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Abstract and Figures

Laboratory experiments were carried out during 2011-12 and 2012-13 to study the toxicity of organophosphates against leafhopper population of major cotton growing districts of Karnataka, India. Raichur and Yadgir districts leafhopper population recorded higher LC 50 values to almost all insecticides bioassayed, viz., monocrotophos, acephate, oxydemeton methyl and dimethoate. Haveri, Dharwad and Belgaum districts leafhopper population recorded medium range LC 50 values and Mysore district leafhopper population recorded lower LC 50 values to the insecticides bioassayed. Relatively more mixed function oxidases activity values corresponding to the higher LC 50 values of organophosphates in Raichur and Yadgir districts leafhopper population indicated the role of mixed function oxidases enzyme in detoxification of insecticides and development of insecticide resistance in cotton leafhopper against the commonly used insecticides.
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D. Sagar, R. A. Balikai and B. M. Khadi1
Department of Ag. Entomology, 1Directorate of Research, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad -580 005, India
(Accepted 5 October 2013 )
ABSTRACT : Laboratory experiments were carried out during 2011-12 and 2012-13 to study the toxicity of
organophosphates against leafhopper population of major cotton growing districts of Karnataka, India. Raichur and
Yadgir districts leafhopper population recorded higher LC50 values to almost all insecticides bioassayed, viz.,
monocrotophos, acephate, oxydemeton methyl and dimethoate. Haveri, Dharwad and Belgaum districts leafhopper
population recorded medium range LC50 values and Mysore district leafhopper population recorded lower LC50
values to the insecticides bioassayed. Relatively more mixed function oxidases activity values corresponding to the
higher LC50 values of organophosphates in Raichur and Yadgir districts leafhopper population indicated the role of
mixed function oxidases enzyme in detoxification of insecticides and development of insecticide resistance in cotton
leafhopper against the commonly used insecticides.
Key words : Toxicity, LC50, mixed function oxidases, insecticide resistance, Amrasca biguttula biguttula.
Cotton (Gossypium spp.) popularly known as “White
Gold” is a major commercial crop unanimously designated
as “King of Fibres” and has a global significance which is
grown for its lint and seed. After the introduction of Bt
cotton, there was a check only to the bollworm complex,
but not to the sucking pest population (Mohan and Nandini,
2011). Among the sucking pest complex of Bt cotton, the
cotton leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida)
(Homoptera: Cicadellidae) is an alarming pest causing both
quantitative and qualitative losses.
Inspite of repeated use of insecticides, it is becoming
difficult to manage this pest and control failures have been
experienced by the cotton growers at times. Though control
failure may be due to many factors, one of the major
factors is the development of resistance to insecticides
(Jeya Pradeepa and Regupathy, 2002). The development
of resistance against insecticides by insects is either due to
pre-adaptation or post adaptation process. In pre-
adaptation, the genetic differences are already present in
the insect population and insecticides acts as selective agent
by eliminating the susceptible population favouring the
resistant genotype or population. While in post adaptation,
the resistance is physiological by the presence of detoxifying
enzymes which breakdown the toxicant much faster
(Srivastava and Saxena, 2000).
As there is little documented evidence regarding
insecticide resistance acquired by the leafhopper to
commonly used insecticides, there is a need to assess the
degree of resistance acquired by the pest following
conventional bioassay to advanced biochemical analysis.
Keeping these points in view, the present study was
The present investigations were undertaken during
2011-12 and 2012-13 in the Department of Agricultural
Entomology, UAS, Dharwad. The population of cotton
leafhopper nymphs was collected from farmers fields of
Dharwad, Belgaum, Haveri, Mysore, Raichur and Yadgir
districts during early morning hours along with leaves and
was used for bioassay. The leafhopper nymphs collected
from each location were exposed to graded concentrations
of test insecticides viz., monocrotophos 36 SL, acephate
75 SP, oxydemeton methyl 25 EC and dimethoate 30 EC.
Each replication consisted of 10 nymphs and there were
three replications for each concentration of test insecticide.
A control was maintained at each time of experimentation
where in the leaves were dipped in the water. Bioassays
were conducted following the procedure based on the
standard Bemesia tabaci susceptibility test Insecticide
Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) method No. 8
developed and recommended by the IRAC with slight
The mortality of leafhopper was recorded at 48 hours
Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 261-265, 2013 ISSN 0972-5075
after treatment, moribund leafhopper nymphs which did
not respond to probing were considered as dead. Percentage
of mortality for each concentration of test insecticide and
control were computed and corrected per cent mortality
was calculated by Abbot’s formula (Abbott, 1925). The
corrected mortality data of each test insecticide of each
location was subjected to probit analysis using EPA probit
analysis program used for calculating LC/EC values version
1.5 for calculation of LC50and LC90 for the leafhopper
populations of Dharwad, Belgaum, Haveri, Mysore,
Raichur and Yadgir districts of Karnataka to the test
insecticides used. The relative resistance ratio for each
insecticide and location was calculated using the formula
as given below.
