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Hole-assisted multicore optical fiber for next generation telecom transmission systems

AIP Publishing
Applied Physics Letters
  • Bury & Bury European and Polish Patent and Trademark Attorneys

Abstract and Figures

We present a multicore fiber dedicated for next generation transmission systems. To overcome the issue of multicore fibers' integration with existing transmission systems, the fiber is designed in such a way that the transmission parameters for each core (i.e., chromatic dispersion, attenuation, bending loss, etc.) are in total accordance with the obligatory standards for telecommunication single core fibers (i.e., ITU-T G.652 and G.657). We show the results of numerical investigations and measurements carried out for the fabricated fiber, which confirm low core-to-core crosstalk and compatibility with standard single-core single-mode transmission links making the fiber ready for implementation in the near future.
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Hole-assisted multicore optical fiber for next generation telecom transmission systems
A. Ziolowicz, M. Szymanski, L. Szostkiewicz, T. Tenderenda, M. Napierala, M. Murawski, Z. Holdynski, L.
Ostrowski, P. Mergo, K. Poturaj, M. Makara, M. Slowikowski, K. Pawlik, T. Stanczyk, K. Stepien, K. Wysokinski,
M. Broczkowska, and T. Nasilowski
Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 081106 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4894178
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On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:13:19
Hole-assisted multicore optical fiber for next generation telecom
transmission systems
A. Ziolowicz,
M. Szymanski,
L. Szostkiewicz,
T. Tenderenda,
M. Napierala,
M. Murawski,
Z. Holdynski,
L. Ostrowski,
P. Mergo,
K. Poturaj,
M. Makara,
M. Slowikowski,
K. Pawlik,
T. Stanczyk,
K. Stepien,
K. Wysokinski,
M. Broczkowska,
and T. Nasilowski
InPhoTech Sp. z o. o., 17 Slominskiego St 31, Warsaw 00-195, Poland
Institute of Applied Physics, Faculty of Advanced Technologies and Chemistry, Military University
of Technology, 2 Kaliskiego St, Warsaw 00-908, Poland
Polish Centre For Photonics And Fibre Optics, 312 Rogoznica, 36-060 Glogow Malopolski, Poland
Laboratory of Optical Fibre Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University,
3 Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej Sq, Lublin 20-031, Poland
(Received 31 May 2014; accepted 16 August 2014; published online 27 August 2014)
We present a multicore fiber dedicated for next generation transmission systems. To overcome the
issue of multicore fibers’ integration with existing transmission systems, the fiber is designed in
such a way that the transmission parameters for each core (i.e., chromatic dispersion, attenuation,
bending loss, etc.) are in total accordance with the obligatory standards for telecommunication
single core fibers (i.e., ITU-T G.652 and G.657). We show the results of numerical investigations
and measurements carried out for the fabricated fiber, which confirm low core-to-core crosstalk
and compatibility with standard single-core single-mode transmission links making the fiber ready
for implementation in the near future. V
C2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
Space-division multiplexing (SDM) is recognized as the
most efficient way to meet the challenge of an increasing
need for telecommunication network capacity,
as it allows
jumping over the barrier of existing systems based on single-
core single-mode fibers (SMF) with the recently reported
optical SDM link record capacity of 1 Pb/s.
In addition,
SDM allows reducing power consumption and system foot-
print compared to the transmission over multiple fibers
which is of high importance in applications such as, for
instance, satellite communication.
Two ways of SDM utili-
zation are possible. First, the idea of mode-division multi-
plexing (MDM)
in which each mode represents one
transmission channel and which can be realized by means of
a single core few-mode fiber (FMF)
or a multi-core fiber
(MCF) with coupled cores.
Second, the idea of uncoupled
propagation in multiple cores of an MCF.
