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Abstract and Figures

Objective This study aimed to assess the technical success, radiation dose, safety and performance level of liver thermal ablation using a computed tomography (CT)-guided robotic positioning system. Methods Radiofrequency and microwave ablation of liver tumours were performed on 20 patients (40 lesions) with the assistance of a CT-guided robotic positioning system. The accuracy of probe placement, number of readjustments and total radiation dose to each patient were recorded. The performance level was evaluated on a five-point scale (5–1: excellent–poor). The radiation doses were compared against 30 patients with 48 lesions (control) treated without robotic assistance. Results Thermal ablation was successfully completed in 20 patients with 40 lesions and confirmed on multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT. No procedure related complications were noted in this study. The average number of needle readjustment was 0.8 ± 0.8. The total CT dose (DLP) for the entire robotic assisted thermal ablation was 1382 ± 536, while the CT fluoroscopic dose (DLP) per lesion was 352 ± 228 There was no statistically significant (p > 0.05) dose reduction found between the robotic-assisted versus the conventional method. Conclusion This study revealed that robotic-assisted planning and needle placement appears to be safe, with high accuracy and a comparable radiation dose to patients. Key Points • Clinical experience on liver thermal ablation using CT-guided robotic system is reported. • The technical success, radiation dose, safety and performance level were assessed. • Thermal ablations were successfully performed, with an average performance score of 4.4/5.0. • Robotic-assisted ablation can potentially increase capabilities of less skilled interventional radiologists. • Cost-effectiveness needs to be proven in further studies.
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1 23
European Radiology
ISSN 0938-7994
Volume 25
Number 1
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246-257
DOI 10.1007/s00330-014-3391-7
Robotic-assisted thermal ablation of liver
Basri Johan Jeet Abdullah, Chai Hong
Yeong, Khean Lee Goh, Boon Koon
Yoong, Gwo Fuang Ho, Carolyn Chue
Wai Yim & Anjali Kulkarni
1 23
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Robotic-assisted thermal ablation of liver tumours
Basri Johan Jeet Abdullah &Chai Hong Yeong &
Khean Lee Goh &Boon Koon Yoong &Gwo Fuang Ho &
Carolyn Chue Wai Yim &Anjali Kulkarni
Received: 9 April 2014 /Revised: 20 June 2014 /Accepted: 7 August 2014 /Published online: 5 September 2014
#European Society of Radiology 2014
Objective This study aimed to assess the technical success,
radiation dose, safety and performance level of liver thermal
ablation using a computed tomography (CT)-guided robotic
positioning system.
Methods Radiofrequency and microwave ablation of liver
tumours were performed on 20 patients (40 lesions) with the
assistance of a CT-guided robotic positioning system. The
accuracy of probe placement, number of readjustments and
total radiation dose to each patient were recorded. The perfor-
mance level was evaluated on a five-point scale (51: excel-
lentpoor). The radiation doses were compared against 30
patients with 48 lesions (control) treated without robotic
Results Thermal ablation was successfully completed in 20
patients with 40 lesions and confirmed on multiphasic
contrast-enhanced CT. No procedure related complications
were noted in this study. The average number of needle
readjustment was 0.8± 0.8. The total CT dose (DLP) for the
entire robotic assisted thermal ablation was 1382 ±
536, while the CT fluoroscopic dose (DLP)
per lesion was 352±228 There was no statis-
tically significant (p>0.05) dose reduction found be-
tween the robotic-assisted versus the conventional
Conclusion This study revealed that robotic-assisted planning
and needle placement appears to be safe, with high accuracy
and a comparable radiation dose to patients.
Key Points
Clinical experience on liver thermal ablation using CT-
guided robotic system is reported.
The technical success, radiation dose, safety and perfor-
mance level were assessed.
Thermal ablations were successfully performed, with an
average performance score of 4.4/5.0.
Robotic-assisted ablation can potentially increase capabili-
ties of less skilled interventional radiologists.
Cost-effectiveness needs to be proven in further studies.
Keywords Robot .Radiofrequency ablation .Microwave
ablation .Liver tumour .CT-guided
Image-guided thermal ablations such as radiofrequency abla-
tion (RFA) and microwave ablation have emerged as attractive
minimally invasive interventional treatments of liver malig-
nancies, as first-line therapy and in patients ineligible for
surgery. Probes are percutaneously inserted into the tumour
B. J. J. Abdullah :C. H. Yeong
Department of Biomedical Imaging and University of Malaya
Research Imaging Centre, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
B. J. J. Abdullah (*):C. H. Yeong :K. L. Goh
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
B. K. Yoong
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
G. F. Ho
Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
C. C. W. Yim
Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A. Kulkarni
Perfint Healthcare Corporation, Florence, OR 97439, USA
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257
DOI 10.1007/s00330-014-3391-7
Author's personal copy
and a volume of tissue is devitalized either by heat (using
radiofrequency or microwave) or freezing (cryoablation). Ac-
curate placement of the probe is critical to achieving not only
technical success (for lesions high in the dome or large lesions
requiring multiple overlapping ablations), but also vital in
ensuring adequate ablation margins to prevent local tumour
recurrence [1]. Additionally, patient safety is compromised
with imprecise electrode placement, which may lead to major
complications such as pleural and gastrointestinal perfora-
tions, laceration of vessels with bleeding, or thermal collateral
damage with bile duct stenosis, biloma, gastrointestinal in-
flammation and subsequent perforation [2].
To improve trajectory planning and targeting, surgical nav-
igation systems have recently been adapted to the needs of
interventional radiology [3,4]. The navigation systems (com-
monly known as robots) assist in either planning and plac-
ing of the needles/probes, or allow tracking the position of a
surgical tool that is projected in real-time in the patients
corresponding computed tomography (CT) or magnetic reso-
nance (MR) images [5]. The aim of these CT or MR compat-
ible robots is to increase the accuracy of needle or probe
placement through three-dimensional (3D) imaging and com-
puterized trajectory planning in arbitrary orientated tracks, to
improve the outcomes of interventional therapies. Further-
more, in highly inaccessible lesions that require multiple plane
angulations, robotically assisted needle placement may im-
prove access to the target by allowing off-axial paths of needle
placement. Previous studies have confirmed high targeting
accuracy of a commercially available robot in phantom and
animal experiments [4], as well as in clinical settings [3,5].
Reduction of exposure to radiation during CT fluoroscopy to
clinical staff and patient is another potential benefit [3]. Al-
though ultrasound-guidance provides a radiation-free environ-
ment and allows off-axial needle paths, it has several limita-
tions. These include ultrasound-occult lesions, difficulty in
visualizing deep lesions, shadowing artefacts caused by air,
bone or bowel, and increased operator variability.
The goal of our study was to evaluate the technical success,
radiation dose, ease of use and safety of a new commercially
available CT-guided robotic system, Maxio (Perfint
Healthcare, Florence, Oregon, USA), in assisting treatment
planning and tumour targeting for liver tumours ablative
Materials and methods
This study has been granted with medical ethics approval
(MEC No. 949.9) from the Medical Ethics Committee,
University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. Informed consent was obtained from all the
A total of 20 patients (40 lesions) with primary or secondary
liver tumours were treated with thermal ablative therapy
(August 2013 to February 2014) with the guidance of
the robotic needle positioning system, Maxio (Perfint
Healthcare, Florence, Oregon, USA), attached to a CT fluo-
roscopy system (SOMATON Definition AS 128, Siemens
Healthcare, Munich, Germany).
