
Employee Loyalty And Its Impact On Firm Growth

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Employees are crucial for the achievement of internal quality and consequently for business performance of companies. The quality of employees, their competencies, loyalty and commitment are extremely important for business performance achievement. For development of employee loyalty it can be important that employees find in work, which they perform, challenge, interest and the feeling of accomplishment. The way of treatment of employees in the organization is decisive in determining if employees will indeed become an integral part of the competitive advantage of the company. The paper focuses on employee loyalty and growth of companies. The hypothesis about the relationships between employee loyalty and firm growth was developed and empirically tested. Data collection was based of responses to the structured questionnaire on the sample of Slovenian companies from service and manufacturing industries. The hypothesis was tested by using regression analysis. Findings indicate a positive relationship between employee loyalty and firm growth, particularly for manufacturing firms. Recommendations for companies are also provided.

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... Scholars have discovered that satisfied workers are less likely to leave a firm, are absent less frequently, and are more productive at work (Backhaus and Tikoo, 2004). Besides, research has found that one of the most notable facets of worker satisfaction is the nature of the work (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011). This facet includes the variety, challenges, and scope of the work (Schlager et al., 2011). ...
... When employees perceive feelings of support, trust, and openness among co-workers and supervisors, higher levels of employee satisfaction will be achieved (Davies, 2008). In addition, a good organizational climate and culture can enhance employee satisfaction (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011). It has also been found that employees who are dissatisfied with a company's social value are more likely to leave the organization (Kashyap and Verma, 2018). ...
... It has also been found that employees who are dissatisfied with a company's social value are more likely to leave the organization (Kashyap and Verma, 2018). Another value that emerged as a satisfier is the economic value proposed by an organization (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011). A higher salary was recognized as being directly associated with increased satisfaction (Schlager et al., 2011). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to extend the research on employer branding (EB) by identifying elements of EB according to the perceptions of employees working in the service sector and investigating the impact of EB on employer of choice and organizational performance. Design/methodology/approach Around544 respondents helped to test the model. The research considers development, growth opportunities, equality and justice as new elements of EB, along with organizational culture, salary, incentives and work–life balance. Findings EB significantly influences employer of choice through organizational commitment and employer brand advocacy. Organizational performance is influenced by EB through job satisfaction and employee performance. Nevertheless, no significant relation was observed between EB and employer of choice through person–organization fit. The EB’s impact on employee performance through employee retention was not significant. Originality/value The study suggests reflecting on the importance of the role played by new elements of EB and on the existence of a direct relationship between employee performance and EB. Despite the widespread belief that EB primarily serves as a recruitment tactic to attract candidates, this paper shows that the positive impacts on company performance stem more from outcomes related to current employees than from prospective applicants.
... While sales growth is the most influenced by short-and long-term changes in the company, with these perhaps being the most common indicators that managers and entrepreneurs rely on to measure growth, employment also brings some advantages as an indicator of company growth [13]. Accordingly, Auer Antončič and Antončič stated that company growth is an important factor of business success and is based on employee efficiency [14]. ...
... The survey included measures of entrepreneurial curiosity ( [15]; 16 questions), measures of innovation at the entrepreneur level ( [75]; 8 questions), and measures of company growth, which included sales growth, growth in the number of workers, and market share growth [14,80,83,84]. The selected measures fitted well with constructs in the hypotheses. ...
... The chosen items of enterprise growth revealed growth across three aspects (sales, employees, and market). The scales and items have been found to be valid and reliable in past research (e.g., entrepreneurial curiosity [15], innovation at the entrepreneur level [75], and growth [14,80,83,84]), which proves that the chosen measures assessed the constructs correctly. The scales used to appraise the three constructs are presented in Appendix A, including statistics of retained measurement items. ...
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Researchers have studied entrepreneurial curiosity and innovativeness as determinants of entrepreneurial behavior but have not linked them with company growth in a model. The intention of this enquiry was to examine the associations between the entrepreneur’s psychological constructs of entrepreneurial curiosity and innovativeness and business growth, as examined by the conceptualization and analysis of hypotheses. For this research, data were obtained via a survey questionnaire. The sample consisted of 851 entrepreneurs of companies in three European countries. Each company had 250 workers or fewer. This study contributes to the entrepreneurship knowledge base by presenting empirical testimony on the associations between entrepreneurial curiosity, entrepreneurial innovativeness, and firm growth, as well as presenting advanced cross-nationally analogous measurement instruments of entrepreneurial curiosity and innovativeness. The entrepreneur’s curiosity is important for their innovativeness, and this innovativeness is essential for business growth.
... The importance of employee loyalty to the company is recognized both in the literature [28] and in practice. By creating loyal employees, companies can achieve multiple benefits. ...
... The results of the conducted research show that employees in medium and large companies are more loyal (over 50% of respondents spent more than 10 years in one company) compared to employees in small companies (where 78% of respondents spent less than 5 years in one company). The results obtained are consistent with previous research [28]. ...
... The difference in employee loyalty depending on the size of the company has a logical explanation (H1c). Namely, employees in medium and large companies often strive to retain in these companies because of their ability to advance and achieve personal goals [28]. These companies also provide opportunities for changing sectors, which in some situations can offset an employee's desire to change jobs. ...
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Background: There is a growing need for logistics professionals in different positions and with different competencies. The key question is how to attract and retain a highly skilled workforce. The purpose of this research is to determine what factors and how they affect employee's satisfaction and loyalty in the logistics sector in the Serbian market; Methods: The impact of company size, primary business activity and employee position on labor loyalty and fluctuation were examined. The research hypotheses were tested on the basis of data obtained from a web survey that included 270 respondents from different industrial sectors in the Serbian market. Linear regression was used for hypothesis testing; Results: The results showed, among other things, that salary and advancement possibility are the main motives for changing jobs. The importance of basic professional knowledge acquired at the faculty for employment and working in various companies was confirmed; Conclusions: There are no papers in the literature that investigate job satisfaction and employee turnover in the logistics market. The results of this research, on the one hand, provide useful and accurate information for decision-making in order to improve the situation in the observed market, while on the other hand, provide an excellent basis for future research.
... Indeed, under normal circumstances, training facilitates progress. Furthermore, according to Antoncic and Antoncic (2011), employee loyalty exists in a company when employees believe in the objectives of the company, accept the objectives as their own, work for the common welfare, and want to stay in the company. Loyalty, according to De Graaf (2011), is a concept that has normative, symbolic, and emotional connotations. ...
... Likewise, according to Antoncic and Antoncic (2011), the loyalty of an employee can be expressed through the desire of individuals to belong to the company and team of co-workers, whom they want to help. A motivated workforce commits to the organization's success because an organization's success benefits the individual too. ...
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To better understand police officers' perceptions of their experiences regarding current practices in terms of career progression within the South African Police Service (SAPS) environment, a qualitative study with semi-structured focus group interviews was conducted. Three focus group interviews were held, with 30 police officers of various ranks participating, from three selected police stations in the Gauteng province. This study established five themes. Among these themes, low prospects of promotion, inconsistency in the administration of promotion procedures and practices due to perceived favoritism or nepotism, and lack of vacancies were cited by the participants as hindrances to career advancement within the SAPS. This article recommends that the "top-heavy" SAPS structure should be revised to unlock recruitment and the promotion of low-ranking officials. The absence of a sound promotion policy, poor implementation, or the lack of promotion opportunities for SAPS officials can have a negative impact on police officials' morale. Low morale among police officials hinders professionalism and negatively influences quality service delivery to the community. This article provides insight into the SAPS promotion processes, theories of motivation, as well as the legislative framework that underpins development in the SAPS.
... According to the study of Antoncic and Antoncic (2011), the loyalty of workers can serve great importance towards the growth of an organization, without regard to its age or size. Moreover, Tomic et al. (2018) found that there is a positive and favorable relationship between the loyalty of staff and the quality of service, as well as the reduction of costs in an organization. ...
... Previous researchers have provided plenty of evidence that employee loyalty and innovative work -466 -behavior have a major impact on organizational success (Antoncic & Antoncic, 2011;Ali et al., 2020;Tomic et al., 2018). With Jordan having such a large percentage of youth in its population, amounting to approximately 50,000 fresh graduates annually (Allouzi, 2021), it is essential that Jordanian firms maintain and utilize such human capital in a way that encourages innovative work behavior and loyalty, as this will translate to successful results. ...
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Qualified and promising fresh graduates are increasingly in demand, as they play an essential role in contributing to the future of institutions. This study aimed to investigate the impact of the autonomy of fresh graduates on their loyalty and innovative work behavior when mediated by the effect of their psychological well-being. The population of the study consisted of employed fresh graduates in Jordan. More specifically, the study population consisted of those who have graduated strictly two years ago or less. The variables of the study were measured by a questionnaire. Data was collected and analyzed and hypotheses were tested using correlation, linear regression and mediation analysis. The study found that the autonomy of fresh graduates has a significant positive impact on their psychological well-being. Additionally, the findings indicated that the psychological well-being of fresh graduates has a significant positive impact on their loyalty towards their employers, along with their innovative work behavior. Psychological well-being was found to have a mediating impact in the relationship between autonomy and loyalty and no mediating impact was found between autonomy and innovative work behavior. This study contributes to the literature by showing the mediating role of psychological well-being in the relationship between autonomy and loyalty.
