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Robust Sink Failure Avoidance Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
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Robust Sink Failure Avoidance Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
1 Abdul Razaque, 2 Khaled Elleithy
University of Bridgeport, CT-06604, USA
Wireless and Mobile communication (WMC Laboratory)
Manuscript Info Abstract
Manuscript History:
Received: 26 July 2014
Final Accepted: 29 August 2014
Published Online: September 2014
General terms:
Algorithms, Design, Performance
and theory.
WSNs, Sink failure avoidance
(SFA), Error detection, Error
recovery, Energy consumption.
*Corresponding Author
Abdul Razaque
Sink failure is one of the critical issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
Prolonging the network lifetime of WSNs, the robust sink has a paramount
significance to provide an interface between deployed sensors successfully.
The sink failure highly affects the performance of several WSN applications.
Hence, the Sink must have the capability to recover from the failure state
In this paper, we introduce a sink failure avoidance (SFA) protocol that
improves the network lifetime by using sink fault tolerance algorithms. SFA
helps determine the error detection and error recovery processes successfully.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of algorithms, we use network simulator-2
(ns2.35). Based on the simulation results, it is validated that our algorithms
highly support the error-detection and error-recovery process of the sink
failure successfully. Copy Right, IJAR, 2014. All rights reserved
Wireless sensor networks typically involve the technology of small devices that comprise of tiny sensor nodes. Each
sensor node does its job as a unit to monitor the critical data in the environment[1],[2],[3]. WSNs are self-configuring
and self-healing networks comprising of homogenous and heterogeneous nodes. WSNs provide the promising
solutions for numerous applications such as target detection, intrusion detection, industrial automation, airport
surveillance systems, medical diagnosing systems, environmental monitoring, battlefield, etc. However, WSNs
experience the challenge due to sink-failure for several applications.
The sink is of paramount importance to collect the data from different sensor nodes and forwards to the base station.
The sink failure affects the network performance caused by lack of energy, limited storage capacity, computing
power and security in the susceptible environment[4],[5]. As, these problems are not sufficiently addressed to avoid
the sink failure in WSNs. Due to these restrictions, fault-affecting sensor nodes may lead to an unpredictable
condition in which a region of interest is disconnected from the WSN. As a result, the forwarded data cannot be
reached to sink node. A more complex situation in which a sink node fails is inappropriate selection of routing
protocols for a specific application[6].
The sink is data-gathering node from all the nodes in the WSNs and is also responsible for transmitting to the end
user. The sink node is selected to improve the data flows so that energy can be preserved[7]. Thus, generic two-
tiered model was created to improve the network topology to augment the sink and application nodes[8]. The
average bit-stream was used between sink and sensor nodes for prolonging the network lifetime. However, the
energy efficiency was not considered [9]. Probability and missing probability (PMP) model was used to resolve the
sink placement problem[10]. However, sink placement needs to be determined prior to selection of some points [11].
If sink functions correctly that achieves high probability of success for WSN applications.
On the other hand, the failed sink makes WSN as unusable. As a result, the quality of service provisioning is
highly affected. Thus, balancing and improving the performance of WSNs, we introduce a sink failure avoidance
protocol that improves the network lifetime by using sink fault tolerance algorithms that help determine the sink
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
failure and sink recovery process. This process is initiated by using backup sink (BS) to replace principal sink (PS)
in case of failure. The research of art in this contribution depends on prolonging the network lifetime and improve
the QoS provisioning. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: The section I, presents the problem
statement. Section II discusses the protocol that provides the sink with fault-tolerance capabilities. Section III gives
the simulation setup and analysis of the result and section IV, finally concludes the paper.
