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Air Quality of University campus and National Highway No.12 at Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal, India

  • Government Degree College Basohli Kathua

Abstract and Figures

Exposure to high level of air pollution can cause a variety of adverse health outcomes. Health implications of air pollution are strong because exposure to air pollution is ubiquitous and widespread. However there are several key methodical challenges in the estimation of the health effects of low level exposure to air pollution. This paper assesses the air quality within and outside the University campus.
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Copyright © 2014 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA
International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Sciences, 2014, 2(1): 52-57
International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Sciences
Journal homepage:
ISSN: 2327-3356
Florida, USA
Air Quality of University campus and National Highway No.12 at Hoshangabad
Road, Bhopal, India
Parvaiz Ahmad Rather, Basharat Mushtaq, Ashwani Wanganeo, Bilal Ahmad Bhat and Manzoor
Ahmad Wani
Department of Environmental Sciences & Limnology Barkatullah University Bhopal
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:
Article history: Received 8 February 2014, Received in revised form 16 April 2014, Accepted 8 May
2014, Published 13 May 2014.
Abstract: Exposure to high level of air pollution can cause a variety of adverse health
outcomes. Health implications of air pollution are strong because exposure to air pollution is
ubiquitous and widespread. However there are several key methodical challenges in the
estimation of the health effects of low level exposure to air pollution. This paper assesses the
air quality within and outside the University campus.
Keywords: Air pollution, SOX, NOX, Impacts on Health
1. Introduction
Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth
industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Air pollution consists of
gases, solid particles and aerosols that change the natural composition of the atmosphere. Gaseous
pollutants contribute to a great extent in composition variations of the atmosphere and are mainly due to
combustion of fossil fuels (Katsouyanni, 2003).
Environmental Pollution by vehicles is caused due to tail-pipe exhaust emissions depending on
changes in driving cycles, engine condition, fuel composition and air/ fuel ratio. Malfunction of engine
devices, especially fuel injection system, increases the emissions of the main exhaust components.
Vehicular emissions consist of Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen oxide, unburnt
hydrocarbons including lead, particulate matter etc. According to Balmes et al., (1987) all types of air
Int. J. Mar. Atmos. & Earth Sci. 2014, 2(1): 52-57
Copyright © 2014 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA
Pollution, at high concentration, can affect the airways. Nevertheless, similar effects are also observed
with long-term exposure to lower pollutant concentrations. Symptoms such as nose and throat irritation,
followed by bronchoconstriction and dyspnoea, especially in asthmatic individuals, are usually
experienced after exposure to increased levels of sulphur dioxide.
As for particulate matter, the evidence on NO2 and health comes from different sources of
information, including observational epidemiology, controlled human exposures to pollutants and
animal toxicology. Interpretation of evidence on NO2 exposures outdoors is complicated by the fact that
in most urban locations, the nitrogen oxides that yield NO2 are emitted primarily by motor vehicles,
making it a strong indicator of vehicle emissions (including other unmeasured pollutants emitted by
these sources). NO2 (and other nitrogen oxides) is also a precursor for a number of harmful secondary
air pollutants, including nitric acid, the nitrate part of secondary inorganic aerosols and photo oxidants
(including ozone). Health risks from nitrogen oxides may potentially result from NO2 itself or its reaction
products including O3 and secondary particles.
2. Materials and Methods
Ambient air quality was monitored from August to September during 2013 at two sites in Bhopal
for priority parameters total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), respirable suspended particulate
matter (RSPM), Nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide. The two sampling sites namely near life science
building (site 1) and Hoshangabad road outside Barkatullah University main campus (site 2). The
description of the sites is given in Fig. 1. Bhopal has a humid subtropical climate, with cool, dry winters,
a hot summer and a humid monsoon season. Summers start in late March and go on till mid-Jun, the
average temperature being around 30 °C with the peak of summer in May, when the highs regularly
exceed 40 °C. The average temperature is around 25 °C and the humidity is quite high.
Air quality parameters TSPM, PM10, SO2, NO2 were monitored by using high volume Respirable
Dust Sampler (Envirotech instrument APM 460NL). Hourly values for all values for all pollutants were
measured at each site. The particulate matter (PM10) collected on fiber glass filter was determined by
weighing the filter before and after exposure to ambient air. TSPM was determined from the sum of
PM10 and particles larger than PM10. The mass of PM larger than PM10 was determined from the initial
and final weights of dust cup viol. The samples of SOx and NOx were collected in glass impugners using
sodium arsenate and sodium tetrachloromercurate absorption solutions respectively. NO2 and SO2 in the
sample were determined by modified West and Gaek (1956) method. Samples were kept in refrigerator
until analysis to minimize volatilization.
