatic gymnasts may be able to adapt their technique to perform static pyramids on a hard surface, when the goal is to analyze dynamic elements with a flight phase, researchers must ensure the surface specificity so that the pair/group does not vary their usual technique and is able to execute the element safely. ...
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The biomechanical analysis of Acrobatic Gymnastics elements has not been extensively explored in scientific research to date. Due to the increased challenge of implementing experimental protocols and collecting data from multiple individuals, it is required to develop strategies that allow a safe, valid and reproducible methodology. This work aims to collect information and systematically analyze the biomechanical approach in Acrobatic Gymnastics to date. A search was conducted in the Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO, PubMed and ISBS databases. After the selection and quality-control phases, fourteen documents were included. The results revealed that the biomechanical research in Acrobatics has been focused on balance evaluation, in which the force plate and the center of pressure are the most used instrument and variable, respectively. Research has been focused on kinetics evaluation. Kinematics analysis of pair/group elements would provide scientific answers to unresolved problems, considering that Gymnastics provides almost limitless possibilities to study human motion. Researchers should focus on the type of element, difficulty degree, main characteristics, relationship between the instrument and floor surface specificity and safety conditions. We encourage gymnastics clubs and coaches to establish networks with biomechanics laboratories, allowing to bridge the gap between research and practice.
... The findings would appear to oppose existing literature which points to a potential association between higher impact forces and ankle injury risk. A number of descriptive studies have put forward the hypothesis that increased impact load through one limb as contributing to increased rates of ankle injury (Kerr et al., 2015;Marinsek, 2010;Marshall et al., 2007). Previous research investigating higher landing force (Seegmillar & McCaw, 2003) and greater asymmetry of landing force (Campbell et al., 2019) reported both variables contribute to the increased rates of injury in gymnasts. ...
Objectives To determine whether differences in landing force and asymmetry of landing force exist between gymnasts at the time of data collection versus those that subsequently experienced an ankle injury 12-months later. Study design Prospective longitudinal observational design with baseline measures and 12 month follow up. Setting British Gymnastics National Training Centre. Participants Thirty-two asymptomatic elite level gymnasts from three artistic gymnastic squads (n = 15 senior female, n = 10 junior female and n = 7 senior male). Main outcome measures A modified drop land task was used to quantify measures of landing performance. Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force (PVGRF) was used to measure landing force. The level of inter-limb asymmetry of landing force was calculated using the Limb Symmetry index (LSI). Other measures included injury incidence and percentage coefficient of variation (% CV). Results There was no statistical difference for landing force (p = 0.481) and asymmetry of landing force (p = 0.698) when comparing injured and non-injured gymnasts. Most participants (69%) demonstrated inter-limb asymmetry of landing forces. Conclusions Our findings observed inter-limb asymmetry of landing force in injured gymnasts, although uninjured gymnasts also exhibited asymmetry of landing force. Both magnitude of landing force and inter-limb asymmetries of landing force failed to identify the risk of ankle injury.
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Background The inclusion of skateboarding in the Olympics suggests that athletes and coaches are seeking ways to enhance their chances of succeeding on the world stage. Understanding what constitutes performance, and what physical, neuromuscular, and biomechanical capacities underlie it, is likely critical to success. Objective The aim was to overview the current literature and identify knowledge gaps related to competitive skateboarding performance and associated physical, technical, and tactical demands of Olympic skateboarding disciplines. Methods A systematic scoping review was performed considering the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (Extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. Data sources were MEDLINE (Ovid), Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and PubMed. We included all peer-reviewed literature after 1970 describing the physiological, neuromuscular, biomechanical, and/or tactical aspects of skateboarding. Results Nineteen original articles explored the physiological (n = 9), biomechanical (n = 8), and technical (n = 10) demands of skateboarding. No research explored the tactical demands of competition. Moreover, although competitive males (n = 2 studies) and females (n = 1 study) were recruited as participants, no research directly related skateboarding demands to performance success in competitive environments. Conclusions Ultimately, what constitutes and distinguishes competitive skateboarding is unexplored. There is some evidence indicating aspects of the sport require flexibility and elevated and fast force output of the lower limbs, which may be valuable when attempting to maximise ollie height. Nonetheless, a lack of ecological validity, such as using static ollie tests as opposed to rolling, restricted our ability to provide practical recommendations, and inconsistency of terminology complicated delineating discipline-specific outcomes. Future researchers should first look to objectively identify what skaters do in competition before assessing what qualities enable their performance.
