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Calibrating Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices to Estimate Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a procedure to estimate actual evapotranspiration (ET) using a satellite-derived vegetation index. Actual ET is computed in a traditional manner using the crop coefficient (K c) and reference ET (ET ref) procedure (i.e., ET = K c x ET ref) with K c estimated from the satellite-based NDVI. This study calibrated relationships between K c and NDVI using satellite-based ET determined by surface energy balance. This unique approach enables calibration of the K c vs NDVI equations using large numbers of sampled fields (in this case, more than 3000). Thus the calibration represents a regional average K c estimate. The study was conducted for alfalfa, beans, sugar beet, corn, potatoes, and small grain crops, which are the major crops in southern Idaho. Estimation accuracy for ET was statistically evaluated. Average error of seasonal ET was within 5 percent of the energy balance (EB) determined ET for most crop types. Error in seasonal ET from individual fields is expected to be within 10 percent. NDVI based ET was compared with lysimeter measurements of ET from grass and sugar beets. The seasonal error of the NDVI based method was only 2 percent for grass and 6 percent for the sugar beets, as compared to lysimeter measurements. Statistical accuracy assessments suggest that NDVI based ET estimation can be a robust, simple and inexpensive tool to estimate ET from irrigated agricultural crops with reasonable good accuracy.
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Masahiro Tasumi1
Richard G. Allen2
Ricardo Trezza3
This paper presents a procedure to estimate actual evapotranspiration (ET) using a
satellite-derived vegetation index. Actual ET is computed in a traditional manner
using the crop coefficient (Kc) and reference ET (ETref) procedure (i.e., ET = Kc
x ETref) with Kc estimated from the satellite-based NDVI. This study calibrated
relationships between Kc and NDVI using satellite-based ET determined by
surface energy balance. This unique approach enables calibration of the Kc vs
NDVI equations using large numbers of sampled fields (in this case, more than
3000). Thus the calibration represents a regional average Kc estimate. The study
was conducted for alfalfa, beans, sugar beet, corn, potatoes, and small grain crops,
which are the major crops in southern Idaho. Estimation accuracy for ET was
statistically evaluated. Average error of seasonal ET was within 5 percent of the
energy balance (EB) determined ET for most crop types. Error in seasonal ET
from individual fields is expected to be within 10 percent. NDVI based ET was
compared with lysimeter measurements of ET from grass and sugar beets. The
seasonal error of the NDVI based method was only 2 percent for grass and 6
percent for the sugar beets, as compared to lysimeter measurements. Statistical
accuracy assessments suggest that NDVI based ET estimation can be a robust,
simple and inexpensive tool to estimate ET from irrigated agricultural crops with
reasonable good accuracy.
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the major consumptive use of irrigation water and thus,
spatial and temporal quantification of ET is important in agricultural water
management, especially in areas experiencing scarcity in total fresh water
resources. ET has traditionally been estimated at regional and field-scales using
the crop coefficient (Kc) method (ASCE - EWRI 2005):
1 Associate Professor, University of Miyazaki, 1-1, Gakuen Kibanadai-Nishi,
Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki 889-2192, JAPAN;
2 Professor, University of Idaho, 3793N, 3600E, Kimberly ID 83341;
3 Visiting Associate Professor, University of Idaho, 3793N, 3600E, Kimberly ID
104 Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress
refc ETKET ×= (1)
where ETref is reference ET (alfalfa (ETr) or clipped grass (ETo) reference).
Using recently developed techniques, accurate ET estimation, spatially and
temporally, is possible via satellite-based energy balance (e.g. Anderson et al.,
1997; Bastiaanssen et al., 1998; Kustas and Norman, 2000; Allen et al., 2007a).
However, this approach requires surface temperature imagery along with a
relatively high knowledge level of near-surface energy exchange physics and
aerodynamics, which prevents many general water resources professionals from
applying the technique. The Kc-based ET estimation method is often preferred for
operational applications because of its simplicity (Duchemin et al., 2005). Simpler
ET estimation approaches based on correlation of crop ET and NDVI from
satellite images have been investigated by Allen et al., (2003), Hunsaker (2003)
and Duchemin et al., (2005), where NDVI is the normalized difference vegetation
index and is computed from red and near infrared bands of the satellite. While this
approach is simple, accuracy of ET estimation can be limited because vegetation
indices do not provide information on the soil evaporation portion of ET in
irrigated agriculture. Earlier work on Kc vs. NDVI based on aerial imagery
included that by Neale et al. (1989) and Bausch et al. (1989).
