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ISSN: 1025-3890 (print), 1607-8888 (electronic)
Stress, 2014; 17(5): 400–409
!2014 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/10253890.2014.949668
Cognitive performance in both clinical and non-clinical burnout
Bart G. Oosterholt
, Joseph H. R. Maes
, Dimitri Van der Linden
, Marc J. P. M. Verbraak
, and
Michiel A. J. Kompier
Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
Institute of Psychology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and
HSK Group, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Relatively little is known about cognitive performance in burnout. The aim of the present
study was to further our knowledge on this topic by examining, in one study, cognitive
performance in both clinical and non-clinical burnout while focusing on three interrelated
aspects of cognitive performance, namely, self-reported cognitive problems, cognitive test
performance, and subjective costs associated with cognitive test performance. To this aim, a
clinical burnout patient group (n¼33), a non-clinical burnout group (n¼29), and a healthy
control group (n¼30) were compared on self-reported cognitive problems, assessed by a
questionnaire, as well as on cognitive test performance, assessed with a cognitive test battery
measuring both executive functioning and more general cognitive processing. Self-reported
fatigue, motivation, effort and demands were assessed to compare the different groups on
subjective costs associated with cognitive test performance. The results indicated that the
clinical burnout patients reported more cognitive problems than the individuals with non-
clinical burnout, who in turn reported more cognitive problems relative to the healthy controls.
Evidence for impaired cognitive test performance was only found in the clinical burnout
patients. Relative to the healthy controls, these patients displayed some evidence of impaired
general cognitive processing, reflected in slower reaction times, but no impaired executive
functioning. However, cognitive test performance of the clinical burnout patients was related
to larger reported subjective costs. In conclusion, although both the clinical and the non-
clinical burnout group reported cognitive problems, evidence for a relatively mild impaired
cognitive test performance and larger reported subjective cost associated with cognitive test
performance was only found for the clinical burnout group.
Chronic stress, cognition, cognitive
functioning, emotional exhaustion,
executive control, executive functioning,
fatigue, work stress
Received 24 April 2014
Revised 26 June 2014
Accepted 17 July 2014
Published online 28 August 2014
Burnout is a reaction to chronic work stress, characterized
by three main symptom dimensions: exhaustion, cynicism (a
distant attitude towards the job), and feelings of reduced
professional efficacy (Maslach et al., 2001). Related to the
latter, individuals with burnout often report to experience
cognitive problems, such as the inability to concentrate and
memory impairments (e.g. Weber & Jaekel-Reinhard, 2000).
To date, few studies have been performed to validate the
relationship between burnout and cognition using objective
measures (e.g. Jonsdottir et al., 2013; Oosterholt et al., 2012,
¨sterberg et al., 2009; Sandstro
¨m et al., 2005; Van Dam et al.,
2011; Van der Linden et al., 2005). The overall pattern of
results indicates that the cognitive problems experienced in
burnout are indeed accompanied by actual cognitive impair-
ments, as assessed by a variety of cognitive neuropsycho-
logical tests. However, it still remains unclear what the exact
nature of the putative impairments is (i.e. deficits in executive
functioning and/or a more general cognitive decline), and
which specific functions are impaired.
Several factors may underlie the inconclusive results on
the relationship between burnout and cognition, such as the
heterogeneity of the cognition assessment tools, potential
confounding variables that were not controlled for, and the
relatively small sample size in some of the previous studies.
Perhaps, the most fundamental factor may be the way in
which burnout is defined in earlier research. In some studies
the burnout group consisted of individuals with a clinical
burnout diagnosis (e.g. Jonsdottir et al., 2013; Van Dam et al.,
2011), whereas in other studies (e.g. Castaneda et al., 2011;
Diestel et al., 2013) a burnout group comprised healthy
undiagnosed individuals who merely reported burnout symp-
toms, as assessed by a questionnaire. With regard to the
diagnosis of clinical burnout, the criteria on the basis of which
such clinical burnout diagnosis was established are not always
clear (e.g. Sandstro
¨m et al., 2005; Van der Linden et al., 2005)
and differ between studies (e.g. compare O
¨hman et al., 2007;
Oosterholt et al., 2012). Furthermore, it is not always apparent
whether the individuals of a clinical burnout group were ‘‘real
Correspondence: Bart G. Oosterholt, MSc, Behavioural Science
Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9104, 6500 HE,
Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Tel: 0031-24-3615729. Fax: 0031-24-
3612639. E-mail:
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patients’’ who were actually seeking help for their complaints,
or were just clinically diagnosed within the context of the
study (e.g. O
¨sterberg et al., 2009; Rydmark et al., 2006). In
case of real patients, in a large number of studies (e.g.
¨m et al., 2005; Van Dam et al., 2013) no information
was provided about the time between diagnosis and partici-
pation in the study. A final key aspect regarding the diagnosis
of burnout is comorbidity with other psychopathologies. For
example, there is ample evidence showing that depression,
often cormorbid with burnout, is related to cognitive
dysfunction (e.g. Gotlib & Joormann, 2010). In former
research, however, patients with comorbid mental disorders
were not always excluded or the effects of comorbidity were
not always controlled for (e.g. Rydmark et al., 2006; Van der
Linden et al., 2005). In these studies, the observed cognitive
test performance in burnout patients may possibly have been
negatively influenced by mental disorders other than burnout.