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The aim of the research was to examine the effects of isokinetic training on knee stabilizermuscles strength, and whether this increases the efficiency of performing basic gymnasticvaults. A total of 60 respondents, students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education(average age 19.7±1.5 years, weight 75.3±2.9 kg, height 179.8±6.7 cm) were included. Thesubjects were divided into two groups, experimental (EG) (n=30) and control (CG) (n=30). Aspart of the 12-week program, the experimental group (EG) in addition to exercises within theregular classes at the university had an additional concentric isokinetic training 3 times a weekon the Biodex System 3 dynamometer, while the control group (CG) only had exercises withinthe regular classes at the university. The results indicated statistically significant differences(p < 0.05) between EG and CG, both in increasing the knee stabilizer muscles strength and inthe performance of gymnastic vaults in favor of EG. It can be concluded that the additionalisokinetic training resulted in a greater increase in strength, but also a better performance ofgymnastic vaults. The results of the research can be used as guidelines for planning andprogramming isokinetic strength training of knee stabilizer muscles, which will contribute to abetter performance of gymnastic vaults. Since there is a small amount of research on the topicof this work, this study represents a good foundation and basis for some future research on theeffects of isokinetic training in sports gymnastics.
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The purpose of the study was to determine whether take-off asymmetry affects landing asymmetry. Eleven male gymnasts performed forward and backward somersaults with 1/2, 1/1, and 3/2 twists. The leading leg for each participant was defined according to the twisting direction. Ground reaction forces under each foot were measured with Parotec insoles. Absolute and relative measures of lateral asymmetry were used as dependent variables. Three-way ANOVA and a series of one-way ANOVAs were used to determine the main effects between take-off and landing. A series of paired t-tests with Bonferroni corrections were used to find differences between the leading and non-leading legs. Maximal ground reaction forces showed that the leading leg was set out to a higher load at take-off than the non-leading leg for twisting somersaults. There were no statistically significant differences found in the maximal ground reaction force between the legs at landings. Index of bilateral asymmetry indicated landings with negligible asymmetry. However, the maximal force differences between the legs in somersault 3/2 were higher when compared to other somersault variations. No evidence was found to affirm that the asymmetry at take-off affects asymmetry at landing in a twisting somersault. Presumably, gymnasts can take corrective measures during the aerial phase of the twisting somersault that effectively diminish the tilt of the body and enable gymnasts to prepare for the landing with small proportional asymmetry. Prudence is required as these proportions rise in the quantity of load with the height of the somersault.
Forward handspring is an acrobatic element that has been used in competitive gymnastics for many years as one of the basic elements combined with other acrobatic elements with forward rotation of the body. A whole series of quality descriptions of its execution technique can be found in recent literature. Still, scientific research based on the analysis of kinematical and kinetic components, that is, on biomechanical characteristics of its execution are rare. By using the hierarchical cluster analysis and on the basis of relevant kinematical parameters the inter-relationship between teaching methods and acquisition of landing in the forward handspring was analysed. The obtained results show that the teaching methods of the landing phase in forward handspring are highly correlated, and they concur in most of the analysed kinematical parameters. The homogenization of groups and their similarity were achieved on the basis of similar values of parameters determining the technical component of the landing phase execution in forward handspring and relating to the angles between certain body segments.
Background: Biomechanical analysis of stop-jump tasks has demonstrated gender differences during landing and a potential increase in risk of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury for female athletes. Analysis of landing preparation could advance our understanding of neuromuscular control in movement patterns and be applied to the development of prevention strategies for noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury. Hypothesis: There are differences in the lower extremity joint angles and electromyography of male and female recreational athletes during the landing preparation of a stop-jump task. Study design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Three-dimensional videographic and electromyographic data were collected for 36 recreational athletes (17 men and 19 women) performing vertical stop-jump tasks. Knee and hip angular motion patterns were determined during the flight phase before landing. Results: Knee and hip motion patterns and quadriceps and hamstring activation patterns exhibited significant gender differences. Female subjects generally exhibited decreased knee flexion (P = .001), hip flexion (P = .001), hip abduction (P = .001), and hip external rotation (P = .03); increased knee internal rotation (P = .001); and increased quadriceps activation (P = .001) compared with male subjects. Female subjects also exhibited increased hamstring activation before landing but a trend of decreased hamstring activation after landing compared with male subjects (P = .001). Conclusion: Lower extremity motion patterns during landing of the stop-jump task are preprogrammed before landing. Female subjects prepared for landing with decreased hip and knee flexion at landing, increased quadriceps activation, and decreased hamstring activation, which may result in increased anterior cruciate ligament loading during the landing of the stop-jump task and the risk for noncontact ACL injury.
