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Antioxidant status of Penaeus monodon fed with Dunaliella salina supplemented diet and resistance against WSSV



The present study investigates the protection of shrimp Penaeus monodon against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) using Dunaliella salina algal cells which contains an antioxidant betacarotene for the shrimp non-specific immunity. To determine the antioxidant activity, the shrimp were treated in vivo (orally with feed) methods at the concentration of 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2 % D. salina incorporated with pellet feed, respectively. In the present study, anti-WSSV activity of D. salina incorporated diet by in vivo methods showed strong antioxidant activity and the immunological parameters such as proPO, SOD,catalase were higher in the WSSV-infected shrimp treated with D. salina incorporated diet when compared to control groups. These results strongly indicate that in vivo of D. salina incorporated diet enhances immunity of the shrimp. Based on the present data and the advantages of harvesting D. salina at low price, we believe that oral administration of D. salina live cells along with the pellet feed is a potential prophylactic agent against WSSV infection of shrimp to some extent.
Antioxidant status of Penaeus monodon fed
with Dunaliella salina supplemented diet
and resistance against WSSV
Research scholar, Center for advanced studies in Botany
University of Madras, Maraimalai campus, Chennai-65
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile No: +91 9841111534
Director &Professor, Center for advanced studies in Botany
University of Madras, Maraimalai campus, Chennai-65
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile No: +91 9176295052
The present study investigates the protection of shrimp Penaeus monodon against white spot syndrome virus
(WSSV) using Dunaliella salina algal cells which contains an antioxidant betacarotene for the shrimp non-
specific immunity. To determine the antioxidant activity, the shrimp were treated in vivo (orally with feed)
methods at the concentration of 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2 % D. salina incorporated with pellet feed, respectively. In
the present study, anti-WSSV activity of D. salina incorporated diet by in vivo methods showed strong
antioxidant activity and the immunological parameters such as proPO, SOD,catalase were higher in the WSSV-
infected shrimp treated with D. salina incorporated diet when compared to control groups. These results
strongly indicate that in vivo of D. salina incorporated diet enhances immunity of the shrimp. Based on the
present data and the advantages of harvesting D. salina at low price, we believe that oral administration of D.
salina live cells along with the pellet feed is a potential prophylactic agent against WSSV infection of shrimp to
some extent.
Keywords: Penaeus monodon; Dunaliella salina; antioxidant activity.
1. Introduction
The White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) continues to be one of the most serious disease problems
faced by the shrimp farming industry worldwide (Flegel, 1997; Karunasagar et al., 1997; Hsu et al., 1999).
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is spread by cannibalism of sick or dying shrimp or via contaminated water.
Many other animals (crabs, lobsters, shellfish) may harbor and spread the disease (Chang et al,1998 Sahul
Hameed et al., 2003).The quick spread of the disease among the shrimp population and the broad host range,
make the control of this virus almost impossible, thus novel strategies to control WSSV are needed. Various
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
studies have been carried out to obtain the performance of immunostimulants for enhancing immune response
and reduction of disease impacts. Several diseases were controlled by oral administration of immunostimulation.
Immunostimulants are suitable for boosting immature immune system and effective against a number
of opportunistic and secondary pathogens (Felix et al., 2004). Thus modern shrimp hatchers are now trying to
resolve this problem of WSSV infection by using immunostimulant incorporated shrimp feed. Studies have been
carried out to obtain the performance of immunostimulants for enhancing immune response and reduction of
disease impacts. Certain carotenoids obtained from algal sources like astaxanthin and β-carotene induces
immune system in shrimp and will certainly continue to play an important role in disease control in intensive
shrimp culture (Karin van de, 2002). In order to know the role of this immunostimulant of carotenoids obtained
from algae on resistance of shrimp against WSSV and its consequences on the immune condition of shrimp, the
present study was carried out to determine the effect of betacarotene obtained from Dunaliella salina
incorporated with different concentrations on prophenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase (SOD)
production during the course of the WSSV challenge to assess the non-specific immune status of the shrimp.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Preparation of betacarotene from D. salina
Ten litre of Dewalnes medium were prepared with 35 ppt and inoculated with 100 ml of pure Dunaliella
salina culture. The cultures were kept in out door condition for a period of 20 days. On 15
day orange stage is
attained. Then the cultures were harvested and centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min. The obtained biomass
were lyophilised and stored in the refrigerator until they were used for the bioassay test.
2.2. Preparation of test diets
One litre of fresh water was taken in a vessel and boiled on a heater. The ingredients were cooked as
described below. The rice bran was added at first and mixed thoroughly, followed by the addition of fishmeal,
coconut cake, squid meal, wheat flour powder and mixed thoroughly, until the feed became a paste and cooled
to room temperature and added the ingredients such as fish oil, vitamin mix and tapioca. To this different
percentages of harvested biomass of D. salina cells (dry wt) such as 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2 % were added
separately and mixed thoroughly. Then the paste was taken pressed and squeezed through 2 mm
pores and
collected the shreds on a polythene sheet. The shreads without D. salina served as control. The shreds were
allowed to dry at room temperature for 2 days kept in plastic bags and sealed properly until given to shrimp.
