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Abstract and Figures

In a copper-molybdenum open pit mine in Chile, a collective labor dispute in April 2012 halted work on the site; the main problem was the negotiation of unified work schedules for contractors, subcontractors and their own staff. To avoid conflicts that could delay this project, the parties agreed to submit to arbitration by an external agency, to determine and quantify the existence of lost productivity caused by the change of work schedules. The external agency considered three basic elements: a) the temporal dimension to allow the comparison of two work schedules, b) the acceptable range of productivity losses associated with these schedules; and c) an unbiased mechanism to allocate a productivity loss within the range associated with each schedule. This paper presents the analysis of productivity loss when work schedules are extended, the method utilized, and the results obtained. This probabilistic model randomly assigns discrete values of productivity loss for each day of the work schedules, and uses inefficiency ranges from industry research; this allows a non-biased, easy to implement, comparison of work schedules.
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[ 9
2014, 13(1), 9 - 14 [ Arriagada, R. Alarcón, F. ] Revista de la Construcción
Journal of Construction
Quantification of Productivity Changes Due to Work Schedule Changes in
Construction Projects. A Case Study
Cuantificación de Cambios de Productividad debidos a cambios en las Jornadas Laborales en Proyectos
de Construcción. Un Estudio de Caso
Ricardo E. Arriagada
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Faculty of Engineering
Casilla 306, correo 22, Santiago de Chile.
Luis F. Alarcón C.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Faculty of Engineering
Casilla 306, correo 22, Santiago de Chile.
Código: 0207
Fecha de Recepción: 01.01.2014.
Fecha de Aceptación: 01.04.2014.
In a copper-molybdenum open pit mine in Chile, a collective labor dispute in April 2012 halted work on the site; the main problem was the negotiation of
unified work schedules for contractors, subcontractors and their own staff. To avoid conflicts that could delay this project, the parties agreed to submit
to arbitration by an external agency, to determine and quantify the existence of lost productivity caused by the change of work schedules. The external
agency considered three basic elements: a) the temporal dimension to allow the comparison of two work schedules, b) the acceptable range of
productivity losses associated with these schedules; and c) an unbiased mechanism to allocate a productivity loss within the range associated with each
schedule. This paper presents the analysis of productivity loss when work schedules are extended, the method utilized, and the results obtained. This
probabilistic model randomly assigns discrete values of productivity loss for each day of the work schedules, and uses ine fficiency ranges from industry
research; this allows a non-biased, easy to implement, comparison of work schedules.
Keywords: Probabilistic model, working day extended, productivity loss, mining project, case study.
Chile is ranked as one of the leading producers of copper in the
world, and has the largest reserves of copper, gold,
molybdenum, silver potassium and other minerals. Mining in
Chile represent 15.2% of the GDP, and is the country´s major
economic activity (De Solminihac, 2012).
The sustained growth of the Chilean mining sector has
expanded into higher areas in the mountain range of Los Andes
(Cordillera de Los Andes), an area with approximately 80% of
the mining operations that are located in territories over 3,000
m.a.s.l., and are far away from urban areas (Carrasco and Vega,
Mining companies, as well as their contractors and
subcontractors, have chosen to build their camps close to the
mining site, and they use exceptional work schedules to ensure
productivity while providing sufficient recovery time for their
personnel. The local legal guidelines acknowledge two types of
unique work schedules, as described by the hours per day of a
daily work shift and the number of working days versus days
off. There are 1:1 shifts, with a maximum workday of 12 hours
per day; 1.3:1 shifts, with a maximum workday of 12 hours per
day, and 2:1 shifts, with a maximum workday of 9.6 hours per
In 2010, an important Japanese consortium designed and began
construction on a copper-molybdenum open pit mining project
in the Atacama Chile region, at an altitude of 3,850 m.a.s.l. The
project has recently completed the construction phase,
employing more than five thousand workers at the mining site,
including personnel from contractors, subcontractors and direct
hires. In April 2012, a conflict with a group of laborers halted
the mining site; the main problem cited was the negotiation of
a unified work schedule, given the large variety of unique work
schedules among the contractor and subcontractor personnel.