... Employee loyalty to the organization is a complex construct that can be shaped by many different variables (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011;Dutta and Dhir, 2021). However, in times when the human-centric management paradigm is emphasized, as previously outlined in the Preface and the preceding chapter (Gallup, 2023, p. 4;Stor, 2023, pp. ...
... Through a thorough understanding of these factors, organizations can create a work environment that not only attracts but retains a loyal and engaged workforce. This detailed approach highlights the complexity of employee loyalty, revealing it as a multifaceted outcome influenced by various work-related aspects (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011). ...
... Employee loyalty to the organization is a complex construct that can be shaped by many different variables (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011;Dutta and Dhir, 2021). However, in times when the human-centric management paradigm is emphasized, as previously outlined in the Preface and the preceding chapter (Gallup, 2023, p. 4;Stor, 2023, pp. ...
... Through a thorough understanding of these factors, organizations can create a work environment that not only attracts but retains a loyal and engaged workforce. This detailed approach highlights the complexity of employee loyalty, revealing it as a multifaceted outcome influenced by various work-related aspects (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011). ...
... Employees who are loyal to their organization exhibit a profound dedication to its objectives, foster a favourable work environment, and sustain elevated levels of productivity. Employers benefit from employee loyalty as it lowers recruiting costs, preserves organizational expertise, and improves brand image (Antoncic & Antoncic, 2011). ...
... This outcome agrees with the results obtained by Burke and Singh (2014);Capnary, Rachmawati, and Agung (2018); and Kuswandi et al (2021). This means that employees who have a great level of work-life balance can increase their sense of loyalty towards their employers, and this can be seen in their attitudes and behaviours as they become more productive and promote their organizations as great places to work (Antoncic and Antoncic, 2011). ...
... The primary objective of this study is to examine whether the investment in internal control-related personnel enhances a firm's operational efficiency. (2) where the dependent variable Efficiency t captures a firm's relative operational efficiency. The variables of interest, EMPLOYEE t , CPA t , and CAREER t , present quantitative and qualitative human resource investment in internal controls, respectively. ...
... Moreover, Yanadori and Kato (2007) and Antoncic and Antoncic (2011) show that employee tenure and loyalty are significantly associated with firm growth. Thus, average wage of employees and asset growth rate are used as instrument variables for CAREER. ...
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Although internal control systems in firms aim to provide reasonable assurance regarding objectives related to operations, reporting, and compliance, research focusing on operational efficiency is limited. This study investigates the impact of both quantitative and qualitative investments in internal control personnel on a firm’s operational efficiency. Utilizing a fixed-effect regression model, the Heckman (1979) two-stage model, and a two-stage least squares procedure, this study analyzes 4,471 firm-year observations from Korean listed firms from 2018 to 2020. The findings indicate a positive association between investment in internal control personnel and operational efficiency. This relationship remains robust even under sensitivity tests and concerns of potential endogeneity, as confirmed by the Heckman and two-stage least squares models. Specifically, the Heckman model shows that the ratio of the number of employees (coef = 0.023, t-value = 5.20) and certified public accountants (coef = 0.256, t-value = 5.43) responsible for internal control is positively associated with operational efficiency. Average work experience (coef = 0.002, t-value = 1.84) of internal control personnel is also positively related to operational efficiency. This study provides empirical evidence for the significance of investing in internal control personnel to boost operational efficiency and suggests that firms should consider both quantitative and qualitative aspects of internal control.
... Job satisfaction becomes the source of relief of tension caused by the gap between the expectations of the individual and unmet needs and it deals with the feelings that an individual has about his or her job. Thus, job satisfaction as positive influence on employees towards their job or job situations [3][4][5][6][7]. In addition, from the worker's perspective, the level of job satisfaction increases when he finds his work more interesting and different [21]. ...
... In addition, from the worker's perspective, the level of job satisfaction increases when he finds his work more interesting and different [21]. The level of job satisfaction will be higher if the degree of the expectations being met is greater and the absence of job satisfaction, on the other hand, is a predictor of giving up a job [5]. ...
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Information technology (IT) industry in Vietnam has had steady development steps to continuously strengthen its position and role in the sectors such as politics, social - economics, security - defense for further integration into the world. There are many companies now competing in this area. In the unpredictable and competitive business environment, employee plays a vital role for nearly all organizations, thus the important issue is to try to deeply understand work related attitudes and behaviors that affect the well- being of an employee as well as the effective function of an organization. Hence, this paper adapted several previous models in order to find out the influence of workplace environment, pay and promotion potential, fairness and workplace relationship on the level of job satisfaction and examine the relationships among job satisfaction, job performance and employee loyalty for IT workers in Vietnam.
... Research on employee loyalty is generally fragmented. Many previous studies on employee loyalty have focused on analyzing the relationship between loyalty and the company's economic performance rather than identifying loyalty-determining factors [15,17,18]. The COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in the deteriorating situation in the labor market related to the reduction in many jobs, could significantly impact employee loyalty. ...
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Building employee loyalty is a prerequisite for a company to achieve a competitive advantage, high organizational performance, and sustainability. The lack of voluntary leaves does not result in recruitment costs or reduced efficiency during the adaptation period of a new employee. It helps retain knowledge and experience within the organization. The article aims to explore employees' loyalty in terms of voluntary employment continuity during the pandemic slowdown of COVID-19, when employee loyalty was put to an exceptional test, and identify the factors that have had the most significant impact. This empirical study was carried out for Germany, mainly due to the strength and position of the German economy in Europe and the availability of a large, detailed micro dataset necessary for in-depth econometric analyses. The dataset used in the survey is the fifth wave of the German Linked Personnel Panel-LPP in 2020/21 (N = 7397). A multinomial logit model was used as a research tool. Loyalty appears as an explained variable in four ordered logit models that differ in the set of explanatory variables. The explanatory variables include demographics, job title, working conditions, compensation and rewards, job content, training and career development, teamwork, and relationships with colleagues and superiors. The results confirm the influence of extra-organizational factors, such as age and living in a four-or five-person household, on employee loyalty. However, age seems to be a factor of decreasing importance. Too much complexity of work, manifested by great task variety, working in multiple teams, and the requirement to perform work remotely, harmed employee loyalty during the pandemic. Findings justify building loyalty based on sustainable human resource policies to increase income satisfaction, reasonable workload, competence development, and greater autonomy at work. It is also clear that leadership issues (fairness in contact with superiors and recognition for work) mattered during this challenging time and have a high potential to improve employee loyalty in the future.
... The formation of a high level of staff loyalty by the manager ensures the efficiency of the organisation and its competitiveness in the economic environment. employee loyalty exists in a company where employees believe in its goals, embrace them, work for the common good, and want to stay with it (Antoncic et al., 2011). The manager's orientation of his employees to the achievement of organisational tasks is determined by the degree of clarity of employees' understanding of the organisation's mission. ...
The work examines modern strategies and management approaches aimed at increasing the level of motivation and establishing the loyalty of personnel in organisations. An analysis of the integrated management activity model, which is specially adapted to achieve maximum efficiency in the context of employee motivation and loyalty, was carried out. The main focus of the research is on the role of leadership in creating a favourable working environment and forming a positive working atmosphere. The author also considered modern management technologies that simplify motivation processes and ensure transparency in the interaction between management and staff. The literature review and the analysis of the integrated model help to reveal the key aspects and principles that underlie the successful management of employee motivation and loyalty in modern organisations. The article’s conclusions serve as a basis for further research and development of personnel management strategies.
... In addition, Iskandar and Mani (2021) believe that the loyalty of employees may have an influence on the efficiency of the organisation and contribute to the organisation's overall goals. It may also contribute to the expansion and success of the company (Antoncic, 2011). ...
Purpose This paper aims to propose various theoretical lenses to explore the relationship between internal communication (IC) and its impact on employee loyalty. Design/methodology/approach A systematic review followed by a synthesis of the literature is adopted after identifying articles from various databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar and EBSCO and found that employee loyalty remains a significant gap in organisational IC research. The review will bring greater attention and focus for scholars to check how IC can help increase employee loyalty using the proposed theories – more so for IC in the Asia-Pacific. Findings The findings from this paper explicitly highlight that both individual/managerial theories (social cognitive, social identity, social exchange, expectancy and socio-analytic theories) and organisational theories (network, resource-based view and sensemaking theories) are close and relevant to study the IC and employee loyalty. Originality/value The value of this review is to move forward the debate on how IC can significantly contribute to developing employee outcomes (loyalty), how it can further enhance employee performance and commitment and what theories better explain this relationship. This review will inspire and inform future scholars to explore IC’s role in employee loyalty in the Asia-Pacific context.