In this paper, we attempt to determine mean Kc by NDVI, where the NDVI- Kc
relationship is calibrated using satellite based energy balance. This approach
requires a one-time application of the energy balance for each area of interest to
calibrate the local Kc vs NDVI function. Once the Kc is locally calibrated by
NDVI, ET for the following years can be estimated with reasonable accuracy as:
ETbNDVIaET ×+= (2)
where a and b are regional constants calibrated by surface energy balance, NDVI
is at-satellite or at-surface NDVI from satellite image, and ETref is alfalfa or grass
reference ET calculated by weather data. Other vegetation indices besides NDVI,
for example SAVI, have been explored for estimating Kc. However, it appears
that NDVI exhibits a desirable tendency to ‘saturate’ at about the same leaf area
index as does Kc, thus reaching an upper limit at the same time as Kc (Allen et al.,
2007c). The ‘at-satellite’ NDVI (computed with no atmospheric correction to
bands) appears to be as consistent in estimating Kc as an at-surface NDVI (Allen
et al., 2007c). Satellite based ET maps provide a robust means to analyze Kc,
because the method can cover large numbers of sampled fields (Tasumi et al.,
2005, Tasumi and Allen, 2006).
Calibrating Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices 105
ET images and related field data produced by surface energy balance by Tasumi et
al. (2005) and Tasumi and Allen (2006) were used to evaluate relationships
between alfalfa-reference Kc (Kcr) and at-satellite NDVI (NDVIas). The study
area is the Magic Valley in Idaho, a large irrigated agricultural area in
south-central Idaho having a semi-arid climate (Figure 1). The major crops of the
area are alfalfa, dry, edible beans, field and sweet corn, small grains, peas,
potatoes and sugar beets. Typical field sizes in the region are 400 m by 400 m to
800 m by 800 m, thus, ET from individual fields is amenable to sampling from
Landsat images having 30 m by 30 m spatial resolution.
During previous studies, twelve Landsat images from March through October,
2000, were processed for the study area using the METRIC model to estimate ET
and Kcr. The METRIC program and applications are described in Allen et al,
(2007a, b). METRIC Kcr was developed for each Landsat image on a 16 to 32
day frequency. Kcr values were interpolated between satellite-image dates using a
spline function (Excel Cubic Spline 1.01 by SRS1 Software) applied pixel by
pixel. A crop-type classification was conducted for the same year using the
Landsat images and independent ground truth information. In total 3420 fields
were sampled that included eight crop types (Table 1).
Figure 2 shows the NDVIas vs. Kcr relationships from March to October. NDVIas
vs. Kcr relationships tended to be linear and converged after NDVI > 0.7 (i.e.
maximum cover season). The general relationships (solid lines) in Figure 2 were
drawn past the point of NDVIas vs Kcr convergence, and the intercept was
determined so that the average estimation error is zero when ET is estimated using
equation 2. Using the general calibration developed in Figure 2, equation 2 can be
reexpressed as:
ras ETNDVIET ×+= 04.018.1 (3)
106 Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress
TwinFalls weather station
42.66oN/114.45oW (Elev.1195m)
Figure 1. Agricultural Study Area in Magic Valley, Idaho (Circled by Dotted Line)
and Location of Weather Station Used to Calculate Reference ET Used as a Basis
of the Surface Energy Balance and Derivation of Crop Coefficients
Table 1. Investigated Crops and Numbers of Sampled Fields.
Crop type Alfalfa Bean Corn Potato(S)
Grain Total
Sample field
number 325 432 451 396 221 495 536 564 3420
* Potato(S) and Potato(L) are potato crops having short (S) and long (L) full cover periods respectively.
Calibrating Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices 107
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Alfalfa Beans Beet Corn Potato-S
Potato-L Sgrain Wgrain
= 1.18 NDVI
+ 0.04
verage line
Figure 2. Mean Kcr vs. NDVIas by Crop Type from March to October (5 day
ET was estimated using equation 3 for the twelve Landsat images of southern
Idaho, 2000. Figure 3 shows the result image for 7/5/2000. Figure 4 shows daily
ET averaged over multiple fields of sugar beets where ET was estimated using
NDVIas and Kcr. The ET estimated from NDVIas corresponds well with
METRIC results for all evaluated crops.
Seasonal ET was calculated for average field conditions (i.e. using NDVI
averaged over all sampled fields having the same crop type) by employing a
spline curve to interpolate daily between average NDVI from each Landsat date.
Daily ET was calculated by multiplying Kcr computed for each day of the season
via the spline by alfalfa-reference ET (ETr) for that day. Seasonal ET was then
calculated by summing daily values across the growing season, which in this case
was defined as March 15 – October 17 for all crops (these were the first and last
dates for Landsat coverage for 2000).
