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Acoustic surveys reveal hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) and long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) in Yukon


Abstract and Figures

The bat fauna of Alaska and northwestern Canada remains poorly known, principally due to a lack of dedicated surveys. To better assess the diversity of bats in the region, we conducted full-spectrum acoustic surveys at several sites in Yukon, Canada. During our surveys we obtained the 1st acoustic records of Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) and Long-Legged Myotis (Myotis volans) in Yukon. Neither species had been documented previously in the territory, but one or both species were known from adjacent Alaska, British Columbia, and Northwest Territories. Characteristics of certain echolocation calls of Hoary Bats and Long-legged Myotis are difficult to confuse with other species that might also occur in the region. In addition, we made other noteworthy recordings; however, species identification for these other echolocation calls was ambiguous. These 1st records significantly increase our knowledge of the ranges of these bat species in Yukon, Canada. Further acoustic surveys, coupled with live captures, will help us further understand the diversity and distribution of bats in Yukon.
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Acoustic Surveys Reveal Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) and
Long-Legged Myotis (Myotis volans) in Yukon
Author(s): Brian G SloughThomas S JungCori L Lausen
Source: Northwestern Naturalist, 95(3):176-185. 2014.
Published By: Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology
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35 Cronkhite Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S9 Canada;
Yukon Department of Environment, PO Box 2703, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6 Canada
Birchdale Ecological Ltd, PO Box 606, Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0 Canada
ABSTRACT—The bat fauna of Alaska and northwestern Canada remains poorly known,
principally due to a lack of dedicated surveys. To better assess the diversity of bats in the region,
we conducted full-spectrum acoustic surveys at several sites in Yukon, Canada. During our
surveys we obtained the 1st acoustic records of Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) and Long-Legged
Myotis (Myotis volans) in Yukon. Neither species had been documented previously in the territory,
but one or both species were known from adjacent Alaska, British Columbia, and Northwest
Territories. Characteristics of certain echolocation calls of Hoary Bats and Long-legged Myotis are
difficult to confuse with other species that might also occur in the region. In addition, we made
other noteworthy recordings; however, species identification for these other echolocation calls was
ambiguous. These 1st records significantly increase our knowledge of the ranges of these bat
species in Yukon, Canada. Further acoustic surveys, coupled with live captures, will help us
further understand the diversity and distribution of bats in Yukon.
Key words: acoustic survey, biodiversity, Canada, distribution, Hoary Bat, Lasiurus cinereus,
Long-legged Myotis, Myotis volans, Yukon
The bat fauna of Alaska and northwestern
Canada remains poorly known. Lack of dedi-
cated bat surveys using appropriate methods
and technology, and limited voucher specimens
in research museums have constrained our
knowledge regarding the diversity and distri-
bution of bats in this vast region (Parker and
others 1997; Jung and others 2006; Boland and
others 2009). This knowledge is essential in
understanding the role of bats as indicators of
ecosystem health (for example, Jones and others
2009), monitoring the spread and concern about
the impact of introduced disease linked with
white-nose syndrome (for example, Frick and
others 2010), and documenting changes in
geographic ranges that might occur as a result
of climate change (for example, Humphries and
others 2002).
In Yukon, until recently only the Little Brown
Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) was confirmed as
occurring in the territory (Slough and Jung
2007). However, dedicated bat surveys using
echolocation monitoring and live captures have
recently revealed the 1st records of the Northern
Long-eared Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) in the
Liard River watershed (Jung and others 2006;
Lausen and others 2008), and the 1st record of
a bat with echolocation calls similar to the
ambiguous calls of the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus
fuscus) or the Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris
noctivagans; Betts 1998), in southcentral Yukon
(Slough and Jung 2008). Similar recent discov-
eries have been reported from other parts of
Alaska and northwestern Canada due to in-
creased interest and survey efforts (for example,
Parker and Cook 1996; Boland and others 2009;
Grindal and others 2011; Lausen and others
2014). Slough and Jung (2008) reviewed the
diversity and distribution of bats in areas
adjacent to Yukon and determined that several
other species possibly occur in Yukon, including
Keen’s Myotis (M. keenii), Long-eared Myotis
(M. evotis), Long-legged Myotis (M. volans),
Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans),
Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis), and Hoary
Bat (L. cinereus).
The purpose of this study was to increase our
knowledge regarding the diversity and distri-
bution of bats in Yukon, Canada. We used full-
spectrum ultrasound recording devices to
acoustically survey bats at several sites through-
out the territory. Acoustic surveys have been
useful in providing a more complete assessment
of bats, and may be a powerful technique for
detecting uncommon species (for example,
O’Farrell and Gannon 1999; MacSwiney and
others 2008; Furey and others 2009), particularly
those with distinctive echolocation calls (for
example, Hayes and others 2009). In addition,
bat densities appear to be low in the region
(Boland and others 2009), thus acoustic surveys
provide an efficient means to record presence of
species where capture per unit effort in mist-
nets or harp traps is low.
Acoustic surveys were conducted at several
locations in the boreal forest of southern and
central Yukon, Canada in April–October, 2010
to 2012 (Table 1; Fig. 1). All of our survey sites
were at relatively low elevations (approximately
300–600 m ASL), and near local water bodies.
Dominant vegetative cover consisted of forests,
with stands dominated by White Spruce (Picea
glauca), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), Trem-
bling Aspen (Populus tremuloides), or Balsam
Poplar (P. balsamifera). Wetlands and various
types and sizes of water bodies were abundant
in survey areas. Human infrastructure in the
area surrounding survey locations varied but
was generally sparse. The City of Whitehorse
was the largest urban center in the region. Most
survey sites were road-accessible; however,
some remote sites were accessed by boat. To
increase our chances of recording regionally
uncommon species, we avoided sampling with-
in 10 km of known maternity colonies of Little
Brown Myotis.
