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Factors influencing IT-Business Strategic Alignment and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach



Preceding research attributed the lack of direct causal impact of Information Technology (IT) on firm's sustainable competitive advantage. Numerous missing links include antecedents of the IT-business strategic alignment (also known as strategic alignment) and the sustainable competitive advantage. Furthermore, reviewers of recent literature have called for more research into the factors that affect strategic alignment, and the linkage between alignment and sustainable competitive advantage. In this paper, we develop and empirically test specific forms of management structures and processes which are required to drive strategic alignment. Further, we propose a causal-chain model to examine the impacts of six antecedents on strategic alignment. The data are collected from over 172 Jordanian public shareholding firms. Using structural equation modeling for data analysis, this study finds general support for the hypotheses that leadership, values and belief, IT managerial resources, service quality, and IT implementation successes significantly impact IT-business strategic alignment. However, no relationship is found between structure and process and strategic alignment.
IBIMA Publishing
Communications of the IBIMA
Vol. 2011 (2011), Article ID 261315, 12 pages
DOI: 10.5171/2011.261315
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Factors influencing IT-Business Strategic
Alignment and Sustainable Competitive Advantage:
A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Dmaithan Abdelkarim Almajali and Zulkhairi Md Dahalin
College of Arts & Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
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Communications of the IBIMA 2
Huang (2005) argue that the way in which
business strategy aligns with IT strategy in
the real world still remains unanswered.
Mahmood (1993) states that strategic
managers clearly need a better
understanding of the impact of IT investment
on organizational strategic and economic
performance. This view is reiterated by many
IS researchers that IT-business alignment can
help organizations improve the positive
impact of IT on their performance (Croteau
et al., 2001; Henderson & Venkatraman,
1993). Despite a growing body of research
(Brown & Magill, 1994 ), recent scholars
(Chan & Reich, 2007; Johnson & Lederer,
2010; Raymond & Croteau, 2009) have
continuously called for further investigation
for examining the factors that affect IT-
business alignment; and the coupling
processes from alignment to enhance
sustainable competitive advantage. Indeed,
since little research has been conducted in
this area, and in an effort to respond to
several calls from well-known scholars on
this issue, we present a causal model for
quantitative testing of the impacts of six
antecedents that could lead to strategic
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Next section discusses the theoretical
background of this research. Then, in line
with the research framework of this study,
propositions are developed on the direct
impact of the antecedent factors on strategic
alignment. The following sections describe
the research design, the results, and the
implications for both research and practice.
The paper ends with a number of conclusions
and recommendations.
Theoretical Background
Numerous articles have been written about
how IT affects organizational performance
(Dedrick, 2003). A major concern is how to
assess the IT- related business value and
organizational impacts. Broadly, there are
two main approaches. The first approach
examines the direct and multiple linkages
between IT investment and organizational
performance across economy, industry, and
firm. The second approach examines the
indirect linkages between IT investment and
organizational performance through
identifying important mediating factor. These
two approaches often lead to contradicting
results. Some research shows no significant
correlation whereas others indicate a
positive relationship between IT investment
and business performance (Henderson &
Venkatraman, 1993).
The challenge is not only to identify the
crucial factors that affect business
performance but also to build a credible
causal chain between IT and business
performance. Most of the MIS research has
started with IT-business alignment as an
important missing link between IT and
organizational performance (Shannak et al.,
IT-Business Strategic Alignment
Alignment of IT or IS strategy with business
strategy has been ranked as one of the most
important issues faced by business and IT
executives (Almajali & Dahalin, 2010b).
Alignment has been defined as the extent to
which the IT mission, objectives and plans
support and are supported by their business
counterparts (Reich & Benbasat, 2000).
Further, IT-business alignment concerns the
degree of correspondence of an
organization’s IT strategy and IT
infrastructure with the organization’s
strategic business objectives and
infrastructure. Since the late 1980s,
alignment has been an important concern to
the business community as it not only helps
firms realize the potential benefits from
investments in IT (Tallon et al., 2000), but
also enhances business performance through
aligning the organizational and technological
infrastructures (Croteau et al., 2001).
However, despite various types of alignment,
our main focus here is on investigating the
impact of several strategic alignment
antecedents on strategic alignment. We hope
this study will provide better insights into
Communications of the IBIMA
the conditions of alignment in terms of the
antecedent variables. Next section discusses
our research framework.
