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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-3, Issue-1, March 2014
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Approaches for Word Sense Disambiguation –
A Survey
Pranjal Protim Borah, Gitimoni Talukdar, Arup Baruah
Abstract— Word sense disambiguation is a technique in the
field of natural language processing where the main task is to
find the correct sense in which a word occurs in a particular
context. It is found to be of vital help to applications such as
question answering, machine translation, text summarization,
text classification, information retrieval etc. This has resulted in
excessive interest in approaches based on machine learning
which performs classification of word senses automatically. The
main motivation behind word sense disambiguation is to allow
the users to make ample use of the available technologies
because ambiguities present in any language provide great
difficulty in the use of information technology as words in
human language that occur in a particular context can be
interpreted in more than one way depending on the context. In
this paper we put forward a survey of supervised, unsupervised
and knowledge based approaches and algorithms available in
word sense disambiguation (WSD).
Index Terms— Machine readable dictionary, Machine
translation, Natural language processing, Wordnet, Word sense
Word sense disambiguation is the task of detecting the
meaning of words in a context in a computational paradigm
and also differentiating among the senses of words. The
solution of a task in WSD is as hard as most of the difficult
problems in artificial intelligence and so WSD is often
regarded as an AI complete problem [1]. Word sense
disambiguation highly depends on knowledge sources like
corpora of texts which may be unlabeled or annotated with
word senses, machine readable dictionaries, semantic
networks etc because the framework of the procedure is
that whenever a sentence is given, WSD makes use of
more than one knowledge sources to attach the most exact
senses with words in the context. The task description of
WSD can be formulated as a method of assigning the
appropriate sense to all or some words in the text T where
T is a sequence of words (w
, w
, ...., w
) to find the
mapping M from words to senses such that M(k) ⊆
) where M(k) is the subset of senses of w
are appropriate in the text T and Senses
) is the set of
senses in dictionary J for word w
Manuscript received February 01, 2014.
Pranjal Protim Borah, Computer Science and Engineering, Assam
Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India, (e-mail: pranjalborah777
Gitimoni Talukdar, Computer Science and Engineering, Assam Don
Bosco University, Guwahati, India, (e-mail: talukdargitimoni
Arup Baruah, Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering,
Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India, (e-mail: arup.baruah
The mapping M can assign more than one sense to w
belonging to T but eventually the most appropriate sense is
selected. Thus WSD is a classification task where word
senses are the classes and the classification method
classifies each occurrence of the word to more than one
class based on external knowledge sources and context.
The conceptual model for the word sense disambiguation
system is given below in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Conceptual Model for Word Sense Disambiguation
The paper has been further divided into five sections. In
section II a brief discussion of knowledge based
approaches has been given. In section III supervised
disambiguation approach has been highlighted followed by
unsupervised disambiguation approach in section IV. In
section V elaborations of some evaluation measures for
assessing WSD systems is provided and section VI finally
concludes our paper.
The idea behind the knowledge based approach is to
make extensive use of knowledge sources to decide upon
the senses of words in a particular context. It was found
that although alternate supervised approaches were more
efficient than knowledge based approaches but their
advantages also covered a wide range. Collocations,
thesauri, dictionaries etc are the most commonly used
resources in this approach. Initially knowledge based
approaches started in limited domains in 1979 and 1980
[2]. Some of the knowledge based approaches are
discussed as follows:
A. Overlap Based Approach
Overlap based approach calls for the requirement of
machine readable dictionary (MDR). It includes
determination of the different features of the senses of
Approaches for Word Sense Disambiguation - A Survey
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
words which are ambiguous along with features of the
words in the context. The word sense having the maximum
overlap is selected as the appropriate sense in the context.
The commonly used algorithms used in overlap based
approach are:
1) WSD using conceptual density: The conceptual density
is the measure of how the concept that the word
represents is related to the concept of the words in its
context. Conceptual density is related to conceptual
distance inversely. The conceptual distance is
determined from the wordnet.
