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Improved Bias Corrected and Downscaled Regional Climate Model Data for Climate Impact Studies: Validation and Assessment for New Zealand

  • Aranyani

Abstract and Figures

Climate impact studies generally require high-resolution, reliable climate data derived from climate model projections. But inherent errors in representing local surface conditions, atmospheric processes and external forcing in Regional Climate Models (RCMs) can lead to considerable systematic biases. Reducing biases in RCM data will lead to more confidence in regional climate impact studies. In this New Zealand case study, the daily temperature and precipitation data from reanalysis forced RCM runs are compared with observed gridded observations. The biases determined for the training period (TRNG, 1980--1999) are used to correct daily data both for the TRNG and a longer but not independent validation period (VLDP, 1972--2000). The biases are computed and corrected using the standard Empirical Quantile Matching (EQM) technique and a newly devised Linked empirical Modelled and Observed Distribution (LeMOD) correction method. Unlike EQM method, the LeMOD bias-correction procedure is designed to remain valid even under nonstationary climatic conditions, though large-scale circulation biases inherent in the driving fields remain. Simple procedures are also proposed to downscale regional climate simulations to higher (0.05 deg) resolution required by many climate impact models. The LeMOD bias corrected daily precipitation is evaluated on the RCM (0.27 deg) and high-resolution grids against VCSN data and is shown to exhibit lower root-mean-square-error and higher temporal correlations than the uncorrected or EQM bias-corrected precipitation. Since reducing model biases decreases the spread in model results in the past climate, this feature is expected to persist in transient climate future projections and contribute towards reducing uncertainties in model projections.
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Improved Bias Corrected and Downscaled Regional Climate1
Model Data for Climate Impact Studies: Validation and2
Assessment for New Zealand3
Abha Sood NIWA, Greta Point, Wellington, New Zealand.4
Corresponding author address: Abha Sood, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
(NIWA), 301 Evan Bay Parade, Greta Point, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand.
Climate impact studies generally require high-resolution, reliable climate data derived6
from climate model projections. But inherent errors in representing local surface conditions,7
atmospheric processes and external forcing in Regional Climate Models (RCMs) can lead to8
considerable systematic biases. Reducing biases in RCM data will lead to more confidence9
in regional climate impact studies. In this New Zealand case study, the daily temperature10
and precipitation data from reanalysis forced RCM runs are compared with observed grid-11
ded observations. The biases determined for the training period (TRNG, 1980–1999) are12
used to correct daily data both for the TRNG and a longer but not independent valida-13
tion period (VLDP, 1972–2000). The biases are computed and corrected using the standard14
Empirical Quantile Matching (EQM) technique and a newly devised Linked empirical Mod-15
elled and Observed Distribution (LeMOD) correction method. Unlike EQM method, the16
LeMOD bias-correction procedure is designed to remain valid even under nonstationary cli-17
matic conditions, though large-scale circulation biases inherent in the driving fields remain.18
Simple procedures are also proposed to downscale regional climate simulations to higher19
(0.05) resolution required by many climate impact models. The LeMOD bias corrected20
daily precipitation is evaluated on the RCM (0.27) and high-resolution grids against VCSN21
data and is shown to exhibit lower root-mean-square-error and higher temporal correlations22
than the uncorrected or EQM bias-corrected precipitation. Since reducing model biases de-23
creases the spread in model results in the past climate, this feature is expected to persist in24
transient climate future projections and contribute towards reducing uncertainties in model25
1. Introduction27
Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are increasingly becoming an indispensable tool to28
inform a multitude of climate policy relevant issues of major concern to various portfolios such29
as infrastructure, agriculture, water management and renewable energy generation. State-30
of-the-art coupled climate or Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs)31
capture the general climate reasonably well, though not on a regional scale, lacking the ability32
to simulate accurate regional climatic conditions required to address long term policy issues33
realistically. By resolving spatial features to finer scales, RCM simulations display a much34
improved representation of the spatiotemporal distribution of all the relevant meteorological35
variables. Particularly, simulations of surface temperature and precipitation and of weather36
extremes are much improved compared with their coarser resolution AOGCM counterpart37
(Durman et al. (2001); Christensen et al. (2008); Nikulin et al. (2011)).38
The “added value” in dynamical downscaling lies in the realistic simulation of physically39
consistent spatially resolved fields. The interactions of the large-scale circulation with higher40
resolution orography and other surface features (e.g. land-sea interface, vegetation cover,41
large lakes etc.) are better captured in RCMs, resulting in a diverse range of climatic features42
which are not otherwise resolved. Contrary to some expectations (Racherla et al. (2013);43
Kerr (2013)), reduction of large-scale circulation errors by dynamical downscaling alone is44
not plausible since there are no feedbacks to the larger scales responsible for trends or other45
major climate change signals. Considerable biases in RCM simulations remain (Christensen46
et al. (2008)) even in reanalysis forced simulations where there are negligible circulation errors47
due to assimilation of global observations. This is mostly due to inadequate representation48
of physical processes and external forcing, imperfect lateral and surface boundary conditions49
and limited resolution on the regional scale. Bias-correcting the RCM simulations is a means50
to bridge the wide gap between the data models can provide and the stringent demands on51
climate projection data stipulated by climate impact studies.52
Recently developed statistical bias correction methods vary in complexity; from applying53
simple additive correction and scaling factors to more complex methods using regression54
between the well resolved large-scale fields and locally observed climate or matching the dis-55
tributions (Fowler et al. 2007; Ines and Hansen 2006; Teutschbein and Seibert 2012; Maraun56
et al. 2010). Statistical downscaling models simulate weather data at selected locations using57
reliable large-scale atmospheric circulation data on coarse AOGCM or RCM resolution grids58
as predictors for each field individually (Fowler et al. 2007; Watanabe et al. 2012). Unlike59
statistical approach, maintaining spatial and temporal coherence in and between downscaled60
variables is ensured in dynamically downscaled RCM data. Statistical downscaling methods61
are mostly applied on a monthly time scale (Fowler et al. 2007; Li et al. 2010; Ashfaq et al.62
2010) followed by temporal disaggregation when required, and less frequently directly on a63
daily time scale (Baigorria et al. 2007; Piani et al. 2009; Themeßl et al. 2010).64
Most methods also assume that the statistical relationships derived for the past period65
remain stationary. Recently some new procedures to quantify and account for nonstationar-66
ity of climate state were proposed (Maraun 2012; Teutschbein and Seibert 2012; Hertig and67
Jacobeit 2013), where changes in statistical relationships due to changes underlying climate68
states and model ensembles are considered.69
The “Empirical Quantile Matching” (EQM) method is based on a pointwise map from70
simulated to observed cumulative probability distribution function (CDF) of the past cli-71
mate. Here the distribution correction is not derived for concurrent observed and simulated72
variables but by matching quantiles of the two probability distributions. The EQM correc-73
tion is applied to correct quantiles of the past climate and thus used for realistic past climate74
reconstructions by closely matching observations. This correction is applied as an offset to75
the future climate distribution to remove relative biases computed for the past climate.76
In the EQM procedure, the daily model error information directly related to deficiencies77
in representing the underlying processes, which remains invariant under changing climate78
under similar meteorological conditions, is not retained. Moreover in high resolution hydro-79
logical models, stream flow depends strongly on the spatial distribution of precipitation in a80
watershed (Maraun 2013) which is not adequately captured by EQM method. An alternative81
method developed in this study is based directly on daily model errors or biases in reanalysis82
driven modelled daily time series projected on the model grid. The modelled and observed83
circulation patterns and synoptic conditions are concurrent for reanalysis forced RCM sim-84
ulations. The model error relationships derived under similar meteorological conditions are85
independent of the past climate statistics. When novel future climate conditions not rep-86
resented in the TRNG period occur, extrapolation is applied to estimate the temperature87
extremes. The precipitation correction is generally more intricate because of its intermittent88
nature and strongly skewed non-normal distribution. Since precipitation extremes are not89
well represented at the multidecadal time scale due to a sparsely populated tail of the distri-90
bution, they are excluded from correction where extrapolation is necessary. The reliability of91
this method is ensured if most weather pattterns are adequately represented in the training92
period and thus the model error distribution is realistic. Though short range extrapola-93
tion beyond observed conditions is valid, for extremes lying far from observed regime, this94
correction strategy may result in large biases and may not be applied.95
Since New Zealand is regionally compact, the computationally formidable task of com-96
piling an ensemble of regional centennial scale climate simulations remains tractable. The97
