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34 Journal of Green Building
1Associate Professor, University of Idaho, Department of Landscape Architecture, gaustin@uidaho.edu
Urban planning and design case studies are reviews of context, processes, products, and out-
comes intended to advance the profession through inspiration and assessment. ey give
innovative professionals in the environmental design elds the condence to pursue complex
projects and they dampen the enthusiasm of the naysayers through empirical examples of
success. Finally, they identify failures and qualied successes, point to possible revisions, and
suggest how successes might be transferred to other contexts. is review is of the initial
Gary Austin1
e Bo01 high-density mixed-use development in Malmö, Sweden, was based on
innovative planning procedures and products. A very broad denition of sustainability
required new approaches in collaboration by the city, developers, planners, and
designers. e outcomes of the project included outstanding aesthetics in the plan and
the individual elements, as well as spaces that foster social interactions at the city,
neighborhood, and block scales. A density of 26 residential dwelling units per gross
acre balances the 50% open space dedication. Comprehensive planning for energy,
water, and waste systems resulted in signicant improvements, especially in energy
production (100% is from renewable sources) and solid waste management. A wind
turbine provides most of the electricity while a district-wide system supplied by a
geothermal storage network provides almost all of the heating and cooling resources.
Measures taken to replace and sequester toxic soils on the browneld site were coupled
with the concept for the stormwater system. e surface stormwater system provides a
model of eective design, due in part to high permeability requirements. While
admirable by American standards, the energy eciency of most of the 70 buildings
failed to achieve the project goals. Similarly, on-site biodiversity measures achieved
mixed results. e cost of the residential units precluded a mix of residents of various
economic levels typical of the city.
Bo01, sustainable development, mixed-use, urban housing, Malmö,
browneld development
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Volume 8, Number 3 35
mixed-use development of the Western Harbor (Vastra Hamnen) in Malmö, Sweden. e
project is titled Bo01 to designate its 2001 opening date, while “Bo” is the Swedish verb “to
dwell (Guardian, 2005).
Malmö, Sweden (population, 300,000) is a former industrial city with a dismantled ship-
building economy. Destroying saltwater habitat by lling and hardening the surface and
ocean edge originally created the supporting docklands called the Western Harbor. Access to
Copenhagen, Denmark, and to the rest of Europe, was substantially improved in 2000 with
the completion of Öresund Bridge, which includes highway and rail infrastructure.
e automaker SAAB purchased the docklands after the collapse of the shipbuilding
industry but sold the 350-acre property to the city in 1996 shortly after it closed its own
factory there. In addition to being land claimed from the sea, the decades of industrial use left
a legacy of contaminated soil. Approximately $33.4 million from the Swedish government
and $2.1 million from the European Union
subsidized the cost of site remediation and
energy-ecient infrastructure and building
elements (Koch & Kersting, 2011).
Figure 1 identifies the extent of the
Western Harbor and its relationship to Bo01
and the city. In 1998, the city initiated the
redevelopment of the area outlined in green
by beginning construction of the University
of Malmö, which serves 24,000 students
today. e new university is an indicator of
the city government’s strategy of replacing the
industrial economy by building a knowledge
economic sector. An environmental compo-
nent was added to this program, due in part to
the impact of the 1992 United Nations Con-
ference on Environment and Development in
Rio de Janeiro, which encouraged local gov-
ernments to engage in climate change mitiga-
tion and sustainable development. e result
of these two impulses was the redevelopment
of the browneld docklands as a sustainable
extension of urban Malmö.
e rst mixed-use development in the docklands undertaken by the city had the larger
purpose of encouraging an international reconsideration of the city and its place in the
21st century. Bo01 became the setting and the subject of a City of Tomorrow international
housing exhibition. e exhibition was intended to showcase sustainable planning and build-
ing technologies while providing socially supportive spaces and outstanding environmental
FIGURE 1. The City of Malmö, showing
the Western Harbor boundary in red and
the urban development district in green.
The blue asterisk is the location of Bo01. At
the left edge of the image is the Öresund
Strait. Image: Google earth 55° 34’ 24”N,
13°01’37E” 2011, and Aerodata International
Surveys, 2013, accessed September 8, 2013.