At each survey site, we used 1 to 2 ultrasound
detectors to passively record full-spectrum
echolocation calls of bats. Full-spectrum record-
ings of bat calls provide complete time-frequen-
cy data, including minimum frequencies, call
duration, slope of call, and harmonics (Ahle
and Baagøe 1999). They also provide time-
amplitude components including frequency
of maximum amplitude and relative energy
among calls and harmonics. Full-spectrum
acoustic parameters may allow better species
TABLE 1. Information on the sites acoustically sampled for bat echolocation calls in summer and fall 2010–
2012 in Yukon, Canada, and summary information on the number of bat echolocation calls recorded at each site.
Site Region – Location
No. of
No. of
No. of
bat calls
Mean no. of
bat calls per
1 McQuesten Airstrip 2011 63.601 2137.561 4 4 158 39.5
2 Dalton Post 2011 60.117 2137.034 15 15 457 30.5
3 Tom Creek 2010 60.301 2129.006 4 4 18 4.5
4 Rantin Lake 2010 60.028 2129.042 1 3 22 7.3
5 Cosh Creek 2012 60.009 2127.824 15 15 98 6.5
6 Smith River
2010 60.078 2127.342 9 18 89 4.9
7 Nisutlin River
2010–2011 60.599 –132.635 15 25 26 1.0
8 Nisutlin Bay 2012 60.162 –132.700 7 7 139 19.9
9 Bennett Lake 2010–2011 60.043 –135.168 5 9 41 4.6
10 Windy Arm 2010–2011 60.093 –134.510 11 29 43 1.5
11 Wolf Creek Cliff 2010–2012 60.584 –134.961 93 107 548 5.1
12 Crater Lake Cliff 2011 60.642 –135.035 8 8 609 76.1
TOTALS 187 244 2248 9.2
Coordinates are approximate for Smith River and Nisutlin River, where multiple sites were sampled along a .20 km stretch of river.
1 detector-night 51 detector sampling for bat echolocation calls for 1 night. In several instances more than 1 detector was used per
night at a site.
FIGURE 1. Locations of sites sampled for echolocation calls of bats in Yukon, Canada, 2010–2012. Site numbers
correspond to those provided in Table 1.
discrimination than other methods such as zero-
crossing (Fenton 2000; Fenton and others 2001).
At each survey site (except before August
2010; Table 1) we used a direct recording
Pettersson D500x ultrasound detector (Petters-
son Elektronik AB, Uppsala, Sweden) to pas-
sively detect, record, and store full-spectrum bat
echolocation calls. In 2010, detectors were
placed on a tripod $1 m above the ground in
uncluttered flyways that were often adjacent to
forest edges near streams or lakes. The detectors
were tilted at an angle of incidence of 30 to 456,
to maximize the chance of recording high-
quality search-phase calls. Survey effort was
continuous throughout the night, and units
were deployed for up to one week at a time at
a survey site. In 2011 and 2012, we attempted to
improve the quantity and quality of bat echo-
location call recordings made by using an
external microphone placed 6 m above the
ground at a 06angle of incidence. Placing the
microphone higher in the air increased the
likelihood of recording high-flying bats and
also further reduced echoes and high-clutter call
recordings from bats flying near the ground.
Prior to August 2012, we used 2 Pettersson
D240x time-expansion ultrasound detectors
to supplement recordings obtained with the
D500x. For all D240x deployments, detectors
were coupled to a digital recorder (Edirol R-09;
Roland Corporation, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka,
Japan) and placed on a tripod in the same
fashion as the D500x. These recorders were also
situated in uncluttered flyways. Calls were
sampled for 1.7 s and time-expanded (10x).
The D240x units recorded for about 2 h after
sunset, by which time the digital storage
medium was full.
Digitally recorded echolocation calls were
viewed and processed in SonoBat (versions
2.9.7 and 3.05) and Kaleidoscope Pro (version
1.1.21; classifier 1.04) acoustic analysis software.
Only search-phase calls of sufficient quality
(non-fragmented) were used in species identifi-
cation. We used 3 methods of identifying
recorded echolocation calls: visual identification
by bat acoustic identification experts; measure-
ment of call parameters and comparison of these
measurements to North American acoustic iden-
tification keys; and automated identification.
Visual identifications were made independently
by 3 analysts with experience determining bats
species from full spectrum recordings (BGS, CLL
and DW Nagorsen). We used two programs for
automated identification (SonoBat and Kaleido-
scope Pro), and we also applied a multivariate
approach (Discriminant Function Analysis,
DFA) to a suite of call parameters, measured in
SonoBat, as an independent species identifica-
tion (for example, Broders and others 2004). Call
parameters (n515) extracted from each call
included: call duration and interval; maximum
and minimum frequency; frequency with the
most energy and frequency of the knee; domi-
nant, steepest, lowest, and total slope of the call;
and frequency of the 1st and 2nd harmonics.
Sonograms of recorded calls were digitally and
visually compared with reference calls and
tabulated echolocation call characteristics from
a call library of identified bats from the western
United States (J Szewszak, Humboldt State
University, unpubl. data). We performed DFA
using SAS 9.2 (Proc DISCRIM; SAS Institute Inc.,
Cary, NC).
During 3 years of acoustic survey, we
recorded 2249 bat echolocation call sequences
during 187 nights (244 detector-nights; 1 detec-
tor monitoring for 1 night 51 detector night).
