
Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae): A Review

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The present review article is an effort to compile all the Phytochemical and Pharmacological investigations regarding the plant Diospyros kaki (Ebenaceae). The plant is traditionally used to treat various ailments like gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, menorrhoea, diabetes, cough and also in the treatment of herpes. Several phytoconstituents has been isolated and identified from the different parts of the plant belonging to the category of glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, sterols and triterpenoids. A review of chemical constituents present and their pharmacological activities are given in the present article.

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... D. kaki is one of the medicinal plant native to Japan, China, Pakistan, India and Myanmar. It is fully naturalized in Algeria, Afghanistan, Australia, Egypt, Brazil, Indonesia France, Republic of Korea, Israel, Italy, Philippines, Palestine, Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (Former), Russian Federation, United States of America and is commonly known as Japanese persimmon (Singh and Joshi, 2011). D. kaki is locally known as "sur amlook", "Parsimmon", also cultivated for its edible fruits in Pakistan particularly in Dir, Swat and Malakand. ...
... Hypertension can also be treated when juice of unripe fruit is used. The fruits are considered to be anti-febrile, demulcent and antivininous (Singh and Joshi, 2011). ...
... It has been reported that the tannin isolate from ripe fruit have very strong detoxifying activity against the venoms of two snake species i.e. Trimeresums flavoviridis and Laticauda semifasciata (Singh and Joshi, 2011). The fruit has active constituents which can inactivate bacteria toxin of Straphylococcus alpha, Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani and Diptheria (Mallavadhani et al., 1998). ...
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Diospyros kaki is cultivated in different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan, especially in Malakand division. The current study was designed to investigate the hide potential of the vulnerable species of the plant. Aqueous extracts of Diospyros kaki leaves were screened for larvicidal, insecticidal cytotoxic and antioxidant activities. The extract exhibited moderate to outstanding larvicidal activity (100 to 28%) at 100, 80, 70, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10% concentrations respectively after 24 hours, showing 42% LC50. Permitrin displayed 100% lethality at 0.3%. The extract demonstrated outstanding cytotoxic action against brain shrimps nauplii (Artemia salina), showing 10 ppm LC50 which is closed to the LC50 (9.8μg/ml) of standard drug Etoposide. Similarly profound insecticidal potential (100%) was recorded after 15 min against Cimex lectularius. In DPPH scavenging activity the extract demonstrated moderate 30.22%, while Quercetin, Gallic acid and Acetic acid showed 98, 96 and 97% activity respectively at 100ppm. Thus on the basis of our finding it could be concluded that the decoction of the leaves of D. kaki is a good natural alternative for the control of insects and neoplasia.
... The fruits are thought to be demulcent, antivininous, and antifebrile [15] . The fruit has ingredients that can neutralise the toxins produced by the bacteria Staphylococcus alpha, Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, and Diptheria [16] . ...
... The fruit has ingredients that can neutralise the toxins produced by the bacteria Staphylococcus alpha, Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, and Diptheria [16] . The ripe fruit possesses detoxifying properties against the venoms of two snake species, Trimeresums flavoviridis and Laticauda semifasciata [15] . The primary objectives of our investigation were to identify the larvicidal effects of crude and acetone extracts of D. kaki fruits on Ae. ...
... The effect of time on the elimination of Al (III), Fe (III), Pb (II), and Cd (II) onto persimmon leaves powder was studied. Experiments were carried out to examine the effect after (5,15,30,60, and 120 min) on the removal of Al (III), Fe (III), Pb (II), and Cd (II). 50 ml of 6 mg/L of the metal ion solution for Al (III), Fe (III), Pb (II), and Cd (II) were contacted with 0.5 g of the adsorbent in a flask and shaken for 30 minutes and then filtered using filter paper. ...
... The impact of contact time on the uptake of Pb (II) and Cd (II) ions onto nano persimmon leaves powder was studied. Experiments were carried out to investigate the impact of different contact times (5,15,30,60, and 120 min) on the removal of Pb (II) and Cd (II), 50 ml of the metal ion solution. Pb (II) and Cd (II) were contacted with 0.1 g of the adsorbent in a flask, shaken for 30 minutes, and filtered with filter paper. ...
... Persimmon (Diospyros kaki), which belongs to the Ebenaceae family, is a deciduous small tree native to Eastern Asia and has also been cultivated in Northeastern India, Middle East, Spain, and many other regions. The dry residue of persimmon fruit is known to have many bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenol (especially tannins), carotenoids, dietary fibers, and minerals [4,5]. In many traditional medicinal systems, the extract of persimmon fruit is used as antitussive, carminative, and sedative agent and to heal bronchial complaints and hypertension [4,5]. ...
... The dry residue of persimmon fruit is known to have many bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenol (especially tannins), carotenoids, dietary fibers, and minerals [4,5]. In many traditional medicinal systems, the extract of persimmon fruit is used as antitussive, carminative, and sedative agent and to heal bronchial complaints and hypertension [4,5]. Recently, it has been shown that persimmon possesses several ...
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Ischemic cerebrovascular disease is one of the most common causes of death in the world. Recent interests have been focused on natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents as potentially useful neuroprotective agents. Diospyros kaki (persimmon) has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antineoplastic effects. However, its effects on ischemic damage have not been evaluated. Here, we used an in vitro model of cerebral ischemia and studied the effects of hydroalcoholic extract of peel (PeHE) and fruit pulp (PuHE) of persimmon on cell viability and markers of oxidative damage mainly intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by glucose-oxygen-serum deprivation (GOSD) in PC12 cells. GOSD for 6 h produced significant cell death which was accompanied by increased levels of ROS. Pretreatment with different concentrations of PeHE and PuHE (0–500 μ g/mL) for 2 and 24 h markedly restored these changes only at high concentrations. However, no significant differences were seen in the protection against ischemic insult between different extracts and the time of exposure. The experimental results suggest that persimmon protects the PC12 cells from GOSD-induced injury via antioxidant mechanisms. Our findings might raise the possibility of potential therapeutic application of persimmon for managing cerebral ischemic and other neurodegenerative disorders.
