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Oral toxicity of essential oils and organic acids fed to honey bees (Apis mellifera)

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Apicultural Research

Abstract and Figures

Natural plant products have been studied for potential use as in-hive fumigants for suppression of parasitic mites and other pests. A more direct application through direct feeding of bees would avoid problems with fumigant volatility in cold climates and provide a more systemic route of exposure for the target pest. However, there must be a balance between toxicity to hive pests and toxicity (safety) to the bees. We focused on adult bee toxicity when testing ten products: cineole, clove oil, formic acid, marjoram oil, menthol, oregano oil, oxalic acid, sage oil, thymol, and wintergreen. Each product was tested at several concentrations in a sugar syrup fed to bees over several days, and dead bees were counted daily. Oxalic acid was the most toxic of the products tested. Menthol and cineole had mortality levels no different from controls fed plain syrup after 8 days of treatment. At 14 days of treatment, wintergreen was the least toxic, but neither menthol nor cineole were a part of the testing that went to 14 days. Our results indicate that the tested products could all be used safely for treating bees orally if dose is carefully managed in the hive.
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Oral toxicity of essential oils and organic
acids fed to honey bees (Apis mellifera).
Timothy A Ebert1*, Peter G Kevan2, Bert L Bishop3, Sherrene D Kevan2, and Roger A Downer1
1Laboratory for Pest Control Application Technology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University,
1680 Madison Ave. Wooster, OH 44691, USA.
2Enviroquest Ltd., 352 River Road, Cambridge, ON N3C 2B7, Canada.
3Computing and Statistical Services, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University, 1680 Madison
Ave. Wooster, OH 44691, USA.
Received 27 March 2007, accepted subject to revision 8 June 2007, accepted for publication 17 June 2007.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Natural plant products have been studied for potential use as in-hive fumigants for suppression of parasitic mites and other pests.
A more direct application through direct feeding of bees would avoid problems with fumigant volatility in cold climates and provide
a more systemic route of exposure for the target pest.However, there must be a balance between toxicity to hive pests and toxicity
(safety) to the bees. We focused on adult bee toxicity when testing ten products: cineole, clove oil, formic acid,marjoram oil,
menthol, oregano oil, oxalic acid, sage oil, thymol, and wintergreen. Each product was tested at several concentrations in a sugar
syrup fed to bees over several days, and dead bees were counted daily. Oxalic acid was the most toxic of the products tested.
Menthol and cineole had mortality levels no different from controls fed plain syrup after 8 days of treatment. At 14 days of
treatment, wintergreen was the least toxic, but neither menthol nor cineole were a part of the testing that went to 14 days. Our
results indicate that the tested products could all be used safely for treating bees orally if dose is carefully managed in the hive.
Toxicidad oral de aceites esenciales y ácidos orgánicos en la
alimentación de la abeja de la miel (Apis mellifera)
Los productos naturales de plantas han sido estudiados para su uso potencial como agentes fumigantes de represión de ácaros
parásitos y otras plagas. Una aplicación más directa a través de la alimentación de las abejas evitaría problemas como la volatilidad de
los fumigantes en climas fríos y proporcionaría una vía más sistémica de exposición para las plagas. Sin embargo, debe haber un
equilibrio entre la toxicidad para las plagas y la toxicidad (seguridad) para las abejas. Nosotros nos hemos centrado en la toxicidad
sobre abejas adultas de diez productos: eucaliptol, aceite de clavo, ácido fórmico, aceite de mejorana, mentol, aceite de orégano,
ácido oxálico, aceite de salvia, timol y aceite esencial de wintergreen (salicilato de metilo).Cada producto fue probado con
diferentes concentraciones en un jarabe de glucosa que alimentó a las abejas durante varios días, las abejas muertas fueron contadas
diariamente. El ácido oxálico fue el producto más tóxico de todos los analizados. El mentol y el eucaliptol presentaron niveles de
mortalidad similares a los controles, que fueron alimentados únicamente con jarabe después de 8 días de tratamiento. Tras 14 días
de tratamiento, el aceite esencial wintergreen fue el menos tóxico, pero ni el mentol ni el eucaliptol se incluyeron en el análisis a los
14 días. Nuestros resultados indican que todos los productos testados pueden ser utilizados con seguridad por vía oral para el
tratamiento de las abejas si la dosis es administrada cuidadosamente en la colmena.
Keywords: Medicaments, oral toxicity, natural plant products, mortality, miticides, protectants
Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World 46(4):220–224 (2007) © IBRA 2007
Oral toxicity of essential oils and organic acids fed to honey bees 221
Various essential oils and organic acids have been evaluated as
materials to manage mite populations afflicting honey bees. In
general, these products are proposed to be used as in-hive
fumigants (Imdorf et al. 1999) or as contact treatments (Amrine
et al. 1996). In-hive fumigants have the disadvantage of needing
warmth for sublimation or evaporation, and therefore they are
less effective in colder weather (Scott-Dupree & Otis 1992).
Nevertheless, organic acids like formic acid, and essential oils like
thymol, have been found to be effective in management against
mite pests in honey bee hives (Imdorf et al. 1999). Oral
application circumvents the problems of fumigation in cold
weather, but this application strategy has been mostly neglected.
