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Natural resources exploitation, exploration, mining and processing have caused different types of environmental damages which include ecological disturbances, destruction of natural flora and fauna, pollution of air, water and land, instability of soil and rock masses, landscape degradation, desertification and global warming. The environmental damage has in turn resulted in waste of arable land as well as economic crops and trees. Since much of the damage is inevitable if the natural resources must be developed, both the government and the natural resource industry must be involved in taking precautionary and remedial measures that can minimize the ill-effects of natural resources exploitation. Emphasis should shift from waste disposal to waste minimization through sorting, recycling, bioremediation, afforestation, sewage treatment and pollution control, while the government should provide the regulatory legislation with appropriate sanctions or where these regulatory bodies already exist, the enforcement of laws and policy implementation is of paramount importance. The oil and gas industries, mining companies and other natural resources exploitation bodies are expected to carry out mandatory precautions, remedies or compensation for damage done.
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
Practical Case Study
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author: Phone: +2348034626874; Email:
Received: 28th May 2012; Revised: 19th June 2012; Accepted: 19th
June 2012
Abstract: Natural resources exploitation, exploration, mining and processing have
caused different types of environmental damages which include ecological disturbances,
destruction of natural flora and fauna, pollution of air, water and land, instability of soil
and rock masses, landscape degradation, desertification and global warming. The
environmental damage has in turn resulted in waste of arable land as well as economic
crops and trees. Since much of the damage is inevitable if the natural resources must be
developed, both the government and the natural resource industry must be involved in
taking precautionary and remedial measures that can minimize the ill-effects of natural
resources exploitation. Emphasis should shift from waste disposal to waste minimization
through sorting, recycling, bioremediation, afforestation, sewage treatment and pollution
control, while the government should provide the regulatory legislation with appropriate
sanctions or where these regulatory bodies already exist, the enforcement of laws and
policy implementation is of paramount importance. The oil and gas industries, mining
companies and other natural resources exploitation bodies are expected to carry out
mandatory precautions, remedies or compensation for damage done.
Keywords: Damages, minimization, measures, sanctions, waste
Exploitation of natural resources is an essential condition of human existence, throughout the
history of mankind; humans have manipulated natural resources to produce the materials they
needed to sustain growing human populations. This refers primarily for food production and
economic development but many other entities from the natural environment have been
extracted. Natural resources are an important material basis for a stable natural economy and
social development, they can be divided into two; the exhaustible: such as minerals and the
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ISSN 2088-3218
Volume 2, Number 2: 95-102, August, 2012
© T2012
Department of Environmental Engineering
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya
& Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers, Jakarta
Open Access
International peer-reviewed journal
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
inexhaustible: such as forests and grasslands, with industrialization and urbanization mankind’s
great demands for natural resources and their large scale exploitation and their consumption has
resulted in weakening, deterioration and exhaustion of these resources [1].
In the struggle for survival and development man creates a lot of negative impacts on the
environment, these impacts ranges from over-exploitation of resources, destruction of ecosystem
and pollution. Often the exploitation of nature has been done in a non-sustainable way, which is
causing an increasing concern, as the non-sustainable exploitation of natural resources ultimately
threatens the human existence. One difficult task faced by both developed and developing
countries is to guarantee the lasting utilization of natural resources at the lowest possible
environmental cost, while still assuring the economic and social development [2].
Nigeria with its large population and poor economic foundation is engaged in a process of
increased urbanization. The traditional mode of resource consuming, development and the
current inefficient economy are severely threatening the lasting utilization of natural resources.
The rate at which forests are destroyed in the name of furniture making, pulp and paper
production and as a source of domestic energy is at alarming rate. Some trends and problems of
exploitation of natural resources include; specie extinctions, oil spillage, gas flaring, deforestation,
soil erosion, coastal degradation, ozone depletion, ground water contamination among other
things [3].
In 1975 the total area of forest of all types in the country was estimated at about 360,000
square kilometer or about one third of the country land area. It was also estimated that annual
harvest of sawn timber from high forest was about 1.5 million cubic metre which would take
between 25 to 30 years to denude the forest of matured timber, with rapid rise in domestic
consumption of timber due to increased rate of building construction resulting from rise in
population and urbanization. It will take less than 15 years to exhaust the forest of timber
resources [1].