... Additionally, Iskandar and Mani (2021) assert that employee loyalty may influence organizational efficiency and add to the organization's overall objectives. In addition, it may also increase the firm's growth and success (Antoncic & Antoncic, 2011). ...
Despite the importance of internal communication (IC) in organization and management studies, its role or impact on employee outcomes (specifically employee loyalty, commitment and citizenship behaviour) remains understudied. To address the preceding gap, this article systematically reviews the role of IC and its impact on employee outcomes. Our analysis reveals four critical themes, crisis events, culture/climate, organizational change and managers’ roles, where IC effectively influences the discussed employee outcomes. By summarizing the findings, we propose an integrated framework for researchers to move the conversation on the part of IC on employee outcomes forward.
... Researchers such as Sabri, Mutalib and Hasan (2019); Padmavathy et al. (2012) clarify the unique attitude of loyal employees in terms of their dedication and stability toward achieving their organization objectives, their prospect to move from one organization to another is very low. The main inference drawn from the previous studies is that employee loyalty greatly impacts an organization (Antoncic, 2011). Hence, this cannot be undermined by heads of organizations. ...
Employee loyalty plays a significant role in the organizational development as well as economic growth around the word. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between human resource management practices (HRMP), and employee loyalty (EL) in Nigeria public sector. A proposed human resource management practices model the influences employees’ loyalty measures were formulated and tested. This study adopts quantitative research approach. Survey, using questionnaire, was conducted to obtained data from 500 public sector employees in Lagos state Nigeria. Structural Equation Modelling analysis using AMOS version 22 was conducted to determine the direct effects of HRM on employee loyalty. The findings reveal that there is a strong causal relationship between HRM practices and employee loyalty in Lagos state public sector. This study recommends that future research should consider using longitudinal mixed method research design to study relationship between HRM practices, workplace spirituality and employee loyalty. Thus, findings of this research
... Previous studies support this argument. For example, Antoncic et al. [30] found that establishing a trustworthy relationship with employees can have a positive effect on firm sustainable growth. Bennett and Levinthal [31] found that employees' trustworthy relationship with firms is positively related to firm sustainable growth. ...
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In this study, we examine the relationships between CSR (e.g., CSR aimed at employees, customers, suppliers, and governments) and firm sustainable growth, and how dysfunctional competition moderates these relationships. Based on resource dependence theory, we argue that CSR aimed at four chosen groups of stakeholders (e.g., employees, customers, suppliers, and governments) is positively related to firm sustainable growth and that the levels of dysfunctional competition will positively moderate these relationships. Our results, using a sample of technology firms in China, provide support for these arguments. We find that CSR aimed at employees, customers, suppliers, and governments is positively related to firm sustainable growth. In addition, using the contingence approach, we find that CSR aimed at the four chosen groups of stakeholders has a stronger positive relationship with firm sustainable growth when the level of dysfunctional competition is high than when it is low. Our findings have important theoretical and managerial implications, which are discussed in this study.
... Early scholarly work observed firm sustainable growth are not only driven by firm hard resources, but also soft resources, such as intellectual capital (Anwar et al., 2018), innovation (Ge et al., 2018), financial capabilities (Berge et al., 2015), board gender diversity (Ain et al., 2021). However, previous literature often evades or ignores the impact of chief executive officer (C.E.O.) on firm sustainable growth, although a few scholars focus on employees (Antoncic & Antoncic, 2011). C.E.O.s are the most important decisionmakers for a firm's long-term development, while employees are just practitioners of decisions. ...
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Chief executive officers (C.E.O.s) play a dominant role in firm decision-makings and operations, and their characteristics will affect firm sustainable growth. This study investigates whether C.E.O. academic experience affects firm sustainable growth. Using a sample from China, we find that C.E.O. academic experience is positively related to firm sustainable growth, and the effect is pronounced for high-tech firms. Further analyses demonstrate that the results are robust to alternative measures and controlling for endogeneity problems. Finally, the channel analysis shows that the effect is partially driven by firm innovation and internal control.
... Emphasizing on employee satisfaction and engagement carries many benefits which includes contribution towards firm's growth, organizational culture and loyalty which in other word engagement towards company (Antoncic & Antoncic, 2011). A paper by Shmailan (2015) also further support this idea by mentioning that employee satisfaction level is directly linked to employee engagement and can contribute greatly towards the success of a company as satisfied employee generally perform better at their work and of which increase their engagement level; when employee are engaged in their work, work become more meaningful to them of which can lead to sense of motivation to perform better that can improve company performance in the long run. ...
The aim of this paper was to study the relationship between employee satisfaction and engagement towards turnover intention. A total of 61 participants were non-randomly selected through convenience sampling and purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted using quantitative approach where the participants were asked to fill up the questionnaire using the google form link. Instruments used in this study was The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) by Weiss, Dawis, England, and Lofquist (1967), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) by Schaufeli and Bakker (2004) and Turnover Intention Scale (TIS-15) by Roodt (2004). The data collected were analysed using the SPSS software. Result of this study indicate that employee satisfaction has a positive effect towards employee’s engagement. Result also indicated there is a negative relationship between employee satisfaction and engagement towards turnover intention of employee. The implication of this study was suitable for companies that are from various industry such as primary, secondary and tertiary industry. Limitation of the study are such as uneven number of participants from age group and different companies cultural background of all participants.
... Michlitsch (2000) states that having a loyal employee will add value to organizations. Antoncic and Antoncic (2011) add that long term business objectives and growth can be achieved once an employee loyalty is established within the organization. The presence of loyal employees can project a good image of the organization and attract others to organization (Bettencourt, Gwinner & Meuter, 2001). ...
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The purpose of this study is to explore satisfaction of students of higher education from the perspective of international Muslim students. Hope theory (Snyder,2002) and tow-factors of emotion theory (Schachter & Singer, 1962) are thought appropriate for guiding the research on mind state of international Muslim students’ expectation and satisfaction towards Islamization and internationalization of higher education served by International Islamic University Malaysia. According to the theory and satisfying concept, research questionnaire was designed with case study. Among more than 105 countries this study included five countries for interview with the students of this university. Bangladesh, Nigeria, Indonesia, Yemen, and Syria were the names of countries which were selected to take in-depth interview with a view to exploring their inner psychological and emotional states that are context-specific and context-free from this perspective. This attempt has been made to expose a relationship between international standard quality of Islamized higher education and satisfaction from international Muslim student’s point of view, which is a rare attempt in tertiary education field. Result of the study was obtained as a positive link between Islamization and internationalization and satisfaction of higher education. This result implied a value that would be useful for making decisions by administration of a higher education institution in improving quality for attracting foreign Muslim students.
... (2012), tüm yöneticilerin veya liderlerin kendini adamış işbirlikçileri tercih ettiğini, bağlılığın gerekli olduğunu, çünkü sadakat ve bağlılık olmadan verimlilik elde edilemeyeceğini vurgulamışlardır. Örgütsel sadakat, çalışanın farkındalığa sahip olduğu, zorlama olmaksızın sorumluluklarını yerine getirmeye ve organizasyon için en iyi performansı sağlamaya çalışmaya kararlı olduğu zamanlarda görülmektedir (Antoncic ve Antoncic, 2011). ...
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The effects of organizational loyalty and leader-member exchange (LMX) concepts on individual job performance were examined in this study carried out within the scope of quantitative research model. The main purpose of the study is to seek an answer to the question of whether the level of organizational loyalty or the level of the relationship resulting from leader-member exchange is more effective on individual job performance. The relationships between organizational loyalty, leader-member exchange and job performance within the scope of the research model were tested by correlation and regression analysis of the data of 288 participants working in the food and retail industries. The data were obtained from chain market employees, sales and administrative staff of national food companies operating in the province of Hatay using the simple sampling and survey technique. Correlation analysis results showed that all components of leader-member exchange and organizational loyalty have statistically positive and significant relationships with individual job performance. Simple and multiple regression analyzes revealed that organizational loyalty and all components of LMX (affect, loyalty, contributions, professional respect) have significant and positive effects on job performance. In addition, it has been observed that the affect has a more positive effect job performance than the other components. Within the scope of regression analysis, the most important finding regarding the main research query of the study is that organizational loyalty has more positive effects on individual job performance than leader-member exchange. The findings reveal that the level of organizational loyalty contributes more to the individual job performance of retail sector and chain market employees than the level of their relationship with their leaders. Although positive interactions with the manager make the employee happy and increase the job performance, the fact that the employee loyalty to the organization will provide a higher job performance should be taken into account regardless of the conditions.