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36 Journal of Green Building
values. The opening date of the exhibition
established the planning and development
timeline for the 54-acre seaside parcel (Figure
2). Today there are over 1,400 units and a
population of 2,343 in Bo01 (Malmö, 2013).
e sustainability accomplishments of Bo01
are attributable in part to the control the city
exerted through ownership, goal formulation,
and planning. The city hired Klas Tham, a
well-known architect and planner, to estab-
lish the philosophical basis for Bo01 and
serve as its preeminent designer and director.
am balanced the technological goals of the
project with an overarching concern for the
social environment and elevating the aesthetic
quality of the development. His remarkably
holistic approach was transmitted to the
city officials, departments, and developers
through a “Creative Dialogue.” Through a
series of meetings and presentations, the par-
ticipants developed the “Quality Program,”
which established performance requirements.
e dialogue sessions modied and ratied
the philosophy and goals of the project, but
more importantly, they were a mutual learn-
ing opportunity for the city, project planners,
and developers. The dialogue fostered an
atmosphere of collaboration and innovation.
The 20 developers selected for the project
committed to material, technological, envi-
ronmental, and architectural quality mea-
sures before any parcel was sold. Although
time-consuming, the process resulted in rapid
approval of the plans later submitted by the
developers to the city. is was due to a clear
understanding of the requirements and enhanced coordination and agreement between city
departments (Givan, 2011).
Since the city owned the property, it funded soil decontamination and the installation of
the project infrastructure. e city was responsible for the master plan and sold small parcels
to developers for site design, in coordination with the master plan and the Quality Program.
e land purchase and decontamination of the soil in order to prepare it for redevelopment—
rather than developing other sites with agricultural or habitat value—represents a substantial
sustainability accomplishment.
FIGURE 2. The 2011 aerial view of Bo01
illustrates the seaside location and that the
development is bracketed on every side with
public open space. The Strait is on the left
and the seawater canal is on the right. Image:
Google earth 55° 34’ 24”N, 13°01’37E”
2011, and Aerodata International Surveys,
2013, accessed September 8, 2013.
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Volume 8, Number 3 37
Comprehensive physical planning is a fundamental
process of sustainable development and the master
plan for the Western Harbor set the context for
Bo01. A slightly distorted grid was created for all
of the Western Harbor, establishing the vehicu-
lar and non-motorized transportation system.
The variations in the grid shield use areas from
the weather that buets the district (Figure 3). In
general, perimeter buildings form the coarse grain
of the master plan while smaller buildings and
spaces in the interior establish a more human scale
within Bo01. is microclimate consideration was
extended through the creation of largely enclosed
mixed-use and residential courtyards. Twenty-six
architecture rms and 20 development companies
(City of Malmö, 2006) were assembled to create the
amazing diversity of the neighborhood. is is in
contrast to many multi-family projects where rep-
etition of the same building design, regardless of
orientation or context, results in a monotonous and
depressing living environment.
e gross area of Bo01 is 54 acres, including the
water area. e population density is 43 people per
acre (compared to 7.6 people per acre for the city
of Malmö) (Foletta & Field, 2011). ere are over 70 buildings that provide 1,425 dwell-
ing units. e resulting gross density is more than 26 dwelling units per acre. Compared to
the 4.2 dwelling units per acre average density in the United States, the Bo01 rate represents
a substantial reduction in the conversion of farm, forest, and habitat to human settlement.
Although dicult to visualize, high dwelling density provides ecosystem benets—or farm
and forest preservation—that contribute to the sustainability of the city and region.
Mixing the plot sizes and architectural requirements so that the scale and character of
the buildings dier on every block at Bo01 moderates the aesthetic impact of high residential
density. e resulting variety and detail is outstanding. A mixture of unit sizes and owner-
ship types enhances the heterogeneity of the population. One surprise has been a greater than
expected number of young families that have purchased or rented dwellings in Bo01.
Figure 4 illustrates ve- to seven-story perimeter buildings that are located on the northern
and western edges of the development. e scale of these building is a positive response to the
adjacent expanse of the Strait and the parkland that separates the buildings from the water.
e perimeter buildings protect two- and three-story internal buildings and their enclosed
courtyards. All of the buildings engage the street at the ground level.
FIGURE 3. In this view of the northern
half of Bo01, the buildings on the west
and north form a wind and weather
barrier protecting the smaller and
diversely organized interior buildings
and courtyards. Unpredictable building
orientation and placement create a
dynamic character, full of surprising
spaces and views within a pedestrian
environment. Image: Google earth
55° 34’ 24”N, 13°01’37E” 2011, and
Aerodata International Surveys, 2013,
accessed September 8, 2013.
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38 Journal of Green Building
Areas of the Bo01 site were contaminated
with aromatic hydrocarbons. 7,850 cubic
yards of these soils were removed and treated.
