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Land Use/cover Change in Ecologically Fragile Karst Areas - A Case Study in Maotiaohe River Basin, Guizhou China



It is well known that LUCC (Land Use /Cover Change) is the current front and hot field of current global change study. With unique geochemical processes, karst area is often ecologically fragile, where ecological carrying capacity is low, and the ability against external influence and disturbance weak. Over the past few decades, the karst areas in southwest China have experienced rap id social and economic change which brought forth extensive influence on local land cover. Especially, karst rocky desertification, as a result of unreasonable land use in ragged karst mountain area, emerged and expanded at an alarming rate in Guizhou province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, as has caused increasing perception from domestic academic community. In the past 10 years, many scholars have carried out extensive studies on the karst rocky desertification and other ecological problems in the area. However, most of them just focused on the singular aspect, and a more comprehensive study on the land use and land cover change in the areas has received little attention in international LUCC community. Based on the above understanding, by making lots of ground investigation and using the remote sensed images of Landsat-MSS in the year of 1973 and Landsat-TM in 1990 and 2002, and with the support of triple “S” technique of RS, GIS and GPS, the authors calculated the indexes of singe land cover change velocity, comprehensive land cover change velocity, land use degree, and spatial land cover distribution, and made a case study on land use / cover change over the past 30 years in Maotiaohe river basin, which is a typical karst watershed with fragile eco-environment. The results show that: (1) the leading land covers are cultivated land, grass land, shrub land and forest land; (2) Since the beginning of 1970 s, the land covers in the study area have experienced dramatic change, but there are obvious difference among different types of land covers, with paddy field, shrub land, grass land, and other forest land decreased first and then increased, and dry field and rock exposed land increased first and then decreased, and forest land, water area, urban construction land, rural settlement, and transportational and industrial land continuously increased; (3) the land use change velocity and land use degree in the period from 1973 to 1990 is higher than that from 1990 to 2002. It need to be pointed out that rock exposed land expanded in the 1970 s and 1980 s, as means that the land use in the period was not sustainable. Since 1990, the rock exposed land decreased and the ecological quality tends to be better; (4) with the area of land covers expanded and decreased, the mean elevation and gradient of each land covers changed.
25卷第 5566576
20079            山  地  学  
JOURNAL O F MOUN TAIN SC IEN CE           Vol. 25,No. 5 pp566676
Sep t, 2007
收稿日期 (Received date): 2006 - 06 - 15;改回日期 (Accepted): 2006 - 11 - 21
基金项目 (Foundation item):国家自然科学基金重点项目阶段成果 (项目编号: 40335046)[ Key Project ofNational Natural Sciences Foundation of
China, No. 40335046)]
作者简介 (Biography):彭建 (1975 - ),,博士 ,讲师 ,主要从事土地科学和旅游地理研究 [ Peng Jian, male, doctor, lecturer, studying land sci2
ence and tourism geography, email: pengkarst75@yahoo. com. cn ]
文章编号: 1008 - 2786 - (2007)5 - 566 - 11
利用 /覆被变化研究
彭 建
2, 3
,何 钢
2, 3
2, 3
2, 3
,严 汾
2, 3
(1. 中央民族大学管理学院 ,北京 100081; 2. 北京大学环境学院资源与环境地理学系 ,北京 100871;
3. 教育部地表过程与模拟重点实验室 ,北京 100871)
摘  : LUCC是当前国际全球变化研究的前沿和热点领域 ,喀斯特生态脆弱区的土地利用 /覆被变化是国际
LUCC研究中的薄弱环节以贵州中部的典型喀斯特流域 猫跳河流域为例 ,通过详实的地面调查 ,1973
Landsat - MSS影像1990年和 2002年的 Landsat - TM 影像为数据源 ,RSGISGPS为核心S集成技术
支撑下 ,应用单一土地利用动态度单一土地利用转入率和转出率综合土地利用动态度土地利用度以及土地覆
被变化空间指数等指标 ,定量研究了该流域在过去 30 a间的土地利用 /覆被的变化特征研究表明:(1)研究区的
土地覆被类型主要以耕地、灌草地灌木林以及有林地为主;(2)1970年代以来 ,土地利用 /覆被变化剧烈 ,各地类
之间的变化幅度存在较大差别 ,水田灌木林 、其他林地、灌草地等地类先减后增 ,旱地和裸岩地先增后减 ,林地
19902002年大 ,前一时期的裸岩地明显增加 ,土地利用具有明显的不可持续性 ,进入 1990年后 ,裸岩地缩减 ,