Deforestation is a process whereby trees are felled for several purposes but without
replanting to replace the ones felled [1]. Deforestation is dangerous to man, animals and
properties. The rate at which forest are destroyed in the name of furniture making, economic
development and as a source of domestic energy is at alarming rate, it leads to erosion of soil,
loss of biodiversity, land degradation, desertification, draught, flooding, climate change among
other effects [1]. Deforestation of secondary tropical peat swamp forest significantly decrease soil
and some soil major macro-nutrients [5].
Table 1: Deforestation Data for Nigeria, 1990 2005
Area (ha)
Total change
1990 2005
1990 2005
Total forest area
Other wooded land
Primary forest
Source: forest resource assessment [6].
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
Deforestation is a serious problem in Nigeria with forest loss occurring at rate of 3.3% per
year since 1990, the country has loss over 36% of its forest cover. The most biodiversity
ecosystem, the old-growth forests are disappearing at an even faster rate between 1990 and
2005, 79% of the primary forest were lost and since 2000, Nigeria has been losing an average of
11% of its primary forest each year, these figures give Nigeria the highest deforestation rate of
natural forest in the world [6].
Table 2: The Worst Deforestation Rate of Primary Forests.
Percentage rate
North Korea
Source: Deforestation figures [7].
Nigeria has the highest deforestation rate of primary forest in the world according to the
revised figures from food and agriculture organization of United Nations (FAO), between 2000
and 2005 the country has lost over 55% of its primary forest, this could leads to desert
encouragement, global warming, food chain depletion, destruction of soil structure, extinction of
wildlife, draught and exposes the bush to burning [6].
Although mining provides a variety of socio-economic benefits but its environmental costs, if
not well handled can be massive in terms of land conversion and degradation, habitat alteration,
water and air pollution [8]. In Africa, the mining sector is thought to be the second largest source
of pollution after agriculture; the sector is resource intensive and generates high concentrations of
waste and effluents [9]. Mining from exploration to the closing stage has a serious impact on the
environment. This impact can be direct through the value chain activities, prospecting exploration,
site development, ore extraction, mineral dressing, smelting, refining/metallurgy, transportation,
post mining activities and indirectly through the impact of the degradation on the socio-cultural
development of communities. In general, degradation arising from mining includes; air pollution,
water pollution, land and forest degradation, noise pollution, solid and liquid waste disposal of
toxic substances, as well as socio-cultural problems such as health complication, conflicts,
alcoholism, communal clash and inequality [10]. All these have negative implications for
sustainable development and various livelihoods and therefore require urgent attention.
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
Table 3: Minerals Deposits That Are Currently Being Exploited In Nigeria.
Mineral Name
Current Level Of
Itakpe, Ajakuta
Jos, Plateau, Nasarawa
Jos, Plateau, Saki, Oro
Won As By Product Of
Tin Mining
Itagumodi, Birnin Gwari, Dangabala
Ishiagu, Engigba, Ameka, Ameru, Anka
Ishalagu, Ameka, Ameri, Ashaka,
M, Won As By Product Of
Galena Mining
Kalambaina, Igarra, Atte, Ikpeshi,
Dangabala, Okpilla
Won As By Product Of
Lead Mining
Barum, Igbetti, Igarra, Jakura, Kwakudi,
Okpilla, Ikpeshi
Lime Stone
Gwoza, Ashaka, Warake, Wurnio, Fika,
Ikpeshi, Gusau, Azare, Omi-Adio,
Ozubulu, Kano, Ikorudu, Legas, Ire,
Lagos, Ire, Badagry, Igbokoda, Ughetti
Field Spar
All Part Of The Federation
All Part Of The Federation
All Part Of The Federation
Ijero-Ekiti, Jos, Saki, Iyano, Kwali,
Gamboru Ngala
Glass Sand
Jos, Akwanga
L, M
Construction Sand
Jos, Plateau, Akwanga Area
L, M, S
Stones (Latarite)
Jos, Plateau
L, M
Enugu, Niger Delta
S (Mostly Illegal Mining)
Enugu, Niger Delta
Enugu, Niger Delta
Enugu, Niger Delta
Enugu, Niger Delta
Enugu, Niger Delta, Benue
Oil And Gas
Niger Delta
L, M
Source: Journal of Physical Science [9].
