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Social media and disasters: A functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research


Abstract and Figures

A comprehensive review of online, official, and scientific literature was carried out in 2012–13 to develop a framework of disaster social media. This framework can be used to facilitate the creation of disaster social media tools, the formulation of disaster social media implementation processes, and the scientific study of disaster social media effects. Disaster social media users in the framework include communities, government, individuals, organisations, and media outlets. Fifteen distinct disaster social media uses were identified, ranging from preparing and receiving disaster preparedness information and warnings and signalling and detecting disasters prior to an event to (re)connecting community members following a disaster. The framework illustrates that a variety of entities may utilise and produce disaster social media content. Consequently, disaster social media use can be conceptualised as occurring at a number of levels, even within the same disaster. Suggestions are provided on how the proposed framework can inform future disaster social media development and research.
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Social media and disasters: a functional
framework for social media use in
disaster planning, response, and
J. Brian Houston, Joshua Hawthorne, Mildred F. Perreault, Eun Hae Park,
Marlo Goldstein Hode, Michael R. Halliwell, Sarah E. Turner McGowen,
Rachel Davis, Shivani Vaid, Jonathan A. McElderry, and Stanford A. Griffith1
A comprehensive review of online, official, and scientific literature was carried out in 2012 13
to develop a framework of disaster social media. This framework can be used to facilitate the
creation of disaster social media tools, the formulation of disaster social media implementation
processes, and the scientific study of disaster social media effects. Disaster social media users in
the framework include communities, government, individuals, organisations, and media outlets.
Fifteen distinct disaster social media uses were identified, ranging from preparing and receiving
disaster preparedness information and warnings and signalling and detecting disasters prior to
an event to (re)connecting community members following a disaster. The framework illustrates
that a variety of entities may utilise and produce disaster social media content. Consequently,
disaster social media use can be conceptualised as occurring at a number of levels, even within
the same disaster. Suggestions are provided on how the proposed framework can inform future
disaster social media development and research.
Keywords: communication, crisis, disaster, social media, technology
Communication is a core component of disaster planning, response, and recovery.
Effective disaster communication may prevent a disaster or lessen its impact, whereas
ineffective disaster communication may cause a disaster or make its effects worse.
Rodriguez et al. (2007, p. 479) note that disasters often are the ‘result of a crisis in
the communication process or a result of a communication breakdown’. In addition,
disasters frequently cause damage to the communication and information infrastruc-
ture, leading to reduced availability and a decreased flow of information (Shklovski
et al., 2010). This diminished communication capacity occurs at a time when uncer-
tainty and threat are great, producing a high demand for information. Consequently,
developing effective disaster communication processes and systems should be a priority
for governments, organisations, communities, and citizens. Emerging and evolving
communication technologies, such as social media, offer the possibility of improved
disaster communication, as these technologies have the potential for increased infor-
mation capacity, dependability, and interactivity ( Jaeger et al., 2007). However, while
doi:10 .1111 /disa.12092
© 2014 The Author(s). Disasters © Overseas Development Institute, 2014
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
J. Brian Houston et al.2
the utility of social media relative to disasters is intuitively appealing, many disaster
social media ‘applications remain speculative, while others remain in their infancy’
(Lindsay, 2 011, p. 2). Furthermore, nascent are both governmental and organisa-
tional efforts to formulate protocols for integrating social media into existing disaster
systems and scientific attempts to understand the effects of disaster social media use
(Bruns et al., 2012).
To facilitate the development of disaster social media tools, the formulation of
disaster social media implementation processes, and the scientific study of disaster
social media effects, a comprehensive framework of who uses disaster social media
and how disaster social media is employed is needed. As a first step in developing such
a framework, this study systematically reviews the disaster social media literature
to identify and categorise (i) disaster social media users and (ii) disaster social media
functions. The resulting disaster social media framework can be used to inform the
implementation and evaluation of future disaster social media efforts and to guide
disaster social media research. Moreover, as social media technologies evolve, the
framework can be updated and adjusted to reflect the changing technology land-
scape. To begin, the paper briefly reviews the concepts of disasters, disaster commu-
nication, social media, and disaster social media.
Key concepts
While a variety of disaster definitions exist (Perr y, 2007), this research uses the defi-
nition of McFarlane and Norris (2006, p. 4) that a disaster is ‘a potentially traumatic
event that is collectively experienced, has an acute onset, and is time-delimited’.
Disasters may have natural (such as an earthquake or a hurricane), technological (such
as an oil spill), or human (such as terrorism) causes, and may produce ‘physical, social,
psychosocial, sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and political consequences’ (Houston,
Pfefferbaum, and Rosenholtz, 2012, p. 607). Normally, disasters are conceptualised
in phases, and can be understood as including a pre-event, event, and post-event
phase (Houston, 2012).
Disaster communication
Historically, much of the academic literature addressing disaster communication
has involved crisis or risk communication (Houston, Pfefferbaum, and Rosenholtz,
2012 ). The study of crisis communication is usually located in the public relations
or organisational communication literatures and is focused primarily on examin-
ing strategies that can protect an organisation’s image during a crisis (Reynolds and
Seeger, 2005; Seeger, 2006), whereas the study of risk communication generally is
focused on understanding how to influence individuals’ risk knowledge, attitudes,
and behaviour (Witte, 1995).
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 3
Crisis and risk communication are both relevant to disaster communication. For
example, the study of how to design and deliver disaster warnings is an important
component of risk communication with significant relevance to disaster communi-
cation (Rodriguez et al., 2007). However, disaster communication also centres on
additional objectives beyond those found in the crisis and risk communication litera-
tures. For instance, recent disaster communication approaches, such as the Crisis and
Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) model (Reynolds and Seeger, 2012) and
the Disaster Communication Intervention Framework (DCIF) (Houston, 2012),
target outcomes beyond protecting an organisational image or influencing under-
standing of risk. The CERC model proposes using disaster communication to
‘prevent further illness, injury, or death; restore or maintain calm; and engender
confidence in the operational response’ (Reynolds, 2006, p. 249), whereas the DCIF
concentrates on outcomes such as: improving individual and community disaster
preparedness; increasing individual and community resilience; decreasing disaster-
related distress and maladaptive behaviour; promoting wellness, coping, and recov-
ery; helping a community to make sense of what happened; and (re)connecting the
community (Houston, 2012).
Disaster communication typically has been thought of as occurring principally via
the mass media (Rodriguez et al., 2007). Mass mediated disaster communication
generally consists of disaster warning messages and of mass media news coverage of
disasters. Disaster warnings usually originate from official government agencies such
as the National Weather Service (NWS) and are disseminated through mass broad-
cast channels (such as radio and television). Among the general public of the United
States, news coverage of disasters commonly garners more attention than any other
issue (Robinson, 2007; Pew Research Center, 2010). Rodriguez et al. (2007, p. 482 )
contend that mass media coverage of disasters ‘significantly influences or shapes how
the population and the government views, perceives, and responds to hazards and
disasters’. Hence, mass mediated disaster communication may be quite powerful in
influencing individual disaster knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour. At the same
time, mass mediated coverage of disasters is limited in that normally it involves
messages created by a single source and disseminated to large audiences, with little
opportunity for audience response and participation. However, the evolution of new
communication technologies, such as social media technologies, offers more oppor-
tunity for two-way mediated communication (Fraustino, Liu, and Jin, 2 012 ). As a
result, the promise of richer disaster communication via social media has captured the
attention of disaster communicators (see, for example, Reynolds and Seeger, 2012 ).
Social media
Social media (which may also be referred to as social networking or Web 2.0) is a
broad term for a variety of web-based platforms and services that allow users to
develop public or semi-public profiles and/or content, and to connect with other
users’ profiles and/or content (Boyd and Ellison, 2008; Blank and Reisdorf, 2012).