2.3. Collection and maintenance of experimental animals
A total of 100 Penaeus monodon of 4-5 g body weight, were obtained from the shrimp pond at
Meenjur, near chennai and maintained in 1000 L fibre glass tank with air- lift biological filters at room
temperature (27 - 30°C) with salinity between 20 and 25 %. The experiment was conducted at the Aqua Nova
Hatcheries, Kanathur, Chennai. The seawater was pumped from the Bay of Bengal and kept for 24 h and
removed the sand and other suspended particles at the bottom. Then the seawater was initially chlorinated with
25 ppm sodium hypochlorite followed by dechlorination by vigorous aeration, passed through sand filter and
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
used for the experiment. Temperature, pH and salinity (Aqua fauna, Japan) were recorded on the spot. This
experiment was carried out for a period of 30 days.
2.4. Feeding trial on Penaeus monodon
The experimental shrimp, Penaeus monodon was fed with normal diet (control) for a period of 2 days
and then taken for the experimental study. The animals were divided into four groups of each 10 shrimps in 100
L seawater in fibre tanks at room temperature (27-30°C) with salinity between 20 and 25 ppt. Group I animals
were fed with the normal pellet feed without D. salina (control). In Group II, the shrimp were fed with 0.5 %
D. salina incorporated feed, Group III fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated feed, and Group IV fed with 2 %
D. salina incorporated feed for a period of one month. The animals were fed twice daily at 09:00: and 17:00 h
for a period of 30 days. The amount of feed given was 5 % of animal body weight. Every alternate days, 50 %
volume of the water along with the excreta of animals and other waste were removed and compensated with
fresh seawater.
2.5. Determination of immunological and antioxidant activity
The uninfected shrimp fed with different concentrations of D. salina incorporated diet were sacrificed weekly
for a period of one month for immunological assay such as prophenoloxidase assay (proPO), superoxide anion
assay, superoxide dismutase activity and catalase assay were analyzed for different groups.
2.6. Haemolymph collection
Haemolymph of 300 μl per shrimp was collected directly from the heart of animal every week for a
period of one month. The haemolymph was collected by using a 23-guage needle and 1.0 mL syringe contained
300 μl (4°C) precooled 10 % sodium citrate solution as anticoagulant in glass distilled water.
2.7. Estimation of protein
The estimation of protein was carried out by following the method of Lowery et al., 1951. One hundred
µL of haemolymph samples were made up to 1 mL separately with glass distilled water. To this 4.5 mL of
alkaline copper reagent was added shaken well and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. To this 0.5 mL of Folin’s
reagent was added and kept at room temperature at 37°C for 20 minutes. The absorbance was read at 660 nm
using UV visible spectrophotometer (UV- 1601 Shimadzu). Total protein expressed as μg/mL in haemolymph.
2.8. Phenoloxidase activity
The Prophenol Oxidase assay was carried out by following the method of Pascual et al., 2003. The 0.1
mL Haemolymph sample was made up to 1.0 mL with glass distilled water and centrifuged at 3000 rpm at 4° C
for 10 minutes. The supernatant was discarded and the pellet was collected, rinsed and resuspended in sodium
cacodylate buffer and centrifuged again. The pellet was once again resuspended with 200 µL of sodium
cacodylate buffer. To 100 µL of the sample 50 µL trypsin (1 mg/mL) was added and kept for 10 minutes at 25°
C, then 50 µL of L- DOPA was added followed by the addition of 800 µL cacodylate buffer after 5 minutes.
Phenoloxidase activity was measured under ELISA reader by recording the formation of dopachrome from L-
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
DOPA (Leonard et al., 1985). The data were recorded every one minute interval for a period of 5 minutes at 490
2.9. Assay of Super oxide dismutase
SOD assay was carried out in Haemolymph protein samples of the experimental animals as described
by Misra and Fridovich , 1972. To 0.1 mL of haemolymph protein 0.75 mL ethanol and 0.15 mL
chloroform (chilled in ice) were added separately and centrifuged at 10,000 rpm at 4°C for 10 minutes. To 0.5
mL of supernatant 0.5 mL of EDTA (0.6 mM) solution and 1mL of carbonate bicarbonate buffer (0.1 M) pH
10.2 were added. The reaction was initiated by the addition of 0.5 mL of substrate (Epinephrine 1.8 mM) and
the increase in absorbance was recorded at 480 nm at every 30 seconds for 3 minutes. The values are expressed
as 50 % inhibition of epinephrine auto oxidation /min /mg protein.
2.10. Catalase Assay
The Catalase assay was carried out by following the method of Takaharat et al., 1960. To 1.2 mL of
phosphate buffer (0.05 M, pH 7), 0.2 mL haemolymph of protein samples was added separately and the catalase
enzyme reaction was initiated by addition of 1 mL of substrate H
(0.03 M in phosphate buffer). The decrease
in OD at 240 nm was recorded at every 30 seconds for 3 minutes. The enzyme blank was run simultaneously
with 1mL of glass distilled water instead of H
. A standard contained catalase was carried out simultaneously
and expressed as µmoles of H
decomposed /min/mg protein.