L=large scale exploitation, M= medium scale exploitation, S= small scale exploitation
Mining is a common practice in Nigeria, the problem with the activity in the country, however,
is the inattention of the miners and the government to proper mining practices which makes
life difficult for the people. And many people because of their low level of education do not know
their environmental obligations under the Minerals and Mining Act, and that the adherence to best
global practices in mining is a vital tool for the promotion of sustainable growth in the industry
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
Nigeria like most other developing countries in early part of the 70’s was engaged in intensive
natural resource exploitation as a way of stimulating economic growth, as at 1976 about 20 years
after the start of oil exploration, figures available from federal office of statistics stated that oil has
come to account for about 84% of the national gross domestic product (GDP) of Nigeria, 95% of
the total export and over 80% of government annual revenue [12]. There is no doubt that the
Nigerian oil industry has affected the country in a variety of ways at the same time. On one hand
it has fashioned a remarkable economic development for the country, however on the negative
side petroleum exploration have adverse effects on the environment of the host communities like:
oil spills, extensive deforestation, loss of farms, loss of soil fertility, erosion, gas flaring, intensive
exploitation, contamination of streams and rivers, effluent discharge and disposal, conflict
between oil companies and host communities.
Table 4: Environmental Disturbance Factors and Potential Effects of Off-Shore Petroleum
Exploration Activity
Environmental Disturbance Factor
Potential Effect
Air gum discharge, chemical
explosives, vessel transits
Displacement or loss of
biota, loss of fishing gear
Discharge of toxic drilling fluids,
discharge of fines and solids from drill
cuts, noise from drill operation, loss of
well control leading to gas oil spills,
vessel and aircraft traffic
Loss of habitat,
displacement or loss of
biota, tainting of fish and
shell fish, degradation of
beaches, displacement of
fishing activities
Well suspension
and abandonment
Debris, vessel and aircraft traffic
Disturbance of biota, loss
of fishing gear,
displacement of fishing
Source: “Environmental Effects of Petroleum Exploration” Ottawa, Canada KIA OH4 [13].
The department of petroleum resources estimated 1.89 million barrels of petroleum were
spilled into Niger delta between 1976 and 1996 out of a total of 2.4 million barrels spilled in 4,835
incidents [14]. A UNDP report states that, there have been a total of 6,817 oil spills between 1976
and 2001, which account for a loss of 3 million barrels of oil which more than 70% was not
recovered, most of these spills occurred offshore (69%), a quarter was in the swamps and 6%
spilled on land [15]. The NNPC places the quantity of petroleum jettisoned into the environment
yearly at 2,300 cubic metres with an average of 300 individual spills annually [16]. However,
because this amount does not take into account “minor” spills, the World Bank argues that the
true quantity of petroleum spilled into the environment could be as much as ten times the officially
claimed quantity, oil spill has a major impact on the ecosystem and the human health [14].
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
Table 5: Oil Spill Data
Number of spill
Quantity spilled (barrels)
Source: The Department of Petroleum Resource [17, 18].
Considering the possibility of environmental incidents arising from deliberate acts of
sabotage, extensive contamination of soil and water is to be expected. With frequent rains and a
high water table, the oil contamination could have been carried further down the delta through the
creeks contaminating surface water and river sediments. The contamination of soil, surface water
and ground water in turn would have adverse socio-economic impacts on agriculture and
fisheries [19].
Nigeria also flares more natural gas associated with oil exploration than any other country in
the world and it releases toxic components into the atmosphere and contribute to climate change.
Gas flares have potentially harmful effects on the environment, health and livelihood of the
communities as they release a variety of harmful and poisonous chemicals including nitrogen
dioxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compound such as benzene, toluene, xylene and
hydrogen sulfide as well as carcinogens like benzapyrene and dioxin which can cause health
complications [14].
Sustainable development is a dynamic process and it necessitates continual adjustments to
cope with changes in the economy and the environment. It is recommended that to ensure
Babagana Gutti, Mohammed M. Aji and Garba Magaji, 2012. Environmental Impact of Natural Resources Exploitation
in Nigeria and the Way Forward.
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 2 (2): 95-102.
environmental sustainability and sustainable development in the exploitation of natural resources,
the concept of material stewardship should be adopted and implemented.