Social media typically can be accessed by a variety of computing devices, including
J. Brian Houston et al.4
desktop or laptop computers, smartphones, and tablets; and the number of individu-
als accessing social media via mobile computing devices (such as smartphones and
tablets) is increasing (Brenner and Smith, 2 0 13 ; Constine, 2013 ). Blank and Reisdorf
(2012 ) argue that the value of these new social media is derived from emergent net-
work effects, in which large numbers of users find a particular platform or service useful
and so a value emerges from the entity that would not have been realised otherwise.
Examples of social media include blogs and micro-blogs (such as Blogger, Twitter,
WordPress), discussion forums (such as Quora, Reddit), digital content sharing
platforms (such as Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube), social gaming sites (such
as Gree, Mobage, Zynga), and social networking sites (such as Facebook, Google+,
LinkedIn, Mixi, Orkut) (Fraustino, Liu, and Jin, 2012). Some social media platforms
and services are used by global audiences (such as Facebook, Twitter), whereas other
social media are mostly popular in specific countries or regions (such as Mixi, Orkut).
Furthermore, while an individual may be using a global social media platform or ser-
vice (such as Facebook), he/she may be connected to local individuals and organisations.
Many social media platforms and services offer more dynamic content, images,
games, audio, and video as compared to previous iterations of internet websites and
applications, resulting in a richer user experience (O’Reilly, 2005). Specific social
media platforms and services vary both in their focus (such as digital sharing of spe-
cific content forms, social gaming) and in their optimisation for different computing
devices (such as desktop versus mobile computing devices), yet as a broad category,
social media ultimately are platforms and services that offer users the opportunity to
publish content, to connect with other people, and to engage in conversation. Social
media may be used to connect with new people or to maintain existing social ties
(Haythornthwaite, 20 05). Social media advocates have posited that these new technolo-
gies may fundamentally affect how individuals learn, interact, and organise (Palfrey
and Gasser, 2008; Shirky, 2008).
Disaster social media
Social media has spread to many domains, including the realm of disasters (Lindsay,
2011). Disaster planners, responders, and researchers frequently exhibit optimism
regarding social media’s potential to facilitate improved disaster communication and
operations (see, for example, Lindsay, 2011 ; Fraustino, Liu, and Jin, 2 012 ; Reynolds
and Seeger, 2012 ; Williams, Williams, and Burton, 2 012 ). Much of this optimism
is based on social media characteristics that are said to provide advantages over tra-
ditional media (such as newspapers, radio, television) for disaster communication.
For instance, Jaeger et al. (2007) note that compared to traditional media, web-
based social media technologies are characterised by greater capacity, dependability,
and interactivity, each of which may be advantageous for disaster communication.
In addition, Mills et al. (2009, pp. 1213) assert that an ideal emergency communi-
cation system is a low-cost, easy-to-use, scalable, mobile, reliable, and fast network
that provides capacity for one-to-many communication, includes useful informa-
tion, and has GIS (geographic information systems) capacity and visualisation tools.
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 5
Social media normally have many of these characteristics. Finally, in the context of
disaster communication, Keim and Noji (2011, p. 52) describe the advantages of
social media in comparison to traditional media, notably in terms of information
flow, information control, adaptability, relevance for local residents, intelligence,
empowerment, dependency on the power grid, cost, accessibility, and timeliness of
information. The use of social media via mobile computing devices such as smart-
phones and tablets may be particularly helpful during a disaster that occurs without
warning or in a remote location. This is because these devices may be used by citi-
zens who are able to document and share information about events as they unfold,
even in the absence of professional news organisations and journalists (Meikle and
Redden, 2011).
Owing to social media’s apparent capacity to improve disaster communication,
a number of organisational, governmental, and scientific reports have examined dif-
ferent aspects and applications of disaster social media (see, for example, Lindsay, 2011;
Fraustino, Liu, and Jin, 2012). What is currently missing from the disaster social
media literature, though, is a comprehensive framework that outlines who uses dis-
aster social media and how social media has been (or might be) employed in disaster
communication. Such a framework would make a significant contribution to the
literature as it could be used to organise existing and future research on disaster social
media, to guide the development and implementation of future social media applica-
tions, to recognise future evolutions in disaster social media use, and to identify gaps
in existing disaster social media knowledge. Such a framework is proposed here.
This study’s functional framework for disaster social media is based on a uses and
gratifications approach to understanding media. Uses and gratifications is not the
study of what effects media have on users, but of how individuals use media (Katz,
1959 ). Thus it is a functional approach to media use. Inherent in a uses and gratifica-
tions exploration of media use is the idea that individuals use media to address dif-
ferent needs (Katz, Blumler, and Gurevich, 1974 ). So, for instance, individuals may
watch television to obtain information, to pass time, or to experience an emotion.
Knowing how individuals use media and for what purpose is an essential component
in comprehending the (evolving) media landscape.
As a conceptual approach to understanding media use, the uses and gratifications
approach was developed between the 194 0 s and the 1970s during a period dominated
by traditional mass media (such as newspapers, radio, and television). Mass media
typically involve one-way communication wherein individual media sources com-
municate information to a large numbers of users. As a result, early uses and gratifica-
tion research focused on how individuals (the users) used mass media. However, with
the advent of social media, the notion of who or what constitutes a user is less obvious.
This is because social media’s capacity for two-way, synchronous communication
means that both traditional media content creators (such as news organisations, cor-
porations) and traditional users (such as individuals) can create and consume content.
For example, in the social media environment, a news organisation may be the crea-
tor of content at one moment (such as posting a news story online), and then that
J. Brian Houston et al.6
organisation may be consuming social media content from individuals at the next
moment (such as monitoring social media to see how citizens are reacting to a spe-
cific event). Once disaster social media users are understood, one can examine how
disaster social media is used. Overall then, a framework of disaster social media use
is developed by (i) determining who are social media users, and (ii) exploring how
these users use disaster social media.
To develop a disaster social media framework of users and uses, we began by con-
ducting a comprehensive literature review. Adapting the disaster literature review
process described by Rodriguez et al. (2007, p. xiv), we searched the online literature
(such as blog posts, organisational websites), the official literature (such as govern-
ment and disaster organisation reports), and the scientific literature (such as books,
journal articles). Each of the literature searches employed the following terms: dis-
aster, disasters, crisis, catastrophe and social media, social network, social networking,
Web 2.0, internet, online. We searched the online literature using Google Search
in order to identify reports of emergent disaster social media use that had likely not
yet appeared in the official or scientific literature. The official literature was searched
using Google Search and Google Scholar. The scientific literature was searched using
Google Scholar, and the PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Communication and Mass Media
Complete, and Academic Search Complete databases. The reference sections of sources
pinpointed in our review were also searched for additional literature.
After the initial search of the literature, all sources (articles, blog posts, reports)
that, based on the title, appeared relevant to our topic of interest were examined
further. Ultimately, we retained sources that (i) clearly addressed disasters and (ii)
involved social media. Our operationalisation of disasters included natural disasters
(such as hurricanes, tornadoes) and man-made disasters (such as mass shootings,
terrorist attacks), but did not include organisational crises that were not disaster-
related (such as product recalls), political crises (such as the Arab Spring), or ongoing
conflicts (such as civil wars). Our operationalisation of social media was broad and
we included any potentially web-based technology that allowed for the participation
or interaction of multiple users (such as websites that allow for user comments, blogs,
and online GIS).
Once all sources were identified, we worked collaboratively using a qualitative
grounded theory approach (Strauss and Corbin, 1998 ) to develop categories of dis-
aster social media users and uses based on a review of all sources. We employed induc-
tive coding so that coding themes were not known prior to analysis, but instead
emerged through a constant comparative method in which coders reviewed all sources
and then worked together to distinguish categories. Once categories were identified,
relevant portions of sources were placed into appropriate categories to explicate and
illustrate each category in the following section.