The key feature
of such uncoupled propagation is the core isolation which
eliminates core-to-core crosstalk (XT), hence allows treating
each core as a separate transmission channel. Since the meth-
odology of addressing individual modes in an FMF is tech-
nologically complex
and the transmission characteristics
(e.g., attenuation, chromatic dispersion-CD, etc.) of each
mode vary, the use of MCFs with isolated single mode cores
seems to be more convenient and commercially applicable.
The goal of isolating the cores in an MCF can be realized in
various ways. The most intuitive and straightforward method
is simply increasing the core spacing which, however, entails
larger fiber diameters when more cores are involved. When
willing to increase the number of cores while remaining the
standard 125 lm fiber diameter, more sophisticated fiber
structures such as microstructured,
MCFs must be applied. An alternative (or
complementary) method of increasing the core isolation is
differentiating size and refractive index of particular cores.
Although this approach is generally correct, the integration
of such heterogeneous fibers with standard devices and opti-
cal fibers, currently used in optical fiber networks, is trouble-
some (as each core is characterized by different CD and the
mismatch between its size and doping level will introduce
additional loss when coupling with existing, SMF based, net-
work components). To overcome this integration issue, while
retaining high core density, we have designed and developed
a hole-assisted seven-core MCF, in which the transmission
parameters for each core (i.e., CD, attenuation, bending loss,
etc.) are in accordance with the obligatory standards for tele-
communication single core fibers (i.e., ITU-T G.652 and
G.657). Moreover, fiber diameter as well as diameter and re-
fractive index of each core (n
) are SMF compliant, which
enable an immediate employment of our fiber in the existing
telecommunication networks. In the next paragraphs, we
present a numerical analysis of the propagation conditions in
the proposed fiber followed by measurement results of CD,
XT, and bending loss. The experimental results are in ac-
cordance with the numerical data and prove the appropriate-
ness of our initial concept making our fiber the candidate of
choice for next generation telecommunication systems.
The proposed MCF structure is created by means of ba-
sic cells (Fig. 1(a))inwhichthe8.2lm diameter and
3.5 mol. % GeO
doped core is surrounded by twelve air-
holes. In such a basic cell, the refractive index contrast
between the core and cladding is the same as in an SMF.
The basic cells may be easily combined in a hexagonal grid
forming 7-core (Fig. 1(b)) or 19-core (Fig. 1(c)) fibers (with
other core counts possible).
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0003-6951/2014/105(8)/081106/4/$30.00 V
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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 081106 (2014)
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On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:13:19
The role of the air-holes in the basic cell is twofold. Their
main function is to isolate cores from each other, thus to elim-
inate XT and increase core density. The second role is to
reduce macrobend induced XT
and loss (due to suppression
of penetration of the optical field outside the basic cell) mak-
ing the fiber bend insensitive.
While the above mentioned
benefits of introducing air-holes into the MCF cladding are
clear and unquestionable, some downsides of such an
approach also need to be considered. First, the air-holes may
also modify the propagation characteristics such as CD and
mode field diameter (MFD), hence may decay the SMF-MCF
compatibility. Second, the air-holes not only isolate the cores
from each other but also create a second waveguide inside the
basic cell which may enable a low-loss propagation of clad-
ding modes (depicted as CL
, and CL
in Fig. 1(d)).
Third, a large air-filling factor (d
/K, where d
is the air-
hole diameter and Kis the lattice constant) has a detrimental
impact on the fiber cleaving process (as it affects the fracture
propagation in the structure
), which is essential when con-
sidering industrial applications of the MCF. Nevertheless, as
we present that by a proper fiber design, the negative conse-
quences of introducing air-holes in the fiber cladding can be
eliminated or significantly limited.
In doped core microstructured fibers, the light guidance
may be explained by two coexisting phenomena—first, by the
so called material guiding resulting from the difference in ma-
terial properties of core and cladding, and second, by the so
called geometrical guiding in which the cladding geometry
plays the major role and makes the fiber properties very wave-
length dependent. The strength of both of these guiding mech-
anisms may be altered by the size and distribution (e.g.,
distance from the core) of the air-holes, as well as by the core
size, shape, and doping level. The goal of our microstructured
basic cell design was, on one hand, to maintain strong material
guiding of the fundamental mode (in order to comply with the
mode distribution of an SMF) while, on the other hand, to
geometrically limit XT and macrobend loss. Furthermore,
eliminating the strongly geometrically guided cladding modes
, and CL
—Fig. 1(d)) was an additional concern.
