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The META-SHARE Metadata Schema for the
Description of Language Resources
Maria Gavrilidou*, Penny Labropoulou*, Elina Desipri*, Stelios Piperidis*, Haris
Papageorgiou*, Monica Monachini†, Francesca Frontini†, Thierry Declerck^, Gil
Francopoulo‡, Victoria Arranz& and Valerie Mapelli&
*Athens, Greece, †Pisa, Italy, ^Saarbrücken, Germany, ‡Paris, France, &Paris, France
E-mail: {maria, penny, elina, spip, xaris}, {monica.monachini,},,, {arranz, mapelli}
This paper presents a metadata model for the description of language resources proposed in the framework of the META-SHARE
infrastructure, aiming to cover both datasets and tools/technologies used for their processing. It places the model in the overall
framework of metadata models, describes the basic principles and features of the model, elaborates on the distinction between minimal
and maximal versions thereof, briefly presents the integrated environment supporting the LRs description and search and retrieval
processes and concludes with work to be done in the future for the improvement of the model.
Keywords: metadata, META-SHARE, LRs description
1. Introduction
The importance of Language Resources (LRs) for
language-related and language-based research and
applications is undeniable. Language technology
applications, in particular, such as multilingual
information extraction, machine translation, automatic
document indexing etc., include LRs as critical
components. Even language technologies that consist of
language independent engines rely on the availability of
language-dependent knowledge under the form of LRs for
their real-life implementation. It has also been shown that
a critical mass of LRs can make advancement in language
research possible and quicker (Calzolari, Quochi & Soria
Digital repositories constitute a valuable tool in the effort
of publishing, archiving, discovery and long-term
maintenance and curation of huge amounts of digital data
(publications, datasets, multimedia files, and even
processing tools and services), as they provide the
infrastructure for describing and documenting, storing,
preserving, and making this information publicly
available in an open, user-friendly and trusted way. In this
framework, interoperability at all levels is a crucial issue.
META-SHARE ( is an open,
integrated, secure and interoperable exchange
infrastructure dedicated to LRs; it serves as a space where
LRs are documented, uploaded and stored in repositories,
catalogued and announced, downloaded, exchanged and
discussed, aiming to support a data economy.
META-SHARE brings together knowledge about LRs
and related objects and processes and fosters their use by
providing easy, uniform, one-step access to LRs through
the aggregation of LR sources into one catalogue; it
facilitates LRs' search and retrieval processes, and
encourages (re-)use and new use of LRs (Piperidis, 2012).
The adoption of a uniform metadata schema, i.e. a
common terminology for the external description of LRs,
is crucial to the success of the endeavour.
In the context of META-SHARE, the term metadata
refers to descriptions of LRs, encompassing both data
(textual, multimodal/multimedia and lexical data,
grammars, language models, etc.) and technologies
(tools/services) used for their processing.
2. Design principles for the metadata
The metadata descriptions constitute the means by which
LR producers describe their resources and LR users
identify the resources they seek. Thus, the
META-SHARE metadata model forms the core engine
driving the META-SHARE access interfaces to the LRs
For the design of the metadata schema we have taken into
consideration the user needs (as collected through
interviews with a variety of stakeholders and documented
in (Federmann et al., 2011) and the advantages but also
the shortcomings of previous efforts for the efficient and
adequate description of LRs, via an overview of
widespread metadata models in HLT as well as LR
catalogue descriptions (Gavrilidou et al., 2011).