Int. J. Mar. Atmos. & Earth Sci. 2014, 2(1): 52-57
Copyright © 2014 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA
3. Results and Discussion
The concentration of various air quality parameters viz., TSPM, SPM, NOX, SOX recorded
during present study are given in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Air quality parameters of site 1 near life science building during August- September 2013
Table 2. Air quality parameters of site 2 outside the campus on N-H-12 during August- September 2013
RSPM µg/m3
NRSPM µg/m3
Nox µg/m3
Sox µg/m3
Int. J. Mar. Atmos. & Earth Sci. 2014, 2(1): 52-57
Copyright © 2014 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA
Table 3: Revised national ambient air standards (2013)
Concentration in Ambient Air
Time Weighted
Area (notified
by Central
Values of
SO2 mg/m3
24 Hours**
24 Hours**
24 Hours**
24 Hours**
** 24 hourly or 08 hourly or, 04 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be compiled
With 98% of the time in a year, 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive days of monitoring.
During the present study TSPM recorded high concentration (0.9µg/m3) at site 2 during
September. The highest concentration of TSPM at site may be due to dense traffic at road and may be
due to other commercial activities at the site. According to Almeida 2007 coarse and fine soil dust being
presumably associated with dust re-suspension by road traffic and wind. Vehicular emission is the
dominating source of PM10 along the road sides (Kukkonen et al., 2001; Sharma et al., 2006). RSPM
recorded the highest concentration (0.03 µg/m3) at site 2 during August. NRSPM recorded the highest
concentration (0.04µg/m3) at site 2 in both August and September and recorded lowest concentration
(0.02 µg/m3) at site 1 in August. At site-I SO2 concentration showed slight variation between the two
sites. The minimumSO2 values of 0.75 µg/m3 was recorded in August 2013, while the maximum value
of 0.78 µg/m3 was recorded during September 2013, with a mean value of 0.76 µg/m3. However, site 2
recorded the minimum SO2 concentration of 3.93µg/m3 during August 2013 against a maximum value
of 18.65µg/m3 was recorded in September 2013, with the mean of11.29 µg/m3. The highest
concentration of NO2 was recorded in the month of September (0.33 µg/m3) at site 1 and in the month
of September (12.27 µg/m3) at site 2. However the lowest values were 0.30 and 0.44 respectively at site1
and site 2. The mean values of NO2 concentration were recorded as 0.31 at site1 and 6.35 at site 2.
Airborne particulate matter represents a complex mixture of organic and inorganic substances.
Mass and composition in urban environments tend to be divided into two principal groups: coarse
particles and fine particles. The smaller particles contain the secondarily formed aerosols (gas-to-particle
conversion), combustion particles and re-condensed organic and metal vapours. The larger particles
usually contain earth crust materials and fugitive dust from roads and industries. Whereas most of the
Int. J. Mar. Atmos. & Earth Sci. 2014, 2(1): 52-57
Copyright © 2014 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA
mass is usually in the fine mode (particles between 100 nm and 2.5 μ), the largest number of particles is
found in the very small sizes, less than 100 nm.
Particulate pollution is classified by size, with finer particles (PM2.5, i.e. particles of 2.5 microns
size and less) considered to be more dangerous than coarser material (PM10) because they are small
enough to evade the body’s respiratory defense mechanisms and lodge deep in lung tissue. For that
reason, these tiny particles appear to have the greatest health-damaging potential.
Increase in the levels of standards of air pollutants may cause several diseases in animals like;
Lesions caused by air pollution in production animals mainly include inflammatory processes (Anderson
et al). Horses could show severe hyper reactivity to organic dust and will display asthma like attacks
after exposure (McPherson et al 1979). 1000 ppm for less than 24 hours caused mucosal damage,
impaired ciliary activity and secondary infections in laboratory animals (Dodd and Gross 1980). Chronic
exposure of 5µg/m3 caused serious loss of pulmonary functions in operators of grain elevators (Enerson
et al 1985).
Fig. 2: Variation in TSPM, NRSPM, RSPM, NO2, SO2 at different sites during the study period
Site 1 Site 2
Concentration of SO2(µg/m3)
Augast September
Site 1 Site 2
concentration of Nox µg/m3
Augast September
S1 S2
concentration of RSPM
site1 Site2
concentration of NRSPM
August September
Site1 Site2
concentration of TSPM (µg/m3)
Augast September
Int. J. Mar. Atmos. & Earth Sci. 2014, 2(1): 52-57
Copyright © 2014 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA
4. Conclusion
During the present study all the pollutants were measured with a sampling duration of 1 hour.