The unique work schedule used mainly by the contractors´
personnel was 14x7x9,6: specifically 14 workdays of 9.6
hours/day and 7 days off. The other work schedule, used less
often by personnel from contractors and subcontractors, was
10x10x11: specifically 10 work days with a daily 11 hour shift,
and 10 days off.
In negotiations with the union labor, they agreed upon an
unique work schedule of 10x10x11 for all workers at the mining
site, in addition to other improvements. Contractors who used
to have 14x7x9.6 shifts asked management to acknowledge the
monthly production time difference per worker; in accordance
with the new legal guidelines, the 14x7x9.6 work schedule
equates to 192 direct-worker-hours-per-month and the
10x10x11 shift equals 165 direct-worker-hours-per-month.
[ 10
2014, 13(1), 9 - 14 [ Arriagada, R. Alarcón, F. ] Revista de la Construcción
Journal of Construction
Management recognized the direct manpower loss created by
this change in work schedules, recognizing the 27 direct-
worker-hours-per month, but they didn´t acknowledge the
presumed productivity loss, since in their opinion, the increase
in the daily shift increased the direct production time.
Given this discrepancy, and so as to not generate any more
conflicts that could impact the mine´s work schedule, the
parties agreed to arbitration from a qualified external party,
who would clearly and consistently determine if there was or
wasn´t a productivity loss due to the work schedule change, and
the external party would also quantify that difference. This
document will determine if there are productivity changes
when a 14x7x9.6 work schedule replaces a 10x10x11 work
schedule, and we will also calculate the magnitude of this
Productivity studies in the construction sector have been
debated over time due to their scope and complexity. Key
factors which affect labor productivity in the construction and
assembly sectors have been identified in papers by Oglesby (1989), Borcherding & Alarcón (1991), Sanders & Thomas
(1991), Thomas (1992), Langford (1995), Motwani
(1995), Lim & Alum (1995), Baba (1995); Zakeri (1996),
Lema (1995), Kaming (1997), Olomolaiye (1998),
Thomas (1999), Makulsawatudom & Emsley (2002), Ibbs
(2005), Hanna (2005), Nepal (2006), Khoramshahi (2006), Enshassi (2007), Alinaitwe (2007),
Weng-Tat (2007), Hanna (2008); y Kazaz (2008).
In addition to identifying key factors, there was also a need to
group them into categories. Borcherding & Alarcón (1991)
identified 50 factors and classified them into 8 categories; Rojas
& Aramvareekul (2003) identified 18 factors that affect labor
productivity and classified them into 4 categories; Liberda
(2003) identified 51 factors and classified them into 3
categories; Soekiman (2011) identified 113 factors
affecting productivity and grouped them into 15 categories.
In order to organize the different factors that affect of
productivity loss in a simple format, we highlight six main
factors, namely: organizational, motivational, operational,
climate, cognitive and physiological. We will assume a work
crew doing a specific type of work on the same project, with the
same supervision, with the same members and designation of
the internal roles, with the same salary and benefits, with the
same organization of daily work, and working in the same field
conditions; the only difference is the type of work schedule. We
can assume that other factors organizational, motivational,
operational, cognitive and climate - have the same influence on
both schedules, so we don´t observe any significant changes
when analyzing these variables for the given work schedules.
The only category we are analyzing is the physiological variable.
Analysis of physiological factors
The main physiological factors affecting labor productivity are:
physical fatigue, created by long work shifts; mental fatigue,
created by jobs with a high level of complexity; fatigue due to
stress, created by highly contaminated work environments; and
boredom, created by non-demanding tasks which are
excessively repetitive. In the case of the miners, and considering
the same crew of workers who do the same job, the only
physiological factor that should be considered is physical
Daily and weekly fatigue
Generally, demanding physical work can cause fatigue during a
work shift, and should be followed by a rest period to allow the
body to recover. Research in the industry has found that other
situations, that were not directly related to heightened
consumption of energy, also affected productivity in a part-time
shift as well as in a morning versus an afternoon shift.