The aim of the present study was to examine cognitive
performance in burnout with a design that allowed us to avoid
the key limitations of previous research. To this aim, we
carefully selected a large group of ‘‘freshly’’ clinically
diagnosed burnout patients without comorbid disorders, so
as to preclude the effect of other psychopathologies.
Additionally, we included a large non-clinical burnout group
consisting of individuals, who reported to have symptoms of
burnout, but were not clinically diagnosed and were not
seeking help for these symptoms. The two different burnout
groups were compared with each other and with a matched
healthy control group on cognitive performance. Cognitive
performance was assessed subjectively, by a commonly used
and validated questionnaire, as well as objectively, by a
carefully chosen battery of validated tests measuring the most
important aspects of executive functioning and more general
cognitive processing. For a full assessment of task perform-
ance, it is important to also evaluate the involved costs (e.g.
Hockey, 2013; Meijman & Mulder, 1998). Therefore, to get
more insight into cognitive performance in burnout, we
additionally evaluated the performance on the cognitive tests
in light of the associated costs. Hereto, we included measures
that provided information about subjective costs (experienced
fatigue, motivation, effort, and demands) that went together
with performing the cognitive tests.
In summary, the purpose of the present study was to
determine how both clinical burnout and non-clinical burnout
are related to cognitive performance. To this end, we focused
on three interrelated features of cognitive performance: (i)
self-reported cognitive problems, (ii) cognitive test perform-
ance; and (iii) subjective costs associated with cognitive test
The study comprised three different groups of individuals
(total N¼92): A group of 33 patients with a clinical burnout
diagnosis (clinical burnout group), a group of 29 individuals
reporting symptoms of a burnout, but neither diagnosed as
such nor seeking help for these symptoms (non-clinical
burnout group), and a group of 30 healthy controls (control
group). Originally, the non-clinical burnout group consisted
of 30 individuals; however, one participant was excluded due
to logistical problems with data collection. The three groups
were matched on several demographical characteristics (for
more detailed information, see Table 1). Furthermore, each
group consisted of individuals with various occupational
The clinical burnout patients were recruited from HSK
Group, a large mental healthcare organization with several
offices across the Netherlands. From three of those offices,
located in the eastern part of the Netherlands, patients were
selected on the basis of their burnout diagnosis. A burnout
diagnosis was always established by a team of two or three
professional clinical psychologists and based on an intake
procedure in which a structured clinical interview was used
containing the Dutch translation (Overbeek et al., 1999) of the
MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview 5.0.0
(M.I.N.I.; Sheehan et al., 1998). Since burnout is not officially
included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association,
2000), in the Netherlands a burnout diagnosis is usually based
on the DSM-IV-TR criteria for diagnosing an undifferentiated
somatoform disorder with the addition that the cause of the
symptoms is work-related. This procedure was also used in
our study. To further validate the assessment of a burnout
diagnosis, patients filled out the Utrecht Burnout Scale
(UBOS; Schaufeli & Van Dierendonck, 2000; see
‘‘Materials’’ section for more information). Although the
symptoms of burnout overlap with symptoms of some other
psychological disorders, in particular depression, there is
sufficient evidence revealing that burnout is a distinct
construct that can be differentiated from other psychological
disorders (e.g. Ahola et al., 2005; Bakker et al., 2000; Glass &
Mcknight, 1996; Leiter & Durup, 1994; Shirom, 2005). For
this reason, patients were excluded from participation in this
study if they fulfilled the DSM-VI criteria for any other axis I
disorder, as assessed with the M.I.N.I., or if they met the
DSM-IV criteria for an axis II disorder, as determined with the
Assessment of DSM-IV Personality Disorders (ADP-IV;
Schotte & De Doncker, 1994). Of the eligible burnout
patients, approximately 40% agreed to participate in the study.
Twelve of the 33 participating patients were on sick leave due
to their burnout, 16 still worked but fewer hours than before
their burnout diagnosis, and 5 continued working the same
number of hours as before their diagnosis.
The individuals in the non-clinical burnout group and the
control group were recruited via local advertisements or
social networking. Inclusion of individuals in the non-
clinical burnout group and the control group was based on a
screening questionnaire in which several demographical
characteristics (used to match the different groups; see
Table 1), the exhaustion subscale of the UBOS and (history
of) psychiatric disorders were assessed. Individuals with
scores on the exhaustion subscale equal to or higher than
the cut-off point of 2.20 (Schaufeli & Van Dierendonck,
2000) were assigned to the non-clinical burnout group and
individuals with lower scores to the control group.
Individuals with a past history of burnout and individuals
who had a current psychiatric disorder were excluded from
participating in the non-clinical burnout group and the
control group.
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Utrechtse Burnout Scale. The UBOS (Schaufeli & Van
Dierendonck, 2000), which is the Dutch adaptation of the
Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI; Maslach et al., 1996), was
used to measure burnout symptoms. In this study, the version
for general professions (UBOS-A; Schaufeli & Van
Dierendonck, 2000) was used. It contains 15 questions that
can be answered on a 7-point Likert scale (0 ¼‘‘never’’,
6¼‘‘every day’’). The UBOS-A consists of three subscales:
exhaustion (five items), cynicism (four items), and professional
efficacy (six items). Sample items are, respectively, ‘‘I feel
mentally exhausted by my job’’, ‘‘I doubt about the usefulness
of my job’’, and ‘‘I know well how to solve problems in my
job’’. The internal consistencies (measured with Cronbach’s
alpha) of the subscales were, respectively, 0.95, 0.88, and 0.80.
Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. The Dutch adaptation
(Arrindell & Ettema, 2003) of the Symptom Checklist-90-
Revised (SCL-90-R; Derogatis, 1977) was used to determine
general physical and psychological complaints. This ques-
tionnaire contains 90 items divided into nine subscales: Eight
subscales which measure the primary symptom dimensions of
anxiety (10 items), agoraphobia (7 items), depression (16
items), somatization (12 items), insufficiency (9 items),
sensitivity (18 items), hostility (6 items), and sleeplessness
(3 items), and one subscale with additional questions (9
items). Each item can be scored on a 5-point Likert scale
(1 ¼‘‘not at all’’, 5¼‘‘extremely’’). The sum of the scores on
the nine subscales results in a psychoneuroticism score, which
is the equivalent of the Global Severity Index in the English
version. Cronbach’s alpha of this questionnaire was 0.98.
Cognitive Failure Questionnaire. Self-reported cognitive
problems were assessed with a Dutch translation of the
Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ; Broadbent et al.,
1982). The CFQ consists of 25 items measuring the frequency
of everyday cognitive failures. The items can be answered on
a 5-point Likert scale (0 ¼‘‘never’’, 4 ¼‘‘very often’’).
Sample items are ‘‘Do you read something and find you
have not been thinking about it and must read it again?’’, ‘‘Do
you find yourself suddenly wondering whether you’ve used a
word correctly?’’ and ‘‘Do you find you forget appoint-
ments?’’ Cronbach’s alpha was 0.92.
Fatigue, motivation, effort, and demands. Fatigue was mea-
sured prior to and after the cognitive test battery.
Furthermore, before the test battery participants rated how
motivated they were to complete the tests and afterwards how
much effort they had invested in completing the tests. After
each cognitive test, participants were asked to score how
demanding the test had been. All questions were answered on
a 10-point Likert scale (1 ¼‘‘not at all’’, 10 ¼‘‘very much’’).
Cognitive tests
A carefully chosen battery of well-validated tests was
employed to measure executive functioning as well as more
Table 1. Demographical characteristics.
Clinical burnout Non-clinical burnout Control
Age 41.91 10.89 37.55 12.55 38.93 11.23 0.32
Work hours per week
* 36.03 6.70 33.12 6.45 31.07 8.54 0.03
n% n %n%p
Sex 0.63
Men 18 54.55 13 44.83 16 53.33
Women 15 45.45 16 55.17 14 46.67
Level of education
1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
2 3 9.09 2 6.90 2 6.67
3 11 33.33 11 37.93 8 26.67
4 19 57.58 16 55.17 20 66.67
Irregular working hours 0.65
Yes 10 30.30 12 41.38 10 33.33
No 23 69.70 17 58.62 20 66.77
Psychotropic drugs 4 12.12 1 3.45 0 0.00 0.10
Somatic drugs 5 15.15 4 13.79 2 6.67 0.57
Corticosteroids & anti-histamines 2 6.06 5 17.24 2 6.67 0.26
Contraceptives 6 18.18 5 17.24 4 13.33 0.88
Herbal drugs 0 0.00 1 3.45 1 3.33 0.53
None 19 57.58 15 51.72 23 76.67 0.12
Participants’ contractual working hours per week.
Level of education was measured in terms of highest level of education completed, ranging from 1 to 4, primary school to
university degree, respectively.
Since some participants used more than one type of medication: (i) separate tests were performed for each type of medication,
and (ii) the sum of the nand the %of the different types of medication is larger than the total nof a particular group and 100%,
Based on ANOVA.
Based on Pearson’s Chi-square test.
*The clinical burnout group significantly differed from the control group.
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general cognitive processing. In line with Miyake et al.
(2000), we measured the three most basic and distinctive
executive functions, namely, updating, inhibition and switch-
ing. With respect to inhibition, we examined both inhibition
of prepotent responses and inhibition of irrelevant informa-
tion (interference control), since these are considered to
represent two important distinctive types of inhibition, with
different neuronal substrates (e.g. Nigg, 2000). Verbal
memory was assessed as a measure of general cognitive
processing. Furthermore, some general task performance
measures (see below) were also used as indicators of general
cognitive processing.
All cognitive tests were computerized and performed on a
laptop with a 15-inch screen. Participants were seated at a
distance of approximately 50cm in front of the laptop screen.
A test was introduced with both a written instruction on the
screen and a verbal explanation by the experimenter. Prior to
the experimental part of a test, participants practiced each test
for approximately 30 s.
2-Back Task. A variant of the 2-Back Task (Kirchner, 1958)
was used to assess the updating function. The test consisted of
300 letters, which were presented one by one in the center of
the screen with a fixed stimulus duration of 450 ms and a
fixed inter-stimulus interval (ISI) of 750 ms. Stimuli consisted
of the letters b, d, g, p, t, and v, which were displayed in a
quasi-random order in either capital or small letters.
Participants were instructed to press a button on a button-
box when the displayed letter was similar to the letter which
was displayed two stimuli earlier (target rate was 33%). The
response time was fixed at 1200 ms. The test lasted for about
6 min. The updating function was operationalized by the
number of correct responses (for a correct response no
difference was made between capital and small letters).