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 7
Results and discussion
Disaster social media users
We began by examining the disaster social media literature to ascertain possible users
of disaster social media. Our review pinpointed the following users: (i) individuals,
(ii) communities, (iii) organisations, (iv) governments, and (v) news media. Although
we refer to these entities as users in the framework, all of the identified social media
users were also found to function as disaster social media content producers in our
review, illustrating the two-way communication nature of social media.
Regarding the users detected in our literature evaluation, individuals included
people in general, such as private citizens who were not using disaster social media
as an agent of another entity (such as a government or an organisation). When a
disaster occurs, individuals who use disaster social media may be located within or
without the disaster-affected area. Communities included groups of people connected
by geographic areas such as neighbourhoods or towns, as well as groups of people
‘who share expertise, values, norms, interest, and experiences’ (Wyche et al., 2011,
p. 18) and who may or may not also share a common geographic area. Social media
may facilitate connections within both types of communities, as communication
technologies can function as community resources (Shklovski, Palen, and Sutton,
2010 ). Organisations are structured groups of people that are responding to, affected
by, or external to the disaster. For instance, organisations using disaster social media
might include a disaster response entity such as the Salvation Army, a business im-
pacted by the disaster, or a volunteer association not in the disaster-affected area that
is collecting donations for the community experiencing a disaster.
Governments include those at the federal, state, and local level and governmental
agencies. Examples of government disaster social media users include local depart-
ments of emergency management, state departments of public safety, the US Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the NWS.
Media include organisations, such as those that are large or small, and those that
are traditional or new in nature. Examples are a local community blog, a state news-
paper, national television broadcast networks (such as ABC News), and international
news organisations (such as Reuters).
Disaster social media uses
Next we examined the disaster social media literature to develop a comprehensive
framework of disaster social media uses. As mentioned, we conceptualised disaster
social media use across three disaster phases: pre-event, event, and post-event. Table 1
shows the disaster social media uses we identified through the literature review and
the disaster phase(s) to which each use corresponds. Since the disaster social media
users identified in the previous section can function as users and producers of dis-
aster social media content, our disaster social media uses were conceptualised as two-
way communication activities, specifying both the user and the consumer function
of activity. Each disaster social media use is described below.
J. Brian Houston et al.8
Table 1. Functions of disaster social media
Disaster social media use Disaster phase
Provide and receive disaster preparedness information Pre-event
Provide and receive disaster warnings Pre-event
Signal and detect disasters Pre-event Event
Send and receive requests for help or assistance Event
Inform others about one’s own condition and location and learn about a disaster-af fected
individual’s condition and location
Document and learn what is happening in the disaster Event Post-event
Deliver and consume news coverage of the disaster Event Post-event
Provide and receive disaster response information; identify and list ways to assist in the
disaster response
Event Post-event
Raise and develop awareness of an event; donate and receive donations; identif y and list
ways to help or volunteer
Event Post-event
Provide and receive disaster mental/behavioural health support Event Post-event
Express emotions, concerns, well-wishes; memorialise victims Event Post-event
Provide and receive information about (and discuss) disaster response, recovery, and
rebuilding; tell and hear stories about the disaster
Event Post-event
Discuss socio-political and scientific causes and implications of and responsibility for events Post-event
(Re)connect community members Post-event
Implement traditional crisis communication activities Pre-event Post-event
Provide and receive disaster preparedness information
An informed and prepared populace may be more resilient in the face of a disaster
(Norris et al., 2008; Houston, 2012), thus efforts by individuals and organisations to
learn how to prepare for a disaster and by organisations and government to dissemi-
nate disaster preparedness content can benefit people and communities. Disaster
social media can assist this process by connecting individuals and organisations to
disaster preparedness information ahead of an event (Vieweg et al., 2010 ; Lindsay, 2011;
Rive et al., 2012 ). Furthermore, instead of reaching only individuals or organisa-
tions who actively seek out disaster preparedness information, social media offers the
potential for users to connect to disaster information unintentionally. For instance,
a user may encounter disaster preparedness information via a posting from an account
they follow on Facebook or Twitter (one that is not specifically disaster-focused, but
has still posted or tweeted the information), thereby expanding the effect of disaster
preparedness information beyond those who are motivated to look for the content.
A possible additional benefit of such serendipitous information-based connections is
that the connections, if reoccurring or maintained, may also lead to improved social
capital and social connections in a community, which is likely to improve overall
levels of community resilience (Norris et al., 2008).
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 9
Provide and receive disaster warnings
Also during the pre-event phase, disaster social media can be used to provide and
receive disasters warnings (Samarajiva, 2005; White et al., 2009; Chavez, Repas, and
Stefaniak, 2 010 ; Vieweg et al., 2010 ; Acar and Muraki, 2 011 ; Lindsay, 2011 ; Rive
et al., 2012). Disaster organisations (such as FEMA or the NWS) can disseminate
disaster warnings via social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, meaning that
anyone following or connected to these accounts will receive the warnings. In addi-
tion, even if a user is not connected to the NWS account, for example, he/she may
see the NWS warning as a result of it being reposted or retweeted by someone else
within the individual’s social network. In this way warnings can propagate through
online social networks, providing more value as they are shared broadly. Furthermore,
social media offers the potential for disaster warnings to be distributed to anyone
with a specific account or device in a geographic area. For instance, disaster warnings
could be disseminated from mobile telephone towers to all mobile telephones and
smartphones in a specific area (Samarajiva, 2 005). Such an automated warning system
would mean that users do not have to sign up for or choose to receive these updates,
but instead would get the messages simply due to possessing the appropriate device
and being in the danger zone.
Signal and detect disasters
Social media can be used to signal and detect disasters (Samarajiva, 2 005; Jaeger et
al., 2007; Huang, Chan, and Hyder, 2010 ; Lindsay, 2011). Disasters may be signalled
through users’ posts to social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. During the
earthquake in the US state of Virginia in 2 011, for example, some individuals in the
eastern US reported reading about the event on Twitter before feeling the earth-
quake in their location (Ford, 2 011; Kang, 2 011). Data visualisations of the movement
of the Virginia earthquake’s seismic waves and earthquake-related tweets showed
tweets moving across the US faster than the earthquake (Honan, 2 011; Lotan, 2011).
To capitalise on user reports of earthquakes, the U.S. Geological Survey has devel-
oped a ‘Did you feel it?’ web application2 that allows users to provide updates on
any earthquakes they experience (or feel). These individual reports are collated and
then displayed on a map available on the website.
It is also possible that disaster social media listening operations can be developed
to monitor social media streams and then detect disasters and issue alerts based on
recognition of social media content that, in terms of language or traffic patterns, indi-
cates a disaster (Warner, 2012 ). Furthermore, as technology continues to develop,
social media may be used to provide more passive (vis-à-vis the effort required by
users to report the disaster) disaster detection. Smartphones and other mobile devices
may eventually be capable of sensing seismic waves to detect earthquakes or of moni-
toring air particulates to reveal dangerous biological agents. Once a disaster or danger
is perceived, these devices could automatically connect with cellular or internet net-
works to report to a monitoring centre, potentially activating an alert and response.
J. Brian Houston et al.10
Send and receive requests for help or assistance
Social media is reported to be generally more reliable in disaster situations, hence
requests for help post disaster may be communicated via social media (Acar and
Muraki, 2011 ; Lindsay, 2011; Baer, 2012 ; Taylor et al., 2012 ; Warner, 2012; Williams,
Williams, and Burton, 2012). For instance, in a study of Twitter use during the
earthquake and tsunami off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku, Japan, in 2 011, Acar and
Muraki (2011) identified several tweets that were direct requests for help. For exam-
ple, one read: ‘We’re on the 7th floor of Inawashiro Hospital, but because of the risen
[sic] sea level, we’re stuck. Help us!’ (Acar and Muraki, 2011, p. 397). A social media
listening tool, such as the one developed by the ARC (Warner, 2012), potentially
could spot such tweets and dispatch disaster responders to assist individuals in need.