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Porter’s (1985) book titled ‘Competitive
Advantage’ propelled the concept of
competitive advantage into popular business
vernacular. Porter did not articulate the
definition of the concept but explained that a
competitive advantage refers to
organizational factors that enable a firm to
outperform its competitors. As such, Porter
argued that sustaining competitive
advantage should be the central purpose of
an organization’s competitive strategy and
that value creation means attaining the
sustaining competitive advantage. As Collis
and Montgomery (1995) explained,
competitive advantage, whatever its source,
ultimately can be attributed to the ownership
of a valuable resource that enables the
company to perform activities better or more
cheaply than its Competitors. To be
sustainable, a competitive advantage should
be difficult to imitate or substitute (Barney,
1991). Boar (1994), for example, states: “In
response to ever growing worldwide
competition, the business needs to use IT to
build, sustain and extend competitive
advantage. “Most major strategic thrusts
require the crafted use of IT to succeed” (p.
Research Propositions
In this section, we formulate our research
propositions based on the review of existing
literature of strategic alignment. The model
of this study comprises main effects of six
antecedents (i.e., leadership, structure and
process, service quality, value and belief, IT
managerial resource, and IT implementation
success) on strategic alignment and its effect
on sustainable competitive advantage.
Research on strategic alignment underlines
the importance of reciprocal relationship
between business and IT executives to
facilitate synergy between business and IT.
Lederer and Mendelow (1987 )found that
business managers seldom assist IS
managers in formulating their plans. They
asserted that two-way communication
between business and IT executives is
essential if business and IT plans are to be
coordinated. Earl and Feeny (1994) found
that the CIO’s role and actions are vital to
ensure that IT is positioned for strategic
advantage. This leads to the following
Proposition 1: The stronger leadership
between business and IT managers, the
greater the manager’s engagement in
strategic alignment.
Structure and Process
Structures and processes are the
mechanisms through which organisational
activity takes place. Structures and processes
are concerned with how the organisation
organises for IT, including IS/IT strategy
development, delivery of IT benefits,
structures for service delivery, mechanisms
for business and IT organisation to bring
together (Peppard & Ward, 1999). Further,
inadequate or inappropriate structures and
processes can severely impinge on the
success of IT in an organisation. Traditionally
structures in relation to IT have been devised
around the concept of technology delivery
with a reactive IT organization developing
products (i.e., applications) in response to
business requests or around what it thinks
the business requires. To facilitate
IT/business integration, appropriate
structures and processes are necessary.
Therfore, we formulate the following
Communications of the IBIMA 4
Proposition 2: The stronger structure and
process with the business plan and IT plan,
the greater the manager’s engagement in
strategic alignment.
Service Quality
Over the last decade, the marketing and
quality literature have devoted reams to the
issue of service quality and delivery. Within
the quality movement there are the notions
of the ‘internal customer’ and ‘service level
agreements’ which are often devised to set
parameters around the expected
The development of IT outsourcing has also
seen the development of legally enforceable
agreements specifying the level of service,
which the client can expect from the vendor.
Previously, there has been some interest in
applying the concept of service management
and quality to IT (Pitt et al, 1995; Van Dyke et
al, 1997), which can be characterized merely
as a customer–supplier exchange. However,
the traditional role of the IT organization as
the developer and maintainer of IT systems
has been usurped by a variety of factors and
its function now includes a significant service
component. IS research has tended to focus
on products rather than service and only
recently has this service aspect been
addressed. Also, the customer is the ultimate
arbiter of quality and no matter how good
the service provider feels, it is the perception
of the customer that is important in assessing
its quality. This has led to our third
Proposition 3: The higher level of service
quality between the business and IT
managers, the greater the manager’s
engagement in strategic alignment.
Values and Beliefs
Values and beliefs can significantly shape
how attitudes develop and hence behaviour
and practices. These beliefs are shaped
throughout one’s career based on the
experiences which one has with IT. For
instance, inadequate structures and
processes can impinge on the effective
delivery of IT services even if there are
congruent values and beliefs between the IT
organisation and the rest of the business.
Furthermore, the importance of values and
beliefs to strategic alignment was also been
acknowledged. Luftman et al., (1999) assured
that values and beliefs will improve strategic
alignment. Henderson and Venkatraman
(1999) mentioned that values and beliefs
affect the decision making ability of partners.