With the initially set core GeO
doping level of
3.5 mol. % (as in an SMF), we proposed the basic cells’ lat-
tice constant value of K¼8.2 lm and carried out spectral nu-
merical simulations (with the use of Lumerical MODE
for confinement loss, dispersion, and MFD calcu-
lation, and COMSOL Multiphysics
for calculation of XT),
on how the fundamental modes’ propagation characteristics
depend on the air-hole diameter.
First, as one can see in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), in the pro-
posed fiber design, the slope of the dispersion curve, as well
as the MFD, changes insignificantly with the changes of
, thus material guiding mechanism is clearly stronger
than geometrical guiding. Furthermore, the SMF-MCF fun-
damental mode overlap (Fig. 2(b)) remains at the level of
over 99.7% in a broad range of air-hole diameters (2.0 lm
<7.0 lm) ensuring negligible MCF-SMF coupling
loss, hence an etched SMF based fan-in/fan-out device may
be used for independent core addressing.
Since in the designed basic cell the air-holes do not influ-
ence the propagation characteristics of the core, the diameter
of air-holes was optimized to ensure the settlement between
strong isolation of cores (i.e., negligible XT level as in
Fig. 2(c)) and suppression of cladding modes depicted in
Fig. 1(d). The XT was calculated on a dual core structure
(formed by two neighboring basic cells) as the maximum
power ratio transmitted through the excited core (right basic
cell of Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)) and the neighboring core (left basic
cell of Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)) after the distance of the coupling
length defined as L ¼k/2Dn
,wherekis the wavelength and
is the difference of the effective refractive indices of the
symmetric and antisymmetric mode propagating in the dual
core structure. As one can see in Fig. 2(e), such a settlement
can be found for the air-hole diameter of approximately
5.6 lm at which the XT is at the level of approximately
28 dB at a coupling length of 770 m, and the cladding
modes’ confinement loss of over 30 dB/km ensures their high
suppression. Furthermore, such an air-hole diameter ensures
the fibers’ bend insensitivity with the calculated macrobend
loss at a negligible level of below 10
dB per turn over a
5 mm radius mandrel at 1550nm wavelength, which is in
compliance with the ITU-T G.657.B3 bend insensitive single-
mode optical fiber recommendation.
In order to experimentally prove our theoretical assump-
tions and numerical simulation results, we have fabricated a
7-core fiber according to our design (Fig. 1(b)) with the stack-
and-draw technique (Fig. 3(a)). The fiber dimensions (meas-
ured from a scanning electron microscope picture—Fig. 3(b))
are: d
7.4 lm, K7.1 lm, and d
5.9 lm.
Prior to the experimental investigation, we have carried
out numerical simulations with the use of structural parameters
of the fabricated fiber in order to verify the impact of the tech-
nology induced geometry change on guiding characteristics.
As expected, the decrease (in comparison to the optimum val-
ues given in the previous paragraphs) of the core diameter, to-
gether with the increase of the air-hole diameter, results in an
improved basic cell isolation (with the calculated XT level of
approximately 60 dB at a coupling length of approximately
1250 m) at the expense of low confinement loss of the cladding
modes (<0.001 dB/km). This enhanced isolation was also con-
firmed experimentally with the measured central-to-outer core
FIG. 1. (a) MCFs’ basic cell; (b) 7 core MCF design; (c) 19 core MCF design;
and (d) electric field distributions of the fundamental mode propagating in the
core (FM
) and three cladding modes (CL
) propagating in
the basic cell with the lowest confinement loss.