To encourage study and adapt techniques for risk assessment, resource pricing and
exploitation which are favorable to the environment. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
should be well documented, guide lines for implementation should be put in place and undertake
monitoring and evaluation of environmental degradation and carryout environmental reports so
that natural resource exploitation bodies should carry out mandatory precaution, remedies or
compensation for damage done.
The oil and gas sector should ensure the integrity of their pipe lines; follow the guideline
policy of gas flaring and in times of oil spillage the best industrial technology should be employed
to effect remediation.
To establish a system for continuous monitoring of natural resources by the government and
social groups in order to encourage public participation in the activities aimed at sustainable
development of natural resources like: recycling, waste reduction, afforestation, pollution control,
bioremediation and game reserves, and to set up a mechanism for coordination or elimination of
discrepancies arising during the implementation of some policies related to utilization of natural
resources and provide appropriate sanctions.
To establish an information system related to the management, protection and rational
utilization of natural resources under the direction of government and in collaboration with
environmental expert, academia, research institutes, and international organization such as;
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) , Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s), World
Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Extraction, exploration and exploitation of natural resources are the backbone of the
national economy. However, the great danger posed by natural resources exploitation is a
problem; factors such as economic development, population growth and urbanization invariably
place greater demands on the planet and stretch the use of natural resources to the maximum.
Use of the natural resources at a rate higher than nature’s capacity to restore itself can result to
environmental degradation, ecological disturbances, destruction of natural flora and fauna,
pollution, global warming and desertification. Everything on our planet are interconnected and
while the nature supplies us with valuable environmental services without which we cannot exist,
we all depends on each other’s actions and the way we treat our natural resources. It’s widely
recognized that we are overspending our natural resources. Perhaps, we should adopt a holistic
view of nature that it is not an entity that exists differently from us, we are an inalienable part of it
and we should care for it in the most appropriate manner by development of effective strategies,
policy formulation, sustainability and plans to maintain the balance between resource usage and
conservation, only then can we possibly solve the environmental problems.
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... The marginal effect of household size (0.200203) implied that increase in the household size by 1% will decrease their WTP for improved EPMS by 20.0%. This confirms the findings of Guti et al. [15] on a study on sanitation provision. On the contrary, Cicatiello et al. [10] in another study revealed that as household size increases, willingness to pay for improved service is likely to increase. ...
... This meant that respondents who walk longer distance to dispose-off refuse have a higher WTP than respondents who walk shorter distances. According toGuti et al. (2012), distance to waste dumping sites significantly influences preferences for improved waste management options. ...
... Il est de plus en plus évident pour les environnementalistes que l'augmentation des activités économiques en vue de l'accélération de la croissance économique a des résultats environnementaux néfastes, notamment la dégradation de l'environnement (Adewuyi, 2001 ;Yang et al., 2012 ;Gutti et al., 2012 ;Omorede, 2014 ;Wolde, 2015 ;Kimengsi et al., 2022a ;Kirikkaleli & Adebayo, 2021 ;Kirikkaleli et al., 2022 ;Adebayo, 2022 ;Adebayo et Rjoub, 2022). Par exemple, un certain nombre de coûts externes, notamment, notamment la pollution, la dégradation des ressources naturelles, la désertification, la perte de la faune et de la flore, l'érosion des sols, la déforestation, la destruction des terres cultivables et le changement climatique sont associés à la croissance des activités économiques (Adewuyi, 2001 ;Gutti et al., 2012). ...
... Il est de plus en plus évident pour les environnementalistes que l'augmentation des activités économiques en vue de l'accélération de la croissance économique a des résultats environnementaux néfastes, notamment la dégradation de l'environnement (Adewuyi, 2001 ;Yang et al., 2012 ;Gutti et al., 2012 ;Omorede, 2014 ;Wolde, 2015 ;Kimengsi et al., 2022a ;Kirikkaleli & Adebayo, 2021 ;Kirikkaleli et al., 2022 ;Adebayo, 2022 ;Adebayo et Rjoub, 2022). Par exemple, un certain nombre de coûts externes, notamment, notamment la pollution, la dégradation des ressources naturelles, la désertification, la perte de la faune et de la flore, l'érosion des sols, la déforestation, la destruction des terres cultivables et le changement climatique sont associés à la croissance des activités économiques (Adewuyi, 2001 ;Gutti et al., 2012). ...
