This paper investigates the effect of electrocoagulation (EC) process on the removal of suspended solids (SS) from wastewater. In a batch electrochemical cell experimental set up, two monopolar iron (Fe) plate were used as electrodes (anodes and cathodes). Synthetic wastewater, made of milk powder with concentration of 700 mg/L, was treated using 1M HCl for pH adjustment before it was used as electrolyte. Preliminary results show that the EC process is able to enhance the removal of suspended solid, turbidity and carbon oxygen demand in wastewater. The removal rates of those elements were increase with treatment time. Abstrak: Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk menyelidiki kesan proses elektrokoagulasi (EC) bagi mengurangkan pepejal terampai dari air sisa. Di dalam ujikaji berskala makmal menggunakan sel elektrokimia jujukan, dua keping plat besi (Fe) monopolar telah digunakan sebagai elektrod (anod dan katod). Susu tepung dengan kepekatan 700 mg/L, telah diolah menggunakan HCl 1 M sebagai pengawal pH dan elektrolit. Keputusan awal mendapati bahawa teknologi EC mampu meningkatkan penyingkiran pepejal terampai, kekeruhan dan COD. Kadar penyingkiran ini meningkat seiring dengan tempoh pengolahan dan tempoh pemendapan.
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Moh Faiqun Ni'amAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Moh Faiqun Ni'am
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