流域生态环境质量趋于好转;伴随着分布面积在平面空间上的张缩 ,各地类的平均分布高程和坡度在垂直方向
关键词 :喀斯特;地利用 /覆被变化 ;S技术;猫跳河流域
中图分类号 : X171. 1, X37      文献标识码 : A
  喀斯特地区生态系统变异敏感度高 ,灾变承受
能力低 ,,是典型的生态环境脆弱地
[ 1 ] 西南喀斯特地区是我国五大态脆弱区
[ 2 ] ,在过去数十年间 ,土地资源的不合理利用导
[ 3, 4 ] 针对这些问题 ,术界开展了广泛的研究
其中 ,对于喀斯特石漠化的内空间分布特征
成原因等的研究较为集中 [ 5 - 15] 鉴于土地利用 /
被变化和石漠化形成演变之间的内在关联性 ,
地利用 /覆被变化作为切入点开展研究无疑具有
加直接的现实意义 ,也将更加有助于揭示区域土地
动态关联土地利用 /覆被变化是当前全球变化研
究的热点和前沿领域[ 16 - 18 ] ,不同地区的土地利用 /
覆被变化对全球变化的贡献和响应并不相同 ,
尺度的 LUCC研究应集中在那些 “关键地区 ”
弱地区 ”以及热点地区 ”
[ 18 ] 尽管当前国际 LUCC
的整合研究的趋势[ 19 ] ,但区域尺度的 LUCC例研
究并未就此画上圆满的句号 ,相反 ,还有一些生态意
对地理学而言 ,在独特的自然地理区域展开对独特
问题的综合自然地理研究 ,有“利 ”之便 ,往往
作出独特的创新成[ 20 ] 喀斯特地区生态环境高
LUCC研究的热点地。但遗憾的是 ,于种
© 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
,在全球范围内 ,喀斯特地区土地利用 /被变化
1 研究区概况
(1),是长一级,3 116
km2,盛行亚热带高原季风气候 ,多年平均气温 14
15 ,年降水量一般介于 1 1001 400 mm整个
的峡谷区新中国成立后 ,为了开发猫跳河蕴藏的
丰富水能资源 ,后修了红枫湖花湖
红岩电站等 6个梯级电站 ,并因此而形成了红枫
热带常绿阔叶林 ,由于长期人类干扰和破坏 ,流域内
于流域内碳酸盐岩大面积出露 ,各种石灰土广泛分
20世纪 70代初 ,全流域人口不足 65,
2002,增加到 112,人口密度 374/km2,
以前 ,猫跳河流域经济结构单一 ,农业在国民经济中
占据绝对优势改革开放以来 ,经济发展速度明显
加快 ,由单一的农业经济发展成为农
服等各业综合发展的经济结构 ,农业在国民生产总
值中的比例逐渐下降 ,业和三产业稳上升
由于流域内蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源 ,采掘业在工
结构中具有重要地位 ,尤其是清镇和修文两县市的
铝土矿开采规模较大 ,并在一定程度上影响到流域
土地覆被状况1970年代以来 ,交通条件得到了较
大的改善 ,已形成了较为完善的覆盖面较广的公路
2 方法与数据
1 土地覆被分类
采用中科院资源环境信息数据库的 6大类分类
水域建设用地以及难利用地等 6一级地
,结合猫跳河流域的地面特征和影像分辨率 ,细分
11个二级地类 (1)
1 数据
采用 1973 Landsat - M ss影像、1990
2002年的 Landsat - TM 像来分别获取这三个时
,采用 432波段合成假彩色影像能较好地区分
150 000地形图为参,通过最邻近点插值法
对原始影像进行重采样 ,实现影像的几何精纠正 ,
1 猫跳河流域区位示意图
Fig. 1 Location ofMaotiaohe river basin
7655期                ,:喀斯特生态脆弱区猫跳河流域土地利用 /覆被变化研究
© 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
1 猫跳河流域土地覆被分类系统
Table 1 Land cover classification forMaotiaohe river basin
一级地类    二级地类   
编号 名称 编号 名称 特征
1耕地 11
旱地 主要指用于种植水稻的耕地
郁闭度 >30%的天然林和人工林等成片的林地
郁闭度 > 40% ,高度在 2 m以下的矮林地和灌丛林地
3草地 30 草地 以生长草本植物为主 ,覆盖度在 50%以上的各类草地 ,包括以木本为主的灌丛草
地和郁闭度在 10%以下的疏林草地
4水域 40 水域 天然陆地水域 (湖泊和水库 )用地
农村居民点 ,主要是一些较大的村寨和农村集
6未利用土地 60 石质荒山 喀斯特石质丘陵 ,基岩裸露面积 > 50% , 坡度一般 > 30 °,上有稀疏灌,长期处
差控制在 015个象元然后 ,以经过几何精纠正
2002年影像为基础 ,1990年的影像进行精确
先对 2002年的影像进行解译 ,然后将解译结果
19901973年的影像叠加 ,提取并修改变化图
的特点 ,借助 GPS,到研究区进行实地考察 ,并建立
遥感解标志 ,200420407 地面
,共建立 147个解译标志点;再次 ,A rcgis8. 3
支撑 ,对流域不同时期的遥感影像进行了人工目视
解译 ,分别得到三个时期的土地覆被图。由于猫跳
河流域地处喀斯特地貌发育区 ,混合象元较多 ,同谱
,灌草地和裸岩地 ,工矿用地和城镇建设用地 ,
木林和有林地 ,山地耕地和平地耕地 ),加之遥感
相不一致 (1973年的 MSS像为 1231, 1990
年的 TM 影像为 610, 2002年的 TM 影像为 8
,通过选用人工目视解译法 ,可以较好地保证解译
图上面积 <2 mm ×2 mm的地类斑块忽略不计
Erdas平台下 ,运用其精度评估模块 ,分别对这三个
时期的土地覆被数据解译结果进行评价 , Kappa
数分别为 0. 810. 860. 88,解译精度符合要
MSS影像分辨率57 m,为了尽量提高解译精
,运用研究1973 航摄1975绘的 15
1 研究方法
2. 3. 1 土地利用 /覆被转移矩阵
Arcgis平台下 ,运用地图代数的方法 ,提取研
究区 19731990年以及 19902002年两个时期的
Cij =Mk
ij ×20 - Mk+ 1
式中  Cij
k时期到 k+ 1 时期的土地覆被变化图
中第 ij列新像元的值 , M k
图中第 ij列的像元值, M k+ 1
ij k+ 1时期的土地
覆被图第 ij列的像元值
2.3.2 土地利用 /覆被变化度量
时期内的变化速率,数学计算公式如下[21 ]
式中  U为某一土地利用类型在时间 T内的变化速
; UbUa分别为研究期初期及末期某种土地利用
类型的面积; T为研究时段长。当 T设定为年时, K
865 山  地  学   25
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用类型在某一时期内由其他地类转化而来的幅度 ,
n- 1
j= 1 Tij
n- 1
j= 1Mji
式中  Ti为地it0tk时期内的土地利用转
出率; M i为地类 it0tk时期内的土地利用转出
; Tij
为在 t0tk时期内地i转化为地j的面
; M ij
为在 t0tk时期内由地类 j转化为地类 i
面积; Li0是地it0时刻的面积; Lik是地类 itk
时刻的面积; n为研究区土地利用类型数量
主要用以反映某一研究时段内 ,研究区的各
地类动态变化的总体情况,该值越大 ,说明研究区土
地利用动态化越剧烈 , ,。计算公
[22 ]
LC =
n- 1
j= 1 LUij
n- 1
j= 1 LUi
2 猫跳河流域土地利用强度分级表 [23 ]
Table 2 Land use degree classification forMaotiaohe river basin
级别 未利用土地级 林、 水用地级 农业用地级 城镇聚落用地级
土地利用类型 未利用地或难利用地 林、水域 水田旱地 城镇农村居民点
指数 1 2 3 4
式中  LUi为监测起始时间i类土地利用类型面
; LU i为监测时段第 i类土地利用类型转为非 i
土地利用类型面积的绝对值; T为监测时段长度,
T设定为年时, LC的值就是该研究区土地利用的年
照利用程度分为 4(2)通过每级土地利用类
如下[23 ]
式中  LUD 是研究区的土地利用; Li是区域内第
i类土地利用类型的土地利用强度分级指数; Ai
计算公式如下Hi=Hitk -Hit0
Si=Sitk -Sit0
式中  △Hii种地类在研究时期内的平均高程
变化值; Hit0是第 i种地类在研究时段初(t0)
均海拔分布; Hitk是第 i种地类在研究时段末(tk)
的平均海拔分布;Si是第 i种地类在研究时期内
的平均坡度变化值; Sit0是第 i种地类在研究时段初
(t0)的平均海拔分布坡; Sitk是第 i种地类在研
究时段末期 (tk)的平均海拔分布坡度;该指数可通
Arcgis中的区块统计 (Zonal Statistic)分析功能计
3 结果分析
1  ~ 年的土地利用 覆被变化
11水田缩减 ,旱地大幅扩张 ,耕地总量增加
17 a,猫跳河流域的耕地面积由 127 583. 88
hm2增加143 493. 75 hm2,15 909. 87 hm2
(2),耕地占流域的面积比重也从 40. 95 %提高
46. 04 %。这一时,降水量显著减少 ,流域中部
9655期                ,:喀斯特生态脆弱区猫跳河流域土地利用 /覆被变化研究