salient features of the spatial distribution of New Zealand’s climate are governed by its lo-98
cation in the midlatitude southern hemisphere and the interaction of westerly wind with99
the complex steep orography (Sturman and Tapper 2006). This region, subject to strong100
climate variability and encompassing diverse climate zones, is well suited to serve as a test101
bed to examine the impact of bias correction of regional climate change projections. The102
bias correction methods developed in this study are thus simultaneously tested for a diverse103
range of climatic conditions prevalent over New Zealand.104
The main focus of this study is to develop consistent methods to assess and remove biases105
in climate model derived precipitation and surface temperature data. The observed gridded106
data and regional climate model setup used in this study are described in the Sections 2 and107
3 respectively. In Sections 4 a and 4 b, the bias correction and downscaling methods are108
described, followed by validation of the bias corrected temperature and precipitation data109
of the past climate in Section 5 and a brief discussion in Section 6.110
2. Gridded Observations111
The observed gridded data set for the New Zealand land surface is compiled at National112
Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) on a regular 0.05(or 5 km)113
grid from spatially inhomogeneous and temporally discontinuoous quality controlled weather114
station data. The daily estimates of rainfall, potential evapotranspiration, air and vapour115
pressure, maximum and minimum air temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity, solar116
radiation, wind speed and soil moisture at the land surface grid points are referred to as117
“Virtual Climate Station Network” (VCSN) data. These estimates are based on spatial118
interpolation of observations made at weather stations located across New Zealand using a119
“second order derivative trivariate thin plate smoothing spline spatial interpolation model”120
(Tait et al. 2006). The thin-plate smoothing spline model used for the spatial interpolations121
incorporates two location variables (latitude and longitude) and climate pattern for rainfall122
or elevation and lapse rate for temperature (Tait et al. 2006; Tait 2008; Tait et al. 2012). The123
rainfall data records begin in 1960, the wind speed data begin in 1997, and all other time124
series begin in 1972. The time series data are stored in NIWA’s national climate database125
(CLIDB) and can be accessed via a NIWA web portal (CliFlo (2013)).126
The VCSN data for the historic training (TRNG; 1980–1999) and late 20th century127
validation period (VLDP; 1972–2000) are used both for computing biases and validating.128
The gridded VCSN daily maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin) and129
accumulated precipitation (P I) fields are extracted for both the TRNG and the VLDP130
hindcast periods. Tmax and Tmin are analysed separately to avoid cancellation of biases and131
masking of errors in the mean daily temperature field (Ackerley et al. 2012). To compute132
biases on the same locations, the VCSN gridded data and orography (Fig. 1) were area133
average interpolated from the 0.05VCSN resolution to the 0.27RCM resolution. The134
daily model biases from the TRNG period are used to correct biases in RCM simulations135
for both periods. The bias-corrected datasets are then validated with the VCSN gridded136
observation data.137
Proper assessment of errors is ensured by using the same topographical data sets in138
the models and gridded observations. Other errors due to interpolation techniques used to139
compile the VCSN data or inherent in archived station observations remain. One example140
where problems may arise is in the mountain valleys, where winter temperature inversions can141
alter the relationship between temperature and elevation and using a constant atmospheric142
lapse rate may not be valid (Tait 2008). Nevertheless, by interpolating observed data on143
the model grid and orography, a fairer comparison of observed data with the model data is144
3. RCM description and experiments146
The lateral boundary conditions for the RCM experiments are derived either directly147
from reanalysis data or from global model simulations with the HadAM3p model developed148
by the Hadley Centre, UK. The HadAM3p is a slightly improved version of the atmospheric149
component (AGCM) of HadCM3 with 19 vertical levels and a horizontal grid resolution of150
1.875in zonal and 1.25meridional directions. HadAM3/HadAM3p have representations151
of all climate relevant fundamenatal atmospheric and land surface processes (Pope et al.152
2000). The parameterized processes in HadAM3p include clouds, radiation, a boundary153
layer scheme, diffusion, gravity wave drag, advection, precipitation and the sulfur cycle. For154
more model details refer to for example, Gordon et al. (2000), Pope and Stratton (2002),155
Pope et al. (2000) and Gregory et al. (1994).156
The Hadley Centre regional climate model HadRM3–PRECIS (Jones et al. 2004) is a157
limited area higher-resolution version of HadAM3p using the same parametrization schemes.158
More details of the parametrization of HadRM3 simulations over New Zealand are given in159
Ackerley et al. (2012). The RCM development for the New Zealand region is described in160
previous studies (Bhaskaran et al. 1999, 2002; Drost et al. 2007).161
The RCM domain stretches from around 32S–52S and 160E–193E on a regular rotated162
grid with a horizontal resolution of 0.27and North pole at 48N and 176E. By using a163
rotated grid with the equator over the New Zealand domain, quasi-uniform grid box spacing164
is obtained throughout the computational domain. The RCM orography of North, South and165
Stewart Islands in the rotated and the unrotated frame are shown in Fig. 1 (left and middle166
respectively). The small domain of 75×75 grid points, selected to reduce computational time167
for long transient simulations, was shown to be adequate in a previous study (Drost et al.168
2007). A computational time step of 3 minutes is required due to the high spatial resolution.169
The model orography and vegetation data sets were updated from the ones used earlier170
(Drost et al. 2007) to the high resolution surface orography dataset used in the operational171
forecast model at NIWA (Ackerley et al. 2012). There is little difference in the vegetation172
fields. Quasi-equilibrium conditions of the land surface and the overlying atmosphere is173
achieved by allowing a spin up period of one year which is excluded from the analysis.174
The RCM lateral boundary conditions are provided by a) reanalysis data for hindcasts175
and b) HadAM3p (AGCM) forced by CMIP3 sea surface temperatures (SSTs) at the air-sea176
interface for past and future climate simulations.177
a. ERA-40 reanalysis forced simulation178
The RCM is forced at its lateral boundaries by “European Centre for Medium Range179
Weather Forecasts Re-Analysis” (ERA-40) data (Uppala 2005), referred to as REAN, to de-180
liver best estimate of the past weather conditions over New Zealand. The REAN simulation181
is performed to determine the grid cell RCM biases (as in Ackerley et al. (2012)), where182
“perfect” boundary forcings were taken from the ERA-40 reanalysis of the European Centre183
for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, so that the errors in large-scale circulation patterns184
compared with observations remain small. The RCM chemistry scheme and the sulfur cycle185
are switched off as atmospheric chemistry data is not available at the lateral boundaries.186
Values for the domain SSTs were interpolated from the HadISST1.1 gridded observations187
data set (Rayner et al. 2003). This simulation used Gregorian calendar (including leap years)188
for the historic reconstruction. The RCM downscaling errors are calculated by comparing189
the reanalysis-forced RCM time series with the VCSN observations over the TRNG period.190
b. CMIP3 SST–AGCM forced simulations191
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 3 (CMIP3) data archive compiled for the192
fourth assessment report (AR4) of the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC-193
AR4) (IPCC 2007) comprises of output from AOGCM simulations for the historic period and194
future projections. In the following RCM experiments, from now on referred to as CLIM,195
the “free running” global AGCM - HadAM3p was forced over the ocean by CMIP3 AOGCM196
SSTs and sea ice data taken from selected CMIP3 models to provide lateral boundary condi-197
tions for the RCM simulations. The SST data from CMIP3 simulations were bias corrected198
using HadISST1.1 (Sood et al. 2014) data covering the historical 1961-2000 period. The199
sea-ice concentrations were directly interpolated from the CMIP3 sea-ice dataset. The data200
from CMIP3 20th century experiments with observed external forcings (e.g. greenhouse201
gasses, volacanic emissions (optional), ...) are used to generate the historic climate for each202
CMIP3 model and compared with REAN hindcast simulations. As in the REAN simula-203
tions, the sulfur cycle in the chemistry scheme was not used. The RCM–CLIM simulations204
were performed with 360 days in a model year (12 months of 30 days).205
Both the REAN and CLIM simulations were initialized on 1-December-1969, and run206
until 1-January-2001 and 1-January-2100, respectively. The HadAM3p model time step was207
set to 15 minutes, with 96 time steps per model day. The results shown for only one CMIP3208
member, the HadCM3 model, since all CMIP3 models depict similar behavior though they209
may vary in details. All references to the seasons will be DJF (December-January-February),210
MAM (March-April-May), JJA (June-July-August) and SON (September-October-November).211
4. Methods212
In this section the newly developed bias correction and downscaling method for consis-213
tently computing realistic and spatially well resolved RCM data for climate impact applica-214
tions are presented and compared to a popular existing method.215
a. Bias-Correction Methods216
Several different GCM and RCM bias correction and downscaling methods based on217
local rescaling, cumulative probability distribution function (PDF) matching and regression218
techniques have been proposed mainly for monthly and occasionally for daily data (Ines and219
Hansen 2006; Piani et al. 2009; Schmidli et al. 2007; Li et al. 2010).220
In this section, two independent methods to correct observed biases in the past climate221
data are described and applied to the REAN and CLIM precipitation time series. Since222
the temperature correction is simpler and less involved, only the results using the improved223
