
A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society

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1. The Framework 2. Law and Society in Western Legal and Social Theory 3. Loosening the Hold of the Mirror Thesis 4. Against the Mirror Thesis 5. A Socio-Legal Positivist Approach to Law 6. A Non-Essentialist Legal Pluralism 7. Elements of a General Jurisprudence Index

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... Dijelaskan bahwa hukum merupakan refleksi atas cerminan kehidupan masyarakat dan mempunyai fungsi tertentu yaitu mempertahankan social order. Dalam bingkai tersebut terdapat pula custom/consent; morality/ reason; dan positive law, agar hukum dapat diterima oleh masyarakat (Tamanaha, 2001). Oleh karena itu, hukum yang digunakan oleh masyarakat hukum adat di Bali untuk mengatur pengelolaan tanah adatnya adalah hukum yang mampu mengakomdasi maksud dan tujuan masyarakat mengelola tanah adatnya. ...
... Bahkan dijelaskan lebih lanjut bahwa setiap hukum sangat dekat kaitannya dengan ide, maksud dan tujuan dari masyarakat. Dengan pemaknaan yang hampir sama, hukum merupakan refleksi dari cerminan intelektual, sosial, ekonomi bahkan iklim politik yang mempengaruhi tatanan kehidupan masyarakat (Tamanaha, 2001). ...
Penyelesaian sengketa tanah adat di Bali yang berbasis pada keadilan formal sering mengabaikan aspek-aspek non legal formal berdampak terciptanya ketidakadilan. Artikel ini mengedepankan pendekatan sosio-legal untuk mendiskusikan pentingnya secara hukum mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek non legal formal dalam penyelesaian sengketa tanah adat di Bali dan menguraikan secara deskriptif aspek-aspek non legal formal yang dimaksud. Landasan berpikir mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek non legal formal dalam penyelesaian sengketa tanah adat di Bali secara teoretis dan yuridis telah mendapatkan tempatnya. Mengingat dalam upaya pembangunan hukum nasional saat ini, penting mengedepankan pendekatan pluralisme hukum dalam rangka untuk terwujudnya keadilan substantif. Wujud dari aspek-aspek non legal formal yang patut untuk menjadi pertimbangan yaitu aspek religi, dan socio-cultural yang berkelindan dalam penguasaan tanah adat di Bali.
... An example of this type of research is the book A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society by Brian Tamanaha (TAMANAHA, 2001). He problematizes established theories in Law and in Sociology that see law as the reflection of a society's customs and values (mirror thesis) and whose function is to maintain social order. ...
... By challenging well-established views on the law, he offers new perspectives to answer theoretical questions such as "What is law?", "What is its function in society?" and "What is its relationship with politics and morality?". At the same time, his theoretical Rev. Direito e Práx., Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 15, N.3, 2024, p.1-25 (TAMANAHA, 2001;TAMANAHA, 2017). Socio-legal theories not only draw on knowledge produced by other types of research, but also aims to offer tools for interpreting empirical findings. ...
... Any change in one will sooner or later be reflected in the other. With a certain degree of exaggeration, we can consider society a reflection of law and vice versa [1]. ...
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The article deals with linguistic relativism in the decisions of the Austrian Verfassungsgerichtshof and the Czech Constitutional Court. It focuses on the Courts argumentation in which the state of language and its limiting perception of the word gender about non-binary and intersex people were used. The article conducts an in-depth analysis of two judgments. The first is the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Case No. Pl. ÚS 2/20, in which the Court argued the absence of gender-neutral names in Czech as one of the reasons for rejecting the constitutional complaint. The second is the judgment of the Austrian Verfassungsgerichtshof Case No. G 77/2018-9, in which the Court concluded as part of the constitutional review that the language can be adapted to the societal situation. The paper analyses selected parts of both decisions, interpreted using fundamental theses of linguistic relativism (and determinism). I argue that the Czech Constitutional Court has adopted a conservative approach without considering the current societal situation. This opened space for the unequal status of people with an alternative gender identity in society based on ignoring inclusive language, which is the exact opposite of the position of the Austrian Verfassungsgerichtshof.