The wireless sensor networks comprise of tiny nodes with limited energy resources. They are scattered in the
different regions of the network to collect the critical information from the physical environment[12]. These tiny
nodes process the collected critical data to sink node in order to forward to end node. The WSNs experience the
problem due to the sink failure. As a result, the sink failure causes the interruption and subsequently may
compromise the network resources. Even if a sink node encompasses of additional resources as compared with other
sensor nodes. However, it experiences the severe problem due to failures caused by the tough deployment
The prerequisite of fault tolerance is inevitable with WSNs, particularly if the application running on WSN is of
high significance. To make WSN functional, fault-tolerance capability fulfills its task despite faults[13]. There are
two approaches are introduced to handle permanent and temporary sink failures, which are check pointing with
active and passive replications. However, these both approaches fail to address the exact cause of sink failure and its
The goal of this protocol is to make sink be highly robust for handling the error occurrences. In resulting, the
fault-tolerance protocol prolongs the network lifetime by rending the sink as fault-tolerant. The protocol follows
three basic rules, which include fast failure detection, maintaining the reliable sink state, and finally resuming the
sporadic task. We represent the sink (base station) by  that creates the interface between WSN and end users. The
sink involves two types: principal sink 
and backup sink . The  creates the relay for 
. Therefore, 
functions rather than 
and collects the critical information from sensing nodes and forwards to the end nodes
depicted in Figure 1. The 
is invoked to distribute the interested queries  periodically on the request of users
during each unit waiting time . The initial behavior of 
is defined in Algorithm-1.
Algorithm 1: Initial behavior of Principal Sink
1. Initialization of variables (: waiting time for principal sink, : sensed data table, : interested queries,
and : sensor node j)
sending initialization request
3. Repeat until all nodes are initialized
4. Initializing (( and )
5. if {Reception (,
)║ Timeout  then
6. Broadcasting ()
7. endif
8. If (Reception (, )) then
9. Add ( 󰇜
10. Compute () //Aggregating and computing the data
11. Send (,
) until (End of )
12. endif
Let us assume that 
may fail due to either by unexpected physical interruptions or dearth of energy. Let 
be a minimum energy required for 
to work properly. Once an error is detected at 
, then responsibilities of 
are shifted to .
The protocol uses checkpoint process that helps determine the status of the principal node. Once principal node
saves its state and determines the checkpoint (level of energy), then it forwards to . Thus, this process occurs
in the following three steps.
It occurs after computing and data aggregation phase.
It occurs once inquires the check point request.
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
After expiration of set-timer 
When obtains the checkpoint  of
, then it stores in the checkpoint table . The behavior of principal
sink and backup sink is elaborated in algorithm 2.
User-2 User-3
IEEE 802.15.4
IEEE 802.15.14
IEEE 802.15.4
IEEE 802.15.4
Figure 1. Fault tolerance robust architecture for a wireless sensor networks
Algorithm 2: New behavior of principal sink
1. Initialization of variables (: waiting time of principal sink, : waiting time of Backup sink to take
responsibility : sensed data table, : interested queries, and : sensor node k)
2.  sending initialization request
3. Initializing ((, , )
4. Repeat until all nodes are initialized
5. if {Reception (,
)║ Timeout  then
6. Broadcasting ()
7. endif
8. If (Reception (, )) then
9. Adding (,󰇜
10. processing () // aggregating and calculating the data
11. endif
12. Sending ( computed result,
13. Set (  )
14. Sending (Ḿ, 󰇜 // Measuring  of  to function instead of 
15. Setting (, 󰇜
16. if {Reception (, )║ Timeout  then
17. set ( =Ḱ)
18. Sending (Ḿ, 󰇜 // Measuring  of  to function instead of 
19. Setting (, 󰇜
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
20. endif
21. If Receiving message ( ―Hello‖,
) then
22. Responding message (―I am still alive‖)
23. Measuring (  )
24. Sending (  )
25. Until (End of )
26. endif
Furthermore, the protocol applies the sink error detection process that consists of the following steps.
The backup sink node checks each  time units periodically and also sends a "hello" messages to
principal node to determine the status. Once does not receive a response after fixed 
attempts, and then
is declared as failure sink.
Once backup sink inquires the minimum energy level of principal sink node, and if it finds an energy
level of principal sink node is less than set threshold value  of minimum energy. And then
declared as failure sink node. This statement can be written as:
If  , thus
is failure ‗Ɽ‘.