Ten patients had new and recurrent hepatocellular carcino-
ma (HCC), while the other ten patients had liver metastases.
Twelve patients were treated with the RITA StarBurst radio-
frequency system (Angiodynamics, Latham, New York,
USA), three patients were treated with the Cool-tip RFA
system (Valleylab, Boulder, Colorado, USA), and the remain-
ing five patients were treated with the Avecure microwave
system (Medwaves, San Diego, California, USA). All the
(the average dimension of the tumour was 19× 23 mm).
Maxio robotic needle positioning system
Maxio is an image-guided, physician controlled stereotactic
accessory to a CTsystem, intended as an instrument guide for
the stereotactic spatial positioning to assist in manual advance-
ment of one or more needle-based devices for CT-guided
percutaneous procedures such as biopsy and RFA. The system
(Fig. 1) consists of a treatment planning workstation that is
compatible with 3D DICOM images and a robotic positioning
device docked on a registration plate (InstaReg
, Perfint
Healthcare, Florence, Oregon, USA), as shown in Fig. 2,
adjacent to the CT table during the interventional procedure.
The robotic arm has five degrees of freedom to the point of
interest and is able to provide orbital, cranio-caudal angula-
tions or a combination of both for thoracic, abdominal and
pelvic interventional procedures.
Figure 3demonstrates the operational flow of the Maxio
robotic system for interventional procedures.
Treatment planning and simulation
All the thermal ablation procedures were performed under
general anaesthesia. After intubation, the patients were
wrapped in reusable immobilisers to minimise patient move-
ment during the procedure. Following baseline CT with
suspended expiration, the lesions were identified. All the
patients had non-contrasted baseline CTs, except six patients
whose lesions were difficult to localize. The CT images were
then reconstructed to 1 mm thickness and transferred to the
Maxio workstation for simulation and treatment planning. The
application software allows 2D and 3D visualization of the
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257 247
Author's personal copy
volumetric data. Once the volume of interest (VOI) was
identified, the tumour was segmented automatically by the
software to allow verification of the target volume (Fig. 4a).
This is displayed in axial coronal and sagittal planes, together
with a 3D segmented image. Any deviation from the tumour
margins can be manually adjusted by either cropping or
adding to the target volume. The target point (centre of the
tumour volume) was then defined by the radiologist on the
treatment plan. The entry point (needle puncture site on the
skin surface) was determined by taking into consideration any
critical structures in the needle path. This was done by
scrolling the axial images manually on the treatment plan
and ascertaining if the needle path traverses any critical struc-
tures, as the software is not able to reconstruct an obliquity to
see the entire needle path in one image. If critical organs were
involved, the entry point needed to be modified to change the
needle trajectory. The operator then input the choice of abla-
tion device (RFA or microwave), including the length of the
probe that was going to be used. The workstation determined
the orbital and cranio-caudal angulations as well as the min-
imum length of the probe required to complete the ablation
(refer to Fig. 4b). The system allows up to six probes to be
planned at one time. Figure 4c shows an example of treatment
plans for two different tumours. The simulated ablation maps
of different probes were then displayed as an overlay on the
original tumour volume, as shown in Fig. 4d. The plan was
carefully checked by the radiologist to avoid critical organs or
bone across the trajectory prior to confirming the plan. If the
margins were inadequate, the target point or the entry point
could be modified.
Robotic-assisted needle placement
Once the treatment plan was confirmed, the patient was posi-
tioned at the exact coordinate as determined in the treatment
plan. The patients skin in the intended region was prepared
for the procedure. The skin and liver capsule along the
projected path of the ablation probe was infiltrated with
10 ml of 1 % lignocaine. The robotic arm was then activated
and moved automatically to the desired location. Once the
robotic arm was completely halted at its position, the radiol-
ogist placed an appropriate bush (a plastic needle holder) that
had a diameter matching the diameter of the ablation probe at
the end-effectors of the arm. The function of a bush is to
minimize deviation of the needle entry point from the treat-
ment plan, by guiding the needle along the planned trajectory.
The radiologist then inserted the ablation probe through the
bush and generally deployed the probe completely (in one go)
to the end of the bush (Fig. 5). Upon completion of the
Fig. 1 Key components of the
Maxio robotic system
Fig. 2 InstaReg
docking system for the Maxio. The alphabet R
indicates that the robot is docking at the right side of the CT gantry at
which the tumour is more conveniently accessed from the right of the CT
248 Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257
Author's personal copy
insertion of the probe, the end effectors were detached from
the probe and the robotic arm was returned to its original
A CT fluoroscopy check examination was performed to
ascertain the location of the ablation probe within the target
volume (Fig. 6). Ablation therapy was then started. For mul-
tiple lesions, the process of needle insertion was repeated as
determined by the treatment plan. The completeness of the
ablation was determined by using multiphasic contrast-
enhanced CT immediately after the ablation (Fig. 7).
Patient respiratory motion control
To optimize tumour localization, the baseline CT, CT fluoros-
copy check and post-ablation contrast-enhanced CT were all
performed at the end expiration of the patient, with the airway
disconnected from the ventilator. To minimise liver and hence
ablation probe excursion between the end expiration (when
needle placement was carried out) and the inspiration, the tidal
volumes were set at a high respiratory rate and high O
considered safe by the attending anaesthetist. Muscle relax-
ants were used regularly (especially when doing multiple
placements) to minimise spontaneous breathing of the patient
so that the end expiratory phases were consistent. Otherwise,
the loss of muscle paralysis would impair the end tidal volume
and place the liver at a much lower level.
Data collection and analysis
The orbital and cranio-caudal angulations of the robotic arm
were recorded for each lesion targeted in all patients. The
numbers of adjustment of the needle to achieve satisfactory
positioning within the desired tumour volume were docu-
mented. Deviations of the tip from the centre of the targeted
location were also recorded.
The performance level of the overall procedures was
assessed on a five-point scale (refer Table 1for the description
of the scoring scheme) by the interventional radiologist for
Fig. 3 Operational flow of the Maxio robotic system for interventional procedures
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257 249
Author's personal copy
each robotic-assisted thermal ablation. Any complications
related to the use of the robot or the procedures were also
The CT fluoroscopic dose (DLP) received by the patients
during the probe placement and ablation was recorded. The
total CT dose from the whole procedure including the multi-
phasic CT studies was also recorded. The doses were then
compared with a random historical control group of 30 pa-
tients (48 lesions) who had liver radiofrequency or microwave
ablation performed by the same radiologist, but without using
the assistance of a robot for probe placement. Statistical anal-
ysis was performed using independent samples T-test with a
95 % confidence interval.
Thermal ablation was successfully completed in 20 patients
with 40 lesions, and confirmed on multiphasic contrast en-
hanced CT. No complications related to either the use of the
robot or the thermal ablation were noted in this study. How-
ever, there was a single case of residual disease after the
ablation. Table 2demonstrates patient demography and treat-
ment protocols for all the patients.
The total number of lesions treated in each session ranged
from one to a maximum of five lesions (mean of 2±1). The
deepest lesion was 169 mm, while the shallowest was 40 mm
from the skins surface. The diameter of the lesions ranged
Fig. 4 Treatment planning and simulation on the Maxios workstation. a
Identification and segmentation of the first lesion (labelled as Tumour 1).