Mean differences between seasonal ET estimated by NDVI and seasonal ET
determined directly from METRIC for the same groups of fields are compared in
Table 2. Results indicate that, in general, equation 3 estimates ET with reasonable
accuracy for the primary crops grown in southcentral Idaho, with average error
108 Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress
within 5 percent in most crop types. Also, error of seasonal ET estimation is
within 10 percent for most individual fields as compared to ET derived directly
from the METRIC energy balance.
ET (mm/d)
Figure 3. ET Estimated by NDVIas on 7/5/2000, (Landsat 5, path 40, row 30).
ET (mm/day)
Figure 4. Comparisons Between Daily ET (5-day Mov. Avg.) Determined by
METRIC and ET Determined from the General Kcr vs. NDVIas Relationship,
Averaged Over All Sugar Beet Sampled Fields
Calibrating Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices 109
Table 2. METRIC Seasonal ET (March 15-October 17) and Error in Seasonal ET
Estimated Using NDVI (Averaged Over Multiple Fields of the Same Crop), and
Estimation Error for Individual Fields for year 2000
Crops Alfalfa Beans Beet Corn Potato(S) Potato(L) S.Grain W.Grain
(mm/season) 1001 479 904 846 733 846 720 837
error* (%) 5 7 -2 -7 1 -2 -2 -2
Error range*
(%, 1σ)+1 to +8 0 to +14 -7 to +1 -12 to -2 -3 to +6 -6 to +3 -7 to +3 -8 to +3
* Positive values indicate over estimation by the NDVI-based method. Error range represents
differences between seasonal METRIC ET and ET by Eq. 3 for individual fields.
Performance of NDVI based ET estimation was tested at two fields equipped with
precision weighing lysimeters near Kimberly, Idaho. The lysimeter ET data were
collected by Dr. J.L.Wright at the USDA Agricultural Research Service facility
during the 1970’s and 1980’s (Wright, 1982; Wright, 1991). Daily and seasonal
NDVI based ET was estimated for the Lysimeter field from eight clear-sky
Landsat 5 images in 1989 (4/18, 5/4, 5/20, 6/5, 6/21, 7/7, 7/23 and 9/25) using
equation 3. NDVIas values used in this analysis were averages taken from three
pixels near the center of the grassed lysimeter field (i.e. for the center 120m by
30m area), and from four pixels near the center of the sugar beet lysimeter field
(i.e. for the center 60m by 60m area). NDVIas computed for each satellite image
date was then interpolated for days between dates using a cubic spline function.
The NDVI-based ET estimations corresponded relatively well with the actual
lysimeter measurements for both the grass and sugar beet fields. The standard
error of daily ET estimates as compared to lysimeter measurements was 0.6 mm
d-1 and 1.3 mm d-1 for grass and sugar beets, respectively. On a seasonal basis,
the NDVIas-based ET estimates using the general equation developed for
southern Idaho using year 2000 date (i.e. equation 3) estimated seasonal ET
relatively accurately for the two lysimeter fields during 1989. The estimation error
for seasonal ET was 2 percent for grass and 6 percent for sugar beets, both of
which were underestimated. The expected error range for grass is unknown, but
the observed error for sugar beet was within the expected error range determined
in Table 2 (i.e. from 7 percent underestimation to 1 percent overestimation). This
comparison study demonstrates a good potential for using NDVI based ET
estimates, even for applications to individual fields.
110 Ground Water and Surface Water Under Stress
This study developed a simple vegetation index-based equation to estimate total
ET via satellite. The empirical NDVI based Kc relationship was calibrated using
ET information developed by satellite-based energy balance, so that the
calibration represents mean Kc vs. NDVI relationships and conditions over large
number of fields (3420 individual agricultural fields). Accuracy of ET estimated
using the calibrations is expected to have similar accuracy, when averaged over
enough fields to average out differences in ET caused by individual irrigation
events, to the original ET maps developed from METRIC.
Alfalfa, beans, sugar beets, corn, two variety groups of potatoes, and spring and
winter grains in south-central Idaho were evaluated. Results indicated that one
single equation was sufficient to estimate ET for all of the investigated crop types.
This means that crop classification is not required to estimate ET via the
NDVI-based method, which is a strong advantage and permits low expense and
rapid application.
Average error of seasonal ET was within +/-5 percent for most crop types. Error
in seasonal ET estimated for any individual field lies within 10 percent in most
cases. In the comparison with Lysimeter-measured ET, the seasonal error for the
NDVI based method was only 2 percent for grass, and 6 percent for sugar beets.
