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Further additions to the Lepidoptera of Algarve, Portugal. II (Insecta: Lepidoptera)



species of Lepidoptera are added to the total of 1270 recorded for Algarve given in CORLEY et. al., (2000). 53 of these are additions to the Portuguese fauna. 17 species are deleted from the Algarve list. The total number of species listed for Algarve now becomes 1352.
SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología
ISSN (Versión impresa): 0300-5267
M. F. V. Corley
SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, septiembre, año/vol. 33, número 131
Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología
Madrid, España
pp. 347-364
Red de Revistas Científicas de América Látina y el Caribe, España y Portugal
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Further additions to the Lepidoptera of Algarve,
Portugal. II
(Insecta: Lepidoptera)
M. F. V. Corley
99 species of Lepidoptera are added to the total of 1270 recorded for Algarve given in CORLEY et. al.,
(2000). 53 of these are additions to the Portuguese fauna. 17 species are deleted from the Algarve list. The total
number of species listed for Algarve now becomes 1352.
KEY WORDS: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribution, Algarve, Portugal.
Nova adenda aos Lepidoptera do Algarve, Portugal. II.
(Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Acrescentam-se 99 espécies de Lepidoptera às 1270 registadas para o Algarve por CORLEY et al. (2000). 53
das espécies constituem novidades para a fauna portuguesa. 17 espécies são eliminadas da lista de espécies conheci-
das no Algarve. O número de espécies recenseadas para o Algarve passa a ser 1352.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribuição geográfica, Algarve, Portugal.
Nueva addenda a los Lepidoptera del Algarve, Portugal. II
(Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Se adicionan 99 especies de Lepidoptera a las 1270 registradas del Algarve por CORLEY et al. (2000). 53 de
las especies constituyen novedades para la fauna portuguesa. 17 especies se eliminan de la lista de especies conoci-
das de Algarve. El número de especies inventariadas en el Algarve pasa a ser de 1352.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribución geográfica, Algarve, Portugal.
The most recent work in the series of papers on the Lepidoptera of Algarve (MONTEIRO & PAS-
included records up to April 1999. Since that time, a number of species new to Algarve and other signi-
ficant records have accumulated, sufficient to justify the publication of another paper. There are also se-
veral species to be deleted which were recorded through misidentification.
This paper has been kept as short as possible. New records for Algarve (including some which are
new for Portugal) are included, together with second records for Algarve for species where the new re-
cord is not close to the earlier record, or where there has been no record for a long time, and new re-
SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005: 347-364 SRLPEF ISSN:0300-5267
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:17 Página 347
cords of larval food plants within the province. Most of the records are my own, but there are important
contributions from Rolf Bläsius, Ales and Zdenek Lastuvka and smaller numbers of records from seve-
ral other lepidopterists. The format of the work follows that of CORLEY et al. (2000) and most of the
introductory remarks in that work apply to this paper also.
The total number of species known from Algarve was given as 1270 in CORLEY et. al., (2000).
99 species are added here, but 17 are deleted. 53 of the new species for Algarve are also new to Portu-
gal. This gives a new total of 1352 species in the province, which represents about 58% of the Lepidop-
tera species reliably recorded from Portugal (based on an unpublished list compiled by the author).
The following symbols and abbreviated collectors names are used:
AJLC...................................................................................António J.L. Contente
AJG...........................................................................................Adrian J. Gardiner
AL....................................................................................................Ales Lastuvka
ASC .............................................................................................Alison S. Corley
CG. .......................................................................................................Cees Gielis
DF.....................................................................................................Dieter Fritsch
DJG.................................................................................................David J. Gibbs
EJN..................................................................................Dr. Erik van Nieukerken
EMM...................................................................................Eduardo M. Marabuto
FKG.....................................................................................................Siska Gielis
JAQ ...................................................................................................J. A. Quartau
JB...........................................................................................Dr. Jaroslaw Buszko
JPC ..........................................................................Eng. José Passos de Carvalho
MFVC.......................................................................................Martin F.V. Corley
MHD ..............................................................................Manuel Huertas Dionisio
NC ......................................................................................................Nigel Cleere
PP .........................................................................................................Pedro Pires
RB.......................................................................................................Rolf Bläsius
SM...................................................................................................Simon Mustoe
SW.....................................................................................................Simon Wates
TM ......................................................................Rev. Teodoro Monteiro (O.S.B.)
ZL ...............................................................................................Zdenek Lastuvka
+ Taxa not listed for Algarve in earlier papers in this series.
* As above, but also new for Portugal.
** As above, but also new for the Iberian Peninsula.
(*) The brackets indicate that the record has previously been published elsewhere, but is included here
for completeness, as it has not previously appeared in this series of papers.
A list of localities cited in this paper is given below with the UTM grid square and the altitude in
metres. Earlier papers in this series give a map showing the grid.
NA09 Cabo de São Vicente 20-75; Sagres 0-75
NA89 Ludo 10
NB01 Carrapateira 0-25; Paraiso 10
NB10 Salema 30-60
NB12 Aljezur 80
NB20 Lagos 0
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NB30 Meia Praia 0; Praia de Alvor 0
NB31 Quinta da Rocha 0-20
NB32 Caldas de Monchique 350; Gralhos 500; Resilveira 500; Picota 500-700; Vale de Boi 150; Mon-
chique 400
NB33 Foia 500-900
NB40 Ferragudo 60; Odelouca 25; Silves 40
NB41 Estômbar 50
NB42 Vale Bom (Odelouca) 120
NB50 Armação de Pêra 0
NB51 Fonte da Matosa 60
NB52 Barragem do Arade 130
NB61 Assumadas 100
NB62 Messines de Baixo 200
NB70 Vale de Carros (Olhos d’Agua) 10; Vilamoura 10
NB71 Paragil 120
NB72 Quinta do Freixo (Benafim Grande) 275
NB81 Loulé 200; Fonte de Apra 250; Cerro de Apra 280
NB91 Alportel 350; São Romão 200; Portela (São Bras de Alportel) 325
PA09 Olhão 0
PB00 São Miguel (Serra de Monte Figo) 300-410; Poço Longo (Olhão) 50
PB01 Santa Catarina 150; Marco (Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo) 150
PB04 Portela (Barrada) 420
PB31 Sapais de Castro Marim 0
PB13 Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 80
PB24 Ribeira de Alcoutinejo (Alcoutim) 180
PB32 Praia Verde 0-20; Castro Marim 30; Sapais de Castro Marim 0; Vila Real de Santo António 0
PB42 Ponta de Areia (Vila Real de Santo António) 0
17 species must be removed from the Algarve list as they are based on misidentifications. Elachis-
ta pollinariella Zeller, 1839 and Lobesia cinerariae Nolcken, 1882 are recorded from elsewhere in Por-
tugal. The remaining 15 species have only been recorded from Algarve, so must be removed from the
Portuguese list: Scrobipalpa remota Povolnx, 1972; Acompsia cinerella (Clerck, 1759); Oegoconia de-
auratella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Notocelia roborana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775); Pelochrista
infidana (Hübner, 1824); Merulempista cingilella (Zeller, 1846); Pempeliella boeticella (Ragonot,
1887); Pterothrixidia rufella (Duponchel, 1836); Homoeosoma nebulella ([Denis & Schiffermüller],
1775); Pyrausta castalis (Treitschke, 1829); Amaurophanes stigmosalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848); Cro-
callis auberti Oberthür, 1883; Idaea predotaria (Hartig, 1941); Eupithecia limbata Staudinger, 1879;
Eupithecia subumbrata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775).
List of families and species
For species new for Portugal, wherever possible, one or more references are given to a work
which includes figures of at least the male genitalia, but for a few species I am not aware of any publis-
hed genitalia illustrations; for a few species a reference is given to a good figure of the imago.
(*)Stigmella rhamnella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1860) (see JOHANSSON et. al., 1990)
Foia, larvae mining Frangula alnus, XI-2000 (MFVC) [NIEUKERKEN et al., 2004].