2.11. In vivo determination of antioxidant activity of healthy shrimp challenged with WSSV infected
The shrimps fed with normal pellet feed and three different concentrations of D. salina incorporated
feed were challenged by WSSV infected tissues (200 mg) of P. monodon by oral route obtained from the
Central Institute of Brackish Aquaculture, Chennai, were divided into four groups of 10 shrimp per group and
each trial was conducted in triplicates. In Group I, shrimp fed with normal feed for 2 days and then on 3
alone it was fed twice a day orally with WSSV infected shrimp treated as positive control showed 100%
mortalitily within 48 hrs p.i. with gross signs including lethargy, reduced feed consumption, reddishness on
dorsal side and appearance of white spots in cephalothoracic region. In Group II , shrimp fed with D. salina
incorporated diet without any challenge towards WSSV (negative control) showed 100 % survival till the end
of the study period (up to 10
day). In Group III, shrimp fed with 0.5% D. salina incorporated diet for 2 days
and fed with WSSV infected shrimp on third day alone twice a day and from fourth day fed with normal pellet
feed, similarly feed was given in Group IV, shrimp fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet challenged with
WSSV infection and Group V, 2.0 % D. salina incorporated diet challenged with WSSV infection. In all the
groups, the shrimps were fed twice daily. Initially 5–7% of body weight of feed was fed to shrimp and thereafter
it was adjusted according to the feeding response of the shrimp in each tank. Uneaten food and waste matter
were removed before feeding. The experimental animals were examined twice per day for gross signs of
disease, and the number of deaths was recorded. For the analysis of immunological and hematological
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
parameters, samples of haemolymph were taken from live infected animals on 1, 3, 6 and 9 days. The
procedures for the estimation of the assays were described earlier. The immunological results were compared
with the experimental animals. All the live and dead animal samples were analyzed for PCR using the primer
meant for WSSV.
Statistical analyses
The experimental data were tabulated and analyzed using one-way ANOVA by the Agres statistical
software package (Agres, 1994). The least significant difference (LSD) analysis was performed to group the
treatment mean values.
3. Results
3.1. Immunostimulant and antioxidant activity of healthy P. monodon fed with D. salina test diets
3.1.1 Prophenoloxidase assay
The shrimp fed with the diet without D. salina (control) showed the proPO levels of 0.11, 0.11, 0.11,
and 0.11 U/min/mg of protein on 1
, 2
, 3
and 4
weeks (Fig. 1), respectively. The above values were less
than 64 %, 66 %, 68 % and 70 % to the animal fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet. Among the three
different concentrations of D. salina incorporated diets, the animal fed with 1.0 % diet showed maximum proPO
of 0.38 U/min/mg of protein on 4
week. Whereas the shrimp fed with 0.5 % and 2.0 % D. salina incorporated
diet showed 0.3 and 0.28 U/min/mg of protein, respectively on 4
Iweek II week III week IV week
No. of weeks
OD 490 nm units/min/mg protein
o.5 % D. salina
1.0 % D. salina
2 % D. salina
Fig. 1. Prophenol oxidase assay of P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diets
3.2. Superoxide dismutase assay
3.2.1. Superoxide dismutase assay of Haemolymph
The SOD levels of the haemolymph of animals when fed with the diet incorporated D. salina showed
enhanced values to that of control (diet without D. salina). The shrimp fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated
diet showed 1.72, 1.9, 1.4 and 1.14 Rapid auto oxidation production (RAP) (Fig. 2), which were more than 28
%, 35 %, 12 % and 7 % to that of the control on 1
, 2
, 3
and 4
weeks respectively. Whereas the shrimp fed
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
with 0.5 % D. salina incorporated diet showed 1.2, 1.32, 1.2 and 1.04 (RAP) and 2 % D. salina incorporated
diet showed 1.6, 1.21, 1.2 and 1.07 (RAP) on 1
, 2
, 3
and 4
weeks, respectively.
I week II week III week IV week
No. of weeks
Relative superoxide anion
0.5 % D. salina
1.0 % D. salina
2 % D. salina
Fig. 2. Superoxide dismutase assay of hemolymph of P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diets
3.3. Catalase assay
3.3.1. Catalase assay of haemolymph
The catalase activity of haemolymph in control ranged from 15.46 to 19.23 µmoles H
decomposed -
/min/mg of protein. The shrimp fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet showed the maximum catalase
activity of 31.69, 36.69, 25.31 and 15.34 µmoles H
decomposed /min/mg of protein (Fig. 3) which were
more than 51 %, 55 %, 28 % and 20 % to that of the control on 1
, 2
, 3
and 4
weeks respectively.