Menthol can be administered orally to honey bees, in
microencapsulated formulation, with beneficial effects in
suppressing population growth of tracheal mites (Acarapis woodi)
(Kevan et al. 1997;2003). If essential oils and organic acids are to
be considered as potential medicaments, rather than fumigants,
one must be sure that the target animals (e.g. honey bees) are
not poisoned. As with the research on menthol, we investigated
oral toxicity of various essential oils and organic acids with the
aim of assessing the potential problem of poisoning the patients
with the active ingredient of the medicine (Kevan et al. 1999). As
a control, we also used a plant compound, amygdalin, known to
be poisonous to honey bees (Kevan & Ebert 2005), and
reassessed menthol as a compound known to be innocuous to
honey bees (Kevan et al. 1999). Menthol provides a positive
control that is useful in evaluating the toxicity of other
This research was on the toxicity of various natural plant
compounds to honey bees with the intent to use these
compounds to treat hives for various hive pest problems. It is
likely that such treatments will involve exposing the colony to the
compound for weeks or months. It is therefore necessary to
assess how both the dose and the length of exposure influence
Materials and Methods
Honey bees (Apis mellifera ligustica) were obtained from hives at
the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
(OARDC) Honey bee Lab, and placed in cages similar to those
used by Kulencevic & Rothenbuhler (1973), and previously
described in Kevan & Ebert (2005). Each cage had an average of
48 bees (+/-15 S. D.; range 20–134). Fed bees were given sugar
syrup (69% sucrose), or a 69% sucrose syrup spiked with one of
10 possible natural plant products: cineole (CAS 470-82-6), clove
oil, formic acid (CAS 64-18-6), marjoram, L-menthol (CAS 2216-
51-5), DL-menthol (CAS 1490-04-6), oregano oil, oxalic acid
(CAS 144-62-7), sage oil, thymol (CAS 89-83-8), or natural
wintergreen oil (CAS 119-36-8). The clove oil was a commercial
extract from Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. (Myrtaceae). The main
chemical components of clove oil are eugenol, eugenol acetate,
iso-eugenol and caryophyllene
( The
oregano oil was a commercial extract from Origanum vulgare L.
(Lamiaceae). The main chemical components are carvacrol,
p-cymene, y-terpinene, and b-caryophyllene (Chorianopoulos et
al. 2004). The marjoram oil was a commercial extract from
Origanum marjorana L. (Lamiaceae). The main chemical
constituents are sabinene, a-terpinene, y-terpinene, p-cymene,
terpinolene, linalool, cis-sabinene hydrate, linalyl acetate, terpinen-
4-ol and y-terpineol (
oils/marjoram.htm). The sage oil was a commercial extract from
Salvia sclarea L. (Lamiaceae). The main chemical components of
sage oil are linalool, a-terpenol, linalyl acetate, neryl acetate, and
sclareol (Pitarokill et al. 2002). All solutions, including the control,
had 5ml ethanol added to bring the total syrup volume to 100ml.
Insoluble potential medicaments were dissolved in the ethanol
first, then mixed with the syrup to bring the volume up to 100ml.
In addition to these treatments, we included an unfed control,
with no food or water. The starvation treatment was necessary
because it was rumored that some of these medicaments would
reduce feeding. We needed a starvation treatment to
differentiate between toxicity and death due to starvation or
Bees were fed ad libitum for the duration of the experiments.
No additional water was provided, except what they could get by
feeding on the syrup solution. We will call this days of treatment
(DOT), since the bees are continually exposed for the entire
duration. Each treatment was replicated four times. Mor tality was
checked daily, and dead bees were removed. Bees were
considered dead when they would no longer move in response
to poking with forceps. At the end of the experiment, the live
bees were frozen and then counted. Cages were kept in open
laboratory conditions that ranged from 17 to 25°C with a R.H.
(Relative Humidity) from 18 to 37%.
We present the results from two tests. The first test
evaluated the toxicity of all potential medicaments every day over
an 8 day period at concentrations of 100 and 1000 ppm. The
second test evaluated the toxicity of clove oil, formic acid, oxalic
acid, oregano oil, and sage oil along with a fed and a starved
control over a 14 day period. Potential medicament
concentrations in the second test were at 100, 500, 1000, 5000,
10000, and 100000 ppm. Note; the 100000 ppm solutions for all
potential medicaments tended to separate, or crystals developed
in the solution. It is likely that the bees never experienced a
potential medicament at 100000 ppm, even though we tried
mixing the potential medicament back into the sugar syrup by
shaking up the bottles once per day. Also note that we tested
both D and DL menthol because sometimes a particular isomer
is more toxic than others. However, we could not find any
evidence of such a difference in the toxicity of these products.
Therefore, our discussion of menthol will be the results from the
combined data of the L-menthol and DL-menthol treatments.
Data were analyzed in SAS using a time-dose-mortality
analyses and probit analyses. The time-dose-mortality model was
a complimentary log-log model using a SAS program that was
written as an implementation of the work by Priesler & Robinson
(1989). However, the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test
(Nowierski et al. 1996) was highly significant for all models. We
suggest that this lack-of-fit was caused by long tails in the data.