The CT images are displayed in axial (middle panel), coronal (top right
panel) and sagittal (bottom right panel) planes, while the 3D simulated
diagram is shown in the left panel of the treatment plan. bThe entry point,
target point, type of probe and targeted ablation volume were defined by
the interventionalist in the treatment plan. The pink straight line indicates
the trajectory of the ablation probe from the skin surface (entry point)to
the centre of the target volume (target point). The ablation volume is
calculated automatically by the software and indicated in the treatment
plan (shown as green spheres covering the tumour). cSegmentation and
treatment planning for the second lesion (labelled as Tumour 2). The
same planning procedures as for Tumour 1 are repeated. The simulation
for Tumour 1 can still be seen on the plan as reference. The indigo straight
line indicates the trajectory of the ablation probe for the second lesion. d
A complete plan for all the three lesions targeted in the same patient. The
simulated needle trajectories are shown in the images and carefully
checked through by the interventionalist prior to the RFA procedures
250 Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257
Author's personal copy
from 5 to 49 mm (mean diameter 19×23 mm). The lesions
were all targeted successfully with the assistance of the robotic
device. The orbital angulations of the robotic arm ranged from
-49.4° to 65.1° (mean positive angulation was 25.1±17.8°;
mean negative angulation was -28.5 ± 16.0°). The cranio-
caudal angulations remained 0° in 24 lesions (15 patients),
while the remaining 16 lesions (five patients) had cranio-
caudal angulations that ranged from 11.9° to 36.8°
(mean positive angulation was 4.3±8.4°; mean negative
angulation was 10.3± 2.2°).
Readjustments of the probe were required in 12 of the 20
patients, with only a single repositioning in each of the lesions.
The average number of needle readjustment was 0.8 ± 0.8.
There were no cases of needle reinsertions required. The mean
performance level rated for the robotic-assisted ablation pro-
cedure was 4.4±0.6.
The total DLP per patient for the entire robotic assisted
thermal ablation was 1382± 536, while the CT fluo-
roscopic dose per lesion was 352± 228 When com-
pared with historical data from our standard ablation
procedure without the assistance of the robotic device, the
total DLP per patient (n=30) was 1611±708, while
the CT fluoroscopic dose per lesion was 501± 367
Although the dose reduction was not statistically significant
different (p> 0.05), the total DLP, and CT fluoroscopic dose
per lesion were reduced by 14 and 30 %, respectively. Table 3
shows the comparison of patient radiation dose for robotic-
assisted versus non-robotic assisted thermal ablation
Percutaneous CT-guided intervention is an effective method
for image-guided biopsy and tumour ablation. However, the
accuracy of CT-guided needle or probe placement, which is
critical for good diagnostic yield, is highly dependent upon
physician experience. Additionally, the presence of vulnerable
anatomy (such as bowel, nerves or vessels in proximity to the
target) in the needle path has low tolerance for errors in needle
placement. With conventional techniques, challenging tumour
targeting frequently mandates multiple needle adjustments
and intra-procedural imaging, which can prolong procedure
duration as well as increase patient radiation exposure and
procedural risk [6,7]. Recent advances in robotically guided
interventions have been successful in assisting placement of
needles or related instruments for surgery and interventional
procedures [813].
For small tumours, such as HCC that are <3 cm, RFA has
been shown to achieve results comparable to surgical resec-
tion. However, its efficacy is reduced for larger tumours [14,
15]. This may in part be attributable to the complexity of
multi-probe placement (simultaneous or sequential), which
is prone to human error, as well as the greater heat sink effect
with larger, more perfused tumours. Accurate probe place-
ment is thus critical for successful large volume composite
ablation and a tumour-free margin [1,16].
Fig. 6 CT fluoroscopy check examination to verify the location of the ablation probe within the target volume for (a) Tumour 1 (b) Tumour 2
Fig. 5 The intervention radiologist inserted the RFA probe to the target
tumour through the bush located at the end-effector of the robotic arm
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257 251
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Navigational software and robotic assistance may offer a
tailored solution to physicians confronting a technically chal-
lenging biopsy or ablation target. Early phantom and clinical
experiences with robotic navigation systems suggest proce-
dural accuracy, reduced procedure time and reduced patient
radiation exposure compared with freehand techniques
The robot used in this study was a CT-compatible 3D
tumour targeting and needle positioning system for interven-
tional radiology procedures. It is an improved version of its
predecessor, ROBIO Ex (Perfint Healthcare, Florence,
Oregon, USA), which only allows 2D visualization of the
axial images and single needle or probe access per treatment
plan. Additionally, the planning software has a multiplanar
capability, ensuring that better delineation of the centre of the
lesion can be achieved. The system calculates coordinates on
DICOM images from the CT console and guides the
placement of the needle accurately within the body using a
stereotactic device. The depth of needle placement is pre-
determined by the system, but the operator still has the option
of varying this for increased safety. The system can be used for
tumour targeting for abdominal and thoracic interventions,
including biopsy, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC),
tumour ablation, pain management and drainage.
While MR-compatible robots have also been developed
and provide many advantages such as non-ionizing
multiplanar imaging with hepato-specific contrast agents and
have the highest liver tumour contrast compared to CT and
ultrasound, they are, however, expensive and require all MR-
compatible equipment and accessories. Hence, access may be
limited and the robots currently only useful for lesions that are
not accessible by other methods [18,19].
Localisation and navigation systems performed with op-
tical or magnetic localisation spheres require multiple skin
markers to be broadly placed prior to imaging [20]. In
addition, pre-procedure import and processing of the 3D
data to the robots workstation can be complex and time
consuming and occupy a lot of space in the operation room.
Devices that are time consuming in terms of pre-arrangement
and usage are economically unattractive and are therefore not
likely to be used in daily routine. In contrast, the Maxio
requires minimal effort to be mounted and registered to the
CT device using the InstaRegtechnology. The system is
motorised and can be operated by one person. These fea-
tures reduced the complexity of the robotic-guided proce-
dure. We found the overall satisfaction with the performance
of the system to be high. Furthermore, the planning software
on the Maxio system allows the segmentation of the tumour
and subsequent selection of the ablation probe (RFA or
microwave) with the pre-determined ablation volumes to
be overlaid on the target tumour. This adequacy of the
ablation can be checked in all three planes to determine
successful ablation. If this is found to be inadequate, the
tip of ablation needle can be repositioned or a different
probe selected.