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(*)Stigmella crenulatae (Klimesch, 1975) (see NIEUKERKEN et al., 2004)
Cabo de São Vicente, leaf mines I-1987 (EJN) [NIEUKERKEN et al., 2004].
+Stigmella hybnerella (Hübner, 1813)
Picota, mines on Crataegus monogyna, IV-1994 (MFVC); São Romão, empty mines on
Crataegus, IX-1999 (MFVC); Foia, empty mines on Crataegus, X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Stigmella plagicolella (Stainton, 1854)
São Romão, empty mines on Prunus domestica, IX-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
(+)Stigmella ilicifoliella (Mendes, 1918)
North of Alportel 6-IX-1991 (MFVC). Previously misidentified as S. suberivora (Stainton, 1869)
(+)Ectoedemia septembrella (Stainton, 1849)
Quinta do Freixo 20-V-2002 (MFVC) [NIEUKERKEN et al., 2004].
(+)Ectoedemia hispanica van Nieukerken, 1985
Messines de Baixo 25-VI-2002 (AL & ZL) [NIEUKERKEN et al., 2004].
(*)Ectoedemia caradjai (Groschke, 1944) (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 1997)
Fonte de Apra 2-VI-1996 (MFVC); São Miguel, Serra de Monte Figo 24-V-2001 (MFVC) [NIEU-
KERKEN et al., 2004].
Ectoedemia andalusiae van Nieukerken, 1985
North of São Romão 21-V-2001 (MFVC) det. van Nieukerken; Alportel, 24-V-2002 (MFVC) det.
van Nieukerken; Assumadas, larvae on Quercus coccifera, VI-2002 (AL & ZL).
Opostega salaciella (Treitschke, 1833)
Carrapateira 25-V-2001 (MFVC).
+Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander, 1795)
Foia, larval mines on Castanea, XI-2000 (MFVC) [Corley].
Cephimallota tunesiella Zagulajev, 1966
São Romão 4-X-1999 (MFVC).
Cephimallota crassiflavella (Bruand, 1851)
Picota 26-V-2001 (MFVC).
+Tenaga nigripunctella (Haworth, 1828)
São Miguel 11-IX-2001 (MFVC) [Corley]. This species was excluded from the Algarve list
(CORLEY et al., 2000) on the basis of misidentified specimens, but the specimen from Santa Catari-
na (MONTEIRO & PASSOS DE CARVALHO, 1984) was not examined and might be correctly na-
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**Triaxomasia caprimulgella (Stainton, 1851) (see PETERSEN, 1957)
Alportel 24-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Neurothaumasia ankerella (Mann, 1867)
São Romão 27-V-2001 (MFVC).
+Fermocelina liguriella (Millière, 1879)
São Romão 31-VIII-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
*Opogona omoscopa (Meyrick, 1893) (See GAEDIKE & KARSHOLT, 2001)
Ludo 22-V-2002 (MFVC) [Sattler].
+Crinopteryx familiella Peyerimhoff, 1871
Picota, larvae on Tuberaria lignosa, I-1987 (EJN); Foia 4-X-1999 (MFVC) [Nieukerken, Corley].
(*)Phalacropterix fritschi Hättenschwiler, 2003
2-4 km NW of Sagres, cases on Ulex II-1999 (DF) [HÄTTENSCHWILER, 2003].
+Bucculatrix maritima Stainton, 1851
Sapais de Castro Marim, 18-V-2003 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798)
São Miguel 17-V-2003 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Parornix anglicella (Stainton, 1850)
Larval spinnings on Crataegus, Foia X-1999 (MFVC), Gralhos X-1999 (MFVC), Paraiso X-1999
(MFVC) [Corley].
Phyllonorycter messaniella (Zeller, 1846)
Foia, larval mines on Castanea, XI-2000 (MFVC).
+Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870)
Foia, mines on Platanus hybridus, X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
Phyllonorycter rebimbasi (Mendes, 1910)
São Miguel 27-V-2001 (MFVC).
+Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae (Frey, 1856)
Paraiso, empty mines on Crataegus, X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Phyllonorycter cydoniella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
São Romão, mines on Cydonia, V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
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+Paraswammerdamia lutarea (Haworth, 1828)
Aljezur 21-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Orthotelia sparganella (Thunberg, 1788)
Carrapateira 25-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Leucoptera lotella (Stainton, 1859)
Foia, mines on Lotus sp., X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
Agonopterix nanatella (Stainton, 1949)
Foia, close to summit, larvae on Carlina corymbosa, V-2001 (MFVC).
Agonopterix scopariella (Heinemann, 1870)
Resilveira, larva on Adenocarpus, V-2001 (MFVC).
Agonopterix subpropinquella (Stainton, 1849)
Alportel, larva on Cynara cardunculus, IV-2000 (MFVC).
(**)Agonopterix mendesi Corley, 2002
Larvae on Centaurea sphaerocephala, Carrapateira IV-1993; Praia de Castelejo, III-1996 (MFVC)
[CORLEY, 2002b]
Agonopterix rotundella (Douglas, 1846)
São Miguel, Serra de Monte Figo, larvae on Distichoselinum tenuifolium, V-2003 (MFVC).
Agonopterix rutana (Fabricius, 1794)
Marco, larvae on Ruta angustifolia, IV-2000 (MFVC).
**Agonopterix vendettella (Chrétien, 1908) (see HANNEMANN, 1953 for male genitalia and HAN-
NEMANN, 1958 for female genitalia).
Fonte de Apra, larva on Smyrnium olusatrum, IV-1994 (MFVC) [Corley].
Elachista fuscibasella Chrétien, 1915
Carrapateira 8-XI-2000 (MFVC).
*Elachista boursini Amsel, 1951 (see TRAUGOTT-OLSEN, 2000)
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC); São Miguel 24-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Delete Elachista pollinariella Zeller, 1839 from Algarve list, specimens (PASSOS DE CARVAL-
HO & CORLEY, 1995) are E. gormella Nielsen & Traugott-Olsen, 1987.
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*Scythris inertella (Zeller, 1855) (see BENGTSSON, 1997)
Sapais de Castro Marim 18-V-2003 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Kasyniana indistinctella (Rebel, 1902)
Portela, São Bras de Alportel 23-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Coleophora acrisella Millière, 1872
Silves, larva on Coronilla glauca, XI-2000 (MFVC).
*Coleophora congeriella Staudinger, 1859
Portela, São Bras de Alportel 23-V-2002 (MFVC) [Baldizzone].
+Coleophora eupreta Walsingham, 1907
Ludo 22-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Coleophora maritimella Newman, 1863
Ludo 22-V-2002 (MFVC).
*Coleophora deviella Zeller, 1847 (see EMMET, 1996)
Meia Praia 4-X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Coleophora dianthi Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
Fonte de Apra 15-IV-1997 (MFVC); Portela, São Bras de Alportel 23-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
*Blastobasis roscidella (Zeller, 1847)
Picota, 26-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley]. Possibly not distinct from B. phycidella (Zeller, 1839) (O.
Karsholt, pers. comm.), but this record is included provisionally.
*Tecmerium anthophaga (Staudinger, 1871)
São Romão 21-V-2001 (MFVC); São Miguel 19-V-2002 (MFVC); Ludo 22-V-2002 (MFVC)
Delete Oegoconia deauratella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) from Portuguese list, specimens (PASSOS
DE CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995) belong to Apatema mediopallidum Walsingham, 1900, det. Goz-
Symmoca revoluta Gozmány, 1985
Ribeira de Alcoutinejo 26-IX-1999 (MFVC); Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC).
*Sorhagenia rhamniella (Zeller, 1839) (see KOSTER & SINEV, 2003)
São Miguel 24-V-2001 (MFVC) [Koster].