method LeMOD are presented. Errors after bias correction are compared to errors in the224
uncorrected or control (CTL) data, where the “truth” is taken to be the gridded obser-225
vations (VCSN). The empirical quantile matching (EQM) technique is frequently used for226
bias correcting precipitation data from climate model runs for climate impact studies (Piani227
et al. 2009; Schmidli et al. 2007). The second more elaborate new method presented here is228
based on determining daily biases by comparing REAN and VCSN data for each spatial grid229
point during the TRNG period. Daily model biases are mainly attributed to an inadequate230
representation of local surface conditions impacting land–atmosphere interactions, as well as231
to deficiencies in representing meteorological processes in the RCM simulations. The bias232
corrections are subsequently applied to the past and future CLIM climate projections.233
1) Empirical Quantile Matching234
Daily climate time series from dynamically downscaled simulations driven by a “free235
running” climate model can only be compared in a climatological sense with observations236
for the past period (eg. by comparing the statistical properties of their distributions), since237
the weather patterns are not concurrent. A widely used version of a nonparametric EQM238
procedure is applied such that the distributions of the modelled and observed fields for the239
past climate match for each quantile. The adjustment computed for the past climate is240
assumed to be valid for the future climate. This assumption, which may hold for stationary241
climate, is not necessarily be equally valid for a nonstationary climate.242
The daily data are corrected for each month using a 3-month data window from the243
training period centered at the month being processed which does not restrict seasonal244
shifts in future climate.245
The inverse cumulative probability distribution function (or quantiles) of minimum and246
maximum temperature Tm, where m={min, max},of the REAN model (F1
REAN ,T RNG )247
and observed (F1
V C SN ,T RNG ) data for the TRNG period are computed. The difference in the248
inverse cumulative probability distribution function of modelled and observed Tmdetermines249
the quantile bias adjustment δTmof the temperature distributions.250
m,CLI M =Tm,CLIM δTmwhere δTm=F1
REAN ,T RNG (F(Tm)) F1
V C SN ,T RNG (F(Tm)),(1)
The correction term, δTm, determined for the 1980-1999 TRNG period, is applied to the251
REAN and CLIM empirical cumulative probability distribution, FV LDP , over a longer past252
validation period (VLDP) 1972–2000. The correction is applied at each VCSN grid point253
and the bias corrected time series are reconstructed.254
The same procedure is applied to correct biases in precipitation fields. However inter-255
mittent precipitation events result in a strongly skewed precipitation distribution and the256
models tend to simulated too many days of light precipitation. The skew asymmetry in the257
precipitation distribution is much reduced by using truncated wet day data and adjusting258
the number of dry days separately. Number of wet days (N–WD) from climate hindcast259
(REAN) data and observations (VCSN) differ considerably. The simulated REAN precipi-260
tation data characterized by more persistent drizzle days substantially overpredict N–WD.261
Similar to previous work by Ines and Hansen (2006), first a precipitation threshold (PT) is262
locally determined at each grid point by matching the number of wet days in the REAN263
and VCSN precipitation data during the TRNG period. Precipitation intensity (PI) in both264
REAN and CLIM data is set to zero below this precipitation intensity threshold, PT. The265
same procedure as described for temperature is then applied to correct the truncated (wet266
days only) precipitation time series at each VCSN grid point and the bias-corrected time267
series are constructed.268
2) Linked empirical Model and Observation Distribution Correction269
The new approach presented here addresses nonstationary effects of transient climate270
change by considering daily biases in the REAN simulations. It is subsequently referred to271
as “Linked empirical Model and Observation Distribution (LeMod)” bias correction method.272
The large-scale circulation errors are avoided in REAN simulations and the observed weather273
sequences are recontructed. The local model biases remaining are solely a result of errors274
in the RCM dynamics, parametrizations of physical processes (e.g. clouds) and the local275
conditions including the representation of unvarying static conditions (e.g. surface height,276
soil characteristics, etc.). Even under nonstationary climatic conditions, predominantly his-277
toric weather conditions are expected to occur, albeit with changes in frequency. The grid278
point model biases derived for conditions of the historic TRNG period remain valid also279
in the future under the same physical conditions represented by the individual bins of the280
PDF. The reliability of this approach is limited by how well the regional climate is repre-281
sented in the arbitrarily selected training period. Bias corrections for the remaining few282
unprecedented extreme climate conditions are derived either by extrapolation (temperature)283
or are left unchanged (precipitation) due to inadequate sparely populated tail of the distri-284
bution. The PDF for the future climate is reconstructed by bias correcting data in individual285
bins and by including the frequency change information of historic analogues as well as the286
unprecedented conditions.287
The complex Southern Alps and rugged New Zealand terrain strongly interacts with the288
prevailing westerlies resulting in a myriad of climatic conditions ranging from from subtrop-289
ical to alpine and sub polar and thus constitutes a suitable test bed for evaluating regional290
climate models and bias correction methods. However the sparse and inhomogeneously dis-291
tributed and predominantly low altitude observation station network data may compromise292
the quality of the gridded observation data at high altitudes. Notwithstanding deficiencies in293
modelling orographic precipitation, the added value of regional climate downscaling is most294
apparent in regions lacking robust measurement data over longer time scales.295
The new approach involves computing the model biases by comparing REAN temperature296
data at each grid point, i, in each bin, b, of the PDF with the concurrent observations from297
the VCSN dataset. Only the mapped mean and standard deviation of the VCSN data298
for each bin, b, of the REAN data are retained for the 20-year TRNG period. Seasonal299
probability distributions of surface minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperature at300
each RCM grid point iare compiled. In each temperature distribution bin, b, of width 1C,301
the model mean Tb,i and standard deviation σ(Tb,i) are rescaled using the linked observed302
mean, TV CS N
b,i , and standard deviation σTV CS N
b,i for days tb,i in the bin, b, at grid point, i.303
The corrected temperature Tcorr
b,i =Tcorr (tb,i) is computed as follows:304
Tcorr (tb,i) = T(tb,i )Tb,i·σTV C SN
b,i (Tb,i ) + TV CS N
b,i (2)
To illustrate this method, Fig. 2 shows the modelled DJF maximum temperature data305
(red) for the 20–21C bin and the corresponding observed data (black). The mean and306
variance of the observed data are used to shift and rescale the mean and variance of the model307
data (red) to compute the bias corrected values (blue). The bias corrected temperature shows308
a more realistic scatter and has a root mean square (RMS) error 2.68 compared with 3.65309
for the raw data in this example. The RMS error improves most on grid points exhibiting310
large biases. Where biases are small, the RMS error is of the same order of magnitude as311
for the raw data. The rescaling standard deviation term in the bias correction procedure312
mostly results in a significant increase in variance to match the observed variance.313
For the precipitation data, the dry days are defined as days where the precipitation314
intensity is below the precipitation threshold (PT) as described in the last section. The315
precipitation intensity is set to zero below PT in the REAN as in the EQM method. The316
intermittent nature of precipitation is considered using a moving average over a multiple317
day window. Since autocorrelation beyond two neighbouring days is low, a running mean318
window of 5 days centred on the day under consideration, t, is selected. This approach319
enhances the correction of multiple-day precipitation events and partially retains short term320
autocorrelation of the observed time series.321
The daily precipitation distributions of the REAN data (bin width: 1 mm/day) for the322
TRNG period and the concurrent 5–day running mean and standard deviation values of the323
REAN and VCSN time series are compiled. The precipitation correction P IREAN
corr,i (t) for each324
day, t, of the time series and each grid point, i, is computed.325
corr,i (t) = P I REAN
i(t)P I REAN
i(t)5d·σ5dP I V CSN
i(t)+P I V CSN
For REAN simulations beyond the TRNG period and for future and past climate simual-326
tions, concurrent observed values are not used or not available. Instead for each bin bof327
simulated precipitation distribution, P Ib,i, the minimum euclidean distance Db,i of the model328
mean and standard deviation of the running means time series, to P I REAN
ifor all elements329
in the bin bis determined as follows.330
Db,i(s) = min
P Ib,i
5d, σ5d(P Ib,i)P I REAN
5d, σ5dP I REAN
and the corresponding time point sis determined. Therefore, for the REAN simulation in the331
TRNG period, this value is 0. If no observed values are present in a bin b, then the selection332
is expanded to include adjacent bins until the extremal bin bmax is reached. Similarly, for333
i(t), the REAN and concurrent VCSN running mean and standard deviation values334
at time point, s, determined in eq. 4 are used to correct the precipitation bias.335
corr,i (t) = P I CLIM
i(t)P I REAN
i(s)5d·σ5dP I V CSN
i(s)+P I V CSN
This procedure leads to excessive smoothing in sparsely populated bins so that a signif-336
icant decrease in accuracy and reliability occurs in the tail of the distribution. Therefore337
no correction is applied at the tail of the precipitation distribution beyond a 99.5 percentile338
threshold. Thus the model extremes is obtained using this approach are consistent with339
REAN dataset but not bias corrected.340
b. Downscaling Methods341
For most climate impact impact studies, considerably higher spatial resolution is stipu-342
lated. In the following, simple physicially moviated first order downscaling procedures are343