Iweek II week III week IV week
Days of post infection
µ moles of H2O2 decomposed/min/mg of
0.5 % D. salina
1.0 % D. salina
2 % D. salina
Fig. 3. Catalase assay of hemolymph of P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diets
3.4. Challenge test
The shrimp, P. monodon fed with three different percentages (0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2.0 %) D. salina
incorporated diets for a period of 30 days were challenged with WSSV. The animal P. monodon fed with
D. salina incorporated diet without any challenge towards WSSV (negative control) showed 100 % survival till
the end of the study period (up to 10
day). Whereas the animal challenged with WSSV infection (positive
control) fed without the diet D. salina showed 100 % mortality within 48 h. However, the animals fed with
1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet showed 40 % mortality on 5
day and 100 % mortality on 10
day. Similarly,
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
the animals fed with 0.5 % D. salina incorporated diet showed 50 % mortality on 5
day and 100 % mortality
on 10
day and 2 % D. salina incorporated diet showed 55 % mortality on 5
day and 100 % mortality on 10
3.5. PCR amplification of genomic DNA of WSSV P. monodon
The live animals in treated and negative control groups were WSSV negative by PCR whereas
moribund animals from positive group showed WSSV positive by PCR. The animals kept in the tank without
WSSV survived during the study period (Data not shown).
3.6. Immunostimulant and antioxidant activity of WSSV infected P. monodon fed with D. salina
incorporated diets
3.6.1. Prophenoloxidase assay
The WSSV infected shrimp fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet showed proPO levels of 0.26,
0.31, 0.33 and 0.28 (unit/min/mg of protein) on 1
, 3
, 6
and 9
day of post infection (Fig. 4) respectively. The
above values were less than 16 %, 6 %, 5 % and 26 % respectively, to that of the negative control (without
infection). Whereas the infected animals fed with 2 % showed less than 26 %, 36 % and 35 % compared to the
animals fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diets.
OD 490 nm units/min/mg protein
Negative control
Positive control
WSSV+0.5 % D. salina
WSSV+1.0 %D. salina
WSSV+2.0 % D. salina
Fig. 4. Prophenol oxidase assay of WSSV infected P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diets
3.7. Superoxide dismutase assay
3.7.1. Superoxide dismutase assay of haemolymph
The SOD levels in the haemolymph of WSSV infected shrimp fed D. salina at different concentrations
revealed that the shrimp fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet showed the SOD activity of 2.46 RAP on 3
day (Fig. 5), which was less than 12 % to that of negative control (without WSSV infection) (2.82 RAP).
Whereas the SOD levels of the infected shrimp fed with 0.5 % and 2 % D. salina incorporated diet showed less
than 29 % and 56 % when compared to negative control.
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
Relative superoxide anion
Negative control
Positive control
WSSV+0.5 % D. salina
WSSV+1.0 % D. salina
WSSV+2.0 % D. salina
Fig. 5. Superoxide dismutase assay of haemolymph of WSSV infected P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diet
3.8. Catalase assay
3.8.1. Catalase assay of haemolymph
The catalase activity in haemolymph of WSSV infected shrimp fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet
showed the catalase level of 25.46 µmoles H
decomposed /min/mg of protein on 6
day (Fig. 6) which was
more than 35 % and 43 % of the animals fed with 0.5 % and 2 % D. salina incorporated diets, respectively.
Whereas the animals without WSSV infection (negative control) fed with D. salina incorporated diet showed
31.69, 36.69, 25.31 and 15.34 µmoles H
decomposed /min/mg of protein on 1
, 3
, 6
and 9
µ moles of H2O2
decomposed/min/mg of Protein
Negative control
Positive control
WSSV+0.5 % D. salina
WSSV+1.0 % D. salina
WSSV+2.0 % D. salina
Fig. 6. Catalase assay of haemolymph of WSSV infected P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diet
4. Discussion
The color desired by the consumer for shrimp in aquaculture is by feeding the diet supplemented with
carotenoids. Irrespective of whether the shrimp is fed with astaxanthin or β-carotene, main carotenoids
accumulated is astaxanthin in free and esterified form. Boonyaratpalin et al., (2001) stated that P. monodon has
the metabolic ability to convert β-carotene into astaxanthin. Since β-carotene acts as an antioxidant, it is used in
the feed supplement of shrimps and fishes in aquaculture. Hence in this study, Dunaliella salina of three
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
different concentrations viz: 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 2.0 % when incorporated in the diet and fed to shrimp showed
that the growth of P. monodon was found similar among the three concentrations. When compared to the control
(without D. salina diet) 1.0 % diet showed better growth. Similarly, Boonyaratpalin et al., 2001 reported a
higher survival rate and growth in P. japonicus fed with astaxanthin-supplemented diets than supplement of β-
carotene or algal meal.