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Pyroderces argyrogrammos (Zeller, 1847)
Salema, bred from seed heads of Serratula baetica, collected XI-2000 (MFVC); Estoi, bred from
seed head of Cynara humilis, collected V-2002 (ASC).
*Anatrachyntis simplex (Walsingham,1891) (see KOSTER & SINEV, 2003)
Carrapateira 5-X-1999 (MFVC) [Koster].
Aristotelia mirabilis Christoph, 1888
Sapais de Castro Marim, larvae on Frankenia laevis, V-2003 (MFVC) [Corley].
Chrysoesthia sexguttella (Thunberg, 1794)
Loulé, larvae mining Chenopodium sp., X-1998 (MFVC).
Chrysoesthia gaditella (Staudinger, 1859)
Cabo de São Vicente, larvae mining Atriplex halimus, X-1999 (MFVC).
*Metzneria subflavella Englert, 1974 (see ENGLERT, 1974, for male genitalia)
Salema, reared from seed heads of Serratula baetica, collected X-1997 (MFVC) [Corley].
Ptocheuusa campicolella (Mann, 1857)
Vale de Carros, reared from seed head of Centaurea melitensis, collected X-1999 (MFVC).
**Monochroa lucidella (Stephens, 1834) (see ELSNER et. al., 1999)
Carrapateira 25-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
*Deltophora gielisia Hull, 1995 (see HULL, 1995)
Ribeira de Alcoutinejo 26-IX-1999 (MFVC); Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC)
*Bryotropha sattleri Nel, 2003 (see KARSHOLT & RUTTEN, 2005)
Meia Praia, 10-IX-1991 (MFVC) [Rutten].
+Bryotropha affinis (Haworth, 1828)
Picota 26-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Mirificarma denotata Pitkin, 1984
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC); Alportel 24-V-2002 (MFVC).
Aroga pascuicola (Staudinger, 1871)
Ribeira de Alcoutinejo 26-IX-1999 (MFVC); Ludo 22-V-2002 (MFVC).
Delete Scrobipalpa remota Povolnx, 1972 from Portuguese list, specimens (CORLEY et al.,
2000) are S. superstes Povolnx, 1977, det. Huemer.
Scrobipalpa salinella (Zeller, 1847)
São Romão 9-X-1999 (MFVC); larvae in stems and shoot tips of Arthrocnemum macrostachyum,
Sapais de Castro Marim, V-2003 (MFVC).
*Scrobipalpa milleri Povolnx, 1977 (see POVOLNX, 1977 for male genitalia)
Lagos, larvae on Atriplex halimus, IX-1998, X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
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*Scrobipalpa traganella (Chrétien, 1915) (see POVOLNX, 1967)
Poço Longo 20-IV-1988 (JPC), det. Corley.
*Scrobipalpa ergasima (Meyrick, 1929) (see ELSNER et al., 1999, as Ergasiola ergasima)
São Romão 8-X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Caryocolum marmoreum (Haworth, 1828)
Ludo, 3-X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
Caryocolum fibigerium Huemer, 1988
Foia, larvae on Arenaria montana, XI-2000 (MFVC) (CORLEY, 2002a).
Nothris verbascella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Quinta da Rocha 3-XI-1998 (AJG).
Aproaerema anthyllidellum (Hübner, 1813)
Marco, larvae on Psoralea bituminosa, IV-2000 (MFVC).
*Aproaerema lerauti Vives, 2001 (see VIVES MORENO, 2001)
Praia Verde 20-IV-1992 (MFVC) [Corley].
Delete Acompsia cinerella (Clerck, 1759) from Portuguese list, specimen (MONTEIRO & PAS-
SOS DE CARVALHO, 1984) is Acompsia schmidtiella.
Acompsia schmidtiella (Heyden, 1848)
Santa Catarina 1-V-1959 (TM) det. Corley.
Ommatissopyrops lusitanicus Bivar de Sousa & Quartau, 1998
Olhão, larvae ectoparasitic on Ommatissus binotatus Fieber, 1876 (Homoptera, Tropiduchidae) on
Chamaerops humilis, VII-1994 (JAQ) (BIVAR DE SOUSA & QUARTAU, 1998). Details given in
CORLEY et al., (2000) incomplete.
Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783)
Foia, colony by springs at 600 m, 4-X-1999 (MFVC).
Tinthia tineiformis (Esper, 1789)
Castro Marim, 15-V-2002 (DJG).
+Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rottemburg, 1775)
Fonte da Matosa, larvae in Populus, II-2002 (RB); Silves, larvae in Salix, II-2002 (RB) (Bläsius,
in litt.) [Bläsius].
+Synanthedon stomoxiformis (Hübner, 1790)
Monchique, larvae in Frangula alnus, III-2003 (RB) (Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
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*Synanthedon codeti (Oberthür, 1881) (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 2001)
Unlocalized specimen from Algarve in coll. Z. Lastuvka from coll. J. Obermajer (Z. Lastuvka, in
*Synanthedon theryi Le Cerf, 1916 (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 2001)
Larvae in Tamarix, Estômbar, II-2001 (RB), Odelouca, II-2002 (RB) (Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
*Synansphecia hispanica Kallies, 1999 (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 2001)
Silves, 10-V-1999 J. Buszko in coll. Z. Lastuvka (Z. Lastuvka in litt.); Caldas de Monchique, lar-
vae in Rumex induratus, II-2001 (RB); Portela, Barrada, 14-V-2002 (DJG); Ponta da Areia, 15-V-2002
(DJG) [Z. Lastuvka].
*Synansphecia leucomelaena (Zeller, 1847) (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 2001)
Estômbar, 1998 Hensch (Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
+Bembecia ichneumoniformis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Barragem do Arade, larvae in Lotus, III-2003 (RB and PP) (Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
+Bembecia iberica Spatenka, 1992
Ferragudo, larvae in Anthyllis vulneraria, II-2002 (RB) (Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
+Chamaesphecia mysiniformis (Boisduval, 1840)
Larvae in Stachys germanica, Fonte da Matosa, II-2001 (RB); Armação de Pêra, II-2002 (RB)
(Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
*Chamaesphecia anthrax Le Cerf, 1916 (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 2001)
Armação de Pêra, larvae in Nepeta tuberosa, II-2002 (RB) (Bläsius, in litt.) [Bläsius].
Chamaesphecia aerifrons (Zeller, 1847)
São Miguel, 19-V-2002 (MFVC); Picota, larvae in Mentha, II-2002 (RB).
*Chamaesphecia ramburi (Staudinger, 1866) (see LASTUVKA & LASTUVKA, 2001)
Unlocalized specimen from Algarve in coll. Z. Lastuvka, ex coll. J. Obermajer (Z. Lastuvka in
litt.) [Z. Lastuvka].
Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus, 1761)
Praia de Alvor, larva in Tamarix stem, II-2002 (RB).
Diceratura infantana (Kennel, 1899)
São Miguel, Serra de Monte Figo 24-V-2001 (MFVC); Carrapateira 25-V-2001 (MFVC).
+Diceratura amaranthica Razowski, 1963
Alportel 24-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
*Cochylis salebrana (Mann, 1862) (see RAZOWSKI, 2002)
Quinta do Freixo 20-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
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+Cochylis posterana Zeller, 1847
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC); São Romão 14-IX-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Cnephasia conspersana Douglas, 1846
Cabo de São Vicente, larva in flower head of Pulicaria odora, V-2001 (MFVC).
Cnephasia ecullyana Réal, 1951
North of São Romão 21-V-2001 (MFVC).
Ditula angustiorana (Haworth, 1811)
Picota 26-V-2001 (MFVC); Aljezur 21-V-2002, 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
Paramesia alhamana (A. Schmidt, 1930)
Picota 26-V-2001 (MFVC).
+Pandemis heparana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Aljezur 21-V-2002, 13-IX-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Hübner, 1799)
Alportel, larva on Daucus, V-2001 (MFVC); São Romão, larva on Scabiosa atropurpurea, V-2001
(MFVC); Cerro de Apra, larva on Bupleurum fruticosum, V-2002 (MFVC).