When individual time intervals were of special interest, we used
222 Ebert, Kevan,Bishop, Kevan, Downer
Proc Probit to estimate the LD50 values for that day. Although the
Proc Probit corrected for control mortality, the results from the
time-dose-mortality analysis did not correct for control mortality.
For this reason, the time-dose-mortality analysis overestimates
the toxicity of these products.
We have included the results from the amygdalin (known to be
toxic to honey bees) trials for comparison (Kevan & Ebert 2003).
Relative to amygdalin, all of the materials we tested were
innocuous. Although oxalic acid is quite toxic relative to the other
materials (Table 1), Table 2 shows it to be somewhat less than
half as toxic as amygdalin on a molecule per molecule basis.
Starved bees do not live long, with 40% dying in the first 24
H, and all the bees dead within four days (Table 1). No other
treatment had higher first day mortality rates. High
concentrations of oxalic acid were the most toxic treatment, and
differed from the starvation treatment by having relatively low
first day mortality. Mortality was 100% at the highest oxalic acid
concentration, but bees at the lowest concentration only had
about 60% mortality after 14 days (there was 40% mortality in
the controls by this time). The second most toxic was formic acid,
for which the last survivors died eight days post treatment at the
highest concentration tested. However, mor tality was only 30%
after 14 days at the lowest concentration. A few other potential
medicaments also showed high mortality levels at the maximum
concentration tested. In contrast to these products, we conclude
that cineole, menthol, marjoram, and thymol are non-toxic to
bees because their mortality levels never exceeded background
mortality at any concentration tested (Table 2).
All products tested were much less toxic than amygdalin on a
molecular basis. Although the LT50 for oxalic acid and amygdalin
are similar, it takes over twice the number of molecules of oxalic
acid to achieve an equivalent level of toxicity (Table 2). However,
when comparing LD50s at 8 days of treatment (DOT), oxalic acid
appears more toxic (Table 3). The reason the model is non-
significant (α<_0.01) in this case is because mor tality in all
treatments was too high and too variable (average mortality in
lowest dose was 50% +/- 40% S. D.). The reason the model for
sage is also non-significant (α<_0.01) is because, even at the
highest dose, mortality was only 60% +/- 40% S. D.
The critical feature in the potential utility of all these products
is their long term effects on bee health. This was assessed by
keeping bees in the cages as long as possible. Treatment with sage
oil resulted in highly variable mortality, for which we have no
explanation. Oxalic acid, with the lowest LD50 value, was most
toxic and wintergreen was the least (Table 4).
All LD50 levels decline over time. However, most show a rapid
decline in LD50 values within the first few days, followed by a
leveling off. In part this trend reflects ever increasing levels of
background mortality. However, most cages of bees had a few
individuals that lived many days longer than their sisters. This
made the tails of the mortality distribution long, and probably
accounted for most of the significance in the lack-of-fit tests.
Day 1 Number
Potential Average Average % mortality of Bees
Medicament % mortality 1000 ppm 100,000 ppm*Tested
Amygdalin 0 79** 221
Cineole 2 11 214
Clove oil 3 28 96 927
Control – fed 1 10 40 1189
Control – unfed 46 100*** 100*** 495
Formic acid 1 33 100 1438
Marjoram oil 2 34 308
Menthol DL 1 25 256
Menthol L 1 21 239
Oregano oil 1 41 92 953
Oxalic acid 6 96 100 1217
Sage oil 3 21 87 1289
Thymol 8 43 201
Wintergreen 1 24 99 1308
Table 1. Twenty four hour mortality and average mortality at 8 days and 14 days exposure (DOT) for various essential oils and
organic acids fed to honey bees, together with the total number of bees tested (sum of all replicates and dosages).
*Cells with missing data are left blank. ** Dosage for amygdalin was 2250 ppm. *** All bees were dead in 4 days.
Oral toxicity of essential oils and organic acids fed to honey bees 223
Table 2. Estimated LT50 for potential medicaments at 1000 ppm. In this analysis, data from tests 1 and 2 were combined to estimate
the LT50. Except as noted, all terms in the models were significant (α<_0.01), and all lack-of-fit tests were also significant (α<_0.01).
Material Molarity*LT 50 Lower 95% Upper 95%
in days Fudicial Fudicial
Limit Limit
Amygdalin** 0.0049 4.6 3.0 6.3
Cineole 0.0065 NS
Clove Oil 11.2 10.2 12.8
Controls – Fed 17.0 15.9 18.7
Controls – unfed 1.9 1.7 2.1
Formic Acid 0.0217 11.8 8.1 30.3
Marjoram Oil 27.0 15.0 3935.0
Menthol 0.0064 NS
Oregano Oil 10.8 9.9 12.1
Oxalic Acid 0.0111 4.8 2.6 5.9
Sage Oil 11.5 10.6 12.7
Thymol 0.0067 NS
Wintergreen 0.0029 14.4 12.6 17.7
NS = no significant model. Mortality in these tests did not reach 50%, so accurate estimates cannot be made.
* These plant extracts are blends of several compounds so it is not possible to calculate the molarity of each component.