TSPM, RSPM, NRSPM, PM10, NO2 and SO2 were all well within the limits as set by EPA at all the sites.
It can be concluded that tourist inflow, vehicular density, roadside dust, and burning of coal and fuel
wood on a large scale are the main sources of air pollutants in this area.
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... Another dominant perspective derived from PM analysis in UCs is to evaluate the space-time variability of both chemical species (heavy metals, ions, and minerals) and PM concentrations (PM 1.0 , PM 2.5 , and PM 10 ) under different environmental settings and scenarios. Therefore, studies have been conducted to monitor the variability in the concentrations of trace metals and anions at indoor and outdoor sites Niu et al., 2021;Ahmad et al., 2014;Ashok et al., 2014). Some studies have measured the influence of emissions from external sources affecting UCs on PM concentrations within the campus environment (Nguyen et al., 2020;Li et al., 2017), even during extreme events such as the COVID-19 pandemic (Bhat et al., 2022;Pratap and Kumar, 2021), revealing that vehicle emissions from roads could contribute a large portion of PM pollution (Asmel et al., 2022;Liu et al., 2020;Popescu and Popescu, 2017). ...
... In addition to PM, other air pollutants have been monitored in UCs due to their negative implications on human health. This group includes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Seo et al., 2022;Goodman et al., 2018;Wei et al., 2017), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (Wu et al., 2022), water-soluble ions (Goodman et al., 2018), black carbon (Goodman et al., 2018, total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) (Ramos et al., 2022;Alves et al., 2020;Sahu and Gurjar, 2020;Chadee and Maharaj, 2020;Goodman et al., 2018;Can et al., 2015;Ashok et al., 2014), SO 2 (Bhat et al., 2022;Zhang et al., 2022b;Nguyen et al., 2020;Manimaran and Narayana, 2018;Popescu and Popescu, 2017;Ahmad et al., 2014), NO 2 (Asmel et al., 2022;Bhat et al., 2022;Zhang et al., 2022aZhang et al., , 2022bNguyen et Ashok et al., 2014), O 3 (Asmel et al., 2022;Bhat et al., 2022;Zhang et al., 2022aZhang et al., , 2022bNguyen et al., 2020;Bales et al., 2019;Manimaran and Narayana, 2018;Popescu and Popescu, 2017;Can et al., 2015), and CO 2 and CO (Asmel et al., 2022;Ramos et al., 2022;Alves et al., 2020;Chadee and Maharaj, 2020;Sahu and Gurjar, 2020;Erlandson et al., 2019;Manimaran and Narayana, 2018;Popescu and Popescu, 2017;Leavey et al., 2015;Ashok et al., 2014;Saha et al., 2012). ...
The infrastructure and activities of university campuses (UCs) can generate adverse environmental impacts. Consequently, UCs have been forced to include a sustainability perspective in planning and implementing institutional policies, including air quality monitoring. This paper presents a review of air quality studies regarding chemical pollutants (gases and particles) carried out in UCs during the last 10 years using a university sustainability approach. Methodologically, we used bibliometric tools (such as the “Bibliometrix” R package) and descriptive approaches. The results indicated a lack of publications regarding air quality in UCs, but there has been growing interest in this topic recently. The countries that registered the highest bibliographic production, considering the institutional affiliations of the authors, were the United States, China, Germany, Brazil, and Italy, and particulate matter was identified as the most analyzed air pollutant in indoor and outdoor environments. The study perspectives of the subject are diverse and range from relating the characteristics of buildings with indoor air quality to the development of technological devices to optimize spatial and temporal air quality monitoring under smart campus approaches. At the end of the manuscript, several challenges that may initiate future research fields to strengthen the sustainability of UCs are mentioned.
... To meet these requirements, set up of an extensive network of fixed sampling stations is usually necessary. This network may be supplemented by the use of mobile sampling equipment in a vehicle 17 . The data obtained will assist in the creation of air quality guidelines which will act as the framework for determining air quality standards. ...