suggested for the coarse resolution bias corrected temperature and precipitation data. Since344
most climate impact studies require regular lat-lon grid, the bias-corrected RCM data are345
first unrotated at the original resolution (0.27).346
1) Temperature347
The data is lapsed on to the sea level at all land grid points using a constant lapse rate348
(5 K/km) (Tait 2008, 2010) and the RCM orography. It is bilinearly interpolated at sea349
level to the high resolution (0.05) grid, whereby sea points are masked to avoid negative350
biases. The masking of coarse resolution sea points results in missing data in a few coastal351
land points in the high resolution data set. The data is then lapsed to the land surface using352
a more accurate high-resolution elevation data set and the same lapse rate.353
2) Precipitation354
No simple relationship exists for elevation and precipitation analogous to a lapse rate for355
elevation and temperature, but significant corrections to bilinear interpolation downscaling356
are required where strong orographic forcing is present (Engen-Skaugen 2007). Similar to357
the lapse rate based correction for temperature, local corrections based on the difference358
between RCM and VCSN elevation and the wind direction of the zonal wind component at359
700 hPa (|u700|>3m/s) are applied. Orographic precipitation enhancement factor varies360
from 1.5–4.5/1000 m in the literature (Haiden and Pistotnik 2009) based on a regional case361
study in the European Alps.362
In lieu of direct observations in the Southern Alps, an enhancement factor of 0.8/1000 m363
and a reduction factor of 0.5/1000 m was selected by roughly reconstructing the largest364
annual mean value on the VCSN grid and based on VCSN data for the TRNG period.365
These factors are used over all land grid points with no further tuning. This is not a366
rigorous but a pragmatic attempt to reconstruct a plausible, realistic and consistent high367
elevation precipitation data set at climate relevant time scales. The correction term was368
obtained by multipling the enhancement (reduction) factor to elevation difference between369
the binearly interpolated coarse resolution (0.27) and the left neighbouring high resolution370
(0.05) data. The enhancement (reduction) term was added to the biased corrected and371
bilnearly interpolated RCM precipitation on the same 0.05VCSN grid. Thus precipitation372
enhancement occurs on the windward side of the orographic divide, while on the leeward373
side, due to rain shadow effect, there is a reduction in precipitation. At low lying locations374
where the elevation difference remain small, the correction is negligible.375
5. RCM simulations and validation376
The seasonal and annual validation of bias corrected data is presented for the TRNG and377
past late 20th century (VLDP).378
a. Model Biases379
The maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperature and precipitation (P I ) biases380
in the REAN simulations with respect to the VCSN data for the TRNG period have been381
discussed previously in considerable detail (Ackerley et al. 2012). The coarse climatic fea-382
tures, for example the spatial distribution and the annual cycle of maximum and minimum383
surface air temperatures, are well captured (Fig. 3, rows 1 and 3). The fine scale spatial384
and temporal comparisons reveal considerable temperature biases, with negative biases in385
maximum temperature and positive biases in minimum temperature, underestimating the386
daily temperature range (not shown). The model captures the west–east gradient in precipi-387
tation across the Southern Alps well (Fig. 4, row 1) but with large negative or positive biases388
in most regions (Fig. 4, rows 2 and 3). Biases in the CLIM results have a similar spatial389
pattern but are larger in magnitude than those in the reanalysis-forced run due to additional390
circulation errors. The circulation errors are attributed to biases in the SST forcing and the391
AGCM simulations as well as to internal variability of the climate system.392
b. Training period validation393
Model errors for the daily time series are determined for the training period. The LeMOD394
bias corrected REAN surface temperature and precipitation data are compared with VCSN395
data (Fig. 3 and 4). The remaining bias in the LeMOD bias-corrected minimum and396
maximum temperature data remain below 0.5C at all grid points. The diurnal temperature397
range is considerably improved as a result of the large reduction in biases in both minimum398
and maximum temperature.399
The mean seasonal and annual precipitation exhibits mostly wet bias along the orographic400
features along the windward slopes whereas most of the other regions experience a dry bias401
(Fig. 4). There is a maximum bias of up to 20% remaining after bias correction (row 4)402
in most regions. Larger biases remain over central North Island and south eastern South403
Island, which is a reflection of large biases present in the RCM (CTL) data.404
c. Past climate validation405
In this section, biases in minimum and maximum 1.5m temperature and precipitation406
data from the REAN simulations with respect to concurrent VCSN gridded observations407
determined earlier for the TRNG period are applied to data over a longer past VLDP period.408
For this study, only a short 29 year period of simultaneous REAN and VCSN data are409
available. Therefore validation based on longer period excluding the TRNG period was not410
possible. Validation for considerably shorter periods of under 10 year though possible are411
expected to exhibit larger biases.412
As in the TRNG period, the mean seasonal bias corrected minimum and maximum413
temperature are substantially improved for the VLDP period with mostly a small cool bias414
below 0.5C in magnitude (Fig. 5) except in limited regions for maximum temperature415
where there is a cool bias of up to 1.0C in magnitude (Fig. 5, row 4).416
The mean seasonal and annual LeMOD precipitation exhibits substantially lower biases417
compared with CTL precipitation for the VLDP period which includes the TRNG period.418
The magnitude of biases in LeMOD precipitation (Fig. 6, row 3) is mostly the same as for419
the TRNG period (Fig. 4, row 3). All seasons are marginally drier with autumn (MAM) and420
winter (JJA) seasons depicting the largest differences. The magnitude of EQM precipitation421
biases is larger than for LeMOD precipitation in all seasons as well as annually (Fig. 6, rows422
3 and 4).423
d. Comparison of Bias Correction Methods424
The assessment of bias correction methods for precipitation is based on the correlation425
coefficient and root mean square error with the observed VCSN data of the past validation426
period (VLDP). Since the surface temperature fields have lower uncertainty and the biases427
are simpler to correct, they are not assessed further. The correlation coefficient for the428
LeMOD precipitation time series (Fig. 7, right) is considerably higher on all grid point than429
for the CTL (Fig. 7, left) or EQM (Fig. 7, middle) precipitation. The root mean square430
error is considerably lower for LeMOD bias corrected time series (Fig. 8, right) than for the431
CTL (Fig. 8, left) or EQM bias corrected (Fig. 8, middle) data. As seen in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8432
(middle), there is only limited improvement of the correlation coefficient or root mean square433
error of EQM bias corrected data compared with the uncorrected CTL data.434
The corresponding downscaled precipitation at 0.05grid size broadly exhibits the same435
charcteristics as on the model resolution of 0.27for the VLDP period. A substantial increase436
in correlation coefficient is observed for the LeMOD precipitation at all land grid points437
whereas not much difference is observed between the EQM and CTL precipitation (Fig. 9).438
The root mean square error is again lower for the LeMOD precipitation indicated by blue439
shades in Fig. 10 (right), but some regions (in red) show some increase. The regions showing440
deterioration in RMSE with respect to VCSN data are influenced by prominent orographic441
features where VCSN data accuracy may be lacking. The reduction in root mean square442
error is much less in the EQM precipitation (Fig. 10, middle) compared with the LeMOD443
precipitation (Fig. 10, right) but broadly depicts the same spatial features.444
e. Validation of climate simulations445
The surface temperature and precipitation climatological data for two ensemble members446
of RCM simulations of the 20th century hindcast for HadCM3 (HadCM3–A2-1 and HadCM3–447
A2-2 referred to as CLIM) from IPCC AR4 are validated for the VLDP period. The mean448
seasonal and annual LeMOD bias corrected minimum temperature is substantially improved449
for the VLDP period with a small cool bias remaining mostly below 0.5C in magnitude450
for all seasons (Fig. 11). Also the seasonal and annual maximum temperature biases are451
considerably improved, though the seasonal biases are marginally larger with positive and452
negative fluctuations in different seasons (Fig. 12). The minimum and maximum temperature453
biases in both simulations are nearly identical (see rows 3 and 4 in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12).454
The mean seasonal and annual bias in the LeMOD precipitation for the HadCM3–A2-1455
and HadCM3–A2-2 simulations in the VLDP period have a similar pattern as the LeMOD456
precipitation from REAN run but with mostly up to 20% larger wet bias (Fig. 13). The larger457
biases are caused by deviations in the large-scale circulations and are expected partly due to458
internal variability of the climate system in absence of data assimilation, model errors and459
inherent climate uncertainty. Such enhanced biases in the temperature field are not observed460
since surface temperature is influenced by large-scale circulation to a lesser degree.461
The regional differences in mean seasonal spatial distribution of LeMOD precipitation462
(Fig. 13) and EQM precipitation (Fig. 14) in HadCM3–A2-1 and HadCM3–A2-2 simulations463
in VLDP period are small with slightly wetter conditions in the spring and summer seasons464
and drier conditions in autumn and winter in LeMOD vs. EQM precipitation.465
6. Discussion and Conclusions466
Bias correction of regional climate data is indispensable for most climate impact studies.467
The main challenge in this study is to correct data on a daily time scale using a more468
rigorous approach in an attempt to provide realistic information regarding the higher modes469
of variability of “weather within climate” (Ines and Hansen 2006). For realistic and reliable470