*Bactra robustana (Christoph, 1872) (see RAZOWSKI, 2003)
Sapais de Castro Marim 18-V-2003 (MFVC) [Corley].
Endothenia pauperculana (Staudinger, 1859)
Portela, São Bras de Alportel 23-V-2002 (MFVC).
*Argyroploce unedana Baixeras, 2002 (see BAIXERAS, 2002)
São Romão 2-VIII-1980 (JPC) [Corley]. This specimen was recorded as Olethreutes lacunana
([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) in MONTEIRO & PASSOS DE CARVALHO (1984).
Delete Lobesia cinerariae Nolcken, 1882 from Algarve list, records (PASSOS DE CARVALHO &
CORLEY, 1995; CORLEY et al., 2000) belong to L. quaggana Mann, 1855.
Lobesia artemisiana (Zeller, 1847)
North of São Romão 21-V-2001 (MFVC).
*Lobesia indusiana (Zeller, 1847) (see RAZOWSKI, 2003)
Meia Praia 4-X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
*Thiodia trochilana (Frölich, 1828) (see RAZOWSKI, 2003)
Cabo de São Vicente, 23-X-1990 (MFVC); Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC) [Cor-
+Epinotia immundana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1839)
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite, larvae on Alnus glutinosa, 23-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
*Epinotia dalmatana (Rebel, 1891) (see RAZOWSKI, 2003)
São Miguel 24-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005 357
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:17 Página 357
+Gypsonoma aceriana (Duponchel, 1843)
Carrapateira 25-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Delete Notocelia roborana from Portuguese list, records (MONTEIRO & PASSOS DE CARVAL-
HO, 1984; PASSOS DE CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995) are either N. incarnatana (Hübner, 1800) or
Pammene fasciana (Linnaeus, 1761).
(**)Pelochrista obscura Kuznetsov, 1978 (see RAZOWSKI, 2003)
Monchique, 9-V-1999 (JB); Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC) [RAZOWSKI, 2003].
Delete Pelochrista infidana (Hübner, 1824) from Portuguese list, specimen (MONTEIRO & PAS-
SOS DE CARVALHO, 1984) is P. obscura.
+Ancylis apicella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Foia, larvae on Frangula alnus, 12-IX-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
**Cydia medicaginis (Kuznetsov, 1962) (see RAZOWSKI, 2003)
Carrapateira 18-IV-1993, 25-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Selania leplastriana malcolmiae (Walsingham, 1903)
Carrapateira 5-X-1999 (MFVC).
*Dichrorampha letarfensis Gibeaux, 1983
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite, 23-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Choreutis nemorana (Hübner, [1799])
Pupa on Ficus carica, Ribeira de Alcoutinejo IV-2000 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Epermenia aequidentella (Hofmann, 1867) (see ARENBERGER, 1995)
Ribeira de Alcoutinejo 21-IV-2000 (MFVC) [Corley].
(*)Agdistis adactyla (Hübner, 1819)
Monchique, no other data given (ARENBERGER, 1995).
*Agdistis hartigi Arenberger, 1973 (see ARENBERGER, 1995)
Vila Real de Santo António 16-X-2004 (CG & FKG) [Gielis].
*Hypotia delicatalis Asselbergs, 2004 (see ASSELBERGS, 2004)
Quinta da Rocha 15-VII-1994 (SM) [Corley]. Many other specimens recorded at the same site
over succeeding years between May and October. ASSELBERGS (2004) cites the species only from
mainland Spain. In addition to Portugal, the species is known from Menorca (Balearic Islands) and Mo-
358 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:17 Página 358
*Pyralis lienigialis (Zeller, 1843) (see GOATER, 1984 for figure of adult; see MEDVEDEV, 1986 for
North of São Romão 21-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Stemmatophora vulpecalis Ragonot, 1891
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC); Alportel 24-V-2002 (MFVC).
Delete Pempeliella boeticella (Ragonot, 1887) from Portuguese list, specimens (CORLEY et. al.,
2000) are Pempelia hispanella Staudinger, 1859 (det. Sauter).
Sciota coenulentella (Zeller, 1846)
Sapais de Castro Marim 11-IX-1990 (AJLC).
Delete Merulempista cingillella (Zeller, 1846), specimen (CORLEY et al., 2000) belongs to the
next species.
**Merulempista ragonoti (Rothschild, 1913) (see LERAUT, 2001)
Quinta da Rocha 18-III-1997 (AJG). Given as M. cingillella in CORLEY et al., 2000. LERAUT
(2001) described M. ragonoti juanella Leraut, 2001 from France. The Portuguese specimen appears to
be referable to the typical subspecies M. ragonoti ragonoti (Rothschild, 1913) which was hitherto only
known from North Africa.
Pempelia geminella (Eversmann, 1844)
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite 23-V-2001 (MFVC); Aljezur 21-V-2002 (MFVC).
Pempelia obductella (Zeller, 1839)
Vale de Boi, larva on Mentha suaveolens, V-2002 (MFVC).
*Pempelia hispanella Staudinger, 1859 (male genitalia figured in CORLEY et. al., 2000, as Pempelie-
lla boeticella)
Carrapateira 18-IV-1993 (MFVC); Cabo de S. Vicente 7-V-1995 (MFVC) [Sauter].
Delete Pterothrixidia rufella (Duponchel, 1836) from Portuguese list, specimen (MONTEIRO &
PASSOS DE CARVALHO, 1984) is Sciota coenulentella.
Metallostichodes nigrocyanella (Constant, 1865)
Ludo 7-X-1999 (MFVC).
+Euzophera fuliginosella (Heinemann, 1865)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Delete Homoeosoma nebulella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) from Portuguese list, the records
(PASSOS DE CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995; CORLEY et al., 2000) refer to H. soaltheirellum Roes-
ler, 1965.
**Evergestis marocana (D. Lucas, 1956) (see LERAUT, 2003)
Carrapateira 18-IV-1993 (MFVC) [Corley]. Previously misidentified as E. politalis ([Denis &
Schiffermüller], 1775) (PASSOS DE CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995). The identity of the E. polita-
lis recorded by Monteiro (MONTEIRO & PASSOS DE CARVALHO, 1984) needs to be establis-
SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005 359
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:18 Página 359
Udea ferrugalis (Hübner, 1796)
Silves, larvae on Hyoscyamus albus, XI-2000 (MFVC).
Delete Pyrausta castalis (Treitschke, 1829) from Portuguese list, the record (CORLEY et al.,
2000), is a misidentification (CORLEY, in preparation).
Uresiphita gilvata (Fabricius, 1794)
Silves, larvae on Spartium junceum, XI-2000 (MFVC).
+Pleuroptya ruralis (Scopoli, 1763)
Picota, larvae on Urtica dioica, V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
(*)Sceliodes laisalis (Walker, 1859) (see GOATER, 1984, for figure of adult)
Larvae on Solanum linnaeanum (S. sodomeum), Vila Real de Santo António (undated), (MHD)
Delete Amaurophanes stigmosalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848) from Portuguese list, records (PAS-
SOS DE CARVALHO & CORLEY, 1995) refer to Dolicharthria concoloralis (Oberthür, 1876).
Lasiocampa quercus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Larva on Rubia peregrina, São Romão, V-2002 (MFVC).
(*)Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758)
This species has become established on the Algarve coast in recent years. No publication of the
earliest original find of the species has been traced. The first record may be Sargaçal 1-VII-1999 (SW),
(Gardiner, pers. comm.); Vilamoura 27-VII-2000 (EMM). In the Sargaçal population, the food-plant is
Gomphocarpus. [Wates].
+Godonella aestimaria (Hübner, 1809)
Vilamoura VII-2001 (EMM); Aljezur 21-V-2002 (MFVC) [Marabuto].