Figure 1 shows that during a shift of an 8 hour day, peak
productivity is found near 11:00. and the peak afternoon
productivity is between 13:00 and 14:00. On the other hand,
productivity also varies with the day of the week.
Figure 1 Weekly productivity rates. Source: Oglesb y et all, 1989.
Figure 2 Weekly productivity rates. Source: Oglesb y et all, 1989.
Figure 2 shows the productivity graph indicating morning,
afternoon and average productivity for an 8 hour daily shift. The
peak productivity of the week is found on Tuesday, at
approximately 11:00; the lowest productivity is on Saturday at
18:00 hours.
It is worthy to note that productivity varies a lot throughout the
day and the week, so the values included in the productivity
charts and graphs indicate average values.
Fatigue in extended work shifts with overtime
Both the 14x7x9.6 shift and the 10x10x11 shift are shifts with
paid overtime. The 14x7x9.6 shift contemplates spending 9.6
hours per day at the worksite, for fourteen days straight; the
10x10x11 shift requires staying on the job for 11 hours per day,
for ten straight days. In the case of both schedules, the time
[ 11
2014, 13(1), 9 - 14 [ Arriagada, R. Alarcón, F. ] Revista de la Construcción
Journal of Construction
spent on the job is counted from the arrival of the worker at the
worksite, up until the worker leaves to return to the mining
camp. They also both include one hour of lunch at the worksite
during the daily shift.
There are multiple studies which analyze productivity loss due
to extended work schedules and continuous working days over
five days per week. One of the most well-known is the National
Electrical Contractors Association (NECA study, which is also
referred to as the Mechanical Contractors Association of
America or MCAA), and another by Oglesby (1989). Even
though these are earlier publications, these studies are broadly
referenced by more current authors who study this topic, such
as Mubarak (2010); Schwartzkopf, (2004 y 2008); Hanna &
Haddad (2009); Dozzi & AbouRizk (2011) and Thomas (2012).
Using the worksite´s control activities which collect and register
important data regarding the worksite´s progress, it is possible
to account for daily production units, as well as daily
attendance of the personnel. The quality of the data registries
and the appropriate breakouts of data will allow us to
determine the daily productivity of a work team at a specific
worksite. We can then add the daily events related to
productivity that are registered in the worksite´s log, such as
daily fluctuations in the movement of materials, equipment and
information; climate changes, etc. This would provide the ability
to adjust and normalize productivity of the work shifts so as to
be able to compare them.
In practice, the quantity and quality of data collected daily from
the worksite are not sufficient to do a robust analysis of
productivity for a specific worksite; the worksite log also may
not be precise, since the individuals in charge may only be
interested in registering events that could have an impact on
their own productivity or that of third parties. The lack of data
reflects the basic rule which states that the value of the
information must cover the cost of its collection.
Therefore, it is impossible to use the empirical data from the
worksite´s tracking log to support a comparative analysis of
productivity loss of two work schedules due to physical fatigue,
so another simple yet rigorous method was chosen; this
method, together with available research, allows us to get past
the limitations that were stated earlier. We determined that
this method should consider three major elements. The first is
the dimension of time, to be able to compare these two work
schedules; the second is the acceptable range of productivity
losses associated with the schedules; and third, a non-biased
mechanism that assigns productivity within a range associated
with each schedule.
Time Dimension
To compare these two work schedules, the time lapsed is
critical, since a 9.6 hour shift, done over 14 days straight, and
ending that cycle with 7 days of continuous rest, cannot be
directly compared with a different schedule of 11 hours/day, for
10 consecutive days, and ending that cycle with 10 days of rest.
In both schedules, the direct production time is completely
different, as are the effects of fatigue and the recuperating
effect of the rest periods.