Mots-clés : consommation dans les transports, EKC, panel, PMG, UEMOA Résumé Dans cette étude, nous évaluons l'effet de la consommation de l'énergie sur les émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) dans les pays de l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) au cours de la période 1990-2015. Elle tente également de valider l'hypothèse de la courbe de Kuznets environnementale (EKC). En utilisant les méthodes de cointégration de Pedroni et de Kao sur les données de panel, nos résultats suggèrent une relation de cointégration entre la consommation de l'énergie et les émissions de CO2 dans les pays de l’UELOA. L'estimation par les PMG à long terme suggère que : la croissance économique joue un rôle important dans la contribution aux émissions de CO2. Aussi, nous constatons que l'hypothèse d'EKC en forme de U inversé est validée pour les pays de l’UEMOA. Comme option politique, le contrôle de la consommation d'énergie dans le secteur des transports peut entraîner une réduction significative des émissions de CO2. Alternativement, nous suggérons aux décideurs politiques de mettre davantage l'accent sur un système de transport efficace sur le plan énergétique et sur des politiques visant à minimiser la consommation de combustibles fossiles. Ainsi, la qualité de l'environnement peut être améliorée avec un impact moins délétère sur la croissance économique
... The negative impact of the mining industry is the formation of waste from the process of mining activities. Waste from mining industry processes can be solids, liquids, or gases (Gutti et al., MM., Magaji, 2012). Liquid waste from the mining production process can be in the form of acid mine drainage, which contains dangerous heavy metals and can damage the environment due to decreased water quality (Renni, C. P., F. Widhi, W., dan Nuni, 2018). ...
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Zeolite, as an adsorbent, can be improved by a chemical activation process. In this study, zeolite was activated using the acid activation method by soaking natural zeolite with HCl and HF, and the activated zeolite was then used to adsorb Fe metal. Zeolite was characterized using SEM and XRD, and the adsorption capacity of the zeolite was analyzed using AAS. The results of SEM analysis show that zeolite after activation has a more significant number of pores than zeolite before activation. The results of XRD analysis show that zeolite that has been activated has a higher content of quartz (SiO2) and clinoptilolite than zeolite that has not been activated. The results of the zeolite adsorption capacity and efficiency test on Fe metal showed that the most excellent adsorption capacity was when the contact time was 60 minutes, with adsorption capacity and adsorption efficiency values of 3.2403 mg/g and 97.21%.
... By using GLS they concluded that there is no impact of democracy on environmental quality and better democracy enhanced cleaner air in middle income countries. Gutti, Aji and Magaji (2012) Investigated how natural resource extraction affects the environment. Mining and processing natural resources caused environmental degradation, plant and fauna destruction, air, water, and land pollution, and worldwide worming. ...
This study aims to analyze the influence of natural resources and technological innovation on environmental degradation in developing countries between 1996 and 2020. It uses natural resources, technological innovation, per capita GDP growth, urban population, renewable energy consumption, and trade openness as the dependent variables while environmental quality as the independent variable. Using GMM, the generalized method of moments, in estimating the relations between the chosen variables, indicated causal relations of the Granger causality test. A reliable source provided world development indicator data. The research shows that natural resources, technological innovation, renewable energy use, and growth in per capita GDP directly affect the quality of the environment. , and urban population, while negative association exists in the case of trade openness against environmental degradation. The trade openness is negative and significant on environmental degradation. It means that environmental quality improvement goes hand in hand with a decline in trade openness. The natural resources positively and significantly affect the environmental deterioration. Additionally, As technological innovation increases, environmental damage increases.
... These species become rare or even disappear in the mining area and the surrounding village. Deforestation is very dangerous for men, animals, and properties, it decreases soil water PH, some soil macro nutrients (Gutti et al., 2012). The vegetation in form of natural forest is usually the first casualty to undergo the impact of mineral exploration and exploitation which can cause the elimination of certain plant species and affect certain animals that feed on such plants (Kamga 2018). ...
