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Food and Mental Health: Relationship between Food and Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms among University Students in the United Kingdom



Aims: The current study assessed, by university and sex, the association between nutritional behaviour (twelve independent variables), and stress and depressive symptoms (dependent variables) in a sample from three UK countries. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken among undergraduates enrolled across seven universities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (N = 3,706). Self-administered questionnaires included a 12-item food frequency questionnaire, Cohen's Perceived Stress Scale and modified Beck Depression Inventory. Sex and university comparisons were undertaken. Univariable and multivariable regression analyses were computed for each of the two outcomes--perceived stress and depressive symptoms. Results: The frequencies of consuming of the various food groups differed by university and sex, as did depressive symptoms and perceived stress. Multivariable regression analyses indicated that consuming 'unhealthy' foods (e.g. sweets, cookies, snacks, fast food) was significantly positively associated with perceived stress (females only) and depressive symptoms (both males and females). Conversely, consuming 'healthy' foods (e.g. fresh fruits, salads, cooked vegetables) was significantly negatively associated with perceived stress and depressive symptoms scores for both sexes. There was significant negative association between consuming fish/sea food and depressive symptoms among males only. For males and for females, consuming lemonade/soft drinks, meat/sausage products, dairy/dairy products, and cereal/cereal products were not associated with either perceived stress or depressive symptoms. Conclusions: The associations between consuming 'unhealthy' foods and higher depressive symptoms and perceived stress among male and female students as well as the associations between consuming 'healthy' foods and lower depressive symptoms and perceived stress among male and female students in three UK countries suggest that interventions to reduce depressive symptoms and stress among students could also result in the consumption of healthier foods and/or vice versa.
Cent Eur J Public Health 2014; 22 (2): 90–97
Aims: The current study assessed, by university and sex, the association between nutritional behaviour (twelve independent variables), and
stress and depressive symptoms (dependent variables) in a sample from three UK countries.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken among undergraduates enrolled across seven universities in England, Wales and Northern
Ireland (N
3,706). Self-administered questionnaires included a 12-item food frequency questionnaire, Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale and
modified Beck Depression Inventory. Sex and university comparisons were undertaken. Univariable and multivariable regression analyses were
computed for each of the two outcomes – perceived stress and depressive symptoms.
Results: The frequencies of consuming of the various food groups differed by university and sex, as did depressive symptoms and perceived
stress. Multivariable regression analyses indicated that consuming ‘unhealthy’ foods (e.g. sweets, cookies, snacks, fast food) was significantly
positively associated with perceived stress (females only) and depressive symptoms (both males and females). Conversely, consuming ‘healthy’
foods (e.g. fresh fruits, salads, cooked vegetables) was significantly negatively associated with perceived stress and depressive symptoms scores
for both sexes. There was significant negative association between consuming fish/sea food and depressive symptoms among males only. For
males and for females, consuming lemonade/soft drinks, meat/sausage products, dairy/dairy products, and cereal/cereal products were not as-
sociated with either perceived stress or depressive symptoms.
Conclusions: The associations between consuming ‘unhealthy’ foods and higher depressive symptoms and perceived stress among male and
female students as well as the associations between consuming ‘healthy’ foods and lower depressive symptoms and perceived stress among
male and female students in three UK countries suggest that interventions to reduce depressive symptoms and stress among students could also
result in the consumption of healthier foods and/or vice versa.
Key words: self reported, food consumption, dietary habits, depression, stress, university students, college health
Address for correspondence: W. El Ansari, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Campus, Oxstalls Lane, Gloucester
GL2 9HW, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Walid El Ansari1, Hamed Adetunji2, Reza Oskrochi3
1Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester, United Kingdom
2Faculty of Public Health and Health Informatics, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah Al Mukarrama, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
3Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom
There are concerns about the rates of depression, stress and
other psychiatric symptoms among university students, regard-
less of their academic disciplines (1–3). Entry to college, whilst
exciting, can be stressful and taxing for many young adults, and
depressive symptoms and stress are health problems among col-
lege students across the globe (4–7).
The sources of stress for university/college student are numer-
ous. These include: achieving academic success despite financial
constraints (8); adapting to changes in academic workloads, sup-
port networks and new environments; psychosocial changes in
one’s social and support systems (9); and being away from family
home, with increased responsibility, in a period that could begin
experimentation with drugs and other risk-taking behaviours (9).
In addition, some disciplines e.g. medical courses could be more
‘stressful’ (10). Likewise, features of university accommodation
such as residence hall status (e.g. conflict with a roommate) or
aspects related to faculty/staff (e.g. differences with tutors/lectur-
ers) can be important predictors of stress (11).
Many young adults experience psychiatric episodes and mental
illnesses during university time (12). The burdens facing univer-
sity students were positively associated with higher depression,
not only by mediation via perceived stress but also directly (2).
In turn, stress has direct and indirect adverse effects on health,
and one way stress may affect health is by influencing the foods
people select to eat (13). At the general population level, there
seems to be a collective effect of diet on mood (14), and regard-
less of the underlying reason of the mood disorder, the way we
eat affects the way we feel (15) and possibly vice versa. Many
examples illustrate such food-mood relationships.
Carbohydrates and Sugars: carbohydrate consumption seems
to alleviate depressive moods (16), and this has been viewed as
part of the link for developing obesity (17). For sugars, when
stressed, students with increased appetite selected significantly
more types of sweet foods (e.g. desserts, chocolate/candy bars,
candy, ice cream) (18). A diet high in refined carbohydrates and
sugars is common in depressive illness (19).
Healthy Eating Choices and Fat Content of Foods: a study of
stress and appetite and eating habits of students found that under
normal conditions, 80% of students made healthy eating choices,
however, only 33% ate healthy when stressed (18). Equally, stress
not only increased food consumption in certain individuals but
also shifted their food choices from lower fat to higher fat foods
(13). Likewise, research over six years of the diet and lifestyle
of volunteers free of depression found that participants with high
consumption of trans-fats (pastries and fast food) had up to 48%
increase in the risk of depression when compared to participants
who did not consume these fats (20).
Fish and Meat: omega-3 fatty acids (dietary consumption of
fish) might be linked to depression, with research reporting a
beneficial association between fish consumption and depression
(21). Conversely, others did not support such relations (22), and
the vegetarian diet seemed not to adversely affect mood (despite
low intake of omega-3 fatty acids) (23). In connection to meat, a
study showed lower odds of depression with high meat consump-
tion (22), while others found that depressive symptoms were
associated with less frequent meat consumption (24).
‘Whole Foods’, Fruits and Vegetables: the role of nutrition
in the management of depression reported that the production of
neurotransmitters requires nutrients (amino acids, minerals and
B vitamins) found in whole grains, eggs, yogurt, beans, green
leaf vegetables, and corn (19). Individuals with the highest intake
of ‘whole food’ were least likely to be depressed compared to
those with the lowest adherence to such diet (25), and diets rich
in processed food may increase the risk of depression (19). For
fruits and vegetables, depressive symptoms were associated with
less frequent consumption of fruits/vegetables (24). Dietary fi-
bers are associated with higher alertness and less perceived stress
(26), and nutrition for depressed patients should include fruit,
vegetables and wholegrains (27).