Once, principal sink node is declared as a failure, then message is broadcasted in the entire network in
order to restrict the nodes to stop sending messages to failure
If error is detected in principal sink node, then error recovery process is initiated. As a result, starts to store the
last state  of
to avoid the energy consumption in order to improve QoS provisioning explained in
algorithm 3. Furthermore, Table 1 demonstrates the used parameters in the system.
TABLE 1: Showing used parameters with definition in the system model
Backup sink node that replaces the principal sink
node in case of failure of principal sink node
MAC address of principal sink node
Minimum energy
Initializing request
Principal sink node
Sink failure
Sensed data table
Threshold value that is set to measure the
minimum energy level of
sink node
Sink (base station)
sensor node j in WSN
Sensor node k in WSN
,,  and
Different waiting times for principal node to
detect its failure state
Interested queries
Computed result
Stored checkpoint is used when detecting the
error state of the principal node
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
checkpoint table is used when principal sink node
gets failure; then backup sink node stores the
current status of principal sink node in this table
Algorithm 3: Replacement of Principal Sink node
with Backup sink node
1. Initialization of variables (: waiting time for principal sink, : waiting time for principal sink
2. Initializing the waiting time and checkpoint table (,, Ḿ )
3. If receiving ( ℓ, PS) then
4. Sending 󰇛
5. Repeat until message is delivered
6. endif
7. If  occurs, then send 󰇛
8. endif
9. If ( occurs, then send a message ("Hello",
10. endif
11. If receiving 󰇛
󰇜, then store ( )
12. Until the end of the request
13. endif
14. If not receiving (―I am alive‖,
)║ 󰇛
󰇜   ; then, error detection process starts
15. Broadcasting the message
16. Storing 󰇛󰇜
17. Installing  and Broadcasting (―I am
18. endif
We have simulated the performance of sink failure avoidance protocol using ns-2.35-RC7[14] with Ubuntu 13.10
operating system. We have created realistic scenario that reflects the real WSNs phenomenon. The nodes are
randomly placed with uniform fashion in the area of 500 X 500 square meters. The initial energy of each sensor
node is set 8 joules. The bandwidth of the node is 250 kb/sec, and maximum power consumption for each sensor
node is set 13.6 mW. In addition, the sensing and idle modes have 12.4 mW and 0.45 mW respectively. Each sensor
node has the capability to broadcast data from -16 dBm to 11 dBm power intensity.
The total simulation time is set to 35 minutes, and the pause time is set to 5 seconds for the initialization of phase
to warm the nodes at the start of the simulation. The obtained results demonstrate an average of 12 simulation runs.
The energy consumption pertaining to different radio modes and simulation parameters is summed up in Table 2.
Table 2. Summarized simulation parameters
Name of parameters
Transmission Range
30 meters
BT node sensors
Sensing Range of node
15 meters
Initial energy of the node
8 Joules
Bandwidth of node
250 Kb/Sec
Number of sensors
Number of sinks
Network size
500 X 500 m2
Packet transmission rate
25 Packets/Sec
Data Packet size
256 bytes
Simulation time
35 minutes
Initial pause time
5 Seconds
Transmitter energy
13.6 mW
Receiver energy
12 mW,
Power intensity
-16 dBm to 11 dBm
Location of principal sink
(0, 550)
Location of backup sink
(0, 530)
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
The selected criteria for our protocol involve following metrics.
Initialization time
Energy consumption
Recovery time
A. Initialization Time
We determine the initialization time for sensor node, principal sink node and backup sink node depicted in Figure
2 and 3. In Figure 2, we use our sink failure avoidance protocol to detect the consumed time for initialization of
different number of sensor nodes. We have observed that when network size increases then initialization time
increases that prove the direct trade-off between initialization time and network size. Based on the result, we also
noticed very important point that the consumed time for first 50 nodes is slightly different from last 50 nodes.