They were replaced with clean fill and a 4’
thick layer of topsoil (City of Malmö, 2006).
Public Spaces
The landscape architecture at Bo01 is well
designed and employs diverse and high-
quality materials. Much of this urban land-
scape is comprised of plazas (Scania Plaza,
Scania Portal, and Citizens’ Square) and
pedestrian circulation spaces, but there is
significant green space dedicated to public
use (Dania Park, the promenade, and Scania
Park). Spaces dedicated to neighborhood use
include Anchor Park and the many courtyard
spaces associated with their enclosing build-
ings. ere is even an “ecological playground”
for children. Different landscape architects
were awarded contracts for the various major
open spaces. is, of course, resulted in con-
trasting design characteristics, but the spaces
differ so greatly in context and exposure
to the elements that the variety is largely in
response to the setting.
Biological Diversity
e shallow water in the Strait near Bo01 is biologically rich, partly due to dense eel grass veg-
etation. erefore, one can assume that signicant environmental damage occurred beginning
in the 1840s when lling created the ship building yards. Furthermore, the biological diversity
of the resulting browneld was very low. However, there were nesting shore birds present. A 4.4-
acre Bo01 habitat replacement project was undertaken elsewhere in the Western Harbor district
(City of Malmö, n.d.) to compensate for potential habitat loss due to the redevelopment. In
addition, establishing conditions favorable to species tolerant of human activity became part of
the development program and a continuing activity by the city ecologist and local residents.
e ecologist for Bo01, Annika Kruuse, argues for an “increased ecological competence in the
planning process as well as planning instruments, such as green space factor, for quality and
quantity of greenery” (Ax:son Johnson Institute, pg.10, 2008). Two programs were developed
for Bo01 to foster site sustainability. e rst is the Green Space Factor requirement and the
second is the Green Points system. e green space factor is a 1994 City of Berlin innovation
FIGURE 4. Perimeter ve-story buildings
buffer smaller buildings on the interior
blocks. Ankarspelet 23 Architect: Kim Utzon.
Developer: MKB Fastighets AB. A portion of
the Dania Park on the western edge of the
development is visible in the foreground.
Photo by author, 2012.
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Volume 8, Number 3 39
that essentially denes the percentage of the development parcel that must be permeable. e
developers of parcels at Bo01 were required to achieve a green space factor of 0.5 (50%) or
greater. e portion of the parcel that is impermeable receives 0 score while the proportion
with permeable gardens and ponds receive a 1. Other measures, as shown in Table 1, were
allowed to compensate where parcels were intensively developed with buildings and other
impervious surfaces (City of Malmö, 2002). erefore, a site with 25% impermeable roofs
and paving, 25% green roofs, 25% garden space, and 25% permeable gravel paving would
achieve a green space score of (.25 × 0) + (.25 × .8) + (.25 × 1) + (.25 × .4) = 0.55.
Following the example of Berlin and Malmö, the city of Seattle adopted a green space
factor system in 2006, but it applies only to commercial development and sets a 30% stan-
dard (Stenning, 2008), instead of 50% as at Bo01, making it substantially less eective as a
sustainability measure.
TAB L E 1. Green Space Factor (Stenning, 2008; City of Malmö, 2002)
Type of area Factor
Vegetation: Plant roots have direct contact with deep soil, and water can percolate into
the ground water.
Vegetation: Plant roots don’t have direct contact with soil more than 31.5” deep, for
example, gardens over architectural structure.
Intensive or extensive green roofs 0.8
Open water in ponds, etc. The area must have standing water for at least 6 months/year. 1
Non-permeable areas, including roofs 0
Stone paved areas, with open joints where water can infiltrate 0.2
Semi-permeable areas: sand, gravel, etc. 0.4
Green walls: climbing plants. The wall area that will be covered by vegetation within 5
years. Maximum calculated height: 30’
Trees with a trunk diameter of more than 1.4” cm: calculated for the maximum area of
270 square feet. Two factors for each tree.
Shrubs taller than 9’: calculated for the maximum area of 54 square feet. Two factors for
each shrub.