2) Lesk’s algorithm: The Lesk’s algorithm used by
overlap based approach can be stated as if W is a word
creating disambiguation, C be the set of words in the
context collection in the surrounding, S be the senses
for W, B be the bag of words derived from glosses,
synonyms, hyponyms, glosses of hyponyms, example
sentences, hypernyms, glosses of hypernyms,
meronyms, example sentence of meronyms, example
sentence of hypernyms, glosses of meronyms then use
the interaction similarity rule to measure the overlap
and output the sense which is the most probable
having the maximum overlap[3] .
3) Walker’s approach: Walker’s algorithm can be stated
as each word is assigned to one or more categories of
subjects in the theasurs. Different subjects are assigned
to different senses of the word.
B. Selectional Preferences
Selectional Preferences approach imposes restrictions on
the possibility of the occurrence of number of meanings of
the word in the context. The measure of semantic
association is provided by the count of number of instances
(W1, W2, Y) in the corpus given by pair of words W1 and
W2 occurring in the relation Y. The senses that violate the
constraint are omitted. The word sense imposes constraints
on the semantic type of the words with which it usually
combines grammatically. The semantic appropriateness of
word to word can be estimated as the conditional
probability of the word W1 given the word W2 [4] as
Y: P(W1/W2,Y) = count(W1,W2,Y)/count(W2,Y).
A number of supervised approaches applied to the
problem of WSD have reflected the dramatic shift from
manually crafted systems to automated machine learning
approach. A word expert called the classifier is used to
assign appropriate sense to each instance of the concerned
word. The classifier learns from the training set containing
of a set of examples in which the target word is manually
annotated with sense. Some of the common supervised
approaches are:
A. Decision Trees
A decision tree divides the training data in a recursive
manner and represents the rules for classification in a tree
structure. The internal nodes represent test on the features
and each branch shows how the decision is being made and
the leaf node refers to the outcome or prediction. It is often
regarded as a prediction tool. Some popular algorithms for
learning decision trees are ID3 and C4.5. On comparison
with other machine learning algorithms it was found that
several supervised approaches performed better than the
decision tree obtained C4.5 algorithm [5]. If the training
data is small in size decision tree suffers from prediction
unreliability and decision tree also suffers from sparseness
of data when there are features with large number of
B. Neural Networks
Neural networks processes information based on
computational model of connectionist approach. The input
includes the input features and the target output. The
training dataset is divided into sets which are non-
overlapping based on desired responses. When the network
encounters new input pairs the weights are adjusted so that
the output unit giving the target output has the larger
activation. The network can have weights both positive and
negative corresponding to correct or wrong sense choice.
Neural networks are trained unless the error between the
computed and the target output is minimum. Learning in
neural networks is eventually updating of weights.
C. Decision Lists
Decision lists contains ordered set of if-then-else rules
for assigning category to the test data. Features are
obtained from training data which includes rules in the
form of (F, S, Score) where F represents feature value, S
represents word sense. Rules are arranged in the list as per
descending order of the score. For a word w represented in
the form of feature vector, the winning sense for the word
is the one whose feature has the maximum score in the
decision list in matching the input vector.
D. Naive Bayes
Naive Bayes classifier is the classifier based on Bayes
theorem and assumption that every feature is class
conditionally independent of every other feature. The
conditional probability of each sense of the word S
the features in the context is calculated to make the final
Unsupervised approach unlike supervised approach does
not need the beforehand knowledge of sense information in
large scale resources for the disambiguation. It is based on
the fact that words having similar senses will have similar
surrounding words. Word senses are derived by forming
clusters of occurrences of words and the task is to classify
the new occurrence to the derived clusters. This approach
instead of assigning sense labels detects the clusters.
A. Context Clustering
In this approach a vector called context vector is used
which is maintained for each word occurrence in the
corpora. Clusters are formed for these vectors and each of
such clusters corresponds to sense of word to be tested.
The initial approach was to have a vector space having
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-3, Issue-1, March 2014
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
words in dimensions. A vector consists of every possible
sense of the words. The similarity between two words m
and n is provided by the cosine between the respective
vectors m and n in a geometrical manner. The grouping of
all the vectors gives rise to a co-occurrence matrix. The
matrix may suffer from high dimensionality problem
which can be overcomed by the method of latent semantic
analysis through singular value decomposition. This is
done by merging of dimensions corresponding to words
with same senses. Various clustering algorithms are
available for sense differentiation as one such mentioned in
[6] which was an agglomerative clustering method. In this
method at the starting each cluster was having one member
corresponding to each instance. The algorithm then
continues to group similar pair of clusters as one cluster
until a stopping threshold. One more approach was
mentioned in [7] called context group discrimination.