output, it is also necessary to validate and assess the bias correction methods. Since model471
errors are largest in precipitation simulations, and this is a crucial field for almost all climate472
impact investigations, detailed validation and evaluation for two bias correction methods,473
EQM and LeMOD, are performed. Surface temperature is less influenced by uncertainties474
in large-scale circulation fields than precipitation and the systematic biases are mostly due475
to inadequate representation of local conditions such as orography and aspect, hence these476
data are considerably less problematic to correct.477
The LeMOD technique uses a semi-empirical statistical approach to correct errors in478
the frequency distribution of model data. It is a new approach to correct biases in RCM479
simulations using deviations between REAN climate hindcast data and gridded observations480
on a daily time scale. Biases in meteorological variables occur due to model errors and the481
description of local conditions since large-scale circulation errors in simulations forced by482
reanalysis data at the lateral boundaries are strongly supressed. Even though the distribution483
changes with time under nonstationary climatic conditions, most of the weather states that484
occur will be similar to the ones in the past with the same error distribution and statistics. A485
sufficiently long 20–year model hindcast and observation period ensures adequate sampling486
of the model errors. If a representative training period is used to sample model errors,487
the biases under the same conditions remain unchanged. This will be valid even in the488
case of nonstationary climate change where the distribution changes. This feature is unlike489
other methods (Maraun 2012; Ines and Hansen 2006; Li et al. 2010) based on statistical490
relationships between large-scale predictors and regional or local scale predictands derived491
for the past period, or distribution-matching techniques, which remain valid for the future492
period only for a quasi-stationary climate.493
However the mapping of similar meteorological conditions in this study is only based on494
the same PDF bins. Attempt for define conditions on large scale meteorological conditions495
were sofar not successful. More work is require to improve the mapping to similar meteorog-496
ical conditions resulting in better implementation of a bias correction approach empirically497
based on model errors.498
A limited number of novel unprecedented weather conditions not occuring during the499
TRNG period will mostly be located in the tail of the distribution. Since the temperature500
distribution is smooth, a simple approach to use the values in the tail of the distribution501
corrected the values neighbouring bins provide a good estimate. However the tail of the502
precipitation distribution is very sparsely populated. Hence the precipitation extremes above503
a prescibed critical 99.5 percentile threshold in the sparsely sampled tail are excluded from504
bias correction.505
The seasonal and annual REAN and CLIM surface temperature fields in the climate506
hindcast period (VLDP) are considerably improved (see Section 5), while small local biases507
of less than 1K remain. This suggests that the proposed LeMOD bias correction method508
for surface temperature is applicable to bias correct future climate projection data and to509
obtain realistic estimates of the regional surface temperature change signal. The regional510
climate projections forced by different SRES emission scenarios in the early part of the 21st
century do not deviate much from the late 20th century historic period. Stronger deviations512
are present in the mid and late 21st century.513
The 5-day running mean REAN-CTL precipitation time series are corrected using the514
corresponding VCSN time series, where the mean and standard deviation of the “observed”515
data in the CTL precipitation distribution [mm/day] bins is used to compute biases. The516
seasonal and annual REAN and CLIM precipitation is significantly improved with relatively517
small biases remaining in the past VLDP period for both LeMOD and EQM bias correction518
However comparison of temporal correlations of the two bias-corrected RCM time series520
with VCSN grid point time series reveals considerable differences. The correlation coefficient521
of LeMOD and VCSN precipitation is larger than that of either the CTL or EQM precip-522
itation. The root mean square error of LeMOD daily precipitation is also reduced at all523
grid points confirming a better temporal match. This is the expected result since the EQM524
method does not use the temporal information but equates quantiles of CTL and VCSN525
precipitation whereas LeMOD preserves an imprint of temporal structure of the CTL and526
VCSN precipitation mapped on the daily time scale. A simple mapping of derived REAN527
precipitation (see equation 4) and observed precipitation for the VLDP period is a simple528
but an effective procedure.529
Some improvement of the downscaling procedure (Section 4 b) is feasible by using eight530
wind sectors instead of only the two dominant east–west directions in regions influenced531
by other prevailing wind directions. Note that more complex interactions of large-scale532
atmospheric variables and local complex terrain, for example in deep valleys, are not captured533
by the interpolation methods.534
Recent investigations (Maraun 2013) suggested that correcting and downscaling to point535
scale (observation station) using standard deviation adjustment or quantile matching tech-536
nique leads to larger temporal errors. An alternative procedure suggested in this study is537
to bias correct data on the model grid scale and use additional information to downscale to538
the local or point scale using simple physical or statistical relationships. LeMOD performs539
better than arguably so far the best performing QM technique (Themeßl et al. 2010).540
The LeMOD bias correction and interpolation based downscaling procedure provides541
improved high-resolution climate change estimates of temperature and precipitation and is542
very promising for climate impact applications. It is expected that reducing model biases543
will result in reducing the spread of transient climate response to the external forcing, thus544
increasing confidence in future climate projections through removal of a significant propor-545
tion of regional modelling errors. The implications of bias correction of transient climate546
responses and its application to climate impacts on primary sectors of the economy including547
agriculture, renewable energy generation and water resource management will be discussed548
in a future study.549
This work was supported by New Zealands core research Regional Modelling of Future551
New Zealand Climate. I will like to take this opportunity to thank Andrew Tait for providing552
the VCSN data and Lara Wilcocks for providing scripts to extract data from NIWA archive.553
I also thank Brett Mullan, Sam Dean and Stephen Stuart for numerous discussions and554
Duncan Ackerley and Stephen Stuart for running climate simulations on NIWA’s HPCF.555
This work has been submitted for publication. Copyright in this work may be transferred556
without further notice, and this version may no longer be accessible.557
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List of Figures672
1 Orography [in m a.s.l.] on 0.27RCM grid in rotated (left; rotated north pole673
at 48N, 176E) frame, unrotated frame (middle) and on the standard 0.05
VCSN grid in unrotated frame (right). 30675
2 Maximum DJF temperature (raw, red) for grid cell ifrom REAN simulation in676
the temperature range of 20–21C over the VLDP time period, the concurrent677
observed data (black) and the bias corrected temperature (blue) is presented678
in the upper panel. The lower panel shows differences in the CTL and bias679
corrected temperature data to the VCSN data taken from the upper panel. 31680
3 Mean seasonal and annual bias-corrected (LeMOD) minimum temperature,681
Tmin [C] (row 1) and remaining bias (2.row), bias corrected maximum tem-682
perature, Tmax [C] (row 3) and remaining bias (row 4) from REAN simu-683
lations in the 1980–1999 training (TRNG) period are presented on rotated684
coordinate RCM grid (North pole: 48N, 176E). 32685
4 Mean seasonal and annual bias corrected (LeMOD) REAN precipitation P I686
in [mm/day], bias in [mm/day] and [%] for the TRNG period and bias after687
correction in [%] are depicted in rows 1 to 4 respectively. 33688
5 Same as Fig. 3 except for past validation period (VLDP, 1972–2000). 34689
6 Mean seasonal and annual bias corrected (LeMOD) daily REAN precipitation690
P I in [mm/day], bias in CTL, bias after LeMOD correction and bias after691
EQM correction [%] for the past validation period (VLDP, 1972–2000) are692
presented in rows 1–4 respectively. 35693
7 Linear correlation coefficient of CTL (left), EQM (middle) and LeMOD (right)694
bias corrected daily precipitation time series with respect to VCSN gridded695
observations 36696
8 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of CTL (left) daily precipitation in [mm/day],697
and reduction in RMSE [%] of EQM (middle) and LeMOD (right) bias cor-698
rected daily precipitation with respect to CTL data (left). 37699
9 Same as Fig. 7 except on 0.05resolution 38700
10 Same as Fig. 8 except on 0.05resolution. 39701
11 Mean seasonal and annual bias corrected minimum temperature (Tmin) for702
HadCM3–A2-1 simulation [C] (row 1), the bias before (row 2) and after703
(row 3) LeMOD correction for HadCM3–A2-1 and the bias after correction704
(4.row) for HadCM3–A2-2 simulation are presented for the past validation705
period (VLDP, 1972–2000). 40706
12 Same as Fig. 11 except for maximum temperature (Tmax ). 41707
13 Same as in Fig. 11 except for precipitation intensity [mm/day] (PI). 42708
14 Bias corrected (EQM) daily REAN precipitation P I in [mm/day] (rows 1 and709
2) and bias after correction (rows 3 and 4) in [%] in CLIM HadCM3–A1 and710
HadCM3–A2-2 simulations for the past VLDP validation period. 43711
Fig. 1. Orography [in m a.s.l.] on 0.27RCM grid in rotated (left; rotated north pole
at 48N, 176E) frame, unrotated frame (middle) and on the standard 0.05VCSN grid in
unrotated frame (right).
TM ax[C]TM ax[C]
Fig. 2. Maximum DJF temperature (raw, red) for grid cell ifrom REAN simulation in the
temperature range of 20–21C over the VLDP time period, the concurrent observed data
(black) and the bias corrected temperature (blue) is presented in the upper panel. The lower
panel shows differences in the CTL and bias corrected temperature data to the VCSN data
taken from the upper panel.