FIGURE 5. A combination
of the green space factor
and the green points
requirements generate
courtyards with vegetation
diversity, biodiversity benets,
and a focus on stormwater
inltration. Photo by author,
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40 Journal of Green Building
e Green Points list (Table 2) is another measure developed during the Creative Dialogue
sessions and incorporated in the Quality Program to ensure that developers incorporate site
sustainability measures but allow them to do so in a creative and context sensitive way. Bio-
diversity is a challenge in high-density urban developments, so developers agreed to incor-
porate at least ten of the 35 green point options within each development parcel. To achieve
TAB L E 2. Thirty-Five Green Point Options (Stenning, 2008; City of Malmö, 2002)
A bird box for every apartment A biotope for specified insects in the courtyard
(water striders and other aquatic insects in a pond)
Bat boxes in the courtyard No surfaces in the courtyard are impermeable
(all surfaces are permeable to water)
All non-paved surfaces within the courtyard have
sufficient soil depth and quality for growing
The courtyard includes a rustic garden with
different sections
All walls, where possible, are covered with climbing
There is 11 square feet of pond area for every
54 square feet of paved area in the courtyard
The vegetation in the courtyard is selected to
be nectar rich and provide a variety of food for
No more than five trees or shrubs of the same
The biotopes within the courtyard are all designed
to be moist
The biotopes within the courtyard are all drought
The biotopes within the courtyard are all designed
to be semi-natural
All stormwater flows for at least 30’ on the surface
before entering catch basins or pipes
The courtyard is green, but there are no mown
All rainwater from buildings and hard surfaces in
the courtyard is collected and used for irrigation
All plants have some household use There are frog habitats within the courtyard as well
as space for frogs to hibernate
In the courtyard, there is at least 54 square feet of
conservatory or greenhouse for each apartment
There is food for birds throughout the year within
the courtyard
There are at least two different old-crop varieties
of fruits and berries for every 1080 square feet of
The facades of the buildings have swallow nesting
The whole courtyard is used for the cultivation of
vegetables, fruit and berries
The developers consult with ecological experts
Greywater is treated in the courtyard and re-used All biodegradable household and garden waste is
Only recycled construction materials are used in
the courtyard
Each unit has at least 21.5 square feet of built-in
growing plots or flower boxes on the balcony
At least half the courtyard area consists of water The courtyard has a certain color (and texture) as
the theme
All the trees and shrubs in the courtyard bear fruit
and berries
The courtyard has trimmed and shaped plants as
its theme
A section of the courtyard is left for natural
There are at least 50 flowering Swedish wild herbs
within the courtyard
All the buildings have green roofs
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Volume 8, Number 3 41
good, long-term results, Bo01 has the services of an ecologist that monitors the stormwater
system and green spaces. e ecologist also conducts an annual bird and bat inventory to
compare the biological diversity with natural areas and encourages biological diversity through
presentations to residents and school groups.
e biodiversity eorts of the city and development team are paying dividends. For
example, nine species of seabirds breed at Bo01. Salamanders, frogs, and three species of bat
are resident in the courtyards and the saltwater canal is proving to be valuable habitat for
species of sh, shellsh, and crustaceans (Fry, 2009).
Management of the quantity and improve-
ment of the quality of stormwater runoff
are important measures of sustainable devel-
opment. Common critical issues such as
channel flooding and downstream erosion
are not relevant to Bo01 because it sits on the
edge of the Oresund Strait. However, drain-
age of water away from the buildings and the
quality of water entering the Strait are impor-
tant here. To make the gravity flow system
possible, the area between the Strait and the
saltwater canal was raised 6’–9’. is was pos-
sible since the land and interior water bodies
are articial remnants of the industrial opera-
tions and could be congured by the redevel-
opment project without much environmental
Green roofs, water detention in court-
yard ponds, and inltration through gravel
and other pervious paving initiates the
stormwater system at Bo01. All of the storm-
water conveyance is on the surface, which
requires very accurate grading, novel struc-
tures, and outstanding construction quality
(Figure 6). Water from downspouts and
the stormwater that drains as sheet flow is
directed through narrow channels to rain
gardens and nally to either a saltwater canal
or to the Strait. The runoff channels were
designed to contain the ve-year storm but
the system has a much larger capacity due to
the presence of green roofs and other pervi-
ous surfaces (Stahre, 2008). The saltwater
canal near the eastern edge of the project
receives stormwater from the eastern half of
FIGURE 6. The surface stormwater drainage
system at Bo01 includes runnels that are less
than 10” wide and 14” deep. The typical
gravel inltration bed and that the street
side of the runnel is about 1½” lower than
the building side (Stahre, 2008). The grating
and bridging provides access, safety, and
extra detail. The black corrugated paving
is a texture cue for the visually impaired.
The multiple adjacent paving and drainage
materials are similar to patterns in Japanese
Zen gardens, such as Ryoanji. Photo by
author, 2012.