STOP-IT. The ability to inhibit prepotent responses was
measured with STOP-IT (Verbruggen et al., 2008), a test
based on the stop-signal paradigm as originally developed by
Lappin & Eriksen (1966). The test contained 192 trials, in
which first a fixation-cross was displayed in the center of the
screen (for 250 ms), followed by a circle or a square. Stimulus
duration depended on the individual’s response with a
maximum of 1250 ms. The ISI was fixed at 2000 ms. In
25% of the trials an auditory stop-signal (750-Hz, for 75-ms)
was presented after the visual stimulus (i.e. a circle or a
square) appeared on the screen. Participants were instructed
to quickly push the leftmost button on a button-box when a
square appeared, and the rightmost button when a circle was
presented. However, on the stop-signal trials, that is, when an
auditory signal was presented, participants were instructed to
withhold their responses. The time between the visual
stimulus and the auditory stop-signal, i.e. the stop-signal
delay, increased or decreased depending on whether or not a
response on stop-signal trials was inhibited. If the participant
successfully inhibited a response, the stop-signal delay time
increased with 50 ms, and if the participant failed to inhibit
their response, the stop-signal delay time decreased with
50 ms. The initial stop-signal delay was 250ms. The duration
of the test was approximately 7 min. The mean probability of
responding on stop-trials, i.e. p(respondjsignal), and the stop-
signal reaction time (ssrt) were used to assess the capability to
inhibit prepotent responses. Furthermore, the go-trial RT was
analyzed as a measure of general cognitive processing. For
more information about these variables, how these variables
were calculated (ANALYZE-IT software), and a more
detailed description of STOP-IT, see Verbruggen et al.
Flanker Task. A modified version of the Flanker Task
(Eriksen & Eriksen, 1974) was used to assess participants’
capacity to inhibit irrelevant information. The test consisted
of 200 trials, each starting with a fixation-cross (250 ms),
which was directly followed by four flanker arrows without a
central target ar row (i.e. 55 55 or 44 44). After 450 ms,
a congruent or an incongruent central target arrow appeared
between the second and the third flanker arrow for 100 ms.
Hence, the following central target arrow combinations were
used:55555 and 44 444 (congruent), and 55455
and 44544 (incongruent). The different combinations
were presented quasi-randomly with equal probabilities. Once
the central target arrow appeared, participants had a fixed
period of 800 ms to respond, which was followed by a 50 ms
inter-trial interval. Participants were instructed to press as
quickly as possible the leftmost button on a button-box when
the central arrow pointed to the left and the rightmost button
when the central arrow pointed to the right. The test lasted
approximately 5 min. Performance on this test was expressed
in terms of error rates. The congruency effect, which is the
variable used to measure the ability to inhibit irrelevant
information, was assessed by comparing the mean error rates
on congruent and incongruent trials. Furthermore, the overall
error rate, measured by the total number of errors on both
congruent and incongruent trials was used as a measure of
general cognitive processing. No-response trials and trials
with a RT faster than 100 ms were excluded from both
Matching Task. To assess the switching function, the
Matching Task (Poljac et al., 2010), which is a variant of
the task-switching paradigm of Jersild (1927), was used. The
Matching Task consisted of 31 task runs, each consisting of
four to eight trials with an average of six trials. In each trial,
five colored geometric figures were displayed on the screen,
one in the upper half and four in the lower half. The figures
included a circle, hexagon, square, or triangle, colored blue,
green, red, or yellow. The figure in the upper half of the
screen was the reference figure and the figures in the lower
half were the match figures. Participants were instructed to
match the reference figure in the upper half of the screen as
quickly and accurately as possible with one of the match
figures in the lower half of the screen on the basis of color or
form. Matching the reference figure with one of the match
figures was performed by pressing one of four buttons on the
keyboard corresponding to one of the four match figures. The
type of task to be performed, matching according to color or
form, was indicated with a cue, which was presented for
1000 ms at the beginning of each task run. After a 700 ms
blank screen, the trials were subsequently presented with a
maximum duration of 3000 ms, depending on a participant’s
response. Feedback prompting participants to respond faster
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was given when participants did not respond within 3000 ms.
A 250-ms blank screen was presented between each trial of a
task run as well as after the last trial of a task run and the start
of the next task run (i.e. the appearance of a cue). The figure
color-shape combination was randomly determined with two
restrictions. First, the reference and the match figures were
not allowed to match on both shape and color. Second, the
four match figures were not allowed to have the same shape or
color. Half of the task runs were programmed to be ‘‘switch’’
runs, in which the type of task differed from the preceding
run. The other half was programmed to be ‘‘repetition’’ runs,
in which the type of task was equal to the preceding run. The
test duration was about 5 min. Since the error rates are
generally quite low in task-switching paradigms (Steinhauser
¨bner, 2006), and also in the matching task (Poljac et al.,
2010), performance on this test was only measured by the
reaction times (RTs). The switch cost, which is the outcome
measure of this test that is used to examine the switching
function, was determined by comparing the mean RT of the
first trial of switch runs and the first trial of repetition runs.
Furthermore, the overall RT, operationalized as the mean RT
on trial 1 of all task runs (both switch and repetition runs),
was used as indicator of general cognitive processing. For the
calculation of both outcome measures, error and no-response
trials, and trials with a RT 5100 ms were excluded. In
addition, for computing the switch cost, trials that directly
followed error or no-response trials were also excluded as
were the task run that directly followed a task run in which all
trials were errors.