... D. kaki is one of the medicinal plant native to Japan, China, Pakistan, India and Myanmar. It is fully naturalized in Algeria, Afghanistan, Australia, Egypt, Brazil, Indonesia France, Republic of Korea, Israel, Italy, Philippines, Palestine, Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (Former), Russian Federation, United States of America and is commonly known as Japanese persimmon (Singh and Joshi, 2011). D. kaki is locally known as "sur amlook", "Parsimmon", also cultivated for its edible fruits in Pakistan particularly in Dir, Swat and Malakand. ...
... Hypertension can also be treated when juice of unripe fruit is used. The fruits are considered to be anti-febrile, demulcent and antivininous ( Singh and Joshi, 2011). ...
Diospyros kaki is cultivated in different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan, especially in Malakand division. The current study was designed to investigate the hide potential of the vulnerable species of the plant. Aqueous extracts of Diospyros kaki leaves were screened for larvicidal, insecticidal cytotoxic and antioxidant activities. The extract exhibited moderate to outstanding larvicidal activity (100 to 28%) at 100, 80, 70, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10% concentrations respectively after 24 hours, showing 42% LC 50. Permitrin displayed 100% lethality at 0.3%. The extract demonstrated outstanding cytotoxic action against brain shrimps nauplii (Artemia salina), showing 10 ppm LC 50 which is closed to the LC 50 (9.8µg/ml) of standard drug Etoposide. Similarly profound insecticidal potential (100%) was recorded after 15 min against Cimex lectularius. In DPPH scavenging activity the extract demonstrated moderate 30.22%, while Quercetin, Gallic acid and Acetic acid showed 98, 96 and 97% activity respectively at 100ppm. Thus on the basis of our finding it could be concluded that the decoction of the leaves of D. kaki is a good natural alternative for the control of insects and neoplasia.
... Unripe fruits of Diospyros sp. are very astringent because they accumulate large amounts of condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins), acting as defense compounds against herbivory [64]. Humboldt reported the use of ripe fruits to extract alcohol from wine; in comparison, tannins from unripe fruits of Diospyros kaki Thunb., an Asiatic species, are used nowadays in brewing sake [65]. ...
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Background The German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt conducted an expedition through the American continent, alongside Aimé Bonpland, from 1799 to 1804. Before finally returning to Europe, they decided to take a side trip to the USA between May 20 and July 7, 1804. Humboldt’s most detailed account of his time in the USA consists of a manuscript entitled “Plantae des États-Unis” (1804), containing information on useful plants and timber of the country. The aim of this paper is to retrieve, for the first time, ethnobotanical information regarding North American plants and their uses inside this Humboldt’s manuscript as well as to highlight the erasure and invisibilization of North American Indigenous knowledge within historical documents and bibliography, mainly during the nineteenth century. Methods “Plantae des États-Unis” (digitized version and its transcription) was carefully analyzed, and information on plant species mentioned in the manuscript (including botanical and vernacular names, traditional uses, and general observations) was retrieved. Traditional uses were correlated with ethnobotanical data from the Native American Ethnobotany Database and encyclopedic literature on North American plants from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as well as recent pharmacological studies searched in scientific papers. Results In the manuscript are mentioned 28 species distributed in 15 botanical families, with Fagaceae (9 Quercus species) being the most representative. All species are USA natives, except for one undetermined species (only the genus was mentioned, Corylus). Four species were directly mentioned as medicinal (Toxicodendron radicans, Liriodendron tulipifera, Actaea racemosa, and Gillenia stipulata), while other four were described as tanning agents (astringent) (Cornus florida, Diospyros virginiana, Quercus rubra, and Quercus velutina). Two species were described as bitter (Xanthorhiza simplicissima and A. racemosa). Nine Quercus species were described, but five were reported as the most useful oaks for cultivation in Europe (Quercus bicolor, Quercus castanea, Quercus virginiana, Quercus michauxii, and Quercus alba); three of them were used for ship construction (Q. virginiana, Q. michauxii, and Q. alba), two as astringent (Q. rubra and Q. stellata), and one had wood of poor quality (Quercus phellos). One species was described as a yellow dye (Hydrastis canadensis), and the other was mentioned as toxic (Aesculus pavia). Ten species did not have any useful applications listed. Conclusions Although “Plantae des États-Unis” is a brief collection of annotations, these data reveal a historical scenario of outstanding plants with social and economic interest in the USA at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The data highlight a clear process of suppression of the traditional knowledge of Native North American Indigenous peoples in past historical records and literature, due to the lack of acknowledgment by white European settlers and American-born explorers. This ethnobotanical inventory may help us understand the relationship between plants and Native North American Indigenous peoples, as well as European naturalists and settlers, and USA-born people in the past, and reflect on the importance of Indigenous traditional knowledge, bioeconomy, sustainable management, and conservation of biodiversity in the present and future.
... The plant showed various biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-diabetes, atherosclerosis, anti-cancer, antifungal potential and multi drug resistance reversal properties [10][11][12][13][14]. It was reported that the plant contains several phytochemicals like polyphenols, terpenoids, steroids, phenolicacids, carotenoid minerals, and dietary fiber [15]. ...
... Natural compounds from flowering plants have been playing an important role in the development of several clinically useful anticancer agents [3] . Diospyros kaki L. (Japanese persimmon) is a deciduous tree endogenous to Japan measuring to 12 m in heights and 7 m in diameters [4] . Its leaves are used as a traditional medicine for treatment of hypertension, angina and internal hemorrhage [5] . ...
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Four flavonoids (kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside, kaempferol, and quercetin) and three triterpenes (ursolic acid, 3, 19, 24-trihydroxyurs-12-en and 3, 19, 24-trihydroxy-15-oxo-urs-12-en) were isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of the alcoholic extract of Diospyros kaki L. cv. costata leaves cultivated in Egypt. The cytotoxic activity of 3, 19, 24-trihydroxyurs-12-en and 3, 19, 24-trihydroxy-15-oxours-12-en was assessed on three human cell lines, cervical carcinoma (HELA), breast carcinoma (MCF7) and colon carcinoma (HCT116) cell lines using sulforhodamine-B assay. The two compounds exerted a moderate cytotoxic activity against the three tested cell lines comparing to doxorubicin as reference standard.