** Amygdalin concentration was 2,250 ppm, the lowest concentration tested by Kevan and Ebert (2005).
Table 3. Estimated LD50 for the tested essential oils and organic acids at 8 Days exposure (DOT).
Material LD50 Lower 95% Upper 95%
in ppm Fudicial Fudicial
Limit Limit
Amygdalin 1600 1300 1800
Clove Oil 7800 2300 18100
Formic Acid 5600 3500 8100
Oregano Oil 14900 0 43400
Oxalic Acid NS
Sage Oil NS
Wintergreen 13500 8500 21700
NS = model non-significant (α<_0.01). Oxalic acid was too toxic and mortality by Sage Oil was too variable.
Table 4. LD50 values 14 days exposure (DOT).
Material LD50 Standard Lower 95% Upper95%
in ppm Error of Fudicial Fudicial
Log10 (dose) Limit Limit
Clove Oil 240 0.1483 80 710
Formic Acid 450 0.0653 280 720
Oregano Oil 600 0.1327 230 1620
Oxalic Acid 80 0.0635 50 130
Sage Oil*NS
Wintergreen 800 0.0632 500 1270
*dose was not a significant variable in the time-dose-mortality model.
Looking at mortality in Table 1, we conclude that wintergreen,
menthol, sage oil, and cineole all are relatively innocuous, and that
marjoram oil is quite benign. At the other extreme, oxalic acid
and, as expected, amygdalin were the most toxic, and has the
potential to cause high levels of mortality if the dosage is high.
These results also demonstrate that development of hive
treatment protocols require balancing the exposure time and the
dose given to the hive. Our results are sufficient for dosing bees
for up to 14 days, but we expect that dosage would have to be
more limited if the exposure period is lengthened. If continuous
dosing is the best treatment option, then additional research
would be needed to assess toxicity during the over-wintering
period and the effects these products may have on egg laying
viability of the queen, and development of larvae. However, all of
these products have a low enough toxicity that they could be
used as ingested medicines (rather than fumigants) with minimal
effects on the hive. Clearly, the next phase is to determine if safe
doses of these products can be fed to bees to effectively manage
hive pests, and whether it is better to shock the hive with a short
term massive dose, or to try long term exposures at low dosages.
We would like to caution readers that these results are most
relevant to adult worker health. It is possible that the adult
workers could feed the medicaments to larvae, and that the
larvae may be more sensitive. It is also possible that the
medicaments fed to the queen or drones could affect their
reproductive capacity. However, exposure of these individuals is
buffered through the workers. Unless the only source of food for
the entire hive is the treated sugar water, there will be a dilution
effect where the treated sugar water is mixed in the hive with
nectar from outside sources. A queen that gets one drop of
treated syrup from one worker followed by a droplet of nectar
from outside the hive is effectively consuming a nectar at half the
dosage of the treated syrup. Consequently, workers will be
exposed to greater dosages of these medicaments than will other
members of the hive. Therefore, testing the toxicity of the
medicaments to the workers is a natural first step, and it may be
the only necessary step unless other problems occur as these
products are developed.
We thank SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) of the
United States Department of Agriculture for support to Robert
A. Stevens and Betterbee Inc. (Greenwich, NY). Alison Skinner
and team of the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association assisted with
bee wrangling and technical instruction. Jim Tew and the Ohio
State University Honey bee Lab supplied the bees for the
research in Wooster. Rebecca Eber t provided additional
laboratory support in Wooster.
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224 Ebert, Kevan,Bishop, Kevan, Downer
... Boncristiani et al. [43] reported that thymol had increased the susceptibility of bees to N. ceranae infection through the reduced expression of the Dscam and Basket genes, which are significant cellular and humoral immune factors, respectively, in defending bees from parasites [44,45]. In several studies, treatment with thymol (orally or topically) did not induce toxic effects on bees [42,46,47], and bees even lived longer compared with the control [47]. These data together with earlier observations on the low toxicity of thymol [48], as well as its importance for beekeeping, led to thymol's approval by the European Union [49] for the control of the honey bee mite V. destructor in conventional and organic beekeeping [28,37]. ...
... The number of dead bees between the control group NI and each group treated with thymol was not statistically significantly different (p ≥ 0.095). This result is in accordance with those of Ebert et al. [46], Costa et al. [47], and Bergougnoux et al. [42], who found that thymol was not toxic to bees. Nevertheless, according to EU Regulation 834/2007 on organic production [49], thymol is authorized for use in Varroa control in organic beekeeping. ...
... Initial studies of the effect of thymol on bees infected with Varroa mites [31,46,68] did not report negative effects of thymol on bees. However, further research reported some negative effects of thymol on bees [43,[69][70][71], which was one of the reasons for our research. ...