© 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
2 猫跳河流域 19731990年土地覆被变化
Fig. 2 Land cover change from 1973 to 1990 inMaotiaohe river basin
的乌当区 19701980 年的均降水量1 233. 8
mm,19801990的平均降量减1 039. 5
mm着 降的 减,水田明显缩减,
57 772. 2 hm2减少到 46 801. 15 hm2,年减少速率为
- 1. 12 % (3)从面积来看 ,约有 47. 52 %的水
田转化为其他地类。减少的水田主是流向了旱地 ,
约有 16 736. 80 hm2转化为旱地 (4);其次为灌草
地和灌木,别达6 431. 51 hm21 200. 52
hm2;此外 ,由于建设占地 ,约有 1 090 hm2的水田被
期间 ,流域总人口1973年的 50多万增加1990
年的 90余万。由于人口的迅速增加 ,毁林毁草开
荒较为普遍 ,旱地大幅增加 ,1973年的 69 811. 68
hm2增加到 1990年的 96 692. 6hm2,平均增加
率为 2. 26 %约有 63. 66 %的旱地由其他地类
变而来 ,其中以灌草地为主 ,共约 29 707. 45 hm2,
次为水田 ,16 736. 8 hm2,此外 ,还有相当一部分
由有林地灌木林和其他林(主要是茶园 )转化而
,共约 13 655. 51 hm2从土地覆被分布的平均海
拔来看 , 19731990,猫跳河流域的水田和旱地
分布的平均海拔有所降,其中水田1 283. 04 m
变为 1 281. 11 m,下降了 1. 93 m,旱地1 294. 48
m下降为 1 294. 12 m,低了 0. 36 m,主要和流域
布的坡 度有 所下 降 ,其中水田从 6. 61°
6133°,旱地从 11. 33°降为 10. 83°
21林地灌草地减少 ,裸岩地扩张 ,流域生态状
17 a ,83 532. 50 hm2
58 897. 06 hm2其中 ,有林地从 22 897. 9 hm2
26 214. 54 hm2,净增 3 316. 62 hm2,年平均增速
0. 85 % ,林地的增加与我国森林法颁布较早和当地
居民对经济价值较高的乔木林保护意识较强有关 ;
66. 5 %的有林地是由其他地类转化而来 ,主要是
灌木林和灌草地 ,分别约 9 479. 16 hm25 003. 63
hm2;其次为耕地 ,2 566. 71 hm2灌木林大幅减
,减幅 21 973. 74 hm2,年平均减速 - 2. 43 % (
而导致的毁林毁草开荒有约有 74. 12 %的灌
木林转化为其他地类 ,主要是灌草地 ,18 680. 78
hm2,其次为有林地 ,9 479. 16 hm2,此外 ,还有
8 612. 28 hm2转化为耕。由于经营制的
(1980 ,国有人承
),以茶园为主的其他林地也发生了大幅减少 ,
1973年的 7 468. 39 hm2减少为 1 492. 42 hm2,年平
均减速 - 4. 71 %期间约有 89. 52%的茶园转化为
别的地类 ,主要流向了旱地灌草地和灌木林。在海
拔上 ,有林地和灌木林分布的平均海拔均明显上升 ,
分别上升了 27. 11 m24. 74 m;茶园的海拔下降
28. 1 m。有林地平均分布度变,加了
0174 °,而灌木林和茶园的分布坡度变得相对平缓 ,
分别变缓了 0. 35°2. 1°
灌草地总量略有减少 ,但流入和流出变化较大
1973,猫跳河流域有灌草地共计 83 955. 38 hm2,
而到 1990 ,少为 82 101. 85hm2,年平
- 0. 13 %64. 26%的灌草地转化为其他地类,
075 山  地  学   25
© 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
同时也有 63. 45 %的其他地类转化为灌草地灌草
地的流,34 242. 06
hm2;其次为林,约有 12 586. 95 hm2裸岩
5 468. 9 hm2,建设用地 1 149. 42 hm2。在转入方,
以耕地和林地为主 ,少数由裸岩地转入灌草地的
平均分布海拔从 1 339. 15 m降为 1 317. 47 m ,降低
21. 7 m,说明灌草地向低海拔地区扩张;在分布
坡度方面 ,14. 98°上升到 16. 23°,说明灌草地趋
裸露地表后形成的一种严重石质荒漠化土地 ,
态环境破坏的恶1973 1990 ,裸岩地明
显扩张 ,7 915. 92 hm2增加到 14 513. 97 hm2,
展速度平均每年约 4. 9 % ,裸岩地的增加主要是农
3 猫跳河流域 19732002年土地利用动态度
Table 3 Land use change velocity between 1973 and 1990 inMaotiaohe river basin
单一土地利用动态度 单一土地利用转出率 单一土地利用转入率
19731990 19902002 19731990 19902002 19731990 19902002
水田 - 1. 12 1. 10 47. 52 17. 00 35. 22 26. 68
旱地 2. 26 - 2. 63 49. 66 44. 35 63. 66 18. 63
有林地 0. 85 3. 15 61. 64 6. 77 66. 50 32. 28
灌木林 - 2. 43 0. 61 74. 12 46. 10 55. 88 49. 74
其他林地 - 4. 71 - 0. 02 89. 52 39. 79 47. 56 39. 66
灌草地 - 0. 13 1. 05 64. 26 33. 93 63. 45 41. 30
水域 0. 30 1. 84 20. 41 0. 88 24. 26 18. 78
城镇建设用地 3. 76 14. 83 23. 81 0. 00 53. 50 64. 02
农村居民点 8. 14 7. 04 56. 92 1. 01 81. 93 46. 33
交通工矿用地 16. 78 5. 57 26. 77 5. 45 80. 99 43. 30
裸岩地 4. 90 - 2. 60 40. 59 39. 85 67. 60 12. 61
4 猫跳河流域 19731990年土地覆被变化转移矩阵 (: hm2)
Table 4 land cover conversion matrix from 1973 to 1990 inMaotiaohe river basin (unit: hm2)
被类型 水田 旱地 有林地 灌木林 其他
林地 灌草地 水域 城镇
用地 农村居
民点 交通工
矿用地 裸岩地 1990
水田 30 318. 64 9 100. 59 659. 62 945. 35 342. 40 4 534. 61 301. 26 44. 35 187. 09 25. 54 341. 70 4 6801. 15
旱地 16 736. 80 35 141. 35 2 811. 03 7 666. 93 3 177. 55 29 707. 45 410. 56 5. 09 253. 30 22. 00 760. 54 96 692. 60
有林地 811. 95 1 754. 76 8 783. 00 9 479. 16 360. 73 5 003. 63 16. 25 0. 00 3. 07 0. 00 1. 99 26 214. 54
灌木林 1 200. 52 2 448. 75 4 841. 09 13 760. 99 1 036. 17 7 387. 92 94. 35 0. 00 39. 76 1. 29 379. 26 31 190. 10
其他林地 95. 03 249. 39 84. 13 69. 96 782. 65 195. 40 7. 62 0. 00 5. 56 2. 68 0. 00 1 492. 42
灌草地 6 431. 51 17 593. 18 5 422. 25 18 680. 78 1 576. 47 30 006. 19 458. 10 3. 90 201. 78 76. 04 1 651. 65 82 101. 85
水域 285. 63 305. 76 98. 14 313. 86 107. 45 501. 86 5 063. 48 0. 00 2. 25 0. 00 6. 78 6 685. 21
设用地 57. 59 183. 17 0. 00 2. 63 1. 36 12. 08 0. 00 225. 88 3. 02 0. 00 0. 00 485. 73
农村居民点 741. 70 1 046. 96 41. 97 111. 57 43. 79 508. 75 1. 11 0. 00 565. 32 17. 87 49. 02 3 128. 06
矿用地 292. 67 638. 01 15. 25 154. 94 4. 35 628. 59 0. 90 17. 24 32. 60 424. 19 22. 43 2 231. 17
裸岩地 800. 16 1 349. 76 141. 44 1 979. 67 35. 47 5 468. 90 8. 02 0. 00 18. 37 9. 63 4 702. 55 14 513. 97