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42 Journal of Green Building
the densely developed project. e western
half includes the broad Dania Park and
ample inltration areas. Figure 7 illustrates
the surface ow system and receiving waters
for the stormwater runo from the 31 inches
of precipitation that is received annually.
The stormwater system components
are exposed as unapologetic elements of the
urban design (Figure 8). e granite blocks
serve as visual markers to improve safety near
the runnels.
Stormwater is directed to small, veg-
etated basins for inltration and water quality
improvement before discharge. Some of these
basins are within the interior courtyards
(Figure 9) while others receive water at the
edge of the saltwater canal (Figure 10). e
networked and distributed nature of these
elements creates an unobtrusive and nely-
scaled infrastructure. e ne materials and
detailing make features of the stormwater
system components whose function is evident
even in the dry season.
Although all of the stormwater runo is
managed by the surface facilities, the percent-
age that receives treatment in the vegetated
areas and the amount that overflows into
the receiving waters during storms without
treatment is unknown. One would expect
5%–7% of the project area to be dedicated
to stormwater treatment landscapes in order
to achieve signicant water quality improve-
ment. Bo01 does not achieve this, although a
much higher percentage of green space is pro-
vided by the project. Instead, the stormwater
is conveyed by the open drainage system to
vaults along the saltwater canal where much of
the water quality treatment occurs (Figure 10).
The stormwater is pumped from the vaults
to one of several treatment basins and water
features within the courtyards. erefore, the
stormwater receives continuous treatment and
serves as an ever-present aesthetic and environ-
mental feature of the development.
Surveys of Bo01 residents confirm that
the aquapoints (Figure 11) are highly valued
F I G U R E 7. This plan of Bo01 diagrams the
stormwater ow direction, the saltwater
canal, and the smaller channels and basins
that receive stormwater. Note the small
“aquapoints in the interior of the project.
Graphic by Stahre (Stahre, 2008), adapted
by author.
FIGURE 8. The infrastructure is exposed
rather than hidden from the residents. The
granite blocks and corrugated edging prevent
accidents by increasing visibility. Photo by
author, 2012.
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Volume 8, Number 3 43
FIG URE 9. This fresh water
marsh within a mixed-use
courtyard is a more robust and
effective stormwater treatment
facility. The attractive vegetation
and presence of water is a
welcome contrast to the large
paved areas near the Öresund
Strait. Photo by author, 2012.
FIGURE 10. The stormwater
areas are small but numerous.
They treat small inows and
release them to another
conveyance segment or into
the saltwater canal as illustrated
here. Recirculating the
stormwater allows for multiple
treatment opportunities. Photo
by author, 2012.
FIGURE 11. This image shows
another one of the “aquapoints”
within a courtyard to which
stormwater is recycled from a
chamber along the saltwater
canal. Photo by author, 2012.
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44 Journal of Green Building
features, as is the open drainage network. In fact, the surveys demonstrate a willingness to
pay more for an open system than a closed one. It should be noted that Bo01 dedicates very
little space to parking (0.7 spaces per unit) and roads, which are a primary source of highly
contaminated stormwater runo requiring extensive water quality treatment. erefore, the
runo from this pedestrian-centric district is less highly contaminated than one would expect
from mixed-use districts in the United States with extensive parking and vehicular streets.
Organic kitchen waste is ground at the residence and collected in underground vaults, from
which it is pumped to an anaerobic digestion chamber. e biological treatment of this slurry
by bacteria creates biogas (methane), which is drawn o and used to power public buses or
used to generate heat and electricity. Similarly, the non-organic waste is deposited in one of
three vacuum tubes located in the residential courtyards or within the buildings. e waste
is delivered to a central facility where it is either recycled or incinerated to contribute to the
district heating system (City of Malmö, 2006).
e energy emphasis at Bo01 was primarily development of renewable energy resources rather
than highly energy-ecient buildings. Bo01 has the distinction of creating 100% of its energy
from renewable sources including a wind turbine, solar tube and at panel collectors, and
geothermal (heat pump), in addition to the waste-to-energy conversion systems noted above.
e 3MW Boel wind energy plant is located about 1½ miles away in the northern part of the
Western Harbor. Additional electricity for use in the dwellings and to power the heat pumps,
fans, and water pumps is generated on-site by photovoltaic cells. e distribution of renew-
able energy produced by the project is 6,300 MWh/year for heating, 4,459 MWh/year for
electricity, and 1,000 MWh/year for cooling (European Commission, 2013).