Full-text available
Nosema ceranae is the most widespread microsporidian species which infects the honey bees of Apis mellifera by causing the weakening of their colonies and a decline in their productive and reproductive capacities. The only registered product for its control is the antibiotic fumagillin; however, in the European Union, there is no formulation registered for use in beekeeping. Thymol (3-hydroxy-p-cymene) is a natural essential-oil ingredient derived from Thymus vulgaris, which has been used in Varroa control for decades. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thymol supplementation on the expression of immune-related genes and the parameters of oxidative stress and bee survival, as well as spore loads in bees infected with the microsporidian parasite N. ceranae. The results reveal mostly positive effects of thymol on health (increasing levels of immune-related genes and values of oxidative stress parameters, and decreasing Nosema spore loads) when applied to Nosema-infected bees. Moreover, supplementation with thymol did not induce negative effects in Nosema-infected bees. However, our results indicate that in Nosema-free bees, thymol itself could cause certain disorders (affecting bee survival, decreasing oxidative capacity, and downregulation of some immune-related gene expressions), showing that one should be careful with preventive, uncontrolled, and excessive use of thymol. Thus, further research is needed to reveal the effect of this phytogenic supplement on the immunity of uninfected bees.
... In addition, clove bud oil negatively affects P. larvae (Calderone et al., 1994;Chaimanee et al., 2017) and V. destructor Maggi et al., 2010). Honey bee tolerance to this oil is lower than to cinnamon oil, which is consistent with the findings from , but higher than oxalic and formic acid (Ebert et al., 2007), which are commonly used as acaricides in bee hives. Its main component is eugenol (62.6%), but it also contains a higher amount of acethyleugenol (31.7%). ...
Ascosphaera apis is a worldwide spread fungal pathogen that invades the honey bee brood and causes chalkbrood disease. In many countries, its control with fungicides is banned due to residue contamination of bee products and health risk. Since then, there is no alternative treatment. In this study, an antifungal activity of 10 essential oils or their components has been investigated. The agar dilution method showed considerable differences between its antifungal activity with the best results exhibited by thyme oil (MIC 50 = 57.7 µL/L) followed by cedarwood oil (MIC 50 = 64.9 µL/L), thyme (MIC 50 = 82.5 µL/L), clove bud oil (MIC 50 = 114.2 µL/L), and cinnamon oil (MIC 50 = 136.6 µL/L). These botanical compounds have also been tested using a honey bee tolerance by complete exposure method. The oil tolerated the most by honey bees was from cedarwood (LC 50 = 33.4 µL). The composition and quantity of main components of the oils mentioned above were determined by GC-MS/MS. Thymol is responsible for the antifungal activity of thyme oil, whereas, in clove bud and cinnamon oil, the main component is eugenol. Cedarwood oils contain primarily gama and alpha cendrene. The results suggest the analyzed compounds can be used to control multiple honey bee pathogens simultaneously due to their broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and enhanced efficacy by synergistic effect.
... The authors believe that in addition to thymol, the oregano oil, cloves oil, and menthol are products that can represent an alternative in the control of V. destructor. Ebert et al. [49] tested clove oil, cineole, formic acid, marjoram oil, menthol, oregano oil, oxalic acid, sage oil, thymol, and wintergreen on the toxicity of adult bees. Each product was incorporated in different concentrations (100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, and 100,000 ppm) in the sugar syrup used in bee feeding for 8 and 14 days. ...
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Bees are the most important pollinators of agricultural plants. The decline of bee colonies is caused by a multitude of factors of which diseases, pesticides, and climate change seem to be the most important. Losses can be huge when several factors act together. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of alternative sources such as medicinal plants in the form of extracts or essential oils. The purpose of our research was to evaluate the economic efficiency of the use of essential oils of basil (Ocimum basilicum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum veruum), clove (Syzgium aromaticum), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), oregano (Oreganum vulgare), mint (Mentha piperita), rosemary (Rosmarius officinalis), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) in the additional feeding of bee colonies in the spring. Ninety colonies of Apis mellifera bees were used, which were additionally fed with sugar syrup and one of the essential oils. Our results showed strong positive correlations between the total number of germs in the gut of worker bees and the number of brood cells when using the essential oil of oregano (Oreganum vulgare) (R2 = 0.786) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) (R2 = 0.729), and between the total number of germs and the yield of honey obtained at the first harvest in the case of the essential oil of basil (Ocimum basilicum) (R2 = 1), mint (Mentha piperita) (R2 = 0.718), oregano (Oreganum vulgare) (R2 = 0.621), and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L) (R2 = 0.859). The best profit from the sale of honey was obtained in the case of the use of essential oils of mint, oregano, thyme, and basil, in a range of EUR 139.16–144.73/bee colony.
... It results that after the treatment the bees cannot fly outside and rid themselves of residues of acaricides and forage water if needed. Most of the widely applied acaricides (oxalic acid, formic acid, thymol, coumaphos, amitraz, tau-fluvalinate) are toxic to bees (Al Naggar et al., 2016;Charpentier et al., 2014;Coffey & Breen, 2016;Dahlgren et al., 2012;Gashout & Guzm an-Novoa, 2009;Gregorc et al., 2004;Hatjina & Haristos, 2005;Ebert et al., 2007;Imdorf et al., 1999;Pietropaoli & Formato, 2019;Rademacher & Harz, 2006;Terpin et al., 2019;Toomemaa et al., 2010). The detrimental effect of these compounds comes into effect if colonies are treated with doses above recommendations, but their delayed toxic impact may persist long after acaricide treatment has ceased. ...