... A klaszszikus elméletalkotók a jogrendszer állapotában, a jog fejlődésében a társadalmi viszonyok tükröződését képzelték (Durkheim 2001;Weber 1987;Maine 1988;Tönnies 2004). Sőt az elméletek, a mechanikus tükröződés feltételezésével szemben képesek előremutató szerepet játszani, különösen a periférián (Tamanaha 2001). Meg is születnek Európa perifériáján azok a teoretikus kihívások, amelyek máig számottevő hatást gyakorolnak az elméleti jogi gondolkodásra (Ehrlich 2001;Petrazycki 1955). ...
A magyar filozófiai hagyományon belüli szociologizálás nem jellemző a jogelméletben. E hiány okai történeti, tudománytörténeti, politikai jellegűek. A magyar jogelméletben nem létezik szociologizálás. A társadalom fogalmának hiánya, a problémaérzékenység szűkössége a magyar társadalom és politika fejlődéstörténetéből következik. A jogtudományok és a jogelmélet elvileg is nehezebben fogadja be a társadalom elméletének alapkategóriáit, a modernizáló és rendi hagyományokkal bajlódó jogászi gondolkodás pedig erre különösen képtelen. A szociologizálás, a társadalomi problémák érzékelésének hiánya hosszú távú következményekkel jár. A társadalom fogalmának kezelése a jog teoretikus reflexióiban nem tükrözi a szociológia tudományának lehetséges útjait. A korabeli nyugati társadalomtudomány eredményei sem kerülnek be a joggal foglalkozás főáramába.
... Acerca de uma análise desse ponto feito dentro da ontologia social, consulteEpstein (2016). A respeito de críticas a uma definição estatocêntrica do Direito, vejaTamanaha (2001) eGiudice (2005). Acerca da relevância da ciência social e da ontologia social para revisitar noções de filosofia do Direito, consulte minha discussão no contexto da Teoria Naturalizada do Direito em Brito Jr. (2017; 2018). ...
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Na ontologia social contemporânea, é disseminada a tese da dependência da mente das entidades sociais, isto é, a tese de que entidades sociais, tais como o dinheiro ou o Direito, dependem ontologicamente do mental. Por “mente” designa-se os estados mentais dos indivíduos que compõem a sociedade, considerados conjuntamente. Contudo, caso admitamos a possibilidade de que grupos possuam cognição e, nesse sentido, estados mentais, esse mental respectivo aos grupos sociais poderia sustentar ontologicamente as entidades sociais? O objetivo desse artigo é elucidar essa questão. Em primeiro lugar, articula-se o desafio de que o mental de grupo não poderia sustentar as entidades sociais, dado que nem todos os grupos possuiriam mentes no sentido relevante, ou o teriam de forma apenas intermitente, de modo que não seríamos capazes de identificar um grupo social com cognição própria para a dependência de cada entidade social. Contudo, é proposta uma resposta a esse desafio: distinguindo entre três tipos de entidades sociais, é apenas um destes tipos que poderia ser entendido como dependente do mental de grupo, correspondendo àquelas que pressupõem instituições permanentes mais complexas na sociedade.
... Ao mesmo tempo, seu trabalho teórico abre uma agenda de pesquisa com perguntas a serem respondidas por pesquisas de Direito como ciência social, como "em que medida o direito reflete os valores e costumes de uma dada sociedade?" e "até que ponto o Direito contribui para a manutenção da ordem social" (TAMANAHA, 2001;TAMANAHA, 2017). ...
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Abstract Many of the doubts, disputes and misunderstandings surrounding theory in legal research are due to our lack of attention to the fact that there are different types of legal research and that each of them understands, uses and creates theory in its own way. Therefore, to clarify the different concepts and functions of theory, the present article presents and discusses four types of legal research, which reflect different dimensions of the discipline: law as a practical discipline, law as positivist social science, law as interpretivist social science, and law as humanities. Understanding these differences can help unmake some of the misunderstandings and anxieties around the use of theory in legal research and allow a more rigorous employment of theory by researchers. It also helps to position the field of legal research in relation to other disciplines and to legal practice. Keywords: Legal research; Theory; Legal doctrine; Social science; Humanities.