The statistical assessment of accuracy, including comparisons with actual
lysimeter measurements, suggests that NDVI based ET estimation may represent
a dependable tool to estimate ET over large areas. Achieving the accuracy levels
reported herein using the traditional ET estimation methods without the aid of
satellites is difficult. The high accuracy reported herein was achieved partly
because the NDVI based ET equation was calibrated to the particular region using
ET derived using a reliable energy balance (METRIC). The NDVI based ET
approach is empirically based, thus, specific calibration may be necessary for
other regions.
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... Since the 1990s, optic satellite imagery (across the 400-2500 nm spectral range) has been utilized to estimate LAI and Kc via spectral vegetation indices (SVI) such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) or the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) [5][6][7]. However, cloud-cover, which inhibits the usage of optical satellite imagery, as well as the desire to increase the temporal resolution, raise the need to integrate data from other sources to make the remote sensing irrigation monitoring process more efficient. ...
... To convert the remote sensing data (both optic and SAR) into Kc, we first had to find a common denominator, i.e., to integrate them into a seamless time-series and then convert these time-series to Kc. To that end, we used a method that was proposed by [5] and evaluated by [22], namely, utilizing the NDVI as the common denominator. As such, we calculated the NDVI for the optic data (Equation (3)), and we tried different methods to calculate NDVI in a similar way as for the SAR (Equations (4)-(7)). ...
... After we transformed the SAR and the optic to NDVI, we fused them into a seamless NDVI time-series (explained in the next section). We converted this NDVI time-series to Kc using [5]: * 1.1875 0.04 ...
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Daily or weekly irrigation monitoring conducted per sub-field or management zone is an important factor in vine irrigation decision-making. The objective is to determine the crop coefficient (Kc) and the leaf area index (LAI). Since the 1990s, optic satellite imagery has been utilized for this purpose, yet cloud-cover, as well as the desire to increase the temporal resolution, raise the need to integrate more imagery sources. The Sentinel-1 (a C-band synthetic aperture radar-SAR) can solve both issues, but its accuracy for LAI and Kc mapping needs to be determined. The goals of this study were as follows: (1) to test different methods for integrating SAR and optic sensors for increasing temporal resolution and creating seamless time-series of LAI and Kc estimations; and (2) to evaluate the ability of Sentinel-1 to estimate LAI and Kc in comparison to Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8. LAI values were collected at two vineyards, over three (north plot) and four (south plot) growing seasons. These values were converted to Kc, and both parameters were tested against optic and SAR indices. The results present the two Sentinel-1 indices that achieved the best accuracy in estimating the crop parameters and the best method for fusing the optic and the SAR data. Utilizing these achievements, the accuracy of the Kc and LAI estimations from Sentinel-1 were slightly better than the Sentinel-2′s and the Landsat-8′s accuracy. The integration of all three sensors into one seamless time-series not only increases the temporal resolution but also improves the overall accuracy.
... An alternative, simplified approach to estimate k values is referred to here as ET-NDVI-relationship approach. This approach is based on the strong physical correspondence between crop evapotranspiration and the spectral response of vegetation in visible and NIR regions (Allen et al. 2011;Rafn, Contor, and Ames 2008;Tasumi, Allen, and Trezza 2006). Reflectance values in the red and NIR are used to derive a spectral vegetation index (e.g. ...
... SEB) which consequently broadens the application potential of the ET-NDVI relationship approach. This approach has been used in a number of applications to calculate actual k values for estimating crop water use (Allen et al. 2011;Rafn, Contor, and Ames 2008;Tasumi, Allen, and Trezza 2006). It is notable that there are very few studies that have combined this simple approach with soil water balance modelling in order to adequately determine irrigation water requirement (ρ) of crops (Pôças et al. 2015;Campos et al. 2012). ...
... Among the first studies that estimated both ET and NDVI from satellite data include those by Allen et al. and Duchemin et al. (Allen, Morse, and Tasumi 2003;Duchemin et al. 2006). These, and other subsequent studies, presented the ET-NDVI relationship as a simple but robust approach to analyse crop water use and irrigation water requirement (Tasumi, Allen, and Trezza 2006;Allen et al. 2011;Rafn, Contor, and Ames 2008). However, in some situations, the established ET-NDVI relationship may not be able to predict ET estimate accurately if soil moisture conditions change dramatically during the observation period (Tasumi, Allen, and Trezza 2006). ...