Carotenoids pigments are involved in antioxidants activities in aquatic animals and moreover
carotenoids are known to enhance immune function and disease resistance in higher animals as stated by
(Hunter, 2000, Supamattaya et al., 2005). Phenoloxidase (PO), the key enzyme in the synthesis of melanin,
occurs in haemolymph as an inactive proenzyme prophenoloxidase (proPO). ProPO is activated to form PO
(phenol oxidase) when it reacts with zymosan (carbohydrates from yeast cell walls), bacterial
lipopolysaccharide (LPS), urea, calcium ions, trypsin, or heat (Soderhall et al., 1986). Hence an attempt was
made on the present study with P. monodon fed with β-carotene producing D. salina incorporated diets for a
period of 30 days, and also challenged against WSSV infection. The animal without WSSV infection but fed
with D. salina incorporated diet showed 100 % survival till the experimental study indicated its non-toxic
effects. It is worthwhile to mention that the control animals (fed without D. salina but with WSSV infection)
showed 100 % mortality within 48 h. However, the animal fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet
challenged with WSSV showed 40 % mortality on 5
day followed by 100 % mortality at the end of 10
Thus indicating that the possible role of D. salina for protecting the animals to WSSV to certain extent.
Screening of Penaeus monodon shrimp for WSSV is one of the effective ways to check the vertical
transmission of disease through the hatcheries (Hsu et al., 1999). Henceforth, efforts were initiated to check the
presence of WSSV through PCR amplification in P. monodon. In the present study all the dead animals showed
amplification with the primer corresponded to WSSV confirmed that their mortality was due to WSSV
infection. Instead the animals kept in the tank without WSSV survived well during the study period.
In the present study, WSSV treated with three concentration of D. salina incorporated diet by in vivo
methods showed that proPO, O2 _ were all significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those of the WSSV infected and
control groups. This was especially true for the treated shrimp group where values were greater than those of the
control groups. Albores et al., (1993) stated that phenoloxidase (PO) is the terminal enzyme in the proPO
system of the arthropod defence system and acts as both recognition and effector component, by promoting cell-
to-cell communication and subsequently eliminating pathogens. The active materials formed during the
activation of proPO stimulate several cellular defence reactions, including phagocytosis, nodule formation,
hemocyte locomotion, non-self recognition and other immune reactions (Johanson et al., 2000). Activated
phenoloxidases generate high cytotoxic quinines that can inactivate viral pathogens (Ourth et al., 1993). In vivo
administration of 1.0 % D. salina live cells incorporated diet enhances immunity of tiger prawns which showed
a significantly (P < 0.05) higher proPO concentration than the control and WSSV infected groups. After viral
challenging, the shrimp with 1.0 % feed showed value initially increased and reached the maximum level at 24 h
p.i. and 6
day of in vivo experiment respectively. WSSV infected shrimp groups showed increased levels of
proPO levels; 48 h p.i. the group showed increased levels of proPO which were high in the level seen in healthy
shrimp. These results indicate that a high level of proPO enhances resistance in shrimp against WSSV. Our
experiment, D. salina live cells incorporated diet treated group PO seems to act as a promoter of the shrimp
immune system by enhancing the pigmentation, increasing the O2 _ production and SOD activity, and then
M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
postponing the dead of WSSV Shrimp to some extent. Similar findings were observed by Felix et al., 2004
noticed highest proPO activity was observed in WSSV infected P. monodon fed with Sargassum wightii
(seaweed). A gradual increase of proPO activity was observed up to 6
day after challenging with Vibrio
parahemolyticus thereafter there was a gradual decrease in the activity. Balasubramanian et al., (2008) reported
that increased levels of proPO assay were observed in shrimp fed with plant derived antiviral compound from
Cyanodon dactylon.
Super oxide dismutase (SOD) is one of the main antioxidant defence enzymes generated in response to
oxidative stress. Sarathi et al., (2007) and Mohankumar and Ramasamy (2007) observed the activity of SOD
was significantly lowered in WSSV-infected F. indicus. Also in the present study, the activity of SOD was
significantly lowered in the WSSV-infected hemolymph of P. monodon, whereas D. salina incorporated diet -
treated in vivo shrimp significantly recovered when compared with control animals. These results concur with
the findings of Lin and Chang et al., 2003 who have found that SOD decreases in WSSV infected P. monodon.
In the present study, SOD level in the Haemolymph of shrimp fed with three different concentrations of
D. salina incorporated diet showed high levels of SOD when compared to control (without D. salina). Nakano
et al., (1999) observed for the first time that astaxanthin (algal pigment) supplementation in diet fed to rainbow
trout influenced liver function and increased SOD defensive potential against oxidative stress. Similarly, Chang
et al., 2003 observed that the shrimp fed with b-glucan (BG) diets showed significantly higher levels of O
concentration than the BG free group as observed in shrimp treated with C. dactylon plant extract. Holmblad
and Soderhall (1999) observed that SOD is related to immunity in crustacean. The high level of O
