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Natural sweeteners: A complete review

  • Aizant Drug Research Solutions Private Limited

Abstract and Figures

Two types of sweeteners are available: natural sweeteners of plant origin and artificial or synthetic sweeteners. Sweetening agents either evoke sweet taste or enhance the perception of sweet taste. Natural sweetening agents are preferred over synthetic sweetening agents since they do not have any adverse impact on health. Non-saccharide natural sweetening agents are low calorific, nontoxic and super sweet (100 to 10,000 times sweeter than sugar) in nature and can overcome the problems of sucrose and synthetic sweeteners. Natural sweeteners are useful sugar substitutes for diabetic patients. The active sweet principles stored in plants can be grouped under: terpenoids, steroidal saponins, dihydroisocoumarins, dihydrochalcones, proteins, polyols, volatile oils, etc. in nature. Common and scientific names of these sweeteners along with their properties, chemical structure of sweet principles, pharmaceutical uses have been presented in this paper.
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Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.4.Issue 7. July 2011
Keerthi Priya et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011,4(7),2034-2039
Review Article
ISSN: 0974-6943 Available online through
*Corresponding author.
Keerthi Priya
Research Scientist- FR&D
Daewoong Pharmaceutical co. Ltd.
Andhraprdesh, India- 502313.
Natural Sweeteners : A Complete Review
Keerthi Priya*, Dr.Vankadari Rama Mohan Gupta, Kalakoti Srikanth
Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Balanagar,Hyderabad-500 037, Andhraprdesh, India
Received on: 12-04-2011; Revised on: 18-05-2011; Accepted on:21-06-2011
Two types of sweeteners are available: natural sweeteners of plant origin and artificial or synthetic sweeteners. Sweetening agents either evoke sweet taste or
enhance the perception of sweet taste. Natural sweetening agents are preferred over synthetic sweetening agents since they do not have any adverse impact
on health. Non-saccharide natural sweetening agents are low calorific, nontoxic and super sweet (100 to 10,000 times sweeter than sugar) in nature and can
overcome the problems of sucrose and synthetic sweeteners. Natural sweeteners are useful sugar substitutes for diabetic patients. The active sweet principles
stored in plants can be grouped under: terpenoids, steroidal saponins, dihydroisocoumarins, dihydrochalcones, proteins, polyols, volatile oils, etc. in nature.
Common and scientific names of these sweeteners along with their properties, chemical structure of sweet principles, pharmaceutical uses have been presented
in this paper.
Key words: Natural sweetening agents, Saccharide sweeteners, Non-saccharide sweeteners. Terpenoids, Polyols
3.Sugar is also employed in the coating of pills and tablets
4.Honey plays an important role in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is used as
an important vehicle for many preparations
b. Food Industry
Sweetening agents are used to prepare jams, chocolates, sweets, ice-creams,
cakes, candies, juices, soft-drinks, beverages, chewing-gums and many other
food items.
Classification of Natural sweetening agents
The search for sugar substitutes from natural sources has led to the discovery
of several substances that possess an intensely sweet taste or taste-modifying
properties. About 150 plant materials have been found to taste sweet because
they contain large amounts of sugars and/or Polyols or other sweet constitu-
Sweetening Agents
Synthetic Sweetening Agents
Natural Sweetening Agents
Non-sacharides Sweetening Agents
Saccharides Sweetening Agents
eg. Sucrose,glucose, honey etc.
Steroidal saponins
Voletile oils
Preference for sweet taste at a range of intensities is characteristic of human
species. In the fetus, taste buds are developed by the 16th week of gestation, and
the new born infant is able to respond favorably to sweetened solutions. Sugar
is a natural sweetener that provides 4 calories per gram. It is acknowledged
that excess sugar ingestion amounts to increased energy intake which, in turn,
can lead to weight gain and chronic diseases associated with obesity and dental
caries. Therefore, there is need for sugar substitutes, which can help reduce
caloric intake, particularly in overweight individuals [1] The demand for new
alternative “low calorie” sweeteners for dietetic and diabetic purposes has
increased worldwide. As of mid-2002, over 100 plant-derived sweet com-
pounds of 20 major structural types had been reported, and were isolated from
more than 25 different families of green plants. Several of these highly sweet
natural products are marketed as sweeteners or flavouring agents in some
countries as pure compounds, compound mixtures, or refined extracts [2].
Many synthetic sweeteners, which are widely used are proved to be carcino-
genic and are non-nutritive. Hence demand greatly increased for natural sweet-
ening agents, especially for non-sacchariferous sweetening agents, because
they are highly potent, useful, safe and low-calorie sugar alternatives. Re-
cently it was found that Himalayan forests are good sources of plants contain-
ing non-saccharide sweetening agents.
Ideal properties of sweetening agents
Sweetening agents should have the following ideal properties
1. They are required to be effective when used in small concentration.
2. They must be stable at a wide range of temperature to which the
formulations are likely to be exposed.
3. Prolonged use of these agents containing preparations should not
produce any carcinogenic effects
4. They should have very low or non-calorific value.
5. They should be compatible with other ingredients in formulations.
6. They should not show batch to batch variations.
They should be readily available and inexpensive.
Uses of Natural Sweetening agents
a. Pharmaceutical uses
1.In pharmaceutical industries these are used in liquid, oral preparations, loz-
enges, pills and tablets.
2.In liquid orals sugar is used to prepare syrup base, to maintain the consis-
tency and viscosity of the preparation and to mask the bitter taste of the drug.
ents [3]. A schematic representation of the types of sweeteners and their origin
is given below.