Relative resistance LC50 of particular location leafhopper population
ratio (RRR) = ____________________________________________________________________________
LC50 of relatively susceptible location leafhopper population
Mixed function oxidases (MFO’s) activity assay
Biochemical basis of insecticide resistance in cotton
leafhoppers was determined by estimating the activity of
MFO enzyme. Randomly 80-120 nymphs of A. biguttula
biguttula were collected from Bt cotton fields of Dharwad,
Belgaum, Haveri, Mysore, Raichur and Yadgir districts of
Karnataka for estimation of MFO’s activity.
The estimation of mixed function oxidases activity
involved microsomes isolation followed by protein
estimation from microsomal fraction and measurement of
O-dealkylation of ethoxyresorufin by direct fluorometric
method. Microsomes were isolated following methodology
as described by Lee and Scott (1989). Protein estimation
was carried out by following the standard method as given
by Bradford (1976). The activity O-dealkylation of
ethoxyresorufin was determined by the by direct
fluorometric method as suggested by Prough et al (1978)
with slight modification. Mixed function oxidase activity
was presented as nanomoles of resorufin formed per
minute per milligram of protein.
Enzymatic activity ratio for mixed function oxidase
enzyme of each location leafhopper population was
calculated using the formula as given below.
Enzymatic activity in leafhopper population of particular location
Enzymatic = _____________________________________________________________________________________
activity ratio (EAR) Enzymatic activity in leafhopper population of relatively
susceptible location
The results of biochemical investigations were
correlated with the insecticide resistance pattern results of
cotton leafhopper population of major cotton growing
districts of Karnataka.
Log dose probit assay was carried out for
monocrotophos, acephate, oxydemeton methyl and
dimethoate across six different geographic populations of
A. biguttula biguttula representing major cotton growing
ecosystem of Karnataka. For calculating the relative
resistance ratio and enzymatic activity ratio, Mysore district
leafhopper population was considered as relatively
susceptible, as this population recorded lower LC50 values
for the insecticides bioassayed and lower mixed function
oxidases activity among six districts leafhopper population.
Monocrotophos 36 SL: Among the chemical
insecticides bioassayed, monocrotophos registered higher
LC50 values (225.66 and 262.10 ppm) during both the
years. The LC50 values of monocrotophos against the
leafhopper population of major cotton growing districts of
Karnataka varied from 225.66 (Raichur) to 80.30 ppm
(Mysore) during 2011-12 and 262.10 (Raichur) to 89.22
ppm (Mysore) during 2012-13 (Table 1). Higher LC50
and LC90 values to monocrotophos during both the years
were noticed in the leafhopper population of Raichur
followed by population from Yadgir, Dharwad, Belgaum,
Haveri and Mysore. The relative resistance folds as
compared to Mysore district leafhopper population varied
from 2.81 (Raichur) to 1.34-folds (Haveri) during 2011-
12 and 2.93 (Raichur) to 1.40-folds (Haveri) during 2012-
13. Similar studies were done by Chalam and Subbaratnam
(1999) and reported that the leafhopper population of
Guntur district was relatively more resistant than the
populations of Warangal and Kurnool districts to
endosulfan, monocrotophos and cypermethrin.
The increased LC50 and LC90 values for
monocrotophos in the leafhopper population of major
cotton growing districts of Karnataka including Mysore
location is because of intensive use of monocrotophos by
the cotton growers in state from the past three decades.
The results of the present findings corroborate with the
reports of Jhansi et al (2004) who opined that indiscriminate
use of insecticides on cotton for the past two decades in
the state have created undue selection pressure on insects
resulting in acquisition of higher degree of insecticide
Acephate 75 SP : The LC50 and LC90 values along
with relative resistance ratio to acephate was highest in
the leafhopper population of Yadgir, followed by Raichur,
Dharwad, Belgaum and Haveri, while lowest was observed
in the population from Mysore during both the years. The
LC50 values of acephate against the leafhopper population
of major cotton growing districts of Karnataka varied from
183.34 (Yadgir) to 78.14 ppm (Mysore) during 2011-12
and 209.48 (Yadgir) to 84.16 ppm (Mysore) during 2012-
13 (Table 2). It was reported that LC50 values of acephate
ranged from 0.0008 (Bhatinda) to 0.1622 ml/l (Nagpur)
262 D. Sagar et al
Table 1 : Toxicity of monocrotophos 36 SL against Amrasca biguttula biguttula in major cotton growing districts of Karnataka.