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A continuous study of ambient air quality is necessary for determining a regional environmental condition, mainly air pollutants. Pollutant concentrations, sources and weather conditions all have an impact on the quality of the air we breathe. The current study attempted to investigate the air quality in Gwalior city by using two separate locations. In urban areas, the contribution from automobile sources has the most significant impact on air quality. High levels of air pollution have a variety of harmful health consequences. The air quality inside/outside of the university campus is evaluated in this study. Air pollution has serious health consequences for humans, animals and plants. It is difficult to predict the health effects of low-level exposure. The World Health Organization has specified the various criteria gases that affect human health and crops. Different pollutants, mainly Particulate Matters, i.e. PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx and SPM, are investigated and their concentration is also estimated for comparative study.
... A study on air quality of University campus and national road highway in India was conducted by Rather et al. (2014). The study stated that tourist inflow, vehicular density and roadside dust contributed to air pollution in the campus. ...
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Article Information ABSTRACT Key Words: Air pollution, Exceedance factors, Pollutants standard, sensitive groups and Health hazards. For any information: A study on the evaluation of pollutant standard index and air quality index in Choba campus of the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria based on particulate matter were assessed. Aeroqual-PM10/PM2.5 and CW-HAT200 particulate sampler instruments that measure particulate matter by a method of light scattering were used. Pollutant standard index and air quality index were computed using measure concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter. The study shows that a positive linear relationship exists between pollutant standard index and air quality index, the relationship is highly significant (p-values < 0.0001, R2 = 99.1 %). Statistical result indicates that PM2.5 constitutes 52.68% of the concentrations of PM10. PM2.5 fine particle was found to be the predominant particulate pollutant in the University Campus. Computed air quality index shows good air quality 17% of the days, moderate air quality 79% of the days and unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups 4% of the days. Sensitive groups on the campus may be experiencing coughing, shortness of breath sneezing, asthma attacks, coughing, reduced lung function and wheezing. The management of the university should communicate the air quality indices in this study to the students and public so that precautionary measures can be taken to reduce prolong exposure.
... The presence of these pollutants in the atmosphere in high concentrations above permissible limits poses serious threat to public health and the environment (Leton 2007). Most cities of the world are faced with serious air pollution problems due to industrialization, urbanization and rapid economic development (Rather et al. 2014). The pollution of the air quality of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria has been said to be a major problem confronting the various levels of government in the region (Tawari and Abowei, 2012) especially with the appearance of carbon black (black soot) in the air environment of port Harcourt city. ...
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This study investigated the concentrations air pollutants in the air quality of the Abuja campus business area of the University of port Harcourt. Air pollutants and meteorological parameters were monitored on monthly basis for a period of six months (February to July 2017) using suitable calibrated air quality instrument. Daily 1-hour averaging of pollutants concentrations was carried out for a period of 8 hours. SO2 showed minimum mean concentration of 0.25ppm in April and maximum mean concentration of 0.63ppm in March; NO2 showed minimum mean concentrations of 0.13ppm in April and maximum mean concentration of 0.75ppm in March; CO showed minimum mean concentrations of 0.5ppm in April and maximum mean concentration of 2.25ppm in February; H2S showed minimum mean concentration of 0.25ppm in March and April and maximum mean concentration of 0.38ppm in February, May and July; mean concentrations of CH4 ranged from 21.25ppm (minimum) in May to 32.5ppm (maximum) in February; mean concentrations of NH3 ranged from 0.13ppm (minimum) in February to 1.163ppm (maximum) in July; also mean concentrations of SPM ranged from 62.65 μg/m3 (minimum) in July to 555.5 μg/m3 (maximum) in March; mean concentrations of PM10 range between 51.75 μg/m3 (minimum) in April and 428 μg/m3 (maximum) in March; mean concentrations of PM2.5 ranged between 24.13 μg/m3 in April (minimum) and 203.63 μg/m3 (maximum) in March. The study revealed that the air quality in the Business Area of Abuja Campus of the University of Port Harcourt is polluted and poses a major risk to human health. Long-time exposure may exacerbate cases of respiratory and cardiovascular problems among the exposed population.
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Research within SATURN has focussed on improving our understanding of the physical and chemical properties of particulate matter, and our capability for modelling particulate matter concentrations in urban areas. Campaigns have been conducted at various urban centres on PM10, PM2.5 and on finer size fractionated samples. Measurements have been made to reveal the chemical composition, and particle number and mass concentrations at various urban locations. Models have been developed, evaluated and applied in order to predict aerosol processes, and the number and mass concentrations, of the coarse and fine fractions in urban areas.