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.4.Issue 7. July 2011
Keerthi Priya et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011,4(7),2034-2039
Table 1. Various sources for different natural sweetening agents
Plant Family Part Sweetening Principle Chemical Class Times Sweeter
than Sucrose
Abrus Precatoris Leguminosae Leaves,roots Abrusosides & glycyrrhizin Triterpene glycosides 30-100
Achras sapota Sapotaceae Latex and fruit Glycyrrhizin Triterpene glycosides 100
Baccharis gaudichaudiana Aerial parts Gaudichaudioside-A Diterpene Glycosides 100
Beta vulgaris Chenopodiaceae Roots Sucrose Disaccharide -
Cinnamomum osmophloeum Lauraceae Leaves trans-Cinnamaldehyde Aromatic aldehyde 50
Citrus aurantium Rutaceae Peels of the fruits Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone Dihydrochalcone 1000
Citrus limoni Rutaceae Peels of the fruits Hesperidin dihydrochalcone Dihydrochalcone 300
Citrus sinensis Rutaceae Peels of the fruits Hesperidin dihydrochalcone Dihydrochalcone 300
Citrus paradise Rutaceae Peels of the fruits Naringin dihydrochalcone Dihydrochalcone 1000
Cyclocarya palirus -Leaves Cyclocaryoside Steroidal saponins 250
Cynara scolymus Asteraceae Leaves & flowers Cynarin Protein -
Dioscoreophyllum Cuminsii Menispermaceae Fruit pulp Monellin Protein 2500
Eremophila glutinosa -Entire plant -Dihydroflavonols 400
Foeniculum vulgare Umbelliferae Fresh aerial Parts Trans-anethole Phenylpropanoid -
Glycyrrhiza glabra Leguminosae Roots and stolons Glycyrrhizin Triterpene glycosides 100
Hemsleya carnosiflora -Rhizomes Carnosiflosides-V,VI Triterpene glycosides -
Hydrangea macrophylla Saxifragaceae -Phyllodulcin Dihydroisocoumarin 300-400
Illicium verum Illiciceace Dried fruits Trans-anethole Phenyl propanoid -
Lippia dulcis Verbenaceae Herb Hernandulcin Sesquiterpene 1000-1500
Myrrhis odorata Apiaceae Fresh roots trans-Anethole Phenyl propanoid -
Osmorhiza longistylis Apiaceae Fresh roots trans-Anethole Phenyl propanoid -
Perilla frutescens Labiatae Leaves,seeds and Perillartine Monoterpenoid 400-2000
flowering tops
Periandra dulcis -Roots Periandrin VTriterpene glycosides 100-200
Piper marginatum Piperaceae Dried leaves trans-anethole Phenyl propanoid -
Polypodium glycyrrhiza Polypodiaceae Rhizomes Polypodoside Steroidal saponin glycosides 600
Polypodium vulgare Polypodiaceae Rhizomes Osladin Steroidal saponin glycosides 50-100
Pterocarya paliurus -Leaves and stem Pterocaryoside A&B Secodammaranoid saponin 50-100
Rubus suavissimus Rosaceae Leaves Rubusoside & Sauvioside ADiterpene glycosides -
Saccharum officinarum Poaceae Canes Sucrose Disaccharide -
Smilax glycyphylla Liliaceae All parts Glycyphyllin Dihydrochalcone glycosides 100-200
Staurogyne mergunsis -Leaves Strigin Steroidal saponin Glycosides -
Stevia rebaudiana Asteraceae Leaves Steviosides Tricyclicditerpenoid Glycosides 200-300
Siraltia grosvenorii Mogroside VTriterpene glycosides 250
Symplococos paniculata Symplocaceae Leaves Trilobatin Dihydrochalcone Glycosides 400-1000
Synsepalum dulcifucum Sapotaceae Fruits Miraculin Protein
Tessaria dodoneifolia Aerial parts Dihydroquercetin-3-O-Dihydroflavonol
acetate 4-(methyl ether)
Thamatococcus Marantaceae Aril of the fruit Thaumatin Protein 3000
The sucrose, derived from Sanskrit word Sarkara, was being extracted from
sugarcane in India, and has been identified about 6000-10,000 BC as mentioned
in Rig and Atharva Vedas. It was introduced in non-Asiatic continents by Alexander
the Great (c.325 BC) [4]. Sucrose is a Disaccharide sugar obtained mainly from
the cane juice of saccharum Officinarum (Graminae) [5] and and from the roots
of Beta Vulgaris (chenopodiaceae) [6]. Sucrose is most often prepared as a fine,
white crystalline powder with a pleasing, sweet taste. It consists of two monosac-
Figure 1. The structural and chemical formula of sucrose
Honey is a sugar secretion deposited in honeycombs by the bees Apis indica
(Indian Bee), Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata (Rock Bee) and other species of Apis
of family Apidae. Honey is the only sweetener obtained from animal source [8].
The typical composition of honey is: moisture, 17.7%; total sugars, 76.4%;
ash, 0.18%; and total acid (as formic acid), 0.08%. Traditionally its use in
food has been as sweetening agent several aspects of its use indicate that
honey also functions as food preservative [9]. Honey also contains tiny amounts
of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin,
pinobanksin, Vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin [10]
Honey is essentially a solution of Leavulose (40-50%), dextrose (32-37%)
and sucrose (0.2%) in water (13-20%). The properties of sugars vary with the
floral source and on the activity of invertase normally present in honey. It is
used as Demulcent, sweetening agents and good nutrient to infant and patients.
It is antiseptic and applied to burns and wounds. It is a common ingredient in
several cough mixtures, Cough drops and used in the preparation of creams,
lotions, soft drinks and candies[11, 12].
Trehalose, also known as mycose or tremalose, is a natural alpha-linked
disaccharide formed by an α,α-1,1-glucoside bond between two a-glucose units.
First it was introduced by H.A.L. Wiggers in 1832. He discovered it in an ergot
of rye. In 1859 Marcellin Berthelot isolated it from trehala manna, a sub-
stance made by weevils, and named it trehalose. Trehalose is also known as
Mycose. It is synthesized by fungi, plants and invertebrate animals. Trehalose
is mainly found in Trehala manna, a common constituent of fungi (Amantia
Trehalose has a solubility and osmotic profile similar to maltose. Above 80ºC
tehalose becomes slightly soluble in water relative to other sugars. Compared
to other sugars, trehalose is more stable to wide ranges of pH and heat, and
does not easily interact with protienaceous molecules. Trehalose was shown to
be homogenously distributed throughout all dietary formulations and was stable
when stored for 7 days at 22ºC and for 6 weeks at 4ºC [14].
As an extension of its natural capability to protect biological structures,
trehalose has been used for the preservation and protection of biologic mate-
rials. It stabilizes bioactive soluble proteins such as monoclonal antibodies and
enzymes for medical use. It is used to preserve blood products for transfusion
and greatly extends shelf life of platelets. It is used to preserve embryos during
freeze-drying where it increases viability [15].Maltose ia also a disaccharide
made by the action of the enzyme Maltase on starch, Lactose occurs in milk
of all mammals and is prepared pure from cows milk.
Saccharide sweetening agents have high calorific values (3600-4000 cal/gm).
These saccharide sweeteners fulfill the most worldwide requirement. But regu-
lar use of sugar can increase prevalence of diseases like dental caries, cardio-
vascular diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus and micronutrient deficiency. Hence
demand is gradually decreasing for saccharide sweeteners.
Non saccahride sweetening agents are those, which contain substances other
than saccharides as sweet principles. They contain Terpenoids, proteins,
dihydrochalcones, steroidal saponins, etc as sweet principles. The non-saccharide
sweeteners posses some advantages over saccharide sweeteners. They are:
Sucrose melts and decomposes at 186ºC to form caramel, and when combusted
produces carbon dioxide, and water [7]. Pharmaceutically sucrose is used for
making syrups, lozenges. It gives viscosity and consistency to fluids. Sucrose is
ubiquitous in food preparations due to both its sweetness and its functional
properties; it is important in the structure of many foods including biscuits and
cookies, candy canes, ice cream, and also assists in the preservation of foods.
The structural and chemical formula is mentioned in Figure 1.
charides, α-glucose and fructose.
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.4.Issue 7. July 2011
Keerthi Priya et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011,4(7),2034-2039
Potent sweeteners (10,000 times sweeter than sucrose).
They have very low calorific values, hence useful for diabetic persons.
They do not have any effect on prevalence of diseases.
Stevia is the safest Natural Sweetener and it can substitute sucrose in various
preparations and formulations.[16] Steviosides are obtained from leaves of small
Table2. Components of Stevia
rebaudiana leaf
Component Times sweeter
than sucrose
Stevioside 250-300
Dulcoside 50-120
RebaudiosideB 300-350
RebaudiosideA 250-450
RebaudiosideC 50-150
RebaudiosideD 250-450
RebaudiosideE 150-300
Steiobioside 100-125
Stevioside is the major component (5-15% in the dried leaves) of sweet tasting
leaf extract but has an unpleasant after taste, this problem is solved by blending
it with other compounds or by its conversion into RebaudiosideA, which is
normally present in the leaves in lower content (3-4%), does not have any after
taste and has a sweetening power 1.2 to 1.6 times higher than steviosides.
perennial herb Stevia Rebaudiana
(compositae),a native of Paraguay, South
Brazil and cultivated in Japan, southeast
Asia, USA, etc. Stevioside was first iso-
lated principle of this plant, which is 200-
300 times sweeter principle than sucrose.
In addition to stevioside several other sweet
principles such as steviosides A and B,
Steviobioside, RebaudiosideA, B, C, D, E
and Dulcoside A were isolated from Stevia
rebaudiana leaf. The major components
of the leaf and their sweetness potency
are shown in the table 2 [17].