Community 9993 centres also could monitor social media networks to identify emer-
gency requests for help. In a 2012 survey of US adults, a majority of respondents
indicated that they thought that local and national emergency response organisations
should monitor their websites and social media sites so that they could respond to
any requests for help (ARC, 2012).
Inform others about one’s own condition and location and learn about a disaster-
affected individual’s condition and location
During and immediately following a disaster, people will want to know if family and
friends in the affected area are safe. What is more, if the level of destruction is great,
individuals often will need a place to check in, to let others know their condition, and
to establish connections with others. Social media can aid these processes (Procopio
and Procopio, 2007; Hughes et al., 2008; White et al., 2009; Acar and Muraki, 2011;
Li nd s a y, 2011; Austin, Liu, and Jin, 2012 ; Baer, 2012 ; Bunce, Partridge, and Davis,
2012 ; Williams, Williams, and Burton, 2012). After Hurricane Katrina, for instance,
internet sites of ‘safe lists’ were developed that included the names of people who
reported that they were safe after the storm (Shklovski et al., 2010, p. 9). Furthermore,
in the wake of the mass shooting on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University (Virginia Tech) in the US on 16 April 2007, students used text
and instant messaging to let others know that they were safe and to check on the
safety of friends (Palen, 2008; Palen et al., 2009). Finally, during the event phase of
a major flood in Australia in 2011, residents reported using disaster social media to
seek ‘assurance’ that family and friends (and property) were safe (Bunce, Partridge,
and Davis, 2012, p. 42). The ARC currently operates a ‘Safe and Well’ website dedi-
cated to registering individuals as safe following any disaster.4
Document and learn what is happening in the disaster
Given the uncertainty and the threats that typically result from a disaster, informa-
tion on what has happened and is occurring is needed by individuals within and
without a disaster area (Rodriquez et al., 2007). Disaster social media provides a poten-
tially useful medium for individuals and organisations to document the impact of a
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 11
disaster and to find out what is going on (White et al., 2009; Huang, Chan, and Hyder,
2010 ; Vieweg et al., 2010 ; Acar and Muraki, 2 011; Keim and Noji, 2011; Lindsay,
2011; Bunce, Partridge, and Davis, 2012 ; Bruns et al., 2012; Murthy and Longwell,
2012 ; Rive et al., 2 012 ; Taylor et al., 2012; Williams, Williams, and Burton, 2012).
In disaster conditions, social media may prove more dependable than traditional
forms of media. Immediately following Hurricane Katrina, for instance, text mes-
saging was frequently the only way for individuals affected by the storm to stay in
touch with each other and to find out what was transpiring (Shklovksi et al., 2010 ).
In addition to dependability, disaster social media may prove to be a quicker mech-
anism through which to receive accurate disaster information than traditional dis-
aster media (Bunce, Partridge, and Davis, 2 012 ). Microblog social media services,
such as Twitter, may be particularly useful for documenting information on a disas-
ter. For example, a study of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti found that there were more
social media posts about the event on Twitter than on Facebook, another social media
site (Muralidharan et al., 2011).
Increasingly, the post-disaster landscape is marked by a ‘decentralized, highly dis-
tributed information production’ as compared to previous generations (Palen et al.,
2009, p. 476), in which individuals or groups using various social media platforms
have emerged as ‘information brokers’ or hubs for a particular disaster (Palen, 2008,
p. 78). These information brokers normally collect, collate, and link to information
on the event from a variety of sources. Other social media users may contribute to
these hubs by posting comments or directing tweets or other posts at the entity
assembling the information. Such a system allows the information on an event to be
collected from a variety of users in different locations, allowing the production of
content to be distributed (and thus the information network may be more resilient).
The curation of user-provided disaster images on sites such as Flickr and Instagram is
one type of content that often is collected collaboratively post disaster (Liu et al., 2008).
Disaster reporting and curation by unknown individuals and organisations may
raise concerns about the accuracy of information, the potential for rumours, the
maliciousness of use (such as scams conducted by social media), and the protection
of privacy (Huang, Chan, and Hyder, 2010 ; Acar and Muraki, 2011; Lindsay, 2011 ;
Taylor et al., 2012). Intuitively, one might question the accuracy of non-centralised
and unofficial information. However, after the Virginia Tech shooting, Palen et al.
(2009, p. 476) found that the collective ‘problem-solving efforts included fact-
checking and source identification, which contrasts with rumor-mongering’. Another
example of social media’s capacity to correct erroneous information occurred during
the floods in Queensland, Australia, in 2010 11, when state police posted a series of
tweets labelled ‘#Mythbuster’ that were intended to address any flood rumours or
misinformation circulating on Twitter (Bruns et al., 2012).
Online geospatial technologies, such as GIS, provide a capacity for collaborative
or crowd-sourced mapping that can be used to aid a disaster response and provide a
visual understanding of what is happening (Laituri and Kodrich, 2008; Goolsby, 2010 ;
Zook et al., 2010; Keim and Noji, 2011; Kawasaki, Berman, and Guan, 2 012 ). Many
J. Brian Houston et al.12
users can utilise online geospatial technologies simultaneously to report on local con-
ditions (such as the amount of damage or the location of survivors) and connect those
reports to exact geographic locations. Such crowd-sourced maps can improve the
situational awareness of disaster management and responders by supplying details
about conditions throughout the affected area (Vieweg et al., 2010 ; Lindsay, 2011,
p. 4; Rive et al., 2012 ). Crowd-sourced maps can also aid individuals outside the
disaster zone. For instance, maps were used by individuals who evacuated as a result
of Hurricane Katrina to determine flood levels in specific neighbourhoods (Shklovski
et al., 2010). This information helped evacuees to make decisions about when and
if to return home.
Maps can also be developed using existing social media content. The American
Red Cross (ARC), for example, has developed a social media monitoring system that
produces a geographic ‘heat map’ of disaster social media activity (Warner, 2012 ),
which can be used to inform disaster response and to update social media users about
what is occurring in a disaster area. The ARC approach is an example of ‘infoveillance’,
which is the process of monitoring and analysing social media data to understand the
nature of a disaster (Chew and Eysenbach, 2010 ).
Deliver and consume news coverage of the disaster
Delivering and consuming news coverage of a disaster is very similar to the previous
disaster social media function (document and learn what is happening), as both are
focused on recording and finding out what is going on in the aftermath. However,
the news function concentrates specifically on coverage of the event from a news or
journalism perspective. There may be significant overlap between citizen, organisa-
tion, and journalist reports of a disaster on social media. Ultimately, though, disaster
social media is a core component of traditional news coverage of modern disasters
(Kodrich and Laituri, 2005, 20 0506; Muralidharan, Dillistone, and Shin, 2 011 ;
Murthy and Longwell, 2012). In addition, social media may act ‘as a conduit; orient-
ing people to official sources of information and amplifying these messages to a
broader audience’ (Taylor et al., 2012, p. 24). Social media, therefore, may both inform
and broaden the reach of traditional news coverage of a disaster.