Fig. 7 Comparison of (a) Pre-RFA contrast enhanced baseline CT; b
Post-RFA multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT. The ablated volume (red
dashed line) can be clearly seen on the multiphasic contrast-enhanced
scan to verify the completeness of the ablation; and (c) 3-month post-RFA
follow up showing reduction of the coagulation necrosis
Table 1 Scoring scheme for evaluation of the performance level of
robotic-assisted thermal ablation
Score Criteria
5Successful ablation
No needle repositioning
Superior to the manual needle insertion technique
4Successful ablation
1 to 2 needle repositionings
Superior to the manual needle insertion technique
3Successful ablation
3 to 4 needle repositionings
Equivalent to the manual needle insertion technique
2Successful ablation
More than 4 needle repositionings or reinsertion of needle is
Inferior to the manual needle insertion technique
1Ablation could not be completed due to needle positioning error
Unsuccessful needle insertion
Inferior to the manual needle insertion technique
252 Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257
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Tab l e 2 Patient demography and treatment protocols of the robotic-assisted CT-guided thermal ablation for liver tumours (20 patients, 40 lesions)
ID Age Sex Diagnosis Thermal Ablation Treatment Baseline contrast- enhanced
CT scan (Yes or No)
Size of lesion (Short
Axis × Long Axis)
Depth of Lesion
from the surface
Angulations (Degree)
Short axis (mm) Long axis (mm) Orbital (+) Orbital ()cc(+)
1 74 M Low rectal cancer post-anterior resection
with liver metastases at segments V,
VI and VI
RFA using RITA system for
all the tumours
No 21 21 78 45.7
20 21 119 45.8 0.0
32 37 116 61.7 6.0
2 66 M Colorectal liver metastases at segments
VII, II, III and I
RFA using RITA system for
all the tumours
Yes 5 9 126 23.0 5.9
812 8926.2 3.2
16 24 43 20.3 0.0
6 6 153 40.8 0.0
3 74 M Colorectal liver metastases at
segments III
RFA using RITA system Yes 21 21 122 23.3 0.0
4 56 M HCC at segment IVa RFA using RITA system No 16 20 77 29.3 9.7
5 64 M HCC at segments VI, VII and VIII RFA using Cool-tip system
for all the tumours
No 27 35 116 22.8 0.0
23 29 152 44.7 0.4
21 43 104 35.8 0.0
6 61 M HCC post segmental hepatectomy,
new lesions at segments IVb and VIII
RFA using Cool-tip system
for all the tumours
No 11 13 112 22.5 0.0
13 14 81 49.4 0.0
14 14 94 30.8 17.3
7 55 F HCC at segment VII RFA using RITA system No 35 43 141 8.6 6.5
8 46 F Endometrial carcinoma with liver
metastases at segment VII
RFA using RITA system No 22 30 169 9.0 0.0
9 66 M Colorectal liver metastases at segments
V, VI, IIX, I and II
i. RFA using RITA system
for lesion V, VI, IIX and I
ii. RFA using Cool-tip system
for lesion II
Yes 1 9 2 3 71 5 . 5 0. 0
15 21 112 21.0
25 30 128 24.9 0.0
21 22 53 30.6 0.0
16 20 108 24.7 0.0
10 66 M Recurrent multicentric HCC at
segments III, VI and II
RFA using RITA system for
all the tumours
Yes 11 15 79 3 9 . 9 0. 0
32 38 105 6.8 3.3
10 11 128 1.8 0.0
11 41 F Breast metastases to the liver at
segments III, VI and VIII
RFA using RITA system for
all the tumours
No 12 12 40 2.1 0.0
20 23 86 35.2 0.0
17 19 68 0.8 26.1
12 32 F Multiple liver metastases from
gastrointestinal stromal tumour
at segments VII and V/VI
RFA using RITA system for
all the tumours
No 20 23 52 8.6 0.0
19 21 99 29.9 20.2
13 80 F Liver metastases at segments
RFA using RITA system for
all the tumours
No 13 14 117 25.6 0.0
12 14 126 0.0 36.8
8 9 73 48.2 0.0
14 60 F Liver metastases at segment IV RFA using RITA system No 25 42 104 36.0 11.7
15 46 M HCC at segment VI/VII Microwave ablation using
Avecure 14G single cycle
Yes 45 49 98 11.5 4.6
16 54 M HCC at segment IIX/VI Microwave ablation using
Avecure 14G single cycle
No 26 38 92 20.4 0.0
17 56 F HCC at segment III RFA using Cool-tip system No 10 13 47 2.2 0.0
18 53 M HCC at segments VII/VIII Microwave ablation using
Avecure 14G single cycle
No 28 32 88 1.7 12.8
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257 253
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Tab l e 2 (continued)
ID Age Sex Diagnosis Thermal Ablation Treatment Baseline contrast- enhanced
CT scan (Yes or No)
Size of lesion (Short
Axis × Long Axis)
Depth of Lesion
from the surface
Angulations (Degree)
Short axis (mm) Long axis (mm) Orbital (+) Orbital ()cc(+)
19 60 F Colorectal liver metastases
at segment III
Microwave ablation using
Avecure 14G single cycle
No 16 18 108 65.1 0.0
20 71 M HCC at segment V Microwave ablation using
Avecure 14G single cycle
Yes 22 23 86 44.1 0.0
Mean 19 23 99 25.1 28.5 4.3
Standard Deviation 8 11 31 17.8 16.0 8.4
Min 5 6 40 0.0 0.8 0.0
Max 45 49 169 65.1 49.4 36.8
ID Angulations (Degree) Number of
Number of
Repositioning /
Performance Level (1
to 5, refer to scoring
scheme in Table 1)
CT Fluoroscopic Dose
Tot al CT D ose
Tot al C T Dos e
CT Fluoroscopic
Dose, DLP
per Lesion
cc ()
1 11.9 3 1 4 1083 753 1860 361 Successful ablation
2 4 2 4 1712 1189 2084 428 Successful ablation
3 1 0 5 777 540 1191 777 Successful ablation
4 1 0 5 187 170 1218 187 Successful ablation
5 3 1 4 495 344 1458 165 Successful ablation
6 3 1 4 875 608 1030 292 Successful ablation
7 1 0 5 164 114 815 164 Successful ablation
8 1 1 4 614 426 1725 614 Successful ablation
9 5 3 3 1597 1109 2699 319 Successful ablation
254 Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257
Author's personal copy
Tab l e 2 (continued)
ID Angulations (Degree) Number of
Number of
Repositioning /
Performance Level (1
to 5, refer to scoring
scheme in Table 1)
CT Fluoroscopic Dose
Tot al CT D ose
Tot al C T Dos e
CT Fluoroscopic
Dose, DLP
per Lesion
cc ()
10 3 1 4 717 498 2042 239 Successful ablation
11 3 1 4 461 320 969 154 Successful ablation
12 2 2 4 1446 1005 1996 723 Successful ablation
13 3 0 5 1136 789 1554 379 Successful ablation
14 1 1 4 284 197 811 284 Successful ablation
15 1 1 4 128 89 851 128 Successful ablation
16 1 0 5 729 508 1142 729 Successful ablation
17 1 1 4 589 1312 701 589 Successful ablation
18 1 0 5 45 31 1018 45 Successful ablation
19 1 0 5 418 290 1080 418 Successful ablation
20 1 0 5 54 37 1391 54 Successful ablation
Mean 10.3 2.0 0.8 4.4 676 517 1382 352
Standard Deviation 2.2 1.3 0.8 0.6 505 396 536 228
Min 8.8 1 0 4 545 31 701 45
Max 11.9 5 3 5 1712 1312 2699 777
F = Female; M = Male; HCC = Hepatocellular carcinoma; RFA = Radiofrequency ablation; CC = Cranial-caudal angle; Min = Minimum; Max = Maximum
Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257 255
Author's personal copy
As was previously reported [3], the greater control and ease
of needle placement outside the bore of the CT gantry without
exposure to CT fluoroscopy dose was again a tremendous
benefit. This is especially helpful in patients who are large,
as well as for the lesions that require more lateral access of the
needle. Even though none of the patients in this study required
placement of multiple probes simultaneously, we believe this
system will be truly beneficial when multiple probes/needles
are necessary for the treatment, e.g., Cool-tip RFA needles
with a switching controller. Additionally, robotic-assisted in-
terventions would be useful for those who do not have access
to CT fluoroscopy during the procedures.