2011-12 2012-13
Location LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative
(ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance (ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance
ratio ratio
Dharwad 153.69 112.51 195.67 793.79 1.91 181.37 137.78 227.96 882.12 2.03
Belgaum 129.50 93.92 164.56 600.99 1.61 149.33 109.74 189.93 736.64 1.67
Haveri 108.16 75.87 139.27 494.47 1.34 125.59 88.24 162.11650.82 1.40
Mysore 80.30 54.47 104.77 321.40 1.00 89.22 58.55 118.26 434.29 1.00
Raichur 225.66 174.79 285.78 1152.07 2.81 262.10 209.96 326.73 1132.64 2.93
Yadgir 195.04 149.77 244.71 941.86 2.42 231.40 182.66 288.52 1044.96 2.59
Table 2 : Toxicity of acephate 75 SP against Amrasca biguttula biguttula in major cotton growing districts of Karnataka.
2011-12 2012-13
Location LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative
(ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance (ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance
ratio ratio
Dharwad 124.65 83.66 159.53 393.78 1.59 143.24 101.04 279.50 451.57 1.70
Belgaum 113.29 76.09 144.80 324.39 1.44 126.16 85.84 160.54 389.49 1.49
Haveri 95.91 58.33 127.28 284.37 1.22 110.25 71.71 142.82 331.37 1.31
Mysore 78.14 41.40 107.86 221.95 1.00 84.16 46.20 115.66 256.79 1.00
Raichur 158.82 116.69 195.48 485.07 2.03 187.83 145.67 225.50 543.94 2.23
Yadgir 183.34 140.48 221.39 545.72 2.34 209.48 165.97 249.05 604.44 2.48
Table 3 : Toxicity of oxydemeton methyl 25 EC against Amrasca biguttula biguttula in major cotton growing districts of Karnataka.
2011-12 2012-13
Location LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative
(ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance (ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance
ratio ratio
Dharwad 88.26 61.95 113.11338.21 1.58 99.54 71.52 126.21 385.41 1.62
Belgaum 61.12 38.92 81.69 227.18 1.09 68.38 43.92 91.16 275.85 1.11
Haveri 74.75 49.96 97.95 291.65 1.37 84.36 57.63 109.48 340.56 1.37
Mysore 55.57 35.13 74.27 190.43 1.00 61.15 39.72 80.97 215.63 1.00
Raichur 106.59 77.79 134.00 405.46 1.91 119.91 88.43 150.31 482.68 1.96
Yadgir 91.19 64.04 116.86 357.95 1.65 103.43 73.65 131.74 426.59 1.69
(Anon., 2012). Similarly, Jeya Pradeepa and Regupathy
(2002) reported that the LC50 and LC95 values
of acephate for F1 and F6 generations varied from 114.79
to 46.02 and 3981.10 to 831.76 ppm, respectively.
The reasons attributed for higher LC50 and LC90
values in acephate might be due its intensive usage in
cotton growing ecosystem especially in Raichur and Yadgir
districts as a tank mixture along with monocrotophos and
imidacloprid (Sagar et al, 2013) and also due to cross
resistance development to organophosphates by the
leafhopper population.
Insecticide resistance in leafhopper 263
Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC : Among the
organophosphates bioassayed, oxydemeton methyl has
recorded relatively lower LC50 and LC90 values. The LC50
values of oxydemeton methyl to six different geographic
populations of A. biguttula biguttula varied from 106.59
(Raichur) to 55.57 ppm (Mysore) during 2011-12 and
119.91 (Raichur) to 61.15 ppm (Mysore) during 2012-13
(Table 3). Similar studies were carried out by Kalra et al
(2001) to study the toxicity of various insecticides viz.,
oxydemeton methyl, dimethoate and monocrotophos
against the okra leafhopper and reported that LC50 values
were 0.126, 0.178 and 0.063 per cent, respectively.
Lower LC50 and LC90 values of oxydemeton methyl
might be due to reduced usage of oxydemeton methyl in
the cotton ecosystem in the recent past. Present reasoning
is in agreement with Forrester (1990) who noticed that
resistance levels rose when insecticides were used, but
fell significantly when they are with held. Thus, pesticides
are creating high pressure for evolution of resistant
Dimethoate 30 EC: The LC50 values for dimethoate
against cotton leafhopper population of major cotton
growing districts of Karnataka during 2011-12 and 2012-
13 varied from 127.23 (Dharwad) to 66.47 ppm (Mysore)
and 139.72 (Dharwad) to 72.17 ppm (Mysore), while
computed relative resistance ratio at LC50 in comparison
with relatively susceptible strain (Mysore district leafhopper
population) varied from 1.91 to 1.16-folds and 1.93 to
1.15-folds (Table 4). Jeya Pradeepa and Regupathy (2002)
reported that the LC50 and LC95 values of dimethoate for
F1 and F7 generations varied from 153.90 to 41.03 and
2722.70 to 812.83 ppm, respectively.