When we graph these two schedules simultaneously, the two
shifts start on day 1. They are only comparable starting on day
57, through day 60 (see appendix). During this period, the 14x7
shift will have had three work periods, two rest periods and will
be entering their first day of rest for the third 7 day period. On
the other hand, the 10x10 shift will have had three work
periods, two rest periods and will be on day 7 of a 10 day rest
Therefore, in this case, the comparative analysis of the two
work schedules must be done every two months, which is when
we can obtain the comparable monthly productivity losses.
Productivity losses are expressed in cost per work hours per
person assuming that the workers are paid on a monthly basis.
Productivity Loss Ranges
After analyzing the graphs and tables which quantify the
productivity losses, referred to as inefficiencies, we choose to
use table 9-2 from Oglesby (1989), given that it is based
on Figure 2 (Tabulated Results of the NECA´s Southeastern
Michigan Study, 1989), which provides the range of
inefficiencies for each scenario. The table is shown below, with
the necessary adjustments for the 14x7x9.6 and the 10x10x11
As seen in Table 1, interpolation allowed us to generate a range
of inefficiencies for the 10 day work schedule with 11 hour daily
shifts (between 21% and 23%), and an inefficiencies range for
the other schedule with 14 days of 9.6 hour/day shifts (between
19% and 22%). Since a range of inefficiencies is indicated for
both work schedules, the inefficiency can be any discrete
number in this range. So, for the 14x7 work schedule, the values
may be 19, 20, 21 and 22; for the 10x10 work schedule : 21, 22
and23. Both ranges share inefficiencies 21 and 22.
Assigning Productivity Loss
Table 1 shows the range of possible inefficiency values, for both
the 14x7 schedule with 9.6 hours/day as well as the 10x10
schedule with 11 hour/day shifts. The use of either the values
from either of these ranges for the inefficiency calculation
should have a rationale, which we do not have. Given this
restriction, a probabilistic model which randomly assigns a daily
productivity loss for each work schedule provides the best
approximation to the actual situation, since the model assigns
an arbitrary inefficiency value to each day, taken from their
respective ranges, without human intervention and therefore
without the need for a rationale. Biases are eliminated by
assigning equal probability of occurrence to all of the values in
the ranges that are used for either work schedule.
[ 12
2014, 13(1), 9 - 14 [ Arriagada, R. Alarcón, F. ] Revista de la Construcción
Journal of Construction
In the appendix of this paper, a probability model is presented
which was developed and run in Excel using the add-in @Risk.
The model uses a simulation and 10,000 iterations. A summary
of the results is presented in Table 2.
Table 2 shows average efficiency (100 - non-efficiency) for the
14x7 work schedule, this assigns 42 work day values randomly
chosen from a 57-60 day work schedule. Likewise, the average
efficiency for the 10x10 work schedule is calculated; it has 30
work day values, from the same 57-60 day period. Each of the
efficiency averages is applied to the amount of nominal hours
for each schedule, so as to obtain hours at 100% efficiency for
each work schedule. The effective loss of productivity when
changing the 14x7 work schedule to the 10x10 schedule is 61.41
hours; from that number, we subtract 54 hours of recognized
loss of manpower, for the two month period analyzed, resulting
in 7.41 hours of actual productivity loss for the two month
period. According to this, the productivity loss for the work
schedule change, not yet accounted for to date, is 2.32% per
month. Given the model assigns inefficiencies from the random
selection of discrete values for the range of possible
inefficiencies for both work schedules, a sensibility analysis will
let us observe the maximum possible range of comparable
inefficiencies as well as the inefficiency within this range which
can be randomly assigned by the model.
Figure 3 Sensitivity analysis. Source: self-elaboration.