081106-2 Ziolowicz et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 081106 (2014)
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On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:13:19
XT of below 60 dB at a distance of approximately 1 km.
Furthermore, the results of macrobend loss measurements
(measured for the central core of the MCF) confirm the fiber
bend insensitivity but also indicate a seeming gain effect dur-
ing increasing the number of turns or decreasing the bend ra-
dius as presented in Fig. 4(a). This phenomenon can be
explained by cladding modes’ coupling to the fundamental
core mode during bending, which is also a result of the high
basic cell isolation in the fabricated fiber, and can be elimi-
nated by tailoring air-hole size and lattice constant to the opti-
mum values. Dispersion characteristics were measured in a
free space Michelson interferometer configuration.
experimentally measured dispersion curve (Fig. 4(b))ischar-
zero dispersion slope coefficient S
¼0.097 ps/(nm
km), and
a dispersion of 18.42 ps/(nm km) at 1550 nm wavelength
which prove high telecommunication potential of the presented
FIG. 3. (a) Initial stacked preform assembly and (b) an SEM image of the
fabricated fibers cross section.
FIG. 2. (a) Dispersion curves for
¼8.2 lm and different values of
and (b) MFD and MCF-SMF
overlap in the function of d
¼8.2 lm with the dotted line rep-
resenting MFD for the structure with-
out air-holes. (c) Normalized electric
field intensity distribution after a
distance of the coupling length in two
cores for strong core isolation—
¼8.2 lm, d
¼5.6 lm, and
K¼8.2 lm and (d) normalized electric
field intensity distribution after a dis-
tance of the coupling length in two cores
for weak core isolation—d
¼8.2 lm,
¼4.6 lm, and K¼8.2 lm. (e) XT
(dashed line) and confinement loss of
cladding modes (solid lines) for
¼8.2 lmandK¼8.2 lminthe
function of d
081106-3 Ziolowicz et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 081106 (2014)
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On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:13:19
The transition from existing large-capacity transmission
networks based on single core fibers to future networks based
on MCFs requires development of MCFs with characteristics
compatible with ITU-T recommendations for single core
fibers. While several uncoupled core hole-assisted MCFs
were already reported,
our research is unique due to
the remarkable compliance of the designed fiber with obliga-
tory telecommunication standards in terms of transmission
loss, macrobend insensitivity, and dispersion characteristics.
Furthermore, our fiber can be manufactured with the use of
common and undemanding stack-and-draw method and can
be spliced to the standard SMF-28 fibers with low loss. The
above features make our solution ready for implementation
in telecommunication links already in the near future.
Moreover, with the developed fiber Bragg grating inscription
the reported fiber may find applications in fiber
optic filters, lasers, and sensors.
This research was partially supported by the National
Centre for Research and Development within the research
Projects PBS1/B3/12/2012 and POIG.01.03.01-06-085/12,
by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development within
the Innovative Economy Programme as the key Project
POIG.01.04.00-06-017/11, as well as by the Polish National
Science Centre within the Project 2013/09/D/ST7/03961. This
research project has been also supported by the European
Commission under the 7th Framework Programme through the
“Space” action of the “Cooperation” Programme, BEACON
Grant No. 607401.
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081106-4 Ziolowicz et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 081106 (2014)
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On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:13:19
... The theoretical and experimental MCFs as shown in Table 1 proves that placing air-holes between cores is an effective and reliable approach to reduce the crosstalk [19]. ...
... The particularity of our design is the air-hole placement which forms a groove-like structure around the cores, which can evidently prevent the leakage of core energy and isolate the light from other cores. The air-holes are placed in such a manner to minimize their number and achieve minimum crosstalk.The MCF structures having air-holes all around the cores are also good in manufacturability [18,19]. Subsequently, six different MCF designs have been considered in this work; two designs with 31-cores as shown in Figures 1 and 2 and four designs with 37-cores with different horizontal and diagonal core pitch as shown in Table 2. Figure 1 shows the cores along the edges have no air-holes as proposed in Refs [23,24] to minimize the micro-bending losses in outer cores using minimum CT and core pitch. ...