In comparison to monocrotophos and acephate, the
usage of dimethoate in cotton growing ecosystem of
Karnataka is less; because of this reason dimethoate has
recorded lower LC50 and LC90 values as compared to
monocrotophos and acephate. These findings are in
agreement with Kshirsagar et al (2012) who reported that
continuous selection pressure of neonicotinoids against the
cotton leafhopper in the last decade forced the population
towards relatively resistance against the neonicotinoids and
comparatively less use of dimethoate during the same
Table 4 : Toxicity of dimethoate 30 EC against Amrasca biguttula biguttula in major cotton growing districts of Karnataka.
2011-12 2012-13
Location LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative LC50 Fiducial limits LC90 Relative
(ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance (ppm) Lower Upper (ppm) resistance
ratio ratio
Dharwad 127.23 97.07 153.83 363.71 1.91 139.72 107.43 168.40 419.03 1.93
Belgaum 77.66 52.97 98.02 192.66 1.16 83.33 57.75 104.81 215.94 1.15
Haveri 89.98 63.80 112.24 237.94 1.35 97.32 70.74 120.17 258.83 1.34
Mysore 66.47 40.65 87.13 170.77 1.00 72.17 46.61 93.02 185.78 1.00
Raichur 108.08 79.57 132.79 303.44 1.62 121.22 51.77 174.23 343.85 1.64
Yadgir 98.61 71.68 121.78 265.31 1.48 108.08 79.57 132.79 303.44 1.49
Table 5 : Protein content and mixed function oxidases activity in field population of cotton leafhopper in major cotton growing
districts of Karnataka.
Sl. No. District Protein content in microsomes Mixed function oxidases activity Enzymatic activity ratio
(mg/ml of microsomal fraction) (nmol/min/mg protein) (Fold increase in mixed function
(Mean ± Standard deviation) oxidases activity)
1Dharwad 1.76 2.05 ± 0.03 2.11
2Belgaum 2.29 1.38 ± 0.009 1.42
3Haveri 1.34 1.99 ± 0.01 2.05
4Mysore 1.31 0.97 ± 0.04 1.00
5Raichur 1.44 2.22 ± 0.05 2.28
6Yadgir 1.20 2.09 ± 0.06 2.15
264 D. Sagar et al
period made the leafhopper population relatively susceptible
to dimethoate. For insecticidal resistant management
strategies, neonicotinoids can be rotated with dimethoate
or any conventional insecticides to delay the process of
resistance development in cotton leafhopper.
Mixed function oxidases (MFO’s) activity : The
mixed function oxidase enzyme activity of field collected
cotton leafhopper population of major cotton growing
districts of Karnataka varied from 2.22 nmol/min/mg
protein (Raichur district) to 0.97 nmol/min/mg protein
(Mysore) (Table 5). Enzymatic activity ratio of leafhopper
population as compared to Mysore district leafhopper
population varied from 2.28 (Raichur) to 1.42 folds
(Belgaum). Higher mixed function oxidase enzyme activity
and enzymatic activity ratio was noticed in the leafhopper
population of Raichur followed by the population from
Yadgir, Dharwad, Haveri and Belgaum while, lower mixed
function oxidase enzyme activity was noticed in Mysore
leafhopper population.
The increased MFO’s activity in field collected
leafhopper population indicated the role of mixed function
oxidase in detoxification of insecticides resulting in the
development of insecticide resistance against the commonly
used insecticides, which is evident from the inventory of
insecticide resistance results. The insecticide resistance
results are in association with the results of biochemical
basis of insecticide resistance and the present results are
in line with the reports of Chalam et al (2001) who reported
that MFO’s played a predominant role in
imparting resistance to cypermethrin and monocrotophos,
which was indicated by high synergistic ratios. On the
other hand, in endosulfan and phosphamidon, MFO acted
as one of the mechanisms of resistance, which was evident
in the low to moderate synergistic ratios. In leafhopper,
MFO’s plays a predominant role in imparting resistance
to insecticides (Regupathy and Ayyasamy, 2004).
The present study concludes that organophosphates
should be rotated with insecticides having IGR action or
alternate chemistry and any conventional insecticides to
delay the process of resistance development in cotton
leafhoppers. Mixed function oxidase enzyme activity plays
a major role in development of insecticide resistance in
cotton leafhopper against the commonly used insecticides.