Provide and receive disaster response information; identify and list ways to assist in
the disaster response
Post disaster, individuals and organisations may want to know what is happening
with the disaster response and determine how they might help. Social media can
assist with this process ( Jaeger et al., 2007; Hughes et al., 2008; White et al., 2009;
Keim and Noji, 2 011 ; Baer, 2012 ; Taylor et al., 2012 ; Wei, Bu, and Liang, 2012 ;
Williams, Williams, and Burton, 2012). Social media updates can quickly and con-
sistently provide a stream of coordinated and distributed information about what is
taking place and what is needed relative to a disaster. Community-oriented disaster
social media sites may be particularly useful in collating response information and
details (Williams, Williams, and Burton, 2012 )
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 13
Raise and develop awareness of an event; donate and receive donations; identify and
list ways to help or volunteer
Disaster social media can be used to raise awareness of the impact of a disaster on
individuals and communities, to facilitate donations to help those affected by a dis-
aster, and to provide opportunities for individuals to list and find ways to help with
disaster response and recovery (Kodrich and Laituri, 2005, 200506; Torrey et al.,
2006; Jaeger et al., 2007; Huang, Chan, and Hyder, 2010 ; Smith, 2 010 ; Zook et al.,
2010 ; Keim and Noji, 2 011 ; Lindsay, 2011; Muralidharan et al., 2011; Baer, 2012;
Bunce, Partridge, and Davis, 2 012 ; Lobb, Mock, and Hutchinson, 2012 ; Seo et al.,
2012 ; Taylor et al., 2012; Williams, Williams, and Burton, 2012). For some events,
raising awareness of the scope of the impact and the destruction resulting from a
disaster is necessar y to motivate individuals to donate or volunteer. For other (major)
events the willingness of individuals to donate and volunteer may be great, so that
little additional awareness raising is necessary. Bruns et al. (2 012 ) note that volunteer-
ing and fundraising messages related to the Queensland Floods of 2010 11 appeared
on Twitter during the latter days of the crisis.
In terms of using social media to raise donations, the ARC established a text
donation system after the Haiti earthquake of 2010, in which individuals were asked
to text ‘Haiti’ to a specific number and then a USD 10 donation was charged to the
individual’s mobile telephone bill. This text-based donation campaign raised more
than USD 32 million dollars (Warner, 2012). Research also found that more frequent
social media messages about the Haiti earthquake were associated with increased
financial donations to the response (Lobb, Mock, and Hutchinson, 2012).
In terms of volunteering, a study on the Sichuan earthquake in western China in
2008 revealed that more involvement with internet content about the disaster was
indirectly related to greater willingness to help the victims (Seo et al., 2 012 ). Thus
exposure and attention to disaster social media content may motivate individuals
to become more involved in helping those affected. Moreover, one benefit of social
media is that people do not necessarily have to be in the disaster area to help (Zook
et al., 2010). Following a disaster, users can assist the response by curating available
information on the event and then contributing to disaster maps, by collating on-
line disaster information, and by raising awareness of the situation via their online
social networks.
Provide and receive disaster mental/behavioural health support
An emergent use of disaster social media is to provide and receive disaster mental/
behavioural health support (Jain, 2 013). For instance, disaster social media may be
a mechanism through which individuals experiencing a disaster are connected with
mental/behavioural health services or information (Houston, 2012). More generally,
social media may connect disaster survivors to other individuals who experienced
the incident, to friends and family, and to individuals external to the disaster who
are concerned about what occurred, thereby providing a resource for social support
(Vicary and Fraley, 2010). Individuals experiencing a crisis may prefer more micro
J. Brian Houston et al.14
media (such as targeted websites, mobile telephones, or smartphones) to meet their
emotional and cognitive needs than traditional mass media (Lev-On, 2012). Social
media can even function as a mechanism to provide ‘digital hugs’ to affected individu-
als (Baer, 2012, para. 5).
In the wake of the mass shootings at Virginia Tech (16 April 2007) and Northern
Illinois University (14 Februar y 2008), many students reported creating online groups
focused on the events as a method to cope with their grief (Vicary and Fraley,
2012 ). Students who posted to online groups or Facebook profiles related to the
tragedies reported feeling better as a result of these activities (Vicary and Fraley,
2012 ). Furthermore, following a cyclone in Australia and New Zealand in 2 011,
survey participants who used disaster social media ‘reported feeling a sense of con-
nectedness and usefulness, felt supported by others and felt encouraged by the help
and support being given to people’ (Taylor et al., 2012, p. 25). The use of disaster
social media, therefore, may facilitate attitudes and feelings that may be associated
with improved mental/behavioural health.
Express emotions, concerns, well-wishes; memorialise victims
Social media can provide an opportunity for users to express their emotions about
an event, to convey that they are concerned about those affected by an event, and to
mourn and memorialise anyone killed in an event (Procopio and Procopio, 2007;
Hughes et al., 2008; White et al., 2009; Smith, 2 010 ; Hjorth and Kim, 2011; Taylor
et al., 2012). Following the incidents at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois Uni-
versity, students reported contributing to memorial websites and posting messages
on the Facebook profiles of students who lost their lives (Vicary and Fraley, 2010 ).
Since social media sites often allow for individuals to create their own public pro-
files, these online profiles may be where others come to mourn and memorialise the
victims. Such expressions of mourning may even come from users located far from
the disaster site. For example, an individual in Africa could post a memorial message
on the social media profile of a person killed in a tornado in the US. Disaster memo-
rials may also be constructed using online virtual reality platforms such as Second
Life (Liu et al., 2008).
Provide and receive information about (and discuss) disaster response, recovery, and
rebuilding; tell and hear stories about the disaster
As the event phase of the disaster recedes to the post-event time frame, social media
may allow users to continue to stay engaged with efforts related to the disaster and
to exchange stories of personal involvement (Procopio and Procopio, 2007; Chen et
al., 2012). While traditional mass media news coverage of disasters generally is sus-
tained for shorter periods than for other issues (Houston, Pfefferbaum, and Rosenholtz,
2012 ), coverage of a disaster may last longer on some social media sites, such as Facebook
(Lobb, Mock, and Hutchinson, 2012).
Furthermore, in a study of the Loma Prieta earthquake in California in 19 89,
Pennebaker and Harber (1993) identified a social stage model of disaster coping based
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 15
on interpersonal communication. In this model, an emergency phase that involved
individuals talking openly about the disaster with others began immediately after
the event and lasted for a few weeks. This was followed, though, by an inhibition
phase, in which individuals still wanted to talk about the event, but did not want
to hear about it from others. At this point, talking about the event was constrained
in the community and a corresponding spike in mental health and functioning
problems related to the disaster materialised. Perhaps online social media can pro-
vide users with an opportunity to discuss a disaster during this inhibition phase. By
expanding the social network beyond just those located in geographical proximity
to the event and capable of in-person interpersonal communication, disaster social
media may facilitate talking during this time, which could be beneficial to affected
individuals. Finally, social media may offer a way for citizens to continue to partici-
pate in discussion and problem-solving in the aftermath of a tragedy (Mäkinen and
Kuira, 2008).
Discuss the socio-political and scientific causes and implications of and responsibility
for events
Post disaster, individuals frequently are motivated to determine why an event occurred,
who or what is responsible for it (or to blame), and how to prevent it reoccurring
(Bucher, 1957). This process can cause divisions and hostility in a community (Bucher,
1957), or, if done competently, can contribute to an efficacious, empowered, and
resilient community (Norris et al., 2007). Since social media offers two-way com-
munication that is available to a variety of users, it has the potential to help with the
deliberative post-disaster process (Muralidharan et al., 2011). However, while this
possibility exists, much more work is needed in the area to understand how to facili-
tate competent post-disaster community deliberation.
(Re)connect community members
Disasters, particularly those that generate significant destruction or force residents to
evacuate, can fracture community links. Social media has the capacity to reconnect
community members after an event while also forging new community connections
as a result of the incident (Procopio and Procopio, 2007; Shklovski, Palen, and Sutton,
2008; Rive et al., 2012 ; Taylor et al., 2012 ). Following Hurricane Katrina, for instance,
many residents of New Orleans, Louisiana, evacuated due to the storm. Once dis-
placed, online discussion boards, arranged by specific neighbourhoods, allowed resi-
dents to reconnect ahead of returning home (Shklovski et al., 2010 ), to share stories,
to procure information on the condition of their neighbourhoods, and to discuss
plans to return home. Furthermore, new social media connections and communi-
ties that are developed due to a disaster may stay intact following the event (Bunce,
Partridge, and Davis, 2012). Thus disaster social media has the potential to enhance
social capital and connections, fostering community resilience (Norris et al., 2007;
Procopio and Procopio, 2007).