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In this paper, we have designed two multi-core fibres (MCFs) structures with 31 and 37 trench-assisted and air-hole-assisted cores with reduced inter-core crosstalk (XT). The air-hole pairs and triplets are placed between adjacent trench-assisted cores in order to further suppress modal field overlap. The XT analysis of the 31-core design underlines the significance of enclosing the outer cores with the air-hole structure. The effect of core pitch on the XT is also investigated. Placing the low-index air-hole shield closer to the trench enhances the modal confinement within relatively large trench-assisted core structures. As a result, the lowest possible core-pitch MCF (air-holes touching outer trench boundaries) yielded a minimum inter-core XT of between −60 dB and −70 dB for 100 km of fibre length. Therefore, our 37-core MCF design is suitable for high-density space-division multiplexing applications. ARTICLE HISTORY
... In order to meet the increasing demand for data transmission, optical fiber communication technology is improving and developing constantly. The conventional single-mode fiber now has achieved a Shannon transmission limit of 100 Tb/s, which is already close to the physical limit of transmission due to nonlinear noise, fiber fusion damage phenomenon and amplifier bandwidth [1,2]. How to further improve the transmission capacity has become the main problem of the current research. ...
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We propose a homogeneous five-mode twelve-core fiber with a trench-assisted structure, combining a low refractive index circle and a high refractive index ring (LCHR). The 12-core fiber utilizes the triangular lattice arrangement. The properties of the proposed fiber are simulated by the finite element method. The numerical result shows that the worst inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) can achieve at -40.14 dB/100 km, which is lower than the target value (-30 dB/100 km). Since adding the LCHR structure, the effective refractive index difference between LP21 and LP02 mode is 2.8 × 10⁻³, which illustrates that the LP21 and LP02 modes can be separated. In contrast to without the LCHR, the dispersion of LP01 mode has an apparent dropping, which is 0.16 ps/(nm·km) at 1550 nm. Moreover, the relative core multiplicity factor can reach 62.17, which indicates a large core density. The proposed fiber can be applied to the space division multiplexing system to enhance the fiber transmission channels and capacity.
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The rapid development of information and communication technology has driven the demand for higher data transmission rates. Multi-core optical fiber, with its ability to transmit multiple signals simultaneously, has emerged as a promising solution to meet this demand. Additionally, due to its characteristics such as multi-channel transmission, high integration, spatial flexibility, and versatility, multi-core optical fibers hold vast potential in sensing applications. However, the manufacturing technology of multi-core fiber is still in its early stages, facing challenges such as the design and fabrication of high-quality cores, efficient coupling between cores, and the reduction of crosstalk. In this paper, an overview of the current status and future prospects of multi-core fiber manufacturing technology has been presented, and their limitations will be discussed. Some potential solutions to overcome these challenges will be proposed. Their potential applications in optical fiber sensing will also be summarized.
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We herein present a weakly-coupled double bow-tie multi-ring elliptical core multi-mode fiber (DBT-MREC-MMF) supporting 22 eigenmodes for mode division multiplexing across the C+L+U band. The proposed fiber introduces a multi-ring elliptical core, bow-tie air holes, and bow-tie stress-applying areas to effectively split adjacent eigenmodes. By utilizing the finite element method (FEM), we accordingly optimized the fiber to support the 22 modes under the weakly-coupled condition. We evaluated the impact of fiber parameters on the minimum effective refractive index difference (min Δneff) between adjacent eigenmodes, model birefringence (Bm), and bending loss at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Additionally, broadband performance metrics, such as effective modal index (neff), effective index difference (Δneff), effective mode area (Aeff), differential mode delay (DMD), and chromatic dispersion (D), were comprehensively studied over the entire C+L+U band, ranging from 1530 to 1675 nm. The proposed fiber is capable of supporting 22 completely separated eigenmodes with a min Δneff between adjacent eigenmodes larger than 3.089 × 10−4 over the entire C+L+U band. The proposed DBT-MREC-MMF holds great potential for use in short-haul communication systems that require MDM to improve transmission capacity and expand bandwidth.