Remotely sensed data from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 were used to demonstrate the estimation of irrigation water requirement (ρ) for treed horticulture crops in an important irrigation district of Australia. Crop- and region-specific relationship between satellite-derived evapotranspiration (ET) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was combined with daily step soil water balance to investigate the performance of horticulture crops for their water use during the peak irrigation demand period (summer) over three years from 2014–15 to 2016–17. Relative irrigation water use (RIWU) as the key irrigation performance indicator was calculated by comparing the irrigation water supply (ψ) records and the ρ estimates. ψ and ρ of the treed horticulture crops showed a strong positive correlation (Coefficient of determination, R² > 0.70; p < 0.001) for each of the three summer seasons investigated, indicating an overall consistency in irrigation pattern. However, the values of both ρ and ψ varied considerably at farm level over the seasons, highlighting the changing demand and supply of crop water over the years. Most farms remained within the optimal irrigation range (0.5–1.5 RIWU) over the seasons – 75% in 2014–15, 68% in 2015–16, and 80% in 2016–17. However, some farms were over-irrigated (>1.5 RIWU) – 12% in 2014–15, 5% in 2015–16, and 8% in 2016–17.
... Alternatively, the Kc can be estimated using remote sensing imagery which captures the energy reflected from the field in a spatially continuous way (i.e., for each pixel), and is not bound to a specific geography. As previous studies have shown (e.g., Bausch & Neale, 1987;Beeri et al., 2019;Kamble et al., 2013;Rocha et al., 2012;Tasumi et al., 2006) this method allows producing spectral vegetation indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and modeling the current status of the crop which correlates with Kc. This way, the estimation of the Kc can be carried out and consequently help to assess the amount of required water by the crop at any specific growth stage. ...
... Meaning, a curve, per plot, estimating how the crop should behave in terms of NDVI during the upcoming season. Once these AI-NDVI curves were generated, they were converted to Kc (hereafter Kc AI ) using the following equation (Tasumi et al., 2006): ...
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The crop coefficient (Kc) is a key parameter in irrigation scheduling decision-making and depends on local conditions, e.g., crop type, weather, and topography. Kc protocol or curve, and the derived growth stages, describe generally the expected behavior of the crop during the growing season and growers use it to different extents. However, Kc protocols are usually experimentally determined and hence spatially limited. This study shows an approach to generate an estimated plot-specific Kc protocol in a more cost-effective way that is not spatially limited. To that end, data for almost 600 commercial processing tomato plots were collected. The data included the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8, meteorological data, and plot properties such as country, and the season start date. Then, an artificial intelligence model was trained on the 2017-2019 growing seasons and validated for 2020. At the beginning of the season, the model estimated the crop behavior in terms of Kc for the entire season. Additionally, a piecewise regression model was employed to estimate the crop growth stages in terms of days from the season start. The results of this study show improvement in both Kc and growth stage estimation, compared to experimental Kc protocols. The results can help design the irrigation regime (when and how much irrigation is needed) at the plot level and thus improve the ability to allocate the required water amounts between plots in real-time and even to plan it before the season starts.
... Its relative simplicity, utilizing the normalized difference between the red (~650 nm) and the near-infrared (NIR) light (~850 nm), makes the NDVI accessible, since many sensors carried aboard satellites measure the reflected light in these wavelengths. So, many researchers found the NDVI useful as a proxy to monitor crop growth [6][7][8] and correlated it to the crop coefficient (Kc) [9][10][11], leaf area index (LAI) [12][13][14], and crop cover [15][16][17]. Consequently, the NDVI (either by utilizing it directly or indirectly) is an important information source in agriculture decision-making processes such as harvest planning, irrigation scheduling, fertilization inputs, and other agrotechnical actions [18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. ...
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The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a key parameter in precision agriculture. It has been used globally since the 1970s as a proxy to monitor crop growth and correlates to the crop coefficient (Kc), leaf area index (LAI), crop cover, and more. Yet, it is susceptible to clouds and other atmospheric conditions that might alter the crop’s real NDVI value. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), on the other hand, can penetrate clouds and is hardly affected by atmospheric conditions, but it is sensitive to the physical structure of the crop and therefore does not give a direct indication of the NDVI. Several SAR indices and methods have been suggested to estimate NDVIs via SAR; however, they tend to work for local spatial and temporal conditions and do not work well globally. This is because they are not flexible enough to capture the changing NDVI–SAR relationship throughout the crop-growing season. This study suggests a new method for converting Sentinel-1 to NDVIs for Agricultural Fields (SNAF) by utilizing a hyperlocal machine learning approach. This method generates multiple on-the-fly disposal field- and time-specific models for every available Sentinel-1 image across 2021. Each model learns the field-specific NDVI (from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8) –SAR (Sentinel-1) relationship based on recent NDVI and SAR time series and consequently estimates the optimal NDVI value from the current SAR image. The SNAF was tested on 548 commercial fields from 18 countries with 28 crop types and, based on 6880 paired NDVI–SAR images, achieved an RMSE, bias, and R2 of 0.06, 0.00, and 0.92, respectively. The outcome of this study aspires to a persistent seamless stream of NDVI values, regardless of the atmospheric conditions, illumination, or local conditions, which can assist in agricultural decision making.