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Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) has emerged as a vital economic activity in the Kokumbo department of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, supporting the livelihoods of numerous local communities. This research explores the environmental impacts of ASGM activities in Kokumbo, including soil and water resource degradation, and their subsequent effects on public health, agriculture, and biodiversity. Through qualitative and quantitative assessments, the study examines how these environmental challenges disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, who rely heavily on natural resources for daily sustenance. 1631 (90.41% of respondents) adhered to the research to provide information about the situation and stated that ASGM affected the surrounding population’s lives. A total of 21 plant species belonging to 11 families were identified before the mining activity in the Kokumbo area and the family with more species is the Anacardiaceae with 7 species. These species become rare or disappear in the mining area and the surrounding village. The results showed that the ASGM activities contaminated the farmland, allowing many animals to be extinct. The most endangered class are mammals including three (3) extinct species in the family Bovidae, two (2) species in the family Suidae, and two (2) in the family Felidae. Our study revealed that the most common disease that affected the local population is malaria, about 49.55%, and 12.49% of people suffered from an intestinal infection. The findings highlight the urgent need for sustainable mining practices, regulatory frameworks, and community awareness programs to mitigate the environmental consequences of ASGM while promoting responsible economic development.
... And as a developing country, it is not left out of the environmental problems that come with urbanization; as these are very much evident in the urban areas. The problems as noted by Olujimi (2011) are associated with diversity of functions where various occupations, industries and services are represented; and have caused different environmental damages such as ecological disturbances, destruction of flora and fauna, air, water and land pollution, landscape degradation, environmental decay, overcrowding, congestion, as well as crime and violence (Daramola and Ibem (2010;Jiboye, 2011;Gutti, et al 2012). Contrary to the situation in developed countries, urbanization process as observed by Aluko (2010); Jiboye (2011) was as a result of rapid industrialization which subsequently transformed the cities, whereas in Nigeria, it is a consequence of 'push' from the rural areas and the 'pull' to the town, which have posed the challenge of diverse socio-economic, cultural and environmental problems and require effective and good governance in order for the problems to be addressed. ...
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The existing level of application of Physical Planning Administration and Policy in Awka Capital Territory of Anambra State, Nigeria is disturbing. The planning instruments and those implementing the planning decisions in Awka Capital Territory are seriously way-off the screw. The situation (existing physical planning administration and policy) was juxtaposed across the six local government areas vis-à-vis the ideal conditions (the state physical planning law and regulation). The study examined the level of application of existing physical planning administration and policies in the study area. Survey research design was employed, where stakeholders from different planning institutions were selected for sampling. Quota sampling techniques was used to distribute questionnaires across the six local planning authorities in Awka Capital Territory. Different actors of the environment such as heads of Physical Planning Authorities, Planning Institutions, Environmental Managers, Waste Management Agency, Politicians, Town Union Chairmen and their Secretaries, etc. were identified for interviews. Focused group discussion was held for the selected town union heads and secretaries across the local planning authorities. The collated questionnaires were used to test the hypothesis formulated for this study. The study took in-depth focus on the current state of planning administration and policies across the local planning authorities with maximum interest on repositioning the already lost focus in policy application. The findings revealed a serious shift from the normal, because of misapplication of physical planning administration and policy due to shortage of manpower and use of unqualified personnel. This necessitated unsightly and uncoordinated nature of land uses in the area, thus chaos instead of cohesion among land uses across all the jurisdiction of the different local planning authorities. The outcome of this work will guide government in making physical planning decisions. With effective physical planning administration, policies, and practices, in Awka Capital Territory, developers will be properly guided, and the physical environment will be aesthetically pleasing, liveable, and conducive for diverse human endeavours, ensuring maximum security and achievement of a resilient and sustainable city.
... On the novel Rain Tere Liye's work, exploitation does not occur directly from the community as a figure to nature and the environment, but extraordinarily sophisticated technological advances without regard to impacts in the long term and are not handled nature-based cause ecological disturbances, environmental damage, extinction of flora and fauna. (Gutti, 2012) (Yuniarto, 2013) (Adinuhgra, 2016) (Fios, 2019) (Kamaruddin, 2020) Literary ecocriticism research using Greg Garrard's theory has been widely conducted, the same research by, using a mimetic approach with ecocritical theory, discusses environmental damage in Viddy Ad Daery's poem Lapindo: Nature that takes revenge which invites people to care about the environment. The problem in the novel Hujan is a strong support for conducting research because there are representations of environmental damage contained in it in the form of environmental pollution, forests, disasters, housing / shelter, animals, and the earth. ...