According to this approach if a word is ambiguous then
each occurrence of it is grouped to some sense cluster on
the basis of similarity of context of these occurrences.
Contextual similarity is measured by the cosine between
two vectors corresponding between two words whose
similarity is to be determined. Expectation maximization
algorithm is used to perform clustering in this approach.
B. Co-occurrence Graphs
In the recent times a certain success is observed in the
graph based approaches of unsupervised disambiguation.
In a co-occurrence graph the set of vertices V consist of
words occurring in text and the set of edges E gives the
connection between words co-occurring in the same
context. An approach was mentioned in [8] called
HyperLex. In this approach nodes are the text words in the
paragraph and the edge of the graph signifies that the two
words occur in the same paragraph and a weight is given to
each edge corresponding to the frequency at which the
words connected by the edge co-occur together. The
weight can be represented as:
= 1 - Max{ P( W
), P( W
) } where
) represents frequencymn/frequencyn and
frequencymn is the frequency at which words W
and W
co-occur and frequencyn represents frequency at which W
occurs within the context. Words having higher co-
ocurrence frequency will have weights near about zero and
words which co-occur in rare form will have weights near
about one.
Another graph based algorithm for deriving word senses
is PageRank algorithm which is extensively used in Google
search engine. PageRank algorithm can be used to estimate
the importance of objects whose relations can be described
by a graph.
C. Word Clustering
In this technique words having similar meanings are
assigned to the same cluster. One of the approach
mentioned in [9] was to find the sequence of words same
as the target word. The similarity between the words is
given by syntactical dependency. If W consist of words
which are similar to w
then a tree is formed initially with
only one node w
and a node w
will have a child node w
when w
is found to be the word with most similar meaning
to w
. Another approach mentioned in [10] called
clustering by committee algorithm represents each word as
a feature vector. When target words are encountered a
matrix called similarity matrix S
is constructed whose
each element is a similarity between two words w
and w
In the subsequent step of this algorithm committees are
formed for a set of words W in recursive manner. The
clustering algorithm then tries to find those words not
similar to the words of any committee. These words which
are not part of any committee are again used to form more
committees. In the final step each target word belonging to
W will be a member of committee depending on its
similarity to the centroid of the committee. The clustering
technique used is average-link clustering.
The evaluation measures for assessing a WSD system
which is responsible for improving the performance of
applications such as machine translation, information
retrieval are mentioned below:
Coverage C- Coverage is the measure of percentage of
words in the test data for which the WSD system has given
sense assignment. It is represented as:
C= Answers provided/Total answers to provide
Precision P- Precision is the measure of ratio of correct
answers provided to the answers provided. It is represented
P= Correct answers provided/Answers provided
Recall R- Recall is the measure of the ratio of correct
answers provided to the total number of answers to
provide. It is represented as:
R= Correct answers provided/ Total answers to provide.
F1 measure- F1 measure is the weighted harmonic mean of
precision and recall. It is represented as:
F1 measure= (2 * P * R)/(P+R)
Precision is found to be equal to Recall when coverage is
Table I
Average baseline
Naïve Bayes
Exemplar based
Decision lists
Trained HMM
In the above table a comparison of different supervised
approaches has been given based on their Average
precision and Average baseline accuracy [16].
Approaches for Word Sense Disambiguation - A Survey
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
WSD is a very complex task in Natural language
processing as it has to deal with complexities found in a
language. In this paper we have put forwarded a survey of
comparison of different approaches available in word sense
disambiguation with primarily focussing on the knowledge
based, supervised and unsupervised approaches. We
concluded that supervised approach is found to perform
better but one of its disadvantage is the requirement of a
large corpora without which training is impossible which
can be overcame in unsupervised approach as it does not
rely on any such large scale resource for the
disambiguation. Knowledge based approach on the other
hand makes use of knowledge sources to decide upon the
senses of words in a particular context provided machine
readable knowledge base is available to apply.
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