Fig. 3. Mean seasonal and annual bias-corrected (LeMOD) minimum temperature, Tmin
[C] (row 1) and remaining bias (2.row), bias corrected maximum temperature, Tmax [C]
(row 3) and remaining bias (row 4) from REAN simulations in the 1980–1999 training
(TRNG) period are presented on rotated coordinate RCM grid (North pole: 48N, 176E).
P IBC [mm/day]bias(P recCT L )[mm/day]bias(P recC T L)[%]bias(P recB C )[%]
Fig. 4. Mean seasonal and annual bias corrected (LeMOD) REAN precipitation P I in
[mm/day], bias in [mm/day] and [%] for the TRNG period and bias after correction in [%]
are depicted in rows 1 to 4 respectively.
Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 3 except for past validation period (VLDP, 1972–2000).
P IBC [mm/day]
CTL bias [%]LeMOD bias [%]EQM bias [%]
Fig. 6. Mean seasonal and annual bias corrected (LeMOD) daily REAN precipitation P I
in [mm/day], bias in CTL, bias after LeMOD correction and bias after EQM correction [%]
for the past validation period (VLDP, 1972–2000) are presented in rows 1–4 respectively.
Fig. 7. Linear correlation coefficient of CTL (left), EQM (middle) and LeMOD (right) bias
corrected daily precipitation time series with respect to VCSN gridded observations
Fig. 8. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of CTL (left) daily precipitation in [mm/day],
and reduction in RMSE [%] of EQM (middle) and LeMOD (right) bias corrected daily
precipitation with respect to CTL data (left).
Fig. 9. Same as Fig. 7 except on 0.05resolution
Fig. 10. Same as Fig. 8 except on 0.05resolution.
min (HadCM3-A2-1)
bias (HadCM3-A2-1)
biasBC (HadCM3-A2-1)biasB C (HadCM3-A2-2)
Fig. 11. Mean seasonal and annual bias corrected minimum temperature (Tmin) for
HadCM3–A2-1 simulation [C] (row 1), the bias before (row 2) and after (row 3) LeMOD
correction for HadCM3–A2-1 and the bias after correction (4.row) for HadCM3–A2-2 sim-
ulation are presented for the past validation period (VLDP, 1972–2000).
max (HadCM3-A2-1)
bias (HadCM3-A2-1)
biasBC (HadCM3-A2-1)biasBC (HadCM3-A2-2)
Fig. 12. Same as Fig. 11 except for maximum temperature (Tmax).
P IBC (HadCM3-A2-1)
bias (HadCM3-A2-1)
biasBC (HadCM3-A2-1)biasBC (HadCM3-A2-2)
Fig. 13. Same as in Fig. 11 except for precipitation intensity [mm/day] (PI).
P IBC (HadCM3-A2-1)
bias (HadCM3-A2-1)
bias (HadCM3-A2-1)bias (HadCM3-A2-2)
Fig. 14. Bias corrected (EQM) daily REAN precipitation P I in [mm/day] (rows 1 and 2)
and bias after correction (rows 3 and 4) in [%] in CLIM HadCM3–A1 and HadCM3–A2-2
simulations for the past VLDP validation period.
... The RCP-past represents the simulated data which were generated by the same general circulation (GCM) model. The purpose for this is to compare both historical and future projected climate simulations created from the same model (Sood, 2014). ...
... Warming is highest in the summer season, and lowest in winter and spring. The spatial variation in the warming trend is the largest in higher altitude South Island areas after dynamically downscaling with the regional climate model (Sood, 2014). ...
... They are: HadGEM2-ES (UK), CESM1-CAM5 (USA), NorESM1-M (Norway), GFDL-CM3 (USA), GISSE2-R (USA) and BCC-CSM1.1 (China). Each model was bias-corrected and downscaled to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) 5 km Virtual Climate Station Network grid (Sood 2014; Ministry for the Environment 2018). The downscaled data, including uncertainties, have been comprehensively analysed by Ministry for the Environment (2018). ...
... Regional climate simulations were performed from 1971 to 2000 using the ERA-40 dataset which is bias-corrected and downscaled at ~5 km resolution by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) across New Zealand (Sood, 2014;Tait et al., 2016). The climate dataset ( Fig. 1) included air temperature ( • C, maximum and minimum), total solar radiation (MJ/m 2 ) and rainfall (mm). ...
Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) is a widely grown perennial legume worldwide which can provide high biomass and protein yields, biological N fixation, deep soil water extraction and a range of ecosystems services relevant to current and future agricultural systems. The potential to expand lucerne beyond its current cultivated areas in New Zealand, and its potential productivity across the country's contrasting climate zones, are currently unknown. To gain such insights, we estimated land suitability and spatial distribution of lucerne above-ground biomass across New Zealand lands considering contrasting growth conditions (rain-fed or irrigated for different soils types) and two simulation methods of different complexity (process-and GIS-based approaches). This aimed to assess yield-estimate spatial patterns and sensitivity to model selection for a wide range of combinations of water supply (i.e. irrigation and soil water storage) across New Zealand climate zones. For example, highly suitable areas for lucerne cultivation, were estimated in ~21 thousand km 2 when considering the exclusion of steep slopes, poor soil drainage and excess annual rainfall. The two crop-yield models were applied in response to 30 years of daily historical (1971-2000) weather data downscaled at 5 km resolution on suitable areas. Simulated average lucerne yields ranged from ~4.5-28 t dry matter/ha per year. Simulations showed a distinct spatial pattern of yield decline from north to south, mainly in response to decreasing temperatures. Temporally, water limited yields were up to 4-fold more variable than under irrigation, depending on the degree of drought stress across different years. Results also unveiled systematic spatial patterns of model uncertainty quantified as yield sensitivity to model selection. For instance, simulated yields were most sensitive to model selection (6-31% of total variability, T i) within high abiotic-stress environments (e.g. low temperature and limited water supply). Overall, soil type selection accounted for most of yield variability (58-78% T i), being particularly important in warmer environments with variable seasonal rainfall regimes (e.g. northern regions). As expected, water supply (i.e. rain-fed or irrigated systems) was relatively more impactful on yield (8-20% T i) for limited rainfall areas, where crops are most drought prone (e.g. east coast and central southern regions). Long-term regional scale comparisons of annual lucerne yield, between 30-year simulated distributions and point-based observations from the AgYields database, helped identify hotspots of yield overestimation. Such insights are useful to guide future research on high yield gap areas (e.g. southern colder and drier locations) and highlight key areas for model improvement (e.g. representation of multiple biotic stresses). Overall, our results provide a first gridded-model assessment of lucerne suitability and yield at national scale and quantify the share of variability explained by key climatic, management and methodological components in spatial analysis studies. These insights can inform future modelling efforts and support agricultural planning that considers the expansion of lucerne and other perennial legumes.
... Erosion and suspended sediment loads are modelled for a historical climate baseline (1986-2005 period, represented by 1995), mid-century (2031-2050 period, represented by 2040), and end-century (2080-2100 period, represented by 2090) using climate outputs from six CMIP5 (Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project) global climate models (GCMs) coupled with the New Zealand Regional Climate Model (NZRCM) (Sood, 2014) for downscaling and bias correction (Ministry for the Environment, 2018), as downscaled CMIP6 projections are not yet available for New Zealand. A multimodel approach is advised to account for the range of uncertainties in GCMs for climate impact studies (Shrestha et al., 2013;Eekhout and de Vente, 2022). ...
... The modelling experiment represented two genotypes (low and high early-vigour) grown in four key agricultural TPEs with contrasting climates (Southland, Canterbury, Hawke's Bay and Waikato) where oat cover crop systems are currently used (see map in Fig. 1) and have been assessed considering future climatic conditions . The historical climate data (1971-2000; ERA-40 dataset) across locations (Sood, 2014) are characterised by contrasting combinations of mean temperatures, annual rainfall and daily solar radiation for Southland (10⁰C, 950 mm and 11 MJ/m 2 per day), Canterbury (12⁰C, 650 mm and 13 MJ/m 2 per day), Hawke's Bay (13⁰C, 700 mm and 14 MJ/m 2 per day) and Waikato (14⁰C, 1200 mm and 13 MJ/m 2 per day), respectively. ...
... The effects of each RCP on future climate in New Zealand were modelled by NIWA using six different global climate models (GCMs) coupled with the New Zealand Regional Climate Model. The temperature and precipitation climate variables were bias corrected and semi-empirically further downscaled from 30 km to 5 km horizontal resolution using a physics-based approach (Sood 2014). ...