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The sophistication of technology helps modern man in the pace of activity and creativity. However, sophisticated technology without control from humans as its creators can bring disaster and prolonged damage that has a global impact. This study aims to describe the representation of environmental damage in the novel Rain by Tere Liye. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive with Greg Garrard's literary ecocriticism approach. The research data was sourced from the novel Hujan by Tere Liye published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama with research data in the form of words, phrases, sentences related to environmental damage. Data collection techniques in this study are carried out by document techniques and literature studies, data analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study illustrate that in the novel Rain by Tere Liye there is environmental damage which includes pollution, wilderness, disasters, housing / shelter, animals, and the earth. Environmental damage occurs due to the utilization of sophisticated technology without control from humans, used as a savior with fast-paced action, but only helps in the short term. The conclusions of the research represent environmental damage in the novel Rain by Tere Liye due to sophisticated technology and low human empathy for the environment as a result of modernism.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to focus on the impact of environmental factors on capital flight from BRICS countries. This study proposes modelling the different natural resource rents including coal, oil, gas, mineral and forests with capital flight outlining how the resource extraction cause corruption and rent seeking leading to outflow of resident capital. Design/methodology/approach World Bank residual method is used for estimation of capital flight followed by dynamic common correlated effect (DCCE) approach developed by Chudik and Pesaran (2015) for empirical analysis. To ensure the reliability and robustness of results, this study constructs a Natural Resource Rent Index (NRRI) using principal component analysis (PCA) of various resource rents including coal, oil, gas, mineral and forests. Findings The econometric analysis reveals that natural resource rents significantly contribute to resident capital outflows from BRICS countries. Furthermore, this study finds that increased government involvement in resource extraction significantly reduces capital flight. Practical implications The findings of this study emphasize the necessity of proactive policy measures to mitigate capital flight from BRICS countries, particularly through enhanced government engagement in resource management. Originality/value This study fills literature gap by identifying how environmental factors fuel capital flight in BRICS economies.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi strategi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan manufaktur untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan. Dengan meningkatnya tekanan dari masyarakat dan regulasi pemerintah, banyak perusahaan manufaktur yang mulai mengintegrasikan kebijakan keberlanjutan dalam operasional mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi kasus pada tujuh perusahaan manufaktur yang beroperasi di negara berkembang. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut telah mengimplementasikan berbagai strategi ramah lingkungan, seperti penggunaan energi terbarukan, efisiensi energi, pengelolaan limbah yang lebih baik, dan pengurangan emisi karbon. Namun, tantangan utama yang dihadapi adalah biaya investasi awal yang tinggi, serta perbedaan dalam komitmen manajerial terhadap keberlanjutan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi pentingnya kolaborasi antara sektor swasta dan pemerintah, terutama dalam memberikan insentif dan kebijakan yang mendukung adopsi teknologi ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk mencapai dampak yang signifikan, perusahaan harus memiliki komitmen jangka panjang terhadap keberlanjutan, mengatasi kesenjangan akses teknologi, dan memperkuat kerjasama dengan pemerintah serta pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Implementasi strategi CSR yang efektif tidak hanya dapat mengurangi dampak lingkungan, tetapi juga meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan di pasar global yang semakin mengutamakan isu keberlanjutan.
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In Abasiattai, M. B. (ed.) Ibom Journal of History
Development of agriculture and economic sector has become a subject to the current deforestation of tropical wetland region. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of deforestation on secondary tropical peat swamp forest (TPSF) by comparing macro-nutrients and others selected peat soil chemical properties of secondary TPSF and deforested secondary TPSF site. Peat soil samples were collected from two different plots at Batang Igan, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. The plots were secondary TPSF where this area has been logged, but has not been cleared, while the other plot was clearing area where the forest has been cleared for agriculture. Sixteen soil samples were taken in each plot at a depth of 0 to 15 cm. All samples were taken randomly using peat auger. The samples were air dried and ground to pass through a 2 mm sieve. Soil pH was determined in water and potassium chloride (KCl) at ratio 1:2.5 using a pH meter. The loss on ignition method was used to determine soil organic matter and total carbon. Soil cation-exchange capacity (CEC) was determined by the leaching method. Total nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method. The total phosphorus (TP) and total potassium (TK) were extracted by the aqua regia method followed by the blue method to determine TP, and TK was measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. pHwater, soil CEC, soil organic matter, total C, total P, total K and C/N ratio were significantly higher in secondary TPSF when compared with deforested secondary TPSF, while the pHKCl and C/P ratio content was statistically higher for deforested secondary TPSF. Deforestation of secondary TPSF significantly decreased soil pHwater, CEC, SOM, total C, total N, total P, total K and C/N ratio, but significantly increased soil pHKCl and C/P ratio.