... Como homem político, ele sente profundamente que sua preferência deve ser parte de um sistema de valores universalmente válido, um sistema de direito natural ou de justiça, de interesse nacional ou mesmo de humanidade. (NEUMANN, 2013b: 109) Este efeito naturalizante de uma suposta descrição objetiva da realidade também está presente no positivismo jurídico na formulação original de Hart e Kelsen, que vem sendo evidenciada e criticada por diversos autores (WARAT, 1983;PAULSON, 1992;TAMANAHA, 2001TAMANAHA, , 2017GALLIGAN, 2007). Hart, por exemplo, que pretendia ter identificado "o" conceito de direito e não "uma" teoria a respeito de "um" conceito de direito, o conceito ocidental -contribui para transformar a atividade intelectual na mera reafirmação do que supostamente existe, deixando de levar em conta os conflitos e deslocamentos da interpretação de uma suposta "realidade do direito" identificável de um ponto de vista arquimediano. ...
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Resumo O objetivo deste texto é compreender as atuais ameaças ao estado democrático de direito no Brasil e identificar a sua eventual base de apoio na sociedade. Uma base de apoio que está sendo recrutada entre novos personagens que entraram na cena de democrática nos últimos anos por meio da promoção de situações de stress institucional. O texto também defende uma postura para os juristas em face de tais ameaças na tensão entre lutas por direitos, utopias radicais e utopias institucionais.
... Japanese law and legal practise were significantly influenced by Marxist legal theory as academics and activists worked to counter the powerful's interests and promote social and economic equality (B. Z. Tamanaha, 2001aTamanaha, , 2001b. Although Marxist legal theory has been debated and criticised, it has remained a major and influential legal school of thought in Japan and beyond (Sawyer III, 2001;Stacy, 2001). ...
... Government Regulation in Lieu of Law is categorized as an organic law since it directly takes instructions from Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution (Satjipto, 2006). That is, it cannot contravene the philosophy (Unger, 1999) The meaning of proper livelihoods for all workers in Indonesia should be taken as a manifestation of reflection (Tamanaha, 2001) of prosperous livelihood as seen from the perspectives of theology, humanism, unity, and inner wisdom to consider workers and communal values in communities. Workers work to fulfill not only their basic needs including food, clothes, and housing but also higher needs for education, health, and recreation in an integral form (Mursidah et al., 2022). ...
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Working is not only for the sake of earning money, nor is it for the sake of fitting professional rationality. It goes beyond what it appears to be; it represents observances of God. That is, occupations should be seen from a wider perspective implying that it also considers spiritual, immaterial, and material dimensions. The spiritual scope represents the responsibility of humans to their God; the material scope is understood as working for a family, society, the state, and the nation. An occupation carries the spiritual value that represents the social behavior of bearing the responsibility for a job. Mental and social aspects in an occupation carry another meaning of social justice for all Indonesian laborers. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation, apart from pushing and urging attitude calling for its formulation and pragmatic needs that remain problematic in the eye of society in general, needs testing and reviewing fundamentally from the perspective of social justice principle for all Indonesian laborers. This study is focused on the analysis of the substance of Government Regulation in Lieu of law concerning Job Creation seen from the perspective of social justice for all the workers concerned. This study employs philosophical, conceptual, and statutory approaches to delve into the typical principle of justice in Government Regulation in Lieu of Law concerning Job Creation.
... hlm. 112. 18 Brian, Z. (2006) Badan Amnesti Internasional berusaha keras untuk menghapus pemberlakuan hukuman mati dari muka bumi ini. Menurut laporan tahun 1996, baru 44 negara yang telah menerapkannya. ...