In this study, landing strategies of gymnasts were hypothesized to change with different landing surfaces. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the kinematics and reaction force-time characteristics of two-foot competition-style drop landings performed by male and female collegiate gymnasts onto three surfaces (soft mat, stiff mat, no mat). Significantly lower peak vertical forces, longer landing phase times, and greater knee and hip flexion were observed between the no mat condition and the mat conditions. Knee flexion and peak knee flexion velocities were also observed to be significantly greater for landings on the stiff mat than those on the soft mat. These results indicate that the gymnasts in this study modulated total body stiffness in response to changes in landing surface conditions by using a multi joint solution. In addition, the presence of a mat may reduce the need for joint flexion and may alter the vertical impulse characteristics experienced during landing.
Ground reaction forces (GRF), joint positions, joint moments, and muscle powers in the lower extremity were compared between soft and stiff landings from a vertical fall of 59 cm. Soft and stiff landings had less than and greater than 90 degrees of knee flexion after floor contact. Ten trials of sagittal plane film and GRF data, sampled at 100 and 1000 Hz, were obtained from each of eight female athletes and two landing conditions. Inverse dynamics were performed on these data to obtain the moments and powers during descent (free fall) and floor contact phases. Angular impulse and work values were calculated from these curves, and the conditions were compared with a correlated t-test. Soft and stiff landings averaged 117 and 77 degrees of knee flexion. Larger hip extensor (0.010 vs 0.019; P less than 0.01) and knee flexor (-0.010 vs -0.013; P less than 0.01) moments were observed during descent in the stiff landing, which produced a more erect body posture and a flexed knee position at impact. The shapes of the GRF, moment, and power curves were identical between landings. The stiff landing had larger GRFs, but only the ankle plantarflexors produced a larger moment (0.185 vs 0.232; P less than 0.01) in this condition. The hip and knee muscles absorbed more energy in the soft landing (hip, -0.60 vs -0.39; P less than 0.01; knee, -0.89 vs -0.61; P less than 0.01), while the ankle muscles absorbed more in the stiff landing (-0.88 vs -1.00; P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
While a common view is that vision is essential to motor performance, some recent studies have shown that continuous visual guidance may not always be required within certain time constraints. This study investigated a landing-related task (self-released falls) to assess the extent to which visual information enhances the ability to reduce the impacts at touchdown. Six individuals performed six blocked trials from four height categories in semi-counterbalanced order (5-10, 20-25, 60-65, and 90-95 cm) in vision and no-vision conditions randomly assigned. A series of two-way ANOVA with repeated measures were carried out separately on each dependent variable collapsed over six trials. The results indicated that vision during the flight did not produce softer landings. Indeed, in analysing the first peak (PFP) a main effect for visual condition was revealed in that the mean amplitude was slightly higher when vision was available (F(1,5) = 6.57; p less than 0.05), thus implicating higher forces at impact. The results obtained when the time to the first peak (TFP) was applied showed no significant differences between conditions (F(1,5) less than 1). As expected, in all cases, the analyses yielded significant main effects for the height categories factor. It appears that during self-initiated falls in which the environmental cues are known before the event, visual guidance is not necessary in order to adopt a softer landing strategy.
1. The objective of the study was to evaluate the functional effects of reflexes on muscle mechanics during natural voluntary movements. The excitability of the H (Hoffmann) reflex was used as a measure of the excitability of the central component of the stretch reflex. 2. We recorded EMG, ground reaction forces and the H reflex in the soleus muscle in humans while landing from a downward jump, during drop jumping and during hopping. The movements were also recorded by high-speed cinematography. 3. The EMG pattern was adapted to the motor task. When landing the EMG in the soleus muscle and in the anterior tibial muscle showed preinnervation and alternating activity after touch down. When hopping there was little preinnervation in the soleus muscle, and the activity was initiated about 45 ms after touch down by a peak and continued unbroken until lift off. In the drop jumps the EMG pattern depended on the jumping style used by the subject. 4. The H reflex in the soleus muscle was strongly modulated in a manner appropriate to the requirements of the motor task. During landing from a downward jump the H reflex was low at touch down whereas while hopping it was high at touch down. During drop jumping it was variable and influenced by the jumping technique. 5. Muscle stiffness in the ankle joint was negative after touch down when landing, but always positive when hopping. 6. It is suggested that during landing the alternating EMG pattern after touch down was programmed and little influenced by reflexes. During hopping reflexes could contribute to the initial peak and the EMG during lift off. 7. The programmed EMG activity and the suppression of the H reflex while landing probably contribute to the development of the negative stiffness and change the muscles from a spring to a damping unit.