The literature also suggested that there are sex differences.
Research found that only in females, perceived stress was as-
sociated with more frequent consumption of sweets/fast foods
and less frequent consumption of fruits/vegetables (24). Indeed,
the effect of stress level on food choice seems different for men
and women (28).
We explored the links between nutritional habits and mental
health indicators at seven universities in the United Kingdom.
Apart from a few exceptions, while most studies focused on
data from one university across several countries or within one
country (29, 30), less studies examined the same question (as-
sociations between mental health indicators and nutrition) across
large samples of diverse students at different universities of one
nation. This is despite calls that research on nutrition and on the
correlation between depression and food consumption should
be conducted across diverse student populations (31). In addi-
tion, others (24) reported that single-country studies are rarely
directly comparable to one another due to the differences in food
consumption measures or mental health indicators. The current
study bridged these knowledge gaps and surveyed students at
seven universities in the United Kingdom, employing the same
food consumption measures and the same mental health indicators
across the universities to assess the associations between mental
health indicators and nutrition. If evidence suggests that particular
nutritional habits are associated with stress and/or depressive
symptoms, then programmes and interventions addressing mental
health may also be associated with the consumption of healthier
foods and/or vice versa.
The current survey assessed the associations between mental
health indicators and nutritional habits of a representative sample
of undergraduate students (N = 3,706) across 7 universities in the
UK (2007–2008). We explored the links between self-reported
perceived stress and depressive symptoms on the one hand, and
the food habits in terms of the usual consumption of 12 selected
food groups on the other. The three objectives were to:
• describe the food consumption behaviour and two mental
health indicators (perceived stress and depressive symptoms)
of students by university and by sex;
• assesstheassociationsbetweenfoodconsumptionbehaviour
(individual food groups separately) and two mental health
indicators by sex (univariable analysis);
• assesstheassociationsbetweenfoodconsumptionbehaviour
(all food groups together) and two mental health indicators by
sex (multivariable analysis).
Sample and Data Collection
In agreement with other student health and well-being studies
across various countries (8, 29–35), no monetary or course credit
incentives were provided for participation. Ethical approval was
obtained at each participating university, and data were collected
simultaneously at 7 universities in Northern Ireland, Wales and
England. Each questionnaire included participant information
outlining the research objectives. Data were confidential and
protected, participation was voluntary and anonymous, and stu-
dents were informed that by completing the questionnaire, they
consent to participate in the study. For quality assurance, data
were computer entered at one site to minimise potential data
entry errors. Based on the number of returned questionnaires, the
Health and Well-being Questionnaire
Assessment of Dietary Intake: Students self-reported their
nutritional habits in a food frequency questionnaire (12 indica-
tor variables) that measured their consumption of sweets, cakes/
cookies, snacks and fast/canned food, fresh fruits, raw and cooked
vegetables and salads, meat and fish, milk products, and cereals
(Table 1). In line with others, this instrument was developed to
include food groups that are critical for studies of dietary habits,
and the face and content validity of the tool were established by
grounding the questionnaire on wide literature review. The intro-
ductory question, “How often do you eat the following foods?”
queried students about the frequency of their usual consumption
of each food group separately (5-point scale: ‘several times a day’,
‘daily’, ‘several times a week’, ‘1–4 times a month’, and ‘never’).
No formal test of validity was undertaken, but the questionnaire
was very similar to other food frequency questionnaires that had
been validated (36, 37). In addition, the authors agreed on the
high face validity of the food frequency questionnaire that the
study employed.
Stress and Depressive Symptoms measures: Perceived stress
was assessed with Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4 items)
that measured the extent to which participants felt life situations
to be stressful (38). The four items assessed how unpredict-
able, uncontrollable and overloaded respondents find their lives
(5-point Likert scale, 1 = ‘Never’, 5 = ‘Very Often’). We then
recoded the responses across the four items, in such a way that
for all answers, the lowest code 1 ‘Never’ = positive mental
state; whereas the highest code 5 = negative mental state. Each
student’s total Perceived Stress Score was obtained by summing
their responses to all 4 items. Depressive symptoms were assessed
by a Modification of the Beck Depression Inventory (MBDI) (39,
40), which is a single statement per symptom (six-point Likert
scale, 0 = ‘Never’, 5 = ‘Almost Always’) measuring its frequency
in the last four weeks. For each participant, MBDI score was the
sum of the participant’s responses to all 20 items. The scale had
excellent internal consistency, as in our sample of students in
Northern Ireland, Wales and England, Cronbach’s alpha of MBDI
was 0.88, 0.87. and 0.89, respectively (0.88 for the whole sample).
Data Analysis
For descriptions, we computed the means of the consumption
frequency of the various food groups as well as mental health
indicators by country and sex. Perceived Stress Score variable
(PSS) was generated by dividing by 4 the sum of the responses
to all 4 items of Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale (5-point Likert
scale response format, 1 = ‘Never’, 5 = ‘Very Often’). In addition,
we computed a Modification of the Beck Depression Inventory
(MBDI) score by summing up the responses to all 20 items that
measure this mental health indicator (Table 1). For the univariable
analysis, we assessed associations between consumption of each
food group individually and both mental health indicators using
linear regression stratified by sex and adjusted for university. For
the multivariable analysis, we used multiple linear regressions
to assess associations between consumption of all food groups
together and both mental health indicators, stratified by sex and
adjusted for university. Hence, we were able to control for the
effects of the other food groups while assessing the associations
of any given food group.
Characteristics of the Sample
The current analysis employed data comprising 3,706 students
(765 males, 2,699 females, 242 missing sex; M age 24.9 years ±
SD 8.6 years) from 7 universities in three countries of the UK:
England – University of Gloucestershire (N = 970, 26.2% of the
sample, M age = 23.36 years), Bath Spa University (N = 485,
13.1%, M age = 22.23), Oxford Brookes University (N = 208,
5.6%, M age = 31.63), University of Chester (N = 993, 26.8%,
M age = 26.02), Plymouth University (N = 169, 4.6%, M age =
25); and the Republic of Northern Ireland – University of Ulster
(N = 475, 12.8%, M age = 25.19). The sample comprised first year
undergraduates (42.6%, N = 1,491), second year undergraduates
(31.3%, N = 1,095), third year undergraduates (18.7%, N = 655),
Within each of the universities, the sex distribution of the
participating students varied by university, e.g. Chester (86.9%
females), Gloucester (56.4%), Ulster (91.8%), Swansea (92.2%),
Plymouth (63.9%), Oxford Brookes (89.2%), and Bath Spa
(77.4%), reflecting the nature of the enrolled student populations
at the Faculties/Schools where data was collected, being Schools
of Health and Social Care/Nursing/Sports and Exercise etc.).