Hence, this research proposed the following:
Proposition 4: The stronger values and
belief in the business plan and IT plan, the
greater the manager’s engagement in
strategic alignment.
IT Managerial Resource
This factor concerns the level of mutuality in
knowledge sharing and transfer. Chan et al.,
(2006) argued that reciprocal exchanges of
business and IT knowledge between business
and IT executives (Tallon, 2000) not only
improve shared understanding but also
promote common vision. Therefore, we
formulate the following propositions:
Proposition 5: The higher level of IT
managerial resource between business and
IT managers, the greater the manager’s
engagement in strategic alignment.
IT Implementation Success
Successful history of IT unit gives reliability
to the IT unit and creates complimentary
perceptions of IT in top management (Chan
et al., 2006). Also, it gave essential
determinant to the involvement of business
managers in the planning process. The
assurance of top management in the IT
department for efficient and reliable services
are found to be important critical success
factors for aligning IS plans with business
plans (Luftman et al.,1999). This has led to
our sixth proposition:
Communications of the IBIMA
Proposition 6: The higher level of IT
implementation success between business
and IT managers, the greater the manager’s
engagement in strategic alignment.
Strategic Alignment and Sustainable
Competitive Advantage
In this study the researcher will hypothesize
the relationship between strategic alignment
and sustainable competitive advantage. This
has led to our seventh proposition:
Proposition 7: Firms that pursue strategic
alignment will enhance their sustainable
competitive advantage.
Research Methods
Pilot Test and Data Collection
Three Jordanian IT managers and two MIS
academic professors participated in a pilot
test. The researcher selected them based on
their experience in the industry in order to
get insightful information from the interview.
They completed the survey in the presence of
the first author. Then, they commented on
the contents, length, and overall appearance
of the questionnaire. Changes and
modifications were made to the survey.
Further, in order to ensure adequacy of
response, a cover letter accompany each
questionnaire to emphasize to respondents
the importance of their participation. The
researchers have chosen the country of
Jordan to carry out the data collection since
scholars Chan et al., (2006) called for such
research in different cultures; and as this
may open the gate to further research
opportunities. Data for this research was
obtained from IT managers of Jordanian
public shareholding firms. The research
population consists of all Jordanian banking,
insurance, services, and manufacture
companies that have a registered website,
and which engage in business and IT
activities. In the absence of any official lists,
various government databases were
reviewed; according to the Amman Stock
Exchange, and the Jordanian Securities
Depository Center, the total number of
companies stood at 200. A total of 172
managers returned the survey with high
response rate of 86 %.
We developed a field survey for IT managers.
All the research constructs were measured
using closed-end seven-point Likert-scale
items, with scales ranging from 1 = “strongly
disagree” through 4 = “neither agree nor
disagree” to 7 = “strongly agree”. Business
and IT managers leadership variable was
measured using six items which were drawn
from (Ward & Griffiths, 1996). Structure and
process mechanism was measured using six
items which were adapted from (Ward, &
Peppard 1996). Service quality variable was
measured using five items which were drawn
from Pitt et al. (1995). Values and beliefs
were measured using six items, which were
drawn from Grindley (1992). IT managerial
resource was measured using four items,
which were adapted from Nelson and
Cooprider (1996). IT implementation success
was measured using five items, which were
adapted from Sabherwal and Kirs (1994).
Strategic alignment was measured using six
items which were drawn from Pierce (2002).
Sustainable competitive advantage was
measured using six items which were drawn
from Al majali and Dahalin (2010a) and
DeVilliers (2006). All the adaptations of these
items were done to comply with the
Jordanian context and validated during the
Data Analysis and Results
In order to examine whether the antecedents
discussed above could impact IT-business
strategic alignment in Jordanian public
shareholding firms, a number of statistical
tests were carried out. Indeed, the
relationship between six strategic alignment
antecedents and strategic alignment and
sustainable competitive advantage were
tested empirically using Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) techniques using the AMOS
Communications of the IBIMA 6
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Convergent and Discriminant Validity
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the measurement model by investigating the
shared average variance extracted (AVE) by
the latent constructs. Also, the correlations
among the research constructs could be used
to assess discriminant validity by examining
if there is any extreme large correlations
among them which imply that the model has
a problem of discriminant validity. In
addition, if the AVE for each construct
exceeds the square correlation between that
construct and any other constructs then
discriminant validity is occurred (Fronell &
Larcker, 1981). As the result shows that all
the constructs explained 50 percent or more
of the variance and ranged from 0.82 to 0.92
which met the recommendation that AVE
values should be at least 0.50 for each
construct (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988; Holmes-
Smith, 2001). However, the result shows
discriminant validity was demonstrated
since the AVE values were more than the
squared correlations for each set of
constructs. Therefore, the measures
significantly discriminate between the
Analysis of the Structural Model
In order to test the structural model, it is
essential to investigate the statistical
significance of the standardized regression
weights (i.e., t-value) of the research
propositions at 0.10, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.005
levels; and the coefficient of determination
(Std. estim) for the research endogenous
variables as well.