Nigeria has a total land area of 983,213 km 2 occupied by about 120 Million people: The interaction of these millions of people with their environment has left indelible mark on the landscape. Urbanization, deforestation, desertification, over population and all kinds of pollution are some of the resultant effects of man's interaction with his environment. These changes occur as the people attempt to acquire their seemingly endless desire for food, shelter, recreation and infrastructural facilities. Though these wants and desires contribute to the development of the country, the unwise use of the land and its resources produce negative impacts on the environment. Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) was established to control the Nigerian Environment, its resources exploitation and management. But field observation revealed that environmental degradation is growing at a rate worse than the pre FEPA period. Solution to these problems require going beyond the strategies and objectives of FEPA. Environmental protection techniques should be indigenized. It should be written and delivered in Nigerian languages. The design should take cognizance of the deferent ecological zone in the country and the people should be the agents. For an enduring legacy, Environmental Educational (which should include environmental protection techniques) should be included in primary and post primary school curricula.
The three stages of mineral development, viz exploration, mining and processing, have caused different types of environmental damages, which include ecological disturbance, destruction of natural flora and fauna, pollution of air, land and water, instability of soil and rock masses, landscape degradation and radiation hazards. The environmental damage has in turn resulted in waste of arable land, as well as economic crops and trees.Since much of the damage is inevitable, if the minerals must be developed, both the government and the mineral industry must be involved in taking precautionary and remedial measures that can minimize the ill-effects of mineral development. Emphasis should shift from waste disposal to waste minimization through sorting, recycling of reagents and water. While the government should provide the regulatory legislation with appropriate sanctions, the mineral-producing companies are expected to carry out mandatory precautions, remedies or compensation for the damage done.
This study examines two cases of oil spillages and their concomitant impact on the flora and fauna of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, where much of Nigeria's oil and gas is exploited. It seeks to evaluate how the oil firms and the federal government responded to the despoliation of the environment occasioned by the Texaco/ Funiwa-5 oil blow out and the Qua Iboe oil spillage. The study makes use of both primary and secondary sources of information and data to analyze the issues in contention. The findings of the study show that neither Texaco nor Mobil made genuine effort to combat the oil spilled from their various platforms until much harm had been done to the environment. Indeed, the study revealed that Nigerian environmental laws are lax and inadequate. The author suggests the need for government to impose strict liability for environmental degradation. The Nigerian government should go beyond command and control approach to pollution abatement and adopt various economic instruments to combat oil industry-induced environmental pollution. The paper concludes that the oil producing companies in Nigeria should adhere to international best practices in oil exploitation.
Nigeria's Agony Dwarfs the Gulf Oil Spill the US and Europe Ignore It
  • John Vidal
Vidal John, 2010, Nigeria's Agony Dwarfs the Gulf Oil Spill the US and Europe Ignore It, URL:
Environmental Degradation and Economic Impact of Oil Exploration in Isokoland second National Convention of Isoko Association of North America
  • A. Efole Mathew
A. Efole Mathew, 2004, " Environmental Degradation and Economic Impact of Oil Exploration in Isokoland ", July.2004 second National Convention of Isoko Association of North America, Quality Hotel Hempstead, New.York City USA.
Oil exploration and its impact on the Nigeria environment, kiabara squibs and Remarks
  • S O Aghalino
S.O. Aghalino, 2010, Oil exploration and its impact on the Nigeria environment, kiabara squibs and Remarks 7 (1), 103-111.
Environmental Survey of Ogoniland Nigeria
United Nations Environmental program, 2007, "Environmental Survey of Ogoniland Nigeria" Project Document.for UNDP, 3-4.