Food Consumption Behaviour and Mental Health
Indicators by University and by Sex
Across the universities, consuming sweets was more common
in females, and conversely, consuming fast/canned foods was
more common in males (Table 1). Females generally consumed
cake/cookies more commonly than males (except at Ulster,
Swansea, Plymouth, and Bath Spa). Females also consumed fresh
fruits more commonly (except at Ulster), and also consumed
salad/raw vegetables and cereal/cereal products more commonly
than males. Conversely, consuming lemonade/soft drinks, meat/
sausage products, fish/seafood was more common in males as
well as eating dairy/dairy products which was more common in
males (except at Plymouth and Bath Spa). For the mental health
indicators, females generally exhibited higher perceived stress,
and had higher depressive symptoms scores (except at Glouces-
tershire and Ulster). There were differences in perceived stress
scores and depressive symptoms levels across the universities.
Associations between Food Consumption Behaviour
(Each Food Group Individually) and Mental Health
Indicators by Sex (Univariable Analysis)
The univariable analysis suggested two features (Table 2). First,
generally, significant associations (between more of the differ-
ent food groups and perceived stress and depressive symptoms)
were more evident for females (perceived stress – 8 significant
food groups for females vs. 2 food groups for males; depressive
symptoms – 7 significant food groups for females vs. 5 food groups
for males). Secondly, for females, the significant associations
between food groups and each of perceived stress and depressive
symptoms were nearly equal (8 associations for perceived stress,
7 associations for depressive symptoms). However, for males, the
significant associations between food groups and each of perceived
stress and depressive symptoms were not equal (2 associations
for perceived stress, 5 associations for depressive symptoms).
These findings suggested that: a) the consumption of the different
food groups were more broadly associated with both stress and
depressive symptoms in females than in males; and, b) in males,
associations of the different food groups seem relatively more
prevalent with depressive symptoms than with perceived stress.
In addition, for females, some food groups were negatively
associated with stress (fresh fruits, salad/raw vegetables, cooked
vegetables, cereal/cereal products), while other food groups
were positively associated with stress (sweets, snacks, fast food/
canned food, lemonade/soft drinks) (Table 2). This same pattern
of relationships with the specific food groups was also generally
Chester Gloucestershire Ulster Swansea Plymouth Oxford Brookes Bath Spa
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
N=755 N=114 N=511 N=393 N=425 N=38 N=367 N=31 N=108 N=61 N=174 N=21 N=356 N=103
Dietary Intake – Consumption of Food Groups*
Sweets 3.00 2.87 2.91 2.86 3.26 3.24 3.02 2.97 2.87 2.77 2.94 2.86 3.00 2.92
Cake/cookies 2.41 2.37 2.47 2.42 2.62 2.70 2.44 2.48 2.35 2.49 2.55 2.40 2.42 2.53
Snacks 2.73 2.78 2.60 2.82 2.96 2.76 2.70 2.65 2.33 2.64 2.62 2.43 2.55 2.74
Fast food/
canned food 2.40 2.60 2.25 2.64 2.55 2.62 2.39 2.68 2.06 2.36 2.13 2.15 2.28 2.47
Fresh fruits 3.65 3.23 3.77 3.21 3.63 3.66 3.90 3.52 4.06 3.39 4.01 3.75 3.79 3.31
vegetables 3.31 3.08 3.50 3.06 3.28 3.08 3.48 3.19 3.82 3.39 3.82 3.43 3.50 3.04
vegetables 3.51 3.20 3.59 3.19 3.60 3.66 3.57 3.48 3.86 3.48 3.84 3.85 3.54 3.12
soft drinks 2.75 2.94 2.64 2.82 2.92 3.14 2.70 2.87 2.21 2.38 2.47 2.50 2.55 2.62
products 3.09 3.24 3.10 3.72 3.21 3.55 3.14 3.39 3.01 3.61 3.03 3.29 3.00 3.22
Fish/sea food 2.41 2.47 2.49 2.62 2.35 2.40 2.46 2.71 2.47 2.49 2.62 2.75 2.37 2.47
products 3.77 3.79 3.67 3.74 3.85 4.13 3.83 4.03 3.99 3.82 3.91 4.00 3.83 3.73
products 3.55 3.34 3.55 3.44 3.69 3.64 3.70 3.58 4.04 3.43 3.94 3.80 3.66 3.41
Mental Health – Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms
PSS** 11.00 10.04 10.80 10.40 11.56 10.56 10.76 9.96 11.44 10.36 11.08 10.00 11.04 10.6
MBDI*** 24.87 23.00 16.47 20.70 23.45 26.08 23.45 18.93 29.21 21.08 25.17 19.28 27.41 25.34
Table 1. Food consumption and mental health indicators by university and sex
observed for depressive symptoms in females (except for cereal/
cereal products).
In contrast, for males, the relationships between food con-
sumption and mental health indicators were ‘narrower’. Only
salad/raw vegetables were negatively associated with stress, and
only fast food/canned food was positively associated with stress.
For depressive symptoms, males exhibited a wider portfolio of
associations, one that shared some similar features to that of the
females (fresh fruits, salad/raw vegetables, cooked vegetables
were negatively associated with depressive symptoms). However,
for males, cake/cookies were positively associated with depressive
symptoms; such relationship was not evident in females.
Associations between Food Consumption Behaviour
(All Food Groups Together) and Mental Health In-
dicators by Sex (Multivariable Analysis)
Table 3 shows the multivariable analysis between food
consumption frequency and perceived stress and depressive
symptoms, stratified by sex and controlled for all other variables
under investigation. As for sweets/cookies/snacks/fast food, more
frequent consumption of these foods was significantly associated
with higher perceived stress (females only) and higher depressive
symptoms for both males and females. Less frequent fruits/veg-
etables consumption (e.g. fresh fruits, salads, cooked vegetables)
*Mean of the consumption frequency scale (1 = never, 5 = several times/ day); **Perceived Stress Scale by Cohen, higher scores indicate higher perceived stress; ***Modi-
ed Beck Depression Inventory, higher scores indicate stronger depressive symptoms; all cell values represent mean scores except MBDI where cell values are the sum
of responses.
was significantly associated with higher perceived stress and
higher depressive symptoms for both sexes. In addition, there
was a significant negative association between consuming fish/
sea food and depressive symptoms among males only. For males
and for females, consuming lemonade/soft drinks, meat/sausage
products, dairy/dairy products, and cereal/cereal products was not
associated with either perceived stress or depressive symptoms.
Nutrition is a modifiable determinant of non-communicable
diseases, and from the modifiable risk factors perspective, the role
of nutrition in psychiatry is now more significant than initially
considered (19). For instance, alternative non-pharmacological
treatments for depressive symptoms (e.g. nutritional supplements)
are significant treatment options (41). However, conflicting find-
ings have increased people’s interest among the different domains
of dietary composition and mood (31). Hence, there have been
calls to understand the relationships between depression/depressive
symptoms and other health behaviours such as eating and nutrition.