The overview studied models that put emphasis on the
'minimalist nature' of the schema, such as Dublin Core
(DC,, and BAMDES, the Basic
Metadata Description, used for harvesting purposes by the
Harvesting Day initiative (,
but also very granular and elaborated schemas, such as the
ISLE MetaData Initiative (IMDI,, which originally focused on
multimedia and multimodal language resources, and the
Open Language Archives Community (OLAC,, which constitutes an
extension of the Dublin Core schema devoted to language
resources. It also reviewed older standardization
activities, such as the Corpus Encoding Standard (CES, and its XML version
(XCES,, which instantiates the
EAGLES CES DTDs for linguistic corpora and,
obviously, the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI,, which has developed
and maintains a standard for the representation of digital
texts, as well as recommendations' initiatives such as the
European National Activities for Basic Language
Resources project (ENABLER, and the metadata
model it proposed, and the most recent activities such as
the metadata-related activities of the CLARIN project
(Common Language Resources and Technology
Infrastructure, Finally,
the overview studied metadata used by well-known
catalogues and LRs agencies, such as the ELRA
Catalogue and the ELRA Universal Catalogue of the
European Language Resources Association (ELRA, and the Linguistic Data
Consortium catalogue of available resources (LDC, Last but not least, the
overview studied the ISO 12620 – Data Category Registry
(ISOcat DCR, (ISO 12620, 2009),,
which defines widely accepted linguistic concepts,
including metadata for the description of language
This overview concludes with a set of observations,
which led to the formulation of the basic design principles
of the META-SHARE model. The needs identified are:
need for a language resources typology identifying
and defining all types of LRs and the relations
holding between them,
need for a common terminology, or at least, for
terminology with clear semantics,
contradicting needs for minimal schemas with simple
structures (for ease of use) but also for extensive,
detailed schemas (for exhaustive description of LRs),
need for interoperability between LRs and tools, and
between repositories.
In answer to these needs, we came up with the following
design principles:
expressiveness: through the proposed LR typology we
aim at covering any type of resource;
extensibility: the modularity of the schema allows for
future extensions, to cover more resource types as
they become available; the schema will also cater for
combinations of LR types for the creation of complex
semantic clarity: to achieve clear articulation of a
term's meaning and its relations to other terms, each
element of the schema is accompanied by a bundle of
information constituting its identity, comprising its
definition, its type, its domain and range of values, an
example, the relations to other components/elements
and links to the appropriate DC and ISOcat DCR
terms (where applicable);
flexibility: by the definition of a two-tier schema
(minimal and maximal), we cater for the possibility
for exhaustive but also for minimal descriptions;
interoperability: this is guaranteed through the
mappings to widely used schemas (mainly DC, and
ISOcat DCR).
3. The META-SHARE ontology
The META-SHARE focus lies on the description of LRs;
as aforesaid, this covers both data resources and
tools/services used for their processing.
META-SHARE remains at the level of resource rather
than individual item, in the sense that it targets to describe
whole sets of text/audio/video etc. files (corpora), sets of
lexical entries (lexical/conceptual resources), integrated
tools/services and so on, rather than individual items. For
individual items, the META-SHARE model refers users
to the recommended standards and/or best practices
reported in (Monachini et al., 2011). However, this does
not mean that the schema cannot handle resource parts
(crucial for all multimedia-type resources). These are
detailed in Section 4.
Resource collections are also in the process of being
defined and will be available shortly within
META-SHARE. These collections comprise both
evaluation packages, which are composite resources
made up of all elements necessary to reproduce an
evaluation (e.g., data, tools, metrics, protocols, etc.) and
bundle resources, which are resources grouped together
mainly for administrative reasons (e.g. belonging to the
same resource owner, distributed by the same
organization etc.).
The central entity of the META-SHARE ontology is, as
already discussed, the LR per se. However, in the
ontology, LRs are linked to other satellite entities through
relations that in the model are represented as basic
elements (Figure 1). The interconnection between the LR
and these satellite entities pictures the LR’s lifecycle from
production to use: reference documents related to the LR
(papers, reports, manuals etc.), persons/organizations
involved in its creation and use (creators, distributors etc.),
related projects and activities (funding projects, activities
of usage etc.), accompanying licenses, etc. Thus, the
META-SHARE model recognizes the following distinct
the resource itself, i.e. the LR being described,
the actor, further distinguished into person and
the project,
the document, and
the licence.
It should be noted, however, that the satellite entities are
described only when the case arises, i.e. when they are
linked to a specific resource. For their description, the
metadata schema takes into account schemas and
guidelines that have been devised specifically for them
(e.g. BibTex for bibliographical references).