Table3.Concentrations of rebiana
used in various products
Product Range
(mg/kg or mg/lit)
Carbonated soft drinks 50-600
Still beverages 50-600
Powdered soft drinks 200-200
Chewing gum 300-6000
Dairy products 150-1000
Edible gels 200-1000
Nutraceuticles 200-1000
Pharmaceuticals 50-1000
Rebiana is the common name for
highly-purity rebaudiosideA. It is
sweeter and more delicious than
stevioside [18]. It provides Zero calo-
ries and has a clean, sweet taste with
no significant undesirable taste char-
acteristics. It is also well suited for
blending with other non-caloric or
carbohydrate sweeteners. Rebaudioside
is often 200-300 times sweeter than
that of sucrose. As a dry powder
rebiana is stable for at least 2 years at ambient temperature and under con-
trolled humidity conditions. In solution, it is most stable between pH values 4-
8 noticeably less stable below pH 2. Stability decreases with increase in tem-
perature [19]. Typical rebiana concentrations used to sweeten various foods and
beverages and pharmaceuticals are shown in the table 3. Marketed products are
also available. There is no report on toxicity of Stevia glycosides. In Japan
Stevia sweeteners are used in wide range, in liquid or solid foods, beverages as
a substitute for conventional sugars or artificial diethetics, at present more
than 10 food industries in Japan are undertaking the production of Stevia
glycosides as food additives [20].
Glycyrrhizin is a pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins glycoside obtained from
the root and stolons of the plant Glycyrrhiza glabra (Leguminosae) com-
monly known as liquorice. Other species of Glycyrrhiza like G.foetida, G.inflata
also contain this sweet principle. Liquorice plant is native of Mediterranean
region and China, cultivated in France, Italy, Spain, USSR, USA, England and
Asia. In India it is found in Srinagar, Jammu, Dehradun, Baramulla, temperate
ammonium chloride, alkali iodides, quinine and cascara. Moreover,various
pharmacological activities of glycyrrhizin, including anti-inflammatory,
immunomodulatory, anti ulcer, and anti allergy activities have been reported.
Glycyrrhizin also has anti viral activity against various DNA and RNA viruses,
including HIV and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) associated
coronavirus. Therefore, a large amount of liquorice and its extracts are on the
world market as sweetening agents and medicinal materials[21].Ammoniated
glycyrrhizin, the fully ammoniated salt of glycyrrhizic acid, is commercially
available and has been found to be 100 times sweeter than sucrose. It is one of
the most efficient substances known for masking bitter taste of quinine. A
Chinese Natural medicine prepared from the dried roots of various glycyrriza
sp. is most frequently prescribed as an important ingredient in many prepara-
tions of traditional Chinese medicine(Kampou medicine) [45].
Fig. Liquorice root
Himalayan regions and south hilly
districts. It is propagated through
division of crown or rooted cut-
tings of underground
stem.Glycyrrhizin is found in the
form of potassium and calcium salt
of glycyrrhizic acid (a trihydroxy
acid, C42H62O; mp 205ºC quick de-
compose) in the roots and stolons
of liquorice plant. Different vari-
eties of liquorice contain varying
amounts of glycyrrhizin (from 6-
14%)[24]. Because of its sweet taste,
glycyrrhizin is used worldwide as a
natural sweetener and flavouring additive. It has been used as expectorant in
cough mixtures and as flavouring agent in formulations of nauseous drugs like
Source Glycyrrhizin content
Persian liquorice 7.5-13 %
(G.glabra var violaceae)
Spanish liquorice 5-10%
(G.glabra var typical)
Russian liquorice 10%
(G.glabra var glandulifera)
Table 4.Glycyrrhizin content in
various spices
Sapodilla (Acharas sapota)
Acharas sapota (sapotaceae) is another
sweet plant, the latex fruits of which
contain glycyrrhizin as sweet principle.
Sapodilla is the medium-sized tree na-
tive to Central America, but it also
grown elsewhere in the tropics. It is best
known source of chicle gum (the co-
agulated latex) which is the basis for
chewing gum manufacture [22]
Polypodium glycyrrhiza
Polypodoside A, a novel intensely sweet constituent of the rhizomes of
polypodium glycyrrhiza. This compound was rated by human taste panel as
exhibiting 600 times sweetness intensity of 6% w/v aqueous sucrose solution
These are Triterpene glycoside
sweet principles present in the leaves
of Indian liquorice plant Abrus
precatorius (leguminosae). Like
liquorice, roots of this plant also
contain glycyrrhizin. Abrus
precatorius is a climbing shrub,
indigenously found throughout
India. The plant is propagated
through seeds. Leaves and roots of
this plant contain sweet tasting
Triterpene glycoside principles.
Leaves taste sweeter than roots,
seeds are poisonous and contain
Abrin, a poisonous substance.
Leaves contain Triterpene glycosides Abrusosides, A, B, C, D and E. Roots
contain the sweet oleanane type Triterpene glycoside glycyrrhizin. Hence
this plant is used as substitute for liquorice. Abrusosides are non-toxic.Abrisosides
A, B, C and D are found to be 30, 100, 50, 75 times sweeter than 2% w/v
sucrose, respectively. Abrusoside E is marginally sweet but the monomethyl
ester proved to be more potently sweet [24, 25]. Leaf extract (purified abrusosides
A-D) is commercially used for sweetening foods, beverages and medicines.
Leaves, roots and seed are used for medicinal purposes [26].
Table 5. The botanical name, chemical structure, potency of terpenoid
Botanical name Active sweet Chemical Sweetness Native place
and family principle structure compared of plant species
to sucrose
Perrilla frutescens L Monoterpenoid 400-2000 India
(Labitae) (Perillartine) aSino-Japan
Southeast Asia
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Diterpenoid b200-300 Paraguay and
(compositae) (stevioside) South Brazil
Glycyrrhiza glabra Triterpenoid c100 Mediterranean
(Leguminosae) (Glycyrrhizin) Countries & China
Abrus precatorius Triterpenoid -do- India
(Leguminosae) (Glycyrrhizin)
Achras sapota Triterpenoid -do- S.America
(Sapotaceae) (Glycyrrhizin)
a b c
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.4.Issue 7. July 2011
Keerthi Priya et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011,4(7),2034-2039
Perillartine is a monoterpene volatile oil obtained from the leaves, seeds and
flowering tops of the plant perilla frutescens (Labitae).This plant is indigenous
to India and found in Japan and Southeast Asia. Perllartine is 400-2000 times
sweeter than sucrose on a unit weight basis, and 4-8 times sweeter than
saccharine. The volatile oil provides flavours to sauces and confectionary as it
contains the super sweet principle Perillartine [27].
Phyllodulcin is obtained from the plant Hydrangea macrophylla (Saxifragaceae)
commonly known as amacha. This plant is Indigenous to Japan, china and is
found in North and south America, an d temperate hills of India particularly
Assam and in Himalayas. The sweet principle, is 300-400 times sweeter than
sucrose, is shown in table 6. [4]
Table 6. Source, family, chemical structure active principles of
Botanical name Active sweet Chemical Sweetness Native place
And family principle structure compared to sucrose of plant species
Hydrangea Dihydro a300-400 Japan, china,
macrophylla Isocoumarin North & South
(Saxifragaceae) (phyllodulcin) America and India
The Thaumatins are a family of very sweet proteins present in the fruits of
the tropical plant Thaumatococcus danielli (marantaceae) a bushy plant that
grows in west Africa[28] All the forms of a Thaumatin are intensely sweet, and
have 207 amino acids. The two predominant forms, Thaumatin I and II differ
by 5 amino acids.Thaumatin elicits a very sweet taste that is rated to be 2000
to 10000 times sweeter than sucrose, depending on purity and concentration.