Ennomos alniaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aljezur 21-V-2002 (MFVC).
Delete Crocallis auberti Oberthür, 1883 from Portuguese list. Records referred to this species
(CORLEY et al., 2000) belong to C. tusciaria (Borkhausen, 1793) as originally determined (MONTEI-
RO & PASSOS DE CARVALHO, 1984), fide Skou.
+Peribatodes umbraria (Hübner, 1809)
Aljezur 21-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
360 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:18 Página 360
Ekboarmia atlanticaria (Staudinger, 1859)
Carrapateira 8-XI-2000 (MFVC).
+Cabera pusaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aljezur 21-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Bustilloxia saturata (A. Bang-Haas, 1906)
São Miguel, 24-V-2001 (MFVC); São Romão 27-V-2001 (MFVC).
*Idaea consanguiberica Rezbanyai-Reser & Expósito, 1992 (see REZBANYAI-RESER & EXPÓSITO
HERMOSA, 1992)
Fonte de Apra 10-IX-1991 Corley [Corley]. This species had been erroneously placed on the Por-
tuguese list previously.
Delete Idaea predotaria (Hartig, 1951) from Portuguese list. Records in PASSOS DE CARVAL-
HO & CORLEY (1995) refer to I. eugeniata (Millière, 1879). Older records are also believed to be mi-
Idaea exilaria (Guenée, 1858)
Ribeira de Alcoutinejo, 26-IX-1999 (MFVC).
Delete Eupithecia limbata Staudinger, 1879 from Portuguese list. Specimens (PASSOS DE CAR-
VALHO & CORLEY, 1995) are E. irriguata (Hübner, 1813).
Delete Eupithecia subumbrata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) from Portuguese list. The speci-
men (CORLEY et al., 2000) is E. scopariata (Rambur, 1833).
*Eupithecia ultimaria Boisduval, 1840 (see MIRONOV, 2003)
Ludo 22-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Haworth, 1809)
Loulé, larva on flowers of Achillea ageratum, V-1999 (MFVC); Paragil, larvae on seeds of Urgi-
nea maritima, X-1999 (MFVC).
Pterostoma palpina (Clerck, 1759)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
Acronicta psi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Fonte de Apra, larva on Ulmus, XI-2000 (MFVC).
Acronicta leporina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper, 1789)
Silves, larva on Hyoscyamus albus, XI-2000 (MFVC).
*Rhypagla lacernaria (Hübner, 1813) (see CALLE, 1983 for male genitalia)
São Miguel 19-V-2002 (MFVC) [Corley].
SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005 361
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:18 Página 361
*Pyrois effusa (Boisduval, 1828) (see CALLE, 1983 for male genitalia)
São Miguel 17-V-2003 (MFVC) [Corley].
+Chilodes maritima (Tauscher, 1806)
Carrapateira 25-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Mormo maura (Linnaeus, 1758)
Fortes, Ribeira de Odeleite, 23-V-2001 (MFVC).
Agrochola haematidea (Duponchel, 1827)
Alportel 9-XI-2000 (MFVC).
+Agrochola helvola (Linnaeus, 1758)
Alportel 9-XI-2000 (MFVC) [Corley].
Ammopolia witzenmanni (Standfuss, 1890)
Resilveira 10-XI-2000 (MFVC); Quinta da Rocha, 24-XI-2000 (AJG).
Gortyna xanthenes (Germar, 1842)
Quinta da Rocha, 6-XI-1998 (AJG).
Gortyna puengeleri (Turati, 1909)
Carrapateira 8-XI-2000 (MFVC).
Hecatera weissi (Draudt, 1934)
Hecatera corsica (Rambur, 1832) was previously recorded in Algarve (CORLEY et al., 2000).
This species is confined to Corsica and Sardinia. All Iberian records are referred to H. weissi (see
HACKER et. al., 2002).
+Hadena magnolii (Boisduval, 1829)
Picota 26-V-2001 (MFVC) [Corley].
Lycophotia erythrina (Herrich-Schäffer, 1852)
Picota 26-V-2001 (MFVC).
Powellinia boetica (Rambur, 1837)
Carrapateira 8-XI-2000 (MFVC).
+Agrotis graslini Rambur, 1848
Carrapateira 5-X-1999 (MFVC) [Corley].
Orgyia antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
*Orgyia trigotephras Boisduval, 1828 (see FREINA & WITT, 1987 for figure of adult)
São Miguel 24-V-2001. [Corley]. This species is listed as Portuguese by VIVES MORENO
(1994) and other authors, but no previous record has been traced.
362 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:18 Página 362
Meganola albula ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
Paidia rica (Freyer, 1858)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC).
+Eilema rungsi (Toulgöet, 1960)
Aljezur 13-IX-2002 (MFVC) [Plant].
I am most grateful to Rolf Bläsius, Adrian Gardiner, Cees Gielis, the late Eng. José Passos de Car-
valho, Prof. Zdenek Lastuvka and Eduardo Marabuto for allowing me to use their records; to Dr. Joa-
quin Baixeras Almela, Dr. Giorgio Baldizzone, Dr. Peter Huemer, Jaak Koster, Dr. Erik van Nieuker-
ken, Colin Plant, Dr. Klaus Sattler, Prof. Dr. Willi Sauter and Peder Skou for identification of
specimens and to Dr. José Manuel Grosso-Silva for translation of the summaries.
ARENBERGER, E., 1995.– Pterophoridae. 1 Teilband.– In AMSEL, H. G., GREGOR, F. & REISSER, H.–Microlepidop-
tera Palaearctica 9: 258 pp. Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe.
ASSELBERGS, J., 2004.– Hypotia delicatalis Asselbergs, sp. n., a new species from Spain, close to Hypotia corticalis
([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).– SHILAP Revta. lepid., 32(128): 275-279.
BAIXERAS, J., 2002.– An overview of genus-level taxonomic problems surrounding Argyroploce Hübner (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidae), with description of a new species.– Ann. ent. Soc. America 95: 422-431.
BENGTSSON, B. A., 1997.– Scythrididae. In P. HUEMER, O. KARSHOLT & L. LYNEBORG. (eds.): Microlepidoptera
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BIVAR DE SOUSA, A. & QUARTAU, J. A., 1998.– Ommatissopyrops lusitanicus gen. e sp. nov. um novo lepidóptero
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CALLE, J. A., 1983.– Noctuidos españoles.– Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 1982: 430 pp. Madrid.
CORLEY, M. F. V., 2002a.– The larva of Caryocolum fibigerium Huemer, 1988 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).– Entomolo-
gist’s Gaz. 53: 20.
CORLEY, M. F. V., 2002b.– Two new species of Depressariidae (Lepidoptera) from Portugal.– Nota lepid., 24: 25-33.
CORLEY, M. F. V., GARDINER, A. J., CLEERE, N. & WALLIS, P. D., 2000.– Further additions to the Lepidoptera of
Algarve, Portugal (Insecta: Lepidoptera).– SHILAP Revta. lepid., 28(111): 245-319.
ELSNER, G., HUEMER, P. & TOKAR, Z., 1999.– Die Palpenmotten (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) Mitteleuropas: 208 pp.
EMMET, A. M., 1996.– The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, 3: 452 pp. Harley Books, Colchester.
ENGLERT, W. D., 1974.– Revision der Gattung Metzneria Zeller (Lepid., Gelechiidae) mit Beitragen zur Biologie der Ar-
ten.– Z. Angew. ent., 75: 381-421.
FREINA, J. J. de & WITT, T. J., 1987.– Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpalaearktis. 1: 708 pp. Forschung & Wis-
senschaft, München.
GAEDIKE, R. & KARSHOLT, O., 2001.– Contribution to the Lepidoptera fauna of the Madeira Islands. Part 2. Tineidae,
Acrolepiidae, Epermeniidae.– Beitr. Ent., 51: 161-213.
GOATER, B., 1986.– British Pyralid Moths: 175 pp. Harley Books, Colchester.