... Persimmon was introduced in India in the 20th century by European settlers, and the commonly found Persimmon variety in India is "Hachiya." Currently, it is cultivated in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu (Singh et al., 2011;Butt et al., 2015). The regions with comparatively mild summer and moderate winter are the most suited for cultivating Persimmons (Butt et al., 2015). ...
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Purpose This study aims to discuss the nutritional value and potential nutraceutical properties of Diospyros kaki L. (DKL); to encapsulate recent studies conducted across the world to develop functional foods using different parts of Persimmon fruit to emphasise on the need for further research on Persimmon fruit. Design/methodology/approach The methodology of the study involved surveying primary and secondary information generated in the respective field of interest. The papers found most suited for the research problem and objective of the study were selected. The perspectives taken by different studies and researchers were synthesised to generate a solution to the research problems and to bridge the research gaps in the field. Findings As a result of the global rise in the prevalence of metabolic disorders, researchers are aimed at identifying nutrient rich foods and techniques to develop functional foods for the population. Researchers have recognised the role of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and probiotics, are now interested in leveraging these foods by incorporating them in conventional foods, such as breads, jams, pastas and yoghurts as functional ingredients. One such food that has gained the interests of various researchers is DKL. Owing to its rich macro-and micro-nutrient, as well as phytochemical content various studies have been conducted to explore the possibility of using it as a functional ingredient to develop a range of foods. Research limitations/implications A limited studies are available that have investigated the effect of the functional foods developed using different parts of Persimmon fruit on different ailments. Originality/value This study collected the data/information from recently published research in the field of health and medicinal benefits of Persimmon fruits and its utilisation to develop functional food.
... The total phenolic compounds of the persimmon extract were quantitatively tested with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. As for the antioxidant activity, it was identified using the DPPH method with the help of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 515 nm (Singh & Joshi, 2011). The extraction yield was calculated using the following formula: ...
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Persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L.) contain catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which have antioxidant properties. The study aimed to prove the antioxidant potential of phenolics in persimmon fruit (D. kaki L.) in reducing oxidation of LDL and as antiatherosclerotics. The research method included an anti-oxidant test using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer and measurement of polyphenol level using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Also, blood serum levels were examined in vitro and in vivo based on the histopathology of the aorta of male Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to a cholesterol diet. There were five test groups: positive control (receiving α-tocopherol), negative control, dose I (administered with the extract at 450 mg/kg BW), dose II (extract 900 mg/kg BW), and dose III (extract 1800 mg/kg BW). The testing was carried out for eight weeks. Antioxidant test using DPPH method produced an IC50 of 44.07±15.06 mg/mL. The polyphenol contents identified in the persimmon extract were catechins 2.55% and EGCG 9.49%. The results showed that the persimmon extract exhibited antioxidant activity that prevented atherosclerosis through the mechanism of LDL oxidation. At a concentration of 1,800 mg/kg BW, the extract decreased the aortic wall thickness by 31.20% and showed activities that were not significantly different from the positive control (p value= 0.05).
... However, the research work on the processing of persimmon is very scanty but whatever the related literature available in respect of persimmon and/or other crops is reviewed under different heads and subheads given below: (Singh and Joshi, 2011). Persimmon cultivars are classified into four types based on the relationship between the astringency of the mature fruit and the effect of seeds on the loss of astringency. ...
... Persimmon leaves contain four flavonols [51]. The leaves of persimmon have been reported to contain the following compounds: 40-dihydroxy-a-truxillic acid, tatarine C, myricetin, annulatin, trifolin, astragalin, hyperin, isoquercetin, rutin, quercetin, kampferol, kakispyrone, and kaki saponin [52]. The leaves have been used for tea in Korea, since they were was thought to be effective against hypertension [15]. ...
The present study was conducted to determine the total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) in both irradiated and non-irradiated mulberry and persimmon extracts (water and methanolic extract). Additionally, the oxidative stability of these extracts against sunflower oil (SFO) was determined. The water extract has a higher content of both TPC and TFC. Irradiation exposure increased the antioxidant activity, especially at a dose of 1.5 kGy. Chemical composition of persimmon leaves had a higher fiber content than that of mulberry. Sensory evaluation of blends formula mulberry and persimmon herbal tea achieved the best overall acceptability (8.8) at 3% from each. Administration of 1.2 g/Kg from mulberry, persimmon leaves and their blends represented 72.5%, 71.6% and 73.5% reduction in glucose levels, in rats administrated with water extract, and 73.1%, 68.4% and 71% reduction with rats administrated powder. Thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in diabetic rats treated with mulberry and persimmon compared to diabetic rats. Lipid profile, renal and hepatic enzymes were ameliorated in rats treated with the studied leaves. Mulberry and persimmon leaves possess hypoglycemic activity, beneficial effects on lipid profile, renal and hepatic functions in rats treated with mulberry and persimmon leaves.
... The genus Diospyros belongs to family Ebenaceae and comprises about 500 species distributed in tropical and temperate zone (Hotta et al., 1989). Diospyros kaki, which is native to China, is now known world-wide in tropics and subtropics (Singh and Joshi, 2011). In recent years, it has been favored as tea for healthcare in Southeast Asia for its beneficial effects on homeostasis, hypertension, apoplexy, and atherosclerosis (Lee et al., 2012). ...
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Diospyros kaki L. or Costata cultivar is the main persimmon variety progressively consumed in the Egyptian market and exportation. The objective of this study was to investigate the bioprotective effects of the alcoholic extract of fruits as well as leaves of D. kaki using in-vivo rat models. Petroleum ether extracts of fruits and leaves were analytically characterized for saponifiable and unsaponifiable compounds by GC/MS. Main flavonoids were chromatographically isolated from 80% aqueous methanol extract of leaves. Chemical evaluation for fruits and leaves namely, content of moisture, ash, proteins, fatty acids, amino acids, fat and water soluble vitamins, minerals, carotenoids was carried out. Total antioxidant activity was determined by radical scavenging effects using DPPH assay. The effect on biochemical parameters and its biological activity were also performed. Results revealed the identification of the major compounds of saponifiable and unsaponifiable matters of fruits and leaves. Scopoletin, as well as, kaempferol, luteolin, rutin and apigenin 7-O-glucoside were isolated and identified. It showed that this plant can provide a good nutritional value and it is safe regarding the kidney and liver functions, good source that help in enhancing the antioxidant defense against free radicals. No abnormal effects were found in lipids profile on experimental animals and there were good results in the ratio of HDL and LDL cholesterol. Also, this plant can help in optimizing blood sugar, enhancing the level of blood haemoglobin. It is concluded that D. kaki displays a good source of nutrients and bioactive compounds that may contribute to its therapeutic benefits against the risk of disease complications.