With utmost pleasure and sincerity, the senior author
thankfully acknowledge whole heartedly INSPIRE
PROGRAM, Department of Science and Technology,
Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
for providing financial assistance by awarding INSPIRE
fellowship to pursue Ph. D. in Agricultural Entomology at
the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad,
Karnataka, India.
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Insecticide resistance in leafhopper 265
... The cotton leafhopper, A. biguttula biguttula showed resistance to the recommended organophosphate insecticides viz., malathion, dimethoate, oxydemeton methyl and phosphamidon (Singh and Jaglan, 2005) [16] . Resistance in leafhopper population to organophosphates has also been reported by Sagar et al. (2013) [12] . Of late, a new group of insecticides, i.e., neonicotinoids consisting of imidacloprid, Thiamethoxam and acetamiprid, were found to be more effective than traditional insecticides against cotton leafhoppers. ...
... The cotton leafhopper, A. biguttula biguttula showed resistance to the recommended organophosphate insecticides viz., malathion, dimethoate, oxydemeton methyl and phosphamidon (Singh and Jaglan, 2005) [16] . Resistance in leafhopper population to organophosphates has also been reported by Sagar et al. (2013) [12] . Of late, a new group of insecticides, i.e., neonicotinoids consisting of imidacloprid, Thiamethoxam and acetamiprid, were found to be more effective than traditional insecticides against cotton leafhoppers. ...
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Laboratory bioassay was conducted to observe the susceptibility level of field collected population of cotton leafhopper Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) against imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, acephate and fipronil. The results revealed that higher LC50 values were recorded for acephate (316.04 ppm) and fipronil (42.01 ppm). However imidacloprid (24.91 ppm) and thiamethoxam (30.67 ppm) were showed lower LC50 values and were highly effective in managing the leafhopper population as compared to that of other insecticides. Resistance ratios (RRs) were 4.67 fold for acephate, 3.15 fold for fipronil, 3.12 thiamethoxam and 2.06 folds for imidacloprid in field collected population of A. biguttula biguttula compared to the susceptible laboratory reared population.
... Limited bioassays based studies with this insect have been conducted for confirming insecticide resistance [13,14] but lack of sequences data resources have restricted the validation of results through molecular tools. To discern evolved insecticide resistance at molecular level as well as to develop novel eco-friendly strategies for pest management, genome or transcriptome information is a pre-requisite [15]. Thus, the available sequence resource provides an opportunity to understand the molecular mechanism underlying the resistance to various insecticides in cotton leafhopper. ...
... The role of various CYP450 genes in insecticide resistance has been reported in many insect species such as Culex pipiens pallens [72], Culex quinquefasciatus [73], Myzus persicae [74], Tribolium castaneum [75], Drosophila [8], Anopheles gambiae [76]. It has been evident in many studies that the cotton leafhopper has developed many fold resistance to various classes of insecticides used for its management [15]. Thus, identification and characterization of P450 genes in this insect will help to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the insecticide resistance. ...
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Cotton Leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula is an important pest of cotton and okra in the Indian subcontinent. Presently limited genomic/transcriptomic information is available for this insect in any of open source databases. The present study reports the first assembled and annotated de novo transcriptome of cotton leafhopper. Out of 75,551 transcripts, 39,613 CDS (Cod-ing Sequence) were predicted with 35,282 showing positive blast hits with NCBI nr database. The Gene ontology (GO) analysis annotated 7431 CDS with KEGG pathway categorizing these CDS into 22 different functional groups. The majority of CDS were annotated in signal transduction and transport catabolism pathways. The sequence data was screened for RNAi pathway genes and presence of 37 transcripts associated with this process confirmed the existence of robust RNAi machinery. The role of core RNAi machinery genes (Dicer-2, Ago-2, Piwi and Staufen) has been validated through dsRNA feeding studies. The data resource has also been used to identify potential RNAi targets and genes associated with insecticide detoxification specifically CYP 450 family. The current study provides a useful sequence resource which can be used to initiate molecular studies in this insect with emphasis on insecticide resistance, RNAi and functional genomics.
... Cotton is an important cash crop for which endosulfan has been extensively used in the past (Chakraborty et al., 2015). We suspect that use of endosulfan in this area might be due to the prevalence of cotton cultivation in this area (Sagar et al., 2013). ...