Thaumatin I and II are soluble in water and dilute alcohol [29]. Their solubility
is maximal at pH 2.7-3. The sweetening power does not disappear on heating.
The sweetness of Thaumatin disappeared on heating at pH above 7 for 15
min, but the sweetness remained even after heating at 80ºC for 4 hr at pH 2.
This indicated that the protein Thaumatin is more thermoresistent under acid
conditions than under neutral or alkaline conditions [30] Thaumatin is effective
at masking bitter notes often associated with pharmaceuticals or vitamins.
Used at 20-400 ppm in pills and tablets, its long lasting effect covers strongly
bitter aftertastes and leaves a pleasant feeling in the mouth. Thaumatin can
also be useful for masking astringency and off-flavors [31]
The taste- modifying protein, miraculin has the unusual property of being able
to modify a sour taste into a sweet taste [32]. Richardella dulcifica (sapotaceae),
a shrub native to tropical West Africa, produces red berries that have an active
ingredient, glycoprotein molecule with some trailing carbohydrate chains called,
miraculin, a taste modifying protein that cause citric acid, ascorbic acid, and
acetic acid, which are normally sour, to perceived as sweet after the berry has
been held in the mouth[32] The maximum sweetness after exposure to 0.4 µm
miraculin induced by 0.02M citric acid was estimated to be around 400000
times that of sucrose on a molar basis [32, 33] The taste modifying effect lasts for
usually 1-2 hr. Miracle fruit is available as freeze dried granules or in tablets
this form has a longer shelf life than fresh fruit. Tablets are made from
compressed freeze dried fruit which causes the texture to be clearly visible
even in tablet form [34].
Curculin isolated from curculigo latifolia, aplant grown in Malaysia, has an
intriguing property of modifying sour taste into sweet taste. In addition to this
taste modifying activity, curculin itself elicits a sweet taste [28] Curculin has a
unique property to exhibit both taste modifying activities. Although curculin
was originally reported to be a homodermic protein, sweet taste of this pro-
tein is actually expressed by its heterodermic isoform (also termed neoculin)
composed of two homologous subunits designated as curculi1, curculin2, which
share 77% identity in the amino acid sequences. The underlying mechanism
for the sweet tasting and taste modifying dual capability of curculin remains
largely a mystery [35].
Monellin is present in red berries of West African plant Dioscoreophyllum
cumminsii Diels. This protein is about 3000 times sweeter than sucrose on a
weight basis. Unlike the single chain thaumatin, monellin consists of two
polypeptides of 45 and 50 amino acid residues, respectively that are associ-
ated through non-covalent interactions. Monellin has been shown to lose its
sweetness when heated above 50ºC under acidic pH [28].
Mabilin the sweet tasting polypeptide exists in the fruits of Chinese plant
capparis masaki. This protein is comprised of two polypeptide chains, of 33
and 72 amino acids respectively, which are tightly associated through non-
covalent interactions. It is about 100 times sweeter than sucrose on a weight
basis [28].
Fruits of the plant penta diplandra brazzeana Ballion, a climbing shrub found
in some countries of tropical Africa(such as Gabon), contain 12-kDa sweet-
tasting protein, first isolated by van der Wel et al (1989). Electrophoretic
studies in the presence and absence of 2-mercaptoethanol suggested that the
mature protein consists of subunits coupled by disulfide bonds. The sweetness
intensity was estimated to be around 500 times that of sucrose on a weight
basis.No further work has been reported towards characterization of this sweet-
tasting protein [36]
Brazzein is also contained in the fruit of P.brazzeana Ballion. It was first
isolated by Mind and Hellekant(1994). The molecular mass of Brazzein is
6473, and its three dimensional structure has been solved, like thaumatin,
brazzein is a single chain protein (54 amino acids). Its sweetness profile
remains even after incubation at 353 K for 4 hrs, probably because of its
compact structure afforded by its four disulfide bridges [28]. Comparision of
thaumatin, monellin, mabinlin, pentadin, brazzein, curculin and miraculin are
shown in the table 7.
Table 7. Composition of protein sweeteners
Protein Source Geographic Sweetness factor Amino acids
Sweetenes Distribution (Weight Basis)
Thaumatin Thaumatococcus danielli Benth West Africa 3,000 207
Monellin Dioscoreophyllum Cumminsii Diels West Africa 3,000 45(A chain)
50(B chain)
Mabinlin Capparis masaki China 100 33(A chain)
72(B chain)
Pentadin Pentadiplandra brazzeana West Africa 500
Brazzein Pentadiplandra brazzeana West Africa 2000 54
Curculin Curculingo latifolia Malaysia 550 114
Miraculin Richadella dulcifica West Africa -191
The sweet principle glycyphyllin is present in almost all parts of the plant
smilax glycyphylla (liliaceae). Commonly, it is known as barichob-chini. It is
Indigenous to India and found in Himalayas. It is mainly propagated through
Rhizomes and tuberous roots. The sweet principle is a dihydrochalcone gluco-
side, 100-200 times sweeter than sucrose. The extract of shoot or almost all
parts provide sweetening agent [4].
Trilobatin is obtained from the plants Symplococos paniculata (simplocaceae)
commonly known as sweet leaf, sapphire berry, ludh. This plant is found in India
and is being cultivated on large scale. It is 400-1000 times sweeter than sucrose.
A water soluble fraction from the bark has been reported to exhibit antioxidative
activity. Seeds contain oil. Leaves are used as fodder. Further studies are required
on quantity and distribution of sweet principles in different parts of plant [4].
Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone
Neohesperidin is obtained from the peels of the fruits of plant citrus aurantium
(Rutaceae), commonly known as Seville orange.The flavonoid compound
neohesperidine is itself bitter but dilute alkali extract gives a sweet compound
called Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, which is about 1000 times sweeter than
sucrose and has a slow onset and persists for some time.The sweetener is rela-
tively inert to the action of carcinogenic bacteria and is approved in Belgium for
use as a sugar substitute in beverages and chewing gum [37].
Naringin Dihydrochalcone
The sweet principle, Naringin is a type of dihydrochalcone. The flavonoid
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.4.Issue 7. July 2011
Keerthi Priya et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011,4(7),2034-2039
parent compound naringin is bitter present in the peels of fruit of the plant
Citrus paradisi (Rutaceae) commonly known as grape fruit. However, the naringin
extract in dilute alkali gives a sweet principle, naringin dihydrochalcone, which
is nearly 1000 times sweeter than sucrose. The plant is indigenous to West
Indies and is cultivated in India. Naringin can be commercialized and could be
used to prepare neohesperidin.
Hesperitin Dihydrochalcone
The parent compound Hesperitin is isolated from the peels of the plant Citrus
sinensis and citrus limoni (Rutaceae). The reduction of hesperidin in dilute alkali
yields hesperidin dihydrochalcone. Partial hydrolysis of this compound, either
by acid or by dissolved or immobilized enzyme, gives rise to sweet hesperetin
dihydrochalcone. This is 300 times sweeter than sucrose [37, 38].Citrus sinensis is
commonly known as betavian, sweet orange. It is native of India and China and
cultivated widely in subtropical regions as most valued commercial citrus of the
world. Citrus limoni is commonly known as lemon and jambira. Wild stock of
this plant is native of Northwest region of India. Both plants are widely culti-
vated in India [24] The botanical name, chemical structure, sweetness potency of
dihydrochalcone sweeteners are given in the table 8.