We investigated the application of queen caging to prevent autumn brood rearing. In comparative experiments, cages equipped with queen excluders on both sides were used. Only cages of the experimental group were supplied with comb sections. Survival of queens and the influence of various factors on brood rearing in cages and in the nest after the queen had been released were compared. The factors included the position of caged queens in the nest (in the middle or in the periphery), comb sections with empty or honey-filled cells, or with drone cells. The queens did not perish in cages supplied with a worker comb section, but 8% of them perished in cages without it. One queen perished in the cage with drone comb section. The number of colonies rearing brood and the brood area in the nest was higher than those in the cage. There was no correlation between the position of the caged queen in the nest and brood production in the cage and later in the nest. Comb section fullness had no impact on brood rearing in the cage. In cages with a drone comb section, no brood was observed besides eggs, but the total brood area (including eggs) did not differ from the worker comb section group in cages and later in the nest. Caging of the queens on an empty worker comb section for 21 days supports their survival and enables the beekeeper to carry out successful Varroa control earlier in autumn.
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Gaultheria procumbens L. is a medicinal plant whose aerial parts (leaves, stems, and fruits) and methyl salicylate-rich essential oil (wintergreen oil) are used in phytotherapy to treat inflammation, muscular pain, and infection-related disorders. This overview summarises the current knowledge about ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacology, molecular mechanisms, biocompatibility, and traditional use of G. procumbens and the wintergreen oil distilled from different plant organs. Over 70 hydrophilic compounds, including methyl salicylate glycosides, flavonoids, procyanidins, free catechins, caffeoylquinic acids, and simple phenolic acids, have been identified in G. procumbens plant parts. Moreover, aliphatic compounds, triterpene acids, and sterols have been revealed in lipophilic fractions. Furthermore, over 130 volatile compounds have been detected in wintergreen oil with dominating methyl salicylate (96.9–100%). The accumulated research indicates that mainly hydrophilic non-volatiles are responsible for the pharmacological effects of G. procumbens, primarily its potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and photoprotective activity, with mechanisms verified in vitro and ex vivo in cellular and cell-free assays. The biological effectiveness of the dominant methyl salicylate glycoside—gaultherin—has also been confirmed in animals. Wintergreen oil is reported as a potent anti-inflammatory agent exhibiting moderate antioxidant and antimicrobial activity in vitro and significant insecticidal and larvicidal capacity. Together, G. procumbens accumulate a diverse fraction of polyphenols, triterpenes, and volatiles with validated in vitro and ex vivo biological activity but with the absence of in vivo studies, especially clinical trials concerning effective dose determination and toxicological verification and technological research, including drug formulation.
Trypanosomatid gut parasites are common in pollinators and costly for social bees. The recently described honey bee trypanosomatid Lotmaria passim is widespread, abundant, and correlated with colony losses in some studies. The potential for amelioration of infection by antimicrobial plant compounds has been thoroughly studied for closely related trypanosomatids of humans and is an area of active research in bumble bees, but remains relatively unexplored in honey bees. We recently identified several floral volatiles that inhibited growth of L. passim in vitro. Here, we tested the dose-dependent effects of four such compounds on infection, mortality, and food consumption in parasite-inoculated honey bees. We found that diets containing the monoterpenoid carvacrol and the phenylpropanoids cinnamaldehyde and eugenol at >10-fold the inhibitory concentrations for cell cultures reduced infection, with parasite numbers decreased by >90% for carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde and >99% for eugenol; effects of the carvacrol isomer thymol were non-significant. However, both carvacrol and eugenol also reduced bee survival, whereas parasite inoculation did not, indicating costs of phytochemical exposure that could exceed those of infection itself. To our knowledge, this is the first controlled screening of phytochemicals for effects on honey bee trypanosomatid infection, identifying potential treatments for managed bees afflicted with a newly characterized, cosmopolitan intestinal parasite.
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With an almost global distribution, Varroa destuctor is the leading cause of weakening and loss of honey bee colonies. New substances are constantly being tested in order to find those that will exhibit high anti-Varroa efficacy at low doses/concentrations, without unwanted effects on bees. Lithium (Li) salts stood out as candidates based on previous research. The aims of this study were to evaluate Li citrate hydrate (Li-cit) for its contact efficacy against Varroa, but also the effect of Li-cit on honey bees by estimating loads of honey bee viruses, expression levels of immune-related genes and genes for antioxidative enzymes and oxidative stress parameters on two sampling occasions, before the treatment and after the treatment. Our experiment was performed on four groups, each consisting of seven colonies. Two groups were treated with the test compound, one receiving 5 mM and the other 10 mM of Li-cit; the third received oxalic acid treatment (OA group) and served as positive control, and the fourth was negative control (C group), treated with 50% w/v pure sucrose-water syrup. Single trickling treatment was applied in all groups. Both tested concentrations of Li-cit, 5 and 10 mM, expressed high varroacidal efficacy, 96.85% and 96.80%, respectively. Load of Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus significantly decreased (p < 0.01) after the treatment in group treated with 5 mM of Li-cit. In OA group, loads of Acute Bee Paralysis Virus and Deformed Wing Virus significantly (p < 0.05) increased, and in C group, loads of all viruses significantly (p < 0.01 or p < 0.001) increased. Transcript levels of genes for abaecin, apidaecin, defensin and vitellogenin were significantly higher (p < 0.05—p < 0.001), while all oxidative stress parameters were significantly lower (p < 0.05—p < 0.001) after the treatment in both groups treated with Li-cit. All presented results along with easy application indicate benefits of topical Li-cit treatment and complete the mosaic of evidence on the advantages of this salt in the control of Varroa.