... Compared with the surface energy balance (SEB, e.g., SSEBop) models based on thermal infrared data, the ET c act simulation approach based on the NDVI and ET o is often preferred for operational applications because of its simplicity (Duchemin et al., 2006;Tasumi et al., 2006). It is challenging for the ET c act estimation approach used in the current study to estimate evaporation from bare soil following precipitation events reported by previous studies (Allen et al., 2011;Pereira et al., 2015). ...
Accurate estimation of the spatial-temporal distribution of phreatic evapotranspiration (ET) is critical for managing water resources and preventing soil salinization in arid and semiarid agricultural areas where substantial water-saving efforts are needed. Traditional phreatic ET estimation approaches either are for small scales or cannot consider spatial and/or temporal variations in phreatic ET. This study developed a new approach for estimating the spatial-temporal phreatic ET based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and measured water table depths. The NDVI was used to calculate the actual evapotranspiration (ETc act) by scaling it with the reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo). The water table depths measured during the periods of no other factors (i.e., precipitation, irrigation and groundwater extraction) were used to establish an equation used to estimate the phreatic ET contribution coefficient (defined as the ratio of phreatic ET to the corresponding ETc act). To improve estimation accuracy, a time-related correction factor was considered in the equation for estimating the phreatic ET. The new approach was used to estimate monthly phreatic ET with a spatial resolution of 250 m in the Hetao irrigation district, located in arid Northwest China. The estimated phreatic ET at different spatial and temporal scales matched well with the groundwater balance model results. The results show that the spatial distribution of phreatic ET is affected by both natural factors (e.g., land cover types) and human activities (e.g., groundwater extraction, planted crops). In the Hetao irrigation district, phreatic ET contributes an average of 24.4% to ETc act during the non-freezing-thawing period (from June to November), demonstrating the essential role of phreatic ET in supporting crop growth and the general ecological environment in arid areas with shallow water table depths. The new approach of estimating spatial-temporal phreatic ET may be used for designing effective and efficient water resource management policies at the regional scale.
... Those results are very promising since lower values of R 2 were found in similar studies [21,26,64]. That appearance of NDVI and SAVI has been also confirmed by Calera et al. [65] in Southern Europe, while Tasumi et al. [66] concluded that the ETrF-NDVI approach corresponds well with the results of the METRIC when applied in multiple irrigated crops in the area of Idaho, U.S.. Campos et al. [67] also showed that NDVI appeared to be more sensitive than SAVI when applied to wet soil surface, presenting lower values after irrigation events. When considering RMSE, MAE, and CV, NDVI is dominant when comparing with SAVI and EVI2 in all cases, with RMSE ranging from 0.07 to 0.21, MAE ranging from 0.06 to 0.019, and CV from 0.14 to 0.54. ...
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The objective of the current study was the investigation of specific relationships between crop coefficients and vegetation indices (VI) computed at the water-limited environment of Lake Karla Watershed, Thessaly, in central Greece. A Mapping ET (evapotranspiration) at high Resolution and with Internalized Calibration (METRIC) model was used to derive crop coefficient values during the growing season of 2012. The proposed methodology was developed using medium resolution Landsat 7 ETM+ images and meteorological data from a local weather station. Cotton, sugar beets, and corn fields were utilized. During the same period, spectral signatures were obtained for each crop using the field spectroradiometer GER1500 (Spectra Vista Corporation, NY, U.S.A.). Relative spectral responses (RSR) were used for the filtering of the specific reflectance values giving the opportunity to match the spectral measurements with Landsat ETM+ bands. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 (EVI2) were then computed, and empirical relationships were derived using linear regression analysis. NDVI, SAVI, and EVI2 were tested separately for each crop. The resulting equations explained those relationships with a very high R2 value (>0.86). These relationships have been validated against independent data. Validation using a new image file after the experimental period gives promising results, since the modeled image file is similar in appearance to the initial one, especially when a crop mask is applied. The CROPWAT model supports those results when using the new crop coefficients to estimate the related crop water requirements. The main benefit of the new approach is that the derived relationships are better adjusted to the crops. The described approach is also less time-consuming because there is no need for atmospheric correction when working with ground spectral measurements.