HACKER, H., RONKAY, L. & HREBLAY, M., 2002.– Hadeninae I.– Noctuidae Europaeae, 4: Entomological Press,
HANNEMANN, H. J., 1953.– Natürliche Gruppierung der europäischen Arten der Gattung Depressaria s. l. (Lep. Oe-
coph).– Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 29: 269-373.
HANNEMANN, H. J., 1958.– Die Eingruppung weiterer Depressarien nach dem Bau ihrer Kopulationsorgane, teil 1.–
Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 34: 3-47.
HÄTTENSCHWILER, P., 2003.– Phalacropterix fritschi, eine neue Psychide aus der Portugiesischen Algarve (Psychi-
dae).– Nota lepid., 26: 9-18.
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HUERTAS DIONISIO, M., 2000.– Estados inmaturos de Lepidoptera (XIII). Tres especies de origen tropical de la subfa-
milia Pyraustinae Meyrick, 1890 (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Crambidae).– SHILAP Revta. lepid., 28(111): 321-334.
HULL, M., 1995.– Deltophora gielisia Hull, sp. nova from Southern Spain (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).– SHILAP Revta.
lepid. 23(91): 241-245.
JOHANSSON, R., NIELSEN, E. S., NIEUKERKEN, E. J. van & GUSTAFSSON, B., 1990.– The Nepticulidae and Opos-
tegidae (Lepidoptera) of North West Europe.– Fauna ent. scand., 23: 1-739.
KARSHOLT, O. & RUTTEN, T., 2005.– The genus Bryotropha Heinemann (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in the Western Pa-
laearctic.– Tijdschr. Ent., 148(1): 77-204.
KOSTER, J. C. & SINEV, S. Yu., 2003.– Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae,
Chrysopeleiidae.– In P. HUEMER, O. KARSHOLT and L. LYNEBORG. (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe, 5: 1-
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LASTUVKA, Z. & LASTUVKA, A., 2001.– The Sesiidae of Europe: 245 pp. Apollo Books, Stenstrup.
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MIRONOV, V., 2003.– Larentiinae II (Perizomini and Eupitheciini).– In A. HAUSMANN (ed.).– The Geometrid Moths of
Europe, 4: 1-463.
MONTEIRO, T. & PASSOS DE CARVALHO, J., 1984.– Lepidópteros do Algarve.– Anais Fac. Ciênc. Porto, 64: 95-219.
NIEUKERKEN, E. J. VAN & JOHANSSON, R., 2003.– The Quercus feeding Stigmella species of the West Palaearctic:
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PASSOS DE CARVALHO, J. & CORLEY, M. F. V., 1995.– Additions to the Lepidoptera of Algarve, Portugal (Insecta:
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POVOLNX, D., 1967.– Ein kritischer Beitrag zur Taxonomischen klärung einiger palaearktischer Arten der Gattung Scro-
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RAZOWSKI, J., 2002.– Tortricidae of Europe. Volume 1. Tortricinae and Chlidanotinae: 247 pp. Slamka, Bratislava.c.
RAZOWSKI, J., 2003.– Tortricidae of Europe. Volume 2. Olethreutinae: 301 pp. Slamka, Bratislava.
REZBANYAI-RESER, L. & EXPÓSITO HERMOSA, A., 1992.– Idaea consanguiberica n. sp. aus Spanien.– Entomol.
Zeit., 102: 273-288.
TRAUGOTT-OLSEN, E., 2000.– Variation in Elachista biatomella (Stainton, 1848). A review of the species-group, with
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VIVES MORENO, A., 1994.– Catálogo sistemático y sinonímico de los lepidópteros de la Península Ibérica y Baleares
(Insecta: Lepidoptera) (Segunda Parte): 775 pp. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Madrid.
VIVES MORENO, A., 2001.– Contribución al conocimiento de los microlepidópteros de España, con la descripción de
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M. F. V. C.
Pucketty Farm Cottage,
GB-Oxfordshire SN7 8JP
(Recibido para publicación / Received for publication 14-IV-2005)
(Revisado y aceptado / Revised and accepted 28-V-2005)
364 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 33 (131), 2005
347 Further additions to the 9/9/77 12:18 Página 364
... Son muy pocas y antiguas las citas conocidas, sólo por ejemplares individuales procedentes de unas pocas localidades del sur peninsular. Hasta ahora, sólo se había citado con seguridad, en primer lugar, de Andújar, Jaén, España (AGENJO, 1947) y, posteriormente, de Algarrobo-Costa, Málaga, España (CALLE, 1983) y de Carrapateira, Algarve, Portugal (CORLEY, 2005); también hay otras citas de otras localidades españolas y portugueses dudosas o que no se han podido confirmar, como la del ejemplar ya mencionado de Andújar, Jaén, representado en Biodiversidad Virtual. ...
Full-text available
Abstract: Occurrence of Gortyna puengeleri (Turati, 1909) in the province of Granada and discussion of its taxonomic and genetic position (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Xyleninae). The noctuid moth Gortyna puengeleri (Turati, 1909) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) is recorded for the first time in the province of Granada. Its taxonomic and genetic position in relation to the closest species of the genus Gortyna Ochsenheimer, 1816 is discussed. The published data on its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula are also updated. Resumen: Se cita por primera vez para la provincia de Granada el noctuido Gortyna puengeleri (Turati, 1909) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Se discute su posición taxonómica y genética con relación a las especies más próximas del genero Gortyna Ochsenheimer, 1816. También se actualizan los datos publicados sobre su distribución en la Península Ibérica.
... Para el resto de Europa, desde su descubrimiento en la isla de La Palma (Canarias), la especie se ha citado de Italia continental (Liguria y Lucania), de Sicilia y Cerdeña (Klimesch, 1983), añadiéndose posteriormente Líbano (Diakonoff, 1986), El Algarve en Portugal (Corley et al., 2000) y varias localidades del sureste de Francia en el departamento de los Pirineos Orientales (Nel et al., 2013). Se trata de una especie bivoltina, al menos en la Península Ibérica, ya que se ha encontrado en los meses de junio y septiembre (Corley et al., 2000). En cuanto a su biología, el comportamiento observado en la oruga del ejemplar obtenido el 15 de marzo de 2021 junto con el gorgojo Pericartiellus durieui (P.H. Lucas, 1846), coincide con las aportaciones hechas anteriormente en los ejemplares del sureste de Francia (Nel et al., 2013). ...