Many of the surveys (47.1%; 115 detector nights)
were in the vicinity of the City of Whitehorse
(Table 1). Three sites contributed 71.8% of the
echolocation call sequences (Table 1): the largest
percentage of our echolocation calls (n5609;
27.1%) came from the Crater Lake basalt cliffs,
followed by the Wolf Creek basalt cliffs (n5
548; 24.4%) and Dalton Post (n5457; 20.3%).
The Wolf Creek basalt cliffs were sampled more
intensively than other sites, constituting 43.9%
(107 detector nights) of survey effort. Crater
Lake basalt cliffs and Dalton Post contributed
3.3% and 6.2% of the total number of detector
nights, respectively. Most detections (about
99%) were of unidentified species of Myotis,
with the vast majority presumably being Little
Brown Myotis (Table 2).
On 4 August 2010, a high-quality Hoary Bat
echolocation-call sequence was recorded (Fig. 2)
on the Smith River, approximately 135 km east
of Watson Lake, Yukon. The recording location
was at 598 m elevation, in a small sedge
meadow partially surrounded by a closed-
canopy mature White Spruce forest, adjacent to
TABLE 2. Summary of species detected (Yes) and potentially detected (Possibly) at various sampling sites in Yukon. Species that were possibly detected refers to
our inability to determine species identification with certainty, due to absence of species-specific diagnostic traits in the recorded calls. Information on the sites
acoustically sampled for bat echolocation calls in summer and fall 2010–2012 in Yukon, and summary information on the number of bat echolocation calls recorded
at each site are provided in Table 1.
Little Brown
Big Brown
Red Bat
McQuesten Airstrip Yes Possibly – – –
Dalton Post Yes Possibly Possibly – – –
Tom Creek Yes Possibly – – –
Rantin Lake Yes – – –
Cosh Creek Yes Possibly Possibly – – –
Smith River Yes Possibly Possibly Possibly Possibly Possibly Yes
Nisutlin River Yes – – –
Nisutlin Bay Yes Possibly Possibly Possibly
Bennett Lake Yes – – – – Possibly
Windy Arm Yes Possibly – – –
Wolf Creek Cliff Yes Yes Possibly
Crater Lake Cliff Yes – – –
FIGURE 2. Spectrograms and oscillograms of echolocation calls from a Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) recorded
at Smith River on 4 August 2010 (top), and a Long-Legged Myotis (Myotis volans) recorded at the Wolf Creek
basalt cliffs on 16 September 2011 (bottom).
the Smith River. Kaleidoscope Pro identified this
file as Hoary Bat. SonoBat showed consensus
identification (by vote and by sequence classifi-
cation) as Hoary Bat, as did visual analysis by all
3 experts. The shape of the echolocation calls was
of a shallow FM (frequency modulation) type,
and measured parameters were consistent with
those noted by Fenton and others (1983) from
elsewhere in western Canada. Specifically, pulse
durations were 10.7 msec, and the characteristic
and low frequencies ranged from 23.5 to
22.4 kHz, and 21.7 to 21.0 kHz, respectively.
Additionally, the second pulse was visibly lower
in frequency than the first in the sequence, a trait
also common in Hoary Bats. This file was then
analyzed in a DFA. Using step-wise DFA, the
above 3 parameters plus slope were used to
differentiate low-frequency bats in a reference
library collected by CLL. Due to a lack of
homogeneity within covariance matrices, qua-
dratic DFA was performed (Tabachnick and
Fidell 2001). Overall cross-validation error for
Hoary Bat was 14% (7% misidentified as Silver-
haired Bat and 7% misidentified as Big Brown
Bat). The potential Hoary Bat recording was
classified in the DFA as Hoary Bat with 99.94%
On 13 to 19 September 2010 and 16 September
2011, we recorded echolocation call sequences
of Long-legged Myotis (Fig. 2) at the Wolf Creek
basalt cliff site, 16 km southeast of Whitehorse,
Yukon. The recording location was at 774 m
elevation, adjacent to an approximately 150-m-
long by 20-m-high southeast-facing rock cliff
that was surrounded by closed-canopy mature
White Spruce forest adjacent to Wolf Creek.
These calls were of a moderately steep FM-type
(Fig. 1), with moderate pulse duration ($4 msec)
and a characteristic frequency of approximately
40 kHz. Such calls are superficially typical of
those produced by various sympatric species of
Myotis in western Canada. However, Long-
legged Myotis calls tend to be somewhat longer
in pulse duration and less steep than most other
species of Myotis in western Canada (Fenton
and others 1983; Saunders and Barclay 1992).
More importantly, we used a key diagnostic
trait that is occasionally present in Long-legged
Myotis echolocation calls: a short upward
sweep prior to the downward sweep from the
maximum frequency (J Szewczak, Humboldt
State University, unpubl. data; compiled echo-
location call characteristics and reference call
files of identified Long-legged Myotis). We
observed an upsweep in 4 call sequences of this
species (Fig. 1). SonoBat identified this species
with consensus (by vote and sequence classifi-
cation), and the calls were independently
classified as a Long-legged Myotis by all 3
experts. Additionally, Kaleidoscope Pro provid-
ed a positive identification for this species. The
pulse duration was 2.7 to 4.4 msec (n58) and
the characteristic, and low frequencies were 39.0
to 44.9 kHz, and 44.8 to 34.3 kHz, respectively.
Using echolocation calls from acoustic sur-
veys, we provide the 1st records of Hoary Bats
and Long-legged Myotis in Yukon, Canada.