Table 8. Different dihydrochalcone sweeteners
Botanical name Active sweet Chemical Sweeteness Native place of
and family principle structure compared plant species
to sucrose
Smilax Glycyphylla Dihydro Chalcone a100-200 Temperate hills
(liliaceae) Glycoside (glycyphyllin) of India
Simplococos paniculata Dihydro Chalcone 400-1000 India
(simplocaceae) Glycoside (trilobatin) b
Citrus aurantium Dihydro Chalcone 1000 India
(Rutaceae) Glycoside (Neohesperidin) c
Citrus paradisi DihydroChalcone -do- >1000 West Indies
(Rutaceae) Glycoside(Narigin)
Citrus sinensis Hesperetin 300 India and china
Citrus limoni -do- -do- -do- North west
region of India
a b c
Polypodoside A
The sweet principle polypodoside A is obtained from the rhizomes of the North
American plant Polypodium glycyrrhiza (polipodiaceae), commonly known as
liquorice fern, initially, the sweet taste of the rhizomes was attributed to the
presence of a sweet glycoside glycyrrhizin. Later it was found that a novel
intensely sweet compound, polypodosideA, which is 600 times sweeter than 6%
w/v aqueous sucrose solution. This steroidal saponin glycoside on enzymatic
hydrolysis with hesperindinase yields D-glucose, L-rhamnose and aglycone
polypodogenin [39].
European polypody fern. Polypodium vulgare (polypodiaceae) rhizomes con-
tain the glycoside Osladin as sweet principle. It is 300-3000 times sweeter than
sucrose [40].
Pterocaryosides A and B
Two novel, potentially sweet 3-4 secodammaranoid saponins, pterocaryoside
Aand B are isolated from the leaves and stems of Chinese tree pterocarya
paliurus. These pterocaryosides are proved as nontoxic, safe and potent sweet-
ening agents. Pterocaryoside A and B are 50and100 times sweeter than 2%
sucrose, respectively.
It is isolated from water extract of the leaves of staurogyne mergunsis. This is
a new compound isolated. On the basis of spectral analysis the structure of this
compound was elucidated as 3-O-ß-d-xylopyranosyl-(1or2)-ß-D-glucurono
pyranosyl-3ß, 21ß, 22ß, 23, 29-pentahydroxy olean-12-ene-21-a-(2,3,4-O-
Three intensely sweet cyclocaryosides I, II and III are obtained from the leaves
of cyclocarya paliurus, the structure of cyclocaryoside is elucidated as 20, 24
epoxy- dammaran-(3ß, 12ß, 20S, 24R)-12-ß-D-quinovo pyranosyl-25-hydroxy-
3-O-a-L arabino furanoside. It is the main sweet principle of the plant, possess-
ing about250 times more than the sweetness intensity of sucrose [24].
Xylitol is apolyol, with a sweetening power similar to sucrose, found in fruits and
vegetables. It has many advantages as a food ingredient. It does not undergo a
Millard reaction, responsible for both darkening and reduction in the nutritional
value of proteins. When continuously supplied in the diet, it limits the tendency
to obesity, and the incorporation of xylitol in food formulations improves the
colour and taste of preparations without causing undesired changes in properties
during storage. A number of studies have shown the beneficial effects of xylitol
as a sweetener when used alone or formulated in combination with other sugars,
provides texture, colour, taste, stable for longer periods than those of products
formulated with conventional sugars such as sucrose [41].With fructose, xylitol is
the sugar recommended for diabetic patients. Because of its negative heat of
dissolution, xylitol produces a feeling of vaporization in the oral and nasal
cavities and is used as a part of the coating of confectionary or pharmaceutical
products such as vitamins or expectorants, and in formulation or dietary comple-
ments such as amino-acids, vitamins, trace elements and non-reducing sugars.
Used in combination with alcohols, sugars and aminoaacids, xylitol has been
used as stabilizing agent for proteins during their extraction from natural mem-
branes thus avoiding denaturation [42].
Erythritol is 1,2,3,4-butanetetrol.It is a white crystalline powder that is odor-
less, with a clean sweet taste that is similar to sucrose. It is approximately 70%
as sweet as sucrose as flows easily because of its non hygroscopic character.
Erythritol is a good tasting bulk sweetener that is suitable for a variety of
reduced-calorie and sugar free foods. Since 1990 erythritol has been commer-
cially produced and added to foods and beverages to provide sweetness as well as
to enhance their taste and texture. Erythritol has a high digestive tolerance, is
safe for people with diabetes, and does not promote tooth decay [43].
The desire for sweet taste is inborn. Since the ingestion of sugar increases caloric
intake and can lead to obesity, a risk factor for some chronic diseases, this
common sweetener has been restricted in the diet of diabetics. The availability
of natural sweeteners has made it possible to offer consumers sweet taste with-
out the calories that a diet high in sucrose implies.
In India 13 species of plants that accumulate nonsaccharides as the active sweet
principle have been identified. For fast multiplication of these plants, develop-
ments of suitable techniques are required not only to save them from becoming
extinct but also to enable their large scale cultivation. Furthermore, simple
techniques for the extraction of these principles are required which could be
adapted at small-scale level.
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... Natural and artifi cial or synthetic sweeteners play a large role in human energy needs and are very important for various food industries (Arshad et al., 2022) However, many sweeteners added by food manufacturers to food products are not ideal for all food industry applications. Among sweeteners, there are also compounds that have a sweet taste and do not contain (Priya et al., 2011). ...
... The search for sugars or sweeteners from natural sources has led to the discovery of several substances that have a very sweet taste or are capable of altering the fl avor (Jacob et al., 2016). About more than 150 plant materials in the world have been found to have a sweet taste because they contain a large number of sugar groups, polyols or other constituents that give a sweet taste response (Priya et al., 2011). Figure 1 shows the literature search and selection process of systematic review data. ...
... Jain et al. (2015) explained that saccharide sweeteners are one of the sweeteners that have nutrients to supply calories in the form of carbohydrates, such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose ( Figure 2). Sucrose was anciently found from the extraction of sugar cane in India since 6000 (Priya et al., 2011). Sucrose, commonly known as sugar, but more precisely -D-glucopyranosyl -D-fructofuranose side has been reported to have the highest production in the world and is sourced from a single, natural, organic chemical. ...
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Natural sweetener is a food alternative to sugar obtained from nature through organic chemical processes that produce fl avors and characteristics similar to sugar and synthetic sweeteners. This paper is made in the form of a systematic review to collect and identify data related to the potential of natural sweeteners in Indonesia. The writing was designed using PRISMA with PICO with outcomes of total solids, reducing sugar, Dextrose equivalent (DE), glycemic index (GI) as data selection methods. The data obtained showed 15 potential plants from 13 diff erent articles or journals. After being classifi ed, the majority of food ingredients are natural sweeteners of the saccharide type that have the potential to produce liquid sucrose, fructose syrup and glucose products. These product opportunities were selected based on plant commodities with the highest productivity such as cassava, corn, coconut, sugarcane, sweet potato, sago, taro, and sorghum from several regions such as West
... 13 Pemanis nonnutritif merupakan pemanis alami yang berasal dari alam, tidak ditambahkan bahan kimia lainnya, dan digunakan untuk mensubstitusi gula. 9,14 Pemanis non-nutritif memiliki keunggulan dari gula yaitu hanya membutuhkan sedikit pemanis untuk mendapatkan rasa manis, bersifat non-kariogenik, kalori lebih rendah, serta aman bagi pengidap penyakit sistemik seperti diabetes. 14,15 Tidak seperti gula, pemanis nonnutritif dianggap sebagai bahan tambahan makanan dan dapat digunakan sesuai dengan asupan harian yang dapat diterima atau Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). ...