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Future climate is likely to have a major impact on the primary sector, and has the potential to drive major shifts in land use as previously suitable climatic conditions change. A team funded by the Deep South and Our Land & Water National Science Challenges is researching the potential impacts on the primary sector. Impacts can be due to chronic effects (long-term changes in climate conditions) or acute effects (extreme events). Introduction Representative concentration pathways (RCPs) from the IPCC's 5 th Assessment Report facilitate comparative exploration of the potential impacts and implications of climate change across the wide range of plausible future global greenhouse gas emissions and resulting radiative forcing. Although called 'concentration pathways', the naming convention actually refers to the resulting additional radiative forcing in 2100 in watts per metre squared (W/m 2) relative to pre-industrial (1850-1900) levels. The effects of each RCP on future climate in New Zealand were modelled by NIWA using six different global climate models (GCMs) coupled with the New Zealand Regional Climate Model. The temperature and precipitation climate variables were bias corrected and semi-empirically further downscaled from 30 km to 5 km horizontal resolution using a physics-based approach (Sood 2014).
... They are: HadGEM2-ES (UK), CESM1-CAM5 (USA), NorESM1-M (Norway), GFDL-CM3 (USA), GISS-E2-R (USA) and BCC-CSM1.1 (China). Each model was bias-corrected and downscaled to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) 5-km Virtual Climate Station Network (VCSN) grid (Tait et al. 2006(Tait et al. , 2012Tait 2008;Tait & Liley 2009;Sood 2015;Mullan et al. 2016). The downscaled data, including uncertainties, have been comprehensively analysed by Mullan et al. (2016). ...
New Zealand’s intensively managed pastoral agricultural systems are vulnerable to climate change because of their dependence on grazing livestock and pasture as the primary feed supply. Drawing from recent modelling results, annual pasture yields in New Zealand are projected to be robust to a changing climate due to more favourable growing conditions in winter and early spring and increased plant efficiencies from the CO2 fertilization effect. However, growth is also expected to become more variable and unpredictable, particularly in water-limited regions. A combination of short-term, incremental changes (already part of current practice) and longer-term strategic interventions will be necessary to maintain consistent feed supply under future climate change.
... Climate data for the decades starting 1980, 1990, 2010, 2040, 2070, and 2090 were generated from a suite of six ranked General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations (Ministry for the Environment 2018) that were selected to drive a higher resolution regional climate model (RCM) over New Zealand. The output data fields from the RCM were bias-corrected relative to a 1980-1999 climatology, and subsequently further downscaled to a virtual climate station network (VCSN) of approximate 5 km ×5 km grid cells (Sood 2014). The GCMs are coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models driven by natural climate forcing (solar irradiance, volcanic emissions, aerosols) and anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols based on observations for the 1971-2005 historic period, and four 'future' Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios (RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 W/m 2 as a possible range of greenhouse gas concentration trajectories to the year 2100) for the 2006-2100 period (Van Vuuren et al. 2011). ...
The objective of this study was to predict the future performance of perennial ryegrass in the Upper North Island, New Zealand. The Basic Grassland model, BASGRA, was used with historic, current and future daily climate data as input, and soil water holding capacity, to predict changes in perennial ryegrass performance in space and time. The study focussed on land of ≤7° slope north of the town of Tokoroa and considered two potential warming pathways to the end of the 21st century. Persistence was defined as the time in years for the ryegrass sward to decline to 50% ground cover. The results for the two climate pathways were largely consistent with each other. Persistence should remain in the medium category (2.5-3.4 years, 10-12 t DM/ha) for the rest of this century for Bay of Islands, Whangarei, South Waikato/Tokoroa, and Rotorua. Persistence is predicted to change from medium to predominantly low (0-2.4 years, <10 t DM/ha) for Far North, Dargaville, DairyFlat/Rodney, Waiuku/Pukekohe and northern and central parts of Waikato. Coastal regions of Bay of Plenty were predicted to be poorly suited to perennial ryegrass and to remain so into the rest of the century. Large parts of the Upper North Island that are currently borderline for perennial ryegrass are predicted to become unsuitable for the species.
... The GCMs used in our study were evaluated and recommended for impact studies in New Zealand based on their performance in relation to historical records (Tait et al., 2016;see Supplement material). Climate data were bias corrected and downscaled for the primary climate variables, minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation from RCM simulations (Mullan et al., 2018;Sood, 2014). The combination of four locations, six GCMs and four RCPs provided a wide range of environments to quantify cover crop performance (Fig. 2). ...
Winter cover crops are sown in between main spring crops (e.g. cash and forage crops) to provide a range of benefits, including the reduction of nitrogen (N) leaching losses to groundwater. However, the extent by which winter cover crops will remain effective under future climate change is unclear. We assess variability and uncertainty of climate change effects on the reduction of N leaching by winter oat cover crops. Field data were collected to quantify ranges of cover crop above-ground biomass (7 to 10 t DM/ha) and N uptake (70 to 180 kg N/ha) under contrasting initial soil conditions. The data were also used to evaluate the APSIM-NextGen model (R² from 62 to 96% and RMSEr from 7 to 50%), which was then applied to simulate cover crop and fallow conditions across four key agricultural locations in New Zealand, under baseline and future climate scenarios. Cover crops reduced N leaching risk for all location/scenario combinations but with large variability in space and time (e.g. 21 to 47% of fallow) depending on climate change scenario. For instance, end-of-century estimates for northern (warmer) locations mostly showed non-significant effects of climate change on cover crop effectiveness and N leaching. In contrast for southern (colder) locations, there was a systematic increase in N leaching risks with climate change intensity despite a concomitant, but less than proportional, increase in cover crop effectiveness (up to ~5% of baseline) due to higher winter yields and N uptake. This implies that climate change may not only modify the geography of N leaching hotspots, but also the extent by which cover crops can locally reduce pollution risks, in some cases requiring complementary adaptive measures. The patchy- and threshold-nature of leaching events indicates that fine spatio-temporal resolutions are better suited to evaluate cover crop effectiveness under climate change.
This study investigated the changes in the climate and the spatiotemporal variations in climate extreme indices of the Dano catchment in Burkina Faso using historical data for the period 1981-2010 and projected for the period 2020-2049. Rainfall and temperature simulations from two RCMs under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) involved in the CORDEX-Africa project were used in this study. The study found that the climate change signal in the future based on the ensemble mean of the RCMs indicates a decrease in the mean annual rainfall by 25.2 % and 25.6 % for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively. A clear temperature increase of about 1.3°C and 1.5°C is projected for the catchment using the models. The future rainfall trend projections mostly exhibited a mixed magnitude of increasing and decreasing trends for most areas, indicating no clear pattern of change in the extreme rainfall indices. A non-significant increase in heavy precipitation day events is however projected for the period under RCP 4.5. Projected changes in consecutive dry (wet) days are not significant. Temperature extreme projections showed increasing and decreasing trends in the warm and cold indices respectively, suggesting a warmer climate in the near future. Our study reveals potential climate extremes over the catchment stronger in RCP8.5 which is in agreement with the twenty-first-century warming expected for the region. The spatial distribution investigation highlights extreme dry events across the catchment considerably in the Northern areas. This study finds application for decision-makers to develop more suitable climate change and extremes adaptation strategies for agriculture and water supplies.
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In his comment, G. Burger criticizes the conclusion that inflation of trends by quantile mapping is an adverse effect. He assumes that the argument would be based on the belief that long-term trends and along with them future climate signals are to be large scale. His line of argument reverts to the so-called inflated regression. Here it is shown, by referring to previous critiques of inflation and standard literature in statistical modeling as well as weather forecasting, that inflation is built upon a wrong understanding of explained versus unexplained variability and prediction versus simulation. It is argued that a sound regression-based downscaling can in principle introduce systematic local variability in long-term trends, but inflation systematically deteriorates the representation of trends. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that inflation by construction deteriorates weather forecasts and is not able to correctly simulate small-scale spatiotemporal structure.
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In hydrological climate-change impact studies, Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are commonly used to transfer large-scale Global Climate Model (GCM) data to smaller scales and to provide more detailed regional information. However, there are often considerable biases in RCM simulations, which have led to the development of a number of bias correction approaches to provide more realistic climate simulations for impact studies. Bias correction procedures rely on the assumption that RCM biases do not change over time, because correction algorithms and their parameterizations are derived for current climate conditions and assumed to apply also for future climate conditions. This underlying assumption of bias stationarity is the main concern when using bias correction procedures. It is in principle not possible to test whether this assumption is actually fulfilled for future climate conditions. In this study, however, we demonstrate that it is possible to evaluate how well bias correction methods perform for conditions different from those used for calibration. For five Swedish catchments, several time series of RCM simulated precipitation and temperature were obtained from the ENSEMBLES data base and different commonly-used bias correction methods were applied. We then performed a differential split-sample test by dividing the data series into cold and warm respective dry and wet years. This enabled us to evaluate the performance of different bias correction procedures under systematically varying climate conditions. The differential split-sample test resulted in a large spread and a clear bias for some of the correction methods during validation years. More advanced correction methods such as distribution mapping performed relatively well even in the validation period, whereas simpler approaches resulted in the largest deviations and least reliable corrections for changed conditions. Therefore, we question the use of simple bias correction methods such as the widely used delta-change approach and linear scaling for RCM-based climate-change impact studies and recommend using higher-skill bias correction methods.