Echolocation calls were reliably ascribed to
these 2 species because calls contained charac-
teristics not observed in calls of other bat species
present in northwestern North America (sensu
Hayes and others 2009). Moreover, our species
identifications relied on both qualitative assess-
ments (based on quantifiable parameters) by 3
biologists with several years of experience
identifying bats from full-spectrum echoloca-
tion calls, and a quantitative classification based
on statistical analysis of call measurements
(SonoBat, DFA) and shapes (Kaleidoscope
Pro). For Hoary Bats, the call duration, charac-
teristic frequency, variation in low frequency,
and call shape set the spectrogram for this
species apart from other bats. Indeed, the
species with a spectrogram most similar to the
uncluttered calls of a Hoary Bat is not a bat, but
the Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabri-
nus), which emits a variety of frequency
modulated vocalizations (Gilley 2013; Murrant
and others 2013). However, arc-whistles of
Northern Flying Squirrels are much longer in
duration (171.2 ±3.9 msec), with a shallower
slope and a lower minimum frequency (15.3 ±
2.8 kHz; Gilley 2013). While Northern Flying
Squirrels are likely common in areas we
surveyed, it would be difficult to confuse a
spectrogram from a Hoary Bat with a Northern
Flying Squirrel based on call duration alone.
Northern Flying Squirrel arc-whistles were
recorded at the Cosh Creek site.
Most Long-legged Myotis echolocation calls
appear quite similar to those of other species of
Myotis, particularly Little Brown Myotis (Saun-
ders and Barclay 1992). However, the call
duration is often longer (Fenton and others
1983), and they sometimes have an upsweep at
the beginning (J Szewczak, Humboldt State
University, unpubl. data, compiled echolocation
call characteristics and reference call files of
identified Long-legged Myotis), which is diag-
nostic. No other species of Myotis are reported
to have this upsweep, giving us a high level of
confidence that we ascribed these echolocation
calls to the correct species.
Our records of Hoary Bats and Long-legged
Myotis in Yukon are not surprising. Slough and
Jung (2007) hypothesized that both Hoary Bats
and Long-legged Myotis occurred in Yukon,
based on distributional records of one or both
species from Alaska, British Columbia, and
Northwest Territories and considering the pau-
city of bat surveys in Yukon. Hoary Bats have
been recorded from Nahanni National Park,
Northwest Territories (Lausen and others 2014),
approximately 200 km to the east of our
recording site. Additionally, individuals were
recorded and captured about 75 km south of
our location at Liard River Hot Springs Provin-
cial Park, British Columbia (Wilkinson and
others 1995; Bradbury and others 1997). We
suspect that Hoary Bats occur widely across
southeastern Yukon, albeit at low densities.
There is a historic record of a Long-legged
Myotis captured in Atlin, British Columbia
(Swarth 1936), about 135 km southeast of where
the species was recorded in Yukon. We suspect
that Long-legged Myotis are restricted in their
distribution in Yukon to local areas in south-
central Yukon, particularly near rock cliffs.
More survey effort is needed to better under-
stand the distribution of Hoary Bats and Long-
legged Myotis in Yukon.
We also obtained recordings potentially rep-
resenting other bat species not previously
recorded in Yukon. Because knowledge of bat
diversity and distribution in northwestern
Canada is poorly known, these observations
may be useful for focusing further survey effort
targeted at recording these species through
captures. For instance, echolocation calls re-
corded at several sampling sites appeared to be
either Long-eared Myotis or Northern Myotis,
based on automatic classification by SonoBat
and Kaleidoscope Pro (Table 2). Detections of
Long-eared Myotis would represent 1st records
for these species in Yukon, and they are
expected to occur in Yukon (Slough and Jung
2007). Detection of Northern Myotis from west
of the Liard River would represent a significant
range extension. Unfortunately, it is difficult to
ascribe passively recorded echolocation calls
to these species with certainty (for example,
Fenton 2000; Fenton and others 2001). Little
Brown Myotis display variation in call charac-
teristics where they forage in clutter (Broders
and others 2004; Wund 2006; Talerico 2008), and
there is also geographic variation in Little
Brown Myotis call structure (Veselka and others
2013), factors which might contribute to mis-
identification by our automated procedures.
Similarly, we obtained recordings near Teslin
that appeared to be the echolocation calls of
either a Big Brown Bat or a Silver-haired Bat
(Table 2). However, Betts (1998) pointed out
that there is a high degree of overlap in the
echolocation calls of these species and potential
for misidentification. We have recorded at least
one of these species in Yukon, but more acoustic
records, and if possible, captures, will be
needed to conclusively determine whether one
or both of these species are found in Yukon.
Finally, at some sites we collected recordings
that were identified by automated software as
Eastern Red Bats (Table 2), but some of their
echolocation calls closely resemble Little Brown
Myotis (Fenton and others 1983; Obrist 1995).
Therefore, we cannot reliably conclude this bat
species occurs in Yukon based on echolocation
calls alone, although it is hypothesized to be
here based on visualization and suspected
acoustic record in the Northwest Territories
(Lausen and others 2014), and recent collection
of several carcasses under newly erected wind
turbines in northeastern British Columbia (Na-
gorsen and Paterson 2012).
Acoustic surveys can be useful in improving
our knowledge of the diversity and distribution
of bats in areas not previously well sampled
(Morrison and others 2010; Grindal and others
2011). For this purpose, however, their utility is
limited to those echolocation calls containing
diagnostic traits that lead to species identifica-
tions with a high level of certainty (Hayes and
others 2009). For calls lacking diagnostic traits
(for example, the Big Brown Bat or Silver-haired
Bat calls recorded during these surveys), audi-
tory evidence alone is not sufficient for deter-
mining species presence (sensu McKelvey and
others 2008). In most cases, acoustic records
need to be substantiated with more reliable
evidence, such as DNA or a specimen, before
presence can be confirmed (McKelvey and
others 2008).