Satellite entities
Core entity
Figure 1: The META-SHARE ontology: the two types of entities & example relations holding between them
4. Proposed LRs typology
The study of existing LR typologies (Gavrilidou et al.,
2011) has revealed their diversity, which hampers the
request for interoperability and jeopardizes the mandate
of META-SHARE to provide a simple albeit descriptive
schema for LRs.
The META-SHARE model uses metadata elements as
criteria for classifying LRs; the identity of a resource is
the outcome of the combination of specific elements and
does not originate with a top-down procedure. In this
sense, the LR typology and the schema form a coherent
Two are the main classification axes: resourceType and
mediaType (i.e. the medium on which the LR is
implemented). This choice has been dictated by the fact
that they both bring to the description of the LRs distinct
sets of features; for instance, resourceType-specific
information includes annotation features (for corpora),
types of encoding contents (for lexica and grammars),
performance (for grammars), while mediaType-specific
information refers to the actual medium of the LR, and
includes features like format (wav/avi etc. for videos,
txt/doc/pdf/xml for texts etc.) and size (sentences/words/
bytes for text corpora, duration for audio/video corpora,
entries/items for lexica etc.).
More specifically, the following four values are suggested
for the element resourceType:
corpus (including written/text, oral/spoken,
multimodal/multimedia corpora),
lexical/conceptual resource (including
terminological resources, word lists, semantic lexica,
ontologies, etc.),
language description (including grammars,
typological databases, courseware, etc.),
tool/service (including processing tools, applications,
web services, etc. required for processing data
Each LR receives only one resourceType value, but
naturally it may take more than one mediaType values
since LRs can consist of parts belonging to different types
of media: for instance, a multimodal corpus includes a
video part (moving image), an audio part (dialogues) and
a text part (subtitles and/or transcription of the dialogues);
a multimedia lexicon, besides the textual part, also
includes a video and/or an audio part; a sign language
resource is also a resource with various media types
(video, image, text). Similarly, tools can be applied to
resources of different media types: e.g. a tool can be used
both for video and for audio files. Thus, for each part of
the resource, the respective feature set (components and
elements) should be used: e.g. for a spoken corpus and its
transcriptions, the audio feature set will be used for the
audio part and the text feature set for the transcribed part.
The following media type values and combinations are
text: used for data resources with only written
medium (and modules of audio and multimodal corpora,
see below), whether monolingual or multilingual;
audio (+ text): the audio feature set will be used for a
whole resource or part of a resource that is recorded as an
audio file; its transcripts are to be described by the
relevant text feature set;
image (+ text): the image feature set is used for
photographs, drawings, images of sensorimotor data etc.,
while the text set can be used for the description of its
Lexical /
Licence Project Actor
Standards used
video: moving image (+ text) (+ audio (+ text)):
used for multimedia corpora, with video for the moving
image part, audio for the dialogues, and text referring to
the transcripts of the dialogues and/or subtitles.
Two additional values are introduced in the model,
although they are not really distinct media type values:
these correspond to numerical text resources (value
textNumerical) and n-grams (value ngram). These are
actually subtypes of text resources but they present further
descriptive particularities due to their contents: numerical
data (e.g. biometrical, geospatial data, etc.) for the former,
and items with frequency counts for the latter.
In addition to the two main classification elements
described in this section, metadata elements (and
combinations thereof) can be treated as classification
criteria in the process of unfolding the inventory of LRs:
faceted browsing and filtering of the catalogue is also
possible on the basis of these features. Thus, for instance
lingualityType as an organizing feature can be used to
distinguish between mono- bi- and multilingual data
resources. Similarly, languageName, domain, format,
annotation features, etc. can be used as different
dimensions according to which the catalogue of LRs can
be accessed.
5. The essentials of the metadata model
The general framework for the development of the
metadata model is inspired by the component-based
mechanism proposed by the ISOcat DCR, according to
which semantically coherent elements are grouped
together to form components (Broeder et al., 2010).
Components are the core building blocks of the metadata
model and act as placeholders for well defined categories
of information (i.e. information on usage, validation,
licensing, etc.). They are organized in terms of the two
main axes of the model (resource and media type).