... 9,14 Pemanis non-nutritif memiliki keunggulan dari gula yaitu hanya membutuhkan sedikit pemanis untuk mendapatkan rasa manis, bersifat non-kariogenik, kalori lebih rendah, serta aman bagi pengidap penyakit sistemik seperti diabetes. 14,15 Tidak seperti gula, pemanis nonnutritif dianggap sebagai bahan tambahan makanan dan dapat digunakan sesuai dengan asupan harian yang dapat diterima atau Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). 16 Terdapat berbagai jenis pemanis nonnutritif alami yang telah banyak digunakan sebagai pemanis alternatif seperti glycyrrhizin yang didapatkan dari tumbuhan liquorice, dan steviosides yang didapatkan dari tanaman daun stevia. ...
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ABSTRAK Asupan gula dalam diet sehari-hari dapat menurunkan pH saliva yang dapat menyebabkan karies terutama pada kelompok dewasa muda karena konsumsi pemanis dalam makanan atau minuman dengan frekuensi yang sering. Penggunaan pemanis non-nutritif sebagai subtitusi gula mulai menjadi pertimbangan karena menghasilkan rasa manis gula namun bersifat non-kariogenik. Daun stevia tanaman pemanis non-nutritif alami menjadi pilihan karena memiliki efek antikariogenik dan merujuk pada hasil penelitian in vivo menunjukkan bahwa daun stevia dapat meningkatkan pH saliva. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian daun stevia terhadap peningkatan pH saliva pada kelompok dewasa muda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur yang menggunakan data sekunder yang didapatkan dari sumber pustaka jurnal nasional dan internasional terakreditasi melalui mesin pencarian Google scholar, NCBI, dan PubMed dari tahun 2010 hingga 2021. Kata kunci yang digunakan berupa Stevia + saliva pH" AND "enhance", "sweeteners" AND OR "sugar substitute sehingga diperoleh lima jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria. Hasil penelitian yaitu terdapat peningkatan pH saliva setelah menggunakan larutan daun stevia dengan cara berkumur. Larutan daun stevia mengandung etanol dan metanol yang mengurangi pembentukan bakteri gram negatif dan bakteri gram positif pada penelitian secara in vitro. Daun stevia mengandung Stevioside, Rebaudioside A, riboflavin, dan tannin yang bersifat antibakteri sehingga dapat menghambat pertumbuhan plak serta meningkatkan kapasitas buffer yang menghasilkan peningkatan pH saliva. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu daun stevia merupakan pemanis non-nutritif alami yang dapat meningkatkan pH saliva pada kelompok dewasa muda. ABSTRACT The sugar intake in daily diet can lower saliva pH, potentially leading to dental caries, particularly among young adults due to frequent consumption of sweeteners in food and beverages. The application of non-nutritive sweeteners as sugar substitutes is becoming a consideration because they provide a sweet taste similar to sugar but have a non-cariogenic effect. Stevia leaves as a non-nutritive sweetener plant, are increasingly favored because they exhibit anti-cariogenic effects. In vivo study results indicate that stevia leaves can increase saliva pH. This study aims to investigate the impact of stevia consumption on saliva pH among young adults. This study employs a literature review methodology using secondary data from accredited national and international journal sources accessed through Google Scholar, NCBI, and Pubmed from 2010 to 2021. The keywords used were "Stevia + saliva pH" AND "enhance", "sweeteners" AND OR "sugar substitute", resulting in five relevant journals meeting the criteria to be analyzed. The findings indicate an increase in saliva pH after rinsing with stevia leaf solution. In vitro studies suggest that stevia leaves containing ethanol and methanol reduce the formation of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Stevia leaves contain Stevioside, Rebaudioside A, Riboflavin, and Tannin, which act as antibacterial, inhibiting plaque growth and enhancing buffer capacity, thereby increasing saliva pH. In conclusion, this study confirms that stevia leaves are a natural non-nutritive sweetener that has a high impact on increasing salivary pH among young adults. Kesehatan rongga mulut merupakan indikator utama dari kesehatan secara keseluruhan, kesejahteraan, dan kualitas hidup. WHO mendefinisikan kesehatan rongga mulut sebagai keadaan terbebas dari penyakit rongga mulut seperti kanker mulut, kanker tenggorokan, infeksi atau luka sekitar rongga mulut, penyakit periodontal, kerusakan gigi, kehilangan gigi, serta penyakit rongga mulut lain yang dapat membatasi kegiatan seseorang sehari-hari. 1 Berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) tahun 2018 menyatakan kelompok usia dewasa muda 18-25 tahun memiliki prevalensi kasus karies sebesar 75,3% dan individu yang menambal gigi berlubang hanya sebesar 4,1%. 2 Penyebab terbesar dari gigi berlubang ini berasal dari mikroorganisme pada enamel gigi, yang ditandai dengan terjadinya demineralisasi pada enamel gigi. 3 Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya karies yaitu host, waktu, mikroorganisme, substrat, saliva dan diet sehari-hari. 3,4 Saliva berupa cairan kompleks rongga mulut yang berasal dari sekresi kelenjar saliva mayor dan minor, memiliki pH dan laju aliran yang dapat berubah setiap saat bergantung pada beberapa faktor seperti irama sirkadian, kecepatan aliran saliva, mikroorganisme, diet, dan kapasitas buffer saliva. 5,6,7 Nilai pH saliva normal berkisar 6,2-7,4 dengan nilai rata-rata pH saliva adalah 6,7. 3 Namun, pada saat mikroorganisme mengubah karbohidrat dan gula menjadi asam laktat, asam butirat, dan asam aspartat maka bakteri akan menyebabkan penurunan pH saliva dan memulai proses demineralisasi. 3,8 Proses ini berlangsung beberapa kali dalam sehari dan dipengaruhi oleh tipe flora mikroba pada biofilm, diet sehari-hari, oral hygiene, komposisi saliva, laju aliran saliva, kapasitas buffer. 3
... By the sixteenth week of pregnancy, taste receptors begin to develop in the foetus, and the newborn baby can react favourably to solutions that have been sweetened. 1 The primary energy source in food is carbohydrate. Their structure and well-balanced taste, which is sweet in sugars make them noteworthy. ...
The rising global consumption of sugars and sweeteners has sparked significant concern over their impact on human metabolic health and chronic diseases. This paper reviews the role of various sugars and artificial sweeteners in contributing to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome. Sugars, including glucose, fructose, and sucrose, are integral to the human diet, providing essential energy but also posing risks when consumed in excess. The research highlights that excessive sugar intake, particularly from processed foods, correlates with a heightened risk of chronic diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. Artificial sweeteners, while offering a low-calorie alternative, also carry potential health risks, such as carcinogenicity and metabolic disturbances. These sweeteners, including saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose, are extensively used in various food products, but their long-term effects remain a topic of debate. The paper underscores the importance of a balanced diet that limits the intake of added sugars and emphasizes the need for further research to fully understand the complex relationship between sugar consumption and chronic diseases. It suggests that natural sweeteners may offer a safer alternative, though more studies are needed to evaluate their effectiveness across different populations, particularly those with metabolic disorders. This review article aims to analyze the effects of sugars and artificial sweeteners on human metabolic health and chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions. It emphasizes the need for balanced consumption and public health strategies to reduce added sugars and promote safer alternatives.
... Because of this, the food industry is trying to prevent obesity-related diseases and different food alternatives have been developed, such as noncaloric sweeteners (NNS) [2]. Sucralose is the most widely NNS present in sugar-free and low-sugar products due to generally being recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [3][4][5][6][7]. However, sucralose consumption is controversial because of its effects on metabolic levels, weight gain, and gut microbiota homeostasis, related to increased adipose tissue depots in rats and another animal model, showing an association between consumption and metabolic disorders [8][9][10][11]. ...