050 100 150 200 250 300 350
400 450 500 550 600
Initialization Time (milliseconds)
Figure 2. Initialization time for different number of sensor nodes
050 100 150 200 250 300 350
200 250 300 350 400
Initialization Time (milliseconds)
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
Figure 3. Initialization time for Principal sink node, backup sink node and sensor node at different topologies
The reason is this, the nodes have more energy for initializing the first 50 sensor nodes, but nodes run out their
energy for initializing the last 50 nodes.
However, time is not changed for each simulation runs. In Figure 3, we have calculated the initialization time for
sensor node, principal sink node and backup sink node at the different size of the network. We have observed that
network size increases, then initialization time for sensor node, principal sink node and backup sink node
increases in a different way. The principal sink node takes slightly higher initialization time as compared with
backup sink node and sensor node. The reason of the increase in initialization time of principal sink node is its
additional functionalities.
B. Energy Consumption
The sensor nodes in WSN are powered by limited battery resources. Thus, they require using the limited energy
budget. We have computed consumed energy for different components of sensor node e.g. CUP, LED, EEPROM
and Radio transceiver depicted from Figure 4 to 7. Each component of the sensor node consumes different energy
in network. We have observed that in Figure 4 and 5, principal sink node consumes more energy followed by
backup sink node, sensor node j and sensor node k for CPU and Radio transceiver components.
050 100 150 200 250 300 350
200 300 400 500 600
Consumed Energy for CPU [Millijoule]
Figure 4: Energy consumed for CPU on different sinks
The reason for the consumption of additional energy in case of principal sink node is to transmit additional data and
control packets. Whereas, backup sink node has responsibility to keep on monitoring the principal sink node on the
regular basis for replacement of principal sink node in case of its failure occurs that causes the energy consumption.
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
Figure 5: Energy consumed for RADIO on different sinks
050 100 150 200 250 300 350
30 60 90 120 150
Number of Nodes in Network
Consumed Energy for LED [Millijoule]
Figure 6: Energy consumed for LED on different sinks
Figure 6 demonstrates the consumed energy for light emitting diode (LED) for principal sink node, backup sink
node, sensor node j, and sensor node k. In LED, principal sink node consumes less energy as compared with other
nodes. We have observed from Figure 4 to 6 that more energy is consumed for Radio transceiver and CUP. In
Figure 7, consumed energy for electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) is measured only
for backup sink node because principal sink node and other nodes do not require EEPROM. The reason of
consuming the energy for EEPROM is to monitor the principal sink node periodically.
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
050 100 150 200 250 300 350
30 60 90 120 150
Number of Nodes in Network
Consumed Energy for EEPROM [Millijoule]
Figure 7: Energy consumed for EEPROM on different sinks
In Figure 8, we show the total energy consumed for all components of principal sink node, backup sink node,
sensor node j, and sensor node k. Based on the outcomes, we have observed that principal sink node consumes more
energy that is around 992.4 millijoules for CPU, but in our case, Radio does not consumes less energy in our case.
050 100 150 200 250 300 350
200 400 600 800 1000
Number of Nodes in Network
Total Consumed Energy for all Components [Millijoule]
Figure 8: Total energy consumed for different components of the sensor
C. Recovery Time
One of the key metrics is to determine the recovery time, when principal sink node got failure and replaced by
backup sink node. Therefore, simulation time and consumed energy are two significant constraints. We observe in
Figure 9, the recovery time that is the trade-off between the failure and recovery occurrences. We have observed that
principal sink node gets failure at 13.2 minutes, then backup sink node replaces the principal sink node for
improving the quality of service provisioning. In the case of replacement, much recovery is reduced. We further
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 9, 721-731
observe that the curve for principal sink node is balanced, and no information is retrieved because of the injection of
failure. The consumed energy for backup sensor node remains stabilized when it starts relaying rather than principal
sink node.
05 10 15 20 25 30 35
200 400 600 800 1000
Simulation time [minutes]
Consumed Energy [Millijoule]
Figure 9. Failure of the principal node and consumed energy using the different period
In this paper, we have introduced sink failure avoidance protocol for the detection and recovery of the sink errors.