Digit Span Task. A forward Digit Span Task, first described
by Jacobs (1887), was used as a separate test to assess the
general cognitive process of verbal memory. The test
contained 18 trials, each consisting of a series of digits that
were presented one by one in the center of the screen. Each
digit was presented for 450 ms with an ISI of 500 ms. A series
of digits could consist of the numbers 1 to 9. Because the
digits were chosen randomly, a particular digit could be
presented more than once within a series. Furthermore, the
number of digits in a series increased, beginning with a series
of three digits and ending with a series of nine: 1 * 3, 2 * 4, 4
* 5, 4 * 6, 4 * 7, 2 * 8, and 1 * 9. Participants were instructed
to recall the numbers in the order they were presented to
them. Participants used the number keys on the keyboard to
type in their response (in a response box that appeared after
each series of digits). When participants accidentally made a
typing error, they could use the ‘‘backspace’’ to correct their
response, and when satisfied with their response, the ‘‘enter’’
key was used to start the next series of numbers.
After pressing the enter key, it took 1000 ms before the
next series of digits was presented. The test lasted for about
5 min. The total number of correct recalls was used as
outcome measure.
After participants were recruited, an appointment was made
for a test session. On average, the patients in the burnout
group were tested within 1 month after they were diagnosed
with burnout (range 4–62 d). A test session took place on a
weekday and started around 14:00 h. Testing of the burnout
group occurred in a quiet room at one of the three offices of
the mental health care organization. Participants of the non-
clinical burnout and the control group were tested at their
homes or at the university in a quiet room. All participants
were tested individually. A test session started with the five
cognitive tests in combination with the questions about
fatigue, motivation, effort and demands (see ‘‘Materials’’
section for more information). The cognitive tests were
presented in a counter-balanced order across the participants.
After completing the cognitive tests, participants filled out the
UBOS, SCL-90-R, CFQ, and some questions about demo-
graphical characteristics and potentially confounding vari-
ables. In total, a test session lasted approximately 75 min. All
participants gave informed consent and the study was
approved by the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Social
Sciences at the Radboud University Nijmegen in the
Statistical analyses
Demographical characteristics were analyzed using a one-way
univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s chi-
square test (when necessary with Monte Carlo correction) (see
Table 1 for the specific analysis/test used for each demo-
graphical characteristic). Fatigue scores prior to and after the
cognitive test battery were analyzed with a 2 3 mixed design
ANOVA with Time (prior to versus after) as within-subject
factor and Group (clinical burnout versus non-clinical burnout
versus control) as between-subject factor. All other self-
reported data were statistically evaluated using one-way
univariate ANOVA. The outcome measures of the cognitive
tests, except those of the Matching and Flanker Task, were
analyzed with one-way univariate ANOVA. The data of the
Matching and Flanker Task were analyzed using a 2 3 mixed
design ANOVA with Run type (switch versus repetition) as
within-subject factor for the Matching Task and Trial type
(congruent versus incongruent) as within-subject factor for the
Flanker Task, and for both tasks Group (clinical burnout versus
non-clinical burnout versus control) as between-subject factor.
Since the Flanker Task data of one participant of the non-
clinical burnout group were not stored due to technical
computer problems, the analysis of the Flanker Task was based
on a N¼91 (see df2 column in Table 3).
For all outcome measures, within-group outliers were
replaced with the group mean + or three standard devi-
ations. After replacing the outliers (five in total), inspection of
the data revealed that, except for the scores of the Flanker
Task, the scores of the other outcome measures were
approximately normally distributed. Prior to the analysis,
the scores of the Flanker Task were log10-transformed to
improve normality (on raw data, without replacement of
outliers). All statistical results were based on two-tailed tests
using an alpha level of 0.05. Partial eta-squared (n
) was used
as an effect size estimate. When a statistically significant
overall group effect was obtained, pair-wise group compari-
sons were made using Fisher’s Protected Least Significant
Different (FPLSD) post-hoc tests. All statistical analyses were
performed with SPSS for Microsoft Windows, version 20.0
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL).
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Demographical characteristics
Table 1 displays the demographical characteristics of the three
groups. The groups did not significantly differ on age, level of
education, sex, working irregular working hours, and intake of
UBOS, SCL-90-R, and CFQ
Analysis of the UBOS scores revealed a significant overall
main effect of Group on all three subscales (see Table 2 for
the statistics). Post-hoc tests showed that all three groups
differed significantly from each other on all subscales, except
for a marginally significant difference (p¼0.078) between
the non-clinical burnout group and the control group on the
professional efficacy scale (all other p’s50.01). On all three
subscales, the non-clinical burnout group scored in between
the clinical burnout group and control group. The results of
the analyses of the SCL-90-R and the CFQ scores yielded a
significant overall main effect of Group for both measures.
Post-hoc tests revealed the same pattern of results for both
outcome variables: individuals in the clinical burnout group
reported significantly more physical and psychological
complaints, and more cognitive problems than individuals
in the non-clinical burnout group, who in turn reported
significantly more physical and psychological complaints, and
more cognitive problems than the healthy controls (all
Cognitive tests
Analysis of the Matching Task data revealed a significant
main effect of Run type, F(1, 89) ¼61.46, p50.001,
¼0.41, and a significant overall main effect of Group,
but no significant interaction effect between these factors (see
Table 3 for the statistics). The significant main effect of Run
type showed that, irrespective of Group, individuals reacted
significantly slower on switch trials than on repetition trials,
which was an expected result due to the design of the test.