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Sucralose, a commonly nonnutritive sweetener used in daily products of habitual diet, is related to impairing the gut microbiome by disrupting inflammatory response, promoting weight gain by increasing adipose tissue and promoting chronic inflammatory processes. Considering the impact of sucralose in the development of metabolic diseases, in this work, we focused on the impact of sucralose on the adipocyte differentiation process to determine if sucralose can promote adipogenesis and increase adipose tissue depots in PCS 210 010 human preadipocytes cell line. Sucralose at 25 (S25) and 100 ng/µL (S100) concentrations were tested against control with no edulcorant (NS) during the adipocyte differentiation process at 48 h and 96 h. The genetic expression of adipogenesis markers such as CEBP-α, PPARγ, EBF-2, UCP-1, and lipogenesis regulator ACC was determined by qPCR. A panel of human cytokines related to inflammatory response was measured by a flow cytometer using the kit Legend Plex Human Cytokine panel of BIOLUMINEX. Our results indicate that sucralose increased the expression of white adipocyte differentiation marker CEBP-α and lipogenesis regulator ACC at 96 h before complete differentiation. Also, sucralose triggers an inflammatory response by synthesizing adiponectin, resistin, IL-6, IL-8, and Il-1B. To summarize, sucralose stimulates the expression of genes related to adipogenesis and negatively affects the secretion of inflammatory cytokines and adipokines during preadipocyte differentiation.
... For food, drinks, medications, dental hygiene, and cosmetic goods, sweetness is commonly considered a pleasant and desired flavor. The most commonly used natural energy-containing sugars to add sweetness to consumer goods are table sugar, fruit sugar, and dextrose (Priya, Gupta, & Srikanth, 2011). Customers who want a sugary flavor with low to no calories must go to alternative sources because these natural sugars carry calories . ...
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Steviol glycoside sweeteners have been isolated and produced for hundreds of years in Bertoni, a South American Asteraceae plant prized for its sweetness. Stevia is becoming more popular among consumers and food manufacturers as a result of diabetes, rising obesity rates, and other related comorbidities, as well as global public policies calling for a reduction in intake of sugar to help control these issues. Low-calorie as well as no-calorie sweeteners, such as Stevia, have this appeal because they are plant-based, have no calories, and have a sugary flavour that is 50 to 350 times sweeter than table sugar, making them an excellent as well as suitable choice for use in foods as well as beverages with lower sugar and calorie content. This plant yields steviol glycoside sweeteners, which are isolated and processed. Current studies on Stevia rebaudiana extract, metabolism, tolerable intake, and safety, steviol glycoside extraction and purification, side effects, as well as the toxicity of Stevia extract are discussed in detail.
... However, unlike DA, no significant difference in "apple flavor" was observed among the samples, except for P2. P2 contains sweeteners such as thaumatin and enzymatically modified stevia, with thaumatin being 2000 to 10,000 times sweeter than sugar [32]. Pimentel et al. [33] reported that clarified apple juice with added sucralose exhibited diminished apple flavor due to a masking effect from the intense sweetness compared to that of pure juice, suggesting that the sweetness may have influenced the apple flavor of the product. ...
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Preference mapping (PM), which integrates consumer and descriptive analysis (DA) data to identify attributes that drive consumer liking, is widely employed for product optimization. However, a limited group of trained panelists cannot fully represent the diverse consumer population or reliably predict market acceptance. Consequently, numerous studies have explored consumer-based methodologies as potential replacements for DA; however, their efficacy for product optimization remains limited. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the potential of optimizing products using two consumer-based profiling techniques as alternatives to DA in external preference mapping (EPM). Overall, 8 trained panelists profiled 12 sensory attributes of 7 commercial apple juices, whereas 160 consumers assessed the same attributes using a 5-point rate-all-that-apply (RATA) scale and a 10 cm intensity scale (IS). Danzart’s response surface ideal modeling was employed to identify optimal products using DA, RATA, and IS through barycenter calculations, focusing on three products from the original consumer test located around the group ideal point. Overall, the ideal products of the group and their sensory characteristics were successfully identified using DA, RATA, and IS. Regarding sensory intensities, high concordance was observed between DA and RATA (Rv = 0.92) and between DA and IS (Rv = 0.91). Overall liking and preference scores for products mixed at the optimal ratio for each method showed no significant differences in preference among the ideal products identified using DA, RATA, and IS. This study suggests that both RATA and IS are viable alternatives to DA in EPM for identifying ideal sensory profiles.
... Currently, high-intensity synthetic chemicals like acesulfame-K, aspartame, neotame, saccharin and sucralose are used to sweeten low-calorie foods. Many of these sweeteners have been proven to be carcinogenic and linked to several other ailments in addition to being nutrient-deficient (Priya et al. 2011). Because of this, the food industry has spent a lot of time and energy developing substitute sweeteners that have comparable traits and attributes, but come from natural sources. ...
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This thorough analysis explores the complex world of Stevia (Steviol glycosides), a natural food addition that has the potential to completely alter the sweetener market. This review examines the promise of Stevia as a natural substitute with a focus on its history, chemical composition, sweetness properties, isolation techniques, health advantages, applications in the food and beverage industry, and regulatory status in light of growing concerns regarding the safety of synthetic sweeteners. Stevia, which is made from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant, has a long history of use among the indigenous peoples of Paraguay and Brazil. Its inherent sweetness, which is ascribed to ingredients like stevioside and rebaudioside A, has attracted attention across the globe, but especially in Japan where it has become a popular sweetener. However, regulatory obstacles have stood in the way of its global acceptability in nations including the US, Canada, and the EU. Stevioside and rebaudioside A are the two most noticeable steviol glycosides among those found in Stevia's chemical makeup. Stevia is a desirable option for low-calorie sweetening since these compounds demonstrate levels of sweetness that are substantially higher than sucrose. The health advantages of stevia have been the subject of promising research, particularly in the treatment of diabetes and the prevention of dental cavities. Steviol glycosides have been shown to improve insulin secretion and control blood glucose levels, providing diabetics with viable treatments. Stevia is also a strong contender for lowering the risk of dental cavities due to its antibacterial qualities. Stevia has proven to be stable and suitable for use as a sweetener in a variety of foods and drinks, including soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners, chewing gum, yoghurt, pastries, and more. Its potential to replace conventional sweeteners is highlighted by its adaptability in a variety of applications. Stevia has advanced significantly in gaining acceptance despite early regulatory obstacles. Standards and recommended daily intake (ADI) values for stevia have been established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), providing a framework for regulatory bodies around the world.
... In Moroccan traditional medicine, G. foetida is used to cure stomach and throat issues [13]. Additionally, licorice, G. foetida, which is used as a sweetener and a traditional herbal remedy, was considered as a good source of amorfrutins showing significant antibacterial properties [14]. Similar to many natural compounds, with a slight preference towards Gram-positive and acid-fast microbes. ...
Obesity, a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes, represents a socio-economic burden for healthcare systems. Consequently multiple studies aiming to facilitate early diagnostic and prevent complications have demonstrated the promising role of phenolic derivatives on diabetes management. In this frame, the present study aimed to establish for the first time the chemical ingredients and to appraise the antioxidant and the enzyme inhibitory properties of Glycyrrhiza foetida aerial parts and roots extracts using methanol, ethyl acetate and chloroform solvents. The phytochemicals were analyzed via (HPLC-MS/MS). In addition, the extracts were tested for inhibitory activities against α-amylase, α-glucosidase, acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, and tyrosinase. The antioxidant capabilities were evaluated using various methods (phospho‑molybdenum, DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, CUPRAC, and metal chelating assays). Notably, twenty-nine secondary metabolites, namely eleven phenolic acids, seventeen flavonoids and a non-phenolic acid have been identified. Delphinidin 3,5-diglucoside, rutin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, catechin, phloridzin and hesperidin were the major compounds in the aerial parts extracts while trans-cinnamic acid was the dominant compound in roots. Among phenolic acids, vanillic acid was found to be the main constituent in all extracts. The tested extracts were found to yield TPC in amounts ranging from 34.08 to 49.36 mg GAE/g and TFC ranging from 7.01 to 45.74 mg RE/g. G. foetida extracts showed interesting in vitro antioxidant properties. Additionally, all extracts showed a significant anti-tyrosinase activity, with inhibition values ranging between 52.84 and 80.34 mg KAE/g. Thus, G. foetida remains an exceptional matrix for further investigations and application in cosmetics and food additives.