According to table 1, the minimum value of a range of
inefficiencies, when comparing the two work schedules, is the
maximum inefficiency for each of the 42 days in the 14x7x9.6
work schedule (22%), and the minimum inefficiency for each of
the 30 days of the 10x10x11 work schedule (21%). The
maximum value of the inefficiencies, when comparing these
two work schedules, is the minimum efficiency for each of the
42 days of the 14x7x9.6 work schedule (19%), and the
maximum inefficiency for each of the 30 days of the 10x10x11
work schedule (23%). Figure 3 presents this analysis, including
the values obtained from the model.
Three collinear ranges are shown in Figure 3; this data has
already incorporated the acknowledged manpower losses.
The first range is 0.2,-0.06   3.10,0.98 which represents the
comparative values where the 10x10x11 work schedule is more
efficient than the 14x7x9.6 work schedule. The second is the
3.10,0.98   3.83,1.20 range representing the comparative
values of equal efficiency for either of the work schedules. And
the third range of 3.83,1.20  18.49,5.66 represents the
comparative values where the 14x7x9.6 schedule is more
efficient than the 10x10x11 schedule. The value generated by
our model (7.41,2.32) is located in the range where the
14x7x9.6 is more efficient than the 10x10x11 schedule, located
near the 25% point of this section and above 40% of the entire
range of possible values (-0.2,-0.06  18.49,5.66).
In December, 2012, the parties involved in the dispute
expressed their complete conformity with the recommendation
proposed in this analysis, stating that it was robust, easy to
understand and to recreate, and definitely non-biased. We can
therefore appreciate the generalization possible with the
proposed methodology for cases of comparative analysis of
productivities of different work schedules, as well for managing
productivity variability for the same work schedule in given
periods, for situations or scenarios where reliable information
is not available.
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Journal of Construction
Table 1 Productivity losses in extended working days . Source: Oglesby et all, 1989.
Table 2 Comparative analysis of working days by using a probabilistic model. Source: Self-Elaboration
Appendix 1 Probabilistic Analysis Comparing 14x7 and 10x10 Work Schedules. Source: Self-Elaboration
Appendix #1 Probabilistic Analysis Comparing 14x7 and 10x10 Work Schedules
Month 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
14x7 schedule 80 79 78 78 80 79 80 79 80 78 79 81 79 78 of f off off off of f off off 78 80 78 78 81 80 81 79 79
10x10 schedule 78 79 79 79 78 78 77 79 79 79 off off off off off of f off off off off 78 77 79 79 77 79 78 77 78 77
Month 2 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri S at Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
14x7 schedule 81 78 80 78 79 off off off of f off off off 78 81 78 79 80 79 80 78 81 80 79 79 81 78 off off off off
10x10 schedule o ff off off off of f off off off of f 79 78 77 78 78 79 78 79 78 79 off off off off of f off off off of f off off
14x7 schedule 79,26 average ineff iciency bimonthly Total hours for the two month period, corrected for inefficiencies, for the 14x7 schedule
10x10 schedule 78,23 average ineffi ciency bimonthly
Total hours for the two month period, corrected for inefficiencies, for the 10x10 schedule
61,41 Hours of total productivity loss due to change of workday from 14x7 to 10x10 for two months of analysis
54,00 Acknowledgement of the manpower loss due to the change in work schedule for the two month period.
7,41 Hours that the supervisor should pay the contractor for a period of two months.
2,32 % equation of the monthly productivity loss due to the change in work schedule from 14.7 to 10x10
1 1 1 1 Equal probability
19 20 21 22 Range of inefficiencies for the 14x7 work schedule
1 1 1 Equal probability
21 22 23 Range of inefficiencies for the 10x10 work schedule
[ 15
2014, 13(1), 9 - 14 [ Arriagada, R. Alarcón, F. ] Revista de la Construcción
Journal of Construction
... Ready-mix concrete is very expensive so private projects are not very interested, and prefer concrete casting using manual methods or using construction workers (Iñeguez et al., 2019;Arriagada & Alarcón, 2014). Manual concrete casting has a problem, many construction workers are needed, for projects in remote areas it is very difficult to get construction workers, if available then the wages requested are very expensive. ...