... Bolchi Serini and Trematerra (1989), Buhl et al. (2005), Buszko and Nowacki (2000), De Prins and Groenen (2001), , Huemer and Rabitsch (2002), Huisman et al. (2003), Ivinskis and Rimsaite (2008), Olivella (2001), Šefrová (2002b), Seljak (1995), Tomov (2003), Whitebread (1990) Family Bathon (1984), Buhl et al. (1985), Karsholt (1994) Chrysodeixis acuta Stored Products: dried fruits, nuts, grain Aguiar and Karsholt (2006), von Andres (1916), Filipjev (1932, Huemer and Rabitsch (2002), Janmoulle (1965), Karsholt and Vieira (2005), Kenis (2005), Mehl (1977), Ostrauskas and Taluntyte (2004), Reiprich (1990), Šefrová and Laštůvka (2005), Paoli (1922) Cadra fi gulilella (Gregson, 1871) Stored grain (Poaceae: e.g. rice) Drensky (1930), Goater (1986), Huemer and Rabitsch (2002), Janmoulle (1938), Karsholt and Vieira (2005), Palm (1986), Šefrová and Laštůvka (2005), Silvestri (1943) Family Stored plant products Aguiar and Karsholt (2006), Borg (1932), Goater (1986), Hrubý (1964), Huemer and Rabitsch (2002), Ivinskis (1976), Karsholt and Vieira (2005), Kenis (2005), Martin (1991), Mehl (1977), Palm (1986), Rebel (1901), Šefrová and Laštůvka (2005), Zolnir (1977) Pseudarenipses Kullberg and Mikkola (2001), Palm (1986), Svensson (1986, Weidner (1971) Saturniidae Blažič et al. (1995), Casale (1973), Glavendekić et al. (2005) Buhl et al. (1997), Corley (2005), Gaedike and Karsholt (2001), Karsholt and Vieira (2005) Opogona sacchari Aguiar and Karsholt (2006), Ciampolini (1973), Gaedike and Karsholt (2001), Jannone (1966), Karsholt and Vieira (2005), Sitek (2003), Walsingham (1910, Wolff (1953) Family Heath and Emmet (1985), Nielsen (1998), Mehl (1977), Laštůvka (2005), Tokár et al. (1999), Vives Moreno ( Stored products, clothes Buhl et al. (1987), Ivinskis (1993), Opheim and Fjeldså (1983), Pelham-Clinton (1985), Reiprich (1992, Šefrová and Laštůvka (2005) Drenowsky (1909), Hrubý (1964), Nielsen (1998), Mehl (1977), Mendes (1904), Mendes (1905), Palionis (1932), Peterson and Nilssen (2004), Šefrová and Laštůvka (2005) Family Seglar andVives Quadras (1976), Fjelddalen (1965), Glavendekić et al. (2005), Th ygesen et al. (1965, Zangheri and Cavalloro (1971) Epinotia algeriensis Chambon, 1990 A Buhl et al. (2003), Butin and Führer (1994), De Prins and Puplesiene (2000), Hill et al. (2005), Huemer and Rabitsch (2002), Karsholt and Kristensen (2003), Łabanowski and Soika (1998), Laštůvka et al. (1994), Milevoj and Maček (1997), Šefrová and Laštůvka (2001), Stigter et al. (2000), Vives Moreno (2003 Buhl et al. (1998), De Prins (1996, Gomboc (2003), Huemer and Rabitsch (2002), Šefrová and Laštůvka (2005) Prays oleae (Bernard, 1788) ...
... Consideramos significativas estas nuevas citas del norte de España representadas en el mapa que se aporta (Fig. 12) ya que, hasta ahora, su distribución se limitaba al sur de la Península Ibérica (el Algarve portugués y la provincia de Málaga) (KARSHOLT & SINEV, 2004). Esta especie se conocía en la Península Ibérica de las marismas de Castro Marim, Portugal (CORLEY et al., 2000). También se conoce de Ucrania y Rusia (KARSHOLT & NIEUKERKEN, 2013). ...
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Se presentan nuevos registros para España de Tineidae Latreille, 1810, Praydidae Moriuti, 1977, Blastobasidae Meyrick, 1894, Elachistidae Bruand, [1850] 1847 y Gelechiidae Staiton, 1854. Eudarcia lobata (Petersen & Gaedike, 1979), Prays ruficeps Heinemann, 1854, Blastobasis glandulella (Riley, 1871), Elachista agelensis Traugott-Olsen, 1996, Aristotelia mirabilis (Christoph, 1888) y Gelechia nigra (Haworth, 1828) son nuevas para España. Se añaden nuevas citas provinciales de Myrmecozela lambessella Rebel, 1901 y Blastobasis maroccanella Hamsel, 1952. Palabras clave: Insecta, Lepidoptera, Tineidae, Praydidae, Blastobasidae, Elachistidae, Gelechiidae, nuevas citas, España.
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Eight species are added to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna, of which two are new for the Iberian Peninsula, and one species deleted, mainly as a result of fieldwork undertaken by the authors and others in 2022. In addition, second and third records for the country, new province records and new host-plant data for a number of species are included. A summary of recent papers affecting the Portuguese fauna is included.
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Se describen e ilustran los estados inmaturos de Ateliotum insularis (Rebel, 1896), que vuela en Huelva, así como su ciclo biológico, su alimentación y la distribución.
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Contribution to the knowledge of the family Cosmopterigidae Heinemann & Wocke, [1876] in Catalonia (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae). All the published data of the Cosmopterigidae Heinemann & Wocke, [1876] family are collected and information is given on the material that has been studied, with a total of 26 taxa, which means an increase in the census for Catalonia of ten new species.
The species of Eilema Hübner, [1819] sensu lato, present in Europe and North Africa, are studied on the basis of morphological characteristics and molecular genetics. Images of adults, genitalia of both sexes, immature stages, as well as phylogenetic trees obtained from the combined analysis of three different genetic markers are presented. Data on life cycles, food plants, and geographic distribution are also included. The morphological differences observed within Eilema sensu lato have led the authors to create the genera Indalia gen. nov. and Pseudokatha gen. nov. New combinations are stablished: Manulea iberica (Mentzer, 1980) st. rest., comb. nov.; Indalia marcida (Mann, 1859) comb. nov.; Indalia predotae (Schawerda, 1927) comb. nov.; Indalia albicosta (Rogenhofer, 1894) comb. nov.; Indalia interposita (Rothschild, 1914) comb. nov.; Indalia uniola (Rambur, [1866]) comb. nov.; Indalia lutarella (Linnaeus, 1758) comb. nov.; Indalia pygmaeola (Doubleday, 1847) comb. nov.; Pseudokatha rungsi (Toulgoët, 1960) comb. nov., and Eilema albicosta witti Kobes, 1993 syn. nov.
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RESUMEN: Se presentan los dos primeros registros de Pyralis lienigialis (Zeller, 1843) en la Comunidad Valenciana, ambos en la provincia de Alicante (España). Se aporta un mapa de localización de ambas citas, así como imágenes de los ejemplares. ABSTRACT: The first two records of Pyralis lienigialis (Zeller, 1843) in the Valencian Community are presented, both in the province of Alicante (Spain). A location map of both reports is provided, as well as images of the specimens.
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Agonopterix olusatri, a new species of Depressariidae (Lepidoptera) from the West Palaearctic region. Misc. Pap. 196: 1-13. Agonopterix olusatri sp. n. is described. The new species is both similar to and closely related to A. thapsiella (Zeller, 1847) and A. chironiella (Constant, 1893). Specimens have been found in several museum collections under the name A. chironiella. Differences in DNA-barcode led to closer examination of genitalia, and finally clear differences in both sexes were found. It occurs in Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Morocco and its larva has been found feeding on Ferula communis L., F. tingitana L., Foeniculum vulgare Miller and Smyrnium olusatrum L. (Apiaceae). The moth and the genitalia of the new species and some of its relatives are illustrated.
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Resumo: Ao efectuar-se o estudo sobre a biologia e a ecologia do tropiduquídeo Ommatissus binotatus Fieber, 1876, homóptero que aparece associado à palmeira anã (Chamaerops humilis L.) no Algarve, encontraram-se vários exemplares adultos parasitados por larvas de um lepidóptero epipiropídeo O estudo deste lepidóptero revelou tratar-se de uma espécie ainda desconhecida para a ciência, e que devido às características da nervação alar não se enquadrava em nenhum dos géneros conhecidos para para a família Epipyropidae, pelo que se descreve o género Ommatissopyrops gen. novo e a espécie o. lusitanicus sp novo Palavras-chave: Lepidoptera, Epipyropidae, ectoparasita, Portugal, novo género, nova espécie. Abstract: Ommatissopyrops lusitanicus n. gen. and n. sp., a new moth species from Portugal (Lepidoptera, Epipyropidae). As a result of a study on the biology and ecology of the planthopper Ommatissus binotatus Fieber, 1876 (Homoptera, Tropiduchidae), which is associated to the dwarf palm Chaemerops humilis L. in southem Portugal, some adult planthoppers were found with ectoparasite larvae of a small moth of the family Epipyropidae which proved to belong to a previously undescribed genus and species.