This contribution aims to determine the normal activity and energy consumption level of sink nodes using SFA. The
SFA protocol provides the robust fault tolerance functionality to improve the quality of service provisioning by
replacing failure primary sink node with backup sink node. To demonstrate the validity of SFA protocol, we have
used network simulator-2.
Based on the simulation results, we observed that CPU consumed more energy as compared with other
components of sensor nodes that are very interesting discovery. Furthermore, another significant discovery is to
determine the EEPROM that is only used for backup sink node because it only monitors the failure of principal sink
node. We also validated that SFA also reduces the recovery time and energy consumption.
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Abdul Razaque is Editor-in-Chief for International Journal for Engineering and
Technology (IJET), Singapore and also associated with Computer Science and
Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, USA. He holds fellowship form
Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan, and Common Wealth, UK. He served as
Head of computer science department in Model colleges setup Islamabad, Pakistan from
2002 to 2009. He also led the projects as project Director for promoting the trend of
information technology (IT) in Pakistan funded by United Nation organization (UNO)
and World Bank during 2005 to 2008. He is currently active researcher of wireless and
Mobile communication (WMC) laboratory, UB, USA. Abdul Razaque has also been
working as Chair, Strategic Planning Committee for IEEE SAC Region-1. USA and Relational Officer for IEEE
SAC Region-1 for Europe, Africa and Middle-East. Abdul Razaque has chaired more than dozen of highly reputed
international conferences and also delivered his lectures as Keynote Speaker. His research interests include the
wireless sensor networks, design and development of learning environments, TCP/IP protocols, multimedia
applications and ambient intelligence.
Dr. Elleithy is the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies and Research at the
University of Bridgeport. He is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering. He has
research interests are in the areas of wireless sensor networks, mobile communications,
network security, quantum computing, and formal approaches for design and verification.
He has published more than three hundred research papers in international journals and
conferences in his areas of expertise. Dr. Elleithy has more than 25 years of teaching
experience. His teaching evaluations are distinguished in all the universities he joined. He
supervised hundreds of senior projects, MS theses and Ph.D. dissertations. He supervised
several Ph.D. students. He developed and introduced many new undergraduate/graduate
courses. He also developed new teaching / research laboratories in his area of expertise.
Dr. Elleithy is the editor or co-editor for 12 books by Springer. He is a member of technical program committees
of many international conferences as recognition of his research qualifications. He served as a guest editor for
several International Journals. He was the chairman for the International Conference on Industrial Electronics,
Technology & Automation, IETA 2001, 19-21 December 2001, Cairo Egypt. Also, he is the General Chair of the
2005-2013 International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering
virtual conferences.
... Wireless Sensor networks have been appealing research area since last decade [1] [2]. WSNs comprises of a large number of sensor nodes disseminated in the field of interest for monitoring the different events and activities. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Scalable and efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol has been of the paramount significance for boosting the performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, scalable and efficient medium access control (SE-MAC) protocol is introduced for WSNs. The Goal of SE-MAC is to reduce the communication delay time, channel delay time and control delays caused by acknowledgment packets, request-to-send (RTS), clear-to-send (CTS) etc. Thus, reducing the delays, SE-MAC incorporates the adaptable application independent aggregation (AAIA) model to achieve the expected goals. Furthermore, SE-MAC is supported with handoff process feature, which helps extend the network lifetime. AAIA model for SE-MAC plays a role of cross-layering that extensively reduces the different delays incurred at MAC sub-layer and network layer. Evaluation of SE-MAC is conducted using network simulator-2 (NS2) then compared with known MAC protocols: Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), receiver-initiated asynchronous duty cycle MAC (RI-MAC) and an energy-efficient multi-channel mac (Y-MAC). Based on the initial Simulation results, we demonstrate that SE-MAC protocol saves extra 9.8-15% time and energy resources for channel delays as compared with other MAC protocols.