In general, the largest energy demand in buildings is space heating and cooling. An e-
cient district heating system—augmented by solar collectors—provides this at Bo01. e
heating/cooling system uses geothermal technology. Heat pumps connected to an aquifer con-
tribute heat in the winter and cooling in the summer (City of Malmö, 2006). To provide heat
in the winter, warm summer seawater (70°F, 21°C) is stored in a limestone aquifer. Conversely,
cool winter seawater (61°F, 16°C) is stored in an aquifer for use in district cooling during the
summer. Ten wells, 210’ deep, were drilled into the aquifer. e wells, spaced 50’ apart, are
organized into two rows 600’ apart. e warm water is pumped to the district heating system
and accounts for the majority of the heating resource.
e district heating system is augmented by 1,200 m2 of at panel solar collectors and
200 m2 of evacuated-tube collectors (Figure 12). ese two types of solar collectors on ten
buildings generate 15% of the energy used to heat the buildings.
An average energy maximum of 33.3 kBTU per square foot of oor area per year (105 kWh
per m2) was adopted as the sustainability target before the project was constructed (City of
Malmö, 2006). is target was a 40% reduction of the Swedish average. Several of the build-
ings within Bo01 have met this target, such as a building constructed by Passivhus Norden,
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Volume 8, Number 3 45
which achieved an energy use of 20.6 kBTU/
sq ft/year (Koch & Kersting, 2011) or the
27.6 kBTU/sq ft/year performance of the
LB-hus, but most of the buildings have not
met the target. A study in 2003 reviewed one
year of energy use records and found that the
average use for buildings with heat recovery
was 40.3 kBTU/sq ft/year while for buildings
without heat recovery the average use was 59
kBTU/sq ft/year (Nilsson, 2003). To put this
performance in perspective we can compare it
with the energy performance of multifamily
units in the United States. e average energy
use for multifamily units (more than 5 units
in the building) in the U.S. is much higher
than the Swedish average of 55.5 kBTU/sq
ft/year. In the northeast U.S. the average use
is 94 kBTU/sq ft/year while in the midwest
it is 68 kBTU/sq ft/year (US Energy Infor-
mation Administration, 2009). In other
words, in the U.S. the average energy use in
similar dwellings and in a similar climate is
41% higher than the Swedish average energy
use. Although overall Bo01 failed to meet
the 33.3 target, individual buildings within
the project do demonstrate highly efficient
buildings whose design and energy technol-
ogy can be transferred to other projects in the
Western Harbor and internationally.
ere are two reasons for less widespread success in meeting the Bo01 target. First, the
calculation method (ENorm) used by the developers to estimate building energy performance
was not accurate due to overestimation of solar heat gains (Nilsson, 2003) through the large
windows that are a feature of many of the buildings (Figure 4). Second, there were no special
heat conservation practices implemented in the buildings with the exception of ventilation
heat-recovery in some of the structures. Triple glazing for windows is standard in modern
Swedish buildings. Insulation thickness in the buildings also followed standard practice in
Sweden. e auence of the residents may also limit their economic motivation to conserve
energy in order to reduce monthly costs.
Because of the short distance to the central district of Malmö, Bo01 is well served by paths
dedicated to pedestrian and bicycle use. A little more than ve miles of bike paths extend from
Bo01 through the Western Harbor. is district continues the trend of non-motorized trans-
portation in a city where over 290 miles of bicycle paths are provided. In Malmö, 40% of trips
to school or work are made by bicycle and 30% of all trips are by bicycle (Reepalu, 2013).
FI GUR E 12. The Tegelborgen building by
architect Månsson Dahlbäck and developer
MKB features evacuated-tube solar collectors.
Photo by author, 2012.
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46 Journal of Green Building
All residents of Bo01 are within 1,500 feet of a bus stop and buses operate on a seven-minute
schedule (City of Malmö, 2006). e central train station, with its associated bus transfer
center, is 1.5 miles from Bo01. Car ownership is higher in Bo01 than anticipated and there-
fore the .7 parking spaces per unit that are provided do not adequately meet the demand. To
compensate, a parking garage was recently built at the edge of the development. Nevertheless,
car ownership remains lower than in the city as a whole and residents of the Western Harbor
walk and bicycle signicantly more and drive signicantly less than Malmö residents overall.
Bus ridership is about equal to the city average (Foletta & Field, 2011).