Although our study showed no significant differences of
patient radiation dose between robotic-assisted and conven-
tional thermal ablation, this may be related to the expertise of
the operatorin this study. Previous studies noted the decreased
accuracy of inexperienced operators when placement of the
needles was performed manually under the guidance of CT
fluoroscopy [21,22]. Certain impreciseness during manual
needle insertion is unavoidable. The continuous reassessment
and repetitive adjustment of the needle orientation under the
guidance of CT fluoroscopy could lead to an increase in
radiation exposure to the patients as well as the attending staff.
With the assistance of the robotic positioning device, the direct
radiation exposure to the interventionists hands during needle
insertion could be minimized. The radiation exposure to the
operators was not assessed in this study, but theoretically the
staff dose decreases when the CT fluoroscopy dose decreases.
A randomised controlled study with a larger sample size
would be necessary to confirm this.
A critical part of the capability of the Maxio system is in
ensuring accurate co-registration of the planning data sets with
liver volume at the time of needle insertion, as the system is
still not able to compensate for movements of the target
region, especially those caused by respiration, since the
planned trajectory is based on a static-acquired 3D data set.
This co-registration in our practice was achieved by
performing all procedures under general anaesthesia with
intubation and muscle relaxants at the end of expiration, with
the airway disconnected from ventilator-produced consistent
positing. The muscle relaxants were used regularly, especially
when doing multiple placements. Otherwise, the loss of mus-
cle paralysis would impair the end tidal volume and place the
liver at a much lower level. The baseline CT, needle placement
and post-procedure CT acquisitions were all performed at the
end of expiration once the ventilator was disconnected. Others
have suggested that anaesthetic manoeuvres, such as high
frequency jet ventilation to reduce respiratory motion, signif-
icantly reduce radiation dose [23]. However, these systems are
expensive and require a greater skill set. Additionally, we used
low tidal volumes with high respiratory rate and high O
minimize liver excursion and needle movement in the cranio-
caudal direction.
The use of robots to assist in thermal ablation may require a
major change to the current workflow, with additional steps to
the procedure. These include docking the robotic system,
importing the images from the CT console into the worksta-
tion, segmenting the tumour, planning the entry and target
points, inputting the length of the needle, and finally sending
the information to the robotic arm. Thus, there would be a
need to redefine the roles of different members of the medical
team with use of robotic assisted thermal ablation. A compre-
hensive work flow chart, with staff being well trained in
operating the robot, also needs to be established.
In conclusion, we present our early clinical experience of
thermal ablation for primary and secondary liver tumours
using an advanced CT-guided robotic system. The system
showed good accuracy for percutaneous needle placement
for ablative therapy, with a radiation dose comparable to the
historical controls. Even though these preliminary data were
promising, the study was not randomised. A randomised
controlled study with a larger sample size comparing robotic
and non-robotic-assisted thermal ablation needs to be carried
out to determine the outcomes.
Acknowledgements The scientific guarantor of this publication is
Basri Johan Jeet Abdullah. The authors of this manuscript declare rela-
tionships with the following companies: Perfint Healthcare Pvt Ltd,
Florence, Oregon, USA. The authors state that this work has not received
any funding. No complex statistical methods were necessary for this
paper. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained. Written in-
formed consent was obtained from all subjects (patients) in this study.
Approval from the institutional animal care committee was not required
because no animal was used in this study. Some study subjects or cohorts
have been previously reported in the European Congress of Radiology
(ECR), Vienna, on 6 March 2014. Methodology: prospective, case-
control study, performed at one institution.
Tabl e 3 Comparison of total
DLP per patient and CT fluoro-
scopic dose per lesion of robotic-
assisted versus non-robotic-
assisted thermal
ablation procedures
thermal ablation
thermal ablation
(control group, n=30)
Dose reduction
with robotic
assistance (%)
Total DLP per patient (mGy·cm) 1382±536 1611±708 14 P>0.05
CT fluoroscopic dose per lesion
(DLP, mGy·cm)
352± 228 501± 367 30 P>0.05
256 Eur Radiol (2015) 25:246257
Author's personal copy
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... 11,[16][17][18] Currently, two main percutaneous CT robotic systems are in use, namely the Maxio (Perfint Healthcare) and iSYS (iSYS Medizintechnik GmbH). 4 Studies have confirmed improved insertion time and accuracy, while reporting mixed results on whether a decrease in patient radiation dose was significant. 4,12,13,[19][20][21][22] Levy et al. evaluated the accuracy, the duration of procedure and the radiation dose using a robotic device (XACT Robotics, Ltd) in 32 percutaneous abdominal and pelvic biopsies, demonstrating that the advantage of using this device allowed not only pre-planning of the trajectory, but also re-adjustment of the trajectory without operator intervention. They demonstrated that an accurate needle targeting with <2 mm error can be achieved in patients when using a CT-guided robotic system. ...
... Currently, two percutaneous CT robotic systems represent the most used systems, the Maxio (Perfint Healthcare) and iSYS (iSYS Medizintechnik GmbH). 4 Some studies have confirmed improved insertion time and accuracy and a decrease in patient radiation dose using robotic assistanceguidance. 4,12,13,[19][20][21] Thanks to its high resolution, absence of radiation risk and its capability of monitoring, investigating tissue properties and localizing lesions, MRI is growing in interest also in robotic guided procedures with various clinical applications that range from cryotherapy to transrectal prostate biopsies. 23,24 The main limits of MRI-robot guided intervention are the limited space to access to the patient during the procedure, the fact that the high-strength magnetic field impedes the application of conventional, metal-based materials for the robotic systems and the long acquisition times. ...
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This review is a brief overview of the current status and the potential role of robotics in interventional radiology. Literature published in the last decades, with an emphasis on the last 5 years, was reviewed and the technical developments in robotics and navigational systems using CT-, MR- and US-image guidance were analyzed. Potential benefits and disadvantages of their current and future use were evaluated. The role of fusion imaging modalities and artificial intelligence was analyzed in both percutaneous and endovascular procedures. A few hundred articles describing results of single or several systems were included in our analysis.
... In this study, we applied a robotic-assisted navigation technology to CT-guided SPNs localization marked by a hook-wire needle and demonstrated that it was a safe, feasible, and effective procedure for leading VATS to remove pulmonary nodules. Studies have revealed that the robotic-guided approach appears to be safe, with high accuracy and a comparable radiation dose to patients for CT-guided interventional operation (8,9,(17)(18)(19)(20)(21). In our study, both operators were less experienced beginners in CT intervention, and we conducted the procedure of targeting preoperative SPNs combining the modified localization device under the robotic navigated CT guidance for rapidly improving the CT interventional capability. ...