Components consist of elements (categories) that are used
to encode specific descriptive features and are grouped and
combined in terms of semantic coherence.
Elements are also used to represent relations in the
current version of the schema. The relation mechanism
represents the encoding of linking features between
resources. Relations hold between various forms of a LR
(e.g. raw and annotated resource), different LRs included
in the META-SHARE repository (e.g. a language
resource and a tool that has been used to create it, etc.) but
also between LRs and satellite resources such as standards
used, related documentation, etc.
Central to the model is the LR taxonomy, which allows
the structuring of the components around the two
aforementioned main axes of the schema, i.e. the resource
and media type, taking into consideration the specificities
of LR type (combination of resource and media type).
The set of all the components describing specific LR
types and subtypes constitute the profile of each type.
Components are distinguished in three classes: (a)
components common to all types of resources (e.g.
identification, contact, licensing information, etc.), (b)
components re-usable for more than one resource / media
types but not globally applicable (e.g. capture information
for audio, video and image resources) and (c) the ones
strictly applied to specific resource and media types (e.g.
evaluation for tools, audio content for audio resources).
The user is presented with proposed profiles for each type,
which can be used as templates and guidelines for the
completion of the metadata description of the resource.
Experience has shown that users indeed need guidelines
and help in the process of metadata addition to their
resources. Moreover, exemplary instantiations (e.g. for
wordnet-type resources, for parallel corpora, for
multimodal resources, for treebanks, etc.) will be made
available as guiding assistance to LRs metadata providers.
In order to accommodate flexibility, the elements belong
to two basic levels of description (stepwise approach):
an initial level providing the basic elements for the
description of a resource (minimal schema), and
a second level with a higher degree of granularity
(maximal schema), providing detailed information on
a resource and covering all stages of LR production
and use.
The minimal schema contains those elements considered
indispensable for LR description (from the provider's
perspective) and identification (from the consumer's
In addition, the schema specifies the type allowed for all
elements (e.g. if the values are of type string, number,
closed set of values, etc.).
6. Contents of the model
The core of the model is the resourceInfo component
(Figure 2), which contains all information relevant for the
description of a resource. It subsumes components that
combine together to provide the full description of a
Administrative components are common to all LR types
and provide information on the various phases of the
resource's life cycle, i.e. creation, validation, usage,
distribution, etc. It should be noted that these components
encode most of the relations of the LR per se to all other
satellite entities, i.e. persons, organizations, licences, etc.
The set of components that are common to all LRs are:
identificationInfo, distributionInfo, contactPerson,
metadataInfo, versionInfo, validationInfo, usageInfo,
resourceDocumentationInfo, creationInfo and
relationInfo. More specifically:
The identificationInfo component includes all elements
required to identify the resource, such as the LR's full and
short names, the META-SHARE ID (to be automatically
assigned by the system)1 etc.; the description element is
obligatorily used for the free text description of the
resource contents.
1 The ISLRN (International Standard Language Resource
Number) is also foreseen to be assigned in a coming version.
Figure 2: Common components for all LRs and
resourceType components
Crucial is the information on the legal issues related to the
availability of the resource, specified by the
distributionInfo component, which provides a description
of the terms of availability of the resource and its attached
licenceInfo component, which gives a description of the
licensing conditions under which the resource can be
The contactPerson component provides information
about the person that can be contacted for further
information or access to the resource.
The metadataInfo is responsible for all information
relative to the metadata record creation, such as the source
of the metadata record, the creation date and metadata
creator (in case of records created from scratch using the
META-SHARE metadata editor), etc.
All information relative to versioning and revisions of the
resource is included in the versionInfo component.
The validationInfo component provides at least an
indication of the validation status of the resource (with
boolean values) and, if the resource has indeed been
validated, further details on the validation mode, results,
The usageInfo component aims at providing information
on the foreseen use of a resource (i.e. the application(s)
for which it was originally designed) and its actual use
(i.e. applications for which it has already been used,
projects in which it has been exploited, products and
publications having resulted from its use, etc.).
The resourceDocumentationInfo provides information on
publications and documents describing the resource; links
to documents over the internet enhances this feature.