J. Brian Houston et al.16
Implement traditional crisis communication activities
In addition to the uses previously described, disaster social media also can be used
for traditional crisis communication activities such as to ‘restore organizational
normalcy, influence public perception, and regain and repair image and reputation’
(Jin, Pang, and Cameron, 2012, p. 267; see also Muralidharan, Dillistone, and Shin,
2011; Utz, Schultz, and Glocka, 2 013 ). Implementing crisis communication activi-
ties is the sole disaster social media use that we posit as one-way communication,
emanating from the organisation seeking to protect itself. The overall crisis com-
munication process may involve listening to the public and talking to communities,
thereby being a two-way process (Heath, Palenchar, and O’Hair, 2009), but the func-
tion of crisis communication is focused almost entirely on protecting the organisa-
tion’s image. From an organisational perspective, the use of social media ‘should
complement traditional media during a crisis’ (Austin, Liu and Jin, 2012, p. 16).
Implications for practice and research
The framework of disaster social media users and uses described here has several
implications for practice and research. From a practical perspective, it illustrates the
robust ways that social media can be employed to inform and improve disaster opera-
tions. However, the multifaceted and often chaotic nature of disasters and social media
necessitate organisational and system planning and training in order to harness the
potential of social media during a crisis. To date, as Bruns et al. (2 012, p. 9) point
out, the use of social media during a disaster ‘is still emerging, and remains largely
ad hoc’. The disaster social media framework provides an opportunity to standardise
and organise disaster social media uses and users, and disaster systems can use this
information to guide disaster operation plans. Furthermore, each category of dis-
aster social media use described in the framework offers an opportunity for further
disaster social media technical development and for increased social media integra-
tion in disaster operations. While significant work is needed to integrate fully these
emerging social media into complex disaster systems, the possible benefit to individu-
als and society justifies the investment.
Similarly, from a research standpoint, the proposed framework provides an out-
line for future scholarship from a variety of perspectives and fields. Each of the disas-
ter social media uses listed in Table 1 represents a possible line of academic study,
and by drawing on the discussion of each social media use category, next steps for
research quickly emerge. For example, for the disaster social media use category of
‘Document and learn what is happening in a disaster’, several areas of additional
research are needed. These include: determining what characteristics of disaster
social media content capture users’ attention, contribute to learning, and motivate
individuals to act; examining the prevalence of false information in initial disaster
social media reports and exploring if and how such misinformation is corrected;
identifying the structure of disaster social media conversations and locating important
Social media and disasters: a functional framework for social media use in disaster planning, response, and research 17
information sources within that structure; and determining how to influence social
media discussions of events.
Beyond research in each categor y of disaster social media use, future research can
also take a comparative approach or cut across categories. For instance, while the
framework utilises a broad definition of social media, specific social media platforms
and services differ in many ways. Future research should assess whether specific
social media platforms and ser vices are better suited than others for certain disaster
social media uses (Bruns et al., 2012 ). In addition, research should consider the role
of computing devices as they relate to the employment and effectiveness of disaster
social media. The ongoing shift towards the utilisation of mobile computing devices
to access social media may have implications for how social media is used during a
disaster and how individuals are affected by such use. For example, citizen journalist
coverage of disasters that is captured by mobile computing devices and shared through
social media may be more ‘intimate’ (Goggin, 2011) than traditional news cover-
age of these events and thus have different effects on individuals and communities.
Finally, moving forward, the results of new research on disaster social media can
be incorporated in the proposed framework, thereby increasing the synthesis and
usability of the insights gained through ongoing disaster social media scholarship.
A framework of disaster social media users and uses was identified through a compre-
hensive literature review. This framework can be used to facilitate the development
of disaster social media tools, the formulation of disaster social media implementa-
tion processes, and the scientific study of disaster social media effects. It illustrates
that a variety of entities may both employ and produce disaster social media content.
Hence, disaster social media use can be conceptualised as occurring at a number of
levels, even within the same disaster.
While several disaster social media users and uses exist in this framework, it is not
the case that, typically, each group of users and uses will map to a single social media
source. More likely, a single social media source may be employed by different users
for multiple, var ying purposes. For example, the Joplin Tornado Information website
and Facebook page (created following the tornado in Joplin, Missouri, on 22 May 2011)5
was used by individuals within and without the affected community, by organisa-
tions, and by others, and it aimed to serve as a clearinghouse for disaster information,
current needs and available resources, volunteer opportunities, and more (Williams,
Williams, and Burton, 2012). Thus this social media site was utilised by different user
groups and served several different functions. In addition, one disaster social media
site may connect users to other disaster social media sites that have similar or com-
plementary functions, thereby potentially extending the utility of any single starting
point in the context of disaster social media. Finally, given the ongoing evolution of
social media, the framework described here may also evolve over time. The proposed
framework, however, can be adjusted and expanded as necessary to reflect any future
technology changes.
J. Brian Houston et al.18
Dr J. Brian Houston, 204 Switzler Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, United States.
E-mail: houstonjb @
1 J. Brian Houston, PhD is Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Terrorism and Disaster Center,
Department of Communication, University of Missouri, United States; Joshua Hawthorne, MA
is a doctoral student in the Department of Communication, University of Missouri, Un ited States;
Mildred F. Perreault, MA is a doctoral student in the School of Journal ism, University of Missour i,
United States; Eun Hae Park, MA is a doctoral student in the School of Journalism, University of
Missouri, United States; Marlo Goldstein Hode, MA, LL.M is a doctoral student in the Department
of Communication, University of M issouri, United States; Michael R. Halliwell, MA is a doc-
toral student in the Department of Communication, University of M issouri, United States; Sarah
E. Turner McGowen, MA is a doctoral st udent in the Depart ment of Communicat ion, Universit y
of Missouri, United States; Rachel Dav is, MS is a doctoral student in the School of Journa lism,
University of M issouri, United States; Shivani Vaid, BA is a master’s student in the School of Health
Professions, University of Missouri, United States; Jonathan A. McElder ry, M.Ed. is a doctoral
student in the College of Education, University of Missouri, United States; and Stanford A. Griffith,
BA is a master’s student in the School of Journa lism, Universit y of Missouri, United States.
2 See (last accessed on 27 June 2 014).
3 The official emergency telephone number in the UK and a number of other countries.
4 See https://safeandwell.communit (last accessed on 27 June 201 4).
5 See http://joplintor and (last accessed on
3 July 2 014).
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... Practitioners and academics have recognized the existence of social media as a communication channel that complements traditional channels (Houston et al., 2015;Takahashi et al., 2015). In crises, communication channels have an essential role in various stages of a disaster from mitigation, preparedness, emergency response to recovery (Keim & Noji, 2011). ...
... at the government can also intervene in people's understanding so that it can shape their behavior in responding to crises (Radecki & Spiegel, 2020). The most essential aspect is that the government can obtain this information to provide policies and public services that are sensitive to their needs (Bellström Magnusson, Pettersson, & Thorén, 2016;J. Brian Houston et al., communication because it talks about the organization's strategy to deliver disaster warnings and influence individual behavior. ...
... As far as we observe, the research flows on the use of social media during a crisis is divided into two, including institutional and individual. The first flow contains studies discussing the use of social media by the government (Chen et al., 2020; J. Brian Houston et al., 2015), journalists (Ewart & McLean, 2019), government officials (Santoso, 2017), NGOs (Mauroner & Heudorfer, 2016), etc. They are present in critical situations to provide information, observe public behavior and opinion, control and suppress rumors, and mobilize the flow of resources. ...