DW Nagorsen kindly reviewed a subset of the
recorded calls and aided in species identification. We
are grateful to L Ash, C Guillemette, PM Kukka, M
McFarlane, TD Pretzlaw, K Schmok and K Slough for
assistance with deploying equipment in the field. PM
Kukka kindly produced the map. Financial support
was provided by a Northern Research Endowment
Fund Grant from the Yukon Research Centre, Yukon
College, the Yukon Department of Environment,
and Environment Canada’s Habitat Stewardship
Program. K Blejwas, LE Olson, and an anonymous
reviewer provided helpful comments that improved
the manuscript.
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Submitted 26 April 2013, accepted 9 April 2014.
Corresponding Editor: Link E Olson.
... Surveys using ultrasonic detectors in the Yukon reported that little brown bats were by far the most common bat species in the territory, with other species present but rarely detected (Slough and Jung, 2008, Jung et al., 2006, Slough et al., 2014, Thomas and Jung, 2019. Little brown bats arrive in the study region in mid-April and adult females form maternity colonies throughout May, to which they exhibit roost-site fidelity (Slough and Jung, 2020). ...
... Next, we ran an autoclassification algorithm to identify bat calls to species or genus level (using the northeast British Columbia regional classifier for Sonobat), and manually vetted all files to ensure accurate separation of Myotis bat calls from non-Myotis calls. Because detection of species other than little brown bats in our region is exceedingly rare (Slough et al., 2014), and because the calls of Myotis bats are difficult to identify to species with certainty (e.g., Jung et al., 1999, Thomas andJung, 2019), we assumed all Myotis-type calls were from little brown bats. As it was not central to our objectives, we did not differentiate calls of different types (e.g., feeding, traveling, social). ...
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Small waterbodies, or ‘ponds’, have an important role in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services, particularly where freshwater sources are limited, such as arid or some urban environments. However, studies that examine the value and use of ponds for terrestrial wildlife are limited. In the boreal forest, aquatic habitats are important drinking and feeding habitat for endangered little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), and their relative value likely varies based on their characteristics, such as size, adjacent land cover type, anthropogenic disturbance, and proximity to other water bodies. We examined the characteristics of ponds used by little brown bats along an urban-rural gradient in Yukon, Canada. We used ultrasonic detectors to sample 99 ponds and generalized linear mixed models to determine whether ponds with certain characteristics received more bat activity than others. We found that ponds are important habitat for little brown bats, as 98% of the ponds we sampled were used. Bats selected ponds based on local rather than landscape level factors, and there was less bat activity at ponds surrounded by additional open water/wetland habitat, which was contrary to our prediction. Ponds that are surrounded by additional open water/wetland habitat may be too exposed for bats at high latitudes where nights are short and not completely dark. Isolated ponds that are darker, such as those surrounded by forest, may be particularly valuable for little brown bats at high latitudes that exhibit risk-sensitive foraging. We suggest that ponds of comparatively high value for endangered little brown bats be further identified and that these ponds and the local surrounding area be protected from development, draining, and degradation. More broadly, recognition and conservation of ponds and their surroundings as key habitat for some species of bats requires further attention. Understanding the characteristics of ponds selected by threatened bats can help inform conservation priorities and measures that ensure the aquatic habitats they may require are maintained in developing landscapes.
... The little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) is the most common bat species in Yukon, Canada, and records of other bat species are rare (Slough et al., 2014(Slough et al., , 2022Slough & Jung, 2008). In Canada, the little brown bat is listed as Endangered on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and is a priority species for the federal government's Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk. ...
... We assumed that the little brown bat was the predominant species recorded since the detection of other bat species, including those in the Myotis spp. phonic group, is rare in Yukon (Slough et al., 2014(Slough et al., , 2022. ...
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Agriculture can threaten the persistence of bat populations by removing forests and wetlands and by intensifying production. Both processes are underway in expanding agricultural landscapes of boreal North America. To inform land planning and agricultural practices aimed at maintaining a viable population of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), we assessed the use by bats of human‐modified (open fields, forest‐field edges, and cleared edges of ponds) and unmodified (forest ponds and forest interior) habitat features in agricultural landscapes in southern Yukon, Canada (60° N–61° N), using acoustic recordings. We summarized bat activity (number of 3‐s acoustic files with ≥1 pass/night) and bat feeding (files with >1 feeding buzz/night) at grouped sets of habitat features (sites) and used generalized linear mixed models to test predictions about relative use of habitats. The active season for bats was late April to early October. Little brown bat feeding was strongly correlated with general activity, but feeding comprised a significantly higher proportion of all activity at forest ponds and forest interiors compared to field edges, open fields, and ponds in fields. Total bat activity was highest at forest ponds, followed by field edges, and substantially less in forest interiors and open fields. Forest ponds were used more than the edges of nearby ponds with some riparian clearing for fields. Bats increased use of forest interiors and decreased use of fields as duration of darkness decreased close to summer solstice. We recommend exclusion of ponds, lakes, and other wetlands from future agricultural land disposition, and retention of a riparian forested buffer of ≥40 m around current water bodies on farms. We also recommend retention of strips or patches of forest bordering fields and connected to riparian areas and to more extensive forests on public lands. A relatively young agricultural landscape can avoid some of the risks of intensive agriculture with proactive planning and stewardship.
... As a result, many molossid species are under-represented in capture-based surveys (MacSwiney et al. 2008;Silva and Bernard 2017). In such situations, acoustic surveys rise as a powerful tool to complete inventories studies (Beltrán et al. 2023;MacSwiney et al. 2008;Rodríguez-San Pedro et al. 2022;Silva and Bernard 2017;Slough et al. 2014). However, their utility is limited to those echolocation calls that contain diagnostic characteristics that lead to species identification with a high level of certainty (O'Farrell and Miller 1999;Slough et al. 2014). ...