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Hukuman mati (death penalty, capital punishment) telah dan masih menjadi isu yang sangat diperdebatkan di masyarakat. Sementara banyak negara di dunia telah menghapuskan hukuman mati sebagai bentuk hukuman, masih ada beberapa negara (termasuk Indonesia) yang menekankan pentingnya hukuman mati sebagai sarana hukum untuk menghukum jenis kejahatan tertentu. Di satu sisi dianggap sebagai pelanggaran Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM), tetapi di sisi lain di anggap sebagai penegakan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendalami pengaturan pidana mati di Indonesia dan menganalisa pidana mati di Indonesia dari perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia, Panca Sila dan Etika Moral Santo Thomas Aquinas. Tulisan ini merupakan analisis mendalam terhadap fakta-fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa hukuman mati berdampak serius bagi semua anggota keluarga yang terlibat di kedua belah pihak, korban dan pelaku, serta seluruh masyarakat. Bukti menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas anak-anak yang dieksekusi menghadapi masalah emosional dan keuangan sementara beberapa mengembangkan kepahitan dan dorongan untuk balas dendam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif karena penelitian ini tidak hanya dikonsepkan kepada seluruh asas-asas dan kaidah yang mengatur pola perilaku sosial dan kehidupan manusia dalam masyarakat tapi juga adanya pengempulan bahan-bahan dan sudut perspektif eksternal. Spesifikasi peneletian dilakukan secara deskriptif. Pandangan Santo Thomas Thomas Aquinas selaras dengan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) yang baru yang memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan KUHP warisan kolonial Belanda. Semula pidana mati merupakan pidana pokok dalam KUHP kolonial Belanda, tetapi dalam KUHP baru menjadi pidana khusus yang diancam secara alternatif. Menariknya, hukuman mati dijatuhkan oleh pengadilan terhadap terdakwa yang diancam dengan hukuman mati alternatif dengan masa percobaan 10 tahun. Masa percobaan satu dasawarsa ini dipertimbangkan dengan harapan adanya perubahan perilaku dan kehidupan serta penyesalan dari terpidana. Dengan demikian, hukuman mati tidak perlu dilakukan dan dapat diganti atau diubah menjadi penjara seumur hidup yang sejalan dengan pandangan Santo Thomas Aquinas yang percaya bahwa manusia memiliki potensi untuk berubah meskipun jatuh ke dalam dosa.
... Brian Z.Tamanaha. (2006). A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 3-4.9 Carugno, G. (2018). How to protect traditional folk music? Some reflections upon traditional knowledge and copyright law. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law-Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 31(2), 261-274.10 Santyaningtyas, ...
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This study aims to elaborate on the policies regarding the protection of TCEs related to creative economy businesses in the tourism sector, and the implementation of these policies in Bali. The study uses a socio-legal research method by using statutes, conceptual, economic, and technological approaches. The study indicated that TCEs are transformed across generations in custodian communities that are not sacred can be categorized as open TCEs and can be developed to support tourism creative economy businesses. Meanwhile, the type of TCEs that are sacred can only be used by the community carrying them for sacred purposes, categorized as closed TCEs. The policies at the international, national, and local levels related to open TCEs have regulated access for it to be developed for creative economy businesses including the tourism sector as well as protection of benefit sharing for the community. Meanwhile, the Indonesia Copyright Law and Provisions on Communal Intellectual Property Data have not accommodated benefit sharing. In Bali, policy related to sacred TCE can be observed through the 2019 Joint Decree on the Strengthening and Protection of Balinese Sacred Dances that prohibits Balinese Sacred Dances from being performed outside of sacred purposes. The implementation of an inventory of the protection of TCEs in Bali has been carried out by the Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Bali Province in collaboration with the Regional Government in Bali including university, although has not been maximized due to the large variety of cultural expressions in the community.
... Para resolver essa fragilidade dentro dos próprios contornos da Teoria Naturalizada do Direito, uma possibilidade seria fazer um gesto similar ao positivismo sociojurídico de Brian Tamanaha (2001a;2001b;. Tamanaha também compartilha com Leiter a mesma orientação empírica, mas Tamanaha apela para dados sociológicos e antropológicos a respeito da diversidade intercultural do fenômeno jurídico. ...
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O objetivo do presente artigo é discutir a rota por meio da qual se vai da Teoria Naturalizada do Direito ao positivismo jurídico. Brian Leiter propõe que a naturalização da teoria jurídica fornece um fundamento empírico para o positivismo jurídico. Essa naturalização é realizada por intermédio das melhores hipóteses de ciência social disponíveis a respeito do Direito como fenômeno social. Leiter argumenta ainda que essa melhor hipótese social-científica – para ele, o modelo atitudinal para a tomada de decisão judicial – vindica um conceito (ou teoria) de Direito de tipo positivista exclusivo. Aqui eu discuto seu argumento dentro do framework da Teoria Naturalizada do Direito: enquanto eu aceite a naturalização da teoria jurídica, argumento que a rota disso ao positivismo jurídico é menos simples do que Leiter parece pensar. Seu argumento empírico é insuficiente à vindicação do positivismo exclusivo, uma vez que o modelo de ciência social escolhido está sujeito a diferentes interpretações teóricas. Se a Teoria Naturalizada do Direito vindicar o positivismo exclusivo, precisa se engajar com argumentos teóricos e conceituais para além dos empíricos.