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Bias correcting climate models implicitly assumes stationarity of the correction function. This assumption is assessed for regional climate models in a pseudo reality for seasonal mean temperature and precipitation sums. An ensemble of regional climate models for Europe is used, all driven with the same transient boundary conditions. Although this model-dependent approach does not assess all possible bias non-stationarities, conclusions can be drawn for the real world. Generally, biases are relatively stable, and bias correction on average improves climate scenarios. For winter temperature, bias changes occur in the Alps and ice covered oceans caused by a biased forcing sensitivity of surface albedo; for summer temperature, bias changes occur due to a biased sensitivity of cloud cover and soil moisture. Precipitation correction is generally successful, but affected by internal variability in arid climates. As model sensitivities vary considerably in some regions, multi model ensembles are needed even after bias correction.
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We present the Met Office Hadley Centre's sea ice and sea surface temperature (SST) data set, HadISST1, and the nighttime marine air temperature (NMAT) data set, HadMAT1. HadISST1 replaces the global sea ice and sea surface temperature (GISST) data sets and is a unique combination of monthly globally complete fields of SST and sea ice concentration on a 1° latitude-longitude grid from 1871. The companion HadMAT1 runs monthly from 1856 on a 5° latitude-longitude grid and incorporates new corrections for the effect on NMAT of increasing deck (and hence measurement) heights. HadISST1 and HadMAT1 temperatures are reconstructed using a two-stage reduced-space optimal interpolation procedure, followed by superposition of quality-improved gridded observations onto the reconstructions to restore local detail. The sea ice fields are made more homogeneous by compensating satellite microwave-based sea ice concentrations for the impact of surface melt effects on retrievals in the Arctic and for algorithm deficiencies in the Antarctic and by making the historical in situ concentrations consistent with the satellite data. SSTs near sea ice are estimated using statistical relationships between SST and sea ice concentration. HadISST1 compares well with other published analyses, capturing trends in global, hemispheric, and regional SST well, containing SST fields with more uniform variance through time and better month-to-month persistence than those in GISST. HadMAT1 is more consistent with SST and with collocated land surface air temperatures than previous NMAT data sets.
Examination of two daily temperature-based indices (growing degree days and number of days of frost), calculated from gridded data for the period 1974–2003 and from projected data for the periods 2020–2049 and 2070–2099, shows that the percentage of New Zealand’s land area potentially suitable for growing grapes is likely to increase significantly over the coming century. This paper firstly describes a method of interpolating maximum and minimum air temperature data measured or estimated at 143 base climate stations throughout New Zealand for every day of the period 1974–2003 onto a regular 0.05° latitude / longitude grid using a thin plate smoothing spline model. An analysis of the interpolation error using 20 validation sites shows that the average root mean square error is 1.2 °C for daily maximum air temperature and 1.6 °C for daily minimum air temperature. The gridded daily temperature data are then scaled using seasonal downscaled climate change scenarios from the CSIRO9 transient coupled atmosphere-ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM) to produce projected daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the periods 2020–2049 and 2070–2099. Lastly, an analysis of current and future growing degree and frost days, based on the gridded temperature data for the three 30-year periods, is performed.
Daily rainfall data from about 200 automatic weather stations are operationally interpolated onto a regular grid of points covering all of New Zealand at a resolution of 0.05 degrees lat/long (approximately 5 km). These data, as well as daily values for 10 other climate variables, are known as NIWA's Virtual Climate Station (VCS) data. There is a need to understand the accuracy of the daily rainfall estimates, particularly for hydrological assessments. The provision of historic daily rainfall data from more than 700 Regional Council locations (many of which are no longer operational) not used in the generation of the VCS estimates, has enabled a robust error assessment. Using a regression model approach (where the VCS rainfall is the independent variable and the Regional Council rainfall is the dependent variable), bias corrections were determined and applied to every VCS daily rainfall ≥ 1 mm. The bias-corrected VCS rainfall mean absolute error for locations below about 500 m elevation is approximately 2-4 mm (95% of the range) when rain days only (VCS rainfall ≥ 1 mm) are analysed. The error (and its spatial variation) is higher in areas above 500 m elevation, at approximately 5-15 mm. For daily VCS rainfalls > 40 mm (heavy rain days), the errors are approximately 8-12 mm (low elevation areas) and 10-40 mm (high elevation areas), and for monthly rainfall totals the corresponding errors are approximately 10-15 mm and 10-120 mm. For some uses of daily rainfall data, the installation of good quality telemetered rain gauges is the only option. However, if gauges can't be installed or the data collection cannot be maintained long-term, then using the bias-corrected VCS rainfall data is a viable option that is often a significant improvement over using data from distant stations that may not be in the same catchment or even located in a similar climatic zone.
In the present study, nonstationarities in predictor-predictand relationships within the framework of statistical downscaling are investigated. In this context, a novel validation approach is introduced in which nonstationarities are explicitly taken into account. The method is based on results from running calibration periods. The (non)overlaps of the bootstrap confidence interval of the mean model performance (derived by averaging the performances of all calibration/verification periods) and the bootstrap confidence intervals of the individual model errors are used to identify (non)stationary model performance. The specified procedure is demonstrated for mean daily precipitation in the Mediterranean area using the bias to assess model skill. A combined circulation-based and transfer function-based approach is employed as a downscaling technique. In this context, large-scale seasonal atmospheric regimes, synoptic-scale daily circulation patterns, and their within-type characteristics, are related to daily station-based precipitation. Results show that nonstationarities are due to varying predictors-precipitation relationships of specific circulation configurations. In this regard, frequency changes of circulation patterns can damp or increase the effects of nonstationary relationships. Within the scope of assessing future precipitation changes under increased greenhouse warming conditions, the identification and analysis of nonstationarities in the predictors-precipitation relationships leads to a substantiated selection of specific statistical downscaling models for the future assessments. Using RCP4.5 scenario assumptions, strong increases of daily precipitation become apparent over large parts of the western and northern Mediterranean regions in winter. In spring, summer, and autumn, decreases of precipitation until the end of the 21st century clearly dominate over the entire Mediterranean area.
Dynamical downscaling is being increasingly used for climate change studies, wherein the climates simulated by a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) for a historical and a future (projected) decade are used to drive a regional climate model (RCM) over a specific area. While previous studies have demonstrated that RCMs can add value to AOGCM-simulated climatologies over different world regions, it is unclear as to whether or not this translates to a better reproduction of the observed climate change therein. We address this issue over the continental U.S. using the GISS-ModelE2 and WRF models, a state-of-the-science AOGCM and RCM, respectively. As configured here, the RCM does not effect holistic improvement in the seasonally and regionally averaged surface air temperature or precipitation for the individual historical decades. Insofar as the climate change between the two decades is concerned, the RCM does improve upon the AOGCM when nudged in the domain proper, but only modestly so. Further, the analysis indicates that there is not a strong relationship between skill in capturing climatological means and skill in capturing climate change. Though additional research would be needed to demonstrate the robustness of this finding in AOGCM/RCM models generally, the evidence indicates that, for climate change studies, the most important factor is the skill of the driving global model itself, suggesting that highest priority should be given to improving the long-range climate skill of AOGCMs.
Bias-correction methods applied to monthly temperature and precipitation data simulated by multiple General Circulation Models (GCMs) are evaluated in this study. Although various methods have been proposed recently, an intercomparison among them using multiple GCM simulations has seldom been reported. Moreover, no previous methods have addressed the issue how to adequately deal with the changes of the statistics of bias-corrected variables from the historical to future simulations. In this study, a new method which conserves the changes of mean and standard deviation of the uncorrected model simulation data is proposed, and then five previous bias-correction methods as well as the proposed new method are intercompared by applying them to monthly temperature and precipitation data simulated from 12 GCMs in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) archives. Parameters of each method are calibrated by using 1948-1972 observed data and validated in the 1974-1998 period. These methods are then applied to the GCM future simulations (2073-2097) and the bias-corrected data are intercompared. For the historical simulations, negligible difference can be found between observed and bias-corrected data. However, the differences in future simulations are large dependent on the characteristics of each method. The new method successfully conserves the changes in the mean, standard deviation and the coefficient of variation before and after bias-correction. The differences of bias-corrected data among methods are discussed according to their respective characteristics. Importantly, this study classifies available correction methods into two distinct categories, and articulates important features for each of them.
ERA-40 is a re-analysis of meteorological observations from September 1957 to August 2002 produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in collaboration with many institutions. The observing system changed considerably over this re-analysis period, with assimilable data provided by a succession of satellite-borne instruments from the 1970s onwards, supplemented by increasing numbers of observations from aircraft, ocean-buoys and other surface platforms, but with a declining number of radiosonde ascents since the late 1980s. The observations used in ERA-40 were accumulated from many sources. The first part of this paper describes the data acquisition and the principal changes in data type and coverage over the period. It also describes the data assimilation system used for ERA-40. This benefited from many of the changes introduced into operational forecasting since the mid-1990s, when the systems used for the 15-year ECMWF re-analysis (ERA-15) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) re-analysis were implemented. Several of the improvements are discussed. General aspects of the production of the analyses are also summarized.