合计 57 772. 20 69 811. 68 22 897. 92 53 165. 84 7 468. 39 83 955. 38 6 361. 65 296. 46 1 312. 12 579. 24 7 915. 92 311 536. 8
1755期                ,:喀斯特生态脆弱区猫跳河流域土地利用 /覆被变化研究
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主要由灌草地转化而来 ,5 468. 9 hm2其次为耕
,2 149. 92 hm2同时 ,灌木林也是裸岩地的
要来源之一 ,约有 1 979. 67 hm2转化为裸岩地
岩地的平均分布高程从 1 341. 62 m上升到 1 359. 34
m,说明高海拔地区石漠化的形势在加剧 ;,
岩地分布的坡度从 25. 99°下降到 22. 60°,说明一
挤占耕地 ,增加的速度明显快于其他地类 ,其中以工
矿用地增加的速度最快 ,其次为农村居民点和城镇
建设用地 ,年平均增速分别为 16. 78 %8. 14 %
3. 76 %从总量来看 , 1973年流域建设用地面积仅
2 187. 82 hm2,1990,迅速增加到 5 844. 96
hm2,增加了 1. 67其中 ,城镇建设用地从296. 46
hm2增加到 485. 73 hm2,农村居民点用地从
1 312. 12 hm2增加到 3 128. 06 hm2,而交通工矿建
设用地则从 579. 24 hm2加到 2 231. 17 hm2
尽管这一时期降水量呈现减少的态势 ,但由于
加强农田灌溉设施建设 ,小水库增多 ,水域面积呈扩
大趋势 ,但增速较慢 ,平均增速0. 3 %1973
年水域6 361. 65 hm2,1990
6 685. 21 hm2期间约有 24. 26 %的水域由其他地
类转化而来 ,要是旱地以及灌草地和灌
水域的平均分布高程有所下,1 233. 55 m
降到 1 231. 22 m平均坡度从 3. 33°增加到 4. 55°
总体来,1970 代初1980 ,
灌草地和灌木林是猫跳河流域的优势地类 ,不同
的土地覆被类型之间发生了较频繁的转移 ,土地
用强度加大 ,土地利用度从 2. 40增至 2. 45,期间综
合土地利用动态度 26. 18 %
1  年的土地利用 覆被变化
11耕地总量减少 ,水域持续增长
进入 1990年代以后 ,农民外出务工热潮兴起 ,
大量农村青壮年劳动力流向城市 ,(主要是旱
)撂荒现象严重 ,耕地明显减少2002,全流域
有耕119 151. 30 hm2,1990
24 403 hm2(3),减幅达 2113 %。水 田 从
46 808. 67 hm2加到 52 988. 22 hm2,年平均增速
111 % (见表 3);26. 68 %由其他地类转化而
,增加的水田主要来自旱地 ,10 954. 39 hm2,
次为灌草地 ,共计 2 772. 48 hm2(5)。旱地大
减少 ,96 745. 61 hm2减少到 66 163. 07 hm2,减幅
3216 % , 年平均减速 - 2. 26 %12 a ,
44135 %的旱地转化其他地,减少的旱地除了相
24 738131 hm2,3 738. 57 hm2转化木林
耕地平均分布高度有所上升 ,其中水田从 1 281. 11
m上升到 1 285. 96 m,旱地1 294. 12 m 升到
1 294. 71 m,明耕地的分布有增趋势。平均坡
度变化不大 ,变幅均在 0. 4°,其中水田有所变
3 猫跳河流域 19902002年土地覆被变化
Fig. 3 Land cover change from 1990 to 2002 inMaotiaohe river basin
275 山  地  学   25
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  这一时期 ,流域的降水量出现显著回升 , 1990
2000年的年平均降水量为 1 229. 9 mm (据乌当气象
站观测资料统计 )。虽然小水库没什么增加 ,
影 响 ,水域仍继续保持增长,1990 年 的
6 685. 21 hm2增加到 2002年的 8 158. 06 hm2,增加
1 472. 85 hm2,增幅 22% ,年平均增速 1184 %
域变为其他地类的情况很少 ,转出率仅为 0188 % ,
增加的水域主要由耕地和灌草地转化而来 ,分别约
898 hm2583. 23 hm2。水域海拔
,从其 1990年的 1 231. 22 m 增高1 236 m,
布坡度趋于变陡 ,4.5°增加到 4. 97 °
21林地灌草地全面增,裸岩地显著减少 ,
进入 1990年代后 ,一方面森林保护的措施和力
度更加严厉 ,另一方面 ,随着长江中上游水土保持重
积明1990 ,
58 943. 35 hm2,2002 ,林地面积增加到
71 083. 59 hm2,增加了 12 140124 hm2,增幅达
2016%其中 ,有林地面积持续增加 ,1990
26 239. 5 hm2增加到 2002年的 36 124. 34 hm2
加的林地中 98 225. 2 hm2来自于灌木林 ,其次是灌
草地 ,2 032. 48 hm2灌木林停止了减少的态势 ,
转而有所增加 , 12 a间约增加了 2 260. 43 hm2,主要
来自灌草地耕地和有林地 ,分别为 10 674. 28 hm2
4 666. 18 hm2932. 39 hm2,此外 ,有少量是来自于
裸岩地 ,369. 19 hm2林地和灌木林分布的海
拔均变低在分布坡度上 ,有林地增加1°,
而灌木林则趋于变缓 ,平均坡度降低了 1. 31 °
由于耕地的撂荒 ,灌草地有所增加1990
82 145. 52 hm2增加到 2002年的 92 464. 24 hm2,
每年平均增速 1. 05 %约有 41. 3%的灌草地是由
其他地类转化而来 ,增加的灌草地主要来自于旱地;
其次为裸岩地 ,4 811. 82 hm2;还有部分来自于灌
木林和水田 ,分别为 4 378. 77 hm23 329. 49 hm2;
少部分来自于有林地 ,786. 14 hm2平均分布高
程从 1 317. 47 m降低到 1 316. 19 m,平均坡度也
16. 23 °降低为 15. 63°,说明灌草地在这一时期趋于
31建设用地持续增加 ,耕地挤占严重
进入 1990年代后 ,经济建设的步伐加快 ,
用地,1990 5 845. 77 hm2
2002 年的 1 0841. 64 hm2,增加了 4 995. 87 hm2,
85. 5 %城镇建设用地农村居民点和交通工矿
建设用地均保持一致性的增长 ,增幅分别为 178 %
84. 4 %66. 8 %城镇建设用地是所有建设用地
5 猫跳河流域 19902002年土地覆被变化转移矩阵 (: hm2)
Table 5  Land cover conversion matrix from 1990 to 2002 inMaotiaohe river basin (unit: hm2)
被类型 水田 旱地 有林地 灌木林 其他
林地 灌草地 水域 城镇
用地 农村
居民点 交通工
矿用地 裸岩地 2002
水田 38 850. 17 10 954. 39 5. 83 195. 25 124. 38 2 772. 48 14. 39 0. 00 0. 03 17. 97 53. 33 52 988. 22
旱地 1 211. 88 53 838. 57 3. 92 142. 11 379. 07 10 005. 84 20. 23 0. 00 0. 91 9. 93 550. 61 66 163. 07
有林地 110. 04 286. 95 24 463. 50 9 225. 20 0. 00 2 032. 48 6. 17 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 36 124. 34
灌木林 927. 61 3 738. 57 932. 39 16 823. 19 0. 00 10 674. 28 4. 44 0. 00 0. 05 2. 07 369. 19 33 471. 79
其他林地 42. 24 368. 49 1. 63 0. 61 898. 67 174. 87 0. 42 0. 00 2. 33 0. 00 0. 00 1 489. 26
灌草地 3 329. 49 24 738. 31 786. 14 4 378. 77 50. 70 54 277. 36 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 91. 65 4 811. 82 92 464. 24
水域 355. 01 542. 99 0. 00 50. 67 0. 00 583. 23 6 626. 16 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8 158. 06
设用地 624. 37 177. 14 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 34. 60 0. 00 485. 74 28. 31 0. 00 0. 00 1 350. 16