Our current findings contribute to the evidence base of the rela-
tionships between food consumption behaviour and mental health
indicators, expanding our awareness of these relationships and
their associations with sex across these young adult populations.
Perceived Stress Score (PSS) Depressive Symptoms Score (M-BDI)
Female Male Female Male
Food group p-value Estimate* p-value Estimate* p-value Estimate* p-value Estimate*
Sweets (chocolate, candy, etc.) 0.001 0.053 0.288 -0.029 < 0.001 0.081 0.071 0.066
Cake/cookies 0.155 0.024 0.845 -0.006 0.168 0.027 0.007 0.099
Snacks (chips, peanuts, etc.) 0.024 0.038 0.819 -0.007 0.001 0.068 0.058 0.069
Fast food/canned food** < 0.001 0.095 0.008 0.084 < 0.001 0.106 < 0.001 0.183
Fresh fruits < 0.001 -0.085 0.168 -0.036 < 0.001 -0.111 0.047 -0.074
Salad/raw vegetables < 0.001 -0.048 0.013 -0.065 < 0.001 -0.071 0.014 -0.091
Cooked vegetables < 0.001 -0.061 0.127 -0.042 < 0.001 -0.072 0.017 -0.089
Lemonade/soft drinks 0.003 0.038 0.840 -0.005 0.002 0.060 0.573 0.021
Meat/sausage products 0.665 0.006 0.748 -0.010 0.680 0.008 0.942 -0.003
Fish/sea food 0.138 -0.023 0.500 0.019 0.824 0.004 0.133 0.055
Dairy/dairy products 0.249 -0.017 0.840 0.006 0.050 -0.038 0.517 0.024
Cereal/cereal products*** 0.001 -0.049 0.518 -0.017 0.073 -0.035 0.740 -0.012
Table 2. Associations between food consumption behaviour and perceived stress and depressive symptoms (univariable analysis)
Each food group adjusted only for university; separate models for males and females and for both mental health indicators; estimates are the Standardized Coefcients;
*change in the corresponding score (PSS or M-BDI) per one unit of the food group frequency scale; **e.g. pizza, hamburger, french fries, canned ravioli, etc.; ***e.g. whole-
wheat bread, cereals, oatmeal, etc.; bolded cells indicate signicant relationships.
Perceived Stress Score (PSS) Depressive Symptoms Score (M-BDI)
Female Male Female Male
Food group or subscale p-value Estimate#p-value Estimate#p-value Estimate#p-value Estimate#
Sweets/cookies/snacks/fast food* 0.017 0.051 0.853 0.008 0.001 0.072 < 0.001 0.158
Fruits/vegetables** 0.002 -0.067 0.025 -0.092 < 0.001 -0.081 0.004 -0.115
Lemonade/soft drinks 0.207 0.027 0.949 -0.003 0.128 0.032 0.270 -0.047
Meat/sausage products 0.950 0.001 0.398 -0.035 0.788 -0.006 0.112 -0.065
Fish/sea food 0.894 -0.003 0.156 0.057 0.196 0.027 0.006 0.108
Dairy/dairy products 0.873 -0.003 0.582 0.023 0.095 -0.036 0.339 0.039
Cereal/cereal products*** 0.059 -0.042 0.869 -0.007 0.976 -0.001 0.872 0.007
Table 3. Associations between food consumption behaviour and perceived stress and depressive symptoms (multivariable
Each food group adjusted for university and for all other variables in the table, separate models for males and females and for both mental health indicators; estimates
are the Standardized Coefcients; #change in the corresponding score (PSS or MBDI) per one unit of the food group frequency scale; *Sweets/cookies/snacks/fast food
subscale: mean of four items (sweets, cakes/cookies, snacks, fast food); **Fruits/vegetables subscale: mean of three items (fresh fruits, salads, cooked vegetables);
***e.g. whole-wheat bread, cereals, oatmeal, etc.; bolded cells indicate signicant relationships.
For the current study, we found that across all the participating
universities, the consumption of sweets was more common in
females. This is in agreement with research of university students
in Germany, Denmark, Poland, and Bulgaria (34) that used the
same (food frequency and mental health) research instruments
as employed in the present study, and reported that overall, more
women reported frequent consumption of sweets. In our sample
of students, females also consumed fresh fruits more commonly
(except at Ulster), and generally ate salad/raw vegetables products
more commonly than males. Earlier reports similarly found that
female students ate more fruits than males (42), and our findings
were again consistent with a European study where largely, more
women reported frequent consumption of fruits and salads (34).
We are also in agreement with the study conducted in Hong Kong
(43), where females had better nutritional habits than men (were
more likely to report eating fruit/vegetables), postulating support
that women behaved ‘healthier’ than men in terms of consuming
fruit (44). Conversely, we found that consumption of meat/sausage
products and fish/seafood were more common in males, in support
of research (34) where more men reported frequent consumption
of meat and fish. Indeed, El Ansari and colleagues (34) found
that irrespective of the four countries they examined, more men
regularly ate meat than women, which is also in agreement with
Turkish males adolescents who reported significantly more meat
serving per day compared to females (45).
Regarding the differences between the participating universi-
ties in terms of their students’ nutritional behaviours and mental
health levels, it is not straightforward to tease out the factors
that could explain such differences. Such factors might include
student-level variables and/or university-level features (32).
Similar difficulties have been noted in the relationships between
student health outcomes and well-being and student- and school-
level factors (46). Understanding the different dimensions of
the university characteristics warrants further consideration,
particularly as these dimensions relate to determinants of student
health/well-being. Few multi-level studies collected sufficient
student- and university-level information to be able to further our
understandings of such relationships. Others (46) also noted the
scarcity of multi-level studies that explored the manner in which
schools may affect student health/well-being. Likewise, El Ansari
et al. (32, 35) suggested that differences between participating
universities in terms of health practices could be related to many
features, e.g., university characteristics and its environment, poli-
cies, student selection, and resultant composition of the student
population; or related to the region where a university is located;
or the country and its political and health stances. Many con-
founding factors that could confound such complex associations
are usually not measured.
In connection with objectives two and three, we assessed the
associations between food consumption behaviour and two mental
health indicators by sex twice: first employing each food group
individually (univariable analysis); and then by employing all the
food groups together (multivariable analysis). Our initial univari-
able analysis shed light on the relationships between each food
group (individually) and two mental health indicators. However,
as it was equally critical to understand the relationships between
the various food groups (collectively) and the mental health indi-
cators, hence we subsequently undertook multivariable analysis
to control for all the other variables under investigation. This is in
agreement with others who have voiced that it is more important
to study the overall dietary pattern than isolated nutrients (47).
As for sweets/cookies/snacks/fast food, for our UK sample,
more frequent consumption of these food groups was significantly
positively associated with higher perceived stress in females only.