... In such situations, acoustic surveys rise as a powerful tool to complete inventories studies (Beltrán et al. 2023;MacSwiney et al. 2008;Rodríguez-San Pedro et al. 2022;Silva and Bernard 2017;Slough et al. 2014). However, their utility is limited to those echolocation calls that contain diagnostic characteristics that lead to species identification with a high level of certainty (O'Farrell and Miller 1999;Slough et al. 2014). ...
Although 13 species of the genus Eumops have been documented in South America, none of them had been previously reported in Chile. Based on acoustic surveys, we report here the first record of this genus for the country. Fourteen echolocation sequences of the Western mastiff bat (Eumops perotis) were recorded in the valleys of Azapa, Lluta, and Camarones in the Arica and Parinacota region, northern Chile. Echolocation calls of E. perotis can be distinguished from other bat species in the region by its lower frequency range, longer call duration, and interpulse intervals. This finding adds a new genus and species for Chile and increases the known bat diversity in the country to 17 species.
... Bat surveys were conducted using D500X ultrasound bat recording units (Pettersson Elektronik AB, Uppsala, Sweden) to remotely survey at two locations in each of the 5 natural areas along the Kittatinny Ridge (USFWS 2018) ( Figure 1). The Pettersson D500X ultrasound detector has been used in a number of research studies around the world to record bat species in the field (Fernandez et al. 2014, Slough et al. 2014, Cox et al. 2016) (Appendix 1). ...
... In 2018 and 2019, all audio files recorded were downloaded and analyzed using SonoBat autoclassification software ( SonoBat acoustic bat call analysis software has been used in a number of international bat research projects to identify bat species based on auditory recordings (Slough et al. 2014, Adams et al. 2015, Grider et al. 2016. Acoustic files were downloaded and organized based on location and date range of the collection period. ...
... Bat surveys were conducted using a D500X ultrasound bat recording units (Pettersson Elektronik AB, Uppsala, Sweden) and a Song Meter mini bat ultrasonic recorder ( Both these acoustic recording units have been used in previous research studies around the world to record bat species in the field (Fernandez et al. 2014, Slough et al. 2014, Cox et al. 2016. External microphones and units were attached to the top of an extendable metal pole at least 2.5 m above ground level and oriented approximately 45˚ toward possible bat flight space. ...
Technical Report
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Results of a 4 month long acoustic survey of bats at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.
... Bu çalışmada kullanılan müdahalesiz yöntemde ise yarasanın yakalanmasına gerek olmayıp ses kayıtları alınarak teşhis edilir ve bu bakımdan da canlıya zarar vermemektedir (Skalak et al., 2012). Bununla birlikte, Research Article müdahelesiz yöntemler yardımıyla bir alanın yarasa çeşitliliğinin ve aktivitesinin belirlenmesi ve izlenmesi (Georgiakakis et al., 2010;Deshpande & Kelkar, 2015;Dalhoumi et al., 2017;Widerin & Reiter, 2017), yakalaması mümkün olmayan ve özellikle alan için transit göçer türlerin belirlenmesi (Benda et al., 2012;Slough et al., 2014;Blejwas et al., 2014;Lausen, 2014), insan yapımı yapıların birey ve populasyon düzeyinde etkisinin belirlenmesi (Lagerveld et al., 2014) Önceki çalışmalara bakıldığında, kısa dalga boyunda UV ışığı yayan ve yüksek böcek yoğunluklarını çeken "Cıva Buharı" lambaları gibi beyaz sokak lambalarının sırayla P. Pipistrellus başta olmak üzere yarasaları çektiği tespit edilmiştir (Stone et al., 2012). Ancak yeni nesil LED ışıkların ise tam tersi bir etki gösterdikleri yani yarasa faaliyetlerini azalttıkları bilidirilmiştir (Bolliger et al., 2020). ...
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Bu çalışma da Antalya Akdeniz Üniversitesi yerleşkesi ve yakın çevresindeki yarasa türlerini, müdahalesiz yöntemler ile tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yarasa türlerinin tespiti için müdahalesiz bir yöntem olan gerçek zamanlı ultrasonik ses kaydı metodu uygulanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, habitat yapısı ve konuma göre yerleşkenin 8 farklı noktasına Nisan 2018 Kasım 2018 tarihleri arasında ses kayıt cihazı yerleştirilerek veriler toplanmıştır. Toplam 30 gün boyunca kaydedilen sesler özel paket programlar kullanılarak filtrelendikten sonra, veri tabanı ile karşılaştırılmak suretiyle sesler analiz edilerek türler teşhis edilmiştir. Yarasalara ait toplam 49571 ses kaydının analizi sonucunda yerleşkede beslenen 3 farklı familyaya ait toplam 12 farklı yarasa türü tespit edilmiştir. Kısmen bozulmamış bir doğal yapıya sahip olan ve kentsel ekosistemin bir parçası olan yerleşkede, çalışma sonucunda belirlenen yarasa faaliyeti ve çeşitliliğini çıplak gözle görmek mümkün değildir, ancak önemli bir barınak konumundadır. Ayrıca gelecekte, ilk kez ortaya çıkan bu sonuçlarla kimsenin farketmediği yerleşkedeki yarasa türleri için etkili bir farkındalık oluşturması beklenmektedir.