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Along with the increasing number of victims of COVID-19, the amount of information requested by the public on social media also continues to increase. The emergence of various hoaxes that can influence individual behavior is also an urgent reason for the government to come and contribute. Although the urgency of the government's presence on social media at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic has been recognized, not many studies have looked at this presence, especially whether their presence is beneficial. For this reason, the goal to be achieved in this research is whether local governments provide sufficient and appropriate information required by the Indonesian during the pandemic. This study analyzes the Twitter accounts of local governments in Indonesia that have implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) by taking tweets for content analysis and replies, retweets, and likes, to see the stakeholder engagement index (SEI). The results of this study indicate that information about reporting on the situation is the content most commonly shared by local governments through their Twitter accounts. The findings also show that the Tangerang Regency Government Twitter account has the highest Stakeholder Engagement Index, indicating the high level of public participation in information shared by the government through Twitter social media accounts. Academically this research fills the gaps between communication streams in crises by providing the need for and availability of information that, in practical terms, can be used to guide the creation of social media content during a pandemic.
... When disasters occur, the immediacy and informality of social media platforms like Twitter become critical for people to share their experiences and seek assistance [9]. Communication through these platforms plays a vital role in disaster planning, response, and recovery [10]. In some cases, victims perceive social media as their only access to help [11]. ...
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Instead of turning to emergency phone systems, social media platforms, such as Twitter, have emerged as alternative and sometimes preferred venues for members of the public in the US to communicate during hurricanes and other natural disasters. However, relevant posts are likely to be missed by responders given the volume of content on platforms. Previous work successfully identified relevant posts through machine-learned methods, but depended on human annotators. Our study indicates that a GPU-accelerated version of BERTopic, a transformer-based topic model, can be used without human training to successfully discern topics during multiple hurricanes. We use 1.7 million tweets from four US hurricanes over seven years and categorize identified topics as temporal constructs. Some of the more prominent topics related to disaster relief, user concerns, and weather conditions. Disaster managers can use our model, data, and constructs to be aware of the types of themes social media users are producing and consuming during hurricanes.
... It also broadens the concept to include how the nonscientific community creates and re-negotiates truth, sometimes in opposition to prevailing truth regimes established by experts. For example, in post-flood recovery, local communities will use social media platforms as a decentralized place to connect or reconnect to their community, share stories, and exchange information about the event itself, recovery efforts, technical information, among other functions (Houston et al. 2015). Online platforms have created readily accessible spaces for communities to create and disseminate truth regimes. ...
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Riverine flooding is increasing in frequency and intensity, requiring river management agencies to consider new approaches to working with communities on flood mitigation planning. Communication and information sharing between agencies and communities is complex, and mistrust and misinformation arise quickly when communities perceive that they are excluded from planning. Subsequently, riverfront community members create narratives that can be examined as truth regimes—truths created and repeated that indicate how flooding and its causes are understood, represented, and discussed within their communities—to explain why flooding occurs in their area. To better understand community perceptions of river management related to repeated flooding, we employed a qualitative methodology of semi-structured interviews with 112 community members in 3 communities on the Missouri River, USA. Discourse analysis of the interviews revealed three dominant truth regimes that shape perceptions of river management in these communities: (1) upstream reservoir releases are driven by recreational aims, such as fishing and boating within reservoirs, instead of downstream flood control; (2) endangered species protection surpasses other river values and flood management; and (3) river navigation for commerce is no longer prioritized. For environmental managers, understanding the truth regimes circulating within local affected communities can help moderate mistrust of and frustration with governing bodies, guide project messaging to disarm false truth regimes, and improve the communication of river science, management options and policy implementation.
... Mobile technologies and social media platforms have also transformed disaster communication and information dissemination. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook provide real-time updates, crowdsourced information, and coordination among responders and affected communities (Houston et al., 2015). Mobile applications developed for disaster management offer features such as early warning alerts, emergency contact information, and resources for disaster preparedness (Tan, 2017). ...
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India’s diversified topography and dense population present unique challenges for disaster man-agement. Developing technologies for disaster management plans has the potential to improve re-action times and lessen the adverse effects of natural catastrophes. This paper meticulously exam-ines the role of various technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), mobile communication systems and drones, in fortifying disaster management ef-forts across India. Through a literature review and multiple case studies, including the 2018 Kerala floods, Cyclone Fani in 2019, and the COVID-19 pandemic response, this research demonstrates how AI-driven predictive models enabled early warning and resource optimization, GIS facilities precise hazard mapping and rapid damage assessment, and drones provided critical aerial data in inaccessible areas for relief efforts and rescue operations. This research underscores the potential of technology to enhance recovery operations management, accelerate disaster prediction, and en-hance response times. However, we must acknowledge technical constraints, infrastructure short-comings, and legislative barriers to achieve full-scale application. This article argues that regulatory changes, improved training initiatives, and expanded public-private partnerships are necessary to create more resilient disaster management systems. Subsequent investigations should concentrate on creating flexible and durable technology to tolerate the intricate disaster situations encountered in India. The present study highlights the pivotal function of technology in revolutionizing disaster management methodologies in India, promoting a proactive strategy for incorporating cutting-edge technological solutions.
... Результати дослідження свідчать про вагомий вплив воєнних дій на потреби користувачів соціальних мереж та потребу в адаптації застосунків до кризових умов. Розроблення функціональної структури використання соціальних медіа-ресурсів під час катастроф може покращити ефективність управління надзвичайними ситуаціями [8]. У дослідженні [9] автор дослідив ефективність медіа-комунікації держави з користувачами під час кризових ситуацій, наголошуючи на важливості швидкої та достовірної інформації для підтримки довіри суспільства. ...
Проаналізовано особливості адаптації архітектури соціальних мереж до умов кризових ситуацій, таких як війна, вказуючи на їхню значущість для врахування вимог сучасного суспільства. Встановлено, що соціальні мережі в умовах війни виступають важливими засобами комунікації як між користувачами, так і з державними органами, а також засобами поширення оперативної інформації та підтримки інформаційної безпеки суспільства. Проаналізовано нагальні потреби користувачів і особливостей їхнього досвіду в період воєнних дій. Досліджено функціональні адаптації соціальних мереж та оновлення їхньої архітектури, спрямовані на забезпечення безпечного, ефективного та інтуїтивного їхнього використання для досягнення достатнього рівня задоволення нагальних потреб користувачів у військових ситуаціях. З'ясовано, що користувачі надають перевагу соціальним платформам, які можуть швидко адаптуватися до нових умов, забезпечуючи оперативний доступ до інформації, особливо до новин та сповіщень про небезпеку. Виявлено, що у кризових ситуаціях важливими стають простота доступу до основного функціоналу соціальних мереж, можливих функції групової комунікації, можливість зв'язку між користувачами у складних умовах і належний рівень захисту даних. Це підвищує як довіру користувачів до платформи, так і становлення її популярності серед широких верств населення. Наведено рекомендації щодо вдосконалення архітектури соціальних мереж, що стосуються їхніх основних функцій, мінімізацію додаткових візуальних елементів, збільшення стійкості платформи під час значних навантажень та інтеграцію економного енергоспоживання для забезпечення зручного використання через проблеми електропостачання. Надано деякі рекомендації щодо удосконалення архітектури соціальних мереж на етапі їхнього розроблення, враховуючи змінні умови кризових ситуацій. Запропоновано створювати гнучку архітектуру, здатну швидко адаптуватися до нагальних потреб користувачів і умов навколишнього середовища. Вказано на важливість забезпечення функціональності таких соціальних мереж, що дає змогу їхнім платформам ефективно підтримувати користувачів у кризових ситуаціях, у т.ч. можливість швидкого пошуку критичної інформації, комунікації у групах і наявність засобів для інформування великої кількості користувачів. Виявлено перспективні напрями для подальших досліджень соціальних мереж, серед яких важливими є розроблення інноваційних рішень для забезпечення інформаційної безпеки користувачів і підвищення стабільності платформ в умовах кризових ситуацій. Отримані результати можна застосувати розробникам соціальних мереж для вдосконалення архітектури наявних платформ, створення нових сервісів, орієнтованих на специфічні вимоги користувачів у кризових ситуаціях, а також для забезпечення стабільного та безпечного інформаційного середовища, яке сприятиме їхній ефективній комунікації навіть за відсутності надійного зв'язку.