P. monodon fed with D. salina incorporated diets indicated that the alga may be the potential immunostimulant.
Mohankumar and Ramasamy, (2007) observed that hydrogen peroxide is toxic to cells and catalase is
a major primary antioxidant defense component that catalyses the decomposition of H
which is produced by
the action of superoxide dismutase to H
O The present study revealed that the catalase assay of haemolymph of
P. monodon fed with three different concentrations of D. salina incorporated diets showed increased levels of
catalase when compared to control. In the present study, the activity of catalase in haemolymph of WSSV
infected P. monodon fed with 1.0 % D. salina incorporated diet showed less than 30 % to that of the negative
In conclusion, this study suggests that increasing proPO activity, the superoxide anion production and
catalase production of WSSV infected P. monodon showed lower activities than the healthy shrimp (without
WSSV infection). Whereas the SOD of Haemolymph of WSSV infected P. monodon fed with D. salina
incorporated diet showed a slightly less activity when compared to the shrimp fed with D. salina without WSSV
infection. The above results indicated that the shrimp fed with D. salina incorporated diet showed a slightly
enhancement in immune resistance towards WSSV infected P. monodon
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M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
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M. Madhumathi et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
ISSN : 0975-5462
Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011
... In this study, hepatopancreatic AKP activity and hemolymph ACP activity both significantly increased in Diet 3 treatment, indicating a positive effect of dietary β-carotene on the immunity of P. trituberculatus. The improved immunity in this study is similar to previous reports on other crustacean species, such as P. monodon (Madhumathi & Rengasamy, 2011) and Pacific white shrimp ...
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Dietary supplementation with synthetic β‐carotene was investigated in this study to assess its impact on gonad development, antioxidant status, color parameters, and carotenoid composition in adult female swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus). Four diets, designated as Diet 1 to 4, were formulated to contain 3.07, 53.78, 103.23, and 205.22 mg/kg dry diets of synthetic β‐carotene. The findings revealed the following: (1) No significant differences in body weights or feed utilization were observed, indicating that β‐carotene did not significantly enhance the growth of adult P. trituberculatus. (2) The inclusion of 50–100 mg/kg β‐carotene in the diets led to improvements in antioxidant capacity indicators (T‐AOC, MDA) and immune‐related parameters (AKP, ACP) in both hepatopancreas and hemolymph. (3) Notably, the redness of ovaries and hepatopancreas increased significantly with higher dietary β‐carotene supplementation for color enhancement. In conclusion, incorporating β‐carotene into the diet enhanced the antioxidative capability, nonspecific immunity, and tissue carotenoid contents in adult female P. trituberculatus, and the optimal level of dietary synthetic β‐carotene supplementation for adult female P. trituberculatus was suggested to be around 100 mg/kg.
... On the other hand, D. Salina enhances Artemia sp.'s nutritional status, according to Hannah et al. (2013). In the aquaculture sector, βcarotene, a pro-vitamin A source is utilized as a natural feed addition to enhance immune function and disease resistance since it has antioxidant properties (Madhumathi and Rengasamy, 2011). Due to the accumulation of β -carotene and its capacity to convert into astaxanthin, In addition to promoting growth, D. salina improves P. monodon's immunity, general health, and ability to resist disease. ...
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Utilising novel ingredients in aquafeeds is necessary for the continued expansion and intensification of aquaculture production. Microalgae are utilised widely in aquaculture for a variety of purposes; as live feed for fish and shellfish larvae and juveniles, for the production of algae-based meals and oils to replace marine derived raw materials in aquafeeds, and for the production of astaxanthin, the carotenoid that gives salmon flesh its characteristic reddish colour. Notably, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, fibres, antioxidant pigments, vitamins and minerals are among the compounds in microalgae with great biological value. A growing collection of experimental data has demonstrated that these substances are crucial for increasing larval survival and enhancing the growth and well-being of fish and shellfish. In this review, the processing of microalgae utilised as aquafeed ingredient, the health promoting compounds in microalgae and their role in growth, immunity and disease resistance of fish and shellfish are described and discussed. Simultaneously , major hurdles in the commercial use of microalgae in aquafeed, and future research and development perspectives are all critically discussed.
This study evaluated the effects of microalgae (Scenedesmus obliquus) addition and fish feed supplementation on hemato-immunological parameters of Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) and juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in integration using biofloc technology for 62 days. The experiment was designed as a factorial design with two factors, totaling four experimental groups: (1) No addition of microalgae and no addition of fish feed; (2) no addition of microalgae and addition of fish feed; (3) addition of microalgae and no addition of fish feed; and (4) addition of microalgae and addition of fish feed. In all groups shrimp were fed according to a feeding table. Shrimp (2.16 ± 0.01 g) and fish (1.53 ± 0.12 g) were cultured under densities of 400 shrimp m−3 and 522 fish m−3 in 800 L and 90 L (useful volumes) tanks maintained under water recirculation. Microalgae was added two times a week for a final concentration of 5 mg L−1 in the units, while a commercial fish feed was provided at the rate of 1% of the fish biomass daily. At the end of the trial, the fish and shrimp were sampled for the hemato-immunological analyses. As regards the shrimp, there was a significant effect of the interaction on total hemocyte count (p < 0.05), in which the highest value occurred in the group with microalgae/no fish feed addition. There was also a significant effect of microalgae addition on serum protein (p < 0.05), with the highest values occurring in the treatments that employed microalgae. In the case of the fish, the monocyte count was significantly affected by the fish feed addition (p < 0.05), the highest values being observed when the feed was provided. There were also significant effects of the interaction and of microalgae addition on mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (p < 0.05), with the highest values occurring in the group that received microalgae but no fish feed and in the groups that did not receive microalgae, respectively. Overall, these results suggest an enhanced immunological status for the shrimp due to increases in total hemocyte count and high serum protein concentration when microalgae was added and an improved nutritional status for the fish that received feed due to increased circulating monocytes, along with possible greater erythrocyte stability when microalgae was added.