An optical fiber with several unrelated cores inside a common clad (multi-core fiber) is used to increase the capacity of linear paths of communication systems. The number of cores in one fiber is limited by mutual influences between them, to reduce which various design solutions are used. The aim of the work is to compare various multicore fibers and identify structures that allow placing the largest number of cores in a common shell with a standard diameter of 125 microns. In the first part of this paper, modeling of single-mode fibers with cores isolated by additional solid shells is carried out. As a result of modeling, the characteristics of the fundamental modes of the cores of each fiber are calculated – the distribution of the electric field strength, chromatic dispersion and the diameter of the field of the fundamental mode, a technique is proposed and an assessment of mutual influences is carried out, the maximum possible number of cores is determined. It is shown that the insulating clad reduces mutual influences and allows increasing the number of cores by reducing the distance between them.
This chapter describes the design, the transmission characteristics, and the measurements technology of multi-core fibers (MCFs), few-mode fibers (FMFs), and few-mode multi-core fibers (FM-MCFs). Moreover, the cabling technology and future perspectives of innovative optical fiber cable technologies are presented.
The effects of elongation of cut-off wavelength on the performance of trench-assisted (TA) 19-core fiber are quantitatively investigated. The numerical results show the cut-off wavelength of the center/inner core of the TA 19-core fiber is not only affected by the index trench surrounding the core but also affected by the neighboring trenches. The elongation of the cut-off wavelength is enhanced when the core pitch Λ is reduced and the refractive index difference between core and cladding Δ1 is increased. The effects of elongation of cut-off wavelength on the coupling coefficient and mode area begin to appear when Λ is 35 μm and are further enhanced when Δ1 is 0.35%. Further study of the performance of the fiber when Δ1=0.39% shows the XT<-30 dB/100 km and Aeff > 69.9 μm² can be achieved when the operating wavelength is 1530 nm and 1550 nm at a bending radius of smaller than 500 mm. To achieve low-crosstalk transmission in the C+L bands, the bending radius has to be controlled to smaller than 160 mm. This research has reference significance for the design of TA-MCF.
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In this Letter we present, for the first time to our knowledge, the results of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) inscription in a novel microstructured multicore fiber characterized by seven single-mode isolated cores. A clear Bragg reflection peak can be observed in all of the 7 cores after one inscription process with a KrF nanosecond laser in a Talbot interferometer set up. We furthermore perform a numerical analysis of the effective refractive indices of the particular modes and compare it with the FBG inscription results. An experimental analysis of the strain and temperature sensitivities of all of the Bragg peaks is also included.
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Optical communication technology has been advancing rapidly for several decades, supporting our increasingly information-driven society and economy. Much of this progress has been in finding innovative ways to increase the data-carrying capacity of a single optical fibre. To achieve this, researchers have explored and attempted to optimize multiplexing in time, wavelength, polarization and phase. Commercial systems now utilize all four dimensions to send more information through a single fibre than ever before. The spatial dimension has, however, remained untapped in single fibres, despite it being possible to manufacture fibres supporting hundreds of spatial modes or containing multiple cores, which could be exploited as parallel channels for independent signals.
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A new type of optical fiber called heterogeneous multi-core fiber (heterogeneous MCF) is proposed towards future large-capacity optical-transport networks and the design principle is described. In the heterogeneous MCF, not only identical but also non-identical cores, which are single-mode in isolation of each other, are arranged so that cross-talk between any pair of cores becomes sufficiently small. As the maximum power transferred between non-identical cores goes down drastically, cores are more closely packed in definite space, compared to a conventional, homogeneous multi-core fiber (homogeneous MCF) composed of only identical cores.