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This study deals with Particle Matter (PM) levels in the metropolitan area of Lisbon and shows that EU directive is exceeded in a systematic way, mainly due to the inner city traffic. Results show that it is important to develop an epidemiological study in Lisbon to find a possible association between PM levels, sources and morbidity. Some important issues related with a monitor's representation of regional, sub-regional, and local air pollution exposures to the population in the metropolitan area are highlighted. PM2.5 and PM10 total mass concentration measured in several places located in both centre of Lisbon and the outskirts are quite well correlated, mainly considering that two measuring methodologies (automatic and gravimetric) were used and areas with different classifications (urban and suburban) were analysed. However, the results imply that a source-oriented evaluation of PM health effects needs to take into account the uncertainty associated with spatial representativity of the species measured at a single sampling station. Temporal correlation across sampling stations, within relatively short separation distances, varied considerably for some important elements (Zn, Sb, Cu, As and Br), indicating that the precision of population exposure estimates for specific elements can vary depending on the species.
Sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere is removed and concentrated by scrubbing through 0.1M sodium tetrachloromercurate(II). Stable, nonvolatile disulfitomercurate(II) is formed. The subsequent determination of the isolated sulfur dioxide is based on the red-violet color produced when p-rosaniline hydrochloride-hydrochloric acid mixture (0.04% dye - 6% concentrated acid) and formaldehyde (0.2%) are added to the sampling solution. The absorption maximum is at 560 mμ and the color is temperature-independent and stable for several hours. The method is sensitive (0.005 to 0.2 p.p.m. with a 38.2-liter air sample scrubbed through 10.0 ml. of sampling solution) and should be useful in the absolute determination of sulfur dioxide in air pollution surveys. Nitrogen dioxide is the only common interference.
Micropolyspora faeni and Aspergillus fumigatus were identified as common causes of respiratory hypersensitivity in horses affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Rye grass pollen and an Actinomycete evoked respiratory allergy in a few horses. Not infrequently, individual horses were found to have respiratory hypersensitivity to two or more antigens. The methods used to examine for allergy were intradermal testing and inhalation challenge with environmental antigens. An intradermal test using an M faeni extract was demonstrated to be suitable for diagnostic use in horses previously accurately diagnosed as suffering from COPD. In contrast, the A fumigatus antigen used proved unsatisfactory for such a purpose. Skin reaction to M faeni and A fumigatus extracts by horses affected with COPD indicated that the hypersensitivity was a dual one—a weak response shortly after injection followed by an Arthus‐like response 4 to 8 hours later. As a parameter for monitoring responses to inhalation challenge, maximum intrathoracic pressure change (max Δ Ppl) proved satisfactory, whereas changes in partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO 2 ) did not. RÉSUMÉ Micropolyspora faeni et aspergillus fumigatus ont été identifiés comme responsables d'une hypersensibiliteé respiratoire chez des chevaux atteints d'une maladie respiratoire obstructive chronique. Des pollens de graminées et un Actinomycete ont été tenus pour responsables d'allergies respiratoires chez quelques chevaux. Assez fréquemment des chevaux se révélent individuellement hypersensibles á un ou deux, ou plusieurs antigénes au niveau de l'appareil respiratoire. Les méthodes pour tester l'allergie furent l'injection intradermique et l'inhalation avec des antigénes trouvés dans l'environnement. Un test intradermique utilisant un extrait de M. faeni fut utilise á des fins diagnostiques chez des chevaux atteints précédemment de maladie respiratoire obstructive chronique. Par contre l'antigéne prepare avec Aspergillus fumigatus ne fut pas satisfaisant. Les réactions cutanées aux extraits de M. faeni et A. fumigatus chez des chevaux atteints de maladie respiratoire obstructive chronique, montrérent que l'hypersensibilitéétait double: d'abord une faible réponse suivant de pRÉS l'injection suivie par une réponse de type Arthus 4 á 8 heures plus tard. La pression intrathoracique maxima se révéla être un indicateur satisfaisant de la réponse aux stimulations par inhalation. Au contraire les variations de la pression artérielle d'O 2 furent inexploitables. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Micropolyspora faeni und Aspergillus fumigatus konnten als häufige Ursachen einer respiratorischen Hypersensibilität bei Pferden gefunden werden mit chronisch obstruktiven Lungenkrankheiten. Lolchpollen und ein Actinomycet verursachten eine respiratorische Allergie bei einigen Pferden. Recht häufig fand man bei individuellen Pferden auch eine respiratorische Ueberempfindlichkeit gegen zwei oder mehr Antigene. Die Methoden zur Untersuchung der Allergie bestanden in intradermalen Tests und in der Inhalation von Umgebungsantigene. Ein intradermaler Test mit M. faeni‐Extrakt erwies sich als geeignet für die Diagnostik bei Pferden, die an chronisch obstruktiven Lungenkrankheiten litten. Das A. fumigatus ‐Antigen dagegen erwies sich nicht als zufriedenstellend Die Hautreaktionen gegen M. faeni und A. fumigatus ‐Extrakte bei lungenleidenden Pferden, schienen darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Ueberempfindlichkeit eine Doppelte ist: Eine schwache Reaktion kurz nach der Injektion war von einer Arthus‐ähnlichen Reaktion 4 bis 8 Stunden später gefolgt. Als geeigneter Parameter zur Ueberwachung der Reaktion auf Antigeninhalation, erwies sich die Messung der maximalen Schwankung des intratorakalen Drucks (max. Δ Ppl), während die Veränderungen des arteriellen Sauerstoffpartialdruckes sich als nicht geeignet herausstellten.