Discussion and Implications
This paper contributes to the strategic
alignment literature by developing and
empirically testing a causal chain model of
alignment including the specification of six
antecedents. Table 2 in the Appendix
indicates the path coefficient and t-value of
each proposed path. Consistent with Reich
and Benbasat (2000), performing leadership
by business and IT managers found to be
positively but not strongly correlated with
strategic alignment (P1). Indeed, Reich and
Benbasat (2000) found that higher levels of
formal communication between business and
IT executives had a positive influence on
short-term alignment.
Surprisingly, although great attention was
made by several researchers regarding the
correlation between structure and process
mechanisms, there was no relationship
between the association between such
mechanisms and strategic alignment,
indicating that (P2) was not empirically
supported. In addition to structural issues,
there are also processual mechanisms such
as the involvement of business management
in IS/IT strategy formulation which can
impact the overall ownership of that strategy,
alignment of the IS/IT strategy with business
objectives, and responsibility for delivering
business benefits. Yet our results are
successed to show that firms performing
better service quality could impact strategic
alignment, showing that (P3) was
empirically supported. Luftman et al., (2006)
suggested that internet service providers
should prioritize technology acquisitions and
build appropriate infrastructures. All in all,
more research is needed to clarify and
explain the lack of support of (P2) bearing in
mind that the research field based on the
country of Jordan with different cultural
context. A possible explanation is that
Jordanian IT-managers are not aware of the
importance of exploring such mechanisms.
Thus, more research is required to
understand how firms’ structure and process
activities affect strategic alignment, and
further validate the study construct.
In line with previous studies, superior values
and beliefs affected strategic alignment.
Thus, (P4) was supported strongly. For
instance, Bashein and Markus (1997) have
introduced the concept of credibility in
relation to IT specialists. They contend that
expertise alone does not inspire trust and
credibility, concluding that the successful IT
specialists work on their trust worthiness
while at the same time build good
relationships with clients. To foster this
credibility, IT specialists must, therefore,
Communications of the IBIMA 8
believe that trustworthiness and relationship
building are necessary practices to engage in.
Largely consistent with the literature
(Basselier et al., 2003; Nelson & Cooprider,
1996), IT managerial resources in terms of
shared knowledge between business and IT
managers was found to have a positive
influence in strategic alignment. Therefore,
(P5) was supported. Proposition 6 found that
high level of IT implementation success
experience a high level of strategic
alignment. This result appears to provide
support to the arguments and findings made
by Rockart (1996) in which a successful IT
track record improves of business
relationships at all levels. Successful IT
implementation may develop the
relationship between IT and other functional
areas (Boynton et al., 1994). Reich and
Benbasat (2000) also found prior IS project
success to assist short-term alignment. Thus,
prior IS success is an important predictor of
existing levels of alignment. The past
suggestion and the credibility gaps cannot be
ignored by managers but must be addressed
as a high priority and must use new
successes to improve its track record. The
firm should facilitate the IS organization to
better align itself, as a trusted partner, with
the rest of the organization. Proposition 7 is
to say the firms that pursuing strategic
alignment has greater ability to enhance their
sustainable competitive advantage.
Therefore, (P7) was supported.