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) significantly impact reliable data communications in environmental monitoring, health care, and transportation applications. Low-powered and small sensor nodes compose these networks, configured to perform specific tasks like detection, management, prediction, and monitoring. Clustering in WSNs is a reliable method of effectively transferring data within the network through routing. Thus, developing an effective routing algorithm to optimize network functionality is a big concern. Cluster Heads (CHs), selected through a range of metrics, are responsible for data aggregation and transmission to the Base Station (BS). Many clustered routing algorithms have been developed to address various issues like energy efficiency, network lifetime, and hotspot problems. However, several challenges still need to be addressed, including network segmentation, isolated node issues, and data routing failures. This survey offers a comprehensive review of various routing protocols and their different performance metrics. It evaluates the architectural challenges that caused network segmentations and data routing failures in the case of unexpected head node failures during high-stress events, particularly indoor fires. Recommended solutions to the mentioned issues are also explored. A new taxonomy for the CH-selection methods based on the technique used is proposed, along with a comparative review of other CH-selection surveys. Additionally, this survey scrutinizes the challenges and constraints inherent in current fault tolerance routing algorithms, evaluating their efficacy in fire-related incidents. The survey concluded that protocol designers must focus on the development and implementation of fire-adaptive routing protocols, incorporating optimal fault tolerance routing algorithms that adapt seamlessly to unforeseen environmental changes, including fire incidents. Such adaptability is pivotal in preserving network topology and preventing data loss.
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The need for an efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol is extremely important with the emergence of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The MAC protocol has increasingly been significant in advancing the performance of WSNs. In this paper, a low duty cycle, energy-efficient and mobility-based Boarder Node Medium Access Control (BNMAC) hybrid protocol is introduced for WSNs that controls overhearing, idle listening and congestion issues by preserving energy over WSNs. Further, the BN-MAC hybrid protocol handles the scalability and mobility of nodes using the pheromone termite (PT) analytical model. BN-MAC leverages the features of contention and schedule-based MAC protocols. The contention encompasses the novel semi synchronous approach that helps obtain faster access to the medium. The schedule-based part helps reduce the collision and overhearing problems. The idle listening control (ILC) model is embedded within the BN-MAC that administers the nodes to go to sleep after performing their tasks to saves additional energy. The least distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS) model is used to determine the shortest and most efficient path in a one-hop neighborhood. Evaluation of the BN-MAC is conducted using network simulator-2 (ns2), then its quality of service (QoS) parameters are compared with other known hybrid MAC protocols including X-MAC, Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), mobility-aware SMAC (MS-MAC),advertisement-based MAC (A-MAC), Adaptive Duty Cycle SMAC (ADC-SMAC) and Mobile Sensor (MobiSense) MAC protocols.
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The need for an efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol is extremely important with the emergence of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The MAC protocol has increasingly been significant in advancing the performance of WSNs. In this paper, a low duty cycle, energy-efficient and mobility-based Boarder Node Medium Access Control (BNMAC) hybrid protocol is introduced for WSNs that controls overhearing, idle listening and congestion issues by preserving energy over WSNs. Further, the BN-MAC hybrid protocol handles the scalability and mobility of nodes using the pheromone termite (PT) analytical model. BN-MAC leverages the features of contention and schedule-based MAC protocols. The contention encompasses the novel semi synchronous approach that helps obtain faster access to the medium. The schedule-based part helps reduce the collision and overhearing problems. The idle listening control (ILC) model is embedded within the BN-MAC that administers the nodes to go to sleep after performing their tasks to saves additional energy. The least distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS) model is used to determine the shortest and most efficient path in a one-hop neighborhood. Evaluation of the BN-MAC is conducted using network simulator-2 (ns2), then its quality of service (QoS) parameters are compared with other known hybrid MAC protocols including X-MAC, Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), mobility-aware SMAC (MS-MAC),advertisement-based MAC (A-MAC), Adaptive Duty Cycle SMAC (ADC-SMAC) and Mobile Sensor (MobiSense) MAC protocols.