... Ready-mix concrete is very expensive so private projects are not very interested, and prefer concrete casting using manual methods or using construction workers (Iñeguez et al., 2019;Arriagada & Alarcón, 2014). Manual concrete casting has a problem, many construction workers are needed, for projects in remote areas it is very difficult to get construction workers, if available then the wages requested are very expensive. ...
The main objective of this study was to analyze the productivity and efficiency of concrete casting using a mini crane with a capacity of 200 kg as designed by the researcher, compared to using the manual method. The method used in this study is the assembly of mini cranes with a capacity of 200 kg, then field or work tests are carried out and accompanied by observations and subsequent data analysis. The results of the analysis are that using a mini-crane is more profitable compared to the manual method. The authenticity of this research is that mini-cranes are designed and made by researchers with style and models adapted to the conditions of small towns and inland areas in Indonesia, made based on Appropriate Technology not using imported materials and prioritizing scrap metal waste which is the authenticity of this research , thus our research has the principle of producing innovations and works that are useful for human life.
... This research is based on a combination of a systematic literature review, which established the context of the current state-of-the-art regarding EVM and LPS in a combined application within the construction industry, and an empirical study, which made use of experts (Arriagada and Alarcón C 2014) to provide a more fundamental understanding of the combined use of EVM and LPS. ...
Conference Paper
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The application of the Last Planner System (LPS) in the construction industry is increasing more and more. Reviews in the literature report that by applying LPS project performance is improving. However practical experience shows that there is some lack of structure in daily work. Furthermore researchers are still looking for feasible process measurement. This paper aims to contribute to the described challenge by developing a concept for the combined application of the two following methods. One is Earned Value Management (EVM), a project control method that combines data regarding scope, schedule, and resources to assess project performance and progress. The other one is LPS, a Lean Construction method for production planning and control. In LPS project workflow is developed and controlled collaboratively within a team. Through the combined application of these two methods based on the structure and a transparent production plan the project’s workflow can be measured by objective metrics like Percent Plan Complete (PPC), Schedule Variance (SV) and Cost Variance (CV) to highlight the need for potentially necessary corrective action.
Multiple studies have found that productivity in Chilean construction has been stagnated during recent decades; thus, creating the need to understand better what factors have led to these results in the construction sector. In the international literature, studies have found that changes are the leading cause of productivity losses in construction projects; however, limited studies have been done in Chile in this regard. This context is understood as an opportunity to learn from the existing literature about the impact of changes in construction productivity, more importantly, such learning can contribute to the discussion of productivity improvement in the Chilean construction sector. This study recommends that more studies are necessary to be done in Chile regarding the impact of changes in construction projects. Namely, future studies should be based on an extensive database of projects so that generalization can be drawn for the construction industry. Additionally, the data collection process of changes in construction should be improved, paying specific attention to the size of changes, the timing of changes, and the scale of assessment-namely activity, project, and industry levels. Ultimately, this study aims to contribute to the discussion about productivity improvement in Chilean construction as this remains one of the main challenges in the industry.