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Based on the European Citizens’ Initiative “Fur Free Europe”, the article outlines how European animal advocacy organizations are using EU legislative tools in the fight to improve animal welfare by introducing an EU-wide ban on the keeping and killing of animals exclusively or primarily for fur production, and a ban on the marketing in the European Union of fur from farmed animals and products containing such fur. The article presents the general EU legal basis for the protection of animal welfare and the EU regulation on fur animals. It also discusses the legal basis for the European Citizens’ Initiative and the course of work on the “Fur Free Europe” initiative from the submission of the initiative’s registration application (25 January 2022) to September 2024. The use of domestic legislative tools by pro-animal organizations is also presented, describing the main ideas of the parliamentary bill on amendments to the Animals Protection Act aimed at banning the breeding and raising of animals for fur, which was prepared in cooperation with pro-animal organizations: the Open Cages Association and the International Movement for Animals – Viva! Foundation, submitted to the Sejm in June 2024.
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Perkembangan teori hukum tidak terlepas dari dinamika sosial, politik, dan budaya dalam masyarakat. Dalam era digital dan globalisasi, hukum menghadapi tantangan baru yang memerlukan pendekatan yang inovatif dan komprehensif. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman tentang teori-teori hukum yang solid dan aplikatif menjadi semakin penting. Buku ini menyajikan teori-teori hukum utama dan berbagai pendekatan, lengkap dengan sejarah, perkembangan, dan contoh penerapannya dalam menganalisis permasalahan hukum yang aktual. Buku ini disusun secara sistematis yang terdiri dari 15 bab, meliputi berbagai teori hukum secara mendalam: Pengantar Ilmu Hukum, Sejarah Perkembangan Teori Hukum, Positivisme Hukum, Teori Hukum Alam, Teori Keadilan dalam Perspektif Hukum, Teori Filsafat Hukum Pancasila, Hermeneutika Hukum, Sistem Hukum dan Negara Hukum, Teori Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Hukum, Teori Pengendalian Sosial dalam Hukum, Teori Keadilan dan Kepastian Hukum, Hierarki Hukum dan Teori Perundang-Undangan, Penerapan Teori Hukum dalam Studi Kasus, Hukum dan Kebijakan Publik, Teori Kontrak dan Perjanjian dalam Hukum Perdata.
The process of forming laws and regulations often ignores the rights of citizens, especially the citizen participation rights, the supervision of the House of Representatives and the involvement of citizens. Many problems still unable to accommodate the aspirations of the community, minimize the civil space and only limited to the elite, resulting in discrepancies and ambiguity of implementing the regulations are not simultaneous. Through this paper, using the juridical-normative method with a conceptual approach wants to review the kinds of the reconstruction of the House of Representatives supervision through the bargaining position process as a political aspiration line and citizen participation rights as a tool of legal communication during the formation of laws and regulations in constitutional democracy framework. The reconstruction form of the House of Representatives supervision through the bargaining position process can be divided into two are preventive supervision carried out when the legal product still processing in the draft legislation and repressive supervision carried out when legal product has been formed. Abstract Proses pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang masih sering mengabaikan hak-hak warga negara khususnya hak partisipasi warga negara mengharuskan perlunya pengawasan DPR RI dan keterlibatan aktif warga negara. Sejumlah permasalahan yang masih belum dapat mengakomodir aspirasi masyarakat, mengerdilkan ruang sipil serta dalam pembahasannya hanya terbatas pada kalangan elit berakibat pada ketidaksesuaian dan ketidakjelasan materi muatan hingga penerapan peraturan yang tidak simultan. Melalui tulisan ini dengan menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan secara konseptual hendak meninjau cakupan dari rekonstruksi pengawasan DPR RI melalui bargaining position process sebagai saluran aspirasi politis dan hak partisipasi warga negara sebagai sarana komunikasi hukum dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan. Wujud dari rekonstruksi pengawasan DPR RI melalui bargaining position process dan hak partisipasi warga negara terbagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu pengawasan preventif pada
In the philosophy of law there has been a proliferation of advanced work in the last thirty years on the normativity of law. Recent theories explore law's character as a special kind of convention, shared cooperative activity, and social artifact, among other perspectives, to explain the precise way in which law provides subjects with reasons for action. Yet, for all their sophistication, such accounts fail to deliver on their promise, which is to establish how law creates more than just legal reasons for action. This Element aims to survey these views and others, situate them in a broader context of theories about the nature of law, and subsequently suggest a path forward based on the methodological continuity between analytical, evaluative, and empirical approaches to law's normativity.