... (2012), tüm yöneticilerin veya liderlerin kendini adamış işbirlikçileri tercih ettiğini, bağlılığın gerekli olduğunu, çünkü sadakat ve bağlılık olmadan verimlilik elde edilemeyeceğini vurgulamışlardır. Örgütsel sadakat, çalışanın farkındalığa sahip olduğu, zorlama olmaksızın sorumluluklarını yerine getirmeye ve organizasyon için en iyi performansı sağlamaya çalışmaya kararlı olduğu zamanlarda görülmektedir (Antoncic ve Antoncic, 2011). ...
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The effects of organizational loyalty and leader-member exchange (LMX) concepts on individual job performance were examined in this study carried out within the scope of quantitative research model. The main purpose of the study is to seek an answer to the question of whether the level of organizational loyalty or the level of the relationship resulting from leader-member exchange is more effective on individual job performance. The relationships between organizational loyalty, leader-member exchange and job performance within the scope of the research model were tested by correlation and regression analysis of the data of 288 participants working in the food and retail industries. The data were obtained from chain market employees, sales and administrative staff of national food companies operating in the province of Hatay using the simple sampling and survey technique. Correlation analysis results showed that all components of leader-member exchange and organizational loyalty have statistically positive and significant relationships with individual job performance. Simple and multiple regression analyzes revealed that organizational loyalty and all components of LMX (affect, loyalty, contributions, professional respect) have significant and positive effects on job performance. In addition, it has been observed that the affect has a more positive effect job performance than the other components. Within the scope of regression analysis, the most important finding regarding the main research query of the study is that organizational loyalty has more positive effects on individual job performance than leader-member exchange. The findings reveal that the level of organizational loyalty contributes more to the individual job performance of retail sector and chain market employees than the level of their relationship with their leaders. Although positive interactions with the manager make the employee happy and increase the job performance, the fact that the employee loyalty to the organization will provide a higher job performance should be taken into account regardless of the conditions.
... In the view of Shekhar and Kumar (2011), loyalty is the willingness to put aside personal matters to improve the better relationships within the organization. According to Antoncic and Antoncic (2011), employee loyalty in the organization is shown in the form of willingness to work in their organization by believing in the organization's goals. That is as personal goal and working for the common good. ...
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This study aims to identify talent criteria at commercial banks in Vietnam and build a scale of factors affecting talent retention. By qualitative research method through expert interviews and non-parametric testing to determine the relationship between factors affecting talent retention at commercial banks in Vietnam. The research has identified the following four factors influencing talent retention: Job satisfaction, Motivation, Commitment and Loyalty. In addition, the study surveyed the Snowball sampling method and collected 877 satisfactory questionnaires, performed quantitative research and tested the linear structural model of SEM. Research results show that among the factors that affect talent retention, job satisfaction is the most influential, followed by commitment, loyalty and work motivation. The research's contribution helps bank leaders to have appropriate policies to retain their bank's talents.Keywords: Talent retention talent, Commitment; Job satisfaction; Loyalty; Motivation.JEL Classifications: J20, J28DOI:
... [32] The outcome of employee loyalty influences corporate performance and firm growth. [27,33] According to Wan, [34] management executives could perhaps use the results of the analysis to redesign their management policies so as to shift from brain drain to brain gain. ...
... Kluczowe w tym wszystkim jest, jak się zdaje, troszczenie się przez pracowników o pozytywny wizerunek organizacji jako przejaw dbałości o jej dobro, np. pozytywne wyrażanie się na temat organizacji (Varona, 2002) czy polecanie pracy w firmie swoim bliskim i znajomym (Antoncic, Antoncic, 2011). Juan M. Elegido (2013) sugerował, że lojalność stanowi zamierzone zobowiązanie do jak najlepszego dbania o interes organizacji nawet wtedy, kiedy działania te mogą wymagać poświecenia niektórych aspektów własnego interesu. ...
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The aim of the work is to present the problem of organizational loyalty among representatives of the Y generation, stereotypically perceived as selfish, arrogant and disloyal. Based on the results of three studies (N1 = 336, N2 = 213 and N3 = 118), the level of organizational loyalty in three age groups was compared (younger and older representatives of Generation Y and employees from generation X). There was also analyzed the relationship between loyalty and job satisfaction, and between loyalty, and organizational justice. The obtained results allow to state that loyalty is moderately related to organizational factors (satisfaction, perceived justice) and that a similar pattern of dependence occurs in all distinguished age categories. The results show that loyalty grows with age, and employees by the age of 30 have significantly lower level of loyalty to the organization compared to employees from their parents' generation .
... Najczęściej pojawiającym się elementem wielu definicji lojalności, który wydaje się być jej kluczową cechą, jest troszczenie się o pozytywny wizerunek organizacji jako przejaw dbania o jej dobro. W literaturze przedmiotu jest ono ujmowane jako przekazywanie pozytywnych informacji na temat swojej organizacji [15], polecanie jej swoim przyjaciołom jako atrakcyjnego miejsca pracy [16], dbanie o dobrą reputację organizacji [14] czy pozytywny pogląd na organizację oraz miejsce pracy [17]. Przykłady te są zgodne z konstatacją Meyera i Allen, że lojalni pracownicy przyczyniają się do kształtowania wizerunku organizacji [12]. ...
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Background: The aim of the study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Organizational Loyalty Scale. Material and Methods: 441 employees from different organizations were the subjects of conducted research. Results: Organizational Loyalty Scale was found to be a reliable measure with good internal consistency. The reliability of this tool achieved Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.87. Factor analysis confirmed the two dimensional structure of this measure. Distinguished dimensions of loyalty include Caring for the positive image of, and Propensity to sacrifice oneself for, the organization. A statistically significant positive correlation between organizational loyalty and age, as well as tenure, was noted. Gender did not differentiate participants in relation to organizational loyalty. Conclusions: Presented results thus provide further evidence that the aforementioned measure has good psychometric properties and is therefore recommended for use by researchers studying the concept of organizational loyalty. Key words: organizational loyalty, measure, psychometric properties
... Kluczowe w tym wszystkim jest, jak się zdaje, troszczenie się przez pracowników o pozytywny wizerunek organizacji jako przejaw dbałości o jej dobro, np. pozytywne wyrażanie się na temat organizacji (Varona, 2002) czy polecanie pracy w firmie swoim bliskim i znajomym (Antoncic, Antoncic, 2011). Juan M. Elegido (2013) sugerował, że lojalność stanowi zamierzone zobowiązanie do jak najlepszego dbania o interes organizacji nawet wtedy, kiedy działania te mogą wymagać poświecenia niektórych aspektów własnego interesu. ...
Brand Hero is a character identifying the brand. It is also the tool of marketing communication especially uses in the case of brands addressed to children. For them, the brand hero is a character with which they create an emotional bond. Therefore is possible, that Brand Hero accompanying product increases its sale, because in the influence market children largely decide about the purchases of goods intended for them. The study was conducted for parents and childless persons (N = 770) and its aim was to identify the influence of 3 types of brad heroes (no-name, multigenerational, mainstream) and lack of brand hero on purchase decisions regarding juice. The outcomes show the participants for themselves chose juice without the hero. When they chose juice for children comparably often chose juice without the hero and with the multigenerational and mainstream hero. The justifications of the choice allowed getting to know the motives that were directed. The most surprising fact was that, for the large group of participants (also parents), the presences of brand hero evoked adverse associations for the brand, and first of all lower quality of the product and manipulation of marketing.
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This study looks at what makes micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) successful in Kerala. It involved structured interviews with 217 MSMEs that have been registered for at least 5 years. Statistical analyses were done to understand how factors like the owner's demographics, personal traits, entrepreneurial characteristics, environmental factors, and strategic choices influence the success of these enterprises. The study identified five dimensions of success: Economic Success, Marketing Success, Meeting Obligations, Organizational Success, and Psycho-Socio Satisfaction. The research found relationships between these success dimensions and factors like the business's age, location (district), the owner's formal education level, the amount of capital and financial resources available, human capital (employees), employee loyalty, being part of an industrial cluster, innovation, and competitive aggressiveness. Key findings showed that variables like business age, location, education level, capital, financial resources, human capital, employee loyalty, industrial clusters, innovation, and competitive aggressiveness had a significant impact on organizational and marketing success. The study developed a model using key success indicators like net profit, capital growth, and turnover growth. It found complex relationships between innovation, competitive aggressiveness, dynamic business environment, family background, and the different success dimensions. Notably, innovation and competitive aggressiveness positively impacted marketing success, aligning with entrepreneurial orientation theory. Regional factors and financial resources had nuanced connections with organizational and economic success. This research provides valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs, developmental agencies, and policymakers, helping them better understand the factors that contribute to the success of MSMEs in Kerala
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Research Question (RQ): In this paper, we answer the research question of whether platform workers harbour a sense of loyalty towards the platform they work for, despite the transient nature of this work form, the absence of traditional employment benefits and the often-impersonal relationship between the platform and its workers. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to expand the discussion on employee loyalty to the context of platform work, due to the crucial role employee loyalty plays for both organisations and their workers – employee loyalty helps organisations retain their workforce and avoid the harms of employee turnover, while also fostering a sense of belonging and fulfilment among employees. Method: 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews were performed with food delivery couriers (working for Wolt and Glovo) from Slovenia. Results: Our findings show that while this group of workers does display some behaviours which indicate their loyalty to their platform, such as the fact they mostly speak of the platform positively, they actively recommend it to their peers and they display relatively high levels of trust towards it, they do not feel loyal to the extent where they would intent to stay working for the platform indefinitely. Organization: These findings are important for the sustainability of the platform economy model, as they can help reduce employee turnover and consequently improve the consistency and profitability of digital labour platforms. Society: Findings on employee loyalty within the platform economy have the potential to decrease employee turnover, which is currently one of the biggest limitations to collective action in this sector. Originality: This is one of the first papers to discuss the phenomenon of employee loyalty in the context of platform work, as the concept is typically explored in traditional employment relationships. It contributes to our understanding of whether individuals, platform, or non-platform economy participants, can develop a sense of loyalty even towards employers who offer suboptimal working conditions. Limitations / further research: The current body of knowledge would greatly benefit from a longitudinal study which could explain how platform workers’ sentiments towards their platform change over time.