Limitations and Conclusions
There are some limitations of the study. The
first limitation is that the proposed
conceptual model is based on the cross-
sectional data from the Jordanian public
shareholding firms. Therefore, longitudinal
investigations are preferred for better
implications of the strategic alignment. In
addition, although the response rate of this
study was sufficient for the condition of
statistical analysis, the percentage of those
who did not respond was still observable. In
other words, even though the research
results could be representative, it is
reasonable to be watchful about its
generalization. Thus, to increase statistical
validity, further research should consider
higher response rates. Also, the data and
results reported in this paper were based on
a single country, Jordan, and in turn are
applicable specifically to the Jordanian
context. Thus, this raises inquiries regarding
the generalisability to other cultures and
different contexts. Consequently, further
research is needed with regard to several
countries since this would help to advance
understanding of the IT-business strategic
alignment issue and the conditions and
outcomes of achieving it from different
nationwide origins in different contexts. All
in all, although this paper investigated
several propositions and offered empirical
support for the acceptance and refusal of
some of these propositions, more
generalizations on the application of the
theoretical premises that developed in
building the research model will be needed
to enrich and to build the alignment theory.
This is to say, a more generalized research
model that compensate the current research
limitations by adding further impacting
variables to the model and obtain a more
representative sample from different sectors
will be required.
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Communications of the IBIMA
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Communications of the IBIMA 12
Table 1.Measurement Model Fit Indices
Table 2.Summary of Proposed Results for the Theoretical Model
Research Proposed Paths
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: 
Value and Belief
: 
IT Managerial Reso
: 
IT Implementation Success
: 
P7: Strategic alignment
Sustainable competitive advantage
... Other studies investigated various factors which can affect the level of alignment. However, misalignment between IT strategy and business strategy is still a common problematic scenario (Almajali & Dahalin 2011). Accordingly, various scholars have called for further research efforts examining the interrelationships between IT and business (Johnson & Lederer, 2010;Raymond & Croteau, 2009). ...
... Chebrolu in the year 2013, defined the concept of strategic IT-Business alignment as "the art and science of formulating, integrating, and implementing decisions between the business and IT, which enables an organization to achieve its objectives" (Chebrolu, 2013). IT-business alignment as defined by Almajali and Dahalin (2011), as "a degree of correspondence of an organization's IT strategy and IT infrastructure with the organization's strategic business objectives and infrastructure " (Almajali & Dahalin 2011). This emphasizes the fact that value of IT is generated from the level of support it provides to business strategy. ...
... Chebrolu in the year 2013, defined the concept of strategic IT-Business alignment as "the art and science of formulating, integrating, and implementing decisions between the business and IT, which enables an organization to achieve its objectives" (Chebrolu, 2013). IT-business alignment as defined by Almajali and Dahalin (2011), as "a degree of correspondence of an organization's IT strategy and IT infrastructure with the organization's strategic business objectives and infrastructure " (Almajali & Dahalin 2011). This emphasizes the fact that value of IT is generated from the level of support it provides to business strategy. ...
... However, misalignment between IT strategy and business strategy is still a common problematic scenario as some argued (e.g. Almajali and Dahalin, 2011). Accordingly, scholars ( Raymond and Croteau, 2009;Johnson and Lederer, 2010) have called for further research efforts examining the interrelationships between IT and business. ...
... Lots of research studies have tried to explore the complex interrelationships between IT and business (e.g. Venkatraman and Camillus, 1984;Henderson et al., 1992;Papp, 1999;Raymond and Croteau, 2009;Johnson and Lederer, 2010;Almajali and Dahalin, 2011;Gutierrez, 2014). This theme of research is referred to as IT-business strategic alignment. ...
... This agrees with most of the available studies that emphasized the significant impact of IT-business alignment on organizational overall performance (e.g. Johnson and Lederer, 2010;Almajali and Dahalin, 2011;Gutierrez, 2014) in general and its overall excellence (e.g. Zegardy and Ismaili, 2008;Al-Faouri et al., 2009;Rao, 2015;Rookhandeh and Ahmadi, 2016). ...
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This study measures the level of IT-business strategic alignment and its impact on organizational excellence as perceived by managers of the Jordanian mining sector working in managerial positions. The study is a quantitative study that is based on the use of a questionnaire which is designed for the purpose of this study a comprehensive sampling strategy is used to select the participants due to the limited population size (managerial positions). 150 questionnaires were personally distributed. 117 were analyzed. SPSS.22 and AMOS.23 are used to analyses the data and to test the study hypotheses. The study revealed that the level of IT-business strategic alignment as well as the level of organizational excellence within the context of Jordanian Mining Sector are medium as perceived by managers. The study also found that the level of IT-business strategic alignment has a direct significant statistical impact on the overall organizational excellence and its five proposed dimensions as perceived by managers.