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We demonstrate an experimental study of the chromatic dispersion properties for a series of microstructured fibers (MSFs) dedicated for a supercontinuum generation. With white-light interferometry application we analyze experimentally how the small variations of structural parameters, i.e. an air-hole diameter and a lattice constant, influence dispersion characteristics in different groups of MSFs. Our study provides useful information on how to design the fiber which is less sensitive to the fabrication imperfections. Moreover those investigations are the initial step to the development of the customized or tunable supercontinuum light sources based on MSFs with slightly changed structural parameters which can generate light with a different spectrum range, adapted to a proper application.
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We designed and fabricated a low-crosstalk seven-core fiber with transmission losses of 0.17 dB/km or lower, effective areas larger than 120 μm², and a total mean crosstalk to the center core of –53 dB after 6.99-km propagation (equivalent to −42.5 dB after 80 km), at 1550 nm. We also investigated the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) achievable in uncoupled multi-core transmission systems by regarding the crosstalk as a virtual additive white Gaussian noise. The SNR under existence of crosstalk in the fabricated multi-core fiber (MCF) was estimated to be 2.4 dB higher than that in a standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) in the case of 80-km span, and 2.9 dB higher in the case of 100-km span; which are the best values among MCFs ever reported, to the best of our knowledge. The SNR penalties from crosstalk in this MCF were calculated to be 0.4 dB for 80-km span and 0.2 dB for 100-km span. We also investigated SNR penalty from crosstalk in the more ordinary case of an MCF with SSMF cores, and found that the total mean crosstalk to the worst core after one 80-km span should be less than about −47 dB for 0.1-dB penalty, about −40 dB for 0.5-dB penalty, and about −36 dB for 1-dB penalty.
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We demonstrate mode-division multiplexed WDM transmission over 50-km of few-mode fiber using the fiber’s LP01 and two degenerate LP11 modes. A few-mode EDFA is used to boost the power of the output signal before a few-mode coherent receiver. A 6×6 time-domain MIMO equalizer is used to recover the transmitted data. We also experimentally characterize the 50-km few-mode fiber and the few-mode EDFA.
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Mode-division multiplexing over 33-km few-mode fiber is investigated. It is shown that 6×6 MIMO processing can be used to almost completely compensate for crosstalk and intersymbol interference due to mode coupling in a system that transmits uncorrelated 28-GBaud QPSK signals on the six spatial and polarization modes supported by a novel few-mode fiber.
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In this paper, the concept of supermode is introduced for long-distance optical transmission systems. The supermodes exploit coupling between the cores of a multi-core fiber, in which the core-to-core distance is much shorter than that in conventional multi-core fiber. The use of supermodes leads to a larger mode effective area and higher mode density than the conventional multi-core fiber. Through simulations, we show that the proposed coupled multi-core fiber allows lower modal dependent loss, mode coupling and differential modal group delay than few-mode fibers. These properties suggest that the coupled multi-core fiber could be a good candidate for both spatial division multiplexing and single-mode operation.
We describe and explain the design methods for the cores, trench layers and core number in multi-core fibers (MCFs) in detail. According to such method, we propose relative optimized design schemes for heterogeneous trench-assisted multi-core fiber (Hetero-TA-MCF), inside which cores are arranged in one-ring structure. This Hetero-TA-MCF is a kind of bend-insensitive MCF with high density of cores and ultra-low crosstalk.
A seven-core few-mode multicore fiber in which each core supports both the LP01 mode and the two degenerate LP11 modes has been designed and fabricated for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The hole-assisted structure enables low inter-core crosstalk and high mode density at the same time. LP01 inter-core crosstalk has been measured to be lower than -60 dB/km. LP11 inter-core crosstalk has been measured to be around -40 dB/km using a different setup. The LP11 free-space excitation-induced crosstalk is simulated and analyzed. This fiber allows multiplexed transmission of 21 spatial modes per polarization per wavelength. Data transmission in LP01/LP11 mode over 1 km of this fiber has been demonstrated with negligible penalty.