The theory of artifacts can be understood as primarily focusing on function when counting something as an artifact. With that starting point, projects aimed at the identification of the function of law contribute to arguments about categorizing law as an artifact. The purpose of this study is to highlight the challenges of this endeavor. Before beginning with search for law-functions, questions about the postulates on the relations between an artifact, law, and function (axiomatic stage) have to be addressed and the proper methodological approach must be found which is capable of addressing the contingency problem (methodological stage).
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The present chapter seeks to show that the application of traditional doctrinal legal methodology is not sufficient to understand the responsiveness of law. Indeed, it is necessary to draw on the methodological tools of socio-legal studies to accurately model how the law responds to social change (legal responsiveness). We attempt to outline a pluralistic theoretical framework to dislodge the commonplace notion that law merely mirrors society. This would enable jurisprudence to move beyond debates about the concept of law and take account of both external and internal legal culture, as well as the omnipresent phenomenon of legal pluralism, which we believe is essential for describing the responsiveness of law. To demonstrate the value of such an approach, we describe multiple areas, including technology and artificial intelligence regulation, which are increasingly focal topics for legal studies.
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Environmental human rights defenders (EHRDs) play a key role in the realization of the environmental rule of law and in strengthening social and ecological sustainability. States have the duty to protect and empower the EHRDs, while businesses, investors, and financial institutions also have responsibilities to respect human rights. Although the literature on human rights defenders is comprehensive, the article offers a theoretical analysis of the challenges facing the EHRDs by using Lawrence Lessig’s New Chicago School approach to explore the opportunities for bridging the gap between the theory and practice concerning the protection of EHRDs. The article endeavors to contribute to the literature by methodologically explaining the importance of legal regulation and State intervention for creating a safe and just space for the activities of the EHRDs. It demonstrates the effects of the four modalities in Lessig’s theory—i.e. the law, the social norms (culture), the architecture (technology), and the market—on the behavior of EHRDs, and ultimately on democracies while emphasizing the power of law as one of these modalities and being one of the imperative elements of the environmental rule of law. It argues that the adoption of international agreements, laws and policies regulating culture, technology, and markets, would empower civil society and encourage broad participation in the decision-making processes both within the States and the businesses to ensure accountable, transparent, and inclusive governance. It concludes that strengthened legal protection mechanisms for the rights of the rights’ defenders is an urgent need to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the environmental rule of law.
Background or Context Public school library book challenges have garnered ample media attention in recent years as many school districts and advocacy organizations have reported record numbers of book challenges. Book challenges are not a new phenomenon, historically speaking, but they have often illuminated values clashes in communities and raise questions about the rights and freedoms of public school students. Judicial rulings and school district policies that address book challenges could provide insights for many members of school communities (including, but not limited to, school board members, students, parents, and teachers) as they experience challenges, but these aspects of the legal record and their influence on responses to book challenges remains underexamined in scholarship. Purpose, Objective, Research Question, or Focus of Study The 1982 Supreme Court case Island Trees School District v. Pico remains the lasting judicial precedent for interpreting public school students’ First Amendment rights as they interact with school library books. We examine the extent to which school district book challenge policies align with court precedent set in Pico (1982) and the implications for students’ rights and democratic participation during book challenges. Research Design Drawing on elements of the law and society framework as well as political analysis categories, this study uses qualitative methods to illuminate specific elements of district policies that govern book challenges. Specifically, we examine 29 policies in school districts that experienced a publicly reported book challenge between 2017 and 2021 to understand relationships between school district book challenge policies and the Pico (1982) precedent. Conclusions or Recommendations Our findings reveal ample space between judicial rulings and school district policies we examine. In fact, we find a broader array of relevant actors in book challenge processes than conceived by the courts and raise implications for students’ constitutional rights and protections related to who policies indicate may or must be involved in these processes, the settings in which book challenge decisions are made, and the limited roles for public involvement during school library book challenges.