... In addition, known roost sites for this species are high-rise building roofs and rock crevices in hard-to-reach cliff walls (Aragón and Aguirre 2014;Bianconi et al. 2009;Lim 2019;Portugal-Zegarra et al. 2020). Thus, bioacoustics method can be useful in enhancing our knowledge of the diversity and distribution of insectivorous bats in areas not previously well explored (Hayes et al. 2009;Hintze et al. 2016;Ossa et al. 2018;Slough et al. 2014). ...
The bat fauna from the extreme north of Chile is poorly known, principally due to a lack of dedicated surveys. To better assess the diversity of bats there, we conducted acoustic surveys at Arica city and three coastal valleys (Azapa, Lluta and Camarones) in the Arica and Parinacota region, Chile. We obtained 82 acoustic records of the Peale’s free-tailed bat (Nyctinomops aurispinosus) in nine sites within the region. This species had not been previously documented in Chile but was known from adjacent Tacna province, Peru. Echolocation calls of N. aurispinosus can be distinguished from other molossid bat species occurring in the area by its lower frequency range. Our data suggest a wide distribution of N. aurispinosus across the coastal valleys of the Arica and Parinacota region, where they were active in both natural and anthropized habitats. This southernmost record of N. aurispinosus for the Pacific coast, extends its known range ca. 150 km southward, and increases up to 15 the number of bat species in Chile.
... Pettersson D500X MKII is another top of the range device, costing $2,551 USD and features the lowest bandwidth range from 5 kHz to 190 kHz ( Figure 2.3d). This device is often used for bat behaviour surveys (Slough et al. 2014, Fernandez et al. 2014, Cox et al. 2016 This technique can be achieved, as the spectrum above 16 kHz is generally very quiet, with only bats, Orthoptera, and amphibians broadcasting their calls within it. Despite their higher sample rates, these devices have equivalent battery life to the best-in-class audible range. ...
Biodiversity data-gaps must be better understood to inform conservation policy. Scalable technology, such as camera traps and satellite imaging, have been shown to increase coverage. This research explores the field of acoustic monitoring, which although long established, has struggled to scale effectively due to cost, usability and power inefficiency of existing equipment. This research aims to investigate whether creating an advanced, power-efficient and low-cost acoustic hardware solution can expand coverage. User-centred design principles and aspects of the collaborative economy are adopted in order to design a fit-for-purpose solution to scalability. The hardware design takes inspiration from the utilitarian construction of single-board computers and exploits the recent availability of advanced smartphone and Internet of Things technology. The resulting open source device, AudioMoth, is described, in which the baseline levels of performance improve on existing tools, with better power efficiency, miniature overall dimensions, reduced material cost, and the ability to capture audible and ultrasonic sound simultaneously. Open source hardware, however, imposes barriers to entry for non technical users such as conservation practitioners. To improve access, it is necessary to remove the do-it-yourself nature of construction while remaining low-cost and flexible to adapt. Barriers can be overcome using new collaborative methods of consumption, where crowds can accumulate funds to bulk manufacture and automate hardware assembly with an economy of scale. A collaborative management framework is proposed, in which guidelines enable users to acquire fully assembled open source hardware from crowdfunding opportunities. The framework is applied to AudioMoth, permitting individual devices to be acquired ready-to-use for $49.99 with approximately 8,000 delivered to date. This general system has provided conservation practitioners with access to an adaptable hardware solution, thus expanding the coverage of monitored biodiversity. Conservation policy should consider user-centred design in all new technical innovations and further explore the work outlined in this thesis, thereby allowing those communities outside of the pockets of wealth and high opportunity to monitor biodiversity at low cost.
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We report here the first record of a colony of the Brazilian Free-tailed Bat, Tadarida brasiliensis (I. Geof-froy, 1824), in a mine located in central Chihuahua, Mexico. This record represents the most central point of the distribution of the species in the state and is located in the Central Valleys biome. We highlight the importance of recognizing and preserving this mine as a refuge for the largest bat colony reported in the state of Chihuahua.
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The bat fauna of northwestern Canada remains poorly known, principally due to a lack of dedicated surveys across this vast region. To better assess the diversity of bats in the region, we compiled records from several acoustic survey projects and capture sessions whose purpose was to inventory bats in Yukon and northwestern British Columbia (BC) from 2013 to 2018. During our surveys we obtained the 1st apparent acoustic records for Yuma Myotis (M. yumanensis), Californian Myotis (M. californicus), Long-eared Myotis (M. evotis), Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis) from this region. We also captured 2 Long-eared Myotis in northwestern BC. Additionally, our surveys provided range extensions of Northern Myotis (M. septentrionalis), Long-legged Myotis (M. volans), and Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus). Finally, by deploying bat detectors in late fall, and in some cases throughout the winter, we provide data about seasonal patterns for bat activity in some locations, revealing that bats in northwestern BC may be active as late as 29 October and emerge as early as 30 March, a pattern similar to that observed in southern BC. By combining data from several disparate surveys, conducted for different reasons by different researchers, we were able to provide a fuller picture of the bat fauna of this vast region. Our data provides further evidence that the bat fauna of northwestern Canada is richer than previously documented.
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Few bat inventories have taken place in Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, an area currently known to be the northernmost extent of the ranges of at least 6 bat species. Only 2 species of bats, the Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) and Little Brown Myotis (M. lucifugus), were previously known from the Nahanni National Park Reserve in the southwestern NWT. We used mistnets (15 nights) and AnaBat ultrasound detectors (23 nights) to survey bats in the South Nahanni River Watershed and surrounding area, to undertake the first formal survey of bats in the Northwest Territories. We confirmed the presence of the 2 species formerly documented from the area, as well as an additional 5 species not previously recorded from the region, including: Long-eared Myotis (Myotis evotis), Long-legged Myotis (M. volans), Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus), Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinerus), and Eastern Red Bat (L. borealis). Four species were captured in mistnets (Northern Myotis, Little Brown Myotis, Long-eared Myotis and Long-legged Myotis), 1 species was detected acoustically and observed visually in flight (E. fuscus), and 2 species were only detected acoustically (L. cinereus, L. borealis). We documented both sexes for Long-legged, Northern, and Little Brown Myotis; however, reproduction was confirmed only in the latter 2 species. These observations represent the most northerly record (61°N) for Long-eared Myotis and Long-legged Myotis in North America, extending their range approximately 300 km. These 2 species have not been captured elsewhere in NWT, despite recent substantial sampling effort in southcentral NWT. Further sampling effort is needed in southwestern NWT to better understand the distribution of bats in this region.