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Bu araştırma, COVID- 19 pandemisi sürecinde bir üniversite hastanesinde görev yapan sağlık çalışanlarının organizasyonel sadakat düzeylerini belirlemek, etkileyen bireysel ve kurumsal faktörleri incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma için örneklem seçilmemiş, gönüllülük esas alınarak 385 (%57,7) katılımcı ile araştırma tamamlanmıştır (N=667). Verilerin toplanmasında sosyodemografik bilgi formu ve “Çalışan Sadakati ve Organizasyonel Sadakat Belirleyicileri Anketi” kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar tanımlayıcı istatistikler, t test, ANOVA, Pearson korelasyon analizi ve çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi ile elde edilmiştir. Katılımcıların çalışan sadakati (ort:3,3±1,35) düzeylerinin orta seviyede olduğu; çalışan sadakatiyle tüm organizasyonel sadakat belirleyicileri arasında pozitif ve yüksek düzeyde anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu (r=0,509-0,804; p=0,000) belirlenmiştir. Çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi sonuçları; sadakatin organizasyonel belirleyicilerinin hep birlikte çalışan sadakati üzerindeki toplam varyansın %74’ünü açıkladığını göstermiştir. Sağlık çalışanlarının sadakatini belirleyen organizasyonel faktörlerin göreli önem sırası ise çalışan memnuniyeti (β=0,446), ücretlendirme (β=0,405) ve personel eğitimi (β=0,108) şeklindedir. Araştırma sonuçlarının sağlık çalışanlarının elde tutulması konusunda sağlık yöneticilerine rehberlik edeceği düşünülmektedir.
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The research shows the role of the participatory leadership style in enhancing organizational loyalty through positive psychological capital as a mediating variable. In order to achieve this, the research questions centered on the nature of the correlation and influence relationships between the research variables. For this reason, the research relied on the dimensions of each variable separately to demonstrate the role of participatory leadership in improving And reaching the best solutions and decisions for the employees of the organization by taking into account the opinions of the employees, freedom of expression, and their sense of responsibility in order to achieve the required level, which creates confidence among the employees and gives them their importance at work, which leads to the availability of a positive psychological climate for the employees that makes the work environment more lively and positive and reduces stress. The work enhances the employees’ adherence to the organization under study and enhances their organizational loyalty. The General Secretariat of the Abbasid Holy Shrine was chosen to test the research hypotheses. The researcher used the questionnaire as a research tool and a means of obtaining data. He conducted some interviews for clarification and clarification. The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach. The research community was represented by workers in the secretariat. The general survey of the Holy Abbasid Shrine, and the research sample amounted to (425) respondents. (403) questionnaires were retrieved valid for statistical analysis and through the statistical package for the (Spss V.26) The General Assembly of the Holy Abbasid Shrine is concerned with applying the participatory leadership style, through which a participatory organizational climate is created in which all meanings of cooperation, morale, social spirit, and collective responsibility are embodied in the work relationship between employees and management, which would create a stable work environment free of organizational problems and disagreements, which... It leads to enhancing levels of organizational loyalty, and there is an indirect effect of positive psychological capital if it mediates between participatory leadership style and organizational loyalty, which indicates that the research sample’s connection to the workplace is a religious-ideological, psychological, and spiritual connection, before it is primarily a professional commitment. Therefore, we find the research sample harnessing all its capabilities and energies to promote and raise the style of participatory leadership to ensure the strengthening of organizational loyalty for workers in the General Secretariat of the Abbasid Shrine.
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, hizmetkâr liderlik ve yenilikçi davranış arasındaki ilişkide çalışan sadakatinin aracı rolünü incelemektir. Araştırma, Afyonkarahisar Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi’nin farklı birimlerinde görevli 332 çalışanla yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket formu kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama süreci Ocak-Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS ve SmartPLS paket programları kullanılmıştır. Derlenen veriler, tanımlayıcı istatistikler, geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizi, faktör analizi ve kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi uygulanarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, hizmetkâr liderliğin çalışan sadakati ve çalışanın yenilikçi davranışını pozitif olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Önerilen araştırma modelinde, çalışan sadakatinin yenilikçi davranışı pozitif etkilediği ve hizmetkâr liderlik ile yenilikçi davranış arasındaki ilişkide çalışan sadakatinin aracı rolünün anlamlı olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, yenilikçi iş davranışlarını geliştirmek isteyen örgütlere, hizmetkâr liderliğin rolünü vurgulamaktadır. Çalışan sadakati, yenilikçi davranışları teşvik edebileceği için, yöneticilere çalışan sadakatini geliştiren hizmetkâr liderlik uygulamaları önerilmektedir.
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The constant grow and improvement of AI technologies, has cause the urge of different industries to incorporate it. One of them was the Hotel Industry. This study will show the connection of the quality and the use od Artificial Intelligence. However, previous research has shown that people still have a preference for human contact in the service provided at hotels; moreover, after the covid-19 pandemic, there is also data of a highly positive perception of AI-robot technology in the hotel industry. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the presence of AI, specifically in Luxury and non-luxury hotels. On how it affects the level of quality provided and whether it has a positive or negative perception of the customers in both types of accommodation, by analyzing the previous literature review and developing a theoretical framework. Research and questionnaire methods will be carefully applied to understand the 'feelings' of customers towards the use of AI in hotels, as well as their point of view on how it can be beneficial or not for the quality of the service provided in the hotel industry.
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Being efficient and productive is one of the reasons an organization hires staff in other to achieve their set objectives. And for an employee to continue being productive to an organization, the management needs to encourage them by acknowledging their efforts and motivating them. Motivation and Productivity have got a great relationship. Hence, motivation is the foundation for employee’s dedication to work, commitment and accomplishments. For an organization to attain higher and always achieve success, motivating its employees is very important because no company achieves its mission and vision without motivating and inspiring its human resources. Therefore, this work Purpose is to investigate to what extent does employee’s motivation affect organizational productivity. To meet this research current objective, a Systematic literature review approach was used where so much existing literature between 2015 to 2023 was assessed and evaluated. A common finding was discovered from all the previous research that employee’s motivation has a great deal of influence on organizational productivity. It is concluded that, Organization should recognize and motivate their employees by inspecting the work accomplishment and identifying workers efforts and motivating them. Then, the workers will be amazed and fulfilled thus increasing their level of input to the organization which in turn will maximize the organizational output and net profitability drastically.
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With the increasingly serious global climate problems, weather risk management has become an important means for enterprises to avoid risks and guarantee profits. However, the Chinese market is still in the experimental stage of weather derivatives. The main purpose of this study is to understand the impact of weather risks on Chinese enterprises, inquire about the current situation of risk management among Chinese enterprises, investigate the market's awareness and perception of weather derivatives, and analyse the market's demand for weather derivatives through a questionnaire survey. This study may be helpful for the government to establish a weather derivatives market with Chinese characteristics and a trading system that meets the needs of Chinese traders. Furthermore, the study will summarize the design ideas of weather derivatives that are in line with the Chinese market.
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This paper aims to compare the customers and employees’ satisfaction in franchise coffee shops. The main purposes are: 1) to identify and compare the determinants of the organizational and social factors that impact the employees’ satisfaction at their jobs; 2) to assess the important factors in the organizations’ structures and employees’ satisfaction influencing customers’ satisfaction. For this study, a self-administered survey is provided to employees and customers in cafes. The major global franchises, for example Starbucks and Dunkin are the ideal locations for data collection. The expected results are 1) family, pay, teamwork, and the organizational structure significantly affect the employees’ satisfaction at their jobs; 2) The customers’ satisfaction is affected by the service quality, drink quality, communication, environment of the café, and whether their overall expectations were met. The theoretical framework is organized according to the various types of organizational and social factors : the organization, salary, work environment, teamwork among co-workers and personal relationship with family and friends. The influence of these factors on the employee and customer satisfaction is based on the management organization theory.