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were widely used in the past for pest control in agricultural lands and vector control programs. Due to their persistence and toxic impacts, we have quantified twenty OCPs in surface water, groundwater, and surface sediment samples along the Krishna River Basin (KRB), flowing through Peninsular India. Samples were collected along the urban, peri-urban, and rural transects of the KRB to understand the relation between the occurrence of pesticidal organochlorine pollutants based on the land use and land cover (LULC) and asses potential risk. Diagnostic ratios revealed ongoing Lindane usage in rural and peri-urban transects. On the contrary, the urban transect of the Musi River (MR) showed fresh inputs of technical HCH. The ratios of (p,p'-DDE+ p,p'-DDD)/ΣDDTs >0.5 and α/β-Endosulfan <2.33 for most of the sites across the three transects for surface water, groundwater, and sediment indicate past DDT and Endosulfan usage across KRB. Excluding p,p'-DDE, and heptachlor, the logKOC' was higher than logKOC for other OCPs in the urban transect. However, for all the OCPs, the logKOC' was lower than logKOC in the peri-urban and rural transects of KRB thereby indicating that riverine sediment is acting as a sink for OCPs. The Krishna river annually releases about 0.24 tons HCHs, 0.11 tons of DDTs and 0.1 tons of Endosulfan. Despite having low water discharge, the compound-specific fluxes of the Wyra river are higher than the other two tributaries. Ecotoxicological risk assessment based on the Hazard Quotient suggested DDTs pose higher risks to scud (zooplankton) and dinoflagellate and diatom (phytoplankton) whereas Endosulfan poses a threat to Bluegill (fish).
... The elevated level of MFOs in the insecticide exposed leafhopper indicates the probability of development of insecticide resistance. Sagar et al., 2013 found relatively more MFOs activity in leafhoppers treated with organophosphates (monocrotophos, acephate, oxydemeton methyl and dimethoate) in major cotton growing districts of Karnataka, which indicated the role of MFOs in detoxification of insecticides. *Relative toxicity (RT) LC 50 of test insecticide / LC 50 of most toxic insecticide; **Enzyme activity ratio (EAR) = enzyme activity in field population (insecticide exposed)/ enzyme activity in field population (insecticide unexposed) ...
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The present study evaluated the relative susceptibility of insecticides viz., imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, thiacloprid, flonicamid, clothianidin, diafenthiuron, spiromesifen, thiodicarb and chlorpyriphos against field collected population of Amrasca (S.) biguttula. Out of nine insecticides, maximum susceptibility was observed with thiamethoxam. The descending order of susceptibility was observed as thiamethoxam> thiacloprid> diafenthiuron> spiromesifen> imidacloprid> clothianidin> flonicamid> thiodicarb> chlorpyriphos. Based on the relative toxicity value it was observed that the insecticides such as chlorpyriphos, thiodicarb, flonicamid and clothianidin were 14.04, 12.01, 9.43 and 9.41x, respectively less toxic as compared to thiamethoxam. The detoxification enzyme assay revealed that the activity of esterase was high in thiamethoxam and thiacloprid exposed leafhopper, while cytochrome p450 activity was high in spiromesifen, thiamethoxam and thiacloprid exposed ones. Elevated level of esterase and cytochrome p450 in the insecticide exposed leafhoppers indicates the probability of insecticide resistance development.
... Monoculture of Bt cotton hybrids that has saturated almost every cotton area, subsequent reduction of broad-spectrum pesticide sprays on Bt cotton, and the insects' ability to develop resistance are seen to be the reasons for higher incidence of leafhopper, especially on upland cotton. The indiscriminate use of insecticides against the leafhopper resulted in the development of resistance in leafhoppers against organophosphates (Singh and Jaglan, 2005;Sagar et al., 2013;Sandhu and Kang, 2015) and neonicotinoids (CICR, 2011;Chaudhari et al., 2015;Halappa and Patil, 2016). ...
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This book contains 14 chapters presenting a global overview of the background to, and the current state of crop protection and pest management in cotton crops. It shows the need for more research to select cotton cultivars with high quality fibres suitable for different cotton growing areas and develop integrated pest management strategies to minimize the use of pesticides.
... Monoculture of Bt cotton hybrids that has saturated almost every cotton area, subsequent reduction of broad-spectrum pesticide sprays on Bt cotton, and the insects' ability to develop resistance are seen to be the reasons for higher incidence of leafhopper, especially on upland cotton. The indiscriminate use of insecticides against the leafhopper resulted in the development of resistance in leafhoppers against organophosphates (Singh and Jaglan, 2005;Sagar et al., 2013;Sandhu and Kang, 2015) and neonicotinoids (CICR, 2011;Chaudhari et al., 2015;Halappa and Patil, 2016). ...
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This book contains 14 chapters presenting a global overview of the background to, and the current state of crop protection and pest management in cotton crops. It shows the need for more research to select cotton cultivars with high quality fibres suitable for different cotton growing areas and develop integrated pest management strategies to minimize the use of pesticides.