The increased aquaculture demand calls for innovative intervention to boost the productivity on a sustainable scale round the globe. To make aquaculture more productive, nutritious, and value-added, the use of microalgae is quite beneficial. Algae are used for the purpose of fishmeal in aquaculture and utilized as live feed also, besides this a large quantity of wastewater is produced in aquaculture and algae have efficiency to remediate the wastewater biologically because they possess the metabolic efficiency to remediate the wastewater. The diverse algae play a key role in aquaculture to combat microbe-borne diseases, utilization of feed, to enhance the major nutrients like protein, lipid, and carbohydrate content, enhanced growth rate, response against stress, and so on. In this chapter, the prolific role of algae in aquaculture has been elaborated, which can prove to be a way forward towards sustainability.
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The rate of autoxidation of epinephrine and the sensitivity of this autoxidation to inhibition by superoxide dismutase were both augmented, as the pH was raised from 7.8 → 10.2. O2⁻, generated by the xanthine oxidase reaction, caused the oxidation of epinephrine to adrenochrome and the yield of adrenochrome produced per O2⁻ introduced, increased with increasing pH in the range 7.8 → 10.2 and also increased with increasing concentration of epinephrine. These results, in conjunction with complexities in the kinetics of adrenochrome accumulation, lead to the proposal that the autoxidation of epinephrine proceeds by at least two distinct pathways, only one of which is a free radical chain reaction involving O2⁻ and hence inhibitable by superoxide dismutase. This chain reaction accounted for a progressively greater fraction of the total oxidation as the pH was raised. The ability of superoxide dismutase to inhibit the autoxidation of epinephrine at pH 10.2 has been used as the basis of a convenient and sensitive assay for this enzyme.
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An experiment of 30 days duration was conducted to test the efficacy of the seaweed Sargassum wightii, as immunostimulant in tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. The shrimps were fed with the experimental diets coated with different concentrations of the brown algae S. wightii viz. 10, 20 and 30 g/kg. They were challenged with a marine pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus to assess the increase in survival rate if any due to immune enhancement. Another group of shrimp was used for drawing the haemolymph to estimate the increase in the level of prophenoloxidase activity. Samplings for the above said analysis were carried out at regular intervals of 3 days viz. 1st, 3rd, 6 th, 9th and 12th days. The highest prophenoloxidase activity (0.62) and the highest survival rate (83%) were recorded on the 12th day with the experimental diet (10 g/kg) . Hence the 10 g/kg of S. wightii added to the diet could be an eco-friendly and economically viable immunostimulant for penaeid shrimps.
White spot syndrome (WSS) is a serious viral disease of shrimp causing severe mortalities in several parts of Asia. This paper describes the histopathology of the syndrome which occurred on the west coast of India. The affected shrimp showed white spots on the carapace and post abdominal segments and histopathologically, hypertrophied nuclei with eosinophilic to basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were detected in the epithelial cells of the stomach. Moderate to heavy septicaemia was noticed in moribund shrimp.
1.1. Haemolymph from the brown shrimp (Penaeus californiensis Holmes) agglutinates erythrocytes of different vertebrate species.2.2. A fraction containing haemagglutinating activity was isolated by affinity chromatography. The corresponding protein showed a molecular weight of 175 kDa, formed by four subunits.3.3. The haemagglutinin is inhibited by GalNAc, NANA, fetuin and bacterial lipopolysaccharide.4.4. Here we demonstrate the ability of this agglutinin to react with different Vibrio strains, and the inhibitory capacity of LPS in this reaction.
The stress of captivity could be the main reason for the loss of sperm quality of Litopenaeus setiferus (L) males in captivity. The aim of this study was focused on the physiological and immunological response of adult male shrimp exposed to a temperature extreme (33 °C) in order to understand how the stress modulates the physiological, immunological and reproductive behavior of L. setiferus males. We used some blood metabolic variables, sperm quality and immune response as indicators of stress measured daily during the 10-day experiment. The high temperature provoked loss of osmotic capacity (OC), a reduction in blood metabolites at day 5, a reduction in hemocyte pro Phenoloxidase (proPO) activity and a dramatic reduction in sperm quality in comparison to that observed in freshly captured wild shrimp populations. The ratio between proPO and granular cells (small granular and large granular cells) (proPO/GC) showed a cyclic behavior with lower peaks at days 3, 7 and 10 and high peaks at days 0, 5–6 and 8–9, evidencing migration and recovery of cells and proPO every 48–96 h, depending on the intensity of the stress. Such hemocyte migration was directed to the ampule and spermatophore where bacterial growth could be enhanced by abnormal and dead sperm cells. In such circumstances, a rapid mobilization of reserves could help to promote tissue regeneration in male testes and vas deferens. Such use of reserves could explain the reduction in blood metabolites observed at day 5 in present study. Although blood metabolites recovered after day 5, the loss of OC suggests that shrimp lose their osmotic homeostasis, possibly associated with the entrance of water due to inflammation of tissues provoked by melanization.