This is in agreement with research across Germany, Poland and
Bulgaria that employed the same instruments as the current study
and reported the same findings: in females only, perceived stress
was associated with more frequent consumption of sweets/cook-
ies/snacks/fast food (24). However, for depressive symptoms,
whilst our findings indicated that more frequent consumption
of sweets/cookies/snacks/fast food were positively significantly
associated with higher depressive symptoms for both males and
females, others (24) reported this relationship only for females.
This discrepancy in findings might be due to two points. First,
our much larger sample (3,706 students) than that of the European
study (1,839 students) possibly rendered enough power for the
current study to pick up findings that other research with rela-
tively smaller sample sizes did not (24). Second, the discrepancy
in findings might also be due to the extent of ‘diversity’ of the
sample, as previous work (31) suggested that research on nutrition
and on the correlation between depression and food consumption
should be conducted across diverse student populations. In the
European study (24), the diversity was between Germany, Poland
and Bulgaria; in our study, it was England, Wales and Northern
Ireland. Because our sample had more universities from England
that the other two nations, it is possible that the extent of diversity
is different than that of the European study. Nevertheless, we are
also in partial agreement with other research that examined the as-
sociation of food consumption behaviour with one or both mental
health indicators among college students across seven cities (31),
and found an increase of perceived stress with the increase of the
intake frequency level of ready-to-eat food and snack food for the
whole sample. However, Liu et al. (31) did not explore relation-
ships by sex, therefore, the overall associations they observed
might have resulted from associations limited to females only.
In connection to fresh fruits, salads and cooked vegetables, the
current study found that less frequent consumption of these food
groups was significantly associated with higher perceived stress
and higher depressive symptoms scores for both sexes. Again
this finding is in partial agreement with others (24) where higher
fruits/vegetables consumption was associated with lower levels of
depressive symptoms among females. We are also in agreement
with research (31) that found an increase of depression with the
decrease of the frequency level of eating fruits, although they
did not stratify their findings by sex, so it is not absolutely clear
whether the overall associations they found was true for both
males and females or could have again resulted from associa-
tions limited to females or males only. Others have also reported
that psychological stress has been associated with less fruit and
vegetable intake (48).
As for fish/sea food, the current study found a significant
positive association between the consumption of fish/sea food
and depressive symptoms among males only. This is congruent
with others (46) who have reported that fish consumption (rich
in omega-3 fatty acids) might be causally associated with mood
stabilization. We are also in partial agreement with Hakkarainen
et al. (22), where dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids showed
no association with low mood level (we found no relationship
between stress and fish/sea food for both sexes; and no relation-
ship between fish/sea food and depressive symptoms in females).
For both sexes, we found that the consumption of meat/sausage
products, dairy/dairy products, and cereal/cereal products were not
associated with either perceived stress or depressive symptoms.
This is in partial agreement with others who researched university
students (24) and found that for both sexes, milk products and
cereal products were not associated with either perceived stress
or depressive symptoms.
In understanding the food consumption behaviour-mental
health associations, generally, the links between depressive symp-
toms and health behaviours consider a two-way feature: depres-
sive symptoms can be associated with increased ‘health-compro-
mising’ behaviours that place individuals at risk for other health
consequences beyond the psychological domain; and, depressive
symptoms can be associated with decreased ‘health-promoting’
behaviours and may prevent full-health potential across multiple
domains of health (49). For instance, in adolescents, depression/
negative mood was related to health-compromising attitudes/
behaviours, e.g., weight dissatisfaction, negative body image,
while a significant negative relationship between depressed mood
and health-promoting eating behaviours, e.g. eating breakfast and
lunch has also been reported (50–52).
This study has limitations and generalization needs to be cau-
tious. Across the 7 universities, data were collected employing
the same method and research tool, and data processing was the
same across universities. However, as there could be regional
variations and/or systematic differences between the selected
universities, students’ data from each given university may not
be representative of the whole university. Nevertheless, a high
response rate at each site suggested that selection bias was not
a probable danger to the study’s internal validity. The study is
a cross-sectional survey, hence the direction of the association
between food consumption and mental health cannot be ascer-
tained. We did not have enough information on social class and
entry tariff across the university courses that participants were
studying on, which could have been useful. Participants self-
reported the levels of mental health indicators and dietary food
consumption where such responses may be subject to sociability
and social desirability. We did not assess serving sizes, which
might be different across sites. The food frequency questionnaire
was not compared against objective methods of food consump-
tion measurement. Nonetheless, the tool was comparable to other
published food frequency questionnaires that have been validated
(36, 37). Future research would need to consider such limitations.
In addition, studies are needed to clarify the temporal relation-
ship between the emotional/mental and nutritional domains (53).
Significant associations between food and mood warrant further
research to determine causality.
In summary, the frequencies of consumption of the various
food groups as well as depressive symptoms and perceived stress
differed by university and sex. Consuming ‘unhealthy’ foods (e.g.
sweets/cookies/snacks/fast food) was significantly positively
associated with perceived stress (females only) and depressive
symptoms for both males and for females. Conversely, consuming
‘healthy’ foods (e.g. fresh fruits, salads, cooked vegetables) was
significantly negatively associated with perceived stress and de-
pressive symptoms scores for both sexes. There was a significant
positive association between the consumption of fish/sea food
and depressive symptoms among males only. For both males and
females, the consumption of lemonade/soft drinks, meat/sausage
products, dairy/dairy products, and cereal/cereal products were
not associated with either perceived stress or depressive symp-
toms. The study findings should support the implementation of
health promotion and prevention programmes at universities.
Positive effects on food consumption behaviours can be expected
from interventions aimed at decreasing or preventing depressive
symptoms and/or reducing perceived stress levels among students,
and vice versa. Efforts to reduce depressive symptoms and stress
among female students may lead to the consumption of healthier
foods and/or vice versa. Strategies might include stress manage-
ment programmes, university environment enabling relaxation
and wellbeing, health-oriented courses, and the organization of
studies and curricula with a focus on stress reduction.
The authors wish to acknowledge the universities, faculties and students
who participated in this study. In addition, we acknowledge the UK
Student Health Group (J. John, P. Deeny, C. Phillips, S. Snelgrove, X.
Hu, S. Parke, M. Stoate, A. Mabhala).
Conflict of Interest
None declared
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Received July 18, 2013
Accepted in revised form April 24, 2014
... However, a cross-sectional survey conducted on 1839 first-year university students in Germany, Poland, and Bulgaria showed that boys' perceived stress was not related to the intake of vegetables and fruits, but for every unit increase in girls' perceived stress score, the frequency score of vegetable and fruit intake decreased by 1.17 (P < 0.01) [7]. We conducted a systematic review, although the results were not consistent, it could be preliminarily thought that perceived stress was negatively associated with intake of fruits and vegetables, and was positively correlated with fat intake, high-fat food intake or high-fat diet [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
... Our study only found the impact of perceived stress on dietary quality in females. Sex disparities in the effects of perceived stress on diet have been reported in some researches [7,8,47]. Although the results were inconsistent, these studies suggest that perceived stress may have a slightly greater impact on eating behavior in females compared to males [48,49]. ...