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Based on environmental protection and resource sustainability requirements, the development of electric vehicles has become an inherent requirement for transforming and upgrading the automobile industry and establishing new advantages in international competition. To strengthen the market promotion of electric vehicles, governments at all levels have successively issued a series of policies to promote the purchase of electric vehicles, such as consumer subsidy policies. Enhancing the purchase intention is crucial to promote the development of the electric vehicle market. This paper constructs a theoretical model of the influence of national electric vehicle policies on consumers’ purchase intention based on the self-determination theory of positive psychology. The results show that: policy as an external driver can predict consumers’ tendency to purchase electric vehicles. Positive policies can influence Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward the environment and national policies, and consumers will show a higher purchase intention. When national policies can satisfy consumers’ intrinsic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), consumers are more willing to listen to the policy requirements and behave accordingly. As a result, this research proposed that: positive policies of electric vehicles should be emphasized to promote long-term and sustainable development of the electric vehicle market.
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Digitalization has brought opportunities to the development of the cultural travel industry. In terms of digital technology, OTA platform usage, digital media marketing, etc., digital technology on the one hand brings new ways of cultural travel experience, and on the other hand improves the effect of cultural travel experience. In cultural travel experience, consumers perceive the virtual environment before traveling, and actually participate in cultural travel experience, forming a contrast between the two. After the actual experience, feedback is formed and spread on the Internet and other platforms, triggering new crowd experience. For consumption destinations, digital skills and channels to improve consumer perception and experience have become an important way for destinations to improve efficiency. Therefore, with the help of digital technology and experience, the development status of cultural and tourism industry and consumers' perceived satisfaction will become the future direction of research. This paper describes the tourism industry experience framework of digital economy, from the cultural layer to the technical layer to the infrastructure layer. Keywords: Digital literature travel, technology, experience, China.
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Tourist toilet is an essential infrastructure of scenic spots and an organic part of the overall tourism ecology. The reality of tourism development has proved that the more basic tourism facilities at home and abroad, the more they can reflect the hard strength of a region’s tourism. This study first reviewed the previous research on tourist toilets, and pointed out the shortcomings of the existing research, that is, the lack of research on the importance evaluation and satisfaction evaluation of tourist toilets in the central and western regions under resource constraints. Secondly, this study takes the tourist toilets in scenic spots in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province as the research object, evaluates the perception of tourist toilets in scenic spots from the perspective of tourists in scenic spots, and adopts the method of questionnaire survey and uses statistical software such as SPSS22.0 to analyze First-hand research data obtained through questionnaire survey. Through the analysis of the current situation of the construction of tourist toilets in Lanzhou City, this study believes that the selection of tourist toilets in this area is suitable for the research situation of this study. At the same time, in order to ensure the reliability and validity of the questionnaire survey, this study strictly regulated the technical route of the questionnaire survey, so as to study the accuracy and reliability of the data source of tourists’ perception of the importance and satisfaction of tourist toilets. This survey helps tourists better establish tourism decisions according to their personal preferences, provides decision-making basis for Lanzhou tourism public service providers to more accurately grasp the subjective feelings and perceptions of different groups on tourism toilets, and improves the construction and management efficiency of tourism toilets in Lanzhou scenic spots, so as to enhance the city image.
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The trend towards globalisation is maturing, with 197 countries universally recognised in the world and thousands of peoples inheriting tens of thousands of cultural backgrounds. There are uneven differences between cultures, and these differences can lead to cultural conflicts which can develop into ethnic conflicts. Cultural intelligence is considered to be the ability to adapt to a culturally appropriate setting. The higher the level of cultural intelligence, the better the ability to resolve cultural differences and conflicts. This study uses a literature analysis approach to clarify the definition and importance of cultural intelligence and to explore the implications of cultural intelligence for tourism education. It has been established that cultural intelligence can influence people's cognition, behaviour and motivation, thus helping tourism professionals to do their jobs better. The aim is to call on tourism leaders to increase the training of cultural intelligence for employees in tourism companies and for tourism teachers to educate tourism students on cultural intelligence
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This pаper explores the impаct of АI on service quаlity in the Hotel Decision Mаking process. It proposes а service quаlity model that links customer perceived АI‐bаsed service options to trаditional service dimensions аs meаsured by SERVQUАL in the context of customer perceived service quаlity аnd customer sаtisfаction. The model аlso incorporаtes severаl vаriаbles аffecting customers’ perceptions of АI‐bаsed services, аnd wаs tested by а structurаl equаtion modelling аpproаch using sаmple dаtа collected from retаil hotel customers. The results indicаte thаt АI‐bаsed services hаve а direct impаct on the SERVQUАL dimensions аnd аn indirect impаct on customer perceived service quаlity аnd customer sаtisfaction. The аnalyses аlso show thаt customers’ evаluаtions of АI‐bаsed services аre аffected by their preference towаrds trаditionаl services, experiences in using АI‐bаsed services, аnd perceived АI policies.
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This study was conducted to explore the constraints of tourists in rural tourism in Anhui Province, China, in the late COVID19 period. Using qualitative data collection methods of the explanatory paradigm, such as semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions, 21 respondents were selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The process of thematic analysis was conducted by the researcher alone. The study found that the constraints of rural tourism include both subjective and objective factors. Subjective constraints included: personal psychological fears during COVID19, limitations in access to destination information, time constraints, physical constraints, and personal preference constraints; constraints in objective conditions included: COVID19 prevention and control policies, inadequate destination promotion, price constraints, and weather constraints. Travelers' personal constraints have objective conditions and psychological reasons; different intrinsic and interpersonal personal factors limit different rural travelers. Transportation and information accessibility are important constraints to rural tourism. Therefore, the controllable constraints of rural tourism destinations in terms of destination promotion, accommodation environment, and price should be actively overcome in order to obtain more potential tourism markets
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This study aims to investigate the relationship between delegation and organizational loyalty of workers in the General Administration of Islamic Tadamon Bank, and find out the impact of demographic variables, represented by: gender, academic qualifications, years of service, and training courses on delegation& organizational loyalty. To achieve the objectives of the study and testing of hypotheses, a special questionnaire were developed to gather data from a sample, which contained (99) employees, and the number of questionnaires were subject to analysis (85), representing (85.9%) of the total questionnaires distributed. The study found a strong positive correlation between delegation and organizational loyalty which is statistically significant at the level of significance of (0.01), and show a significant impact statistically significant to the independent variable of delegation on the dependent variable which is the organizational loyalty, as well as nonexistence the of statistically significant differences between the views of members of the research sample towards delegation and organizational loyalty attributable to the variables of: gender, academic qualification, years of service, and training courses the level of significance values which were calculated for variables, were larger than the tabular value (0.05).
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Loyalitas karyawan adalah kesetiaan karyawan terhadap pekerjaan maupun perusahaan yang ditunjukkan dengan tekad dan kesanggupan karyawan untuk taat pada peraturan yang telah ditentukan, dimana didalamnya terdapat rasa cinta dan tanggung jawab untuk berusaha memberikan pelayanan dan perlakuan yang terbaik dengan penuh kesadaran. Work-life balance adalah kemampuan individu dalam menjalankan fungsi yang baik sehingga meminimalkan konflik antara peran individu tersebut di dalam pekerjaan dan keluarga, serta individu tersebut mendapatkan kepuasan dan keuntungan ketika menjalankan perannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara work-life balance dengan loyalitas karyawan pada PT. Hanil Indonesia di Boyolali. Subjek penelitian ini adalah karyawan tetap PT. Hanil Indonesia di Boyolali. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah 127 subjek. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari dua skala yaitu Skala Loyalitas Karyawan (26 aitem; α = 0,902) dan Skala Work-Life Balance (20 aitem; α = 0,885). Analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara work-life balance dengan loyalitas karyawan pada PT. Hanil Indonesia di Boyolali (rxy = 0,488; p < 0,001). Work-life balance memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 23,9% terhadap loyalitas karyawan.