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Background Preoperative computed tomography (CT)-guided localization of small pulmonary nodules (SPNs) is the major approach for accurate intraoperative visualization in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). However, this interventional procedure has certain risks and may challenge to less experienced junior doctors. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of robotic-assisted CT-guided preoperative pulmonary nodules localization with the modified hook-wire needles before VATS. Methods A total of 599 patients with 654 SPNs who preoperatively accepted robotic-assisted CT-guided percutaneous pulmonary localization were respectively enrolled and compared to 90 patients with 94 SPNs who underwent the conventional CT-guided manual localization. The clinical and imaging data including patients’ basic information, pulmonary nodule features, location procedure findings, and operation time were analyzed. Results The localization success rate was 96.64% (632/654). The mean time required for marking was 22.85±10.27 min. Anchor of dislodgement occurred in 2 cases (0.31%). Localization-related complications included pneumothorax in 163 cases (27.21%), parenchymal hemorrhage in 222 cases (33.94%), pleural reaction in 3 cases (0.50%), and intercostal vascular hemorrhage in 5 cases (0.83%). Localization and VATS were performed within 24 hours. All devices were successfully retrieved in VATS. Histopathological examination revealed 166 (25.38%) benign nodules and 488 (74.62%) malignant nodules. For patients who received localizations, VATS spent a significantly shorter time, especially the segmentectomy group (93.61±35.72 vs. 167.50±40.70 min, P<0.001). The proportion of pneumothorax in the robotic-assisted group significantly decreased compared with the conventional manual group (27.21% vs. 43.33%, P=0.002). Conclusions Robotic-assisted CT-guided percutaneous pulmonary nodules hook-wire localization could be effectively helpful for junior less experienced interventional physicians to master the procedure and potentially increase precision.
... Nevertheless, even the ablation of larger tumors can be performed due to technical improvements such as the use of multi-applicator systems and modern navigation systems [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. Several studies could demonstrate efficacy rates of more than 80% for ablation of HCC ≥ 5 cm, with the 1 year survival rates being above 80% [12][13][14]. ...
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Background: Microwave ablation (MWA) has gained relevance in the treatment of hepatic malignancies and especially in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and it is an important alternative to surgery. The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether the minimal ablative margin (MAM) or the initial tumor size has a greater effect on the success of stereotactic MWA of HCC regarding the time to local tumor progression (LTP) and overall survival (OS). Methods: 88 patients, who received stereotactic MWA of 127 tumor lesions with a curative intention were included in this single-center, retrospective study. The MAM was evaluated in a side-by-side comparison of pre- and post-ablative, contrast-enhanced slice imaging. A Cox proportional hazard model with a frailty term was computed to assess the influence of the MAM and the maximum tumor diameter on the time to LTP and the OS. Results: The maximum tumor diameter was identified as a significant positive predictor for LTP (hazard ratio 1.04, 95% CI 1.00-1.08, p = 0.03), but it was not a significant positive predictor for the OS (p = 0.20). The MAM did not have a significant influence on LTP-free survival (p = 0.23) and OS (p = 0.67). Conclusion: For the successful stereotactic MWA of HCC, the MAM and maximum tumor diameter might not have an influence on the OS, but the maximum tumor diameter seems to be an independent predictor of the time to LTP.
Introduction The study aims to compare the accuracy and safety of robotic-assisted navigation puncture to freehand puncture during computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous needle insertion in the chest and abdomen. Methods A total of 60 patients required percutaneous puncture procedures, with 40 involving the chest and 20 involving the abdomen. Eligible patients were randomly assigned to two groups. The test group punctured using a robotic-assisted navigation system, whereas the control group punctured manually. The primary outcome assessment standards are single puncture success rates, with the number of needle modifications and CT scan timings during the procedure serving as supplementary outcome evaluation standards. The Wilcoxon rank sum test is used for the comparison. Results The puncture procedure’s success rates after just one puncture: The test group punctures accurately without adjusting the puncture needle, while the control group uses an average number of 1.73 ± 1.20 pins. The once-puncture success rate of robot navigation puncture is considerably higher than that of bare-handed puncture ( P < 0.001). The times of CT scan are necessitated when the puncture is in place: the average times in the test group is 3.03 ± 0.18 times, while the control group is 4.70 ± 1.24 times. Conclusion In conclusion, the robotic-assisted navigation system improves puncture accuracy while reducing the need for needle corrections during percutaneous puncture procedures. It also shortens CT scans and reduces radiation exposure from X-rays.
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Objective The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to identify current robotic assistance systems for percutaneous liver ablations, compare approaches, and determine how to achieve standardization of procedural concepts for optimized ablation outcomes. Background Image-guided surgical approaches are increasingly common. Assistance by navigation and robotic systems allows to optimize procedural accuracy, with the aim to consistently obtain adequate ablation volumes. Methods Several databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, ProQuest, Science Direct, Research Rabbit, and IEEE Xplore) were systematically searched for robotic preclinical and clinical percutaneous liver ablation studies, and relevant original manuscripts were included according to the Preferred Reporting items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The endpoints were the type of device, insertion technique (freehand or robotic), planning, execution, and confirmation of the procedure. A meta-analysis was performed, including comparative studies of freehand and robotic techniques in terms of radiation dose, accuracy, and Euclidean error. Results The inclusion criteria were met by 33/755 studies. There were 24 robotic devices reported for percutaneous liver surgery. The most used were the MAXIO robot (8/33; 24.2%), Zerobot, and AcuBot (each 2/33, 6.1%). The most common tracking system was optical (25/33, 75.8%). In the meta-analysis, the robotic approach was superior to the freehand technique in terms of individual radiation (0.5582, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.0167–1.0996, dose-length product range 79–2216, accuracy (0.6260, 95% CI = 0.1423–1.1097), and Euclidean error (0.8189, 95% CI = –0.1020 to 1.7399). Conclusions Robotic assistance in percutaneous ablation for liver tumors achieves superior results and reduces errors compared with manual applicator insertion. Standardization of concepts and reporting is necessary and suggested to facilitate the comparison of the different parameters used to measure liver ablation results. The increasing use of image-guided surgery has encouraged robotic assistance for percutaneous liver ablations. This systematic review analyzed 33 studies and identified 24 robotic devices, with optical tracking prevailing. The meta-analysis favored robotic assessment, showing increased accuracy and reduced errors compared with freehand technique, emphasizing the need for conceptual standardization.
Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency and safety of computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous biopsy of lung lesions with electromagnetic (EM) navigation and compare them with those of conventional approaches. Materials and Methods Seventy-nine patients with lung or liver lesions who needed biopsies were enrolled in this trial. All patients were randomly assigned to the E group underwent CT-guided percutaneous biopsies with the EM navigation system or to the C group treated with conventional approaches. Results In total, 27 patients with lung lesions were assigned to the E group, and 20 patients were assigned to the C group. The diagnostic success rate was 92.6% and 95% in both groups, respectively ( P >0.9999). The median number of needle repositions in the E group was less than that in the C group (2.0 vs. 2.5, P =0.03). The positioning success rate with 1 or 2 needle repositions for the E group was significantly higher than the C group (81.5% vs. 50%, P =0.03). The median accuracy of the puncture location in the E group was better than that in the C group (2.0 vs. 6.6 mm, P <0.0001). The total procedure time lengthened in the E group compared with the C group (30.5±1.6 vs. 18.3±1.7 min, P <0.0001), but the number of CT acquisitions was not significantly different ( P =0.08). There was no significant difference in complication incidence between the 2 groups ( P =0.44). Conclusion The EM navigation system is an effective and safe auxiliary tool for CT-guided percutaneous lung biopsy, but lengthen the procedure time. Trial Registration ChiCTR2100043361, registered February 9, 2021—retrospectively registered (
Objective Robotic-guided interventions are emerging techniques that are gradually becoming a common tool for performing biopsies and tumor ablations in liver. This systematic review aims to evaluate their advancements, challenges, and outcomes. Methods A systematic review was conducted using the PubMed database to identify relevant articles published between January 2000 and February 2023. Inclusion criteria focused on studies that assessed robotic systems for percutaneous liver biopsies and tumor ablations. Data extraction was performed to collect information on study characteristics; robotic systems; components and software; imaging modality; degree of freedom; and needle insertion methods. The outcome measures analyzed were procedure time, radiation dose, and accuracy. Results 10 studies met the inclusion criteria. The robotic devices used included MAXIO, EPIONE, ROBIO-EX, AcuBot, and ACE robotic systems. The data set consisted of 429 percutaneous thermal ablations and 57 biopsies, both robot-guided. On average, the mean deviation of probes was reduced by 30% (from 1.6 vs 3.3 mm to 2.4 vs 3.9 mm (p < 0.001)), and 40% (p < 0.05) fewer readjustments were required during the robotic-assisted interventions. Moreover, robotic systems contributed to a reduction in operating time, ranging from 15% (18.3 vs 21.7 min, p < 0.001) to 25% (63.5 vs 87.4 min, p < 0.001). Finally, the radiation dose delivered to both the patient and the operator was decreased by an average of 50% (p < 0.05) compared to manual procedures. Advances in knowledge Robotic systems could provide precise navigation and guidance during liver biopsies and percutaneous ablations.