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Background Previous studies had found the effects of stress on eating behaviors. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of perceived stress on dietary quality by sexes in Chinese adults. Methods The study population consisted of individuals aged 18 to 59 years participating in the China Health and Nutrition Survey. Perceived stress levels were measured using the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), with scores ranging from 0 to 40. Dietary quality was evaluated by Chinese Dietary Guidelines Index (CDGI) ranging 0-110. Using a two-level mixed effects model with community as level 2 and individual as level 1, the study analyzed the impact of PSS-10 scores on CDGI. Additionally, a two-level mixed effects structural equation model was employed to explore the effects of distress factor scores and coping stressor factor scores on dietary quality among different sexes within the population. Results This study involved in 2515 males and 3165 females, and the average age was 45.9 ± 9.6.The PSS-10 score and CDGI were 14.6 ± 5.1 and 44.8 ± 11.6, separately. After adjusting for confounders, there were no effects of PSS-10 score, distress factor score, and coping stressors factor score on CDGI in males. After adjusting for confounders, CDGI in the highest tertile of PSS-10 score group was 1.64 lower than that in the lowest tertile group in females(P = 0.001). The distress factor score was not associated with CDGI (standardized β=-0.164, P = 0.488), while the coping with stressors factor score was significantly negative with CDGI (standardized β=-0.834, P < 0.001) in females. CDGI in the highest tertile of coping with stressors factor score group was 4.36 lower than that in the lowest tertile group (P < 0.0001). Conclusions There was no association between perceived stress and dietary quality in adult males. The perceived stress, especially the insufficient capacity to cope with stressors, was negatively associated with dietary quality in adult females.
... Students in this current study suffered from anxiety during the research phase. A study that was conducted in the United Kingdom found similar results to the current research, and it found a relation between consuming unhealthy foods and higher depression symptoms, as well as a relation between consuming 'healthy' foods and lower depression symptoms among students (42). This study's results showed significant similarities in the relationship between food consumption and depression (43). ...
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Objectives A prevalent symptom of many mental health issues, such as depression, is anhedonia, which is the inability to feel joy or pleasure. Tension-induced sensations, anxious thoughts, and bodily alterations are the hallmarks of anxiety. One known environmental factor that affects mental health is diet. In this implication, eating appetizing meals has been proposed to reduce unpleasant feelings like worry. This study aimed to indicate whether eating habits among postgraduate students are related to symptoms of anhedonia and/or anxiety. Methods In a cross-sectional study, responses were collected from a total of 393 postgraduate students. Each student self-answered the General Anxiety Disorder-7, Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale for Anhedonia, and the Food Consumption Questionnaire and reported the body weight. Results The prevalence of anhedonia was 28%, moderate anxiety and severe anxiety were 15.7 and 10.9%, respectively. In this research, results showed that sugary foods, fast food, and fried foods were positively associated with anxiety and anhedonia. However, fruits and vegetables were negatively associated with anxiety and anhedonia. Linear regression showed that fruit and drinking water consumption was significant with the number of meals/day. There was no significance between the number of meals per day and anhedonia; however, there was statistical significance with the total GAD-7 scale score regarding the number of meals/per day. Conclusion Anhedonia and anxiety are associated with food consumption, especially foods rich in sugars, fast and fried, which help to increase positive feelings. Future studies should focus on understanding the relationship between food consumption and following a healthy diet and improving and reducing symptoms of anxiety and anhedonia in those who suffer from a stressful or task-filled lifestyle, such as students, especially postgraduate students. In addition, it focuses on the importance of awareness of the symptoms of anhedonia, which is classified as a depressive disease, and how to control anxiety to maintain better mental health.
... cohort designs, but relied on fruit and vegetable consumption as proxies for overall dietary quality. [54][55][56][57][58] Wattick and colleagues conducted a cross-sectional study of overall dietary quality and associations with anxiety and depression among college students. Results showed in males that food insecurity and fruit and vegetable intake were predictors of depression, and food insecurity and added sugars were predictors of anxiety; in females, results showed food insecurity was a predictor of depression and, food insecurity and added sugars were predictors of anxiety. ...
... 28,78 Addressing multiple behaviours simultaneously may be more e cient at improving mental health than a segmented approach that considers each behaviour individually. 24,25,34,35,36,37 Whilst engaging in more healthy movement and dietary behaviours is strongly associated with better mental health outcomes, our ndings suggest that the type of behaviours students engage in appears to play a role, too. Adequate sleep and limited unhealthy food intake were signi cantly associated with both mental health outcomes, aligning with ndings from other studies. ...
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Introduction University is a crucial time when students face mounting pressures on their mental health and are establishing health behaviours that may persist in later life. This study investigated the associations between movement and dietary behaviours and mental health among university students. It further explored the potential role of sex differences in these associations. Methods This cross-sectional study used data (2020–2022) from the Health@NUS prospective cohort study. Six behaviours—moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), sedentary time, sleep duration, and intake of fruit, vegetables, and unhealthy food—were assessed and classified as either healthy or unhealthy based on established recommendations. Mental health was measured using the 6-item Kessler Psychological Distress scale and the 5-item World Health Organization Well-being Index. Multivariable linear regression was used to investigate the associations between the behaviours and mental health, and to evaluate effect modification by sex. Results Among 773 students (mean age 22.7 years, 56.8% female), 23.3% practiced 4–6 healthy behaviours; 14.1% and 37.7% reported high distress and poor well-being, respectively. Compared to students engaging in 0–1 healthy behaviour, those engaging in 2 or more healthy behaviours reported less distress and greater well-being. Students who practiced 4–6 behaviours reported lowest distress (females: -1.51, 95% CI -2.75, -0.27; males: -1.72, 95% CI -3.06, -0.39) and the best well-being (females: 10.66, 95% CI 6.04, 15.23; males: 9.98, 95% CI 6.04, 15.23). For individual behaviours, more sleep and less intake of unhealthy foods were associated with less distress, whereas more MVPA and sleep were associated with better well-being. Additionally, among female students, less sedentary time and unhealthy food intake were associated with better well-being. Conclusions The more healthy movement and dietary behaviours that students practiced, the better their reported mental health outcomes. The type of behaviour and sex also appear to play a role. These findings highlight the need for interventions addressing both lifestyle behaviours and mental health in students concurrently, potentially using sex-tailored strategies.
... Stress is a major driver of poor diet quality especially among young women [15,16]. Research has shown that young females (18-29 years old) who report high levels of perceived psychological stress are more likely to consume fatty foods and less likely to consume fruits and vegetables than non-stressed females [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. However, the approaches taken by studies that looked at stress and diet have been limited, with most studies assessing specific food groups and their relationship with participants' stress, rather than evaluating the dietary patterns and quality as a whole-food dietary approach. ...