... On the other hand, the SA is represented by the degree of appropriateness of the organization's information technology strategy and infrastructure with the strategic objectives of the organization and its infrastructure Almajali & Dahalin (2011). SA is considered as a link between the organizational goals and the goals of the business units in the organization, through which the goals of the business units are continuously adapted to the general goals of the organization Kasina (2012). ...
Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to better understand HR practices with their core competencies (teamwork, communication, understanding the customer, self-development, problem-solving, leadership) through their Influence on the strategic alignment by Dimensions (governance, partnership infrastructure), In Iraqi private higher education sector. Methodology/Design: The analytical descriptive approach was added using a questionnaire as the main tool and was conducted in 10 private colleges. The research population consisted of 162 officials in the selected private colleges, and 145 questionnaires consisting of 53 items were distributed to the research sample. The valid forms were 128, which represented 79% of the total population. Statistical methods (Spearman's correlation, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, F-test, T-test, coefficient of determination (R 2) were used through the statistical programs (SPSS, 26) and (AMOS, 23). Results: The main results of the research show the positive influence of the core competencies of human resources on strategic alignment. Research limitations: the main research limitation a scope which it was only one sector (the private higher education) and selected 15% of the Iraqi private colleges. Practical implications: This research sheds light on the importance of core competencies in the Iraqi private higher education sector, in addition, it is one of the few studies that focused on multiple geographical areas, and provides further discussion of the direction of core competencies for human resources and strategic alignment. Originality/value: The research adds value to the literature on human resource management and strategic management by developing a model that links the two variables in the private higher education sector .
...  Because of lost opportunities to improve business positioning  Because it can result in a major setback for the organization in terms of the capabilities it needs to compete.  From literature, the following are some of the benefits of alignment:  IT alignment is connected to performance or results in improved performance [19][20][21][22][23]  Alignment is critical because it helps organizations in making sure that the areas which are required for enhanced organizational performance are targeted by information systems [24,25].  Alignment improves the comprehension of business management about the significance of IT and in the meantime enhancing the comprehension of business objectives and targets by IT supervisors [26]. ...
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This work looked at the justification of IT investments in general, to draw important conclusions that could be beneficial to IT project managers and professionals, and then zero in on the angle of benefits realization beyond IT investments. About 30 categories/sets of research outputs or articles out of more than 60 articles reviewed were used for this work. No primary data was employed for this work. Articles were sourced from databases such as Google Scholar, Research Gate,, Google search engine, Elsevier, and so on. The main themes used for the search were IT investments, Justification for IT investments, IT investments benefit determination, value creation beyond IT investments, and so on. The results showed that justification is unique to every firm, it is contextual, and so stakeholders must take into consideration environmental factors, corporate and strategic goals, experience and expertise of stakeholders, and so on, to design its framework and measures to justify IT investments. Zeroing on benefits realization, two things run through all the discussions: benefits realization of IT investments must take into consideration the organization's strategic objectives and that they do not simply emerge, as if by magic. Again, it must be planned, delivered, reviewed, and exploited to ensure value realization on a more consistent/constant basis.
... A study by Naylor and Williams (1994) demonstrated that managers in SMEs are increasingly willing to use and upgrade their IT system when they earn tangible and intangible benefits of IT in several aspects. More critically, empirical studies strongly suggested that when IT strategy has been perfectly aligned with the business strategy of the firms, then the generating and sustaining a competitive advantage can be achieved Almajali and Dahalin (2011); Brier (1999) Makhloufi L et al. (2018) and thereby the performance can be sustainably raised (Chan, Sabherwal, & Thatcher, 2006;Raymond & Bergeron, 2008). To conclude, several authors suggested that the non-alignment between business needs and IT would result in business failure and hence impede firm performing (Bartenschlager & Goeken, 2009). ...
... A study by Naylor and Williams (1994) demonstrated that managers in SMEs are increasingly willing to use and upgrade their IT system when they earn tangible and intangible benefits of IT in several aspects. More critically, empirical studies strongly suggested that when IT strategy has been perfectly aligned with the business strategy of the firms, then the generating and sustaining a competitive advantage can be achieved Almajali and Dahalin (2011); Brier (1999) Makhloufi L et al. (2018) and thereby the performance can be sustainably raised (Chan, Sabherwal, & Thatcher, 2006;Raymond & Bergeron, 2008). To conclude, several authors suggested that the non-alignment between business needs and IT would result in business failure and hence impede firm performing (Bartenschlager & Goeken, 2009). ...