居民点 923. 26 1 172. 51 14. 34 146. 35 31. 36 381. 21 3. 58 0. 00 3 096. 91 0. 00 0. 62 5 770. 14
矿用地 424. 59 549. 60 31. 75 67. 83 7. 50 529. 50 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 2 109. 87 0. 70 3 721. 34
裸岩地 10. 01 378. 09 0. 00 181. 38 0. 81 679. 67 9. 82 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8 732. 06 9 991. 84
合计 46 808. 67 96 745. 61 26 239. 50 31 211. 36 1 492. 49 82 145. 52 6 685. 21 485. 74 3 128. 54 2 231. 49 14 518. 33 311 692. 5
g由于重采样 ,导致流域总面积有所出入
3755期                ,:喀斯特生态脆弱区猫跳河流域土地利用 /覆被变化研究
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中增加最快的 ,年增速高达 14. 83 %。主要是通
向高海拔地区扩张 ,城镇建设用地和农村居民点的
平均分布坡度有所增加 ,但交通工矿用地则趋于减
41裸岩地分布缩减 ,流域生态环境出现好转
这一时期 ,由于加强了区域生态环境的保护 ,
着退耕还林还草工程的实施 ,猫跳河流域的生态环
境开始逐渐好转裸岩地发生了显著减少 ,1990
年的 14 518. 3 hm2减少到 2002年的 9 991. 84 hm2,
减少了 4 526. 46 hm2,减幅达 31. 2 % ,年平均减速
2. 6 %约有 39. 85 %的裸岩地转化为其他地
4 811. 82 hm2,其次为旱地和灌木林 ,分别为 550. 61
hm2369. 19 hm21990,裸岩地的平均分布高
度为 1 359. 34 m,2002年降低到 1 350. 91 m;
布坡度趋于变陡 ,22. 60 °增加到 24. 78 °
总的来看 ,在土地覆被格局方面 ,这一时期除了
原有的耕地灌草灌木林等地类仍占优势外 ,
林地占流域的面积比重也突破 10 % ,并超过灌木林
利用变化速率较前一时期下降 ,土地利用程度也有
所减,1990 2. 45 %2002
2142% , 土地利用动态度从 26118 % 下降到
4 结论与讨论
111970年代初以来 ,跳河流域土地利/
被发生了的变化 。,
19731990,变化幅度从大到小依次是旱地 >
木林 >水田 >裸岩地 >其他林地 >有林地 >灌草地
>农村居民点 >交通工矿用地 >水域 >城镇建设用
; 19902002年则为旱地 >灌草地 >有林地 >
>裸岩地 >农村居民点 >木林 >水域 >交通工
矿用地 >城镇建设用地 >其他林地
21猫跳河流域土地利用 /覆被变化可分为三
类型 ,即先减后增型先增后减型持续增加型。其
311990年前后的两个时期 ,地覆被变
地利用度为 2. 45 % ,平均单一土地利用动态度和综
合土地利用动态度分别为 4. 13 %26. 18 % ,单一
土地利用平均转出率和转入分别50. 47 %
58. 23 % , 1990 2002 (
2142%3. 68 %22. 54 %21. 38 %35. 76 % )
4119732002 ,林地木林村居
度方面 ,也出现了先陡后缓先缓后陡持续变陡
变陡 ,而旱地灌木林等则是持续变缓
51本文以中小尺度的流域作为案例 ,为系统
地研究了 19732002年贵州中部喀斯特地区土地
利用 /覆被变化的过程与特征 ,其背后的驱动因素及
其机制将成为下一步工作的重点。此外 ,要全面
示中国喀斯特地区土地利用 /覆被变化的过程及其
驱动因素 ,尚有待于进行更加广泛的区域对比研究
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Land Use/cover Change in Ecologically Fragile Kast Areas
A Case Study in Maotiaohe R iver Basin, Guizhou China
PENG Jian1; CA I Yunlong2, 3 ; HE Gang2 , 3 ; WANGW enbo2 , 3 ; HUANG Q iuhao2, 3 , YAN Fen2, 3
(1. S chool of M a nagem ent, Cen tral U n iversity of N a tionality, B eijing 100081, China;
2. Departm ent of Resource and Environmental Geography, Peking University, B eijing 100871, Ch ina;
3. Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Modeling, M inistry of Education, B eijing 100871, China )
Abstract: It is well known that LUCC (Land U se/Cover Change)is the current front and hot field of current global
change study. W ith unique geochemical processes, karst area is often ecologically fragile, where ecological carrying
capacity is low, and the ability against external influence and disturbance weak. Over the past few decades, the
karst areas in southwest China have experienced rapid social and econom ic change which brought forth extensive in2
fluence on local land cover. Especially, karst rocky desertification, as a result of unreasonable land use in ragged
karstmountain area, emerged and expanded at an alarm ing rate in Guizhou province and Guangxi Zhuang Autono2
mous Region, as has caused increasing perception from domestic academic community. In the past 10 years, many
scholars have carried out extensive studies on the karst rocky desertification and other ecological problem s in the ar2
ea. However, most of them just focused on the singular aspect, and a more comprehensive study on the land use
and land cover change in the areas has received little attention in international LUCC community. Based on the a2
bove understanding, by making lots of ground investigation and using the remote sensed images of Landsat2MSS in
the year of 1973 and Landsat2TM in 1990 and 2002, and w ith the support of trip leStechnique of RS, GIS and
GPS, the authors calculated the indexes of singe land cover change velocity, comprehensive land cover change ve2
locity, land use degree, and spatial land cover distribution, and made a case study on land use/cover change over
the past30 years inMaotiaohe river basin, which is a typical karstwatershed with fragile eco2environment. The re2