... On the other hand, compared to the Bouaké strain, the jassids of the localities of Korhogo and Ouangolo are less sensitive to these active ingredients. In contrast to these results, an earlier study on the cotton jassid Amrasca biguttula biguttula in India showed the involvement of oxidases in the detoxification of insecticides used in cotton cultivation (Sagar et al., 2013). ...
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Cotton production is one of the main sources of income for the population and contributes to the socioeconomic development in the northern and central areas of Côte d'Ivoire. However, cotton crop is subject to large and diversified pest problems, including jassids. Heavy infestations of jassids are likely to induce the stopping of plant development or the shedding of reproductive organs. For the last decade, there has been an increase and persistence of leafhopper attacks throughout the crop cycle despite insecticide treatments. This study aims to determine the biochemical mechanism likely to be involved in insecticide susceptibility of jassids. A biochemical assay of enzyme activities was performed on adult populations of jassids collected from cotton fields in six different localities (Bouaké, Korhogo, Boundiali, Ferké, Ouangolo and Niakara) within the cotton growing area of Côte d'Ivoire. The method of Brogdon et al. (1997) was adopted with minor modifications. Alpha-esterase activity values ranged from 380.334 to 965.775 nmol α-naphtol/min/mg protein for Bouaké and Ouangolo respectively. Beta-esterase activity ranged from 398.640 nmol β-naphtol/min/mg protein for Bouaké to 1,528.885 nmol β-naphtol/min/mg protein for Ouangolo. Oxidase activity ranged from 0.016 nmol P450 EU/mg protein for Ferké to 0.038 nmol P450 EU/mg protein for Ouangolo. Glutathione-δ-transferases varied between 0.554 nmol GSH conj/min/mg protein for Ferké and 1.128 nmol GSH conj/min/mg protein for Niakara. ABSTRACT Cotton production is one of the main sources of income for the population and contributes to the socioeconomic development in the northern and central areas of Côte d'Ivoire. However, cotton crop is subject to large and diversified pest problems, including jassids. Heavy infestations of jassids are likely to induce the stopping of plant development or the shedding of reproductive organs. For the last decade, there has been an increase and persistence of leafhopper attacks throughout the crop cycle despite insecticide treatments. This study aims to determine the biochemical mechanism likely to be involved in insecticide susceptibility of jassids. A biochemical assay of enzyme activities was performed on adult populations of jassids collected from cotton fields in six different localities (Bouaké, Korhogo, Boundiali, Ferké, Ouangolo and Niakara) within the cotton growing area of Côte d'Ivoire. The method of Brogdon et al. (1997) was adopted with minor modifications. Alpha-esterase activity values ranged from 380.334 to 965.775 nmol α-naphtol/min/mg protein for Bouaké and Ouangolo respectively. Beta-esterase activity ranged from 398.640 nmol β-naphtol/min/mg protein for Bouaké to 1,528.885 nmol β-naphtol/min/mg protein for Ouangolo. Oxidase activity ranged from 0.016 nmol P450 EU/mg protein for Ferké to 0.038 nmol P450 EU/mg protein for Ouangolo. Glutathione-δ-transferases varied between 0.554 nmol GSH conj/min/mg protein for Ferké and 1.128 nmol GSH conj/min/mg protein for Niakara. The involvement of α-esterases and β-esterases in controlling the sensitivity level of jassids to active ingredients is thus highlighted. This observation suggests a rational selection of the active ingredients used to control these pests.
... Detoxifying enzymes activity in field susceptible and resistant population of A. bigutulla bigutulla collected from different talukas of Akola districtSagar et al. (2013) reported that the LC 50 and LC 90 value along with resistance ratio to acephate was highest in leafhopper population in major cotton growing districts of Karnataka. The LC 50 value ranges from 183.34 ppm to 78.14 ppm. ...
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Monitoring of insecticide resistance in cotton leafhopper Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida)
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Insecticide-bioassays were carried out to assess the susceptibility of field-collected cotton leafhopper from Hisar, Sirsa and Bhiwani Districts of Haryana state to commercial formulations of imidacloprid 17.8 SL, thiamethoxam 25 WG and flonicamid 50 WG, by using leaf dip bioassay method. The observations on the mortality of leafhopper nymphs were recorded at 24 and 48 h after release. The corrected mortality data of each test insecticide of each location was subjected to probit analysis and further for calculation of LC 50 and LC 90 values to determine the comparative susceptibility of collected leafhopper populations. Based on intrinsic toxicity, the order of susceptibility to imidacloprid 17.8 SL was found to be Bhiwani population> Hisar Population> Sirsa population with corresponding LC 50 values were 24.74, 29.83 and 34.60 ppm, respectively. Similarly, the order of susceptibility to thiamethoxam 25 WG and flonicamid 50 WG followed similar trend i.e., Bhi-wani population> Hisar population> Sirsa population with the corresponding LC 50 were 20.73, 26.27 and 29.60 ppm; 7.23, 10.09 and 12.17 ppm, respectively. Among different insecticides, flonicamid 50 WG with LC 50 values ranging from 7.23 to 12.17 ppm showed maximum toxicity followed by thiamethoxam 25 WG (20.73 to 29.60 ppm) while imidacloprid 17.8 SL was found to be least toxic insecticide with LC 50 ranging from 24.74 to 34.60 ppm.