... However, values ranging from 0.68 to 1.129 mg/100g in Diospyros cultivars grown in Portugal have been previously determined (Vinha et al. 2011). Diospyros kaki is highly concentrated in vitamins and a moderate source of ascorbic acid (Singh and Joshi 2011). Our results demonstrate that persimmon is a fruit with a large amount of phenolic antioxidants Figure 8. Immunostainning for iNOS expression in arthritic joint samples. ...
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Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) fruits are used in traditional medicine largely due to their claimed beneficial effects on human health. The aim of this work was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of a persimmon extract in rats with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). CIA was induced in Wistar rats through an intradermal injection of an emulsion of bovine type II collagen (CII) in complete Freund’s adjuvant (FCA). Macroscopic evidence of CIA first appeared as periarticular erythema and edema in the hind paws. The incidence of CIA was 100% by day 27 in the CII-challenged rats, and the severity of CIA progressed for 35 days. Radiographs revealed focal resorption of bone, with osteophyte formation in the tibiotarsal joint and soft tissue swelling. The histopathologic features included erosion of the cartilage at the joint margins. The persimmon extract showed an anti-inflammatory effect given the significant reduction in both the edema volume and radiological alterations attributed to CIA in the bone. We demonstrate that the administration of persimmon extract attenuates the degree of chronic inflammation and tissue damage characteristic of CIA in rats, most probably by the potent antioxidant characteristics of the extract.
... The genus studied has many resources of economic importance; the most recognized are its fruits and wood (ebony). Diospyros kaki is the most recognized species by its fruit, persimmon or kaki, mass produced by many varieties in East Asia, China, Japan and Korea (Singh and Joshi, 2011). In Mexico, the most exploited species is Diospyros nigra (Gmel.) ...
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Diospyros (Ebenaceae) está conformado por alrededor de 500 especies, 120 están en América y más de 20 en México. Su distribución es tropical y se sostiene que se originó en Gondwana occidental. Este estudio es un análisis de la distribución geográfica de 1 452 sitios de colecta de 20 especies integrados en Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF),con unenfoquepanbiogeográfico;aplicando un método combinado para el análisis de trazos y dos análisis de parsimonia de endemismos asociados al mapa de regiones bioeográficas de México y al de tipos de vegetación. La distribución principal del género es en el centro y sur del país constituyendo un elemento típicamente neotropical. Utilizando los trazos individuales se obtuvieron dos nodos principales, el primero en el centro de Veracruz y el segundo en el nororiente de la península de Yucatán. El análisis de parsimonia agrupa a las provincias de Yucatán, Petén, Golfo de México, Depresión del Balsas, Costa del Pacífico, Sierra Madre Oriental, Eje Volcánico Transversal, Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca y Altiplano Zacatecano-Potosino en un sólo grupo. Este grupo concuerda con el dominio Mesoamericano y Antillano y con el dominio Mexicano de Montaña o Zona de Transición Mexicana. El análisis de los sitios de presencia evidenció a los bosques tropicales como grupos basales. Los resultados soportan la tesis de su origen e ideas sobre su diversificación geográfica y biológica, involucrando eventos dispersalistas y vicariantes, relacionados con eventos geológicos como la formación del Eje Volcánico Transversal. La mayoría de estas especies son de amplia distribución ya que se encuentran en más de una provincia, siendo la Costa del Pacífico, el Golfo de México y el Eje Volcánico las que cuentan con mayor riqueza: 12 especies cada una. Se postula que Diospyros concuerda con la migración de especies de la región Neotropical hacia la Zona de Transición Mexicana.
... The traditional Chinese medicine Shitei-To, which is a mixture of extracts from three medicinal herbs, Shitei (D. kaki calyx), Shokyo (Zingiberis rhizoma), and Choji (Caryophylli flos), has long been used for the treatment of hiccups in Japan and China (Minami et al. 2000). D. kaki calyx contains various biological compounds, including gallic acid, b-sitosterol, trifolin, kaempferol, quercetin, and tannins (Sunity and Himanshu 2011). Tannins are a large group of polyphenolic compounds that are encountered in daily life owing to their wide distribution in medicinal plants and presence in food and beverages (Okuda et al. 1989). ...
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Context: Diospyros kaki L. (Ebenaceae) fruit is widely distributed in Asia and is known to exert anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects. Objective: We evaluated the inhibitory effect of aqueous extract of D. kaki calyx (AEDKC) on mast cell-mediated immediate-type hypersensitivity and underlying mechanism of action. Materials and methods: For in vivo, ovalbumin (OVA)-induced active systemic anaphylaxis (ASA) and immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) models were used. In the ASA, AEDKC (1–100 mg/kg) was orally administered 3 times during 14 days. In the PCA, AEDKC was orally treated 1 h before the antigen challenge. The control drug dexamethasone was used to compare the effectiveness of AEDKC. For in vitro, IgE-stimulated RBL-2H3 cells and primary cultured peritoneal mast cells were used to determine the role of AEDKC (0.01–1 mg/mL). Results: Oral administration of AEDKC dose dependently suppressed rectal temperature decrease and increases in serum histamine, total IgE, OVA-specific IgE, and interleukin (IL)-4 in the ASA. In the PCA, AEDKC reduced Evans blue pigmentation. Compared to dexamethasone (10 mg/kg), AEDKC (100 mg/kg) showed similar inhibitory effects in vivo. AEDKC concentration dependently suppressed the release of histamine and β-hexosaminidase through the reduction of intracellular calcium in mast cells. In addition, AEDKC decreased the expression and secretion of tumour necrosis factor-α and IL-4 by the reduction of nuclear factor-κB. The inhibitory potential of AEDKC (1 mg/mL) was similar with dexamethasone (10 μM) in vitro. Conclusions: We suggest that AEDKC may be a potential candidate for the treatment of mast cell-mediated allergic diseases.