Nosema ceranae is a microsporidium parasite that silently affects honey bees, causing a disease called nosemosis. This parasite produces resistant spores and germinates in the midgut of honey bees, extrudes a polar tubule that injects an infective sporoplasm in the host cell epithelium, proliferates, and produces intestinal disorders that shorten honey bee lifespan. The rapid extension of this disease has been reported to be widespread among adult bees, and treatments are less effective and counterproductive weakening colonies. This work aimed to evaluate the antifungal activity of a prototype formulation based on a non-toxic plant extract (HO21-F) against N. ceranae. In laboratory, honey bees were infected artificially, kept in cages for 17 days and samples were taken at 7 and 14 days post infection (dpi). At the same time, in field conditions we evaluated the therapeutic effect of HO21-F for 28 days in naturally infected colonies. The effectiveness of the treatment has been demonstrated by a reduction of 83.6% of the infection levels observed in laboratory conditions at concentrations of 0.5 and 1 g/L without affecting the survival rate. Besides, in-field conditions we reported a reduction of 88% of the infection level at a concentration of 2.5 g/L, obtaining better antifungal effectiveness in comparison to other commercially available treatments. As a result, we observed that the use of HO21-F led to an increase in population size and honey production, both parameters associated with colony strength. The reported antifungal activity of HO21-F against N. ceranae, with a significant control of spore proliferation in worker bees, suggests the promising commercial application use of this product against nosemosis, and it will encourage new research studies to understand the mechanism of action, whether related to the spore-inhibition effect and/or a stimulating effect in natural response of colonies to counteract the disease.
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Recently, there has been an increasing demand for natural, healthy, and safe products without residual antibiotics for human consumption, particularly bee products. Beekeepers have been struggling with this problem many years, having in mind often occurrence of American foulbrood, which is one of the most severe honey bee brood diseases, and till now have been successfully eradicated with heavy usage of antibiotics. Such controlled, or mostly uncontrolled usage of antibiotics in fighting against American foulbrood lead to a residual quantity of antibiotic in honey. To overcome this problem, this research aimed to investigate the influence of single essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) compared to antibiotics in honey bee production on the prevention of American foulbrood. Totally three treatments were formed artificially infected with P. larvae spore suspension, at concentration 2×109 spore/ml. The course of the disease was regularly monitored. Treatment one (T1) did not receive antibiotic therapy. Treatment two (T2) was given lavender essential oil at a concentration of 0.1% of sugar syrup. The treatment was applied for 30 days, at 48h intervals. Treatment three (T3) received antibiotics in the sugar syrup at a concentration of 0.1%, respectively. Clinical and laboratory examinations were performed on days 10, 20, 40 and 60, respectively. Besides, L. angustifolia essential oil rich in Ethanol, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)- (13.05%), linalool (10.71%), α-Terpinyl acetate (10.93%) and linalool acetate (9.60%), showed its positive effects against antibiotics in combat of American foulbrood, further research with a specifically designed qualitative and quantitative mixture of essential oils are more than necessary because single essential oil is not enough and didn’t show expected results.
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A number of plants produce nectar or pollen that contains toxins which can adversely affect honey bees. Almond (Amygdalus communis L. (Rosaceae)) produces amygdalin, a toxic cyanoglycoside, in its nectar and pollen. Although beekeepers regard almond as a valuable nectar and pollen plant, and honey bees are deployed extensively for almond pollination, prolonged reliance on almond may be detrimental to honey bees' health. Our results suggest that almond nectar is not sufficiently rich in amygdalin to pose a hazard, but that almond pollen could be toxic if exclusively consumed by honey bees for much more than a week. Further tests are needed to determine if honey bees in almond orchards are at risk, or if they somehow cope with the toxin.
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Tracheal mites, Acarapis woodi (Rennie) (Acari: Tarsonemidae), are important parasites of honeybees, Apis mellifera L. (Morse and Flottum 1997). They enter the prothoracic tracheae and feed through the walls on haemolymph. Currently, these mites are controlled by applying 50 g of menthol crystals in a perforated bag per hive when ambient temperatures are 15°C or more. Even then, it takes 2 weeks for the menthol to perfuse the hive (Herbert et al. 1988; Wilson et al. 1990). In cold climates, sublimation of menthol is too slow to be effective in controlling mites, especially in spring and fall when control is most needed (Scott-Dupree and Otis 1992). Because menthol fumes enter the bees' trachea and kill the mites therein, it may be possible to kill the mites with menthol that is delivered to them via the haemolymph. Therefore, finding if menthol could become systemic when ingested by bees and it could kill tracheal mites by that route, an ingestible menthol medicament for the bees would hold potential for mite control (Kevan and Kevan 1997).