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This paper introduces the design, implementation, and performance analysis of the scalable and mobility-aware hybrid protocol named boarder node medium access control (BN-MAC) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which leverages the characteristics of scheduled and contention-based MAC protocols. Like contention-based MAC protocols, BN-MAC achieves high channel utilization, network adaptability under heavy traffic and mobility, and low latency and overhead. Like schedule-based MAC protocols, BN-MAC reduces idle listening time, emissions, and collision handling at low cost at one-hop neighbor nodes and achieves high channel utilization under heavy network loads. BN-MAC is particularly designed for region-wise WSNs. Each region is controlled by a boarder node (BN), which is of paramount importance. The BN coordinates with the remaining nodes within and beyond the region. Unlike other hybrid MAC protocols, BN-MAC incorporates three promising models that further reduce the energy consumption, idle listening time, overhearing, and congestion to improve the throughput and reduce the latency. One of the models used with BN-MAC is automatic active and sleep (AAS), which reduces the ideal listening time. When nodes finish their monitoring process, AAS lets them automatically go into the sleep state to avoid the idle listening state. Another model used in BN-MAC is the intelligent decision-making (IDM) model, which helps the nodes sense the nature of the environment. Based on the nature of the environment, the nodes decide whether to use the active or passive mode. This decision power of the nodes further reduces energy consumption because the nodes turn off the radio of the transceiver in the passive mode. The third model is the least-distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS), which determines the shortest efficient path to the one-hop neighbor and also provides cross-layering support to handle the mobility of the nodes. The BN-MAC also incorporates a semi-synchronous feature with a low duty cycle, which is advantageous for reducing the latency and energy consumption for several WSN application areas to improve the throughput. BN-MAC uses a unique window slot size to enhance the contention resolution issue for improved throughput. BN-MAC also prefers to communicate within a one-hop destination using Anycast, which maintains load balancing to maintain network reliability. BN-MAC is introduced with the goal of supporting four major application areas: monitoring and behavioral areas, controlling natural disasters, human-centric applications, and tracking mobility and static home automation devices from remote places. These application areas require a congestion-free mobility-supported MAC protocol to guarantee reliable data delivery. BN-MAC was evaluated using network simulator-2 (ns2) and compared with other hybrid MAC protocols, such as Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), advertisement-based MAC (A-MAC), Speck-MAC, adaptive duty cycle SMAC (ADC-SMAC), and low-power real-time medium access control (LPR-MAC). The simulation results indicate that BN-MAC is a robust and energy-efficient protocol that outperforms other hybrid MAC protocols in the context of quality of service (QoS) parameters, such as energy consumption, latency, throughput, channel access time, successful delivery rate, coverage efficiency, and average duty cycle.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel least distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS) to determine the mostefficient path at one-hop distance over WSNs. LDSNS helps to reduce the energy consumption and speeds up scheduling for delivery of data. It provides cross layering support and linking MAC layer with network layer to reduce the amount of control messages. LDSNS is a robust and efficient approach that isbased on single-hop communication mechanism. To validate the strength of LDSNS, we incorporate LDSN in Boarder Node Medium AccessControl (BN-MAC) protocol [ 15] to determine the list of neighboring sensor nodes and choosing best 1-hop efficient search to avoid collision and reducing energy consumption. Evaluation of LDSNS is conducted using network simulator-2 (ns2).The performance of LDSNS is compared with minimum energy accumulative routing problem (MEAR) [12], asynchronous quorum-based wakeup scheduling scheme (AQWSS) [14] and Minimum Energy Relay Routing (MERR) [13]. Simulation results show that LDSNS is highly energy efficient and faster as compared with MEAR, AQWSS and MERR. It saves 24% to 62% energy resources and improves12% to 21% search at 1-hop neighboring nodes.