... D. kaki calyx is also generally used as a traditional medicine in Asia to relieve asthma, chronic bronchitis, and cough symptoms (19,20). D. kaki calyx contains various biologically active compounds, such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, succinic acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid, gallic acid, kaempferol, trifolin, β-hydroxyursolic acid, friedelin, oleanolic acid, quercetin, β-sitosterol and ursolic acid (21). Among the various compounds, gallic acid, quercetin, β-sitosterol and oleanolic acid are already known to possess anti-AD potential (4,(22)(23)(24). ...
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, affecting 10-20% of individuals worldwide. Therefore, the discovery of drugs for treating AD is an attractive subject and important to human health. Diospyros kaki and Diospyros kaki (D. kaki) folium exert beneficial effects on allergic inflammation. However, the effect of D. kaki calyx on AD remains elusive. The present study evaluated the effects of an aqueous extract of D. kaki calyx (AEDKC) on AD-like skin lesions using mouse and keratinocyte models. We used a mouse AD model by the repeated skin exposure of house dust mite extract [Dermatophagoides farinae extract (DFE)] and 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) to the ears. In addition, to determine the underlying mechanism of its operation, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ)-activated keratinocytes (HaCaT) were used. Oral administration of AEDKC decreased AD-like skin lesions, as demonstrated by the reduced ear thickness, serum immunoglobulin E (IgE), DFE-specific IgE, IgG2a, histamine level and inflammatory cell infiltration. AEDKC inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a chemokine via downregulation of nuclear factor-κB and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 in HaCaT cells. On examination of the AD-related factors in vivo and in vitro, it was confirmed that AEDKC decreased AD-like skin lesions. Taken together, the results suggest that AEDKC is a potential drug candidate for the treatment of AD.
... The genus studied has many resources of economic importance; the most recognized are its fruits and wood (ebony). Diospyros kaki is the most recognized species by its fruit, persimmon or kaki, mass produced by many varieties in East Asia, China, Japan and Korea (Singh and Joshi, 2011). In Mexico, the most exploited species is Diospyros nigra (Gmel.) ...
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Diospyros (Ebenaceae) consists of about 500 species, 120 are in America and more than 20 in Mexico. Its distribution is tropical and is held to have been originated in western Gondwana. This study is an analysis of the geographical distribution of 1452 collection sites of 20 species integrated into the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), with a panbiogeographic perspective; using a combined method for the analysis of strokes and two parsimony analysis of endemism associated with the map of Mexico’s bioeographyc regions and vegetation types. The main distribution of the genus is in the centre and south of the country as a typical neo-tropical element. From the individual strokes, two main nodes were obtained, the first one in central Veracruz and the second one in north-eastern Yucatan peninsula. Parsimony analysis groups the provinces of Yucatan, Petén, Gulf of Mexico, the Balsas Depression, Pacific Coast, Sierra Madre Oriental, Volcanic Belt, Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca and Zacatecas-Potosi Altiplano in one group. This group is joint with the Mesoamerican and Antillean domain and the Mexican Mountain domain or Mexican Transition Zone. The analysis of the sites showed the presence of tropical forests as basal groups. The results support the theory of their origin and ideas on their geographic and biological diversification, involving dispersalist and vicariant events related to geological events such as the formation of the Transverse Volcanic Belt. Most of these species are widely distributed and found in more than one province, being the Pacific Coast, the Gulf of Mexico and the Volcanic Belt those with greater richness: 12 species each. Our premise is that, Diospyros joints with the migration of species from the Neo-tropical region towards the Mexican Transitional Zone.
... Moreover, omega-6 fatty acid (linoleic acid) diminishes the risk of cardiovascular diseases [65]. contain the following compounds: 40-dihydroxy-a-truxillic acid, tatarine C, myricetin, annulatin, trifolin, astragalin, hyperin, isoquercetin, rutin, quercetin, kampferol, kakispyrone, and kaki saponin [67]. Leaves have been used for tea in Korea, since they were was thought to be effective against hypertension [68]. ...
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Extensive research has related the consumption of persimmon with the reduced risk of various diseases and particularly highlighted the presence of bioactive phenolic compounds for their therapeutic properties. Major phenolic compounds present in persimmon are ferulic acid, p -coumaric acid, and gallic acid. β -Cryptoxanthin, lycopene, β -carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein are important carotenoids having antioxidant potential. They are important to prevent oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, safeguard beta cells of the pancreas, and reduce cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus, and damage caused by chronic alcohol consumption. In this paper, the chemistry and health benefits of bioactive compounds present in persimmon are reviewed to encourage impending applications and to facilitate further research activities.
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In this work, we investigated Diospyros kaki extract and an isolated compound for their potential as xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitors, a target enzyme involved in inflammatory disorders. The prepared extract was subjected to column chromatography, and dinaphthodiospyrol S was isolated. Then XO inhibitory properties were assessed using a spectrophotometry microplate reader. DMSO was taken as a negative control, and allopurinol was used as a standard drug. The molecular docking study of the isolated compound to the XO active site was performed, followed by visualization and protein–ligand interaction. The defatted chloroform extract showed the highest inhibitory effect, followed by the chloroform extract and the isolated compound. The isolated compound exhibited significant inhibitory activity against XO with an IC50 value of 1.09 µM. Molecular docking studies showed that the compound strongly interacts with XO, forming hydrogen bond interactions with Arg149 and Cys113 and H-pi interactions with Cys116 and Leu147. The binding score of −7.678 kcal/mol further supported the potential of the isolated compound as an XO inhibitor. The quantum chemical procedures were used to study the electronic behavior of dinaphthodiospyrol S isolated from D. kaki. Frontier molecular orbital (FMO) analysis was performed to understand the distribution of electronic density, highest occupied molecular orbital HOMO, lowest unoccupied molecular orbital LUMO, and energy gaps. The values of HOMO, LUMO, and energy gap were found to be −6.39, −3.51 and 2.88 eV respectively. The FMO results indicated the intramolecular charge transfer. Moreover, reactivity descriptors were also determined to confirm the stability of the compound. The molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) investigation was done to analyze the electrophilic and nucleophilic sites within a molecule. The oxygen atoms in the compound exhibited negative potential, indicating that they are favorable sites for electrophilic attacks. The results indicate its potential as a therapeutic agent for related disorders. Further studies are needed to investigate this compound's in vivo efficacy and safety as a potential drug candidate.