Klas am emphasized the aesthetic and social components of sustainability in developing
the philosophy and guiding plan for Bo01. Sustainability in energy, resource use, and water
should not compromise the quality of life of the residents. erefore, am promoted a neigh-
borhood with great variety in the architecture and the landscape. He wanted the residents to
love the way their neighborhood looked and the way it functioned. He wanted it to sustain
and satisfy them as well as be environmentally sustainable. Consequently, placemaking that
takes advantage of the setting and the design creativity of planners, architects, and landscape
architects was critical to the success of Bo01. Since slightly more that 50% of the area is open
space, many social spaces were designed within a diverse landscape.
Indeed, there are many beautiful and compelling places. e simple and powerful Dania Park,
designed by Sweco, relates to the sea with prow-like extensions over the water and bastions of
stone, but contrasts these with notches for warm weather access by swimmers and sun seekers
(Figure 13). Another simple and powerful place is the promenade and stepped wooden berm
by Danish landscape architect Jeppe Aagaard Anderson that follows the Strait for 660’. It
teems with residents and visitors in the summer.
e Scaniatorget (Scania Portal) by 13.3 Landskapsarkitekter steps into the water of the
Strait. Rough-hewn stone blocks, from which broad wooden platforms cantilever, form the
FIG URE 13. Daniaparken
includes a protective edge,
swimming and sunning
facilities, as well as a large
panel of turf, promenades, and
ornamental gardens near the
buildings. Architect: Sweco
FFNS ark AB. Developer: City of
Malmö. Photo by author, 2012.
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Volume 8, Number 3 47
plaza (Figure 15). The stone blocks feature
whimsically carved stone runnels (Figure 14)
directing stormwater to the Strait. e wood
deck invites seaside picnics and outposts for
views of the docks to the north (Figure 13)
and the investigation of the runnels by visi-
tors. Inland views feature Dania Park’s lawn
and promenade to the northeast, the diverse
bounding architecture, and the gem of the
Winter Garden (Figure 15) nestled between
the buildings facing the esplanade. Since the
plaza of the Scania Portal connects with Citi-
zen’s Square (Figure 16), the two spaces serve
as the central civic space of the community.
ere are opportunities for residents to
engage each other at the building and com-
munity scales. Several spaces within and adjacent to Bo01 can host community and even
citywide celebrations. e broad lawn and walks along the sea in Dania Park are capable of
containing thousands of people, as is Scania park at the northern edge or the huge Ribers-
borgsstranden green space at the southern edge of Bo01. At the neighborhood scale the Citi-
zens’ Square and the Scania Portal are the main paved urban spaces.
In contrast to the seaside parks with their hardened, protective edges, Anchor Park oers
more detail and an introverted character rather than the dramatic views and scale of the western
landscapes (Dania Park, Scania Portal, Promenade, and Scania Park). Designed by Stig Anders-
son, the 7-acre (2.9 ha) linear park (Figure 17) follows the saltwater canal along the eastern edge
of Bo01. e canal is fed by pumping seawater to the midpoint of its length. From there the
water ows north to the Strait and south to the Marina (Persson & Tanner, 2005). A concrete
FIGU RE 14. Scania Portal (Scaniatorget)
includes etched pathways for stormwater to
reach the sea with an austerity and restraint
reminiscent of Zen gardens. Landscape
Architect: 13.3 Landskapsarkitekter. Developer:
City of Malmö. Photo by author, 2012.
FI GUR E 15. The Winter Garden
(Vinterträdgård), designed by Monica
Gora, is an atrium nestled among the
Södertorpsgården buildings designed by
Arkitektgruppen i Malmö AB. The Scania
Portal plaza is in the foreground. It is framed
by the Södertorpsgården buildings while
in the background the iconic landmark of
Bo01, the 627’ tall Twisting Torso by architect
Santiago Calatrava/Samark Arkitektur &
Design AB punctuates the skyline. Photo by
author, 2012.
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48 Journal of Green Building
walk with insets of natural stone boulders
and cylindrical concrete seating defines the
canal’s orientation and edge. e exaggerated
biomorphic, concrete walkway separates the
water from a linear panel of turf that is punc-
tuated by alder, oak, and beech groves in a nod
to Swedish native habitat types. ese are too
small to provide real ecosystem functions and
therefore are also of little educational value. In
the case of the alder stand, the correct water
regime is absent due to a construction error
(Persson & Tanner, 2005).
Although the character of the hard-
ened canal edge is memorable, it removed
the opportunity for a saltwater biotype that
would have greatly enhanced the diversity
of the project. Welcome bits of whimsy are
the abstracted waterstrider planks distrib-
uted throughout the park. At times they are
functional as bridges, but more often they
are shore-water connections inviting explora-
tion of the depths or singularly exquisite (and
exposed) sunbathing spots.