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Bu çalışmanın literatür bölümünde algılanan örgütsel destek, kurum imajı ve çalışan sadakati kavramları ele alınacak olup algılanan örgütsel desteğin çalışan sadakati üzerindeki etkisinde kurum imajının aracılık rolü incelenecektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini İstanbul merkezli karayolu taşımacılığı sektöründe özel bir işletmede çalışan 973 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında katılımcıların demografik özelliklerine yönelik bulgular, algılanan örgütsel destek, kurum imajı ve çalışan sadakati değişkenlerine ait faktör ve güvenilirlik analizleri, değişkenlere ilişkin ortalama değerler ve değişkenler arası ilişkiyi belirlemeye yönelik aracılık analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucuna göre algılanan örgütsel desteğin çalışan sadakati üzerindeki etkisinde kurum imajının kısmi aracılık rolü olduğu tespit edilmiştir. ABSTRACT In the literature section of this study, the concepts of perceived organizational support, corporate image and employee loyalty will be discussed. And also, the mediating role of corporate image over the effects of perceived organizational support on employee loyalty will be examined. The sample of the study consists of 973 people working in a private enterprise in Istanbul based road transport sector. Within the scope of the research, the participants' demographic characteristics findings, factor and reliability analyzes of perceived organizational support, corporate image and employee loyalty, mean values of variables and mediation analysis to determine the relationship between variables were made. According to the results of the study, it was found that corporate image has a partial mediating role over the effect of perceived organizational support on employee loyalty.
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Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan hubungan efikasi diri dan kepuasan kerja dengan loyalitas kerja karyawan pada karyawan di Samarinda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 40 karyawan yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sample. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala loyalitas kerja, efikasi diri, dan kepuasan kerja. Teknik Analisa data menggunakan uji analisis regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada hubungan signifikan efikasi diri dan kepuasan kerja dengan loyalitas kerja dengan nilai F hitung> F tabel (154.289>3.25) dan nilai p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). Kontribusi variabel (R2) efikasi diri dan kepuasan kerja dengan loyalitas kerja karyawan adalah sebesar 0.988 atau 98.8 %, (2) tidak ada hubungan positif dan tidak signifikan efikasi diri dengan loyalitas kerja dengan koefisien beta (β) = 0.007, dan nilai t hitung< t tabel (0.367<2.024) dan nilai p = 0.715 (p < 0.05); (3) ada hubungan positif dan signifikan kepuasan kerja dengan loyalitas kerja dengan koefisien beta (β) = 0.994, sertanilai t hitung> t tabel (55.021>2.024) dan nilai p = 0.000 (p < 0.05).
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Human resources are people who design and produce goods or services, oversee quality, market products, allocate financial resources and formulate all strategies and objectives of the organization. Full and continuous management and utilization of existing human resources so that they can work optimally, effectively and productively in achieving organizational or company goals. Lancang Kuning University is an educational institution that has administrative and teaching and learning activities. The total number of employees or employees is 513, consisting of 377 educators and 144 education staff. Simultaneous Influence. Based on the results of the discussion, the simultaneous influence of leadership orientation and rewards on employee loyalty is 32.1%, while the remaining 67.9%, while the partial effect of multiple regression analysis shows that supervision has an influence on employee work discipline by 0.435, awards have an influence to employee loyalty of 0.279.
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Success of an organization is connected to employees' motivation and their satisfaction. Motivation growth in an organization is directly influenced by employees' communication at all levels. The subject of the survey is employees' satisfaction with communication in an organization. The aim of this work is to find out how 500 employees in Nis region estimate communication in an organization, the communication influence to the work motivation and work satisfaction in organization, how the employed managers value the superiors' communication to the employees, and which aspect of communication they are satisfied with, as well as how the employees and managers value the superiors' communication with the employees and which aspects of communication they are satisfied with. In the work the first to be analyzed were the relevant theoretical attitudes on the influence of employees' communication and communicational pleasure amongst them. The results of the realized empirical survey show that even though the employees at all levels in organization are definitely conscious of the importance of communication in organization, the managers have more positive attitude than the employees concerning the influence of certain communication on the work motivation and job satisfaction. There are remarkable differences in estimating satisfaction with certain aspects of communication, too, and the higher the position level of the observed in the organizational hierarchy is the more positive attitude on communication as a motivational factor in communication satisfaction is.
Human resources are people who design and produce goods or services, oversee quality, market products, allocate financial resources and formulate all strategies and objectives of the organization. Full and continuous management and utilization of existing human resources so that they can work optimally, effectively and productively in achieving organizational or company goals. Lancang Kuning University is an educational institution that has administrative and teaching and learning activities. The total number of employees or employees is 513, consisting of 377 educators and 144 education staff. Simultaneous Influence. Based on the results of the discussion, the simultaneous influence of leadership orientation and rewards on employee loyalty is 32.1%, while the remaining 67.9%, while the partial effect of multiple regression analysis shows that supervision has an influence on employee work discipline by 0.435, awards have an influence to employee loyalty of 0.279. Keywords: rewards, employees, leadership, data
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A model is investigated in which organizational formalization influences work alienation through role ambiguity, role conflict, and organizational commitment. Interrelationships are tested with data obtained from industrial salespeople and industrial buyers. Higher levels of formalization are found to be associated with greater organizational commitment and less work alienation.
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This study investigated employees' and supervisors' conceptualizations of organizational commitment and communication satisfaction in three Guatemalan organizations. The study also examined differences and similarities in participants' views of management strategies based on levels of commitment and satisfaction. Self-administered surveys with open-ended questions were used to collect data. The content analysis of responses revealed three major findings. First, employees and supervisors were very similar in their conceptualizations of organizational commitment and communication satisfaction. Second, communication satisfaction was conceptualized as a multidimensional construct, with the two most important dimensions the quality of the relationships among coworkers and between employees and supervisors. Third, organizational commitment was also conceptualized as a multidimensional construct, with identification with the organization's mission and work ethic as the two most important factors. Over the past two decades, the constructs of communication satisfaction and organizational commitment have been important variables of interest to organizational communication researchers (e.g. However, few studies have focused directly on the conceptualization and management of these two organizational variables from the perspective of employees and supervisors. Rather, extensive research has demonstrated the relationships between commitment and several other organizational variables, including: (a) absenteeism (Larson & Fukami, 1984; Steers, 1977); (b) leadership style (Morris & Sherman, 1981); (c) communication openness (Argyris in Housel & Warren, 1977); (d) job performance (Steers, 1977); (e) turnover (Angel & Perry, 1981); (f) gender differences (Marsden, Kalleberg, & Cook, 1993); and (g) downsizing (Cameron, 1994). According to Reichers (1985), most commitment and commitment-related constructs lack an emphasis on the individual's own experience.
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Employee satisfaction is considered to be one of the most important drivers of quality, customer satisfaction and productivity. In this study we investigate an important driver of employee satisfaction. We argue that interpersonal trust ( trust in management and trust in peers) strongly influences employee satisfaction and, as a consequence, employee loyalty. To test the relationships between these constructs we measured trust in management and trust in peers, satisfaction and loyalty of employees of an Austrian company in the energy sector (N = 131). The results of the statistical analysis using structural equation modeling with Partial Least Squares (PLS) confirm a strong link between trust, employee satisfaction and employee loyalty.
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Corporate entrepreneurship has been recognized as an important element in organizational performance. Organizational support in terms of training and trusting individuals within the firm to detect opportunities and in terms of resource availability has been proposed to positively influence a firm’s entrepreneurial activities. Despite the recognition of the organizational support–corporate entrepreneurship– performance linkage, this relationship has been approached in different ways from the theoretical and empirical perspective. Some unsolved mediation issues of past research are addressed in this study by testing three alternative hypotheses. The research design was a cross-sectional, mailed questionnaire. The findings indicate that corporate entrepreneurship (new firm formation, product/service and process innovation) can be considered a potent mediator in the organizational support–performance relationship.
The authors develop and test a model of service employee management that examines constructs simultaneously across three interfaces of the service delivery process: manager-employee, employee-role, and employee-customer. The authors examine the attitudinal and behavioral responses of customer-contact employees that can influence customers’ perceptions of service quality, the relationships among these responses, and three formal managerial control mechanisms (empowerment, behavior-based employee evaluation, and management commitment to service quality). The findings indicate that managers who are committed to service quality are more likely to empower their employees and use behavior-based evaluation. However, the use of empowerment has both positive and negative consequences in the management of contact employees. Some of the negative consequences are mitigated by the positive effects of behavior-based employee evaluation. To increase customers’ perceptions of service quality, managers must increase employees’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction, and reduce employees’ role conflict and ambiguity. Implications for the management of customer-contact service employees and directions for further research are discussed.
The authors develop and test a model of service employee management that examines constructs simultaneously across three interfaces of the service delivery process: manager-employee, employee-role, and employee-customer. The authors examine the attitudinal and behavioral responses of customer-contact employees that can influence customers' perceptions of service quality, the relationships among these responses, and three formal managerial control mechanisms (empowerment, behavior-based employee evaluation, and management commitment to service quality). The findings indicate that managers who are committed to service quality are more likely to empower their employees and use behavior-based evaluation. However, the use of empowerment has both positive and negative consequences in the management of contact employees. Some of the negative consequences are mitigated by the positive effects of behavior-based employee evaluation. To increase customers' perceptions of service quality, managers must increase employees' self-efficacy and job satisfaction, and reduce employees' role conflict and ambiguity. Implications for the management of customer-contact service employees and directions for further research are discussed.