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Multiple studies have found that productivity in Chilean construction has been stagnated during recent decades; thus, creating the need to understand better what factors have led to these results in the construction sector. In the international literature, studies have found that changes are the leading cause of productivity losses in construction projects; however, limited studies have been done in Chile in this regard. This context is understood as an opportunity to learn from the existing literature about the impact of changes in construction productivity, more importantly, such learning can contribute to the discussion of productivity improvement in the Chilean construction sector. This study recommends that more studies are necessary to be done in Chile regarding the impact of changes in construction projects. Namely, future studies should be based on an extensive database of projects so that generalization can be drawn for the construction industry. Additionally, the data collection process of changes in construction should be improved, paying specific attention to the size of changes, the timing of changes, and the scale of assessment—namely activity, project, and industry levels. Ultimately, this study aims to contribute to the discussion about productivity improvement in Chilean construction as this remains one of the main challenges in the industry
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Poor productivity of construction workers is one of the causes of cost and time overruns in construction projects. The productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries, where most of the building construction work is still on manual basis. This paper reports on a survey made on project managers of building projects in Uganda, where an increase in productivity is being sought. Respondents were required to rate using their experience how 36 factors affect productivity with respect to time, cost and quality. The survey was carried out by a questionnaire and responses received over a period of 3 months. The ten most significant problems affecting labour productivity were identified as incompetent supervisors; lack of skills from the workers; rework; lack of tools/equipment; poor construction methods; poor communication; inaccurate drawings; stoppages because of work being rejected by consultants; political insecurity; tools/equipment breakdown; and harsh weather conditions. Although lack of materials is ranked highest with regard to average rating on loss of time, it was not ranked among the top ten using the importance index that takes into account time, cost as well as work quality. The policy makers and researchers should focus on the identified major factors in order to improve productivity.
Human Resources Management in Construction fills an important gap in current management literature by applying general principles of human resources management specifically to the construction industry. It discusses and explores findings from research to supplement the theoretical and practical procedures used. It explores issues such as the technology used and the pattern of social and political relationships within which people are managed.
The paper discusses various aspects of measurement of productivity, types of data availability, methods of productivity measurement. The factors affecting the productivity in construction are also discussed. Some suggestions are made for improving the productivity in the construction sector.
An easy-to-follow guide to the theory and practice of project scheduling and control No matter how large or small the construction project, an efficient, well-thought-out schedule is crucial to achieving success. The schedule manages all aspects of a job, such as adjusting staffrequirements at various stages, overseeing materials deliveries and equipment needs, organizing inspections, and estimating time needs for curing and settling-all of which requires a deep understanding on the part of the scheduler. Written by a career construction professional, Construction Project Scheduling and Control, Second Edition has been fully revised with up-to-date coverage detailing all the steps needed to devise a technologically advanced schedule geared toward streamlining the construction process. Solved and unsolved exercises reinforce learning, while an overview of industry standard computer software sets the tone for further study. Some of the features in this Second Edition include: Focus on precedence networks as a viable solution to scheduling, the main part of project control The concepts of Dynamic Minimal Lag, a new CPM technique developed by the author A new chapter on schedule risk management By combining basic fundamentals with advanced techniques alongside the robust analysis of theory to enhance real-world applications, Construction Project Scheduling and Control is an ideal companion for students and professionals looking to formulate a schedule for a time-crunched industry in need of better ways to oversee projects.
There appears to be confusion regarding how to conduct a comprehensive benchmarking study, especially one on labor productivity. This paper details a six-step procedure for conducting a labor productivity benchmarking study. The procedure addresses the questions of how, who, and why. The procedure is illustrated using three case study projects. A labor productivity study has several unique features. First, the objective must be precisely defined. A study of labor productivity can be done for many reasons, and the purpose must be clearly defined because the objective influences subsequent decisions involving protocols. Procedures for how the study will be conducted to assure valid comparisons must be developed. Next, the key performance indicators (KPIs) must be determined and a procedure must be established for evaluating multiple KPIs. Labor productivity is unique in that there is no single KPI that can be used to define best performance. Multiple KPIs are proposed and procedures are developed. Once a procedure is developed for evaluating multiple KPIs, data are collected and the best performer is identified. The last question is, "why is a project/activity/entity the best?" This question is often ignored in most so-called benchmarking studies. Once the best project/activity/entity is identified, principles can be summarized as a prescription for productivity improvement.