Paul Dresch Rules of Barat presents several eighteenth-century agreements among tribesmen from Jabal Barat, north-east of Yemen. These documents, previously unedited, shed new light on the history of customary law ('urf) in Yemen.
This Chapter explores in detail some of the book’s main philosophical themes, paving the way for the historical, philosophical, and comparative contextualisation of scientia iuris’ origins and development which follows thereafter. These include what distinguishes knowledge from experience philosophically; why the intellectualisation of life, Prometheus Bound, and scientia iuris are related; what ordinary and scientific knowledge are and share, despite all attempts at separating them; and why identifying what unites ordinary and scientific knowledge is of primary importance to understand what legal knowledge is and entails. As the Chapter shows, the proposed analysis enables one to appreciate not only scientia iuris’ origins and development but also, its role in how lawyers are educated, think, and practise their profession in both Civil and Common law jurisdictions.
L’objectif de cet article est de présenter des réponses concrètes offertes par des soignants aux manifestations d’obligations religieuses exprimées par des patients dans une salle d’urgence. Il y existe ce que l’on peut nommer une « harmonisation pratique » du pluralisme religieux, en ce sens que les soignants semblent prêts à accommoder un nombre important d’obligations religieuses, ayant pour principales limites des contraintes pratiques, telles que les ressources matérielles, temporelles et humaines disponibles. Bien qu’il puisse exister des oppositions de valeurs aux demandes liées aux obligations religieuses, les fins de non-recevoir ne sont pas usuelles. Le présent article repose sur une étude ethnographique de deux années, commencée à l’automne 2018 et terminée à l’automne 2020, réalisée en collaboration avec les équipes soignantes de quatre salles d’urgence à Montréal et en Estrie, et réunissant un total de 50 participants.
Comparative law is a common subject-matter of research and teaching in many universities around the world, and the twenty-first century has aptly been termed 'the era of comparative law'. This Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law presents a truly global perspective of comparative law today. The contributors are drawn from all parts of the world to provide different perspectives on how we understand the 'law' and how it operates in practice. In substance, the Handbook contains 36 chapters covering a broad range of topics, divided under the following headings: 'Methods of Comparative Law' (Part I), 'Legal Families and Geographical Comparisons' (Part II), 'Central Themes in Comparative Law' (Part III); and 'Comparative Law beyond the State' (Part IV).
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Cet article présente le numéro spécial en passant en revue les traditions francophones et anglo-saxonnes d’anthropologie juridique, avant de situer le droit des hors-la-loi au sein de ces traditions et de souligner sa contribution potentielle au développement d’une approche pragmatique du droit.
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The following reflections are an attempt in constitutional theory to adress the core elements of the U.S. constitutional crisis. It will first identify structural and normative properties of the U.S. Constitution that may become battlegrounds for adversarial ideas, meanings, logics of appropriateness, and, finally, institutional and constitutional missions, all centering around constitutional liberty. In a second step, it will be shown that institutional theory addresses important links between norms/rules/institutions and actors/citizens that are crucial for a constitution and its potential normative battlegrounds. It is alleged that a constitutional crisis is closely related to incommensurable interpretations of constitutional value choices (e.g., liberty) and the ways actors choose to make their interpretations actionable through the institutional channels of a polity. Constitutional theory, hence, should consider institutionalist findings in order to come to grips with the phenomenon of constitutional crisis. Third, in this light it will be discussed whether the prevailing models of (U.S.) constitutionalism are able to assimilate defects in the crucial relationship between the constitution and actors, especially when it comes to factionalized and polarized meanings and interpretations—which in turn trigger adversarial institutional/constitutional missions and may lead to constitutional wars. Fourth and finally, these reflections are taken together for an outlook on the prospects of constitutional development in the United States and the challenges that lie ahead.