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To evaluate the efficacy of the Anabat II ultrasonic detector and analysis system for use as a tool for conducting inventories, we compared results of acoustic versus capture techniques in the southwestern United States. We sampled 57 locations using standard methods (mist nets and double-frame harp traps) and simultaneously with an ultrasonic detector (Anabat II). Assuming total number of species obtained by both methods equaled a complete inventory, captures accounted for 63.5% and acoustic sampling 86.9% of the combined species present. Acoustic sampling was capable of sampling bats that routinely flew outside the sampling capabilities of nets and traps. We found no statistical difference between capture and acoustic sampling with respect to species that use low-intensity echolocation. Acoustic sampling of bat communities is a powerful tool but should be used with various capture techniques to perform the most accurate inventory.
Myotis keenii is apparently restricted to the Pacific coastal forests of northwestern North America. The only documentation of M. keenii in Alaska has been a specimen collected in 1887, causing uncertainty about whether this species normally occurs there. We describe two new records which indicate that M. keenii may be a regular member of the Southeast Alaska fauna and we provide measurements and information on diet for this poorly documented species.
Direct field comparisons revealed that in any time period, a bat detecting system using zero-crossing period meter analysis (the Anabat II Bat Detector with Anabat ZCAIM and Anabat 6 software) detected significantly fewer bat echolocation calls than a time-expansion bat detecting system (Pettersson D980 detector with BatSoundPro software). Furthermore, the features of 81 echolocation calls (highest frequency, in kHz; lowest frequency, in kHz; duration, in ms) recorded and analyzed on both systems differed significantly. Regression analyses indicated no consistent, frequently unpredictable differences between Anabat and Pettersson values for the lowest frequencies in echolocation calls, but a significant correlation for their highest frequencies and durations. In a variety of field settings in Israel and in southern Ontario, Canada involving both foraging bats and bats emerging from a cave roost, the Pettersson system recorded echolocation calls not detected by the Anabat system. When many Myotis bats were emerging from a cave roost in Israel, the Anabat system did not detect the calls of a Rhinolophus species or those of another vespertilionid which were detected by the Pettersson system. The differences in performance between the two kinds of systems reflect differences in sensitivity and operation between zero-crossing period meters and time-expansion systems. Data on bat activity or echolocation calls detected and analyzed by a zero-crossing period meter system like Anabat are not as consistent or as reliable as those obtained by a time-expansion system like the Pettersson. Differences in performance of bat detectors coincide with considerable difference in costs, from about USS 650 for an Anabat system, to over USS 2,000 for a Pettersson system, which involves digital time-expansion. A time-expansion system involving a high speed tape recorder will cost over USS 30,000. When it comes to bat detectors and analysis systems, the quality of data that will be obtained is a direct reflection of cost - buyers get what they pay for.
Identifying bat species from their calls is a common technique in studies of habitat use. I tested the hypotheses that significant interindividual intraspecific variation exists in the echolocation calls of bats as detected by frequency-divide ultrasonic detectors, and that such variation could greatly affect the accuracy of species identification. I restricted analysis to 2 species that have similar but reportedly distinguishable calls. There was significant intraspecific variation in 6 variables for each species, and frequency distributions of the 2 species overlapped greatly for all 6 variables; hence, univariate analysis was ineffective at differentiating between species. The best of 4 experienced human observers correctly identified the species for only 70% of 47 call sequences compared to >95% correct classification by discriminant function analysis. Alterations in current methodology can improve accuracy of identification and thus the value of habitat studies and management decisions that rely on such identification.
Little is known about the diversity, distribution, and relative abundance of bats in northeastern Alberta, Canada. Between 1999 and 2007, we conducted summer bat surveys in the Athabasca and Cold Lake oil sands regions of northeastern Alberta, in response to increased industrial development and a need for greater understanding of species occurrences. We used mist nets (242 sites over 157 nights) and acoustic monitoring (920 sites over 126 nights) to determine the diversity and distribution of bats in the region. We captured 577 bats, representing 5 species, including: 260 Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis); 193 Little Brown Myotis (M. lucifugus); 101 Silver-haired Bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans); 12 Hoary Bats (Lasiurus cinereus); and 11 Eastern Red Bats (L. borealis). Data from Anabat ™ echolocation detectors indicated the highest activity for unclassified Myotis, Little Brown Myotis, Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) /Silver-haired Bats, and Northern Myotis. Results suggest that the Northern Myotis may be more common in northeastern Alberta than previously thought. Based on the combined capture and echolocation data, Eastern Red Bats and Hoary Bats may be more common, or have increased ranges, than previously considered. Although expected to be relatively common, our failure to capture Big Brown Bats suggests that this species may be absent from the study area. Captures of adult males for all 3 migratory bat species (Eastern Red Bats, Hoary Bats, and Silver-haired Bats) represent the most northerly records in western Canada of adult males. This paper demonstrates the value in combining short-term, localized survey data such that more regional trends in the diversity, distribution, and relative abundance of bats can be better understood.