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Background: Stress has been shown to be associated with poor nutrition among young women. However, studies around the topic have major limitations in their methodologies and the role of confounding factors within this association remains unclear in the literature. Objective: To investigate the associations between stress and dietary quality/patterns in a culturally diverse population of childbearing-aged women. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from two studies conducted in UK and Lebanon was performed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to explore the role of country context, socio-economic status, and physical variables. Participants were healthy women of childbearing age (n = 493). Variables measured were dietary intake, stress, physical activity, sociodemographic variables, and Body Mass Index. These were included in the SEM analysis to examine the mediating effect of stress. Results: The results showed that, among all variables, only country had a significant effect on dietary quality and patterns through the mediatory effect of stress. Participants from Lebanon were found to have higher stress levels compared to participants from the UK, and this contributed to a lower adherence to a Mediterranean diet. Conclusions: This study shows that for women of childbearing age, having a good diet quality/pattern is dependent on stress levels and country context.
... Moreover, an association between healthy eating patterns, which consist of higher intake of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, fish, legumes, and unprocessed meat, and decreased subclinical anxiety symptoms has been identified by a recent scoping review [21]. Emerging studies have shown positive correlations between consumption of fast food and occurrence of depressive/anxiety symptoms [22][23][24][25]. ...
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Background: High intake of fast food has been linked to increased risks of both depressive and anxiety disorders. However, associations between individual fast-food items and depressive/anxiety disorders are rarely examined. Method: Using cross-sectional survey the association between common fast-food items and depressive/anxiety symptoms among 142 young Hong Kong adults aged 18–27 years old was examined. A qualitative food frequency questionnaire was employed to measure the intake frequency of 22 common fast-food items found in Hong Kong. Occurrence of significant depressive and anxiety symptoms was measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), respectively. Primary measures were multivariate-adjusted odds ratios for occurrence of depressive and anxiety symptoms compared with the low intake frequency group for common fast-food items. Results: Our observations suggest that frequent intake of high-fat, -sugar, and -sodium fast-foods increased depressive symptoms, while frequent high-fat fast-food intake was associated with anxiety symptoms. However, frequent intake of sugar-free beverages reduced the risk of depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Habitual intake of certain fast foods were related to depressive/anxiety symptoms in young adults.
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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se os padrões alimentares estão associados à qualidade de vida e ao estresse no trabalho de servidores de uma Universidade Pública em Fortaleza, Ceará, utilizando-se de um estudo transversal com 324 servidores, com dados coletados por meio de questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica, ocupacional e estilo de vida, além da Escala de Estresse no Trabalho, Questionário Whoqol-bref e recordatório alimentar. Os padrões alimentares foram identificados por análise fatorial por componentes principais, seguida da rotação ortogonal varimax. A Regressão de Poisson com estimativa robusta da variância foi utilizada para estimar as razões de prevalências das variáveis em relação aos padrões alimentares. Foram identificados cinco padrões alimentares: misto, prudente, comum brasileiro, vegetais frutos do mar e infusos e densos em energia. O estresse no trabalho relacionado ao baixo apoio social e o ambiente físico com baixa qualidade de vida apresentaram associação estatística significativa com a menor adesão ao padrão misto, enquanto a alta demanda de estresse no trabalho apresentou associação com a menor adesão ao padrão comum brasileiro. Os achados evidenciaram influências no padrão alimentar associado aos fatores sociodemográficos, estresse no trabalho e baixa qualidade de vida nos servidores universitários.
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Zusammenfassung. Unterstutzende Interaktionen in Belastungssituationen konnen nur dann valide abgebildet werden, wenn auch die verwendeten Mesinstrumente auf interpersonaler Ebene verankert sind. Berichtet wird uber die Entwicklung eines Inventars zur Erfassung von Mobilisierungs- und Unterstutzungsverhalten in einer konkreten Belastungsepisode aus beiden Perspektiven der Dyade (Unterstutzungsgeber und -empfanger). Eine erste Uberprufung faktorenanalytisch abgeleiteter Subskalen wurde an n = 62 Dyaden mit stationaren Psychotherapie-Patienten als Unterstutzungsempfangern und ihren Bezugspersonen sowie an n = 71 Dyaden mit Empfangern ohne psychiatrische Diagnose und ihren Bezugspersonen vorgenommen. Zur Validierung wurden intradyadische Konsistenzen, Zusammenhange von Mobilisierung und Unterstutzung sowie Ausenkriterien (z.B. Einsamkeit) herangezogen. Reliabilitatsanalysen fielen fur die Unterstutzungsskalen (Emotionale, Informationale und Instrumentelle Unterstutzung) wie fur die Mobilisierungsskalen (Bitt...
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Zusammenfassung. Um die Okonomie des Beck-Depressions-Inventars zu verbessern, wird die Itemzahl von 84 auf 20 gekurzt. Fur jedes Symptom wird nur ein Item verwendet. Das Gewichtssymptom entfallt. Die Intensitatsskalierung erfolgt uber sechsstufige Anwortskalen, auf denen die Symptomhaufigkeit eingeschatzt wird. Die Meseigenschaften des modifizierten BDI wurden an einer Stichprobe von 2500 Probanden untersucht. Die interne Konsistenz der Skala betragt = .90. Latent-State-Trait-Analysen ergeben eine sehr gute Reliabilitat des Summenwertes (.95), eine hohe Trait-Konsistenz uber einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren (.64), eine deutliche Mesgelegenheitsspezifitat (.26) sowie eine geringe Methodenspezifitat (.05). Korrelationen des modifzierten BDI mit anderen Indikatoren des Wohlbefindens, mit demographischen Variablen, mit der objektiven und subjektiven Qualitat der eigenen beruflichen Situation, mit dem Glauben an eine gerechte und eine ungerechte Welt, mit Kontrollierbarkeitsuberzeugungen und mit Einschatzungen ...
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Zusammenfassung. An einer demographisch heterogenen Gelegenheitsstichprobe (n = 200) und drei klinischen Stichproben (Major Depressive Disorder, n = 60; Angst- und Essstorungen, n = 11; Schizophrenie, n = 40) wurden Messeigenschaften des vereinfachten Beck-Depressions-Inventars (BDI-V) ermittelt. Homogenitat und Reliabilitat des BDI-V ubersteigen jene des Original-BDI (BDI-O) und jene weiterer vier Depressionsskalen. BDI-V und BDI-O konvergieren auf der Ebene einzelner Symptome (durchschnittliche Korrelation in der Gesamtstichprobe = .70) und auf der Ebene des Summenwertes (r = .91 in der Gesamtstichprobe). Beide BDI-Versionen korrelieren in ahnlicher Hohe mit anderen Selbstbeschreibungsmasen der Depression (durchschnittliche Korrelation = .70) und einem Expertenrating (Hamilton-Skala, r = .50). BDI-V und BDI-O differenzieren ahnlich gut zwischen klinisch unauffalligen Personen und Patienten mit einer depressiven Primar- oder Sekundarsymptomatik. Vergleichbar gut gelingt mit beiden Versionen auch die Diff...