Post-hoc tests of the overall main effect of Group indicated
that, independent of Run type, the individuals in the clinical
burnout group reacted significantly slower than the healthy
controls (p¼0.016) and marginally slower than the individ-
uals in the non-clinical burnout (p¼0.051), who did not
differ from the healthy controls. The insignificant interaction
effect between Run type and Group reflected the absence of a
significant difference in switch cost between the three groups.
Table 3. Group means and standard deviations, and the results of the statistical analysis of the cognitive tests.
Clinical burnout Non-clinical burnout Control
M SD M SD M SD Effect df2Fpn
2-Back Task
53.58 15.93 57.45 13.94 56.37 13.20 Group 89 0.60 0.55 0.01
38.75 10.56 36.17 9.95 36.58 9.10 Group 89 0.62 0.54 0.01
257.25 67.48 269.81 63.68 280.41 62.46 Group 89 1.01 0.37 0.02
Go-trial RT
648.19 110.50 641.18 118.98 663.51 135.51 Group 89 0.26 0.77 0.01
Flanker Task
Overall errors 0.70 0.30 0.57 0.35 0.58 0.24 Group 88 1.69 0.19 0.04
Congruency effect
0.09 0.56 0.13 0.49 0.10 0.45 Tt G 88 0.04 0.96 0.00
Matching Task
Overall RT
* 1250.89 208.82 1134.85 225.80 1108.69 255.61 Group 89 3.44 0.04 0.07
Switch cost
169.63 227.04 126.76 148.23 158.43 164.70 Rt G 89 0.44 0.65 0.01
Digit Span Task
8.85 3.03 9.69 3.19 8.87 2.78 Group 89 0.76 0.47 0.02
The outcome variables in italics represent measures of executive functioning; those in standard letters reflect more general cognitive processes. Tt, trial
type; G, group; Rt, run type.
Correct responses.
Reaction times in milliseconds.
*Clinical burnout group significantly differed from the control group (and differed marginally significant from the non-clinical burnout group
Table 2. Group means and standard deviations, and the results of the statistical analysis of the UBOS, SCL-90-R, and CFQ.
Clinical burnout Non-clinical burnout Control
M SD M SD M SD Effect df2Fpn
Exhaustion* 4.65 0.94 2.73 0.86 1.07 0.51 Group 89 160.95 0.00 0.78
Cynicism* 3.46 1.19 1.75 1.08 0.79 0.62 Group 89 58.25 0.00 0.56
Personal efficacyy3.50 1.03 4.21 0.70 4.59 0.64 Group 89 14.84 0.00 0.25
SCL-90-R* 185.39 45.78 133.56 33.51 106.87 14.30 Group 89 43.06 0.00 0.49
CFQ* 76.42 13.36 64.17 10.77 53.80 9.70 Group 89 30.80 0.00 0.41
*All groups significantly differed from each other.
yThe clinical burnout group significantly differed from both the control group and the non-clinical burnout group (the non-clinical burnout group
differed marginally significant from the control group (p¼0.078)).
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The performance on the 2-Back Task, Flanker Task, STOP-IT,
and Digit Span Task did not significantly differ between the
Fatigue, motivation, effort, and demands
The analysis of the fatigue scores revealed a significant main
effect of Time, F(1, 89) ¼68.57, p40.001, n
¼0.44, and a
significant overall main effect of Group, but a non-significant
Time Group interaction effect (see Table 4 for the statis-
tics). The significant main effect of Time indicated that,
irrespective of Group, individuals were significantly more
fatigued after than prior to the cognitive test battery. Post-hoc
tests of the significant overall main effect of Group showed
that, independent of Time, all groups differed significantly
from each other: on average the clinical burnout patients
reported to be significantly more fatigued compared with the
individuals in the non-clinical burnout group, who in turn
reported to be significantly more fatigued compared with the
healthy controls (all p’s50.05). Yet, the non-significant
interaction effect between Time and Group indicated that the
increase in fatigue from prior to, to after the cognitive tests
did not differ between the groups. As depicted in Table 4,
motivation to complete the cognitive tests was high for each
group, and did not significantly differ between the three
groups. However, analysis of the effort scores revealed a
marginally significant overall main effect of Group. Post-hoc
tests showed that the clinical burnout patients had a signifi-
cantly higher score on reported effort than both the healthy
controls (p¼0.045) and the non-clinical burnout participants
(p¼0.033), which did not differ from each other. Although
burnout patients reported the highest specific test demand
scores on all tests, analysis of these scores revealed a
significant overall main effect of Group only for the STOP-IT
test. Post-hoc test indicated that the burnout group rated the
STOP-IT test as more demanding compared with both the
control group (p¼0.005) and the non-clinical burnout group
(p¼0.018). In addition, the analysis of the mean test demand
scores yielded a marginally significant overall main effect of
Group. Post-hoc tests showed that, averaged across the five
cognitive tests, individuals with clinical burnout rated the
tests as significantly more demanding than the healthy
controls (p¼0.021).