sults show that: the leading land covers are cultivated land, grass land, shrub land and forest land; Since
the beginning of 1970 s, the land covers in the study area have experienced dramatic change, but there are obvious
difference among different types of land covers, with paddy field, shrub land, grass land, and other forest land de2
creased first and then increased, and dry field and rock2exposed land increased first and then decreased, and forest
land, water area, urban construction land, rural settlement, and transportational and industrial land continuously
increased; the land use change velocity and land use degree in the period from 1973 to 1990 is higher than that
from 1990 to 2002. it need to be pointed out that rock2exposed land expanded in the 1970 s and 1980s, asmeans
that the land use in the periodwas not sustainable. Since 1990, the rock2exposed land decreased and the ecological
quality tends to be better; with the area of land covers expanded and decreased, the mean elevation and gradient
of each land covers changed.
Key words: karst; land use/cover change; tripleStechniques; Maotiaohe river basin
675 山  地  学   25
© 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
... Mountains and hills account for 97% of the entire watershed, where the process of rocky desertification is serious (Liu, 2007). The relative heights among peak clusters vary from 100 m to 200 m and the slope is around 45° (Peng, 2006). Permian and Triassic limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolomite are heavily exposed on the CQW (Liu, 2007;Ji and Wang, 2008). ...
... Forests and dry arable uplands account for 22.3% and 21.2% of the total CQW area (Peng, 2006). Almost 50% of the uplands have a slope P15°with maize being the major crop planted in the arable uplands (PGGP, 2000). ...
... Over past decades, land use/cover in the CQW has experienced dramatic change. Based on data for the Maotiao River Basin which is made up of the CQW and other small watersheds, the percentage of dry fields increased by about 8.6% from 1973 to 1990 and then decreased by about 9.8% from 1990 to 2002 (Peng, 2006). Forest land and grass land have shown minor Table 1). ...
The studied watershed is a Karst-dominated area on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The local karstic envi- ronment might cause the biogeochemical processes involving POC to be different from those in non- karstic regions. Isotopic composition of particulate organic C (POC) and total N (TN) (d13CPOC, d15NTN) and C/N ratios (atomic) were used to identify sources and fates of POC in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments over space and time in the karstic watershed. Distributions of POC in SPM and sed- iments show great seasonal and spatial variations. The d13CPOC in SPM ranges from 􏰀27.4 to 􏰀19.0‰ and 􏰀33.4 to 􏰀22.3‰ in summer and winter, respectively. The C/N ratios in SPM in both seasons are lower than 12 and most are around 7. The surface and core sediments have lower d13CPOC but higher C/N ratios than those of SPM. According to source analysis using C/N ratios, d13CPOC and d15NTN, the major source for POC in SPM is phytoplankton, while POC in surface sediments are attributed to land-derived and aquatic sources. Core sediments in the region affected by less anthropogenic impact have a similar POC source to surface sediment. However, in regions with intense deforestation and farming, land-derived sources may be major contributors to POC in core sediments. Calculated contributions from these sources to POC in the riverine-lacustrine system confirm the above observation. The flux and export rate of POC in SPM are 7.85 􏰁 108 g a􏰀1 and 492 mg m􏰀2 a􏰀1, respectively. In contrast to some world rivers, POC output from the karstic watershed is mainly from in-stream photosynthesis. Land-derived POC is merely redistributed in river and lake beds and sediments in the karstic riverine-lacustrine system act as an organic C pool. The observed features are likely due to intense anthropogenic impact and particular geomorphology of the karstic environment.