... In Moroccan traditional medicine, G. foetida is used to cure stomach and throat issues [13]. Additionally, licorice, G. foetida, which is used as a sweetener and a traditional herbal remedy, was considered as a good source of amorfrutins showing significant antibacterial properties [14]. Similar to many natural compounds, with a slight preference towards Gram-positive and acid-fast microbes. ...
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The food industry is looking for substitutes for sucrose in food items due to the excessive consumption of products with added sugar and the demand for healthier products. Alternative natural sweeteners can help achieve this goal. Different types of low-fat yoghurts (1% fat), with low-protein and high-protein levels (3% and 4.5–6.5% protein, respectively), were produced using alternative natural sweeteners. The low-protein yoghurts were made with stevia (0.03% w/w) or agave syrup (4.5% w/w). The high-protein yoghurts were made with stevia (0.04% w/w), xylitol (6% w/w) or honey (6% w/w). Sucrose (6% w/w) was used as a control in both trials. pH and titratable acidity, CIEL*a*b* color parameters, syneresis index, rheology and the texture profile of the low-fat yoghurts were evaluated over refrigerated storage. All products underwent sensory evaluation by an untrained panel. The high-protein yoghurts were found to be more acidic (>1% as lactic acid), had a lower syneresis index (between 2.1 and 16.2%) and a better consistency (stronger gel structure) than the low-protein yoghurts. In terms of rheological parameters, stevia-sweetened yoghurts scored higher than the other sweetened yoghurts, showing a better gel structure. The different sweeteners tested did not significantly affect the sensory properties of the yoghurts, although the high-protein yoghurts scored higher for most of the attributes evaluated. Overall, consumers preferred stevia-sweetened yoghurts to yoghurts sweetened with sucrose or agave for the low-protein yoghurts. Of the tested formulations, those containing high protein with the alternative natural sweetener xylitol received higher scores in all attributes. These results reveal the potential of the tested natural sweeteners as sucrose substitutes, while contributing to improving the nutritional value of yoghurts.
Thirteen species of plants accumulating nonsaccharides as the sweet principles have been identified in India: most species being indigenous. The active sweet principles stored in these plants can be grouped under: terpenoides, steroidal saponins, dihydroisocoumarins, dihydrochalcones, proteins, etc. in nature.These are not only low in calorific values and therefore health compatibile but also are 100-10,000 times sweeter than sucrose on a unit weight basis. Common and scientific names of these plants along with their popular names in Indian languages; salient information on their distribution, propagation, morphological features; and the corresponding chemical structure of the sweet principles have been presented in this paper.
The antioxidative effects of honey species and their related products were evaluated using a lipid peroxidation model system. The antioxidant activities of honey species gradually decreased with passage of time. Buckwheat honey was as effective as 1 mM α-tocopherol. Superoxide-scavenging activities of propolis and royal jelly were strongest among the honey species tested. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging ability of sample species were lower than those of 1 mM ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol. Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was very high in all honeys (over 77% inhibition). From the results of the bacterial test on storage of meat and muscle, each honey exhibited the inhibition of bacterial growth. In particular, propolis and royal jelly exhibited the strongest inhibitory effects against bacterial growth. This suggests that honey species from different floral sources possess strong antioxidative and antibacterial activities and are scavengers of active oxygen species.
Structure of osladin, a sweet principle of rhizome of Polypodium vulgare, was revised to 26-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(22R,25S,26R)-22,26-expoxy-6-oxo-5α-cholestan-3β,26-diol-3-o-α-L-rhamnopyrano-syl-(1→2)-β- D-glucopyranoside (1) on the basis of single crystal X-ray diffraction study.
In addition to abrusoside A [1], abrusosides B [2], C [3], and D [4], three further sweet glycosides based on the novel cycloartane-type aglycone, abrusogenin [5], were isolated from an n-BuOH-soluble extract of the leaves of Abrus precatorius. Using a combination of spectral methods, the structures of compounds 1-4 were assigned, respectively, as the 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl, the 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----2)-beta-D-6-methylglucuronopyranosyl+ ++, the 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----2)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl, and the 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----2)-beta-D-glucuronopyranosyl derivatives of compound 5. After it established that compounds 1-4 were neither acutely toxic with mice nor mutagenic with Salmonella typhimurium strain TM677, they were found by a human taste panel to exhibit sweetness potencies in the range 30-100 times greater than sucrose.
Two types of intense sweeteners are available: natural sweeteners of plant origin and artificial or synthetic sweeteners. The sweeteners from natural sources with potential for commercial use include perillaldehyde, stevioside, rabaudioside, glycyrrhizin, osladin, thaumatins, and monellin. The compound miraculin, although not sweet, has the property of modifying the taste of sour food into a delightfully sweet taste. The artificial sweeteners currently in use in this country are saccharin, aspartame, and acesulfame K. In addition, sucralose, alitame, and several other sugar substitutes are in various stages of development. Although these compounds provide sweetness with minimal or no calories, some studies suggest that they may induce insulin secretion and a rise in appetite. The long-term effect of these sweeteners on weight gain and insulin secretion among various groups of the population needs to be studied.
This paper reviews our investigations on the chemical constituents of several kinds of botanically identified licorice roots, which led to the characterization of 13 then-new glu- curonide-saponins named licorice-saponins (A-L), apioglycyrrhizin, and araboglycyrrhizin, together with glycyrrhizin and 18α-glycyrrhizin and also of 49 kinds of phenolic compounds and their glycosides (11 then-new). The restoration-promoting activity of licorice-saponin B2 for CCl 4 -intoxicated hepatocyte function and the structure-sweetness relationship of saponins were discussed. Biologically interesting, but isolable in minor quantities, several licorice-saponins were favorably synthesized from abundantly available glycyrrhizin. With 15 saponins and 49 phenolic compounds (including their glycosides) at hand, chemical eval- uation of licorice root processings was undertaken. It was shown that the cortex contained a rich amount of phenolic compounds, whereas the xylem was rich in phenolic glycosides and the saponins contained were richer in the xylem than in the cortex. It was also found that roasted licorice root contained an increased amount of glycyrrhetic acid monoglucuronide, which was secondarily formed from glycyrrhizin through thermal hydrolysis and was known to taste 5 times sweeter than glycyrrhizin.
An essence of fresh sapodilla fruit was obtained by well-established procedures, and it possessed the characteristic aroma of the fruit. It was analyzed by GC-MS with both El and CI techniques. The fruit produced a relatively small quantity of aroma volatiles (in total about 5 μg/kg of fresh fruit), less than that obtained from most similar fruits, and this partly explains its delicate flavor. A group of "benzyl-related" compounds comprised over 45% of the essence and included a series of five alkyl benzoates. Methyl benzoate and methyl salicylate were both described as having sapodilla fruit aroma on odor evaluation of separated components at an odor port at the exit of the GC column. Ethyl benzoate and propiophenone had related aroma characteristics.
The solubilities of erythritol in different solvents were measured using a synthetic method. The laser monitoring observation technique was used to determine the disappearance of the solid phase in a solid + liquid mixture. The effect of solvent composition and temperature on the solubility was discussed. The solubility data was correlated with an empirical equation.