Bo01 was a high-risk enterprise inspired by
a city in crisis. Mounting the largest Euro-
pean housing exposition was an intrepid step
exposed to the scrutiny of the international
community. In order to succeed, innovative
FIGURE 16. The Citizens’ Plaza
(Scaniaplatsen) is a two-level space divided
by a stone sculpture that is animated by
stormwater recirculating from a cistern on
the seawater canal to the east. The fountain is
one of several “aqua points.” The ubiquitous
granite runnels connect all parts of the
project. The plaza broadens beyond the
building and connects to the Scania Portal
forming the heart of the community. Photo
by author, 2012.
F I G U R E 17. Ankarparken,
designed by landscape
architect Stig Andersson and
developed by the City of
Malmö. The blue Lanternan
building is in the distance.
It was designed by Metro
Arkitekter AB and developed
by Plastikkirurgicentrum.
Photo by author, 2012.
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Volume 8, Number 3 49
planning methods that emphasized the collaboration of government, designers, and developers
were created through “Creative Dialogues” to produce a consensus of what could be accom-
plished under a time constraint. e result was the Quality Program, a simple document outlin-
ing the minimum standards for architecture, landscape, energy, water, waste management, and
biodiversity. Included in the Quality Program are the Green Space Factors and the Green Points
list that reinforce the master plan and resulted in beautifully diverse and eective landscapes
(City of Malmö, 2002). e holistic denition of sustainability by the visionary planner resulted
in aesthetics and social opportunities that matched the high levels of technical performance. e
project supports human physical and psychological health through immediate access to open
space, walkable neighborhoods, and opportunities for social interaction or solitude.
ere were missteps, of course. e cost of the units was too high to serve moderate
and low-income residents. e desirability of living in Bo01 exacerbated this problem since
demand caused unit prices to double between 2001 and 2007. However, the success of the
development validated the planner’s contention that high quality architecture, landscape
architecture, and attention to the social environment were important aspects of sustainabil-
ity. e energy eciency goals set in the Quality Program were not met due to the method
used to calculate the energy budget of the proposed buildings and perhaps because the energy
supply was not a limiting factor.
ere are many signicant accomplishments equal to the amazing 100% renewable
energy system. With over half of the development area dedicated to open space, the popula-
tion density is a positive example of a compact urban settlement that doesn’t diminish the resi-
dents’ quality of life for the sake of density. e landscape is diverse and beautifully illustrates
responsiveness to the environmental context. e public spaces are compelling and attract
local and foreign visitors to the seaside. e semipublic courtyards oer increased detail and
privacy, create supportive microclimates, and implement biodiversity measures. e demon-
stration of a surface-only stormwater management system is an important achievement. e
designers showed how planning and attention to detail can solve functional, aesthetic, and
safety concerns and create a project feature valued by the residents.
e impact of Bo01 is signicant. ousands of professional planners, architects, land-
scape architects, and others interested in innovative housing and urban development visited
the project during the exposition and since. e high prole of the project caused the posi-
tive and negative aspects of the project to be publicly disseminated internationally. Within
Sweden, and especially within Malmö, the successes of Bo01 and the subsequent revisions to
correct problems have been incorporated into other developments.
e goals of the next phase of the redevelopment of the Western Harbor (Flagghusen, a
16-building, 600 apartment unit project) were adjusted to increase the parking capacity slightly
(.75 parking spaces per unit), to increase the density signicantly, to decrease the purchase and
rental cost of the units, to improve both the energy use calculation methods and to rely on
more cost eective methods to achieve more modest building energy eciency goals (120 kWh
per m2 instead of 105) (Foletta & Field, 2011; Ritchie, 2009). e green space factor and green
points concepts have been adopted by the city for system-wide application. Surveys of the resi-
dents illustrate great satisfaction with the neighborhood and the units with the exception of
some consternation about a presumption by the citizens of Malmö that public funds were
expended to provide facilities for wealthy residents. is exaggeration was perpetuated by the
local media when the exposition company received a loan from the city to avoid bankruptcy
resulting from a lower than projected number of fair visitors (Jansson, 2005).
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50 Journal of Green Building
Perhaps more than any other development Bo01 created a community with the variety,
detail, and diversity that eludes master-planned communities with fewer participating archi-
tects, landscape architects, and developers. e character of the project interior is outstanding.
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