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Quantifying evapotranspiration (ET) from irrigated projects is important for water rights management, water resources planning and water regulation. Traditionally, ET from agricultural fields has been estimated by multiplying the weather-based reference ET by crop coefficients (K c) determined according to the crop type and the crop growth stage. However, there is typically some question regarding whether the crops grown compare with the conditions represented by the K c values, especially in water short areas. In addition, it is difficult to predict the correct crop growth stage dates for large populations of crops and fields. Recent developments in satellite remote sensing ET models have enabled us to accurately estimate ET and K c for large populations of fields and water users and to quantify net ground-water pumpage in areas where water extraction from underground is not measured. SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) is an image-processing model comprised of twenty-five submodels for calculating evapotranspiration (ET) as a residual of the surface energy balance. SEBAL was developed in the Netherlands by Bastiaanssen and was extended during Idaho applications for mountainous terrain and with tighter integration with ground-based reference evapotranspiration. SEBAL has been applied with Landsat images in southern Idaho to predict monthly and seasonal ET for water rights accounting and for operation of ground water models. ET "maps" (i.e., images) via SEBAL provide the means to quantify, in terms of both the amount and spatial distribution, the ET on a field by field basis. The ET images generated by SEBAL show a progression of ET during the year as well as distribution in space.
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Mapping evapotranspiration at high resolution with internalized calibration METRIC is a satellite-based image-processing model for calculating evapotranspiration ET as a residual of the surface energy balance. METRIC uses as its foundation the pioneering SEBAL energy balance process developed in The Netherlands by Bastiaanssen, where the near-surface temperature gradients are an indexed function of radiometric surface temperature, thereby eliminating the need for absolutely accurate surface temperature and the need for air-temperature measurements. The surface energy balance is internally calibrated using ground-based reference ET to reduce computational biases inherent to remote sensing-based energy balance and to provide congruency with traditional methods for ET. Slope and aspect functions and temperature lapsing are used in applications in mountainous terrain. METRIC algorithms are designed for relatively routine application by trained engineers and other technical professionals who possess a familiarity with energy balance and basic radiation physics. The primary inputs for the model are short-wave and long-wave thermal images from a satellite e.g., Landsat and MODIS, a digital elevation model and ground-based weather data measured within or near the area of interest. ET "maps" i.e., images via METRIC provide the means to quantify ET on a field-by-field basis in terms of both the rate and spatial distribution. METRIC has some significant advantages over many traditional applications of satellite-based energy balance in that its calibration is made using reference ET, rather than the evaporative fraction. The use of reference ET for the extrapolation of instantaneous ET from periods of 24 h and longer compensates for regional advection effects by not tying the evaporative fraction to net radiation, since ET can exceed daily net radiation in many arid or semi-arid locations. METRIC has some significant advantages over conventional methods of estimating ET from crop coefficient curves in that neither the crop development stages, nor the specific crop type need to be known with METRIC. In addition, energy balance can detect reduced ET caused by water shortage.
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The monitoring of crop production and irrigation at a regional scale can be based on the use of ecosystem process models and remote sensing data. The former simulate the time courses of the main biophysical variables which affect crop photosynthesis and water consumption at a fine time step (hourly or daily); the latter allows to provide the spatial distribution of these variables over a region of interest at a time span from 10 days to a month. In this context, this study investigates the feasibility of using the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from remote sensing data to provide indirect estimates of: (1) the leaf area index (LAI), which is a key-variable of many crop process models; and (2) crop coefficients, which represent the ratio of actual (AET) to reference (ET0) evapotranspiration.
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Quantifying evapotranspiration (ET) from agricultural fields is important for field water management, water resources planning, and water regulation. Traditionally, ET from agricultural fields has been estimated by multiplying the weather-based reference ET by crop coefficients (Kc) determined according to the crop type and the crop growth stage. Recent development of satellite remote sensing ET models has enabled us to estimate ET and Kc for large populations of fields. This study evaluated the distribution of K c over space and time for a large number of individual fields by crop type using ET maps created by a satellite based energy balance (EB) model. Variation of Kc curves was found to be substantially larger than that for the normalized difference vegetation index because of the impacts of random wetting events on Kc especially during initial and development growth stages. Two traditional Kc curves that are widely used in Idaho for crop management and water rights regulation were compared against the satellite-derived Kc curves. Simple adjustment of the traditional Kc curves by shifting dates for emergence, effective full cover, and termination enabled the traditional curves to better fit Kc curves as determined by the EB model. Applicability of the presented techniques in humid regions having higher chances of cloudy dates was discussed.
An algorithm was developed to shift the basal crop coefficient (Kcb) curve with respect to its time axis to obtain a Kcb in accordance with the real time reflectance-based crop coefficient for corn. Prior to effective cover, irrigations occurred earlier for the simulation using feedback (adjusted Kcb). After effective cover, irrigation dates lagged for the with-feedback simulation compared to the without-feedback simulation. Results from the simulation indicated the following: 1) revised or adjusted Kcb curves derived from spectral inputs are unique to the individual growing season, 2) conventional crop coefficients contribute to underestimation as well as overestimation of crop ET because they cannot account for variable crop growth rates, and 3) adjusting the Kcb curve in response to actual crop growth allows proper timing of irrigations to ensure that soil moisture conditions are ideal throughout the growing season.