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Ebony (Diospyros celebica. Bakh) is a native plant of Indonesia that is used as a traditional medicine for diabetes mellitus. Previous studies state that ethanol extract from ebony leaves significantly reduced blood glucose levels of diabetic rats induced by alloxan. This ability is thought to be caused by secondary metabolites which is phenolic and flavonoid compound. However, research related to structure compounds in extract and composition of solvent variations in the extraction process to get the most optimal activity and also their correlation with total phenolic and flavonoid compounds has not been carried out. This study aimed to evaluate the composition of the optimum solvent in the extraction process and also to know the structure compounds contained in the extract. In the present study, we extracted the ebony leaves with three solvents of different polarity (ethanol-water), i.e. ethanol 50% (EtOH), EtOH 70%, and EtOH 96%. Quantitative estimation of total phenolic and flavonoid contents. These extracts were future evaluated for their activity and the content of compounds in the extract was identified using LCMS/MS. The results showed that phenolic compounds that have been identified in ebony leaf extract are methyl gallate and (-)-Epiafzelechin 3-gallate and we found there were significant differences in all test parameters between the three extracts which is EtOH 96% extract gave the best.
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Diospyros kaki (Japanese persimmon) is cultivated specious of the Diospyros genus. D. kaki is a multi-medicinal application in the folk system for the cure of ischemic stroke, angina, atherosclerosis, muscle relaxation, internal hemorrhage, hypertension, high cough, and infectious disease. The main objective of this study was the isolated bioactive metabolites from chloroform fractions of D. kaki. The extract and fractions were then tested for various in-vitro (antioxidant and lipoxygenase) and in-vivo (muscle relaxant) activities. The repeated chromatographic separation of chloroform extract afforded compound 1. Compound 1, n-hexane, and chloroform fractions were evaluated for in vitro antioxidant, lipoxygenase inhibitory, and in vivo muscle relaxant potency. The chloroform extract has 79.54% interaction with DPPH at higher concentrations (100 μg/ml) while the compound exhibited a maximum effect of 95.09% at 100 μg/ml. Compound 1 exhibited significant lipoxygenase inhibitory activity with an IC50 value of 36.98 μM followed by a chloroform extract of 57.09 μM. Similarly, compound 1 and chloroform extract showed excellent muscle relaxant effects at a higher dose. From this investigation, it is concluded that extracts and pure compounds exhibited promising antioxidant, lipoxygenase inhibitory, and muscle relaxant activity. This study excellently rationalizes the traditional usage of D. kaki in curing various diseases. Furthermore, the docking results indicate, that the isolated compound fits well into the active site of the lipoxygenase, and makes strong interactions with the target protein.
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) a delicious fruit belongs to Rahmanaceae family. It is a climacteric fruit which is successfully grown in all regions of the world. Persimmon a perishable fruit which is consumed in both fresh and processed forms. It is a rich source of essential nutrients and bioactive compounds such as protein, vitamins, minerals, tannin, flavonoids and carotenoids. The current study was planned to investigate the antidiabetic potential of low calorie persimmon juice under different intervals of time. For this objective persimmon pulp was separated from peel and then it was analyzed for quality parameters. After chemical analysis persimmon pulp revealed that crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, total phenolic, microbiological contents, calcium, and magnesium were 0.56±0.05%, 0.16±0.02%, 3.85±0.05, 12.41±0.39GAE/g, 4.60±0.26log10 CFU/g, 7.5±0.02mg, 156.5±0.11mg and 8.83±0.03mg, respectively. Persimmon juice was prepared by adding various levels of persimmon pulp. The results showed that the persimmon juice contained a lot of antidiabetic activity. It is concluded that low calorie persimmon juice would be appropriate choice for diabetic patients. Keywords: Persimmon fruit composition; bioactive compounds; persimmon juice; antidiabetic potential.
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The formation of macrophage foam cells stimulated by oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) is deemed an important cause of atherosclerosis. Transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1), which is a universally expressed multifunctional protein, is closely related to cell metabolism disorders such as lipid metabolism, sugar metabolism, and bile acid metabolism. However, whether YY1 is involved in macrophage inflammation and lipid accumulation still remains unknown. After mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 cells were induced by ox-LDL, YY1 and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) expressions were found to be increased while low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) expression was lowly expressed. Subsequently, through reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), western blot analysis, Oil Red O staining and cholesterol quantification, it turned out that silencing of YY1 attenuated the inflammatory response and lipid accumulation in RAW264.7 cells caused by ox-LDL. Moreover, results from the JASPAR database, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay, luciferase reporter assay and western blot analysis suggested that YY1 activated PCSK9 by binding to PCSK9 promoter and modulated the expression of LDLR in the downstream of PCSK9. In addition, the results of functional experiments demonstrated that the inhibitory effects of YY1 interference on ox-LDL-mediated macrophage inflammation and lipid accumulation were reversed by PCSK9 overexpression. To sum up, YY1 depletion inhibited its activation of PCSK9, thereby reducing cellular inflammatory response, cholesterol homeostasis imbalance, and lipid accumulation caused by ox-LDL.
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Se realizó un conteo cromosómico en dos especies mexicanas del género Diospyros, (zapote prieto) de la familia Ebenaceae, Diospyros xolocotzii Madrigal & Rzed. y Diospyros digyna Jacq. El análisis citogenético se realizó en células somáticas de ápices radicales pretratados con una solución saturada de para-diclorobenceno, durante 5 horas a 4 °C y fijadas en Carnoy. La tinción de los cromosomas se obtuvo con Feulgen y carmín acético al 1 %. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que el número cromosómico para ambas especies fue de 2n = 2x = 30, lo que indica que los dos taxa son diploides, ya que los conteos reportados para la mayoría de los representantes de este género son de 2n = 2x = 30, con un número básico de x = 15.