The resourceCreationInfo and its dependent components
group together information regarding the creation of a
resource (creation dates, funding information such as
funder(s), project name, etc.).
Finally, the relationInfo component allows the encoding
of relations that have not been foreseen by the metadata
model; the resource providers have the chance to encode
the relation type and the related resource.
Figure 3: Components for corpora
The LR type- and media- specific components are
organized around the elements resourceType and
mediaType that encode the two classification axes of the
LR type-specific components are all located under the
resourceComponentType component. Similarly, for each
LR type, particular medium-dependent components are
created to group together sets of features relevant to each
LR/media type, given that media types and the relevant
information differs across LR types; these are again
grouped under an xMediaType component, where x stands
for each of the LR type values (see Figure 3).
corpusTextInfo, corpusAudioInfo, corpusVideoInfo,
lexicalConceptualResourceTextInfo, lexicalConceptual-
ResourceVideoInfo etc. provide information depending on
the media type of each LR type and include the mediaType
element with the values text, audio, video etc.
Broadly speaking, the resource / media type-specific
components cover the following types of information:
contents: components mainly referring to languages
covered in the resource, types of content (e.g. for
images: drawings, photos, histograms, animations
etc.), modalities included (e.g. written / spoken
language, gestures, eye movements, etc.), etc.
classificatory information: components including
resource-type subclassification (e.g. subtypes of
lexical/conceptual resources, tools/services etc.) as
well as classification of the contents of the resource;
this can be cross-media (e.g. domains, geographic
coverage, time coverage, etc.) as well as
media-dependent (e.g. text type, audio genre, setting,
formatting: file format, character encoding etc.;
obviously, this information is more
media-type-driven (e.g. different file formats for text,
audio and video files)
information on creation: it refers to the creation of the
specific resource parts e.g. the original source, the
capture and recording methods (e.g. scanning and
web crawling for texts vs. recording methods for
audio files). These components are to be
distinguished from the resourceCreationInfo
component attached at the resource level, which is
used to give information on anything concerns the
creation of all resource and media types (e.g. creation
performance: information regarding the performance
of the resource; it is resource-type driven, given that
the measures and criteria differ across resource types
operation: information relevant to the operation
requirements of the resource (e.g. the hardware and
software prerequisites for running a tool/service)
input and output: these components are specific to
tools/services; they can be used to provide
information on the media type, format, language, etc.
that the tool/service can take as input and the
resulting output
finally, a special component, linkToOtherMediaInfo,
is provided for linking between the various media
type parts of the resource. This component is to be
applied to multimedia resources.
7. Minimal schema
The obligatory components and elements thereof that
constitute the minimal schema are presented here below:
identificationInfo: groups together information
needed to identify the resource; the obligatory
elements are the resourceName, the meta-shareId
and the description
distributionInfo: groups information on the
distribution of the resource; the element availability
serves as a first indication of the terms of availability
of the resource (with values available,
available-restrictedUse, available-unrestrictedUse,
notAvailableThroughMetaShare, underNegotiation);
in case the resource is available, the component
licenceInfo provides obligatorily further information
regarding the licensing conditions under which the
resource can be used (at least the licence must be
contactPerson: groups information on the contact
person; the only obligatory information is the
surname and email of the person
metadataInfo: groups information on the metadata
record itself; the only mandatory element is the
metadataCreationDate, which encodes the date of
creation of the metadata record either from scratch or
through harvesting; depending on the way the
metadata record has been created (harvesting,
editing, uploading, etc.) further information can be
optionally provided (e.g. metadata creator, original
metadata link, etc.)
Further obligatory components and elements are specified
for each LR type. In general, the mandatory information is
restricted to basic information so as not to intimidate
metadata creators: size and languages for datasets,
subtype for all (obviously with value sets depending on
the resource type), level of encoding for language
descriptions and so on.
The further characterisation of specific components and
elements as "recommended" prompts the resource
providers to input richer descriptions of their resources.
8. Implementation of the model
The model has been implemented as an XML schema,
documented also in the form of a user manual (cf.