We studied the relationship between duration and concentration of exposure in SO2-induced bronchoconstriction in 8 asthmatic subjects. On separate days, we administered SO2 in humidified air through a mouthpiece at 2 concentrations (0.5 and 1.0 ppm) for 3 time periods (1, 3, and 5 min) during eucapnic hyperpnea (60 L/min). Humidified air was administered for 5 min as a control. Bronchoconstriction was assessed by measurement of specific airway resistance (SRaw). The magnitude of the bronchoconstrictor response to both concentrations of SO2 increased progressively over the 3 time periods studied. The mean (+/- SE) increase in SRaw (in L x cm H2O/L/s) and percent increase above baseline (in parentheses) after each exposure to SO2 were as follows: 2.5 +/- 0.3 (34%) after 0.5 ppm for 1 min; 7.5 +/- 4.7 (93%) after 1.0 ppm for 1 min; 13 +/- 3.2 (173%) after 0.5 ppm for 3 min; 31.4 +/- 7.4 (395%) after 1.0 ppm for 3 min; 19.6 +/- 4.0 (234%) after 0.5 ppm for 5 min; 44.1 +/- 9.8 (580%) after 1.0 ppm for 5 min; 3.5 +/- 1.5 (46%) after humidified air for 5 min. For the group, the increases in SRaw caused by inhalation of both concentrations of SO2 for 1 min were small. However, 2 of 8 subjects did develop large increases in SRaw and chest tightness after inhalation of 1.0 ppm for 1 min. Seven of 8 subjects developed wheezing, chest tightness, or dyspnea and used an inhaled bronchodilator after inhalation of 0.5 ppm for 3 and 5 min and 1.0 ppm for 3 minutes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Twenty healthy conditioned cats were pulmonary-function tested and then exposed to 1000 ppm of ammonia gas for a 10-min period. Pulmonary function tests were repeated and lung samples for pathologic evaluation were taken on days 1, 7, 21, and 35 post-exposure. Two cats were housed with the experimental cats as untreated controls. Pulmonary function data were analyzed, statistically evaluated, and compared with the pathological observations. There was good correlation between the alterations in pulmonary function observed and the pathologic lesions found. According to our findings, and those of other investigators, the pulmonary dysfunction which results from ammonia gas inhalation is biphasic in nature. The acute effects of the initial insult, which can be fatal, are almost always followed by secondary effects which can result in debilitating, chronic respiratory dysfunction. This study has characterized an animal model which could provide techniques for preventing or modifying the course of the secondary damage of ammonia gas inhalation.
The adverse health effects of air pollution became widely acknowledged after severe pollution episodes occurred in Europe and North America before the 1960s. In these areas, pollutant levels have decreased. During the last 15 years, however, consistent results, mainly from epidemiological studies, have provided evidence that current air pollutant levels have been associated with adverse long- and short-term health effects, including an increase in mortality. These effects have been better studied for ambient particle concentrations but there is also substantial evidence concerning gaseous pollutants such as ozone, NO(2) and CO. Attempts to estimate the impact of air pollution effects on health in terms of the attributable number of events indicate that the ubiquitous nature of the exposure results in a considerable public health burden from relatively weak relative risks.
Rapid decline in FEV, in grain handlers: Relation to level of dust exposure. American review of respiratory disease
  • D A Enarson
  • S Vedal
  • M Chan-Yeung
Enarson, D.A., Vedal, S. and Chan-Yeung, M. (1985). Rapid decline in FEV, in grain handlers: Relation to level of dust exposure. American review of respiratory disease. 132: 814-817.