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Contribution to the knowledge of the Microlepidoptera of Spain, with description of one new species (Insecta: Lepidoptera) A new species Oinophila blayi Vives & Gastón, is described. Two genus Niphonympha Meyrick, 1914, Sardzea Amsel, 1961 and fourteen species: Niphonympha dealbatella Zeller, 1847, Tinagma balteolella (Fischer von Rösslerstamm, [1841] 1834), Alloclita francoeuriae Walsingham, 1905 (Canary Islands), Epicallima bruandella (Ragonot, 1889), Agonopterix astrantiae (Heinemann, 1870), Agonopterix kuznetzovi Lvovsky, 1983, Depressaria halophilella Chrétien, 1908, Depressaria cinderella Corley, 2002, Metzneria santolinella (Amsel, 1936), Phtheochroa sinecarina Huemer, 1990 (Canary Islands), Sardzea diviselloides Amsel, 1961, Pempelia coremetella (Amsel, 1949), Epischinia albella Amsel, 1954 (Canary Islands) and Metasia cyrnealis Schawerda, 1926 are recorded from Spain for the first time. Four Lectotypus: Nephopteryx pseudoflorella Schmidt, 1933, Nephopteryx anerastica Snellen, [1880] 1892, Crambus bolivarellus Schmidt, 1930 and Hylophila prasinana var. hispanica Fernández, 1931, are designated. Eucosma cana (Haworth, 1811) and Cydia blackmoreana(Walsingham, 1903) are mentioned from the Canary Island for the first time. The presence in the Canary Island of Pyralis manihotalis Guenée, 1854, is confirmed. A new synonymy of Hylophila prasinana var. hispanica Fernández, 1931, syn. n. of Pseudoips prasinana (Linnaeus, 1758), is designed. Five new combinations: Pima leucomixtella (Ragonot, 1887), comb. n., Pima pempeliella (Zerny, 1936), comb. n., Pima milka (Roesler, 1990), comb. n., Pima leucoloma (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855), comb. n., Asalebria (Praesalebria) pseudoflorella (Schmidt, 1934), com. n., are established.
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The species of the Stigmella ruficapitella group occurring in the Western Palaearctic and feeding on Quercus are reviewed. We recognise 19 species, five of which are described as new: Stigmella fasciata sp. n. on Quercus pubescens from Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Turkey, S. cocciferae sp. n. on Q coccifera from Greece, Turkey and Israel, S. kasyisp.n. from Afghanistan, possibly feeding on Quercus baloot, S. bicuspidata sp. n. from Turkey (host unknown) and S. karsholti sp. n. on Q. canariensis from Tunisia. Stigmella ilicifoliella (Mendes, 1918) comb. n., stat. rev. is removed from synonymy with S. suberivora (Stainton, 1869), it occurs in France, Spain and Portugal, partly sympatric with S. suberivora on Quercus rotundifolia, Q ilex and Q suber. Stigmella nigra Dufrane, 1955 is synonymised with S. ilicifoliella. S. suberivora, S. ilicifoliella, S. szoecsiella (Borkowski, 1972), S. macrolepidella (Klimesch, 1978), S. zangherii (Klimesch, 1951), S. dorsiguttella (Johansson, 1971), S. trojanaZ. & A. Lastuvka, 1998 and S. eberhardi (Johansson, 1971) are redescribed. A new diagnostic character on the forewing underside is described for male S. svenssoni (Johansson, 1971). Data on distribution and biology are given for all species, keys are given for males and for male and female genitalia. All known hostplants are listed, including several new records. The fauna on evergreen oaks, counting three species, is poor compared to that on deciduous oaks and compared to the genus Ectoedemia. The Eastern Mediterranean region, with about five endemic species, has a more diverse fauna than the Western part, were only three endemic species occur.
Two new species of Depressariidae, Agonopterix mendesi sp. n. and Depressaria cinderella sp. n. are described from Portugal. The larva of each species is described together with information on host-plants and parasitoids.
The genus Bryotropha Heinemann in the western Palaearctic is revised for the first time. A total of 36 species is recognised. Nine species are described as new: B. horribilis sp. n., B italica sp. n., B nupponeni sp. n., B. wolschrijni sp. n., B. heckfordi sp. n., B phycitiniphila sp. n., B sutteri sp. n., B. hendrikseni sp. n., and B. hulli sp. n. Representatives of two possible further species are described but, due to insufficient material, not formally named. One new combination is introduced: Bryotropha sabulosella (Rebel, 1905) comb. n., and twelve new junior synonyms are proposed: B. tachengensis Li & Zheng is synonymised with B rossica Anikin & Piskunov; B. glabrella Heinemann with B desertella (Herrich-Schäffer), B brevipalpella Rebel with B. plantariella (Tengström); Gelechia galbanella var. haareki Strand with B. galbanella (Zeller), B. cinnamomea Turati with B. figulella (Staudinger); B mulinoides Amsel and B zannonicola Hartig with B. pallorella Amsel; B. inexpectella Nel with B. plebejella (Zeller); B saralella Amsel with B dryadella (Zeller); B dufraneella Joannis and B novisimilis Li & Zheng with B similis (Stainton), and B ambisenectella Li & Zheng with B. svenssoni Park. The following taxa are transferred to the genus Stomopteryx Heinemann: B subnigricella Dufrane, 1955 (comb. n.), B neftensisDufrane, 1955 (comb. n.), B. neftensisf. anomalellaDufrane, 1955 (comb. n.), B nigricella f. griseella Dufrane, 1955 (comb. n.). Lectotypes are designated, in accordance with ICZN, article 74.7.3, for the following species: Recurvaria domestica Haworth, 1828, Lita punctata Staudinger, 1876, B. arabica Amsel, 1952, L. tachyptilella Rebel, 1916, L. purpurella Zetterstedt, 1839, Gelechia flavipalpella Nylander, 1848, G desertella Douglas, 1850, G figulella Staudinger, 1859, G plantariellaTengström, 1848, G cinerosella Tengström, 1848, G serrulatella Tengström, 1848, G galbanella Zeller, 1839, G imperitella Staudinger, 1859, B. gallurella Amsel, 1952, B pallorella Amsel, 1952, B. mulinoides Amsel, 1952, B. saralella Amsel, 1952, G basaltinella Zeller, 1839, B umbrosellafulvipalpellaJoannis, 1908, R. affinis Haworth, 1828, G tectella Herrich-Schäffer, 1854, G similis Stainton, 1854, G. thuleella Zeller, 1857, G confinis Stainton, 1871, G obscurecinerea Nolcken, 1871, G. (B) fuliginosella Snellen, 1882, B. dufraneella Joannis, 1928, G senectella Zeller, 1839, B. obscurella Heinemann, 1870, B. phoebusella Millière, 1876. The name B. vondermühlli Nel & Brusseaux, 2003 is corrected to B vondermuhlli. Adults, as well as male and female genitalia are described and illustrated. Keys are provided for male and female genitalia. Distribution maps are given for each species.
The genus Phalacropterix is revised, a key to the species provided and P. fritschi sp. n. described. The taxonomic status of P. calberlae (Heylaerts, 1890) and P. apiformis f. siculella (Bruand, 1852) is discussed. It is suggested to consider siculella as a colour form of P. apiformis. Zusammenfassung. Die Gattung Phalacropterix wird revidiert, Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel zu den Arten gegeben und P. fritschi sp. n. beschrieben. Der taxonomische Status von P. calberlae (Heylaerts, 1890) und P. apiformis f. siculella (Bruand, 1852) wird diskutiert. Es wird empfohlen, siculella als Farbvariante von P. apiformis zu betrachten. Résumé. Le genre Phalacropterix est révisé. Un clef pour les espèces est donné et P. fritschi sp. n. est décrit. le statue taxonomique de P. calberlae (Heylaerts, 1890) et P. apiformis f. siculella (Bruand, 1852) est discuté. Il est recommandé de considérer siculella comme forme de coloration de P. apiformis. K e y wo r d s . Lepidoptera, Psychidae, Algarve, Phalacropterix fritschi.