Chapter 3, Application of Hill’s strategy development framework towards some restaurants in Brunei Darussalam. Be creative and innovative are two strategies that can be implementedas well as maintaining and improving the quality for being order-winner.
... The previous research showed the importance of alignment if organizational success is to be achieved [1,2]. IT became seen to be a part of organisations [3,4]. ...
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This research explores the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) success in an organizational setting that has been rarely explored. Owing to the lack of theoretical attention, the researchers decided to evaluate ERP success in the context of Jordanian-listed companies. This quantitative study employed the DeLone and McLean success model, while questionnaires were used to collect the data. The questionnaires were mailed to 388 CEOs and CIOs, and a total of 358 valid questionnaires were evaluated using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Information quality, system quality, training quality, and ease of use, all impacted manager satisfaction (here after known as user satisfaction) positively, while user satisfaction affected ERP success. Additionally, ERP success was influenced by the quality of training, system quality, and IT-business strategic alignment. The results show that service quality did not significantly affect user satisfaction. Furthermore, user satisfaction showed a mediating effect on the relationship between training quality and ERP success. However, user satisfaction did not mediate the relationship between ease of use and ERP success. The findings will aid managers and practitioners in better understanding the elements that influence ERP success among Jordanian-listed firms.
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The main objectives of this research are to (i) explore the relationship between types of knowledge and academics’ knowledge sharing behaviour, (ii) examine the relationship between knowledge sharing behaviour and its predictors based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, and (iii) identify the factors motivating and hindering academics’ knowledge sharing behaviour. Adopting Ajzen’s Amended Theory of Planned Behaviour, this research used the quantitative research approach employing an online survey using questionnaire to collect data from academics in ten public universities. Data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS-SEM. The analysis process involved assessment of the measurement model to evaluate the items reliability and validity, and assessment of the structural model to evaluate its validity, path coefficients, and test the hypotheses. The results revealed a high level of knowledge sharing practice. Furthermore, the results showed that academics’ knowledge sharing behaviour is significantly influenced by explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, and intention. Intention itself is significantly influenced by attitude, subjective norms, self-efficacy, but not influenced by controllability. Also, attitude is significantly and positively influenced by trust and reputation as motivators of knowledge sharing behaviour. Whereas, controllability is significantly and negatively influenced by lack of time and poor communication as barriers of knowledge sharing behaviour.
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While researchers have encouraged further examination on the causal links between Information Technology (IT) investments and a firm’s performance, results of empirical studies have been varied. This is to a certain extent due to the exclusion of IT-business partnership (also known as IT-business strategic alignment). Indeed, strategic alignment has emerged as one of the most important concern facing business and IT executives all over the world (Raymond and Croteau, 2009, Johnson and Lederer, 2010). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed literature review that both academics and practitioners can use in order to understand the resources required to realize the potential values oftheir IT investments. This is achieved by providing a review of the IT and IT-business literature on a firm’s business performance. It is hoped that the article will spark helpful discussion on the merits of continuous examination of IT investments.
The statistical tests used in the analysis of structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error are examined. A drawback of the commonly applied chi square test, in addition to the known problems related to sample size and power, is that it may indicate an increasing correspondence between the hypothesized model and the observed data as both the measurement properties and the relationship between constructs decline. Further, and contrary to common assertion, the risk of making a Type II error can be substantial even when the sample size is large. Moreover, the present testing methods are unable to assess a model's explanatory power. To overcome these problems, the authors develop and apply a testing system based on measures of shared variance within the structural model, measurement model, and overall model.
Understanding sources of sustained competitive advantage has become a major area of research in strategic management. Building on the assumptions that strategic resources are heterogeneously distributed across firms and that these differences are stable over time, this article examines the link between firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Four empirical indicators of the potential of firm resources to generate sustained competitive advantage-value, rareness, imitability, and substitutability are discussed. The model is applied by analyzing the potential of several firm resources for generating sustained competitive advantages. The article concludes by examining implications of this firm resource model of sustained competitive advantage for other business disciplines.