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Background : Limited study on different organs of Diospyros kaki in biochemical figure of Pakistani plants still require considerable research activities due to its remarkable antioxidant properties. Objective : This study was an effort to characterize antioxidant properties regarding Diospyros kaki with special reference to its detailed biochemical analysis and linked health claim. Method : The biochemical analysis according to the role of certain bioactive molecules in different plant organs of Diospyros kakiviz enzymatic, non enzymatic antioxidants, hydrolytic enzymes and few other biochemical parameters such as total antioxidant activity, total oxidant status, total soluble sugars and protein along with pigments like chlorophyll ( total, a and b), carotenoids and lycopene were studied. Results : Among enzymatic antioxidant, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase along with protease activity, total antioxidant capacity, total phenolic contents, tannins and pigments like chlorophyll (total, a and b) were observed highest in leaves. Unripe fruit showed significant α-amylase, ascorbic acid, non reducing sugars, total soluble sugars, total carotenoids, lycopene and significantly lowest total oxidant status. Similarly, remarkable highest amount of superoxide dismutase and proteins were predicted in ripe fruit whereas peroxidase activity and reducing sugars were investigated in bark. However, highest esterase activity was indicated in stem. Conclusion : Our present findings concluded the fact that leaves, bark, stem, ripe and unripe fruit of Diospyros kaki could be exploited in pharmacology due to sufficient presence of different antioxidants but large number of antioxidants reflected in leaves and unripe fruit extract make them more potent and profound therauptic agents. Future perspective : Keeping in mind the above facts and research findings, further pharmacological and biochemical explorations are needed to discover natural products.
Purpose: This study tends to evaluate the efficacy of persimmon leaf extract) PL (as a rich plant source in modulation of radiation induced liver injury and some metabolic variations in gamma irradiated rats. Material and Methods: PL at the dose of 1000 mg/kg body weight (P1000) was administered to male albino rats via gastric intubation for 15 days after whole body γ- irradiation (6Gy). Results: Irradiated rats showed significant decreases in hepatic glutathione content (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activities with significant increases in malondialdehyde (MDA) level and xanthine oxidase (XO) activity designating oxidative stress. In parallel significant increases in serum aspartate and alanine transaminase (AST, ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyl-transferase (GGT) activities and bilirubin content were recorded indicating liver injury. In addition, hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia and dyslipidemia (elevated total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and Atherogenic Index and decreased high density lipoprotein-cholesterol) were recorded. PL treatment has significantly attenuated radiation-induced oxidative stress in hepatic tissues concomitant with significant amelioration of liver function and metabolic disturbances. Conclusion: It is concluded that PL may have therapeutic potential to alleviate the severity of radiation-induced liver injury, hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia and dyslipidemia.
Insecticidal toxicities of bioactive constituent from Diospyros kaki roots and its structural derivatives were evaluated against the larvae of Aedes aegypti, Culex pipiens pallens, and Ochlerotatus togoi. Bioactive constituent of D. kaki roots was isolated by some chromatographic methods and identified as 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone. Based on the LC50 values of 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone structural derivatives, 2,3-dichloro-5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (0.89, 0.80, and 1.04 μg/mL) had the most potent insecticidal activity, followed by 2,3-dibromo-1,4-naphthoquinone (1.32, 1.28, and 1.94 μg/mL), 5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (3.57, 3.34, and 5.04 μg/mL), 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone (4.76, 3.89, and 5.33 μg/mL), 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (5.66, 5.43, and 6.09 μg/mL), and 2,2′-bi(3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) (33.93, 32.82, and 36.17 μg/mL) against Ae. aegypti, Cx. pipiens pallens, and Oc. togoi, respectively. In this regard, 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone and its structural derivatives could be suitable as insecticidal agents to control the larvae of the three mosquito species.
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Acaricidal effects of materials derived from Diospyros kaki roots against Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus were assessed using impregnated fabric disk bioassay and compared with that of the commercial benzyl benzoate. The observed responses varied according to dosage and mite species. The LD50 values of the chloroform extract of Diospyros kaki roots were 1.66 and 0.96 microg/cm2 against D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus. The chloroform extract of Diospyros kaki roots was approximately 15.2 more toxic than benzyl benzoate against D. farinae, and 7.6 times more toxic against D. pteronyssinus. Purification of the biologically active constituent from D. kaki roots was done by using silica gel chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The structure of the acaricidal component was analyzed by GCMS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, 1H-13C COSY-NMR, and DEPTNMR spectra, and identified as plumbagin. The acaricidal activity of plumbagin and its derivatives (naphthazarin, dichlon, 2,3-dibromo-1,4-naphthoquinone, and 2-bromo-1,4- naphthoquinone) was examined. On the basis of LD50 values, the most toxic compound against D. farinae was naphthazarin (0.011 microg/cm2) followed by plumbagin (0.019 microg/cm2), 2- bromo-1,4-naphthoquinone (0.079 microg/cm2), dichlon (0.422 microg/ cm2), and benzyl benzoate (9.14 microg/cm2). Additionally, the skin color of the dust mites was changed from colorless-transparent to dark brown-black by the treatment of plumbagin. Similar results have been exhibited in its derivatives (naphthazarin, dichlon, and 2-bromo-1,4-naphthoquinone). In contrast, little or no discoloration was observed for benzyl benzoate. From this point of view, plumbagin and its derivatives can be very useful for the potential control agents, lead compounds, and indicator of house dust mites.
From the roots of Diospyros kaki 7-methyljuglone (I), isodiospyrin (II), mamegakinone (III), plumbagin (IV), diospyrin (VIII), and a new 7-methyljuglone dimer (IX), named neodiospyrin, were isolated besides lupeol, betulinic acid, and four uncharacterized compounds (VII, X, XI, and XII). The structure of IX was elucidated. Formation of 3-methoxy-(V) and 2-methoxy-7-methyljuglone (VI) from I in the course of extraction with methanol was examined. From the roots and woods of D. kaki var. sylvestris I, II, III, shinanolone (XIII), the binaphthyl-1, 1'-quinone (XIV), and an unknown phenolic (XV) were isolated besides VII, XI, XII, lupeol, betulin, and betulinic acid.