... Vegetation plays important roles in the processes of rocky desertification containment and ecological restoration [24,25]. Most previous studies focused on the ecological effects of land use/cover change, mainly at basin scales [26,27]. However, little research was conducted to monitor the long-term vegetation dynamics in the Karst region of China and its spatio-temporal correlation with climatic factors. ...
... Vegetation is very sensitive to climate change and human activities. At the local scale, previous studies show that the ecological effects of land use/cover change are significant, especially in the studied area [26,27]. At greater scale, the influence of climate change on the vegetation dynamics is significant and more important [60,61], but the systematic research is needed to enhance the long-term vegetation dynamics and spatio-temporal correlation with climatic factors in the Karst region of China. ...
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In this study, the updated Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) dataset for growing season (April to October), which can better reflect the vegetation vigor, was used to investigate the interannual variations in NDVI and its relationship with climatic factors, in order to preliminarily understand the climate impact on vegetation and provide theoretical basis for the response of ecosystem to climate change. Multivariate linear regression models, including the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), were adopted to analyze the correlation between NDVI and climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) together. Average growing-season NDVI significantly increased at a rate of 0.0015/year from 1982 to 2013, larger than several regions in China. On the whole, its relationship with temperature is positive and also stronger than precipitation, which indicated that temperature may be a limiting factor for the vegetation growth in the Karst region. Moreover, the correlation coefficients between grassland NDVI and climatic factors are the largest. Under the background of NDVI increasing trend from 1982 to 2013, the period of 2009-2012 was chosen to investigate the influencing factors of a sharp decline in NDVI. It can be found that the reduced temperature and solar radiation, caused by the increase in cloud cover and precipitation, may play important roles in the vegetation cover change. All in all, the systematic research on the interannual variations of growing-season NDVI and its relationship with climate revealed the heterogeneity and variability in the complicated climate change in the Karst ecosystem for the study area. It is the Karst characteristics that hinder obtaining more representative conclusions and tendencies in this region. Hence, more attention should be paid to promoting Karst research in the future.
... however, the contradiction between the development and utilization of mineral resources and environmental health has become increasingly prominent, and bauxite mining is no exception (Clark et al. 2015). bauxite mining in China is mostly based on openpit mining (feng et al. 2016;Peng et al. 2007). This mining method has a large impact on the environment, and in particular, it irreversibly affects the surface landscape. ...
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The environmental problems caused by the development and utilization of mineral resources have become important factors affecting ecological security. Guizhou is a Chinese province with relatively developed paleoweathered sedimentary bauxite deposits, abundant resource reserves, and a long history of mining. And, the demand for bauxite in Guizhou is expected to continue to grow. However, long-term or unreasonable resource development has produced a series of prominent environmental problems, such as the occupation and destruction of land resources and heavy metal pollution in soil and water bodies. Based on the existing research results in China and abroad, this paper analyzes the current situation, distribution characteristics, and development and utilization of bauxite resources in Guizhou to explain the corresponding environmental impacts. The results show that because of the many types and high concentrations of associated elements in bauxite and the high alkalinity, heavy metal components, and radioactive elements in red mud, the development and utilization of bauxite resources are associated with higher environmental risk. And more impact of bauxite mining on regional biodiversity, soil, air, surface water, and groundwater need to be evaluated. This paper also proposes coping strategies or countermeasures of environmental governance and control to achieve the green, sustainable and high-quality development of bauxite-related industries for meeting future environmental requirements.
... and other minor grass species (Ding et al. 2020). The natural shrubby tussock type grassland was further transformed to pasture and cropland because of the rapid increase in the local human population and the need for increased agricultural output over the past 30 years (Peng 2006). This resulted in the cultivation of nearly 20% of farming land on slopes steeper than 25 degrees (Long et al. 2002). ...
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An experiment to compare the effects of land use types on soil and macrofauna characteristics was conducted in a mountainous region of southwestern China. Soil physical and chemical properties and soil macrofauna were investigated in four land use types: natural grassland, mixed pasture of Dactylis glomerata L. and Trifolium repens L., mixed pasture of Holcus lanatus L. and Trifolium repens L., and cropland planted with annual Brassica napus L. and Zea mays L. rotation. The results showed that natural grassland, mixed pasture and cropping increased soil pH (23.0%–36.0%), soil organic matter (69.1%–73.9%, except the cropland with a decrease of 18.9%), total nitrogen (346.2%–738.5%), available nitrogen (389.9%–482.7%), available phosphorus (61.9%–303.6%) and available potassium (326.2%–481.4%). The taxonomic richness of macrofaunal communities was lower in the mixed pasture and cropped land than in natural grassland, with the Shannon’s index and Menhinick index being negatively related to soil organic carbon content. The mixed pasture maintained the abundance and diversity of soil macrofauna. The short-term cessation of utilization and management facilitated the restoration of soil macrofaunal communities. This study shows that pasture/grazing or leaving fallow for a year after cropping were able to better sustain macrofaunal communities in this mountainous region.
... Other factors, including market-oriented agriculture structure changes, population pressure, ecological engineering, and environmental policies, have been responsible for observed changes (Peng 2006;Zhang et al. 2009c). Such human forces significantly affect landscape patterns. ...
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Context The karst region of southwestern China, one of the largest continuous karsts in the world, is known for its unique landscapes and rich biodiversity. This region has suffered severe environmental degradation (e.g., vegetation cover loss, soil erosion and biodiversity loss). In recent decades, Chinese governments at different levels have initiated several ecological programs (e.g., Green for Grain, Mountain Closure) to restore the degraded environment and to alleviate poverty. Objectives This study summarizes landscape studies of karst landscapes patterns, their dynamics and interactions among landscape pattern, hydrological processes and ecosystem services (ES). Methods We conducted a systematic literature review of science and land use policy to identify knowledge gaps and recommend future research and policy directions. Results Karst landscapes have experienced rapid turnover in recent decades due largely to the overlap of intense human activity on the fragile karst ecosystems. Many studies have comprehensively examined hydrology, soil processes and ecosystem services (ES) and their relationships with landscape pattern. Most of these studies have found that karst ecosystems recover with improved ES. However, the importance of epikarst in hydrological and soil processes, intense anthropogenic disturbance and landscape heterogeneity in landscape models remains elusive. Conclusions Future research should focus on in-depth examination and modelling of karst specific hydrological and soil processes, investigating relationships between climatic change, landscape change, ecological processes, and region-specific ES assessments. Results from such research should provide the necessary scientific support for a comprehensive, national karst rocky desertification treatment project (Stage II) and poverty alleviation initiatives.