Confounding variables analysis
To control for potential confounding effects, we re-analyzed
all outcome measures of the various cognitive tests with
analysis of covariance, using the following variables as
covariates: fatigue, motivation, invested effort, test demands
(specific and mean), use of medication, intake of coffee, time
of awakening, and hours of sleep. The results of these
analyses did not substantially deviate from the results of the
primary analyses and let to identical conclusions (detailed
results are available from the first author on request).
Since relatively little is known about cognitive performance in
burnout, the aim of the present study was to further examine
cognitive performance in both clinical and non-clinical
burnout. To this aim, we focused on three interrelated
features of cognitive performance, namely, self-reported
cognitive problems, cognitive test performance, and subject-
ive costs associated with performing the cognitive tests.
The results showed that the clinical burnout group reported
to experience significantly more cognitive problems com-
pared with the control group, which is in line with previous
studies (e.g. O
¨hman et al., 2007; Oosterholt et al., 2012;
¨sterberg et al., 2009). More interestingly, we also found self-
reported cognition (CFQ) to be significantly different between
both burnout groups, that is, the individuals in the clinical
burnout group rated their cognition as being significantly
worse than the individuals in the non-clinical burnout group
did. These findings are in line with previous work of Van der
Linden et al. (2005), and reflect the same pattern of results as
we found for the level of burnout symptoms (UBOS) and
Table 4. Group means and standard deviations, and the results of the statistical analysis of the fatigue, motivation, effort, and
demands scores.
Clinical burnout Non-clinical burnout Control
M SD M SD M SD Effect df2Fpn
* 6.62 1.29 5.17 1.92 4.03 2.05 Group 89 16.96 0.00 0.28
1.73 1.93 1.93 2.07 1.67 2.17 T G 89 0.13 0.87 0.00
Motivation 8.42 1.17 8.86 1.13 8.57 1.38 Group 89 1.00 0.37 0.02
Effort 9.42 0.80 8.93 0.84 8.97 1.03 Group 89 3.01 0.05 0.06
2-Back Task 8.58 1.42 8.52 1.21 8.25 1.51 Group 89 0.48 0.62 0.01
STOP-ITy7.21 1.36 6.21 1.88 6.03 1.65 Group 89 4.83 0.01 0.10
Flanker Task 7.42 1.86 7.10 1.82 6.53 1.59 Group 89 2.04 0.14 0.04
Matching Task 6.49 1.94 6.00 1.79 5.73 1.78 Group 89 1.35 0.26 0.03
Digit Span Task 7.64 1.73 7.62 1.59 7.50 1.68 Group 89 0.06 0.94 0.00
7.46 0.85 7.09 1.18 6.81 1.27 Group 89 2.78 0.07 0.06
T, time; G, group.
Mean fatigue score prior to and after the cognitive test battery.
Difference score between fatigue prior to and after the cognitive test battery.
Mean demand score of the five cognitive tests.
*All groups significantly differed from each other.
yThe clinical burnout group significantly differed from both the control group and the non-clinical burnout group.
406 B. G. Oosterholt et al. Stress, 2014; 17(5): 400–409
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general physical and psychological complaints (SCL-90-R)
that the three different groups experienced. We found,
however, only partial support that self-reported cognitive
problems in burnout co-occur with objective performance
impairments as assessed with cognitive tests. More specific-
ally, our cognitive test results indicated that the clinical
burnout group significantly underperformed the control group
and marginally significantly underperformed the non-clinical
burnout group on one of the five cognitive tests, whereas
cognitive test performance of the individuals of the non-
clinical burnout group did not differ compared with that of the
healthy controls on any of the other tests.
The impaired cognitive test performance observed in the
clinical burnout patients reflected a general slowing in RT.
That is, the clinical burnout patients showed slower overall
RTs during the Matching Task (an indicator of a decline in
more general cognitive processing; see also Oosterholt et al.,
2012), however, no other performance differences on this and
the other cognitive tests were found that reflected deficits in
any of our assessed executive functions (updating, inhibition,
and switching). These results are in line with the study of
¨sterberg et al. (2009), in which clinical burnout was also
found to be only related to slower performance during a single
speed test. However, in most of the other studies on cognitive
performance in clinical burnout patients, deficits in executive
functioning were found in this group of patients as well.
Especially the updating function, which is also often referred
to as working memory, is a type of executive functioning that
has repeatedly been found to be impaired in this patient
population (e.g. Jonsdottir et al., 2013; O
¨hman et al., 2007;
Oosterholt et al., 2012; Rydmark et al., 2006).
A factor that may have contributed to the relatively mild
cognitive test performance impairment in our clinical burnout
sample could be that we only included patients without
comorbid mental disorders. As noted earlier, in previous
studies, patients with comorbid mental disorders were not
always excluded, or the effects of comorbidity were not
always controlled for. As a result, the findings of these
previous studies could be an overestimation of the degree in
which clinical burnout is related to cognitive test performance
impairment, since, for example, it is relatively well-estab-
lished that depression is related to impairments in executive
functioning (e.g. Gotlib & Joormann, 2010). Furthermore,
since it is often proposed that burnout patients do not form a
homogeneous group and that there exist subtypes of burnout
patients (e.g. Tops et al., 2007; Van Dam et al., 2013), it could
well be that heterogeneity with respect to our and previous
burnout samples may have contributed to the degree in which
burnout was found to be related to cognitive test performance
The absence of any cognitive test performance impairment
in the non-clinical burnout group is inconsistent with the
results of three previous studies, in which non-clinical
burnout was found to be associated with: (i) a more general
cognitive decline (Van der Linden et al., 2005), (ii) deficits in
executive functions (Diestel et al., 2013), and (iii) even better
performance on tasks that measured executive functioning
(Castaneda et al., 2011). Clearly, more research is needed to
draw any firm conclusions about cognitive test performance
in individuals with non-clinical burnout.