The new crop coefficients are basal or minimal coefficients for conditions when soil evaporation is minimal but root-zone soil moisture is adequate. When combined with improved estimates of evaporation from wet soils, they should permit more accurate estimates of daily crop ET, more accurate irrigation scheduling, and more reliable estimates of crop water requirements. Curves were developed for alfalfa, potatoes, snap beans, sugarbeets, peas, sweet and field corn and winter and spring cereals. -from ASCE Publications Abstracts
Concurrent measurements of reflected canopy radiation and the basal crop coefficient (Kcb) for corn were conducted throughout a season in order to develop a reflectance-based crop coefficient model. Reflectance was measured in Landsat Thematic Mapper bands TM3 (0.63-0.69 um) and TM4 (0.76-0.90 um) and used in the calculation of a vegetation index called the normalized difference (ND). A linear transformation of the ND was used as the reflectance-based crop coefficient (Kcr). Basal crop coefficient values for corn were obtained from daily evapotranspiration measurements of corn and alfalfa, using hydraulic weighing lysimeters. The Richards growth curve function was fitted to both sets of data. The Kcb values were determined to be within -2.6% and 4.7% of the Kcr values. Reflectance-based crop coefficients are sensitive to periods of slow and fast growth induced by weather conditions, resulting in a real time coefficient, independent from the traditional time base parameters based on the day of planting and effective cover.
A two-source energy balance model developed to use directional radiometric surface temperature for estimating component heat fluxes from soil and vegetation has had several recent modifications to account for some of the unique properties associated with sparse canopies. Two of these changes involve the algorithms predicting the divergence of net radiation inside the canopy and how to account for clumped vegetation, which affects both the wind and radiation penetration inside the canopy and radiative temperature partitioning between soil and vegetation components. Model results with and without these modifications are compared using data collected from a sparsely vegetated row crop of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Delta Pine 77). It is suggested that these two new algorithms be incorporated in any two-source model applied to sparse canopies.
Crop coefficients are a widely used and universally accepted method for estimating the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) component in irrigation scheduling programs. However, uncertainties of generalized basal crop coefficient (Kcb) curves can contribute to ETc estimates that are substantially different from actual ETc. Limited research with corn has shown improvements to irrigation scheduling due to better water-use estimation and more appropriate timing of irrigations when Kcb estimates derived from remotely sensed multispectral vegetation indices (VIs) were incorporated into irrigation-scheduling algorithms. The purpose of this article was to develop and evaluate a Kcb estimation model based on observations of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for a full-season cotton grown in the desert southwestern USA. The Kcb data used in developing the relationship with NDVI were derived from back-calculations of the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient procedures using field data obtained during two cotton experiments conducted during 1990 and 1991 at a site in central Arizona. The estimation model consisted of two regression relations: a linear function of Kcb versus NDVI (r2=0.97, n=68) used to estimate Kcb from early vegetative growth to effective full cover, and a multiple regression of Kcb as a function of NDVI and cumulative growing-degree-days (GDD) (r2=0.82, n=64) used to estimate Kcb after effective full cover was attained. The NDVI for cotton at effective full cover was ~0.80; this value was used to mark the point at which the model transferred from the linear to the multiple regression function. An initial evaluation of the performance of the model was made by incorporating Kcb estimates, based on NDVI measurements and the developed regression functions, within the FAO-56 dual procedures and comparing the estimated ETc with field observations from two cotton plots collected during an experiment in central Arizona in 1998. Preliminary results indicate that the ETc based on the NDVI-Kcb model provided close estimates of actual ETc.
The major bottlenecks of existing algorithms to estimate the spatially distributed surface energy balance in composite terrain by means of remote sensing data are briefly summarised. The relationship between visible and thermal infrared spectral radiances of areas with a sufficiently large hydrological contrast (dry and wet land surface types, vegetative cover is not essential) constitute the basis for the formulation of the new Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). The new algorithm (i) estimates the spatial variation of most essential hydro-meteorological parameters empirically, (ii) requires only field information on short wave atmospheric transmittance, surface temperature and vegetation height, (iii) does not involve numerical simulation models, (iv) calculates the fluxes independently from land cover and (v) can handle thermal infrared images at resolutions between a few meters to a few kilometers. The empirical relationships are adjusted to different geographical regions and time of image acquisition. Actual satellite data is inserted in the derivation of the regression coefficients. Part 2 deals with the validation of SEBAL.