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Mortality of last instar western spruce bud worm, Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman, exposed to a series of increasing doses (topical application) or concentrations (diet incorporation) of 10 insecticides was analyzed over 7 d by time-dose-mortality regression. Regression based on the complementary log-log model was useful for analyzing time trends for all dose levels simultaneously. Each of the 10 insecticides acted more quickly when applied topically. In both kinds of experiments, speed of lethal action of the insecticides depended on dose or concentration. The statistical methods developed to estimate lethal doses as functions of time and median times of death as functions of dose are more efficient than methods published previously.
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Essential oils and essential oil components offer an attractive alternative to synthetic acaricides for the control of Varroa jacobsoni. They are generally inexpensive and most pose few health risks. Terpenes (mainly monoterpenes) are the main components of essential oils, comprising about 90 % of the total. More than 150 essential oils and components of essential oils have been evaluated in laboratory screening tests. Very few of them, however, have proven successful when tested in field trials. Thymol and thymol blended with essential oils or essential oil components offer a promising exception. Mite mortality obtained with these formulations typically exceeds 90 % and often approaches 100 %. In addition, residues in honey are low, even after long-term treatments. The exact conditions under which these formulations will yield reliable and effective control, however, have only been determined for certain European regions. Based on the available studies, relying solely on a single treatment with an essential oil or essential oil component is generally not sufficient to maintain mite populations below the economic injury level. Therefore, efforts are necessary to optimize the use of these substances and to incorporate them, along with other measures for limiting mite populations, into an integrated pest management strategy for control of Varroa jacobsoni. © Inra/DIB/AGIB/ Elsevier, Paris
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Four miticides in various formulations and concentrations were applied in a fall treatment program to honey bee colonies infested with Acarapis woodi. The miticides tested were menthol, Amitraz, fluvalinate (Apistan®), and cymiazole (Apitol®). None of the miticides significantly reduced mite prevalence in treated colonies relative to the control treatment. Additional studies should be undertaken in temperate climates to determine whether the efficacy of the miticides tested in this study can be improved by administering them at other time during the year or by adjusting dosages rates to improve their efficacy when applied to infested colonies during a fall management program.
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A complementary log-log (CLL) model was used to model time-dose-mortality relationships from bioassay tests of 26 fungal isolates mostly from Madagascar, Africa, against three acridid species, all referred to here as "grasshoppers." The fungal pathogens included 15 isolates of Beauveria bassiana, 9 isolates of Metarhizium flavoviridae, and 2 isolates of Paecilomyces spp. Grasshopper species tested included Melanoplus sanguinipes, Locusta migratoria migratorioides, and Schistocerca gregaria. The scaled deviance, mean deviance, Pearson X2 statistic, Hosmer-Lemeshow (H-L) C statistic, and three-dimensional time-dose-mortality graphs were used to assess extra-binomial variation, data points that were potential outliers, conformance of the scaled deviance statistic and Pearson's X2 statistic to a chi2 distribution, and the fit of the CLL model. The H-L C statistic also was found to be useful in showing the goodness of fit of the CLL model for the fungal isolates prior to modeling the extra-binomial variation. After the extra-binomial variation was modeled using Williams' method, the slope from maximum likelihood estimation, modified log(LD50) estimates (which were corrected for background mortality using the CLL model), a dynamic ranking of the log(LD50) values over time, and a three-dimensional plot of time, dose, and mortality of the three grasshopper species were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the fungal isolates. In general, the CLL model provided a rather poor fit of the fungal isolates which had a large number of replicate trials in the bioassay tests (i.e., a large sample size) due to extra-binomial variation. The CLL model provided an excellent fit of the time-dose-mortality relationships of such isolates after the extra-binomial variation was modeled and included in the CLL model. Metarhizium isolates MFV and SP5 were found to be the most virulent isolates tested against M. sanguinipes, followed by Metarhizium isolates: SP8, SP7, SP9, SP6, and SP1, and Beauveria isolate S33B. Metarhizium isolates SP3, SP5, SP6, and SP9, and Beauveria isolates SP11, SP12, SP13, and SP16 showed higher levels of virulence against L. migratoria migratorioides over more of the time periods tested than the other pathogen isolates examined. Metarhizium isolates SP9 and SP5 were the most effective isolates tested against S. gregaria. In general, the Metarhizium isolates were more virulent against the grasshoppers than the Beauveria isolates, which were more virulent than the Paecilomyces isolates. The CLL model was found to be very useful in describing grasshopper mortality as a function of time and dose. This approach combined with model and fungal isolate assessment statistics will be helpful for determining which pathogen isolates have the greatest potential for controlling grasshoppers and other pests in the future.
Hoarding behaviour was measured in the laboratory by putting 50 newly emerged bees into a small box-like cage and noting the time the bees required to remove 20 ml of sugar syrup from their feeder, some of which was consumed and some stored in their comb. Bees from brood of the same colony usually required similar times; bees from brood of different colonies varied widely. The time required by bees from 21 colonies in these laboratory tests was negatively correlated with the weight gained by the colonies in the field (r = −0.33). It is suggested that the laboratory test may therefore provide an indication of colony hoarding behaviour, which directly affects the weight gained and consequently the honey production by the colony.