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Depression is the leading cause of mental disability worldwide. Women who are depressed during pregnancy are at a higher risk for preterm delivery, preeclampsia, birth difficulties, and postpartum depression. The treatment of depression in conventional medicine has focused on physiological factors that lead to impaired neurotransmitter function and treatments to improve neurotransmitter function. Pharmaceutical substances pose risks for pregnant and lactating women, and lower risk options are preferred. Micronutrients, including certain B vitamins, folate, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), play a role in the synthesis and absorption of neurotransmitters. Experimental studies suggest that supplementation with specific micronutrients may alleviate depressive symptoms and improve birth outcomes in patients with perinatal depression. Alternative treatments for depression, including nutritional supplements, are an important treatment option for depressive symptoms while limiting potential side effects and treatment costs. This article explores the biological basis of perinatal depression and reviews the potential benefits of non-pharmacological interventions.
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This study investigated stress levels and health-promoting attributes (sense of coherence, social support, and coping strategies) in dental students using a Salutogenic approach. All dental students (n=2,049) from two Australian universities, two Chilean universities, and one New Zealand university were invited to participate in this cross-sectional study. The questionnaire covered sociodemographic and career choice questions, Perceived Stress Scale, Orientation to Life Questionnaire, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Brief COPE scale. A total of 897 students participated, for a 44 percent response rate. Students' mean age was 22.1 (SD=2.7). The majority were females (59.3 percent). Students reported moderate stress, moderate sense of coherence (SOC), and high levels of social support. Significant differences in the SOC scores by country were reported. The linear regression model for stress explained 44 percent of the variance, in which SOC and social support are negatively associated with stress and the use of maladaptive coping strategies positively predicts high stress. These findings confirm that health-promoting attributes were negatively related to stress in these dental students. This is an initial approach to guide academics in the creation of Salutogenic programs that optimize students' chances to successfully cope with stress.
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We examined perceived health status and physical and psychological well-being of 3,271 undergraduate students attending eleven faculties in a university in Egypt. During 2009-2010, participants completed a self-administered questionnaire that gathered socio-demographic, physical and psychological health data. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from students' measured height and weight. Differences across these variables were computed by gender and participating faculties. Whilst more females watched and rated their health favorably, they were more likely to feel psychosomatic/physical health problems, to have seen a medical practitioner or been ill that they had to stay in bed. Females were consistently more likely to feel burdened overall, and across several aspects apart from financial problems. Less females had 'normal' BMI, were satisfied with current weight, perceived their body image as 'just right', or were not worried about their shape. More males rated their quality of life favorably. About 25% of males and 32% of females were either overweight/obese. Exams, presentations, and the lack of time for studies were the frequently-reported burdens. Comparisons of health/well-being indicators across the participating faculties suggested some evidence of 'clustering': Favorable indicators would cluster at some faculties; and conversely, less favorable variables would cluster at other faculties. Generally, the levels of some health complaints and psychological problems/burdens are higher than in other countries. Increased vigilance of university administrators and leaders to monitoring the health and well-being of their students, as well as their health needs is required if policy makers are to operate from a valid evidence base platform. Given cultural factors prevalent in the Eastern Mediterranean region generally, female students might require particular attention. The clustering effects suggest the need for local (faculty-specific) health and well-being profiles as basis and guidance for relevant health promotion programs in faculty/university settings.
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Depression is a debilitating disorder estimated to become the second cause of morbidity worldwide by the year 2020. The limited efficacy of antidepressant therapy, as well as the major negative consequences of this disorder, has stimulated additional research in order to determine possible adjunctive treatments. There is mounting evidence linking dietary patterns to major depression development. This article presents some of the most significant findings concerning the role of nutrition in major depressive disorder. Although more focused and clear results are needed, the correlation between nutrition and mental health is gaining attention. Now, there is evidence supporting the importance of nutrition in maintaining good mental health. We emphasize multiple findings that support adherence to healthy dietary patterns, taking into account that the production of neurotransmitters need, among others, right amounts of nutrients, a lot of which can only be supplied through diet. Not only certain nutrients are needed for proper brain functioning, but also others can be harmful, promoting depression. The Mediterranean diet has been linked to a low prevalence of depression while fast-food consumption has been found to increase the risk of developing and aggravating this disorder, hence the need for nutritional interventions. From the perspective of discovering modifiable risk factors, the role of nutrition in psychiatry could be more important than it was initially considered.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of stress on appetite and eating habits related to comfort foods in a college population. Two hundred seventy-two female college students (17-26 years) from the Family and Consumer Sciences department at a midwestern university participated in the study. The 45-itemized stress-eating survey was posted on the Internet for 1 month using InQsit (version 9.3, 2004, Fortreide & Draper, Muncie, IN), a comprehensive online assessment instrument. When stressed, 81% (n = 221) of the subjects experienced a change in appetite, and of these, 62% (n = 139) experienced an increased appetite when stressed. There was no association with age and changes in appetite during normal and stressful situations. Under normal conditions, 80% (n = 218) reported making healthy eating choices; however, only 33% of them ate healthy when stressed. When stressed, subjects with an increased appetite chose significantly more types of sweet foods and mixed dishes. Sweet foods commonly eaten were desserts, chocolate/candy bars, candy, ice cream, muffins/sweet breads, and fresh or canned fruit, whereas mixed dishes commonly eaten were burgers or sandwich meat items, pizza, casseroles, tacos, ethnic foods, and fast food. Interestingly, the variety of foods selected in each category decreased under stressful conditions. In this study, there was no significant difference in appetite levels during stressful and normal conditions between restrained and unrestrained eaters.
The aim of this study was to explore the associations between incidence of depression and dietary intakes of foods and fatty acids in adult Australians. Data from the 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey (NNS), the 1995 Australian National Health Survey (NHS) and an updated fatty acid database were merged and the 24-h fatty acid intakes were calculated for the 10 986 adult participants ages 18 to 79 y in the 1995 NNS. The merged data set was used to run a logistic regression with depression as the response variable and the food groups and calculated fatty acid values, age, and sex as predictors. The regression model indicated that increased intakes per kilojoule of meat, poultry, and game; vegetables; and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are associated with lower odds of having depression, whereas increased intakes of non-alcoholic beverages, milk products and dishes, and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) are associated with an increase in the odds of having depression. The results confirm a collective effect of diet on mood. Although other studies have shown that fish consumption is associated with lower odds of depression, this study showed lower odds of depression with high meat consumption, possibly reflecting the fact that Australians consume six times more meat than fish. Significant associations between food and mood identified in this study warrant further research to determine causality.