Interventional oncology offers minimally invasive treatments for malignant tumors for curative and palliative purposes based on the percutaneous insertion of needles or catheters into the target location under image guidance. Robotic systems have been gaining increasing attention as tools that provide potential advantages for image-guided interventions. Among the robotic systems developed for intervention, those relevant to the oncology field are mainly those for guiding or driving the needles in non-vascular interventional procedures such as biopsy and tumor ablation. Needle-guiding robots support planning the needle path and align the needle robotically according to the planned trajectory, which is combined with subsequent manual needle insertion by the physician through the needle guide. Needle-driving robots can advance the needle robotically after determining its orientation. Although a wide variety of robotic systems have been developed, only a limited number of these systems have reached the clinical phase or commercialization thus far. The results of previous studies suggest that such interventional robots have the potential to increase the accuracy of needle placement, facilitate out-of-plane needle insertion, decrease the learning curve, and reduce radiation exposure. On the other hand, increased complexity and costs may be a concern when using robotic systems compared with conventional manual procedures. Further data should be collected to comprehensively assess the value of robotic systems in interventional oncology.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Das hepatozelluläre Karzinom (HCC) ist das fünfthäufigste Tumorleiden weltweit. Da viele HCCs bereits zum Zeitpunkt der Erstdiagnose nicht resektabel sind, haben sich in den letzten Jahrzenten perkutane Tumorablationen als kurativer Therapieansatz für das sehr frühe (BCLC 0) und frühe (BCLC A) HCC etabliert. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen kompakten Überblick über die aktuell zur Anwendung kommenden perkutanen lokalablativen Verfahren zu geben, basierend auf den technischen Besonderheiten sowie der klinischen Relevanz unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Studienlage. Methode Die Literaturrecherche umfasste alle über MEDLINE und PubMed verfügbaren Originalarbeiten, Reviews und Metaanalysen zu den jeweiligen perkutanen Ablationsverfahren, hierbei wurde vor allem ein Fokus auf randomisiert kontrollierte Studien und Veröffentlichungen aus den letzten 10 Jahren gelegt. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Die Radiofrequenzablation (RFA) und Mikrowellenablation (MWA) sind etablierte Verfahren, welche aufgrund ihrer starken Evidenz in internationalen und nationalen Leitlinien bei der Behandlung von HCCs im Stadium BCLC 0 und A mit einem Diameter bis zu 3 cm der chirurgischen Resektion gleichgestellt sind. Für HCCs mit einem Diameter zwischen 3 und 5 cm wird in den aktuellen S3-Leitlinien eine Kombination aus transarterieller Chemoembolisation (TACE) und Thermoablation mittels RFA oder MWA empfohlen, da bei HCCs dieser Größe die Kombinationstherapie der alleinigen Thermoablation überlegen ist und mit der chirurgischen Resektion vergleichbare Ergebnisse bezüglich des Gesamtüberlebens zeigt. Alternative, deutlich seltener eingesetzte thermische Verfahren sind die Kryotherapie (KT) und die Laserablation (LA). Zu den nicht thermischen Verfahren zählen die irreversible Elektroporation (IRE), die interstitielle Brachytherapie (IBT) und als neuestes Verfahren die Elektrochemotherapie (ECT). Aufgrund der noch nicht ausreichenden Evidenz kommen diese bis dato allerdings nur in Einzelfällen und im Rahmen von Studien zum Einsatz. Die nicht thermischen Verfahren stellen jedoch eine sinnvolle Alternative für die Ablation von HCCs in Nachbarschaft zu großen Blutgefäßen und Gallengängen dar, da sie diese Strukturen im Gegensatz zu den thermischen Ablationsverfahren deutlich weniger schädigen. Durch Fortschritte in der Technik der jeweiligen Verfahren, zunehmend gute Evidenz sowie Weiterentwicklungen bei unterstützenden Techniken wie Navigationsgeräten und Fusionsbildgebung könnten die perkutanen Ablationsverfahren in den kommenden Jahren ihre Indikationsstellung zur Behandlung größerer und weiter fortgeschrittener HCCs erweitern.
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To compare the accuracy of a robotic interventional radiologist (IR) assistance platform with a standard freehand technique for computed-tomography (CT)-guided biopsy and simulated radiofrequency ablation (RFA). The accuracy of freehand single-pass needle insertions into abdominal phantoms was compared with insertions facilitated with the use of a robotic assistance platform (n = 20 each). Post-procedural CTs were analysed for needle placement error. Percutaneous RFA was simulated by sequentially placing five 17-gauge needle introducers into 5-cm diameter masses (n = 5) embedded within an abdominal phantom. Simulated ablations were planned based on pre-procedural CT, before multi-probe placement was executed freehand. Multi-probe placement was then performed on the same 5-cm mass using the ablation planning software and robotic assistance. Post-procedural CTs were analysed to determine the percentage of untreated residual target. Mean needle tip-to-target errors were reduced with use of the IR assistance platform (both P < 0.0001). Reduced percentage residual tumour was observed with treatment planning (P = 0.02). Improved needle accuracy and optimised probe geometry are observed during simulated CT-guided biopsy and percutaneous ablation with use of a robotic IR assistance platform. This technology may be useful for clinical CT-guided biopsy and RFA, when accuracy may have an impact on outcome. • A recently developed robotic intervention radiology assistance platform facilitates CT-guided interventions. • Improved accuracy of complex needle insertions is achievable. • IR assistance platform use can improve target ablation coverage.
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Computed tomography (CT)-compatible robots, both commercial and research-based, have been developed with the intention of increasing the accuracy of needle placement and potentially improving the outcomes of therapies in addition to reducing clinical staff and patient exposure to radiation during CT fluoroscopy. In the case of highly inaccessible lesions that require multiple plane angulations, robotically assisted needles may improve biopsy access and targeted drug delivery therapy by avoidance of the straight line path of normal linear needles. We report our preliminary experience of performing radiofrequency ablation of the liver using a robotic-assisted CT guidance system on 11 patients (17 lesions). Robotic-assisted planning and needle placement appears to have high accuracy, is technically easier than the non-robotic-assisted procedure, and involves a significantly lower radiation dose to both patient and support staff. • An early experience of robotic-assisted radiofrequency ablation is reported • Robotic-assisted RFA improves accuracy of hepatic lesion targeting • Robotic-assisted RFA makes the procedure technically easier with significant lower radiation dose.