We report the results of controlled feeding trials on the tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius). The desired colour was obtained by feeding a diet supplemented with astaxanthin (50 p.p.m) for 7–8 weeks before harvest. Similar coloration was achieved, however, by including in the feed an algal material (Dunaliella salina) that contains β-carotene but no astaxanthin. Feed containing β-carotene at 125 p.p.m also gave the required coloration at 7–8 weeks, whereas the same results was obtained after only 5–6 weeks when feed containing 175 p.p.m β-carotene was used. Irrespective of whether the shrimp were fed astaxanthin or β-carotene, the main carotenoid accumulation was astaxanthin, in free and esterified form, showing that P. monodon has the metabolic ability to convert β-carotene into astaxanthin. The supplementation with β-carotene or astaxanthin had no significant effect on growth, average final weight, survival rate or feed conversion ratio, nor on the immune response of the shrimp in terms of production of haemocytes phenoloxidase in the cytoplasmic granules of the haemocytes, microbial clearance ability and resistance to infectious diseases. This is a highly significant development for commercial aquaculture, because it shows that supplementing diets with β-carotene can achieve the same result as doing so with much more expensive astaxanthin.
The role of exocytosis in the cellular defence reactions of arthropods was investigated using in vitro cultures of isolated haemocytes (blood cells) from the freshwater crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, and the shore crab Carcinus maenas. In both species, activated lysates of those cell types that contain the prophenoloxidase activating system (granular cells of crab and crayfish and semigranular cells of crayfish) were found to induce degranulation (exocytosis) of semigranular and granular cells. A cell lysate, in which the prophenoloxidase system was kept inactive, did not have this effect. Limited degranulation of granular cells of crab was also induced by lipopolysaccharides as has earlier been shown for crayfish semigranular cells. The phagocytic capability of semigranular cells from crayfish was lost after exocytosis induced by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, and under no conditions were the granular cells of crabs or crayfish seen to ingest bacteria in vitro. An opsonic function for the attaching proteins of a β1,3-glucan-activated haemocyte lysate was demonstrated using the phagocytic hyaline cells from crabs. Phenoloxidase appeared to lack opsonic properties. We suggest that, in crustaceans, opsonization takes place through hierarchically stimulated exocytotic release, and biochemical activation of the prophenoloxidase activating system: first from lipopolysaccharide-sensitive cells (semigranular cells of crayfish or granular cells of crabs) and then from granular cells, triggered by the initially released and activated prophenoloxidase system. Finally, “sticky” proteins of the activated prophenoloxidase system coat the invader, rendering it susceptible to the phagocytes (hyaline cells in both crab and crayfish and, to a lesser extent, semigranular cells of crayfish). These processes would, together, constitute a cellular communication pathway not previously demonstrated for invertebrates.
There are five different viruses which are currently being studied for their impact on commercial farming of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in Thailand. Some of these viruses cause disease in other penaeid shrimp species and even other crustacean species. Some occur not only in cultivated shrimp in other Asian countries, but also in those from Australia and the western hemisphere. In descending order from greatest to least economic impact on the Thai shrimp industry, the five viruses are: white-spot baculovirus, yellow-head virus, hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus, infectious hypodermal and hematopoeitic necrosis virus and monodon baculovirus. The purpose of this review is to summarize recent work on these viruses and to suggest future directions of research that may be useful in the effort to develop a sustainable shrimp industry.
The present study was carried out to examine the histopathological and immunological changes in Vibrio alginolyticus-injected or white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)-injected shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus. The results obtained were compared with healthy shrimp. After the injection of WSSV or V. alginolyticus in the shrimp F. indicus showed mild to extensive hemocytic infiltration in the muscle and were often accompanied by melanization. Hemocytes were infiltrated at the site of injection with V. alginolyticus showed higher than the WSSV-injected site. In the present study, WSSV- and V. alginolyticus-injected shrimp showed proPO, O2− and clotting time were significantly higher than those of the control groups, whereas THC and superoxide dismutase were significantly lower than control groups. The increase of PO after stimulation seems to be attributed to the activation of proPO by V. alginolyticus that contains bacterial lipopolysaccharide during the course of non-self-recognition, while the activating mechanism of WSSV is still unknown. Superoxide anion levels and superoxide dismutase levels showed that the activity of NADPH oxidase responsible for the release of superoxide anion increased together with a decrease in the activity of superoxide dismutase responsible for scavenging superoxide anion. Subsequent studies and comparison of results showed that prolongation of clotting as a result of hemocytes disappearance and the high levels of protein in the hemolymph of WSSV-infected shrimp due to the protein of WSSV.