%20documentationUserManual.pdf), which contains
detailed information, including definitions, examples and
guidelines for the usage of the whole schema and each
element (Desipri et al., 2012).
Figure 4: The META-SHARE browser
9. META-SHARE environment
An integrated environment has been developed, which
facilitates the description of LRs, either from scratch or
through uploading of XML files adhering to the
META-SHARE metadata schema, as well as browsing of
the LRs (Federmann et al., 2012). Language resources
and their metadata reside at the members’ repositories, or
in case this is not possible or desirable, they are hosted by
META-SHARE repositories. Only metadata are exported
for harvesting purposes and for populating the network’s
inventories that include metadata-based descriptions of all
LRs in the network. META-SHARE serves both LR
providers and users: it offers to the user the possibility to
search and browse the catalogue (Figure 4), to view
details about a LR, to download a LR, to view general
statistics, to have access as a registered user and to
describe and upload a LR.
Distinct user profiles have been defined, including related
authorisations which enable certain actions and ensure the
security of transactions. Users may be registered or
non-registered, where the former are divided into end
users, providers or administrators of a META-SHARE
node. With the exception of non-registered users, every
user is given a specific profile containing the information
about their rights and obligations.
Consumers of LRs (end users) will be able to: register and
create a user profile, log-in to the repository network
(single sign-on), browse and search the central inventory
using search facilities, access the actual resources by
visiting the local (or non-local) repositories for browsing
and downloading them, get information about the usage
of specific resources, their relation (e.g. compatibility,
suitability, etc.) to other resources, as well as
recommendations, download resources accompanied by
easy-to-use licensing templates, including both free and
for-a-fee resources, provide feedback about resources and
exploit additional functionalities.
Providers of resources will additionally be able to: create,
store and edit resource descriptions by using the metadata
editor, get support through mapping services from an
existing metadata schema into the META-SHARE
metadata model, upload actual resources directly or by
contacting support staff for large volume resources, get
reports and statistics on number of views, downloads,
types of consumers, etc. of LRs, as well as feedback from
META-SHARE is open-source software, available on
github at
10. Current situation
The schema has been adopted by the different node
repositories within META-SHARE, namely repositories /
catalogues from DFKI, ELDA, FBK, ILC-CNR and ILSP.
All of them have converted their data into the latest
version of the schema, which allows a common resource
search among all the catalogues. These repositories
contain 1,277 resources (datasets and tools), covering a
broad variety of languages, resource and media types,
described according to the META-SHARE schema and
available through
The schema is a living entity and it evolves according to
needs and the developments in the field. It is currently
being tested by the related projects METANET4U,
CESAR and META-NORD. Their data conversion work
provides invaluable feedback for the improvement of the
11. Future work
Work in the future naturally includes the evolution of the
schema as regards breadth (i.e. coverage of more types as
they emerge) and depth (i.e. enrichment and updating of
the controlled vocabularies, representation of additional
relations, improvements based on future feedback, etc.).
Mapping to other schemas is also of priority to support
interoperability between LR descriptions. Additionally to
the currently existing linking of the elements to the
corresponding DC and ISOcat ones, links to OLAC
elements is foreseen in the future.
12. Acknowledgements
This paper presents work done in the framework of the
project T4ME, funded by DG INFSO of the European
Commission through the 7th Framework Program, Grant
agreement no.: 249119.
Many thanks are due to all the colleagues of the
META-SHARE metadata working group, to the
META-SHARE implementation team and to all the
colleagues from the projects METANET4U, CESAR and
META-NORD for their valuable feedback.
13. References
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Francopoulo, G. and Declerck, T. (2012). META-NET
Deliverable D7.2.4 – Documentation and User Manual
of the META-SHARE Metadata Model (final).
Available also as a working document at:
Federmann, C.; Georgantopoulos, B.; del Gratta, R.;
Magnini, B.; Mavroeidis, D.; Piperidis, S. and Speranza,
M. (2011). META-NET Deliverable D7.1.1 –
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Federmann, C.; Georgantopoulos, B.; Girardi, C.; Hamon,
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