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A survey was carried to study the insecticide usage pattern adopted by farmers of major cotton growing districts of Karnataka, India during 2011-12 and 2012-13. The insecticide usage pattern varied greatly between and within the locations indicating no definite insecticide usage pattern among the major cotton growing areas of Karnataka. Sole sprays constituted largest bulk of total sprays in Dharwad, Belgaum, Haveri and Mysore districts while, the Raichur and Yadgir district farmers used tank mixtures with one liquid and one powder formulation of insecticide for spraying against the insect pests in Bt cotton. Cotton farmers of all six spatially isolated districts used the insecticide dosages higher than the recommended dosage. Organophosphates were the most commonly used insecticides followed by neonicotinoids, commercially available combi products, synthetic pyrethroids and oxidiazines. Monocrotophos and imidacloprid formulations were the primary choice of insecticides accounting for more than 40 per cent of insecticides used for management of sucking pests in Bt cotton in cotton growing districts of Karnataka except Mysore.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
Drawing on the experience gained in the management of resistance in Heliothis armigera in Australia, the successive stages of designing, setting up and monitoring an insecticide resistance management (I R M) programme are discussed, along with the problems that may have to be overcome in order to achieve success. While individual strategies will inevitably differ, the Australian experience should give valuable information for the setting up of IRM programmes worldwide.
A study was under taken to find out resistant sources against leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University at Coimbatore, India during winter season 2009. Screening was carried out by following ICCC grades. Four entries RAH 61, GISV 218, ARBH 813 and RAH 216 were found to be resistant to leafhopper. Further leaf anatomy studies showed GISV 218 as the best entry possessing characters namely, compact palisade cell structure, maximum palisade cell height (µ) (51.33), increased leaf thickness 110.31µ and high trichome density (169.6/
This chapter focuses on the direct fluorometric methods for measuring mixed-function oxidase activity. Ullrich and Weber developed a direct fluorometric method to measure the mouse liver microsomal cytochrome-P-450-dependent O-dealkylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin to yield 7-hydroxycoumarin. Recently, Burke and Mayer described a direct fluorometric assay to measure the O-dealkylation of ethoxyresorufin. The broad substrate specificity and ready induction of the monooxygenase has allowed the development of a large number of specific assays for the enzyme system. Many of the methods require solvent extraction of metabolites and subsequent analysis to quantitate the concentration of the metabolite. The number of manipulations required in these assay methods and the problems involved in solvent extraction of compounds of intermediate polarity complicates and extends the time required for analysis of enzyme activity. Several direct spectrophotometric and spectrophotofluorimetric assays are developed to obviate these problems, and two fluorescent assays are encapsulated in this chapter.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
An improved method for preparation and storage of insect microsomes from house fly, Musca domestica L., abdomens was developed. Microsomes were prepared in phosphate buffer fortified with glycerol, dithiothreitol, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and 1-phenyl-2-thiourea. No cytochrome P-420 was observed when abdomens were isolated by our method. No measurable loss of cytochrome P-450, cytochrome b5 or NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase levels, or methoxyresorufin O-demethylation, 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation, or aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylation activities occurred when a diluted suspension (protein concentration of 2 mg/ml) of microsomes was stored at -80 degrees C for at least 2 mo.
A Textbook of Insect Toxicology
  • R P Srivastava
  • R Saxena
Srivastava R P and Saxena R C (2000) A Textbook of Insect Toxicology. Himanshu Publications, New Delhi, p.166.
Insecticide resistance in insect pests of cotton in Andhra Pradesh Paper presented in: Int. Symp. on " Strategies for Sustainable Cotton Production – A Global Vision
  • K Jhansi
  • P Radhika
  • G Subbaratnam
Jhansi K, Radhika P and Subbaratnam G V (2004) Insecticide resistance in insect pests of cotton in Andhra Pradesh. Paper presented in: Int. Symp. on " Strategies for Sustainable Cotton Production – A Global Vision " -Crop Protection, 23-25, November 2004, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. pp.198-200.