With regard to reported fatigue prior to and after the
cognitive test battery, we found that, as expected, the three
groups significantly differed from each other (with the clinical
burnout group showing the highest fatigue scores, followed by
the non-clinical burnout group and the control group), and
that all groups were significantly more fatigued after
compared to prior to the cognitive test battery. Yet, this
increase in fatigue did not differ significantly between the
groups. Concerning reported motivation to perform, prior to
the cognitive test battery, all groups were equally (and highly)
motivated to complete the tests. However, we obtained
evidence indicating that after test completion, clinical burnout
patients reported that they had invested more effort in
completing the tests, and rated the tests as more demanding
relative to individuals in the non-clinical burnout and control
groups. These findings suggest that adequate test performance
in clinical burnout comes at a relatively large ‘‘cost’’. It might
be possible that if this cost exceeds a critical value, more
significant cognitive test performance impairments emerge.
This suggestion further implies that when clinical burnout
patients, and perhaps also individuals with a non-clinical
burnout, are challenged to a larger extent (e.g. use of longer
and/or more (complex) tests) they might eventually fail (to an
even larger extent) to uphold test performance, especially
since mental fatigue appears to affect performance even more
on such tests (e.g. Holding, 1983; Lorist et al., 2000; Van der
Linden et al., 2003). This line of reasoning could also provide
an explanation for the discrepancy between the level of self-
reported cognitive problems and the level of cognitive test
performance impairment that we found in both burnout
groups. Accordingly, the self-reported cognitive problems
reflect the cognitive problems of daily life, which putatively
are more challenging than those established in the relatively
short and uncomplicated cognitive tests. Therefore, we
recommend that in future research, a more challenging
cognitive test battery may be used to test cognitive perform-
ance in burnout (both clinical and non-clinical). In light of the
higher subjective costs that we found to be associated with the
performance on the cognitive tests in clinical burnout
patients, a further interesting aspect to investigate would be
to examine the process of recovery in burnout after cognitive
test performance. It could well be that individuals with
burnout (symptoms) need more time to recover after
completing a cognitive test battery, for example, from fatigue
and/or stress, than do healthy individuals. In future studies
one might consider to examine whether burnout is related to a
longer recovery time, for example, by measuring the recovery
process (both subjectively and objectively) immediately after,
in the evening after, or even the day after performance on,
preferably a challenging, cognitive test battery.
Strengths and limitations
An asset of the present study is that we included both a
clinical and a non-clinical burnout group in order to
investigate cognitive performance in burnout. Furthermore,
our clearly described selection criteria and high-quality
burnout diagnosis of the patients of the clinical burnout
group can be regarded as a strong feature. Moreover, we only
selected burnout patients without comorbid mental disorders,
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such as depression, which enabled us to carry out a relatively
‘‘pure’’ assessment of the relation between burnout and
cognition. Another asset of this study is the relatively large
sample size compared with the samples sizes in most of the
previous studies.
Despite these strengths, our study has some limitations as
well. For example, one might argue a diagnosis of burnout
with a comorbid depression is not rare, and thus excluding
patients with a comorbid depressive disorder may limit the
generalizability of our results. This could have led to an
underestimation of the degree in which we found clinical
burnout to be related to cognitive test performance impair-
ment. Furthermore, the cross-sectional design of the study
makes it hard to draw any causal inferences. Although we
found some evidence in cognitive impairment is positively
related to the severity of burnout, on the basis of our data we
cannot conclude that cognitive impairment is the result of
burnout. To be more precise, we cannot exclude beforehand
the possibility that cognitive impairment leads to the devel-
opment of burnout (reverse causal relationship), or that
burnout is both a cause and a consequence of cognitive
impairment (bi-directional relationship).
Clinical burnout patients reported more cognitive problems
than did individuals with non-clinical burnout, who in turn
reported more cognitive problems relative to healthy
controls. Evidence for, a relatively mild, impaired cognitive
test performance was only found for clinical burnout
patients. This impaired cognitive test performance was
reflected in a general slowing in RT, indicating a decline in
more general cognitive processing instead of deficits in
executive functioning. However, cognitive test performance
of clinical burnout patients was related with larger reported
subjective costs. Future research should preferably focus on
the relationship between subjective and objective aspects of
cognitive functioning in subcategories of burnout, prefer-
ably using challenging cognitive tests and diverse (objective
and subjective) measures of recovery after task
We would like to thank Moniek Veltman and Hubert Voogd
for their support in setting up the study. Furthermore, we are
grateful to Carla Ziebertz, Lennert Paasman, Hanna Lanz,
Lauke Bos, Sanneke Peters, and the personnel of HSK Group
for their assistance in data collection. Finally, our gratitude
goes out to all the participants who took part in this study, in
particular, those of the clinical burnout group.
Declaration of interest
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone
are responsible for the content and writing of the article.
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