The article discusses the problems of clarifying the nature, content and orientation of legal realism, which has become a popular modern approach to understanding law, primarily related to the history of legal thought in the United States, as well as the works of some Scandinavian authors of the twentieth century. The article demonstrates that legal realism in the interpretation of American and Scandinavian authors often reproduces realism in a peculiar way as a technique of epistemological and ontological nature. As a kind of original paradigm for understanding issues of legal practice and overcoming gaps in legal regulation, American legal realism can be an interesting object of study, however, as a theoretical concept or methodological technique, it has many vulnerabilities, which are especially evident when properly reconstructing the history of legal thought. The novelty of the research lies in highlighting the problems of legal realism from a critical position, both in terms of its name and semantic content. The study draws parallels between the ideas of Marxism about the prospect of the extinction of over-the-top phenomena, such as law, and the slogans of American legal realists about the need to fight theory and conceptualism. New directions and perspectives of the analysis of the history of legal thought of the twentieth century are outlined, which make it possible to more accurately identify the actual scientific and cognitive potential of approaches claiming a realistic understanding of law. It is shown that the requirement of reasonableness and overcoming excessive dogmatism are a cross-cutting theme for the history of legal thought.
HLA Hart did not provide a thorough account of legal officials, even though such a notion is one of the central elements of his theory of legal systems. As critics have rightly argued, three related questions remain unanswered: “What is an official?” (the Conceptual Problem); “Who are the officials of a given legal system?” (the Identification Problem); and “How are these officials empowered by the system’s secondary rules?” (the Empowerment Problem). These issues have generated suggestions for eliminating legal officials from theoretical inquiries, leading to a larger question: “What role do officials play in legal theory?” (the Explanatory Role Problem). This chapter articulates an account of legal officials that supplements and substantially revises Hart’s original formulation in response to these issues. My renewed account reinterprets the central insights of Hart’s theory of legal systems as a general theory of practice-based normativity. With this account at hand, responses to each problem are advanced. To address the Conceptual Problem, I argue that officials are agents who make peremptory decisions (enactments and settlements) on behalf of a given community, while legal officials are agents who make such decisions on behalf of political communities. In response to the Identity Problem, I hold that the identification of officials demands the recognition of two kinds of agents: order-constituted officials created by the system’s valid norms identified by the rule of recognition and identified through a doctrinal analysis; and order-constitutive officials created by the system’s secondary rules and identified through a quasi-sociological inquiry. A detailed clarification of the power-conferring character of social rules is developed in response to the Empowerment Problem. Finally, in response to the Explanatory Role Problem, I clarify the relevance of officials both for jurisprudence and for social philosophy.KeywordsLegal officialsSecondary rulesLegal systemsConstitutive rulesPower-conferring rulesNormative communityNormative orders
Drawing on Walter Benjamin, this paper discusses the relationships between law, violence, and punishment. The main argument I make is that state punishment is BOTH a violent and logically contradictory practice and that the state’s legal right to punish often spills over into extralegal penal violence, perpetrated by a range of actors against the racialized poor. I use the term penal violence to refer to all forms of violence which are aimed at enforcing law or punishing a perceived transgression of law or norms. The paper focuses on the infliction of penal violence in South Africa on/in three different scales and jurisdictions: Makwanyane and violence in prisons; police and prosecutorial violence; and extralegal civilian violence.
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This theoretical and conceptual scientific/philosophical paper deals in brief with the possibility of development within governmental departments in Australia: a branch focused exclusively on incorporating ethical bio-enhancement with altered states of consciousness (ASC) to advertise ecological merits and also prepare for potential epistemic harms in the growing future of technological uncertainty and changing political/economic landscapes of power and information. It also suggests that this department might, in a distant future, foster a culture that supports bioethical biotechnological authority to individuals who hold special power to protect neurological as well as sociopsychological environmental freedoms.
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The book is an essay in general jurisprudence exploring the philosophical, ethical and doctrinal foundations of the emerging field of legal regulation – animal law. The book focuses on the critical exposition of the current legal framework of animal protection. A comparative approach allows to identify the basic concepts and principles that underpin legal regulations concerning animal protection of the contemporary legal systems. It provides a valuable presentation of what the present model of animal law really is highlighting the dilemmas faced by its further development. It gives the book a unique and original perspective based on a comperehensive examination of the relevant laws in Poland, Europe and elsewhere.
So far, our story has gone back and forth between the continuing story of law—the legend of law—the ‘society’ and the individual. The threefold question has been how law puts its mark on society, how society develops within the structure of law and how the individual person finds his way to justice as the addressee of law and as a citizen in society.
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