This paper describes the isolation and identification of an antimicrobial compound againstStreptococcus mutansfrom the leaves ofDiospyros kaki. After repeated chromatography of the weakly acidic fraction of acetone extracts, an antimicrobial compound againstS.mutanswas isolated. The chemical structure of the active compound was elucidated by spectroscopic methods, and identified as kaempferol. Kaempferol is an aglycone of astragalin (kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside) which has been isolated from the leaves ofD.kaki. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of kaempferol againstStreptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, andStaphylococcus aureuswere estimated.
The extract of a traditional Oriental medicine"kaki-yo, "Diospyros kaki leaves, was fractionated, monitoring for hypotensive activity against urethane-anesthetized rats ; astragalin and isoquercitrin were obtained as the active principles.
The effects of persimmon tannin on pathophysiological changes in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) were investigated. When the persimmon tannin was chronically ingested by SHRSP, the life span was significantly prolonged, yet the effect on blood pressure was slight. The incidences of brain hemorrhage and infarction were also significantly decreased by this treatment. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in these events, the effects of condensed tannins, including persimmon tannin, on free radicals and lipid peroxidation were examined in vitro. Using electron spin resonance analysis, we found that these tannins have a potent, concentration-dependent scavenging action toward active oxygen free radicals. These tannins strongly inhibited lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenates, in a concentration-dependent manner. Persimmon tannin inhibited lipid peroxidation similarly to (-)-epigallocatechin. Persimmon tannin was 20 times more effective than alpha-tocopherol in terms of the 50%-inhibitory concentration. The radical scavenging action and inhibition of lipid peroxidation by persimmon tannin may explain, in part, the prolongation of the life span of the SHRSP ingesting persimmon tannin.
We have investigated the effects of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) extract (PS) and related polyphenol compounds such as catechin (C), epicatechin (EC), epicatechingallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) on the growth of human lymphoid leukemia Molt 4B cells. We found that PS, ECG, EGC, and EGCG strongly inhibited the growth of the cells in a dose-dependent manner, while C and EC inhibited the growth of the cells only moderately. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis, was inhibited by 10-20% by these polyphenol compounds. The morphology of the Molt 4B cells indicated severe damage 3 days after treatment with PS, ECG, EGC, and EGCG. Irregular shape of the cells and DNA fragmentation were observed in PS, ECG, EGC, or EGCG-treated cells. These results suggest that PS, ECG, EGC, and EGCG induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) of Molt 4B cells.
Many studies have been conducted to find a natural material that has high biologic functions for human skin without any side effects. Persimmon leaf has a substantial amount of tannins in different forms; therefore, it was selected as a target material. The biosynthesis rate of the collagen was also investigated to clarify the beneficial functions for the human skin. Persimmon leaves were obtained, extracted with 80% ethanol, and isolated into PFs I, II, and III after column chromatography using a Sephadex LH-20 column followed by thin-layer chromatography. The xanthine oxidase inhibition effect of both PFs II and III was over 40% at a 100 ppm concentration. PF II, containing higher flavonoids levels, had a significantly higher tyrosinase inhibition than that of PF III. Collagenase inhibition was 16.3 and 8.1% for PF III and PF II, respectively, at 100 ppm. On the other hand, elastase inhibition activity was significantly higher in PF II than PF III. Collagen biosynthesis rates of PF III were over 25% from a 1 to 10 ppm concentration. Consequently, PFs isolated from the persimmon leaf can be used as natural materials or additives for human skin owing to their beneficial biologic functions, including the antiwrinkle effect and the inhibition of skin problems, for food or cosmetic compositions.
The leaves of Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) has long been used for tea in Korea since it was thought to be effective against hypertension. An anticoagulant fraction was purified through gel filtration G-100, hydrophobic, gel filtration G-150, and FPLC, Phenyl superpose column chromatographies. The purified fraction was homogenous and its Mr was estimated 10,000 Da by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. The purified fraction was sensitive to treatment of subtilisin B, but not to heat and its activity was not changed after periodate oxidation, indicating that the activity was not due to carbohydrates. It delayed thrombin time (TT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and prothrombin time (PT) using human plasma. TT was more sensitive than APTT and PT, suggesting that the anticoagulant activity may be caused by a degradation or a defect of fibrin or thrombin. It did not cause the hydrolysis of fibrin after incubation. However, it inhibited thrombin-catalyzed fibrin formation with a competitive inhibition pattern. These results indicate that it may be an antithrombotic agent and that it is bound to fibrinogen binding sites of thrombin.
Fractionated extracts of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) peels were studied for cytotoxic activity, multidrug resistance (MDR) reversal activity, anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) activity and anti-Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) activity. The potent cytotoxic activity against human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells (HSC-2) and human submandibular gland tumor (HSG) cells was found in the acetone fractions (A4 and A5) with IC(50) ranging from 21 to 59 micro g/mL. However, the cytotoxic activity was not correlated with the radical intensity of the fractions. Three 70% MeOH extract fractions (70M2-4) produced radical and efficiently scavenged the O(2)(-) produced by hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase reaction. All of the fractions tested were not effective for anti-H. pylori and anti-HIV. Fractions H3 and H4 of hexane extract, and M2 and M3 of MeOH extract showed a remarkable MDR reversal activity comparable with that of (+/-)-verapamil (a positive control). These results indicate the therapeutic value of persimmon peel extracts as potential antitumor and MDR-reversing agents.
Isolation and structure elucidation of two new compounds, kakispyrone (1) and kakisaponin A (2), together with 11 known compounds, from the leaves of Diospyros kaki L. are described. Their cytotoxic effects against several cancer cell lines (A549, HepG2 and HT29) are also reported.
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Kaki tannins and oligosaacharides as intraoral pathogenic bacterial agents
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Napthoquinones and a triterpene from stem of Diospyros kaki var sylvestris
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