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During a disaster, many people seek information from virtual communities. However, information overload, falsehoods and unrelated topics hinder information flow in virtual communities, putting disaster victims at risk. Given many disasters are generally of a short duration, we explore how virtual communities can quickly reconfigure themselves to respond effectively to a disaster. Drawing on risk society theory, our findings suggest reconfiguration is done via a series of cycles initially involving community members and subsequently featuring both community members and moderators working together to mitigate risks. We contribute to virtual community discourse on disaster response by showing how a virtual community can configure IT features to bring about change. Practically, we find transforming a virtual community from a normal to a disaster response mode requires (1) creating a controlled information hub, (2) promoting identity revelation and (3) allowing for temporary emergent hyperlocal leadership. While earlier IS research suggests that anonymity, openness and geographical dispersion are important for information dissemination in virtual communities, we suggest these practices may need to be changed during a disaster.
Microblogging platforms have been increasingly used by the public in crisis situations, enabling more participatory crisis communication between the official response channels and the affected community. However, the sheer volume of crisis-related messages on social media can make it challenging for officials to find pertinent information and understand the public’s perception of evolving risks. To address this issue, crisis informatics researchers have proposed a variety of technological solutions, but there has been limited examination of the cognitive and perceptual processes and subsequent responses of the affected population. Yet, this information is critical for the crisis response officials to gauge public’s understanding of the event, their perception of event-related risk, and perception of incident response and recovery efforts, in turn enabling the officials to craft crisis communication messaging more effectively. Taking cues from the Protective Action Decision Model, we conceptualize a metric —resonance+ — that prioritizes the cognitive and perceptual processes of the affected population, quantifying shifts in collective attention and information exposure for each tweet. Based on resonance+, we develop a principled, scalable pipeline that recommends content relating to people’s cognitive and perceptual processes. Our results suggest that resonance+ is generalizable across different types of natural hazards. We have also demonstrated its applicability for near-real time scenarios. According to the feedback from the target users, the local public information officers (PIOs) in emergency management, the messages recommended by our pipeline are useful in their tasks of understanding public perception and finding hopeful narratives, potentially leading to more effective crisis communications.
The environment for communicating about emergencies and disasters has changed as a result of the development of mobile technologies and social media applications. The public expects emergency management agencies to monitor, respond to, and report disasters via mobile applications due to this shift. This study, using the retrospective approach, analyzes the posts by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) on social media in Nigeria. Activities reported via the agency’s verified social media handles (Facebook®) between 2015 and 2021 serve as the data source. Findings revealed that social media is a useful tool in disaster management, as disaster-related activities and events across the management cycle were posted by NEMA’s national and zonal offices. Most posts (45.0 percent) focused on response activities, while the recovery phase (2.0 percent) had the least posts. There was a significant variation in the reporting across the disaster management cycle (F(4,30) = 9.746). Attention should be placed on shifting NEMA from post-disaster activities to a predisaster-focused agency. Therefore, the agency should develop a social media policy and train its information officers to use the medium to engage actively with the public, especially regarding information on predisaster management activities.
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Social media are forms of information and communication technology disseminated through social interaction. Social media rely on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks that are collaborative, decentralized, and community driven. They transform people from content consumers into content producers. Popular networking sites such as MySpace™,Facebook™,Twitter™, and Google™are versions of social media that are most commonly used for connecting with friends, relatives, and employees. The role of social media in disaster management became galvanized during the world response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. During the immediate aftermath, much of what people around the world were learning about the earthquake originated from social media sources. Social media became the new forum for collective intelligence, social convergence, and community activism. During the first 2 days following the earthquake, “texting” mobile phone users donated more than $5 million to the American Red Cross. Both public and private response agencies used Google Maps™. Millions joined MySpace™ and Facebook™ discussion groups to share information, donate money, and offer comfort and support. Social media has also been described as “remarkably well organized, self correcting, accurate, and concentrated,” calling into question the ingrained view of unidirectional, official-to-public information broadcasts. Social media may also offer potential psychological benefit for vulnerable populations gained through participation as stakeholders in the response. Disaster victims report a psychological need to contribute, and by doing so, they are better able to cope with their situation. Affected populations may gain resilience by replacing their helplessness with dignity, control, as well as personal and collective responsibility. However, widespread use of social media also involves several important challenges for disaster management. Although social media is growing rapidly, it remains less widespread and accessible than traditional media. Also, public officials often view P2P communications as “backchannels” with potential to spread misinformation and rumor. In addition, in absence of the normal checks and balances that regulate traditional media, privacy rights violations can occur as people use social media to describe personal events and circumstances.
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In this paper we review data collected from an online, social media-administered survey developed to explore public use of social media during a series of natural disasters, predominantly in Australia and New Zealand, during January to March 2011. These data are then explored using examples taken from the experiences of those involved in administering the most widely-used community-driven Facebook page during these disasters, which focused on tropical cyclone Yasi ('Cyclone Yasi Update'). The survey was completed by 1146 respondents who had used social media in relation to the recent natural disasters. Data indicated that the public relied on a mix of formal and informal information sources, often using social media to re-post or re-tweet links from government websites felt to be of use to communities, thus acting as filters and amplifiers of 'official' information. This paper discusses how social media, specifically their core strengths of timely information exchange and promotion of connectedness, were able to act as sources of psychological first aid in the early stages of disaster and assist in supporting aspects of community resilience.
News matters. It is still the main forum for discussion of issues of public importance. It is where we come together to inform, persuade, influence, endorse or reject one another in a collaborative process of making meaning from events. But the news is changing - content, distribution channels, geographical constraints, production values, business models, regulatory approaches and cultural habits are all in flux, as new media technologies are adopted and adapted by users. However, despite having driven many of the changes themselves, established media organisations are in many cases struggling to adapt to this changed environment. News Online: Transformations and Continuities is for everyone who wants to better understand the news media of the twenty-first century. With contributions from leading international scholars who question established understandings of news in the light of change, this book charts a course through recent upheavals and ranges over a broad terrain - from the BBC to experimental videogames, from Latin American newsrooms to Northeast Asian blogs, from the crisis in US newspapers to Twitter users in Iran. Each chapter provides an insightful analysis of how popular digital communications change relations of production and consumption, in addition to the effect on cultural and political participation. News Online considers the shifting boundaries between the popular and the professional made possible by the redistribution of news functions. Graham Meikle is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Film, Media & Journalism at the University of Stirling, UK. He is the author of Interpreting News (2009) and Future Active: Media Activism and the Internet (2002). Guy Redden is a lecturer in cultural studies at the University of Sydney, Australia. He has previously taught at the University of Lincoln (UK) and Prince of Songkla University (Thailand). His research revolves around the relationships between culture, media and economy.
No consensus exists on how to develop effective risk messages that motivate appropriate action yet do not unduly frighten people. A useful framework for developing risk messages is the extended parallel process model (EPPM). The EPPM suggests that when people are faced with health or environmental risks, they are motivated to either control the danger or control their fear. This chapter offers a description of how the EPPM can explain public responses to risk messages, and then reports on two pilot studies that illustrate how existing audience perceptions can be used in the design and generation of effective risk management messages.