Conference Paper
Electrical contractors are at high risk, mainly because of the high percentage of labor in electrical construction activities and the fact that a significant part of their work is last in line in a project, which leads to facing schedule compression. The main schedule compression techniques are overtime, overmanning, and second shift. This paper quantifies the impact of overtime on labor productivity for electrical contractors. Several studies have addressed overtime, but they tend to be old and the source of data is questionable. This paper contains both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The qualitative analysis is based on a survey sent to companies around the United States and Canada and analyzes contractors' responses regarding use of overtime on their projects. The quantitative analysis consists of collecting productivity data from different contractors and studying the effect of using overtime on labor productivity. Statistical models are developed and show the behavior of productivity when using overtime. The quantitative analysis further contains macro and micro approaches. The macro approach model projects where productivity for the whole project is tracked, and no specific overtime schedule is used. As for the micro approach, it shows the effect of using a fixed overtime schedule using the Measured Mile Method (MMM) which compares the productivity in unimpeded time to that in impacted time in order to determine how significantly the project's productivity was impacted. The models developed show that as the number of hours per week increases, the productivity decreases. This study will decrease disputes among owners and contractors regarding the price of additional work. Furthermore, the paper presents a scientific method for forward pricing overtime work and aiding in understanding the risks and rewards of implementing different types of overtime schedules. It also offers valuable insight with regards to safety, supervision, worker fatigue, absenteeism, and other factors related to overtimeuse.
Factors affecting construction in Thailand were disclosed in previous studies carried out by the authors, which confirmed that the construction industry in Thailand has experienced productivity problems like many other countries [1-2]. The objective of this paper is to identify factors that should be focused upon, when productivity improvement is to be initiated. To do so, 34 project managers working in the construction industry in Thailand completed a structured questionnaire survey and the factors were ranked according to their perception of their levels of influence and their potential for improvement based on their overall experience in managing projects in the industry. To supplement the questionnaire data, in depth interviews were conducted with some project managers. This study is intended to create the foundation for further study of construction productivity measurement and improvement in Thailand, which aims to lead to overall productivity improvement. 1. The Construction Industry in Thailand Like many countries, the construction industry in Thailand has been dominated by a small number of large companies (>1,000 employees) and a large number of small companies (<20 employees), representing 0.2% and 68.1%, respectively of the 17512 organisations in the industry. Furthermore, these large companies have 21.5% of the market share, while the small companies, major players in the industry, only have 9.9% of the market share.Considering all organisations, 8% are involved in site preparation, 75.1% and 9.3% have their core business in civil engineering and building construction respectively, while 7.1% and 0.5% are involved with building completion and plant hire, respectively [3]. In respect of the workforce, the construction industry employs 1.28 million of the 33.00 million available workers, of which 80-90% are males, and has a turnover of 311,672.1 Million Baht (1£ = 64.54 Baht in July 2001), which is about 4% of GDP. During the last 8 years, industry contribution to GDP has ranged between 3 and 8% [3]. Any improvement in construction productivity would, consequently, assist the industry and the country to make significant financial savings.
Poor productivity of construction craftsmen is one of the most daunting human resource problems in developing countries. This paper reports an investigation of the problems influencing craftsmen's productivity on 27 medium and high-rise building sites surveyed in Indonesia. Three main groups of craftsmen (93 bricklayers, 81 carpenters and 69 steel fixers) some 243 workers in total, participated in a comprehensive structured survey of production problems conducted over a 4-month period. The study instruments included craftsmen questionnaires and an activity sampling survey. Findings show that craftsmen in Indonesia spend on average 75% of their time working productively. Five specific productivity problems are identified, i.e. lack of materials, rework, absenteeism, lack of equipment and tools and gang interference. These Indonesian construction productivity problems are also compared with those identified from Nigeria, the UK and the USA.
Conference Paper
Advancements in construction are concentrated largely on producing innovative practices to perform construction projects in an efficient and timely manner. Understanding the relationship between performance on the job site and level of productivity is important to develop best and innovative practices to improve construction productivity. This paper explains the ongoing research project within Alberta construction industry to identify the most critical aspects in terms of human, external and management issues that affect construction productivity. The pilot study interviewed very experienced personnel from the construction sector not only to prioritize the factors but also to identify the measurement criteria to improve future construction projects. The second phase of the research and the deliverables are also outlined in the paper.