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This paper reports the development, evaluation, and first clinical trials of the access to the prostate tissue (APT) II system-a scanner independent system for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided transrectal prostate interventions. The system utilizes novel manipulator mechanics employing a steerable needle channel and a novel six degree-of-freedom hybrid tracking method, comprising passive fiducial tracking for initial registration and subsequent incremental motion measurements. Targeting accuracy of the system in prostate phantom experiments and two clinical human-subject procedures is shown to compare favorably with existing systems using passive and active tracking methods. The portable design of the APT II system, using only standard MRI image sequences and minimal custom scanner interfacing, allows the system to be easily used on different MRI scanners.
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Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of liver cancers can be performed safely using percutaneous, laparoscopic, or open surgical techniques, and much of the impetus for the use of RFA has come from cohort series that have provided an evidence base for this technique. Here, we give an overview of the current status of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), including its physical properties, to assess the characteristics that make this technique applicable in clinical practice. We review the technical development of probe design and summarize current indications and outcomes of reported clinical use. An accurate evaluation of treatment response is very important to secure successful RFA therapy since a sufficient safety margin (at least 0.5 cm) can prevent local tumor recurrences. We also provide a profile of side effects and information on the integration of this technique into the general management of patients with HCC. To minimize complications of RFA, physicians should be familiar with each feature of complication. Appropriate management of complications is essential for successful RFA treatment. Moreover, adjuvant therapy, such as molecular targeted therapies following curative therapy, is expected to further improve survival after RFA.
A remote-controlled, robotic system was developed to address procedural challenges and occupational hazards associated with traditional percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The PRECISE (Percutaneous Robotically-Enhanced Coronary Intervention) Study demonstrated the safety and feasibility of the robotic system. We report 4 cases of complex coronary interventions demonstrating the capabilities of robotic-enhanced PCI to treat multi-lesion, multi-vessel coronary disease, saphenous venous graft disease, and an ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The robotic system offers enhanced visibility, precise measurement, accurate stent positioning, improved ergonomics, and superior operator protection from radiation. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Accurate needle placement is crucial for the success of percutaneous radiological needle interventions. We compared three guiding methods using an optical-based navigation system: freehand, using a stereotactic aiming device and active depth control, and using a stereotactic aiming device and passive depth control. For each method, 25 punctures were performed on a non-rigid phantom. Five 1 mm metal screws were used as targets. Time requirements were recorded, and target positioning errors (TPE) were measured on control scans as the distance between needle tip and target. Time requirements were reduced using the aiming device and passive depth control. The Euclidian TPE was similar for each method (4.6 ± 1.2-4.9 ± 1.7 mm). However, the lateral component was significantly lower when an aiming device was used (2.3 ± 1.3-2.8 ± 1.6 mm with an aiming device vs 4.2 ± 2.0 mm without). Using an aiming device may increase the lateral accuracy of navigated needle insertion. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Recently a number of robotic intervention systems for magnetic resonance image (MRI)-guided needle placement in the prostate have been reported. In MRI-guided needle interventions, after a needle is inserted, the needle position is often confirmed with a volumetric MRI scan. Commonly used titanium needles are not directly visible in an MRI, but they generate a susceptibility artifact in the immediate neighborhood of the needle. This paper reports the results of a quantitative study of the relationship between the true position of titanium biopsy needle and the corresponding needle artifact position in MRI, thereby providing a better understanding of the influence of needle artifact on targeting errors. The titanium needle tip artifact extended 9 mm beyond the actual needle tip location with tendency to bend toward the scanner's B (0) magnetic field direction, and axially displaced 0.38 and 0.32 mm (mean) in scanner's frequency and phase encoding direction, respectively.
Renal tumor size influences the efficacy of radio frequency ablation but identification of confident size cutoffs has been limited by small numbers and short followup. We evaluated tumor size related outcomes after radio frequency ablation for patients with adequate (greater than 3 years) followup. We identified 159 tumors treated with radio frequency ablation as primary treatment. Disease-free survival was defined as the time from definitive treatment to local recurrence, detection of metastasis or the most recent imaging showing no evidence of disease. Patients were evaluated with contrast enhancing imaging preoperatively, and at 6 weeks, 6 months and at least annually thereafter. Median tumor size was 2.4 cm (range 0.9 to 5.4) with a median followup of 54 months (range 1.5 to 120). Renal cell carcinoma was confirmed in 72% of the 150 tumors that had pre-ablation biopsy (94%). The 3 and 5-year disease-free survival was comparable at 92% and 91% overall, and was dependent on tumor size, being 96% and 95% for tumors smaller than 3.0 cm and 79% and 79%, respectively, for tumors 3 cm or larger (p=0.001). Most failures (14 of 18) were local, either incomplete ablations or local recurrences. This is an intent to treat analysis and, therefore, includes patients ultimately found to have benign tumors, although outcomes were comparable in patients with cancer. Radio frequency ablation treatment success of the small renal mass is strongly correlated with tumor size. Radio frequency ablation provides excellent and durable outcomes, particularly in tumors smaller than 3 cm. Of tumors 3 cm or larger, approximately 20% will recur such that alternative treatment techniques should be considered. However, most treatment failures are local and are often successfully treated with another ablation session.
Brain biopsies (BB) and depth electrode placements (DEP) are increasingly performed using frameless stereotactic targeting devices. This paper is intended to provide a comprehensive review of the technical features, targeting errors and clinical results. A PubMed literature search from 1995-2010 was performed. (A) Modified stereotactic arcs, (B) arm-based devices with and without aiming facilities, and (C) skull affixed devices were found. Guidance technologies were navigation systems (all groups), prospective stereotaxy and custom designed platforms (group C). Mean total errors ranged between 4.4 and 5.4 mm for BB and 2.0 and 3.2 mm for DEP. Diagnostic yield of BB was 89-100%. The clinical success rate for DEP was 96-100%. Frameless stereotactic targeting devices may reach targeting errors and clinical results comparable with standard frame-based stereotaxy. Advantages and disadvantages of different devices should be acknowledged to ensure optimal technical performance.
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has undergone a remarkable evolution over the past 25 years. Initially, the procedure was limited to relatively straightforward lesions and was associated with significant risk and unpredictable long-term efficacy. With the incorporation of new technologies such as stents, the safety and efficacy of the procedure has improved dramatically. However, the fundamental way in which the procedure is performed has changed little since the time of Gruntzig's first successful case. Cumulative exposure to ionizing radiation, orthopedic injuries resulting from wearing shielding aprons, and fatigue from standing for hours at the table have made the catheterization laboratory a "high-risk workplace" for the interventional cardiologist. Robotic-assisted PCI was developed to allow the operator to precisely manipulate angioplasty guidewires, balloons, and stents from a radiation-shielded cockpit. A small first-in-man study demonstrated that PCI can be performed with robotic assistance. The pivotal Percutaneous Robotically Enhanced Coronary Intervention Study trial is currently enrolling patients and evaluating the safety and efficacy of the CorPath® robotically assisted PCI system.