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The revolution of wireless sensors networks (WSNs) has highly augmented the expectations of people to get the work done efficiently, but there is little bit impediment to deal with deployed nodes in WSNs. The nature of used routing and medium access control (MAC) protocols in WSNs is completely different from wireless adhoc network protocols. Sensor nodes do not have enough capability to synchronize with robust way, in resulting causes of longer delay and waste of energy. In this paper, we deploy efficientenergy consuming sensors and to find one hop robust and efficient destination search in WSNs. We firstly deploy BT (Bluetooth enabled) sensors, which offer passive and active sensing capability to save energy. This work is a continuation of previous published work in [2]. The BT node is supported with efficient searchmethodss. The main objective of this contribution is to control different types of objects from remote places using cellular phone. To validate our proposed methodology,simulation is done with network simulator (ns2) to examine the behavior of WSNs. Based on simulation results, we claim that our approach saves 62% energy spent for finding best one- hop destination as compared with existing techniques.
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We deploy BT node (sensor) that offers passive and active sensing capability to save energy. BT node works in passive mode for outdoor communication and active for indoor communication. The BT node is supported with novel automatic energy saving (AES) mathematical model to decide either modes. It provides robust and faster communication with less energy consumption. To validate this approach, network simulator-2 (ns2) simulation is used to simulate the behavior of network with the supporting mathematical model. The main objective of this research is to remotely access different types of servers, laptops, desktops and other static and moving objects. This prototype is initially deployed to control MSCS [13] & [14] from remote place through mobile devices. The prototype can further be enhanced to handle several objects simultaneously consuming less energy and resources.
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In this paper, we introduce a discrete-time model for the complete power supply sub-system that closely approximates the behavior of its circuit-level (i.e., HSpice), continuous-time counterpart. The model is abstract and efficient enough to enable event-driven simulation of digital systems described at a very high level of abstraction and that include, among their components, also the power supply. Therefore, it can be successfully used for the purpose of battery life-time estimation during design optimization, as shown by the results we have collected on a meaningful case study. Experiments prove also that the accuracy of our model is very close to that provided by the corresponding Spice-level model
With the increasing demand for real time applications in the Wireless Senor Network (WSN), real time critical events anticipate an efficient quality-of-service (QoS) based routing for data delivery from the network infrastructure. Designing such QoS based routing protocol to meet the reliability and delay guarantee of critical events while preserving the energy efficiency is a challenging task. Considerable research has been focused on developing robust energy efficient QoS based routing protocols. In this paper, we present the state of the research by summarizing the work on QoS based routing protocols that has already been published and by highlighting the QoS issues that are being addressed. The performance comparison of QoS based routing protocols such as SAR, MMSPEED, MCMP, MCBR, and EQSR has also been analyzed using ns-2 for various parameters.
Wireless sensor networks are resource-constrained self-organizing systems that are often deployed in inaccessible and inhospitable environments in order to collect data about some outside world phenomenon. For most sensor network applications, point-to-point reliability is not the main objective; instead, reliable event-of-interest delivery to the server needs to be guaranteed (possibly with a certain probability). The nature of communication in sensor networks is unpredictable and failure-prone, even more so than in regular wireless ad hoc networks. Therefore, it is essential to provide fault tolerant techniques for distributed sensor applications. Many recent studies in this area take drastically different approaches to addressing the fault tolerance issue in routing, transport and/or application layers. In this paper, we summarize and compare existing fault tolerant techniques to support sensor applications. We also discuss several interesting open research directions.
In this paper we investigate the problem of uneven energy consumption in a large class of many-to-one sensor networks. In a many-to-one sensor network, all sensor nodes generate constant bit rate (CBR) data and send them to a single sink via multihop transmissions. This type of sensor network has many potential applications such as environmental monitoring and data gathering. Based on the observation that sensor nodes sitting around the sink need to relay more traffic compared to other nodes in outer sub-regions, our analysis verifies that nodes in inner rings suffer much faster energy consumption rates (ECR) and thus have much shorter expected lifetimes. We term this phenomenon of uneven energy consumption rates as the “energy hole” problem, which may result in severe consequences such as early dysfunction of the entire network. We proposed analytical modeling for this problem, which can help understand the relevance of different factors on energy consumption rates. Using this model, we study the effectiveness of several existing approaches towards mitigating the “energy hole” problem, including deployment assistance, traffic compression and aggregation. We have used simulation results to validate our analysis.