Ecosystem vulnerability is an ecological response of the environment to external damage. Studying the influencing factors and spatiotemporal changes of ecosystem vulnerability is helpful to maintain ecological balance. At present, studies on ecosystem vulnerability are relatively homogeneous and rarely integrate climate change and human activities. Based on a habitat-function framework, this study analyzed the response of ecosystem vulnerability on climate change and human activities in the Poyang Lake City Group (PLCG) in 2010, 2015 and 2020. The spatial agglomeration of ecosystem vulnerability has been analyzed by using GeoDa model. The interaction of factors on ecosystem vulnerability have been analyzed by using geographical detector. It can be seen that the ecosystem vulnerability of the PLCG have increased from 2010 to 2020. The impacts of climate change to the ecosystem vulnerability have showed a positive correlation. Meanwhile, the key factors leading to the change of ecological vulnerability are still human activities. This methodology demonstrates a high level of robustness when applied to other research domains. This research is conducive to maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem, realizing the development of man and nature, and promoting the sound and rapid development of economic society.
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Carbon cycle or carbon balance is altered by human activities and carbon storage, especially soil organic carbon storage has become the focus of the world. Therefore, predicting the future carbon storage and selecting proper regional development paths have immense values. By taking Chongming Island as an example, this paper predicts its land use demand from 2011 to 2030 using the SD model, and then simulates landuse spatial distribution by the CLUE-S model. Finally, this study investigated the effect of land use changes on carbon storage under three development scenarios. Total population, GDP, urban construction land, agricultural land, forest and orchard land, urban green land, water and swamp area and other land are the level variables of the SD model. Remote sensing data of 2000, 2005 and 2010 years and statistical data of Chongming County Statistical Yearbook are the basic data of the paper. Testing stage of the SD model is from the year 2000 to 2010 and simulation stage is from 2011 to 2030.Based on the trend of historical development and some regional future plans, three scenarios (L, A and H) have been built up in the next decades. L means the development pattern with a low developing speed, A means the economic development pattern at a current developing speed, and H means the development pattern with a high developing speed. There are 12 driving factors in the CLUE-S model such as the distance of main towns, important towns, rural settlements, main roads, secondary roads, main rivers and wetland reserves, per capita GDP, population density, urbanization level, road density and river density. The results of logistic regression are used to check the availability of driving factors and land-use spatial distribution, which indicates that the value of ROC is appropriate. The results reflect that total soil carbon storage declines slowly and the decreasing rate is 1.40% and 1.32% from 2010 to 2020 and 2020 to 2030 during the study periods, respectively. The influence of human activities on the total soil carbon reserves is weak, but the influence of one single land use type is serious. For instance, in the H scenario, the declining rate of total soil carbon storage is 2.72% from 2010 to 2030,while the decreasing rate of carbon storage in agricultural land and forest and orchard land is 30.13% and 126.60%, respectively. L scenario is selected as the better development pattern with the largest total soil carbon storage. L, A and H scenario in 2030, the soil carbon storage of which are 3093.03×106kg, 3079.47×106kg and 3059.81×106kg, respectively. It is reasonable and practical to simulate and calculate the ecosystem carbon storage by the coupled SD and CLUE-S models in both temporal and spatial scales. This paper then proposes some useful suggestions to reduce the impact of human activities on soil carbon process, such as strengthening farmland protection, promoting forest construction and improving land-use structure.
Karst areas have usually poor geochemical conditions and fragile ecology, due to rocky desertification which is often induced by ineffective land uses and management. To understand land change in the Karst region over the past 20 years in North-western Guangxi, China, indexes of singe land change velocity, comprehensive land change velocity, land use degree, and spatial distribution were investigated by land surveys, and analyzed used information from remote sensed images of Landsat TM in 1985, 1990 and 2000, and RS, GIS and GPS techniques. The results show that shrub, woodland, and sparseness land were the main land types in the region (total ratios were 73.72%, 74.14% and 73.59% in the three years respectively), where the proportions of rocky land and sparseness were high (total ratios were 20.44%, 22. 84% and 20. 44% in the three years respectively). Land types in the study area have changed dramatically between 1985 and 2000. There were significant differences in land changes among different land types. Arable land, rocky land and woodland decreased in the early phase of the period, but increased afterwards, while paddy field, sparseness and grassland changed opposite, resident land increased continuously. Due to the influences of the precipitation and the environmental immigrant, the land change velocity and land use degree during the period from 1990 to 2000 were higher than those from 1985 to 1990 (93.87% and 63.54% respectively). Since 1990, the rocky land increased and the ecological quality declined.
Ecologically fragile Karst area is a hotspot area concerned by academia. Owing to its intrinsic vulnerability and intense human activities, the ecosystem in this area is in degradation. Based on the degradation mechanisms of the ecosystem and the fragile degree of eco-environment in southwest Karst area of China, previous management experiences, and the factors leading to ecological deterioration, three types management modes of degraded ecosystem in ecologically fragile Karst area were summarized, L e. , ecological emigration-forest reservation-natural vegetation recovery, returning farmland into forestland-soil and water conservation-afforestation, and sustainable eco-agriculture-courtyard economy-resources industry. The appropriate areas for these modes, the problems needed to be paid attention in practices, and the cost-benefit analysis of these modes were also discussed.
Based on the four temporal satellite remote sensing TM/MSS images of Hongfeng Reservoir basin, using remote sensing and GIS technology, the land use data of three stages for 35 years was established. According to the basic data of land use, the land use change was quantified by way of computing the transition matrix, dynamic degree index, change rate index and comprehensive degree index of land use. The following results were obtained: (l) The result indicated that land use change prominently in Hongfeng Reservoir basin during the past 35 decades, farmland and residential land use increased obviously, with a large decrease of forest and grassland, still water body and unused land increased first then decreased. (2) the major patterns of land use change were the conversions of forest and grassland to farmland, farmland to residential land, and farmland and forest to unused land. (3) the analysis of driving force showed that the population increasing was the most direct driving force of land use change, Simultaneously, which was influenced by economy industry policy.
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