In exemplary service organizations, executives understand that they need to put customers and frontline workers at the center of their focus. Those managers heed the factors that drive profitability in this service paradigm: investment in people, technology that supports frontline workers, revamped recruiting and training practices, and compensation linked to performance. They also express a vision of leadership in somewhat unconventional terms, referring to an organization's "patina of spirituality" and the "importance of the mundane." In this article, Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser, and Schtesinger take a close look at the links in the service-profit chain, which puts hard values on soft measures so that managers can calibrate the impact of employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity on the value of products and services delivered. Managers can then use this information to build customer satisfaction and loyalty and assess the corresponding impact on profitability and growth. Describing the links in the service-profit chain, the authors explain that profit and growth are stimulated by customer loyalty; loyalty is a direct result of customer satisfaction; satisfaction is largely influenced by the value of services provided to customers; value is created by satisfied, loyal, and productive employees; and employee satisfaction, in turn, results from high-quality support services and policies that enable employees to deliver results to customers. By completing the authors' service-profit chain audit, companies can determine not only what drives their profit but how they can sustain it in the long term.
To develop effective, long-term relationships with profitable customers, firms must develop effective, long-term relationships with valuable employees who are able and willing to serve those customers. An evidence is presented which shows that retaining valuable customers as well as valued employees, is directly connected to value growth. It is clear that losing valuable customers or valued employees costs incremental company money. Some issues that correlates employee loyalty and shareholder value to direct value growth are presented.
Despite the recognized importance of entrepreneurship for organizational wealth creation, research has devoted minimal attention to investigating this area. This study contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and wealth creation by developing and testing a normative model, which clarifies the nature of the influences of corporate entrepreneurship and its environmental and organizational antecedents on organizational performance. The findings of structural equation modeling, based on mail survey data from 477 Slovenian firms, demonstrate that corporate entrepreneurship and some its contingencies make a difference in organizational wealth creation, growth and profitability.
This article describes four approaches to the employee-organization relationship, as defined from the employer's perspective. An empirical study of employees from ten companies found support for the basic hypothesis that employee responses differ under the four types of relationship. In general, employees performed better on core tasks, demonstrated more citizenship behavior, and expressed a higher level of affective commitment to an employer when they worked in an overinvestment (by the employer) or mutual investment relationship than when they worked in a quasi-spot-contract or underinvestment relationship. These results were obtained even after we controlled for several other variables that could affect employee performance and attitudes.
while there are many operational definitions of the leadership situation and its components, I shall argue that the "active ingredient" in the situation is the degree to which the situation causes uncertainty and stress, and therefore anxiety (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Describes the development of a behavior- or activity-based scale for assessing retail sales force performance. The scale development process follows the paradigm developed by G. A. Churchill (see record 1980-20197-001). Topics discussed in scale development include initial selection of performance-related items, items analysis and purification, scale refinement through factor analysis, and reliability assessment and validity assessment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This study examined the association between a firm's external environment, corporate entrepreneurship, and financial performance. The study emphasized three propositions: (1) perceived—rather than objective-characteristics of the environment significantly influenced entrepreneurship activities; (2) a multidimensional definition of a firm's environment was essential to unravel the interplay between the environment, orporate entrepreneurship activities, and financial performance; and (3) a taxonomic approach had the advantage of accounting for the interrelationships among the dimensions of the environment in classifying firms.
Intrapreneurship (entrepreneurship within existing organizations) has been of interest to scholars and practitioners for the past two decades. Intrapreneurship is viewed as being beneficial for revitalization and performance of corporations, as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises. The concept has four distinct dimensions. First, the new-business–venturing dimension refers to pursuing and entering new businesses related to the firm's current products or markets. Second, the innovativeness dimension refers to the creation of new products, services, and technologies. Third, the self-renewal dimension emphasizes the strategy reformulation, reorganization, and organizational change. Finally, the proactiveness dimension reflects top management orientation in pursuing enhanced competitiveness and includes initiative and risk-taking, and competitive aggressiveness, and boldness. While differing somewhat in their emphasis, activities and orientations, the four dimensions pertain to the same concept of intrapreneurship because they are factors of Schumpeterian innovation, the building block of entrepreneurship. The pursuit of creative or new solutions to challenges confronting the firm, including the development or enhancement of old and new products and services, markets, administrative techniques, and technologies for performing organizational functions (e.g., production, marketing, sales, and distribution), as well as changes in strategy, organizing, and dealings with competitors are innovations in the broadest sense.Intrapreneurship theory and measures have an American basis. While being considered universal, their generalizability has been limited because their cross-cultural testing has been extremely limited. Two main measures of intrapreneurship (the ENTRESCALE and the corporate entrepreneurship scale) were developed independently but lack validity for cross-national comparisons and do not tap all four dimensions of intrapreneurship when used independently.In order to fill the gaps in previous research, these two scales are integrated into a four-dimensional measure of intrapreneurship. Refinement and validation was done by using two samples from two distinct economies: Slovenia (a small transition economy from Central and Eastern Europe with a short entrepreneurship tradition) and the United States (a large, developed, and advanced economy that is a leader in entrepreneurship research and practice). The refined multidimensional measure of intrapreneurship was developed to be cross-culturally generalizable because its refined dimensions' scales include only cross-culturally comparable items. The refined intrapreneurship construct measure showed reasonably good convergent and discriminant validity as well as good nomological validity in terms of expected positive relationships to its antecedents (organizational and environmental characteristics) and consequences (growth and profitability) across the two samples that included large, medium-sized, and smaller firms from a variety of different industries (manufacturing consumer and industrial goods, consumer and business services, trade, and construction).In addition to the generalizability of the refined intrapreneurship construct measure, the results of this study support the notion that intrapreneurship is an important predictor of firm growth in terms of absolute growth (growth in number of employees and in total sales) and relative growth (growth in market share in comparison to competition). Firms that nurture organizational structures and values conducive to intrapreneurial activities are more likely to grow than organizations that are low in such characteristics. Open and quality communication, existence of formal controls, intensive environmental scanning, management support, organizational support, and values all help an organization become more intrapreneurial. Intrapreneurial organizations are those that engage in new business venturing, are innovative, continuously renew themselves, and are proactive. In transition economies, which are adapting their economies to more developed economies' standards of doing business, and where growth may not yet be the primary goal, intrapreneurship may be even more important for the growth and profitability of existing organizations.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the intrapreneurship construct with its predictors and consequences via a model. Previous studies in intrapreneurship have been predominantly concerned with patterns of relationships (coefficients of the model) as opposed to the level of intrapreneurship and other constructs (latent means) in the intrapreneurship model. This study aims to examine both the patterns of relationships and the levels (means) across two countries (the USA and Slovenia) by testing two models (the zero‐means model and the latent‐means model). Design/methodology/approach Mailed structured questionnaire data for this cross‐sectional study were collected from firms in the USA and Slovenia (192 usable responses). Structural equation modeling was used to estimate the models and compare coefficients and latent means. Findings The model hypotheses on the relationships among environment, organizational characteristics, intrapreneurship, and performance were mainly supported across both countries and by both models. However, results may differ upon the selection of the measurement model. Research limitations/implications The latent‐means model may be considered superior to the zero‐means model. Practical implications Intrapreneurship can have beneficial effects on the firm's growth and profitability, in both absolute and relative terms. Originality/value This study proved a latent‐means model of intrapreneurship.
Given the lack of unequivocal findings on person-career fit, this investigation aims to gain insight into the role of cognitive styles in understanding students’ career preferences by two complementary studies. In study 1, we examined whether students (n = 84) with different cognitive styles differ in their entrepreneurial attitudes. Results showed a strong positive correlation between the creating style and the overall occupational status choice index, which implies a preference to become self-employed. No significant correlations were found between this index and the knowing and the planning style respectively. A more detailed look at the occupational status choice sub-indexes showed a positive correlation for the knowing style with the ‘economic opportunity’ index, for the planning style with ‘security’ and ‘participation in the whole process’, and for the creating style with ‘career’, ‘challenge’, ‘economic opportunity’, ‘autonomy’, ‘authority’, and ‘self-realisation’. No significant differences in overall occupational status choice were found in terms of gender, degree option, or family background in entrepreneurship. Study 2 focused on the link between students’ career anchors and their cognitive styles and personality profile (n = 275). We found for the knowing style a positive correlation with ‘pure challenge’, for the planning style a positive correlation with ‘lifestyle’ and ‘security/stability’ and a negative one with ‘autonomy/independence’, and for the creating style a positive correlation with ‘entrepreneurial creativity’ and ‘pure challenge’ and a negative one with ‘security/stability’. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that cognitive styles and personality traits could predict people’s career anchors to a certain extent. These findings are particularly relevant for career counselling services of higher education institutions and for selection and recruitment policies of organ
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